Tag Archives: Premier Boksa Champions


Undefeated Star Danny Garcia Faces

Two-Time World Champion Paulie Malignaggi

Middleweight World Champion Daniel Jacobs Defends Against

Former World Champion Sergio Mora

Live From Barclays Center

9 p.m. UN/6 p.m. PT

BROOKLYN (Jūlijs 28, 2015) – With just days to go until Premier Boksa Championspar ESPN fighters enter the ring for their Sestdiena, Augusts 1 showdowns Barclays Center, catch up on what the fighters have been saying in the weeks leading up to fight week.


Sestdienas headlining event is the 147-pound debut of Danny “Ātrs” Garcia (30-0, 17 Kos) as he takes on two-time world champion out of Brooklyn, Pauls “Magic Man” Malignaggi (33-6, 7 Kos). Televīzijā segums sākas 9 p.m. UN/6 p.m. PT with Brooklyn’s middleweight world champion Daniel “Miracle Man” Jacobs (29-1, 26 Kos) as he defends his title against former world champion Sergio “Latīņu Snake” Mora (28-3-2, 9 Kos).


Biļetes uz tiešraides pasākumā, kas veicina DiBella Entertainment sadarbībā ar Swift Promotions, cena ir $250, $150, $120, $75 un $45, neieskaitot piemērojamos maksu par pakalpojumiem un nodokļiem, un ir pārdošanā tagad. Biļetes ir pieejamas www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com un pie American Express kasē Barclays Center. Lai uzlādētu tālruni, zvaniet Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. Par grupu biļetēm, zvaniet 855-GROUP-BK.


Here is what the fight participants have had to say from their media conference call and Garcia’s media workout:




“Es neesmu īsti bažas par Pauls, šajā brīdī manā karjerā, ja es esmu 110% procentiem gatavs, Es jūtos kā es varu pielāgoties jebko un atrast veidu, kā uzvarēt.


It feels great to be at 147. Pirmo reizi ilgu laiku, Es varētu jāuztraucas par apmācību, lai iegūtu labāku un nevis treniņi zaudēt svaru. Esmu bijis cīnās at 140 visa mana karjera.


I’ve been the underdog before, Esmu bijis underdog pirms un es uzvarēja. Es nevaru klausīties nevienā no šīs sīkumi pēc tikai iet caur katru cīnīties, piemēram, man bija, garīgi sagatavoti, fiziski sagatavoti iet un paveikt darbu.


“Mēs pievienots lietas mūsu treniņa tagad. Mēs pievienojām daudz sprādzienbīstamu treniņiem, daudz veiklība, daudz patikas, daudz lietas, padarot jums vairāk sprāgstviela, lietas, es nevarēju darīt 140 jo man nebija enerģiju par to. Bet tagad papildus svaru ir patiešām palīdz man.


“Es esmu ļoti pārliecināts. Es saskāros daudz labu cīnītājiem. Es saskāros daudz lielisku cīnītāju manā karjerā. Man ir daudz pieredzes. Man bija liels 140 mārciņu cīnītājs. Es nekad neesmu saskārusies 140 mārciņu cīnītājs, kurš bija garāks par mani vai kurš izskatījās labāk nekā man.


“Bet es jūtos kā at 147, jūs gatavojas redzēt vairāk atlētisko Danny Garcia un jāspēj izmantot manas kājas vairāk, izmantojot manu durt vairāk un redzēt perforatori skaidrāk. Kad jūs iztukšot sevi kā grūti saprast, perforatori, tad jums hit ar daudz mēms perforatori, jo jūsu redze nav skaidrs.


“Es jūtu, mana vīzija būs daudz skaidrāks un varēs pārvietot manu galvu, redzēt perforatori labāk, izmantot manas kājas. Un es domāju, ka es esmu būs čempions 147, pārāk. I know so.


Pauls Malignaggi


“Es domāju, ka stili padara cīņu. No stila viedokļa ir lietas, ko es jūtu, es varētu darīt pret Danny. Bet es arī sagaidīt Danny veica dažas korekcijas, jo šīm cīņām.


“Jums nokļūt līdz vietai, ja jūs neesat ar gredzenu uz brīdi. Tas notiek caur manu prātā, ka varbūt es nevēlos, lai cīnītos. Bet, laikam ejot, un es sāku strādāt vēlreiz, Es sāku saprotot, ka tas bija kaut kas es nokavēju. Tas bija kaut kas man vēl bija alkas. Es gribēju būt atpakaļ tur.


“Ja mēs runājam par to layoff, cilvēki gatavojas runāt par to, ka, Es neesmu cīnījās uz ilgu laiku. Bet patiesībā, Es tiešām neesmu apmācīts to konsekventi desmit gadus, literally a decade.


I do feel the sharpness in a gym. Man liekas, ka laiks ir ļoti labs. Acīmredzot mans svars ir samazinājies. Tik, kas ir laba sajūta, zinot, ka man ir piliens daudz svara treniņnometnē tikai strādā uz asuma laikā un glabāt kļūst labāk.


“Es neesmu skatoties uz to, kam ir jebkādas priekšrocības. Tas ir tikai jautājums par atbilstību manas prasmes uz viņa prasmes.

“Es nevaru īsti jums pastāstīt, kā tieši es esmu gatavojas spēlēt to ārā, kamēr es esmu ringā sevi. Es plānoju uz to labāko man iespējams. Es plānoju to straujākais me iespējas. Un tieši tagad, apmācībā, Es jūtos ļoti labi. The plan is to flow this training camp into a sharp night on1. augusts.”




“Tas būs pret visvairāk pieredzējis puisis es esmu saskaras līdz šim. Es gaidu testēšana manu izaicinājumu pret šo slidens, veikls veterāns Sergio Mora.


“Tāpēc tur nav daudz baiļu cik vara ir bažas, bet, ja viņš nav, ka viņš veido viņa viltību un viņa slickness un neveiklība un dažreiz viņš iesaistās akcijā, kā arī.


The test with Sergio Mora is – vai ka viņš var apturēt vai vai es varu iet attālumu ar viņu, viņš nekad nav izbeigta līdz, tāpēc tas tiks apledojuma uz kūka, lai varētu ne tikai pret viņu, bet, lai apturētu viņu spēli.


I feel like I have a lot more advantages than he does in the fight. Bet neatkarīgi no manas priekšrocības ir un kāds saņem mani notiek, būs izšķirīgais faktors man es gribētu pieturēties pie. Tātad, ja tas ir mans ātrums, tad es stick, izmantojot manu ātrumu. Ja tas ir mans spēks, pamatni viņu uz leju, parādot viņam, ko īsta middleweight jūtas kā, then that’s what I would do.




“Es domāju, ka es esmu būs underdog šai cīņai atkal, cīnās jaunāks, spēcīgāka čempions savā dzimtajā pilsētā. Tātad pārspēja viņam būs grūts ar visām kartēm stacked pret mani, un tas ir kaut kas, es pieraduši un pieraduši.


“Tas būs tiešām aizraujoši karti, jo viņš savā dzimtajā pilsētā un aizstāvēt pasaules titulu. Es esmu izsalcis šim pasaules titulu, un es zinu, ka es esmu nāksies jābūt īpaši asas un darīt daudz vairāk, nekā vienkārši ir cieša uzvaru savā dzimtajā pilsētā. Tāpēc es esmu nāksies nospiest rīcību un aiziet no manas komforta zonas, un es domāju, ka viņš nāksies iziet no savas komforta zonas, kas gatavojas veikt interesantu cīņu par visiem.


“Es tikai turpināt izglītot cilvēkus par saldu zinātni un ļaujot viņiem zināt, ka vara nav numur viens aspekts, jums ir nepieciešams, lai būtu veiksmīga, tas ir jūsu veiklība, paņēmieni, Jūsu aizstāvēšana, ķermeņa šāvienu, stratēģija, tas ir pēc šo stratēģiju ir grūti.


“Tāpat kā es teicu, Es domāju, ka viņš piemīt viss, kas man nav. Bet man ir pieredze. Es domāju, ka es labāk shot no pieredzes ar Danny, un es domāju, ka es sekot mana spēle plāns vairāk nekā Danny. Par bokseri daudz, jo īpaši daudz jauniešu sporta cīnītājiem viņi aiziet no viņu spēles plānu, un pēc tam, kad viņi redz, ka tas nedarbojas. Kā veterāns, I know that it’s not working initially.


Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, vizīte www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.barclayscenter.comun www.dbe1.com. Sekojiet par čivinātPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter UnSwanson_Comm un kļūt par ventilatoru par Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/fanpagedannyswiftgarcia, www.facebook.com/PaulMalignaggi, www.facebook.com/barclayscenterand www.facebook.com/ESPN. Sekojiet saruna izmantojot #PBConESPN un #BrooklynBoxing.

