Tag Arsip: Shobox

Sammy VASQUEZ vs. Agan Lartey ShoBox: THE NEW generasi Timbangan ahir, Tanda kutip & Poto

Tripleheader peuting! Hirup dina SHOWTIME®

Ti CONSOL énergi Center di Pittsburgh, Pa.

Klik IEUH Pikeun Ngundeur Poto



Pittsburgh, Pa. (Feb. 19, 2015) - Paporit Pittsburgh jeung welterweight undefeated Sammy Vasquez tipped skala nu lega di 147 ¼ kilogram jeung Agan Lartey diukur 146 ½ kilogram salila Kemis sacara resmi beuratna-di pikeun isukan sacara ShoBox: Nu Generation New tripleheader.


Vasquez (17-0, 13 KOs), anu geus knocked kaluar salapan lawan lempeng, jeung Lartey (17-2, 8 KOs, 1 NC), tina Brooklyn, N.Y.. ku cara Ghana, anu geus kungsi knocked turun, moal papanggih dina acara utama welterweight 10 buleud, hirup dinaWAKTOS NA PERTUNJUKAN (10 p.m. AND/PT, ditunda dina Basisir Kulon) ti CONSOL énergi Center di Pittsburgh, Pa.


Dina ko-pitur nu Goossen promosi tripleheader, urut béntang longtime amatir Cuban jeung WBC cahya heavyweight pihak-rengking kiwariHumberto Savigne (12-1, 9 KOs, 1 NC), tina Rajana via Guantanamo, Cuba, bakal mawa kana undefeated Craig Tukang Roti (15-0, 11 KOs), tina Baytown, Texas, dina 10 buleud bout. Savigne measured 176 kilogram jeung Tukang Roti ditimbang-di di 174 kilogram.


Dina bout bubuka telecast nu, southpaw Sarbini jeung WBA No. 7 rengking featherweight Claudio Marrero (17-1, 13 KOs), tina Rajana ku cara Républik Dominika, bakal nyanghareupan southpaw Orlando Rizo (18-5, 11 KOs) tina Managua, Nikaragua, dina cocog dalapan buleud. Marrero stepped-in at 126 ¼ kilogram bari Rizo ieu di 126 kilogram.


Maju tiket dibanderol di $238, $100, $60, $40 jeung $25 pikeun siswa jeung militér jeung valid ID (Box Kantor Ngan), ditambah waragad lumaku, keur "The sombong tina Pittsburgh III" anu diobral ngaliwatan Dick sacara Sporting Barang Box Kantor di CONSOL énergi Center, Ticketmaster.com, sadaya toko Ticketmaster atawa muatan ku telepon di 800-745-3000. Harga ningkatkeun $5 dina poe tina kajadian. Lawang bakal muka dina peuting kajadian di 6 p.m. jeung bel kahiji di 6:30 p.m.


Di dieu Kang naon pejuang kapaksa nyebutkeun saméméh Kemis sacara beuratna-di:



“This fight is definitely going to be exciting. I can’t talk trash about Emmanuel – he’s a tough guy who has faced two U.S. Olympians and never been dropped. So there’s not much I can say about him.


“I’m looking to open up some flaws. I’ve seen a couple of things I can do to maybe make him hit that canvas.


“I hope everybody tunes in. We’ve trained hard and this is just the beginning. It’s the start of 2015 and by the end of the year I hope to be a top contender or get a title shot. But I have to get past Emmanuel first and that won’t be easy.”


Agan Lartey:

"Anjeunna mah geus Nyanghareupan tipe guys mah geus Nyanghareupan; he hasn’t faced the opposition that I have. He’s going to be surprised when he steps in the ring with me.


"Entong, I’m not worried about fighting in his hometown. I can win with a decision, tapi Kaula bade néangan knockout pikeun nyieun hiji gambaran jeung nyieun hiji pernyataan.


“He’s definitely underestimating me. Sammy has built up his record with cupcakes.


“This is going to be a good test for him and a good test for me. I’m going to be the one walking out with a W.”


Humberto SAVIGNE:

"Kuring teu mawa lawan nu mana wae nu enteng. Kuring teu apal Tukang Roti anu bade nyoba pikeun megatkeun kuring, tapi kuring geus dilatih pisan teuas, sarta, dina sagala paruk, Aku leuwih hade tinimbang manéhna. Ulah mawa kuring salah, I’m not overlooking him. I’m just determined to win, sarta kuring baris, boh ku kaputusan atawa knockout.


"Kuring nyaho Kaula pajoang hiji guy tangguh, but I’ve trained hard and this is my year. I’m lucky to be surrounded by such of great team.


"Kuring ngarasa nu 2015 nyaéta taun mah. Kaula peringkat katilu dina WBC, jeung nu ngan alatan kuring geus genep bulan inactivity, disebutkeun Abdi jadi kadua. Sanggeus Tukang Roti, Abdi hoyong [Adonis] Stevenson.


"Kuring nyarankeun fans pikeun meunangkeun siap, sit back and enjoy because I’m going to give them a real show. I’m going to make Baker see fireworks.”


