標記檔案: 羅伊·瓊斯JR

WBC世界冠軍戴維·貝納維迪斯和前WBA世界冠軍喬西·貝納維迪斯獲得第四屆BOX FAN EXPO大獎,地點是CINCO DE MAYO WEEKEND, 六可 5, 在拉斯維加斯

鴻運扇世博會是最終的球迷體驗活動,讓拳擊迷見面的機會和迎接頂級戰鬥機, 現任和前任世界冠軍, 拳擊名人和行業的人在近距離個人設置.
拉斯維加斯 (三月 21, 2018) – 現任WBC超級中量級冠軍 大衛·貝納維德斯(David Benavidez) 和前WBA輕量級冠軍 何塞·貝納維德斯(Jose Benavidez) 已經確認他們會出現, 有一個攤位, 並舉行見面會 & 與粉絲們在 拉斯維加斯會議中心4第三屆Box Fan Expo 將要發生 五月星期六 5, 201810到下午5點, 在Cinco De Mayo搏擊週末期間.
貝納維德斯隊, David和José將首次亮相本屆世博會, 他們將在哪裡簽名手套, 照片和商品供粉絲欣賞. 拳擊迷們還將有很大的機會與這兩個兄弟和冉冉升起的拳擊明星合影. 球迷們還將有機會認識他們的父親和拳擊界最優秀的教練之一, 何塞·貝納維德斯.
關於大衛·貝納維德斯(David Benavidez)
David Benavidez是一名墨西哥裔美國職業拳擊手. 自9月以來,他一直擔任WBC超級中量級冠軍 8, 2017 在拉斯維加斯擊敗羅納德·加夫里爾(Ronald Gavril). 戴維(David)還在20歲那年成為超中量級歷史上最年輕的冠軍 20. 他由其父親若澤·貝納維德斯(JoséBenavidez sr)訓練。, 他還是前世界輕量級WBA冠軍和當前中量級冠軍JoséBenavidez的兄弟.
何塞·路易斯·貝納維德斯(JoséLuis Benavidez)是一名墨西哥裔美國職業拳擊手,曾是WBA輕量級冠軍. 他目前不敗,擁有以下記錄: 25 勝,目前在次中量級賽中競爭. 他是拳擊教練JoséBenavidez Sr的兒子. 阿塞利亞的, 戰士, 墨西哥, 和現任WBC超級中量級冠軍David Benavidez的兄弟. 在夏末 2016, 約瑟(José)在亞利桑那州walking狗時被不知名的襲擊者槍殺了腿. 腿部受傷的嚴重程度使他對職業生涯產生懷疑. 但是何塞下定決心要比以往更強大. 經過嚴格 2 在健身房努力工作多年的康復, José回來了,目前是中量級比賽的頂級競爭者.
大衛和何塞將加入, 朱達, 香農布里格斯, 八斗傑克, 凱利帕夫利, 埃里克·莫拉萊斯(Erik Morales)和費爾南多·巴爾加斯(Fernando Vargas)是今年Box Fan Expo的早期承諾之一.

鴻運扇世博會已經與球迷和拳擊業內人士一個巨大的成功. 許多拳擊明星都參加了最近的三屆博覽會,例如弗洛伊德·梅威瑟(Floyd Mayweather), 邁克·泰森, 羅伯托·杜蘭, 湯米赫恩斯, 馬爾科·安東尼奧·巴雷拉, 小羅伊瓊斯, 馬科斯Maidana, 塞爾吉奧·馬丁內斯, 基思·瑟曼, 丹尼·加西亞, 蒂姆·布拉德利, Deontay懷爾德, 阿米爾汗, 肖恩·波特, 費爾南多·巴爾加斯, 朱達, 詹姆斯·托尼, 溫尼Pazienza, 米奇·加西亞 , 米婭·聖約翰斯(Mia St.Johns), 獅子座聖克魯斯, 八斗傑克, 特里·諾里斯 , 里迪克·鮑 , Earnie剃須刀, 萊昂斯平克斯, 丹尼·雅各布斯, 押尼珥Mares, 豪爾赫·利納雷斯, 布蘭登·里奧斯和更多…
參展商如拳擊齒輪, 服飾, 新設備, 能量飲品, 酒精, 補充產品, 廣播媒體, 制裁機構和其他希​​望參與的公司將再次有機會向粉絲展示他們的品牌, 媒體與拳擊業.
鴻運扇世博會是最終的拳擊迷體驗活動, 讓粉絲們見面並問候今天的拳擊超級巨星, 現任和前任世界冠軍, 體育和其他拳擊名人的傳奇人物,在他們的展位上. 現場, 粉絲們將在親筆簽名專區體驗不同的活動, 攝影會議, 對恃與您最喜愛的拳擊手, 以及從展位購買商品和紀念品的機會, 還有更多… 您將不會錯過這個必須參加的世博會!
Box Fan Expo還將包括頂級拳擊組織, 促銷員, 環卡女孩, 著名的培訓師和評論員,以及拳擊器材公司 “在一個屋簷下”.
在接下來的幾週內,直到活動結束, 每週都會有許多明星的更新,這些明星將在拳擊博覽會上亮相. 而對於在拳擊行業或其他任何人參展 (非產業), 誰願意參與和預留展位, 聯繫鴻運扇博覽會:
電話號碼: (514) 572-7222 或拉斯維加斯號碼 (702) 997-1927
如有任何疑問,請發郵件: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
可在上鴻運扇世博會的更多信息: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
您可以按照鴻運扇世博會在Twitter上: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo

5 時空世界冠軍扎布·朱達(CHAB JUDAH)榮獲第四屆Box FAN EXPO大獎,地點是CINCO DE MAYO WEEKEND, 六可 5, 在拉斯維加斯

