Архивы: ShoBox


Николай Потапов Outpoints Антонио Ньевес, Уэсли Tucker Поражения Эд Уильямс & Джошуа Грир младший. Нокаутировал Джеймс Гордон-Смит О ShoBox: Новое поколение от MGM Grand Detroit

Не пропустите повтор Вторник, Март 14 На 10 p.m. И/PT На SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий; Кредит Tom Казино / SHOWTIME

Детройт (Март 11, 2017) - Двукратный олимпийский чемпион Claressa Shields сиял в ее дебюте телевидения, нокаутировав прочный Szilvia Szabados в четвертом раунде (1:30) для перехода к 2-0 как профессионал в главном событии на ShoBox: Новое поколение Пятница на SHOWTIME в MGM Grand Detroit.

Щиты (2-0, 1 КО) поставить на шоу менее чем за час от ее родного города Флинт, Мичиган., посадка почти 50 проценты ее мощность выстрелов в боксе главного события первого женского в истории премии телевидения.

распутник (15-9, 6 КО), Венгрии, не трогать холст, но никогда не стоял выстрел против соперника, который был выставлен счет, как будущее женского бокса. Щитки вышел пылающий в первом раунде, резервное копирование Szabados с хрустящей, чистые удары, как она из-помещичьей своего противника 31-4 во-первых.

Шилдс был немного более терпеливым и поселились во второй и третьей, но натиск продолжал против относительно беззащитным Szabados. После промывки правой стороны, оставил комбо крюк в четвертом, судья Харви Dock насмотрелся и вмешалась, чтобы остановить соревнование с Szabados еще на ногах.

«Это было об уважении,»Сказал Shields ее производительности. «Я хотел бы пойти туда и показать, что я имел власть, и я не боялся ее. Я знал, что она была жесткой приходить в. Вот почему я начал ходить в тело. Я собирался получить чистый выстрел в одном раунде, и она собиралась идти, но арбитр остановил его в четвертом. Вырезанное нокаут. Это было захватывающе.

«Я рад, что все пришли. Я воспользовался этой прекрасной возможностью еще раз. Это еще один шаг к победе титул чемпиона мира «.

Szabados говорит, что она разочарована решением док-станции, чтобы остановить бой, когда он сделал. «Я очень грустно и с разбитым сердцем прямо сейчас, потому что он только пошел четыре раунда, и я мог бы продолжал идти," она сказала. «Ее хиты не были болезненными. Ее правый крюк у меня много, Я знаю. Я чувствовал, что один «.

В ShoBox Со-функция, Николай Потапов узко обрезной Антонио Ньевес в близком, 10-раундовое разделенное решение судей забило 96-94 Потапов дважды, 96-94 Ньевес.

Технический матч между непобежденным топ-10 перспективы легчайшем был близок с первого звонка. Ньевес был более активным борцом, посадка 64 пуансоны за один раунд в Потапов 50, но округлые по овальности срывы показывают, что Потапов преобладал в общих сложности коннекторов, а также в помещичьей мощности выстреле.

“Я думал, что это был рукопашный бой, но я пришел на сильный в конце,»Сказал Потапов. «У меня было больше, и закончил сильнее. Это сделало разницу. Я гораздо более агрессивен, и я сажусь на моих выстрелов. Это разница обучение в Кронке сделало для меня.

“Я знал, что я выиграл бой. Я не был удивлен, когда я получил его. Я не был доволен судейством в моем последнем большом бое, но я думал, что на этот раз я сделал больше, чем достаточно, чтобы выиграть «.

Ньевес сделал впечатляющую работу к телу, подключения на 59 все тело выстрелы по сравнению с просто 14 для Потапова, но это было не достаточно, чтобы заработать его решение.

“Я думал, что я выиграл. Я думал, что это было плохое решение,»Сказал Ньевес. «Я даже не думаю, что это должно было пролито решение. Я думал, что я был ясно. Он не очень точно, как он хотел. Я заставляла его пропустить и посадки все более резкие удары. Все, что он бил меня, я блокировал и возвращаться.

“Я не знаю, почему близкие бои не отходят. Отсюда я возвращаюсь к чертежной доске. Вся моя команда и много толпы чувствовали, что я выиграл. Я хотел бы снова бороться с ним «.

В признакам матч-ап между непобежденным полусредневесами, Уэсли Tucker (14-0, 8 КО) обрезной Эд Уильямс в восемь круглых единогласным решением судей забил 77-73, 79-71, 78-72 косынка.

Фол заполненного боя признаки мало действий. Tucker Толедо приземлился 31 процентов его мощность выстрела по сравнению с только 19 процентов за Williams Детройта (12-2-1, 4 КО), который был вычтен два очка за попадание в задней части головы на отдельных случаях. косынка (14-0, 8 КО) не приземлялся джебом всего боя, но его тяжелые выстрелы и точность с его мощность выстрела, казалось, более впечатляющим судей.

“Он был неуклюжим, длинный истребитель, кто знает, как двигаться очень хорошо,»Сказал Такер. «Я не разочарован оказалось, что, как. Не каждый бой может быть довольно, поэтому я вышел с победой, и это самое главное.

“Я был очень расстроен там, но я действие своего рода истребителей, поэтому, когда он был запущен его вид был писает меня. Он был повсюду. Он провел весь бой «.

Уильямс приземлился только 17 процентов его общего объема ударов.

“Он не показал мне все, что я не ожидал,»Сказал Уильямс. «На этой неделе был большой опыт для меня, но вы хотите, чтобы выйти с победой, и я не был в состоянии сделать это «.

В телевизионном нож, Джошуа Грир младший. передал легчайшем перспектива Джеймс Гордон-Смит его firstloss с жестокой один-удар шестом раунде нокаутом (2:06).

После того, как пылающий первого раунда, который видел над 50 мощность выстрела приземлился, Грир pepped своего противника с постоянной диетой прав встречных, как Гордон-Смит продолжал начислять вперед и бороться в основном забалансовыми. Грир Чикаго сражен Гордон-Смит с совершенно приуроченным правым апперкотом в первых секундах пятого и, несмотря на глядя ошеломлен, Гордон-Смит сплотились, чтобы выжить назад и вперед раунд.

В шестом, Грир (12-1-1, 5 КО) нокаутировал Гордон-Смит из холодного с огромным прямым правой, который отправил родное падение лицо Детройта вперед судья Харви Dock немедленно отмахивался бой.