Craig tukang roti:

“This is the fight I’ve been waiting for. I’m finally getting an opportunity to make a statement and surprise some people. I know I’m the underdog, but that doesn’t bother me. I’m undefeated for a reason. He’s the one with a loss on his record.


“A win would do wonders for my career. It would open up the door to some great opportunities.


“It will be an interesting fight. I’ll play it by ear, tapi simkuring ngaraos siap jadi merangan jeung aku siap pikeun indit 10 rounds. "


Claudio MARRERO:

“I’m not intimidated by Rizo’s amateur accomplishments. If he says he trained hard, sumur, Mah dilatih kungsi harder ti manéhna. Jigana manéhna hiji nu teu nyaho naon manéhna di pikeun. Dipercanten kuring - ieu teu kamana jadi poé di taman. Ieu akang jadi perang.


"Kuring hayang Orlando Rizo alus tuah. Manéhna nu keur jalan ka kudu teu meunang knocked turun.


"Kuring teu talker runtah. Ieu ngan saukur teu gaya mah. Mah sagala hihihi mah kudu ngalakonan jeung fists mah di ring. "


Orlando CURL:

"Kuring nyaho ieu teu kamana jadi tarung gampang. Kuring teu apal Claudio Marrero nyaéta tangguh, but I’m ready for him. I’ve been training very hard for him. Manéhna leuwih alus jadi siap, sabab kuring apal Kami.


"Kuring teu mikir manéhna geus kungsi perang bae kawas kuring. Kapercayaan amatir mah impeccable. Aku hiji jawara tinju militer opat waktu, tilu waktu jawara Amérika Tengah sarta urut Nicaraguan jeung FECARBOX Jawara. Abdi oge meunang Medali Perunggu dina 2007 Kaulinan Pan-American di Brazil. Jadi manéhna leuwih alus jadi siap gelut tangguh, sabab Kuring mah bade make gampang pikeun manéhna.


"Claudio Marrero leuwih alus nya geus A-kaulinan dina, sabab Kaula datang pikeun nyokot manéhna ka handap. "


# # #


CONSOL énergi Center perenahna di 1001 Kalima Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa, 15219. Émbaran leuwih lengkep bisa aya dina website maranéhanana,www.consolenergycenter.com


Media Sosial: Turutan Goossen promosi dina TwitterGoossenBoxing, Sammy Vasquez dina TwitterTeamSVasquez, Showtime Olahraga @ SHOsports jeung CONSOL énergi CenterCONSOLEnergyCtr. Pamakéan hashtag #VasquezLartey nuturkeun sawala.


Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal Goossen promosi nempo website maranéhanana diwww.GoossenPromotions.com. Kanggo inpo nu tambahan dina sadérék Showtime Olahraga www.Sho.com/sports.

Kira-kira ShoBox: Nu Generation New
Saprak lahirna dina bulan Juli 2001, nu SHOWTIME runtuyan tinju kritis acclaimed, ShoBox: Nu Generation New geus diulas bakat ngora nu loyog jeung tangguh. Nu ShoBox falsafah pikeun televise seru, riungan-pleasing jeung loyog kalapa bari nyadiakeun taneuh nu ngabuktikeun pikeun prospek daék ditangtukeun tarung keur judul dunya. Sababaraha daptar ngembang tina 58 pejuang nu geus mecenghul di ShoBox jeung maju ka Garner pikeun judul dunya ngawengku: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timoteus Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams jeung leuwih.

Amérika Angkatan jaringan ka SHOWCASE Samaun militer Sammy VASQUEZ Pikeun UNIFORMED personel peuntas laut

Jumaah sacara ShoBox: Nu Generation New dina SHOWTIME® Pikeun sadia ka Uniformed Kepegawaian di More Than 175 Nagara

YORK ÉNGGAL (Feb. 19, 2015) - Pikeun kadua kalina, ampir hiji juta personel militer uniformed porsi luar nagari baris bisa lalajo jeung ngarojong AS. Angkatan Perang Samaun Sammy Vasquez salaku bagian ti hiji kasapukan husus antara WAKTOS NA PERTUNJUKAN jeung Amérika Angkatan Network.


Vasquez, nu dilayanan dua wisata tina tugas di Iraq, ieu diulas dina acara utama Jumaah sacara ShoBox: Nu Generation New tripleheader, nu airs cicing di 10 p.m. AND/PT (ditunda dina Basisir Kulon) dina SHOWTIME ti CONSOL énergi Center di Pittsburgh, Pa.


It means so much to have my brothers and sisters in my corner and supporting me every step of the way. It’s just an awesome feeling,” said the undefeated Vasquez. “The military has helped me get to this point in my career and it’s a huge honor to represent them. It’s nice to give them a little taste of back home from a soldier who’s been there before. I can’t wait to make them proud this weekend.”


Nu lalaki jasa jeung awewe ti US. Soldadu, Angkatan udara, Angkatan laut, Basisir hansip jeung Marinir ditempatkeun di sakumna dunya di leuwih ti 1,000 toko nu di leuwih ti 175 nagara jeung dina sagara luhur bakal miboga bébas mikanyahoJumaah sacara ShoBox telecast. Sadaya SHOWTIME Championship tinju® telecasts are offered to AFN as part of a gratis license agreement between the networks. AFN also aired Vasquez’s last ShoBox penampilan, hiji TKO babak kahiji tina mangka-undefeated Juan Rodriguez JR. dina April 18, 2014.

