Tag Archives: Roy Jones Jr


Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek oboževalcev, ki ljubiteljem boksa ponuja priložnost, da se srečajo in pozdravijo vrhunske borce, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, boksarske zvezdnike in ljudi iz industrije v neposrednem osebnem okolju.
Vstopnice v prodaji zdaj na EventBrite
Za takojšnjo objavo
Las Vegas (Maj 4, 2017) – Zvezdnice premiernih boksarskih prvakov Leo Santa Cruz, Abner Mares,Daniel Jacobs,Shawn Porter,Rances Barthelemin, Alfredo Angulo so potrdili, da se bodo sestali na sestanku & Pozdravite njihove oboževalce na “Kabina PBC” pri Kongresni center v Las Vegasu za tretjo izdajo Box Fan Expo ki bo potekalo Sobota maj 6, 2017 od 10od 17. do 17. ure, med vikendom Cinco De Mayo. Boxing Expo bo sovpadal tudi z mega bojem med Canelom Alvarezom in Juliom Cesarjem Chavezom mlajšim, ki bo potekalo kasneje tistega večera.
Ljubitelji boksa bodo imeli priložnost dobiti avtograme podpisov rokavic, fotografije in blago. Navijači se lahko registrirajo za zmago v paketu navijačev PBC in jih v teh letih pozdravijo z darili’ Expo.

PBC je televizijska boksarska serija, ki jo organizira Al Haymon boks. Televizijska serija želi predvsem obnoviti splošno izpostavljenost boksarskemu športu, s poudarkom na sodobnem “koncert”- kot vzdušje, “visoka kvaliteta” kartice, televizijske oddaje prek glavnih omrežij in kabelskih kanalov v nasprotju s plačljivimi televizijskimi in plačljivimi dogodki, in uporaba tehnologije za boljši vpogled v napade.

PBC se pridruži Leo Santa Cruz, Abner Mares, Daniel Jacobs, Shawn Porter, Rances Barthelemy, Alfredo Angulo, Brandon Rios, Jorge Linares, Marcos Maidana, Jessie Vargas, WBA, Mayweather Promotions, Marco Antonio Barrera, Hiša slavnih boksa v Nevadi, Yuriorkis Gamboa, Al Bernstein, Thomas Hearns, Kronk boks, WBC, Christy Martin, Mia St.John, Fernando Vargas in Joel Casamayor med zgodnjimi zavezami na letošnjem Box Fan Expo.
Box Fan Expo je bil velik uspeh pri navijačih in ljudeh iz boksarske industrije. Številne boksarske zvezde so se udeležile zadnjih dveh Expojev, kot je Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Roy Jones Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Judah, James Toney, Vinny Patience, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie Brivniki, Leon Spinks in še veliko več…
Razstavljavci, kot so boks orodja, oblačila, nova oprema, energijske pijače, alkohol, dopolnilni izdelki, radiodifuzni mediji, kazenski organi in druga podjetja, ki želijo sodelovati, bodo spet imeli priložnost predstaviti svojo blagovno znamko oboževalcem, mediji in boksarska industrija.
Vstopnice za Expo Box Fan so na voljo na spletni strani:
Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek za boksarske navdušence, ki ljubiteljem omogoča srečanje in pozdrave boksarskih zvezdnikov današnjega časa, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, Legende o športu in druge boksarske znane osebnosti na njihovi stojnici. Na strani, ljubitelji bodo doživeli različne dejavnosti od Autograph Sessions, Foto seje, FaceOff z vašimi najljubšimi boksarji, kot tudi priložnost za nakup blaga in spominkov iz njihove kabine, plus toliko več… ne boste želeli zamuditi razstave, ki jo je treba obiskati!
Na Box Fan Expo bodo nastopile tudi vrhunske boksarske organizacije, promotorji, prstan kartice dekleta, znani trenerji in komentatorji ter podjetja za boksarsko opremo “VSE POD ENO STREHO”.
V naslednjih nekaj dneh pred dogodkom, o številnih zvezdah, ki bodo nastopile na Boxing Expo, bo še več objav.
In za vse v boksarski industriji ali druge razstavljavce (neindustrijska), ki bi radi sodelovali in rezervirali kabino, kontaktirajte Box Fan Expo:
Telefonska številka: (514) 572-7222 ali Las Vegas številko (702) 997-1927
Za vsa vprašanja, prosimo, pošljite e-pošto: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
Več informacij o razstavi Box Fan je na voljo na: http://www.boxfanexpo.com
Lahko sledite Box Fan Expo na Twitterju na: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo


Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek oboževalcev, ki ljubiteljem boksa ponuja priložnost, da se srečajo in pozdravijo vrhunske borce, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, boksarske zvezdnike in ljudi iz industrije v neposrednem osebnem okolju.
Vstopnice v prodaji zdaj na EventBrite
Za takojšnjo objavo
Las Vegas (April 26, 2017) – 2 Čas svetovni prvak Marcos Maidana je potrdil, da se bo pojavil na sestanku & Pozdravite njegove oboževalce na Kongresni center v Las Vegasu za tretjo izdajo Box Fan Expo ki bo potekalo Sobota maj 6, 2017 od 10. do 17. ure, med vikendom Cinco De Mayo. Boxing Expo bo sovpadal tudi z mega bojem med Canelom Alvarezom in Juliom Cesarjem Chavezom mlajšim, ki bo potekalo kasneje tistega večera.
Maidana se bo prvič pojavila v teh letih’ Expo pri Svetovni boksarski zvezi “WBA” kabino in bo podpisal rokavice, fotografije in blago. Ljubitelji boksa bodo imeli tudi odlično priložnost za fotografiranje “Kitajski” argentinska boksarska zvezda. Navijače bodo v teh letih s presenečenji pozdravili tudi Maidana in WBA’ Expo.
Maidana je argentinska nekdanja profesionalna boksarka, ki je tekmovala iz 2004 da 2014. Je dvotehtni svetovni prvak, po WBA (Redno) super lahki naslov iz 2011 da 2012, in naslov WBA v srednji kategoriji iz 2013 da 2014. Vznemirljiv in vsestranski borec za pritisk za ogled v ringu, Maidana je bil dobro znan po svoji močni udarni moči, vedno dostavljal neverjetne predstave in se ni nikoli ustavil v nobeni od njegovih 40 strokovne boji.
Marcos Maidana se pridruži, WBA, Jessie Vargas, Mayweather Promotions, Marco Antonio Barrera, Hiša slavnih boksa v Nevadi, Yuriorkis Gamboa, Al Bernstein, Thomas Hearns, Kronk boks, WBC, Christy Martin, Mia St.John, Fernando Vargas in Joel Casamayor med zgodnjimi zavezami na letošnjem Box Fan Expo.
Box Fan Expo je bil velik uspeh pri navijačih in ljudeh iz boksarske industrije. Številne boksarske zvezde so se udeležile zadnjih dveh Expojev, kot je Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Roy Jones Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Judah, James Toney, Vinny Patience, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie Brivniki, Leon Spinks in še veliko več…
Razstavljavci, kot so boks orodja, oblačila, nova oprema, energijske pijače, alkohol, dopolnilni izdelki, radiodifuzni mediji, kazenski organi in druga podjetja, ki želijo sodelovati, bodo spet imeli priložnost predstaviti svojo blagovno znamko oboževalcem, mediji in boksarska industrija.
Vstopnice za Expo Box Fan so na voljo na spletni strani:
Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek za boksarske navdušence, ki ljubiteljem omogoča srečanje in pozdrave boksarskih zvezdnikov današnjega časa, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, Legende o športu in druge boksarske znane osebnosti na njihovi stojnici. Na strani, ljubitelji bodo doživeli različne dejavnosti od Autograph Sessions, Foto seje, FaceOff z vašimi najljubšimi boksarji, kot tudi priložnost za nakup blaga in spominkov iz njihove kabine, plus toliko več… ne boste želeli zamuditi razstave, ki jo je treba obiskati!
Na Box Fan Expo bodo nastopile tudi vrhunske boksarske organizacije, promotorji, prstan kartice dekleta, znani trenerji in komentatorji ter podjetja za boksarsko opremo “VSE POD ENO STREHO”.
Skozi naslednjo 10 dni pred dogodkom, o številnih zvezdah, ki bodo nastopile na Boxing Expo, bo še več objav.
In za vse v boksarski industriji ali druge razstavljavce (neindustrijska), ki bi radi sodelovali in rezervirali kabino, kontaktirajte Box Fan Expo:
Telefonska številka: (514) 572-7222 ali Las Vegas številko (702) 997-1927
Za vsa vprašanja, prosimo, pošljite e-pošto: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
Več informacij o razstavi Box Fan je na voljo na: http://www.boxfanexpo.com
Lahko sledite Box Fan Expo na Twitterju na: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo


Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek oboževalcev, ki ljubiteljem boksa ponuja priložnost, da se srečajo in pozdravijo vrhunske borce, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, boksarske zvezdnike in ljudi iz industrije v neposrednem osebnem okolju.
Vstopnice v prodaji zdaj na EventBrite
Za takojšnjo objavo
Las Vegas (April 24, 2017) – 3 Čas svetovni prvak Jessie Vargas je potrdil, da se bo pojavil na sestanku & Pozdravite njegove oboževalce na Kongresni center v Las Vegasu za tretjo izdajo Box Fan Expo ki bo potekalo Sobota maj 6, 2017 od 10. do 17. ure, med vikendom Cinco De Mayo. Boxing Expo bo sovpadal tudi z mega bojem med Canelom Alvarezom in Juliom Cesarjem Chavezom mlajšim, ki bo potekalo kasneje tistega večera.
Vargas se bo še enkrat pojavil na letošnjem Expu at the Supreme / Stojnica Hykso in Box Fan Expo za podpis rokavic, fotografije in blago. Ljubitelji boksa bodo imeli tudi odlično priložnost za fotografiranje z mehiško ameriško boksarsko zvezdo.
Vargas je mehiški ameriški profesionalni boksar, nekdanji svetovni prvak v dveh težah, po WBA (Redno) in super lahki naslovi IBO v Ljubljani 2014 in naslov WBO v srednji kategoriji v Ljubljani 2016.
Vargas se pridruži, Mayweather Promotions, Marco Antonio Barrera, Hiša slavnih boksa v Nevadi, Yuriorkis Gamboa, Al Bernstein, Thomas Hearns, Kronk boks, WBC, Christy Martin, Mia St.John, Fernando Vargas in Joel Casamayor med zgodnjimi zavezami na letošnjem Box Fan Expo.
Box Fan Expo je bil velik uspeh pri navijačih in ljudeh iz boksarske industrije. Številne boksarske zvezde so se udeležile zadnjih dveh Expojev, kot je Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Roy Jones Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Judah, James Toney, Vinny Patience, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie Brivniki, Leon Spinks in še veliko več…
Razstavljavci, kot so boks orodja, oblačila, nova oprema, energijske pijače, alkohol, dopolnilni izdelki, radiodifuzni mediji, kazenski organi in druga podjetja, ki želijo sodelovati, bodo spet imeli priložnost predstaviti svojo blagovno znamko oboževalcem, mediji in boksarska industrija.
Vstopnice za Expo Box Fan so na voljo na spletni strani:
Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek za boksarske navdušence, ki ljubiteljem omogoča srečanje in pozdrave boksarskih zvezdnikov današnjega časa, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, Legende o športu in druge boksarske znane osebnosti na njihovi stojnici. Na strani, ljubitelji bodo doživeli različne dejavnosti od Autograph Sessions, Foto seje, FaceOff z vašimi najljubšimi boksarji, kot tudi priložnost za nakup blaga in spominkov iz njihove kabine, plus toliko več… ne boste želeli zamuditi razstave, ki jo je treba obiskati!
Na Box Fan Expo bodo nastopile tudi vrhunske boksarske organizacije, promotorji, prstan kartice dekleta, znani trenerji in komentatorji ter podjetja za boksarsko opremo “VSE POD ENO STREHO”.
V naslednjih nekaj tednih pred dogodkom, o številnih zvezdah, ki bodo nastopile na Boxing Expo, bo še več objav.
In za vse v boksarski industriji ali druge razstavljavce (neindustrijska), ki bi radi sodelovali in rezervirali kabino, kontaktirajte Box Fan Expo:
Telefonska številka: (514) 572-7222 ali Las Vegas številko (702) 997-1927
Za vsa vprašanja, prosimo, pošljite e-pošto: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
Več informacij o razstavi Box Fan je na voljo na: http://www.boxfanexpo.com
Lahko sledite Box Fan Expo na Twitterju na: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo


Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek oboževalcev, ki ljubiteljem boksa ponuja priložnost, da se srečajo in pozdravijo vrhunske borce, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, boksarske zvezdnike in ljudi iz industrije v neposrednem osebnem okolju.

