Yorliq Archives: Shawn Porter

Welterweight Legends, Chempionlar & Contenders Predict Danny Garcia vs. Shawn Porter Welterweight World Title Showdown

Sugar Ray Leonard, Errol Spence Jr., Keyt Turman, Menni Pacquiao & More Discuss Saturday, Sentyabr 8 Matchup Live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn & Premer boks Chempionlar tomonidan taqdim

Bruklin (Sentyabr 5, 2018) – Top welterweight stars of the past, present and future have weighed in with their thoughts on the highly anticipated matchup that pits former welterweight champions Danny Garcia va Shawn Porter against each other for the vacant WBC Welterweight World Title Saturday, Sentyabr 8 in the main event live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, Bruklin boks Bosh sahifa ™.




Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKS teleko'rsatuv da boshlanadi 9 p.m. QILISh / 6 p.m. PT and features a welterweight title eliminator between Cuba’s Yordenis Ugas and Argentina’s Cesar Barrionuevo and heavyweight action that pits unbeaten Polish slugger Adam Kownacki against former heavyweight champion Charles Martin.




Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, TGB Promotions va DiBella Entertainment tomonidan ilgari surilgan, DSG Promotions bilan birgalikda, da boshlanadi $50 va hozir indirimdedir. Chiptalar sotib mumkin ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 800-745-3000. Shuningdek, chiptalarni Barclays Center-dagi American Express kassalaridan sotib olish mumkin. Guruh chegirmalarni 844-BKLYN-GP chaqirib mavjud.




Here is what a group of current and former welterweight fighters had to say about the Garcia vs. Porter world title showdown:


Shakar RAY LEONARD, Hududdagi fermer Hall & Former Unified Welterweight World Champion




I feel the Danny Garcia vs. Shawn Porter fight has the makings of an exciting fight from what I’ve seen of both of these talented fighters. So here is my prediction based on what I feel both fighters bring into the ring




Garcia will win if he uses his jab to keep Porter at bay and off balance, but Porter gains a victory if he connects and hurts Garcia early and makes him abandon his boxing ability and fight like a sluggeras I did with my first fight vs Roberto Duran.




This is how I see this matchup which should be an exciting fight!”


ERROL SPENCE JR., Unbeaten IBF Welterweight World Champion




I definitely want to fight the winner of Danny Garcia vs. Shawn Porter. That’s a close fight. I always picked against Danny Garcia in the past, and he always proved me wrong. Shawn Porter’s always a tough fight, because he’s going to come forward and give it his all. He’s basically trying to mug you. Lekin bu kurash uchun, it’s hard to go against Danny Garcia. I pick Danny Garcia to win a split decision.


Keyt Turman, WBA yarim ortasiklet jahon chempioni; Former Unified Champion




I honestly love this fight, and I consider it a tremendous battle and one of the best matchups of the year. Men uchun, having fought both of them, I do believe that each is capable of hurting the other and getting one another out of there.




I know most fans are going to lean toward Danny Garcia with his knockout power and the potential for that. Then there is Shawn, who’s got a decent punch, even though he focuses on his output more than his one-punch solid blow and has it in his arsenal to hurt Danny Garcia.



I wouldn’t bet on Shawn getting the knockout, but I would on Shawn getting the victory, simply because of his output. I think Danny’s only chance of winning is by knockout, but even as a gambling man, I can’t put my money on Danny getting it. I’m taking Shawn Porter by decision.”


Manny Pacquiao, Multiple-Time Welterweight World Champion




I’m going to give the edge to Danny Garcia. They’re both gritty fighters, but I think Garcia is a little more technical with a little more ring generalship. Ushbu ajoyib kurash bo'lishi kerak, and there’s a possibility of me fighting the winner, but we’ll have to see what happens.


Mikey G'orsiya, Four-Division World Champion




I think this is a very good matchup. Shawn Porter is the kind of athlete who is always bringing the fight to you with pressure and volume punching. They both come to fight and they can both take it and dish it out.




Danny Garcia can use his skills to box on the outside and work from a distance. I think Danny will be able to box a little more and win more of the tight rounds in a very close fight. I’m not sure if it will be a split-decision or a unanimous decision. I believe that Danny will use more of those tactics to win an exciting decision.


YORDENIS UGAS, Top Welterweight Contender




I have much respect for Shawn Porter, and I think it will be a great fight but, Danny Garcia has more technique and he’s also faced and beaten better opponents than Porter. I am leaning toward Danny Garcia to pull off the victory.


ROBERT Guerrero, Former Multiple Division World Champion




This will be a very entertaining fight for the fans. I can see Danny putting up a good fight, but Porter is going to make the fight rough, and Garcia doesn’t like those type of fights. I’m going with Porter to win by split decision.”


Viktor ORTIZ, Former Welterweight World Champion




“Men u tez gullab-kurash bo'lishi yog'adiganga o'xshaydi. Shawn will be pushing forward, making it rough on Danny, and Danny will be trying to control the distance. I’m going with Danny, giving him the slight edge and saying he wins by a decision.”


