Ахборҳо Tag: Русия

2017 M-1 Global Fighter of the Year M-1 Challenge Lightweight Champion Damir Ismagulov

Санкт-Петербург, Русия (Январ 16, 2018) — M-1 даъвати қаҳрамони қабул намояд Дамир Ismagulov аз ҷониби мухлисони омехта-ҳарбӣ-санъат дар тамоми ҷаҳон ҳамчун интихоб шуд 2017 M-1 Global Fighter of the Year.
Ҷанг аз Оренбург, Русия, Дар Ismagulov 26-сола (14-2-0, M-1: 8-1-0) шуд 3-0-0 дар 2017, ҳама дар M-1 амали Global, аз ҷумла M-1 даъвати қабул намояд унвони оян- иҷрои худ, ки пас аз як мудофиа унвони муваффақ.
Ismagulov, як сокини Қазоқистон, оғоз 2017 дар сабки бузург, бикӯбед аз Morgan Heraod Фаронса, дар даври сеюм феврали соли гузашта дар M-1 даъвати 74.
Last май, Ismagulov faced former M-1 Challenge champion Максим Divnich (13-2-0), дар хона, дар Оренбург, барои холи M-1 даъвати чемпионати қабул намояд.
Мубориза бо унвони онҳо бо оғоз “раванди эҳсоси-берун” мубодилаи оддии ҷанубй бо Ismagulov кор бо пойҳои ӯ, Аммо ифтитоҳи мудаввар бо дӯстдоштаи зодгоҳи ба баргузории як бартарии ночиз анҷом.
Ismagulov, Аммо, бартарї се даври навбатӣ ва Divnich, ки зарар сахт, чеҳраи хунин таъсири бемор аз идома ҳамла Ismagulov Русия нишон дод, наметавонанд ба рӯй чиз дар атрофи панҷум шуд. Тавре ки аз марра neared, Ismagulov пешниҳод накарда бошад ҳарифи бозии худро то barrage аз Самтгирии мезаданд бороне аз як Divnich defenseless. Дар щозӣ боздошта амали бо 13-сония боқимонда оид ба шабонарӯзӣ барои роҳхат сахт-ҷиҳод Ismagulov бо нокаут техникӣ.
Баъд аз мубориза 5,000 мухлисони таҷлил, ғуррон тасдиқи худро барои Ismagulov, ки гуфт:, “Ман аз вилояти Оренбург дорам. Ман ғолиби ќитъаи! Ташаккур барои оянда. Ман мехоҳам, ки миннатдории MMA Оренбург, мураббӣ ман,Виктор Фролов, ки маро чун як талант дид,, ва Александр Шлеменко Зеро имон дар ман. Ман мураббиён ман шукр, хонаводаи ман, ва мухлисони мо.
“Ман исбот кардам, ки як бача оддӣ аз як деҳаи хурди бе Интернет метавонад қаҳрамони гардад. Агар ман метавонад, ту метавонӣ. Дар камар дар Оренбург аст,, ки дар он бояд бошад.”
Ismagulov аст, дар ин ҷо, дар як ҳамлаи хоки-ва-минои против нишон дода. Rogero Matias DA Conceicao
Ismagulov ғолиби ҷанг чорабинии асосии сахт-ҷиҳод бар зидди хафа хирадманд Rogero “Karranca” Matias DA Conceicao, Бразилия, бо роҳи як ғайридавлатӣ унвони, қарори якдилонаи дар M-1 даъвати 85.
Ismagulov дифоъ кард M-1 даъвати унвони қабул намояд Феврал 22, вақте ки ӯ дар рақиби Гурҷистон ӯро мегирад, Раул Tuturauli (18-3-0, M-1: 6-1-0), дар M-1 даъвати 88 чорабинии асосии дар варзишгоҳи олимпӣ дар Маскав.





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Воқеаҳои оянда:
Feb. 9 – M-1 даъвати 87: Silander против. Ashimov, M-1 Arena, Санкт-Петербург, Русия
Feb. 22 – M-1 даъвати 88: Ismagulov против. Tutaraul ба, Варзишгоҳи олимпӣ, Маскав, Русия

