Arkivji Tag: Robert Għid


Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti

Photo Kreditu: Naoki Fukuda

LAS VEGAS (Il-Ħamis, Marzu 5) – The final press conference for the inaugural Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) fuq NBC juru seħħet illum fil MGM Grand bħala ġellieda, announcers u eżekuttivi tkellem lill-midja quddiem tal-debutt tagħhom televiżjoni network primetime nhar is-Sibt, Marzu 7 fil-MGM Grand Garden Arena.


Biljetti għall-avveniment live huma pprezzati għal $400, $300, $100 u $50, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, huma fuq bejgħ issa. Għall-ħlas bit-telefon ma 'karta ta' kreditu kbar, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000. Biljetti huma wkoll disponibbli fuq jew


Din il-karta huwa promoss permezz Promotions Goossen u l-karatteristiċi Keith Thurman vs. Robert Guerrero u Adrien Broner vs. John Molina, Jr. fl ġlied li se arja live fuq NBC (8:30 p.m. U/5:30 p.m. PT).


Il Mares Abner vs. Arturo Santos Reyes bout will be televised live on IS-SIBT, Marzu 7, fuq l-ispettaklu NBC (8:30 – 11 p.m. U) jew fuq il-telecast NBCSN (11 p.m. U).


Ara hawn taħt għal dak il-parteċipanti kellhom jgħidu dwar il-lejl enormi ta 'ġlied.




“Dan huwa tali card sbieħ u tali ġlieda beautiful. Imxejna riedu dan għal waqt u aħna kont qed tistenna patiently.


“Robert huwa ġellied kbir, champion dinja multiplu u jien champion tad-dinja attwali. Naf li l-fannijiet riedu lili biex iżidu fil-klassi u dan huwa ċ-ċans tiegħi biex jagħmlu dan. Inti taf dak li jien ser, huwa "Kos għall-ħajja".


“Jien biss verament eċċitati u kuntenti. I can’t wait to step on the scale għada, ri-idrat u jmorru jaħdmu.


“Jekk ġlieda tiegħi tmur tnejn, sitt jew tmien rawnds – I infittex il-eliminatorja. Jien stennija għalih li slip up u għalija biex iwasslu dak iż-żmien wieħed blow.

“I am ser tiftaħ ħalq tiegħi u jgħidu li jiena ġej knock lilu out. Irrid li tkun l-ewwel ġlied li qatt knock out Robert "Il Ghost’ Warrior. Napprezza lilu għat-teħid din il-ġlieda u għal dak kollu li hu jkun għamel. Naf hu ġejjin għall-ġlieda kontra u jiksbu din ir-rebħa, u huwa xogħol tiegħi biex mhux let li jiġri.”

“Moħħ tiegħi ma tistax jikkomputa kemm hu kbir ta 'opportunità dan huwa għalija. Huwa barka u unur li jkunu fuq dan big ta 'stadju. Hemm ħafna ċampjins tad-dinja li setgħu fetħu dan juri. Din hija karta sbieħ u I am onorat li tkun l-avveniment prinċipali.

“Dan huwa dak boxing bżonnijiet. Dan l-istadju huwa dak li qed jiġri għall-propulsjoni tal-karriera tiegħi. Aħna qed jippruvaw iġibu lura l-ġenerazzjoni tad-deheb.”



“Dan verament hija barka. Li fuq dan l-istadju huwa inkredibbli. Jien ġejjin biex jiġġieldu. Nhar is-Sibtlejl Jien lest li tmur.


“Huwa jum kbir għaliex inti m'għandekx bżonn cable TV watch boxing jibqgħalu.


“Aħħar avversarju tiegħi kien iebsa u I kien li jittrattaw ma 'xi ġrieħi iżda inti għandek tkun kapaċi jegħlbu u jagħmel aġġustamenti. I ltqajna ftit selvaġġi u kemm bdiet slugging out miegħu.


“Kien hemm doubters meta I marru biex 147, nies ħasbu I kien ġewż. Kull żmien in-nies ma naħsibx I jistgħu jagħmlu xi ħaġa, I jipprova lilhom wrong.


“Jekk inti tgħix l-istil ta 'ġlied; inti għandek tkun kapaċi għall-ġlieda kontra regolarment.


