Tag Archives: ShoBox

Claressa Shields Citations d'entraînement médiatique & Photos

Le champion du monde unifié des super-moyens défendra ses titres contre le challenger invaincu Tori Nelson Vendredi, Jan. 12, dans l'événement principal sur Showtime

Cliquez ICI pour Photos de Terrell Groggins / Salita Promotions

DETROIT (Décembre. 13, 2017) – Claressa Shields, championne du monde unifiée des super-moyens féminins, a rencontré des membres des médias locaux et a participé à un entraînement ouvert au public mardi au Kronk Gym, exactement un mois avant de défendre ses titres WBC et IBF de 168 livres contre le challenger obligatoire IBF invaincu Tori Nelson le Vendredi, Jan. 12 en direct sur Showtime.


Un double médaillé d'or olympique, Shields (4-0, 2 KOs) affrontera son deuxième adversaire consécutif invaincu dans l'événement principal de ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération vivre à 10 p.m. ET/PT du Turning Stone Resort Casino à Vérone, N. Y..


Les billets pour l'événement, qui est promu par Salita Promotions, sont actuellement en vente pour $75 pour les deux premières rangées de premières loges, $65 pour rester premières loges et tous les autres prix à $49 et $37, plus les frais applicables. Les billets peuvent être achetés en personne ou en appelant le Box Turning Stone Resort Bureau à 800.771.7711 ou en ligne à Ticketmaster.


Voici ce que le natif de Flint de 22 ans, Michigan, avait à dire mardi:


Claressa SHIELDS

"Je suis calme - concentré - mais toujours affamé comme un challenger avec la confiance supplémentaire d'être un champion du monde. J'ai pris du temps après ma dernière victoire, mais j'ai hâte de m'occuper à nouveau dans 2018.


"Ce camp d'entraînement, j'ai fait huit semaines au lieu de six. Beaucoup de camps ont été extrêmement difficiles. Mais je suis tellement concentré et déterminé sur 2018 et bien commencer et rester occupé. Je m'attends à ce que mon adversaire exerce une pression, et d'utiliser des tactiques sales. Elle a plus d'expérience, mais pas tant que ça quand vous parlez de son expérience amateur


« Il ne fait aucun doute que je vais commencer 2018 avec une victoire. Alors je le prends juste un combat à la fois. En ce moment, mon objectif est Nelson.


"Je suis ravi d'être sur SHOWTIME comme premier combat de l'année, et juste pour être de retour dans le ring. J'ai l'impression d'être le visage de la boxe féminine depuis quelques temps déjà. Je ne me sens pas comme une pression - je travaille juste très dur dans la salle de gym.


"Dans 2018 Je m'attends à de grands combats contre les meilleurs prétendants. Je m'attends à refaire l'histoire sur SHOWTIME et j'ai également hâte de passer à 160 se battre contre [Christina] Marteau mi-2018. 12 janvier sera le début de grandes choses à venir


« S'entraîner pendant les vacances, c'est bien. La différence entre les amateurs et maintenant, c'est que j'étais toujours dans d'autres pays en compétition. Maintenant, je suis à la maison avec ma famille qui se prépare et je me sens bien.


"Le match contre moi se jouera avec les premiers tours de moi en utilisant mon jab. Puis j'ajouterai les combinaisons au fur et à mesure du combat. Je vois que c'est compétitif quand même. je vais gagner la victoire. Je crois que je peux la mettre KO au sixième, septième tour « .


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Pour plus d'informations, visitez www.sho.com/sports suivre sur Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, ou devenez fan sur Facebook à www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.



Jesse Hernandez fait le retour de ShoBox contre Ernesto Garza dans un co-métrage

Vendredi, Jan. 12 En direct sur Showtime® à 10 p.m. ET/PT

Du Turning Stone Resort Casino à Vérone, N. Y..

NEW YORK (Décembre. 12, 2017) – Le perforateur ouzbek Shohjahon Ergashev affrontera le test le plus difficile de sa carrière avec son compatriote invaincu et classé parmi les 10 premiers, Sonny Fredrickson lors de l'ouverture de la télédiffusion de ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération sur Vendredi, Jan. 12 en direct sur Showtime (10 p.m. ET/PT) de Turning Stone Resort Casino à Verona, N. Y..

Dans le co-métrage du triple titre présenté par le championnat du monde féminin des super-moyens Claressa Shields-Tori Nelson en 10 rondes, Jesse Hernandez (10-1, 7 KOs) affrontera l'ancien médaillé d'or national des Gants d'or Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 KOs; 1-3 WSB) dans un combat des super poids coq 10 rondes entre deux combattants tout-action.

Ergashev (11-0, 11 KOs), qui a enregistré un KO dans chacun de ses premiers 11 combats professionnels, et Fredrickson (18-0, 12 KOs) de Tolède, Ohio, disputera un combat super léger de huit rounds.

"Cette carte est un excellent moyen de donner le ton aux combats compétitifs dans le 2018", a déclaré le promoteur Dmitriy Salita. "Ce sont deux combats de pick'em avec les gagnants ayant une chance légitime de prétendre au titre mondial dans un proche avenir. Egrashev a le pouvoir, compétences et ambition d'être un ajout passionnant à la division des poids welters juniors déjà bien remplie, mais il fait face à son test le plus difficile à Sonny Fredrickson. Jessy Hernandez vient de remporter des victoires impressionnantes sur deux combattants invaincus et il revient contre un challenger très durable avec une solide expérience professionnelle et un solide pedigree de boxe amateur. Je suis ravi et reconnaissant à SHOWTIME d'avoir pu organiser ces combats fantastiques en tant que premier spectacle de l'année.

Les billets pour l'événement, qui est promu par Salita Promotions, sont actuellement en vente pour $75 pour les deux premières rangées de premières loges, $65 pour rester premières loges et tous les autres prix à $49 et $37, plus les frais applicables. Les billets peuvent être achetés en personne ou en appelant le Box Turning Stone Resort Bureau à 800.771.7711 ou en ligne à Ticketmaster.

Ergashev, 26 ans, est pro depuis un peu plus d'un an et est un ancien membre de l'équipe nationale ouzbèke depuis six ans où il a remporté 202 de son 216 combats amateurs. Un amateur décoré, Ergashev remporte une victoire sur Shakhram Giyasov d'Ouzbékistan, médaillé d'argent dans la division des poids welters au 2016 Jeux Olympiques de Rio.

Ergashev a enregistré un TKO contre Marquis Hawthorne au Nassau Coliseum à Uniondale, N. Y., dans son dernier combat – et le premier aux États-Unis – le Novembre. 11. Il s'entraîne maintenant à Détroit avec Javan "Sugar" Hill Steward et Rick Phillips au célèbre Kronk Gym de Détroit..

"Je sais que Sonny est un, combattant très vanté,Ergachev a dit. « J'ai hâte de poursuivre ma séquence à élimination directe et d'obtenir mon 12e KO sur Janvier 12. Je suis ravi de me battre sur SHOWTIME et de montrer au monde ce que j'apporte sur le ring.

