Tag Archives: Robert Pazko Jr.

Adrien Broner vs. Ashley Theophane PBC on Spike Final Press Conference Quotes & Argazkiak

Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak Stephanie Trapp aurrera / Mayweather SustapenaK & Nabeel Ahmad/Premier Boxing Champions
Anything is tough when you have a lot of things coming your way. I have tunnel vision. Honez denbora borrokatzeko.
I’m locked-in until I get the job done.” – Adrien broner
I’m here to make this happen. Broner can play games, it’s all good. I’m here on a mission.” – Ashley Theophane
WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 30, 2016) – Lau zatiketa munduko txapeldun Adrien “Arazoa” Broner and 140-pound contender Ashley “altxorra” Theophane went face-to-face Wednesday for the first time since their heated press conference in February as they near their Premier Boxing Champions on Spike world title showdown taking place Ostirala, April 1 DC Arma Washingtonen, D.C.
Also in attendance Wednesday was unbeaten rising star Robert Pazko Jr.. eta bere aurkari, munduko txapeldun ohiaMendez algenis, who meet in a 10-round lightweight battle, plus rising undefeated prospect Gervonta “One” Davis eta bere aurkari, Mexikoko Guillermo Avila, who discussed their 10-round super featherweight battle that opens PBC on Spike coverage at 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT.
Gainera, local lightweight contender Anthony Peterson and 168-pound contender J'Leon Love were on hand ahead of their respective bouts taking place Ostirala Gau.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da, About Promozioak milioiak eta Mayweather Promozioak elkartea Headbangers Promozioak batera sustatutako, tasatuak $200, $100, $50 eta $25, eta salgai daude orain. Sarrerak bisita erosi beharwww.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000.
Hemen da borrokalari asteazkenean esan behar izan:
Adrien broner
Anything is tough when you have a lot of things coming your way. I have tunnel vision. Honez denbora borrokatzeko. I’m locked-in until I get the job done.
Right now I have to focus on this fight. I’m keeping my mind in the right state. I’m not just doing this for me. It’s for my family. It’s bigger than just me.
There’s no beef between me and Floyd. I do my thing. Egunaren amaieran,, I’m just being me. I do this in front of Floyd. Me up there saying ‘Hateweather Promotions,’ I’m just having fun. I hope no one takes it personally. Egunaren amaieran,, me and Floyd are close.
The relationship that me and Floyd have, it is obvious that we wear our feelings on our sleeves, anything we say about each other, we don’t care who hears it. At the end of the day it doesn’t affect anything.
I will be putting on a show ostiralean Gau. And I’ll go again larunbatean night if you want to get up and do it again.
Ostirala night is going to be a big night. I’m going to keep my promise. I will stop Ashley Theophane. I don’t care which round it is, but I will stop this man.
I love DC. The crowd and the love ostiralean night is going to be crazy. I took this camp to the max. I am going to exploit and showcase all of my talent.
This is a big night for my little brother and protégé, Robert Pazko Jr.. He doesn things that amaze me. I know what he’s capable of. I’m happy for him to get this chance against a former world champion. It’s going to be a heated matchup. This whole card is stacked from the top to the bottom.
I stepped up early in my career. I stepped up earlier than others. When I fought (Daniel) Ponce De Leon, Nengoen 19 and I fought in front of a crowd of 12,500 nire aurka.
I just want to get home to Cincinnati and hold my baby daughter for the first time. I want to hold and hug my kids and be the family guy. Right now I’m at work. I have to do what I have to do, but after pain its pleasure.
It’s been a journey. But we’re here now. Just two days away. We’ve got two days and then the champ and me are going to go to war.
I’m here to make this happen. Broner can play games, it’s all good. I’m here on a mission.
“Prest nago. We’re so close and I really just can’t wait to hear that bell.
Adrien says he’s going to stop me. I don’t think he has the attributes to do that. But it does mean it’s going to be a great fight. I’m looking forward to it.
The hard work is done. We’ve been training for months. My trainer Nate Jones has helped to get me into great shape. We have a great game plan and we’re ready to go.
I want this man to live up to his words that he’s going to stop me before round four. Because that means he will be standing and fighting instead of running around the ring.
A win means everything to me. It changes my life. This is my boyhood dream. This could lead me to all the other big names.
I’ve trained for 12 errondak gogorra. We’re going to do this.
Everyone should be ready for a lot of action. I’m going to keep this speech short, just like the fight will be.
He’s a former world champion and a big test for me. I feel like I’m supposed to be here. He has a big head, so I’m not planning on missing at all. It’s going to be a short fight. I hope he’s prepared to go to sleep.
I know it’s a big step up. I just hope he’s trained hard for this one. I’m aiming to stop him. Most of my fights are short and that’s what I’m looking for.
I’m going to use all my skills, my ability and my brains to get this win. I’m not going for the knockout, but it’s going to happen. We trained so hard for this fight.
I feel like this is where I should be. As the co-main event of a world champion, my big brother Adrien Broner. This is what I was born for. It’s only getting bigger from here.
My whole team has pushed me so hard for this fight. This is going to be a quick fight. He’s going ‘night night.'
Robert Easter has not faced the same kind of competition that I have. I’m very confident heading into this fight. I was very happy when I got the call about this fight.
This is going to be the kind of fight that the fans will really enjoy. We wish Easter well and I hope everyone is ready forOstirala gau.”
I’m happy to be fighting at home. I know I’ve got a strong opponent. He’s a great fighter who’s going to be ready to fight from the first bell.
I don’t want to rush in there. That’s how you lose. We’re going to work out jab. Go in and out and execute a game plan.
It means a lot to fight at the DC Armory because I had my first professional fight there. Ilusioa egiten dit Biribilean berriro eskuratzea.
I’m ready to put on a show April 1. My team is strong and ready to great things in this sport.
This has been a really good camp. We’ve been working very hard. I started in Washington, D.C. at HeadBangers and finished up at home in Baltimore. It’s another day out here in the lights.
I know my opponent is strong and will be ready. This is another step on the way to a world title. April 1 will be an epic night.
This training camp has been very good and we did the best work that we could. I am a warrior in the ring. I’ve faced very tough fighters and I’m ready for this.
I’ve been waiting for this fight for a very long time and I’m ready for a war.
I have phenomenal genetics. A lot of guys tend to move up in weight, but I’m a natural lightweight. I have big plans for this division.
I had some injuries that really held me back from doing what I wanted to do. But now I’m completely healed and Ostiralanight I’m going to show everyone that this the best Anthony Peterson ever.
This is a great card and I’m blessed to be on it. I’m looking to put on a good performance and make a splash in this great fight city.
I feel like the way I’ve been training, my talent will take over and be the difference. I’m hungry to make a statement.
I’m versatile. I can go forward and I can box. I won’t limit myself to one style. We have a great game plan and we’re focused on doing what we need to do to get the victory.
# # #
Jarraitu TwitterPremierBoxing on, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions eta
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Nabarmentzeko erabilgarriak atalean txertatzeko www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC Spike on da Corona Extra babesarekin, finest Beer.

