Tag Archives: Robert Easter Jr.

Adrien Broner vs. Ashley Theophane PBC on Spike Final Press Conference Quotes & Photos

Klik Kene Kanggo Foto Saka Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather Promosi & Nabeel Ahmad/Premier Boxing Champions
“Anything is tough when you have a lot of things coming your way. I have tunnel vision. Iku perang wektu.
I’m locked-in until I get the job done.” – Adrien Broner
“I’m here to make this happen. Broner can play games, it’s all good. I’m here on a mission.” – Ashley Theophane
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Maret 30, 2016) – Four-division world champion Adrien “Masalah” Broner and 140-pound contender Ashley “The Treasure” Theophane went face-to-face Wednesday for the first time since their heated press conference in February as they near their Premier Boxing Champions ing Spike world title showdown taking place Ana, April 1 ing DC pabrik gegaman ing Washington, D.C.
Also in attendance Wednesday was unbeaten rising star Robert Paskah Jr. lan mungsuh, mantan juara donyaMendez algenis, who meet in a 10-round lightweight battle, plus rising undefeated prospect Gervonta “Salah” Davis lan mungsuh, Meksiko Guillermo Avila, who discussed their 10-round super featherweight battle that opens PBC on Spike coverage at 9 P.M. Lan/8 P.M. CT.
Tambahan, local lightweight contender Anthony Peterson and 168-pound contender J'Leon Love were on hand ahead of their respective bouts taking place Ana wengi.
Tiket acara urip, kang wis disedhiyakake dening About milyar Promosi lan Mayweather Promosi ing hubungané karo HeadBangers Promosi, sing diregani ing $200, $100, $50 lan $25, lan ing sale saiki. Kanggo tuku karcis nengwww.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000.
Punika apa kong wis ngomong Wednesday:
“Anything is tough when you have a lot of things coming your way. I have tunnel vision. Iku perang wektu. I’m locked-in until I get the job done.
Right now I have to focus on this fight. I’m keeping my mind in the right state. I’m not just doing this for me. It’s for my family. It’s bigger than just me.
There’s no beef between me and Floyd. I do my thing. Ing mburi dina, I’m just being me. I do this in front of Floyd. Me up there saying ‘Hateweather Promotions,’ I’m just having fun. I hope no one takes it personally. Ing mburi dina, me and Floyd are close.
The relationship that me and Floyd have, it is obvious that we wear our feelings on our sleeves, anything we say about each other, we don’t care who hears it. At the end of the day it doesn’t affect anything.
I will be putting on a show on Friday wengi. And I’ll go again on Saturday night if you want to get up and do it again.
Ana night is going to be a big night. I’m going to keep my promise. I will stop Ashley Theophane. I don’t care which round it is, but I will stop this man.
I love DC. The crowd and the love on Friday night is going to be crazy. I took this camp to the max. I am going to exploit and showcase all of my talent.
This is a big night for my little brother and protégé, Robert Paskah Jr. He doesn things that amaze me. I know what he’s capable of. I’m happy for him to get this chance against a former world champion. It’s going to be a heated matchup. This whole card is stacked from the top to the bottom.
I stepped up early in my career. I stepped up earlier than others. When I fought (Daniel) Ponce De Leon, Aku 19 and I fought in front of a crowd of 12,500 marang kula.
I just want to get home to Cincinnati and hold my baby daughter for the first time. I want to hold and hug my kids and be the family guy. Right now I’m at work. I have to do what I have to do, but after pain its pleasure.
It’s been a journey. But we’re here now. Just two days away. We’ve got two days and then the champ and me are going to go to war.
“I’m here to make this happen. Broner can play games, it’s all good. I’m here on a mission.
“Aku siap. We’re so close and I really just can’t wait to hear that bell.
Adrien says he’s going to stop me. I don’t think he has the attributes to do that. But it does mean it’s going to be a great fight. I’m looking forward to it.
The hard work is done. We’ve been training for months. My trainer Nate Jones has helped to get me into great shape. We have a great game plan and we’re ready to go.
I want this man to live up to his words that he’s going to stop me before round four. Because that means he will be standing and fighting instead of running around the ring.
A win means everything to me. It changes my life. This is my boyhood dream. This could lead me to all the other big names.
I’ve trained for 12 babak hard. We’re going to do this.
KING Paskah JR.
Everyone should be ready for a lot of action. I’m going to keep this speech short, just like the fight will be.
He’s a former world champion and a big test for me. I feel like I’m supposed to be here. He has a big head, so I’m not planning on missing at all. It’s going to be a short fight. I hope he’s prepared to go to sleep.
I know it’s a big step up. I just hope he’s trained hard for this one. I’m aiming to stop him. Most of my fights are short and that’s what I’m looking for.
I’m going to use all my skills, my ability and my brains to get this win. I’m not going for the knockout, but it’s going to happen. We trained so hard for this fight.
I feel like this is where I should be. As the co-main event of a world champion, my big brother Adrien Broner. This is what I was born for. It’s only getting bigger from here.
My whole team has pushed me so hard for this fight. This is going to be a quick fight. He’s going ‘night night.'
Robert Easter has not faced the same kind of competition that I have. I’m very confident heading into this fight. I was very happy when I got the call about this fight.
This is going to be the kind of fight that the fans will really enjoy. We wish Easter well and I hope everyone is ready forAna wengi.”
I’m happy to be fighting at home. I know I’ve got a strong opponent. He’s a great fighter who’s going to be ready to fight from the first bell.
I don’t want to rush in there. That’s how you lose. We’re going to work out jab. Go in and out and execute a game plan.
It means a lot to fight at the DC Armory because I had my first professional fight there. Aku looking nerusake kanggo njupuk ing ring maneh.
I’m ready to put on a show April 1. My team is strong and ready to great things in this sport.
This has been a really good camp. We’ve been working very hard. I started in Washington, D.C. at HeadBangers and finished up at home in Baltimore. It’s another day out here in the lights.
“I know my opponent is strong and will be ready. This is another step on the way to a world title. April 1 will be an epic night.”
“This training camp has been very good and we did the best work that we could. I am a warrior in the ring. I’ve faced very tough fighters and I’m ready for this.
“I’ve been waiting for this fight for a very long time and I’m ready for a war.”
ANTHONY Peterson
“I have phenomenal genetics. A lot of guys tend to move up in weight, but I’m a natural lightweight. I have big plans for this division.
“I had some injuries that really held me back from doing what I wanted to do. But now I’m completely healed and Ananight I’m going to show everyone that this the best Anthony Peterson ever.
This is a great card and I’m blessed to be on it. I’m looking to put on a good performance and make a splash in this great fight city.
I feel like the way I’ve been training, my talent will take over and be the difference. I’m hungry to make a statement.
I’m versatile. I can go forward and I can box. I won’t limit myself to one style. We have a great game plan and we’re focused on doing what we need to do to get the victory.
# # #
Tindakake TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions lan
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Highlights kasedhiya kanggo nampilaké ing www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC ing Spike wis disponsori dening Corona Extra, finest Beer.