Le Fredrickson, 23 ans, est actuellement classé Non. 9 par l'Association mondiale de boxe. Un amateur actif qui avait 130 combats amateurs avec plus de 120 victoires, Fredrickson s'est rendu à Medellin, Colombie, dans son dernier combat pour affronter l'invaincu Placido Ramirez dans le cadre de la convention annuelle de la WBA et avait l'air impressionnant lors d'un KO au troisième tour.

Fredrickson a concouru aux États-Unis. Championnats nationaux amateurs et Gants d'or nationaux et a été un pro actif avec cinq combats en 2015, quatre en 2016 et trois en 2017. Il est représenté par Roc Nation Sports et entraîné par Lamar Wright.

« Si vous regardez les anciens adversaires d'Ergashev, il n'a combattu contre personne d'aussi talentueux, donc je suis confiant que je vais l'arrêter dans son élan," a déclaré Fredrickson. "Je suis sûr qu'il essaiera de sortir fort au début du combat, mais j'ai l'intention de le briser.

« Beaucoup de stars de la boxe ont eu leur première pause sur SHOWTIME, donc se battre sur ce réseau est énorme pour moi. Je suis prêt à capitaliser sur cette opportunité et à montrer mes compétences sur l'une des plus grandes plateformes de boxe. Mon objectif est de réaliser une excellente performance à Turning Stone et d'obtenir la victoire. »

Hernandez vient de remporter deux victoires consécutives sur un invaincu, les 15 meilleurs combattants classés – une décision unanime sur Glenn Dezurn sur Novembre. 11, et TKO de cinquième ronde de Vladimir Tikhonov dans son ShoBox ses débuts sur Août. 4. Hernandez, 27 ans, le plus jeune de 15 enfants, était 67-6 en tant qu'amateur et a pris cinq ans de congé de la boxe entre 2009 et 2014 travailler dans la construction dans sa ville natale de Fort Worth, Texas.

« Ça va être un combat difficile, but I am putting in the work and feel like I will definitely come out on top,»Dit Hernandez, who has six brothers that have boxed professionally. “It will be action-packed and a must-watch fight. I feel like my aggressive style is meant for TV. I will fight whoever is put in front of me to prove my worth. Dominance in the 122-pound weight division is my ultimate goal.”

Garza, of Saginaw, Michigan, était le 2008 National Golden Gloves Gold Medalist and a 2009 U.S.. National Championships Bronze Medalist. The 29-year-old is fighting on ShoBox for the second time having suffered a third-round knockout against Jon Fernandez on Février. 10, à Miami, Okla. Garza has won his last two fights since the defeat, both coming in Michigan.

“I’ve been training hard for this fight, et j'ai hâte de monter sur le ring pour montrer au monde mon talent," a déclaré Garza. "Je sais que je vais sortir vainqueur et ramener cette victoire pour ma ville natale. Je suis extrêmement béni et reconnaissant pour cette opportunité. Je ne peux pas le laisser filer.

Dans l'événement principal, La championne du monde unifiée des super-moyens féminins, Shields, défendra ses titres de 168 livres contre le challenger obligatoire invaincu de l'IBF Nelson. Un double médaillé d'or olympique, Shields (4-0, 2 KOs) affrontera son deuxième adversaire consécutif invaincu dans l'événement principal le ShoBox.

Nelson (17-0-3, 2 KOs) a remporté un championnat du monde des poids moyens en 2011 et détient des victoires sur Alicia Napoleon et Mia St, invaincues auparavant. Jean. Ashburn, 41 ans, Va., native cherche à remporter son deuxième titre mondial dans une confrontation avec l'étoile montante la plus rapide de la boxe féminine.

Ce sera le sixième ShoBox visite au Turning Stone Resort Casino, qui a accueilli sa première ShoBox diffusé pendant la 2013 Week-end du Temple de la renommée.

Barry Tompkins appeler le ShoBox action du ringside avec Steve Farhood et ancien champion du monde Raul Marquez servant analystes experts. Le producteur exécutif est Gordon Hall avec Rich Gaughan à la production et Rick Phillips à la direction.

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Pour plus d'informations, visitez www.sho.com/sports suivre sur Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, ou devenez fan sur Facebook à www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


Butaev Decisions Gonzales; Fa Hands Latham First Pro Loss;

Cleveland’s Conwell Outclasses Zapata

Catch The Replay Lundi, Novembre. 13 À 10 p.m. ET/PT sur Showtime EXTREME®

Cliquez ICI Pour télécharger des photos; Crédit Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME

CLEVELAND (Novembre. 11, 2017) – Two Cleveland boxers stole the show Vendredi night in the final ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération télédiffusion de 2017 survivre AFFICHER L'HEURE.

Once-beaten southpaw Yuandale Evans (20-1, 14 KOs) had Cleveland’s fight fans on their feet for the final two dramatic rounds as the East Cleveland boxer earned an exciting, all-action split decision victory over previously undefeated featherweight Luis Rosa (23-1, 11 KOs) dans le cas de 10 tour principal. Two judges scored the fight in favor of Evans – 96-94 et 97-93 – while the third judge had Rosa winning, 96-94, vendredi night at The Masonic at Templelive Cleveland.

It was a night that saw three previously undefeated fighters lose their unbeaten records. Rosa became the 171st fighter to lose his undefeated record in the 16-year history of ShoBox.

In the telecast’s first fight, heralded Cleveland boxer and 2016 U.S.. Olympian Charles Conwell made his television debut and improved to 6-0. But it was the Evans-Rosa fight that fans won’t soon forget.

What a way to end a great year of boxing on SHOWTIME,», A déclaré ShoBox analyste Steve Farhood. “Rosa vs. Evans was one of the best main events we have had in the 16 years of the ShoBox série. These were two fighters that understood what was at stake. They both did what they came here to do. À la fin, it was all up to the judges. I thought they got it right. It was a split decision. Great action fight between two very well-conditioned fighters.”

The Evans-Rosa war included 611 total connected punches and 512 landed power shots were exchanged. There were multiples shifts of momentum throughout the fight as Rosa commanded the early rounds with volume and power while Evans rallied in the middle rounds.


“I’m tired but I’m feeling great,” Evans said. “My performance was great. I’ve never felt myself pushed that hard. He’s a tough Puerto Rican. He’s a very tough fighter. The crowd really propelled me to victory tonight, and I’m grateful for that.”


Rosa led 268-267 in total connected punches entering the final round, but Evans summoned a huge rally in the 10th (49 de 103 à 27 de 88 for Rosa) to seize a 316-295 overall lead to earn the split-decision victory.


«Je pensais avoir gagné le combat, he won maybe three or four rounds,” a disappointed Rosa said after the fight. «J'ai gagné le combat 6-4, 7-3 at least. I won mostly all of the beginning rounds and I gave him a few after the first six. Four rounds is the most I give him, and that’s being nice. I feel like the judges were swayed by the hometown crowd.”


Evans is ready for his next challenge. “I want Gary Russell, Je voudrais [Carl] Frampton, Je voudrais [Lion] Santa Cruz,” said Evans, who had famed trained Barry Hunter in his corner. “I’m nothing but a contract killer. I’m a contract killer and I want one of those top five guys.”

En cas de co-principal, undefeated Russian standout Radjab Butaev (8-0, 6 KOs; WSB: 9-1) earned a hard-fought unanimous decision over Colombia’s previously unbeaten Janer Gonzalez (18-1-1, 15 KOs) dans un match welters huit rondes. The three judges scored the fight, 80-72, 79-73, 77-75, in favor of Butaev.