“Jien lest li tmur. Kelli kamp ta 'taħriġ kbir u ħadmu ferm diffiċli. It’s time to take care of business IS-SIBT lejl. Aħna ma ħafna xogħol differenti kamp ta 'taħriġ biex jippreparaw għall din il-ġlieda.


“Keith Thurman qed jitkellem dwar ġejjin out u ssir l-ewwel persuna li knock me out. I simili dak it-tip ta 'sfida.


“[Keith] Thurman hija qawwija ħafna u għandha moviment laterali kbir. Huwa jista kaxxa, ġlieda fuq ġewwa. Hemm ukoll ħafna ta 'difetti bl logħba tiegħu u aħna se jieħdu vantaġġ ta' difetti tiegħu.


“Din il-karta ġlieda huwa inkredibbli. L-espożizzjoni li aħna qed tmur biex tikseb hija mingħajr preċedent. Mhux biss l-istorja ġlieda iżda l-istorja tiegħi lura kif ukoll, ma 'dak it-tip ta' l-irġiel aħna huma barra taċ-ċirku.


“Li hemmhekk tkellem għal kulħadd u li juru off, li jinsab biss mhux lili. Allura xi kultant jien mhux dejjem fil-għajn pubbliku, għaliex jien aktar ta 'raġel privat li jieħu ħsieb tal-familja tiegħu. Imma jien kuntenta F'dan l-istadju se tikseb l-istorja tiegħi u l-istorja mara tiegħi lill-pubbliku ġenerali.


“Mentalment l-esperjenza kollha ta 'dak marti marru permezz jagħmel me iebsa. Watching ġlieda tagħha għall-ħajja tagħha, jagħmel me jirrealizzaw li I pass lejn il-ring minħabba I love dan l-isport.”




“Stajt kien permezz ta 'lo,t imma jien xorta hawn u l-isem tiegħi biss gotten akbar, anke permezz tal-żminijiet ħżiena.


“Issa għandna "AB fuq NBC.’ Jien Sur. NBC, kulħadd huwa li ġejjin biex tara d-Show AB.


“I taf takeover x'ikun it-televiżjoni kanal jien fuq, I do not care jekk Network Cartoon tagħha, Jien ser iġġibu.


“John Molina huwa klassi dinjija ġellied iebsa, ma kienx ikun f'din il-pożizzjoni jekk hu ma kienx. Hu dejjem taħbita l-odds u toħroġ fuq il-lemin tal-stick, iżda dan huwa l-ħin fejn hu għaddej biex tkun fuq l-aħħar ħażina ta 'l-stick.


“Aħna lesti għal ġlieda kelb, ma jimpurtax kemm hu kbir l-ċirku huwa. Aħna mhux li jibda mill John Molina. Jien ma jibża 'poter.


“We’ll see IS-SIBT lejl, Jien waqfien John Molina u jien tqegħid kelma tiegħi fuq dak.


“Il-preparazzjoni matul dan camp kien kbir, Inħoss qawwija u lesta. Huwa ser tkun ġlieda kbira.


“Fl-aħħar tal-ġurnata jekk in-nies jgħidu I ma jkunux ħarsu l-aħjar tiegħi minħabba I ma waqafx avversarji tiegħi, imma meta inti tħares lejn dawk tissielet I outclassed kull avversarju quddiem lili. Sakemm I iżommu rebbieħa, dan huwa dak li jgħodd.


“John Molina jkun ser jiġi ġlieda, iżda dawn kollha jiġu biex jiġġieldu, hu mhux se tħabbat lili.


“Il-sema hija l-limitu għalija, Jien xorta żgħażagħ u jien ghamilt tant ta 'età żgħira. Jien ser maturi fl-isport iżda fl-aħħar tal-ġurnata jien xorta lili.”




“Huwa ta 'unur li tkun parti ta' dan juru li se jġib boxing lura għall-quddiem. Aħna ppreparati sew u eċċitati li tkun fuq din il-pjattaforma.


“Huwa card kbir bi ma tistax taqbeż ispettaklu u PBC u NBC qed tagħmel dan id-dritt. I can’t wait to be a part of it and for that bell to ring Marzu 7.