鴻運扇世博會是最終的球迷體驗活動,讓拳擊迷見面的機會和迎接頂級戰鬥機, 現任和前任世界冠軍, 拳擊名人和行業的人在近距離個人設置.
拉斯維加斯 (三月 19, 2018) – 五次世界冠軍 朱達 已經確認他會出現在 “巴雷特貴賓集團” 攤位並舉行見面會 & 與他的粉絲們在 拉斯維加斯會議中心 對於第四版 鴻運扇博覽會 將要發生 五月星期六 5, 2018 從10am到5pm, 在Cinco De Mayo搏擊週末期間.
猶大將再次出現在今年的世博會上, 他將要在哪裡簽名手套, 照片和商品供粉絲欣賞. 拳擊迷們還將有很大的機會與這個也被稱為“拳擊之星”的明星合影。 “超級”.
猶大是美國職業拳擊手,也是拳擊運動的未來名人堂. 他曾兩次奪得五次重量級世界冠軍, 曾在IBF和WBO的次中量級冠軍之間 2000 和 2004; IBF初中次中量級冠軍 2011 和無可爭議的次中量級冠軍 2005, 其中包括一位統治者,來自 2005 到 2006.
巴雷特VIP集團(也稱為BVG)是在共同創立的。 2018 前世界重量級冠軍蒙特·巴雷特(Monte Barrett). BVG是獨特的禮賓服務,專門提供戰鬥之夜的體驗, catered to the needs of their clients that are looking to get close to the action and get the ultimate adventure with customized or pre-selected sports packages. BVG has close relationships with prominent fighters from past and present, which allows to provide their clients the best possible treatment, in an up close, personal and action-packed setting. BVG is based in Manhattan, 紐約. For more info go to HTTP://BarrettVipGroup.com.
Judah joins, 香農布里格斯, 八斗傑克, 凱利帕夫利, 埃里克·莫拉萊斯(Erik Morales)和費爾南多·巴爾加斯(Fernando Vargas)是今年Box Fan Expo的早期承諾之一.

鴻運扇世博會已經與球迷和拳擊業內人士一個巨大的成功. 許多拳擊明星都參加了最近的三屆博覽會,例如弗洛伊德·梅威瑟(Floyd Mayweather), 邁克·泰森, 羅伯托·杜蘭, 湯米赫恩斯, 馬爾科·安東尼奧·巴雷拉, 小羅伊瓊斯, 馬科斯Maidana, 塞爾吉奧·馬丁內斯, 基思·瑟曼, 丹尼·加西亞, 蒂姆·布拉德利, Deontay懷爾德, 阿米爾汗, 肖恩·波特, 費爾南多·巴爾加斯, 朱達, 詹姆斯·托尼, 溫尼Pazienza, 米奇·加西亞 , 米婭·聖約翰斯(Mia St.Johns), 獅子座聖克魯斯, 八斗傑克, 特里·諾里斯 , 里迪克·鮑 , Earnie剃須刀, 萊昂斯平克斯, 丹尼·雅各布斯, 押尼珥Mares, 豪爾赫·利納雷斯, 布蘭登·里奧斯和更多…
參展商如拳擊齒輪, 服飾, 新設備, 能量飲品, 酒精, 補充產品, 廣播媒體, 制裁機構和其他希​​望參與的公司將再次有機會向粉絲展示他們的品牌, 媒體與拳擊業.
鴻運扇世博會是最終的拳擊迷體驗活動, 讓粉絲們見面並問候今天的拳擊超級巨星, 現任和前任世界冠軍, 體育和其他拳擊名人的傳奇人物,在他們的展位上. 現場, 粉絲們將在親筆簽名專區體驗不同的活動, 攝影會議, 對恃與您最喜愛的拳擊手, 以及從展位購買商品和紀念品的機會, 還有更多… 您將不會錯過這個必須參加的世博會!
Box Fan Expo還將包括頂級拳擊組織, 促銷員, 環卡女孩, 著名的培訓師和評論員,以及拳擊器材公司 “在一個屋簷下”.
在接下來的幾週內,直到活動結束, 每週都會有許多明星的更新,這些明星將在拳擊博覽會上亮相. 而對於在拳擊行業或其他任何人參展 (非產業), who would like to be involved and reserve a
亭, 聯繫鴻運扇博覽會:
電話號碼: (514) 572-7222 或拉斯維加斯號碼 (702) 997-1927
如有任何疑問,請發郵件: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
可在上鴻運扇世博會的更多信息: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
您可以按照鴻運扇世博會在Twitter上: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo 並在Facebook上: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/BoxFanExpo


鴻運扇世博會是最終的球迷體驗活動,讓拳擊迷見面的機會和迎接頂級戰鬥機, 現任和前任世界冠軍, 拳擊名人和行業的人在近距離個人設置.
拉斯維加斯 (三月 15, 2018) – Two-Time World Champion 香農布里格斯 “Let’s Go Champ” 已經確認他將出現, 有一個攤位並舉行一個見面會 & 與他的粉絲們在 拉斯維加斯會議中心 對於第四版 鴻運扇博覽會 將要發生 五月星期六 5,201810到下午5點, 在Cinco De Mayo搏擊週末期間.
Briggs will appear for the first time at this year’s Expo where he will be launching and introducing his new Champ RX” “Let’s Go Champ 產品. Briggs will be signing gloves, 照片和商品供粉絲欣賞. 拳擊迷們還將有很大的機會與這個也被稱為“拳擊之星”的明星合影。 “大砲”.
About Shannon Briggs
Briggs is an American professional boxer. A twenty-year veteran of the sport, he is a Two-Time former world heavyweight champion, having held the lineal title from 1997 到 1998, and the WBO title from 2006 到 2007. Briggs was involved in some of the biggest fights in boxing history and has fought some of the biggest names including George Foreman, 倫諾克斯·劉易斯, Vitali Klitschko and Ray Mercer.
About Champ RX
Champ RX LLC., was co-formed in 2017 by Two-Time Heavyweight champion Shannon Briggs. Champ RX is the first company to offer CBD products that are 100% THC free.
Champ RX caters to professional athletes as most are tested for THC. Champ RX與幾個專業運動團隊和組織合作,能夠提供產品並進行研究,以研究CBD產品如何幫助CTE和其他腦部疾病以及運動造成的損害.
布里格斯加盟, 八斗傑克, 凱利帕夫利, 埃里克·莫拉萊斯(Erik Morales)和費爾南多·巴爾加斯(Fernando Vargas)作為今年Box Fan Expo的早期承諾.