«Я предполагаю, что он моргнул. Это была проблема,»Сказал Грир. «Я всем говорил, когда я здесь у меня не было, что подушка без причины. Я сказал, не мигают, и я не играл. Я знал, что я собирался получить его. Подушка только мой товарный знак. Ничего личного. Вы должны выделяться каким-то образом. Это именно то, что я делаю. Ничего личного к нему.

«Я знал, что я пришел, чтобы сделать. Я взволнован, но я не в шоке. Моя команда знала, что произойдет, и они были уверены во мне. Я знал, что это был только вопрос времени «.

Гордон-Смит (11-1, 6 КО) был 160й боец терпеть свое первое поражение на перспективу развития серии. И Ньевес позже стал 161улица.

Пятницы quadrupleheader будет воспроизведен на Вторник, Март 14 на 10 p.m. И/PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME. Телепередача также будет доступна на SHOWTIME On Demand® и SHOWTIME В ЛЮБОЕ ВРЕМЯ®.

«Детройт Город Золотой,»Способствовала SALITA Promotions.

Барри Томпкинс назвал ShoBox действия с ринга со Стивом Farhood и экс-чемпион мира Рауль Маркес, выступающей в качестве эксперта аналитиков. Исполнительным продюсером выступил Гордон Холл, продюсер - Рич Гоган, а режиссировал Рик Филлипс..

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Салит Акция была основана в 2010 Дмитрий Салита, профессиональный боксер и мировой титул чемпион, который видел необходимость в рекламную сущность, чтобы показать лучшую молодой бокс перспективы и устоявшиеся соперник в Северной Америке и по всему миру. Зрители смотрят бойцы на мировых телевизионных сетей, включая Showtime, ESPN, Spike TV, Универсальный Sports Network и MSG пользуются Салита Promotions бороться действие в последние годы. Мы гордимся тем, предлагая нашим бойцам возможность внутри и снаружи кольца. Салита Акции ожидает продолжения роста и удовлетворения потребностей любителей подраться по всему миру.


Two-Time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa Shields Faces Szilvia Szabados In First Women’s Boxing Main Event On Premium Television

Пятница, Март 10 Жить на SHOWTIME® From MGM Grand Detroit

Нажмите ВОТ Загрузка фотографий взвешивания; Кредит Tom Казино / SHOWTIME


Детройт (Март 9, 2017) – All eight fighters participating in “Detroit City Gold”, the ShoBox: Новое поколениеquadrupleheader which includes headliner and two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa Shields, сделанный вес в четверг перед Пятницы telecast from MGM Grand Detroit.


Щиты (1-0) столкнется с бывшим претендентом на титул чемпиона мира Szilvia Szabados (15-8, 6 КО) in just her second fight since winning gold at the 2016 Olympics and in the first women’s boxing event in premium television history, жить на ВРЕМЯ ДЛЯ ШОУ на 10 p.m. И/PT.


«Детройт Город Золотой,” which takes place less than an hour from Shields’ hometown of Flint, Мичиган., is promoted by Salita Promotions. Щиты против. Szabados is a six-round middleweight bout.


В ShoBox Со-функция, top-10 ranked bantamweight contenders Антонио Ньевес (17-0-2, 9 КО), Кливленда, и России в Николай Потапов (16-0-1, 8 КО) will put their undefeated records on the line in a 10-round matchup for the NABO bantamweight belt.


In an eight-round televised bout, полусреднем Уэсли Tucker (13-0, 8 КО) Толедо, Огайо, faces Detroit’s Эд Уильямс (12-1-1, 4 КО) in a matchup between two former amateur standouts. В телевизионном нож, Detroit-based bantamweight prospect Гордон Смит Джеймс (11-0, 6 КО) will take on Chicago’s Джошуа Грир, Младший. (11-1-1, 4 КО) в восемь-раундовом поединке.


Официальный весов:

Claressa Shields: 159 ½ фунтов

Szilvia Szabados: 158 Фунты

Антонио Ньевес: 116 ½ фунтов

Николай Потапов: 117 ½ фунтов

Уэсли Tucker: 147 Фунты

Эд Уильямс: 146 ¼ фунты

Гордон Смит Джеймс: 116 ¾ вес

Джошуа Грир, Младший: 116 ¾ вес

Заключительный Цитаты:


Claressa Шилдс:

“I know about Laila Ali, and Christy Martin and Lucia Rijker, and I don’t box like any of them. I have my own unique style. I’ve never seen a female fighter like myself. I want to carry the sport.


“The boxers I like and study are Sugar Ray Robinson, Joe Louis and Floyd Mayweather. Those are my favorites. And you can even throw Sugar Ray Leonard in there, слишком.


“I’m going to be aggressive. I’m not going to be nervous and I’m not going to freeze up. I’m going to go right out there and hit her in the face with a right hand.


“This is my hometown fight. I last fought in Michigan three years ago. I’m going to showcase my skills on SHOWTIME.


“I’m embracing all of this. I grew up and heard when I was young that women can’t fight. I’m ready to show everyone just how wrong that is в пятницу ночь ".




“I know Claressa is popular because of the two gold medals, and she’s young and 21. This is her hometown so I know the fans will be cheering for her. Congratulations to her. But I just have to worry about fighting my fight and staying focused.


“I know she’s a come-forward fighter like me. Always go, идти, идти. I don’t know what she’ll bring. It’ll be a surprise. Everyone always has a plan and I have a plan, также. But I’m willing to change and improvise.


“I’ve been sparring with men mostly. It’s hard to find girls who can spar with me, especially in Hungary.”



“I’m ready to go. I’m ready to show that night [a draw against Alejandro Santiago] был случайностью. There are no distractions this time.


“I’m ready to show people that I’m a contender at this weight. I’m here to prove that I deserve to fight for a world title.”



“I’ve improved a lot working with Javan [Javan SugarHill Steward]. The sky’s the limit for me and I know I can be a legitimate contender in my division.


“There are going to be a lot of eyes on this fight so it’s important that I look good and get the victory. We’re both undefeated, and we’re both ranked, so there is a lot on the line in this fight.”



“I’m going to be the next world champion from Toledo. I’m a lefty and have power in both hands and I’m a pressure fighter.


“My right hook is my best punch and that’s rare for a lefty.


“I live 45 miles from here and I come here a lot so, да, it’s like a home fight for me.


“I know Ed Williams. He’s a nice little boxer, long and rangy. Вот и все.


“I’m going for the knockout and it may come early, or it may not. не важно что, I always put on a good show.”



“This is one of the fights that will determine whether I continue and move up, or I do something different. Это его. That’s what ShoBox has always been about for fighters like me.