It was a technically sound fight between two accomplished former amateur standouts. Butaïev, who dominated from the early rounds, connecté sur 41 pour cent de ses coups de puissance (66 de 162) par rapport à 27 percent for Gonzalez (47 ou 173).

“I felt like I controlled the whole fight, but he was more durable than I expected,” said Butaev through a translator. “Gonzalez landed good shots but he couldn’t finish me.”

Farhood said Butaev failed to make some key adjustments during the fight. “[Butaïev] didn’t have his trainer here,"Il a dit. “Perhaps that is why he failed to make adjustments. He still has a promising future, but this was not his best performance.”

Gonzalez was coached in his corner by noted trainer Ruben Guerrero. “I injured my shoulder in the third round but I stayed in the fight and pushed the fight,», A déclaré Gonzalez, “When I injured my shoulder, I couldn’t throw my left jab as well, I couldn’t work the jab. If I hadn’t been injured, I would’ve broken him down more in the later rounds.

Dans le deuxième combat de l'émission de télévision quatre combat, a matchup of undefeated heavyweights, 28-ans Junior Fa (13-0, 8 KOs) knocked out Pittsburgh’s Freddy Latham (9-1-2, 5 KOs), handing him the first defeat of his pro career just 67 secondes dans la lutte. C'était le 169e time a fighter has lost his undefeated record on the ShoBox série.

New Zealand’s Fa sent the former Golden Gloves champion Latham back-pedaling from the opening bell with a barrage of punches as referee Clifford Pinkney jumped in between the fighters. Latham, qui n'avait jamais été arrêté, struggled to keep standing as he leaned against the ropes. Cliquez ICI to watch video of the stoppage.

I was actually going to keep on going, continue fighting but then he dropped. He was out of it. The ref pulled me back,” said Fa, who earned a first-round knockout for the sixth time of his career.

Fa landed 59 pour cent de ses coups en puissance (17 de 29) while Latham managed to land just one of four power punches.

Farhood was impressed by Fa’s dominating performance. “Every time a heavyweight shows power, you have to pay attention,"Il a dit. “I’m sure we’ll see more of him in 2018.”

I’m hoping for a chance to get in to the top 15,” said Fa, who beat WBO Heavyweight Champion Joseph Parker twice in the amateurs. “This fight gave me more confidence in my ability and power, and I think confidence is a great thing.

Dans l'ouvreur télédiffusé, 2016 U.S.. Olympian and local favorite Charles Conwell (6-0, 5 KOs) –buoyed by a huge third round where he scored two knockdowns and another in the fifth – went the six-round distance for the first time in his young career finishing off a game Roque “Rocky” Zapata (4-2-3) with an impressive unanimous decision victory scored 60-51 deux fois et 60-53.

The super welterweight contest was dominated by Cleveland’s 20-year old Conwell, who used effective body shots to do the most of the damage as he accounted for 80 de son 175 total connects and 75 de son 150 coups de puissance.

Conwell caught the former MMA fighter Zapata in the third round with a strong right cross. It was the first time Zapata, who came into the fight with a three-bout winning streak, had ever hit the floor in his career. Cliquez ICI to watch video of KOs in round 3.


“My game plan was to throw some jabs and go to the body, and I think I accomplished that. My jab was key tonight. I ended up dropping him three times,»Dit Conwell, who averaged 77 coups par round, but gave himself just a B-minus. “I would love to keep fighting on television. I want to showcase my skills.”


A left hook by Conwell in the latter stages of the third round dropped Zapata for the second time. Zapata hit the canvas once again in the fifth after a devastating left hook to the body followed by a left hook to the chin. The Culpepper, Volonté. native stood up at the nine-count and finished the stanza.


Zapata was impressed by his opponent’s talent. “I survived, so I’m happy,"Il a dit. “I went the distance with an Olympian and that was the plan. I should’ve done better and cut my angles more instead of standing right in front of him, but I’m proud I went the full distance.


Vendredi de quadrupleheader will replay on Lundi, Novembre. 13 à 10 p.m. ET/PT sur SHOWTIME EXTREME et sera disponible sur SHOWTIME sur DEMAND® et SHOWTIME EN TOUT TEMPS®.


The fights were promoted by DiBella Entertainment.


Barry Tompkins called the ShoBox action from ringside with Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Le producteur exécutif était Gordon Hall avec Rich Gaughan à la production et Rick Phillips à la direction.


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Pour plus d'informations, visitez www.sho.com/sports suivre sur Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, ou devenez fan sur Facebook à www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


En direct sur Showtime® à 10 p.m. ET/PT from The Masonic at Templelive Cleveland

“I think I can be three or four fights away for the chance à a world heavyweight title.”

– Junior Fa, Undefeated Heavyweight Prospect

Cliquez ICI Pour télécharger Pesée Photos; Crédit Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME

CLEVELAND (Novembre. 9, 2017) – SHOWTIME Boxing fans will get their first look at eight promising prospects with a combined record of 97-2 – including two undefeated up-and-coming heavyweights and a 2016 Super Welterweight Olympian – as ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération a lieu ce Vendredi, Novembre 10 en direct sur Showtime (10 p.m. ET/PT) from The Masonic at Templelive Cleveland.

Featherweight prospects Luis Rosa Jr. (23-0, 11 KOs) and local favorite Yuandale Evans (19-1, 14 KOs) will square off in a 10-round main event as all eight fighters made their respective weights jeudi. Le ShoBoxquadrupleheader features undefeated Russian standout Radjab Butaev (7-0, 6 KOs; WSB: 9-1) prenant la Colombie Janer Gonzalez (18-0-1, 15 KOs) dans un match welters huit rondes, and New Zealand’s undefeatedJunior Fa (12-0, 7 KOs) facing former Golden Gloves champion Freddy Latham (9-0-2, 5 KOs) in an eight-round heavyweight bout. Dans l'ouvreur télédiffusé, 2016 Olympien Charles Conwell (5-0, 5 KOs) va prendre Roque “Rocky” Zapata (4-1-3), who is coming off a three-bout winning streak.

Tickets for the DiBella Entertainment event are still available for purchase via the following link ICI.


Luis Rosa Jr. vs. Yuandale Evans – 10-round Featherweight Bout

Rosa Jr.: 125 Livres

Evans: 125 ½ livres

Arbitre: Shawn Clark (P.A.); Les juges: Patrick Casey (P.A.), Larry Hazard Jr. (N.J.), Phil Rogers (Ohio)

Radzhab Butaev vs. Janer Gonzalez – Eight-round Welterweight Bout

Butaïev: 146 Livres

Gonzalez: 147 Livres

Arbitre: George Nichols (C.A.); Les juges: Brian Kennedy (Ohio), Patrick Casey (P.A.), Larry Hazard Jr. (N.J.)

Junior Fa vs. Freddy Latham – Eight-round Heavyweight Bout

Fa: 262 Livres

Latham: 261 Livres

Arbitre: Clifford Pinkney (Ohio); Les juges: Brian Kennedy (Ohio), Phil Rogers (Ohio), Larry Hazard Jr. (N.J.)

