الوسم المحفوظات: Shobox

أعلن رباعي الرؤوس عن عروض ساليتا’ “ديترويت سيتي جولد” فعالية الملاكمة يوم الجمعة, مارس 10, عش في شوتايم® من MGM GRAND DETROIT

أعلى 10 تصنيفات Bantamweights أنطونيو نيفيس غير مهزومة & نيكولاي بوتابوف كلاش في مشاركة مع كلاريسا شيلدز ضد. Szilvia مجانًا على ShoBox: الجيل الجديد
أكثر, ويزلي تاكر غير مهزوم يواجه ويزلي تاكر مرة واحدة يهزم إد ويليامز; جيمس جوردون سميث الذي لم يهزم في جوشوا جرير, الابن.
ديترويت (فبراير. 15, 2017) – ستة احتمالات ستختتم ShoBox: الجيل الجديد نوبات متلفزة لترويج ساليتا’ “ديترويت سيتي جولد” في الجمعة, مارس 10, في MGM جراند ديترويت, يعيشون على موعد العرض (10 عصرا. و/PT).
بالإضافة إلى الحدث الرئيسي المكون من ست جولات والذي صنع التاريخ حاصل على الميدالية الذهبية الأولمبية مرتين Claressa شيلدز (1-0) فلينت, ولاية ميشيغان., تستولي على المجر سيلفيا “غروب الشمس” ليبرتين (15-8, 6 كوس) لبطولة NABF للوزن المتوسط ​​للسيدات, سيكون هناك ثلاثة نوبات مثيرة بين آفاق متزايدة مع سجل قياسي 80-2-5 مع 39 كوس.
“ديترويت سيتي جولد” ستكون المرة الأولى في التاريخ التي تتصدر فيها مباراة الملاكمة للسيدات على شاشة التلفزيون المتميزة. ستكون Shields و Szabados أيضًا أول معركة للنساء ShoBox, سلسلة أثارت مهن 67 أبطال العالم في المستقبل.
أنطونيو نيفيس مقابل. نيكولاي Potapov – 10-مباراة Bantamweight جولة
سيشهد الحدث الرئيسي المشارك معركة من 10 جولات بين أفضل 10 متسابقين في وزن الديك أنطونيو نيفيس (17-0-2, 9 كوس) و نيكولاي Potapov (16-0-1, 8 كوس). تم تصنيف Nieves في المرتبة رقم. 4 في الاتحاد العالمي للملاكمة, بينما يحتل بوتابوف المرتبة الأولى. 9 من قبل المنظمة العالمية للملاكمة, لا. 10 بواسطة WBA و No. 13 من قبل اتحاد الملاكمة العالمي.
نيفيس, أحد كبار الهواة, كان بطل كليفلاند مترو الذهبي خمس مرات. في 2011, كان الوصيف الوطني القفازات الذهبية والولايات المتحدة. الميدالية البرونزية للمواطنين في 123 جنيه.
A الموالية منذ نوفمبر 2011, فاز بالأولى 12 معارك في حياته المهنية قبل الملاكمة بالتعادل مع ثمانية جولات ستيفون الشباب حزيران 20, 2015. بطل NABO, لقد ذهب 6-0-1 منذ ذلك الحين ويأتي TKO من الجولة الثانية أبواب العام الجديد آخر نوفمبر. 26. في أغسطس 2016, حارب في قرعة 10 جولات ضد المكسيك أليخاندرو سانتياغو في ShoBox.
لأنهما من سكان ولاية أوهايو, لطالما طالب نيفز بمواجهته مع بطل الدوري الأمريكي للمحترفين السابق وزميله في منافسة 118 رطل راوشي وارن. إن الانتصار على بوتابوف قد يضعه في المكان المناسب للحصول على رغبته في وقت لاحق من هذا العام.
“أشعر بالارتياح حيال هذه الفرصة وسأستغلها,” قال نيفيس. “انه مقاتل جيد. يتقدم ويلقي الكثير من اللكمات. لديه أساس متين. أعتقد أنها ستكون معركة جيدة ولكن, شامل, سأكون قادراً على إرساله إلى الخارج. يمكنني أن أرتكب أخطاء وأن أستغلها. سأكون 100 في المئة على استعداد لتظهر للجميع أنطونيو نيفيس الحقيقي. سأستخدم ساقي أكثر وأرمي الكثير من التركيبات. سأحاصر طريقي إلى اللقطة الكبيرة.”
كان بوتابوف البالغ من العمر 26 عامًا هاويًا بارزًا حقق نجاحًا دوليًا. كان مواطن روسيا البالغ طوله 5 أقدام و 4 حوله 200 يحارب قبل أن يصبح محترفًا في مارس 2010. ذهب 13-0 كمحترف في روسيا قبل الولايات المتحدة. لاول مرة.
كان لدى بوتابوف خط 14 مباراة انتهى عندما حاصر آفاق لا تزال مهزومة ستيفون الشباب (13-0 تسير في) إلى سحب الأغلبية 10 جولات في أبريل 15, 2016, في ShoBox. Potapov, الذين شعروا أنه فعل أكثر مما يكفي لتحقيق النصر, دخلت الحلبة في المرتبة 10عشر في اتحاد الملاكمة العالمي, نادر لمقاتل في تلك المرحلة من حياته المهنية.
منذ النتيجة المخيبة للآمال ضد يونغ, لقد خاض بوتابوف مرتين, لا تترك أي شيء في أيدي القضاة من خلال الفوز بكل من خروج المغلوب في وقت مبكر. سيخرج من الجولة الرابعة TKO على ألكسندر سالتكوف في النهاية ديسمبر. 15.
“لقد كنت أتدرب في روسيا ويسعدني أن أكون في ديترويت (منذ فبراير. 1) التدريب في Kronk Gym مع المدرب العالمي Javan SugarHill Steward,” قال بوتابوف. “أنطونيو نيفيس هو مقاتل موهوب للغاية وأتطلع إلى صراع رائع من المهارة والإرادة مارس 10.”
ويسلي تاكر مقابل. إد ويليامز – ثمانية جولة ويلتر الوزن
أيضا على ShoBox: الجيل الجديد ستكون معركة ثماني جولات وزن بين التوقعات المحلية مع الكثير لإثباته, ويسلي تاكر (13-0, 8 كوس) و إد ويليامز (12-1-1, 4 كوس).
تاكر ، 29 سنة, توليدو, أوهايو, كان هواة بارزين. وكان 2012 القفاز الوطني الذهبي في المركز الثاني 152 جنيه واكثر 250 معارك الهواة. قدر كبير من الكفاءة, لقد ظل نشيطًا نسبيًا منذ أول ظهور له في فبراير 2013, ولكن لم يتم اختبار مخالب 5 أقدام -8 جنوبًا تقريبًا. يتطلع تاكر إلى إحراز أول انتصار مهني كبير له أمام ويليامز.
“أشعر أنني بحالة جيدة. متحمس للفرصة,” قال تاكر. “إنه مقاتل قوي من ديترويت. لكني أفضل. لقد رأيت كل أنواع الأنماط الموجودة. يمكنك توقع الألعاب النارية في تلك الليلة. أنا 100 في المئة جاهزة.”
سيحقق إد ويليامز من ديترويت فوزًا بالإجماع على القرار في ذلك الوقت 6-1 كريستون إدواردز, في يوليو الماضي في MGM في لاس فيغاس. عانى اللاعب البالغ من العمر 27 عامًا من خسارته المهنية الوحيدة في نوفمبر 2015 عبر قرار بالإجماع ماركوس بيكفورد في ولاية لويزيانا مسقط رأس بيكفورد. كهاو, كان ويليامز بطل ولاية ميشيغان لمرتين وبطل ديترويت الذهبي للقفازات مرتين.
“أشعر أن هذه فرصة رائعة للقتال في المنزل وعلى شاشة التلفزيون,” وقال وليامز. “إنها المعركة الأولى في MGM, نوبة النساء الأولى على العنوان. هناك الكثير من الأشياء الأولى في تلك الليلة وهي مرحلة كبيرة, لكنني لا أخاف من أي شيء. لا أعرف الكثير عن تاكر بخلاف أنه من أوهو وهو أقصر مني. سأستعد لكل شيء. شيء واحد عني — أنا مصارع. إذا لم يحضر للذهاب إلى الحرب, سوف أخرجه من هناك. التدريب وتسير بشكل رائع. أنا في هيوستن لهذا المعسكر. أنا أعمل على الكثير من الأشياء وأصبح أكثر حدة وأبقى مشغولاً.”
جيمس جوردون سميث vs. جوشوا جرير, الابن. – ثمانية جولة بانت وزن خفيف
سيكون فتح البث التلفزيوني وزنًا من ثمانية جولات “ديترويت مقابل. شيكاغو” مواجهة بين جيمس سميث (11-0, 6 كوس) و جوشوا جرير, الابن. (11-1-1, 4 كوس).
كان سميث البالغ من العمر 26 عامًا هاوًا بارزًا, الذهاب 110-9 في طريقه إلى ميدالية برونزية في National Golden Gloves. وقد حصل على فوز للهواة على أنطونيو نيفيس ، صاحب الوزن العشرة الأوائل الحالي.
بيطار, 5 قدم 4, يقوم ببداية التاسعة في ميشيغان, صاحب المركز السابع في ديترويت والأول في MGM Grand. محترف لمدة ست سنوات, كان سميث منتصراً في ثلاث مباريات متتالية منذ عدم المنافسة في فبراير. 6, 2016. وهو نزوله بالضربة القاضية الفنية في الجولة الثانية على ليلة رأس السنة يناير الماضي. 22 في خامته الرابعة على التوالي في المعبد الماسوني في ديترويت.
“هذه فرصة رائعة لتحسين مسيرتي المهنية والاستمرار في نقلها إلى المكان الصحيح,” وقال سميث. “الفوز سيجعلني أرتب وأبقي على السلم. بالإضافة إلى أن العالم سوف يراني للمرة الأولى. اريد ان اقدم عرض جيد, مهما كان الأمر. أريد فقط أن تكون معركة تنافسية ومثيرة.”
جرير, مواطن من شيكاغو يبلغ من العمر 22 عامًا, كان بطل Chicago Golden Gloves. سوف ينخفض ​​وزنه لمواجهة سميث, بعد أن قام بحملة عادية 120 جنيه. شوهد آخر مرة وهو يوقف كريستيان رينتريا في الجولة الخامسة في أكتوبر من العام الماضي. قبل ذلك حصل على الرقم القياسي الذي لم يهزم من جمهورية الدومينيكان خوان غابرييل مدينا (ثم 10-0, 9 كوس) من خلال قرار من ستة جولات بالإجماع.
عانى جرير من خسارة وحيدة في حياته المهنية في المعركة الخامسة من حياته المهنية, قرار الأغلبية من أربع جولات ضد زملائه لم يهزم ستيفن فولتون في ديسمبر 2015.
“أشعر بالرضا عن هذا حقا. أنا مستعد ولا أستطيع الانتظار حتى يحدث ذلك,” قال جرير. “لا اعرف الكثير عن جيمس سميث, لكنني أعلم أننا قاتلنا نفس الخصم, انطوان روبرتسون, وقد سقط من قبله. وأوقفته في الداخل 24 ثانية من الجولة الأولى. التدريب وتسير بشكل رائع. لدي أفضل مبارزة يمكنك طلبها, مثل الرجال أدريان غرانادوس, إدي راميريز, هانك لوندي. سأكون على استعداد جيد لهذه المعركة. إذا كانت غدا, سأكون جاهزا.”
بسعر $250, $150, $100 و $50, تذاكر ل “ديترويت سيتي جولد” تتوفر في Ticketmaster.com, جميع المواقع تيكت أو عن طريق الهاتف في 800.745.3000.