Vstopnice v prodaji zdaj na EventBrite
Za takojšnjo objavo
Las Vegas (Marec 28, 2017) – 2-Time world champion and Olympic Gold Medal winner, Yuriorkis Gamboa has confirmed that he will appear and have a booth to Meet & Pozdravite njegove oboževalce na Kongresni center v Las Vegasu za tretjo izdajo Box Fan Expo ki bo potekalo Sobota maj 6, 2017 med vikendom Cinco De Mayo. The Boxing Expo will also coincide with the mega fight between Canelo Alvarez vs Julio Cesar Chavez Jr, ki bo potekalo kasneje tistega večera.
Gamboa will appear for the first time at this years’ Expo in bo podpisal rokavice, photos and selling merchandise. Fans will have an opportunity to take pictures with the former world champion and Olympic Gold medalist.
He will be raising money for an amazing woman named Ivonne Lugo, who suffers from PKD, an inherited chronic kidney disease. She is in urgent need of a liver and kidney transplant. Gamboa is generously using his time and effort to fundraise in hoping to save her life. Please go to Https://ivonnes.fund and help out this great cause.
Gamboa joins the list of over 50 current and past World Champions boxers who have appeared at the Expo, meeting their fans in person.
Gamboa is a Cuban profesionalni boksar. He is a former unified Peresno svetovni prvak, having held the WBA title from 2009 da 2011, in IBF title from 2010 da 2011. As an amateur he won a gold medal in the flyweight division at the 2004 Olimpijske igre, and bronze in the featherweight division at the 2005 World Championships.
Gamboa joins Al Bernstein, Thomas Hearns, Kronk boks, WBC, Christy Martin, Mia St.John, Fernando Vargas in Joel Casamayor med zgodnjimi zavezami na letošnjem Box Fan Expo.
Box Fan Expo je bil velik uspeh pri navijačih in ljudeh iz boksarske industrije. Številne boksarske zvezde so se udeležile zadnjih dveh Expojev, kot je Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Roy Jones Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Judah, James Toney, Vinny Patience, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie Brivniki, Leon Spinks in še veliko več…
Razstavljavci, kot so boks orodja, oblačila, nova oprema, energijske pijače, alkohol, dopolnilni izdelki, radiodifuzni mediji, kazenski organi in druga podjetja, ki želijo sodelovati, bodo spet imeli priložnost predstaviti svojo blagovno znamko oboževalcem, mediji in boksarska industrija.
Vstopnice za Box Fan Expo so na voljo na spletu
Box Fan Expo je vrhunski dogodek za boksarske navdušence, ki ljubiteljem omogoča srečanje in pozdrave boksarskih zvezdnikov današnjega časa, sedanji in nekdanji svetovni prvaki, Legende o športu in druge boksarske znane osebnosti na njihovi stojnici. Na strani, ljubitelji bodo doživeli različne dejavnosti od Autograph Sessions, Foto seje, FaceOff z vašimi najljubšimi boksarji, kot tudi priložnost za nakup blaga in spominkov iz njihove kabine, plus toliko več… ne boste želeli zamuditi razstave, ki jo je treba obiskati!
Na Box Fan Expo bodo nastopile tudi vrhunske boksarske organizacije, promotorji, prstan kartice dekleta, znani trenerji in komentatorji ter podjetja za boksarsko opremo “VSE POD ENO STREHO”.
Skozi naslednjo 6 weeks leading up to the Event, tedensko bodo objavljeni številni zvezdniki, ki bodo nastopili na Boxing Expo. In za vse v boksarski industriji ali druge razstavljavce (neindustrijska), who would like more information on sponsorships opportunities or reserve a Booth, kontaktirajte Box Fan Expo:
Telefonska številka: (514) 572-7222 ali Las Vegas številko (702) 997-1927
Za vsa vprašanja, prosimo, pošljite e-pošto: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
Več informacij o razstavi Box Fan je na voljo na: http://www.boxfanexpo.com
Lahko sledite Box Fan Expo na Twitterju na: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo\