Charles Conwell contre. Roque “Rocky” Zapata – Six-round Super Welterweight Bout

Conwell: 153 Livres

Roque Zapata: 155 Livres

Arbitre: George Nichols (Californie); Les juges: Patrick Casey (P.A.), Larry Hazard (N.J.), Phil Rogers (Ohio)



“There was a time in my career when I was one fight away from fighting for a world title at 122 livres, but I’m a natural featherweight. This fight is at 126 but I’ll fight at 126 ou 122. Wherever the opportunity is, Je vais le prendre.

“I’m going to show a lot of different things. I have more to show than just my boxing skills. Whatever I have to do to get the win, I will do it.

“My opponent is a southpaw, but he’s not the slickest southpaw I’ve seen. We’ve been training with a lot of southpaws. Fighting southpaws is not a big deal for me. I fought so many of them in the amateurs.

“I don’t think I’m going to have any problem with him. I know his left hook is his favorite punch so I’m going to try and take that away from him.

“I think putting together some timely combinations is going to be the key to this fight.

“After I beat [Jorge] Diaz and [Luis] Del Valle in 2015 my opposition dropped. I was knocking on the door but just never got the call. That’s why this fight is so big for me. I’m ready to showcase my skills on national TV. I’m ready for the next step on my career.”


“I know all the bigger names are at 126 so I’m going to stay right here. I’ve bounced around from 126 à 130. Lou DiBella, my promoter told me to stay ready and that’s what I did; Je suis prêt. "

“It took me awhile from me to come back after the loss to Javier Fortuna [en 2012]. But I’ve always stayed sharp and I’ve been in various camps. I’ve trained with guys like Lamont Peterson, Gervonta Davis et Rau'Shee Warren.

“I’ve been doing this since I was 10 ans, but I’m a lot wiser and smarter than in the past. I have knowledge and have been talking to a lot of managers and champions. I’m like an Einstein now. I’m a lot sharper, and craftier. And I have defense now.

“This fight will show the boxing world that I belong. I can be in the top five. This fight means a lot for me and the people of Cleveland.

“I’ve been working with [famed trainer] Barry Hunter for this fight and he’s taught me so much. My opponent has been spoiled and has never had to travel into enemy territory. Until now.

I’ve been a road warrior my entire career. I know the crowd can win the fight for me. Just the energy and hearing them when I’m tired. It’s a big advantage for me to be fighting at home. I will have a lot of fans here and it’s going to be big. I still got guys’ texting me for ringside seats, but there’s none left.

“I want ShoBox to say, ‘We have to have this guy back. We have to go back to Cleveland.’ ”

"[Rosa] is my height. He’s going to be right in front of me. He’s going to come straight at me. He has to.”

“They call me ‘Money Shot’ and ‘Southpaw Machine’ and the ‘Black Mexican’ in the gyms here in Cleveland.”


“I’ve been training with Ruben Guerrero for the past couple of weeks, and I like training a lot better here in the United States. I felt like I was mistreated in the past back in Colombia.

“Fellow Colombian Oscar Escandon introduced me to Ruben and here we are. It’s the United States and everyone wants to be over here. The sparring and the training is just so much better here.

«Je suis 30 years old now and I have a family back home in Colombia to support. This is my shot. I will not fail them. I have Team Guerrero on my side so I’m ready.

“We all know skills pay the bills and I just have to do my job and not get too crazy in there and get the win.

"J'ai regardé Muhammad Ali et Sugar Ray Leonard when I was younger. I liked how smart and intelligent they fought.”


“I’ve been in the United States for a year now and really liked training at Wild Card Gym and Wild Card West in Southern California.

“I can punch as hard as [Gennady] Golovkin and can move better than [Vasyl] Lomachenko. I’m very confident and my experience is the reason for that.

«Je sparred avec Demetrius Andrade et Shawn Porter and I have held my own.

“The welterweight division is the best in boxing, everyone knows that. And I’ll fight anybody.

“It doesn’t matter that there’s no YouTube video on Gonzalez. He’s tough and competitive and a boxer who will come to fight.”


“When I beat Joseph Parker [in the amateurs twice] it was my movement and my footwork that was key. He’s such a big puncher I just kept moving because I didn’t want to stand right in front of that.

“I’m a multi-dimensional fighter and my strengths are my mobility.

"Deontay Wilder showed that he has plenty of power. He’s always there from the first bell… I like the guy, he’s got plenty of power and is very explosive.

“I like Anthony Joshua’s boxing brain. Il a le pouvoir, but it’s a different kind of power from Wilder. I like the way he sees his punches.

“For myself to be known, I’ll definitely have to fight in America. I don’t think I can make too much of a statement being back home in New Zealand.

“I think I can be three to four fights away for the chance at a world heavyweight title. I have to be entertaining in this fight for the American people to get to know me.

“Boxing used to be the biggest thing in New Zealand, but then rugby blew up.

“I live 40 minutes from Joseph Parker but we’ve never sparred. It’s too competitive.”


“This is my first time on national TV so I’m excited and nervous.

“He’s taller, but I feel like I’m just as long as he is. I can put my head in his chest and go to war. If it’s going to be a dog fight I’ll get into his chest.

"Ouais, I’ve watched both the heavyweight world champs. I’d beat Joshua now. Wilder, I would have to get serious sparring in. I’d have to change everything I do in my life – the way I train and my lifestyle and everything. Deontay’s the man right now. Joshua burns out after six rounds and that’s why I’d beat Joshua now. I’m two years away from those guys. Demain night is my first step.

“Boxing’s coming back in Pittsburgh and we’ve got two or three other heavyweights there that are popular right now.”


“When you have a good crowd around you, you know it hypes you up.

“I was the youngest member of the 2016 Olympic team at age 18. It was cool being in high school and making the Olympic team.

“I’m very tenacious and determined, that’s why I’ve been successful so far in my young pro career.

“There’s no rush for me. People want to see me, sure. But there’s no reason to move fast at this point.

I think the competitiveness of boxing is what drives me. Sure the money and the fame are going to be great, but I just love everything about this sport.”


“I haven’t surprised myself when I’ve beaten undefeated fighters.

“I’m an awkward fighter, in a good way. My angles I learned when I was fighting in MMA.

“The risk and the reward wasn’t worth it [to continue] en MMA. I was making a couple hundred bucks and getting elbows to the face. It just wasn’t worth it.

“Conwell is good and aggressive and I’ve seen him on YouTube. He comes forward and he looks to put you down.

“I just feel so much more comfortable in a boxing ring. I was good at takedowns.

"Conor McGregor est allé 10 tours avec Floyd [Mayweather] and he got paid, so good for him. I’m one of the few guys who have been able to do both MMA and box professionally.”

# # #

Barry Tompkins appeler le ShoBox action du ringside avec Steve Farhood et ancien champion du monde Raul Marquez servant analystes experts. Le producteur exécutif est Gordon Hall avec Richard Gaughan produisant et Rick Phillips diriger.

Pour plus d'informations, visitez www.sho.com/sports suivre sur Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, ou devenez fan sur Facebook à www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.