Lau Division Munduko txapelduna Adrien Broner Hitzaldiak Prestakuntza Camp, Showdown With Ashley Theophane & gehiago

Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak For & Prestakuntza Camp Video
Premier Boxing Champions aurrera
WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 24, 2016) – Super arin munduko txapeldun Adrien “Arazoa” Broner prestakuntza camp beste sarrera bat eman eta bere munduko titulua defentsa eztabaidatu aurka Ashley “altxorra” Theophane titularrakPremier Boxing Champions on Spike on Ostirala, April 1 DC Arma Washington-en, D.C.
Telebistaz Spike estaldura hasten da 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT eta bi zirraragarria undercard borrokak unbeaten igotzen izar gisa ezaugarriek Robert Pazko Jr.. Mundu txapeldun ohia bere gain hartu du Mendez algenis eta goi perspectiva Gervonta “One” Davis aurpegiak Mexikoko Guillermo Avila.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da, About Promozioak milioiak eta Mayweather Promozioak elkartea Headbangers Promozioak batera sustatutako, tasatuak $200, $100, $50 eta $25, eta salgai daude orain. Sarrerak bisita erosi beharwww.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000.
Broner hartu denbora prestakuntza garaian bere nazioaren hiriburuan camp eztabaidatzeko, Bere Pazko Jr. harremana, Bere Theophane eta gehiago Showdown:
Adrien broner
“maite camp entrenatzen dut D.C hasi. me hartzen du nire elementu out delako. oharkabetasunak kentzeko I eta boxeoa ardatz. Taldeak behera hemen dugu ekartzen onena me out.
“Bakoitza aurre Robert Pazko Jr bezalako mutil gazte esango dut. trebatzeko zure ibilbidean azken borroka eta zure karrera borroka handiena bezala da. Borroka honetan, nagusia zera da, handiagoa etapa bat besterik ez dela, beste aldea ez.
“Honez jendetza handi batekin giro Electrifying bat izango da ezagutzen dut. Den ikuskizun bat jarri dut datozen. Ashley Theophane hori irabaztea datozen ezagutzen dut. Baina beti ez da arautuko datozen, baina ezer ekarri ahal zuen prest gaude.
“Denek gau txarra dauka. Porter borrokan besterik ez zen nire gau txarra bat. Baina atzera pistan gaude, itzuli gara, munduko txapeldun izatea eta txapeldun lo egingo dut ondoren April 1. Honez fantasiazko ikuskizun bat izango da.
“Floyd daki bere borrokalari beat ahal dut. Egunaren amaieran,, egiten zuen zer da onena bere borrokalaria eta hori zion izenburua tiro bat lortzean. Boxing da beti zulatu garaipen bat metrora. Denek bat irabazteko aukera dauka, baina garaile izango dut ezagutzen dut. egingo ikuskizun handi bat jarri dugu.
“Noiz ez dut izan dut gauza asko ari da lanean eraztunaren kanpoaldean dituzten milioiak buruz nire app berria dela atera eta gure About milioiak merkantziak izango ditugu salgai DC Arma borrokan gauez barne prestakuntza.
“Gehiago I irabazteko, gehiago arrakastatsua nago. Besterik ez dut nire gauza egin Biribilean eta dena batera etorriko da.
“Guztiak esan ahal izango dut da ez keinu egin. Ez emakida stand joan. Honez ikuskizun zirraragarria izango da.”
Jarraitu TwitterPremierBoxing on, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions eta
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Highlights available to embed at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC Spike on da Corona Extra babesarekin, finest Beer.

Washington, D.C. Native Anthony Peterson borroketan Ghanako Olympian Samuel Neequaye & Super middleweight Contender J'Leon Love Faces Michael Gbenga Ostiralean, April 1 From the DC Armory In Washington, D.C.

Plus Tokiko Prospektiba undercard osoa!
Premier Boxing Champions on Spike hasten
9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT
WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 23, 2016) – arina contender Anthony Peterson (36-1, 24 Kos) itxura erakutsi zuen bere jaioterrian denean Ghanako Olympian batailak zuen Samuel Neequaye (22-1, 15 Kos) 10-txandan ostiralean bout batean, April 1 DC Arma Washingtonen, D.C.
Apirilaren The 1 Gertaera ezaugarriek bat Premier Boxing Champions on Spike tripleheaderwhich lau zatiketa munduko txapelduna headlined Adrien “Arazoa” Broner British contender hartuz Ashley “altxorra” Theophane Telebistaz estaldura hasieran ekin 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT.
eraztunaren barruan ekintza osagarria ezaugarriek 168 kiloko contender J'Leon Love (21-1, 11 Kos) 10-txandan Nigeria aurka bout batean Michael Gbenga (17-24, 16 Kos).
Aurrerago undercard erakargarri D.C hirukote bat ikusiko. bertakoak sar 23 urteko middleweight perspectiva gisa eraztuna Demond Nicholson (16-1, 16 Kos) aurpegiak Ghanako Joshua Okine (22-4, 15 Kos) Zortzi-biribilak bout batean, 20-urteko unbeaten welterweight Kareem Martin (7-0-1, 3 Kos) Sei-txandan aurka bout batean Somner Martin (5-1, 3 Kos) eta 21 urtekoPatrick Harris (8-0, 5 Kos) Sei-txandan Ghanako aurka bout arin batean Samuel Amoako (21-8, 15 Kos).
out biribilketak ekintza da 24 urteko Shyngyskhan Tazhibay (2-0, 2 Kos) Kazakhstan kanpo baina Washington kanpo prestakuntza, D.C., duten 23 urteko Georgia bertakoak aurre egingo Riarus Dudley (2-0-1, 2 Kos) lau-txandan welterweight Showdown.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da, About Promozioak milioiak eta Mayweather Promozioak elkartea Headbangers Promozioak batera sustatutako, tasatuak $200, $100, $50 eta $25, eta salgai daude orain. Sarrerak bisita erosi behar:www.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster kokapenak, edo deitu (800) 745-3000.
Mundu txapeldun ohia Lamont Peterson anaia, Peterson 31 urteko espero du laster egiteko izen bat beretzat munduko titulua borroka batean. Daniel Attah gaineko garaipen jabea, Dominic Salcido, Mike Oliver eta Marcos Leonardo Jimenez, Washington du, D.C. Produktu bere zazpigarren borroka irabazteko bila ari denean ring sartzen zuen bere jaioterrian. Neequaye hartzen zuen Ghana orain Maryland trenak daudelarik. Ghana irudikatzen zuen at 2008 Olinpiadak eta gehien berriki garaitu Eugenio Lopez.
Behin-jipoitu 168-libera contender, 28 urteko Love errebotea atzera bere bakarti porrota Scott Sigmon martxoan nagusitasunik, Jason Escalera June eta Marcus Upshaw irailean ere berak lortzeko back the world izenburua nahasketa. Inkster The, Michigan jaiotzez jabea Marco Antonio Periban gaineko garaipen, Derrick Findley eta Lajuan Simon bere modu status contender an. Nigerian jaiotako Gbenga nork garaitu Marcus Vinicius de Oliveira otsailean izan beharko duela.
# # #
Jarraitu TwitterPremierBoxing on, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions eta
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Nabarmentzeko erabilgarriak atalean txertatzeko www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC Spike on da Corona Extra babesarekin, finest Beer.

