بایگانی برچسب: برتر قهرمانان بوکس



“It’s my responsibility on earth to help everybody as much as I can”

WBC Lightweight World Champion Garcia Faces IBF Champion Robert Easter Jr.

10 p.m. و/7 p.m. PT در SHOWTIME


عکس های اعتباری: SHOWTIME ورزشی


تماشا کردن, چشم انداز & اشتراک از طریق یوتیوب: https://s.sho.com/2LlP5Bb

Mikey گارسیا: “The GodfatherVia The PlayersTribune

Ahead of Saturday’s Mikey Garcia vs. رابرت جونیور عید پاک. Title Unification Live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in
لس آنجلس
کلیک کنید اینجا to readThe Godfatheron The PlayersTribune from Mikey Garcia


I want to tell you guys about someone who’s meant a lot to me. This might sound funny, but he’s basically a mixture between the Godfather and a superhero. I say Godfather because he’s got this presence: always serious, all businesswhen he walks into a room, everybody goes quiet.



And I say superhero because many years ago he did something incredible. Something that sticks with me to this day.



He didn’t quite lift a car above his head, but man, it was close.



Back in the 1960s, he was living with his girlfriend on a ranch in Mexico. There were no jobs where he lived, so one day, when he’s 17, he decides to go to the States as part of a migrant worker program. When the program ends after a year, he starts paying someone to smuggle him across the border. He regularly returns to Mexico with what he’s earned, but it’s not muchsometimes barely enough to pay off the smuggler. Then when he’s 20, he marries, and gets the paperwork to move his young family to California. So now he’s got to make even more money, راست?



Trouble is, he hasn’t got a cent. He’s got no proper income. No proper education. He can barely even speak English.



So he begins working in a fish cannery. Then he and his wife move to a beat-up trailer park and begin picking strawberries in a nearby field, toiling away in the sun and the mud. It’s awful work. But they’re still broke.



And now they have seven kids.



One day this guy just loses itor so it seems. He’s out window-shopping with his wife when they see all these lovely beds and tables and wardrobes. He turns to her and says, “You like that furniture? خوب, one day I’m gonna get it for you.



She looks at him like he’s lost his mind. Then she gets pissed off.



What are you telling me that for?” او می گوید:. “Just to tease me? You know you can’t afford any of that stuff.



She’s right of course. This guy has nothing. خوب, except for one thing: بوکس. He was an amateur boxer back in Mexico, and now he’s hanging out in a local gym trying to find work as a trainer. Sometimes he doesn’t even bother coming homehe just goes straight from the strawberry fields to the gym. And somehowsomehow he begins working with some fighters. He seems to know his stuff, because a few of them become good. Really good. A few of them even become famous.



Eventually he is able to move his family out of the trailer park and into a decent house. But he never mentions the promise he made. توسط 2000, two of his boxers have become world champions. Now he’s got enough cash to buy a brand new five-bedroom house. He and his wife watch it get built on the old strawberry fields where they used to work. Then they pick the furnitureall new, all luxurious. When it arrives, his wife opens the door and sees itand then he brings up the story.



Remember what I told you all those years ago?” او می گوید:. “The beds? The tables? I made you a promise. Here you have it. مال شماست.”



She starts to cry.



That was such a wonderful moment. من به یاد داشته باشید … because I was there.



That guy was my father.




من باید بودم 13 یا 14 ساله. I was born in that trailer park, in Oxnard, the youngest of seven kids. We moved out when I was one. We had been dirt poor, but my father never told us how bad it was. Only a few years later did I understand how hard he had had to work for us. So when he bought my mother that furniture, I felt so proud. من مثل بود, Damn. My dad’s a badass.



I getI get emotional just thinking about it.



به من, my father, ادواردو, is living proof of the American dream. People know him today as the guy who trained Fernando Vargas to IBF and WBA world titles and my brother Robert to an IBF world title. People also know him, البته, as my trainer. But beyond all the boxing stuff, what my father has shown is that you can achieve anythingno matter who you are, no matter where you come from. When I began to dream about what I wanted to do in life, I knew there were no limits.



اکنون, the natural thing for me was clearly to become a boxer, like my father and my brother. But I didn’t want that. It didn’t interest me at all.



در حقیقت, if you had asked me what I would do for a living, I would have told you that I’d become a lawyer or a police officer. I guess I was just attracted to the idea of authority. I tried to avoid boxing altogetherI was almost defiant about it. But then one day, the sport found me.



من بودم 13. We were going to see my nephew, خاویر, fight in Reseda. I was just going to support him, but one of the kids in the gym didn’t have an opponent. So Robert signed me up.



او گفت, “Bro, you’re going in the ring.And I was like, “All right.



البته, I had grown up watching my father train Fernando and Robert, so I knew the basics. I borrowed some equipment, کفش, cup, سرپوش – همه چیز – but since I wasn’t licensed to compete, we just fought a three-round exhibition. And I liked it. I liked that one-on-one. I held my own too. بعد از آن, I wanted another taste of it.