Mere maranéhanana mancanagara hiji kasempetan alus pikeun nempo Vasquez dina Jumaah sacaraShoBox, tilu-fight telecast bakal dipidangkeun dina hiji dadasar anu rada nyangsang. Jadwal:

  • Saptu, Feb. 21, dimimitian di 7 a.m. AND dina AFN|channel olahraga.
  • Beurang pikeun Greater Éropa (Pacét)
  • 2 p.m. lokal pikeun Iraq
  • 3:30 p.m. lokal pikeun Afghanistan
  • 8 p.m. lokal pikeun Asia Kaler (Jepang, S. Korea)

Vasquez, nu dilayanan dina hansip Nasional ti 2003 tepi 2012, ieu deployed ka Camp Habbaniyah, Iraq for his first tour in ‘05-’06. He later returned to Iraq for a second tour in ’08-’09.


"Tour kahiji ieu mah jeung Brigade Kadua, nu teu jeung hansip Nasional, tapi alatan paménta luhur pikeun prajurit diperlukeun leuwih aya, maranéhanana dimimitian deploying jaga Nasional,"Ceuk Vasquez dina April. "Lamun kuring indit kadua kalina, Mah ieu di JSS Fallujah di Taji, Iraq. Nu ieu jeung 56th Brigade Stryker. Mah ieu jeung unit Nasional hansip Stryker kahiji pikeun muka leuwih aya. "


Vasquez (17-0, 13 KOs) bakal néangan-Na 10th padeukeut meunangna ku knockout sabot dicokot sasama southpaw Agan Lartey (17-2, 8 KOs, 1 NC), tina Brooklyn, N.Y.. ku cara Ghana, Jumaah ieu.


Dina ko-pitur, urut béntang longtime amatir Cuban jeung WBC cahya heavyweight pihak-rengking kiwari Humberto Savigne (12-1, 9 KOs, 1 NC), tina Rajana via Guantanamo, Cuba, bakal mawa kana undefeated Craig Tukang Roti (15-0, 11 KOs), tina Baytown, Texas, dina 10 buleud bout. Southpaw Sarbini jeung WBA No. 7 rengking featherweight Claudio Marrero (17-1, 13 KOs), tina Rajana ku cara Républik Dominika, bakal nyanghareupan southpaw Orlando Rizo (18-5, 11 KOs) tina Managua, Nikaragua, dina dalapan buleud cocog nu bakal muka telecast nu.

Kira-kira ShoBox: Nu Generation New
Saprak lahirna dina bulan Juli 2001, nu SHOWTIME runtuyan tinju kritis acclaimed, ShoBox: Nu Generation New geus diulas bakat ngora nu loyog jeung tangguh. Nu ShoBox falsafah pikeun televise seru, riungan-pleasing jeung loyog kalapa bari nyadiakeun taneuh nu ngabuktikeun pikeun prospek daék ditangtukeun tarung keur judul dunya. Sababaraha daptar ngembang tina 58 pejuang nu geus mecenghul di ShoBox jeung maju ka Garner pikeun judul dunya ngawengku: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timoteus Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams jeung leuwih.

Pittsburgh paporit Sammy VASQUEZ Media WORKOUT tanda petik & Poto Pikeun SHOBOX Jumaah nu: THE NEW generasi

Undefeated Vasquez ka rupa agan Lartey hirup dina SHOWTIME®

Ti CONSOL énergi Center di Pittsburgh, Pa.

Pittsburgh, Pa. (Feb. 18, 2015) - Paporit kampung halaman jeung welterweight unbeaten Sammy Vasquez ngayakeun workout média dinten Rebo di Kidul Park tinju Club salaku manéhna prepares pikeun nyanghareupan sasama southpaw Agan Lartey dina acara utama 10 buleud tina ShoBox: Nu Generation New, ieu Jumaah, Feb. 20, hirup dina WAKTOS NA PERTUNJUKAN (10 p.m. AND/PT, ditunda dina Basisir Kulon) ti CONSOL énergi Center di Pittsburgh, Pa.


Vasquez (17-0, 13 KOs) ieu dimaksudkeun pikeun nya 10th consecutive knockout. Lartey (17-2, 8 KOs, 1 NC), tina Brooklyn, N.Y.. ku cara Ghana, geus kungsi knocked turun.


Dina ko-pitur nu Goossen promosi tripleheader, urut béntang longtime amatir Cuban jeung WBC cahya heavyweight pihak-rengking kiwari Humberto Savigne (12-1, 9 KOs, 1 NC), tina Rajana via Guantanamo, Cuba, bakal mawa kana undefeated Craig Tukang Roti (15-0, 11 KOs), tina Baytown, Texas, dina 10 buleud bout.


