标记档案: 鲁本别墅

DEVIN HANEY VS. 道歉的墙壁最后的新闻发布会行情 & 照片

不败的顶部轻量级竞争者哈尼面临研究员不败Ndongeni在的ShoBox的主要事件: 新一代周五, 一月 11 住在Showtime®

点击 这里 从罗茜COHE / SHOWTIME照片

SHREVEPORT, 的。(一月 9, 2019) - 一个拳击最有前途的新星, 不败轻量级德文 - 哈尼, 和研究员不败墙壁道歉, 拉开序幕的战斗上周在玛格丽塔维尔度假村赌场最后的新闻发布会上周三在天堂影院超前了的ShoBox: 新一代 布特这个星期五重头戏, 一月 11 在 10 P.M. ET / PT住在Showtime在路易斯安那州什里夫波特的StageWorks.

这位20岁的湾区本地和电流拉斯维加斯居民哈尼 (20-0, 13 科斯), 一七次全国青少年业余锦标赛冠军, 头条第三次流行的面向前景系列时,他对南非的Ndongeni (25-0, 13 科斯), 不败28岁的谁曾经举行的国际文凭组织带 135 磅。

本次活动由德文 - 哈尼促销和主教促销LLC推广, 在横幅促销和汤普森拳击协会。门票, 开始 $30, 现已公开发售,并可以在www.akafights.com

的ShoBox 共同特征, 轻量级前景鲁别墅 (14-0, 5 科斯) 将在鲁本塞韦拉 (10-0, 9 科斯) 在八轮对决. 电视节目将与年轻的重量级弗兰克·桑切斯福雷打开 (10-0, 8 科斯) 和威利杰克JR. (8-1-1, 2 科斯) 在另一个八轮较量现蕾.



“经过这次战斗我希望全世界的人都知道我不再是一个前景. 我是一个竞争者.

“我觉得我有一些东西需要证明. 我不只是要为胜利而上周五晚上, 我要发言. 我要好看. 我想向世界展示我的能力的.

“我认为,随着对像Ndongeni战斗机的胜利, 天空才是极限. 这场斗争是要带我到一个新的水平。”


“来吧周五晚上, 这将是表演时间. 因为, 恕我直言, 我没有推覆,我没有来这里失去.

“我已经在比赛中很长一段时间. 我已经打了很多风格和我都看到了. 我不怕.

“我们不是在寻找任何小于一胜. 我不会离开这里没有一个“。


“我知道我的对手是一个非常好的战斗机,但我没有感到任何额外的压力. 这就是我们训练 - 一个攻坚战. 我很高兴周五晚上. 我渴望执行.

“能够在电视上打的是要最终把我在地图上. 周五晚后, 人们会谈论我. 他们要看看我做的。”


“我来自哥伦比亚最初是和旅行一路这里并不容易, 但我们来到准备. 我们有一个非常成功的营. 我们做我们想要做多的一切.

“我很高兴能在美国全国电视上打. 我想展示什么哥伦比亚战斗机是由关.

“我知道我的对手是好的, 和不败, 但只有最优秀的人将赢得, 并且将是我的。”


“我很感激有机会. 这对我来说是重要的战斗. 在训练营, 我花了一天在一个时间, 一步步. 我接受挑战的准备.

“我不会低估我的对手, 我会听我的,可是我会提出了一个伟大的斗争。”

#          #          #

欲了解更多信息,请访问www.sho.com/sports 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, #的ShoBox, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

拳击的后起之秀DEVIN HANEY将观众通过“天CAMP”; 新的视频特征AHEAD RELEASED的ShoBox: 新一代主赛事

哈尼VS. Ndongeni

星期五, 一月. 11 住在开演时间®从什里夫波特StageWorks路易斯安那州

什么: 德文 - 哈尼会踢 关闭 2019 拳击一年上领衔的ShoBox: 新一代 对于 时,他对同胞不败Xolisani Ndongeni在10轮在他年轻的职业生涯中第三次 轻巧的重头戏这个星期五, 一月 11 在 10 P.M. ET / PT生活 SHOWTIME从路易斯安那州的StageWorks 什里夫波特.

拉斯维加斯的超级自信的哈尼已经一切准备为他. 在11月,他转身 20 岁, 并且是在拳击历史上最年轻促销员领先德文 - 哈尼的促销活动之一. 欣欣体育日前发布了“中日夏令营”的视频功能,你很快就会明白为什么哈尼是一个拳击最亮的年轻恒星.

