Yorliq Archives: Premer boks Chempionlar


Bosing BU YERGA Suzanna Tereza / Premier boks Chempionlar fotojamlanma uchun

Bosing BU YERGA For Workout Photos From Tom Hogan/TGB Promotions



Los Angeles (Iyun 4, 2015) – Fight week continued today for the Premer boks Chempionlar bo'yicha NBC event taking place Shanba, Iyun 6 at StubHub Center as fighters held a final press conference for media and fans at historic Olvera Street in Los Angeles.


Kecha, fight week activities kicked off with media workouts at Wild Card West Boxing Gym in Santa Monica.


The Shanba afternoon telecast starts at 3 p.m. VA/12 p.m. PT on NBC featuring the heavyweight showdown between Dominic “Tashvish” BREAZEALE (14-0, 13 KOS) vaConsuegra Yasmany (17-0, 14 KOS). Following that bout is the headlining event that pits former four-division world champion Robert “Sade” Jangchi (32-3-1, 18 KOS) qarshi Aron Martinez (19-3-1, 4 KOS).


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, TGB aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilingan, fiyatlandırılır $200, $150, $100, $50 va $25, Ortiqcha soliqlar, to'lovlar va xizmat to'lovlari, Endi sotuvga va AXS.com onlayn sotib olish uchun foydalanish mumkin.


Here is what the fighters had to say yesterday and today:


ROBERT Guerrero


“Men xalqqa qaytarib olish uchun xursandman. Men juda qiyin tarbiyalangan ayting va men markazida bu kurash bo'yicha to'liq emas.Shanba tushdan keyin bir katta kurash ko'rish uchun harakat qilyapmiz.


“Bu juda erta boshlangan bir noyob hodisa bo'ldi. Men olaman, ovqat va kurash borish lekin men buning uchun tayyor emasman.


“Men tez-tez jang qilmoqchi bo'lgan, harakatsizlik bir kurashchi uchun eng yomon narsa. Men yiliga uch-to'rt marta jang qilmoqchi bo'lgan, har yil.


“Men qisqa boshqa jangchi hech qachon. Bu Aron Martines uchun katta imkoniyat va men u haqiqiy kurash uchun tayyor bo'laman ishonamanki.


“NBC kurash menga hamma ko'zlarini qo'yadi. Men bu naqadar katta bir platforma bilaman.


“StubHub Center dahshatli joy, ShK ventilyatorlari sizga yuqori o'ng bor. Men u erda jang yaxshi ko'raman va men xafa muxlislarini tark qilmoqchi emasman.”




“Kabi Shanba, a katta kurash kutish. Bu urush bo'ladi xolos. Men u erga borish va men kim hammani ko'rsatishni istaymiz.


“Men Robert qanday qiyin bir kurashchi bilaman, U uzoq vaqt davomida yuqori darajada jang bo'lyapdi.


“Men urushqoq emasman va men u baribir ko'nikmalarini sinash uchun tayyor emasman. Men masofani yaqin-lashtiradilar kerak, uning ustiga qolish va erta unga olish. Mening kuch uni ajablantiradi.


“Men StubHub markazi sevaman. Men kurashlar tomosha qilish uchun u erda juda ko'p marta bo'lganman va u erda o'zimni jang qilish uchun kutish mumkin emas.


“Bu men uchun katta imkoniyatdir, Bunday katta kartada kurash. Biz Robert sobiq jahon chempioni, deb bilaman, lekin men aniq maqsadli va tayyor emasman. Men bu kurashda uchun qo'shimcha Hard tarbiyalangan ayting.”




“Har bir narsa Jab off boshlanadi, Men erta unga bosim kerak. Men kurash uni YouTube klipni bir necha ko'rgan ayting lekin asosiy, eng yaxshi, albatta, nima haqida o'ylash emas.


“Bu meni StubHub markazida NBC jang qilish uchun katta imkoniyat va men unga to'liq foyda olish uchun rejalashtirish.


“Bu lager katta bo'ldi, Mening butun jamoa bu kurashda uchun meni tayyor bir ajoyib ish qildi.


“Men chiqib va ​​line uning rekordini qo'yib uchun mening raqibini rahmat bor. Men u bilan amalga qilyapman qachon, u bo'ladi 17-1. Men erta dumaloq nokaut izlayapman va men ularning O'rinlar bo'yida muxlislarini saqlamoqchi bo'lgan.”




“Men bu kurashda uchun juda tayyor emasman. Men bu kurash olib uchun Dominik shukr emasman va men bir namoyish qo'yish kutish mumkin emas bu Shanba kunduzi.


“Men kuchli va bu da'volariga uchun tayyor his. Mening jamoasi ular meni g'olib chiqib yordam berish uchun kerak bo'lgan hamma narsani qilgan.


“Men, albatta, juda qiyin Kuba terma jamoasi tarkibida bo'lgan. Men bu kurash olib keluvchi har qanday hype tashvish emasman.”


ISO Cuellar


“Birinchi Darchinyan, So'ngra Leo Santa Cruz yoki Abnur Mares, o'sha jangchilar bor

Men nishonga qilyapman.


“U istagan qadar gapirish mumkin, lekin, biz bilan jang va yaxshiroq kim topish uchun harakat qilyapmiz shanba kuni.


“Men juda ham tayyor va Argentina vakillik qilish uchun tayyor emasman. Men qattiq tarbiyalangan va men xalqqa olish uchun tayyor emasman. Men qattiq mehnat qo'yish ayting va men xalqqa ichida bosqichma va Argentina barcha uchun mening iste'dodi namoyish ketyapman.”




“Men bu uloqni vayron qiladi shanba kuni, Men juda ham ko'p tajribaga ega.


“U sodir bo'ladi nima hech qanday fikr bor.


“Men ko'p yillar davomida bir chempioni bo'ldi va boshqa unvonini qo'lga kiritish uchun istak. Men hali ham qodir emasman, har bir kishi ko'rsatadi shanba kuni.


“Biz buyuk kurashlar va buyuk chora ko'rish uchun harakat qilyapmiz shanba kuni. Men borish uchun tayyor emasman va men har bir kishi jang ega umid qilamiz.”


Alfredo Angulo


“Men shunday Los Anjeles bu erda bo'lish uchun baxtli va uyga juda yaqin kurash emasman. "Dog’ qaytib keladi va bu ko'rasiz shanba kuni.


“Men qaytib halqa bo'lish uchun juda xursandman. Bu ishdan chetlatilganlarga bir oz edi, lekin men kabi faol va imkon qadar band bo'lish istayman.


“Men Kleman Madina bilan hozir orqaga emasman. Men u bilan birga eng yaxshi ishlash va men yana Los Anjeles orqaga ta'lim bo'lishi hursandman.


“Men yaqinda uylangan. Men juda ham barqaror va yanada ko'proq maqsadga yo'naltirilgan mening martaba kuni qilyapman. Men yana bir chempioni bo'lish orziqib.”




“Mening chap elka butunlay sog'aytirdi etiladi, qayta tiklash asab solishi bo'ldi bir oz vaqt o'tdi, ammo hozir hamma tizimlari borish.


I’ve prepared well for this fight and I’m excited to go out and perform. It’s an honor for me to be on the same card as all these great fighters. I’m going to give a great show shanba kuni.


I don’t know much about my opponent but I’ve been very busy in the gym learning everyday and I look forward to setting the pace and fighting my fight shanba kuni.