Ivan Baranchyk – Is he the next Arturo Gatti?


Baranchak Gatti.png

ميامي, حسنا (فبراير 14, 2017) – يوم الجمعة, فبراير 10, boxing fans were treated to a fight of the year candidate between junior welterweights Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk of Brooklyn, NY and Arizona’s Abel Ramos. The bout took place at the Buffalo Run Casino in the main event of ShoBox: الجيل الجديد. It was a significant fight for both combatants, with Baranchyk looking to move further up the ladder while Ramos hoped to become a player at 140 pounds by taking out his highly regarded foe.


When the matchup was announced, Baranchyk and Ramos were expected to put on an entertaining fight. What ultimately transpired however far exceeded expectations.


For ten rounds, Baranchyk and Ramos had the capacity crowd on their feet cheering on the incredible action. Both men hit the canvas and were badly hurt at different points of the fight, trading punches at a frenetic pace. They bled, brawled and left everything in the ring in a fight that was among the greatest in ShoBox’s 17 year history.


وكانت عشرات 99-91, 97-92 و 97-93 for Baranchyk, من هو 14-0 مع 10 بالضربة القاضية. راموس, whose stock went up tremendously in defeat, غير 17-2-2 (12 وKO).


The CompuBox stats were similar to the first showdown between Arturo Gatti and Mickey Ward. Baranchyk and Ramos combined to land 664 total punches and 482 power shots. Gatti-Ward I saw a total of 618 connects with 521 being power punches.


“I believe this has to be the best fight in ShoBox history,” exclaimed Baranchyk’s promoter Tony Holden, who promotes him along with DiBella Entertainment and Fight Promotions Inc. “Ivan is a natural crowd pleaser. He has the biggest heart in boxing and incredible conditioning. Like we saw many times from the late, great Arturo Gatti, Ivan was hurt, bloodied and took a lot of punches but his will powered him to victory. I believe he could become the next Arturo Gatti but there’s still work to do.


لو DiBella, who promoted the aforementioned Ward, believes Baranchyk is boxing’s newest action star.