哈尼湾区训练日开始在 海洋, 他说,他睡觉,呼吸比他在拉斯维加斯的更好 拉斯维加斯. 哈尼杆柱在著名教练维吉尔猎人和前世界冠军安德烈 沃德在海沃德健身房, 加利福尼亚州。, 靠近哈尼的童年的家在奥克兰. 他 也要付出代价,世界知名运动营养师专家维克多·孔蒂的访问 SNAC设施,在那里他模拟高海拔训练。

在新的一年, 哈尼只是希望 建立他的拳技, 以及他的品牌. “我要下去的 多部门的世界冠军. 无可争议. 我想下井带巨星. 我想最好的提到我的名字. 我去年是大. 许多 人们不知道我, 现在他们知道了我. 它一定会得到更大的 2019. 我将争取世界冠军。”

的ShoBox 共同特征, 轻量级前景鲁别墅 (14-0, 5 科斯) 将在鲁本塞韦拉 (10-0, 9 科斯) 在八轮对决. 电视节目将与年轻打开 重量级弗兰克·桑切斯福雷 (10-0, 8 科斯) 和威利杰克JR. (8-1-1, 2 科斯) 在另一个八轮较量现蕾. ��

鲁本别墅辩护的不败战绩,这周五在ShoBox: 新一代

住在SHOWTIME®在 10 P.M. ET / PT从StageWorks路易斯安那州什里夫波特

费城, 佩恩. / ORANGE加利福尼亚州。(一月. 8, 2019) – 不败 轻量级前景鲁本 别墅 (14-0, 5 科斯) 需要 在他做什么时,已成为一个有前途的年轻职业生涯的下一步他 国家电视台登场星期五在一个共同特征的战斗 的ShoBox: 新一代tripleheader

八轮的回合发生从StageWorks  路易斯安那州南部的中美. 城市什里夫波特. 覆盖摆架子生活开演时间在开始10 P.M. ET / PT。

别墅, 一个左撇子谁把 21 去年年底, 面对哥伦比亚鲁本塞韦拉 (10-0, 9 价格), 谁将会从超轻量级将加紧从萨利纳斯打前两届金手套得主, 加利福尼亚州.

“它的 一个令人兴奋的机会,在明亮的灯光打,” 说别墅, 谁是共同促进 横幅促销和汤普森拳击. “这是什么 所有拳手规划 – 要在国家平台展示. 焦点 将保持不变. 我将是积极的,把我的邮票上的斗争. 我期待着为大众提供令人难忘的表现。”

别墅 奋战在塞韦拉很大程度上未知人才. 他拥有令人印象深刻的记录, 但已建成对边际反对. 别墅, 谁开始拳击在 五岁, 来自一个优秀的业余血统,并已看到先进 样式对打会议以来在转职业 2016.

“有 他没有多少视频, 但我们知道他喜欢加载的大拳,所以我们会 意识到这一点,” 别墅 说过. “生病 玩智能第一轮的情侣,看看他做的。”

比赛 向上数字来在这个意义上提供一个测试别墅该轻球探 战斗机使一个危险的对手.

“我 只是要争取我的战斗,” 别墅 继续. “我会用我的脚法让他送行 平衡,并让他累了. 我可以压他用我的手速和土地 从角度,他不会看得出来拳。”

事件 被晋升德文 - 哈尼促销 和主教促销LLC, 与联想横幅促销 和汤普森拳击. 门票, 开始 $30, 有售 现在可以在www.akafights.com

DEVIN HANEY媒体日的报价和照片

不败顶部轻量级竞争者面临Xolisani Ndongeni中的ShoBox的主要事件: 新一代周五, 一月. 11 住在 开演时间®

点击 这里 从马里奥·塞拉诺/德文 - 哈尼促销图片

LAS VEGAS (十二月 28, 2018) – 预示着不败轻量级竞争者德文 - 哈尼在拉斯维加斯制定了媒体周四梅威瑟拳击俱乐部超越他 的ShoBox: 新一代 主要事件回合周五, 一月. 11 在 10 P.M. ET / PT住在SHOWTIME®.

这位20岁的湾区本地和电流拉斯维加斯居民哈尼 (20-0, 13 科斯), 一七次全国青少年业余锦标赛冠军, 上流行起来,和今后的展望系列将标题 的ShoBox 他年轻的职业生涯的第三次时,他对同胞不败Xolisani Ndongeni (25-0, 13 科斯) 在10轮的主要事件发生在路易斯安那州什里夫波特的StageWorks.