Dina bout bubuka telecast nu, southpaw Sarbini jeung WBA No. 7 rengking featherweight Claudio Marrero (17-1, 13 KOs), tina Rajana ku cara Républik Dominika, bakal nyanghareupan southpaw Orlando Rizo (18-5, 11 KOs) tina Managua, Nikaragua, dina cocog dalapan buleud.


Maju tiket dibanderol di $238, $100, $60, $40 jeung $25 pikeun siswa jeung militér jeung valid ID (Box Kantor Ngan), ditambah waragad lumaku, keur "The sombong tina Pittsburgh III" anu diobral ngaliwatan Dick sacara Sporting Barang Box Kantor di CONSOL énergi Center, Ticketmaster.com, sadaya toko Ticketmaster atawa muatan ku telepon di 800-745-3000. Harga ningkatkeun $5 dina poe tina kajadian. Lawang bakal muka dina peuting kajadian di 6 p.m. jeung bel kahiji di 6:30 p.m.


Di dieu Kang naon kapaksa nyebutkeun salila Vasquez Rebo sacara média workout:



"Lartey geus kungsi knocked kaluar, but I definitely think I have the power to take him out. It’s more of the plan of setting it up — Kaula bade diatur nepi teras nahan manéhna dina posisi nu manéhna geus teu geus samemeh nyieun manéhna uncomfortable.


"Kuring hayang nyieun manéhna buang punches anjeunna normal teu buang jadi kuring bisa muka manéhna luhur jeung ka capitalize dina kasalahan-Na.


“Pajoang di kampung halaman mah méré kuring motivasi tambahan. Kitu salah sahiji alesan utama naha kuring sok datang deui di dieu pikeun Pittsburgh, why I always bring boxing back here. I just love the atmosphere that my fans give me when I fight. I’m just honored to put on a show and give them a great fight. Boxing has always been my dream and fighting in front of my fans in Pittsburgh makes it even better.


I don’t feel like I’m in a position to be calling people out yet. I still have a lot of things to prove and that’s what I’m looking to do dinten Jumaah. I’m looking to prove myself and make a statement.


"Kuring rengking geulis luhur, but there are plenty of names in front of me that I need to beat. I want to start fighting the top guys — éta rencana mah 2015.


"Sakali Teu meunang anu ngaran jeung pangakuan mana kuring bisa nelepon urang kaluar, mangka éta basa kuring baris ngalakonan eta. When I feel I am ready and worthy. I need to get a win dinten Jumaah kahiji. "


# # #


CONSOL énergi Center perenahna di 1001 Kalima Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa, 15219. Émbaran leuwih lengkep bisa aya dina website maranéhanana, www.consolenergycenter.com


Media Sosial: Turutan Goossen promosi dina TwitterGoossenBoxing, Sammy Vasquez dina TwitterTeamSVasquez, Showtime Olahraga @ SHOsports jeung CONSOL énergi CenterCONSOLEnergyCtr. Pamakéan hashtag #VasquezLartey nuturkeun sawala.


Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal Goossen promosi nempo website maranéhanana di www.GoossenPromotions.com. Kanggo inpo nu tambahan dina sadérék Showtime Olahraga www.Sho.com/sports.

Kira-kira ShoBox: Nu Generation New
Saprak lahirna dina bulan Juli 2001, nu SHOWTIME runtuyan tinju kritis acclaimed, ShoBox: Nu Generation New geus diulas bakat ngora nu loyog jeung tangguh. Nu ShoBox falsafah pikeun televise seru, riungan-pleasing jeung loyog kalapa bari nyadiakeun taneuh nu ngabuktikeun pikeun prospek daék ditangtukeun tarung keur judul dunya. Sababaraha daptar ngembang tina 58 pejuang nu geus mecenghul di ShoBox jeung maju ka Garner pikeun judul dunya ngawengku: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timoteus Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams jeung leuwih.

Kampung halaman UNBEATEN paporit Sammy VASQUEZ JR. Nyiar KNOCKOUT lempeng-10 sabot manéhna rupa sasama SOUTHPAW agan LARTEY Jumaah Feb. 20, Cicing dina SHOWTIME® ti CONSOL énergi INSEMINASI, Pittsburgh, Pa.

World-rengking Sakali-Beatens Humberto Savigne & Claudio Marrero Artikel di Bouts Pisahkeun Ti ShoBox: Nu Generation New Tripleheader di 10 p.m. Et / PT

"Kuring nyaho Kaula bade tetep KO tilas mah akang ... ..He nu kungsi knocked kaluar jeung mah kawas maranéhanana rupa tantangan '' -. Sammy Vasquez

"Manéhna nu geus knocking loba guys, tapi manèhna geus teu Nyanghareupan saha kawas kuring "- agan Lartey


Pittsburgh, Pa. (Jan. 29, 2015) - Welterweight kampung halaman-énergi High paporit jeung unbeaten Sammy Vasquez JR. (17-0, 13 KOs) bakal mulang ka aksi néangan-Na 10th padeukeut meunangna ku knockout sabot dicokot sasama southpaw Agan Lartey (17-2, 8 KOs, 1 NC), tina Brooklyn, N.Y.. ku cara Ghana, dina acara utama 10 buleud tina ShoBox: Nu Generation Newtripleheader hirup dina WAKTOS NA PERTUNJUKAN® (10 p.m. Et / PT, ditunda dina Basisir Kulon) ti CONSOL énergi Center di Pittsburgh, Pa.