Nasima JEYMS, Yarim ortasiklet raqib




It’s a good one. Shawn is busier than Danny, more active and carries a lot of momentum when he fights. But that’s not always a good thing because Garcia has power with his timing, he might be able to catch Porter coming in. I’m thinking that Shawn Porter pulls it off. ”


BRANDON YILDIZ, Sobiq jahon chempioni & Welterweight Title Challenger




That’s a really tough fight to predict. If Danny can counter really well and keep Shawn Porter off of him while Porter’s coming in, then I see Danny stopping him.




But if Shawn Porter is able to pressure Danny like he usually does, I don’t see Shawn Porter stopping Danny, or anything, but I see him winning by split-decision if he can be in his chest all night long. But if Porter gets nailed with one of those left hooks or a straight right hand, I say Porter goes down. I’m going to go with Danny because he knocked me out.”


BRYANT PERRELLA, Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Prospect




It could come down to how well Shawn Porter can take Danny Garcia’s punches in a fight that’s really hard to predict, and how well Danny can move, given that he’s not known for having fast feet similar to a guy like Keith Thurman.




But if Shawn can get close and smother Danny’s punches, he will make it a difficult fight. But Danny’s got really heavy hands and sits on his shots well, timing and counter-punching guys, so Porter could play into his hands.




Based off of clean, effective hard shots and giving him the edge in the close, competitive rounds, I’m leaning toward Danny Garcia. Shawn is tough as nails, so I see it going the distance, but just the slight edge to Danny.


SAMMY VASQUEZ JR., Yarim ortasiklet raqib





I’m going with Shawn Porter. Not by stoppage, but Shawn creates too much pressure and Danny Garcia doesn’t throw enough punches and doesn’t deal with pressure. You saw that when he fought Guerrero, who wasn’t looking too bad in that fight.




Danny can win by knockout if he catches Shawn with that hook, but Shawn’s a workhorse and he puts forth far more pressure than I think Danny’s ever seen in a fight. Shawn may not be susceptible to it if he doesn’t have the proper head movement, but I believe that he will.




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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing ustida amal, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo'lib www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing va www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC homiysi Korona, eng yaxshi pivo.


“Bu yilning eng yaxshi o'yinlaridan biri. Buni o'ylamaslikka harakat qilaman. Bu qaror bilan Porter yoki faqat KO tomonidan Garsiya. Men Porter tomon egildim.” –
Keyt Turman
Garcia kabilar. Taqinglar | Shanba, Sentyabr 8 ShowTime Jonli®
Bruklindagi Barclays markazidan, Taqdim etilgan
Premer boks Chempionlar

NYU YORK (Sentyabr 4, 2018) – Yarim o'rta vaznda jahon chempioni Keyturman Denni Garsiya va Shoun Porterni mag'lub etish uchun nima kerakligini aniq tushunadi.. Mag'lubiyatsiz, sobiq birlashgan chempion ikkala jangchini ham blokbaster o'yinlarida qatnashdi va yarim og'ir vazn toifasida WBC Jahon chempionati uchun kurash olib borgan Turman jarohati tufayli bo'shatilgan paytda Barclays Center-da ring chetidan diqqat bilan kuzatib boradi..




Amaldagi WBA chempioni 147 funt, Turman Porterni yakdil qaror bilan mag'lub etdi 2016 Yil nomzod kurash (To'liq kurash video: https://s.sho.com/2MAUoNH), va ko'pchilik qarori bilan Garsiyani tor-mor keltirdi 2017 (To'liq kurash video: https://s.sho.com/2MZB6kA). Uchrashuvlar shu qadar qattiq tortishishganki, agar bitta raund boshqacha qayd etilsa, har ikkala jang ham durang qayd etilishi mumkin edi.




Turman SHOWTIME Sports bilan suhbatlashdi® Shon-sharaf zalining tahlilchisi Stiv Farhood o'zi chaqirgan narsani buzish uchun “yilning eng yaxshi o'yinlaridan biri” etti asosiy toifada – delme quvvat, jismoniy kuch, mudofaa, tezlik, boks qobiliyati, IQ va jag 'halqasi.




Turmanning top-5 yarim og'ir vazn toifalarida kelishuvni tahlil qilish uchun quyida ko'rib chiqing, bu shanba SHOWTIME da jonli efirda.


PUNCHING POWER: Edge GARCIA: “Deni ikki qo'li bilan musht tushirishi mumkin. U yuklaydi, shuning uchun siz uning oldida hozir bo'lishingiz mumkin emas.”


Jismoniy kuch: PORTER qirrasi: “Shoun aniqroq jismoniy jangchi.”


Mudofaa: Edge GARCIA: “Porterning himoyasi uning huquqbuzarligi. Danny bilan, Men hech qachon musht urmasdan menga tikilib qarashga tayyor odamni ko'rmaganman. U ikkinchi bo'lishga sodiqdir, sof counterpuncher.”


Tezlik: PORTER qirrasi: “Shoun tezroq va biroz sportchanroq. U ichkariga kirish va duduqlanishdan foydalanish uchun jabda uch baravar ko'payadi. Deni haqiqiy bo'shashgan, ammo bu uning qo'l tezligida bo'lishi shart emas.”