鴻運扇世博會已經與球迷和拳擊業內人士一個巨大的成功. 許多拳擊明星都參加了最近的三屆博覽會,例如弗洛伊德·梅威瑟(Floyd Mayweather), 邁克·泰森, 羅伯托·杜蘭, 湯米赫恩斯, 馬爾科·安東尼奧·巴雷拉, 小羅伊瓊斯, 馬科斯Maidana, 塞爾吉奧·馬丁內斯, 基思·瑟曼, 丹尼·加西亞, 蒂姆·布拉德利, Deontay懷爾德, 阿米爾汗, 肖恩·波特, 費爾南多·巴爾加斯, 朱達, 詹姆斯·托尼, 溫尼Pazienza, 米奇·加西亞 , 米婭·聖約翰斯(Mia St.Johns), 獅子座聖克魯斯, 八斗傑克, 特里·諾里斯 , 里迪克·鮑 , Earnie剃須刀, 萊昂斯平克斯, 丹尼·雅各布斯, 押尼珥Mares, 豪爾赫·利納雷斯, 布蘭登·里奧斯和更多…
參展商如拳擊齒輪, 服飾, 新設備, 能量飲品, 酒精, 補充產品, 廣播媒體, 制裁機構和其他希​​望參與的公司將再次有機會向粉絲展示他們的品牌, 媒體與拳擊業.
鴻運扇世博會是最終的拳擊迷體驗活動, 讓粉絲們見面並問候今天的拳擊超級巨星, 現任和前任世界冠軍, 體育和其他拳擊名人的傳奇人物,在他們的展位上. 現場, 粉絲們將在親筆簽名專區體驗不同的活動, 攝影會議, 對恃與您最喜愛的拳擊手, 以及從展位購買商品和紀念品的機會, 還有更多… 您將不會錯過這個必須參加的世博會!
Box Fan Expo還將包括頂級拳擊組織, 促銷員, 環卡女孩, 著名的培訓師和評論員,以及拳擊器材公司 “在一個屋簷下”.
在接下來的幾週內,直到活動結束, 每週都會有許多明星的更新,這些明星將在拳擊博覽會上亮相. 而對於在拳擊行業或其他任何人參展 (非產業), 誰願意參與和預留展位, 聯繫鴻運扇博覽會:
電話號碼: (514) 572-7222 或拉斯維加斯號碼 (702) 997-1927
如有任何疑問,請發郵件: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
可在上鴻運扇世博會的更多信息: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
您可以按照鴻運扇世博會在Twitter上: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo

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鴻運扇世博會是最終的球迷體驗活動,讓拳擊迷見面的機會和迎接頂級戰鬥機, 現任和前任世界冠軍, 拳擊名人和行業的人在近距離個人設置.
拉斯維加斯 (三月 13, 2018) – Two-Time World Champion 八斗傑克 已經確認他將出現, 有一個攤位並舉行一個見面會 & 與他的粉絲們在 拉斯維加斯會議中心 對於第四版 鴻運扇博覽會 將要發生 五月星期六 5, 2018 從10am到5pm, 在五月五日節週末.
傑克將再次出現在今年的世博會上,在那裡他將推出並介紹他的新作品 “開膛手營養” HTTP://rippernutrition.com風管. 傑克將簽署手套, 照片和商品. 拳擊迷們還將有很大的機會與這個也被稱為“拳擊之星”的明星合影。 “開膛手”. 傑克還將面對WBC輕重量級冠軍阿多尼斯 “超人” 史蒂文森 五月 19 在加拿大. 這場鬥爭將由梅威瑟促銷促進.
瑞典職業拳擊手, who is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, held the WBC Super Middleweight title from 2015 到 2017. 四月 24, 2015 he defeated Anthony Dirrell to win the WBC championship belt and defended it successfully against George Groves at the MGM Grand Las Vegas on September 12, 2015 在墨西哥獨立週末期間. He competed in a 2017 Fight of the Year candidate against James Degale that ended in a majority draw at Barclays Center in Brooklyn last January. He made his light heavyweight debut by defeating WBA World Champion Nathan Cleverly in August and will now look to become a three-time champion against Stevenson.
Jack joins, 凱利帕夫利, 埃里克·莫拉萊斯(Erik Morales)和費爾南多·巴爾加斯(Fernando Vargas)作為今年Box Fan Expo的早期承諾.

鴻運扇世博會已經與球迷和拳擊業內人士一個巨大的成功. 許多拳擊明星都參加了最近的三屆博覽會,例如弗洛伊德·梅威瑟(Floyd Mayweather), 邁克·泰森, 羅伯托·杜蘭, 湯米赫恩斯, 馬爾科·安東尼奧·巴雷拉, 小羅伊瓊斯, 馬科斯Maidana, 塞爾吉奧·馬丁內斯, 基思·瑟曼, 丹尼·加西亞, 蒂姆·布拉德利, Deontay懷爾德, 阿米爾汗, 肖恩·波特, 費爾南多·巴爾加斯, 朱達, 詹姆斯·托尼, 溫尼Pazienza, 米奇·加西亞 , 米婭·聖約翰斯(Mia St.Johns), 獅子座聖克魯斯, 八斗傑克, 特里·諾里斯 , 里迪克·鮑 , Earnie剃須刀, 萊昂斯平克斯, 丹尼·雅各布斯, 押尼珥Mares, 豪爾赫·利納雷斯, 布蘭登·里奧斯和更多…
參展商如拳擊齒輪, 服飾, 新設備, 能量飲品, 酒精, 補充產品, 廣播媒體, 制裁機構和其他希​​望參與的公司將再次有機會向粉絲展示他們的品牌, 媒體與拳擊業.
鴻運扇世博會是最終的拳擊迷體驗活動, 讓粉絲們見面並問候今天的拳擊超級巨星, 現任和前任世界冠軍, 體育和其他拳擊名人的傳奇人物,在他們的展位上. 現場, 粉絲們將在親筆簽名專區體驗不同的活動, 攝影會議, 對恃與您最喜愛的拳擊手, 以及從展位購買商品和紀念品的機會, 還有更多… 您將不會錯過這個必須參加的世博會!
Box Fan Expo還將包括頂級拳擊組織, 促銷員, 環卡女孩, 著名的培訓師和評論員,以及拳擊器材公司 “在一個屋簷下”.
Throughout the next couple of months leading up to the Event, 每週都會有許多明星的更新,這些明星將在拳擊博覽會上亮相. 而對於在拳擊行業或其他任何人參展 (非產業), 誰願意參與和預留展位, 聯繫鴻運扇博覽會:
電話號碼: (514) 572-7222 或拉斯維加斯號碼 (702) 997-1927
如有任何疑問,請發郵件: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
可在上鴻運扇世博會的更多信息: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
您可以按照鴻運扇世博會在Twitter上: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo


鴻運扇世博會是最終的球迷體驗活動,讓拳擊迷見面的機會和迎接頂級戰鬥機, 現任和前任世界冠軍, 拳擊名人和行業的人在近距離個人設置.
拉斯維加斯 (三月 9, 2018) – Former Middleweight Champion 凱利帕夫利 has confirmed that he and “打孔線” 播客小組將出現在 “戒指壽命” 見麵攤位 & 在 拉斯維加斯會議中心 即將舉行的第四屆Box Fan Expo 五月星期六 5, 201810上午到5p米, 在五月五日節週末. 拳擊博覽會也將與掃羅之間的大型戰鬥相吻合。 “CANELO” 阿爾瓦雷斯vs根納季 “GGG” 戈洛夫金, 那將在當晚晚些時候舉行.
帕夫利克今年將首次出現’ 世博會. 凱利和 “打孔線” 球隊將有商品出售給他的粉絲, 以及照片和紀念品. 他們還將從拳擊博覽會上推廣他們的新秀。.
凱利·帕夫利克(Kelly Pavlik) “鬼”, 是一位美國前職業拳擊手,曾從 2000 到 2012. 帕夫利克(Pavlik)在揚斯敦(Youngstown)的南側長大, 俄亥俄. 他贏得了統一的WBC, WBO, 在擊敗Jermain Taylor的比賽中獲得雜誌和線性中量級冠軍 2007, 也被美國拳擊作家協會評為年度最佳戰鬥. 帕夫利克取得了三場成功的防守,之後輸給了塞爾吉奧·馬丁內斯(SergioMartínez) 2010. 一月 19, 2013 凱利·帕夫利克(Kelly Pavlik)宣布從拳擊界退役.
今天,Pavlik是Podcast Boxing Show的主持人 “打孔線” HTTP://punchline.live/ 與他的聯合主持人詹姆斯·多明格斯(James Dominguez).
鴻運扇世博會已經與球迷和拳擊業內人士一個巨大的成功. 許多拳擊明星都參加了最近的兩次世博會,例如邁克·泰森(Mike Tyson), 小梅威瑟, 羅伯托·杜蘭, 湯米赫恩斯, 馬爾科·安東尼奧·巴雷拉, 小羅伊瓊斯, 馬科斯Maidana, 塞爾吉奧·馬丁內斯, 基思·瑟曼, 丹尼·加西亞, 蒂姆·布拉德利, Deontay懷爾德, 阿米爾汗, 肖恩·波特, 費爾南多·巴爾加斯, 朱達, 詹姆斯·托尼, 溫尼Pazienza, 米奇·加西亞 , 米婭·聖約翰斯(Mia St.Johns), 獅子座聖克魯斯, 八斗傑克, 特里·諾里斯 , 里迪克·鮑 , Earnie剃須刀, 萊昂斯平克斯, 丹尼·雅各布斯, 押尼珥Mares, 豪爾赫·利納雷斯, 布蘭登·里奧斯和更多…
參展商如拳擊齒輪, 服飾, 新設備, 能量飲品, 酒精, 補充產品, 廣播媒體, 制裁機構和其他希​​望參與的公司將再次有機會向粉絲展示他們的品牌, 媒體與拳擊業.
鴻運扇世博會是最終的拳擊迷體驗活動, 讓粉絲們見面並問候今天的拳擊超級巨星, 現任和前任世界冠軍, 體育和其他拳擊名人的傳奇人物,在他們的展位上. 現場, 粉絲們將在親筆簽名專區體驗不同的活動, 攝影會議, 對恃與您最喜愛的拳擊手, 以及從展位購買商品和紀念品的機會, 還有更多… 您將不會錯過這個必須參加的世博會!
Box Fan Expo還將包括頂級拳擊組織, 促銷員, 環卡女孩, 著名的培訓師和評論員,以及拳擊器材公司 “在一個屋簷下”.
Throughout the next couple of months leading up to the Event, 每週都會有許多明星的更新,這些明星將在拳擊博覽會上亮相. 而對於在拳擊行業或其他任何人參展 (非產業), 誰願意參與和預留展位, 聯繫鴻運扇博覽會:
電話號碼: (514) 572-7222 或拉斯維加斯號碼 (702) 997-1927
如有任何疑問,請發郵件: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
可在上鴻運扇世博會的更多信息: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
您可以按照鴻運扇世博會在Twitter上: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo

Mis Downing Promotions looking for a big year in 2018

1st show to take place on 3月10日 在大西洋城的克拉里奇酒店
大西洋城, 新澤西州 (一月 25, 2018)–Mis Downing promotions is primed for a big year in 2018.
The New Jersey based promotion staged it’s inaugural events in Pennsylvania and New Jersey in 2017, and already has four dates on the schedule for 2018.
The 1st of those events will take place 週六 夜晚, 3月10日 在大西洋城的克拉里奇酒店.
We are very excited for a great year of boxing,” said Mis Downing. “We have a tremendous event planned for 3月10日 where I will be co-promoting with Silver Spoon Promotions, and have Chazz Witherspoon in the main event. We have some of the best fighters in the area that will make up a great undercard.
The full card and ticket information for the 3月10日 show will be announced next week.
We have at least three more dates, and we want to feature great fights while providing the fans with terrific entertainment. We are also about to announce the signing of some terrific fighters that we plan to build and feature on our events. We are looking to bring a lot of shows to Atlantic City, and I want to congratulate the new mayor Frank Gilliam on his inauguration.
We are also looking forward to working with with Roy Jones, JR. 再次. In 2017,we did a great show co-promoting with him in August, and we already have a commitment to do another show with him in Atlantic City.
Mis Downing Promotions would like to thank their sponsors which includes The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame, The Claridge Hotel, Fantasea Resorts, AEI Insurance, Urgent Response, HairX, Buy Smart Motors & New Vision Property Management.


