Tag Архив: Премиер боксови Champions

Майки срещу Гарсия. Сергей Lipinets Сан Антонио Пресконференция Цитати & Снимки

(Photo Credit: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME)
Three-Division World Champion Garcia Faces 140-Pound World Champion Lipinets Събота, Февруари. 10 живеят на SHOWTIME® От Alamodome в Сан Антонио, Texas &
Представено от Premier боксови шампиони
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Esther Лин / SHOWTIME
Сан Антонио (Декември 19, 2017) – Непобеждаван три разделение световен шампионMikey Garcia и без загуба IBF Junior Welterweight световен шампион Сергей Lipinets са лице в лице за втори пореден ден вторник по време на пресконференция в Сан Антонио, за да обсъдят своята основното събитие ще се проведе шоудаун Събота, Февруари. 10живеят на SHOWTIME (10:15 p.m. И/PT). Двубоят на топ-5 класират младши welterweights е представен от Premier боксови шампиони в Alamodome в Сан Антонио, Texas.
SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс покритие ще включва две разделение световен шампион Rances Barthelemy в мач-реванш срещу Кирил Relikh за свободен WBA 140-килограмова свят заглавието на.
Билети за събитието, , която е възложена Ringstar Спорт и TGB Промоции, са с цени $250, $150, $75, $50 и $20. Билетите са в продажба сега и на разположение на Ticketmaster.com.
Ето какво участниците пресконференцията трябваше да се каже, вторник от Chris Steak House Grand Hyatt Рут в Сан Антонио:
“Очакваме труден конкурентна борба. Lipinets е боец, който винаги е опасно. Той има власт в двете си ръце и той не се страхува да споделите с ръцете си отиват. Той е също така склонни да се удари, така че той може да ви удари назад. Това е, което го прави опасен.
“Тази възможност да спечели титлата в четвърта дивизия е твърде голям, за да премине на. Трудно е да се осигури двубои като този. Аз съм щастлив, всичко дойде заедно, така че ние можем да дадем на феновете страхотно шоу.
“Миналата година беше страхотна година за завръщането ми. Тя започна с победа на световната титла за трети заглавие дивизия и след това имах голяма победа над Адриен Broner през лятото. Търся още по-големи неща в 2018 и това миналата година наистина проправи пътя за това.
“Спечелване четвърта титла е голям Жребият за мен при вземането на тази борба се случи. За да направи историята като това е нещо, което наистина ме мотивира. Знам, че имам много повече, за да се постигне в областта на спорта, но това е едно чудесно начало. Това е посоката, аз искам да отида в.
“Има много талант и история в бокса в Сан Антонио. Брат ми разполага с фитнес зала и тук имаме много бойци тренираме с от района. Въпреки че никога не съм се бори тук, Аз съм намерила много подкрепа от общността. Когато търсим в места за борбата, това е нещо, което е развълнуван да се направи.
“Аз се борих в различни райони на Тексас и винаги получава много любов, но никога не е бил в състояние да се бори в Сан Антонио. Решихме да доведе борбата тук, за да дам нещо обратно към щата Тексас. Няма по град по-добре да го бъде домакин от Сан Антонио.”
“Феновете в Сан Антонио могат да очакват драма. Това ще бъде шоу. Това ще има големи удари, нокдауна и всичко, което бихте искали да видите в бой.
“Това е най-голямото предизвикателство, което аз съм имал в кариерата си. Майки е голяма звезда, но аз съм много конкурентен и искам да покажем на света какво мога да направя.
“Моят дух не може да бъде съчетана с всеки боец, но аз също имам скоростта и силата, за да спечели. Аз ще покажа опустошително въздействие върху Февруари 10.
“Майки е много добър играч на шах. Хората подценяват способността му да мисли на ринга. Така че не може да отиде там със стил, който някой друг е използвал срещу него. Ние ще работим усилено, за най-добрия план за игра за какво мога да направя.
“Това ще бъде трудна битка. Аз съм с цел да се получи печалба никакъв начин, че мога. Не мога да кажа това, което ще изглежда като, но аз ще бъда готов за всичко на ринга.
“Идвам, за да спечели. Искам да бъда в позицията, че Майки е достигнал в този спорт. Аз съм работил усилено, за да стигнем до този момент и аз ще го дам моя всички да се възползват.
“Ако аз не мисля, че е готов за тази битка тогава не бих го вземе. Имаме план и ще използваме целия опит съм, придобит от кариерата си, за да го изпълни.”
РИЧАРД SCHAEFER, Председател & Главен изпълнителен директор на Ringstar Sports
“Бокс навлиза в 2018 с огромна скорост и започвате с големи събития като това. Имате две непобеден шампиони стават на ринга да се борят помежду си. These kind of fights are going to continue to elevate the sport to great heights.
“Това е един лесен битка, за да, защото имате две бойци, които искат да се измери срещу най-добрите. Това е битка, която бе извършена бързо. Нито боец ​​трябваше да бъдат убедени. Двете момчета се чувстват те могат да спечелят и ще в борбата с отношение на непобеден боец.
“Нито едно от тези момчета имат всяка мисъл, че могат да загубят. Те са 100 процента убеден, че те ще излезе от там с повдигнат ръката си. Това е, което ще направи този голям двубой.”
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За повече информация посетете www.sho.com/sports , WWW.premierboxingchampions.com,
следете ни в Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar @TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и www.Facebook.com/Обадете Star Sports. PBC е спонсориран от Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Майки срещу Гарсия. Sergey Lipinets Los Angeles Press Conference Quotes & Снимки



Three-Division World Champion Garcia Faces 140-Pound World Champion Lipinets Събота, Февруари. 10 живеят на SHOWTIME®

От Alamodome в Сан Антонио, Texas &

Представено от Premier боксови шампиони

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Esther Лин / SHOWTIME

Лос Анджелис (Декември 18, 2017) – Непобеждаван три разделение световен шампион Mikey Garcia и без загуба IBF Junior Welterweight световен шампион Сергей Lipinets оттеглиха лице в лице за първи път Понеделник at a press conference in Los Angeles to discuss their main event showdown on Събота, Февруари. 10 живеят на SHOWTIME (10:15 p.m. И/PT). The matchup of top-5 ranked junior welterweights will take place at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas and is presented by Premier Boxing Champions.