M-1 Global kicks-off 2018 in February with M-1 Challenge 87 & 88

Санкт-Петербург, Русия (Январ 8, 2018) – M-1 Global will kick-off its 21умиseason with a pair of international events in February, M-1 даъвати 87 ва M-1 даъвати 88, мутаносибан, Feb. 9 in Saint Petersburg and Feb. 22 дар Маскав.
Both events will be live-streamed from Russia in high definition on www.M1Global.TV. Тамошобинон хоҳад тавонист ба тамошои ин задухурдҳо пешакӣ ва корти асосӣ тавассути ворид оид ба қайд www.M1Global.TV. Fans may watch all the action on their computers, инчунин оид ба Android ва Apple телефонҳои смарт ва планшети.
Finnish flyweight MikaelHulkSilander (17-5-0, M-1: 1-0-0) takes on Kazakh fighter Ariman Ashimov (10-2-1, M-1: 2-0-0) in the lone fight announced this far for M-1 даъвати 87, which will feature the grand opening of M-1 Arena. The Silander-Ashimov winner will be positioned for a potential title shot against M-1 Challenge flyweight champion Aleksander Doskalchuk, Украина.
Mikael Silander (R) will be making his Russian MMA debut Feb. 9 in Saint Petersburg
Ariman Ashimov hopes to improve to 3-0-0 in M-1 Challenge competition on Feb. 9
Two M-1 Challenge title fights have been announced as the M-1 даъвати 88 co-main events on Feb. 22 дар Маскав.
M-1 Challenge Lightweight Champion Дамир Ismagulov (14-2-0, M-1: 8-1-0), Русия, defends his belt against his dangerous Georgian challenger, Раул Tutarauli(18-3-0, M-1: 6-1-0), while M-1 Challenge Bantamweight Champion Movsar Evloev (8-0-0, M-1: 8-0-0) puts his perfect pro record on the line against Kazakhstan-native Сергей Морозов (10-3-0, M-1: 5-2-0), who also fights out of Russia.
Дамир Ismagulov (оид ба боло) makes his second title defense Feb. 22
Раул Tutarauli (оид ба боло) gets his first title shot Feb. 22
Movsar Evloev (L) plans to keep his prefect record intact
Sergey Morozov is hoping to upset Movar Evloev to become M-1 Challenge Bantamweight Champion
Ҳамаи задухурдҳо ва ҷангиён бояд ба тағйирёбии. Additional matches for M-1 даъвати 87ва M-1 даъвати 88 will soon be announced.
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M-1 Arena grand opening and M-1 Challenge 100 to highlight 21st season for M-1 Global

In January the new M-1 Arena is scheduled to open in Saint Petersburg
Санкт-Петербург, Русия (Декабр 29, 2017) — The grand opening of the state-of-the-art M-1 Arena in Saint Petersburgh, in addition to the celebration of M-1 Challenge 100 later in 2018, will highlight M-1 Global’s 21уми мавсим.
Plans in 2018 also include more events, expansion into new countries and, as the No. 2 MMA organization in the world, to keep giving its fans world-class competition, entertaining match-ups, innovative developments and even a few surprises.
Президенти M-1 Global Vadim Finkelchtein discussed a few of these subjects (нигаред ба поён) prior to the holidays.
Can you tell us about the new M-1 Arena?
VF: “M-1 Arena is an absolutely unique structure seating a maximum of 3000. It is built in the form of the Colosseum, stone and wood, with an incredible dome made of glulam, which gives the place perfect acoustics. Not only can we promote sporting events, but also music concerts. M-1 Arena allows us to have even more events and realize new ideas like, for example, a reality show. M-1 Arena will be multifunctional but martial arts will be the main form of entertainment held there.
M-1 Challenge was more international last year in terms of showcasing more fighters from different countries like USA, Португалия, UK, Канада, Кореяи Ҷанубӣ, Хитой, ва ғайра. Do you plan to expand your fighter base even more this year and, if so, what countries are you targeting for fighters?
VF: “Usually, we hire fighters from countries where our events are being broadcasted. If we have new contracts with the countries from where we don’t have representative fighters, or only have a few of them, we are going to increase their number. The same for countries where we’ve held events because fans desire to see the local athletes fighting in the Rage. We give them an opportunity to see that.
With the success of female MMA stars around the world do you plan to add a female division in 2018?
VF: “One day we will probably create a female division in M-1 Global. Худи ҳозир, ҳатто, we don’t have enough strong female fighters to do it, ҳоло. As soon as we are ready to make this happen, it will be done, but we don’t want to open a new division just to check the box. We want the best fighters to compete at the highest level.
M-1 Global is closing in on your 100th M-1 Challenge event. Do you plan to promote your 100th event in 2018? If so can you provide any additional information about when, ки дар он, special plans, ва ғайра.
VF: M-1 Global has already promoted more than 200 чорабиниҳо, аз ҷумла: 85 M-1 Challenges, which was created in 2008. I think that this event will happen either in Saint-Petersburg or in Moscow, but we still have a lot of time left and a dozen other events before it. We are going to take care of it a bit later.
M-1 has developed fighters who’ve moved on to the UFC and other organizations. How do you feel about that trend? Does it frustrate you that you to spend time building a fighter and then have him move on, or do you look at it as a compliment that M-1 Global develops fighters who can compete in the UFC and any other organization?
VF: “We can consider this situation from different perspectives. I’m not happy to let my best fighters go, албатта, балки он аст, ки чӣ дар он аст,, and we are not ready to compete with UFC yet. Sometimes our fighters leave us. From another perspective, we are happy that our fighters who leave keep winning fights and become the top competitors in other promotions. It proves that the level of M-1 Global fighters is equal to the level of UFC fighters. The top athletes who left M-1 Global for UFC are in top positions there and other promotions don’t have such results. Other organization may make their fighters popular but, as soon as they move to UFC, they start losing and get released.
Our company is probably the second MMA promotion in the world and when some fighters move to the strongest league on the planet, they take a step forward, which I like much better than when they move to weaker promotions than M-1 Global just to make more money.
Any plans to do anything different this year than in the past, outside of the grand opening of the M-1 arena and possible 100th event?
VF: “The main difference will be that we are going to have our own home, M-1 Arena, which means we will be able to hold even more events. We’d like to have two events each month, 24 events a year. We opened our own TV channel (M1global.tv) and next year, MMA fans from former Soviet Republics will have an opportunity to watch all the fights. Using our iOS and Android App, viewers from all over the world can watch old and new fights right now, and next year we are going to make it even better. We are also going to create our own studio to produce different content, probably a new reality show with fighters from different countries.
Will you have showcase M-1 Medieval fights this coming year?
VF: “Apparently, we will have some medieval fights in 2018, but the only issue is that we have a lot of fighters under contract, so it is not easy to find a place for M-1 Medieval fights on our cards. We make knight fights in regions where they are popular, like in Ingushetia and Finland in 2017, because fans demonstrated to us that they want to see them. I hope one day we’ll have more resources for them.