Fan-friendly fight series approaching one million views after six months and eight shows.

SLOAN, 愛荷華州 (十一月. 16, 2017) – 這個星期五 夜晚, Facebook的 FIGHTNIGHT LIVE will collaborate with 羅伊·瓊斯JR. Boxing Promotions once again to showcase top-notch talent during a special one-hour attraction live from America’s Heartland. Fans from across the globe can catch all the action beginning at 8:30 P.M. AND / 7:30 P.M. CT (當地時間) 從WinnaVegas賭場度假村在斯隆, 愛荷華州, 在任何設備上隨時隨地Facebook是可用, as the series continues to build with a ninth show on the six month-old platform.

It’s an exciting time for the boxing community now that Roy Jones Jr. Promotions can help showcase the undercard 明天 夜晚,” 聲明 基思Veltre, CEO and CO-Founder. “We know that the young talent can’t always have their family friends in the stands for support, so we are proud to be able to help them showcase their talent for all the world to see on Facebook FightNightLive.

The one-hour show 在週五 will feature some of RJJ Promotionsup-and-coming attractions, along with some outstanding Midwest and West Coast brawlers. Fighters expected to be delivered exclusively via the Facebook platform include Arizona’s 阿貝爾·拉莫斯 (18-2, 13 科斯), 芝加哥 納撒尼爾·加利莫爾 (19-1, 16 科斯) and California’s undefeated Hector Lopez Jr. (7-0, 4 科斯). They’ll take on a trio of Mexican-born battlers in 塞薩爾·索里亞諾 (墨西哥城), Esau Herrera (墨西哥城) 和 以色列羅哈斯 (索諾拉) who have combined for 62 勝利, collectively.

The FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series continues to grow, from New York to Connecticut to Chicago to Phoenix to New England, and now a great opportunity in the Midwest, with much more to be announced. We’re pleased to be able to work with national promoters like Roy Jones Jr. and Keith Veltre to provide this service to fight fans everywhere,” 說 馬克·弗拉托, 利納克爾媒體的主要. “And the numbers, which have been phenomenal, don’t lie. We look forward to reaching our millionth fan before the New Year in only eight months, and we’re so grateful for everyone’s support.

Over the first six months of programming, the numbers on the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of almost 106,000 fight fans tuning in per event.七. 9 “實打實促銷: 帝國” 從雲頂賭場 (225,000), 八月CES “超級 星期六” 從快活 (203,000), 在九月. CES “雙子河Twinbill” 從林肯, R.I. (157,000), 在九月. 星拳擊 “Showdown at the Paramountfrom Long Island (92,255), the July Roy Jones Jr. “Desert Showdownfrom Phoenix (63,000), 五月 “Slugfest at the Sunfrom Mohegan Sun (45,000), 六月 “Rosemont Rumble” 從芝加哥 (32,000) 和九月. 迪貝拉 “星期五 Night Foxwoods Fights” (32,000) saw a total of more than 15,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 847,500-plus users across all devices.

除了原料收視人數, 完全互動, fan-friendly productions have seen more than 126,000 集體生活後訂婚(15,800-再加上每場), 幾乎包括了 90,000 “喜歡” 或 “愛,” 幾乎 15,000 comments and 4,400-plus shares. 觀看FIGHTNIGHT LIVE直播, 76 %為男性, 24 %的女性. 最高的受眾特徵包括 男性年齡 25-34, 其中包括大約 29.6 觀眾的百分比, 一般.

七. 9 “實打實促銷: 帝國” 設置新的標準 224,658 意見七. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to three-quarters-of-a-million views in just over four months. The Aug. 26 Foxwoods “超級 星期六” 節目單獨站出來用 3,336 觀看內容的實時時間, 而 七. 15 迪貝拉卡鋸 多於 40,000 viewer interactions including almost 39,000 “喜歡” 或 “熱愛。”

在週五 夜晚, 十一月. 17, live from WinnaVegas, 球迷們可以期待一個高衝擊, 多攝像頭流媒體體驗完整的圖形, 動畫, 重播, interviews and an announce team anchored by 肖恩德豐, Jim GrieshaberPatrick Ortiz. 為觀眾提供完全互動的馬戲團體驗, 評論家會問,並在整個直播從Facebook的聽眾的提問作出回應.

創建和利納克爾媒體產生了紐約市, 在FIGHTNIGHT LIVE系列的特色專業播音員, 多個攝像機角度, 電視圖形, 重播和幕後的訪問和採訪. 流式傳輸的節目都可以在全球任何地方的Facebook可用. 不僅該計劃使球迷從世界各地來調, 但也給了後起的戰士一個全球性的平台,展示自己的能力, 給促銷員的訪問 “廣播” 解決方案並給出了贊助商通過品牌內容達成大量觀眾的能力.

More FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Winter 2017-18 日期將在未來幾週內正式公佈.


按照所有的行動通過在FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE在Facebook上的社交媒體, Instagram上的@FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE_和Twitter上的@FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_, 或通過使用#標籤#FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. 有關最新利納克爾媒體事件和廣播時間表, 遵循@LinacreMedia在所有社交平台或使用該標籤#LinacreMediaEvents或#LinacreMediaOnTV.


Former World Champion Rico Ramos takes on Tony Lopez for NABA Super Bantamweight title; Abel Ramos squares off with Emmanuel Robles.
鳳凰 (七月 14, 2017) – What’s hotter than Phoenix in July? 羅伊·瓊斯JR. 拳擊FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Facebook series will answer that question this 星期六, 七月 15, 在 7:30 P.M. PT (10:30 P.M. AND) when the tech-forward, fan-friendly broadcast platform delivers once againthis time with a stacked fight card featuring championship action live from the desert.