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс покритие ще включва две разделение световен шампион Rances Barthelemy в мач-реванш срещу Кирил Relikh за свободен WBA 140-килограмова свят заглавието на.


Билети за събитието, , която е възложена Ringstar Спорт и TGB Промоции, са с цени $250, $150, $75, $50 и $20. Билетите ще влезе в продажба утре при 12 p.m. CT and will be available at Ticketmaster.com.


Lipinets will be making the first defense of his world title while Garcia looks to become only the third fighter in modern history to become a champion at 126, 130, 135 и 140 паунда, се присъедини към бъдещата Зала на Famers Хуан Мануел Маркес и Мани Пакиао *.


Ето какво участниците на пресконференцията трябваше да се каже, Понеделник от стаята Conga в L.A. На живо:




“A world champion like Sergey Lipinets is more exciting an opponent for me than an easy title defense. I wanted a challenge and this man presents that. He’s a bigger man naturally. He’s going to be very hungry and motivated. He knows a victory over me launches his career to the top. That’s going to make this an interesting fight.


“To win a world title in a fourth division is a big deal to me. My dad always wanted a three-division world champion, and now I have a chance to give him a fourth title. That’s something that really excites me.


“It’s been a great return to boxing since my layoff. When I came back, I wanted to move fast and take on big challenges. That’s what we’ve been doing so far. I want to take on any challenges that people think I can’t achieve. I think slowly we’re proving to everyone that I’m better than ever and I’m going to keep taking on the kinds of fights that will cement my legacy.


“It would be a great accomplishment to be in the discussion with guys like Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez, that would be a win in itself. But it wasn’t on my mind when taking this fight. I just want to keep fighting the best out there. There’s still more for me to accomplish until I’m on the same level as Pacquiao and Marquez.


“It’s going to be a great fight. Like I’ve said, the challenge for me is that I’ll be fighting the bigger man. На Fight Night, that advantage he has on me might be enough to make it that much more exciting. It will be interesting to see how well I adapt to the size. I have to make adjustments to overcome those challenges. This should give the fans the excitement that we want to give them.


“My only focus is on Февруари 10 against Sergey Lipinets. That’s my target throughout the entire camp. There may be more opportunities for me on the horizon, but you’ll see on fight night that I’m one hundred percent focused.


“I know that I have the possibility to be the biggest star in boxing like a Floyd Mayweather, and I think I’m on track to accomplish that. I don’t see a lot of guys in the sport with the resume of accomplishments that I have. I’m going to continue take on the best and beat my opponents convincingly.”




“Mikey Garcia is a great champion and I want to be in the position that he’s reached in this sport. The only way there is to go through him.


“I’m taking on a great challenge against Mikey Garcia, and many people think I’m not ready. This is the fight that I wanted. I’ve had many obstacles in my way throughout my career and I’ve overcome them all. I’m going to overcome Mikey Garcia just like that.


“Every time I have sparred with top fighters, like Terrence Crawford, I have learned more about what I need to improve to get to the next level in this sport. That kind of experience has helped my confidence increase and will help me when I face Mikey Garcia.


“A lot of things can happen when you move up in weight. Usually people use some pop. Whatever version of Mikey Garcia shows up; I’ll be ready for him.


“I believe I’m going to win, Mikey believes he’s going to win, and it will all unveil in the ring. One thing I can guarantee; това ще бъде голяма борба.


“Every fight I’ve had has been against a tough opponent who has helped get me to this point. Сега, I’m ready to fight the best, and Mikey Garcia is truly that.


“I had to work very hard to make the transition from champion kickboxer to a champion boxer. I did everything I had to do, moving from gym to gym and sparring everyone. I always aimed for the best and wanted to be the best at what I do.”


ROBERT GARCIA, Mikey’s Brother & Треньор


“We know that Sergey Lipinets is a very dangerous fighter. He’s a really strong champion. I know he’s going to be hungry because he wants to become a big name by beating Mikey.


“Mikey is very smart in the ring. We’re going to come in there with a good game plan. We’ll have some big sparring partners. Strong, heavy guys who will give Mikey a big challenge in sparring.


“Mikey has to be in great shape for this fight. You can easily win the first eight rounds, but there are still four left. You have to be able to finish the fight. A great power puncher like Lipinets can finish you in one round.”


BUDDY MCGIRT, Lipinets’ Trainer


“We will be prepared for any and every thing. This way, when fight night comes, we’ll have an answer for everything. The key is that we just have to be on point from the opening bell to the end. There’s no way around it.


“We’re going to cover everything in training camp. You have to have every option available to you on fight night. This way, you’re never surprised in the ring. Sergey won’t go in there swinging to get a knockout, he’s going to be disciplined and focus on getting the victory.


“I believe that Sergey is on a mission. I know Mikey Garcia is on a mission too, and I respect that. I respect that these two men are fighting each other. Champions do what Sergey is doing, and that’s fighting the best.”


РИЧАРД SCHAEFER, Председател & Главен изпълнителен директор на Ringstar Sports


“This is going to be a huge night for the 140-pound division. It will be another toe-to-toe showdown at the Alamodome in San Antonio, where so many great matchups have taken place before. Билетите започват от само $20 so we expect another great crowd of fight fans down in Texas.


“This matchup features two undefeated fighters, two big punchers and 50 победи, 40 с нокаут, between the two of them. These guys are both champions who are daring to be great. These are exactly the kind of fighters that the public likes. These fighters will push themselves to be great.


“These guys only know one thing, and that is winning. Sergey Lipinets is the biggest puncher at 140-pounds and it seems like Mikey Garcia always seeks out these big punchers.


“Mikey is looking to do something that only Manny Paccquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez have done, in moving up from 126 pounds through 140 pounds winning titles at each division. It is very difficult to carry that power up from featherweight. You have to tune-in to see an exciting fighter like that trying to make history.”