Ashley Theophane & J’Leon Love Media Workout Quotes & Argazkiak

PBC on Spike Begins At 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT
Klikatu HEMEN For Photos From Dave Nadkarni/PBC &
Esaiah Gomez/Mayweather Promotions
LAS VEGAS (March 18, 2016) – 140-pound contender Ashley “altxorra” Theophane and super middleweight contender J'Leon Love hosted a Las Vegas media workout Osteguna as they prepared for their respective showdowns on Ostirala, April 1 DC Arma Washington-en, D.C.
Theophane takes on super lightweight world champion Adrien “Arazoa” Broner ekitaldi nagusian Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on Spike hassiric 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT. Love will compete in a non-televised undercard attraction.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da, About Promozioak milioiak eta Mayweather Promozioak elkartea Headbangers Promozioak batera sustatutako, tasatuak $200, $100, $50 eta $25, eta salgai daude orain. Sarrerak bisita erosi beharwww.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000.
Theophane and Love held court at the Mayweather Boxing Club as they went discussed their upcoming showdowns with media.
Hemen da borrokalari esan nahi izan zuen Osteguna:
The focus is to go in there and outwork him on fight night. At the end of the day I have to set the pace. I can’t go out there and outbox him because he’s got tremendous skill and speed. So I have to be able to go out there and outwork him and make it a war.
When he sees that I’m still there in round 5, he’s going to start to get worried. My whole thing on fight night is to work and bring a war.
As a boxer, you want to fight the best, and you want these big nights. Niretzat, it’s been a hard road to get to this point, and I’m actually looking forward to fight night because I know it’s going to be a very hard fight, and I know in order for me to win I have to be at my best, and that’s what I have prepared for.
I’ve been sparring a lot of strong young men in camp; a lot of guys who many believe will be future stars of boxing, and I’ve been doing very well, so I’m more than ready. It’s just a matter of counting down the days now.
My career shows that if you believe in yourself and never give up, you will get your opportunity. Une horretan, it’s just up to you to take it.
I feel I will be able to match him come fight night. I know I’m the big underdog, I know I’m not being given the chance to win, but I really believe we are going to prove the doubters wrong and be world champ come April 1.
It just became real to be in the same place with him [Broner] at the press conference. It was more motivation to come back in the gym. Once we got back, the guys here at the gym saw me sparring the next day and said they can tell he had motivated me. Hitz egin ahal izan dezan, but on fight night, borrokatu behar dugu. He said he’s going to stop me in 4 erronda, so I’ll be looking forward to seeing that because I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to be there for the whole 12 erronda.
Mayweather Promotions believed in me from the very start and they flew with me in the deep end. I have improved from being around Floyd, and watching him. You have to improve with being around him-the best fighter of all time-you have to improve.
“Prestakuntza handia izan da; I’m healthy, I’m focused, my weight is not bad, I can’t complain. I actually took a week off in September of last year, and have been right back in the gym. We’ve been training ever since for 5 edo 6 months now, so we were already ahead.
“Tipo hau [Gbenga], despite his record, has been in the ring more times than me, so he is a lot more experienced. He can survive, or do little things that can upset my game plan, baina, aldi berean,, I’ve been there done that, and just ready to showcase my talent.
Every fight is important, whether it’s the first couple of fights, or now. Niretzat, this is a stay busy fight-stay busy, showcase my talent, look impressive, and show that we’re ready for a world title. Not just fight for a world title, but win a world title. Be a world champion. Continue to reach different levels in the game.
“Gose naiz, I feel like this is already written for me. I didn’t make it this far for nothing, or to be a contender. For a world championship fight, I’m going to definitely seize the moment so I’m going to go out there and do what I do best, and that is to fight.
I’m a pretty slick fighter, very smart fighter, so I’ve dissected him already and he makes a lot of mistakes. I think he’ll fall into the trap, and I feel like I will get him out of there. I’m very confident in my training and my ability.
# # #
Jarraitu TwitterPremierBoxing on, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions eta
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Nabarmentzeko erabilgarriak atalean txertatzeko www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC Spike on da Corona Extra babesarekin, finest Beer.


Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak Stephanie Trapp aurrera / Mayweather SustapenaK
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Otsaila 29, 2016) – Lau zatiketa munduko txapeldun Adrien “Arazoa” Broner and 140-pound Ashley “altxorra” Theophane hosted a press conference at the W Hotel in Washington, D.C. to announce their world title showdown on Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on Spike gertatzen ari Ostirala, April 1 at the D.C. Armory.
Mayweather Promotions President Floyd Mayweather was on-hand along with representatives from About Billions Promotions, HeadBangers Promotions, Spike and the D.C. Boxing and Wresting Commission to talk about the exciting night of fights coming to our nation’s capital. Also on the dais, was platinum recording artist Rick Ross, a friend of both Mayweather and Broner.
Also featured on the PBC on Spike telecast is rising star Robert Pazko Jr.. Mundu txapeldun ohia aurka Argenis Mendez, plus top prospect Gervonta “One” Davis in a super featherweight showdown against Mexico’s Guillermo Avila. Horrez gain, local undercard fighters Anthony Peterson, Kareem Martin, Patrick Harris eta Demond Nicholson were in attendance to discuss their hometown bouts.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da, About Promozioak milioiak eta Mayweather Promozioak elkartea Headbangers Promozioak batera sustatutako, tasatuak $200, $100, $50 eta $25, eta salgai daude orain. Sarrerak bisita erosi behar www.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000. The event is sponsored by Corona.
Here is what the participants had to say Monday:
Adrien broner
This is really a big fight for me. I know that Ashley Theophane is going to come to fight, because he has something to prove. He’s going to try to take my world title.
A lot of people told me I wouldn’t be here. I come from nothing. Like cereal and water nothing. I’m very fortunate to have someone like Floyd to look up to. I don’t want to be like Floyd though, I don’t want to be like any man. I admire him and respect him, but I’m creating my legacy.
“Egunaren amaieran,, Floyd and Ashley aren’t on my side. I’m against them. They’re coming to dethrone me. They’re my enemy right now and I’m going to beat Ashley down.
This training camp, I’ve really been perfecting my craft. This is going to be the best performance of my career. It’s going to be a highlight reel performance. I’m not coming to just get a win.
This fight isn’t going four rounds. That’s too many. This is going to be quick. I’m not playing.
There’s nothing Floyd can teach [Theophane]. Egunaren amaieran,, it all goes out the window. The trainers and entourage can’t help. They can’t help Ashley Theophane.
I want everyone to come out. Big brother Floyd Mayweather is gone, everyone else is too boring, so I’m taking over the sport.
There are many different thing we’re working on to neutralize Broner and keep up with his quickness. I’ve sparred with a lot of young guys who imitate him and I believe I can match him.
He does a lot of things right and a lot of things wrong. Adrien Broner can be beat and he has been. We’re working hard. At the end of the day this is my career-defining fight.
We all turn pro to become a world champion. I’ve been in the gym for months, working on things and staying in shape.
I’ve watched Adrien Broner in the past. I was at the John Molina and Shawn Porter fights and I know he’s got talent. But he can be beat. He’s vulnerable, very vulnerable.
It’s not just about what you do in the ring, but it’s also about being a mature fighter. He’s going to do what he does and as a grown man, I just have to stay calm. Being the more experienced fighter is a position I like.
I’m representing Floyd Mayweather. He has my back and he believes in me. He believes I can win and that’s extra motivation.
I want to be the best I’ve ever been. I want to fight the fight of my life on April 1. I don’t want to turn the clock back. I want this to be the best performance of my career.
It’s been a long journey as a professional and I have to thank Floyd for giving me this chance. April 1 is going to be a war. Adrien is a warrior and I know he has no quit in him. If you have a dream, you have to work hard to make it come true and that’s what I’m here to do.
I’m thankful to everyone who put me in this position. I will give everyone a shot like I always do.
I consider D.C. one of my hometowns and I’m coming to give everyone a show. This is a blessing and a tremendous opportunity.
I want a world title and this is another big step on my way towards that goal. To be able to do it on Adrien Broner’s card just guarantees it’s going to be a big night.
I’m just ready to show off my skills and make a name for myself so that I can continue to grow in this sport.
I’m definitely excited to fight in DC. This is where my first professional fight was. I’m so thankful to Barry Hunter for letting me train with him and helping me toward this opportunity.
I have a great team. Especially Floyd Mayweather, who has taken me in and taught me so much about boxing but also about everything outside of the ring. I’m blessed to have his support in my career.
April 1, it’s going to be an action-packed fight. I will be a world champion one day. You don’t want to miss this one.
This is my 38th fight, going for my 37th victory and fourth knockout in a row. Boxing isn’t something you talk about, you just do it. That’s what I’m going to do Apirilaren 1ean. It’s going down.
I made my pro debut on a Roy Jones card, which was another big stage. So I’m very ready and blessed.
I’m coming to give my hometown fans the knockout. Boxing is like jazz, the better it is, the less it’s appreciated. A knockout will get you praise.
I’m targeting everybody in the division. I want a belt. The first one to step up, I’m going to take care of him.
Floyd Mayweather
I’m happy to be here and I truly believe this will be a very exciting fight. Adrien is a very young and explosive fighter. He’s a force in boxing right now.
Ashley Theophane is a guy that came from the UK with a dream. His dream was to be world champion one day. Same dream I had. Oso xume bat egin zuen, hungry and dedicated fighter.
I don’t think this is going to be an easy fight for Adrien. I’ll tell both guys to push themselves to the limit and give fans what they want to see.
Gervonta Davis is someone I look at like a son. I met him in 2014 and they said this is the next big thing. Broner brought him to my gym to let me see him work. He’s a very explosive kid. He’s exciting and he will be fighting for a world title soon after a couple more bouts.
I want to thank Adrien for giving him the chance to make his dream come true. I believe Adrien will continue to put on exciting fights and a good show. You’re still learning, it’s all a process.
Adrien and Gervonta have great teams. The Baltimore and D.C. area has some extraordinary talent and the trainers are unbelievable. I’m not biased, I feel like whatever a fighter is comfortable with, that’s whom a fighter should be with.
Mayweather Promotions isn’t rushing, we’re taking it one step at a time. I would love to see some of these guys break my records. Records are meant to be broken. I’ve done everything I can do in the sport. I’m blessed to share the stage with these young guys.
Ashley is working with a great trainer in Nate Jones. He’s a former Olympian and a guy who has a great boxing mind.
DC isn’t a good city, it’s a great city. We couldn’t choose a better place to have the fight. I believe that this will be a sold out event. I’m going to work to make sure everywhere you look in the city, you will see Adrien Broner and Ashley Theophane.
RICK ROSS, Platinum Selling Record Artist
I’m not only a friend of the boxers, but I’m also a friend of the sport. This is my favorite sport. I believe this is the sport of gladiators. This is where men, with ambition and sheer will stand-alone.
Me and my friend Adrien Broner, will be doing some exciting things in 2016. I’m here to let everyone know on behalf of the hip-hop community, that we’re supporting this fight. April 1, ‘The Bosswill be in the building.
# # #
Jarraitu TwitterPremierBoxing on, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions eta
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Highlights available to embed at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC Spike on da Corona Extra babesarekin, finest Beer.