通過推廣 羅伊·瓊斯JR. 和 基思Veltre, 週六 event will bring fans back-to-back championship action. The event will showcase a main attraction featuring NABA Super Welterweight Champion 約翰· “飛鴻(Phenom)” Vera Jr. (16-0, 10 科斯) as he takes on the former WBO Latino Champion Daniel Rosario (11-2, 10 科斯) in a 10-round contest live from in Chandler, 亞利桑那州. Super bantamweight standout and former WBA World Champion 波多黎各拉莫斯 (25-5, 13 科斯) will go toe-to-toe with Tony Lopez (12-2, 4 科斯) for the vacant NABA Super Bantamweight title as part of a stacked fight card filled with Arizona-area heroes.

Roy and I have always felt that live streaming would take the place of the old platforms of delivering fights,” stated Veltre, CEO and Co-Founder of Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions. “To partner up with Linacre Media and showcase our talent live with Facebook is years ahead of anyone else in the industry. This will give us the ability to reach millions of boxing fans around the world and enable us to deliver our sponsors triple the exposure we would normally get from traditional TV. 馬克·弗拉托, the brains behind this envisioning series, is giving fighters the opportunity to showcase their talent to the world and gain a fan base. We are thrilled that his vision lines exactly where Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions wants to be.

維拉, of Fort Worth, 得克薩斯州, has a perfect mark of 16-0 十擊倒, and is ranked No. 7 由WBA和無. 14 由WBO.

該 28 year-old southpaw has built that mark on the strength of beating good competition. He has defeated Alberto Robles (3-0) and Radmir Akhmediyev (7-0). He won the NABA title with a sixth-round stoppage over Joey Rueles (10-1-1). He has defended the title successfully twice with a second-round stoppage over Milorad Zizc (12-1), and in his last bout when he won a 10-round split decision over Salim Larbi on 一月 27 在鳳凰城.

玫瑰園, 卡瓜斯的, 波多黎各, 有創紀錄 11-2 同 10 擊倒. Like Vera, 該 29 year-old Rosario has built his record with impressive victories over Carlos Ramos (1-0), Jordan Wisenfeld (4-0-2), Alphonso Black (8-1-1), and won the WBO Latino Super Welterweight title with a second-round stoppage over Aaron Garcia (14-3-1). Rosario is coming off an eight-round split decision loss to Norberto Gonzalez on November 18, 2016, 在拉斯維加斯.

拉莫斯, of Watts, 加利福尼亞州。, 有創紀錄 27-5 同 13 擊倒. 該 30 year-old won the WBA Super Bantamweight title with a seventh-round stoppage over Akifumi Shimoda in 2011. After losing the title, he fought for the world championship again, but lost to Jesus Cuellar. Ramos is on a three-fight win streak with his latest victory coming via a 10-round unanimous decision over Erik Ruiz on 三月 11 在拉斯維加斯.

洛佩茲, of Fort Worth, 得克薩斯州, 有創紀錄 12-2 四擊倒. Lopez has defeated three undefeated fighters; included in that is a win over highly regarded Jerren Cochran (11-0). Lopez is coming off a fifth-round technical decision over Ranel Suco this past 四月 27 在達拉斯.

The stacked undercard includes an eight-round welterweight clash between 阿貝爾·拉莫斯 (17-2, 12 科斯) of Phoenix battling Emmanuel Robles (15-2, 4 科斯). Four more undercard fights will start the bill off with fights featuring undefeated bantamweight Max Ornelas (8-0-1, 3 科斯) rematching fellow undefeated warrior, Leopoldo Martinez (6-0-1, 3 科斯) – their last bout ended in a technical draw following a headbutt. Super featherweight Randy Moreno (8-1, 7 科斯) takes on local favorite Ivan De La Madrid (3-1) 和次中量級 Vernon Brown (4-0, 3 科斯) of Chicago puts his undefeated slate on the line against fellow unbeaten battler Daniel Castro Jr. (2-0, 2 科斯) of Durango, 墨西哥.

Fights and fighters are subject to change; limited tickets are still available at www.WinGilaRiver.com. A tape-delayed version of the live show will air on BeIN Sports one week after the live show on Facebook.

Supporters of the Sweet Science can take advantage of the multi-camera FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcast on Facebookcompletely free wherever Facebook is availableand also check out all of the action in ULTRACAST 360˚ or ULTRACAST VR by downloading the ULTRACAST app and subscribing to the PPV feed for only $.99. Available for IOS and Android, fans simply need to download the ULTRACAST app in the App store or by visiting www.ultracast.com/app.

We’re excited to be able to capitalize on cutting-edge technology to give the Roy Jones Jr. Boxing audience a ringside seat, live from the greater Phoenix area,” 說 馬克·弗拉托, 利納克爾媒體的主要. “Our Facebook Live series continues to keep fight fans at the forefront, now with not just one – 但三 – high-quality viewing experiences available.

The numbers on the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform. The MaySlugfest at the Sunfrom Mohegan Sun and the JuneRosemont Rumblefrom Chicago drew audiences of 44,000 和 31,000, 分別, with more than 3,000 of hours of LIVE video consumed by Facebook users. 除了原料收視人數, 完全互動, fan-friendly productions have seen more than 15,000 集體生活後訂婚, 包括超過 9,000 “喜歡” 或 “愛,” 多於 5,000 comments and 800-plus shares.

自五月以來,Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE已完全免費提供給粉絲 2017 launch courtesy of corporate partners like Barbour One 9, Talent Management and Entertainment Production (www.barbourone9.com) and Northeastern Fine Jewelry (www.nefj.com).