СТИВЪН Еспиноза, Изпълнителен вицепрезидент & Генерален мениджър, Шоу Спорт


“What boxing needs are great fights. Good, high quality matchups like Leo Santa Cruz vs. Carl Фрамптън, Кийт Търман срещу. Danny Garcia and Errol Spence vs. Кел Brook. There needs consistently be good fights, and that’s what we have been doing at SHOWTIME for the last couple of years. No other network has done the quality of fights that SHOWTIME is doing. No other network is as committed to the sport as SHOWTIME has been.


“The best need to fight the best, and that is what Mikey Garcia has done. He came off of a two-and-a-half-year layoff and в 18 месеца he’s had four fights, two title fights and will be going for a title in a fourth weight class, something only Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez have done before. That’s what great fighters do.


“Historically the fighters who separate themselves as legendary, are the ones who challenge themselves and travel across weight classes to seek these challenges. But there are two sides to this story. Those who have been paying attention have seen Sergey Lipinets make a lot of noise on SHOWTIME cards lately. He has risen very quickly.


“If you just look at Lipinets’ record, 13-0, and think about him fighting Mikey Garcia it would sound crazy. But if you look at the kind of competition he’s faced, his last seven opponents have a combined record of 163-15. That’s not something you usually see 13 fights into a career. Lipinets is a combat veteran, and whatever happens in the ring, he will be ready for it. It’s going to make for an exciting night.”

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*Pacquiao спечели линейни първенства в 126 и 140 паунда, въпреки че той не спечели азбука титли.


За повече информация посетете www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.com,

следете ни в Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar @TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и www.Facebook.com/RingstarSports. PBC е спонсориран от Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Three-Division World Champion Mikey Garcia Seeks Title in a Fourth Weight Class When He Challenges Unbeaten 140-pound Champion Sergey Lipinets Saturday, Февруари. 10 Live on SHOWTIME® at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas & Представено от Premier боксови шампиони

Undefeated Two-Time World Champion Rances Barthelemy to Rematch Kiryl Relikh for Vacant 140-Pound Title In Co-Main Event
Tickets on Sale Next Week!
Сан Антонио (Декември 14, 2017) – Непобеждаван три разделение световен шампион Mikey Garcia will attempt to win a world title in a fourth weight class when he challenges unbeaten IBF 140-pound world champion Сергей Lipinets на Събота, Февруари 10 на живо по SHOWTIME. The matchup of top-5 ranked junior welterweights will take place at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas and is presented by Премиер боксови Champions.
Две разделение световен шампион Rances Barthelemy ще се изправят Кирил Relikh in a rematch of their May showdown on SHOWTIME, този път за свободна WBA 140-килограмова световната титла на. В doubleheader на заглавните пристъпи в разделението широко отворената 140-килограмова поставя на сцената за евентуален мач обединението.
Билети за събитието, , която е възложена Ringstar Спорт и TGB Промоции, са с цени $250, $75, $50 и $20. Tickets will go on sale next week and will be available at Ticketmaster.com.
На 29-годишният Гарсия (37-0, 30 Нокаута), категорично се завръща в списъците лира-за-килограмова в 2017 като вкара портфолио с акценти нокаут на Деян Zlaticanin да спечели WBC Лек Световното първенство през януари и след това доминираше четири дивизия шампион Адриен Broner на път за единодушно решение през юли. Гарсия е член на известен боксов семейство, и се отбелязва за неговото спортсменство и командва му присъствие в пръстена, усъвършенства от брат му и аплодирана треньор Робърт Гарсия.
Garcia, на Moreno Valley по пътя на Окснард, Калифорния., връща на ринга след две и половина години отсъствие през юли 2016 без да пропуска нищо от спирането на бившия шампион Елио Рохас. Garcia, който е заемал световни титли при 126, 130 и 135 паунда, спря 19 на неговата последна 22 опоненти, включително римски “Скалист” Martinez, Хуан Мануел Лопес и Орландо Salido.
It is a dream to have the opportunity to become a four-division worldchampion,” Garcia said. “San Antonio has some of the greatest boxing fans in the country, including some key supporters of my Robert Garcia Boxing Academy family. Since my last fight, I have stayed in the gym. I can’t wait to give the fans in Texas and those watching at home on SHOWTIME another great performance.
На непобедени Lipinets (13-0, 10 Нокаута) заловен супер лек световна титла в току-що си 13тата про битка, побеждавайки Акихиро Кондо чрез единодушно решение за Ноември 4 на SHOWTIME. Той е родом от Казахстан, но се мести в Русия, когато е бил на шест години. Той в момента живее в Бевърли Хилс, Калифорния, Lipinets и е обучен от приятели McGirt.
28-годишният се изкачи 140-килограмова ранглиста с победи над тогава непобеден Haskell Родос, Леван Ghvamichava и Валтер Кастило преди нокаутира Леонардо Zappavigna в заглавие елиминатор свят през декември миналата година. Lipinets will look to stamp his place as an elite fighter when he takes on the accomplished and dangerous Garcia on Февруари 10.
Getting the title is one thing, but keeping the title is a more difficult task,” said Lipinets. “I’m not about to give it away to anybody. No disrespect to Mikey Garcia or anybody else out there, but I’m keeping my title. Beating Mikey Garcia will put me in the elite of boxing where I believe I belong. I’m happy my team was able to put this great fight together. I can promise you this won’t be a snoozer. It’s going to be an action-packed fight for sure.
We’re going to call it‘Undefeated.That pretty much sums it up. Two undefeated fighters, champion versus champion,” - каза Ричард Шефер, Председател & Главен изпълнителен директор на Ringstar Sports. “It’s a big challenge for Mikey Garcia to win a championship belt in his fourth weight class. Lipinets never backs down and he’s out to show that’s he one of the biggest punchers in the division. A win for Lipinets is a game-changer for his family and his career. A win for Mikey is another feather in his cap and will help him be recognized as pound-for-pound best in the world. I’m happy to be back in San Antonio at the Alamodome. I’ve promoted some big fights there. San Antonio fight fans are in for a real treat seeing two of the best fighting each other. I’m sure the fans will embrace this fight.
We have another intriguing matchup of two young, hungry undefeated fighters who lay it on the line every time they step into the ring,” каза Том Браун, Председател на TGB Промоции. “As talented as Mikey is, you can’t count Lipinets out. He’s one of the hardest hitters in the 140-pound division. He’s a tough competitor and there’s a reason why he’s a world champion. He knows this is a career-defining fight and he’s going to do everything he can to spoil the party for Garcia in San Antonio on Feb. 10.”
In three consecutive fights on SHOWTIME since his return to the sport, Mikey Garcia has solidified his position on boxing’s pound-for-pound lists,” каза Стивън Еспиноза, Изпълнителен вицепрезидент и генерален мениджър, Шоу Спорт. “Mikey has proven he’s willing to take on the most avoided opponents in any division as he seeks out the biggest possible matchups in the sport. He’ll face yet another dangerous opponent in Sergey Lipinets, an undefeated champion in his own right, as he seeks to become a four-division world champion. On the heels of Errol Spence vs. Lamont Peterson on Януари 20, a matchup of consensus top-10 welterweights, we’re proud to deliver this main event of top-5 ranked fighters to build on the momentum.
Barthelemy (26-0, 13 Нокаута), who was born in Arroyo Naranjo, Cuba and now lives in Las Vegas, has won world titles at 130 и 135 паунда. He defeated Relikh by unanimous decision in his debut at 140 pound in his last fight on Май 20. If he defeats Relikh again, he will become the first Cuban boxer to win world championships in three different weight classes. He defeated Argenis Mendez by unanimous decision to win the 130-pound world title in 2014 and a year later scored a unanimous decision over Denis Shafikov for the 135-pound world title. Barthelemy, 31, has two brothers, Yan and Leduan, who are professional boxers who he trains alongside with under the tutelage of Ismael Salas.
Relikh (21-2, 19 Нокаута) believes that he won the first match with Barthelemy and that the scorecards did not reflect the competitive nature of the fight. The 28-year-old nearly had Barthelemy out after landing a barrage of punches that penned Barthelemy on the ropes, but he was only awarded a knockdown. In the eighth round, Barthelemy came back to drop Relikh with a body shot. Shortly after the Май 20 title eliminator, the WBA ordered a rematch, this time to be contested for the vacant 140-pound title. This will be Relikh’s second world title shot after the fighter from Minsk, Belarus lost a unanimous decision to Ricky Burns in Glasgow, Scotland on Oct. 7, 2016.
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За повече информация посетете www.sho.com/sports , WWW.premierboxingchampions.com,
следете ни в Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar @TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и www.Facebook.com/RingstarSports , PBC е спонсориран от Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Перспективи за издигане Влезте в ринга като 2016 U.S. Olympian Karlos Balderas & 2016 Олимпийският бронзов медалист Мисаел Родригес се състезава в отделни двубои в петък, Декември 15 от центъра на Pioneer събитие в Ланкастър, Халиф.