I’ve been going to fights at StubHub Center for years and it’s great to be fighting there for the first time.


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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com vawww.nbcsports.com/boxing, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, NBCSports, GHOSTBOXING, @ ElPerro82, JesusCuellarBOX & VicDarchinyan Va Facebookda muxlisi bo'l www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, vawww.facebook.com/NBCSports.


Broner & Porter Square Off On Shanba, Iyun 20 On Premier Boxing Champions on NBC Live From MGM Grand Garden Arena

At 8:30 P.M. VA/5:30 P.M. PT

Las Vegas, (Iyun 4, 2015) – While the eyes of the sports world are fixated on game 1 of the NBA Finals between LeBron JamesCleveland Cavaliers and Stephen Curry’s Golden State Warriors shu kecha, two other great Ohio athletes will look to bring the glory of victory home with them when Adrien “Muammo” Broner va “Namoyish Vaqti” Shawn Porter meet in the ring on Premer boks Chempionlar bo'yicha NBC bo'yicha Shanba, Iyun 20 (8:30 p.m. VA/5:30 p.m. PT).


Both of these fighters have joined the list of Ohio-born world champions that include boxing greats such as Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini, Aaron Pryor, Buster Douglas and Kelly Pavlik.


The all-Ohio battle comes in the midst of an exciting time for Ohio sports. In addition to the Ohio State University football team’s national championship winning performance in January, Akron’s own LeBron James and his Cleveland Cavaliers are attempting bring the city of Cleveland its first professional sports championship since 1964.


Here is what Broner and Porter had to say about Ohio sports, LeBron and more:


Did you root for Ohio-sports teams growing up? Which ones were your favorite and who were your favorite players? What’s your favorite memory of watching Ohio sports teams?

Adrien Broner:I grew up watching the Cincinnati Bengals and the Cleveland Cavaliers. I didn’t start watching basketball until I was playing more of it in elementary and high school. That’s when LeBron first came into the league. I remember LeBron’s very first game in Cleveland. It was huge. Most players freeze under that kind of hype, but not him.

Shawn Porter: “I’ve always been a huge Browns fan. I’ve tried to watch every draft and every preseason and regular season game. I got into the Cavaliers a little more when I was in high school. I’m an all around Ohio sports fan though.

How would you describe Ohio-sports fans? How badly do you want to win for them?

AB:Ohio fans are very supportive. Some other states don’t like us because we come out strong. I would love to win for the fans in Ohio because bringing a championship back there means a lot to me. I’ve done it three times already and I’m looking for a fourth. You always want that rush again.

SP: We’re crazy! Cleveland fans root for their teams with a love and respect that’s admirable. Whether it’s good days or bad days we’re faithful and trying to stay positive. It would be huge for me to win for the fans here and represent Ohio. I’m doing this for everyone in Northeast Ohio. This is a statement about a great kid from Ohio representing the people there and winning another big fight.

How important was LeBron James returning to Cleveland for the psyche of Ohio sports?

AB: “LeBron coming home was very important because he’s made the Cavs so much better. With him in Cleveland we’re back in the championship series.

SP: “LeBron coming home was huge. If he didn’t return I don’t know what we’d have done. There probably would have been more riots. But him coming back brought joy to all of us in Ohio. That’s part of our job as professional athletes to bring joy and positivity to family, friends and the fans. That’s exactly what he did by returning to Cleveland.


Will you be watching the Cavaliers in the NBA Finals? Do you have a prediction for the series?

AB: “I’ll definitely be watching the games. No training until after the game shu kecha. I think Cleveland wins it all in six games.

SP: “Men oldindan qilmang. I’m praying for the Cavs to do this for the city and for themselves. Hopefully they can pull it together and get what they deserve. It would be a great to get a win for the team and for NE Ohio. I’ll be watching every game on my projection screen.

Describe what it’s like to fight in front of a hometown crowd in Ohio?

AB: It’s always fun fighting at home in front of a lot of people who know you. Even when your back is against the wall they cheer and help push me on.


SP: “Rostini aytsam, all the crowds are the same when I’m in the ring. I’m actually looking forward to fighting in the big arena at MGM Grand though. I kind of like having a mix of people in the crowd with some for and some against me.

Is there more pressure and emphasis on performing well on Iyun 20 to walk away with bragging rights in Ohio?

AB:I think I already have the bragging rights in Ohio.

SP: There’s no added pressure, it honestly doesn’t matter to me like that. This is first and foremost about my team. We’re successful as a team and as a family.

If you could meet one athlete from or who played in the state of Ohio who would it be?

AB: “I’d have to say myself.

SP: I met my all-time favorite Cris Carter already. Cris is from Ohio and went to Ohio State. I haven’t met Charles Woodson or LeBron though. Charles is from here, but he went to Michigan for college. But I’d really love to meet LeBron because he’s still doing his thing and he has that burning desire to win. I need to have that same desire and I’m learning that from watching him play.

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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.nbcsports.com/boxing va www.mayweatherpromotions.com, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, AdrienBroner, ShowtimeShawnP, ErrolSpenceJr, AmenazaGarcia, MayweatherPromoNBCSports, vaMGMGrand va Facebookda bir fan bo'lib www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions va www.facebook.com/NBCSports.

Mag'lubiyati yulduz Keyt Thurman kirish sobiq WORLD CHAMPION Luis Collazo kurash uyga qaytadi

ESPN Voqeani Premer boks Champions, SATURDAY, IYuL 11 Tampa USF SUN gumbaz From, FLORIDA

Plus Undefeated Prospect Tony Harrison Willie Nelson oladi

Sotish to'g'risida chipta Shanba At 10 A.M.!

TAMPA (Iyun 4, 2015) – Undefeated yulduz Keyt “Bir Marta” Turman (25-0, 21 KOS) returns to the ring in his home state to face former world champion Luis Collazo(36-6, 19 KOS) bo'yicha Shanba, Iyul 11 in the main event of the inaugural Premer boks Chempionlar bo'yicha ESPN show live at 9 p.m. VA/6 p.m. PT from the USF Sun Dome in Tampa.


The co-main event of the evening features an exciting matchup between undefeated top prospect Tony Harrison (21-0, 18 KOS) and quick fisted Willie Nelson (23-2-1, 13 KOS) in an event that will kick off live coverage of PBC on ESPN. Doors open in the arena at 6 p.m. VA with the first fight starting at 6:30 p.m. VA.


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, Warriors boks tomonidan targ'ib qilingan, fiyatlandırılır $200, $150, $75, $50 va $25, Amaldagi xizmat ayblov va soliqlar, shu jumladan emas, va sotuvgaShanba, Iyun 6 da 10 A.M. VA. Asosiy kredit karta bilan telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000. Chiptalar ham mavjud www.ticketmaster.com yoki Sun Dome quti ofisini tashrif buyurib.


Thurman has consistently shown his tremendous power by knocking out 18 Uning birinchi 19 opponents and since winning a world title in 2013, he has ascended to the very top of the sport’s elite class. 26-yoshli Clearwater, Florida native made three successful title defenses with wins over Jesus Soto Karass, Julio Diaz and Leonard Bundu. Uning keyingi Butning yilda u bilan bog'liq ajoyib jangda Robert Guerrero mag'lub tomonidan Premier boks Chempionlar qator o'tgan Qadam tashlamoq 7. Keyingi up on Iyul 11, Thurman birinchi marta buyon uchun Florida uning uy shtatida rishtasi qaytadi 2009.