的ShoBox 共同特征, 轻量级前景鲁别墅 (14-0, 5 科斯) 将在鲁本塞韦拉 (10-0, 9 科斯) 在八轮对决. 电视节目将与年轻的重量级弗兰克·桑切斯福雷打开 (10-0, 8 科斯) 和威利杰克JR. (8-1-1, 2 科斯) 在另一个八轮较量现蕾. 以下是哈尼和他的父亲和教练比尔·哈尼说的话:

DEVIN HANEY在他最近的训练营:

“训练营一直都非常好. 我总是开始在拉斯维加斯的前两周. 然后我去了海湾地区的SNAC设施与Victor Conte的四个星期训练. 我没有在维吉尔猎人的健身房等等很多马里奥巴里奥斯回合对打,以及. 现在, 我回来在拉斯维加斯与我的体能教练雷吉. 我们正在努力, 我会在我的最好的,当我踏进时间Jan 11日环。”

在面对南非的不败墙壁道歉:“我知道,从非洲战士总是来打. 道歉的墙壁是不同的. 他是非常有经验和不败. Ndongeni已经 12 查房多次在他的职业生涯. 这是战斗的类型,我需要赢得令人印象深刻. 我一直在寻找改善. 打艰难的南非将让我一步一步接近世界冠军射击。”

“战斗在Showtime的的ShoBox 系列一直惊人了我的职业生涯. 这是我对这个系列的第三次出现. 感觉太棒了有一个家来展示我的才华. Ndongeni会带出最好的我. 我准备毕业精彩表演拳击锦标赛。”

“我爬上具有良好的胜利反对梅森梅纳尔和胡安·卡洛斯·布尔戈斯排名. 我评为顶部 10 在WBA, WBC, 和IBF. 我专注于Ndongeni和1月11日是我的时间闪耀。”

比尔·哈尼, 德文的父亲和教练
在他的儿子德文 - 哈尼的进展:
“德文 - 总是令我印象深刻,他的工作热情和承诺游戏计划. 每天在他的工作就没什么事了健身房,使一个伟大的战士. 因为他的亲亮相德文已经走过了很长的路要走. 一旦他开始在Showtime战斗, 他真的加强了他的比赛. 他是一个天生的战士和良好的艺人之一地狱。”

捡他的对手:“我们总是看步了他在比赛中. 这对我们来说是一个很大的斗争,我们知道我们是反对什么. 这些是要带他到一个新的水平的战斗类型。”

在轻量级分裂的景观:“轻量级分裂堆叠,是在拳击比赛中最好的一个. [瓦西里] Lomachenko和 [米奇] 加西亚被认为是磅磅的顶部 10. 年轻球员上来都非常有才华,以及在这个时候举行轻量级冠军,你必须是一个坏男孩. 德文是在今年年底进军的排名,希望, 我们会得到我们的镜头, 但首先必须处理业务对道歉的墙壁。” # # # 

鲁本别墅 (14-0, 5 科斯) Shines in Front of Hometown Fans on Saturday Night

费城, PENN. / 橙, 加利福尼亚州. (十月. 15, 2018) – Featherweight Ruben Villa (14-0, 5 科斯) returned to his hometown for the second time in his career and delivered a thrilling, one-sided performance against the game Miguel Carrizoza (10-4, 2 科斯) Saturday night from a sold-out Storm House in Salinas, 加利福尼亚州.




别墅, 21, used terrific footwork to find the angles against Carrizoza in route to a sweep of the scorecards in the 8-round main event. 整个战斗, Villa hammered Carrizoza with a stiff jab, followed by a thundering left hand. It was an outstanding display of accuracy for the southpaw in his fifth fight of the year.




I felt great tonight,” 说别墅, who is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing. “Everything was clicking. The guy was tough. I landed a lot of good shots and he came coming back. 我很高兴我的表现. I put on a great show for my hometown fans.




To watch a replay of Villa’s dominant performance, please click here




别墅, who has been as active as possible since joining the professional ranks in 2016, looked as comfortable as he ever has.




I’m gaining more and more confidence with each win,” Villa said. “I like where I’m at right now.





关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing





Photos by Carlos Baeza / 汤普森拳击

Undefeated Ruben Villa weighs in for Tonight’s battle with Miguel Carrizoza

卡洛斯·巴埃萨摄 / 汤普森拳击

费城, PENN. / 橙, 加利福尼亚州. (十月. 13, 2018) – 不败轻量级前景 鲁本别墅 (13-0, 5 科斯) weighed in at 127.2 磅. 而他的对手 Miguel Carrizoza (10-3, 2 科斯) checked in at 127.9 磅. 为 今晚的 eight-round main event in at the Salinas Storm House in Villa’s hometown of 萨利纳斯, 加利福尼亚州.




