Tag Archives: Premier Champions de boxe


Le poids moyen Nathaniel Gallimore bat Jeison Rosario via un TKO au sixième tour lors du co-main event
L'espoir super léger Ladarius Miller marque un TKO au huitième tour contre Jesus Gutierrez & L'ancienne championne du monde Layla McCarter arrête Szilvia Szabados au septième tour des préliminaires sur FS2 & FOX Sports
Cliquez ICI pour les photos d'Idris Erba / Mayweather Promotions
Cliquez ICI pour les photos de Ryan Hafey / Premier Champions de boxe
LAS VEGAS (Avril 29, 2017) – Champion poids plume par intérim WBA nouvellement couronné Claudio Marrero (22-1, 16 KOs) choqué auparavant invaincu Carlos Zambrano (26-1, 12 KOs) avec un KO au premier tour dans l'événement principal de Premier Champions de boxe sur FS1 et Fox Deportes, Samedi nuit de Sam's Town Live à Las Vegas.
“Il y a tellement d'émotions qui me traversent la tête en ce moment, que je ne peux toujours pas comprendre ce que ça fait d'être un champion maintenant,” dit Marrero. “Je ne le laisserai pas me distraire, parce que je combattrai celui qui est le meilleur dans ma catégorie de poids. Je savais quel genre de combattant j'allais affronter et je savais ce qu'il fallait faire. j'avais faim”
Le combat s'est terminé brusquement comme Marrero de Saint-Domingue, La République dominicaine a lancé une main gauche droite solide comme un roc qui a envoyé Lima, Le Zambrano du Pérou sur la toile, le rendant incapable de se tenir debout et l'arbitre Vic Drakulich a annulé le combat à 1:30 du seul et unique tour. Marrero prolonge une séquence de sept victoires consécutives.
“Après avoir été inactif pendant un an, bien sûr mon timing était un peu décalé je ne suis pas du tout content de ma performance,” dit Zambrano. “C'est un combat qui était attendu depuis longtemps et je sais que Marrero me lorgne depuis un moment, donc c'est juste malheureux la façon dont les choses se sont terminées.
“Je dois revenir aux États-Unis et trouver des partenaires d'entraînement qui peuvent vraiment m'aider à atteindre le niveau que je veux être,” suite Zambrano. “Pour que mon record soit battu à ce stade, c'est vraiment décevant, je n'ai pas d'autres mots pour le décrire.”
Le co-événement principal de la télédiffusion FS1 et FOX Deportes s'est terminé par un TKO au sixième tour par un poids moyen affamé Nathaniel Gallimore (18-1-1, 15 KOs) de Kingston, Jamaïque à propos Jeison Rosario (12-1, 9 KOs) de Saint-Domingue, République dominicaine. Les deux combattants se sont balancés au premier tour, Rosario l'emportant sur les trois tableaux de bord des juges. Chapelet, qui n'avait jamais dépassé le quatrième tour a commencé à ralentir au cinquième lorsque Gallimore a pris le relais.
“Je suis entré dans le combat confiant, puis à un moment donné, quelque chose s'est passé, mon corps a commencé à ralentir,” dit Rosario. “Je me suis un peu fatigué et j'ai commencé à me battre un peu bâclé. Mon plan est de revenir en arrière et de commencer à travailler régulièrement sur mon jab, c'était ma faiblesse pendant tout le combat.”
Gallimore est sorti du coin au sixième tour déterminé à mettre fin au combat et a réussi. Il a laissé tomber Rosario, mais le dominicain se leva, seulement pour être lâché par une coupe supérieure dure. À la fin, c'est un crochet du gauche qui a envoyé Rosario sur la toile pour la troisième et dernière fois alors que l'arbitre Jay Nady a annulé le combat à 2:15 du sixième tour.
“Il se battait vraiment sale tout le combat, Je pense qu'il savait qu'il avait été blessé dès le début,” dit Gallimore. “Je savais que j'avais beaucoup plus d'expérience alors j'ai juste commencé à le décomposer tour par tour et c'est ce qui m'a valu la victoire. C'était la première fois qu'il faisait autant de tours, donc je pense que ça l'a vraiment atteint au point où il essayait juste de tenir les derniers tours. Je suis venu le finir et c'est ce que j'ai fait.”
Dans l'événement principal de la télédiffusion FS2 et FOX Deportes, perspective super légère Ladarius Miller (13-1, 4 KOs) faire une performance impressionnante avant de s'arrêter Jésus gutierrez (14-2-1, 4 KOs) dans le huitième et dernier tour de leur affrontement.
“je suis super content de ma prestation,” dit Miller. “C'est le meilleur Ladarius Miller que j'ai montré. Je le connaissais en tant que combattant donc je savais ce que je devais faire sur le ring. Je pensais l'avoir eu au premier tour avec l'uppercut, mais il était en bien meilleure forme que je ne le pensais. Il a pris les coups mais à la fin je savais que je finirais en tête avec la victoire. Je suis juste prêt à remonter sur le ring et à regarder vers mon prochain défi.”
Miller a éliminé Gutierrez avec une combinaison de mouvements et de mains gauches principales pour prendre le contrôle de la première partie du combat. Gutierrez a tenté de réduire la distance entre lui et Miller, mais a été incapable de rassembler suffisamment d'attaques pour ralentir son adversaire.
“Ce était un grand combat, Je pense que nous avons donné aux fans ce qu'ils voulaient voir,” dit Gutierrez. “Je n'ai que du respect pour Ladarius, Il est sorti ce soir et a montré de quoi il était fait. J'ai maintenu la pression et j'ai pensé que ce serait suffisant pour l'avoir.”
Plusieurs rafales de va-et-vient ont défini les deux derniers tours du combat avant que Miller ne puisse finalement utiliser une grosse main droite pour frapper Gutierrez et forcer l'arbitre Russell Mora à arrêter le combat à 2:34 au huitième tour.
Le combat d'ouverture sur FS2 et FOX Deportes a vu l'ancien champion du monde Layla McCarter(39-13-5, 10 KOs) dominer et finalement arrêter Szilvia Szabados (15-10, 6 KOs) au septième tour de leur combat des poids welters.
“J'ai vu au début du combat une opportunité, aller pour le corps et c'est ce que j'ai fait,” dit McCarter. “Elle a subi beaucoup de dégâts et était une adversaire coriace. J'ai senti que j'aurais pu le rendre beaucoup plus difficile, J'ai eu un si bon camp d'entraînement que j'aurais aimé pouvoir livrer le Layla que je sais pouvoir apporter.”
Szabados est sorti agressif dès le début, mais le concurrent vétéran McCarter l'a enlevée avec des coups de poing tout au long des premiers tours avant que Szabados ne commence à s'user et à devenir frustré.
“Elle était une grande adversaire pour moi, il y a certainement beaucoup plus de choses sur lesquelles je dois rentrer à la maison et travailler,” dit Szabados. “Global, elle est venue pour gagner et elle l'a montré. J'ai apporté beaucoup de ténacité, mais à la fin elle est arrivée en tête.”
L'arbitre Tony Weeks a déduit un point de Szabados pour des coups à l'arrière de la tête au début du septième tour avant qu'une dernière rafale de McCarter n'oblige l'arbitre à arrêter le combat 56 secondes dans la ronde.
PBC sur FS1 et FOX Deportes a été promu par Mayweather Promotions et TGB Promotions et parrainé par Corona Extra, La bière la plus fine.
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Les fans peuvent flux en direct les combats sur FOX Sports GO, disponible en anglais ou en espagnol à travers les flux FS1 ou FOX Deportes. Les combats sont disponibles sur le bureau à FOXSportsGO.com et à travers l'App Store, ou des appareils connectés, y compris Apple TV, Android TV, TV Feu, Xbox One et Roku. En outre, tous les programmes sont également disponibles sur FOX Sports sur le canal SiriusXM 83 sur les radios par satellite et sur l'application SiriusXM.
Pour plus d'informations: visite www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.mayweatherpromotions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / page d'accueil, www.foxdeportes.com.et www.TGBPromotions.com Suivez sur TwitterPremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, @ FS1, FOXDeportes EtSwanson_Comm et devenir fan sur Facebook à www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportesunewww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC FS1 & FOX Deportes a été sponsorisé par Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina et promu par Mayweather Promotions.