週六 夜晚, 七月 15, live from Wild Horse Pass Casino in Chandler, 亞利桑那州。, 球迷們可以期待一個高衝擊, multi-camera streaming experiencenow also available in ULTRACAST 360˚ and ULTRACAST VRcomplete with graphics, 動畫, 重播, 面試和由吹氣播音員主持的播音隊 米格爾·弗洛雷斯 of Premier Boxing Champions and analyst 邁克爾·伍茲 of the TalkBox Podcast, NYFights.com and The Ring. Joining the broadcast team once again will be world-ranked light heavyweight 邁克·李. University of Notre Dame alum Lee (19-0, 10 科斯) 排名無. 12 由WBO, 別. 12 由IBF, 別. 13 由WBA和無. 14 由WBC, and will be ringside with Flores and Woods to provide expert analysis. 為觀眾提供完全互動的馬戲團體驗, 評論家會問,並在整個直播從Facebook的聽眾的提問作出回應.

創建和利納克爾媒體產生了紐約市, the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series features multiple camera angles, graphics, 重播和幕後的訪問和採訪. 流式傳輸的節目都可以在全球任何地方的Facebook可用. 不僅該計劃使球迷從世界各地來調, 但也給了後起的戰士一個全球性的平台,展示自己的能力, 給促銷員的訪問 “廣播” 解決方案並給出了贊助商通過品牌內容達成大量觀眾的能力.

FIGHTNIGHT LIVE strap season continues on 星期六, 七月 29, in Raleigh, 北卡羅來納州, as Tar Heel State undefeated super flyweight Dewayne Beamon competes for the IBO Inter-Continental and UBF World Junior Bantamweight titles. More FIGHTNIGHT LIVE dates will be officially announced in the coming weeks.


按照所有的行動通過在FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE在Facebook上的社交媒體, Instagram上的@FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE_和Twitter上的@FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_, 或通過使用#標籤#FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. 有關最新利納克爾媒體事件和廣播時間表, 遵循@LinacreMedia在所有社交平台或使用該標籤#LinacreMediaEvents或#LinacreMediaOnTV. Follow Roy Jones Jr. Boxing on Instagram at @RoyJonesJrBoxing and on Twitter at @RoyJonesJrFA.


Interactive live fight series flashes tech-forward features.
紐約 (七月 6, 2017) – Bringing fight fans even closer to the action, 羅伊·瓊斯JR. 拳擊, Linacre Media and ULTRACAST will partner to stream the 星期六, July 15FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Phoenix showdown not only live in H.D. 在Facebook上, but in ULTRACAST 360˚ and in ULTRACAST Virtual Reality as well.
Supporters of the Sweet Science can take advantage of the multi-camera FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcast on Facebookcompletely free wherever Facebook is availableand also check out all of the action in ULTRACAST 360˚ or ULTRACAST VR by downloading the ULTRACAST app and subscribing to the PPV feed for only $.99. Available for IOS and Android, fans simply need to download the ULTRACAST app in the App store or by visiting www.ultracast.com/app.
We are thrilled about partnering with Linacre Media and FIGHTNIGHT LIVE to provide fans the 360˚ Virtual Reality experience of Roy Jones Jr. 拳擊,” said CEO of Ultracast,
Dmitry Kozko.
Roy and I have always felt that live streaming would take the place of the old platforms of delivering fights,” 聲明 基思Veltre, 首席執行官 & Co-Founder of 羅伊·瓊斯JR. 拳擊 促銷. “To partner up with Linacre Media and showcase our talent live with Facebook is years ahead of anyone else in the industry. This will give us the ability to reach millions of boxing fans around the world and enable us to deliver our sponsors triple the exposure we would normally get from traditional TV. 馬克·弗拉托, the brains behind this envisioning series, is giving fighters the opportunity to showcase their talent to the world and gain a fan base. We are thrilled that his vision lines exactly where Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions wants to be.
We’re excited to be able to capitalize on cutting-edge technology to give the Roy Jones Jr. Boxing audience a ringside seat, live from the greater Phoenix area,” said Mark Fratto, 利納克爾媒體的主要. “Our Facebook Live series continues to keep fight fans at the forefront, now with not just one – 但三 – high-quality viewing experiences available.
ULTRACAST is the premier app for live 360˚ and VR content, broadcastingor better yet, ultracastingunique, exclusive perspectives of events to millions of mobile phones, worldwide. ULTRACAST takes viewers ringside at fights, allows them to be part of the back-stage drama, celebrate the win on the podium or feel the front-row excitement of a concert; getting up-close and personal, 和去 “beyond live”. Get the latest updates with ULTRACAST by following ULTRACASTLIVE on Facebook and @Ultracastlive on Twitter and Instagram.
通過推廣 羅伊·瓊斯JR. and Keith Veltre of Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions, 該 七月 15 card will bring fans back-to-back championship action. The event will showcase a main attraction featuring NABA Super Welterweight Champion 約翰· “飛鴻(Phenom)” Vera Jr. (16-0, 10 科斯) as he takes on the former WBO Latino Champion Daniel Rosario (11-2, 10 科斯) in a 10-round contest live from in Chandler, 亞利桑那州. Super bantamweight standout 波多黎各拉莫斯 (25-5, 13 科斯) will go toe-to-toe with Tony Lopez (12-2, 4 科斯) for the vacant NABA Super Bantamweight title as part of a stacked fight card filled with Arizona-area heroes. Additional fights and fighters are subject to change; limited tickets are still available at www.WinGilaRiver.com. A tape-delayed version of the live show will air on BeIN Sports one week after the live show on Facebook.
The numbers on the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform. The MaySlugfest at the Sunfrom Mohegan Sun and the JuneRosemont Rumblefrom Chicago drew audiences of 44,000 和 31,000, 分別, with more than 3,000 of hours of LIVE video consumed by Facebook users. 除了原料收視人數, 完全互動, fan-friendly productions have seen more than 15,000 集體生活後訂婚, 包括超過 9,000 “喜歡” 或 “愛,” 多於 5,000 comments and 800-plus shares.
週六 夜晚, 七月 15, live from Wild Horse Pass Casino in Chandler, 亞利桑那州。, 球迷們可以期待一個高衝擊, multi-camera streaming experiencenow also available in ULTRACAST 360˚ and ULTRACAST VRcomplete with graphics, 動畫, 重播, 面試和由吹氣播音員主持的播音隊 米格爾·弗洛雷斯 of Premier Boxing Champions and analyst 邁克爾·伍茲 of the TalkBox Podcast, NYFights.com and The Ring. Joining the broadcast team once again will be world-ranked light heavyweight 邁克·李. University of Notre Dame alum Lee (19-0, 10 科斯) 排名無. 12 由WBO, 別. 12 由IBF, 別. 13 由WBA和無. 14 由WBC, and will be ringside with Flores and Woods to provide expert analysis. 為觀眾提供完全互動的馬戲團體驗, 評論家會問,並在整個直播從Facebook的聽眾的提問作出回應.
創建和利納克爾媒體產生了紐約市, the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series features multiple camera angles, graphics, 重播和幕後的訪問和採訪. 流式傳輸的節目都可以在全球任何地方的Facebook可用. 不僅該計劃使球迷從世界各地來調, 但也給了後起的戰士一個全球性的平台,展示自己的能力, 給促銷員的訪問 “廣播” 解決方案並給出了贊助商通過品牌內容達成大量觀眾的能力.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE strap season continues on 星期六, 七月 29, in Raleigh, 北卡羅來納州, as Tar Heel State undefeated super flyweight Dewayne Beamon competes for the IBO Inter-Continental and UBF World Junior Bantamweight titles. More FIGHTNIGHT LIVE dates will be officially announced in the coming weeks.
按照所有的行動通過在FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE在Facebook上的社交媒體, Instagram上的@FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE_和Twitter上的@FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_, or by using the hashtag#FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. 有關最新利納克爾媒體事件和廣播時間表, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents or#LinacreMediaOnTV. Follow Roy Jones Jr. Boxing on Instagram at @RoyJonesJrBoxing and on Twitter at @RoyJonesJrFA.