别墅, 21, returns to the Salinas Storm House for the second time this year. Villa vs. Carrizoza is the the 8-round “新鲜血液” 主要事件.




Villa last fought from the Storm House in April, when he routed fellow prospect Marlon Olea in route to winning the vacant WBO Youth featherweight championship. It was Villa’s first title since turning professional in July 2016.




The two-time national Golden Gloves winner fights for the fifth time this year after registering six wins in 2017.




Villa is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.




门票 “新鲜血液” 售价为 $40, $75, & $125, and are available for purchase by calling 714-935-0900, 或访问 ThompsonBoxing.com 在线.




The Salinas Storm House is located at 185 Maryal Drive in Salinas, 例如 93907.




门开处 4:30 P.M. local time with the first bout at approximately 6 P.M.




All fights will be live streamed on our Facebook page.




The livestream starts at 6:00 P.M. PT / 9:00 P.M. ET with Beto Duran as the blow-by-blow announcer and Steve Kim providing expert, color commentary.




“新鲜血液” is presented by Thompson Boxing Promotions and Banner Promotions and sponsored by Everlast.





关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing




Unbeaten Ruben Villa Fights in Hometown of Salinas, CA on Saturday, 十月. 13

卡洛斯·巴埃萨摄 / 汤普森拳击

费城, PENN. / 橙, 加利福尼亚州. (十月. 1, 2018) – Promising featherweight prospect 鲁本别墅 (13-0, 5 科斯) headlines a talent rich card from his hometown of Salinas, 加利福尼亚州. 上 星期六, 十月. 13.




别墅, 21, returns to the Salinas Storm House for the second time this year. The talented southpaw faces Mexico’s Miguel Carrizoza (10-3, 2 科斯) 在8轮 “新鲜血液”主要事件.




Villa last fought from the Salinas Storm House in April, when he routed fellow prospect Marlon Olea in route to winning the vacant WBO Youth featherweight championship. It was Villa’s first title since turning professional in July 2016.




The two-time national Golden Gloves winner fights for the fifth time this year after registering six wins in 2017.




It’s incredible how fast I’ve developed,” 说别墅, who is managed by Danny Zamora and trained by Max Garcia.It feels like it was yesterday that I was in four round fights and now I’m routinely headlining shows.




The lefty, who sometimes conducts training camps in the sparring rich city of Riverside, 加利福尼亚州。, decided to stay close to home for this fight. Him and his team have zeroed in on what is required to defeat Carrizoza.




He fought my stablemate, 迈克尔Dutchover [不败初中轻量级], last year so Mike gave me a pretty detailed scouting report on him,” Villa said. “He’s a bruiser. He likes to come forward and get you onto the ropes or just backpedaling. I know how to fight guys like that. I’ve fought against guys like that before and I’ve seen a bunch of them in previous training camps. We are really comfortable in our game plan.




Villa is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.




门票 “新鲜血液” 售价为 $40, $75, & $125, and are available for purchase by calling 714-935-0900, 或访问 ThompsonBoxing.com 在线.




The Salinas Storm House is located at 185 Maryal Drive in Salinas, 例如 93907.




门开处 4:30 P.M. local time with the first bout at approximately 6 P.M.




All fights will be live streamed on our Facebook page.




The livestream starts at 6:00 P.M. PT / 9:00 P.M. ET with Beto Duran as the blow-by-blow announcer and Steve Kim providing expert, color commentary.




“新鲜血液” is presented by Thompson Boxing Promotions and Banner Promotions and sponsored by Everlast.





关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing




Ruben Villa Remains Unbeaten After Friday NIght’s Unanimous Decision Win

费城, 佩恩. /橙, 加利福尼亚州. (八月. 27, 2018) – 鲁本别墅 (13-0, 5 科斯) continued his trend of routing opponents on the scorecards by thoroughly outpointing Jose Santos Gonzalez (23-7, 13 科斯) in Friday night’sLocked n’ 已加载” 主要事件.
Villa used his signature quickness to batter Gonzalez throughout the 8-round fight.
I was able to find the range from the outside and also get inside a little bit,” said Villa after the fight. “He was a little bit awkward, but I still found ways to land combinations.
To watch a replay of the fight, please click here.
The southpaw from Salinas, 加利福尼亚州. hammered Gonzalez with accurate jabs and punishing left hands. In nearly every round, 别墅, 21, rocked Gonzalez on his heels with a variety of punches from all sorts of angles.
冈萨雷斯, despite his experience in high profile fights, was unable to muster any kind of attack. He nearly went down in the fifth when Villa cracked him with a body shot. Scores: 80-72, 79-73 两次.
Villa is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.
关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing
卡洛斯·巴埃萨摄 / 汤普森拳击