Featherweight Prospects Headline ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération Quadrupleheader Vendredi, Novembre. 10 from Cleveland, Ohio

Cliquez ICI for Photos from Henry Epstein/DiBella Entertainment

CLEVELAND (Novembre. 8, 2017) – Featherweight prospects Luis Rosa Jr. et Yuandale Evans worked out for the media today at the Thurgood Marshall Recreational Center in Cleveland, Ohio prior to their ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération 10-round main event matchup cette Vendredi, Novembre 10 en direct sur Showtime (10 p.m. ET/PT) from The Masonic at Templelive Cleveland.

Le ShoBox quadrupleheader features undefeated Russian standout Radjab Butaev prenant la Colombie Janer Gonzalez dans un match welters huit rondes, and undefeated New Zealand’s Junior Fa facing former Golden Gloves champion Fred Latham in an eight-round heavyweight bout. Dans l'ouvreur télédiffusé, decorated fighter Charles Conwell va prendre Roque “Rocky” Zapata, who is coming off a three-bout winning streak.


Tickets for the DiBella Entertainment event are still available for purchase via the following link ICI.


En outre, 2016 U.S.. Olympian Conwell and local Cleveland fighters Willie Nelson and Isaiah Steen worked out in front of the media Mercredi.


Voici ce que les combattants avaient à dire:



“Yuandale’s a solid, combattant dur. He’s got good pop, but I’m ready for everything, I’m here to win.


“He wasn’t really on my radar, he sort of came out of the woodwork. We’re looking for a world championship and this is a step closer.


“I have no problem coming to Cleveland. I want to be a world champion, not a state champion or the champion of one country. I’ll go anywhere and be victorious.


“Boxing fans can expect a powerful, rapide, smart fighter-I’m the full package. I fight with both hands, we’ll see if he can take it.


“This fight is dedicated to all the people of Puerto Rico. Most of my extended family still lives there and thank God everyone is okay after the hurricane.”


“I know that’s he a Puerto Rican at heart. He’s a strong fighter that comes forward, a good body puncher. But he doesn’t have any boxing skills. He’s just a banger who keeps coming forward.

“Defensively he leaves himself open with his aggressiveness.

“He was not on my radar. I’ve wanted to fight much tougher guys, higher ranked guys. But once the fight was offered I said yes.

“I want to fight Carl Frampton, Leo Santa Cruz, Gary Russell Jr., and a rematch with Javier Fortuna. I want to fight all the top guys because that’s where I belong.

“Feels great to be fighting at home, been a long time. Just want to give back to the city and community for them supporting me while I’ve been on the road. Even as an 11-year old amateur they supported me.

“Expect a show, this will be a war, I can box and everybody knows I’m a puncher. Fans should be expecting a good fight. I’ll have a huge amount of people backing me.”


“Means the world to me that I can fight at home and show everyone what they’ve been missing. Last time I fought here [à Cleveland] était dans 2015.

“I know Rocky is a tough fighter, he’s beat a couple prospects and he’ll be coming to win.

“I’ve heard from many of my Olympic teammates this week and I’m excited to show them how I look as a professional. I’m looking forward to showing all the boxing fans around the world my skills.

“Should be an entertaining, good fight, I’m ready to go and hopefully close the show early. I’m ready for all six or a first round knockout.

“No pressure fighting at home or on Showtime. After fighting in the Olympics I’m ready for anything.”


"À l'heure actuelle, I’m at the rebuilding stage of my career to become a world champion.”

“I know a lot about Alexis Hloros, so no issue being a late addition as an opponent, Je suis prêt.

“I haven’t fought in Cleveland since 2009. I love being able to fight at home, means a great deal to me.

“I want my next opponent to be a top 20 opponent and to fight on Showtime.”


“I know Nunez is a very strong, come forward fighter, but he’s got no chance vendredi nuit.

“Last time I fought in Cleveland was as an amateur, three or four years ago.

“No pressure at all fighting at home, thrilled to be fighting at home.

“Charles and I spar all the time helping each other, he’s like my little brother, we make a great team.

“Sign the contract. I’m ready to fight anyone.”

# # #


Barry Tompkins appeler le ShoBox action du ringside avec Steve Farhood et ancien champion du monde Raul Marquez servant analystes experts. Le producteur exécutif est Gordon Hall avec Richard Gaughan produisant et Rick Phillips diriger.


Pour plus d'informations, visitez www.sho.com/sports suivre sur Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, ou devenez fan sur Facebook àwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


A propos de ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération

Depuis sa création en Juillet 2001, la série de Showtime Boxing acclamé par la critique, ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération a présenté de jeunes talents correspondait difficile. LeShoBox la philosophie est de téléviser passionnante, foule-agréable et matchs compétitifs, tout en offrant un terrain d'essai pour les perspectives prêts déterminés à se battre pour un titre mondial. Une partie de la liste croissante de la 73 combattants qui ont apparu sur ShoBox et avancé pour recueillir titres mondiaux comprend: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Tchad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams, Errol Spence Jr. et de plus.



Plus Undefeated Radzhab Butaev, Junior Fa & 2016 U.S.. Olympian Charles Conwell Featured In Separate Bouts

En direct sur Showtime à 10 p.m. ET/PT

From Masonic Temple & Performing Arts Center in Cleveland


NEW YORK (Octobre. 18, 2017) – Undefeated featherweight Luis Rosa fera face à une fois battusYuandale Evans in a 10-round matchup of 126-pound prospects looking to make a statement in one of boxing’s deepest divisions in the main event of ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération Vendredi, Novembre. 10 en direct sur Showtime (10 p.m. ET/PT) from Masonic Temple & Performing Arts Center in Cleveland.


The quadruple header features eight fighters making their ShoBox débuts, including six undefeated prospects. The four-fight telecast is de ShoBox first return to Cleveland since 2014.


Dans la co-métrage, former Russian amateur standout Radjab Butaev (7-0, 6 KOs, WSOB: 9-1) will take on Colombia’s Janer Gonzalez (19-0-1, 15 KOs) dans un match welters huit rondes. Butaev compiled a record of 304-12 in the unpaid ranks, followed by a 9-1 record in the World Series of Boxing, while Gonzalez was a member of the Colombian National Team with an equally impressive 291-29 enregistrement en tant qu'amateur.


In a televised heavyweight attraction, New Zealand’s Junior Fa (12-0, 7 KOs), who owns two amateur victories over countryman and current WBO Heavyweight World Champion Joseph Parker, will face Pittsburgh’s Fred Latham (9-0-2, 5 KOs) dans un combat de huit rondes.


Dans le ShoBox opening bout, invaincu 2016 U.S.. Olympian and Cleveland native Charles Conwell (5-0, 5 KOs) will look to keep his knockout streak intact in his hometown debut in a six-round super welterweight matchup with Panama’s Roque “Rocky” Zapata (4-1-3, 0 KOs).


I am thrilled to bring this talent-filled quadruple header to the ShoBox série, from the Masonic Temple in Cleveland, Ohio,” dit Lou DiBella, Président de DiBella Entertainment. “Undefeated featherweight contender Luis Rosa Jr. faces hard puncher Yuandale Evans. Amateur prodigy Radzhab Butaev and New Zealand heavyweight prospect Junior Fa –who defeated Joseph Parker as an amateur—will be tested by fellow unbeaten opponents. U.S.. Olympian Charles Conwell, one of the most exciting young prospects in boxing, will make his national TV debut in his hometown. Sur Novembre 10, to quote Ian Hunter, ‘Cleveland Rocks!'”