“I took a break from boxing and got my college degree in industrial engineering. But I got the bug and came back. Things would have been much different if I would have stayed with it. I’m not doing anything with my degree yet, but will once I’m finished with boxing.


“I’m older but I don’t have many miles. I’m well-preserved. It’s going to be exciting and I’m looking forward to an exciting fight.”



“I’ve never lost to anyone from Chicago, и Пятница night will be no different.


“I’ve been around boxing forever and all the talking doesn’t bother me. I would expect nothing else. He’s coming into my backyard and should be confident. He’s coming in with an eight-fight winning streak. It don’t bother me. It just gives me the extra motivation to make sure no one comes into my backyard and beats me.”



“It’s not my first undefeated fighter I’ve fought so it’s no big deal. Я знаю, что я должен сделать,.

Конечно, we were going at it pretty good at the press conference. You can say it’s a Chicago-Detroit thing. Of course there’s a rivalry there.


“I’m fast, but people underestimate my power. My power is a bigger strength than my speed. It’s something not a lot of people expect of me.


“You will see fireworks from round one.”


Барри Томпкинс будем называть ShoBox действия с ринга с Стив Farhood и бывший чемпион мира Рауль Маркес выступающей в качестве эксперта аналитиков. Исполнительный продюсер Гордон Холл с Богатый Гоган производство и Рик Филлипс руководство.


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“I want my legacy to be that I’m the best female fighter to ever put on gloves.” – Claressa Shields


Shields Faces Szilvia Szabados Пятница на SHOWTIME® In First Women’s Boxing Main Event In Premium Television History


ВИДЕО: http://s.sho.com/2m3ZobR


Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa Shields opens up about how growing up in Flint, Мичиган., shaped her career, bringing equality to women’s boxing, and her growing legacy in this SHOWTIME Sports video feature: http://s.sho.com/2m3ZobR


Щиты (1-0) will face former world title challenger Szilvia Szabados (15-8, 6 КО) завтра/Пятница в главном событии ShoBox: Новое поколение in just her second fight since winning gold at the 2016 Олимпийские игры. The six-round middleweight bout, which will air live on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. И/PT), is the first women’s boxing event in premium television history.


Событие, labeled “Detroit City Gold,” is promoted by Salita Promotions from MGM Grand Detroit. В ShoBox Со-функция, top-10 ranked bantamweight contenders Antonio Nieves (17-0-2, 9 КО) and Nikolay Potapov (16-0-1, 8 КО) will put their undefeated records on the line in a 10-round bantamweight bout.


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Two-Time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa Shields Faces Szilvia Szabados In First Women’s Boxing Main Event On Premium Television

Пятница, Март 10 Жить на SHOWTIME® From MGM Grand Detroit


Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий; Кредит: Tom Казино / Showtime


Детройт (Март 8, 2017) – All eight fighters participating in “Detroit City Gold”, the ShoBox: Новое поколение headlined by two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa Shields, participated in a final press conference в среду перед Пятницы four-fight telecast from MGM Grand Detroit.


Щиты (1-0) will face former world title challenger Szilvia Szabados (15-8, 6 КО) in just her second fight since winning gold at the 2016 Olympics and in the first women’s boxing event in premium television history, жить на SHOWTIME в 10 p.m. И/PT.


«Детройт Город Золотой,” which takes place less than an hour from Shields’ hometown of Flint, Мичиган., is promoted by Salita Promotions. Щиты против. Szabados is a six-round middleweight bout.


В ShoBox Со-функция, top-10 ranked bantamweight contenders Antonio Nieves (17-0-2, 9 КО), Кливленда, and Russia’s Nikolay Potapov (16-0-1, 8 КО) will put their undefeated records on the line in a 10-round matchup for the NABO bantamweight belt.


In an eight-round televised bout, welterweight Wesley Tucker (13-0, 8 КО) Толедо, Огайо, faces Detroit’s Ed Williams (12-1-1, 4 КО) in a matchup between two former amateur standouts. В телевизионном нож, Detroit-based bantamweight prospect James Gordon Smith (11-0, 6 КО) will take on Chicago’s Joshua Greer, Младший. (11-1-1, 4 КО) в восемь-раундовом поединке.


Here’s what the fighters had to say в среду:


Claressa Shields:

“I started boxing at age 11 and all I really wanted was an opportunity. This is one of those big opportunities.


“Her having 124 professional rounds doesn’t mean anything to me. Her being 15-8 с 6 KOs doesn’t scare me either. But I am glad she took the fight and didn’t pull out.


“She’s a challenge and, на бумаге, she’s not supposed to be someone that I can just walk through. But I’ve been in training camp for three months and I had a great training camp.

I’m not going to let her beat me in front of my family. I’m not going to let her beat me in front of my nephews and cousins and my mom and dad. I just don’t roll like that.


“If she doesn’t have the talent and skill to go six rounds with me, she will not go six rounds. Так, I hope she had a very good training camp. Я знаю, что сделал.


“This is the first time that a woman has been the main event on SHOWTIME and I’m not coming to make women look bad when I get in there on Март 10."


Szilvia Szabados:

“I’m ready to fight. I’ve been waiting a long time for this fight. I feel good and I’m in great shape.


“I think everyone has a destiny in life and I’m glad I chose to be a boxer. This is a huge opportunity for me and I plan to take advantage of it.


“I know she has the amateur experience, but I have more experience as a pro. We’ll see what’s more important в пятницу."


Антонио Ньевес:

“I trained and did everything I have to do. Я готов к войне.


“Coming out of Cleveland, nobody gives us a chance. We have to fight for everything we get.


“I respect Potapov. Он хороший боец. He said he’s going to take my belt? He’s going to have to take it from me. Я здесь, чтобы сражаться. I’m not going to just give it up. Come try and take it.


“When I get in there Friday, это все дело. I respect him – I don’t have any problems with him as a person.


“I’ve fought a lot of Russians and Europeans. They’re straight-up, come forward, and try to put on a lot of pressure. They bring the fight and I’m ready for that. I’m ready for anything he brings to the table.


“Anything can happen in a fight, but I’m focused and ready and I know what I have to do. I’ll be able to adjust to whatever he brings.”


Николай Потапов:

“I will be a much more aggressive version of myself for this fight. I trained to be very aggressive. I have a lot of surprises in store for Antonio Nieves.


“I learned a lot training at Kronk and I’m very ready. I had a great training camp and I really enjoyed living here in Detroit.


“In Russia, there is a traditional Russian style. Over here, it’s totally different. The American style is much more aggressive. I loved training with Javan SugarHill Steward at Kronk and learned a lot.”