Още! Някога пребит проспект Маркос Ернандес
Облица на Мексико Оскар Мора в привличането на Undercard
LANCASTER, КАТО. (Декември 13, 2017) – Ще има подредена нощ на действие 2016 U.S. Олимпиец Karlos Balderas и 2016 Олимпийската бронзова медалистка Мисаел Родригес въвеждането на звъненето в отделни undercard съвпада това Петък, Декември 15 от центъра на Pioneer събитие в Ланкастър, Калифорния.
The Премиер боксови Champions събитието е озаглавено от бившия шампион в средна категория Jessie Vargas поемане на тежко ударен ветеран Аарон Herrera в 10-кръгово показване. Телевизионното отразяване на FS1 и FOX Deportes започва от 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT и разполага с полутеглов мач между здрав ветеран Диего Chaves и нарастващите претендент Джамал James, плюс супер лек двубой междуJohn Molina Jr. и Иван Redkach. Телевизията започва с вълнуващо средно тегло Wale Omotoso (26-3, 21 Нокаута) облицовка Freddy Hernandez (34-8, 22 Нокаута) в състезание от 10 кръга.
Билети за събитието на живо, която се насърчава от TGB Промоции, започват в $30 и са в продажба сега. За да закупите билети посетете сайта на Центъра Pioneer Събитие:www.uavpec.com. Първи 300 фенове, които носят играчка, за да дарят на Празник на играчките за празници ще получите безплатна тениска и пет долара от общите входни билети. Holiday Toy Drive ще се възползва от приемната грижа за вътрешния кръг & Услуга за осиновяване в Палмдейл, Халиф.
Balderas (2-0, 2 KO) ще влезе в ринга за лек двубой срещу Мексико Карло Флорес (4-7-1, 3 Нокаута) докато Родригес (5-0, 3 Нокаута) поема Куба Юние Калзада(6-2-1, 1 KO) в шест кръг състезание за супер средно тегло.
Допълнителни действия в Undercard ще видят веднъж победена перспектива Маркос Ернандес (10-1, 2 Нокаута) поемането на Оскар Мора (7-4, 6 Нокаута) в осем кръг младша афера със средна категория.
Закръгляването на нощта на двубоите е трио от перспективи като непобедени Алехандро Гереро отговаря Филип Пърси в състезание за супер леко тегло в четири кръга, докато не е победен Ефрен Лопес битки Тайлър Маршал в четвърт кръг на юноши в средна категория и веднъж бит Луис Кория лица Леонардо Торес в юношески мач.
Борба от Санта Мария, Калифорния, 21-годишният Балдерас е син на мексикански родители, които са имигрирали в САЩ, за да дадат на децата си по-добър живот. Балдерас имаше впечатляваща любителска кариера, която включваше а 2014 Младежки национален шампионат, четири национални първенства по PAL и впечатляващо бягане в Световната серия по бокс. Аматьорската му кариера завърши с екскурзия до 2016 Олимпийски игри, където той представляваше САЩ. и побеждава бойци от Казахстан и Япония преди загуба на решение в четвъртфиналите. Той направи своя дебют още през април, принуди Майкъл Томас да се оттегли след един рунд и последва това със спиране на първия кръг на Едер Фахардо през юли.
На миналогодишните игри в Рио, 23-годишният Родригес преодоля невероятни коефициенти за спечелването на първия олимпийски медал по бокс за Мексико, откакто Кристиан Бехерано в 2000. Роденият в Чихуахуа и неговите съотборници трябваше да прибягнат до просия в градските автобуси и улици в Мексико, за да съберат пари, за да се състезават в международни боксови турнири. Той завърши пътя си към щанда с медали, като победи египтянинът Хосам Бакр Абдин, за да вземе медал в дивизия със средна категория. Родригес подлуди професионалния си дебют през април с доминираща победа на решението над Брайън Истин и продължи победните си пътища с повече победи досега в 2017.
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Феновете ще могат да предавате на живо двубоите по FOX Sports GO, на английски или испански език чрез емисии в FS1 или FOX Deportes. Боевете са на разположение на работния плот в FOXSportsGO.com и чрез магазина за приложения, или свързани устройства, включително Apple TV, Android TV, пожар телевизия, Xbox One и Roku. В допълнение, всички програми също са на разположение на FOX Sports върху SiriusXM канал 83 по сателитните радиа и върху приложението SiriusXM.
Следвайте на TwitterPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm и станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Акценти на разположение в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC на FS1 & FOX Deportes се спонсорира от Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Former World Champion Jean Pascal Stops Previously Unbeaten Ahmed Elbiali in Round Six of the Main Event of a Special Friday Night Edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes from Hialeah Park in Miami, Флорида