Bruklin eng e'tiborli jangchilar biri, Collazo ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn bo'linish ustiga yana bir to'pni qo'lga kiritdi Iyul 11. Joriy yilning aprel oyida, Collazo Barclays markazida Kristofer Degollado ikkinchi davra TKO bilan bayonot qildi. A jahon chempioni ichida 2005, Collazo eng yaxshi savaşçısı uning butun faoliyatini duch keldi. Eng ayniqsa so'nggi yillarda, u Dec ichida Viktor Ortiz ustida heyecanlandırıcı ikkinchi davra tozalash yetkazib. 2014. Collazo bo'yicha yo'lda Thurman xafa uning tajriba va makrini foydalanish ko'rinishini Iyul 11.


Faqat 24-yil-eski, U olib sifatida Harrison yaqinda katta shovqin qildi 10 nokaut uning kurash chiziq yutib Iyul 11. Detroyt-ona yonib turgan start to off oldi 2015, allaqachon ta'sirchan tarzda Antwone Smit va Pablo Munguia amalga Taqillatib. favqulodda iqtidorli qiruvchi hozir tanlovda up-qadamlarni va u Nelson yuzlar qachon butun uning mag'lubiyati yozishni tutish uchun umid.


Buyon A professional 2006, Nelson Harrison faqat bir qattiq sinov ko'proq berish vositalari va tajribaga ega. 28 yoshli oldindan eng yaxshi jangchilar John Jackson va Yudel Johnson plus tajribali faxriylar Luciano cuello ustidan g'alaba sohibi, Michael Medina. Klivlend chiqib qiruvchi eng yaxshi raqib qarshi tor mag'lubiyat off keladi Okt ichida Martirosyan pervanelere. 2014.


Axborot tashrifi uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, KeithFThurmanJr, RealLuisCollazo, WarriorsBoxingProm VaESPNBoxing va Facebookda muxlisi bo'l www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing va www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo.

Aleksandr Jonson juma kuni mix ON ARTUR BETERBIEV ON Premer boks chempioniga DouDou NGUMBU AS raqib o'rniga o'tadi, IYuN 12 Chikagodagi UIC PAVILION From

Chikagodagi (Iyun 3, 2015) – Aleksandr “Great” Johnson (16-2, 7 KOS) almashtiradi Doudou Ngumbu uchun raqib sifatida Artur Beterbiev (8-0, 8 KOS) bo'yichaJuma, Iyun 12 tahririda Premer boks Chempionlar bo'yicha Spike qamrov boshlab bilan Chikagodagi UIC Pavilion bo'lib o'tayotgan tadbir 9 p.m. VA/PT.

Bu jang Kuba joylashtirish hissi xususiyatlari kechqurun kaplaması müsabakayı oldin Erislandy “American Dream” Lara (20-2-2, 12 KOS) faxriysi olib Delvin Rodriguez (28-7-4, 16 KOS). Ochiq UIC Pavilion da Doors 5 p.m. CT birinchi kurash majmui uchun bilan 5:30 p.m. CT.


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta fiyatlandırılır $151, $101, $51, va $31, Amaldagi xizmat xarajatlarni, shu jumladan emas, va hozir indirimdedir. Asosiy kredit karta bilan telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000 yoki UIC Pavilion Box Office da (312) 413-5740. Chiptalar ham mavjud www.ticketmaster.com yoki UIC Pavilion Box Office tashrif buyurib, (Payshanba yoki Juma 9:00 A.M.4:00 p.m.).


U professional duch har bir raqibini qavatli qilib, Endi 30 yoshli sobiq havaskor standout Beterbiev Chikagoda tirik uning nokaut chiziq tutish izlab bo'ladi. Ichida Tavoris Cloud ustida ta'sirli g'alaba tishli qilib 2014 va Gabriel Campillo shu yilning boshida, og'ir-tajovuzkor va kuchli Rossiya bo'yicha uchib ranglar bilan boshqa qattiq sinov o'tishi tayyorIyun 12.


Buyon A pro 2007, Johnson engil vaznli bo'linish bir qattiq kuch bo'ldi, ayniqsa o'rta-Atlantika mintaqasida. Oxon Hill chiqib qiruvchi, Maryland birinchi kiritdi 12 uning professional pog'onasida jang, oldindan eng yaxshi Farah Ennis ustidan g'alaba jumladan. 33 yoshli sentyabr Genri Buchanan ustidan dastlabki tur TKO yopiq keladi. 2014 va boshqa portlovchi ishlashi bilan, amal qilish uchun izlaydi Iyun 12.


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-boks-chempionlari, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, @LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm VaSpikeTV va Facebookda muxlisi bo'l www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromova www.Facebook.com/Spike.


Bosing BU YERGA MP3 uchun


Lisa Milner

Rahmat, har bir kishi, for joining us today. We have a very exciting call. All four of the fighters participating on the televised portion of bu shanba uning Premier Boxing Champions on NBC telecast will be with us. We are going to start with the heavyweights, and before we head to those fighters, I’m going to turn it over to Tom Brown, head of TGB Promotions to tell you a little more about the event and introduce our first set of fighters.


Tom Brown

Yaxshi, thank you and thank you very much to the media for joining us on this call. TGB Promotions is very happy working again with PBC on this excellent card to be telecast on NBC bu Shanba afternoon from the famed StubHub Center in Carson. The doors openshanba kuni da 11:00 A.M. birinchi qo'ng'iroq da bilan 11:15 A.M. Biz boshlangan jonli televidenie borish12:00 p.m. PT. Bu NBC uchun katta sport kun. Ular, shuningdek, frantsuz Ochish teleeshittirish ku, Belmont Stakes, va Stanley Cup Playoffs o'yini ikki.


asosiy voqea sobiq jahon chempioni hisoblanadi, Robert Guerrero (32-3-1 18 KOS) Gilroy chiqib, Kaliforniya. Janubiy Kaliforniya boks ishqibozlari uchun Robert hech begona, So'nggi yillarda ikki katta g'alaba posted etib: noyabr oyida Andre Berto ortiq shuvli 12-dumaloq qaror 2012 pastga Ontario, va uning epik jang-of-yil iyun kuni Yoshihiro Kamegai ustidan g'alaba qozonish 21, 2014 StubHub markazida.


Aaron Martinez, West Covina, Kaliforniya bir rekord bor (19-3-1, 4 KOS). U janubiy Kaliforniya joylashtirish pallasida, uning suyaklarini qildi, va Guerrero bunday katta platformasida qanchalik qimmatli yuzma bu imkoniyat biladi. Martinez bir orqaga qadam oladi hech qachon, hech qachon shinalar, va uning boshlang'ich qurol-ku: favqulodda chidamlilik. Guerrero-Martines uslublari bilan, bu asosiy faoliyat maydoniga tarixi kiritish uchun yana bir harakat-qadoqlangan StubHub Center barcha urush daromad bor.


Televidenieda hamkorlik Asosiy, ochilish kurash, Biz mashhur ikki bor, mag'lubiyati yosh og'ir vaznli istiqbollari: U.S. Ulug'vor Dominic Breazeale (14-0, 13 KOS). U sinashdi 2012 London o'yinlar, va Yasmany Consuegra (17-0, 14 KOS) mukammal pro rekord bilan mashhur Kuba havaskor.