Dina ko-pitur nu Goossen promosi kajadian, urut béntang longtime amatir Cuban jeung WBC cahya heavyweight pihak-rengking kiwari Humberto Savigne (12-1, 9 KOs, 1 NC), tina Rajana via Guantanamo, Cuba, bakal mawa kana undefeated Craig Tukang Roti (15-0, 11 KOs), tina Baytown, Texas, dina bout 8/10 buleud.


Dina bout bubuka telecast nu, southpaw Sarbini jeung WBA No. 7 rengking featherweight Claudio Marrero (17-1, 13 KOs), tina Rajana ku cara Républik Dominika, bakal kotak hiji lawan jadi ngumumkeun dina cocog dalapan buleud.


"Kami geus ngahormatan nampilkeun Sammy sacara mulang ka aksi ngalawan Lartey,"Ceuk Tom Brown tina Goossen promosi. "Pikeun sababaraha dekade ka Kulon Pennsylvania geus dihasilkeun juara dunya sarta sawatara Galau nu tinju sacara toughest jeung Sammy fits katuhu dina. Ceuk urang bener dijieun CONSOL imahna. Jeung pernyataan dukungan nu geus kaliwat tremendous ti wewengkon Pittsburgh pikeun gelut-Na, urang niatna ajak fans meuli tiket oge di maju. "


"Kami pohara gumbira sakali deui tuan rumah kampung halaman pahlawan Sammy Vasquez, Jr, di CONSOL énergi Center salaku manéhna headline nu bout pitur keur kartu tinju panarjamah terrific dina Feb. 20,"Ceuk Tim Hassett, CONSOL Energy Center General Manager and Regional VP of AEG Facilities. “The City of Pittsburgh has a rich history and tradition in boxing, and is the center of a region full of enthusiastic sports fans. We are thrilled that Goossen Promotions and SHOWTIME have chosen our venue as the site for this event, sarta urang kasampak maju ka sadaya aub ngarasakeun sagala rupa nu dayeuh gede urang geus nawarkeun. "


Salah sahiji pajuang nu pang populerna ti wewengkon dina taun, riungan-pleasing Vasquez, 28, bakal nyieun kadua-Na ShoBox ngamimitian jeung penampilan padeukeut katilu di CONSOL énergi Center, mana manéhna datang off dua victories finest karir ngajangjikeun.


Dina mimiti panganyarna-Na, nu Vasquez agrésif-dipikiran ngadaptarkeun ngabeledug 2:35, kahiji-buleud knockout leuwih Alberto Mosquera (21-1-2 bade di) panungtung Nov. 14. He scored a smashing ninth-round TKO over then-unbeaten James Stevenson (21-0 bade di) dina Aug. 8. Vasquez dropped Mosquera twice with body shots, Stevenson sakali.


Vasquez geus perang hiji waktu nu geus kaliwat buleud kagenep. Manéhna geus kungsi Isro leuwih ti salapan sarta geus meunang salapan gelut padeukeut panungtungan-Na ku knockout. Lartey, Sabalikna, geus Isro 10 atawa leuwih rounds lima kali, kungsi knocked kaluar jeung kungsi knocked turun.


"Lartey nyaéta alus, bajoang tangguh sarta nu keur jalan jadi gelut alus,'' Ceuk Vasquez. "Kuring nyaho Kaula bade tetep KO tilas mah bade. Naha éta dina mimiti atawa ka-10 nu, eta bakal kajadian. Ceuk urang kungsi knocked kaluar jeung mah kawas maranéhanana rupa tantangan. ''


Nya di ShoBox perdana, Vasquez ngoleksi tilu knockdowns en route ka 2:49, kahiji-buleud knockout leuwih Juan Rodriguez JR. dina April 18, 2014, di Monroeville. Pa. Despite all the stoppages, 5-suku-10 Vasquez kungsi dianggap dirina puncher knockout.


"Kuring mertimbangkeun sorangan well-rounded tapi lamun kasempetan asalna, Kuring mangpaatkeun,” Vasquez said. “Whether I am considered by others as a KO or guy or not, Abdi gé ngamangpaatkeun kasempetan. Kuring teu apal mah bisa nuliskeun rankings dunya geura-giru. Tapi, kanggo ayeuna, Kuring teu bener nengetan maranehna. ''


Hiji amatir dilakonan (2011 National PAL Championships jeung 2010 Sadaya-Angkatan Darat Championships medalist emas di 152 kilogram), Vasquez geus paporit riungan saprak ngarobah pro dina bulan Agustus 2012. Sadaya tapi tilu gelut-Na geus nyokot tempat di wewengkon Pittsburgh.