Four-Division World Champion Adrien Broner wuwus Training Camp, Showdown With Ashley Theophane & More

Klik Kene Kanggo Photos & Training Camp Video
Saka Premier Boxing Champions
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Maret 24, 2016) – juara donya Super entheng Adrien “Masalah” Broner marang sing nganyari camp latihan lan rembugan nimbali judhul donya marang Ashley “The Treasure” Theophane sing kepala beritaPremier Boxing Champions ing Spike ing Ana, April 1 saka DC pabrik gegaman ing Washington, D.C.
Televisi jangkoan ing Spike wiwit ing 9 P.M. Lan/8 P.M. CT lan fitur loro gelut undercard macem minangka star Rising kalah Robert Paskah Jr. njupuk ing mantan juara dunia Mendez algenis lan ndhuwur prospek Gervonta “Salah” Davis pasuryan Meksiko Guillermo Avila.
Tiket acara urip, kang wis disedhiyakake dening About milyar Promosi lan Mayweather Promosi ing hubungané karo HeadBangers Promosi, sing diregani ing $200, $100, $50 lan $25, lan ing sale saiki. Kanggo tuku karcis nengwww.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000.
Broner njupuk wektu sajrone latihan kanggo ngrembug camp ing bangsa iku ibukutha, hubungan karo Paskah Jr., gelaran karo Theophane lan liyane:
“Aku latihan camp ing D.C. amarga njupuk kula metu saka unsur. Aku bisa njaluk nyisihaken saka distractions lan fokus ing boxing. Tim kita kudu mudhun kene ndadekke paling saking kula.
“Saben perang Aku pitutur marang wong lanang enom kaya Robert Paskah Jr. kanggo olahraga kaya iku perang pungkasan Karir lan perang gedhe saka Karir. Kanggo perang iki, ing bab utama iku mung tataran ageng, ana prabédan liyane.
“Aku ngerti iku arep dadi atmosfer electrifying karo akeh ageng. Aku teka kanggo nyelehake ing gambar. Aku ngerti sing Ashley Theophane wis teka kanggo menang. Kang ora teka kanggo lay mudhun, nanging kita lagi siap kanggo apa-apa kang bisa nggawa.
“Everybody wis bengi ala. The Porter perang ana mung siji bengi kadhos. Nanging kita lagi maneh ing trek, kita lagi bali kanggo kang juara donya lan aku bakal tetep juara sawise April 1. Iku arep dadi gambar Fantastic.
“Floyd mangerténi aku bisa ngalahake fighter kang. Ing mburi dina, kang mengkono apa sing paling apik kanggo fighter lan sing njupuk wong sing dijupuk judhul. Boxing tansah doyo adoh saka kamenangan. Everybody wis kasempatan kanggo menang nanging aku bakal menang. Kita bakal sijine gambar gedhe.
“Nalika aku ora latihan aku wis digunakake ing akèh kuwi njaba ring karo About milyar kalebu app anyar sing mung dibukak lan About milyar dagangan kita bakal duwe ing sale ing DC pabrik gegaman perang wengi.
“Sing liyane aku menang, langkung sukses aku. Aku mung kudu nindakake bab ing dering lan kabeh bakal bebarengan.
“Kabeh aku bisa ngomong iku ora kedhip. Aja menyang ngadeg kalonggaran. Iku arep dadi show macem.”
Tindakake TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions lan
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Highlights available to embed at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC ing Spike wis disponsori dening Corona Extra, finest Beer.

Washington, D.C. Native Anthony Peterson mungsuhan Ghanaian Olympian Samuel Neequaye & Super Men Contender J'Leon Love Faces Michael Gbenga Ana, April 1 From the DC Armory In Washington, D.C.

Plus undercard Full saka Prospects Local!
Premier Boxing Champions ing Spike Wiwit Ing
9 P.M. Lan/8 P.M. CT
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Maret 23, 2016) – contender entheng Anthony Peterson (36-1, 24 KOs) katon kanggo nuduhake mati ana ing tanah asalé nalika mungsuhan Ghanaian Olympian Samuel Neequaye (22-1, 15 KOs) ing bab 10-babak ana, April 1 ing DC pabrik gegaman ing Washington, D.C.
The April 1 acara fitur Premier Boxing Champions ing Spike tripleheaderwhich wis headlined dening juara donya papat-divisi Adrien “Masalah” Broner njupuk ing contender Inggris Ashley “The Treasure” Theophane karo jangkoan televisi diwiwiti ing 9 P.M. Lan/8 P.M. CT.
tumindak tambahan nang ring fitur 168-pound contender J'Leon Love (21-1, 11 KOs) ing bab 10-babak marang Nigeria kang Michael Gbenga (17-24, 16 KOs).
attractions undercard luwih bakal weruh trio D.C. pribumi ngetik ring minangka prospek Men 23-taun-lawas Demond Nicholson (16-1, 16 KOs) pasuryan Ghana kang Joshua Okine (22-4, 15 KOs) ing wolung babak bab, 20-taun-lawas flyweight kalah Kareem Martin (7-0-1, 3 KOs) ing bab enem-babak marang Somner Martin (5-1, 3 KOs) lan 21-taun-lawasPatrick Harris (8-0, 5 KOs) ing bab entheng enem babak marang Ghana kang Samuel Amoako (21-8, 15 KOs).
Lambé dibunderaké metu tumindak punika 24-taun-lawas Shyngyskhan Tazhibay (2-0, 2 KOs) metu saka Kazakhstan nanging latihan metu saka Washington, D.C., sing bakal ngadhepi 23-taun-lawas Georgia-native Riarus Dudley (2-0-1, 2 KOs) ing papat-babak flyweight gelaran.
Tiket acara urip, kang wis disedhiyakake dening About milyar Promosi lan Mayweather Promosi ing hubungané karo HeadBangers Promosi, sing diregani ing $200, $100, $50 lan $25, lan ing sale saiki. Kanggo tuku karcis neng:www.ticketmaster.com, lokasi Ticketmaster, utawa telpon (800) 745-3000.
Seduluré mantan juara donya Lamont Peterson, ing Peterson 31-taun-lawas ngarep-arep kanggo rauh nggawe jeneng kanggo awake ing perang judhul donya. Pemilik saka menang liwat Daniel Attah, Dominic Salcido, Mike Oliver lan Marcos Leonardo Jimenez, Washington, D.C. produk is looking kanggo menang perang consecutive kapitu nalika lumebu ring ing kutha klairané. Panjenenganipun njupuk ing Neequaye metu saka Ghana sing saiki sepur ing Maryland. Piyambakipun makili Ghana ing 2008 Olimpiade lan mentas ngalahaké Eugenio Lopez.
A contender sapisan-diantemi ing 168-pon, kangen 28-taun-lawas gumregah maneh saka asor Lone kang dominasi Scott Sigmon ing Maret, Jason Escalera ing Juni lan Marcus Upshaw ing September kanggo njaluk piyambak bali ing campuran judhul donya. Ing Inkster, Michigan kolom ndarbeni menang liwat Marco Antonio Periban, Derrick Findley lan Lajuan Simon ing cara kanggo contender status. Panjenenganipun njupuk ing Gbenga Nigerian-lair sing ngalahaké Marcus Vinicius de Oliveira ing Februari.
# # #
Tindakake TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions lan
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Highlights kasedhiya kanggo nampilaké ing www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC ing Spike wis disponsori dening Corona Extra, finest Beer.