Уэсли Tucker:

“I come to fight every time and everybody knows when I fight, it’s fireworks.


“He may be from here, but Detroit is my home, слишком. And I’m planning on winning here at home.”


Эд Уильямс:

“I’m glad to be home. I had a great camp and it’s going to be a hell of a fight.


“Wesley Tucker is coming to fight, but I’m home. You don’t let nobody take you at home. Это оно.


“He may be in for a short night. Or a long one. Посмотрим."


Гордон Смит Джеймс:

“I’m knocking you out. I’m not here to play games. I’m coming straight for you. I bet you I knock you out.


“You can’t punch. What are you going to do?


“I’m coming to throw bombs, so I hope you trained for this because I’m going to knock that smile off your face. Your coach can’t fight for you.”


Джошуа Грир, Младший:

"Я готов. Вас нокаутируют. We didn’t come here to lose.


“This is a fight I’ve been waiting for. Мы готовы. Такой Как Пятница, I hope he’s ready, слишком."


Детройт, МОИ (Март 6) – With a potential world title shot on the near horizon for the winner, undefeated bantamweight contenders Антонио Ньевес и Николай Потапов both agree their NABO Bantamweight Championship вскрытие в эту пятницу is the most important of both their careers.
Defending champion Nieves (17-0-2, 9 КО) of Cleveland and Russia’s Potapov (16-0-1, 8 КО) will meet in the co-main event this Friday, Март 10, из Салита Акции’ history-making quadrupleheader of fights entitled Detroit City Goldна MGM Grand Detroit на ShoBox: Новое поколение жить на SHOWTIME (10 p.m. И/PT).
В главном событии ночи, two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa Shields (1-0) Флинта, Мичиган., will face Hungary’s SzilviaSunset” распутник (15-8, 6 КО) in a six-round battle for the Women’s NABF Middleweight Championship. Their fight will be the first women’s boxing main event to be featured on premium television in history.
In the eight-round televised bantamweight opener, Detroit-based bantamweight prospect Джеймс Смит (11-0, 6 КО) will take on Chicago’s Джошуа Грир, Младший. (11-1-1, 4 КО). In the other eight-round televised bout of the exciting quadrupleheader, полусреднем Уэсли Tucker (13-0, 8 КО) Толедо, Огайо, faces Detroit’s Эд Уильямс (12-1-1, 4 КО).
Билеты на “Detroit City Gold” по цене $250, $150, $100 и $50, и доступны на Ticketmaster.com, все места Ticketmaster или по телефону 800.745.3000.
Here’s what they both had to say:
Антонио Ньевес
Everything went well in training. Potapov is a solid fighter but I believe giving him some movement and coming in from the side is really going to help me get the victory in this fight. Я 100 процентов готов. I’ve been focused on one guy the entire camp and I’m ready to get in there and get the win.
We tried to get sparring partners that imitate him as much as possible, so when I get in there with him, there’s no surprises, but basically, I’m just going to stick to what I know.
A victory means a lot. We’re two undefeated fighters on the verge of a world title shot. A victory over this guy would put me to the stage of being in line to fight for a world title, so this win means a lot.
Николай Потапов
I had a great training camp in Detroit at Kronk gym with Javan SugarHill Steward. It’s been a great learning experience for me. Обучение, intensity, спарринг, living conditions have been superb.
This is the most important fight of my career. Antonio Nieves is a very skilled, high-level fighter. I am focused on making a statement on Март 10, and showing that I am one of the best bantamweights in the world.


Shields Headlines First Women’s Boxing Bout On Premium Television On Пятница, Март 10 Жить на SHOWTIME® From MGM Grand Detroit

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Фото кредит: Bob Ryder

Детройт, МОИ (Февраль 28) – Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa Shields (1-0) Флинта, Мичиган., and bantamweight contender Николай Потапов (16-0-1, 8 КО) Подольска, Россия, разработана для СМИ во вторник заранее их ShoBox: Новое поколение televised bouts for Salita Promotions’ “Detroit City Gold” на Пятница, Март 10, на MGM Grand Detroit, и жить на ВРЕМЯ ДЛЯ ШОУ (10 p.m. И/PT).

The first women’s boxing main event to be featured on premium television, Shields’ history making fight will be a six-round battle againstHungary’s Szilvia “Sunset” Szabados (15-8, 6 КО) для Women’s NABF Middleweight Championship.

В со-бой признакам, Потапов, currently training at the Kronk Gym, will challenge Cleveland’s Антонио Ньевес (17-0-2, 9 КО) in a 10-round fight for his NABO Bantamweight Championship.

In the eight-round televised bantamweight opener, Detroit-based bantamweight prospect Джеймс Смит (11-0, 6 КО) will take on Chicago’s Джошуа Грир, Младший. (11-1-1, 4 КО). In the other eight-round televised bout of the exciting quadrupleheader, полусреднем Уэсли Tucker (13-0, 8 КО) Толедо, Огайо, faces Detroit’s Эд Уильямс (12-1-1, 4 КО).

Tickets for “Detroit City Gold” are priced at $250, $150, $100 и $50, и доступны на Ticketmaster.com, все места Ticketmaster или по телефону 800.745.3000.

Ниже то, что бойцы должны были сказать,:

Claressa Shields:

“I made history in the amateurs, so it’s very special to me to be making history in the pros too and also doing it so close to home in Detroit.

“For this fight, I did more road work and also worked hard on my fundamentals. With my coach, Jason Crutchfield, in my corner he knows my weaknesses and strong points, so we are strengthening all weaknesses.

“I know that Szabados has a lot of body endurance and a ‘no quit’ mindset in the ring. She has a lot more professional experience than me and is a huge step up for me, as it is only my second professional fight.

“With my reputation and name steady rising and me getting a lot of notoriety, I have really just been handling it by taking a few deep breaths and just not allowing myself to get too excited. When I think about Март 10, I just wanna jump up and down!

“When I was an amateur, I followed women’s professional boxing the best I could. I thought a lot of women weren’t given equal opportunity. I told myself that for women’s boxing to grow, I’d have to go pro after winning the Olympics again. I felt in my heart that I would be respected and given a chance. I take advantage of every opportunity, so as of now, I feel women’s boxing is a sport that is going to be around for a long time.”

Николай Потапов:

“Nieves is good fighter, and he’s ranked in the top 10. I want to fight the best available in my division. A win over Nieves would be huge for my career and would hopefully lead to a shot at a title in the near future. I can’t lose on Март 10.