On-Air Talent Announced for Debut of Premier Boxing ChampionsThe Next Round This Sunday Aug. 2 pie 9:00 pm (UN) par Bounce TV


Fred Hickman (CNN Sports, ESPN) to Host,

Fran Charles (NFL Network, MLB Network) Aicina Blow-by-Blow,

Former World Champion Austin Trout Provides Analysis


PBC – Nākamais Round Tiešraide no Orlando Features World Title Fight Starp

Juan Carlos “Baby Pacquiao” Payano un Rau'shee “Nuke” Trušu rezervāts


ATLANTA (Jūlijs 28, 2015) – Bounce TV today announced a seasoned line-up of on-air sports talent

PBC-The Next Round Host
Fred Hickman

for the debut of its new monthly series Premier Boksa Champions – Nākamais Round beginning this Svētdiena, Augusts 2 pie 9:00 p.m. (UN), which will also be streamed live on BounceTV.com. Fred Hickman will anchor PBC – Nākamais Round as host, Fran Charles will call the blow-by-blow action ringside joined by former Super Welterweight World Champion Austin “Nav šaubu,” Forele, who will provide insight and analysis.

Galvenais notikums sērijas pirmizrāde PBC – Nākamais Round will be a 12-round Bantamweight World Championship fight between Juan Carlos “Baby Pacquiao”Payano (16-0, 8 Kos) un Rau'shee “Nuke” Trušu rezervāts (13-0, 4 Kos). Both fighters are Olympians – Payano uz Dominikānas Republiku un Cincinnati kreilis Warren, trīs laika olimpietis uz Amerikas Savienotajām Valstīm. Katrs cīnītājs ceļ undefeated ierakstu cīņā par titulu.

Fred and Fran combine for more than 50 years of major sports event coverage and Austin will help put viewers in the ring with his current and fresh perspective. We are thrilled to assemble such an impressive and talented team of announcers for our Premier Boxing Champions debut,” commented Ryan Glover, President of Bounce TV.

Hickman spent nearly 20 years with CNN Sports where he co-hosted the country’s original daily sports-highlights show CNN Sports Tonight. He also served as an anchor for CNN/Sports Illustrated, a host for both NBA and NFL pre-game shows, a co-host of the 1992 un 1994 Winter Olympic Games and a co-host of the 1994 Goodwill Games. Hickman moved to ESPN in 2004, appearing onflagship shows such as SportsCenter, Baseball Tonight, NBA Shootaround, un NBA Coast to Coastand he has also hosted pre-and post-game shows for the YES Network. Pavisam nesen, he served as the sports director for WVUE-TV, Bounce TV’s affiliate in New Orleans.


Charles served as a blow-by-blow announcer for more than seven years. He was also a studio host for NFL Network, where he contributed to NFL GameDay Final, NFL Total Access un Around the League. Charles was also the host of the weekly golf show, PGA Tour Sunday on USA Network, serving as lead anchor for studio segments during PGA Tour events. Charles currently serves as a host and reporter for MLB Network.


Uz 2004, Trout uzvarēja neatrodas ASV. National Amateur Welterweight Championship and after climbing up the ranks as an elite boxer, he won a Super Welterweight World Championship in 2004 ar defeating Rigoberto Alvarez. Viņš devās aizstāvēt šo titulu četras reizes, ieskaitot dominējošā uzvaru pār Miguel Cotto Ņujorkā. He is currently on a three-fight win streak as he works towards another world title opportunity.


The co-feature Sunday night is a two-fight tournament in the junior middleweight division: 10-kārtu spēles, kas redz olimpisko sudraba medaļu Yudel Jhonson (17-1, 9 Kos) ņemot par nokauts mašīna Jorge Cota (24-1, 22 Kos), vairāk 10 kārtas Olympian John Jackson (19-2, 15 Kos) Cīnās Dennis Laurente (49-5, 30 Kos). The winners of the two bouts will face-off on a date to be announced soon.


Payano vs. Trušu rezervāts: PBC – Nākamais Round,veicina Warriors Boxing un Sampson Boxing, notiks Full Sail Live, state-of-the-art sniegumu vieta uz Campus Full Sail Universitātes Winter Park, Florida.


Bounce TV is free on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. Attiecībā uz vietējo kanālu vietā, vizīte BounceTV.com.


Bounce TV ir visstraujāk augošais afroamerikānis (AA) network on television and has become the #2 most-watched among all AA networks. The network features a programming mix of original and off-network series, teātra kinofilmas, Specials, dzīvot sporta un vairāk. Bounce TV ir kļuvusi pieejama vairāk nekā 85 miljoni māju pāri 90 tirgi, 90% Āfrikas amerikāņu televīzijas mājās — ieskaitot visas top AA televīzijas tirgos — un trīs ceturtdaļas no kopējā televīzijas mājām ASV. Starp dibinātājiem Bounce TV ir ikonu amerikāņu skaitļi vēstnieks Andrew Young un Martin Luther King III.

# # #

Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com, sekot TwitterPremierBoxing, BounceTV, JC_Payano, RauSheeWarren, WarriorsBoxingPromFullsail UnSwanson_Comm un sekot sarunu izmantojot #PBConBounce, Kļūsti ventilatoru par Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/BounceTVwww.Facebook.com/fullsailuniversityun www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo.



Kelly Swanson

Pateicamies visiem par aicinot. We’re excited today to be on the phone talking about a really excellent show headlined by Antonio Tarver versus Steve Cunningham also featuring the bout between Marco Huck and Krzysztof Glowacki. We are going to start with Huck and Glowacki.


This bout is promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with Warriors Boxing and Huck Sports Promotions. I’m going to turn this call over to Lou DiBella to make the official introductions for the call.


Lou DiBella

Paldies Kelly. I’m thrilled to be promoting this terrific event at Prudential Center for another PBC on Spike show. The PBC on Spike shows have been terrific so far. It’s a pleasure to be working with the Prudential Center. Sean Saadeh the Executive Vice President of Entertainment and Programming and his entire staff of the Prudential Center have been a pleasure to work with so far. This is the first major event I’ve ever worked with them on and it’s been great so far.


Once again great to be working with Spike their Senior Vice-President of Sports and Multi-Platform Programming is Jon Slusser. Their whole staff is great I’ve been very impressed with what Spike has done and with their on-air team I think is one of the best young energetic broadcast teams in boxing right now. Interestingly Antonio Tarver is part of that broadcast and he will be competing in the main event in a heavyweight bout against Steve “U.S.S.” Cunningham in a bout that I think is going to be terrific for fans and a must win fight for both guys.

But before we get into the main event, tickets for event are priced at $150, $100, $70 un $45 not including service charges. They’re available at Ticketmaster.com or charged by phone at 1-800-745-3000 or at any Ticketmaster outlet. They can also be purchased Prudential Center’s box office. The Spike telecast and PBC off site telecast will begin at 9 pm both Eastern Time and Pacific Time.


The opening bout is the terrific world championship cruiserweight battle between Marco “Kapteinis” Huck who is 38-2-1 ar 26 KOs who’s defending his supremacy of the cruiserweight division who’s not only is he a champion but really at the moment he is the dominant cruiserweight in the world against Krzysztof Glowacki who is 24-0 ar 15 Kos. This is the US debut for Glowacki and also for Huck. I think this is a really great bout for boxing fans. Huck is really the king of the cruiserweights right now.


He’s also campaigned at heavyweight where he’s been able to compete effectively and he’s got his hands full with an undefeated opponent. For both Krzysztof and Marco this is their first fight on US soil and is the first opportunity to be televised in front of a huge audience on a prime time American television.


I’d like to ask the first question of both of them and I’ll start with Krzysztof, how have you prepared for this opportunity and what does it mean for you to make this first major fight on US soil and tell us a little bit more about your feelings about fighting in America for the first time. Krzysztof first.


Krzysztof Glowacki

I am very happy to fight in the United States. I’m very thankful to my promoters who gave me the chance to do it but I also did it myself winning elimination fights. I just hope that on August 14 Es esmu gatavojas uzvarēt. I’m going to bring the title back to Poland and Poland will have the new World Champion. I am very motivated for this fight I trained a long time. There are no injuries I am completing healthy so a great motivation before August 14.


Marco Huck

I’m very happy this is my first time in America boxing. I’m very much looking forward to the fight in America. It’s always been one of my biggest ambitions and career goals to fight over here and I’ve achieved pretty much everything that is in Europe. I also fought some Americans before and now I want to come over here to show the American people my skills over here and I’m just really looking forward and I’m excited for August 14.


L. DiBella

Thank you so much and I think this is great for boxing fans we get to see a fighter with quality of Marco Huck on PBC on Spike. Krzysztof is an undefeated hungry guy looking to bring the belt back to Poland. So I have a special thanks to Krzysztof’s promoters Warriors Boxing and my friend Leon Margules and to all the people who are with Huck’s promotional company.


I’m going to open it up for a couple of questions for each guy. We’re going to limit it to just to a couple of questions for each of these guys before we get on to the main event. So if you could please open it up for questions from the press.



Marco you’re coming in probably better known but again as is said this is your first fight in the United States you’re fighting a younger undefeated guy who is a southpaw. Tell us what you think your advantages are in this fight?


M. Huck

My biggest advantage of all is I am Marco Huck. man ir 13 title defenses against all the big names. I show them all what I am all about. He hasn’t really got that much experience I hear that he’s been talking himself up a bit lately. But a lot of people have done that before him and I will show him what the real deal actually is.



Okay and question for Krzysztof similarly. This is in my opinion a step up for you fighting a championship fighter more experienced as he said. Tell us what you think your advantages are in this fight?


K. Glowacki

Marco just said that he basically has won everything, I think this is my strength because he’s got everything he wanted and I’m a more hungry a guy, a guy with bigger motivation versus the fighter who is basically achieved the maximum what he could achieve. So motivation and being hungry and hungrier will be a number one.