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M-1 ДУШВОР 86 Натиҷаҳои расмии

Khamzat Dalgiev stops defending champion
Ivan Buchinger in opening round to capture
M-1 Challenge featherweight title
And the new M-1 Challenge featherweight champion…..Khamzat Dalgiev
Ингушистон, Русия (Ноябр 25, 2017) — Russian challenge Khamzat Dalgievended the three-year plus reign of Юҳанно “Ин аст,” Bunchinger as M-1 Challenge featherweight champion, knocking the Slovakian in the opening round in last night’s M-1 Challenge 86: Battle of the Narts” чорабинии асосии, дар Ингушистон, Русия.
M-1 даъвати 86 showcased MMA fighters from a dozen different countries: Русия, ИМА, Словакия, Finland, Канада, Фаронса, Бразилия, Қирғизистон, Uzbekistan, Украина, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
Buchinger (32-6-0, M-1: 7-2-0) originally captured his M-1 Challenge featherweight title more than three years ago, Вақте ки ӯ берун кӯфтанд Фориғшуда Nizami in the fourth round of their M-1 даъвати 52 Мубориза ба Night, also held in Ingushetia. Buchinger had made two title defenses, winning a five-round unanimous decision over Мансур Barnaoui дарM-1 даъвати 62 октябр 10, 2016, as well as in his last action this past June atM-1 даъвати 80 дар Чин, at which he locked in a choke to defeat Timor Nagibin by fourth-round submission this past June.
The newly crowned M-1 Challenge featherweight champion, Dalgiev (10-1-0, M-1: 6-2-0), extended his win streak to 10 consecutive victories since he lost his pro debut.
Русия Михаил Ragozin (9-3-0), M-1: 2-1-0) knocked out American Joseph “LeonidasHenle (10-3-1, M-1: 1-1-0), who made his M-1 Global debut, on punches in the third round of the co-featured event that was contested at a 196-pound catchweight.
Finnish lightweight Aleksi Mantykivi (11-4-0, M-1: 1-0-0) and Canadian bantamweightКрис “The Greek AssassinKelades (12-3-0, M-1: 1-0-0) both made strong statements against their Russian opponents in their M-1 Global debuts with submission victories. Mantykivi used a Guillotine choke to defeat Bashier Gagiev (5-3-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Русия, дар даври дуввум, while Kelades employed a Kimura for his win over Russian Oleg Lichkovakha (8-2-0, M-1: 1-1-0) in the third frame.
In the main card opener, Kyrgyzstan featherweight) Busurmankut Abdibait Uulu (9-2-1, M-1: 1-0-1) punched out his Brazilian foe, собиқадори Diego Davella (18-7-1, M-1: 1-2-1), дар даври кушодашавии.
Дар корти пешакӣ, Ukrainian welterweight Александр “Iron Capture” Butenko(45-12-3, M-1: 11-2-1) registered the 45уми win of his professional MMA career, when the doctor halted the action after one round versus Elerzhan Narmurzaev (4-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Қирғизистон. Georgian featherweight SosoStechkinNizharadze (5-4-0, M-1: 2-0-0) took a three-round unanimous decision over Russian Adam Gagiev (3-3-1, M-1: 2-2-0), Azerbaijan heavyweight Zaur Gadzhibabyev (6-1-0, M-1: 4-0-0) кӯфтанд берунNikolay Savilov, Русия, дар даври аввал ба punches, and Brazilian lightweightRubeniltonRubinho” Нок (8-5-0, M-1: 2-2-0) put Russian Lom Al-Nalgiev (14-6-0, M-1: 5-1-0) to sleep via punches in the opening round.
In a pair of pre-undercard fights, Russian bantamweight prospect Selem Evloev (4-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0) нигоҳ сабти комили ӯ солим, unloading a bevy of punches on UkrainianDmitry Orlov (2-4-1, M-1: 1-1-0) for a first-round technical knockout, дар ҳоле ки УкраинаYuri Chobuka (8-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0) такмил шаҳодати вай ба 8-1-1 with a first-round submission triumph by way of Guillotine choke versus Akhmadkhan Bokov (2-3-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Русия, at a 150-pound catchweight.
Complete results, video of each fight, and more pictures below:
ЬОЛАТ АСОСӢ – M-1 Featherweight Чемпионати
Khamzat Dalgiev (10-1-0, M-1: 7-1-0), Русия
WKO1 (Punches – 2:35)
Иван Buchinger(32-6-0, M-1: 7-2-0), Словакия
(Dalgiev won M-1 Challenge featherweight title)
Михаил Ragozin (9-3-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Русия
WKO3 (Punches – 4:59)
Joseph Henle (10-3-1, M-1: 0-1-0), ИМА
Aleksi Mantykivi, Finland
WSUB2 (Каломро гилитон – 1:06)
Bashir Gagiev (5-3-0, M-1: 2-1-), Русия
Chris Kelades 12-3-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Канада
WSUB3 (Kimura – 1:37)
Oleg Lichkovakha (8-2-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Русия
Busurmankut Abdibait Uulu (9-2-1, M-1: 1-0-1), Қирғизистон
WTKO (Punches – 4:12)
Diego Davella (18-6-1, M-1: 1-2-1), Бразилия
Arnaud Kherfallakh (5-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Фаронса
WSUB1 (Каломро гилитон – 1:48)
Vaha Shankhoev (5-4-0, M-1: 4-3-0), Русия
Ирсол Nizharadze (5-4-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Гурҷистон
Adam Gagiev (3-3-1, M-1: 2-2-0), Русия
Zaur Gadzhibabyev (6-1-0, 4-0-0), Озарбойҷон
WKO1 (Punch4:33)
Nikolay Savilov (10-3-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Русия
Александр Butenko (45-12-3, M-1: 11-2-1), Русия
WSUB1 (Arm-bar5:00)
Elerzhan Narmurzaev (4-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Қирғизистон
Rubenilton Pereira (18-5-0, M-1: 2-2-0)
WKO1 (Punch3:08)
Абшолӯм-Алӣ Nalgiev (14-6-0, M-1: 5-1-0)
Selem Evloev (3-0-0, M-1 3-0-0), Русия
WTKO1 (Punches 4:36)
Dmitry Orlov (2-3-0, M-1: 1-1-0) , Украина
Yuri Chobuka (8-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Украина
WSUB1 (Каломро гилитон – 2:14)
Akhmadkhan Bokov (2-3-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Русия
(click on picture for ID’s)