“Camp marru tajjeb u aħna qed 110 mija lesti biex iġġibu. Huwa card kbir bi ma tistax taqbeż ispettaklu u PBC u NBC qed jagħmlu dan id-dritt. I can’t wait to be a part of it and for that bell to ring Marzu 7.


‘This is going to be dogfight nhar is-Sibt lejl.


"Huwa tal-istess Broner, huwa jista 'jgħid xi hu jixtieq. Hu għamel sodda tiegħu stess mal-kummenti tiegħu u issa huwa għandu għall-ġlieda kontra. Logħob memorja tiegħu thats hu jippruvaw jilgħabu mhux se taħdem.


“Ladarba irridu jiksbu fil-ċirku, il-waqfiet jitkellem, żewġ idejn bħad me.


“Stajt ltqajna l-poter u l-ħiliet biex tirbaħ din il-ġlieda.


“Igawdu l-ispettaklu u I wegħda li inti logħob tan-nar guys.”


Abner Mares


“Stajt kien champion tad-dinja ta 'tliet time u għandi Arturo Reyes quddiem lili. Huwa ma unur u jekk jogħġbok u eċċitament li jiġġieldu fuq NBC.


“Nru diżrispett lill-guys oħra up here, imma I pjan biex steal l-ispettaklu. I trid tfittex tajba. Stajt misruqa l-ispettaklu qabel u li għaddej biex jerġa 'jiġri nhar is-Sibt lejl.


“Nispera li kulħadd melodiji fil IS-SIBT lejl, kulħadd aħjar oqgħod attent għax Abner Mares se timpressjona.


“Kwalunkwe ta 'dawn tissielet jista' jkun l-avvenimenti ewlenin, ebda kwistjoni l-ordni, hekk jien biss kuntenti li tkun parti ta 'dan. A lott ta 'nies huma ser ikunu fl-irfinar sabiex inti għandek ġlieda biex grab-attenzjoni tal-telespettaturi.


“Huwa jieħu żewġ żfin u li tieħu tnejn biex jiġġieldu. Meta għandek ġlied li tkun se jtik kollha tiegħu, dan iġib miegħu l-aħjar minn int. Jien ġlieda xi ħadd li qatt ma kien knocked out u hu għaddej biex iġibu l-Abner Mares aħjar out.


“Jien ser jagħmilha ġlieda spettakolari u jien definittivament jmorru għall-eliminatorja.”



“Ninsab kuntenta li tkun fuq il-karta u jien eċċitati li jkun hawn madwar ġellieda kbar bħal dawn.


“Huwa ser tkun juru kbira u jien bil-ħerqa li tagħti l-fannijiet jiswew flus tagħhom.


“Abner Mares hija ġellied kbir, imma jien ma biża xi ħadd. Huwa aħjar jaslu għall-ġlieda kontra.


“Aħna kemm ġellieda Messikani u Olimpi Messikani, sabiex inti tkun taf hemm għaddej li jkun logħob tan-nar fil-ċirku u I hope biss li kulħadd fl-arena u fuq it-TV tgawdi.”


ZOKKOR RAY LEONARD, PBC fuq NBC Analyst u Boxer Leġġendarju

“Jien biss bħala eċċitati bħal kulħadd, għaliex dan huwa imissha ilha li saret. Getting boxing lura fuq primetime. Dawn boxers oerhört talent taf li din is-Sibt night is like a major audition and the fans will be the judges.


“I remember qed f'din il-pożizzjoni u Huwa aktar minn fiżika, huwa mentali. These boxers have what it takes to be superstars. IS-SIBT will be a great day for boxing.

Jon MILLER, President, Programmazzjoni NBC Sports & NBCSN


“F'isem sports NBC aħna qed ħareġ li jkun hawn, aħna qed xorti li jkollhom 22-time Emmy-rebbieħ għoti Sam għargħar jissorveljaw l-avveniment u grupp A-lista ta 'fuq l-arja talent.


I think America is ready to see boxing in primetime and IS-SIBT you will see and hear an unbelievable event.


“Aħna ferħana li dawn ġellieda u t-timijiet kbira tagħhom huma parti mill-familja NBC u aħna ma tistax tistenna li tikseb going.”