Marco, I just wanted to know how long has it been in plan to come to the United States and why he felt now was the right time to make that happen?


M. Huck

I have been wanting to fight in the US for over ten years to be honest the problem was that I didn’t really have anyone by my side who could help me to achieve this dream. But now I found Lou DiBella whose experience is great and who can help me over here and help me with something that my former promoters weren’t able to do. I said already that I achieved everything in my career so far and now I get to achieve my debut in the US and I’m looking forward to this fight and for a long run over here in the United States.



Is there any concern about having not fought in nearly a year?


M. Huck

There are no concerns whatsoever. I just started sparring and I actually was a bit surprised myself how good it was going and how my sparring partner was sent flying to the floor. I’m just really looking forward to getting back into the ring. I’m so motivated my motivation is bigger than ever before even in my previous fights even when I wasn’t that motivated I was still able to do what I have to do. I’m just looking forward to coming over here and do what I can do best. I really want to present myself to the American audience and I am convinced that I will have a popular style.



Krzysztof is there any opponent that you feel has helped prepare you for this fight?


K. Glowacki

There’s only one Marco Huck so I did not fight anybody who is close to the style and the problems that Marco brings to the ring. But I fought very good fighters. Every fighter I fought was there and this is kind of verification for me if I am the guy to be our next World Champion and I hope I am and this is the time.



Marco you fought Alexander Povetkin arguably the top two or three heavyweights in the world and it was a draw. A lot of people think you beat him. How long are you going to be staying a cruiserweight?


M. Huck

Everybody knows that I actually won the fight against Povetkin. Povetkin himself actually came to me after the fight and told me that he never wants to see me again. My ambition has always been to fight the best and also to fight the best in the heavyweight division. Looking at the division right now and just the fight of Wilder against Molina was actually embarrassing to be honest. But yes I want to go back to the heavyweight division in the future and take over there as I did in the cruiserweight division.


L. DiBella

Well thank you very much. Thanks very much gentlemen. One thing that I want to make clear by both fighters on this call, there is only one Marco Huck. He’s the dominant cruiserweight in the world he’s the guy that has the ability to challenge for a heavyweight championship and he’s going to be tested at the Prudential Center on PBC on Spike on August 14. I thank you both for joining us and look forward to seeing you in the states in the next few weeks. So thank you Marco thank you Krzysztof.


Our main event of the evening features two guys who are really well known to boxing fans Antonio “Magic Man” Tarver is 31-6 ar 22 KOs and has worn a number of belts is now trying to fight his way to a shot at the heavyweight world championship and he has a very big obstacle in his way in Steve “U.S.S.” Cunningham. Steve’s record is 28-6 ar 13 KOs but it’s a deceptive record because many of those seven losses should have gone the other way in my view.


Steve is a guy who’s one of the highest character people in all of boxing one of the most well respected by his peers by the press by the media by the fans because of the type of guy he is. He’s a family man, he’s a man of faith and he’s a guy that lays it all out in the ring. He’s never been in a bad fight and he’s never given anything but 110% and I’m proud to be able to promote a fight featuring Steve Cunningham. They will headline the evening in a 12-round heavyweight battle.


This is a match that both fighters must win. This is a must win fight if they’re going to continue at the highest levels of the heavyweight division Antonio and Steve don’t have a margin for error here. The winner will move on to a huge opportunity and the loser of this bout it’s a huge step back and maybe really the end of the line. So this is the kind of fight that figures to be a terrific match up and a must win fight that’s a recipe for a great fight.


Steve Cunningham

Thanks for having me, it’s a pleasure and honor to be here I’m working hard and going at it.


L. DiBella

Antonio Tarver is one of the biggest names in boxing for a long time. Antonio and I got to spend some time together because of the Rocky Balboa movie. He’s an actor and he’s a commentator for Spike now and one of the best in my view actually up and coming on air guys in boxing. Antonio I know you’re looking forward to this opportunity and you want that shot at a heavyweight title but you got to get through Mr. Cunningham. What do you have to say about that?


Antonio Tarver

Well it’s just like any fight I’ve had over the years. All of my fights have been huge fights. I can tell you I feel good going in. I’ve done the work. I haven’t underestimated Steve Cunningham at all. I have a great deal of respect for the man. His story with his daughter is really outstanding. But unfortunately we in the hurt business and this is boxing at the highest level and it’s all about opportunities.


There’s no fighter out there that has struggled and overcame like I have and it’s those struggles that are going to carry me through this fight and beyond. I hear his story and it’s heartfelt but the last three years of my life can’t nobody even comprehend. Tas ko čempioni ir izgatavoti no. I truly believe God gives his toughest test to his strongest warriors and I’ve been tested and I’ve proven that I can go through and I can endure.


So this fight is going to be about who wants it most and that’s the bottom line because we both know how to pull our hands that’s not a doubt. But it’s going to come down to who want it most. He has a good distance, he’s long, he’s rangy and got good movement. He’s an active fighter. But at the same time, the boxing match within this boxing match is going to be a fight.


When the fight slows down, I’m going to be right there. Es neesmu gatavojas visur. He’s going to have to knock me out to take this victory from me. That’s the only way I’m going out there.


That’s the only way I’m losing is if I get knocked out because I’m in great shape. Es esmu gatavs iet. I know what this fight means to me, and the time is now.


I wanted a big name guy so that I could really put my skill on display. Steve Cunningham gives me the opportunity. I know he wants this fight bad; we both do. There can only be one winner.


I’m bringing it August 14. Es esmu gatavs iet. my sparring is going well, my training camp is going well. I have a great trainer in Orlando Cuellar who’s on the line as we speak.


So we’re just ready for August 14, and we’re going to set the Prudential Center on fire. We know we’ve got some foreigners that are going to be coming over and they may bring a lot of fans. But we’re going to bring the show. Don’t miss the Magic Show on August 14.



Anthony, there are a lot of rumors that you’re looking past Mr. Cunningham and to the next big fight. Can you please shed some light on that?


A. Tarver

No man, Es neesmu, I’m a veteran. I’ve been around the game forever and a day. I’m not ever going to be that naïve to look past a credible fighter like Steve Cunningham. That would be dumb of me.


Es neesmu meklējat viņam garām, but I’m a realist. I can see the future too. I’m a realist. I know what this fight means. Es neesmu meklējat viņam garām. But I am looking through him. Straight through him. He’s transparent. I’m looking straight through Steve Cunningham; jā. I’m not looking past him but I’m looking through him.



Any predictions for this fight at all champ?


A. Tarver

You’re going to see a well-conditioned Magic Man doing what he do best and that’s winning. Tas arī viss. I mean I’m not going to have no predictions. I mean I know I’ve got my hands full. I’m going to have to bite down on that mouthpiece. I’m going to have to pull that cup up and I’ve going to have to dig to get Steve Cunningham out of there, viens.


I’m ready for that. I’m preparing for that war, a battle of attrition; it’s going to be a hell of a fight.


I predict that this fight can be a candidate for fight of the year because I know what it’s going to have to take for me to get this victory. It’s going to have to take the old Magic Man. I’m going to have to show you glimpses of the old Magic Man with the things that I’m able to do in the right.


If it comes down to making adjustments, I’m going to be able to make those adjustments. If it comes down to getting inside and letting them rip, I’m going to be able to do that. If it comes down to making him miss and making him pay, I’m going to be able to do that.


I just believe in my skill and my ability man, even at the late age of 46. It’s just a blessing from God that I’m even still able to do it.


So I’m walking through my destiny knowing that it’s not an accident that I’m here today. It’s not an accident that I had to go through what I had to go through to get here.


This is a purpose and its destiny for me. Nothing is going to stop me. That’s bottom line. I can’t wait to see this shit unfold.


I’m ready you and excited that I’m back on national network TV; that I’m back at the top of the game and everybody is going to be able to see for themselves. After August 14 there won’t be no more doubt about what I can do and my capability at 46.


My skills haven’t eroded. My timing hasn’t eroded. My speed hasn’t eroded. I’m still here and that’s what I want to show the world on August 14, that they slept on the wrong man; periods.



A lot of people have you as the underdog in this fight, and want to see a Tarver-Deontay Wilder fight? Can you stop all that from happening?


S. Cunningham

I’ve been getting counted out since I started challenging for a world title. I’ve been traveling to Europe fighting in Poland where nobody wants to go. Fighting in Germany, successfully defending my title numerous times, where nobody wants to go. Dienvidāfrika, where nobody wants to go. I could care less about what anybody says. When I fought Marco Huck I was the five to one underdog and they threw the towel in on him in the last round. So I can care less about what anyone says. I’ve got to question myself to Antonio Tarver. He’s speaking about his respect for me and there is respect for fighters regardless before and after the fight.


But a lot of people who know fighters, they know that at a certain point in training camp a fighter is agitated, he’s ready to fight, and it’s time to fight. I’ve been at that point, so I’m ready to fight right now.


He’s trying to compare life woes. My daughter’s struggle and the struggle he said he went through in the past three years. Look dude, you can keep all the woes. You can take my daughter’s woes. You can take your woes. I don’t want them. Nobody wants those woes. We can’t compare that. I’m not into comparing life woes.


Now you say your life was hard in the past three years and nobody could understand; nobody could fathom. Have you been driving that Bentley you bought after the Green fight?