Ashley Theophane & J’Leon Love Media Workout Quotes & Photos

PBC on Spike Begins At 9 P.M. Lan/8 P.M. CT
Klik Kene For Photos From Dave Nadkarni/PBC &
Esaiah Gomez/Mayweather Promotions
Las Vegas (Maret 18, 2016) – 140-pound contender Ashley “The Treasure” Theophane and super middleweight contender J'Leon Love hosted a Las Vegas media workout Kemis as they prepared for their respective showdowns on Ana, April 1 saka DC pabrik gegaman ing Washington, D.C.
Theophane takes on super lightweight world champion Adrien “Masalah” Broner ing acara utama Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) ing Spike diwiwiti ing 9 P.M. Lan/8 P.M. CT. Love will compete in a non-televised undercard attraction.
Tiket acara urip, kang wis disedhiyakake dening About milyar Promosi lan Mayweather Promosi ing hubungané karo HeadBangers Promosi, sing diregani ing $200, $100, $50 lan $25, lan ing sale saiki. Kanggo tuku karcis nengwww.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000.
Theophane and Love held court at the Mayweather Boxing Club as they went discussed their upcoming showdowns with media.
Punika apa kong wis ngomong Kemis:
The focus is to go in there and outwork him on fight night. At the end of the day I have to set the pace. I can’t go out there and outbox him because he’s got tremendous skill and speed. So I have to be able to go out there and outwork him and make it a war.
When he sees that I’m still there in round 5, he’s going to start to get worried. My whole thing on fight night is to work and bring a war.
As a boxer, you want to fight the best, and you want these big nights. Kanggo kula, it’s been a hard road to get to this point, and I’m actually looking forward to fight night because I know it’s going to be a very hard fight, and I know in order for me to win I have to be at my best, and that’s what I have prepared for.
I’ve been sparring a lot of strong young men in camp; a lot of guys who many believe will be future stars of boxing, and I’ve been doing very well, so I’m more than ready. It’s just a matter of counting down the days now.
My career shows that if you believe in yourself and never give up, you will get your opportunity. Ing titik, it’s just up to you to take it.
I feel I will be able to match him come fight night. I know I’m the big underdog, I know I’m not being given the chance to win, but I really believe we are going to prove the doubters wrong and be world champ come April 1.
It just became real to be in the same place with him [Broner] at the press conference. It was more motivation to come back in the gym. Once we got back, the guys here at the gym saw me sparring the next day and said they can tell he had motivated me. Kang bisa diajak, but on fight night, kita kudu perang. He said he’s going to stop me in 4 babak, so I’ll be looking forward to seeing that because I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to be there for the whole 12 babak.
Mayweather Promotions believed in me from the very start and they flew with me in the deep end. I have improved from being around Floyd, and watching him. You have to improve with being around him-the best fighter of all time-you have to improve.
“Latihan wis gedhe; I’m healthy, I’m focused, my weight is not bad, I can’t complain. I actually took a week off in September of last year, and have been right back in the gym. We’ve been training ever since for 5 utawa 6 months now, so we were already ahead.
“Wong iki [Gbenga], despite his record, has been in the ring more times than me, so he is a lot more experienced. He can survive, or do little things that can upset my game plan, nanging ing wektu sing padha, I’ve been there done that, and just ready to showcase my talent.
Every fight is important, whether it’s the first couple of fights, or now. Kanggo kula, this is a stay busy fight-stay busy, showcase my talent, look impressive, and show that we’re ready for a world title. Not just fight for a world title, but win a world title. Be a world champion. Continue to reach different levels in the game.
“Aku luwe, I feel like this is already written for me. I didn’t make it this far for nothing, or to be a contender. For a world championship fight, I’m going to definitely seize the moment so I’m going to go out there and do what I do best, and that is to fight.
I’m a pretty slick fighter, very smart fighter, so I’ve dissected him already and he makes a lot of mistakes. I think he’ll fall into the trap, and I feel like I will get him out of there. I’m very confident in my training and my ability.
# # #
Tindakake TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions lan
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Highlights kasedhiya kanggo nampilaké ing www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC ing Spike wis disponsori dening Corona Extra, finest Beer.