Yana, eshik ochiladi 11:00 A.M. Chiptalar da boshlanadi $25 va biz janubiy Kaliforniya katta boks muxlislari ko'rish uchun oldinga Izlayotgan bu buyuk tadbirda ishtirok etish.


L. Milner

Biz hozir korchalonlari, albatta, yer-ku. Dominic, Biz ommaviy axborot vositalari uchun uni ag'daring oldin siz ochilish bayonot mumkin?

Dominic Breazeale

Bu Dominic Breazeale emas. Hayrli kun, xonimlar va janoblar. Men bu Shanba bu fantastik karta bir qismi bo'lish hayajondaman, Iyun 6th. Rishtasi olish va mening ko'nikmalarini namoyon uchun sabırsızlanıyorum.


L. Milner

Buyuk. Rahmat. Va Luis DeCubas Jr. Yasmany uchun tarjima qilish liniyasi ustida. Luis, Agar faqat tez ochilish bayonot so'rashimiz va keyin, biz uchun bu tarjima mumkin?


Consuegra Yasmany

Men qo'ng'iroq kuni hammani minnatdorchilik bildiraman. Men NBC minnatdorchiligimni bildiraman, PBC, Al bu imkoniyat uchun Haymon va butun xalq ishtirok. Men buyuk kurash orziqib. Shanba Kuni, Men hammani namoyon bo'lgan.


Hey, Dominic, u bu sanaga siz qiyin raqib bo'ladi deb aytish xavfsiz menga ko'rinadi. Siz bu bilan rozi bo'lardi, va agar shunday, Agar tanlovda yuqoriga harakat va siz bilib olish imkoniga ega bo'lganman nima ko'rsatish, bu imkoniyat olish uchun qanday xursand bo'ladi?



Sanaga albatta qiyin raqobat shunday uzoq. Albatta, Yasmany emas 17-0, 14 KOS. Ishonch, bir tonna bilan halqa ichida bir necha qadam o'sha bolalar One. Biz ham mag'lub kurashchilarini odamsiz va men qo'ng'iroq bor, men juda xursand edi. Al va jamoa rahmat. NBC tufayli, Biz butun dunyo oldida amalga oshirish uchun ega bo'lasiz, umummilliy, va men yana so'rash mumkin emas. Bu buyuk setting bo'ldi, ajoyib bir yo'l keyingi bosqichga bir qadam-tosh bor,. Men uch og'ir vaznli ko'rib chiqiladi istayman va men u erga eng yaxshi bolalar bilan jang qilish uchun bor deb o'ylayman.



Agar Consuegra haqida bilasizmi nima?



Men u buyuk havaskor rekord bor bilaman. Men u Kubada yaxshi real qildim bilaman, Kuba milliy terma jamoasi. U Shtatlarda bu erda bir necha katta jang bo'ldi. U Florida.I ko'p jang u boks uslubi bor bilaman. Men u qattiq chiqib ketadi bilaman. Kuba lashkari har doim, albatta,.



Dominic, you’ve had a lot of knockouts in your early career in the pros, but this is going to be your biggest fight yet with another undefeated fighter. Can you talk about your transition from the amateur style, which obviously you had to do in the Olympics, to the professional style?



Like you said, it’s going to be a big fight with a guy that’s undefeated. I’m sure he’s coming in looking to knock me out. I’m coming in to knock him out, albatta. Lekin, amateur transition into the pros, I would say was a little bit easier for myself than it was for most amateurs. The amateurs, a lot of my wins came by way of knockouts, so I’ve been knocking guys out since day one.


It’s one of those things that I transitioned from putting punches in bunches to putting punches in bunches with power. I’m throwing a lot more punches now. I’m putting a lot more punches together with power. Every punch I throw has got devastating power. I not only punch with the right hand, but I can punch with the left. So long as I make contact, somebody’s going down for sure.



Can you talk about the experience factor? You both fought a number of guys who have a lot of fights under their belt. Uning oxirgi jang, he defeated Taurus Sykes, who’s been around for a long time, a guy with a winning record. Tell us where you think you’re at. Because eventually, everybody wants to become a world champion, but what level do you think you’re at and how does that compare to Yasmany?


I think I’m right up there, agar yo'q, definitely above him. I’ve fought some very experienced guys and guys that have been former Olympians, shuningdek. Guys like Matt Galer, who have been in heavyweight ranks and considered top contenders at one point. Me and Matt put on a great fight.


My last fight with Victor Bisbal, that was March 7th bu yil. He’s a Puerto Rican Olympian. He came out with a great amateur background, very good professional background. When I finally beat him he had fought some experienced guys as well, so I definitely have the experience there. Not only as an amateur, but definitely as a pro, ham.


And a similar question for Yasmany. Men uchun, it looks like this is going to be your biggest fight as a pro. Qaerda siz bu nuqtada bir professional sifatida deb o'ylaysiz? Qaerda siz professional darajalarini Umumiy Tartib deb o'ylaysiz?


VA. Consuegra

Bu, albatta, mening eng qiyin jang bo'ldi. Taroziga chiqib Breazeale ning haqiqiy yaxshi qiruvchi, lekin men ham bir buyuk havaskor fon ichdim. Men eng yaxshi jang, shubhasiz. Kuba og'ir vaznli dastur juda ham qiyin Amerika og'ir vazn toifasida dasturi ko'ra emas, va u marhamatli edi, lekin men dunyo havaskor turnirlar juda ko'p qo'lga kiritdi. Men faqat Breazeale bilan tarafidagi olish va men bor, nima ko'rsatgan orziqib, Men Breazeale mag'lub etdi mumkin, deb o'ylayman, chunki, Men Breazeale uchun tayyorman, deb o'ylayman. bo'linish eng guys, Men ularni ko'rsatish uchun ketyapman.



Yasmany, how influenced are you by some of the great Cuban fighters and heavyweights of the past year: Teofilo Stevenson, Felix Savon, and many others? How much of a role have they played in influencing your style?


VA. Consuegra

Shubhasiz, Cuba has a great history of Cuban amateur heavyweights. I like to put my style more toward Savon, who is a power puncher, as looking for the knockout at all times. And Stevenson’s a great fighter, but he’s more of a boxer, so was Roberto Balado, but that’s definitely a great point.


How does it feel to be fighting on NBC in front of such a big network audience, especially on a day when you’re going to be right in between French Open final and Stanley Cup game. Dominic, could you answer that first?



I am definitely excited. Men menga bu kartada jang qilish imkonini bergani uchun NBC rahmat bor. Bu ajoyib sana bo'ldi. Yaxshi narsani so'rash mumkin emas: janubiy Kaliforniya, peshin. Sun chiqib bo'ladi xolos. ob-havo juda yaxshi bo'ladi. U erda StubHub markazida ajoyib makon. Bu, albatta, qiziqarli bo'ldi. Men mamlakatni olomon oldida amalga oshirish uchun bir imkoniyat qachon, oila va do'stlar, va shunga o'xshash narsalar, u menga eng yaxshi olib, Bas, Men, albatta, unga birinchi qidiryapman va, kabi dedim, Men NBC rahmat bor, Al HAYMON, Barcha birga bu qo'yib uchun Goossen Aktsiyalar. Mening jamoasi, Agar bolalar, barcha, Men, albatta,, albatta uni qadriga.