“We got stats from CompuBox and they were almost identical to Gatti-Ward 1 and Corrales-Castillo 1, two of the greatest fights in boxing history. Baranchyk and Ramos put on a fight for the ages and I think the comparison to Gatti-Ward is a good one. Ivan’s offensive mindedness and willingness to take and give punishment is reminiscent of Arturo Gatti. He’s already shown he can get a crowd behind him and that was proven by how quickly the fans in Miami, OK adopted him as if he were one of their own. I really think he can become the Belarusian Gatti.”



Watch Complete Third Round Coverage Including Both Fighters Scoring Knock Downs: يوتيوب: HTTP://s.sho.com/2kLRB54; Download: HTTPS://we.tl/s8TQRRD001


انقر هنا للصور; الائتمان ستيفاني تراب / SHOWTIME


An encore presentation of يوم الجمعة thrilling ShoBox: الجيل الجديد, featuring a potential Fight of the Year slugfest between unbeaten super lightweight Ivan Baranchyk and a game Abel Ramos, ستبث هذه الليلة/الإثنين في 10 عصرا. و/PT على شوتايم EXTREME.


Baranchyk and Ramos both landed more than 50 percent of their power punches in the 10-round brawl, well above the super lightweight average of 36.6 في المئة. They nearly doubled the divisional average in total punches landed and power punches landed in a bout that featured three total knockdowns.


CompuBox records indicate that Baranchyk (314) & راموس (350) combined to land 664 مجموع اللكمات. As a point of reference, the epic first encounter between Micky Ward (268) and Arturo Gatti (350) featured 618 combined total punches landed. Of the 664 punches landed يوم الجمعة ليل, 482 were power punches.


The three-fight telecast will re-air in its entirety الإثنين. في المباراة الافتتاحية, undefeated Spanish super featherweight prospect Jon “Johnfer” Fernadez knocked out formerly once-beaten Ernesto Garza with a punishing series of unanswered combinations in the third round. في ميزة التعاون, undefeated light heavyweight prospect Joseph “Mack” Williams won a close, majority decision over previously undefeated Dominican Olympian Lenin Castillo.


The event was promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Tony Holden Productions in association with Fight Promotions. Fernandez vs. Garza was promoted in association with MaravillaBox Promotions and Jaafar Promotions.



ديترويت (فبراير. 10, 2017) – Tickets are now on sale for Salita Promotionshistory-making boxing event “ديترويت سيتي جولد” في الجمعة, مارس 10, at MGM Grand Detroit, featuring two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and Flint, Michigan native Claressa شيلدز تستولي على المجر سيلفيا “غروب الشمس” ليبرتين.
بسعر $250, $150, $100 و $50, تذاكر ل “ديترويت سيتي جولد” are available في Ticketmaster.com, جميع المواقع تيكت أو عن طريق الهاتف في800.745.3000.
To be presented live on موعد العرض®, “ديترويت سيتي جولد” ستكون المرة الأولى في التاريخ التي تتصدر فيها مباراة الملاكمة للسيدات على شاشة التلفزيون المتميزة. Their ShoBox: الجيل الجديد serieshas sparked the careers of 67 أبطال العالم في المستقبل.
The six-round main event between Shields (1-0) and Szabados (15-8, 6 كوس), that will also be for the Women’s NABF Middleweight Championship, tops a quadrupleheader of exciting televised fights.
Shields won her first Olympic Gold when she was 17 years old in the inaugural women’s boxing competition at the London Games in 2012. She defended her title at the 2016 Olympics in Rio, becoming the only American boxer to defend amateur sportspremier championship.
“ديترويت سيتي جولد” marks the return of big-time boxing to the Detroit area, something promoter Dmitriy Salita is proud to be part of.
I started the Detroit Brawl series of shows to get people excited about boxing again and they’ve responded very well,” سعيد كلمة. “So now we are bringing a huge event to this great city that was once and will be again a headquarters for boxing. Thank you to all the fans and sponsors and to MGM Grand Detroit for making it possible.
The 21-year-old Shields cruised to a 77-1 amateur record before turning professional last November, winning her first bout via unanimous decision on a non-televised undercard in Las Vegas. She now returns home as a headliner to take on the veteran Szabados in a six-round middleweight bout.
Szabados challenged for a world title in July 2015 in her ninth professional fight, losing a decision to undefeated WBC Super Middleweight Champion Nikki Adler في ألمانيا. The native of Miskolc, Hungary has faced two former world champions, Mikaela Lauren و Noni Tenge, and has won via knockout in three of her last five victories.
In her U.S. لاول مرة, Szabados lost a 10-round decision to then-undefeated prospect أليسيا نابليون في يناير 29, 2016, in Queens, N.Y.. The 26-year-old has remained active since turning professional in 2014. She fought eight fights in 2016, and already has a win in 2017 via fifth round KO over Diana Marcz in January in Budapest, هنغاريا.



الجمعة, مارس 10 في 10:05 عصرا. و/PT from Buffalo Run Casino & Resort in Miami, أوكلاهوما.


انقر هنا لتحميل صور في الوزن; الائتمان ستيفاني تراب / SHOWTIME

انقر هنا To Download Press Conference Photos; الائتمان ستيفاني تراب / SHOWTIME


MIAMI, OKLA. (فبراير. 9, 2017) – Undefeated super lightweight powerhouse إيفان "الوحش" Baranchyk ومرة واحدة للضرب، هابيل راموس weighed-in في يوم الخميس for their 10-round main event غدا/الجمعة في ShoBox: الجيل الجديد يعيشون على موعد العرض® (10:05 عصرا. و/PT, تأخر على الساحل الغربي) من Buffalo Run كازينو & منتجع في ميامي, أوكلاهوما.


The hard-hitting Baranchyk (13-0, 10 كوس), who trains in Los Angeles and fights out of Miami, has scored 10 KOs inside of three full rounds, while the aggressive-mindedRamos (17-1-2, 12 كوس), of Casa Grande, اريزونا., has knocked out three straight and promises to be the toughest test of Baranchyk’s career.


Undefeated former Dominican Republic Olympian لينين كاستيلو (15-0-1, 10 كوس) and former national Golden Gloves champion Joeseph “Mack” Williams (10-0, 7 كوس), of Far Rockaway, N.Y., meet in a matchup of undefeated light heavyweights in an eight-round featured bout.


في المباراة الافتتاحية لبثت, Spain’s up-and-coming unbeaten Jon “Johnfer” Fernandez (10-0, 8 كوس) takes on southpaw ارنستو غارزا (7-1, 4 كوس), of Fort Hood, تكساس, في ثمانية جولة وزن الريشة سوبر بوت.


تذاكر الحدث التي روج لها DiBella الترفيه و Tony Holden Productions بالتعاون مع Fight Promotions يتم تسعيرها في $35, $55 و $75 وتتوفر في buffalorun.com وفي stubwire.com.