Iceman John Scully’s 6th Official Amateur Boxing Reunion

Sobota, Marec 18, 2017
12:00 Noon (until around 3 pm)
@ Monique’s Lounge (aka 108 Lounge)
181 East 108th Street
East Harlem, New York
I am proud to officially announce my 6th Official Amateur Boxing Reunion that will take place on March 18 at Monique’s Lounge in Harlem, New York. I am expecting by far the largest turn out of any of the previous 5 reunions which were held twice at Rival Boxing in Las Vegas, once at Jimmy’s Corner in Manhattan and once each at Connecticut’s Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods Casinos.
Of the over 100 boxers attending this far, among them I expect the likes of 1988 Olimpijski Srebrna medalja Riddick Big Daddy Bowe, NYC Golden Gloves Champ Poison” Junior Jones, 1984 Olympic champ Mark Breland, 1974 National Junior Olympic champ Marlon Starling, 1996 USA Olympic team captain Lawrence Clay-Bey in 1988 National Golden Gloves Champion Mark “Tudi Sharp” Johnson.
At my past reunions, including the most recent one held at the Rival Boxing Store in Las Vegas on November 18, we’ve had the likes of Roy Jones Jr., Alex “Bronx Bomber” Ramos, 1992 Olympian Montell Griffin, former three time world champions Mike McCallum and Iran Barkley, in “Borec” and Irish Micky Ward in attendance.
Among the most special of moments at my reunions, we had Mike McCallum and Alex Ramos, who met each other in the semi-finals of the 1980 NYC Golden Gloves, reconnect in Las Vegas in late 2014, we had Luis Ortiz and Lawrence Clay-Bey, who were brought together in 2015 at Foxwoods after not only not seeing each other in 38 YEARS but after not even knowing they fought against each other in 1977 until just a few days before they reunited and in NYC over the summer of 2015 we had 1984 New York City Golden Gloves 156 pound champion and runner up DennisThe MagicianMilton and Jesse Lanton connect once again.
Any media who wish to attend the event in Harlem, New York on March 18 are more than welcome to be a part of the festivities.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=htZpAj5JPHE&feature=youtu.be ...former champion Michael Second To Nunn calling in to my Amateur Boxers Reunion in Las Vegas last year to speak to former (1986) opponent Alex “Bronx Bomber” Ramos.

Former world champion Imamu Mayfield interested in tonight’s JonesGunn clash

Freehold , NJ (Februar. 17, 2017) – Former IBF World Cruiserwight word champion Imamu Mayfield has thrown his hat in the ring to face the winner of tonight’s Roy Jones, Jr. – Bobby Gunn WBF World Cruiserweight title bout that will shown LIVE on Pay-Per-View.

Mayfield of Freehold , New Jersey ended a eight-year hiatus in losing to then-undefeated heavyweight Dan Pasciolla, but came back to Knockout a game Anthony Caputo Smith in six-rounds on November 12th v Atlantic City.

Mayfield’s longtime friend/manager Vinny LaManna is adamant that that Mayfield will have the right style to beat Jones or Gunn.

This is a fight we would love to have. Imamu is in great shape, and after his win over Caputo Smith, he has the confidence that he can beat any cruiserweight out there,” dejal Lamanna. “Jones has beating lesser guys, and a win over either of them would catapult Imamau back into the rankings and then he can see his way back to the title. The fight would make sense as it would put two older guys together in a fight that would have meaning. I am rooting for Gunn tonight, Bobby is a gentleman. If Bobby can pull the victory off Nocoj, Mayfield vs Gunn would be a big draw in New Jersey because both guys live in the Garden State. The point being is simple, if Imamu can’t beat the likes of Roy Jones’s or Bobby Gunn than who can he beat?”

Weights from Wilmington, Delaware for Jones vs Gunn

Skill vs. Will”

Wilmington, DE (Februar 16, 2017)Weights from Thursday’s weigh in for theSkill vs. Will” Pay Per View card featuring future Hall of Famer Roy Jones, Jr. taking on Bare Knuckle Legend Bobby Gunn. The show will be televised LIVE ON PAY-PER beginning at 9 PM ET/ 6 PM PT
Bobby Gunn 197.4 – Roy Jones, Jr. 199
(WBF Cruiserweight title)
Kanat Islam 154.2 – Robson Assis 154.6
Frank De Alba 130.2 – German Meraz 129
Joey Tiberi, Jr. 136 – Bryan Timmons 138.2
Dan Biddle 214 – Lamont Singletary 204.8
Olimjon Nazarov 119.4 – Dagoberto Aguero 118.6
Henry Stewart 176.6 – Martez Williamson 190.6
Eddie Ortiz 162.2 – Jeff Chiffens 157.4
Promotorji: David Feldman Promotions, Nelsons Promotions, Kraljevi Promotions


6:00 PM–Vrata odprtih
7:00 PM–1st bout
9:00 PMPay Per View Broadcast begins

The Chase Center
815 Justison Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

Scheduled to be in attendance are former Heavyweight champions Larry Holmes, Tim Witherspoon, Michael Spinks and Tyson Fury

Roy Jones – Bobby Gunn Press Conference quotes

Skill vs. Will”