"Tarung deui di CONSOL énergi Center, aréna imah pikeun pinguin Pittsburgh, nu agung,'' Ceuk Vasquez, hiji Samaun Indonesia Angkatan Darat nu dilayanan dua tur ngempur di Iraq (2005-2006 jeung 2008-2009) pas keur stint salapan taun jadi anggota jaga Nasional. "Kami pohara bersyukur pikeun bisa ka judul aya jeung kuring ngaraos bungah bisa mawa perhatian jeung publisitas ka Pittsburgh pikeun fans tinju ngarasakeun. Aku happy pikeun mawa tinju deui jeung nempatkeun dina pintonan nu hadé pikeun dayeuh jeung wewengkon urang.


"Teu aya tekenan tinju sanggeus sababaraha hal mah geus geus ngaliwatan luar tinju. Kuring sok hayang meunang, tapi meunang, leungit atawa tarik, dina tinju Anjeun sok datang kaluar ti nu cingcin hirup. ''


Lartey (dibaca "lar-leungeun"), 32, aya nu datang off meunangna paling noteworthy-Na, 10-buleud meunangna kaputusan unanimous leuwih urut jawara dunya Steve Forbes dina tanggal 7, 2014 di Tacoma, Nyeuseuh.


“Kuring geus Nyanghareupan kompetisi loba tougher ti Vasquez jeung simkuring ngaraos teu hariwang ngeunaan pajoang di kampung halaman-Na,” Lartey said. “Sammy is a very tough fighter, tapi jadi am mah. He’s been knocking out a lot of guys, tapi manèhna geus teu Nyanghareupan saha jiga kuring. "


Dina bout-Na saméméh panungtungan, -Na ShoBox perdana, Lartey datang nepi dina ahir salah hiji pamisah kaputusan dalapan buleud keras perang ka 2008 AS. Olimpiade Gold MedalistFelix Diaz.


Tilu gelut tukang game, awét Lartey méré unbeaten béntang rising jeung 2012 AS. Olympian Errol Spence fight toughest pro-Na, nyokot manéhna jarak dalapan buleud pikeun kahiji kalina. Sanajan jelas balik jeung sahingga bisa hirup kalawan keok, Lartey landed a body shot near the end of the seventh before rocking Spence with a big right hook late at the bell. Lartey came forward for most of the eighth round, forcing Spence ka nangtung taneuh di menit ahir tarung.


I had a few setbacks and I’m very grateful for this opportunity. This is my time to shine and show the world how good I am.


5-suku-8 Lartey tos pro di April 2005 di Ghana, jeung perang ngaliwatan 2009 tuh. Anjeunna 11-0 jeung 1 NC - unggul nu Afrika jeung Ghanaian championships super lightweight sapanjang jalan - méméh pindah ka Amerika Serikat jeung nyieun debut stateside di Pébruari 2011.


Ieu bakal kaopat kalina manéhna Nyanghareupan hiji prospek unbeaten di jalan. Manéhna nyaéta 1-2, kaleungitan dina nunjuk ka Diaz dina April 2014 jeung Spence dina Oktober 2013 jeung unggul via titik ngalawan Jonathan Bautista (13-0 bade di) dina April 2013.


Savigne (dibaca "sa-gambut-yay"), 34, knocked kaluar urut jawara dunyaJeff Lacy di babak kadua di mimiti tukang-Na dina tanggal 10, 2014. Nu upped catetan pikeun 10-0 jeung 1 NC saprak nalangsara eleh lone pikeun underdog Harvey saanu dina bulan Désémber 2009, gelut di mana manéhna bisa ngasupkeun jeung hiji ankle luka.


A urut standout amatir internasional jeung anggota tim Nasional Cuban salila tujuh taun, Humberto (dibaca "Umberto" - jeung diam "H") dijieun perdana pro jeung stateside-na di umur ahir tina 30. Baker represents the fourth undefeated fighter that Savigne has faced as a pro.


"The ngan hal kuring apal nyaeta Tukang Roti anu bade turun saméméh babak kalima,” Savigne said. “I’m going in there to knock him out and make it a quick night. I don’t know what he is thinking about me, but I know I’m not underestimating him. I’m going to do my job like I always do. It doesn’t matter what he does. I’ll be ready.


"Kuring bade ngabuktikeun tangka simkuring ngaraos nu sunda anyar ngeunaan division heavyweight cahya,"Ceuk Savigne, anu nicknamed "El ngadon."


A kénca-hander alami, Indit Savigne 398-23 dina amateurs. Manéhna meunang jawara nasional opat kali, and was on the national team for seven years. Savigne defected from Cuba to the United States in April 2009. The 6-foot-1 Savigne, anu geus perang sacara éksklusif di US. saprak ngarobah pro, geus gancang naros ka No. 3 dina WBC rankings 175-pound sanggeus saukur 14 bouts panarjamah.


"Kuring ngarasa kuring siap gelut judul dunya saprak taun ka tukang,” Savigne said. “I’m looking forward to getting a win on Feb 20 and facing the big names in the light heavyweight division. I’ve been training hard and I’ve been patient and humble. When the time comes, I’m going to be in prime shape and ready to fulfill my dream of becoming a world champion. Whether it’s early this year, ahir taun ieu atawa taun ka hareup, Abdi siap.