You’ve been driving in a Bentley. You understand what I’m saying. Have you made over $500,000 in the last three years? I haven’t. I don’t have a Bentley and beating you is going to get me that; you understand.


So don’t try to compare nothing that you’ve been through that will not stand up to a damn thing Steve Cunningham has been through in his whole career.


A. Tarver

Visu cieņu, I think you kind of misinterpreted what I was saying. I know we both got struggles and I respect that. And no, my struggles may not be personal like yours, family oriented, and I respect that too.


But what I’m saying that the struggle that I had to overcome to get back to where I’m at right now today. After I got suspended, I can just talk all day about it. Losing my job; losing the opportunity to commentate in the Olympics; that meant a lot to me.


S. Cunningham

But listen, we can go all day. We could trade back and forth all day like baseball cards. You had troubles; I had troubles.


A. Tarver

No income. I didn’t make no income.


S. Cunningham

We’re going to get in the ring and match skills. I don’t want to hear about your woes. I’m actually sick about talking about my daughter’s situation because it’s out there.


A. Tarver

But look dude, I’m just givingI’m giving you the utmost respect on that because I’d understand if it was my daughter, I understand that’s out of our control.


S. Cunningham

Well this is another question I have for you then. Where does all this utmost respect come from? A few years ago it was all, who are you. You’re nobody. Come on man, let’s keep it real. No Tarver, let’s keep it real.


A. Tarver

I keep it real.


S. Cunningham

I’m not one of these smart-ass, trash talkers who can run they mouth and get themselves into some money. I fight to get my money, you understand? So you’re that dude who runs his mouth so much. Tu esi profesionāls mutes runner.


Yes you’re a great fighter but then you’re also a professional mouth-runner. Es esmu profesionāls cīnītājs, periods. You understand? I’m not jumping in the ring on August 14 to beat the hell out of Antonio Tarver. Do you understand?


A. Tarver

Hey, that’s your mission. That’s everybody’s mission. But at the same time, I don’t understand where you’re coming from because I’ve been as quiet as I’ve ever been before a fight. I haven’t really been digging at you about nothing. I’m giving you the utmost respect because I know you’re a warrior. I know you’re coming to win, and I know I’ve got my hands full. That’s why I’m busting my ass in training camp.


If you ask me, I think you’re taking me lightly. Jūs skatu mani. How in the hell you going to break camp and go to Vegas and commentate, like you’ve got it easy. You feel me? I wouldn’t break camp for you, but you going to break camp for me? Good luck August 14.


S. Cunningham

If you think me going to commentate for two days is breaking camp


A. Tarver

You got a problem. You’re out your rabbit ass mind. You going to fly to Vegas and think you going to beat me August 14, you crazy. You out your mind. You distracted.


S. Cunningham

I was ready to fight when they announced it. Do you understand me?


A. Tarver

You don’t know what’s coming at your ass August 14. You playing.


S. Cunningham

Distracted? There’s no such thing as a distraction.


A. Tarver

You playing with it. I ain’t Marco Huck. When I knocked Danny Green out, none of them clowns wanted to fight me. I ain’t Marco Huck.


S. Cunningham

When you start looking like him in the 12th, then think about that.


A. Tarver

Whatever. Hey, enjoy your weekend in Vegas, bro. I’m going to be in camp. Putting on the fine touchesputting on the final touches to this great training camp I’ve had.


S. Cunningham

I’m going to enjoy it. I’m going to drink a beer. Man you going to be putting on final touches for a long time fat boy.


A. Tarver

Go to Vegas.


S. Cunningham

You need to be in camp for seven, eight, nine weeks.


A. Tarver

Ain’t nothing fat about me. Ain’t nothing fat about me, I’m just not a muscular toned guy. I knocked a lot of them out though. I’ve knocked a lot of muscular men out. Them the easiest muscles to box.


S. Cunningham

Augusts 14. Tas arī viss.


A. Tarver

Muscles ain’t never whipped me. I can’t believe you so irate.


S. Cunningham

I’ll see you August 14, my man.


A. Tarver

I ain’t even did nothing psychological. I ain’t even got to play the psychological game. Your mind is already gone. Your mind already blown. Just the thought of August 14, so it’s going to be easy pickings.


S. Cunningham

There’s no way in God’s green earth you could ever, ever attack me psychologically. I’m a war tested as a veteran of this country.



I don’t know if you saw that fight, but tell me what you think at this point today, your advantages are over Steve given he’s proven himself in the heavyweight and other divisions.


A. Tarver

I wouldn’t say any advantage or anything. It’s just going to be two men in there and we’ve got to fight. I stand on my experience. I stand on everything I’ve accomplished in boxing. And I’m saying, whatever goes on in the fight, I’m going to figure it out between the 12 kārtas. That’s what I’m saying.


I’m going to figure it out and I’m going to do what I’ve got to do to get the win. That’s all I’m saying. I’ve got the utmost respect for Steve and I keep saying that. Man this is one fight I don’t even have to be mad or even have to have no personal feelings towards nobody. This is just a fight that we’re in. It’s a business.


I’m not taking this personal, but I’ve got my work to do because I’ve got big dreams.


Ain’t nobody going to out-box me, periods. The only way you’re going to beat me is to knock me out and that’s it. He got an opportunity to do that. Tas arī viss. We’re going to fight and that’s the bottom line.


I ain’t got to cut no weight. I’m feeling strong. I don’t have the problems I had at light heavyweight. So I’m at my best and bringing it, periods.


I’ve got the best defense in the game so, how are you going to hit me? I see it coming a mile away. Come on man.


The bottom line, I’m gone have to close my eyes for this guy to hit me because he ain’t going to be able to hit me with that basic stuff. You ain’t fighting no average fighter, you fighting an exceptional fighter dude.


You ain’t faced nobody like me. I don’t care nothing about all them European you’ve fought. I’m the Magic Man. I’ve got a thousand tricks up my sleeve and you it ain’t gone take but one to get your ass out of there, periods.


S. Cunningham

You sound like you’re getting yourself up for the fight right now. Like you’re a hype man.


A. Tarver

I’m keeping it 100 with you Steve. I’m keeping it 100 with you boy.


S. Cunningham

Keep it 100 with me and let’s have this out.


A. Tarver

All the rest of the those guys you fought are basic robotic standup fighters.



Speak on Tarver as you see the more fights that you watch, what the apparent weaknesses of Antonio Tarver?


S. Cunningham

The strength of Antonio Tarver is steroid use. Weakness is his mouth.


A. Tarver

Now that’s the most disrespectful thing. Because someone say you failed the test, that don’t mean nothing. You can go to GNC and get whatever you want. It may not be NFS certified.


But I spent my year. I did my time and that’s it. That’s behind me. That ain’t got nothing to do with right now. You looking for excuses already. Ain’t no steroids in my system bro. I don’t need no steroids. Never have, periods.


S. Cunningham

The question was for me, now let me get my time.


A. Tarver

So I just don’t understand why you trying to shoot low. I can get off the phone man. I’ll see you August 14. I ain’t got time to go through this with you.


S. Cunningham

Bye. Bye.


A. Tarver

I ain’t got time to do this with you. Because that stuff you talking is beneath me.


S. Cunningham

I’ll see you in a few weeks, bro. Uz redzēšanos.


A. Tarver

Beneath me.


S. Cunningham Bye, hang up.



Tarver, one question for you big man. Tagad, what’s the strengths and weaknesses of Mr. Cunningham?


A. Tarver

Man his weakness is me. He fighting me. That’s his weakness. He ain’t got no weakness as far as boxing is concerned. He’s a complete fighter. He has the heart, he has the durability; he’s a strong fighter. He’s going to be there to win but he’s fighting me. That’s the difference from everybody else he’s ever fought, he’s fighting me; periods. A hungry, determined, focused Magic Man.


S. Cunningham

But how you hungry and you driving Bentleys? How you hungry and you making over $500,000 a year? I ain’t see those numbers yet bro.


A. Tarver

I’m going to tell you because I’m not a prize fighter. I don’t fight for the money, I fight for pride. I fight for the glory of the game. It ain’t about no money. Es varu pelnīt naudu. It ain’t about that. It’s about my name, it’s about my history.


This Hall of Fame runthis Hall of Fame run that I want to put the final chapter on my career. Tas arī viss. It’s bigger than money Steve. It’s bigger than money.



Anthony, is there anyone in particular that you would want to face, higher than your ranking, if you beat Cunningham.


A. Tarver

I want to face Wilder and Klitschko. I ain’t got nothing else to prove man. I’m going to prove it August 14. They know who I am. I’ve got five championships to my name. I don’t have to prove nothing. They know who I am and they know when I’m ready to fight, I’m going to tough out for anybody.


So I ain’t got time to be fighting all these non-descript fighters. I ain’t worried about ranked above me because my name carry weight. My name carry weight and that’s it.


Whatever I do on August 14, my next goal is to become the Heavyweight Champion because it ain’t nobody on they resume that they’ve faced that can add up to my name and my credibility in the game of boxing.


Not none of them guys that ain’t never won anything in they whole career. So I rest my case. Augusts 14 everybody can see where I’m at. After that I want to chop down one of these giants and that’s it, periods.



Steve, can you tell the viewers honestly, what weaknesses do you see in Antonio Tarver that you think you can exploit on August 14.