Édition spéciale des préliminaires de Premier Boxing Champions sur FS2 & FOX Deportes présente l'ancienne championne du monde Layla McCarter qui combat l'ancienne championne du titre Szilvia Szabados & Le prospect super léger Ladarius Miller affronte Jesus Gutierrez, autrefois battu, Avril 29 En direct de Las Vegas

Couverture télévisée commence à 8:30 p.m. ET/5:30 p.m. PT
LAS VEGAS (Avril 24, 2017) – Ancien champion du monde Layla McCarter (38-13-5, 9 KOs) rencontre l'ancien challenger du titre Szilvia Szabados (15-9, 6 KOs) dans une épreuve de force des poids mi-moyens alors que la perspective super légère Ladarius Miller (12-1, 3 KOs) prend une fois battu Jésus gutierrez (14-1-1, 4 KOs) dans une édition spéciale de Premier Champions de boxe préliminaires sur FS2 et FOX Sports sur Samedi, Avril 29 de Sam's Town Live à Las Vegas.
La couverture télévisée commence sur FS2 et FOX Deportes à 8:30 p.m. ET/5:30 p.m. PT avant de passer à FS1 et FOX Deportes à 10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT pour une émission présentée par le champion poids plume par intérim de la WBA Carlos Zambrano (26-0, 11 KOs) défendre son titre contre le concurrent une fois battu Claudio Marrero (21-1, 15 KOs).
Les billets pour l'événement en direct, qui est promu par Mayweather Promotions, sont au prix de $75, $50 et $25, et sont maintenant en vente. Les billets sont disponibles en ligne sur www.samstownlv.com/entertain.
L'une des combattantes les plus accomplies du sport, McCarter s'est battu au plus haut niveau depuis qu'il est devenu pro 1998. Elle a remporté des titres au poids plume, léger, super léger et super poids welter. En 2008 elle est devenue la championne du monde WBA des poids légers en battant Jelena Mrdjenovich au Canada et l'a défendue avec succès contre Fujin Raika en 2009. McCarter a gagné 15 combats d'affilée entrant en avril 29 y compris une victoire sur Noni Tenge qui lui a valu le titre vacant WBA Super Welterweight Championship.
Szabados, 26 ans, est devenu pro 2014 et a remporté ses cinq premiers combats. Combattre hors de Hongrie, elle a défié Nikki Adler pour un titre mondial de 168 livres en 2015. Elle allait gagner ses quatre prochains combats alors qu'elle gravissait les échelons. Szabados a une paire de victoires d'arrêt en 2017 pris en sandwich autour d'un défi de la double médaillée d'or olympique Claressa Shields en mars.
Un pro depuis 2014, Miller a remporté ses neuf premiers combats professionnels en utilisant sa vitesse et ses compétences pour battre ses adversaires. Originaire de Memphis mais maintenant vivant et s'entraînant à Las Vegas, Miller a remporté trois combats d'affilée, dont une victoire d'arrêt sur Carlos Castillo, une décision sur Maynard Allison, invaincu auparavant et plus récemment sur un TKO au deuxième tour de Ronald Rivas en octobre dernier à Las Vegas.
Combats de Las Vegas, Gutierrez était invaincu à son premier 15 sorties professionnelles dont une victoire sur Rashad Ganaway qui lui a valu un titre régional des poids légers. Le joueur de 28 ans détient des victoires sur Mike Maldonado, invaincu auparavant, et sur les vétérans Roberto Acevedo et Pablo Becerra.
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Les fans peuvent flux en direct les combats sur FOX Sports GO, disponible en anglais ou en espagnol à travers les flux FS1 ou FOX Deportes. Les combats sont disponibles sur le bureau à FOXSportsGO.com et à travers l'App Store, ou des appareils connectés, y compris Apple TV, Android TV, TV Feu, Xbox One et Roku. En outre, tous les programmes sont également disponibles sur FOX Sports sur le canal SiriusXM 83 sur les radios par satellite et sur l'application SiriusXM.
Pour plus d'informations: visite www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / page d'accueil, www.foxdeportes.com.et www.TGBPromotions.com Suivez sur TwitterPremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, @ FS1, FOXDeportes EtSwanson_Comm et devenir fan sur Facebook à www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportesunewww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC FS1 & FOX Deportes est parrainé par Corona Extra, La bière la plus fine.


Jermell Charlo Knocks Out Charles Hatley In Defense Of WBC 154-Pound Belt In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Co-métrage; VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/2ogV2nv


Amanda Serrano Makes History On SHOWTIME EXTREME® As First Female & Puerto Rican Five-Division Champion



10 p.m. ET/PT sur Showtime EXTREME


Cliquez ICI Pour Photos; Credit Tom Casino/SHOWTIME

Cliquez HERE For Photos; Credit Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

Cliquez ICI Pour Photos; Credit Ed Diller/DiBella Entertainment


BROOKLYN (Avril 23, 2017) - Shawn Porter scored a ninth round stoppage of Autres Berto to become the WBC’s mandatory challenger to unified welterweight champion Keith Thurman in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, présenté par Premier Boxing Champions, Samedi night on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn.

VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/2pS68zi


With the convincing victory, Porter potentially earns a rematch with Thurman, who he narrowly lost to last June in a 2016 Fight of the Year candidate at Barclays Center, la maison de BROOKLYN BOXE ™.


The welterweight matchup was a rough and tumble affair from the opening bell. Porter (27-2-1, 17 KOs) barreled forward to smother the offense of Berto (31-5, 24 KOs), pounding Berto’s body at close range. A deep gash opened over Porter’s left eye from an accidental headbutt in the second, and another opened over his right eye just two rounds later. Porter’s constant aggressiveness and effective body work seemed to frustrate Berto, who struggled to stay off the ropes.


An odd series of events unfolded in the opening minute of the ninth round. With Berto unsteady on his feet following another clash of heads, Porter pounced and floored the former champ with a left hook for his second knockdown of the fight. Berto got up, but Porter continued to connect with Berto against the ropes and referee Mark Nelson waved off the contest at 1:31. Au moment de l'arrêt, Porter had out-landed Berto 60-12 over the final two rounds.


“I have to clean up those head butts,” Porter said. “We tried to use the whole ring, but sometimes in the heat of the battle stuff happens. I’m a fighter and Mr. Berto is a fighter as well, those head butts were just the two of us going in and fighting.


“I thought I fought smart ce soir. I thought I picked my punches well. There were times where I smothered my shots, but there were also times where I smothered him. He has a dangerous uppercut but we had a great game plan. This was a just very hard fought battle by both of us and I’m blessed to get the victory.”


Après le combat, Berto admitted that Porter’s aggressiveness and the accidental headbutts frustrated him.


“I have to give him credit, but he’s a rough fighter,” Berto said. “He has great skills but, en même temps, he was trying to be rough and trying to handle me anyway he could. I got a lot of headbutts, and he did too. Shawn’ is a tough competitor. We had a good competitive fight until the headbutts got to be a little too much for me. But I thought it was a really good fight before that.”


Après le combat, SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray asked Thurman, who was ringside for the eliminator, if he would grant Porter a rematch.


“His team was adamant about the rematch and now he’s fought his way to earning that,” Thurman said. “We just need to sit down and talk about. Il a faim, you see the way he fights, it could be a great fight again.”


Answered Porter: “I was just up here wishing he said yes – that’s the fight I want next.”


Jermell Charlo defended his WBC Super Welterweight World Championship in dominant fashion with a devastating sixth-round knockout of mandatory challenger Charles Hatley in the co-main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.


Charlo (29-0, 14 KOs) landed the crisper shots from the opening bell, using a sharp left jab to set up a remarkably efficient straight right. The Houston native Charlo, the younger twin of undefeated former 154-pound champion Jermall, floored Hatley (26-2-1, 18 KOs) midway through the third with a textbook left-right combo that stunned his fellow Texan.


Charlo’s striking precision continued in fourth and fifth, before an onslaught of punches and a perfectly timed right to the chin sent Hatley falling face-forward to the canvas. Referee Harvey Dock didn’t hesitate and instantly waved off the fight at :36 with Hatley out cold on the canvas.


The accuracy of Charlo’s jab was telling – he landed his jab at a 31 percent clip to set up his power shots, which connected at an impressive 52 pour cent. Global, Charlo landed 42 percent of his total punches over nearly six full rounds of prizefighting.


“I used that jab to set up the right hand,” Charlo said. “I knew Charles Hatley goes down and he gets back up – he’s a warrior – and I knew I had to get in there and be a lion.


Hatley was moving around a lot. He was trying to engage and I tried to tell him to come fight. When he finally got in there, that’s when I got him out. I’m the champ so I have to continue to fight my mandatory. They got a guy named Jarret Hurd that took my brother’s title – we could unify.”


Amanda Serrano became the first women and the first Puerto Rican to win world titles in five weight divisions with an eighth-round TKO of Dahiana Santana to capture the vacant WBO Women’s Bantamweight World Championship in the featured bout of SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME.


Serrano (32-1-1, 24 KOs) was the aggressor from the opening bell, moving forward and attacking with precision as Santana (35-9, 14 KOs) backed up and ate a steady diet of counter shots. Santana was deducted a point for clinching in the fourth, and had visible welts above both eyes following the seventh.


Serrano was connecting at an almost 3-1 power punch ratio when referee Benjy Esteves stepped-in to stop the bout at 1:14 de la huitième manche.


“It means everything to me. We worked so hard. We worked hard for this moment,” Serrano said. “To be a five division world champion is amazing. To be the first female and first Puerto Rican is amazing.


“I’m so proud to be a Puerto Rican. I’m so proud to be a SHOWTIME fighter. I’m just so happy for this moment. Just to be a five-division world champion, I could retire today and it’d be the happiest moment of my life. I’m just getting started. I hope I’m back again.”


In the opening bout of SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME, Image de balise Jose Miguel Borrego (12-0, 11 KOs) knocked out a game John Delperdang (10-3, 9 KOs) à 2:07 of the seventh in a scheduled eight-round welterweight contest.


Borrego, who landed his uppercut at will throughout the bout, a atterri 229 power shots at a more than 50 percent clip in the action-packed bout.


Samedi event was promoted by DiBella Entertainment.


The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will re-air on Lundi, Avril 24 à 10 p.m. ET/PT sur Showtime EXTREME. Samedi SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME telecast will replay on Tuesday, Avril 25 à 10 p.m. ET / PT sur Showtime EXTREME. Both telecasts will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® et SHOWTIME EN TOUT TEMPS®.



André Berto vs. Shawn Porter was a WBC Welterweight World Title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlined SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, présenté par Premier Boxing Champions, Samedi Avril 22 de Barclays Center, la maison de BROOKLYN BOXE ™. En cas de co-principal, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battled top rated challenger Charles Hatley, avec une couverture télévisée à partir de 9:30 p.m. ET/6:30 p.m. PT.


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Pour plus d'informations, visitez www.SHO.com/Sports suivre sur Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, AndreBerto, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter EtSwanson_Comm ou devenez fan sur Facebook à www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC est parrainé par Corona, La bière la plus fine.