Top Heavyweight Contender Luis Ortiz Scores Second Round Knockout of Daniel Martz with Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder Ринга
Bryant Perrella Earns Unanimous Decision Over Alex Martin &
Stephen Fulton Defeats Adam Lopez in Battle of
Unbeaten Prospects
Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Douglas DeFelice/
Премиер боксови Champions – Снимки, за да бъдат добавени скоро
MIAMI (Декември 9, 2017) – Former light heavyweight world champion Жан Паскал(32-5-1, 19 Нокаута) scored an impressive stoppage of previously unbeaten Ахмед Elbiali (16-1, 13 Нокаута) in the sixth round of the main event of a special Friday night edition of Premier Boxing Champions Палеца до петите вторник на FS1 и Боксови Champions on FOX Deportes at Hialeah Park in Miami, Флорида.
Having already stated that this bout would be the final of his 12-year career, Pascal was able to wear down his younger opponent in a fight that featured power punches throughout. Elibali appeared to have Pascal stunned and hurt in the opening moments of the first round, but was unable to capitalize as Pascal began to time his powerful counters.
It was a beautiful fight,” said Pascal. “I knew it would be my last one and I wanted to make a statement against a young, unbeaten fighter. It went basically as I expected, a couple of difficult moments but I was able to do everything I wanted.
Elbiali stuck to his strategy of walking down Pascal with power shots, but exhausted too much energy in doing so while not being able to seriously hurt his opponent. Pascal’s counters grew stronger as the fight went on and Elbiali lost steam on his punches as he entered the sixth round for only the fourth time in his pro career.
After an impressive round five, Pascal poured on the attack in round six, landing numerous unanswered hooks before Elbiali’s corner called for a stop to the fight at 2:06в кръглата.
I fought his fight, I should have boxed more and taken him into the later rounds,” Саид Elbiali. “It wasn’t my day. He is a world class fighter. I felt like I hurt him in the first round, but I felt drained after that. I’m not sure why, it might have been the nerves. But I’ll learn from this.
The co-main event of the telecast saw top heavyweight contender Luis “Кинг Конг” Ortiz (28-0, 24 Нокаута) deliver a second round knockout of Daniel Martz (16-6-1, 13 Нокаута) and swiftly call out heavyweight world champion Deontay Wilder, who had joined the FS1 broadcast ringside.
The towering heavyweights exchanged words in the ring after the fight, with both men looking forward to a possible matchup in 2018.
I’ve wanted you and I’m going to bless you again with another opportunity,” Саид Wilder. “I was ready the first time. This is a new day for you. I think you’re one of the best heavyweights in the world and I want to prove that I am the best. We must fight each other. You will have your fight.
Anthony Joshua doesn’t want to fight either of us, let’s give the world this fight,” Саид Ортис. “There will be no excuses. I will be ready to do this for Cuba!”
Ortiz made quick work of his opponent, knocking him down with body shots in round one before delivering a counter left hand that put Martz down and prompted referee Samuel Burgos to stop the fight 43 seconds into round two.
Additional televised action featured welterweight prospect Брайънт Perrella (15-1, 13 Нокаута) return to the ring to drop Alex Martin (13-3, 5 Нокаута) по пътя си към съдийско решение.
I felt pretty good about the fight,” Саид Perrella. “There are some things I’d like to have done different, but considering I was out for 15 months and injured for a long time, I’m pleased with what I was able to accomplish. I didn’t get the knockout after hurting him, but I was able to handle him better than anyone else before me.
Perrella got off to a fast start when he landed a thudding lead right hook from the southpaw stance that put Martin on the canvas. Martin was able to recover enough to survive the round and rebounded to put together several good rounds while showing off impressive boxing ability.
The Florida-native Perrella was able to stabilize his lead and ride the momentum from the early knockdown to victory as he picked up his jab and overall aggressiveness in the second half of the fight. След 10 rounds the judges saw the fight in favor of Perrella by scores of 79-72 и два пъти 77-74.
The opening bout of the telecast saw a battle of unbeaten featherweight prospects as Philadelphia’s Стивън Фултън (12-0, 5 Нокаута) earned a majority decision victory overAdam Lopez (8-1, 3 Нокаута).
I worked hard to get the win,” said Fulton. “I had to adjust after the first two rounds but I took the fight to him and controlled the pace. He thought he had me hurt in round two, but it wasn’t anything. He landed a good shot but that was it. I never stressed about how the fight would turn out as long as I stuck to the game plan.
Lopez had his best moment of the fight late in round two when he staggered and appeared to hurt Fulton, who took a series of right hands before hearing the bell. Fulton was able to adjust and use his jab effectively while countering and rarely allowing Lopez to cut off the ring. Lopez was successful when he was able to get Fulton pinned against the ropes, but after eight rounds the judges ruled in favor of Fulton by scores of 78-74, 77-75 и 76-76.
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Феновете ще могат да предавате на живо двубоите по FOX Sports GO, на английски или испански език чрез емисии в FS1 или FOX Deportes. Боевете са на разположение на работния плот в FOXSportsGO.com и чрез магазина за приложения, или свързани устройства, включително Apple TV, Android TV, пожар телевизия, Xbox One и Roku. В допълнение, всички програми също са на разположение на FOX Sports върху SiriusXM канал 83 по сателитните радиа и върху приложението SiriusXM.
Следвайте на TwitterPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm и станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Акценти на разположение в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC на FS1 & FOX Deportes беше спонсориран от Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fin and promoted by Warriors Boxing.