Wilmington, DE (Februar 16, 2017)Below are quotes from Wednesday’s press conference in advance of Friday night’sSkill vs. Will” Pay-Per-View showdown between Roy, Jones, Jr. and Bobby Gunn.
Roy Jones Jr.
On Bobby Gunn as an opponent:
The thing I stand for and respect and representI love a person who won’t quit, in [Bobby Gunn] won’t quit for nothing. Ima 72 zmaga z 72 Knockouts – bare-knuckleyou’re really a professional bully! You just beat people up for the hell of itIt’s what I love. People ask why I’m so motivated to fight Bobby Gunnit’s because what I stand for in boxing, he is in bare-knuckle. I respect that.
On the opportunity to be in the ring on Friday:
We are getting an opportunity to share the ring, and entertain the people while we share the ring, and I am at-heart an entertainer. And this man is a killer. I’m not saying that this man is not a killer, it’s just that I trust in my abilities to go out and do things differently because that’s who I am.
On his conditioning:
I am in very good shape for the first time in four or five years. I feel better than I have felt in a long time. I know I have my hands full, and I know my hands are ready for battle. I know this man is coming to bring it. But that’s what we live for; that’s what we love. Come Friday night be ready for a very entertaining fight.
Bobby Gunn

On Roy Jones Jr. as an opponent:
I’m born and bred a fighting man, since birth. I’m fighting one of the greatest fighters who ever lived. I’ve seen a lot of horsesh!t on the Internet, people running him down. Saying he’s too old, this or that. Why don’t you guys get in the ring and fight him, potem? Let me tell you something right nowI respect him more today than [the fighter he was] 20 Pred leti. Because he’s more dangerous, he’s cagey, on je veteran. There’s nothing you can do to him he hasn’t seen.
On his mental and physical condition coming into the fight:
I’m coming here to fight my guts out. I’m in good shape. I’ve been training hard for this one for a long timethis man’s been in my head a long time. I go to sleep with Roy, and I wake up with Roy. He’s part of my family, we’re sick of talking about Roy. I can’t wait to see him Friday night and get it over with! I’m coming here to fight.
On critics of the matchup:
In a few days here, me and Roy are going to battle. We’re doing to prove a lot of critics wrong, a lot of doubters. When that bell rings, it’s only me and him in there. Če sem iskren z vami, critics mean zero. Their opinions mean nothing… [Roy Jones Jr.] said he’d come and fight me, and he’s here. He has the heart of the lion. But we’re going to get it down. I’ll shake your hand today, but I’ll tell you [to Jones Jr.] we’re in for a good fight, both of us. Roy Jones won’t forget my name for the rest of his life.

In the main event the legendary Roy Jones, Jr. takes on Bare Knuckle legend Bobby Gunn for the WBF Cruiserweight title LIVE ON PAY-PER-VIEW pri Chase Center in Wilmington, Delaware.
Media Week Schedule

5:00 PM–Media Check in
6:00 PM–Fighters on the scales

Delaware Park Casino
777 Delaware Park Blvd.
Wilmington, Delaware 19720


6:00 PM–Vrata odprtih
7:00 PM–1st bout
9:00 PM–Pay Per View Broadcast begins

The Chase Center
815 Justison Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

Scheduled to be in attendance are former Heavyweight champions Larry Holmes, Tim Witherspoon, Michael Spinks and Tyson Fury

King’s Promotions fighters Aguero and De Alba to appear on JonesGunn undercard

Skill vs. Will”


Dagoberto Aguero battles Olimjohn Nazarov
Frank De Alba takes on German Meraz

Wilmington, DE (Februar 14, 2017)-Ta petek noč, two members who fight under the King’s Promotions banner will be in action as Dagoberto Aguero prevzame Olimjohn Nazarov in a super bantamweight bout scheduled for eight-rounds, while junior lightweight Frank De Alba prevzame German Meraz in a bout scheduled for eight-rounds.
In the main event the legendary Roy Jones, Jr. takes on Bare Knuckle legend Bobby Gunn for the WBF Cruiserweight title LIVE ON PAY-PER-VIEW pri Chase Center in Wilmington, Delaware.
Aguero, 23 years-old of San Cristobal, Domincan Republic will be looking to make a big impression in his United States debut when he takes on the battle tested Nazarov.
I want to thank David Feldman Promotions, Kraljevi Promotions. Nelsons Promotions, and Raynelo Management are giving me an opportunity of a lifetime to show my skills in the ring,” said Aguero. “I come from nothing in the Dominican Republic, and I managed to get out alive and now I have to take advantage of opportunities like this. I’m on the card with Ring Legend Roy Jones Jr. in my first debut in the US, this is a dream come true. “
Aguero is coming off a 1st round stoppage over Juan Miguel Garcia on June 24th.
Nazarov of Tashkent, Uzbekastan has a record of 14-4 s 8 Knockouts, will already be making his 2nd start of 2017. 20. januarja, he was in a tough battle with world ranked bantamweight Stephon Young before dropping an 8-round unanimous decision in Atlantic City

De Alba Reading, PA has a record 20-2-2 s 9 knockouts has won 3 in a row since dropping a hotly contested majority decision to then-undefeated Omar Douglas on December 29, 2015 v Betlehemu, PA.