Cliquez ICI Pour Photos; Credit Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

Showtime Championship Boxing® Vit à 9:30 p.m. ET/6:30 p.m. PT

WBC Welterweight Eliminator – 12 Rounds

Andre Berto – 146 ½ livres

Shawn Porter – 147 Livres

Arbitre: Mark Nelson; Les juges: Don Ackerman (N. Y.), Pasquale Procopio (Canada), Robin Taylor (N. Y.)

WBC Super Welterweight World Championship – 12 Rounds

Jermell Charlo – 153 ½ livres

Charles Hatley – 153 ¼ livres

Arbitre: Harvey Dock; Les juges: Larry Hazzard Jr. (N.J.), Frank Lombardi (Connecticut), Eric Marlinski (N. Y.)

Showtime Boxing sur SHO EXTREME® Vit à 7:30 p.m. ET/PT

Vacant WBO Bantamweight World Championship

Amanda Serrano – 118 ¼ livres

Dahiana Santana – 122 ¼ livres

Arbitre: Benjy Esteves; Les juges: John McKaie (N. Y.), Tony Paolillo (N. Y.), Waleska Roldan (N. Y.)

Vacant title only at stake for Serrano

Welterweight Bout – 8 Rounds

Jose Miguel Borrego – 141 ¾ livres

John Delperdang – 142 ½ livres

Arbitre: Eric Dali; Les juges: Anthony Lundy (N.J.), Tony Paolillo (N. Y.), Waleska Roldan (N. Y.)


André Berto vs. Shawn Porter is a WBC Welterweight World Title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, présenté par Premier Boxing Champions, Samedi Avril 22 de Barclays Center, la maison de BROOKLYN BOXE ™. En cas de co-principal, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley, avec une couverture télévisée à partir de 9:30 p.m. ET/6:30 p.m. PT.

Mario Barrios Training Camp Quotes & Photos

Undefeated Rising Contender Battles Nicaragua’s Nelson Lara in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions MARDIS TOE-to-toesur FS1 & Champions de boxe sur Fox Deportes mardi, Avril 25
From Fitz Tunica Casino & Hôtels à Tunica, Mississippi
Cliquez ICI for Photos from Stephanie Trapp/TrappFotos
OAKLAND (Avril 21, 2017) – Undefeated rising contender Mario Barrios has wrapped up training camp and is set for a main event showdown against Nicaragua’s Nelson Lara que les titres Premier Champions de boxe MARDIS TOE-to-toe sur FS1 et Champions de boxe sur Fox Deportes Mardi, Avril 25 from the Fitz Tunica Casino & Hôtels à Tunica, Mississippi.
Couverture télévisée commence à 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT and features a 10-round matchup of exciting welterweights as once-beaten Oscar Molina (13-1-1, 10 KOs) takes on Georgia’sLevan Ghvamichava (17-3-1, 13 KOs) dans une confrontation en 10 rounds.
Les billets pour l'événement en direct, qui est promu par Promotions TGB, commence à $20 et sont maintenant en vente. Tickets can be purchased through the Fitz Gift Shop or Ticketmaster atwww.Ticketmaster.com ou en appelant 1-800-745-3000.
Here is what Barrios had to say from training camp:
On fighting in his first main event on FS1:
Fighting in the main event on FS1, à la télévision nationale, is going to be an incredible blessing. I know it’ll be a tremendous boost to my career. I want to set the pace from the opening bell, and give the fans a night to remember. These are the type of fights I’ve always dreamed of.
On his recent training camp with Virgil Hunter in the Bay Area:
Training with Virgil Hunter has been great. This will be my third fight with him as the lead in my corner. We are working tremendously well as a team and I’m happy where my career is at. We got a lot of good sparring in, with a lot of different looks. I feel my punches are sharp and my timing is on point. I’m going to shine in this fight.
On his matchup with Nelson Lara
I really don’t know much about Nelson Lara, except for the fact that he’s coming off a couple of wins. I’m sure his confidence is high, so I’m expecting a tough fight. Aussi, I know he’s fought at lightweight or super-lightweight for most of his career, so he’s got more experience fighting at this weight. One thing for sure isI’ll be ready for anything he brings to the ring.
On moving up two weight classes
It’s hard to believe, but I started off my career at super-bantamweight while standing six feet plus. It was getting to make those smaller weights. I was killing myself to make super featherweight, so my team and I felt it was best to skip lightweight, and move to super-lightweight. It’s a big jump, but I feel real strong at this weight. This is where I want to make my run toward a world title, at super lightweight. You’ll see a stronger Mario Barrios.
On fighting in Mississippi
I actually fought out here early in my career but at a different venue. The fans are great and they get loud. A lively crowd is always fun to fight in front of. I plan on giving the Mississippi fans a great night of boxing.
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Les fans peuvent flux en direct les combats sur FOX Sports GO, disponible en anglais ou en espagnol à travers les flux FS1 ou FOX Deportes. Les combats sont disponibles sur le bureau à FOXSportsGO.com et à travers l'App Store, ou des appareils connectés, y compris Apple TV, Android TV, TV Feu, Xbox One et Roku. En outre, tous les programmes sont également disponibles sur FOX Sports sur le canal SiriusXM 83 sur les radios par satellite et sur l'application SiriusXM.
Pour plus d'informations: visite www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / page d'accueil, www.foxdeportes.com et www.TGBPromotions.com. Suivez sur TwitterPremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @ FS1, FOXDeportes EtSwanson_Comm et devenir fan sur Facebook à www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports etwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. PBC FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona, La bière la plus fine.

Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson Faces Andrzej Fonfara in Championship Rematch That Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, Présenté par Premier Champions de boxe, Samedi, Juin 3 Live on SHOWTIME from Bell Centre in Montreal