Ruben Villa Aims to Stay Unbeaten on Friday Night

费城, PENN. / 橙, 加利福尼亚州. (八月. 22, 2018) – For the third time in his young career, featherweight 鲁本别墅 (12-0, 5 科斯) faces a well experienced veteran looking to upend his hot start.






别墅, 谁把 21 四月, headlines Thompson Boxing’s Locked n’ 已加载” event against Jose Santos Gonzalez (23-6, 13 科斯) of Mexico this Friday night from Omega Products International in Corona, 加利福尼亚州.






Gonzalez is no stranger to big fights, having suffered defeats against current bantamweight world champion Zolani Tete, and unbeaten contender Duke Micah. The southpaw Villa, despite his young age, is more than ready to face this challenge.






Even though I’m young, I saw a lot of styles in the amateurs and even now as a professional I spar with a lot of top quality boxers,” 说别墅, who is a former back-to-back National Golden Gloves champion.Gonzalez might have the big fight experience working for him, but I know how to beat him in a convincing way.






Villa has certainly gotten off to an impressive start since hitting the paid ranks two years ago. In his seven fights that have gone the distance, Villa has lost only one round on a single scorecard. He boasts an excellent combination of size and speed, plus a defensive acumen far ahead of most prospects his age.






I feel like my development as a complete boxer has taken a big jump this year,” 说别墅, who is managed by Danny Zamora.I’m able to see things a lot faster and that opens up different angles and combinations.






别墅, who resides in Salinas, 加利福尼亚州. and is trained by Max Garcia, will fight for the fourth time this year after earning six wins last year. He credits the consistent activity for his fast rising development.






It’s real important for young fighters like myself to stay as active as possible in the early years,” Villa said.High level sparring is great, but it doesn’t replicate the real thing. We have all this protective gear and we wear big gloves. It just feels different. That’s why I’m extremely thankful to my promoters for keeping me as active as I’ve been.




Villa is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.




All fights will be live streamed on TB Presents: Locked nLoaded via Thompson Boxing Facebook page and ThompsonBoxing.com.




The livestream starts at 8:00 P.M. PT / 11:00 P.M. ET with Beto Duran as the blow-by-blow announcer and Steve Kim providing expert, color commentary.




关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing




卡洛斯·巴埃萨摄 / 汤普森拳击

Ruben Villa Returns to Action Aug. 24 from Omega Products in Corona, 例如

费城, 佩恩。. 橙子, 如. (八月. 14, 2018) – 鲁本别墅 (12-0, 5 科斯), one of the rising talents in the featherweight division, takes to the ring for the fourth time this year on 星期五, 八月. 24Omega Products International in Corona, 加利福尼亚州.




The southpaw from Salinas, 加利福尼亚州. battles well tested veteran Jose Santos Gonzalez (23-6, 13 科斯) of Mexico in the Locked n’ 已加载” 8-回合主要事件.




别墅, 21, has fought veterans before, specifically Ernesto Guerrero and German Meraz. The seasoned Gonzalez poses a threat in the sense that he’s been in the ring against current bantamweight title holder Zolani Tete, and unbeaten contender Duke Micah.




These are the types of fights that help you grow into a better fighter,” 说别墅, who is managed by Danny Zamora. “We have a smart game plan in place. I’m naturally bigger than him so we’ll use that to our advantage.




别墅, a two-time national Golden Gloves champion, is coming off an impressive sixth round knockout of Ricardo Lopez in June. The talented featherweight showed off his finishing ability by out boxing Lopez until the knockout moment presented itself.




I was landing solid punches in every round,” remarked Villa after the fight.I knew I would be able to take him out. I wore him down and in the sixth, I just let me hands go and I caught him with a lot of heavy punches.




Villa is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.




All fights will be live streamed on TB Presents: Locked nLoaded via Thompson Boxing Facebook page and ThompsonBoxing.com.




The livestream starts at 8:00 P.M. PT / 11:00 P.M. ET with Beto Duran as the blow-by-blow announcer and Steve Kim providing expert, color commentary.




关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing




卡洛斯·巴埃萨摄 / 汤普森拳击