Tickets are priced from $35 à $90 and can be obtained by visiting BoxingCleveland.com. The Masonic Temple and Performance Arts Center is located at 3615 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115. Les portes ouvriront sur le soir de l'événement au 7:00 p.m.


LUIS ROSA vs. YUANDALE EVANS – 10-Round Featherweight Bout

The 26-year-old Rosa (23-0, 11 KOs) is a Puerto Rico native who lives and fights out of New Haven, Conn. The come-forward, aggressive Rosa has recorded four knockouts in his last seven fights.

Trained by his father Luis Rosa Sr. and managed by his mother Marilyn, Rosa is currently ranked No. 10 par le WBC à 126 livres, et était 95-10 en tant qu'amateur. Fighting in one of boxing’s deepest divisions (Leo Santa Cruz, Abner Mares, Carl Frampton, Gary Russell Jr.), les Etats Unis. National Silver Medalist is looking to establish himself as a featherweight contender, and has career wins over Luis Orlando Del Valle (18-1) and Jorge Diaz (17-2).


“I’m dedicating this fight to the people who are still suffering from the tragedy of the hurricane,” Rosa said. “We are and always have been very strong people and I take that into the ring with me on Novembre 10. I’ve seen some tapes of Evans. Il est un dur, strong fighter but my skills are much greater and I will be victorious and move one step closer to a shot at a world title.”


The 28-year-old Evans (19-1, 14 KOs) is a Cleveland native fighting in his hometown for the first time. Known as a power-puncher who works fast, Evans has recorded eight of his 14 knockouts in the first round. His only professional loss came against future world title holder Javier Fortuna in April of 2012.


Evans, who took a three-year hiatus following the Fortuna loss, is coming off the best win of his career – a hard-fought 10-round unanimous decision over Billel Dib (21-1; WBO Non. 7-ranked coming into the fight) à Miami, Okla., en Avril.


“I’m thrilled to be fighting at home in Cleveland, the city of Champions,” Evans said. “It’s been a very long time since I’ve had a home fight. Vraiment, I’ve been a road warrior fighting all over the world.


“I’ve followed Luis Rosa for a couple years, I know he’s a very tough Puerto Rican fighter. He’s the same height as me and will come to fight, which will make for an all-action fight. But I know I’m the toughest competition he’s had and I’m planning to win in front of the big hometown crowd and everyone watching on SHOWTIME.”


The vacant WBC Continental Americas Title belt is on the line for this fight.

RADZHAB BUTAEV vs. JANER GONZALEZ – 8-Round Welterweight Bout

Russian Radzhab Butaev had a stellar amateur career during which he compiled a record of 304-12 avec 164 KOs. A former Russian National Champion, Butaev qualified for the 2016 Olympics but instead elected to turn pro in the United States.


Butaev has progressed quickly since turning professional in March of 2016 – of his seven professional fights, six of his seven opponents have had winning records. The 23-year old is coming into his fifth fight of the year and the eighth fight in his short, 18-month professional career. Five of Butaev’s seven fights have taken place in the U.S, while his other two victories were on his home turf in Moscow, Russie. Dans son dernier combat en juillet, the 23-year-old Butaev knocked out Sherzodbek Alimjanov in Red Square in Moscow.


Said Butaev, “This is a great opportunity to fight on SHOWTIME and I’m looking forward to putting on a tremendous performance. I know that Colombian fighters are well known for their power but I faced many hard hitters in the amateurs and I’ll be ready for victory on Novembre 10."

A native of Barranquilla, Colombie, the heavy-handed Janer Gonzalez sports a record of 19-0-1 avec 15 KO. Prior to turning professional in 2011, Gonzalez was a member of the Colombian National Boxing Team, compilant un dossier de 291-29. Gonzalez, who returned in September following a two and a half-year layoff, fera son U.S. debut against Butaev.


“It’s a dream come true to make my television debut in the United States,», A déclaré Gonzalez. “I grew up watching all of my favorite boxers fighting in the U.S. and now it’s my turn. It’s truly surreal how everything unfolded. I was ready to give up on boxing when an opportunity just came my way. I fought in Mexico and here I am.


“I had a long layoff, but I needed it. It has made me more appreciative, more motivated. I work harder now. I had my last fight on a Samedi et lundi Je suis retourné dans le gymnase. I’ve studied my opponent. Je suis prêt. My style will mold to his. I’ll get on his face and counterpunch. Sur Novembre 10 boxing fans will see a Colombian warrior that came to America to become a legend.”


Butaev vs. Gonzalez is promoted in association with Fight Promotions.


JUNIOR FA vs. FRED LATHAM – Eight Rounds Heavyweight Bout

Standing 6-feet, 5 inches and weighing 270 livres, the 27-year-old Junior Fa has compiled a professional record of 12-0 with seven knockouts since turning pro in February 2016. Fa had a successful amateur career, which included two victories over reigning WBO Heavyweight Champion Joseph Parker. The native of Papakura, New Zealand has most recently trained in England with heavyweight champion Anthony Joshua and has also sparred with Joshua’s Octobre. 28 adversaire Carlos Takam |.


Fa, who won a bronze medal at the Commonwealth Games, will fight for just the second time in the United States.


“I’m thrilled to be fighting in the United States again and on SHOWTIME,” said Fa. “I know Latham is undefeated but I also plan on staying unbeaten on Novembre 10. Training with Anthony Joshua improved my boxing in many ways and just as important taught me what it takes inside the gym to become a world champion.”


Fighting out of Pittsburgh, Pa., Fred Latham (9-0-2, 5 KOs) is a former Pennsylvania Golden Gloves Champion. In his last bout on December 3, 2016, the 27-year-old Latham battled to a split decision draw against Alonzo Butler.


Said Latham, “I appreciate the opportunity to fight on SHOWTIME and I am looking forward to facing Fa. I’ve heard a lot about him and the great heavyweight prospect he is but on Novembre 10 I’ll show the world that I’m a much better fighter.”


CHARLES CONWELL vs. ROQUE ‘Rocky’ ZAPATA – Six-Round Super Welterweight Bout

Nineteen-year-old Charles Conwell, qui se tourne 20 sur Novembre. 2, est 5-0 with all of his victories coming by way of technical knockout. The Cleveland native has a decorated resume – he went 134-14, was the National Gold Gloves Champion in 2015, et un 2016 U.S.. Olympien. Conwell has been busy since turning pro last year, having fought all five of his professional fights in the past eight months. In his last fight in August, Conwell earned a technical knockout against Roi trujillo.


“I’m thrilled to be fighting at home for the first time as a professional and on ShoBox,»Dit Conwell. “I can’t wait to put on a great performance for the Cleveland fans and those seeing me for the first time on national television.”


The 21-year-old Zapata is a native of Panama City, Panama now fighting out of Culpepper, Volonté. Having compiled a record of 4-1-3 since turning professional 18 il y a des mois, he is currently riding a three bout winning streak. Zapata is coming off the biggest win of his career, a six-round decision over previously undefeated Justin Steave on Juin 24 à Pittsburgh.


This fight with Charles Conwell is an exciting challenge for me. He had a great amateur career and he made the Olympic team,” said Zapata. “I’ve been offered to fight him twice, but at the time I was injured and had to decline. Mais, Novembre 10, Charles and I will come face-to-face and put on a show for the fans. I’m ready to do my job.