Va Louis, Agar Yasmany Shu savol mumkin?


VA. Consuegra

Yeah, Bu, albatta, mening hayotimdagi eng katta jang bo'ldi, Mening faoliyatimning eng katta jang. Shu payt, I’d also like to thank Dominic Breazeale for taking this type of risk. Not too many guys are willing to take these risks to fight an undefeated heavyweight and fight the best. Shunday, it’s a big day for both of us, and come Shanba, I’m going to show everybody that I’m one of the top guys in the division.


L. Milner

Xop, buyuk. Rahmat, har ikkala, so much. We will see you this week for a great event. We have the main event on the line now, so I’m going to turn it back over to Tom Brown to introduce Robert Guerrero and Aaron Martinez. Tom, uni ketkazishga.
T. Jigar rang

Xop, buyuk. Rahmat. Birinchi, I’d like to introduce former world champion, Robert “Sade” Jangchi, yana, bir rekord bilan 32-3-1 va 18 KOS, making a quick return to the PBC on NBC.


Robert Guerrero

I just want to thank everybody for being on and I’m ready to go.


T. Jigar rang

Xop, we’ve got Aron Martinez here also, bir rekord bilan 19-3-1, and he understands how valuable this opportunity is to face Guerrero on such a big platform.

Aron Martinez

Yeah, albatta, Shu yerdaman. Bu men uchun katta imkoniyat bo'ldi; I’m ready for battle. We’re at weight and everything went pretty good at this camp, and what can I say, bir? Just excited to fight Shanba.


Robert, you’re a guy that has fought a lot of big name fighters over a really nice career, an illustrious career. Does it become a little more difficult to get up for a fighter like Aron Martinez who is, kind of unknown, at least as compared to the other guys that you’ve fought?


R. Jangchi

Bunday Qilma, arzimaydi. Coming off the last fight with a loss at the short end of the stick, it drives you to be hungry. Shunday, that’s why I wanted to get right back into the ring, stay active. That’s one of the biggest problems with being inactive and not having enough action throughout the year. The year layoffs, a nine-, eight-month layoff, it really kills you, especially at that championship elite level. It’s hard to come back and be 100 percent sharp, so the plan is to just stay sharp all year and get back on it.



Agar u haqida nima bilasiz? Do you watch any tapes of your opponents or anything like that?


R. Jangchi

Yeah, I’ve watched some tape on him. I watched a few of his fights that I found on YouTube and he’s a crafty little guy. He’s in there and he can fight on the inside. He’s got some good counter shots and he mixes it up. Shunday, you’ve just got to be ready for everything all around, because you never know what’s going to come your way, bu uning uchun bunday katta imkoniyatdir, ayniqsa, NBC kurash. Siz u kelib ketadi bilaman 100 foiz tayyor va men birovni jang qachon har doim sodir ko'rinadi. Ular kelib 10 ular janjal so'nggi bir necha ko'ra yaxshiroq foiz, Bas, u tayyor va kelganda baribir uchun tayyor bo'lish haqida gap.



Agar faqat uch oy oldin bor edi kabi shafqatsiz kurash so'ng tez orada, xalqqa qaytarib kelish haqida hech qanday tashvish bormi?


R. Jangchi

Oh, bunday qilma, arzimaydi. Men uchun, jang hatto bu yovuz emas edi. Bu Thurman uchun shafqatsiz bo'lishi mumkin, lekin men faqat oxirida boshlash edi. Bu aslida to'g'ri qaytarib olish uchun yaxshi his. Men uch hafta keyin o'ng orqa sport zaliga kirib oldim va unga qoldi. Shunday, Men bu uzuk chap so'ng, Men hali yaxshi his. Mening tana yaxshi his. Men faqat shu kesilgan edi, bu qabul qilingan g'amxo'rlik bor, lekin boshqa, Men ajoyib his qilaman. Men o'ng orqa tarafidagi sakrash qilyapman nima uchun shu qadar tez.



Men sizga martaba davomida bir atoqli qiruvchi odamsiz bilaman, lekin har qanday farq, deb namoyish kurash so'ng bor edi. Bu juda uzoq vaqt ichida eng o'rganib chiqdi kurash edi, u bir PrimeTime bepul televizorda ekanligini bo'lish Shanba tun. Shunday, Narsa sizning uchida o'zgardi, agar men faqat bilishni istayman, Yana Notoriety kabi.


R. Jangchi

Albatta. Agar 96 yoshli ayol bo'lsa otoparkta sizga kelib va ​​aytish, “Odam, Qanday ajoyib kurash; deb boks eski kun eslatib turadi,” bu ko'rish uchun yaxshi. Va siz barcha muxlislari atrofida va sizni tanib baqqollik do'konida gap faqat o'rtacha odam kelayotgan qarang, u katta bo'ldi. Bu mening faoliyatim davomida faqat katta emas, lekin u boks uchun katta ekan.



Did that factor into your wanting to come back so soon? I know you said you want to stay sharp, lekin, shubhasiz, staying in the public eye helps as well.


Robert Guerrero: Oh, albatta. Out of sight, out of mind. So you want to stay active, you want to stay busy; you want to stay sharp. You want to stay in the public eye to make that big run before time passes.



Aron, I just have one question for you. You’ve been out of the ring for over a year since your fight with Josesito. Was there any reason for that delay? Could you just not get fights or did you just want to take the time off to clear your head?
A. Martinez

It was just with my promoter, little here and there, they were not giving me the right fights. Anybody that knows me, I stayed in the gym, because that’s what makes it easy for me, making weight. I never have trouble making weight and that goes to show that I stay active. I stay active in the gym and that’s what it is.



My question is for Robert Guerrero. I was a little disappointed to see that it took you quite a while to get into the fight with Keith Thurman. Do you feel like that’s going to be something you’re going to change for this fight with Aron, is taking off right off the bat, birinchi davra?


R. Jangchi

Yeah, it goes back to being active in the ring. Everybody says, yaxshi, Men ajoyib his qilaman, there’s no ring rust, and this and that, but you truly don’t know until you get into that ring. So'ng, those long layoffs really kill me. You develop bad habits. You lay back a little bit too much, and you end up getting started a little bit late like I did in the Thurman fight. But when I did get started, there was no stopping me.


Shunday, that’s why I want to stay active and stay in the ring. Kabi men oldin dedi, it’s being inactive, not being in the ring fighting. You develop habits where you do start off slowly and I felt like after the fight, when I looked back on it, it felt like I was starting off like I was sparring and just working into it, warming up, and then getting started. Glad to get that fight out of the way and shake off that ring rust, and it’s time to make that push.



First question for Robert. Can you talk about getting up for this fight, because you fought such top level opponents and championship fights, Thurman and Mayweather and higher profile fights, and I think in this fight, you’re going to come in as a favorite. Can you talk about making sure that you don’t overlook Aron Martinez and staying sharp and getting up mentally.


R. Jangchi

You never want to overlook anybody. Men u kim qiziqtirmaydi. You’ve got two hands, you can throw a punch. Anything halqasida bo'lishi mumkin. Shunday, you never want to overlook anybody. I found that out earlier in my career with a loss against Gamaliel Diaz. I was overlooking him, thought I was going to take him out and he ended up out-boxing me. He beat me by one point.