Klik Kene Kanggo Foto Saka Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather Promosi
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Februari 29, 2016) – Four-division world champion Adrien “Masalah” Broner and 140-pound Ashley “The Treasure” Theophane hosted a press conference at the W Hotel in Washington, D.C. to announce their world title showdown on Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) ing Spike njupuk Panggonan Ana, April 1 at the D.C. Armory.
Mayweather Promotions President Floyd Mayweather was on-hand along with representatives from About Billions Promotions, HeadBangers Promotions, Spike and the D.C. Boxing and Wresting Commission to talk about the exciting night of fights coming to our nation’s capital. Also on the dais, was platinum recording artist Rick Ross, a friend of both Mayweather and Broner.
Also featured on the PBC on Spike telecast is rising star Robert Paskah Jr. marang mantan juara donya Argenis Mendez, plus top prospect Gervonta “Salah” Davis in a super featherweight showdown against Mexico’s Guillermo Avila. Saliyane, local undercard fighters Anthony Peterson, Kareem Martin, Patrick Harris lan Demond Nicholson were in attendance to discuss their hometown bouts.
Tiket acara urip, kang wis disedhiyakake dening About milyar Promosi lan Mayweather Promosi ing hubungané karo HeadBangers Promosi, sing diregani ing $200, $100, $50 lan $25, lan ing sale saiki. Kanggo tuku karcis neng www.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000. The event is sponsored by Corona.
Here is what the participants had to say Monday:
This is really a big fight for me. I know that Ashley Theophane is going to come to fight, because he has something to prove. He’s going to try to take my world title.
A lot of people told me I wouldn’t be here. I come from nothing. Like cereal and water nothing. I’m very fortunate to have someone like Floyd to look up to. I don’t want to be like Floyd though, I don’t want to be like any man. I admire him and respect him, but I’m creating my legacy.
“Ing mburi dina, Floyd and Ashley aren’t on my side. I’m against them. They’re coming to dethrone me. They’re my enemy right now and I’m going to beat Ashley down.
This training camp, I’ve really been perfecting my craft. This is going to be the best performance of my career. It’s going to be a highlight reel performance. I’m not coming to just get a win.
This fight isn’t going four rounds. That’s too many. This is going to be quick. I’m not playing.
There’s nothing Floyd can teach [Theophane]. Ing mburi dina, it all goes out the window. The trainers and entourage can’t help. They can’t help Ashley Theophane.
I want everyone to come out. Big brother Floyd Mayweather is gone, everyone else is too boring, so I’m taking over the sport.
There are many different thing we’re working on to neutralize Broner and keep up with his quickness. I’ve sparred with a lot of young guys who imitate him and I believe I can match him.
He does a lot of things right and a lot of things wrong. Adrien Broner can be beat and he has been. We’re working hard. At the end of the day this is my career-defining fight.
We all turn pro to become a world champion. I’ve been in the gym for months, working on things and staying in shape.
I’ve watched Adrien Broner in the past. I was at the John Molina and Shawn Porter fights and I know he’s got talent. But he can be beat. He’s vulnerable, very vulnerable.
It’s not just about what you do in the ring, but it’s also about being a mature fighter. He’s going to do what he does and as a grown man, I just have to stay calm. Being the more experienced fighter is a position I like.
I’m representing Floyd Mayweather. He has my back and he believes in me. He believes I can win and that’s extra motivation.
I want to be the best I’ve ever been. I want to fight the fight of my life on April 1. I don’t want to turn the clock back. I want this to be the best performance of my career.
It’s been a long journey as a professional and I have to thank Floyd for giving me this chance. April 1 is going to be a war. Adrien is a warrior and I know he has no quit in him. If you have a dream, you have to work hard to make it come true and that’s what I’m here to do.
KING Paskah JR.
I’m thankful to everyone who put me in this position. I will give everyone a shot like I always do.
I consider D.C. one of my hometowns and I’m coming to give everyone a show. This is a blessing and a tremendous opportunity.
I want a world title and this is another big step on my way towards that goal. To be able to do it on Adrien Broner’s card just guarantees it’s going to be a big night.
I’m just ready to show off my skills and make a name for myself so that I can continue to grow in this sport.
I’m definitely excited to fight in DC. This is where my first professional fight was. I’m so thankful to Barry Hunter for letting me train with him and helping me toward this opportunity.
I have a great team. Especially Floyd Mayweather, who has taken me in and taught me so much about boxing but also about everything outside of the ring. I’m blessed to have his support in my career.
April 1, it’s going to be an action-packed fight. I will be a world champion one day. You don’t want to miss this one.
ANTHONY Peterson
This is my 38th fight, going for my 37th victory and fourth knockout in a row. Boxing isn’t something you talk about, you just do it. That’s what I’m going to do 1st April. It’s going down.
I made my pro debut on a Roy Jones card, which was another big stage. So I’m very ready and blessed.
I’m coming to give my hometown fans the knockout. Boxing is like jazz, the better it is, the less it’s appreciated. A knockout will get you praise.
I’m targeting everybody in the division. I want a belt. The first one to step up, I’m going to take care of him.
Floyd Mayweather
I’m happy to be here and I truly believe this will be a very exciting fight. Adrien is a very young and explosive fighter. He’s a force in boxing right now.
Ashley Theophane is a guy that came from the UK with a dream. His dream was to be world champion one day. Same dream I had. Kang banget asor, hungry and dedicated fighter.
I don’t think this is going to be an easy fight for Adrien. I’ll tell both guys to push themselves to the limit and give fans what they want to see.
Gervonta Davis is someone I look at like a son. I met him in 2014 and they said this is the next big thing. Broner brought him to my gym to let me see him work. He’s a very explosive kid. He’s exciting and he will be fighting for a world title soon after a couple more bouts.
I want to thank Adrien for giving him the chance to make his dream come true. I believe Adrien will continue to put on exciting fights and a good show. You’re still learning, it’s all a process.
Adrien and Gervonta have great teams. The Baltimore and D.C. area has some extraordinary talent and the trainers are unbelievable. I’m not biased, I feel like whatever a fighter is comfortable with, that’s whom a fighter should be with.
Mayweather Promotions isn’t rushing, we’re taking it one step at a time. I would love to see some of these guys break my records. Records are meant to be broken. I’ve done everything I can do in the sport. I’m blessed to share the stage with these young guys.
Ashley is working with a great trainer in Nate Jones. He’s a former Olympian and a guy who has a great boxing mind.
DC isn’t a good city, it’s a great city. We couldn’t choose a better place to have the fight. I believe that this will be a sold out event. I’m going to work to make sure everywhere you look in the city, you will see Adrien Broner and Ashley Theophane.
RICK ROSS, Platinum Selling Record Artist
I’m not only a friend of the boxers, but I’m also a friend of the sport. This is my favorite sport. I believe this is the sport of gladiators. This is where men, with ambition and sheer will stand-alone.
Me and my friend Adrien Broner, will be doing some exciting things in 2016. I’m here to let everyone know on behalf of the hip-hop community, that we’re supporting this fight. April 1, ‘The Bosswill be in the building.
# # #
Tindakake TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions lan
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Highlights available to embed at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC ing Spike wis disponsori dening Corona Extra, finest Beer.