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Ivan Buchinger defends M-1 Challenge featherweight title vs. Khamzat Dalgiev to headline M-1 Challenge 86

Ин Ҷумъа дар Ингушистон, Русия
Иван Buchinger (R) has been the M-1 Challenge featherweight champion for 3 сол
Санкт-Петербург, Русия (Ноябр 20, 2017) – M-1 Global holds one of its final events of the year рӯзи ҷумъа шаб, featuring M-1 Challenge featherweight champion Юҳанно “Ин аст,” Buchinger in his title defense against challenger Khamzat Dalgiev in the M-1 Challenge 86: Battle of the Narts in Ingushetia, Русия.
M-1 даъвати 86 will be streamed live from Ingushetia in high definition on www.M1Global.TV. Тамошобинон хоҳад тавонист ба тамошои ин задухурдҳо пешакӣ ва корти асосӣ тавассути ворид оид ба қайд www.M1Global.TV. Fans may watch all the action on their computers, инчунин оид ба Android ва Apple телефонҳои смарт ва планшети.
M-1 даъвати 86 will showcase MMA fighters from 12 different countries: Русия, ИМА, Словакия, Finland, Канада, Фаронса, Бразилия, Қирғизистон, Uzbekistan, Украина, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
Buchinger (32-5-0, M-1: 7-1-0), мубориза аз Словакия, captured his M-1 Challenge featherweight title more than three years ago, Вақте ки ӯ берун кӯфтанд Фориғшуда Nizami in the fourth round of their M-1 даъвати 52 Мубориза ба Night, also held in Ingushetia. Buchinger has made two title defenses, winning a five-round unanimous decision over Мансур Barnaoui дар M-1 даъвати 62 октябр 10, 2016, as well as in his last action this past June at M-1 даъвати 80 дар Чин, at which he locked in a choke to defeat Timor Nagibin by fourth-round submission this past June.
After losing his pro debut, Dalgiev (9-1-0, M-1: 6-1-0), Русия, has reeled-off nine consecutive victories to position himself as the top M-1 Global featherweight contender. In his last fight Dalgiev submitted Dragan Pesic дар M-1 даъвати 79 with a heel hook and before that at M-1 даъвати 73, he earned a bonus Submission of the Night, using a choke to force Christian Holley into a second-round submission (see picture below).

Дар сурати-тавсиф ба ҳамкорӣ, to be contested at a 196-pound catch-weight, Russian favorite Михаил Ragozin (8-3-0, M-1: 2-1-0) takes on debuting M-1 Global American, Joseph “LeonidasHenle (10-2-1, M-1: 0-0-0).
Also scheduled to fight on the M-1 Challenge 86 main card are Finnish lightweight Aleksi Mantykivi (10-4-0, M-1: 0-0-0) против. Русия Bashir Gagiev (5-2-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Canadian bantamweight Крис “The Greek AssassinKelades (11-3-0, M-1: 0-0-0), also making his M-1 Global debut, против. Русия Oleg Lichkovakha (8-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), and Brazilian featherweight Diego Davella (18-6-1, M-1: 1-1-1) против. Busurmankut Abdibait Uulu (8-2-1, M-1: 0-0-1), Қирғизистон.
The loaded preliminary card has Russian lightweight Абшолӯм-Алӣ Nalgiev (14-5-0, M-1: 5-0-0) против. Бразилия RubeniltonRubinho” Нок (17-5-0, M-1: 1-2-0), veteran Ukrainian welterweight Александр “Iron Capture” Butenko (44-12-3, M-1: 10-1-1) против. KiamrianBrazenAbbasov (18-3-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Қирғизистон, Azerbaijan heavyweight Zaur Gadzhibabyev (5-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0) против. Русия Nikolay Savilov (10-2-0, M-1: 3-0-0), ва Featherweight Русия Adam Gagiev (3-2-1, M-1: 2-1-0) против. SosoStechkinNizharadze (4-4-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Гурҷистон.