“I trained hard to go the distance of 10 раундов, but Kronk’s philosophy is not to leave it in the hands of the judges.

“I am thankful to Showtime and Salita Promotions for giving me another opportunity to fight on such a prestigious network. I am focused on bringing home the victory after spending time in Detroit training at the legendary Kronk Gym. "


Saul Rodriguez Wins By Split Decision and Andrew Tabiti
Scores TKO Victory As Both Remain Undefeated
Поймать Replay Понедельник, Февраль. 27, на 10 p.m. И/PT на ШО EXTREME®
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Кредит: Эстер Лин / Showtime
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Кредит: Идрис Эрба / Мэйвезер Акции
Temecula, Халиф. (Февраль. 24, 2017) – Justin “Выбранный” DeLoach scored a shocking upset over Крис “Молодой король” Пирсон in a second-round knockout victory в пятницу в главном событии ShoBox: Новое поколение on SHOWTIME in front of a sellout crowd from Pechanga курорт & Казино в Темекула.
DeLoach, (17-1, 9 КО), of Augusta, Джорджия. continued his impressive winning streak with his seventh straight victory as he claimed the vacant USBA super welterweight title with the win, knocking out Pearson (14-2, 10 КО, WSB 3-0, 1 KO) на 2:30 второго тура.
Пирсон, who trains in Las Vegas and fights out of Dayton, Огайо, was first knocked down after DeLoach threw a strong left hook that caught Pearson sideways and dropped him to the canvas with one minute to go in Round 2.
DeLoach didn’t let up, going after the hurting Pearson with a flurry of combinations sending him down again on a straight up right hand and leaving Pearson on his knees for the entire 10-second count.
I’m not surprised that it happened so quickly,” DeLoach said. “We had a strategy and we stuck to it. Hard work pays off and that was proof. I didn’t think I was an underdog, but I understand the whole thing of psychological warfare. I always go into the ring like I am on top no matter what.
The southpaw Pearson, who was appearing on ShoBox for third time, never got going and landed just one body punch in the short fight connecting on just nine percent of his total punches (four of 43) по сравнению с 32 percent for DeLoach (29 из 92).
Pearson seemed a step slower from the start and DeLoach came forward,” сказал ShoBox эксперт аналитик Стив Farhood, who later called the DeLoach win a shocker. “Вау. Even if you liked DeLoach to win this fight, you are surprised it happened this soon.
He later added: “I thought it was going to be a distance fight. Pearson never recovered from his loss to Eric Walker. DeLoach continues to surprise. This is his fourth consecutive major win and now I believe he’s a contender at 154 pounds-maybe one or two fights away from a world title fight.
The bout was originally scheduled for last September before Pearson was forced to withdraw due to an injury suffered in training.
I felt lackluster,” Pearson said. “He came out and he was explosive, he was busy. He didn’t do anything I didn’t expect. Things happened the way they did, and you gotta take the good with the bad. He hit me in the eye which got me a bit disoriented. He fought like I thought he would, he did what he had to do. His performance didn’t surprise me.
DeLoach was clearly overcome with emotion as he reflected on his huge victory. “Я прекрасно себя чувствую,” DeLoach said. “I am emotional right now. I come from a small city and my mom is here and she’s in tears. Seeing my mom and my family here, I am just proud.
В со-главном событии вечера, undefeated up-and-coming prospect Саул “Neno” Родригес (21-0-1, 15 КО) of nearby Riverside won a split decision treating the hometown fans to a close outcome against a tough and game Оскар “Машина” Хорошо (22-7, 10 КО) в 10-раундовом бою легкого.
Судья Carla Caiz scored it 95-94 для Родригеса; Tony Crebs 95-94 for Bravo and Jerry Cantu 97-92 in favor of the still undefeated Rodriguez, who had never been past eight rounds before Суббота ночь, and also was knocked down for the first time in his career in the fifth round.
I was pretty happy with my performance, but I know there are a few things I need to work on and really just stay focused,” Rodriguez said. “When you’re fighting a wild opponent like Bravo, it gets tough, he head-butted me a few times which affected my visual, but I didn’t let his wild style interrupt my plan.
I was definitely going for the KO throughout the night, but I was still boxing with him. I just gotta go back in the gym and continue developing as a fighter, I am just happy to bring the win home to my hometown and my home stable [Мэйвезер Акции].”
A straight right hand by Bravo dropped the 23-year-old Rodriguez for the first time in his career with 1:50 left in the fifth round giving Bravo a huge 10-8 круглый. In the sixth round Bravo, 29, was again impressive and was able to effectively get inside against Rodriguez and land several powerful combinations.
Переход в финальный раунд, the two were almost equal in number of punches thrown and number of punches connected. Rodriguez was a bit more active in the end, подключения на 33 процентов его ударов (174 из 522) по сравнению с 31 percent for Bravo (155 из 497).
В телепередаче нож, undefeated cruiserweight Другойв “Зверь” Табити (14-0, 12 КО) Чикаго, Жестокое., out-worked and out-classed the previously undefeated QuantisThe Grim Reaper” Могилы (11-1-2, 4 КО) Бомон, Техас, scoring a technical knockout after six rounds.
The 27-year-old Tabiti was simply too skilled and powerful for the out-manned 34-year-old Graves, who was fighting for just the second time in the past 27 месяцы.
Near the end of the fourth round Tabitifighting for the second time on ShoBoxunleashed a series of powerful combinations that all but ended the fight putting the visibly hurt Graves against the ropes before he was saved by the bell.
В шестом раунде, Tabiti hurt Graves again leaving him back-pedaling and finally sending him to the canvas for the first time in his professional career with a brutal body shot. Graves never made it out for the seventh round as he and his corner threw in the towel in between rounds. The referee, Ray Corona, signaled the end of the fight.
As soon as I got in the ring, I knew it was game over for him,” Табити сказал. “Figuring out his game plan was easy money. The only thing I feel I could have done better was get him out of the fight quicker. He was talking a lot before the fight, but I didn’t let that get in my head I just came out and did what I was supposed to do.
Graves connected on only three body punches on the night, по сравнению с 29 for Tabiti, который приземлился 43 процентов его общего объема ударов, по сравнению с только 11 percent for Graves, который был 159й истребитель потерять его непобедимую запись на ShoBox.
Tabiti is very fast,” Graves said. “I’ve been boxing for 19 years and I’ve never fought anyone as fast as him. У меня нет оправданий. It is okay. Tabiti was cocky before the fight and humble after. He just needs to keep working hard and perfect his skills.
Мероприятие способствовало Мэйвезер Акции и TGB Акции, and was witnessed by all-time great and Mayweather Promotions President Флойд Мэйвезер, who celebrated his 40й день рождения в пятницу and was interviewed by Farhood on the telecast before the Rodriguez-Bravo fight.
Пятницы three-fight telecast will re-air Понедельник, Февраль. 27 на 10 p.m. И/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND beginning Feb. 25.
Барри Томпкинс называется ShoBox действия с ринга с Farhood и экс-чемпионом мираРауль Маркес выступающей в качестве эксперта аналитиков. Исполнительный продюсер был Гордон Холл с Ричард Gaughan производство и Рик Филлипс руководство.
# # #
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FNU Combat Sports Show Featuring Ivan “Зверь” Baranchyk