WEIGHTS الرسمية:

إيفان Baranchyk: 140 جنيه

هابيل راموس: 139 ½ ليرة

لينين كاستيلو: 177 ¼ ليرة

جوزيف ويليامز: 178 ½ ounds

جون فرنانديز: 129 ½ ليرة

ارنستو غارزا: 126 ¼ ليرة

اقتباسات ختامية:



“I’m working with a new trainer (Eduard Kravtsov) at Wild Card Gym. We had some mistakes with our old team and it was time for me to move on. It was my decision to move on.


“We have better sparring now, a new coach, new strategy. Wild Card is a different experience. We have tough sparring, tough training. It was a good change.


“I’m still the same aggressive fighter; I come forward and try to stop you. We’re just working on a few new things, more combos, better defense.


“Ramos is my toughest opponent, but we’re ready for everything he brings. We’re ready to fight on the inside, on the outside.


“The game plan is to get the victory. That’s the most important


“The first couple rounds are the most dangerous. We know he’s tough and experienced. We need to make it my fight, style-wise.


“My last two fights went the distance, but it was good to know I can go 10 جولات. It was good to get that experience.


“People connect with me here (في ميامي, أوكلاهوما.). I can’t explain it, it just works.”


ابل RAMOS:

“Ivan is a different fighter. We know what we’re getting in there with and we’re going to feel out his power. His last two fights went the distance so he must not hit that hard. We’re going to wear him out.


“Ivan is aggressive, and he can be explosive at times, but he makes mistakes. He fights a little wild.


“I think I can start to worry him. We’re going to test his power and decide how I need to fight. He hasn’t fought anyone at my level yet.


“I have to win this fight. This is my third time on SHOWTIME and I have to win. لقد جعل بيان.


“I’ve been working on pushing the pace. You’ll see some of that غدا ليل.


“We sparred with Sergey Lipenets, helping him get ready for his fight in December. That was a good experience for us.


“I’ve learned lot since my loss to Regis (Prograis – ShoBox, 2015). I’m training harder, working in the gym, taking this more seriously.


“I’m here to show that I’m back and ready for the top guys. I’ve had three wins by knockout since the loss. I’m a different fighter.”



“We know Williams is an aggressive fighter that comes forward. I’ve seen some tape. I’m expecting him to come at me. But it’s nothing I’ve never seen before.


“I need to bring the pressure so the judges won’t have any doubt. I need to fight my fight.


“I think I’ve fought the better opponents. I think my experience is going to be the difference.


“The quality of fighters here (in the U.S.) is better than back home (جمهورية الدومينيكان). This is where I want to fight now.”



واضاف "انه (قلعة) has a few more fights, but mostly in the Dominican Republic, so we don’t know how good he actually is.


“He’s never fought anyone like me. He’s going to come with confidence because he’s 15-0 مع 10 كوس. He’s confident because he’s Olympian. But he’s never faced anyone like me.


“He may be an Olympian, but look who I fought in the amateurs. Look at the men that I beat. And those guys are mostly cruiserweights now. I’m much stronger at light heavyweight.


“This is the right time and right place for us. This is a huge opportunity.


“I don’t think he’s the best fighter I’ve faced. If I hit him clean I don’t think it will go that far. I’m going to go in there with an open mind and exploit his weakness.


“I’ve gradually moved down in weight. I’m faster at light heavyweight. When I was heavy I took my time. I’m sharper, أسرع. I’m just a totally different person.


“I always compare myself to James Toney. I can hit hard, أنا يمكن أن تتخذ لكمة, and I’m slick. What you see will depend on my opponent. If I feel he’s weak, I’ll jump early. I can brawl, يمكنني مربع. I’m explosive.”



"I تتنافس مع (كارل) Frampton in Las Vegas for the (الأسد) Santa Cruz fight. It was a great experience sparring with him three times a week. It gave me more confidence knowing I could handle him.


“Garza is basically the same height as Frampton, so that will be an advantage.


“I know he’s going to come at me, and we’re ready for that. I need to keep my rhythm and make it an entertaining fight. I believe my power and speed will be the difference. I throw a lot of punches.


“This fight means a lot to me. We’re both good fighters and the TV exposure means a lot. It’s a good opportunity and I need to take advantage of it.”



“We’re going to give him something he’s never seen before. We’re going to bring the action.


“I’ve always been an aggressive fighter. I like to bring the pressure.


“I’ve faced guys as tall as him before, I fought a guy that was 6-foot-2. I know I need to get inside with a guy like this.


“I’ve seen a lot of his fights, and I don’t think he’s a fast puncher. He always fights the same style, and his opponents are always there for the taking. I’m not going to be there for him to hit like that.


"هذه فرصتي. This is a big opportunity for me.”


The event is promoted by DiBella الترفيه و Tony Holden Productions بالتعاون مع Fight Promotions. Fernandez vs. Garza is promoted in association with MaravillaBox Promotions و Jaafar Promotions.


باري تومبكينس سيدعو ShoBox العمل من الصف الأول في الحلبة مع ستيف فرهود وبطل العالم السابق راؤول ماركيز بدور المحللين خبير. المنتج المنفذ هو جوردون قاعة مع الأغنياء Gaughan إنتاج و ريك فيليبس توجيه.


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حول ShoBox: الجيل الجديد
منذ إنشائها في يوليو 2001, والانتقادات اللاذعة شوتايم سلسلة الملاكمة, ShoBox: الجيل الجديد وظهرت المواهب الشابة مطابقة صعبة. ال ShoBox الفلسفة هي البث التلفزيوني مثيرة, تحديد الحشود ارضاء ومباريات تنافسية في الوقت الذي توفر لإثبات أن احتمالات مستعدة للقتال من أجل لقب العالم. بعض من قائمة متزايدة من 67 المقاتلين الذين ظهرت على ShoBox ومتقدمة لكسب لقبا عالميا يشمل: اندريه وارد, ديونتاري وايلدر, إيريسلاندي لارا, شون بورتر, جاري راسل الابن, لامونت بيترسون, غييرمو ريغونديوكس, عمر فيغيروا, نونيتو ​​دوناير, ديفون الكسندر, كارل Froch, روبرت غيريرو, تيموثي برادلي, جيسي فارغاس, خوان مانويل لوبيز, تشاد داوسون, بولي Malignaggi, ريكي هاتون, كيلي بافليك, بول وليامز وأكثر من ذلك.