S. Cunningham

The good thing about fighting a guy like Tarver is youif you think you see a weakness than you’re fooling yourself. Like I said before in the beginning, respect is there most definitely. But fighting is fighting and getting prepared for a fight is mental and physical.


So our banter back and forth, that’s what fighters do also. But there’s no way I would disrespect myself to sit there and say that’s a weakness we’re going to exploit on Tarver. We’re going to beat him. You understand what I’m saying?


I mean and his strengths, like he said, he’s five time world champion. He’s a Fall of Famer already. Viņš ir lielisks cīnītājs. I think he’s a great fighter.


L. DiBella

I’ve got to say, I’ve got a lot of these calls. And the last 20 minutes or so were about the chippiest I’ve ever heard. So I think we’ve got a war ahead of us in the right on August 14, PBC on Spike, 9:00 Austrumu laiks; 9:00 Pacific Time. Biļetes uz pasākuma cena ir $150, $100, $70, $45. Ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster noieta, Prudential Center.


Hope to see you in Jersey. If we don’t see you in Jersey, tune in to Spike and this is going to be a great card. Thanks everyone for joining us. See you on August 14.


Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.dbe1.com, www.PruCenter.com unwww.spike.com/shows/premier-boksa-čempioni, sekot TwitterPremierBoxing, AntonioTarver, USSCunningham, Szpilka_Artur, LouDiBella, PruCenter, SpikeTV UnSpikeSports un kļūt par ventilatoru par Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PruCenterun www.Facebook.com/Spike.



(Foto Credit: Suzanne Teresa / PBC)


Claudio Marrero Knocks Out Rico Ramos In Round Two


Andrew Tabiti Shuts Out Roberto Santos To Remain Undefeated

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT Par Fotogrāfijas no Idris Erba / Mayweather Promotions

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT Par Fotogrāfijas no Suzanne Teresa / Premier Boxing Champions

LAS VEGAS (Jūlijs 25, 2015) – Shumenov Beibu (16-2, 10 Kos) uzvarēta B.J. Ziedi (31-2-1, 20 Kos) ar vienprātīgu lēmumu Sestdiena night to win a cruiserweight world title on Premier Boksa Champions par NBCSN from the Pearl at Palms Casino Resort.


Shumenov came out aggressive early before using his movement late to earn a world title in a second division and become the first fighter from Kazakhstan to achieve that feat. Flores was competitive throughout the fight, countering effectively when Shumenov showed aggression while landing more power punches.


In 12th-round Flores wobbled Shumenov on the ropes in the closing seconds, but was unable to earn a knockdown. Shumenov used a strong jab and quick movements to make Flores miss consistently. All three judges scored the fight 116-112.


In a battle of undefeated rising cruiserweight contenders, Detroit s Isiah Thomas (15-0, 6 Kos) earned a hard-fought victory over Jordan Shimmell (19-1, 16 Kos) in their 10-round bout.


The southpaw Thomas used his slick-style to slow down Shimmell’s offense and land lead rights to the head that left Shimmell’s right eye cut. Thomas was able to fend Shimmell off on the inside as the broader Shimmell attempted to land big punches from close quarters. Thomas won by the scores of 99-91, 98-92 un 97-93.


In further action, Dominican power-puncher Claudio Marrero (19-1, 14 Kos) delivered a vicious second round knockout over former world champion Rico Ramos (24-5, 12 Kos). Marrero connected with a strong overhand left that immediately sent Ramos to the canvas, prompting referee Jay Nady to wave off the count. The knockout came twenty seconds into the round.


The televised opener featured undefeated cruiserweight Andrew “Beast” Tabiti(11-0, 10 Kos) scoring a dominant unanimous decision victory over Roberto Santos(12-2, 5 Kos). Tabiti used his length and speed to outwork and outland Santos over the eight-round fight. All three judges scored the fight 80-72.




“B.J. is a strong guy but he was lunging while I was scoring points. I’m still in the learning process and I’m more comfortable as a cruiserweight.


Boxing is an art. I used my skills, positioning, angles and footwork to win the fight.


I feel blessed, I have a strong team that is like one. Without them I wouldn’t have won the fight šovakar.


I followed the instructions from my corner and thought I won the fight clearly.


I had extra motivation to make history. I first did that when I wont the light heavyweight title in 10 fights and now I’m the first person from my country to win world titles in two different division. I’m very proud of that.


Denis Lebedev is my main target. But I want to fight all the best and most dangerous cruiserweights in the world.




Beibut always comes forward, he’s very tough, but tonight he ran the whole night. It’s tough to win a fight when the guy is trying to run in circles.


My punches were crisp and effective and I hurt him. He had nothing on his punches and never hurt me.


I wobbled him in the twelfth round and then I went in to rush him. He kept moving back though.


You have to want to fight. PBC is about guys wanting to fight. That’s what it’s all about.


I’m ready to get back in the ring, I’m fine. It was difficult to catch up with him because he wanted to move around so much.


I learned in those last few rounds that even though he was moving around so much, I could pick up the tempo and bring the fight to him.


You can’t fight a guy who isn’t trying to engage. You have to fight to win the fight. He was throwing jabs while I was trying to hurt him.


I’m so thankful to all my fans who came out tonight, I wouldn’t be anywhere without them. ES atgriezīšos. Beibut, I want the rematch.




I think I did well in there. I listened to my corner and was able to land punches.


I used my defense, my eyes and most importantly I listened to my corner. I should have thrown some more punches, but I wanted to stay on the outside and use angles.


I knew it was going to be a close fight, he came very hard and I had to be at my best. Me and my team were able to get it done.


I feel great about representing Detroit boxing. I want to carry on the legendary legacy of Kronk Gym and just keep working.


This win is huge for my career. Being on the national stage was a great experience for me.


I want to get back in the ring as soon as possible. I’m going to get back in the gym and get with my team but I’ll be back soon.




I thought it was a closer fight than the judges had it. Nothing he did surprised me, Es zināju, ka tas bija būs grūts cīņa.


I just have to be even more prepared. Viņš ir lielisks cīnītājs, I thought it was closer. But he’s a great fighter.


“Es esmu labi, I’m going to come back.




I trained very hard for this fight and I was just listening to the corner and we saw that the overhand was open and I connected on it.


I’ve improved a lot since my loss and I come into each fight better and better. I’m more confident in my preparation and I have a great fight plan.


I’m very excited about this victory. We worked so hard for this fight. I hope that boxing will take Dominican fighters a little more seriously. There are currently two Dominican world champions and I want to be the third.


I want to fight the best of the best. Whoever it is, Es esmu gatavs”




I stayed disciplined tonight. It was a good test tonight and I’m just ready to get back to work.


I was a little disappointed I couldn’t get the knockout but I felt really good in there. Hats off to my opponent, he was tough and could really take a punch.


I hurt him in the last round and he was holding me, but he was able to stay on his feet. I’m still going to knock guys out but I wanted to show the world I have the talent to go in there and box.


I hope that I left everyone entertained and I’m going to keep on working hard and go from there.


Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.nbcsports.com/boxing un www.mayweatherpromotions.com,follow TwitterPremierBoxing, Beibut_Shumenov, BJFloresBoxing, MayweatherPromo, NBCSports, and @PearlAtPalms and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions un www.facebook.com/NBCSports.


(Foto Credit: Idris Erba / Mayweather Promotions)

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT Par Fotogrāfijas no Idris Erba / Mayweather Promotions

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT Par Fotogrāfijas no Suzanne Teresa / Premier Boxing Champions

LAS VEGAS (Jūlijs 23, 2015) – Fighters konkurē pāris aizraujošu cruiserweight matchups par sestdienas Premier Boksa Champions par NBCSN Pasākums notika noslēguma preses konferenci Ceturtdiena pirms to Jūlijs 25 bouts The Pearl at Palms Casino Resort.


Televīzijā segums sākas 9 p.m. UN/6 p.m. PT un ir headlined bijušā pasaules čempions Shumenov Beibu (15-2, 10 Kos) uzņemoties B.J. Ziedi (31-1-1, 20 Kos) ar a 12-apaļu showdown. 10-round cīņa starp undefeated cīnītājiem Jordan Shimmell(19-0, 16 Kos) un Isiah Thomas (14-0, 6 Kos) būs arī redzamas uz raidījums.


Noapaļošana televīzijā rīcība ir 10 kārtas viegls cīņa starp bijušo pasaules čempionu Rico Ramos (24-4, 12 Kos) un Claudio Marrero (18-1, 13 Kos) plus astoņu kārta cruiserweight darbības featuring undefeated nokauts mākslinieks Andrew “Beast” Tabiti (10-0, 10 Kos) uzņemoties Roberto Santos (12-1, 5 Kos).


Biļetes uz tiešraides pasākumā, kas veicina Mayweather Promotions un TGB Promotions, cena ir $100.50, $75.50, $50.50, un $20.50, plus piemērojamās maksas un ir pārdošanā tagad. Biļetes var iegādāties www.ticketmaster.com vai zvanot Pearl kasē pie 702-994-3200 vai Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000.


Lūk, ko dalībnieki bija teikt Ceturtdiena:




“Es esmu ļoti laimīgs būt daļa no PBC. Mans mācību nometne bija lieliska, my best because I wasn’t stressed about losing weight. I’m blessed to have a great coach, Ismael Salas, un palīgs treneri Jeff Grmoja un Rodney Crisler.