Light Heavyweight Showdown Between Top Contender Eleider Alvarez and Former World Champion Jean Pascal
Featured as Co-Main Event on SHOWTIME
Billets en vente maintenant!
MONTRÉAL (Avril 21, 2017) – WBC Light Heavyweight Champion du monde Adonis “Superman” Stevenson will take-on hard-hitting Polish contender Andrzej Fonfara dans un match revanche de leur 2014 slugfest on Samedi, Juin 3 dans l'événement principal de Showtime Championship Boxing, présenté par Premier Champions de boxe, live on SHOWTIME from the Bell Centre in Montreal.
Televised coverage will also include a matchup of top light heavyweights as WBC number-one contender Eleider Alvarez (22-0, 11 KOs) faces former world champion Jean Pascal (31-4-1, 18 KOs) with both men looking to get a shot at the winner of the main event next.
Stevenson (28-1, 23 KOs) et Fonfara (29-4, 17 KOs) battled at Bell Centre on May 24, 2014 as Stevenson was able to survive a knockdown late in the fight to win a decision and defend his belt for the third time. Both men threw huge shots all the way until the final bell and will look to pick up where they left off on June 3.
I’m very excited for this rematch with Fonfara, but it is going to be a short night for him because they don’t pay me for overtime,” Ledit Stevenson. “I’m very happy to be back in the ring for my first fight of 2017. I can’t wait to fight in front of my hometown fans at the Bell Centre. The first time I fought Fonfara was at the Bell Centre in 2014 and now we’re back doing it for a second time. I will put on a great, exciting show for the fans in my hometown, and for the fans on SHOWTIME.
I feel good that I’m back here after three years,” dit Fonfara. “I’m ready for revenge. I’m a different fighter physically and mentally. I’ve shown in a couple of fights that I’m a better fighter. It’s a great opportunity to get the rematch and be a world champion. The last fight against Chad Dawson gave me experience because it was very technical. But really all the fights since thenJulio Chavez, Jr., Nathan Cleverly and even Joe Smithhave helped me prepare for Stevenson again. I changed my team, got a new coach and a trainer, which makes me physically and mentally where I need to be for this fight. I don’t have a problem fighting in Montreal. I love Montreal. It’s a beautiful city with beautiful people. It will be a great night of boxing and I’m sure that I will be victorious on the night of Juin 3.”
Les billets pour l'événement en direct, which is promoted by Group Yvon Michel (GYM) in association with Warriors Boxing, sont au prix de $80 à $350, et sont maintenant en vente. Tickets can be purchased at the Bell Centre box office, sur www.evenko.ca, au GYM (514) 383-0666) ou au Champion Boxing Club (514) 376-0980.
This is one of the best shows in Quebec in a long time,” dit Yvon Michel, Président de GYM. “It’s the kind of event that will inject some adrenaline into boxing in Quebec. We have two fights that could be main events anywhere in the world and on any network. Adonis will defend his title for the eighth time. To be a world champion for four years is exceptional. Fonfara has a style that can give Adonis some problems.
In the co-main event we have a former world champion in Pascal who still believes he can be world champion. He will have a tough assignment with Alvarez, a fighter who just proved he belongs with the best in the world with his win over Lucian Bute. If he beats Pascal he will have beaten two of the best stars that Canada has ever produced in back-to-back fights. He will prove to be a threat to anyone in the future.
We’re really looking forward to taking on Stevenson at the Bell Centre in Montreal on SHOWTIME,” Leon Margules dit, Président de Warriors Boxing, Fonfara’s promoter. “Andrzej was just 26-years-old when they fought last time and it was a big step up for him. We believe he’s now ready to win because he has gained a significant amount of experience in matches with Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr., Nathan Cleverly and Chad Dawson. We’re thrilled to be given the opportunity to fight Stevenson for the world title for a second time.
Stevenson won the world light heavyweight title in June of 2013 à Montréal, via un sensationnel de 76 secondes, first-round knockout over the then-undisputed king of the division Chad Dawson. La victoire impressionnante gagné Stevenson “Knockout de l'année” et “Fighter de l'année” récompenses. De là, Stevenson went on to record stoppage victories over Tavoris Cloud and Tony Bellew in addition to the decision over Fonfara. Né en Haïti, mais les combats hors du Québec, Stevenson defended his title twice in 2015 before making the seventh defense of his belt in an exciting firefight with Thomas Williams Jr. that ended with a fourth-round knockout for the reigning champion. The lineal 175-pound champion trains out of the late Emanuel Steward’s Kronk Gym with his head trainer Sugar Hill.
Now training in Oakland with Virgil Hunter, Fonfara enters this bout coming off of a 10e-round stoppage victory over former world champion Chad Dawson in March at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. The fighter out of Warsaw, Poland bounced back from his defeat to Stevenson with a TKO victory over Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. and a decision over Nathan Cleverly in a 2015 Fight of the Year contender. Le 29-ans a remporté son premier 13 fights after moving up to light heavyweight in 2010 including wins over Gabriel Campillo, Glen Johnson and Tommy Karpency.
Un 2008 Combats olympienne colombienne sur Montréal, Alvarez worked his way into the mandatory position for the WBC title with victories over Isidro Ranoni Prieto and Isaac Chilemba in 2015. He followed those up with wins over Robert Berridge and Norbert Dabrowski before his most recent matchup that saw him deliver a sensation fifth round knockout over former world champion Lucian Bute.
Originally from Haiti, Pascal and his family moved to Canada when he was a child and began boxing at the age of 13. He would eventually become one of the most accomplished fighters from Montreal. Pascal became a world champion in 2009 when he defeated previously unbeaten Adrian Diaconu. He would go on to defend the title three times, including a victory over Chad Dawson. After losing his title to Bernard Hopkins, Pascal has picked up victories over Lucian Bute, Yuniesky Gonzalez and most recently Ricardo Ramallo in addition to two challenges of former unified world champion Sergey Kovalev.
Pour plus d'informations, visitez www.SHO.com/Sports suivre sur Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, AdonisSuperman, @Andrzej_Fonfara and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC est parrainé par Corona, La bière la plus fine.

Cruiserweight World Champion Beibut Shumenov Injured, Unable to Defend Title Against Yunier Dorticos In Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions Show on FS1 & FOX Deportes on April 29