Liyane! Top D.C. Area Fighters Anthony Peterson, Kareem Martin, Patrick Harris and Demond Nicholson
Bintang Ing Bouts Pisah!
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Februari 29, 2016) – Kalah star Rising Robert Paskah Jr. (16-0, 13 KO) bakal njupuk ing mantan juara donya Argenis Mendez (23-3-1, 13 KOs) in a lightweight attraction as part of Premier Boxing Champions(PBC) ing Spike ing Ana, April 1 from the D.C. Armory in Washington, D.C.
A stacked undercard will feature top local talent including top prospect Gervonta “Salah” Davis (14-0, 13 KOs) battling Mexico’s Guillero Avila (15-5, 12 KOs) in a 10-round super featherweight bout, liyane Anthony Peterson (36-1, 24 KOs), Kareem Martin (7-0-1, 3 KOs), Patrick Harris (8-0, 5 KOs) lan Demond Nicholson (16-1, 16 KOs) ing bouts kapisah. A full undercard will be announced in the coming weeks.
This fight is another stepping stone for me towards a world title,” Said Paskah Jr. “It’s a blessing to be on a card like this and I’m very excited for the opportunity. I’m going to bring my style and true boxing skills to the ring and put on a great show.
I really like this matchup and I can’t wait to get into the ring,” said Mendez. “I’m a different fighter than two years ago when I lost to Rances Barthelemy. Easter is long and tall, kang pejuang apik, but he hasn’t fought anyone near my caliber and I think his style sets up well for me. It will be a good fight between two talented fighters. When the fans see Easter get counted out by the ref, don’t think it’s an April Fools joke, it will be the real thing.
Televisi jangkoan ing Spike wiwit ing 9 P.M. Lan/PT and is headlined by four-division world champion Adrien “Masalah” Broner defending his 140-pound title against London’s Ashley “The Treasure” Theophane.
Tiket acara urip, kang wis disedhiyakake dening About milyar Promosi lan Mayweather Promosi ing hubungané karo HeadBangers Promosi, sing diregani ing $200, $100, $50 lan $25, lan ing sale saiki. Kanggo tuku karcis nengwww.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000.
Amatir tuntas kang ana 2012 U.S. Sulih Olympic, the 25-year-old Easter Jr. picked up four victories in 2015 including knockouts over Osumanu Akaba, Miguel Mendoza, Alejandro Rodriguez and Juan Ramon Solis. Unbeaten wiwit ngowahi pro ing 2012, ing Toldeo, Ohio-born prospect faces the toughest challenge of his career in Mendez and he hopes to join his close friend Broner as a world champion sometime this year.
A former world champion who represented the Dominican Republic in the 2004 Olimpiade, Mendez now fights out of Brooklyn and is coming off of a victory over former champion Miguel Vazquez in October 2015. Mendez was victorious despite herniating two discs during training camp and needing epidural shots to be able to manage the pain. The 29-year-old won his world title by knocking out Juan Carlos Salgado, and owns victories over Martin Honorio, Cassius Baloyi, and Daniel Evangelista Jr.
A prospek Highly-dianggep sing menangaké 2012 Juara Gloves National, the 21-year-old Davis recorded five victories inside of the distance in 2015. The Baltimore-native stopped former world champion Cristobal Cruz during that streak and looks to put on another explosive performance near his hometown.
A pro wiwit 2011, the 23-year-old won his first eleven outings and most recently stopped Antonio Torres in the fourth round in December 2015. Born in Jalisco but fighting out of Tijuana, Avila’s last 12 wins have come by knockout.
Seduluré mantan juara donya Lamont Peterson, Anthony is at the forefront of the D.C. boxing scene and will look to impress in front of his home crowd once again on April 1. 2015 saw the 30-year-old score knockout victories over Mike Oliver and Ramesis Gil as he brought his winning streak to six straight.
At just 20-years-old, Martin is entering his third year in the professional ranks. A busy 2015 saw him take home four victories, including his first three six-round bouts. He will fight in his hometown of D.C. for the second time on April 1.
Another rising prospect at just 21-years-old, Harris has stayed busy since turning pro in June 2014 with a first-round stoppage of George Palmer. Most recently the Hyattsville, Maryland born fighter picked up victories over Irvin Hernandez, Rafael Vazquez, Carlos Acevedo and Sean Lockhart in 2015.
Laurel, Maryland’s Nicholson is another prospect that has been keeping busy since turning pro and will look for another great performance in front of a friendly D.C. crowd. The 23-year-old impressively stopped veteran Milton Nunez in the first round of their October 2015 perang.
Tindakake TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions lan
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Highlights kasedhiya kanggo nampilaké ing www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC ing Spike wis disponsori dening Corona Extra, finest Beer.

Adrien Broner menang TITLE papat WORLD karo nyengsemaken 12-babak stoppage liwat TOUGH RUSSIAN Khabib ALLAKHVERDIEV

Pedraza Digdaya keputusane Split Swara Edner Cherry
Easter and Herring Notch Victories on Sho nemen®
Klik kene FOR PHOTOS (Photos siap metu)