Gehiago! Top D.C. Area Fighters Anthony Peterson, Kareem Martin, Patrick Harris and Demond Nicholson
Banandu Bouts Nabarmendutako!
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Otsaila 29, 2016) – Unbeaten igotzen izar Robert Pazko Jr.. (16-0, 13 KO) egingo munduko txapeldun ohia hartu Argenis Mendez (23-3-1, 13 Kos) in a lightweight attraction as part of Premier Boxing Champions(PBC) on Spike on Ostirala, April 1 from the D.C. Armory in Washington, D.C.
A stacked undercard will feature top local talent including top prospect Gervonta “One” Davis (14-0, 13 Kos) battling Mexico’s Guillero Avila (15-5, 12 Kos) in a 10-round super featherweight bout, gehiago Anthony Peterson (36-1, 24 Kos), Kareem Martin (7-0-1, 3 Kos), Patrick Harris (8-0, 5 Kos) eta Demond Nicholson (16-1, 16 Kos) bouts bereiziak. A full undercard will be announced in the coming weeks.
This fight is another stepping stone for me towards a world title,” Said Pazko Jr.. “It’s a blessing to be on a card like this and I’m very excited for the opportunity. I’m going to bring my style and true boxing skills to the ring and put on a great show.
I really like this matchup and I can’t wait to get into the ring,” said Mendez. “I’m a different fighter than two years ago when I lost to Rances Barthelemy. Easter is long and tall, ona borrokalari bat zuen, but he hasn’t fought anyone near my caliber and I think his style sets up well for me. It will be a good fight between two talented fighters. When the fans see Easter get counted out by the ref, don’t think it’s an April Fools joke, it will be the real thing.
Telebistaz Spike estaldura hasten da 9 p.m. ETA/PT and is headlined by four-division world champion Adrien “Arazoa” Broner defending his 140-pound title against London’s Ashley “altxorra” Theophane.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da, About Promozioak milioiak eta Mayweather Promozioak elkartea Headbangers Promozioak batera sustatutako, tasatuak $200, $100, $50 eta $25, eta salgai daude orain. Sarrerak bisita erosi beharwww.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000.
An amateur lortzen nor zen bat 2012 U.S. Ordezko Olinpiar, the 25-year-old Easter Jr. picked up four victories in 2015 including knockouts over Osumanu Akaba, Miguel Mendoza, Alejandro Rodriguez and Juan Ramon Solis. Pro inflexio Unbeaten geroztik 2012, Toldeo du, Ohio-born prospect faces the toughest challenge of his career in Mendez and he hopes to join his close friend Broner as a world champion sometime this year.
A former world champion who represented the Dominican Republic in the 2004 Olinpiadak, Mendez now fights out of Brooklyn and is coming off of a victory over former champion Miguel Vazquez in October 2015. Mendez was victorious despite herniating two discs during training camp and needing epidural shots to be able to manage the pain. The 29-year-old won his world title by knocking out Juan Carlos Salgado, and owns victories over Martin Honorio, Cassius Baloyi, and Daniel Evangelista Jr.
Oso-zergetan perspectiva batek irabazi du 2012 Eskularruak Txapelketa Nagusian, the 21-year-old Davis recorded five victories inside of the distance in 2015. The Baltimore-native stopped former world champion Cristobal Cruz during that streak and looks to put on another explosive performance near his hometown.
Pro A geroztik 2011, the 23-year-old won his first eleven outings and most recently stopped Antonio Torres in the fourth round in December 2015. Born in Jalisco but fighting out of Tijuana, Avila’s last 12 wins have come by knockout.
Mundu txapeldun ohia Lamont Peterson anaia, Anthony is at the forefront of the D.C. boxing scene and will look to impress in front of his home crowd once again on April 1. 2015 saw the 30-year-old score knockout victories over Mike Oliver and Ramesis Gil as he brought his winning streak to six straight.
At just 20-years-old, Martin is entering his third year in the professional ranks. A busy 2015 saw him take home four victories, including his first three six-round bouts. He will fight in his hometown of D.C. for the second time on April 1.
Another rising prospect at just 21-years-old, Harris has stayed busy since turning pro in June 2014 with a first-round stoppage of George Palmer. Most recently the Hyattsville, Maryland born fighter picked up victories over Irvin Hernandez, Rafael Vazquez, Carlos Acevedo and Sean Lockhart in 2015.
Laurel, Maryland’s Nicholson is another prospect that has been keeping busy since turning pro and will look for another great performance in front of a friendly D.C. crowd. The 23-year-old impressively stopped veteran Milton Nunez in the first round of their October 2015 borroka.
Jarraitu TwitterPremierBoxing on, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions eta
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Nabarmentzeko erabilgarriak atalean txertatzeko www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC Spike on da Corona Extra babesarekin, finest Beer.


Pedraz Split Erabakiak Irabazitako Edner Cherry baino gehiago
Easter and Herring Notch Victories on SHO EXTREME®
KLIKATU HEMEN argazkietarako (Argazkiak Hurrengo)
Kreditu: Stephanie Trapp / Showtime