# # #


Barry Tompkins appeler le ShoBox action du ringside avec Steve Farhood et ancien champion du monde Raul Marquez servant analystes experts. Le producteur exécutif est Gordon Hall avec Rich Gaughan à la production et Rick Phillips à la direction.


Pour plus d'informations, visitez www.sho.com/sports suivre sur Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, ou devenez fan sur Facebook àwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

Salita Signs Super Bantamweight Powerhouse Jesse Angel Hernandez to a Promotional Contract

Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions proudly announces the signing of super bantamweight prospect Jesse Angel Hernandez to an exclusive promotional contract.
A 26-year-old southpaw from Fort Worth, Texas, Hernandez (9-1, 7 KOs) first came to Salita’s attention last Août 4, at a Salita Promotions event at the MGM Grand Detroit, and live on ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération, where he sored an impressive TKO 5 over Russia’s formerly undefeated Vladimir Tikhonov (16-0). Tikhonov, a Salita fighter, was overwhelmed by the strength, heavy hands and fearsome body attack of Hernandez.
It was a display of offensive firepower that promoters look for in a prospect.
Hernandez compiled a 68-6 record as an amateur before turning pro in 2009. Hampered by inactivity for five years, due to managerial issues and a shortage of local gyms, he has rededicated his career since returning in 2014.
Hernandez comes from a boxing family and is one of 16 brothers and sisters. Nine of the boys were boxers and six turned professional, including Jose “Fou” Hernandez, who scored a draw against former world champion Mickey Bey, and Rodrigo Hernandez, who fought to the only draw with Leo Santa Cruz.
It’s like a blessing to sign with Salita,” Saïd Hernandez. “I feel like we are very good fit. A company with great potential to make hardworking fighters into championship level athletes. I plan on making a name for myself and eventually win a world title.
A true force in the ring, Hernandez says as he progresses to bigger fights, his relentless style will become even more effective.
I was made for 12 rounds or more. I have an advantage that will help me reach my plan of dominating the 122-lb. division and eventually move up and hopefully do the same at higher divisions. I would like to fight anybody who holds a title once I get my opportunity. I want to fight whoever is the best when I get to that level. I fear no one. If you have ranking points or a title, I hope to see you in my future.
Jesse has an exciting, aggressive TV-friendly style,” ledit Dmitriy Salita. “I am confident that with more fights and exposure he will be on his way to being a big name in the super bantamweight division.


DETROIT (Août 8, 2017) – Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa “T-Rex” Shields became the unified WBC and IBF World Super Middleweight Champion last Friday night with a dominant fifth-round TKO of now former champion Nikki Adler.
Fighting in front of her home state fans at MGM Grand Detroit and in the main event of a nationally televised ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération, Shields put on a display of skills and power seldom seen by a first-time world-title challenger. Without any answers to the level of talent in front of her, Adler was forced to cover up and withstand the blazing speed of Shieldsfists for five one-sided rounds.
A driven competitor, Shields is on a mission to become the GWOAT (Greatest Woman of All Time) and the performance against Adler has the entire world watching. Four fights into her professional career and Shields is already the face of women’s boxing.
It was a dream come true to win two world title belts in one night!” ledit Shields. “I was very proud of my performance, and I can’t wait to defend my belts and then give Christina Hammer her first defeat.
For Team Shields, the victory was more than could ever be asked for from their young fighter.
Congratulations to a unified world champion Claressa Shields!” ledit promoteur Dmitriy Salita. “In less than a year as a pro, she has already achieved what no other woman has done in the sport. America’s first two-time Olympic Gold Medalist has become a professional unified world champion in just her fourth professional fight! Congratulations also to the great team behind her: long-time trainer Jason Crutchfield, Berston Field House, and to her managers who work diligently behind the scenes Mark Taffet and Jamie Fritz. I and everyone at SP is proud and excited to be part of this exciting journey of a lady who is on a quest to be GWOAT!”
Shields co-manager, Mark Taffet, a long-time TV exec in boxing, says he’s never seen a performance like the one Shields turned in against Adler. “Claressa Shields’ win over Nikki Adler was the most dominant performance I have ever seen in a championship fight, masculin ou féminin. She is staking her claim to be GWOAT in spectacular fashion. Claressa is carrying women’s boxing forward on her broad shoulders.
Having fought three times this year already, winning two regional and two world title belts along the way, Shields says she will take some time to enjoy her historic accomplishments before plotting the next move with her team.



En direct sur Showtime® à 10:30 p.m. ET/PT from MGM Grand Detroit


“The game plan is simple: Win the fight.” – Nikki Adler

“I think I can get her out in six rounds.” – Claressa Shields


Cliquez ICI Pour télécharger Pesée Photos; Crédit Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME


DETROIT (Août. 3, 2017) – WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Nikki Adler and hometown favorite, two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa Shields officially made weight jeudi, one day before they headline a doubleheader demain/Vendredi, Août. 4 sur ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération survivre AFFICHER L'HEURE® (10:30 p.m. ET/PT, retardés sur la côte ouest) à partir de MGM Grand Detroit.


Shields (3-0, 1 KO) pencher la balance à 165 ¼ pounds with the champion Adler (16-0, 9 KOs) of Germany coming in at 166 livres même. Dans le ShoBox co-métrage, world-ranked super bantamweight Vladimir Tikhonov (15-0, 9 KOs) of Russia will face Jesse Hernandez (8-1, 6 KOs) de Fort Worth, Texas, dans un combat de huit rondes. Both fighters weighed in at 123 ¼ livres.


Shields’ good friend and newly crowned UFC Featherweight World ChampionCris “Cyborg” Justino was on hand Jeudi and will walk Shields into the ringvendredi. Also in attendance at the weigh-in was a potential future Shields’ opponent, five-time world champion Christina Hammer, who is undefeated at 21-0 and currently holds the WBC and WBO Middleweight titles.


Justino and Hammer met with the media in a forum moderated by Shields’ co-manager Mark Taffet before the weigh-in.


“I never thought it would happen, that the sports of MMA and boxing would come together like it has with the upcoming Mayweather-McGregor fight,” said Justino, the former Strikeforce and Invicta FC champion. “I think it’s great and incredible and could possibly open the door for other fights between the sports.”


“I’m looking forward to watching Claressa win the fight demain nuit,» Ledit marteau. “I want to see her keep winning so we can fight one day. I only want to fight the best and she seems to be one of the best.”


Tickets for the event promoted by Salita Promotions are on sale now and are priced at $350, $250, $125 et $60. They will be available atwww.ticketmaster.com.


Programming Note: Épisode 2 de tous les accès: Mayweather vs. McGregor will air Vendredi night before the ShoBox télédiffusion au 10 p.m. ET/PT. To watch an exclusive clip of the episode, cliquez içi: http://s.sho.com/2u8OxWK.



Nikki Adler: 166 Livres

Claressa Shields: 165¼ livres

Vladimir Tikhonov: 123¼ livres

Jesse Angel Hernandez: 123¼ livres




“This fight is very big in Germany, and I know there will be a lot of eye on me. It will be 4:30 le matin, but there will be live streaming and viewing parties.