إيفان Baranchyk: An unlikely journey from Belarus to Miami, أوكلاهوما

للنشر الفوري
ميامي, حسنا (فبراير 7, 2017) – When junior welterweight powerhouse Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk first entered a boxing gym at age 12 in his native Belarus, he quickly learned why boxing is known as the loneliest sport.
"The man who ran the gym I went to was supposed to be the trainer but he had a drinking problem,” Baranchyk recalled. “Instead of teaching us the sport of boxing, he just opened the gym door each day and left us without steady guidance.”
Baranchyk learned much of the sweet science on his own and didn’t have a stable trainer throughout his amateur career. مثير للدهشة, he won the 2009 World Junior Championships and defeated future two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Robeisy Ramirez of Cuba in the process. After continuing to excel as an amateur, the word quickly got out about the Belarusian buzzsaw.
He had offers from promoters across the globe to turn pro and elected to sign with Fight Promotions Inc. Baranchyk relocated to Brooklyn, NY after turning pro in June 2014. Nine victories later, he was matched with fellow unbeaten Nicholas Givhan of Michigan on ShoBox: الجيل الجديد في كازينو بافالو رن في ميامي, حسنا. A transplanted New Yorker who fought most of his professional bouts at that point in the Big Apple, Baranchyk never heard of Oklahoma and wasn’t sure what the environment would be like.
على الورق, the bout was viewed as a tossup and Givhan had more professional experience. Both fighters weren’t known to locals but it took less than half a minute to change that. فقط 21 seconds after the opening bell, Baranchyk flattened Givhan with a vicious left hook that was one of 2016’s best knockouts. The standing room only crowd at the Buffalo Run was amazed and wanted to see him fight there again.
Three months later, Baranchyk granted their wish when he made his second straight ShoBox appearance, taking apart previously undefeated Eliseo Cruz Sesma inside of three rounds. The all-action Baranchyk had the crowd on their feet throughout the contest chanting “Beast, بهيمة, Beast” until the stoppage.
بعد ذلك بوقت قصير, Baranchyk signed with Tony Holden Productions, who promotes Baranchyk alongside DiBella Entertainment and the aforementioned Fight Promotions Inc. He’s since won two more bouts at the Buffalo Run, raising his professional record to 13-0 مع 10 knockouts while capturing the USBA and WBC USNBC titles in the process.
"I feel very comfortable with the fans out there,” said Baranchyk. “I felt the energy at the Buffalo Run instantly and I’m grateful that the fans have been so supportive of me.”
Holden has been promoting fights for more than two decades and had many crowd attractions, most notably former champions Tommy Morrison and Johnny Tapia. He thought he’d seen it all. This was until a fighter with a background far different from the majority of his fans became an adopted son in the 14,000 person city of Miami, حسنا.
"He’s truly special to the fans at the Buffalo Run Casino and residents of Miami to the point where they’ve adopted him as if he were a lifelong local,” Holden said of Baranchyk, who is a member of Holden Productions’ Four State Franchise. “His style is entertaining and all boxing fans like action fighters. It’s amazing because when Ivan first fought here in March 2016 he was virtually unknown and now he’s a house fighter.”
Baranchyk will have a tough task when he faces Arizona’s Abel Ramos at the Buffalo Run الجمعة فبراير, 10 in the ten round main event of a ShoBox tripleheader. راموس, 17-1-2 (12 وKO), has multiple wins over unbeaten fighters including a fifth round stoppage of 13-0 Dario Ferman last May. He’s faced quality opposition and is expected to be Baranchyk’s biggest test to date.
To ensure he’s at his best, IBF #7 ranked Baranchyk trained in Los Angeles at Wildcard Boxing Club alongside new trainer Edward Kravtsov. With a solid training camp in the books, Baranchyk is prepared to deliver a solid performance الجمعة مساء.
"This was a great camp and Wildcard is an awesome environment. It was something I needed to prepare for a good tough opponent in Abel Ramos. I’m fully prepared to entertain my fans at the Buffalo Run Casino. If everything goes as planned and I emerge victorious, I trust my team to get me to the next level.
The ShoBox tripleheader airs at 10:05 مساء ET and tickets are available at the Buffalo Run Box Office or by going tostubwire.com/event/shoboxthenewgeneration/buffaloruncasino/miami/14075.

الحائز على ميدالية ذهبية أولمبية كلاريسا مرتين لعمل ظهور مهني للتلفزيون يوم الجمعة, مارس 10 ON SHOBOX: الجيل الجديد