Shunday, it’s one of those things where you live and learn. You learn your lesson throughout the years and at this level of boxing and competition, you’ve got to just be able to get up and do your job and be prepared for everything. Shunday, it’s not a problem. It’s like second nature to me. I wake up every day. I run. I do my gym work. If I don’t do it, it feels like I’m cheating, because I’ve been doing it since I was a kid. Shunday, it’s just being well-prepared and I’m always well-prepared for every fight, as you’ve seen through my previous fights. I come to fight no matter what.



What do you think your advantages are over him coming into this fight?
R. Jangchi

Maybe the arm reach, the hand speed, the height. It’s a matter of not just having the advantages, but putting them to work and using them, and sticking to your game plan and being well prepared and being able to execute. Shunday, it’s time to react when you get in that ring and what you’re going to do with everything to make it happen.



Aron, Men Robert ning bir bu kurashda sevimli sifatida kelish bo'ladi, deb o'ylayman, lekin men faqat PBC kartalari juda ko'p farq, va g'ussadan keladi kutilmagan natijalari, bir joyi bor edi. Agar g'alaba qozonish ilinjida ketadi-ku, nima uchun bizga ayting va ta'sir NBC PBC kartasida mavjud bo'lgan, nima. Bu uchun maxsus bir narsa qo'shimcha bormi?
A. Martinez

Ha, albatta. Bu StubHub markazida milliy televidenieda bo'ldi, Men o'sgan qaerda, bu. Bu mening ota-us-ku. Men bor 23 jang. Ulardan Out 23 jang, Men sevimli hech ayting; Men har doim underdog bo'lganman. Men ham bu bosqichda bo'lishi kerak emasman. Bu men uchun birinchi qidiryapman nima. Men janjal har qanday sevimli hech ayting, Bas, men har bir kurash uchun olib kelish. I Rob bilaman, u mukammal chempioni bo'ldi; he’s been in with the best. He knows I train hard for this fight because I really want it and it and I’m going to lay it all on the line. This is what I’m talking about. I’m on to show everybody.



You’re coming off a little over a year layoff as you explained earlier, and he’s coming off just a three-month layoff after a 12-round fight. Do you think that’s going to factor into this fight, especially if it goes the distance?


A. Martinez

Bunday Qilma. It’s like what Robert said. You don’t really know until you get in the ring. We could say a bunch of things now, but you never know until you get in the ring and you actually feel it, because once you’re in the ring, it’s a whole different story, how it’s going to be. Biz, albatta, o'rgatish, bu kurashda uchun, albatta, qiyin, va biz tayyormiz. Men, albatta, bor baribir shunaqa, Men, albatta, bor. Biz qutisi ichidagi Biz jang, nima bo'lsa ham. Biz yo'limizga keladi baribir uchun tayyormiz.

Aron aniq, Men sizga bu kurashda uchun odamsiz bilaman, va Robert uning allaqachon u bu kurash uchun tarbiyalangan va u sizdan juda eng yaxshi kutgan yotipti, deb bildirdi, Robert sizga qaragan bo'lsa, bu qo'ng'iroq ikki marta so'radi qilingan. Agar bu kurashda sizga to'pni berib hech kim ekanini qo'pol topish, albatta,? Yoki faqat qo'shimcha turtki sifatida foydalaniladi?


A. Martinez

Bunday Qilma. Men buni shunday topmasangiz. Bu nima ekan. Robert eng yaxshi bilan u erda bo'ldi. Va men u qo'pol topmasangiz; u faqat nima, va u meni qiyin o'rgatish va faqat men bir nuqta qilish va ular u erda Aron Martines ko'rish uchun sayohat qilyapmiz qiladi shanba kuni va ular men kim ko'rish uchun sayohat qilyapmiz.


L. Milner

Xop, bu bizning oxirgi savol edi. Robert, Agar so'nggi o'tilganlik sanasi qilish istaysiz?


R. Jangchi

Ha. Men faqat hammani minnatdorchiligimni bildiraman. Al Haymon rahmat va mening jamoasi rahmat va ishlarida qo'yib qilingan har bir kishi bilan birga bu avlod uchun rahmat, va men bilan jang qilish uchun kelayotgan qilyapmanShanba tun. Men borishga tayyorman. Men xursand va Belmont qoziqlar egasi oldin o'ngdagi ketyapman va u boshqa katta voqea ichiga etakchi katta voqea bo'ldi. Shunday, Men xursandman va men faqat jang qilish uchun kutish mumkin emas.


narsa butun yil faol qolaman va mening ishni va ular ko'rish uchun yaxshi ko'raman, nima muxlislarini berib, ularga katta janjal beradi. Shunday, thank all the fans and thank everybody that’s on the conference call. I really appreciate it and God bless everybody.


L. Milner

Xop, minnatdorchilik. Aaron, Agar so'nggi o'tilganlik sanasi qilish istaysiz?


A. Martinez

Ha, Men NBC minnatdorchiligimni bildiraman, PBC and all. Goossen for giving me this chance to show what I’ve got shanba kuni, and I thank Robert, and just give a good show to everybody shanba kuni, and I’m ready to push off and I’m ready to go. Minnatdorchilik, har bir kishi.
Lisa Milner: Rahmat. Fight week events start ertaga da 11:00 A.M. at the Wild Card West Boxing Gym with a media workout and I hope to see everybody there. Sizga katta rahmat. Thanks to the fighters. Minnatdorchilik, Tom Brown, and thanks to the media.

Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com vawww.nbcsports.com/boxing, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, NBCSports, GHOSTBOXING, @ ElPerro82, JesusCuellarBOX & VicDarchinyan Va Facebookda muxlisi bo'l www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, vawww.facebook.com/NBCSports.


Upland, Kaliforniya (Iyun 3, 2015) – Top U.S. vazn toifasida kelajak Dominic “Tashvish” BREAZEALE (14-0, 13 KO) makes his return to the ring bu Shanba kunduzi, June 6th at the StubHub Center in Carson, Kaliforniya. BREAZEALE, takes another step up in competition and faces Cuban heavyweight Yasmany Consuegra (17-0, 14 KO) in a battle of undefeated heavyweights. The televised bout will support the Robert Guerrero-Arron Martinez main-event and will open up the Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) live telecast on NBC.


Photo c/o TimoteusFOE” Hernandez

The 2012 U.S. Olympian is coming off of a solid win against heavyweight veteran Victor Bisbal this past March during the inaugural PBC on NBC series. Breazeale showed true heart and resilience after experiencing the first knockdown of his career early in the first round of the bout. Breazeale recovered quickly and dominated Bisbal until the bout was stopped in the fourth round, resulting in Breazeale’s 14th win and 13th by knockout.

Immediately following the bout with Bisbal, Breazeale asked his advisor Al Haymon for another tough-quality opponent and Breazeale was granted his request.

My last bout with Bisbal was by far the toughest opponent I have ever shared the ring with. He caught me with a good shot and I recovered quickly. I shook it off and ended up stopping him a couple of rounds later. Butning keyin, I wasn’t happy that I was knocked down although many people told me that I showed resilience and that is what champions are made of. Shunday bo'lsa-da, I wanted another tough opponent and Al Haymon gave me the opportunity,” said Breazeale.

In addition to the quality opponent, Breazeale now has the chance to make an impression on many avid and casual boxing fans who will be watching the bout live on NBC Shanba kunduzi, an opportunity Breazeale welcomes and is thankful for.