Boks boksi: Edge GARCIA: “Hech kim boks bilan mashhur emas. Danny counterpuncher, va Shon sizni ishdan chiqaradi. Deni qochishni xohlaganda yaxshi boks harakati bor. U orqa oyog'ida bo'lganida u past baholangan. Biz buni qarshi ko'rdik (Lukas) Matthysse va (Brandon) Rios.”


RING IQ: Hatto: “Hukm qilish qiyin. Bu ulkan havaskor nasabiga ega bo'lgan ikki jahon chempioni.”


CHIN: Hatto: “Mening janglarimda, Porter Garsiyaga qaraganda kattaroq zarbalar berdi. Porterni chetlab o'tishim uchun qattiq urishim kerak edi. Ularning ikkalasi ham bir-birlariga zarar etkazish uchun etarlicha kuchga ega.”


ÖNGÖRÜLMESİ: “Bu yilning eng yaxshi o'yinlaridan biri. Buni o'ylamaslikka harakat qilaman. Bu qaror bilan Porter yoki faqat KO tomonidan Garsiya. Men PORTER tomonga egildim.”




KO'RISh VA CHEMPIONAT BOKSI® teleko'rsatuv da boshlanadi 9 p.m. QILISh / 6 p.m. PT tarkibida Yordenis Ugas va Sezar Barrionuevo o'rtasida o'rta vazn toifasida unvonlarni yo'q qiluvchi va og'ir vazn toifasida mag'lubiyatsiz polshalik slugger Adam Kownacki sobiq og'ir vazn chempioni Charlz Martinga qarshi kurash olib borilmoqda..




Undercard translyatsiyasining qamrovi boshlanadi 7 p.m. QILISh / 4 p.m. Besh divizionda jahon chempioni bo'lgan Amanda Serrano shou-vaqti bo'yicha CHEMPIONAT BOKSIDA UChUN QO'YINGAN PT, o'zining WBO 140 kilogramm unvoni uchun Yamila Ester Reynoso bilan to'qnash kelganda o'zining rekord oltinchi vazn toifasida jahon chempionligini qo'lga kiritishga urinmoqda..




Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, TGB Promotions va DiBella Entertainment tomonidan ilgari surilgan, DSG Promotions bilan birgalikda, da boshlanadi $50 va hozir indirimdedir. Chiptalar sotib mumkin ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 800-745-3000. Shuningdek, chiptalarni Barclays Center-dagi American Express kassalaridan sotib olish mumkin. Guruh chegirmalarni 844-BKLYN-GP chaqirib mavjud.




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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing ustida amal, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo'lib www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingva www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC homiysi Korona, eng yaxshi pivo.




TURMAN VS bilan suhbatni tomosha qiling. Shawn TAŞIYICI BU YERGA


NIMA: SHOWTIME Sports yarim o'rta vazn toifasida vakant bo'lib turgan WBC Jahon chempionati uchun bo'lib o'tadigan to'qnashuv oldidan Denni Garsiya va Shoun Porterning yarim o'rta vazn toifasidagi titlchisi Kit Turman bilan chempionat bahslarini e'lon qildi., Sentyabr 8 showtime yashash.




Porterning Turmanga yaqin, ammo bir ovozdan qabul qilingan qarorni yo'qotish va Garsiyaning Turmanga bo'lingan qarorni yo'qotish endi to'liq SHOWTIME Sports raqamli platformalarida mavjud. Ham Porter-Turman 2016 Yilning eng yaxshi nomzodi uchun kurash va Garsiya-Turmanning birlashish baxsi, ular CBS telekanalida to'g'ridan-to'g'ri efirga uzatilgan, agar har bir jangda bitta raund turlicha qayd etilsa, durang qayd etilgan bo'lar edi.




Sentyabr 8 KO'RISh VA CHEMPIONAT BOKSI Garsiya vs. Bruklindagi Barclays Center-dan Porter ikki sobiq chempionni boksning eng chuqur bo'linmalaridan birida ikkinchi jahon chempionligi uchun kurash olib borayotganini ko'rmoqda.. Ushbu jang bu yilgi oltinchi jang bo'lib, SHOWTIME-da eng yaxshi 10 ta engil vazn toifasida va eng yaxshi beshlik vs sakkizinchi uchrashuvida bo'lib o'tadi.. barcha bo'limlar bo'yicha tarmoqdagi eng yaxshi beshta raqib.




Keyingi hafta, SHOWTIME Porterning to'qqizinchi raundidagi TKO Andre Berto va Denni Garsiyaning to'xtatilishini e'lon qiladi 2018 Brendon Riosning yil nokauti, ikkalasi ham to'liq.