Джон “Зверь” Baranchyk (15-0, 10 КО) joins the broadcast tonight to talk about his recent war on ShoBox with Abel Ramos (17-2-2, 12 КО). Baranchyk launched an incredible effort in the later rounds to hand Ramos his second professional loss and establish himself as a spirited, tough-as-nails brawler. Some experts claimed the fight was one of the most entertaining bouts in the 17-year history of the ShoBox series. Том, Tony and Rich discuss the fight, other highlights of Ivan’s career, and get Baranchyk to explain how his early start in Jiu Jitsu eventually led him to the Sweet Science. The 24-year-old is already solidifying his legend, which explains why he points to “Железо” Mike Tyson as one of his role models in the sport of boxing.


Том, Tony and Rich also discuss the latest Mayweather/MacGregor news, an odd suspension of an MMA fighter for going after his opponent’s corner man, the calling off of Chris Brown vs. Soulja Boy, and Roy Jones Jr. re-establishing his goal of fighting Anderson Silva in a boxing match (he now wants it to be on the Mayweather/MacGregor undercard).


We also recap last week’s combat sports events and preview Bellator 173 and this week’s upcoming boxing matches.

Первая часть: Interview starts around 30 minutes in


Часть вторая:




Завтра/Пятница from Pechanga Resort & Казино в Темекула, Халиф.

Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий из Эстер Лин / Showtime

Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий с Идрисом Эрба / Мэйвезер Акции

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Temecula (Февраль. 23, 2017) – Top super welterweight prospects Chris “Young King” Pearson и Justin “The Chosen One” DeLoach взвешенный в четверг на их главное событие из 10 раундов завтра/Пятница, Февраль 24 на ShoBox: Новое поколение жить на ВРЕМЯ ДЛЯ ШОУ® (10 p.m. И/PT, задержка на западном побережье) от Pechanga Казино & Курорт в Темекула.


Пирсон, (14-1, 10 КО, WSB 3-0, 1 KO), who trains in Las Vegas and fights out of Dayton, Огайо, bounced back from his first defeat with a dominant decision victory over Joshua Okine last April and is stepping up in class and opposition, while the aggressive-minded DeLoach, (16-1, 8 КО), of Augusta, Джорджия. has won six in a row, including three unbeaten fighters in his last three outings.


В телепередаче нож, unbeaten cruiserweights Андрей Табити (13-0, 11 КО) и для своих (11-0-2, 4 КО) will clash in a 10-round bout and undefeated up-and-coming prospect Саул Родригес (20-0-1, 15 КО) will take on Chile’s Oscar Bravo (22-6, 10 КО) в 10-раундовом бою легкого.


Мероприятие продвигается Мэйвезер Акции и TGB Акции.


Билеты на турнире, который способствует Мэйуэзер Акции и TGB Акции, по цене $99.50, $69.50 и $49.50 и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Интернете по адресу www.ticketmaster.com или по телефону 1-800-745-3000.


Официальный весов


vacant USBA Super Welterweight Championship – 10 Туры

Chris Pearson – 152 ¾ фунтов

Justin DeLoach – 151 ¾ фунтов


Lightweight Bout – 10-Rounds

Saul Rodriguez – 133 ¾ фунтов

Oscar Bravo – 132 ¾ фунтов

NABF Cruiserweight Championship – 10-Туры

Andrew Tabiti – 196 ¼ фунта

Quantis Graves – 198 ¾ фунтов

Заключительные мысли

Крис Пирсон


On fighting Justin DeLoach…

“I have had my back against the wall before. I know how it feels. I perform at my best when I have my back against the wall. I know he’s a talented fighter and that he has power in both hands, but I also know that he looks shaky when he gets cracked. He’s an athletic guy, he’s fast and moves well, but I’m the more skillful fighter.


“DeLoach makes a lot of mistakes in the ring. I’m going to take advantage of that. He’s never been against a guy like me. He won’t pass through me. I’m simply the better fighter here.


“I have the better jab and I have the pedigree. I’m disciplined and patient. You’ll see завтра ночь, DeLoach is in for a surprise. The only way this kid beats me is if I’m going with the wrong strategy, but I know I won’t. As far as skill for skill, I know I’m at a different level.”


На сборах ...

“I’ve been in camp since April last year—almost a year. I’m not concerned in the very least about making weight. I woke up this morning at 152 фунты. I learned from my mistakes. Every fight that I’ve looked mediocre it’s been because I kill myself making the weight.”

On his loss against Eric Walker…

“I struggled to make weight for my fight against Walker. Я должен был потерять 20 фунты в 10 дней. I waited until the last minute to make weight and I paid the price. У меня не было ноги. I had him in the position I wanted him, but I had no energy to close the deal. I couldn’t deliver. I lost that fight on the scale. I learned my lesson. It won’t happen again.”

На завтра night’s matchup…

“I don’t think it’s going to be a boxing match for long. Once one of us gets comfortable with the range and believe we have the advantage, we are going to start opening up more. If he comes up a little hotter, I believe my skills are going to dictate the pace and make adjustments as we go. Boxing is the sweet science but is not rocket science. You get in there and you find the advantage. You do what you have to do, adjust and get the win.”

Джастин DeLoach

On working with his new trainer, Lucius Robinson…

“I had some differences with my previous trainer [Пол Уильямс]. I wanted more of the mental side of training, not only the physical. We just had different philosophies so I decided to change trainers.


“I’m training with Lucius Robinson now and it’s a big change—psychologically and philosophically. I’m really breaking down what I’m doing in the ring. I’m not just going in there to fight. As a young fighter you get in the ring and you just fight, but you have to do more than that. I’m learning how to use my head in the ring. When I’m hitting you, I know why I’m hitting you, where I’m hitting you. I know what I’m going to do.