“Bu bir tush men uchun haq hisoblanadi. Some of my previous bouts have been televised in the past, but not on a prime-time network where millions of people will be tuning in and see an American heavyweight like me. The heavyweight division is the most popular division in boxing because of its excitement and this is a bout between two undefeated heavyweights.” 

If this bout turns out as well as Breazeale has worked so hard for, he is looking to transition from a top prospect to a contender. Since turning professional two and a half years ago, Breazeale has been on the fast track to the world heavyweight title and has been learning from every training camp and fight thereafter under the tutelage of trainer John Bray.

I know I still have some room to

Team Breazeale o Surat c /

grow. I’ve been learning in the gym everyday and with every bout that I have had. In just 14 professional bouts so far, I feel that I have fought tougher opposition at this particular point of my career than the current American world heavyweight champion did in his first fourteen bouts. With the platform I have been provided bu Shanba, I intend to make the best of it and will definitely give the fans watching at home an entertaining fight and hope to make a name for myself in the heavyweight division.” 

Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, TGB aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilingan, fiyatlandırılır $200, $150, $100, $50 va $25, Ortiqcha soliqlar, to'lovlar va xizmat to'lovlari, Endi sotuvga va AXS.com onlayn sotib olish uchun foydalanish mumkin.

“Bu yerda Trouble keladi!




Lara Takes On Delvin Rodriguez On Juma, Iyun 12 Installment Of

Premier Boxing Champions On Spike Live From UIC Pavilion In Chicago

Bosing BU YERGA For Photos From Francisco Perez/Team Lara

Houston (Iyun 2, 2015) – Super ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn jahon chempioni Erislandy “American Dream” Lara (20-2-2, 12 KOS) is wrapping up his final days of training camp in anticipation of his Premier Boxing Champions on Spike debut taking place at UIC Pavilion in Chicago on Juma, Iyun 12.


Mix bo'yicha PBC Ushbu nashr da boshlanadi 9 p.m. VA/PT. Ochiq UIC Pavilion da Doors 5 p.m. CT birinchi kurash majmui uchun bilan 5:30 p.m. CT.


Before escaping communist Cuba, where Lara had to swim in dangerous waters to reach freedom, he was a decorated international amateur champion, winning numerous titles against some of today’s champions. He has followed his dream of becoming a world champion and now looks to build on his legacy.


Having fought some of the top names in the super welterweight division, Lara is looking to keep the momentum roaring with a dominant performance against the always tough Delvin Rodriguez. Known as one of the most skillful fighters in boxing, Lara spoke on his recent training camp, his opponent and fighting on PBC:


Yig'in to'g'risida…

My trainer Ronnie Shields and I have been sharpening up what I do best. It’s been a long hard camp and I’m going into this fight with a 100 percent healthy body.


On fighting on PBC on Spike

PBC on Spike is a great series that shows a lot of good fights. A lot of young fight fans are tuning into Spike on a regular basis. I want to gain new fans with a great performance.


On sparring with top level partners

I’ve been sparring with the (Jermell and Jermall) Charlo brothers and a few other top contenders. The work I’m getting is unbelievable. I feel my timing is right on point. I’m getting pushed by some of the best fighters in the world.


On being a Cuban-American boxer:

“Men uchun, defecting to the United States was a shot at achieving my dreamthe American dreamof being a world champion. I love my former country and look forward to the day when the world can see the talent in Cuba and allow my fellow boxers the chance to truly pursue their dream. This is my dream, and it’s come true.


On fighting in Chicago

I know there’s a lot of great boxing fans in Chicago. I’m coming to put on a great show for everyone and I’m going to look electrifying on fight night.


On fighting Delvin Rodriguez

Since this fight is for my world title, I know Delvin Rodriguez is hungry for victory. He’s my main focus and all my concentration is on the defeating him.


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.spike.com/shows/premier-boks-chempionlari, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, @LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm VaSpikeTV va Facebookda muxlisi bo'lwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromovawww.Facebook.com/Spike.



Cuban boxing sensation Erislandy “American Dream” Lara (20-2-2, 12 KOS)returns to the ring on Friday, Iyun 12 to face veteran Delvin Rodriguez (28-7-4, 16 KOS) as Premier Boxing Champions heads back to Spike.


Bundan tashqari, Russian knockout artist Artur Beterbiev (8-0, 8 KOS) is set to square off against the ring-savvy Doudou Ngumbu (34-6, 13 KOS) of Haute-Garonne, Frantsiya.


Mix bo'yicha PBC Ushbu nashr da boshlanadi 9 p.m. VA. Ochiq UIC Pavilion da Doors 5 p.m. CT with the first fight set for 5:30 p.m. CT.


I’m very excited to be fighting on Spike TV on June 12th in Chicago.said Erislandy “American Dream” Lara. “Delvin Rodriguez is a tough veteran fighter who I respect. He has a lot of heart and determination. But once the bell rings I’m looking for the knockout!”


“Iyun kuni 12, I am going to change everyone’s mind about me and show that I can beat Lara,” Said Rodriguez.


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, Guruh Yvon Mishel bilan birgalikda Warriors boks tomonidan targ'ib qilingan (SPORTZAL), fiyatlandırılır $151, $101, $51, va $31, Amaldagi xizmat xarajatlarni, shu jumladan emas, E'lonnid are on sale now. To charge by phone with a major credit card, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000 yoki UIC Pavilion Box Office da (312) 413-5740. Chiptalar ham mavjud www.ticketmaster.com yoki UIC Pavilion Box Office tashrif buyurib, (Thursday or Friday 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 kechki soat).


32-yoshli Lara is a slick boxer with the ability to deliver punishment while taking very little of it in return. Lara Alfredo Angulo ustidan g'alaba qozondi, Ishga qabul qilish davomida Austin Trout va Freddy Hernandez. Amatör sifatida, Lara ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn bir milliy chempionat, shu jumladan, ko'p unvonlari qo'lga kiritdi va ham ishtirok etdi 2007 Pan-am o'yinlar. Guantanamodagi dastlab qiruvchi, Cuba but fighting out of Houston most recently defeated former world champion Ishe Smith on his way to his 20th professional g'alaba.


Already deep into an accomplished career, 35 yoshli Rodriguez looks to give Lara a stiff test and entertain the crowd at UIC Pavilion on June 12. Having battled the likes of Miguel Cotto and Austin Trout, Rodriguez has also picked up victories over Mike Arnaoutis, Pawel Wolak and Shamone Alvarez throughout his accomplished career. Born in Santiago de le Caballeros, Dominican Republic but fighting out of Danbury, Connecticut, Rodriguez will look to improve on his last outing, a draw against Joachim Alcine in May 2014.


U professional duch har bir raqibini qavatli qilib, Endi 30 yoshli sobiq havaskor standout Beterbiev Chikagoda tirik uning nokaut chiziq tutish izlab bo'ladi. Ichida Tavoris Cloud ustida ta'sirli g'alaba tishli qilib 2014 va Gabriel Campillo shu yilning boshida, the heavy-fisted Russian knows he’ll be tested with an experienced opponent on June 12.


Following a hard-fought loss to Andrzej Fonfara in November 2014, France’s Ngumburebounded nicely with a knockout win in January of this year. The battle-tested 33-year-old veteran will look to use his wealth of professional experience at UIC Pavilion in order to emerge victorious.