Va boshqalar Danny Garcia. Keyt Turman: To'liq kurash | Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKS

Havola: https://s.sho.com/2MZB6kA



Kit Turman va boshqalar. Shawn Porter: To'liq kurash | Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKS

Havola: https://s.sho.com/2MAUoNH





Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, tashrif www.sho.com/sports, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing bizni kuzatib, yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo'lib www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

Fans Have Until Saturday, Sentyabr 1 to Bid for Memorabilia, Fight Tickets & More from Welterweight Star Shawn Porter to Raise Money for Gleason’s Give a Kid a Dream Foundation

Former World Champion to Host Meet & Greet with Winner Prior to Title Fight Against Danny Garcia
Bosing BU YERGA to Bid!


Bruklin (Avgust 30, 2018) – Bidding runs until this Saturday, Sentyabr 1 for the auction items available from welterweight star Shawn Porter including two tickets to his welterweight world title showdown against Danny Garcia Shanba, Sentyabr 8 Barclays markazi showtime yashash, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.


Fans can bid BU YERGA through Bidding Owl up until Saturday, Sentyabr 1 to benefit Gleason’s Give a Kid a Dream Foundation, a great cause that uses boxing to help at-risk youth turn their lives around.




Porter is auctioning off a pair of worn and signed hand wraps, a pair of signed boxing shoes, “Team Portert-shirts and a meet and greet at the weigh-in, in addition to the tickets from PBC for fight night.




This was something that I really wanted to do so that I could give back and continue to show all of the good that boxing can do for people,” Said Porter, who donated the items to Gleason’s Gym while training there earlier this month. “I’m so happy to give my time to something that will help people who grew up just like me and use this sport to better themselves and the lives of others.




We truly appreciate Shawn’s contribution to our Give a Kid a Dream foundation and we’re excited to team up with him,” said Bruce Silverglade, Owner of Gleason’s Gym. “It’s always great when fighters lend a hand toward our goal of helping the kids in our community through the sport of boxing.




Please share this information with your followers and encourage them to bid and support this worthy endeavor.




Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKS teleko'rsatuv da boshlanadi 9 p.m. QILISh / 6 p.m. PT and features a welterweight title eliminator between Yordenis Ugas va Cesar Barrionuevo and heavyweight action that pits unbeaten Polish slugger Adam Kownacki against former heavyweight champion Charles Martin.




Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, TGB Promotions va DiBella Entertainment tomonidan ilgari surilgan, DSG Promotions bilan birgalikda, da boshlanadi $50 va hozir indirimdedir. Chiptalar sotib mumkin ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 800-745-3000. Shuningdek, chiptalarni Barclays Center-dagi American Express kassalaridan sotib olish mumkin. Guruh chegirmalarni 844-BKLYN-GP chaqirib mavjud.




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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing ustida amal, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo'lib www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingva www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.PBC homiysi Korona, eng yaxshi pivo.


Former Welterweight World Champion Garcia Battle
Shawn Porter Saturday, Sentyabr 8 Showtime yashash
Bruklindagi Barclays markazida & Tomonidan taqdim etilgan
Premer boks Chempionlar
Bosing BU YERGA Amanda Westcott / showtime dan Fotosuratlar



Filadelfiya (Avgust 29, 2018) – Sobiq jahon chempioni Danny Garcia hosted a media workout ahead of his world title showdown against Shawn Porter taking place Saturday, Sentyabr 8 Barclays markazi showtime yashash, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKS teleko'rsatuv da boshlanadi 9 p.m. QILISh / 6 p.m. PT and features a welterweight title eliminator between Yordenis Ugas va Cesar Barrionuevo and heavyweight action that pits unbeaten Polish slugger Adam Kownacki against former heavyweight champion Charles Martin.



Undercard translyatsiyasining qamrovi boshlanadi 7 p.m. QILISh / 4 p.m. PT on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN as five-division world champion Amanda Serrano attempts to win a world title in her record sixth weight class when she faces Yamila Esther Reynoso for the WBO 140-pound title.




Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, TGB Promotions va DiBella Entertainment tomonidan ilgari surilgan, DSG Promotions bilan birgalikda, da boshlanadi $50 va hozir indirimdedir. Chiptalar sotib mumkin ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 800-745-3000. Shuningdek, chiptalarni Barclays Center-dagi American Express kassalaridan sotib olish mumkin. Guruh chegirmalarni 844-BKLYN-GP chaqirib mavjud.




Garcia, along with father and trainer Angel Garcia, showed off his skills and spoke about his upcoming clash and more from the DSG Boxing Gym in Philadelphia. Here is what they had to say Wednesday:


Danny G'orsiya




Once you’re in there with me, it’s not the same as anyone else. It’s not the same as what you expect it to be. You’re in for a rude awakening.




I’ve knocked out a lot of fighters for the first time, so it won’t be surprising to me if I knock Shawn Porter out for the first time.




Shawn had to have some skill to get to this level, it wasn’t all brawling. Men undan yuz hech narsa olib emasman. We’re prepared for the best Shawn Porter.




This is another opportunity to become a four-time world champion and that excites me. I still feel like the WBC title is mine, so I’m even more ready to reclaim it.




Getting that world title back is what it’s all about. I know that I’m always going to be a top fighter. I fill the seats and make big fights, that’s why Shawn came to me after my win against Brandon Rios for his moment of glory.