"Kuring hayang gelut nu juara di 175 kilogram, but I need to take care of Baker first. I want Adonis Stevenson. I feel that I’m better than him. He’s never fought a guy like me and I don’t see enough skill set in him to be able to defeat me.”


Tukang Roti, nu robah warna ka warna 31 dina Feb. 10, bakal nyieun-Na ShoBox perdana. A tujuh taun pro, Tukang Roti nyaeta bajoang tekenan nu diaku ngagem turun lawan intelligently. Manéhna datang off hiji-babak katilu knockout leuwih Sergio Cordoba panungtungNov. 15 di Argentina. Manéhna geus meunang tilu gelut tukang-Na di jero tilu rounds, tapi teu ngalawan pejuang dina tataran Savigne.


"Kuring sok underdog nu, jadi ieu aya sia aya nu anyar,” Baker said. “I’ve been in this position before. You just have to do what you’re supposed to do you’ll get the win. “We’ve been waiting for this opportunity to prove who we are.


"Lamun kuring meunang bakal mean sagalana, it will be a dream come true. It’s going to open some doors for me. I’ll be 16-0 jeung kudu katuhu aya pikeun nyanghareupan sababaraha pejuang luhur di 175 pon kitu. "


Tukang Roti tos ka tinju di 2005 minangka cara pikeun leungit beurat. Dina waktos éta, manéhna ditimbang 293 kilogram. Anjeunna bakal leungit perdana amatir-Na tapi lajeng indit asup pikeun meunang nu Sarung Texas Propinsi Golden jeung Texas Propinsi AS Championships boh 2007 jeung 2008. Tukang Roti ogé runner up di PAL Pasanggiri Nasional 2007, hiji quarterfinalist boh Nasional AS Championships Pasanggiri jeung National Golden Sarung, nu earned manéhna hiji AS tinju ranking nasional No. 3.


"Kuring geus Nyanghareupan guys siga anjeunna saméméh,” Baker said. “At the end of the day, all that matters is what you bring to the ring. On the national level in the amateurs you can face guys with a few hundred fights on the first day of a tournament. So his amateur pedigree doesn’t scare me.


“I’m just expecting a W anyway it comes. That’s what I want and that’s what I’m getting. He’s just like any other fighter. You have to wait and see what they have. We’ll find out on fight night.”


Marrero, 25, aya muhrim ka fans lokal, sanggeus perang dua kali di wewengkon taun ka tukang, boh kali dina kartu ogé featuring Vasquez.


Hiji nu bajoang alus teuing nu ngan leungitna datang dina kaputusan 12-buleud ketat kaYesus Cuellar dina ngantep-eta-sadaya-hang-kaluar, slugfest aksi-dipakétkeun pikeun Interim Featherweight Championship World WBA (ngoleksi 114-113, 115-114 jeung 111-111) dina bulan Agustus 2013, Marrero bakal nyieun-Na ShoBox jeung 2015 perdana. Manéhna indit 3-0 taun kamari, unggul ku kagenep-buleud TKO leuwih Ira Terry di mimiti panganyarna-Na panungtungan Nov. 21 di Tulsa, Okla.


Maju tiket dibanderol di $238, $100, $60, $40 jeung $25 pikeun siswa jeung militér jeung valid ID (Box Kantor Ngan), ditambah waragad lumaku, pikeun "The sombong tina Pittsburgh III" bakal balik diobral Jumaah, Januari 30 di 10:00 a.m. ngaliwatan Sporting Barang Box Kantor nu Dick nu aya di CONSOL énergi Center, Ticketmaster.com, sadaya toko Ticketmaster atawa muatan ku telepon di 800-745-3000. Harga ningkatkeun $5 dina poe tina kajadian. Lawang bakal muka dina peuting kajadian di 5:30 p.m. jeung bel kahiji di 6:30 p.m.


CONSOL énergi Center perenahna di 1001 Kalima Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa, 15219. Émbaran leuwih lengkep bisa aya dina website maranéhanana,www.consolenergycenter.com


Media Sosial: Turutan Goossen promosi dina TwitterGoossenBoxing, Sammy Vasquez dina TwitterTeamSVasquez, SHOWTIME Olahraga @ SHOsports jeung CONSOL énergi CenterCONSOLEnergyCtr. Pamakéan hashtag #VasquezLartey nuturkeun sawala.


Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal Goossen promosi nempo website maranéhanana diwww.GoossenPromotions.com. Kanggo inpo nu tambahan dina sadérék Showtime Olahraga www.Sho.com/sports.


Kira-kira ShoBox: Nu Generation New
Saprak lahirna dina bulan Juli 2001, nu SHOWTIME runtuyan tinju kritis acclaimed, ShoBox: Nu Generation New geus diulas bakat ngora nu loyog jeung tangguh. Nu ShoBox falsafah pikeun televise seru, riungan-pleasing jeung loyog kalapa bari nyadiakeun taneuh nu ngabuktikeun pikeun prospek daék ditangtukeun tarung keur judul dunya. Sababaraha daptar ngembang tina 58 pejuang nu geus mecenghul di ShoBox jeung maju ka Garner pikeun judul dunya ngawengku: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timoteus Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams jeung leuwih.