Interim Featherweight Champion Carlos Zambrano
Will Defend Title Against Claudio Marrero in
Main Event While Unbeaten Jeison Rosario Meets Nathaniel Gallimore in Co-Main Event Live from Las Vegas
LAS VEGAS (Avril 20, 2017) – Cruiserweight world champion Shumenov Beibu (17-2, 11 KOs) suffered an eye injury in training mercredi and will not be able to defend his title against yunier Dorticos (21-0, 20 KOs) in the main event of a special Saturday night edition of Premier Champions de boxe sur FS1 et Fox Deportes, Avril 29 de Sam's Town Live à Las Vegas.
Shumenov-Dorticos has been postponed until Shumenov has completely healed from his injury. It will be rescheduled as soon as Shumenov is healthy enough to return to training. There is no timetable yet on when he is expected to return from the injury.
WBA Interim Featherweight Champion Carlos Zambrano (26-0, KOs) défendre son titre contre le concurrent une fois battu Claudio Marrero (21-1, 15 KOs) has been elevated to the main event.
Couverture télévisée débutera à 10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT and will feature undefeated Jeison Rosario (12-0, 9 KOs) prenant une fois battus Nathaniel Gallimore (17-1-1, 14 KOs) in a 10-round middleweight attraction.
It is disappointing that Shumenov suffered an eye injury in training. Malheureusement, that’s the nature of boxing,” a déclaré Leonard Ellerbe, PDG de Promotions Mayweather. “We were looking forward to seeing him defend his cruiserweight world title against Dorticos. I hope he makes a full recovery and we can reschedule the match.
“Maintenant, we’re looking forward to Carlos Zambrano making his Mayweather Promotions debut in a scintillating match against a very tough challenger in Claudio Marrero on FS1 and FOX Deportes.
An unbeaten fighter from Lima, Pérou, Zambrano turned pro in 2008 and fought nine of his first 12 bouts in the U.S. He won a South American regional title in 2012 and began moving up the featherweight rankings with a knockout victory over Devis Perez in 2014. He picked up his interim title with a unanimous decision victory over Daniel Ramirez in 2015 and defended the belt successfully against Jose Sanmartin later that year.
A former title challenger who lost a narrow decision to Jesus Cuellar in 2013, Marrero has won seven-straight bouts since then. Plus récemment,, the 28-year-old knocked down Luis Hinojosa four times before stopping him in the fourth round in August 2016. A native of Santo Domingo, République Dominicaine, Marrero was an accomplished amateur who will be fighting in Las Vegas for the second time in his pro career.
An unbeaten fighter out of Santo Domingo, République Dominicaine, Rosario will make his U.S. debut when he enters the ring on Mai 16. Un pro depuis 2013, the 22-year-old scored knockouts in his first three starts and won a Domincan welterweight title with a second round stoppage of Jose Vidal Soto in 2014. Rosario’s last three starts have seen him score TKO victories over Euro Gonzalez plus previously unbeaten fighters Carlos Jairo Cruz and Rafael Lorenzo.
Originally from Kingston, Jamaica and fighting out of Evanston, Illinois, Gallimore enters this fight having won his last four bouts, tous par KO. The 28-year-old has fought professionally since 2014 and was unbeaten in his first 14 outings before losing a narrow split-decision last June. He began his 2017 with a third round stoppage of Angel Hernandez in early April.
# # #
Les fans peuvent flux en direct les combats sur FOX Sports GO, disponible en anglais ou en espagnol à travers les flux FS1 ou FOX Deportes. Les combats sont disponibles sur le bureau à FOXSportsGO.com et à travers l'App Store, ou des appareils connectés, y compris Apple TV, Android TV, TV Feu, Xbox One et Roku. En outre, tous les programmes sont également disponibles sur FOX Sports sur le canal SiriusXM 83 sur les radios par satellite et sur l'application SiriusXM.
Pour plus d'informations: visite www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.mayweatherpromotions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / page d'accueil, www.foxdeportes.com.et www.TGBPromotions.com Suivez sur TwitterPremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, @ FS1, FOXDeportes EtSwanson_Comm et devenir fan sur Facebook à www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportesunewww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC FS1 & FOX Deportes est parrainé par Corona Extra, La bière la plus fine.