I can’t rank Porter against the other top fighters in my career. I’ll have to see what he brings once we get in the ring. I’ve fought a lot of great opponents and he’s just the next in that line.




In boxing they say the more you throw, the more open you are to get hit. Volume punching has to be effective. I’m the sharper boxer and I land the cleaner punches. That’s more my style. We’ve prepared ourselves for 12 hard rounds of any style.




After four rounds you can really tell how strong a fighter is and how good their conditioning is. It’s all about the will power after a certain amount of rounds and I carry that well.




We’ve had perfect sparring with guys who just come forward and put pressure on you. We’ve had bigger, heavier guys and some guys who jab and box how the way that Porter does.




There’s going to be a lot of support from Philly on September 8. I’m a big draw in Brooklyn and I’m going to make it another epic night for Philly sports.


Anxel Garsiya, Danny Otasi & Murabbiy




Porter really isn’t worried about Danny’s power, but he should be. I’m not mad about it, he just better have no excuses in that ring. Because Danny’s not about excuses.




We’re working hard and we’re going to be ready for anything Shawn Porter thinks he has up his sleeve. If he comes rushing in, he’s playing right into Danny’s hands.




Danny is a star and he’s going to show it again in this fight. He always puts on a star performance and this going to be another stage for him to shine.




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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing ustida amal, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo'lib www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingva www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC homiysi Korona, eng yaxshi pivo.

Unbeaten Featherweight Prospect Chris Colbert Takes on Sulaiman Segawa in Undercard Action Presented by Premier Boxing Champions Saturday, Sentyabr 8 Bruklindagi Barclays markazi

Welterweight Stars Danny Garcia & Shawn Porter Clash for the Vacant WBC Welterweight Championship in the Main Event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING

Bruklin (Avgust 29, 2018) – Bruklin ning Chris Colbert returns to the ring in his hometown to take on once-beaten Sulaiman Segawa in an eight-round featherweight match as he looks to continue his rise up the ladder in the talent-laden 126-pound division. The loaded card is presented by Premier Boxing Champions on Saturday, Sentyabr 8 Barclays markazi, Bruklin boks Bosh sahifa ™.




Undercard attractions are part of a show that is headlined by elite welterweight stars Danny Garcia va Shawn Porter battling for the WBC title in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING (9 p.m. QILISh / 6 p.m. PT). The telecast also features a welterweight title eliminator between Yordenis Ugas va Cesar Barrionuevo and heavyweight action that pits unbeaten Polish slugger Adam Kownacki against former heavyweight champion Charles Martin.




Streaming coverage begins at 7 p.m. QILISh / 4 p.m. PT on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN as five-division world champion Amanda Serrano attempts to win a world title in her record sixth weight class when she faces Yamila Esther Reynoso for the WBO 140-pound title.




Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, TGB Promotions va DiBella Entertainment tomonidan ilgari surilgan, DSG Promotions bilan birgalikda, da boshlanadi $50 va hozir indirimdedir. Chiptalar sotib mumkin ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 800-745-3000. Shuningdek, chiptalarni Barclays Center-dagi American Express kassalaridan sotib olish mumkin. Guruh chegirmalarni 844-BKLYN-GP chaqirib mavjud.


Colbert (8-0, 3 KOS) is coming off a stoppage victory over previously unbeaten Austin Dulay in April and will fight at Barclays Center for the third time on September 8. The 21-year-old southpaw from Brooklyn is one of the most decorated amateurs to come out of New York in recent years and he has gained esteem by showing off his incredible speed and technique so far in his pro career. In his last fight at Barclays Center, Colbert scored a unanimous decision over then undefeated Titus Williams last November, in addition to making his pro debut at the arena in 2015. He will be opposed by Segawa (11-1, 4 KOS), who fights out of Silver Spring, Maryland by way of Uganda. The 27-year-old most recently stopped previously unbeaten Hector Lopez in May.




In other undercard action two of Mayweather Promotionshot unbeaten prospects do battle in separate attractions as Brooklyn’s Richardson Hitchins (5-0, 3 KOS) meets Mexico’s Cesar Valenzuela (7-2, 2 KOS) in an eight-round super lightweight match and Dylan Price (6-0, 5 KOS) takes on Rwanda’s Mulapi Enjani (3-5-2, 1 KOS) in a six-round flyweight bout. Marsellos Wilder (1-0, 1 KO), the brother of WBC heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder, jang qiladi Ryan Williams (0-1) in a four-round cruiserweight match, Brandon Quarles (19-4-1, 10 KOS) janglar Marcus Willis (18-5-2, 5 KOS) in an eight-round junior middleweight matchup and Brooklyn super welterweight prospect Chordale Buker (10-0, 5 KOS) puts his unbeaten record on the line against hard-hitting Minneapolis-native Ve Shawn Owens (9-1, 9 KOS) sakkiz-tur uchrashuvida.