All the work has been done for Saturday night. Es gribu, lai cīnītos labākais, lai pierādītu, ka es esmu labākais cruiserweight pasaulē.

I’m really happy for this opportunity. I feel reborn since I met my new trainer. I’ve changed and I feel like it’s a new beginning. I want to fight the best fighters in the world.

Every day we work hard on fundamentals to improve my skills and conditioning. Each day I learn.

“Es jūtos daudz labāk kā cruiserweight bez stresa uz mana ķermeņa, piemēram, es darīju, kad man bija darīt 175 mārciņas. Tagad, Es tikai koncentrēties uz iegūt labāku tā vietā, lai svars.

Flores has been a cruiserweight for a long time. Fighting an opponent like him is a good opportunity for me.

“Ja es iziet testu, Es gribu apvienot nosaukumus.”




“Es vēlos pateikties visiem par manu komandu, kam ticība man un ticot mani. Šī ir lieliska iespēja manā karjerā.


“Es esmu ļoti satraukti par šo nakti un visu šo notikumu. Mums ir liels nakts cruiserweight boksa. Esmu tur acu par visiem šiem puišiem, jo ​​jūs nekad zināt, kas jums būs cīnīties, un tagad mēs visi esam šeit uz DAIS.


“Kā es atskatos manā karjerā ir daudz lietas, es būtu mainījušies, un lietas, kas man būtu darījis savādāk. Man bija dažādi iniciatoriem un pārgāja lietas apkārt daudz. Es jūtos kā šo sestdien, Man ir iespēja dzēst visus netaisnības no manas karjeras.


“Kaut ko, kas ir ļoti motivējošs man ir mans viens zaudējums, kad es braucu pāri uz Austrāliju, lai cīnītos Danny Green.


“Pie 200 mārciņas Es nekad neesmu zaudējis, un es neesmu gatavojas zaudēt sestdienas vakarā.


“Man ir uzticības daudz un daudz motivācijas nonāk šajā cīņā. Beibut ir labs cīnītājs, un es esmu veikusi šo problēmu nopietnāk nekā jebkura cita cīņas visu manu dzīvi.


“Es zinu, no briesmām, ka šis cilvēks piemīt, un es būšu gatavs par viņiem sestdien. Es esmu gatavojas nolikt to visu uz līnijas un nostiprināt visu manu karjeru sestdienas vakarā.


“Es gaidu pastiprināšanu ringā ar Beibut. Viņš ir ļoti labs cīnītājs. Viņi nedod gaismas smagiem pasaules virsrakstus par brīvu vai tāpēc, ka tie ir viegli. Viņš nopelnījis to. Viss, ko viņš ir gotten savā karjerā viņš ir nopelnījis, un es esmu meklē, lai saņemtu raktuves sestdienas vakarā.”




“Es jūtos gatavs. Es esmu gatavs. Esmu bijis nepacietību gaidu šo brīdi diezgan, bet tagad. Es apmācīts grūti un justies veselīgi. Man vienkārši ir veikt labi un parādīt visu, man ir sestdien.


“No agrā vecumā tas vienmēr bija sapnis raktuvju būt uz šīs skatuves. Padarot to šeit un tagad, Es tikai gribu, lai turpinātu savu karjeru un veikt labi, lai es varētu darīt, ka.


“Anytime jums cīnīties Vegas tas ir aizraujoša lieta. Tas ir boksa mītne pasaules. Būt par galvenās skatuves televīzijā ir ļoti aizraujoša.


“Es zinu Isiah ir ātrs puisis, tāpēc mēs esam strādājuši daudz ātrumu, attapība un kustība. Es lepnums sevi par nesaņemu hit bieži. Es vēlos turpināt to un padarīt to vieglāk cīņa sestdien.


“Cīņa par šo PBC karte ir noteikti liels motivācija, jo tas ir, ja es esmu vēlējies būt. Es vēlos saņemt vēl vienu iespēju cīnīties televīzijā, un, ja es veikt arī es domāju, ka to darīs.


“Es esmu labs labi noapaļota cīnītājs, kas var darīt mazliet viss. Tas, kas padara manu cīņas vieglāk, tāpēc, ka es esmu spējīgs, lai pārslēgtos up stilu.


“Es pārstāvu visu stāvokli Michigan šajā cīņā. Es gribu rep valsts un galu galā visa valsts.


“Diezgan iespējams, viens no tiem, puiši, kuri bija uz skatuves ar mani varētu nākotnē pretinieks. Tie ir top puiši sadalīšanas un viņi visi lieliski cīnītāji, lai es varētu ceru uz kādu cīnīties mana komanda liek kopā.”




“Es esmu ļoti satraukti, tas ir liels, lai cīnoties Lasvegasā pirmo reizi. Man teica, pirms though, tas nav svarīgi, kur es cīņa, manas emocijas ir vienmēr pārbaudi, un es esmu tikai gatavs doties uz darbu.


“Mācību nometne bija lieliska. Man bija piecas nedēļas uz treniņnometni, kad es saņēmu šo cīņu, lai viss ir 100 procents.


“Esmu strādājis par uzturas aizņemts, throwing daudz perforatori un izmantojot leņķus. Es pārspēt viņam vai Outland viņam. Es esmu gatavojas izmantot savu ātrumu un manas boksa iemaņas.


“Es esmu kovbojs, bokseris ar lielu gredzenu prasmīga. Es esmu visu ap cīnītājs. Es vēlos saņemt ringā un izskatās iespaidīgs.


“Es esmu tikai gatavojas strādāt katru nakti, ja nokauts nāk es iešu par to. Bet tas ir vairāk par tikai meklē iespaidīgi.


“Būt daļa no PBC kustības ir daudz. Viņi apvienojot atpakaļ vēsturi boksa un būt daļa no kustības ir ļoti svarīgi, lai man.”




“Es esmu gatavs cīnīties. Es esmu smagi strādājis, lai sagatavotu sevi, lai cīnītos. Nāciet sestdiena tas tikai būs regulārs diena gredzenu.


“Viss, ko es darīt, ir uzstādīšanas, tas ir tāpat kā šahs. Es cenšos būt gudri un ne pārāk daudz sodu. Es gribu panākt puiši, kad viņi kļūdās.


“Es esmu sagatavojis par manu pretinieku un Meksikas stila viņš atnesīšu ringā. Es plānoju uz viņu beidzot kā pārējo viņiem.


“Atrodoties Mayweather sporta zālē ir liels, jo tur ir tik daudz dažādu veidu cīnītāji tur. Tā uzskata, piemēram, cīņa katru dienu. Tas izpaužas jūsu prāts gatavs kā šis posmā. Tur ir visi cilvēki meklē pie jums veidus, un tas palīdz jums gatavs garīgi.


“Es gribētu, lai cīnītos kādu no puišiem uz skatuves šodien. Es gribu, lai labas cīņas un celt cruiserweight sadalījumu atpakaļ.”


Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.nbcsports.com/boxing un www.mayweatherpromotions.com,follow TwitterPremierBoxing, Beibut_Shumenov, BJFloresBoxing, MayweatherPromo, NBCSports, and @PearlAtPalms and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions un www.facebook.com/NBCSports.

ANTONIO Tarver un Steve Cunningham apmaiņā VĀRDI PAR MEDIA konferences zvanu

Ja esat izlaidis IT!

“Jūs skatu mani…Es nebūtu pārtraukumu nometni, bet jūs pārkāpj nometni par mani. Veiksmi Augusts 14. Tu esi traks. Jūs esat no sava prāta.” – Tarver uz Cunningham

“Pirms dažiem gadiem, jūs aicinot mani "neviens.’ Pieņemsim saglabātu to reālās. Tu esi profesionāls mutes runner. Es esmu profesionāls cīnītājs…periods.” – Cunningham uz Tarver

Ņujorka (Jūlijs 23, 2015) – Bijušais pasaules čempioniem Antonio Tarver un Steve Cunningham exchanged heated words today on a routine media conference call that escalated into a back-and-forth dialogue about mutual respect and ring generalship.


Both Tarver and Cunningham joined the call at minute 20:51 (MP3 saistītas iepriekš) pēc daudz draudzīgāku mediju Q&A featuring the televised undercard fighters Marco Huck un Krzysztof Glowacki.


Aicinājums kļuva saasinājās starp diviem galvenajiem notikumu zvaigznes ar pirmo mediju jautājumu un turpinājās gandrīz 20 protokols.Viena lieta ir pārliecināts, there will be fireworks at the Prudential Center on Augusts 14 live on PBC on Spike.


Anthony “Magic Man” Tarver (31-6, 22 Kos) un Steve “U.S.S.” Cunningham (28-7, 13 Kos) virsraksts notikums ar savu 12-apaļas smagsvara kaujas. Televīzijā pārklājums Spike sākas 9 p.m. UN/PT kad Marco Huck (38-2-1, 26 KO) defends his cruiserweight world title against Krzysztof Glowacki (24-0, 15 Kos).


Undercard darbība sākas 6:00 p.m. UN ar durvju atvēršanu pēc 5:30 p.m. UN.