André Berto vs. Shawn Porter Press Conference Quotes & Photos

Former World Champions Meet in Welterweight World Title Eliminator That Headlines a Premier Boxing Champions Event,Samedi, Avril 22 du centre Barclays à Brooklyn &
En direct sur Showtime
Cliquez ICI pour les photos de Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME
Cliquez ICI pour les photos de Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
BROOKLYN (Avril 20, 2017) – Anciens champions du monde Autres Berto et Shawn Porter fait face à face Jeudi two days before they enter the ring for a world title eliminator showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, présenté par Premier Boxing Champions, cette Samedi, Avril 22 de Barclays Center, la maison de BROOKLYN BOXE ™.
Champion du monde des super mi-moyens Jermell Charlo and top rated contender Charley Hatley and their camps exchanged heated words during De jeudi press conference prior to their co-main event matchup live on SHOWTIME at 9:30 p.m. ET/6:30 p.m. PT.
Également présents Jeudi and headlining SHOWTIME EXTREME action were four-time world champion Amanda Serrano looks to become the first female fighter and first Puerto Rican to win titles in five weight classes when she fights Dahiana Santana for a vacant 118-pound title. Coverage begins at 7:30 p.m. ET/PT with unbeaten prospect Image de balise Jose Miguel Borrego battling California’s John Delperdang.
Les billets pour l'événement en direct, qui est promu par DiBella Entertainment, commence à $50 (non compris les frais applicables) et sont maintenant en vente. Les billets peuvent être achetés en ligne en vous rendant www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ou en appelant 1-800-745-3000. Les billets sont également disponibles à la Billetterie du American Express au Barclays Center. Les rabais de groupe sont disponibles en téléphonant 844-BKLYN-GP.
Voici ce que les participants avaient à dire Jeudi:
I started my career in New York and it feels great to be back here in New York. This is going to be a fantastic night of fights. I go a long way back with a lot these fighters up here. It’s tremendous to see these fighters still dialed-in and at this level. I’m the old vet in the group now.
I’m still on top of my game. That’s something that’s hard to do. Nous avons eu un camp énorme. One of the best I’ve had in years. I was focused the whole time.
I’m looking forward to putting those straps on just like they never left. I respect Shawn and his dad, mais en ce moment, they’re in the way.
I’m going to show you what it is to go through adversity in life and make it to the top again. Samedi nuit, we’re going to make it happen.
Shawn Porter
When it’s time for the fight, Andre Berto and I are going to put on a show. I’ve seen this man get hit, I’ve seen him get put down and he got up. I know he can be hurt and I know he can be stopped, He’s a man just like me. He’s ready, but not as ready as me. Vous ne voulez pas manquer Samedi nuit.
The number one thing for me is to win this fight and show Keith Thurman that I’m ready for the rematch. There is nothing allowed but positive energy. Nous y sommes presque. I’m definitely excited.
Andre Berto is dangerous if you allow him to be. We do everything we can to make sure that doesn’t happen. I have no doubt in my mind that we won’t be in any danger Samedi nuit.
We saw during the Floyd fight that footwork can work against Andre Berto. Against Josesito Lopez we saw that you can box Berto, but you need to get out of the pocket. Against Victor Ortiz we saw that he got put down by Victor. The difference between Victor Ortiz and myself is that I’m a fighter who never stops. I’m coming after you.
The jab will be a key to this fight. I can throw my jab a lot of different ways. You’ll see me using my jab a lot in this fight.
Some people thought Garcia-Thurman lacked action, but I’m not worried about that for this one. I don’t condone boos. That’s just how I fight.
Jermell Charlo
I’m glad to finally have this opportunity. Ça a été une longue période à venir. My coach has already scripted the way he wants this fight to go. I have to make it happen.
I’m excited to announce that my brother Jermall will be working my corner. I’m really pumped to have him in there with me as my chief second for the first time.
I don’t know what’s been happening with Charles Hatley’s team. But we’re here and we’re not going anywhere. I’ll never run from anybody.
This is one of the best camps I’ve had in my life. I had some training in Los Angeles and then in Dallas with Derrick James. We’ve stepped it up in training working every day with Errol Spence.
My brother and I aren’t getting the respect we deserve in this game. We’re still trying to prove a point and it’ll start Samedi with this fight.
This is the strongest and the fastest I’ve ever been. Hatley’s going to do what he’s got to do. We’ve got our team and I’m happy that my team is in this position.
There’s a new sheriff in town. I’m thankful to everyone who got me this opportunity and made this happen. Now it’s party time. I’ve been working for this fight my whole life, not just for months.
I’ve wanted Jermell for three years. There’s no other fight in boxing that I want more than this. We had a long camp and we never stopped working. I’m going to bring the best out of him and become the new champion.
There’s nothing he can do to stop me from leaving the ring with that belt. I know I have all the skills. We’ve worked hard and I believe I have what it takes to beat Charlo and take his belt home.
I’m going to give the fans a great show and give them something to remember. Once I clean Charlo off of the ground, I’ll get that respect.
I’m extremely blessed to be in this position. I’m thankful to my whole team for getting me prepared and where I am right now. I trained really hard for this fight. Being a five-division world champion is a great accomplishment. I’m so ready for it.
We struggled a little bit for this fight because it was for history. I left it in the ring every day. I want to be known as one of the best female fighters and one of the best Puerto Rican fighters in the history of the sport.
I think our styles are going to match up well for the fans. I always want to leave the fans with something to talk about. Being in my hometown, it’s even more motivation to go put on a performance that everyone remembers.
I’m glad that Santana took the challenge. It’s going to be a great war as long as it lasts. I had a war with Yazmin Rivas in January but I’m planning on making this an easier and quicker this time around.
I know that I’m going against a really good fighter who is a four-division champion. I’ve been training very hard to win this bantamweight title.
I’ve trained very hard physically and mentally for this fight and I feel ready for a victory. I know that with the work we did in training, that I’ll be ready for anything Serrano brings into the ring.
I’m thankful to SHOWTIME for airing a women’s fight and Samedi we will give you a war at Barclays Center.
I’m very glad to have this opportunity. We’ve prepared very well and I know that me and my team are ready.
I originally prepared for one opponent and now I’m facing someone I’m very familiar with so I think I will still be able to put on an explosive performance.
I’m really happy to be a part of this fight. I’m coming to win and I’m coming for the knockout. I know that a win puts me on a different level.
Training camp has been incredible. We stayed ready this whole time and when the call came, we were ready to jump on it.
To be able to come back to the Barclays Center for a second time is an honor. Training camp was great and I’ve stayed in the gym. I’m ready to get back in there.
There was no bigger stage than the Olympics in my eyes. Without Andre Berto, I would not be standing here as a 2016 Olympian and in the position I’m in as a pro.
I hope everyone comes out for a great night. I’m going to put on a show and I know that all these other fighters are going to do the same.
DiBella LOU, Président de DiBella Entertainment
This is going to be another sensational show at Barclays Center. SHOWTIME is really on a roll and they just came out with another slate of great shows. I’m proud to work with them on this fight.
This main event doesn’t need a lot of hype. Two of the best guys in the division fighting to get in there with Keith Thurman and prove who the man is. Shawn almost succeeded against Keith in a fight he thought he won. Berto is a champion and there is no quit in him. This is going to be a war in the ring Samedi nuit.
Barclays Center has become the capital of New York boxing and one of the best boxing venues in the country. That is not by accident, but by design. Brett Yormark is not only doing good fights, but a series of good fights. He’s making sure there is a constant flow of good boxing coming into the building. Brooklyn Boxing is something with a great deal of momentum and Samedi night is another great example of what Brooklyn Boxing is.
STEPHEN ESPINOZA, Vice-président exécutif & Directeur Général, Sports Showtime
This is another great Barclays Center event and another night of championship level boxing on SHOWTIME. That’s what we have been doing all year, that’s what Barclays Center does and that’s what Lou DiBella does.
Borrego and Delperdang are making their television debuts, which is a big milestone in their career. Amanda Serrano is fighting to make history. No one has done what she’s trying to do. Charles Hatley is fighting for a world title, which is something he’s spent his whole career trying to do. But Jermell Charlo is driven just as much. He’s spent his career getting here and he is driven to hold onto his title.
Berto and Porter have never been in a boring fight. They’re fighting to get back to the top of the mountain. There is plenty at stake. You may be tempted to overlook this card, but this will be one of the strongest cards of the year, and you shouldn’t miss it.
# # #
André Berto vs. Shawn Porter is a WBC welterweight world title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlines Showtime Championship Boxing, présenté par Premier Champions de boxe, Samedi Avril 22

de Barclays Center, la maison de BROOKLYN BOXE ™. En cas de co-principal, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley, avec une couverture télévisée à partir de 9:30 p.m. ET/6:30 p.m. PT.

Pour plus d'informations, visitez www.SHO.com/Sports suivre sur Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, AndreBerto, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter EtSwanson_Comm ou devenez fan sur Facebook à www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC est parrainé par Corona, La bière la plus fine.


“Never count me out. I always come back.” – Andre Berto

Click On The Link Below To Watch The SHOWTIME Sports® Feature

YOUTUBE: http://s.sho.com/2osOLjX

Former welterweight world champions Andre Berto and Shawn Porter meet in a “must win” crossroads fight ce samedi, en direct sur Showtime (9:30 p.m. ET/6:30 p.m. PT) du centre Barclays à Brooklyn. The winner in the WBC 147-pound eliminator earns a mandatory shot at unified welterweight champ Keith Thurman while Samedi loser, as Berto explains in this SHOWTIME Sports video feature, could “disappear into the darkness.”

Le BOXE CHAMPIONNAT SHOWTIME® télédiffusion commence à 9:30 p.m. ET/6:30 p.m. PT as undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley. Four-time world champion Amanda Serrano aims for a record-setting fifth world title when she faces former champ Dahiana Santana for the vacant WBO Bantamweight World Championship in the featured bout of SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME® à 7:30 p.m. ET/PT.