Għal aktar tagħrif żur, u, isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, KeithFThurmanJr, GhostBoxing, AdrienBroner, @ JohnMolinaJr135, abnermares, NBCSports UMGMGrand u isiru fan fuq Facebook fil u


LAS VEGAS (Marzu 3, 2015) – The fan favorites participating on the inaugural Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on NBC fight card on Saturday, Marzu 7 shared their progress today on how training camp is going and the importance of the return of boxing to primetime network television.


Biljetti għall-avveniment live huma pprezzati għal $400, $300, $100 u $50, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, huma fuq bejgħ issa. Għall-ħlas bit-telefon ma 'karta ta' kreditu kbar, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000. Biljetti huma wkoll disponibbli fuq jew


As they prepare to open a new chapter in boxing history, Keith “Wieħed Time” Thurman,Robert “Il Ghost” Warrior, Adrien “Il-Problema” Broner, John “Il Gladiator” Molina Jr. u Mares Abner took some time out of their busy training schedules to discuss the debut of PBC.




Q: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena for the fourth time?


A: I love MGM Grand. The last time when I fought there as the co-main event was an honor. This is an even greater honor to be the main event. Many world-class fighters have performed there and Floyd Mayweather has made it his home. Dan huwa ħolma realtà.


Q: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card on NBC in primetime?

A: It’s a blessing and I’ve been working towards this for 19 snin. Al Haymon could have picked any of his great fighters for this moment and I’m honored be part of this night and kick things off right.

Q: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: With NBC coming back to primetime boxing it gives us boxers a chance to shine again on the biggest stage. We’ve been continuing to fill up arenas for years, but boxing is returning to the mainstream spotlight with an even bigger punch on Marzu 7.

Q: What do you think of your opponent?

A: His father had a few comments, and some things were said, but I’m expecting him to come out throwing punches and looking to execute his game plan when we enter the ring. We’re going to show him that he never should have signed this contract. There’s a different side of Keith Thurman inside that ring and he’s going to learn the hard way.

Q: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?

A: He hasn’t fought anyone with extreme power like me.

Q: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: He’s been in the ring with some great fighters, but every fight is itsown learning experience. We work hard in training every time to outbox boxers, outpunch punchers, and I’m expecting to be ready to do everything better than him.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: It’s actually a very mundane lifestyle. I’m resting, getting acupuncture or massage therapy. I like to go out and find good hip-hop. I’ve been eating some good sushi and seaweed salad, but just staying on my diet and resting and recovering before my late night run and maybe a session in my hyperbaric chamber.


Q: What should the fans expect on Marzu 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: I’ll be honest, I’m going to stand there and exchange with him for six rounds, and if he’s still standing there we’ll see. With my punching power the KO can come at any time with that one punch. If he walks into it or I lunge at himit can even be a body shot. I’m just looking to get him out of there. I’m going to do what I need to do to stay a champion and we’re looking to move on past Marzu 7 b'rebħa.



Q: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: MGM Grand is the Mecca of boxing venues and I’m very excited to be performing in the main event against an undefeated young lion like Keith Thurman.

Q: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card on NBC in primetime?

A: Oh yeah, I'm extremely motivated to be the first fighter to bring boxing back to NBC on primetime. Al Haymon is doing a fantastic job with the PBC. I want to show the world I'm an elite fighter and what better way to do it then against an undefeated world champion.

Q: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: It's so great in so many ways. Ewwel, anyone with a TV can watch this fight, so millions of more people can tune in. The number of new fans that will be gained will be unbelievable. For those hardcore fans who can't afford cable, this will be a breathe of fresh air to see a top notch fight on regular network TV. Fans who are just hanging at a restaurant or sports bar, who don't even like boxing will be tuning in, and they will all become new fans with the action they'll be seeing. It's going to be great for everyone.

Q: What do you think of your opponent?

A: Thurman has a lot of power and that's something I must be aware of.

Q: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?

A: Hu ġellied tajba, but I’ll be prepared for whatever he brings into the ring nhar is-Sibt.

Q: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: I'm doing a few different things but nothing I can talk about at the moment.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: Spending time with my family. They're my motivation. 

Q: What should the fans expect on Marzu 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: In Spanish we say "Chingasos." That's what the fans can expect from me on 7 Marzu. My hands will be raised at the end of the fight and you'll hear the referee say "And the new..."