Kredit: Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME
BANDILA® Announces ALL ACCESS Epilogue: Adrien Broner Bakal Cepak ing BANDILA Olahraga® Digital Platforms Next Week
Cincinnati, Ohio — (Oct. 3, 2015) – Cincinnati’s Adrien Broner won a world title in his fourth weight division with an impressive 12-round TKO over Khabib Allakhverdiev onomatopia ing ngarepe 5,932 pembuangan kutha klairané ing U.S. Bank Arena and live on BANDILA juara boxing®\\. Broner (saiki 30-2, 22 KOs) nyelehake tangan kang cepet, thudding daya lan katresnan showmanship ing tampilan ing kinerja macem.
Allakhverdiev (saiki 19-2, 9 KOs) njupuk nembak paling apik Broner tanpa arep mudhun, nanging karo Broner ing-wangun, nanging karo upping paukuman ing babak pungkasan, Referee Harvey Dock decided to mercifully wave the fight over at 2:23.
Broner kapandeng landhep kang wangsul malih dhateng divisi super entheng. Panjenenganipun ndharat 50 persen punches daya kang, karo Mirrors tengen kang alat sing paling efektif.
“Jujur, a young guy like me, they just threw me a lot of cash at a young age. It was hard to adjust to the fame, to the lights. After my last fight I said I wasn’t putting my all into it,” said Broner. “Iku mesthi kabeh nganti kula. Sawise lonceng sing, no one can help me. I’m still AB, nanging iki setengah sabanjuré karir aku arep dadi babagan boxing lan bisnis. Boten wis diganti. I’m comfortable at whatever weight my opponent is comfortable at. But I’m getting wiser, Aku njupuk lawas.”
“Ana pitakonan Broner menang perang. He is the real thing and tonight he showed it,” ngandika Allakhverdiev kang promosi Vlad Hrunov.
Ing bab bukaan saka telecast ing, IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose Pedraza (21-0, 12 KOs) manggon suwé lan kasil mbelo juara kang liwat kaputusan pamisah 12 rondhe Florida kang Edner Cherry (34-7-2, 19 KOs).
Pedraza menang ing perang tampil rapet lan angel-kanggo-hakim, dening nilai 117-111 Pedraza, 116-112 Cherry lan panentu 117-111 Pedraza.
Cherry ndharat punches harder lan dipencet anggempur, nalika kase Pedraza banget angel dipahami lan ngancam uga karo kombinasi cepet.
I won the fight. It was a very tight fight and very hard fight, nanging aku mesthi menang perang,” Said Pedraza. “Aku banget kalem nalika padha maca nilai amarga aku sumurup aku menang. Aku seneng banget. Kita iya proyek gedhe lan miwiti kuwat, nanging Edner wis wektu kang. Karo tim, kita digunakake Intelligence kita njaluk kamenangan. Aku bisa kanggo ngganti gaya sandi, ngalih menyang kase lan Cherry ora bisa nangani tangan kiwa.”
Cherry ana grapyak ing asor matur, “Aku mung ngiwa ing hakim’ tangan. If I knocked him out it wouldn’t be up to the judges. It’s them. That’s the judges. That’s what happens when you leave it to the judges. Aku ora njupuk tindakan adoh saka wong. It was a good fight.
Fighting in the main event of the SHOWTIME BOXING ing Sho nemen® bagean wengi, Toledo, Ohio lightweight Robert Paskah Jr. dipindhah ngrekam suwé kanggo 16-0, 13 KOs with a three-round demolition of Argentinean veteran Juan Ramon Langkah (saiki 25-10, 9 KOs).
Paskah Jr. digawe iku gampang katon kaya kang ndudhuk thudding nembak awak ing Langkah lan diguncang wong karo hard, nembak akurat sirah. Paskah mbuwang 177 total punches lan ndharat 68 wong. Langkah mbuwang 44 lan ndharat mung sangang.
Miturut babak katelu, Langkah’ sudhut wis katon cukup lan dijaluk stoppage ing :45 tandha liya.
“Sampeyan nyiyapake kanggo paling awon ing gedung olahraga, karo jinis iki gelut sampeyan tau ngerti, Said Paskah Jr. “Kanthi kinerja kaya iki, ngerti sampeyan lagi dhateng tingkat sabanjuré. I showed that tonight.
Kanggo mbukak telecast ing, 2012 U.S. Olympian and undefeated lightweight Jamel Herring (14-0, 8 KOs) tindak 10 rounds for the first time in his career while scoring a dominant unanimous decision over durable Ghanaian Yakubu “Black Mamba” Amida (19-8-2, 19 KOs).
Herring nuduhake kacepetan sanget lan kekuatan unggul nalika diperlokaké kombinasi kanthi cepet-geni kanggo sirah lan awak Amidu kang. Kanggo kang kredit, Amidu Hung angel kanggo dadi lan tau mandheg nyoba.
“Aku sumurup kang ana apik. Aku di ajeni apa kang pengalaman lan apa kang nglorod,” Said Herring. “Aku nuduhake skill lan tindak kadohan karo Veteran sing wis tau wis mudhun. Iku berkah kanggo pertunjukan talent ing tataran donya. Aku wis kerjo hard kanggo njaluk kene iku apik teka sing ngenteni.”
Hakim’ nilai (99-91, 100-90, lan 100-90) dibayangke dominasi Herring kang.
Ing non-televisi tumindak, Cincinnati dhewe Jamontay Clark dipindhah kanggo 7-0, 4 KOs karo rong-babak stoppage kasar saka Hartford kang Joe Wilson Jr. (saiki 3-3).
Nggunakake tangan kiwa akurat lan kuat minangka gegaman kang utami, Clark wis Wilson mudhun kaping pindho ing kawitan lan bebarengan liyane kanggo miwiti kaloro sadurunge stoppage welas asih ing :28.
# # #
Broner vs. Allakhverdiev iki disedhiyakake dening Warriors Boxing lan About Milyar Promosi.
Kanggo informasi luwih lengkap riko www.SHO.com/Sports ngetutake TwitterSHOSports, AdrienBroner, WarriorsBoxProm LanSwanson_Comm utawa dadi penggemar ing Facebook ing www.Facebook.com/SHOSports lan www.Facebook.com/AdrienTheProblemBroner