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M-1 даъвати 86: Nov. 24, 2017 дар Ингушистон, Русия

Damir Ismagulov takes decision in Super Fight over Rogerio Karranca

M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Damir Ismagulov (оид ба боло) won a decision over Rogerio Karranca in their non-title, Super Fight at M-1 даъвати 85
MOSCOW (Ноябр 11, 2017) — M-1 Challenger lightweight champion Дамир Ismagulov шикаст Rogerio Karranca in a non-title, Super Fight last night in the M-1 даъвати 85чорабинии асосии, at the Ice Palace in Moscow.
In another true international MMA event, 10 different countries were represented by the 24 ҷангиён: Русия, ИМА, Бразилия, Гурҷистон, Олмон, Қазоқистон, Украина, Хорватия, Switzerland and Spain.
Ismagulov (13-2-0, 8-1-0), fighting out of Russia by way of Kazakhstan, needed all five rounds to take a decision over his Brazilian opponent, M-1 Global pro-debuting Karranca (13-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0).
Дар сурати-тавсиф ба ҳамкорӣ, American featherweight NateThe TrainLandwehr (10-2-0, M-1: 2-0-0) took a three-round decision from always tough Viktor Kolesnik (11-3-1, M-1: 2-1-1), Русия.
Гаронвазн сабук Гурҷистон Giga Kukhalashvili (9-3-0, M-1: 2-0-0), undefeated Russian lightweight Abubakar Mestoev (6-0-0, M-1: 6-0-0) and Kazakh flyweight Arman Ashimov(7-2-1, M-1: 2-0-0) all registered opening-round knockout via punches, мутаносибан, over late replacement Sebastian Heil (6-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Олмон, Русия Алексей “Супориш” Makhno (16-6-0, M-1: 4-3-0) ва Родриго “Бад Писаре” Melonio (16-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Олмон.
Дар корти пешакӣ, former M-1 Challenge champion Максим Divnich (13-3-0, M-1: 7-4-0), мубориза аз Русия, lost a decision to hot Russian lightweight prospect Ruslan Rakhmonkulov (11-1-1, M-1: 1-0-0), who was making his M-1 Global debut.
American featherweight The Finisher” Еҳ Rectification House (16-4-0, M-1: 4-0-0) took a three-round decision over Ukranian Alexander Luna (21-11-0, M-1: 1-1-0), as did Ukrainian Андрей “Оҳан” Lezhnev (17-7-0, M-1: 5-3-0) рӯ ба рӯи Russian Ilfat Amirov (9-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0).
Russian middleweight used a rear-naked choke for a second-round submission win against Croatian Kristijan Силвер (9-4-2, M-1: 0-3-2) and Russian bantamweight Sergey Klyuev(5-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0) remained unbeaten using an arm-bar for a first-round victory by way of an opening round submission of previously unbeaten Spaniard Oscar Suarez (3-1-1, M-1: 0-1-0).
Georgian flyweight Vazha Tsiptauri (3-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0) employed a Guillotine Choke for a third-round win by submission over his Swiss opponent, Frederico Gutzwiller (3-3-0, M-1: 1-1-0), ҳол он Maxim Yakobyuk (2-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0) forced VictorTatraTrushov (2-1-0) into a second-round submission in a battle of Russian heavyweights.
Complete results and photo gallery gallery (click on pictures for IDs):
Дамир Ismagulov (13-2-0, M-1: 8-1-0), Kazakhstan by way of Russia
Rogerio Karranca (13-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Бразилия
Nate Landwehr (10-2-0, M-1: 2-0-0), ИМА
Victor Kolesnik (11-3-1, M-1: 2-1-1), Русия
Giga Kukhalashvili (9-3-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Гурҷистон
WKO1 (Punches – 1:16)
Sebastian Heil (6-2-0, M-1; 0-1-0), Олмон
Abubaker Mestoev (6-0-0, M-1: 6-0-0), Русия
WKO1 (Punches – 3:27)
Alexey Makhano (16-6-0, M-1: 4-3-0), Русия
Вазнҳои вазн
Arman Ashimov (7-2-1, M-1: 2-0-0), Қазоқистон
WKO1 (Punches – 3:27)
Rodrigo Melonio (16-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Бразилия
Maxim Yakobyuk (2-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Русия
WSUB2 (Side Choke1:16)
Victor Trushov (2-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Русия
Vitaliy Slipenko (9-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Русия
WSUB2 (Пушти Naked каломро – 2:19)
Kristijan Силвер (9-4-2, M-1: 0-3-2), Хорватия
Ruslan Rakhmonkulov (11-1-1, M-1: 1-0-0), Русия
Максим Divnich (13-3-0, M-1: 7-4-0), Russia by way of Ukraine
Sergey Klyuev (5-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Русия
WSUB1 (Arm Bar0:45)
Oscar Suarez (3-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Испания
Андрей Lezhnev (17-7-0, M-1: 5-3-0), Украина
Ilfat Amirov (9-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Русия
Еҳ Rectification House (16-4-0, M-1: 4-0-0), ИМА
Aleksander Lunga (21-11-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Украина
Вазнҳои вазн
Vazha Tsiptauri (2-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Гурҷистон
WSUB3 (Каломро гилитон – 0:32)
Frederico Gutzwiller (3-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Швейтсария, 124,78 lbs. (56,6 кг.)