Nyekel Nu Talaga On Senen, Jan. 12 di 10 p.m. AND/PT On SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Klik Ieuh Pikeun Ngundeur Poto

Kiridit: Halimun lin / SHOWTIME®


CABAZON, Calif. (Jan. 9, 2015) – Undefeated prospect Ivan Redkach (18-0, 14 KOs) was impressive in a sixth-round knockout victory over Yakubu Amidu (19-6-2, 17 KOs), who failed to get off his stool following the sixth round in Jumaah sacara main event of ShoBox: Nu Generation New ti Morongo Casino, Resort & Spa di Cabazon, Calif.


Working for the first time with new trainer Robert Garcia, REDK, of Los Angeles by way of Ukraine, started out slow as he found his range, with the durable Amidu handling his power in the opening rounds. Amida, of Los Angeles by way of Ghana, started slow but picked up the pace in the fourth and then was docked a point by referee Ray Corona for repeated low blows in the fifth.


Amida, who had never been knocked down in 26 gelut professional, suffered two knockdowns in the sixth, with the first coming after a quick right followed by a hard left and the second after an onslaught of power punches. Amidu barely beat the count both times, but he simply couldn’t handle the power of Redkach, nu landed 45 persén punches daya-Na.


“I was getting ready to knock him out,” Redkach said. “I was going to finish him before his corner stopped the fight. I would have finished him in the next round.


“I hadn’t been in the ring for sixth months, so I had to feel him out in the beginning before we attacked,” said Redkach. “That was the game plan with Robert Garcia. I was in perfect physical condition. I will be a world champion very soon. That is my dream.”


Amidu complained that a leg injury was the reason he quit on his stool.


“I hurt my knee in the last round when I fell on it,” Amidu said. “I was OK after the knockdown, but when I stood up I felt something in my knee. I didn’t stop fighting because of the punches; I stopped because I hurt my knee.”


While Amidu complained of a hurt knee after the fight, the California State Athletic Commission stated that the bout was stopped due to punches. By rule, the commission rules that a knockout.


SHOWTIME Analyst Steve Farhood was impressed by Redkach, who has been labeled by many boxing pundits as a hot prospect to watch.


“It was a very impressive victory because Amidu had never been down and had fought much better opposition,” Farhood said. “It’s not that Redkach beat him, it’s the way he beat him. When Redkach debuted on ShoBox we billed him as a lightweight terror and he didn’t really fight that way. But tonight he fought smart and in the sixth round the terror came out. He showed he had legitimate power.”


Dina ko-pitur, undefeated junior middleweight prospect Alantez “SlyAza” Fox, of Forestville, MD, kept his undefeated record intact with an eight-round majority decision victory over previously unbeaten Patrick Poé, ngoleksi 76-76, 78-74, 80-72.


Rubah (14-0-1, 4 KOs), who is 6-foot-5, was able to keep Day at distance with his highly effective jab, averaging 54 jabs a round with a total of 436 jabs thrown in just eight rounds. Dinten (9-1, 5 KOs), who went past six rounds for the first time in his career, wasn’t able to come forward and looked frustrated in later rounds as he entered unchartered territory.


“I was able to land my jab,” said the 22-year-old Fox. “I kept moving and was able to stay off the ropes. I kept him on the outside with my jabs and movement. That definitely was the advantage that I had over him in the fight. It wasn’t just my height that worked; it was my movement and range.


“I was anxious before the fight, but once I was in the ring I settled down,” said Fox, who was making his SHOWTIME debut. “I’m very thankful for the opportunity and am very excited for big things to come.”


Day seemed frustrated with the decision saying, “I think I did enough to win. I think that I landed the better, harder, cleaner, more effective punches. I thought that’s how professional boxing is scored, but I guess not tonight. His height wasn’t a huge issue because I still think I won, but it was definitely an obstacle.”


Dina ShoBox: Nu Generation New opening bout, 2012 Olympian Ievgen “Ukrainian Lion” Khytrov (8-0, 8 KOs) remained undefeated with a dominating third-round technical knockout victory over outmatched Maurice “The Natural” Louishomme (8-1-1, 4 KOs).


Khytrov, tina Brooklyn, N.Y., ku cara Ukraina, controlled the fight from the outset, lighting up Louishomme, of Colorado cinyusu, Kolo., with aggressive right hands and uppercuts to the body that sent Louishomme staggering on multiple occasions in a fight that was entirely one-sided.


Khytrov was highly accurate, badarat 53 persén punches daya-Na, 51 percent of his jabs and 52 persén total punches-Na. Referee Ray Corona stopped the fight just 24 seconds into the third round after a hard right from Khytrov sent Louishomme’s mouthpiece flying for the third time and awarded Khytrov the technical knockout.


“I was just concentrating and trying to get some work in,” Khytrov said. “I wasn’t in there just looking for the knockout. I was looking for chances, but I wasn’t going to force it. The plan was to get some rounds in and really start pushing in the fourth.


“I’m ready to take on anyone. It’s been hard to get fights, but we’re just going to go home and prepare for the next one.”