Frank De Alba
He has rebounded nicely with wins over Daniel Perales, Jonathan Perez, and an explosive 2nd round stoppage over Kiun Evans on September 9, 2016 v Readingu, PA.
My training has been good. I have been waiting to get back in there after 5 mesecev,”Said De Alba.
I know Meraz is a Mexican, and I expect him to come forward, and it will be a great war.
De Alba is very excited about the opportunity to fight on a high profile card that will be headlined by Roy Jones, Jr.
I am very much looking forward to fight on this card that will be headlined by Roy Jones, Jr. He is a legend, and to share the same ring as him is a great honor.
The Douglas fight was a good experience for De Alba, and his performance in his subsequent bouts has shown that he has learned and raised his game from that contest.
After the Douglas loss, that fight made me aware of my talent. I could have won that fight. I learned that I have the talent and now the experience that will pave the way in my career. But first things first. I am just ready to get back in the ring v petek and perform in Wilmington, and hopefully make some new fans for Team De Alba.
Meraz of Agua Prieta, Mexico has fought a staggering 97 krat v 12 let. Na samo 30 years-old Meraz has posted a record of 55-41-1 s 32 Knockouts.

Meraz has fought 5 svetovni prvaki.

V svojem zadnjem dvoboju, Meraz lost a 6-round unanimous decision to Hairon Socarras on February 3rd in Philadelphia.
V 6-okroglih borbah:
Samuel Seah (9-1-1, 3 KO je) prevzame Daniel Parales (10-7-1, 5 KO je) of Monterrey, Mexico in a super lightweight bout.
V 4-okroglih borbah:
Joey Tiberi, Jr. (13-2, 6 KO je) od Newark, Delaware will fight Bryan Timmons (5-8, 5 KO je) sv. Joseph, Missouri in lightweight bout.

Henry Stewart (2-0, 2 KO je) of Toronto, Canada squares off Robert Mendoza (1-8, 1 KO) of Frankfurt, Indiana.

Dan Biddle (9-5, 5 KO je) od Wilmington, Delaware will fight Lamont Singletary (7-1, 4 KO je) of Dover, Delaware in a cruiserweight battle.
Eddie Ortiz (2-0-1, 2 KO je) San Antonio, Texas takes on pro debuting Jeff Chiffens od Wilmington, Delaware in a middleweight bout.
Media Week Schedule
11:30 AMMedia Check in

The Chase Center

815 Justison Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

1:00 Media only check-in

2:00 Open WorkoutsPublic let in

Crossfit Riverfront
512 Jutison Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19801


5:00 PMMedia Check in
6:00 PMFighters on the scales

Delaware Park Casino
777 Delaware Park Blvd.
Wilmington, Delaware 19720


6:00 PM–Vrata odprtih
7:00 PM–1st bout
9:00 PMPay Per View Broadcast begins

The Chase Center
815 Justison Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

Scheduled to be in attendance are former Heavyweight champions Larry Holmes, Tim Witherspoon, Michael Spinks and Tyson Fury
SKILL VS WILL will be distributed live throughout North America via cable and satellite in High Definition by New York-based MultiVision Media, Inc. The broadcast will premiere on Friday, February 17th at 9 PM ET/6 PM PT and will be carried throughout the month on video-on-demand. Please consult your local guide for channels and encores in your area. The suggested retail price is $24.99. The event will also be available worldwide on home computers, laptops, Smart TVs, iPhones, iPads, AppleTV, and Android devices on FITE-TV, Flipps, and other OTT (over-the-top) streaming services.
Tickets are on sale now ranging from $55 – $300 in jih je mogoče kupiti s klicem (484) 935-3378 & www.firststatefights.com

Roy Jones, Jr. vs Bobby Gunn, promoted by David Feldman Promotions and the Casino at Delaware Park.