From Russia with love…..

…..M-1 Ring Card Girls


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Damir Ismagulov vs. Rogerio Karranca M-1 Challenge 85 Супер мубориза

Giga Kukhalashvili vs. Stephan Puetz in co-feature
Nov. 10 at Olympic Stadium in Moscow, Русия
Дамир Ismagulov (R) is the M-1 Challenge 85 headliner
Санкт-Петербург, Русия (Ноябр 2, 2017) – The stars will be out Ноябр 10дар M-1 даъвати 85, featuring M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Дамир Ismagulov, at Olympic Stadium in Moscow, Русия.
M-1 даъвати 85 will be streamed live from Moscow in high definition onwww.M1Global.TV. Тамошобинон хоҳад тавонист ба тамошои ин задухурдҳо пешакӣ ва корти асосӣ тавассути ворид оид ба қайд www.M1Global.TV. Fans may watch all the action on their computers, инчунин оид ба Android ва Apple телефонҳои смарт ва планшети.
M-1 даъвати 85 is a true international event with representatives of 10 different countries: Русия, ИМА, Бразилия, Олмон, Қазоқистон, Хорватия, Гурҷистон, Швейтсария, Ukraine and Spain.
Ismagulov (12-2-0, M-1: 7-1-0), fighting out of Kazakhstan, captured his title this past May at M-1 даъвати 78, манъ Максим Divnich (12-2-0) via punches in round four. Ismagulov is riding a seven-fight win streak into this non-title, main event fight against Brazilian challenger Rogerio Karranca (13-2-0), who will be making his M-1 Global debut.
Гаронвазн сабук Гурҷистон Giga Kukhalashvili (8-3-0, M-1: 1-0-0) steps up in class to take on former M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion Стефан “T-800” Пуец (15-3-0, M-1: 6-2-0, Олмон.
Стефан Puetz (R) will try to position himself for another title shot
Other main card matches are American featherweight NateThe TrainLandwehr(9-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0) против. Русия Viktor Kolesnik (11-2-1, (M-1: 2-0-1), Abubakar Mestoev против. Алексей “Супориш” Makhno (16-5-0, M-1: 4-2-0) in battle of Russian lightweights, and Kazakhstan bantamweight Arman Ashimov (6-2-1, M-1: 1-0-0) против.Родриго “Бад Писаре” Melonio (16-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Бразилия.
The loaded preliminary card has seven fights: Russian lightweight and former M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Divnich (13-2-0, M-1: 7-3-0) против. Русия Ruslan Rakhmonkulov (10-1-1, M-1: 0-0-0), Middleweight Русия Vitaliy Slipenko (8-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0) против. Croatian Kristijan Силвер (9-3-2, M-1: 0-2-2), Middleweight ГурҷистонVazha Tsiptauri (2-1-0, M-1 0-0-0) против. Frederico Gutzwiller (3-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0), of Switzerland, American bantamweight The Finisher” Еҳ Rectification House (15-4-0, M-1: 3-0-0) против. Ukrainian Alexander Lunga (21-10-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Ukrainian featherweightАндрей “Оҳан” Lezhnev (16-7-0, M-1: 4-3-0) против. Русия Ilfat Amirov (9-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Spanish bantamweight Oscar Suarez (3-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0) против. Русия Sergey Klyuev (4-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0), and Russian heavyweight VictorTatraTrushnov (2-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0) против. fellow countryman Maxim Yakobyuk (1-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0).


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M-1 даъвати 85: Ноябр 10, 2017 дар Маскав, Русия

Brandon Halsey defeats Mikhail Ragozin by Decision in light heavyweight Super Fight