موعد العرض

® لتقديم أول حدث رئيسي في الملاكمة للنساء المتميزات في تلفزيون بريميوم أثناء مواجهة الدروع في منافسة اللقب العالمي السابقة سيلفيا سزابادوس
يعيشون على شوتايم® من MGM Grand Detroit
نيويورك (فبراير. 7, 2017) – الحائز على الميدالية الذهبية الأولمبية مرتين Claressa شيلدز سيجعل ظهورها التلفزيوني المحترف الأول على ShoBox: الجيل الجديد, سلسلة أثارت مهن 67 أبطال العالم في المستقبل, في الجمعة, مارس 10, يعيشون على شوتايم (10 عصرا. و/PT) من MGM Grand Detroit Event Center في ديترويت, ميشيغان.
الدروع (1-0) يواجه المجر سيلفيا “غروب الشمس” ليبرتين (15-8, 6 كوس), السابق المنافس ببطولة العالم, في أول مباراة ملاكمة للسيدات تتصدر العناوين الرئيسية في التلفزيون المتميز. ستجري المعركة على الطريق من مسقط رأس شلينت في فلينت, أنا.
شيلدز هو الملاكم الأكثر نجاحًا للهواة في الولايات المتحدة. تاريخ – ذكر أم أنثى – والملاكم الأمريكي الوحيد الذي حصل على ميداليات ذهبية متتالية في الألعاب الأولمبية.
“إنه حلم أصبح حقيقة أن تكون أول امرأة تتصدر بطاقة الملاكمة على التلفزيون الممتاز,” وقال شيلدز. “مارس 10 ستكون ليلة تاريخية للملاكمة وجميع النساء اللواتي يعطون الكثير للتقدم في رياضتنا. أنا فخور بأن أقاتل من أجل لقب NABF في نوبتي الثانية للمحترفين. أريد أن أشكر شوتايم, MGM جراند ديترويت والترقيات ساليتا لهذه الفرصة, وسأفعل كل شيء لأعطي مشجعي منزلي والمشاهدين ليلة للتذكر.”
قال Szabados, “يقول المقاتلون دائمًا إن معركتهم التالية هي أهم معركة في حياتهم المهنية, ولكن لديك فرصة كهذه, وهو كذلك حقًا. هذا حلم لا يصدق. أنا سعيد للغاية لأنني حصلت على هذه الفرصة. أعرف أن هذه المعركة مهمة لكلاريسا أيضًا, ولا أعرف حقًا ما الذي سيحدث في الحلبة. كلانا نريد الفوز. كلاريسا لديها خبرة أكثر للهواة, ولكن لدي خبرة أكبر كمحترف. ستكون ليلة مثيرة.”
تذاكر الحدث التي روج لها الترقيات Salita ستطرح للبيع الجمعة, فبراير. 10 في 10 صباحا. يكون ويتم تسعيرها في $250, $150, $100 و $50. ستكون متاحة في www.ticketmaster.com.
قال المروج ديمتري ساليتا, “يشرفني أن أضع هذا الحدث في MGM Grand Detroit الرائعة, يضم البطل الأمريكي كلاريسا شيلدز على ShoBox: الجيل الجديد. Detroit is America’s greatest comeback city and I am thrilled that she has chosen MGM Grand Detroit as the site to fight for her first professional title on مارس 10. Although it is just her second professional fight, Claressa has chosen a former world title challenger for her opponent, a tough Hungarian named Szilvia Szabados, a woman who knows what’s at stake if she can win that night. We’ve got a terrific card from top to bottom in support of this fantastic main event as well, featuring some of Detroit’s brightest up-and-coming prospects, as well as some national and international flavor. Detroit deserves to have world-class events such as this and I’m very proud to be able to bring it here.
Shields won her first Olympic Gold when she was 17 years old in the inaugural women’s boxing competition at the London Games in 2012. She defended her title at the 2016 Olympics in Rio, becoming the only American boxer to defend amateur sportspremier championship.
The 21-year-old Shields cruised to a 77-1 amateur record before turning professional last November, winning her first bout via unanimous decision on a non-televised undercard in Las Vegas. She now returns home as a headliner to take on the veteran Szabados in a six-round middleweight bout.
ShoBox المحلل الخبراء ستيف فرهود: “Women’s boxing in America has its best chance of revival because of the emergence of Claressa Shields. Women’s boxing is pretty big in certain countries, but it really hasn’t been a factor in the United States since ليلى علي و, before her, كريستي مارتن. Being the only U.S. boxer to win two gold medals, Claressa has instant credibility and star appeal and those two things are going to lead to wide exposure.
She has a great back story, she’s an exciting fighter to watch and she’s instantly likeable.
ببساطة, Shields found solace in boxing to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges in her childhood. She’s become a vocal advocate for many social causes, including the ongoing water crisis in her hometown of Flint, women’s rights, and campaigning against sexual assault. An inspirational figure and motivational speaker, Shields represents a beacon of hope for a working-class city that struggles with violence, poverty, and everyday essentials.
In taking on a former world title challenger and fighting for the NABF middleweight championship in only her second fight, Shields continues to make immediate strides as a professional like fellow Flint native Floyd Mayweather, who won his first world title when he was 21.
Szabados challenged for a world title in July 2015 in her ninth professional fight, losing a decision to undefeated WBC Super Middleweight Champion Nikki Adler في ألمانيا. The native of Miskolc, Hungary has faced two former world champions, Mikaela Lauren و Noni Tenge, and has won via knockout in three of her last five victories.
In her U.S. لاول مرة, Szabados lost a 10-round decision to then-undefeated prospect أليسيا نابليون في يناير 29, 2016, in Queens, N.Y.. The 26-year-old has remained active since turning professional in 2014. She fought eight fights in 2016, and already has a win in 2017 via fifth round KO over Diana Marcz in January in Budapest, هنغاريا.
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Claressa دروع مقابل. Szilvia Szabados is the professional television debut of two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa Shields against former world title challenger Szilvia Szabados. The six-round women’s bout headlines a ShoBox: الجيل الجديد telecast from MGM Grand Detroit in Detroit, ولاية ميشيغان., and airs live on SHOWTIME at 10 عصرا. و/PT. تذاكر لالحدث على الهواء مباشرة, التي يتم الترويج لها من قبل الترقيات Salita, go on sale on فبراير. 10 and are available at Ticketmaster.com.
About Salita Promotions
Salita Promotions was founded in 2010 بواسطة ديمتري Salita, a professional boxer and world-title challenger who saw the need for a promotional entity to feature boxing’s best young prospects and established contenders in North America and around the world. Viewers watching fighters on worldwide television networks including Showtime, ESPN, ارتفاع TV, Universal Sports Network and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. We pride ourselves on offering our fighters opportunities inside and outside the ring. Salita Promotions looks forward to continuing to grow and serve the needs of fight fans around the globe.



ShoBox Telecast Continues As Tripleheader Beginning at 10:05 عصرا. و/PT


نيويورك (فبراير. 1, 2017) — الوزن الثقيل مهزوم Trey Lippe Morrison suffered a cut over his left eye while sparring يوم الثلاثاء at Wild Card Gym in Los Angeles and is unavailable to fight on next Friday’s ShoBox: الجيل الجديد بث.


“I’m very disappointed for Trey because this is the best camp that we’ve had together,” said trainer فريدي روتش, who was in his sixth camp with the undefeated heavyweight. “Trey should be healed and back in the gym in three or four weeks to come back stronger than ever.”


Lippe Morrison (13-0, 13 كوس) was set to make his second ShoBox start in an eight-round heavyweight bout against Daniel Martz في فبراير. 10 at Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, أوكلاهوما., near his hometown of Vinita. (See attached for photo of Lippe Morrison’s cut)


“This is a small setback for Trey,"وقال توني هولدن of Tony Holden Productions. “You can’t prevent these injuries, they are just part of the sport. I can’t wait to get him back in the gym with Freddie to continue his path toward becoming a world title contender.”


ال فبراير. 10 ShoBox will continue as a tripleheader live on موعد العرض ابتداء من 10:05 عصرا. و/PT. في الحدث الرئيسي 10 جولة, undefeated super lightweight powerhouse إيفان "الوحش" Baranchyk (13-0, 10 كوس) will face aggressive-minded once-beaten Abel Ramos (17-1-2, 12 كوس).


في ثمانية جولة المشارك ميزة, former Dominican Republic Olympian لينين كاستيلو (15-0-1, 10 كوس) and former national Golden Gloves champion Joe “Mack” Williams(10-0, 7 كوس), of Far Rockaway, N.Y., clash in matchup of undefeated light heavyweights. في المباراة الافتتاحية لبثت, Spain’s up-and-coming unbeaten Jon “Johnfer” Fernandez (10-0, 8 كوس) takes on southpaw ارنستو غارزا (7-1, 4 كوس), of Fort Hood, تكساس, the eight-round super featherweight scrap.


Tickets for the event promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Tony Holden Productions in association with Fight Promotions are priced at $35, $55 و $75 وتتوفر في buffalorun.com وفي stubwire.com.


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Undefeated Heavyweight Trey Lippe Morrison Seeks 14عشر Consecutive KO When He Faces Daniel Martz In ShoBox Co-Feature

يعيشون على شوتايم في 10:05 عصرا. و/PT

من كازينو Buffalo Run في ميامي, أوكلاهوما

تذاكر للبيع الآن

نيويورك (يناير. 30, 2017) – Undefeated super lightweight powerhouse إيفان "الوحش" Baranchyk (13-0, 10 كوس) will face aggressive-minded once-beaten هابيل راموس (17-1-2, 12 كوس) في حالة 10 جولة الرئيسي ل ShoBox: الجيل الجديد® quadrupleheader على الجمعة, فبراير. 10 يعيشون على موعد العرض® (10:05 عصرا. و/PT, تأخر على الساحل الغربي) من Buffalo Run كازينو في ميامي, أوكلاهوما.


في ميزة التعاون, rising local favorite and son of the late former world heavyweight champion, Tommy “The Duke” Morrison, hard-hitting heavyweight Trey Lippe Morrison(13-0, 13 كوس), في بدايته الثانية ShoBox when he faces the dangerous Daniel Martz (15-4-1, 12 كوس), of Clarksburg, فرجينيا الغربية, في مباراة ثمانية الجولة.