Q: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: You know I love the big moment with the spotlight. Marzu 7 is going to be my time to shine and MGM Grand is the place to do it.


Q: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card on NBC in primetime?

A: Of course, Al Haymon has lots of guys who could have fought on this first card and I’m honored to have been chosen.

Q: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: This is a huge deal. This is our chance to get the attention of a whole new crowd of people. This is going to make boxing bigger than ever.

Q: What do you think of your opponent?

A: John Molina Jr. is a true warrior. His nickname suits him. He’s like a punching bag that can hit back with power. He’s a deadly fighter. It can only take a second for a fight to change dramatically with a guy like that, so I’m taking this fight very seriously. I’ll be ready though.


Q: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?


A: It can only take a second for a fight to change dramatically with a guy like that, so I’m taking this fight very seriously. I’ll be ready though.

Q: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: We’re just doing what we always do, putting in hard work. It’s been great having this experience with my newborn son, but I’m very focused on Marzu 7.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: Well actually I just had a son born, Adrieon, a couple weeks ago. I was supposed to go out to Washington D.C. towards the end of my training camp, but I ended up staying in Cincinnati to be with his mother and to see him be born. Kienet esperjenza kbira.


Q: What should the fans expect on Marzu 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: There’s going to be lots of heavy hitting. I’m looking forward to stopping John Molina Jr., and if I don’t stop him it will be a bloody massacre.



Q: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: I’m very excited to be back there again. This is going to be a great night of boxing for the world to see.


Q: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card on NBC in primetime?

A: I’m always motivated, but I don’t want to dig too much into the hype and risk getting distracted. Being on this platform on NBC is great for the sport. I just don’t want to psych myself out.

Q: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: It doesn’t get any bigger. We’re back in the mainstream section of sports. Being back on NBC and in 120 million homes is huge. For us fighters who put our lives on the line this is very exciting.

Q: What do you think of your opponent?

A: He’s a very talented three-time world champion, but he’s just another fighter like me.

Q: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?

A: Not really, I’ll be looking to come out victorious like any other time that I step into the ring.

Q: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: I’m not doing anything special, but this is the best camp I’ve ever had. There are no excuses going into this one. We obviously have a game plan because we know every fight is different, but there’s nothing necessarily special aside from preparing 110 mija.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: I like to spend time with my family. It’s important to remember why and who I’m doing this for. So on days off I like to be with my wife and child. There have been lots of emotional hiccups during this camp with the passing of my grandfather, and then my best friend lost his battle with Cystic Fibrosis. So it’s been tough finding the time to mourn those important people properly, but it’s just further motivation for me to perform well.


Q: What should the fans expect on Marzu 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: It’s going to be an amazing match. Every time I enter the ring it’s a fight of the year candidate and I’m going to win.

Abner Mares


Q: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: I’ve fought at MGM Grand over 10 ħinijiet – it feels like homeand I’ve won there every time, thank God. I’m looking forward to winning there again on Marzu 7.


Q: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card?

A: Iva, tal-kors! I’m looking forward to fighting on the PBC inaugural card on NBC and on national TV. It’s an amazing opportunity to showcase my talent to new viewers as well as boxing fans.

Q: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: It’s huge for the sport. If you go back to the Sugar Ray Leonard days, all these fights were televised on broadcast TV, and on NBC, so the history is there. To have it kick off on Saturday, Marzu 7 in primetime is a real boost for the sport and the fans. People are going to appreciate the sweet science of boxing through this fight and series.

Q: What do you think of your opponent?

A: Għalija, I’m ready for the fight. I don’t underestimate him; he’s a dangerous fighter in that he is an ex-Olympian so he has that amateur background.


Q: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?

A: He’s had a good record and has fought some tough opposition. He brings lots of experience into the ring. I’m ready for him though.

Q: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: This is not about one fight but about a career. We approach this fightand every fightwith dedication and commitment. Not only to the sport and its history, but our training program. My team and I are focused on winning and earning my fourth belt.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: I think everyone knows that I’m a family man. When I’m not in the gym or training I’m spending time with my wife and two daughters.