羅伊·瓊斯JR. Boxing Promotions Makes FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Facebook Debut On Saturday, 七月 15

拉斯維加斯, NV (五月 18, 2017) – 羅伊·瓊斯JR. Boxing Promotions will team with Linacre Media and Facebook to bring the fans from across the globe together with one purposethe love of boxingand will give all a ringside seat for “FIGHTNIGHT LIVE” 在Facebook上.
Record numbers and 5-star reviews are still pouring in following last Thursday’s debut of FIGHTNIGHT LIVE as it received a standing ovation from fans across the globe, and Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions has accepted the invitation to join the future of live FREE streaming. Fans from all around the world can tune-in to Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE on 星期六, 七月 15 在 6 P.M. PT (9 P.M. AND) to catch a fan-friendly, interactive, high quality Facebook Live broadcast on every enabled device. 羅伊·瓊斯JR. Boxing willgo livefrom Wild Horse Pass Casino and Hotel to bring behind-the-scenes interviews, exclusive first-hand looks at the fighters and the raw emotion of each fighter’s win, 丟失或畫.
由羅伊·瓊斯JR推廣. and Keith Veltre of Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions, this card will give fans back-to-back championship action. The event will showcase a main attraction featuring NABA Super Welterweight Champion John “飛鴻(Phenom)” Vera Jr. (16-0, 10科斯) as he takes on the former WBO Latino Champion Daniel Rosario (11-2, 10科斯) in a 10-round contest at the Wild Horse Pass Casino in Chandler, THE. Former WBA Super Bantamweight, 波多黎各拉莫斯 (25-5, 13科斯) will go toe-to-toe for the vacant NABA Super Bantamweight Belt, along with Arizona area heroes. Additional fights and fighters are subject to change.
Roy and I have always felt that live streaming would take the place of the old platforms of delivering fights,” stated Keith Veltre, 首席執行官 & Co-Founder of Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions. “To partner up with Linacre Media and showcase our talent live with Facebook is years ahead of anyone else in the industry. This will give us the ability to reach millions of boxing fans around the world and enable us to deliver our sponsors triple the exposure we would normally get from traditional T.V. 馬克·弗拉托, the brains behind this envisioning series, is giving fighters the opportunity to showcase their talent to the world and gain a fan base. We are thrilled that his vision lines exactly where Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions wants to be.
July 15th card will be called by world-renowned blow-by-blow announcer Ray Flores of Premier Boxing Champions, 欣欣拳擊, HBO Boxing and CBS Sports Networks. Commentating ringside alongside Flores will be boxing analyst Michael Woods of the TalkBox Podcast, NYFights.com and Ring TV. Sports fans will have a fully-interactive ringside experience as commentators respond to and answer questions and comments from the Facebook audience and fight fans from around the globe throughout the entire broadcast.
I was inundated with complimentary texts, emails and calls almost as soon as the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE pilot started, and it was a lot of fun watching the numbers swell from 27 views at the start of the broadcast to 43,000-plus by now,” said Mark Fratto, 利納克爾媒體的主要. “Like many others, we believe that the present and future of ‘televised’ 拳擊, MMA, Muay Thai and really all live sports is digital. 進一步, by putting these events on Facebook we’re providing an interactive environment for fight fans to not only view the events, but to connect with each other and provide their own real-time commentary during the bouts. We believe in high-quality, cost-efficient production that can give fans free access to hundreds of global, national and regional live fight nights without breaking the bank of the promoter and also without sacrificing what sports fans have come to expect from their viewing experience – 多個攝像機角度, graphics, 重播和幕後的訪問和採訪. We don’t want traditional fans, digital customers and cord-cutters to be relegated to trying to watch other spectatorslive feeds off their cell phones.
創建和利納克爾媒體產生了紐約市, the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series features multiple camera angles, graphics, replays and behind the scenes access and interviews. 流式傳輸的節目都可以在全球任何地方的Facebook可用. 不僅該計劃使球迷從世界各地來調, but also gives up-and-coming fighters a global platform to showcase their skills, 給促銷員的訪問 “廣播” solution and gives small business sponsors the ability to reach a mass audience via branded content.
Websites: www.linacremedia.com, www.royjonesjrboxing.com, 萬維網.wingilariver.com/WildHorsePass,
嘰嘰喳喳: @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_, @Royjonesjrfa
Instagram的: @faceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE, @Royjonesjrboxing, @LinacreMedia, @KeithVeltre
Facebook的: www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE, 萬維網.facebook.com/RoyjonesjrBoxing, www.facebook.com/WildHoresePasscasino