Undefeated former Dominican Republic Olympian لينين كاستيلو (15-0-1, 10 كوس) and former national Golden Gloves champion Joe “Mack” Williams (10-0, 7 كوس), of Far Rockaway, N.Y., clash in a confrontation of undefeated light heavyweights in an eight-round featured bout.


في المباراة الافتتاحية لبثت, Spain’s up-and-coming unbeaten Jon “Johnfer” Fernandez (10-0, 8 كوس) takes on southpaw ارنستو غارزا (7-1, 4 كوس), of Fort Hood, تكساس, the eight-round super featherweight scrap.


“ال ShoBox الحدث الرئيسي في فبراير. 10 between Ivan Baranchyk and Abel Ramos guarantees fireworks,” وقال لو DiBella, رئيس DiBella الترفيه. “This is a tremendous quadrupleheader and I am happy to be back at Buffalo Run Casino, where heavyweight Trey Lippe Morrison will look to delight hometown fans with another spectacular knockout. The light heavyweight battle between Joseph Williams and former Dominican Olympian Lenin Castillo features two undefeated prospects, and Jon Fernandez, co-promoted by Sergio Martinez, will collide with Ernesto Garza in a can’t-miss clash at junior lightweight.


“I’m looking forward to seeing Ivan against a very good opponent,” said Tony Holden. “Give Daniel Martz a lot of credit for taking the fight against Treywe had serious difficulties finding an opponent willing to face him. Both Ivan and Trey should be in position to advance their careers with a victory.”


Tickets for the event promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Tony Holden Productions in association with Fight Promotions are priced at $35, $55 و $75 وتتوفر في buffalorun.com وفي stubwire.com.


IVAN BARANCHYK VS. ABEL RAMOS – 10 Rounds Super Lightweights

The offensive-minded Baranchyk packs outstanding power in both hands. Until winning a 10-round decision over Zhimin Wang آخر سبعة. 23 في ShoBox, he’d won nine consecutive fights by knockout. في اخر نزهة, Baranchyk scored a 10-round decision over Wilberth لوبيز في ديسمبر. 10.


“I am looking forward to continuing my pursuit of a world title,” said the 5-foot-10-inch Baranchyk, who will make the first defense of his USBA junior welterweight title. “Ramos is a very tough fighter and a ShoBox alum himself, so I will enjoy knocking him out.


“I think I’ve proved my durability by going 10 rounds in my last two fights. My team wants me to box more and let the knockouts come, so that is something we work on all the time.’’


The former European amateur standout, who was born in Minsk, Byelorussia and lives in Brooklyn, is making his fourth appearance on the prospect developmental series. The 24-year-old’s two other ShoBox يبدأ, both first-round knockouts versus undefeated foes, totaled a combined 2:49. جميع 10 of Baranchyk’s knockouts have come inside three full rounds, including six in the first.


The skilled Ramos is a five-year pro who’s won three in a row, all by knockout in 2016, since his only loss, a ninth-round TKO to highly regarded undefeated ريجيس Prograis (15-0) في 2015 في ShoBox.


وهناك احتمال في 140 pounds and a legit test for Baranchyk, the 5-foot-9-inch Ramos was a stellar amateur. The 25-year-old was the bronze medalist at both the 2010 الامريكى. PAL البطولات الوطنية و 2010 الامريكى. البطولات الوطنية (في 141 جنيه) before turning pro in September 2011.


“I’m very excited for this fight and I am preparing for a war,” said Ramos, who possesses an aggressive style, good skills and movement. “Baranchyk likes to fight moving forward as do I, so it is going to be an action-packed main event at Buffalo Run.”


راموس, who grew up in Gettysburg, السلطة الفلسطينية. and resides in Casa Grande, اريزونا., is coming off a seventh-round TKO over Juan Jesus آخر أغسطس. 26. في كتابه ShoBox لاول مرة في 2014, Ramos and fellow unbeaten موريس عاهرة (12-0-1 تسير في) slugged it out for eight rounds, battling to a majority draw in one of the most exciting fights on the series that year.

TREY LIPPE MORRISON VS. DANIEL MARTZ – Eight Rounds, الوزن الثقيل

The power-punching Morrison has recorded nine first-round knockouts, three second-round knockouts and one fourth-round KO in a career that began in February 2014. موريسون, who bears a striking resemblance to his late father in both his looks and his fighting style, has fought all but one of his fights in Oklahoma but trains at the Wild Card Boxing Club with Hall of Fame trainer فريدي روتش.


In his outing before last, Morrison won his ShoBox debut with a ruthless first-round TKO over previously undefeated إد لاتيمور (13-0) في سبتمبر. 23, 2016.


Latimore was expected to provide Morrison with his most daunting test but wound up getting demolished, going down twice, in Morrison’s first start since he underwent surgery on his right tendon from an injury suffered in January, 2016.


“Health-wise, I’m great,’’ said the 6-foot-2, 27-year-old Morrison who resides in Hollywood, كاليفورنيا. “I’m going to approach this fight like I did my last fight, like I do all my fights. I can’t afford to look past any fight. I have to take them one at a time. I just have to focus on my opponent.


“My training has been going really good, the transition with me and Freddie continues to be smooth. I just want to continue to improve. I’m hoping for a good performance, and I think I’ll have one. All I can do is give the best I can and then whatever happens will happen.’’


موريسون, who was born in Vinita, أوكلاهوما., is one of promoter Tony Holden’s group of fighters known as the “Four State Franchise.” They include Trey’s half-brother Kenzie Morrison, Baranchyk و ديلون و جيسي كوك. The Oklahoma-based Holden promoted Tommy Morrison for most of his career.


The 26-year-old Martz is a classic all-or-nothing heavyweight. All but three of Martz’ wins have come via knockout, and he aims to pick up his fifth win over an undefeated opponent when he takes on Lippe Morrison.


Martz, who stands at 6-foot-7, handed heavyweight prospect Alexis Santos his first defeat and has shared the ring with newly crowned WBO heavyweight champion جوزيف باركر.


LENIN CASTILLO VS. JOE WILLIAMS – Eight Rounds, أبطال الوزن الثقيل الخفيفة

قلعة, who represented the Dominican Republic at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, أصبح محترفًا في أغسطس 2010. He’s won three straight by knockout, since boxing an eight-round majority draw with unbeaten ترافيس Peterkin (15-0) في أغسطس. 21, 2015.


6 أقدام و 2, 28-year-old Castillo has 10 بالضربة القاضية, and all have come in five rounds or less.


“I know that Williams is undefeated and that he will come in at his best,” Castillo said. “Well, I’m coming with my best too, so it going to be an exciting fight. It’s two undefeated fighters – the perfect kind of fight for ShoBox."


وليامز, who owns an amateur victory over undefeated prospect أندرو Tabiti, was a three-time New York Golden Gloves Champion and a 2012 الذهبي الوطنية قفازات بطل. A 2012 الامريكى. Olympic Team Alternate, Williams is popular on the New York fight scene and a union worker outside the ring.