World rated junior middleweight Kanat Islam looking to steal the show on JonesGunn undercard

Skill vs. Will”

Wilmington, DE (Februar 13, 2017)-World rated junior middleweight Kanat Islam is looking for a big outing this Petek noč ko prevzame Robson Assis (16-3, 9 KO je) naRoy Jones, Jr. – Bobby Gunn WBF Cruiserweight title Pay-Per-View co-featured bout at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Delaware.
The IslamAssis bout is scheduled for 10-rounds.
Islam (22-0, 18 KO je) has been training in his adopted home of Pahoke, Florida by way of Kazakhstan, is ready for whatever Assis will bring to the ring.
“Usposabljanje je bilo super. I know Assis is a southpaw, and he likes to box. That’s about it! Between all my amateur experience and pro bouts all over the world, I am ready for anything,”said Islam.
Before taking this fight, Islam was mentioned as possible opponent for WBO junior middleweight champion Canelo Alvarez, before the Mexican superstar took a bout with Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr. This would be a fight that the 32 year-old Islam would relish.
My people in Kazakhstan would love to see this fight. My team wants to see it, and I want to be in that fight. If that opportunity comes, I will focus and get the right sparring, and be ready for that opportunity.
But before any of that can happen, Islam must 1st get past Assis on a card headlined by the legendary Roy Jones, Jr. This is an opportunity, that Islam isn’t taking lightly.
“Roy Jones, Jr. is a legend, and a big name in boxing. In the past and still today he is big. It is an honor to fight on a card that he is in the main event.
Back home in Kazakhstan, Islam is getting close to legendary status himself, as onOctober 29th, he defeated Patrick Allotey in front of 18,000 fans in his homeland to capture the WBO Inter-Continental title and retain his WBA Fedlatin Super Welterweight titles.
Fighting in front of my home people means more to me than anything. It shows them that I represent their culture and they like to see my fighting style. It was a dream come true to fight in front of so many of my people. They were cheering my name, and for that I am thankful for them.
We will return there to Kazakhstan and fight again. I don’t want them to miss the fight on17. februar that I have with Assis. I am always thankful for my fans who always support me. I want to thank Nelsons Promotions, Raynelo Management and my sponsor Zheizu Company. I always want to David Feldman Promotions, King’s Promotions and Roy Jones for giving me the opportunity to fight on this card.
V 8-krogu dvoboja z, Dagoberto Aguero (10-0, 8 KO je) of San Cristobal, Domincan Republic takes on Olimjon Nazarov (14-4, 8 KO je) of Tashken, Uzbekistan in a super bantamweight bout.
V 6-okroglih borbah:
Frank De Alba (20-2-2, 9 KO je) Reading, PA battles German Meraz (55-41-1, 32 KO je) of Agua Prieta, Mexico in a junior lightweight.
Samuel Seah (9-1-1, 3 KO je) prevzame Daniel Parales (10-7-1, 5 KO je) of Monterrey, Mexico in a super lightweight bout.
V 4-okroglih borbah:
Joey Tiberi, Jr. (13-2, 6 KO je) od Newark, Delaware will fight Bryan Timmons (5-8, 5 KO je) sv. Joseph, Missouri in lightweight bout.

Henry Stewart (2-0, 2 KO je) of Toronto, Canada squares off Robert Mendoza (1-8, 1 KO) of Frankfurt, Indiana.

Dan Biddle (9-5, 5 KO je) od Wilmington, Delaware will fight Lamont Singletary (7-1, 4 KO je) of Dover, Delaware in a cruiserweight battle.
Eddie Ortiz (2-0-1, 2 KO je) San Antonio, Texas takes on pro debuting Jeff Chiffens od Wilmington, Delaware in a middleweight bout.
Media Week Schedule
11:30 AMMedia Check in

The Chase Center

815 Justison Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

1:00 Media only check-in

2:00 Open WorkoutsPublic let in

Crossfit Riverfront
512 Jutison Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19801


5:00 PMMedia Check in
6:00 PMFighters on the scales

Delaware Park Casino
777 Delaware Park Blvd.
Wilmington, Delaware 19720


6:00 PM–Vrata odprtih
7:00 PM–1st bout
9:00 PMPay Per View Broadcast begins

The Chase Center
815 Justison Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

Scheduled to be in attendance are former Heavyweight champions Larry Holmes, Tim Witherspoon, Michael Spinks and Tyson Fury
SKILL VS WILL will be distributed live throughout North America via cable and satellite in High Definition by New York-based MultiVision Media, Inc. The broadcast will premiere on Petek, February 17th at 9 PM ET/6 PM PT and will be carried throughout the month on video-on-demand. Please consult your local guide for channels and encores in your area. The suggested retail price is $24.99. The event will also be available worldwide on home computers, laptops, Smart TVs, iPhones, iPads, AppleTV, and Android devices on FITE-TV, Flipps, and other OTT (over-the-top) streaming services.
Tickets are on sale now ranging from $55 – $300 in jih je mogoče kupiti s klicem (484) 935-3378 & www.firststatefights.com

Roy Jones, Jr. vs Bobby Gunn, promoted by David Feldman Promotions and the Casino at Delaware Park.