Q: What should the fans expect on Marzu 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: Fireworks. I’m not just fighting my opponent that night; I’m fighting towards my fourth belt.

# # #

Għal aktar tagħrif żur, u, isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, KeithFThurmanJr, GhostBoxing, AdrienBroner, @ JohnMolinaJr135, abnermares, NBCSports UMGMGrand u isiru fan fuq Facebook fil u


Photo Billi Paul Gallegos

LAS VEGAS (Marzu 2, 2015) San Antonio’s 6’1 undefeated featherweight sensation, Mario Barrios (7-0, 3 Kos), se jagħmel id-debutt tiegħu Las Vegas fuq il-undercard ta Guerrero vs. Thurman din is-Sibt Marzu 7, 2105, at the MGM Grand Hotel. Barrios will face Justin Lopez (5-2, 3 Kos) f'dik li se tkun l-ewwel bout 6-round tiegħu.


Diġà magħrufa għall-idejn fast tiegħu, Barrios is getting better with each fight. Against Lopez, hu se tfittex li jkompli tfittxija tiegħu biex jibqa undefeated ma 'prestazzjoni inkredibbli.


“Meta inti qed a kid jikbru f'dan l-isport, inti dejjem taħseb dwar dak li jkun jixtieq għall-ġlieda kontra fil-boxing Capitol tad-dinja, Las Vegas,” Said Barrios. “Now that time has come and I’m ready to get busy. I don’t know much about my opponent expect that he has some power. None the less, Jien tfittex li timpressjona dawk fl-attendenza bi prestazzjoni kbira.”


Avżat mill Al HAYMON, Barrios jaf hu f'pożizzjoni isbaħ li jieħdu karriera tiegħu għal-livell li jmiss.


“Dan se jkun l-ewwel bout 6-round tiegħi, xi ħaġa I kont qed tfittex bil-ħerqa li għal żmien twil,” Barrios kompliet. “Ma 'l-dati li Al Haymon jkun ġejjin up…I’m looking to be his number one prospect. What Haymon Boxing is doing for the sport is amazing. Jien lest li shine fuq 7 Marzu.”


Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti

Photo Kreditu: Abel Madrid

LOS ANGELES (Frar. 26, 2015) – John “Il Gladiator” Molina Jr. u Mares Abner held an open workout for Los Angeles media L-Erbgħa before they lace up their gloves for the inaugural Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on NBC show taking placeIS-SIBT, Marzu 7 mill-MGM Grand Garden Arena fil Las Vegas.


These fights are part of the blockbuster card promoted by Goossen Promotions featuring Keith Thurman vs. Robert Guerrero u Adrien Broner vs. John Molina, Jr. li se arja live fuq NBC (8:30 p.m. U/5:30 p.m. PT). Il Mares Abner vs. Bout Arturo Santos Reyes se tixxandar live fuq l-ispettaklu NBC (8:30-11 p.m. U) jew fuq il-telecast NBCSN (11 p.m. U).

Biljetti għall-avveniment live huma pprezzati għal $400, $300, $100 u $50, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, huma fuq bejgħ issa. Għall-ħlas bit-telefon ma 'karta ta' kreditu kbar, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000. Biljetti huma wkoll disponibbli fuq jew

Check out what the fighters had to say about their upcoming bouts:

John Molina Jr., Super Ħfief Konkorrent

Being the underdog is how I got to this point. I took the scenic route to get here but I’m definitely excited to be on this big show on NBC. It’s going to be a great night of boxing onMarzu 7.

“Il (Humberto) Soto fight was a learning experience, but going in as the underdog is about going in and doing your job. I’ve had a lot of success as an underdog.


I just took the positives from my last fight and tried to make the best of it and now I’m here today with the golden ticket in my hand.


To see where I’m at today, after all I’ve gone through in my career, I’m in awe sometimes but we’re just barely getting started.


I’m undefeated against quick guys like Adrien Broner and I love being the underdog. Adrien Broner is a great name for the sport of boxing, everyone loves to hate him, so it’s going to be a great night of boxing.


Stylistically it’s two very different styles and that is what makes great fights. It’s like Apollo Creed and Rocky.


There’s nothing in the past or before this, I’m only focused on being victorious on Marzu 7.”