“I’m going to be defensive in the early going and know that Claressa is going to come forward. I want to get the fight into the later rounds. C'est l 10 rounds of boxing and there will be lots of action.


“I know I will be tough to knock out and have no plans of going down. Claressa has gotten all the hype so far and she wants to put on a show for her fans. I’m going to do everything I can to send those fans home upset after I beat her and carry those belts out of the ring.


“This is my second fight with my trainer Rene [Friese]. I wanted to train with the best and I need a trainer who had worked with the top fighters.


“My trainer has really been stressing strategies. We have a lot of them. The game plan is simple: Win the fight.


“Fighting for the first time in the United States is going to be amazing. I’ve only fought in Russia and Germany, so to be here in a main event on SHOWTIME is really special.”

Claressa SHIELDS:

“I feel like I’m a lot healthier and hydrated than I did fighting at 160. I’m not sluggish. I used a chef who prepared my meals for the first time and I feel great.


“I’ve known about Nikki Adler and Christina Hammer for a long time. I like both of the girls, but when it comes to getting in the ring it’s all about business.


“Technically I see that [Nikki] is very poised and calm. She’s patient, but not too patient.


“Even though she may be the bigger fighter, I know I’m the aggressor. I think I can get her out in six rounds.


“Of course everyone wants to get the big knockout, but I haven’t found the right punch that gets the girls knocked out. I’m young so I know it will come.


“I’m glad Cyborg is here to support me. She hits hard and we’ve sparred. She’s strong and she is fast. She’s picked up a lot from me, and I’ve learned from her. She’s the most feared MMA fighter, and I’m most feared in boxing. So it’s great for both women’s sports.”



“This is my first time ever in America. I’m pretty impressed with it. There’s so much to do and see, but I can’t let distractions get in the way.


“I’ve been here for about a month training at Kronk Gym. Russian fighters are known for being very disciplined, and we know the opportunity that is in front of us. There is no room for slip ups and to get lazy. This is my big shot and I’m going to take advantage of it.


“The sparring has been the biggest thing. I’ve been sparring with pros and amateurs. It’s so much more powerful here and the variety is something I would never get at home.


“I can box and I can brawl. Whatever I have to do to get the win.”



“I had a layoff of about five years and worked construction jobs because I had to pay the bills, but now I’m back and focused on boxing.


“In the past I’ve been known to be too aggressive, so I’m going to try and slow things down and be a more tactical boxer.


“I have six brothers who were professional boxers and I’ve learned from them. My nickname is ‘The One’ because now I’m the only left fighting.


“I’m the youngest of 15 enfants, all with the same parents. We are a very close family.


“I’m a natural right-hander and I’m ready to fight a lefty like Tikhonov. I’ve fought some southpaws and I’ve been sparring with lefties.


“He’s undefeated for a reason. I don’t think he’s been in there with someone as tough as I am; as aggressive as I am.”


RENE FRIESE, Adler’s trainer

“We came all the way over here to bring home the belts back to Germany.


“We have our plan and our strategy in place. We are ready for this fight.”


JASON CRUTCHFIELD, Shields’ trainer

“There hasn’t been much smack talking for this fight. I told her you need to let your fists do your talking. Your mouth can’t help you in the ring.


“We are ready for 10 tours. I’m not going to say it’s hard; it’s doable. It’s her first time doing it. We’ve trained for it and she’s been 10 rounds in training three or four times.”


# # #


Pour plus d'informations, visitez www.sho.com/sports suivre sur Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, ou devenez fan sur Facebook àwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports.



DETROIT (Juillet 28, 2017) – Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa “T-Rex” Shields (3-0, 1 KO) says she’s in the shape of her life to take on reigning WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Nikki Adler (16-0, 9 KOs) of Germany next Vendredi, Août 4, at the MGM Grand Detroit.
Shields will challenge for her first world title in the 10-round main event of Salita Promotions’ “BATTLE OF THE BEST” événement, which will be televised live on ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération (10:30 p.m. ET/PT).
Shields says she’s not rattled by Adler’s recent remarks, that the United States should be ready for their golden girl to taker her first loss. En fait, she’s never rattled. She also gives her thoughts on her recent Twitter war with another top female fighter.
Give me your thoughts on Nikki Adler’s remarks about the US being ready for her to beat you.
Nikki has to pump herself up, so she will say a lot the week of the fight. The US is ready alrightready for its 2x Olympic gold medal winner to win her first pro world title!
Does it intimidate you or make you train harder when an opponent talks this way?
I’ve never been intimidated by anyone. I have had worse things said to me, I was gonna punish Nikki whether she talked trash or not.
Talk to me about the pressure surrounding this fight. You’re going for your first world title so early with the entire world watching.
I always have the entire world watching. Some people want me to win and some want the opposite! But I know what I can do, I’m just going to do it and dominate like always. No pressure!
Tell me about winning all these awards and coming even further to the forefront of national celebrity.
Winning awards is great; being recognized and respected is great also. I’ve done something that no other person in America has done, I’m the GWOAT!
Do you do anything different in training for a world title fight?
Oui, you focus more, recover more, spar more rounds, and drink plenty of water! I’ve never been more ready!
Do you believe Nikki Adler has never watched you fight?
Ne Pas, I don’t believe she hasn’t ever watched me fight. That’s all mind games! She wants me to believe that. But in all honesty, nothing on the internet can help her in a fight against me!
Do you dislike her now?
(Laughs) Dislike is for emotional females! I love her! I’m gonna kick her ass! And give her a big thank you after.
Tell me about your Twitter feud with (fellow top female boxer) Layla McCarter. What’s going on there?
Layla McCarter talks too much. For no reason. I didn’t have a problem with her at first, but she just upset because I say I’m P4P! And it’s the truth. She is just in denial! One minute she supports me and the next she is coming at me. In her interview after she beat Szabados, a girl I TKO’d in the fourth round previous, she says she can come to 160 and beat me. Then whenever I get props, or recognition, there she is again just saying slick stuff. I had to let her have it.
What will your philosophy be as world champion if you win?
I don’t do ‘ifs.WHEN I become world champion, my philosophy will be to be so great that even your enemies will start to love me. God has been my rock for many years. He says ‘be humble to him,’ which I am! But I don’t have to be humble to man when I speak about my God-given ability.
Pour ouvrir la télédiffusion, undefeated world-ranked super bantamweight Vladimir Tikhonov (16-0, 9 KOs) of Russia will face Texas slugger Jesse Angel Hernandez (8-1, 6 KOs) over eight tough rounds between southpaws.
Tickets for the event promoted by Salita Promotions are on sale now and are priced at $350, $250, $125 et $60. They are available at www.ticketmaster.com.
A propos de ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération
Depuis sa création en Juillet 2001, la série de Showtime Boxing acclamé par la critique, ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération a présenté de jeunes talents correspondait difficile. La philosophie de ShoBox est de téléviser passionnante, foule-agréable et matchs compétitifs, tout en offrant un terrain d'essai pour les perspectives prêts déterminés à se battre pour un titre mondial. Une partie de la liste croissante de la 69 combattants qui ont comparu sur ShoBox et avancées pour recueillir titres mondiaux inclut: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Tchad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams, Errol Spence Jr. et de plus.