“Aku bakal menang on Saturday Wengi.” – Adrien Broner
Kang bisa banyolan sak kabeh kepengin, nanging ora bakal bantuan wong nalika
we are in the ring.” – Khabib Allakhverdiev
Saka U.S. BANK ARENA di Cincinnati
Klik Kene Download Photos
Foto Kredit: Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME
Tiket Isih ing Sale!!!
Cincinnati, Ohio — (Oct. 1, 2015) –Rong dina sadurunge Adrien Broner dadi judhul donya papat ing negara asal saka Ohio, Broner lan mungsuh, Rusia kang Khabib Allakhverdiev melu ing Final konferensi penet ana ing AS. Bank Arena ing Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mantan telung divisi juara donya Broner(30-2, 22 KOs)ngasilake menyang kuthané marang fellow mantan juara dunia Allakhverdiev(19-1, 9 KOs) kanggo judhul donya Super Lightweight WBA ikiSetu, Oct. 3 manggon ing BANDILA (10 P.M. Lan/7 P.M. PT) saka U.S. Bank Arena.
Ing BANDILA juara boxing co-fitur, suwé IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose Pedraza (20-0, 12 KOs) bakal gelar marang mantan Challenger judhul donyaEdner Sakura (24-6-2, 19 KOs).
Ing acara utama ing SHOWTIME BOXING ing Sho nemen®, prospek suwé ndhuwur Robert Paskah Jr. (15-0, 12 KOs), saka Toledo, Ohio, lan Veteran Argentina Juan Ramon Langkah (25-9, 9 KOs) bakal kothak mati ing 10-babak bab entheng.
Mbukak telecast Sho nemen (8 P.M. Lan/PT), kalah U.S. Olympian Jamel Herring (13-0, 8 KOs), saka Cincinnati bakal gantos dening mantan juara Afrika Yakubu “Black Mamba” Amida(19-7-2, 19 KOs), ing 10-babak perang entheng.
Ngisor iki apa pejuang wis ngomong dina:
“Aku ngomong nèk Aku ora bakal nindakake apa pitakonan utawa Dhiskusi. Boten wis diganti. Aku mung arep kanggo thank everyone kanggo teka. Aku bakal menang on Saturday wengi, Oktober 3.”
“Aku ora seneng ngomong kakehan. Aku siap perang Setu.
“Panjenenganipun [Broner] gemeter. Makane iku tumindak kaya banyolan.
“Iki kutha klairané. Iku kasempatan pungkasan kanggo judhul donya lan nuduhake munggah pungkasan lan ndadekake iku katon kaya wong iku Bobodoran watara karo everybody lan ora Care. Aku wis katon pejuang nindakake iki sadurunge lan iku amarga iku wedi.
He knows what will happen on Saturday. Kang bisa banyolan sak kabeh kepengin, nanging ora bakal bantuan wong nalika kita ring.
“Aku rase gedhe ningali wong gemeter. Kanggo kula, iki mung perang liyane lan mung menang liyane lan apa iku bakal. A menang kanggo kula liwat banyolan gemeter iki. Aku arep kanggo ngalahake wong ing ngarep kabeh kanca-kanca.”
Jose Pedraza, IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion
“Everyone says lagi arep teka ngalahake aku, Good luck kanggo wong. Iku ora kedados.
“Dheweke wis akèh saka pengalaman minangka profesional, nanging aku wis onomatopia kanggo dangu uga supaya aku ora kuwatir bab sing kang ngadhepi.
“Aku siap kanggo 12 babak nanging aku arep njaluk wong metu ana cepet. Aku arep kanggo bisa awak hard kanggo nyoba kanggo njaluk sing wis.
“Aku arep kanggo ngadhepi paling. Ngene aku luwih seneng ora kanggo ngadhepi liyane Puerto Rican nanging yen iku perang paling metu ana, Aku bakal ngadhepi sopo wae.
“Aku ora duwe prediksi kanggo perang. Aku duwe strategi apik kanggo perang lan yen kerjane, Aku bakal menang dening kalah.”
Edner Cherry
“Aku arep kanggo thank pembuangan. Saben uwong sing wis didhukung kula. Tune in Setu wengi. Iku bakal dadi gambar gedhe.”
KING Paskah JR.
“Aku teka metu kanggo nyelehake ing gambar gedhe. Sampeyan ngerti Aku ora seneng dadi ring dawa banget supaya sampeyan bakal weruh kalah.
“Aku ora nonton akèh tape utawa tindakan kaya. Aku mung bisa hard ing gedung olahraga lan apa sing paling apik aku bisa.”
JUAN Langkah
“Kabisan technical sandi kuwalitas paling apik ring. Iki karya lan aku perang karo kaurmatan.
“Boxers Argentina dikenal kanggo menehi kabeh ing gelut sing. I am going to do everything to win Setu wengi.”
Jamel herring
“Aku diajeni dadi kene. Saben uwong sing mangerténi kula mirsa, yen aku metu lan Aku menehi kabeh.
“Nyana kanggo ndeleng perang gedhe. Akeh bab mungsuh kanggo njupuk perang iki, nanging sing ngendi iku mandheg. Sawise kita njaluk ing ring sawijining kabeh babagan bisnis.”
Asale Yakubu lan utamané
“Aku wis perang sawetara pejuang gedhe. Aku duwe pengalaman ing game boxing. Aku kene kanggo menehi Jamel Herring perang apik. Aku arep teka lan nonton perang apik.
“Aku saka Ghana. Aku manggon ing Los Angeles. Aku wis manggon ana nem taun. Aku miwiti tinju minangka pro ing Ghana. Aku lunga menyang Afrika Kidul. Banjur aku budhal menyang Inggris lan banjur aku teka kene. Aku duwe kauntungan ageng ing pengalaman.”
MIKE Stafford, Adrien Broner kang Trainer
“Adrien ing kelas kang bobot wektu iki. Kita wis onomatopia ing 146 lan 147, kang wis judhul ing 147, nanging saiki dheweke bali ing bobot. Iku tegese lan mimpin.
“Adrien mangerténi carane penting iki. Panjenengané pirsa Khabib iku mantan juara gedhe. Kita matur nuwun kanggo teka menyang kota kita. Ora akeh banget wong bakal teka menyang kahanan iki.
“Kita matur kulawargané lan kanca-kanca kita lan tanpa iki wong lanang ora bakal munggah kene. Iki Bunch gedhe saka wong lanang. Aku kaya ngadeg ing rama kabeh mau lan Aku appreciate sampeyan ndhukung wong-wong mau.”
Leon Margules, Presiden Warriors Boxing
“Everyone mangerténi sing Adrien Broner punika. Adrien wis perusahaan promosi disebut About milyar Promosi lan padha wis fun, menarik lan Mugi kita njaluk bisa bebarengan maneh.
“Ora mung aja kita duwe kertu internasional gedhe, nanging kita duwe sawetara pejuang, munggah-lan-comers saka wilayah iki.
“Nalika katon ing kertu iki, sampeyan duwe siji saka gelut liyane mbledhos pembuangan boxing bakal weruh taun iki. Munggah tahta IBF Junior Lightweight Champion Jose Pedraza lan mantan Challenger judhul sing onomatopia ing kelas bobot sing kepengin – Edner Sakura.
“Cincinnati iku sawijining kutha gedhe. Iku uga kutha olahraga kelas donya. Bengals, Reds, Universitas Cincinnati, Xavier University lan Cyclones sing muter ing bangunan iki. Padha uga duwe Adrien Broner.
“Panjenenganipun punika fighter paling bakat lan wasis alamiah ing donya dina. Aku pracaya bisa dadi bintang sabanjuré ing olahraga kita. Iku-lawas 26 taun. Kacepetan finesse lan daya kados sembarang aku wis katon ing dangu. Aku bangga dadi partner lan bisa karo wong ing perang iki.”
RAVONE LITTLEJOHN, Presiden About milyar Promosi
“Thanks Adrien kanggo nuduhake munggah. Wis digawa sawetara prakara kang gedhe menyang camp iki.
“Thank Adrien Broner kanggo menehi kula kesempatan kanggo ningkataké perang iki. We are siap kanggo pindhah. Tiket isih kasedhiya. See you Setu wengi.”
Kayadene HRUNOV, World Boxing
“Matur nuwun kanthi sanget. Apa kita isih ora ngedol metu? Yen kita ana ing kampung halamanipun Panjenengan. Welcome to perang paling apik saka kutha iki ing sajarah boxing.”
Javier Bustillo, Presiden Universal Promosi
“Iku kesenengan lan pakurmatan kanggo bisa nggarap Leon Margules. Aku wis makarya ing boxing kanggo 20 taun lan aku wis tau weruh sapa kaya Jose Pedraza. Kita ngerti kita onomatopia Edner Cherry – a boxer apik.
“Kita nelpon Jose ing 'Sniper.’ You are going to see a sniper Setu wengi. Dheweke ora bakal kantun doyo.”
# # #
Kanggo informasi luwih lengkap riko www.SHO.com/Sports ngetutake TwitterSHOSports, AdrienBroner, WarriorsBoxProm LanSwanson_Comm utawa dadi penggemar ing Facebook ingwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports lan www.Facebook.com/AdrienTheProblemBroner