Holiday Toy Drive to be Held at Premier Boxing Champions Event Friday, Декември 15 at Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, Халиф.

The First 300 Fans Who Bring a Toy to Jessie Vargas vs. Aaron Herrera Fight Will Receive a Free T-Shirt & $5 Off
General Admission Ticket

Toy Drive to Benefit the Inner Circle Foster Care &
Услуга за осиновяване в Палмдейл, Халиф.
Кликнете ТУК for Toy Drive Artwork
LANCASTER, КАТО. (Декември 6, 2017) – Първи 300 fans who bring a toy to the Премиер боксови Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes event Петък, Декември 15 при Pioneer Event Center в Lancaster, Халиф. ще получите безплатна тениска и пет долара от общите входни билети.
The Празник на играчките за празници will benefit the Inner Circle Foster Care & Услуга за осиновяване в Палмдейл, Халиф.
It is important to everyone at TGB Promotions and PBC to give back to the communities where we have events,” каза Том Браун, Председател на TGB Промоции. “In the spirit of holiday giving, we are excited to support Inner Circle Foster Care & Adoption Services with their holiday toy drive. We hope that boxing fans come out and see a great show on December 15th and bring a toy for a worthy cause.
Inner Circle Foster Care & Adoption Services was organized to address the growing deficit of services to troubled children and families in our community,” said Brittany Gordon, Program Administrator for Inner Circle Foster Care & Adoption Services. “We currently serve 360 children and have offices in Palmdale, Van Nuys, Помона, and Hesperia. Recognizing that the family is the foundation of our community, we believe that children who live in nurturing, stable environments will mature into healthy, productive members of society. During this holiday season, we kindly ask for toys to provide to our children of all ages. We are grateful for collaborating with TGB Promotions and PBC in an effort to make the holiday season as special as possible for our children.
от декември 15 Събитието се оглавява от бившия световен шампион Jessie Vargasreturning to the ring to take on Mexico’s Аарон Herrera. Телевизионно покритие започва в 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT and also features a showdown between rugged veteransДиего Chaves и нарастващите претендент Джамал James, plus hard-hitting super lightweights John Molina Jr. и Иван Redkach в 10-кръг привличане.
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Феновете ще могат да предавате на живо двубоите по FOX Sports GO, на английски или испански език чрез емисии в FS1 или FOX Deportes. Боевете са на разположение на работния плот в FOXSportsGO.com и чрез магазина за приложения, или свързани устройства, включително Apple TV, Android TV, пожар телевизия, Xbox One и Roku. В допълнение, всички програми също са на разположение на FOX Sports върху SiriusXM канал 83 по сателитните радиа и върху приложението SiriusXM.
Следвайте на TwitterPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm и станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Акценти на разположение в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC на FS1 & FOX Deportes се спонсорира от Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Top Heavyweight Contender Luis “Кинг Конг” Ortiz Clashes With Daniel Martz in a Featured Attraction on a Special Friday Night Edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Dec. 8, From Hialeah Park in Miami, Флорида

ОЩЕ! Welterweight Prospects Bryant Perrella & Alex Martin
Square-Off and Unbeaten Featherweight Prospects Stephen Fulton and Adam Lopez Meet in Undercard Matchup
MIAMI (Декември 4, 2017) – Top-rated heavyweight title contender Luis “Кинг Конг” Ortiz ще поеме Daniel “The MountainMartz in an added 10-round featured bout on a special Friday night edition of Premier Boxing Champions Палеца до петите вторник на FS1 и Боксови Champions on FOX Deportes at Hialeah Park in Miami, Флорида на Декември. 8.
The main event of the card features Ахмед Elbiali поемането на бившия световен шампион Жан Паскал в 10-кръг полутежката мач. Televised coverage of the 2-1/2 hour show begins at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT with a battle between unbeaten featherweight prospects Стивън Фултън (11-0, 5 Нокаута) и Adam Lopez (8-0, 3 Нокаута) and also features welterweight prospects Брайънт Perrella (14-1, 13 Нокаута) и Alex Martin(13-2, 5 Нокаута) in undercard action.
Ortiz is returning to the ring one week after the World Boxing Council lifted a sanction that it had imposed against the Cuban heavyweight contender in October. Ortiz was pulled from a match against world champion Deontay Wilder scheduled for Nov. 4, after Ortiz failed a Voluntary Anti-Doping Association drug test. Last week the WBC ruled that Ortiz had failed to disclose two medications that he was taking, which triggered his positive test. He was fined $25,000 for failing to make the disclosure, and re-instated into the organization’s rankings.
That cleared the way for Ortiz to return to the ring, and he will waste no time doing so with a match that he hopes will help propel him toward another world title shot in 2018.
I’m just thankful to be back in the sport I love so much. I can’t wait to get some action and feel that ring and those gloves tight on my wrist,” Ортиз каза. “Бих искал да благодаря на всички,, especially my loyal fans, who stood by me and supported me through this rough time. I don’t think it would have been possible without you guys. I’d like to thank the WBC and Mr. Sulaiman for being humane enough to take time for their investigation, and my entire team who never lost faith in me. But most of all I need to thank God because without him there wouldn’t be anything worth living for.
38-годишният Ортис (27-0, 23 Нокаута), of Camaguey, Cuba now resides in Miami, Fla., and will be fighting Martz in a 10-round bout in front of his adopted hometown crowd. SouthPaw The трудно потегля обърна про преди седем години след бягството от Куба и оттогава непрекъснато се изкачва по стълбата в тежка категория. Той циментира мястото си в дивизията с победи над ветерани претенденти Брайънт Дженингс, Tony Thompson and Malik Scott and is currently ranked No. 3 от WBC. Ortiz hasn’t fought in almost a year, having scored a technical knockout victory over David Allen at Manchester Arena in England on Dec. 10, 2016 in his last fight.
Ortiz-Martz replaces the Chad Dawson-Edwin Rodriguez light heavyweight bout on the card. The match was cancelled after Dawson suffered an injury in training camp.
The 27-year-old Martz (16-5-1, 13 Нокаута), a 6-foot-7 heavyweight from Clarksburg, Западна Вирджиния, has taken on world champion Joseph Parker and contender Bryant Jennings during his five-year professional career. He is coming off a second round technical knockout victory over Tim Washington on Nov. 17.
# # #
Феновете ще могат да предавате на живо двубоите по FOX Sports GO, на английски или испански език чрез емисии в FS1 или FOX Deportes. Боевете са на разположение на работния плот в FOXSportsGO.com и чрез магазина за приложения, или свързани устройства, включително Apple TV, Android TV, пожар телевизия, Xbox One и Roku. В допълнение, всички програми също са на разположение на FOX Sports върху SiriusXM канал 83 по сателитните радиа и върху приложението SiriusXM.
Следвайте на TwitterPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm и станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Акценти на разположение в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC на FS1 & FOX Deportes се спонсорира от Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Ahmed Elbiali Training Camp Quotes & Снимки