“Learning the mental side of my sport really took me to another level. Anybody can get in there and get knocked out—that’s why I had my first loss—but who can really go in there and do what Floyd does? Break an opponent down in the later rounds. Master the sweet science. That’s the biggest change I had in my career, to learn the mental side of the sport.”


On his last three fights…

“I fought three undefeated prospect last year and I beat them. Я боролся Младший Кастильо кто имеет власть в обеих руках. I went in there, I did my thing and I outclassed him. I got the knockout over Диллон Кук а потом Доминик Долтон, who is a respectable opponent. I had a heck of a year.”

On his fight against Dominique Dolton…

“It was something that came together last minute. I was supposed to fight Chris Pearson but he got injured. I really appreciate the opportunity of fighting Dolton because a lot of up-and-comers don’t have the opportunity to fight a guy like that. Dolton was like a championship fight for me. He taught me a lot and took me to a whole different level. He was a replacement opponent, and my God, he’s a hell of a fighter.”


On his KO over Dillon Cook on ShoBox…

“It’s funny. I’m more of a boxer than a puncher. I don’t look for the knockout. Я люблю боксировать. I think of myself as a boxer-puncher. I feel my opponents don’t usually know how much power I have. They underestimate me and I’m OK with that. My power catches them off balance.”

On fighting a southpaw…

“When you fight a southpaw, there are only two people you can study: Флойд Мэйвезер и Рой Джонс-младший. If you watch tape on them you can learn a lot. It can help you develop your skills. I did my homework. I know exactly what I’m going to do завтра."


On making weight…

“I never had a problem making weight. My body feels good. When I was with Ронни Шилдс at the beginning of my career, I learned that if I take care of my weight early on, you can concentrate on training for the fight. Так, это то, чем я занимаюсь. I make weight early and then I train hand to fight my opponent.”


Саул Родригес


На завтра fight against Oscar Bravo…

“I want to look good. If I focus on dictating the pace for this fight, the knockout will come. My punches will keep on coming and I eventually will get some damage done. I’ll drop him and then, I’ll stop him.


“I always look for the knockout. It’s just more satisfying for me. I like KOs, but I’ll be patient. I feel that Bravo is tailor-made for me. Он никогда не был остановлен. So I want to stop him. Не поймите меня неправильно, I won’t be reckless. But if he’s there for me to punch, I’ll punch him and I’ll go for the knockout.”


On changing promoters…

“Top Rank wanted to sign me again, but it was my decision to leave. I felt I was not treated well. I felt that I wasn’t getting the opportunities I deserved. So I decided to sign with Floyd, and here I am, fighting on SHOWTIME. It was a good move.”


On sparring with Mikey Garcia…

“I’ve sparred with Mikey Garcia for years. He got me ready for almost every professional fight I’ve had. I would say we’ve sparred over 100 раундов. Я так много узнал от него. I think that having him as a sparring partner it’s been a difference maker for me. It’s made me a better fighter.”

On what’s next…

“I’m going to get a title at 130 first and then I’ll move up in weight. I’d like to fight Мигель Берчельт—the guy that just beat Vargas. Gervonta Дэвис is at that weight too. I’ll meet him down the road. I’m more interested in unifying. I want to get the WBC title and then I want to go for the IBF.”


Oscar Bravo

На сборах ...

“I’ve been training in Floyd’s gym in Vegas. We were in training camp for a while. Я думаю 135 is my best weight to fight at.”


По его противника, Saul Rodriguez…

"Он хороший боец. He’s a young fighter and hasn’t been in the gym with the experienced fighters like I have. He throws wild punches. Если он делает это, I will make him pay.”


On what’s next…

“I want to be a world champion someday. I’ve never had this much time to prepare for a fight, so you’re going to see a different fighter this time. I’m confident and feel like this fight is going to change my life.


“My dream was to become Chilean champion and I did. I always took last minute fights with two weeks’ notice and went the distance.”


Андрей Табити


On his performance against Keith Tapia…

“I kept my composure. I thought I was sharp. A lot of people didn’t think I was going to beat Tapia, но я сделал. Styles make fights and we were matched perfectly. Since Tapia, I’m much better. He was high energy and moved a lot. He threw me off of my style at first, but I adjusted.”


По его противника, Quantis Graves…

“I watched some tape on him. He’s flat-footed and stays stationary. I know what he has to offer. I can adjust well. I got a good jab, a great body punch.”


On what’s next…

“I’d love a world title shot, but I’m going to stay patient. I’m still at Floyd’s gym and working hard. I want to be a heavyweight someday. I’d like to stay more active and fight more.


“If things go well, I’d like a title shot later this year. There are not a lot of American boxers in my weight class. I’d like to fight Шуменов Бакбо. That’s who I want.


“I’d like to move to heavyweight later in my career.”


для своих


On his matchup завтра night…

“I plan on beating Andrew Tabiti завтра ночь. I’ve prepared for this. We’ve done everything. I’ve been prepared for this fight mentally. I’ve never been 100 percent for a fight, except for this one.


“I’m not worrying about Tabiti. Tabiti is worried about me. He has the title to lose. That’s how I feel about it. I’ve seen his YouTube videos, and I’ve seen the mistakes he’s made. And I’m going to capitalize on those mistakes.


“I’m not just fighting Tabiti, I’m fighting TMT. I’m fighting Floyd. I’m taking this fight very seriously.”


По его противника, Andrew Tabiti…

“Everybody can look good when you fight guys that can’t fight. His last opponent, [Кит] Tapia was good. But who else has he fought?


“I have everything to gain, nothing to lose. Я голоден. I’m not a pampered, spoiled guy. I have nobody buying me cars. I have a car note, a house note, two kids and another one on the way. Я голоден. I have everything to lose…I’m going to do what I have to do.”

On his pro career…

“I had a great amateur career. I had some stops and starts. I had issues when I didn’t get signed with a promoter coming out of the Olympic trials and that stalled my pro career a bit. My professional career started off slow. I’m not as active as I would have liked to be but I’m a young 34. I’ve never taken a beating. I fought five times and 2014, and twice in 2015 and last year, no fights. I live a clean life and don’t drink or don’t smoke. I just train. Every day.”