SHOWTIME® Announces ALL ACCESS Epilogue: Adrien Broner erabilgarriak Showtime Kirol gainean jarriko® Digital Platforms Next Week
CINCINNATI, Ohio — (Oct. 3, 2015) – Cincinnati’s Adrien broner won a world title in his fourth weight division with an impressive 12-round TKO over Khabib Allakhverdiev aurrean borrokan 5,932 bere zale jaioterriko U.S. Bank Arena and live on SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa®\\. Broner (orain 30-2, 22 Kos) bere eskuak azkar jarri, boterea eta showmanship maitasuna ikusgai thudding zirraragarria performance batean.
Allakhverdiev (orain 19-2, 9 Kos) Broner en plano onena hartu zuen behera joan gabe, baina in-forma Broner batekin, baina zigorra Atsedenaldira azken txandan, Referee Harvey Dock decided to mercifully wave the fight over at 2:23.
Broner begiratu zorrotzak bere zatiketa super arin bueltan. He lehorreratu 50 bere boterea punches ehuneko, Eskuineko uppercut bere tresna eraginkorrena izanik.
“Zintzotasunez, a young guy like me, they just threw me a lot of cash at a young age. It was hard to adjust to the fame, to the lights. After my last fight I said I wasn’t putting my all into it,” Said broner. “Zalantzarik guztiak eman zait pentsatzea. Kanpai Horren ondoren, no one can help me. I’m still AB, baina nire ibilbidean hurrengo Zati hau noa boxeoa buruz eta enpresa landuko dugu. Ezer ez da aldatu. I’m comfortable at whatever weight my opponent is comfortable at. But I’m getting wiser, Zahartzen ari naiz.”
“Galdera ez Broner borroka irabazi. He is the real thing and tonight he showed it,” esan Allakhverdiev sustatzailea Vlad Hrunov.
Inaugurazio telecast bout batean, IBF Junior arin Munduko txapelduna Jose Pedraza (21-0, 12 Kos) boladan geratu eta arrakastaz bere txapelketan defendatu 12-txandan split erabakia Florida Edner Cherry gehiagoko bidez (34-7-2, 19 Kos).
Pedraz du lehia estuan eta zailak epaile bataila nagusi, partiturak arabera 117-111 Pedraz, 116-112 Cherry eta erabakitzeko 117-111 Pedraz.
Cherry gogorragoa punches lehorreratu eta eraso sakatzen, southpaw du Pedraz oso iheskorra izan zen eta baita kontraesan konbinazio azkar bitartean.
I won the fight. It was a very tight fight and very hard fight, baina behin betiko borroka irabazi nuen,” Said Pedraza. “Oso lasai gelditu nintzen irakurtzen ari ziren puntuazioak banekien irabazi dudalako. Oso pozik nago. Lan handia egin dugu eta indartsu hasi, baina Edner bere uneak izan. Nire taldeak, garaipena lortzeko gure adimena erabiltzen dugu. Gai nire estiloa aldatu behar izan dut, aldatzeko tresna Southpaw eta Cherry ezin ezker eskua kudeatzeko.”
Cherry porrota gracious esanez zen, “Geratzen da I besterik epaileek ere’ eskuak. If I knocked him out it wouldn’t be up to the judges. It’s them. That’s the judges. That’s what happens when you leave it to the judges. Ez dut ezer hartu baztertu zuen. It was a good fight.
Fighting in the main event of the Showtime BOXING SHO muturrean® Gau-zati, Toledo, Ohio lightweight Robert Pazko Jr.. Bere boladan errekorra mugitu ahal izateko 16-0, 13 KOs with a three-round demolition of Argentinean veteran Juan Ramon Solis (orain 25-10, 9 Kos).
Pazko Jr.. erraza itxura gorputza plano thudding Solis zulatu zuen egin eta zabu zion gogor ekin, burua plano zehatza. Pazko bota 177 punches guztira eta lehorreratu 68 Horietako. Solis bota 44 eta bederatzi besterik lehorreratu.
Hirugarren txandan arabera, Solis’ Korner nahikoa ikusi eta ETEN eskatu haiek izan ziren :45 Bigarren marka.
“Gimnasioan txarrena prestatzen, borroka mota horiek ez dakizu batera, Said Pazko Jr.. “Hau atsegin performance batekin, Dakizuenez Oraindik hurrengo maila kalera duzu. I showed that tonight.
Telecast irekitzeko, 2012 U.S. Olympian and undefeated lightweight Jamel Herring (14-0, 8 Kos) joan 10 rounds for the first time in his career while scoring a dominant unanimous decision over durable Ghanaian Yakubu “Black Mamba” Amide (19-8-2, 19 Kos).
Herring bere abiadura izugarria eta superior indarra erakutsi bitartean azkar su konbinazioak tiro Amidu burua eta gorputza. Bere kreditu, Amidu zintzilik iraupena gogorra eta inoiz ez gelditu nahian.
“Ona izan zen, banekien. Zer bere esperientzia eta zer down zuen jarriz errespetatu dut,” Said Herring. “Nire trebezia erakutsi dut eta beterano batekin distantzia zuela inoiz izan behera joan. Bedeinkazioa bat da nire talentua erakusteko munduan etapa bat. Lan egin dut nik gogor heldu eta gauza onak dutenen itxaron etortzen.”
Epaileek’ puntuazioak (99-91, 100-90, eta 100-90) Herring-en nagusitasuna islatzen da.
Telebistaz ez-ekintzan, Cincinnati en Jamontay Clark eramango 7-0, 4 Brutal bi borobil Hartford Joe Wilson Jr. uztea batekin Kos. (orain 3-3).
Zehatza eta indartsua ezker eskua bere lehen arma gisa erabiltzea, Clark izan Wilson behera birritan lehenengo eta behin gehiago merciful ETEN aurretik bigarren hasteko :28.
# # #
Broner vs. Allakhverdiev Warriors Boxing eta milioi Promociones sustatu zuen.
Informazio gehiago www.SHO.com/Sports TwitterSHOSports on jarraitu, AdrienBroner, WarriorsBoxProm EtaSwanson_Comm edo Facebook fan bihurtu at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports eta www.Facebook.com/AdrienTheProblemBroner