Aleksander Doskalchuk captures inaugural
M-1 Challenge flyweight championship

Brandon Halsey recorded his first M-1 Global victory
KAZAN, Русия (September 23, 2017) – American MMA fighter Брандан “Барзагов” Halsey, fighting as a light heavyweight for the first time, won a hard-fought, three-round unanimous decision over his Russian opponent, Михаил Ragozin, in yesterday’s (Шанбе) M-1 даъвати 83: TATFIGHT 5 чорабинии асосии, marking the first international MMA event ever held in Kazan, Русия.
Дар ҳамкорӣ хусусияти, Aleksander Doskalchuk became the first M-1 Challenge flyweight champion.
Eight different countries – Русия, ИМА, Украина, Гурҷистон, Қазоқистон, Бразилия, Қирғизистон, and Netherlandswere represented by fighters in this international event.
The 30-year-old Halsey (10-3-0, M-1: 1-1-0), fighting out of Huntington Beach, Калифорния, was a standout wrestler at the California State University in Bakersfield. He is a former two-time Bellator whose decision to move up to light heavyweight from middleweight, after him being stopped in the opening round ofM-1 даъвати 79 this past June to Russian MMA star Александр Шлеменко, proved correct as he won a three-round decision over Ragozin for his initi al M-1 Global victory, establishing himself as a leading contender for the coveted M-1 Challenge light heavyweight title.
Doskalchuk (8-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Украина, used a choke hold to force Russian flyweight VadimBad SantaMalygin (11-3-1, M-1: 2-2-1) to tap out in the second round. Doskalchuk became the first M-1 Challenge flyweight champion.
In other main event action, Гурҷистон lightweight Раул Tutarauli (18-3-0, M-1: 6-1-0) took a three-round unanimous decision over previously undefeatedVladimir Kanunnikov (8-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0, Русия; American featherweightNateThe TrainLandwehr (9-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0) stopped his Russian foe,Михаил Korobkov (13-3-1, M-1: 1-3-1), on punches in the second round; Kazakh bantamweight Sergey Morozov (10-3-0, M-1: 5-2-0) punched out Luan Fernandes (8-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0) in the second fame.
NateThe TrainLandwehr celebrated his first M-1 win
The judges were very busy working the undercard as only two fights ended before the full distance with Russian featherweight knocking out his countryman, ҷонибдори debuting Rinat Shakirov дар даври сеюм, and Russian lightweight Viktor Kolesnik (11-3-1, M-1: 2-0-1) doing the same to Netherlands kickboxing specialist Brian Hooi (14-7-0, M-1: 0-1-0), only in the opening round.
Украина гаронвазн нур Vadim Shabadash (5-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0) and Russian bantamweight Alexander Osetrov won unanimous decisions over, мутаносибан, Русия Kirill Kusmin (2-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0) and pro-debuting Lenar Suleymanov, Русия.
Russian light weight Alik Albagachiev (4-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0) took a majority decision win from Russian Ruslan Khisamutdinov (4-4-0, M-1: 0-1-0) and Russian welterweight Vadim Sinitsyn (2-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0) had the exact same outcome versus Timur Gilimzyanov (4-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0). Brazilian lightweightDiego Davela (18-6-1, M-1: 1-1-1) ва Busurmankul Abdibait Uulu (8-2-1, M-1: 0-0-1), Қирғизистон, fought to a three-round split draw.
Натиҷаҳои пурра ва Аксҳо поён:
Брандан Halsey (10-3-0, M-1: 1-1-0), ИМА
Михаил Ragozin (8-3-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Русия
Aleksander Doskalchuk (8-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Украина
Vadim Malygin (11-3-1, M-1: 2-2-1), Русия
(Doskalchuk Won M-1 Challenge flyweight title)
Раул Tutarauli (18-3-0, M-1: 6-1-0), Гурҷистон
Vladimir Kanunnikov (8-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Русия)
Nate Landwehr (9-2-0 (M-1: 1-0-0), ИМА
WKO/TKO (punches – 1:31)
Михаил Korobkov (13-3-1, M-1: 1-3-1), Русия
Сергей Морозов (10-3-0, M-1: 5-2-0), Қазоқистон
WKO / TKO2 (punches – 4:48)
Luan Fernandes (8-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Бразилия
Vadim Shabadash (5-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Украина
Kirill Kuzmin (2-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Русия
Vadim Sinitsyn (2-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Русия
Timur Gilimzyanov (4-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Русия
Diego Davella (18-6-1, M-1: 1-1-1), Бразилия
Busurmankul Abditbait Uulu (8-2-1, M-1: 0-0-1), Қирғизистон
Viktor Kolesnik (11-2-1, M-1: 2-0-1), Русия
WKO / TKO1 (punches – 3:36)
Brian Hooi (14-7-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Нидерланд
Alik Albagachiev (4-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Русия
Ruslan Khisamutdinov (4-4-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Русия
Nidzhat Imanov (2-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0)
WKO / TKO3 (punches)
Rinat Shakirov (0-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Русия
Alexander Osetrov (2-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Русия
Lenar Suleymanov (0-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Русия


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M-1 даъвати 84: Октябр 27, 2017 дар Сент. Петербург, Русия
M-1 даъвати 85: Ноябр 10, 2017 дар Маскав, Русия