Mares Abner, Ex Tliet Diviżjoni World Champion

I have always felt the love from all my different coaches. There’s no perfect coach and no perfect fighter. Going back to Clemente Medina was just the most perfect fit. He knows me well and we’re on the same page. There is a lot of comfort.


I didn’t lose anything from the Gonzalez fight, I gained. I learned a lot from that fight and now I’m more focused on becoming better and better.


I have to go out there and make a statement. I’m going out there and branding myself on national television. I’m excited for people to see me out there and my mentality is to go in there and impress. I want to steal the show.


I hope Leo Santa Cruz is next. I know it’s there. I just want to look sharp and go from there.


Għal aktar tagħrif żur, u, isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, KeithFThurmanJr, GhostBoxing, AdrienBroner, @ JohnMolinaJr135, abnermares, NBCSports UMGMGrand u isiru fan fuq Facebook fil u


U.S. Olimpi Terrell Gausha & Dominic Breazeale To Be Dehru; Aktar

Undefeated Ħfief Prospect Robert Easter Wkoll Fl-Azzjoni

LAS VEGAS (Frar. 25, 2015) – Il undercard azzjoni ppakkjati fuq IS-SIBT, Marzu 7 biss ltqajna anki aħjar ma 'l-addizzjonijiet ta undefeated Istati Uniti. Olimpi Terrell Gausha u Dominic Breazeale u l-prospett ħfief undefeated Robert Għid, kollha li jipparteċipaw fl bouts separati fil-MGM Grand Garden Arena fil Las Vegas.


Dawn tissielet huma parti mill-biljett Blockbuster jidhru Keith Thurman vs. Robert Guerrero u Adrien Broner vs. John Molina, Jr. li se arja live fuq NBC (8:30 p.m. U/5:30 p.m. PT). Il Mares Abner vs. Bout Arturo Santos Reyes se tixxandar live fuq l-ispettaklu NBC (8:30-11 p.m. U) jew fuq il-telecast NBCSN (11 p.m. U).


Biljetti għall-avveniment live huma pprezzati għal $400, $300, $100 u $50, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, huma fuq bejgħ issa. Għall-ħlas bit-telefon ma 'karta ta' kreditu kbar, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000. Biljetti huma wkoll disponibbli fuq jew


Mwielda u mrobbija fi Cleveland, Gausha (13-0, 7 Kos) kien dilettanti imżejjen li rebaħ midalji tad-deheb fl-Istati Uniti. Kampjonati Nazzjonali fil 2009 u 2012. Is-27-il sena ilu ma jitlef peress tidwir pro 2012. Aktar reċentement hu skorja rebħa eliminatorja f'Diċembru 2014 fuq Cesar Vila u huwa jistenna li jżomm rekord perfett tiegħu intatti fuq Marzu 13.


A 2012 U.S. Olympian, BREAZEALE (13-0, 12 Kos) ilha kważi perfetta fil knockouts reġistrazzjoni bħala pro, wara li marret biss id-distanza fit ġlieda wieħed. Is-29-il sena qodma tidher li jżomm rekord undefeated tiegħu intatti fuq Marzu 7 when he takes on 35-year-old Puerto Rican heavyweight Victor Bisbal (21-2, 15 Kos). Bisbal aħħar iġġieled 2013 meta kien knocked out minn Magomed Abdusalamov minkejja li rebaħ preċedenti tiegħu 16 truf.
Dilettant akkomplit minn Toledo, Ohio, Għid (12-0, 9 Kos) huwa dilettant ieħor meqjusa ħafna tfittex li tagħmel dikjarazzjoni dwar Marzu 7 fil Las Vegas. He most recently recorded a dominant unanimous decision victory in December 2014 fuq Angel Hernandez. Il-ġlieda kontra għat-tielet darba fil Las Vegas, l 24-il sena se tfittex li tpoġġi fuq juru fuq Marzu 7.


Il stellar Marzu 7 lejl ġlieda huwa promoss permezz Promozzjonijiet Goossen.


Għal aktar tagħrif żur, u, isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, KeithFThurmanJr, GhostBoxing, AdrienBroner, @ JohnMolinaJr135, abnermares, NBCSports UMGMGrand u isiru fan fuq Facebook fil u