“Garaile izango dut larunbatean Night.” – Adrien broner
Clown ahal zuen guztia inguruan zuen nahi, baina horrek ez du lagunduko zion denean
we are in the ring.” – Khabib Allakhverdiev
Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak deskargatu
Argazkia Kreditu: Stephanie Trapp / Showtime
Sarrerak oraindik ere salgai!!!
CINCINNATI, Ohio — (Oct. 1, 2015) –Bi egun lehenago Adrien broner Bere mundu laugarren titulua doa bere etxean Ohio estatuan ere, Broner eta bere aurkari, Errusiako Khabib Allakhverdiev a final prentsaurrekoan parte hartu du ostegunean AEBetan etan. Bank Cincinnati Arena, Ohio.
Ohia hiru zatiketa munduko txapelduna Broner(30-2, 22 Kos)bere ikaskide ohia munduko txapelduna aurka jaioterrira itzultzen Allakhverdiev(19-1, 9 Kos) WbA Super arin munduko titulua dagoen honetanLarunbata, Oct. 3 bizi SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ETA/7 p.m. PT) batetik U.S. Bank Arena.
In SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa co-feature, boladan IBF Junior arin Munduko txapelduna Jose Pedraza (20-0, 12 Kos) bere titulua defendatuko du antzinako munduko titulua Challenger aurkaEdner Cherry (24-6-2, 19 Kos).
Ekitaldi nagusian Showtime BOXING SHO muturrean®, goi boladan perspectiva Robert Pazko Jr.. (15-0, 12 Kos), Toledoko, Ohio, eta Argentinako beteranoa Juan Ramon Solis (25-9, 9 Kos) off plazan izango da 10-txandan bout arin batean.
SHO EXTREME telecast irekitzea (8 p.m. ETA/PT), unbeaten U.S. Olympian Jamel Herring (13-0, 8 Kos), Cincinnatiko izango Afrikako txapeldun ohia arbuiatu egingo Yakubu “Black Mamba” Amide(19-7-2, 19 Kos), 10-txandan borroka arinen.
Azpitik dago zer borrokalari gaur esan behar izan:
Adrien broner
“Benetan esaten dizuet ez nuke edozein elkarrizketa edo eztabaida egin. Ezer ez da aldatu. Ia denek eskerrak eman etortzeagatik nahi dut. Garaile izango dut larunbatean Gau, Urria 3.”
“Ez dut gehiegi hitz. Borrokarako prest nago Larunbata.
“He [Broner] nerbio. Horregatik da clown bat bezalakoa da jarduneko.
“Honek bere jaioterrian. Mundu izenburua bere azken aukera da eta erakusten zuen berandu eta itxura inguruan joking denek batera egin zuen bezala, eta ez du axola. Ikusi dut borrokalariak egin aurretik eta egin beldur delako.
He knows what will happen larunbatean. Clown ahal zuen guztia inguruan zuen nahi, baina horrek ez du lagunduko zion zaudenean Biribilean dugu.
“Handi hura ikusirik urduri sentitzen dut. Niretzat, hau da, besterik gabe, beste borroka eta besterik irabazi beste kontu bat da, eta hori da, zer izango da. Niretzat irabazi A nerbio clown honen gaineko. Zion beat bere lagun guztien aurrean noa.”
Jose Pedraza, IBF Junior arin Munduko txapelduna
“Denek esaten dionean me out etortzen ari dira, zion zorte ona. Ez da gertatzen ari.
“Esperientzia asko profesional gisa ditu, baina izan dut borrokan, denbora luzez, baita, ez naiz nor zuen aurrean kezkatuta beraz.
“Prest nago 12 errondak baina hura lortzeko ez lehenago amaitu nahi dut. Gorputzaren gogor lan noa done hori lortzen saiatzeko.
“Onena aurre egin nahi dut. Nahiago nuke beste Puerto Ricoko ez aurre egin ahal izateko, baina borroka onena ote den han, Inor aurre egingo dut.
“Ez daukat borrokari aurresatea. Estrategia ona daukat borroka eta lan egiten bada, Knockout egingo dut irabazteko.”
“Zaleek eskertu nahi dut. Dela onartzen me orok. Tune in Larunbata Gau. Ikuskizun handi bat izango da.”
“Irteten naiz ikuskizun handi bat jarri. Badakizu ez zait gustatzen Biribilean izango luzeegia beraz Azken bat ikusi ahal izango duzu.
“Ez dut zinta asko edo horrelako ezer ikusi. Lan egiten dut besterik gogor gimnasioan eta onena dut egin du.”
“Nire gaitasun tekniko Biribilean nire ezaugarri onenak dira. Hau nire lana da, eta borroka egiten dut ohore.
“Argentinar boxeolariak dira, dena emanez beraien borrokak ezaguna. I am going to do everything to win Larunbata gau.”
“Nago ohore, hemen izango da. Hori ezagutzen me orok daki hori atera nuen, eta ematen dut nire eguneroko.
“Espero borroka handi bat ikusteko. Askoz nire aurkari aldean borroka hau hartzeko, baina hori non gelditzen. Behin bere negozio guztiei buruz Biribilean dugu.”
Yakubu eratorriak eta, batez ere,
“Batzuk borrokalari handia borroka egin nuen. Boxeo jokoa esperientzia daukat. Hemen nago Jamel Herring emateko ona borroka bat. Eta zuregana eta ona borroka bat ikusi nahi dut.
“Ni Ghana dut. Bizi naiz, Los Angelesen. Han bizi izan dut sei urtez. Boxeo Ghana pro bat bezala hasi nintzen. Joan zen Hegoafrikara dut. Orduan joan nintzen Ingalaterrara, eta gero hona etorri nintzen. Abantaila handi bat daukat esperientzia ere.”
MIKE STAFFORD, Adrien Broner en Trainer
“Adrien bere pisua klase une honetan. Tan gara borrokan dute 146 eta 147, zuen izan titulua 147, baina orain, atzera bere pisua. Besteko eta lean da He.
“Adrien daki nola garrantzitsua da hau. Daki Khabib ohia txapeldun handia da. Eskerrik asko dugu, gure hiria datozen. Ez da jende gehiegi litzateke egoera honetan sartuko.
“Gure senide eta lagun eskerrak eman nahi dizkiegu, eta mutil hauek gabe ez litzateke up hemen. Hauek mutil mordo handi bat dira. Ni stand-denak aita bezalakoa naiz eta babesa emanez eskertzen dut.”
LEON MARGULES, Warriors Boxing presidentea
“Pertsona orok daki nor Adrien Broner da. Adrien izeneko milioiak Promociones buruz enpresaren sustapen eta haiek izan dira fun, interesgarri eta berriro elkarrekin lan egitea lortu dugu, espero dut.
“Ez bakarrik ez, nazioarteko txartel handi bat egin behar dugu, baina hainbat borrokalari daukagu, Arlo honetako up-eta-comers.
“Noiz begiratu txartela honetan duzu, du borroka gehiago lehergai boxeo zale bat duzu aurten ikusiko. Indarreko IBF Junior Lightweight txapelduna Jose Pedraza eta antzinako izenburua erronka hori pisu klase zuen nahi duten borrokan – Edner Cherry.
“Cincinnati hiri handi bat da. Gainera, badago mundiala kirol herri bat It. Bengals, Reds, Cincinnati Unibertsitatea, Xavier Unibertsitate eta zikloiak eraikin honetan jokatu duten. Ere badute Adrien Broner.
“Talentu eta naturalean Erosketa gaur munduko borrokalari da zuen. Gure kirol hurrengo Superstar izan daiteke uste dut. 26-urte-zaharra da. Haren fintasuna abiadura eta indarra duen bezala nuen denbora luze bat ikusi. Harro bere bazkide izan nahi dut eta berarekin lan borroka honetan.”
RAVONE LITTLEJOHN, Lehendakaria bilioika Promociones buruz
“Esker Adrien eman erakusteagatik. Handia gauza batzuk ekarri ditu camp hau sartu.
“Eskerrik Adrien Broner me borroka hau sustatzeko aukera emanez. Prest joan gara. Sarrerak daude oraindik eskuragarri. See you Larunbata gau.”
Vlad HRUNOV, Boxing munduan
“Eskerrik asko. Zergatik ez dugu oraindik ez saltzeko? Gara zure jaioterrian bada. Ongi boxeo historiako hiri honen borroka onena izateko.”
Javier Bustillo, Promozioak Universal lehendakaria
“Atsegina da, eta ohorea da Leon Margules izango dira lanean. Izan dut boxeo lan egiteko 20 urte eta inoiz ez dut Jose Pedraza bezala edonork ikusi. Badakigu Edner Cherry borrokan ari gara – boxeolari ona.
“Jose 'frankotiratzaile deitzen dugu.’ You are going to see a sniper Larunbata Gau. Ez al zuen galdu zulatu.”
# # #
Informazio gehiago www.SHO.com/Sports TwitterSHOSports on jarraitu, AdrienBroner, WarriorsBoxProm EtaSwanson_Comm edo Facebook fan bihurtu atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports eta www.Facebook.com/AdrienTheProblemBroner