KAZAN, Русия (September 22, 2017) – The official weigh in was held today for лидерони M-1 даъвати 83 in Kazan, Русия. See weights and pictures below.
M-1 даъвати 83 will be streamed live from Kazan in high definition on www.M1Global.TV. Тамошобинон хоҳад тавонист ба тамошои ин задухурдҳо пешакӣ ва корти асосӣ тавассути ворид оид ба қайд www.M1Global.TV. Fans may watch all the action on their computers, инчунин оид ба Android ва Apple телефонҳои смарт ва планшети.
(R) Михаил Ragozin(8-2-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Русия 205 lbs. (93 кг)
(L) Брандан “Барзагов” Halsey (9-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), ИМА 204 lbs. (92,8 кг)
(L) Aleksander Doskalchuk (7-1-00, M-1: 1-0-0), Украина 125 lbs. (56,7 кг)
(R) VadimBad SantaMalygin (11-2-1, M-1: 2-1-1), Русия 125 lbs. (56,7 кг)
(R) Vladimir Kanunnikov (8-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Русия 153 ½ lbs. (69,6 кг)
(L) Раул Tutarauli (17-3-0, M-1: 5-1-0), Гурҷистон 153 ½ lbs. (69,8 кг)
(L) NateThe TrainLandwehr (8-2-0 (M-1: 0-0-0), ИМА 144 lbs. (65,5 кг)
(R) Михаил Korobkov (13-2-1, M-1: 1-2-1), Русия 143 OBS. (65,2 КГ)
(R) Сергей Морозов (9-3-0, M-1: 4-2-0), Қазоқистон 135 LBS. (61,3 кг)
(L) Luan Fernandes (8-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Бразилия 133 lbs. (60,5 кг)
Kirill Kuzmin (2-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Русия 200 lbs. (91 кг)
Vadim Shabadash (4-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Украина 202 lbs. (91,7 кг)
Timur Gilimzyanov (4-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Русия 168 ½ lbs. (76,6 кг)
Vadim Sinitsyn (1-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Русия 168 lbs. (76,3 кг)
Diego Davella (18-6-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Бразилия 149 lbs. (67,8 кг)
Busurmankul Abditbait Uulu (8-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Қирғизистон 149 lbs. (67,8 кг)
Brian Hooi (14-6-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Нидерланд 153 lbs. (69,6 кг)
Viktor Kolesnik (10-2-1, M-1: 1-0-1), Русия 154 ½ lbs. (70,3 кг)
Ruslan Khisamutdinov (4-3-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Русия 154 lbs. (69,9 кг)
Alik Albagachiev (3-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Русия 154 lbs. (70 кг)
Rinat Shakirov (барои debut), Русия 138 lbs. (62,7 кг)
Nidzhat Imanov (1-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0) 138 ½ lbs. (63 кг)
Lenar Suleymanov (барои debut), Русия 133 lbs. (60,6 кг)
Alexander Osetrov (1-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Русия 134 lbs. (61,1 кг)
(all fights & fighters subject to change)
КАЙ: Шанбе, September 23, 2017
КУҶО: Kazan, Русия
Обунакунанда: M-1 Global
Наҳр LIVE: www.m1global.tv (9.00 саҳарӣ. ВА / 6:00 саҳарӣ. in USA)
Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
M-1 даъвати 83: Ҳафт. 23, 2017 in Kazan, Русия
M-1 даъвати 84: Октябр 27, 2017 дар Сент. Петербург, Русия
M-1 даъвати 85: Ноябр 10, 2017 дар Маскав, Русия

Супер мубориза: Mikhail Ragozin vs. Brandon Halsey plus Doskalchuk vs. Malygin Inaugural M-1 Challenge Flyweight title fight

БАРОИ фавран озод
Санкт-Петербург, Русия (September 13, 2017) – The M-1 даъвати 83 main card is set for the first international mixed-martial-arts event ever held in the Republic of Tatarstan, September 23, in Kazan, Русия,
M-1 даъвати 83 will be streamed live from Kazan in high definition onwww.M1Global.TV. Тамошобинон хоҳад тавонист ба тамошои ин задухурдҳо пешакӣ ва корти асосӣ тавассути ворид оид ба қайд www.M1Global.TV. Fans may watch all the action on their computers, инчунин оид ба Android ва Apple телефонҳои смарт ва планшети.
World-class light heavyweight contenders Михаил Ragozin (8-2-0, M-1: 3-0-0), representing New Stream Team, Storm School and Club Boets, ва Брандан “Барзагов” Halsey (9-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0) are matched against each other in the main event, ҳол он Aleksander Doskalchuk (7-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0) меандешад VadimBad SantaMalygin (11-2-1, M-1: 2-1-1).
Last May in his most recent action, 25-year-old Ragozin (дар поён акс ёфтааст) боздошта Alan Bispo,Бразилия, дар даври сеюм дар M-1 даъвати 78. The Russian fighter hadn’t fought in M-1 Global competition since 2015.
Halsey, 30, is from Huntington Beach, Калифорния. A wrestler from the California State University in Bakersfield, Halsey captured the Bellator middleweight title three years ago by way of an opening-round submission (нафасгир шудан) of Russian MMA star Александр Шлеменко, who avenged that loss with a knockout of Halsey in the first round this past June at M-1 даъвати 79. Halsey had difficulty dropping weight for his rematch with Shlemnenko and he immediately decided to move up in weight to light heavyweight.
Ukraine-born Doskalchuk (pictured below on left) rides a four-fight win streak, including a three-round unanimous decision last May at M-1 Даъват 78 дар болои Son Le Binh.
The winner of his last three fights, Malygin (pictured below on right) is a Russian flyweight on a three-fight win streak, including a win by three-round unanimous decision over FabricioBillSarraff дар M-1 даъвати 78.
Also scheduled to fight on the M-1 даъвати 83 card is undefeated Russian lightweight prospect Vladimir Kanunnikov (8-0-0), who will be making his M-1 Global debut against Georgian Raul Tutalrauli (17-3-0, M-1: 5-1-0). American featherweight NateThe TrainLandwehr (8-2-0) will also be making his M-1 Global debut versus veteran Russian fighter Михаил Korobkov (13-2-1, M-1: 1-2-1), while Brazilian lightweight Диего (D’Avila) Davella (18-6-0, M-1: 1-1-0) takes on former Interim M-1 Challenge lightweight title challenger Алексей Nevzorov (12-3-0, M-1: 6-2-0), Русия.
The M-1 даъвати 83 preliminary card will showcase local pro fighters such asRuslan Khisamutdinov, Kirill Kuzmen ва Lenar Suleymanov.
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@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
M-1 даъвати 83: Ҳафт. 23, 2017 in Kazan, Русия
M-1 даъвати 84: Октябр 27, 2017 дар Сент. Петербург, Русия
M-1 даъвати 85: Ноябр 10, 2017 дар Маскав, Русия