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-boks-chempionlari, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, @LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm VaSpikeTV va Facebookda muxlisi bo'l www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing,www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo va www.Facebook.com/Spike.

AMIR KHAN Chris ALGIERI JAVIER Fortuna Over ovozdan qaror Bryan Vasquez Over ovozdan qaror WINS mustahkamlab

Bosing BU YERGA Ed tillarda fotojamlanma uchun / DiBella Entertainment

Bosing BU YERGA Lukas Noonan / Premier boks Chempionlar fotojamlanma uchun

Bruklin (May 30, 2015) – Premer boks Chempionlar (PBC) bo'yicha SpikeBruklin ning Barclays markazi qaytdi Juma kuni kurash muxlislari uchun johillik boshqa portlovchi kechasi bilan kecha. Asosiy tadbirda, Amir “Qirol” Khan (31-3, 19 KOS) ustida bir ayyor va qattiq jang ovozdan qaror kiritdi Chris Algieri (20-2, 8 KOS) va Javier Fortuna (28-0-1, 20 KOS) ustida bir olomon quvontiradigan bir ovozdan qaror g'alaba qozondi Bryan Vasquez (34-2, 18 KOS) televidenieda ochishi ichida.


Quyida ularning chiqishlari keyin televidenieda jangchilar tomonidan tayyorlangan izoh bor shu kecha:




“Men ichida yaxshi ishlagan o'yladim. Men bu kabi cho'ntagida ko'p ish qilgan hech qachon ayting va men kelajakda bu ko'proq qilish rejasi.


“Men Chris kredit ayamasdan. Biz u o'ylaganidek va u katta iyagini qaraganda u juda ko'p oldinga keldi shu kecha.


“Chris barcha uning berdi shu kecha. Bu biz uzoq vaqt ko'rinib ayting eng yaxshi Algieri emas, va u Manny jang qilgan edim agar (Pacquiao) u qo'lga kiritdi, deb yo'l.


“Har bir inson, men Floyd istayman biladi (Mayweather) u haqida hamma nutq so'ng keyingi, Agar bu uchun biror narsa uchun kutish va umid qachon lekin vaqt orqaga sizga o'rnatishingiz mumkin. Men har qanday boshqa jangchilarni mensimaslik istamayman, Chris, shu jumladan,.


“PBC bilan mening birinchi show katta bo'ldi. Nyu-York olomon ajoyib va, albatta, unga bor edi. yordam mukammal va men bu jamoa bir qismi ekanligimdan faxrlanaman.”




“Men yaxshi Xon bosim deb o'yladi va mening etadi bor. Men uning tanasiga bor qachon u albatta uni yoqmadi.


“Men uni bir necha marta zarar o'yladim, lekin Khan bir birovdan sirini yashiradigan qiruvchi va u off Spin. Men hakamlar yoqdi deb o'ylayman shu kecha. Men tozalovchi o'ylardim, qiyin tortishish bir oz ko'proq hurmat oladigan.


“Men PBC fantastic, deb o'ylayman. markaz jangchilar ustida, emas, balki siyosat yoki Tarǵibotchilar. Bu muxlislar uchun primetime voqealar boks ulug'vorligi kun qaytarib sport olib yordam beradi.


“Men bu kurash so'ng haqida ko'p o'yladim emas. Men xafa emasman, lekin men bu kurashda dan filmni tomosha olaman va biz u erdan boraman.”




“Men kurash masofani ketdi deb juda hayron qoldim. Vasquez kuchli qiruvchi. Beshinchi turda keyin, Men ball boks edi.


“Men, albatta, Vasquez tomonidan zarar hech qachon, lekin men uning boshiga mening o'z qo'lini zarar.


“Vasquez albatta kurash davomida meni ta'sir qilmadi. Mening ko'z ustiga bo'kish bir headbutt dan.


“Mening muvaffaqiyatga eng katta kalit shu kecha Mening o'quv edi. Bu oldin men zarur chidamlilik yo'q edi. Ammo, Hector Bermudez bilan mening ish bu kurashda qadar etakchi so'ng men hozir ko'proq edi.


“Bu erda, Nyu-Yorkda bir chempioni bo'lish men uchun katta. Men bajarish juda faxrlanaman shu kecha.”


Bryan Vasquez


“Mening tarzi papkasidagi va keyin harakat qilish. Fortuna aqlli kurash jang shu kecha. U meni va kurash bilan shug'ullanish emas, balki.


“Fortuna boshini foydalanish va ko'p Tirsaklar shu kecha, lekin men bir bahona sifatida foydalanish istamayman. Men hakam jonli harakat, lekin hech narsa amalga oshirildi.


“Men bu kurashda olish uchun ta'lim uch oy davomida juda qattiq ishladi. Men ularni rozi qilish uchun jang chunki men bugun bir necha fanatlar mag'lubiyatga uchratdi umid.


“Bu mening martaba oxiri emas, chunki Umid qilamanki, men revansh olish, va men Fortuna kelgan kamar olish imkoniga Jonim.


“Men bu imkoniyat uchun PBC minnatdorchilik bildiraman. Bu namoyishlar bir qismi bo'lish katta edi va men ular kelajakda yana menga o'ylab olishiga umid qilaman.”


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karta DiBella Entertainment va Star boks ko'maklashdi. Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com va www.spike.com/shows/premier-boks-chempionlari, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, LouDiBella VaSpikeTV va Facebook muxlisi www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingva www.Facebook.com/Spike.


Bosing BU YERGA For More Photos From Team Guerrero

Aromatlar, KABI(May 28, 2015)- Four-Division world champion, “Robert “Sade” Jangchi (32-3-1, 18 KOS) hosted a media workout yesterday at the CrossFit Ranch to shed light on his upcoming fight with Aron Martinez. The 10-round main-event bout will take place at StubHub Center in Carson, Calif., Iyun 6, 2015 va NBC boshlab jonli efirga 3:00 p.m. VA/12:00 p.m. PT.


Jangchi, who won the hearts of America with his gut wrenching performance against Keith Thurman in his last fight, is looking forward to another main-event attraction where he can showcase his entertaining fighting style to the fans.


All the hard training is done and now it’s time to zone in,” Robert Guerrero dedi. “Everyone should be watching the PBC on NBC June 6thbecause I believe this is going to be a crowd-pleasing fight. Aron Martinez is not coming to lay down. He’s had plenty of time to prepare for this fight and I’m expecting him to come out guns blazing. Bir narsa shubhasiz uchun, I’m going to be throwing some hard shots right from the opening bell. My goal is to bring an entertaining fight to the fans and let my hands go. Fight night can’t come soon enough.


Headlining his second PBC on NBC, Guerrero wants continue fighting on a regular basis. Known for being an all-out action fighter, Guerrero feels he can close out the rest of 2015 bo'lgan portlash bilan.


I can’t emphasize how important it is for me to be fighting back to back in just a couple of months,” Guerrero continued. “Staying active is crucial to any fighter. The more you fight the better you perform and I can feel the improvement in my whole fighting style. If possible, I want to fight two more times before the year ends, but first I must get past Martinez.


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com vawww.nbcsports.com/boxing, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, NBCSports, GHOSTBOXING, @ ElPerro82, JesusCuellarBOX & VicDarchinyan Va Facebookda muxlisi bo'lwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, vawww.facebook.com/NBCSports.