André Berto vs. Shawn Porter Media Workout Quotes & Photos

Former World Champions Meet in Welterweight World Title Eliminator That Headlines a Premier Boxing Champions Event,Samedi, Avril 22 du centre Barclays à Brooklyn & En direct sur Showtime
Cliquez ICI pour les photos de Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME
Cliquez ICI pour les photos de Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
BROOKLYN (Avril 19, 2017) – Les anciens champions du monde poids welter Autres Bertoet Shawn Porter began fight week activities Mercredi as they hosted a media workout at the famed Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn in advance of their world title eliminator showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, présenté par Premier Boxing Champions, cette Samedi, Avril 22 de Barclays Center, la maison de BROOKLYN BOXE ™.
Televised coverage on SHOWTIME begins at 9:30 p.m. ET/6:30 p.m. PT and features super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo, who was in attendance atMercredi de faire des exercices,defending his belt against top rated challenger Charles Hatley.
SHOWTIME EXTREME action begins at 7:30 p.m. ET/PT as four-time world champion Amanda Serrano looks to become the first female fighter and first Puerto Rican to win titles in five weight classes when she fights Dahiana Santana for a vacant 118-pound title.
Les billets pour l'événement en direct, qui est promu par DiBella Entertainment, commence à $50 (non compris les frais applicables) et sont maintenant en vente. Les billets peuvent être achetés en ligne en vous rendant www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ou en appelant 1-800-745-3000. Les billets sont également disponibles à la Billetterie du American Express au Barclays Center. Les rabais de groupe sont disponibles en téléphonant 844-BKLYN-GP.
Rounding out the group of fights participating in Mercredi de workout were undefeated local prospects Julian Sosa et Richardson Hitchins, qui seront en compétition dans des épisodes distincts Samedi nuit.
Voici ce que les combattants avaient à dire Mercredi from Gleason’s Gym:
This is what we work hard to get to. All the weeks that we put into training camp have been tremendous. As athletes, we spend a lot of time trying to fine tune our craft for a reason. We’re looking to see the harvest Samedi nuit.
I really had a tremendous training camp. I tried to stay away from everything else as much as I can. I’m dialed-in right now.
You’re always going to have people with you and against you in this sport. Our job is to work hard and do the best we can in the ring and give the fans a great show.
My focus right now is on this fight night Samedi. Everything that comes after it will take care of itself. I just have to make sure all my energy is used towards getting this win.
There are a lot of great world champions out in camp with me and we all work hard and feed off of each other.
I’ve been ready waiting for the call for a big fight and this came together and I couldn’t be happier. Ça va être une grande soirée.
I took a little bit from his fight with Keith [Thurman]. We’ve seen the tape and we’ll try to use it logically. We’re focused and ready to go to work.
Shawn Porter
The fans here are real. The energy is always great. There’s so much history in this gym and in this city. It’s always an honor to be a part of it.
We prepared for everything. We’re prepared for 12 tours. We’re prepared to throw the right punches to slow him down and knock him down. We’re prepared to outbox him or to be aggressive and take the fight to him.
“C'est un combat très important pour moi. I’ve watched Berto since the amateurs and on into the pros. I’ve seen him do it all. I’ve seen the best of his career and the worst. I’m going to do what it takes to end up on the right side of this.
People have definitely seen a great deal of my talent in the last fight with Thurman. People know what I can do in the ring but I’m always working on taking it to another level.
I don’t feel pressure to make this an exciting fight. I love that people are looking forward to watching me fight. When I do what I do, people know that it’s going to be exciting. I never have to worry about that part.
I was at the Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia and I thought that it could have been me that night. But I’ve reminded myself that my time is coming and this is the first step towards that.
I’m going to let Keith Thurman know that I’m coming for him. I’m going to make sure that he knows that I want him. I’m going to do everything I can to get that fight after I get past this one.
Jermell Charlo
There are some things I have in my arsenal that the world hasn’t seen yet. I’m going to show everyone a little bit more than last time.
“Je suis prêt à aller 12 tours. Je suis excité à propos de cette lutte. I’ve picked up a lot of things in training and I’m ready to shine.
I want to make a statement with a knockout, but if it doesn’t happen, I’m ready to do what I have to do. I can’t put too much pressure on myself, I just have to take care of business.
From growing up in the boxing world, I’ve had to slowly realize how big of a stage I have. I try to help out young fighters on how to get to this point.
Charles Hatley is a good fighter. He comes with pressure and he likes fighting. He’s got a good style and he can bob and weave and be slick.
I’m excited about fighting in Brooklyn for the first time. Everyone knows the fans in New York are great because they’re real and they know their stuff. I’m hoping to give them something to remember.
I’ve studied this sport a lot. My size is going to have a big effect on him. My size is going to wear on him as we get to the later rounds. I’ve experienced a lot of things in the world of boxing.
“Le camp d'entraînement se est très bien. We added a few things to camp based off of the last fight. I felt like there were a few flaws that I needed to correct. We had extra strength and conditioning, more miles on the road and some sparring with more advanced competitors. I can’t wait until fight night.
Having guys like Richardson Hitchins and Jonathan Alonso in the gym with me is great. They’re hungry fighters just like me. It gives me motivation, but we’re also competing. We all want to do better than each other. j'adore l'ambiance.
Being able to perform at Barclays Center in my hometown in Brooklyn is really humbling. This is a great platform for me. All I can do to show my appreciation is train really hard and when fight night comes, I just have to shine.
My first fight was more than a dream come true. But I’m looking to steal the show every time I’m in the ring. This is going to be another special performance. I’m going to put on a show.
“Je ai eu un excellent camp d'entraînement. I didn’t really take any time off after my last fight. Je me sens fort. I’m grateful that my team has me busy and I’m ready to keep going.
It feels good to be fighting in front of my hometown fans once again. I love seeing everybody come out and support me. Ça va être un grand combat Samedi nuit.
I grew up with guys like Julian so having them in my professional camp is great. We’ve been doing this forever and just motivating each other to get better. We have fun every day in the gym.
# # #
André Berto vs. Shawn Porter is a WBC welterweight world title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlines Showtime Championship Boxing, présenté par Premier Champions de boxe, Samedi Avril 22 de Barclays Center, la maison de BROOKLYN BOXE ™. En cas de co-principal, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley, avec une couverture télévisée à partir de 9:30 p.m. ET/6:30 p.m. PT.
Pour plus d'informations, visitez www.SHO.com/Sports suivre sur Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, AndreBerto, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter EtSwanson_Comm ou devenez fan sur Facebook à www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC est parrainé par Corona, La bière la plus fine.