Unbeaten Contender Clashes with Former World Champion Jean Pascal in 175-Pound Showdown on A Special Friday Night Edition of Премиер боксови Champions Палеца до петите вторник
On FS1 & Боксови Champions по FOX Депортес
From Hialeah Park in Miami, Флорида, Декември. 8
Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Team Elbiali
MIAMI (Ноември 30, 2017) – Unbeaten light heavyweight Ахмед Elbiali will look to stamp his contender status when he faces former champion Жан Паскал in the 10-round main event of a special Петък night edition of Премиер боксови Champions Палеца до петите вторник на FS1 и Боксови Champions по FOX Депортес,Декември 8 from Hialeah Park in Miami, Флорида. Телевизионно покритие започва в 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT.
Билети за събитието на живо, която се насърчава от Warriors Boxing, започват в $30 и са в продажба сега. Билети могат да бъдат закупени в www.TicketForce.com или се обадите (877) 840-0457, and are also available at the casino cage.
Here is what Elbiali had to say about training camp and more as he prepares for his toughest opponent to date:
On fighting in the main event on FS1 and FOX Deportes:
It’s a dream come true to be headlining my first main event, especially on FS1 and FOX Deportes, where the world will be watching. I’ve worked very hard to get to this point in my career and I’m grateful for the opportunity. I’m looking to bring excitement to the audience. Those tuning in will get to see a hungry undefeated fighter who will be looking to end the fight early.
On his current training camp:
For the first time during a training camp, I’ve really secluded myself from society. I’m living at my trainer Carlos Albuerne’s house. It’s like I’m in prison. I don’t see any of my close friends or family. It’s hard, but I know it’s a necessary sacrifice if I want to get to the top. I’m working on all aspects of my game, especially using my jab to set up my power shots. My body is healthy and I’m in the best shape I’ve been in years. All the hard work is paying off. I feel great going into this fight.
On facing former world champion Jean Pascal:
Pascal is a very experienced fighter who knows what it’s like to win a world title. He’s a former world champion who’s fought at the elite level. He’s a dangerous puncher with a lot of skill. I’m taking this fight seriously and I feel this will be a defining fight in my career. I’m happy to have this opportunity and may the best man win.
On fighting in his hometown of Miami:
Fighting in my hometown is always a great experience. This is my big coming out party and I’m pleased that all my family and friends will be there to watch me fight. I’m hoping to be the first big star boxer to come out of the ‘305.Miami has many boxing fans and the time is now to put Miami boxers on the map.
За това каква победа ще направи за кариерата му:
A victory against Pascal will catapult my career to heights I’ve never seen. A win will lead to a higher ranking and one step closer to a world title shot. Everything is riding on this fight. Victory is a must!
# # #
Феновете ще могат да предавате на живо двубоите по FOX Sports GO, на английски или испански език чрез емисии в FS1 или FOX Deportes. Боевете са на разположение на работния плот в FOXSportsGO.com и чрез магазина за приложения, или свързани устройства, включително Apple TV, Android TV, пожар телевизия, Xbox One и Roku. В допълнение, всички програми също са на разположение на FOX Sports върху SiriusXM канал 83 по сателитните радиа и върху приложението SiriusXM.
Следвайте на TwitterPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm и станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Акценти на разположение в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC на FS1 & FOX Deportes се спонсорира от Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Former World Champion Devon Alexander Returns to Drop & Defeat Walter Castillo in the Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes from The Coliseum in St. Petersburg, Fla.