ADRIEN BRONER vs. KHABIB ALLAKHVERDIEV, Vs. Jose Pedraza. Edner CHERRY MEDIA entrenamendu ARGAZKI & Larunbatean Munduko Txapelketan doubleheader komatxorik

SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa® Live jaialdian 10 p.m. ETA/7 p.m. PT SHOWTIME on®
U.S aurrera. Bank Cincinnati Arena, Ohio
Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak deskargatu Stephanie Trapp / Showtime aurrera
CINCINNATI, Ohio — (Zazpi. 30, 2015) – Adrien broner (30-2, 22 Kos) eta Khabib Allakhverdiev(19-1, 9 Kos) Lekua media entrenamendu bat Punch House at Cincinnati Asteazkenean egiteko prestatu dute larunbat honetan WBA Super arin Munduko Txapelketan, bizi SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ETA/7 p.m. PT) U.S bertatik. Bank Arena.
In SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa co-feature, boladan IBF Junior arin Munduko txapelduna Jose Pedraza (20-0, 12 Kos) bere titulua defendatuko du antzinako munduko titulua Challenger aurkaEdner Cherry (24-6-2, 19 Kos).
Showtime EXTREME borrokalari eta boladan irtenbideak Robert Pazko Jr.. eta Jamel Herringhalaber, parte hartu du Asteazkena en Entrenamendu. Pazko Jr.. (15-0, 12 Kos) hartuko on Juan Ramon Solis(20-9, 9 Kos) Herring bitartean (13-0, 8 Kos) egingo diete aurre Yakubu Amido (19-7-2, 17 Kos) Aparteko 10-txandan bouts arinen Larunbat honetan. OHARRA: Solis aldez aurretik iragarri Miguel Acosta ordezko bat berandu Pazko Jr. aurkari gisa.
Broner bere isiltasuna botoa jarraitu zuten komunikabideekin bitartean, hiru-zatiketa munduko txapeldun “utzi ukabilak hitz egiten” Chihiroren entrenamendu bat ia iraun zuen 90 minutu.
Hona hemen zer Showtime borrokalariak gainerako esan nahi izan zuen Asteazkenean:
“Espero dut Broner bere jokoa play saiatu, baina gure jokoa izango dugu.
“Esperientzia irabazi dut nire azken borroka titulua galdu ondoren [Jesse Vargas aurka] benetan duten borroka honetan sartu naizela ematen ari da aukera ulertzen dut.
“Ni ez naiz Broner jaioterrian borrokan kezkatzen. I have fought many fighters in their own cities and it doesn’t bother me.
Larunbatean Gau, Zale erakutsiko dut borroka handi bat eta atera duen garaipena.”
Jose Pedraza:
“Gogor entrenatu dugu denbora guztian, Forma handia gara eta prestatzen dugu aurkari bezala borroka guztietan txapelduna da.
“Edner Cherry oso esperientzia borrokalaria da. He is a strong guy and good puncher.
“Naiz forma handia eta borrokarako prest nago 12 erronda.
This could very well be the toughest fight of my career. He hasn’t lost in seven years. But we are very prepared, Borroka ondo ikertu eta prest etorriko joan Larunbata.
“Nire gaztaroan parte handi bat jokatuko dute borroka honetan. Bera baino askoz gazteagoa naiz eta, Zalantzarik gabe, Borroka hau irabazi egingo dut.
“Ezin dut zaleek itxaron borroka hau ikustera eta badute ezin dute hemen egon ikustera Showtime dute espero dut baino. It will be a great fight.
“Hau oso gogorra borroka bat izango da. We’ve been training hard and had a great camp.
“Ez dut ezer hartu baztertu zuen, gogorra borrokalari bat zuen. Arrazoi bat txapeldun bat zuen. Baina larunbatean Gau dut naizela izenburu hori egiteko, Hori da nire lana.
“Entrenatu dugu 12 errondak gogorra, baina knockout badator, ondoren, oso hunkituta izango dut. All I’m looking for is a very hard 12-round fight.
“Inoiz nire izenburua Timothy Bradley galera geroztik 2008, I’ve pushed myself to get back into this position and to give myself the opportunity for a title shot at the right weight class. I’m finally in the right weight class for me.
“Bradley askoz handiagoa borrokalaria izan zen dugunean borrokatua [in 2008]. Hori izan zen gure end neurtu bat. Besterik handiagoa zentzuduna zen, baina ez zen Biribilean dut munduko borrokalari onena bat eta benetan borroka dela ikasi dut.
“Naizela, beraz, pozik, baina ez dut irabazi izenburu hori Bradley aurka delako jendeak esaten dut, nire buruan, Nuke Zuk borrokan 140, baina hori ez zen nire pisua class. Nik nire bizitza borrokan arriskuan litzateke 140. I glad I didn’t win it, baina, aldi berean, pozik zintzilikatzen dut han eta bueltatu borroka handi batean neure burua naiz.
“Nik prestatzen borroka hau 15 urte, eta nik erakusteko joan larunbatean.”
“Toledo etorritako jende asko izan ni ikusteko I. Guztiak hunkituta ari dira.
“Hau da nire bigarren aldiz Showtime EXTREME borrokan da eta benetan bedeinkatu naiz. It’s a good opportunity to showcase my skills on national television.
“Nire aurkari buruz ezer ez dakit, baina horrek ez nahita I. It’s been the same thing as the rest of my 15 aurkarien. Ez nuen ikasi guztietan. Whoever they put in front of me, proba gainditu behar dut eta orain arte izan dut bikaina egiten ditudan eta horiek gainditu guztia da.”
“Nire aurkari onena duk oraindik. He’s a tough guy, oso iraunkorrak. He’s a lot more durable than my last few opponents.
“Nothing hartu diodan, baina motibatuta eta aurrera begira nire buruari bultzaka ezer baino gehiago naiz. It’s going to be a great step up and people are going to see a lot more than they’ve seen from me in the past.
“Naiz forma handia. I just had a fight back at the end of August. I took literally three days off instead of a whole week and came right back, beraz, forma egon naiz azken hiru hilabeteetan data hau lortzeko.
“Bedeinkazioa bat da nire talentua erakusteko bertako aretoak ordez eszena nazionala izango edota txartelak handira izatea, baina ez edozein telebista esposizio mota lortzean. Now I’m part of the big show.
I don’t take anything for granted or let it get to my head. To me it’s another fight and I take every fight seriously. Ez du axola nor naiz batera, borroka guztietan zapaltzeko izenburu bat harri bat da, beraz, borroka guztietan garrantzitsua da.”
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Informazio gehiago www.SHO.com/Sports TwitterSHOSports on jarraitu, AdrienBroner, WarriorsBoxProm EtaSwanson_Comm edo Facebook fan bihurtu atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports eta www.Facebook.com/AdrienTheProblemBroner

ADRIEN BRONER irekitzen ditu bere ibilbidean, YOUTHFUL akats eta bere etorkizuna boxeo

* * * VIDEO ALERTA * * *
You have to learn from your mistakes. When you understand and you know why you’re losing, then you can fix it. This next half of my career I’m going to be the AB that’s about business and about boxing.” – Adrien broner
Klikatu esteka edo argazki behean ikustea, kuota eta / edo bideo hau txertatzeko
Argazkia Kreditu: SHOWTIME
SHOWTIME Kirolak® Adrien Broner batekin bildu Headbangers Gimnasioa at Washingtonen, D.C., Khabib Allakhverdiev aurre egiteko prestatzen ari da Larunbat honetan SHOWTIME on®. During the lengthy interview Broner spoke candidly about his approach to the sport and learning from past mistakes. We found the interview compelling and, Broner sarbidea mugatu batean lieu eramango ekitaldi honetarako, sentitu beharrezko inprimaki bertsioa luze hau nahi duzu lanean on daiteke istorioak aurreratu prestatzeko.
Broner vs. Allakherdiev hutsik WBA Super arin Munduko Txapelketan Larunbat honetan SHOWTIME bizi (10 p.m. ETA/7 p.m. PT) U.S bertatik. Bank Cincinnati Arena.
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Informazio gehiago www.SHO.com/Sports TwitterSHOSports on jarraitu, AdrienBroner, WarriorsBoxProm EtaSwanson_Comm edo Facebook fan bihurtu atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports eta www.Facebook.com/AdrienTheProblemBroner