Biļetes uz notikuma, kas veicina DiBella Entertainment sadarbībā ar Warriors boksa un Huck Sports Promotion cena ir $150, $100, $70 un $45, neieskaitot piemērojamos pakalpojumu maksājumiem un ir pārdošanā tagad viaTicketmaster.com, maksas pa tālruni 1-800-745-3000 vai jebkuru Ticketmaster outlet. Biļetes var iegādāties arī pie Prudential Center kasē.


Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.dbe1.com, www.PruCenter.com un www.spike.com/shows/premier-boksa-čempioni, sekot TwitterPremierBoxing, AntonioTarver, USSCunningham, Szpilka_Artur, LouDiBella, PruCenter, SpikeTV UnSpikeSports un kļūt par ventilatoru par Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com / PruCenter un www.Facebook.com/Spike.

Chris “Ludacris” Bridges Stars New Reklāmas kampaņa piepeši TV debija Premier Boxing Champions – Nākamais Round svētdiena, Augusts 2 pie 9 p.m. UN

ATLANTA (Jūlijs 23, 2015) — Chris “Ludacris” Bridges is stepping into the ring to help Bounce TV promote the debut of Premier Boksa Champions – Nākamais Round izmantojot jaunu sēriju reklāmas video par nācijas Pirmais un vienīgais apraides televīzijas tīkls paredzētas African American auditorijai. Theplankumi featuring multi-platīna pārdošanu, GRAMMY® godalgotā mākslinieks un aktieris ir izplatot par Bounce TV; Klikšķiniet šeit skatīties.



Premier Boksa Champions nāk Bounce TV par Svētdiena, Augusts 2 pie 9:00 p.m. (UN), ar debijas jaunā mēneša sēriju PBC – Nākamais Round, kas būs vitrīna sportu nākotnes zvaigznes un potenciālie čempioni. Tīkls arī straumēt raidījums tiešraidē BounceTV.com.

Galvenais notikums sērijas pirmizrāde PBC – Nākamais Round būs 12 roundWorld bantamweight čempionāta cīņa starp Juan Carlos “Baby Pacquiao”Payano (16-0, 8 Kos) un Rau'shee “Nuke” Trušu rezervāts (13-0, 4 Kos). Both fighters are Olympians – Payano uz Dominikānas Republiku un Cincinnati kreilis Warren, trīs laika olimpietis uz Amerikas Savienotajām Valstīm. Katrs cīnītājs ceļ undefeated ierakstu cīņā par titulu.

Co-iezīme ir divu cīņa turnīrs junioru middleweight nodaļa: 10-kārtu spēles, kas redz olimpisko sudraba medaļu Yudel Jhonson (17-1, 9 Kos) ņemot par nokauts mašīna Jorge Cota (24-1, 22 Kos), vairāk 10 kārtas Olympian John Jackson (19-2, 15 Kos) Cīnās Dennis Laurente (49-5, 30 Kos). The winners of the two bouts will face-off on a date to be announced soon.


Payano Vs. Trušu rezervāts: PBC – Nākamais Round, veicina Warriors Boxing un Sampson Boxing, notiks Full Sail Live, state-of-the-art sniegumu vieta uz Campus Full Sail Universitātes Winter Park, Florida.


Bounce TV is free on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. Attiecībā uz vietējo kanālu vietā, vizīte BounceTV.com.


Vēstnieks Andrew Young un Martin Luther King III ir viens no dibinātājiem Bounce TV, visstraujāk augošais afroamerikānis (AA) tīkla televīzijā un #2 most-watched AA network. Bounce TV piedāvā programmēšanas mix oriģinālu un off-tīkla sērija, teātra kinofilmas, Specials, dzīvot sporta un vairāk. Bounce TV ir kļuvusi pieejama vairāk nekā 85 miljoni māju pāri 90 tirgi, 90% Āfrikas amerikāņu televīzijas mājās — ieskaitot visas top AA televīzijas tirgos — un trīs ceturtdaļas no kopējā televīzijas mājām ASV.

# # #

Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com, sekojiet par čivināt @ PremierBoxing,BounceTV, JC_Payano, RauSheeWarren, WarriorsBoxingPromFullsail UnSwanson_Comm un sekot sarunu izmantojot #PBConBounce, Kļūsti ventilatoru par Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/BounceTVwww.Facebook.com/fullsailuniversityun www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo.


Klikšķiniet ŠEIT Par Fotogrāfijas no Ed DILLER / DiBella

(No kreisās uz labo) Angel Garcia, Danny Garcia, Steve Cunningham un Naazim Richardson pozēt kopā ar DSG Boksa klubā Filadelfijā trešdien, Jūlijs 22. Foto Credit: Un Diller

PHILADELPHIA (Jūlijs 22, 2015) – Divi no Filadelfijas top cīnītājiem notika mediju treniņu OtrdienaDanny “Ātrs” Garcia (30-0, 17 Kos)un Steve “U.S.S.” Cunningham (28-7, 13 Kos) sagatavoti to attiecīgo Premier Boksa Champions Headlining notikumi augustā.


Garcia, kurš pievienojās viņa tēvs un treneris Angel, Tiks meklē savu ierakstu piekto galveno notikumu uzvaru Barclays Center par Sestdiena, Augusts 1 kad viņš uzņemas bijušais pasaules čempions, Pauls “Magic Man” Malignaggi (33-6, 7 Kos) ar 12 kārtu papildsvars cīņā par Premier Boksa Champions par ESPN pie 9:00 p.m. UN/6 :00 p.m. PT.


Cunningham, a two-time world champion trained by Naazim Richardson, is set for a 12-round heavyweight showdown with former light heavyweight world champion Anthony “Magic Man” Tarver (31-6, 22 Kos) par Premier Boksa Champions par Smaile notiek Piektdiena, Augusts 14 pie 9 p.m. UN/PT from Prudential Center in Newark.


Biļetes Augusts 1 notikums, kas veicina DiBella Entertainment sadarbībā ar Swift Promotions, cena ir $250, $150, $120, $75 un $45, neieskaitot piemērojamos maksu par pakalpojumiem un nodokļiem, un ir pārdošanā tagad. Biļetes ir pieejamaswww.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com un pie American Express kasē Barclays Center. Lai uzlādētu tālruni, zvaniet Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. Par grupu biļetēm, zvaniet 855-GROUP-BK.


Biļetes Augusts 14 notikums, ko jāsekmē DiBella Entertainment, ir $150, $100, $70 un $45, not including applicable service charges and facility fee and are on sale now via Ticketmaster.com, maksa pa tālruni pie 1-800-745-3000 vai jebkuru Ticketmaster outlet. Biļetes var iegādāties arī pie Prudential Center kasē.


Here is what the fighters and their trainers had to say Wednesday:




There’s no reason to go back in my career. The sky is the limit. Tas ir 147 for me now. I definitely feel a lot stronger.


“Es esmu spējīgs strādāt pie lietām tagad vēlāk nometnē. Pirms es vēlētos vienkārši nāk zaudēt svaru. Tagad man bija liels uzturu visā nometnē. Manas kājas ir tur, un es esmu ātrāks. Tas viss būs nonākt vietā Augusts 1.


“Es neesmu īsti bažas par Pauls, šajā brīdī manā karjerā, ja es esmu 110% procentiem gatavs, Es jūtos kā es varu pielāgoties jebko un atrast veidu, kā uzvarēt.


“Es nevarēju samazināt gredzenu pie kā es gribēju, lai pie 140. Tagad man ir vairāk veiklību un es tiešām var stūra cilvēki, izmantot grūdiens un kontrolēt cīņu.


My weight is great. I’ve been really disciplined with what I eat. I’m staying sharp and building muscle. I believe I could have been a welterweight two years ago.


He’s from Brooklyn, I’m from Philly. The fight makes perfect sense. All the Italian fans, the Puerto Rican fans will be coming in to see a great fight. He’s a former 147-pound champion, it’s going to be a great fight.


There’s no pressure on me. I just want to go in there and be Danny Garcia, a smart Danny Garcia.


I feel like my style matches up great with anybody at 147. I’m ready for Paulie Malignaggi. I know he’s coming into his hometown. It’s a big fight for him so I just have to be completely ready.


“Es pārcēlos līdz 147 to fight the best fighters. Whatever the best fights are, that’s what I want.




When we were offered this fight, we took it right away. Not that I think It’s going to be easy, because no fight is easy until you go in there and make it look easy.


“Es esmu gatavojas darīt to, ko es daru. I put in the work in the gym and then I do work in the ring. The fans are going to enjoy what they see and we’re going to come out victorious.


All I know is my situation. My back is against the wall. I want to be the heavyweight world champion and I want to be great in the sport. Fighting guys like this and beating them is what makes me great. Even as a two-time champion, my back has always been against the wall.


There’s so much talent in Philadelphia, there has been for generations. Jūs nākat uz pilsētu un redzēt zvaigznes. Philly ir raupja pilsēta, tas ir grūts hardcore pilsētas un jums ir nepieciešams, lai tiktu samazināta no īpaša auduma nākt ārā no pilsētas un būt veiksmīga.


“Cilvēki nāca kopā iemeslu, lai mēģinātu palīdzēt manu ģimeni. Boksa kopiena ieguva mūs Pittsburgh laikā par manu meitu Kennedy, lai saņemtu viņas sirds pārstādīšanas. Parādos nav notikums sakrīt, kā mēs jūtamies, Es parādā boksa kopienas viss, un es vēlos es varētu samaksāt tos atpakaļ dubultā. Ko es varu darīt, ir turpināt palikt formu un sagatavot tiesības un dot visiem cīņas, ka viņi vēlas redzēt.