Miguel Cruz Remains Unbeaten With
Unanimous Decision Over David Grayton
Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Douglas DeFelice/
Премиер боксови Champions – (Снимки, за да бъдат добавени скоро)
ST. PETERSBURG, FL. (Ноември 21, 2017) – Бившият световен шампион Devon Alexander (27-4, 14 Нокаута) returned to the ring in impressive style as he dominated Walter Castillo (26-5-1, 19 Нокаута) on his way to a unanimous decision in the main event of Премиер боксови Champions Палеца до петите вторник на FS1 иБоксови Champions по FOX Депортес Вторник night from The Coliseum in St. Petersburg, Флорида.
This feels really good,” каза Александър. “I’ve been on a journey that I didn’t expect to go through and I’m thankful to be back in the ring and have my career back.
Returning to the ring for the first time след две години, Alexander was sharp from the outset, using the skills that made him a two-division champion to befuddle Castillo. Alexander’s jab found itsrange from the beginning and he slowly began to work in straight left hands that he would land frequently to maintain control of the action.
My coach was telling me to pick it up throughout the fight,” каза Александър. “The rust got to me a little bit. I know that I can be more active. I really started to feel warmed up later in the fight. I know that I can do way better but I was happy to have this experience.
През втория кръг, Alexander scored a highlight reel knockdown of Castillo as he landed a powerful par of straight left hands sandwich around a right uppercut. Castillo continued to try to walk Alexander down and stayed persistent in throwing power punches as much as he could over the course of the fight.
He kept moving side to side and didn’t really stay in there and fight,” каза Кастило. “I wanted him to run less but I just kept coming forward trying to throw punches. I got dazed a little from the knockdown but nothing bad. That was more about his speed.
Alexander proved to be too sharp throughout the welterweight affair, consistently avoiding Castillo’s big punches and delivering his own varied and effective attack. След 10 кръга, Alexander was officially back in the win column with a unanimous decision by scores of 100-89 и два пъти 96-93.
I love doing what I do,” каза Александър. “This is what I was born to do since I was seven-years-old. I’m thankful to be back doing what I love.
I’m going to talk to my coach and my team and see what we can come up with next. I’m ready to fight anybody out there. I don’t have any cuts so I’m ready. I’m on a journey and I’m thankful to be here.
The opening bout of the telecast saw unbeaten Miguel Cruz (17-0, 11 Нокаута) earn a close unanimous decision over David Grayton (15-2-1, 11 Нокаута) in a competitive welterweight clash.
Both fighters took their time getting started in round one before Grayton broke through in round two and stunned Cruz against the ropes late in the round. Cruz bounced back in round three landing a right hand late in the third round that forced Grayton to tie up and eventually tackle Cruz to the canvas in order to survive the round.
Cruz suffered his first cut of the fight during the round three exchange but fought through the wound under his right eye and dropped Grayton with a jab early in round six to score a crucial knockdown. The intensity of the fight continued into the eighth round when Grayton began to tee-off on Cruz as blood poured from a second cut, this one above Cruz’s right eye.
The back and forth battle continued until the final bell, with both men throwing wildly as the referee attempted to break up the action. След 10 rounds all three judges saw the fight in favor of Cruz by the score of 96-93.
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Следвайте на TwitterPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm и станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Акценти на разположение в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC на FS1 & FOX Deportes беше спонсориран от Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by Warriors Boxing and Fire Fist Boxing Promotions.

Former World Champion Anthony Dirrell Wins Technical Decision Over Denis Douglin in Main Event of a Special Friday Night Edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes from Dort Federal Credit Union Center in Flint, Мичиган

Unbeaten Prospect Jamontay Clark Beats Domonique Dolton by
Решение за мнозинството
Ryan Karl Scores Decision Over Kareem Martin in
Battle of Prospects
Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Silvia Jones/Premier Boxing Champions
(Снимки, за да бъдат добавени скоро)
FLINT, MY. (Ноември 18, 2017) – Бившият световен шампион Anthony Dirrell (31-1-1, 24 Нокаута) had a successful return to the ring in his hometown as he won a technical decision over Denis Douglin (19-6, 12 Нокаута) in the main event of a special Friday night edition of Premier Boxing Champions Палеца до петите вторник на FS1 и Боксови Champions on FOX Deportes from Dort Federal Credit Union Center in Flint, Мичиган.
I wanted to pressure him and test myself,” Саид Dirrell. “He was wearing down and then the head butt came. I told the doctor that my vision was blurry and he decided not to let me continue.
The fight was stopped in the sixth round after an accidental clash of heads left Dirrell’s left eye badly cut. The ringside physician deemed Dirrell unable to continue and the fight went to the scorecards where Dirrell won a technical decision by scores of 49-46 и 48-47 два пъти.
Fighting in his hometown for the first time since 2011, Dirrell came out fast and appeared to have Douglin in trouble in round one with a flurry of hooks. Douglin was able to survive the round and had successful moments landing left hooks to Dirrell’s head.
Douglin was aggressive throughout but was unable to stop Dirrell from mounting his own offensive surges. Dirrell scored to the body often and was able to work through any difficult moments.
I was going for the knockout,” Саид Dirrell. “I wanted to get him out of there. I was getting hit and I got frustrated occasionally. I need to stick to the game plan a little better and make sure I’m doing what I want to do in the ring.
Dirrell and Douglin continued to trade blows until the decisive clash of heads that led to a premature end of the fight and Dirrell taking home the decision victory.
I’m right there with anyone in this division,” Саид Dirrell. “I was getting ready for a title fight and I hurt my back but I’m ready now. I want to face anyone with a belt or whoever will step up to the challenge.
В съвместно основното събитие, unbeaten welterweight prospect Jamontay Clark (13-0, 7 Нокаута) boxed his way to a majority decision victory over Domonique Dolton (19-2-1, 10 Нокаута) in their eight round bout.
Clark used his significant reach advantage and pumped his jab early and often, establishing it in the first round and adding different combinations off of it throughout the contest. Dolton attempted to close down the distance but was unable to land anything that deterred Clark.
A clash of heads midway through the fourth round opened up a cut over Clark’s right eye and appeared to temporarily re-energize Dolton, who tried to take advantage of the wound. Clark showed toughness in never letting the cut slow him down as he stuck to the game plan and boxed effectively down the stretch.
Dolton stalked him throughout the final frames and landed occasionally but it was not enough as Clark took home the decision by scores of 78-74, 77-75 и 76-76.
Двубоят на отваряне на трион телевизията Райън Karl (15-1, 9 Нокаута) earn a unanimous decision victory over Карим Martin (9-2-1, 3 Нокаута) in an eight round battle of junior welterweight prospects.
Martin had success early walking Karl down and landed a powerful looping right hand combined with a left hook midway through the first round that staggered his opponent. Karl set the tone for the fight and shook off the attack and continued to come forward in an exciting opening frame.
Karl increased his work rate after the first two rounds, consistently using the jab and throwing right hands mixed in with body shots. Martin stayed in the pocket throughout but was too easy to hit as Karl got the better of much of the action in the middle of the ring.
В последния кръг, Karl seemed to have more left in the tank as he buzzed Martin with a right hand that slowed his opponent and helped him on his way to a unanimous decision by scores of 78-74 и два пъти 77-75.
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Следвайте на TwitterPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm и станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Акценти на разположение в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC на FS1 & FOX Deportes беше спонсориран от Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by TGB Promotions and A.D.D. Enterprises in association with Salita Promotions.