Ko'proq, undefeated lightweight prospect from Philadelphia Jeffrey Torres (4-0, 2 KOS) clashes with Mexico’s Emmanuel Valadez (5-5, 4 KOS) olti davra Butning ichida, Ricky Lopez (19-4, 6 KOS) oladi Ramsey Luna (14-5, 6 KOS) in an eight round featherweight fight, va Clayton Laurent, Jr. (1-0, 1 KO), a 2016 Olympian from the U.S. Virgin Islands and the stepson of former junior middleweight and middleweight world champion Julian Jackson, oladi Sherman Artis, Jr. (3-2) in a four-round heavyweight attraction.


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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing ustida amal, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo'lib www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingva www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC homiysi Korona, eng yaxshi pivo.


Welterweight Title Eliminator Live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Sentyabr 8 Bruklindagi Barclays markazida &
Premer boks Chempionlar tomonidan taqdim


Bruklin (Avgust 23, 2018) – There is no looking ahead to future fights for top 147-pound contenders Yordenis Ugas of Cuba and Cesar Barrionuevo of Argentina as the two sluggers prepare for their WBC title eliminator matchup in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING action on Saturday, Sentyabr 8 showtime yashash (9 p.m. QILISh / 6 p.m. PT) Barclays markazi, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The SHOWTIME main event will pit two of the division’s biggest names against each other as former 147-pound champions Danny “Swift” Garcia va “Namoyish Vaqti” Shawn Porter square off for the vacant WBC Welterweight World Championship. The winner of Ugas vs. Barrionuevo earns the WBC’s second mandatory position to the winner of Garcia vs. Taqinglar.




Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, TGB Promotions va DiBella Entertainment tomonidan ilgari surilgan, DSG Promotions bilan birgalikda, da boshlanadi $50 va hozir indirimdedir. Chiptalar sotib mumkin ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 800-745-3000. Shuningdek, chiptalarni Barclays Center-dagi American Express kassalaridan sotib olish mumkin. Guruh chegirmalarni 844-BKLYN-GP chaqirib mavjud.




Ugas, (22-3, 11 KOS), returns to the SHOWTIME stage for the second time. In February, he handed Ray Robinson his first defeat since a 2010 decision to Shawn Porter. Barrionuevo, (34-3-2, 24 KOS), making his U.S. debyuti, qo'lga kiritdi 10 fights in a row and has only lost once since 2010 as he looks to follow in the footsteps of Marcos Maidana and Lucas Matthysse, elite welterweights from Argentina.




Here is what the 32-year-old Ugas and 29-year-old Barrionuevo had to say from their respective camps about their September 8 matchup:



Umumiy, how is your training going in Las Vegas and who have you sparred with?



We have been training at Fernando Vargas’ sportzal, the Feroz Fight Factory gym. We’ve been sparring with Jose Benavidez Jr. and Diego Magdaleno, and a few other locals. Nothing is really different with this camp compared to others. Men 100 percent committed to training for this fight.


What are the advantages of training in Las Vegas?

I’ve been in Las Vegas for the past two and a half years. This place has changed my life. I came out here and started training with Ismael Salas, who has trained many of the best Cuban boxers. There is such good sparring out here, and there’s also mountains. I love running up Mount Charleston. This is just a perfect place for a fighter to train.


How are you preparing to face a southpaw like Cesar Barrionuevo?

We are sparring with lefties and trying to mirror exactly what we think we’ll see. The Argentine fighters always come to fight and are well prepared. They always go to war. Luckily I like to go to war too. So I think we have good styles that will give the fans a great fight.


What else do you know about your opponent?

I’ve seen some footage and that’s it. It’s not really about what he does or brings, it’s all about staying focused on what I do best. I don’t take much time off so I’m always in the gym training. I did go down to Miami a few weeks ago and actually trained in Barrionuevo’s gym and met some guys he works with, but we never crossed paths.


You are returning to fight on SHOWTIME for a second time. Does that give you an advantage?

Everyone who knows boxing knows I’m the more experienced fighter. This is one of his first times he’s fighting outside Argentina. I know he’s a big deal there, but he’s never seen a stage like this, with all the bright lights. I’m going to be prepared for the best Argentine fighter that shows up that night.


What is your prediction of the Garcia-Porter fight?

I think they are two great fighters and whoever is the most prepared on that night will win the fight. Because this is a WBC eliminator, I know there’s a chance I could fight one of them if I win my fight. I would love to fight either of them.



How is your training camp going in Miami and who have you sparred with?

Technically, everything is strong and with my coaches Carlos [Morgan] and Pablo [Martinez] we feel good about where we are and what we’re doing. I want to be 100 percent ready on September 8 for the fight of my life. I feel like I will be and am so grateful for the support of my team and everyone here at Caicedo Sports’ sportzal. I have been sparring with a bunch of local prospects, young guys with undefeated records and guys that are in the same boat as I am looking to become a world champion.


How are you preparing for an aggressive fighter like Ugas?

I’m formulating my plan and intensifying my training so I’m 100 tayyor foiz. I’m focusing on my cardio and increasing my strength. That’s why I’m here in the U.S., because the level of competition is better than back home. I feel that everything I’m doing is a step up. I’m having the best training camp of my life. I’m not worrying about my opponentsstyle.


What do you know about your opponent?