[Pēc viņa 9 gadus veco meitu Kenedija sirds transplantācijas, kas notika pirms septiņiem mēnešiem Pitsburgā]


“Mēs ejam, lai ņemtu visu, ko mēs esam darījuši pēdējos nometnēs un pielāgot to šajā cīņā. Naazim ir plāns, un mēs spēsim izpildīt. Tas ne tikai būs outworking viņam, Es esmu veterāns too. Esmu bijis lauvas den un uzvarēja.


“Man nav nenovērtē kāds. Es tikai sagatavot un mēs esam gatavi par labāko Antonio Tarver mēs jebkad esam redzējuši.”


ANGEL GARCIA, Danny Garcia tēvs & Treneris


“Danny būs gatavs uz Augusts 1 lai parādītu pasaulei, ka viņš ir gatavs. Jauda ir tur. Viņš nāk kā lauva naktī. Viņš gatavojas ēst visiem augšā 147.


“Beigās dienas, jūs gotta cīņu. Viņš nav gatavojas uzvarēt skraida. Mēs esam nāk sagraut jums.”

NAAZIM RICHARDSON, Cunningham s Trainer


With Steve you have to gauge the camp differently. He comes into camp in such good shape; he lives it because he’s in this shape year round.


He’s in such good shape, he throws your timing off. There are things that you want to do, but you don’t have to because he’s there. He’s already looking very good in camp.


Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.barclayscenter.com,www.PruCenter.com, www.dbe1.comun www.spike.com/shows/premier-boksa-čempioni. Sekojiet par čivinātPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, AntonioTarver, USSCunningham, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, @BarclaysCente,PruCenter, @SpikeTV and @SpikeSport and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/fanpagedannyswiftgarcia, www.facebook.com/PaulMalignaggi,www.facebook.com/barclayscenter,www.facebook.com/ESPN ,www.Facebook.com/PruCenterun www.Facebook.com/Spike.

Sekojiet saruna izmantojot #PBConESPN un #BrooklynBoxing.

Bijušais pasaules čempions RICO RAMOS uzņemas Claudio Marrero Sestdien, Jūlijs 25 AT THE PEARL AT Palms Casino Resort Las Vegas

Vairāk! Undefeated Prospects Michael Hunter, Andrew Tabiti

& Ladarius Miller All In darbībā

Main Event iezīmes Beibut Shumenov vs. B.J. Ziedi

Uz Premier Boksa Champions Par NBCSN

9 p.m. UN/6 p.m. PT

LAS VEGAS (Jūlijs 21, 2015) – Bijušais Pasaules čempions Rico Ramos (24-4, 12 Kos) uzņemas nesaudzīgu Claudio Marrero (18-1, 13 Kos) kādā viegls cīņā par Sestdiena, Jūlijs 25 pie Pearl pie Palms Casino Resort Lasvegasā.


The bout is part of a full night action headlined by a 12-round cruiserweight showdown between Shumenov Beibu (15-2, 10 Kos) un B.J. Ziedi (31-1-1, 20 Kos). Televīzijā segums sākas 9 p.m. UN/6 p.m. PT ar 10 kārtu konkursā starp undefeated cruiserweights Jordan Shimmell(19-0, 16 Kos) un Isiah Thomas (14-0, 6 Kos).


Biļetes uz tiešraides pasākumā, kas veicina Mayweather Promotions cena ir $100.50, $75.50, $50.50, un $20.50, plus piemērojamās maksas un ir pārdošanā tagad. Biļetes var iegādātieswww.ticketmaster.com vai zvanot Pearl kasē pie 702-994-3200 vai Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000.


Undefeated izredzes saskaras grūts testus Sestdiena kā nokauts mākslinieks Andrew “Beast” Tabiti(10-0, 10 Kos) sejas Roberto Santos (12-1, 5 Kos) astoņu apaļu cruiserweight bout, 2012 Neatrodas ASV. Olimpietis Michael Hunter (8-0, 5 Kos) cīņas Michael BISSETT (9-7, 7 Kos)10-kārtās smagsvara darbības un Ladarius “Memphis” Dzirnavnieks (7-0, 1 KO)pilnveido prasību sešu kārtu super viegla konkursā pret Sean Gee (2-0).


Dekorēts amatieru no Carson, Kalifornija, Ramos uzvarēja super bantamweight pasaules titulu 2011 ko knocking out Akifumi Shimoda. 28 gadus vecais pieder uzvaras pār agrāk nepārspēts cīnītāji Efrain Esquivias un Carlos Ivan Velasquez. Viņš pavisam nesen devās mājās vienbalsīgu lēmumu uzvaru pār Juan Ruiz decembris. 2014.


Pēc uzvaras sudraba medaļu 2007 Pan American Games, kā arī vairākas citas amatieru apbalvojumus, Dominikānas Republikas Marrero uzvarēja pirmais 14 Izbraukuma viņa pro karjeru. Pēc 26 gadu vecs, viņš parādīs četru cīņa win švīka šajā matchup par Jūlijs 25, tostarp viņa jaunākā uzvaru pār Orlando RIZO februārī.


A 2012 Neatrodas ASV. Olimpietis kurš uzvarēja neatrodas ASV. Amatieru čempionāts 2009 un 2007, 26 gadus vecais mednieks ir sākusi veikt nosaukumu sevi profesionālajā rindās kopš pagrieziena Pro 2013. Pēc uzvaras četras reizes 2014, Van Nuys, California-dzimtā ieguva vienprātīgu lēmumu pār Avery Gibson februārī, lai sāktu 2015 un seko, ka līdz ar apstāšanās DEON Elam jūnijā. Viņš uzņemas uz 31 gadus vecā BISSETT no Biloxi, Mississippi.


Nāk nost no aizraujošs vienu perforators nokauts pār Tomasu Hanshaw jūnijā, 25 gadus vecais Tabiti izskatās, lai saglabātu savu nokauts ratio ideāls, kad viņš atgriežas uz Jūlijs 25. Chicago dzimušais cruiserweight tagad cīnās no Las Vegas saskarsies vispieredzējušākie cīnītājs par savu karjeru, kad viņš cīņas par 26 gadus vecā Meksikas Santos.


Slidens cīnītājs no Memphis, bet no Las Vegas cīņas, Millers ir nepārspēts kopš pagrieziena Pro 2014. 21 gadus vecais nesen devās mājās vienprātīgu lēmumu pār Marquis Taylor aprīlī un atgriezīsies uzņemties 27 gadus vecā Portland, Oregon dzimis Gee.


Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.nbcsports.com/boxing,www.mayweatherpromotions.com un www.TGBPromotions.com, sekot TwitterPremierBoxing, Beibut_Shumenov, BJFloresBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, NBCSports, and @PearlAtPalms and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions unwww.facebook.com/NBCSports


Klikšķiniet šeit for pictures from last night’s premiere

(Foto Credit: Swanson Communications)

NEW YORK (Jūlijs 21, 2015) – Premier Boxing Champions Series (PBC) cīnītāji Daniel “Miracle Man” Jacobs un Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin added red carpet excitement to last night’s New York City red carpet premiere of boxing movie Kreilis. Iznīcinātāji gāja pa sarkano paklāju līdzās filmu zvaigznēm, ieskaitot Jake Gyllenhaal, Rachel McAdams un 50 Cent pirms apmeklē skrīningu.


Jacobs un Quillin pozējusi fotogrāfijas ar aktiera Mack Wilds, “Orange ir New Black” zvaigzne Selenis Leyva un citiem mūsu boksa čempions Victor Ortiz, kas parādās filmā. Iznīcinātāji, kurš gan zvanīt Brooklyn mājas, bija arī iespēja panākt ar boksa entuziasts un Brooklyn-dzimtā, aktrise Rosie Perez.


Jacobs (29-1, 26 Kos) will put his middleweight world title on the line Augusts 1 kad viņš uzņemas Sergio Mora tiešraidē no Barclays Center Bruklinā otrajā iemaksa PBC ESPN.


I had such an amazing time at the Kreilis premiere” Said Jacobs “Es esmu tik laimīgs, man bija iespēja veikt savu dēlu Nate ar mani staigāt sarkanais paklājs, ir mūsu attēlu veikti, un baudīt lielisku filmu par boksa.”


Quillin (31-0-1, 22 Kos) will get back in the ring Septembris 6 as part of PBC on CBS.


“No cīnītājs viedokļa, Es domāju, ka filma bija patiešām labi darīts,” Said Quillin “Stāsts man lika pārdomāt savu boksa karjeru, nodrošināt savu finansiālo nākotni. Tā arī man atgādināja nozīmi un vērtību patiesas mīlestības un kam pareizos cilvēkus ap jums.”


Premier Boksa Champions uzsāka janvārī 2015 ar apņemšanos celt lielu boksa atpakaļ tīkla televīzijas. Sērijā pašlaik airs NBC, NBCSN, CBS, ESPN, Spike un Bounce TV.


Lūdzu, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com un sekot Premier Boksa čempioni uz Facebook un Čivināt. Uzklikšķinietk ŠEIT pilnīgai PBC grafika un sekot # FreeBoxing4All uzraudzīt ventilatora saruna.