Adrien Broner vs. Khabib ALLAKHVERDIEV, Vs. Jose Pedraza. Workout PHOTOS Edner Cherry MEDIA & Acak FOR SATURDAY'S WORLD juara DOUBLEHEADER

BANDILA juara boxing® Urip Ing 10 P.M. Lan/7 P.M. PT ing BANDILA®
Saka U.S. Bank Arena ing Cincinnati, Ohio
Klik Kene Download Photos Saka Stephanie Trapp / BANDILA
Cincinnati, Ohio — (Pitu. 30, 2015) – Adrien Broner (30-2, 22 KOs) lan Khabib Allakhverdiev(19-1, 9 KOs) dianakaké karyawan media ing Punch House di Cincinnati on Wednesday lagi nyiapake kanggo iki ana kang WBA Super Lightweight Piala Donya, manggon ing BANDILA (10 P.M. Lan/7 P.M. PT) saka U.S. Bank Arena.
Ing BANDILA juara boxing co-fitur, suwé IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose Pedraza (20-0, 12 KOs) bakal gelar marang mantan Challenger judhul donyaEdner Sakura (24-6-2, 19 KOs).
Pejuang BANDILA EXTREME lan prospek suwé Robert Paskah Jr. lan Jamel Herringuga melu ing Ana kang karyawan. Paskah Jr. (15-0, 12 KOs) bakal njupuk ing Juan Ramon Langkah(20-9, 9 KOs) nalika Herring (13-0, 8 KOs) bakal padha ngadhepi Yakubu Amido (19-7-2, 17 KOs) ing kapisah 10-babak bouts entheng Setu iki. CATETAN: Langkah iki panggantos pungkasan kanggo announced sadurunge Miguel Acosta minangka mungsuh Paskah Jr.
Nalika Broner terus sumpah kang nggawe bisu karo media, juara donya telung divisi “supaya jotosan apa ngomong” ing karyawan spirited sing langgeng saklawasé 90 menit.
Punika apa liyane saka pejuang BANDILA wis ngomong on Wednesday:
“Aku nyana Broner kanggo nyoba kanggo muter game, nanging kita bakal muter game kita.
“Pengalaman aku gained sawise kalah judhul ing perang pungkasan [marang Isai Vargas] iku aku pancene ngerti kesempatan sing aku kang diwenehi arep menyang perang iki.
“Aku ora kuwatir bab onomatopia ing kutha Broner kang. I have fought many fighters in their own cities and it doesn’t bother me.
On Saturday wengi, Aku bakal nuduhake pembuangan perang gedhe lan metu karo kamenangan.”
Jose Pedraza:
“Kita olahraga hard kabeh wektu, kita ana ing wangun gedhe lan kita nyiapake kanggo saben perang kaya mungsuh iku juara.
“Edner Cherry pejuang banget experienced. He is a strong guy and good puncher.
“Aku ing wangun gedhe lan aku siap kanggo perang 12 babak.
This could very well be the toughest fight of my career. He hasn’t lost in seven years. But we are very prepared, sinau perang lan uga siyap kanggo pindhah teka Setu.
“Muda bakal muter bagéyan ageng ing perang iki. Aku akeh luwih enom saka wong lan, tanpa mangu, Aku bakal menang perang iki.
“Aku ora bisa ngenteni kanggo pembuangan kanggo nonton perang iki lan yen padha ora bisa saka kene aku pangarep-arep padha nonton ing BANDILA. It will be a great fight.
Edner Cherry:
“Iki bakal perang banget angel. We’ve been training hard and had a great camp.
“Aku ora njupuk tindakan adoh saka wong, kang pejuang angel. Dheweke iku sing juara kanggo alesan. Nanging on Saturday wengi aku teka kanggo judhul sing, sing proyek.
“Kita dilatih 12 babak hard, nanging yen kalah rawuh, banjur aku bakal bungah banget. All I’m looking for is a very hard 12-round fight.
“Tau wiwit mundhut judhul kanggo Timothy Bradley ing 2008, I’ve pushed myself to get back into this position and to give myself the opportunity for a title shot at the right weight class. I’m finally in the right weight class for me.
“Bradley ana fighter akeh ageng nalika kita perang [ing 2008]. Sing ana kesalahan ing mburi kita. Panjenenganipun namung iki wong ageng, nanging aku ana ing ring karo salah siji saka pejuang paling apik ing donya lan aku pancene sinau saka perang sing.
“Aku marang wong-wong sing Aku dadi bungah sing aku ora menang judhul sing marang Bradley amarga, ing atine, Aku wis onomatopia ing 140, nanging ora kelas sandi bobot. Aku wis risking urip onomatopia ing 140. I glad I didn’t win it, nanging aku uga bungah aku Hung ing kono lan tak aku bali menyang perang amba.
“Aku wis nyepakaké kanggo perang iki kanggo 15 taun, lan iku arep kanggo nuduhake on Saturday.”
KING Paskah JR.
“I have a akèh wong teka saka Toledo kanggo ndeleng kula. Lagi kabeh bungah bab iku.
“Iki kapindho wektu onomatopia ing BANDILA EXTREME lan aku saestu rahayu. It’s a good opportunity to showcase my skills on national television.
“Aku ngerti apa-apa bab mungsuh, nanging aku sing ing waé. It’s been the same thing as the rest of my 15 mungsuh. Aku ora sinau mau ing kabeh. Whoever they put in front of me, sing paling test aku kudu ngalahake lan supaya adoh aku wis dilakoni banget lan liwati mau kabeh.”
Jamel herring:
“Kang mungsuh paling durung. He’s a tough guy, banget awet. He’s a lot more durable than my last few opponents.
“Aku njupuk apa-apa saka wong, nanging aku motivasi lan looking nerusake kanggo meksa nindakake perkara aku luwih saka tindakan. It’s going to be a great step up and people are going to see a lot more than they’ve seen from me in the past.
“Aku ing wangun gedhe. I just had a fight back at the end of August. I took literally three days off instead of a whole week and came right back, aku wis ing wangun kanggo telung sasi njupuk kanggo tanggal iki.
“Iku berkah kanggo bisa kanggo pertunjukan talent ing pemandangan nasional tinimbang panggon acara lokal utawa kang ing kertu amba nanging ora njupuk sembarang jenis cahya TV. Now I’m part of the big show.
“I don’t take anything for granted or let it get to my head. To me it’s another fight and I take every fight seriously. Iku ora Matter sing aku karo, saben perang punika watu mlaku judhul, supaya saben perang penting.”
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Kanggo informasi luwih lengkap riko www.SHO.com/Sports ngetutake TwitterSHOSports, AdrienBroner, WarriorsBoxProm LanSwanson_Comm utawa dadi penggemar ing Facebook ingwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports lan www.Facebook.com/AdrienTheProblemBroner

Adrien Broner mbukak nganti ABOUT CAREER HIS, Kesalahane ketoke enom lan FUTURE HIS IN boxing

* * * VIDEO ALERT * * *
“You have to learn from your mistakes. When you understand and you know why you’re losing, then you can fix it. This next half of my career I’m going to be the AB that’s about business and about boxing.” – Adrien Broner
Klik ing link utawa foto ngisor iki kanggo nonton, nuduhake lan / utawa nampilaké video iki
Foto Kredit: BANDILA
BANDILA Sports® ketemu karo Adrien Broner ing HeadBangers Gym ing Washington, D.C., minangka kang prepares kanggo ngadhepi Khabib Allakhverdiev Setu iki ing BANDILA®. During the lengthy interview Broner spoke candidly about his approach to the sport and learning from past mistakes. We found the interview compelling and, ing lieu akses winates kanggo Broner ing mimpin nganti acara iki, felt iku perlu kanggo nuduhake versi wangun dawa iki ing preparation kanggo crita linuwih sing bisa digunakake ing.
Broner vs. Allakherdiev kanggo WBA Super Lightweight World Championship kosong mlompong Setu iki manggon ing BANDILA (10 P.M. Lan/7 P.M. PT) saka U.S. Bank Arena ing Cincinnati.
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Kanggo informasi luwih lengkap riko www.SHO.com/Sports ngetutake TwitterSHOSports, AdrienBroner, WarriorsBoxProm LanSwanson_Comm utawa dadi penggemar ing Facebook ingwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports lan www.Facebook.com/AdrienTheProblemBroner