We have watched some film, but that doesn’t always help you. Split-second adjustments will be made if needed. I’m a fighter at the end of the day, and will be ready for whatever he puts in front of me. I have never met him, but I know he came and worked out at my gym. I don’t know him, but maybe after the fight we can be friends. Right now it’s kill or be killed.


What are your thoughts about fighting on the big stage at Barclays Center?

I know I have a huge fan base in Argentina and can’t wait to go back there and celebrate a win with them. I’m so proud of all the past world champions that have come from my country, but I’m not coming to Brooklyn as a tourist. I’m coming to fight and get the victory in spectacular fashion and to put Argentina back on the map in the sport of boxing. The objective is to look good and win and to leave a good impression fighting on SHOWTIME and for everyone watching.

What is your prediction of the Garcia-Porter fight?

It’s a tough fight. Balki 50-50, but I’m leaning toward Danny Garcia. I think his experience as a world champion will show.


Is it hard not to look ahead to a possible future fight with one of those guys?

I haven’t thought about it for even one second. I’m focused on my next task, and that’s Ugas. I’m coming to do what needs to be done to get the win. And I’ll get that win with blood, sweat and tears. I’ll focus on Danny Garcia or Shawn Porter when the time comes.


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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing ustida amal, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo'lib www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingva www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.PBC homiysi Korona, eng yaxshi pivo.

Shawn Porter to Auction Off Memorabilia & Tickets to Raise Money for Gleason’s Give a Kid a Dream Foundation

Former World Champion to Host Meet & Greet with Winner Prior to Title Fight Against Danny Garcia
Bosing BU YERGA to Bid Up Until Shanba, Sentyabr 1

Bruklin (Avgust 22, 2018) – Welterweight star Shawn Porter will auction off a series of items including two tickets to his welterweight world title showdown against Danny Garcia Shanba, Sentyabr 8 Barclays markazi showtime yashash, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The auction will benefit Gleason’s Give a Kid a Dream Foundation and see Porter auction off a pair of signed, used for sparring hand wraps, a pair of signed boxing shoes, “Team Portert-shirts and a meet and greet at the weigh-in, in addition to the tickets for fight night.


Fans can bid BU YERGA through Bidding Owl up until Saturday, Sentyabr 1 for the chance to meet Porter and be in the arena for the Garcia vs. Porter fight night, while also supporting a great cause that uses boxing to help at-risk youth turn their lives around.




This was something that I really wanted to do so that I could give back and continue to show all of the good that boxing can do for people,” Said Porter, who donated the items to Gleason’s Gym while training there earlier this month. “I’m so happy to give my time to something that will help people who grew up just like me and use this sport to better themselves and the lives of others.




We truly appreciate Shawn’s contribution to our Give a Kid a Dream foundation and we’re excited to team up with him,” said Bruce Silverglade, Owner of Gleason’s Gym. “It’s always great when fighters lend a hand toward our goal of helping the kids in our community through the sport of boxing.




Please share this information with your followers and encourage them to bid and support this worthy endeavor.




Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKS teleko'rsatuv da boshlanadi 9 p.m. QILISh / 6 p.m. PT and features a welterweight title eliminator between Yordenis Ugas va Cesar Barrionuevo and heavyweight action that pits unbeaten Polish slugger Adam Kownacki against former heavyweight champion Charles Martin.




Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, TGB Promotions va DiBella Entertainment tomonidan ilgari surilgan, DSG Promotions bilan birgalikda, da boshlanadi $50 va hozir indirimdedir. Chiptalar sotib mumkin ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 800-745-3000. Shuningdek, chiptalarni Barclays Center-dagi American Express kassalaridan sotib olish mumkin. Guruh chegirmalarni 844-BKLYN-GP chaqirib mavjud.


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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing ustida amal, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo'lib www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingva www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.PBC homiysi Korona, eng yaxshi pivo.


Former Welterweight World Champion Battles Danny Garcia
for Vacant World Title Saturday, Sentyabr 8 Live on
SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn &
Premer boks Chempionlar tomonidan taqdim
Bosing BU YERGA for Photos from Nabeel Ahmad/
Premer boks Chempionlar


Las Vegas, (Avgust 16, 2018) – Former welterweight world champion “Namoyish Vaqti” Shawn Porter hosted a media workout at the Porter Hy-Performance Center in Las Vegas Wednesday as he prepares to take on Danny “Swift” Garcia for the vacant WBC Welterweight World Championship on Saturday, Sentyabr 8 Barclays markazi showtime yashash, Bruklin boks Bosh sahifa ™.




Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKS teleko'rsatuv da boshlanadi 9 p.m. QILISh / 6 p.m. PT and features a welterweight title eliminator between Yordenis Ugas va Cesar Barrionuevo and heavyweight action that pits unbeaten Polish slugger Adam Kownacki against former heavyweight champion Charles Martin.




Undercard translyatsiyasining qamrovi boshlanadi 7 p.m. QILISh / 4 p.m. PT on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN as five-division world champion Amanda Serrano attempts to win a world title in her record sixth weight class when she faces Yamila Esther Reynoso for the WBO 140-pound title.




Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, TGB Promotions va DiBella Entertainment tomonidan ilgari surilgan, DSG Promotions bilan birgalikda, da boshlanadi $50 va hozir indirimdedir. Chiptalar sotib mumkin ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 800-745-3000. Shuningdek, chiptalarni Barclays Center-dagi American Express kassalaridan sotib olish mumkin. Guruh chegirmalarni 844-BKLYN-GP chaqirib mavjud.




Porter was joined by his father and trainer, Ken Porter, as the two discussed the highly-anticipated welterweight showdown presented by Premier Boxing Champions. Here is what the Porters had to say Wednesday:






I love being in training camp and grinding every day. We’re just 100 percent focused on what we have to do. I’m seasoned enough where I know how to excel through these stages of camp. Men ajoyib his qilaman.




We always work on the jab to start our training session. Everyone knows that everything I do comes off of my jab. It’s all about the fundamentals. My dad is smart and knows my athletic potential is there. He’s focused on all the technical and strategic parts of the game.




Whether we look to box or not will be a game-time decision. We’ll have to read the fight. I think we’re going to start trying to mix it up and then take it from there. It’s up to me to see the adjustments and make them. Whatever it takes to win this fight, I am prepared to do it.




Danny’s counter-punching I think plays into my hands. I’m a combination puncher. There’s more than one coming. If there is only one coming, you don’t know where it’s coming from. I think it’s going to take care of Danny’s strength, but I don’t take it lightly. I know that he’s a strong fighter and that’s what I expect in the ring.




I don’t believe that he’s going to stand toe-to-toe with me, but I do believe that’s where he thinks he can win the fight. The point is to hit and not get hit, so we’ll try to keep it as clean as possible. It gets rough in there sometimes, but if you can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.




Once upon a time I probably would have that thought that I could just beat Danny with activity. But I know that I have to be sharp, precise and land most of my punches. I want to throw 60 a round and land 40 foiz.




I’m going go out there and be aggressive, be sharp, be quick and let the rest take care of itself. This is a humungous fight that I’ve been looking forward to for a long time.


Ken tok, Shawn’s Father & Murabbiy




Any fight that Shawn is in, you’re going to have action. If Shawn went in there and laid back, I doubt that Danny would go after him. I just don’t think Danny is going to go forward like that.




We have to continue to do what we’ve done to get this far. But we’re not going to go after him the way he expects us to.




Danny is trying to pump himself up like he’s some kind of one-punch knockout artist. But I’m a one-punch artist if it’s against someone who can’t box anymore or who’s coming way up in weight. If you hit Shawn Porter with one of those punches, he’s going to hit right back, and with Shawn, it’s going to be more than one.




My focus is on making sure that Shawn is prepared to do the things I need him to do. I have to get him where I need before I focus too much on what Danny is going to bring. We’re making sure Shawn is 100 percent first.




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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing ustida amal, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo'lib www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingva www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC homiysi Korona, eng yaxshi pivo.



“When Danny’s getting hit, I’m getting hit with him.” – Angel Garcia

“When he fights in the ring I see the energy that I had.” – Kenny Porter


Photo Kredit: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME


Watch, Ko'rinish & Hissa orqali YouTube: https://s.sho.com/2B97w7A


NIMA: Kvplt_fan sport® Emmy-award winning reporter Jim Gray sat down with the fathers of Danny Garcia va Shawn Porter as the two former world champions prepare to meet September 8 for the vacant WBC Welterweight World Championship on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.


Anxel Garsiya va Kenny Porter, who both also serve as their sons’ trainers, are asked by Gray how they react when they watch their sons take punishment in the ring.




“As a dad, I have to separate the boxing,” Angel Garcia said. “So when Danny’s in there I’ve got to look at him as a coach. I can’t look at it as a dad.”




Said Kenny Porter: “As a former boxer, I felt what it’s like to be in that ring… So I feel differently when he’s in the ring. I have a more competitive spirit towards winning than maybe someone who’s kid is in there and they’re looking at whether the kid is getting injured. I’m looking at it like, let’s win.”




Gray gets Porter and Garcia to open up about challenges, regrets and the aspirations they’ve carried for their progeny both in the ring and outside of it. “I do [have regrets],” Angel Garcia said. “I said my faults. I’m not perfect.”




Angel called himself the “most underrated trainer” in boxing today, and Danny the “most underrated fighter.”




At the end of the interview, Kenny unveils a Garcia “DSG” T-shirt that reads: “Showtime Destroys Garcia” and both fathers shared a big laugh.




Live coverage of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast begins at 9 p.m. QILISh / 6 p.m. PT and also features top 147-pound contender Yordenis Ugas(22-3, 11 KOS) taking on Argentine slugger Cesar Barrionuevo (34-3-2, 24 KOS) and unbeaten Polish heavyweight contender Adam Kownacki (17-0, 14 KOS) facing former heavyweight champion Charles Martin (25-1-1, 23 KOS). The Premier Boxing Champions event takes place from Barclays Center, Bruklin boks Bosh sahifa ™.