The 28-year-old has been dominant since turning pro in September 2013, however he’ll be taking a leap in class in facing former Olympian Castillo.


“I’m already in great shape and I won’t be stopped,"وقال وليامز, who’s fought eight of his 10 fights in New York. “I’m a throwback fighter, the last of a dying breed that will fight and beat anyone in my way. It’s hard to find a fighter who can do all this.

I can’t wait till فبراير. 10 because I’m finally getting my shot on national television to show the world what I can do. This will open a lot of doors for me and the world will see the next superstar of boxing, Joseph ‘MackWilliams.


JON FERNANDEZ VS. ERNESTO GARZA – Eight Rounds, Super Featherweights

فرنانديز, of Bilbao, بلاد الباسك, إسبانيا, is co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment and legendary Argentine superstar and former longtime middleweight world championسيرجيو مارتينيز. He was an amateur champion in his native Spain and member of the Spanish National Team in 2013 و 2014.


محترف منذ مارس 2015, the 21-year-old has won eight straight by knockout, all inside five rounds. The 5-foot-10 Fernandez was a chief sparring partner for كارل فرامبتون as he prepared for his Jan. 28 rematch with ليو سانتا كروز.


“This fight is very important to my boxing career and I will put on a great performance for the fans in attendance and those watching on SHOWTIME,” said the-5-foot-11 Fernandez who is coming off a fourth-round TKO over ميكائيل Mkrtchan (16-1 تسير في) to capture the WBC Youth Super Featherweight World Title last أكتوبر. 8.


“Garza is a pressure fighter that throws a lot of punches. He reminds me of Nacif Martinez, who I beat by TKO in Connecticut. I think I can beat Garza by KO, أيضا. His style is perfect for me.”


فبراير. 10 will be Fernandez’ second fight in the United States, and second outside of Spain. He’s remained active since turning pro in March 2015; he fought five times that year, and five times in 2016.


A decorated amateur, Garza was a six-time Michigan Golden Gloves champion and the 2008 National Golden Gloves Champ at 119 جنيه. The 28-year-old has won seven of eight since turning pro, including victories in his last two fights.


I’m so excited for this great opportunity,” the 5-foot-4-inch Garza said. “It’s a dream that’s coming true. I finally get a chance to show my talent to the world.


Fernandez vs. Garza is promoted in association with MaravillaBox Promotions و Jaafar Promotions.


باري تومبكينس سيدعو ShoBox العمل من الصف الأول في الحلبة مع ستيف فرهود وبطل العالم السابق راؤول ماركيز بدور المحللين خبير. المنتج المنفذ هو جوردون قاعة مع الأغنياء Gaughan إنتاج و ريك فيليبس توجيه.


Baranchyk-Ramos Headlines ShoBox: The New Generation February 10

Five unbeaten fighters featured at the Buffalo Run Casino!
للنشر الفوري
ميامي, حسنا (يناير 29, 2017) – Holden Productions, DiBella Entertainment and Fight Promotions Inc. return to the Buffalo Run Casino for an outstanding evening of boxing الجمعة, فبراير 10 في ميامي, حسنا.
The card is highlighted by a quadrupleheader airing live on Showtime at 10:05 ET PM as part of the ShoBox: The New Generation series and features eight fighters with a combined record of 100-6-4 و 76 انتصارات بالضربة القاضية.
Headlining is a 10 round showdown between USBA and WBC USNBC junior welterweight titlist Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk and Abel Ramos.
A perfect 13-0 مع 10 بالضربة القاضية, Baranchyk fought on ShoBox last September, shutting out previously unbeaten Zhimin Wang. Residing in Brooklyn, NY by way of Russia, The IBF #7 ranked Baranchyk became the Buffalo Run Casino’s adopted son and is a member of Holden Productions“Four State Franchise.” He is promoted by Holden, DiBella Entertainment and Fight Promotions Inc.
Fighting out of Arizona, Ramos has an impressive 17-1-2 professional ledger and 12 victories by KO. بشهر مايو 2016, Ramos needed less than 5 rounds to stop undefeated Dario Ferman and he owns impressive victories over Carlos Villa (4-0) and Roberto Ramirez (13-1). The 25-year-old Ramos also has draws against Levan Ghvamichava (9-0-1) and Maurice Hooker (12-0-1).
Trey Lippe-Morrison looks to continue working his way up in the heavyweight division when he squares off with Daniel “The Mountain” Martz.
Trained by Freddie Roach out of the Wildcard Boxing Club in Los Angeles, مثل, Lippe-Morrison’s 13-0 مع كل من انتصارات مجيئه عن طريق خروج المغلوب. The Vinita, OK native stopped 9 من له 13 foes in less than a round, with only one of his opponents making it out of the second stanza. The son of Tommy Morrison, Lippe-Morrison received major attention when he stopped 13-0 Ed Latimore in less than a round on ShoBox and is a member of the “Four State Franchise.”
The fighting pride of Clarksburg, WV, Martz looks for his fifth win over an undefeated foe. Martz, 15-4 (12 وKO), most notably handed Alexis Santos his first defeat, sending the then 13-0 Santos to the canvas in the opening round. He’s also shared the ring with newly crowned WBO heavyweight champion Joseph Parker.
"I’m looking forward to seeing Ivan against a very good opponent and give Daniel Martz a lot of credit for taking the fight against Trey,” said Tony Holden. “We had serious difficulties finding an opponent for Trey. Both fighters should be in position to advance their careers with a victory.”
Somebody’s 0 must go when 2008 Dominican Olympian Lenin Castillo, 15-0-1 (10 وKO), والملكات, NY’s Joseph “Mack” Williams, 10-0 (7 وKO), meet in an eight round light heavyweight scrap. Castillo or Williams, على حد سواء 28, could become a player in 175 pound decision with a victory.
Rounding out the televised portion of the card will be the US debut of Spain’s Jon Fernandez. في 10-0 مع 8 انتصارات بالضربة القاضية, Fernandez won the WBC Youth title in his last fight and looks to capture the attention of American fight fans when he challenges 7-1 Michigan native Ernesto Garza. The bout is scheduled for eight rounds in the super featherweight division.
قلعة, Williams and Fernandez are promoted by DiBella Entertainment.
"With an all-action main event between Baranchyk and Ramos, the American debut of Jon Fernandez, a battle of two unbeaten light heavyweights and the return of Trey Lippe-Morrison, this card represents what ShoBox is all about,” said Lou DiBella. ShoBox is a great series and I’d like to congratulate Showtime’s Gordon Hall for winning the Taub Award for the outstanding job he’s done running the program.”
In the untelevised portion of the undercard, heavyweight Kenzie Witt, 9-0-2 (8 وKO), and welterweight Jarrett Rouse, 10-0-1 (4 وKO), will face opponents to be named.
Tickets can be purchased by logging onto Stubwire.com/event/shoboxthenewgeneration/buffaloruncasino/miami/14075.