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О ShoBox: Новое поколение
С момента своего создания в июле 2001, критиками SHOWTIME бокс серии, ShoBox: Новое поколение имеет признаки молодой талант соответствует жестким. The ShoBox философия по телевидению захватывающим, толпы приятно и матчах, обеспечивая полигоном для желающих перспективы решимости бороться за титул чемпиона мира. Некоторые из растущего списка 67 боевиков, которые появились на ShoBox и передовые собрать мировых титулов включает: Андре Уорд, Deontay Уайлдер, Эрисланди Лара, Шон Портер, Гэри Расселл-младший, Ламонт Питерсон, Гильермо Ригондо, Омар Фигероа, Нонито Донэр, Девон Александр, Карл Фроч, Роберт Герреро, Тимоти Брэдли, Джесси Варгас, Хуан Мануэль Лопес, Чэд Доусон, Поли Малиньяджи, Рикки Хаттон, Келли Павлик, Пол Уильямс и более.


Undefeated Prospect Saul Rodriguez Faces Chile’s Oscar Bravo
Эндрю Табити против. Quantis Graves in Telecast Opener
Жить на SHOWTIME в 10 p.m. И/PT
from Pechanga Resort & Казино в Темекула, Халиф.
Билеты по-прежнему доступны
Temecula (Февраль. 20, 2017) – Top super welterweight prospects Крис Пирсон и Джастин DeLoach meet in a 10-round showdown in the main event of ShoBox: Новое поколение в пятницу, Февраль 24 жить на SHOWTIME (10 p.m. И/PT, задержка на западном побережье) from Pechanga Resort & Казино в Темекула, Халиф.
Пирсон (14-1, 10 КО, WSB 3-0, 1 KO) and DeLoach (16-1, 8 КО) were scheduled to meet in the co-main event of Ishe Smith vs. Frank Galarza’s card in September 2016, but Pearson was forced to withdraw due to an injury suffered in training.
В телепередаче нож, unbeaten cruiserweights Андрей Табити (13-0, 11 КО) и для своих (11-0-2, 4 КО) will clash in a 10-round bout and undefeated up-and-coming prospect Саул Родригес (20-0-1, 15 КО) will take on Chile’s Oscar Bravo(22-6, 10 КО)в 10-раундовом бою легкого.
Мероприятие продвигается Мэйвезер Акции, which will celebrate the 40йbirthday of its President Флойд Мэйвезер with this exciting fight card.
This is my first fight since April and I’ve really taken this time to push myself as a fighter by gaining mental and physical strength,” Саид Пирсон. “I’m thankful to my team for putting this fight together. It’s going to be a great show for the fans and I’m happy that it’s is finally ready to happen.
I’ve been very patient and focused,” said DeLoach. “I’ve shown through my last six performances that I am a tough opponent. The only way that Pearson can beat me is if he stops me and I don’t see that happening at all.
Билеты на турнире, который способствует Мэйуэзер Акции и TGB Акции, по цене $99.50, $69.50 и $49.50 и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Интернете по адресу www.ticketmaster.com или по телефону 1-800-745-3000.
We couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate Floyd’s 40й birthday than with a great night of boxing featuring three exciting and competitive battles,” сказал Леонард Эллерб, Генеральный директор Мэйуэзер Акции. “We’re looking forward to watching our own Chris Pearson and Justin DeLoach go head-to-head to establish themselves in the loaded 154-pound division. We’re also excited about one of our newest rising stars, Саул Родригес, as he looks to keep his perfect record intact in front of his hometown fans. The show will open with exciting knockout artist Andrew Tabiti, who’s continuing to climb the ranks in the cruiserweight division. This is going to be a great night from start to finish.
ShoBox: Новое поколение is the perfect event to start our year of live boxing and sports at Pechanga Resort & Казино,” said Lee Torres, interim General Manager. “The franchise and Mayweather Promotions are known worldwide and we’re excited to host an action-packed night for boxing fans. This time next year, Pechanga fans can look forward to seeing boxing like this in the new 70,000 square foot event space as part of the resort’s ongoing $285 million expansion.
Пирсон, Дейтона, Огайо, которые борются с Лас-Вегасе, Невада., had an outstanding amateur career that saw him capture a National Championship in 2011. He bounced back from his first defeat with a dominant decision victory over Joshua Okine last April. The 26-year-old previously picked up victories over Janks Trotter, Steven Martinez and Said El Harrak.
The 23-year-old DeLoach is coming off a six-bout winning streak in which he delivered an impressive knockout over previously unbeaten Dillon Cook in his ShoBox дебют(ВИДЕО: Нажмите ВОТ смотреть). He followed that up by knocking down previously unbeaten Junior Castillo twice on his way to a unanimous decision victory in June 2016 and most recently scored a unanimous decision victory over previously unbeaten Domonique Dolton. The fighter from Augusta, Georgia turned pro in 2013 и выиграл свой первый 10 fights before suffering a defeat in early 2015.
Fighting out of Riverside, Калифорния., Rodriguez scored a first-round knockout in his professional debut in 2011 against William Fisher and has continued to dominate since. He first fell in love with the sport from watching the Fernando Vargas vs. Felix Trinidad fight at just five-years-old and began training at the Riverside Boxing Academy at age seven. The 23-year-old has stopped his opponents inside the distance in 10 из его последних 12 концы. He most recently earned a seventh-round knockout against his toughest opponent to date in Daulis Prescott.
The 28-year-old Bravo has fought professionally since 2008 and was undefeated in his first 13 Профессиональные бои. Fighting out of Santiago de Chile, Bravo is coming off a second-round stoppage of previously unbeaten Cesar Vergara in 2016. The veteran has shared the ring and gone the distance with top contenders Felix Verdejo and Mason Menard while fighting in six countries, including twice in the U.S.
The highly regarded 27-year-old Chicago native Tabiti, занимает Нет. 8 by the WBC and in the top 15 по версии WBO. В своем последнем старте, he defeated previously unbeaten Keith Tapia on SHOWTIME in May of 2016. До этого, he had won 11 из его 12 бои на расстоянии, including a second-round TKO over Tomas Lodi on Sept. 29, 2015. Табити, солидный любитель с послужным списком 32-6, стал профессионалом в июле 2013 с 10 stoppage victories in a row.
Born in New Orleans and fighting out of Beaumont, Техас, Graves returned to the ring in 2016 with a decision victory over Rayford Johnson. Graves turned pro in 2008 after serving as an Olympic alternate for the 2008 U.S. команда. The cruiserweight is unbeaten in his 13 pro starts and he will be fighting in California for the first time on February 24.
Барри Томпкинс будем называть ShoBox действия с ринга с Стив Farhood и бывший чемпион мира Рауль Маркес выступающей в качестве эксперта аналитиков. Исполнительный продюсер Гордон Холл с Богатый Гоган производство и Рик Филлипс руководство.
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