Six months later I had my first official amateur bout. من بردم. I won my first 10 دعوا. به 2003 I reached the final of the National Junior Olympics in the 125-pound class. I lost on a 3-2 تصمیم تقسیم شده, but still, silver was not bad. Soon managers and promoters started to show interest in me. I won a few tournaments, and then one day, در 18, I decided to go pro.



But I also wanted something to fall back on. You remember the stuff about law enforcement? خوب, I wasn’t joking. بعد از دانشگاه, I went to the Ventura County Police and Sheriff’s Reserve Academy.



I learned a lot about policing, about reading people, paying attention to details. And a lot of it relates directly to boxing. Stand in the right position. Keep your guard up. Approach from the right angle. Have an exit strategy. Stuff like that.



When I graduated in 2010, I applied to the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office. But then my boxing career took off. I was getting bigger fightsand better pay than I would as a rookie policeman. And that was when I realized, میدونی چیه? Boxing could be my job. Not a dream. Not a hobby. A job.



I want to make that distinctionthat boxing was my jobbecause the truth is, I didn’t care about titles. Not even when I won the WBO world featherweight title in January 2013. It was all about money. I had just had my second child, and I wanted to provide for my family. That was what my father had taught me: Work hard and do everything you possibly can so that your kids can have a better life. I’m still doing that. Maybe one day, my kids will also be able to say the same thing I can: “آره, my dad, he’s a badass.



My father is 73 now and has a head full of white hair. He doesn’t look like he did when he was training world champions, but he still has that aura. در ورزشگاه, people call him ‘Big G’. You can tell when he’s not there because everybody becomes more relaxed. When he’s there, گرچه, people sharpen up. They work harder. There’s no messing around. That’s why I say he’s like the Godfather.



My father was my trainer. He and I were doing well in 2013, but then in early, 2014 we had to put everything aside. My contract with my promoter, رتبه های برتر, was running out, but Top Rank was saying that the agreement was still in place. We disagreed. We took it to our attorneys, and they all told us that we were right. The litigation process was so tedious that it took us two years in court to reach a settlement.




During that period, I got no fights. Other promoters were scared because they didn’t want to get involved in my dispute. The television networks were afraid of the same thing. I was stuck. But at least I was able to work, or at least come close to working, as an attorney.



Because I wasn’t on vacation. I was dealing with attorneys four days a week. I was helping them draft letters, editing the boxing language, stuff like that. They would say to me, “You need to go to school, یک. You’re good.



In a way, all the time off turned out to be a blessing. Because if I had kept on boxingO.K., maybe I would’ve achieved more by now. I would’ve had more titles, I’d have more money. Whatever. But I’m more in control of my career now. I understand the complications around it, I know what I’m doing. And look, I might have gotten bored with boxing anyway. I might have said, “Eh, that’s enough. It’s over.



But instead, when I came back in summer 2016, I was so hungry. می خواستم بجنگم. I wanted titles. It wasn’t even about the money anymore. I just wanted to prove to everybody that I’m the best fighter out here. And there was one thing in particular that I wanted to do. شما ببینید, my father had already won three world championships with three fighters in three divisions. But he had never won a WBC world championship. So I set out to get it for him.



در ژانویه 2017, in only the second bout after my layoff, I fought Dejan Zlatičanin for the WBC world lightweight title. پدر من, as he usually does, tried to find small mistakes that he could correct while I was training for the fight. He’s always concerned that I’m not doing enough. من میتوانم بروم 12 brutal rounds, but if I’m not dead afterwards, he thinks I’m not working hard enough. The truth is the opposite: I’m just in great shape. But he’ll always push me for more.



And here’s another thing: As a fight comes closer, my father changes. I can sense it, my brothers too. پدر من, the Godfather, the superherohe gets nervous.



پدر من, the Godfather, the superherohe gets nervous.

And he particularly did so for my fight with Dejan. There were so many insecurities. Would I be the same boxer when the bell rang as I had been in 2013? Would I be rusty? Dejan was an undefeated champion. Could I beat him? I was fighting in a heavier weight class. Could I handle it?



من احساس خوب. من مثل بود, “Dad, بیا دیگه, it’s gonna be fine.I don’t really know where that comes from, that confidence, that calm. Maybe it’s because I grew up with boxing. The ring, چراغ ها, the heat, مردم, the musicthey’ve been part of my life since childhood. Nothing surprises me. Nothing scares me. Nothing overwhelms me. I’m never angry in the ring, never stressed. And that’s important, because that emotional control helps me to pay attention to the details. If you’re stressed, you can’t do that. But I can.



I’ll be reading my opponent’s body language: his shoulders, اسلحه, legs, پا, چشم ها … especially the eyes. The eyes tell you a lot. And the breathing. How heavy is he breathing? Is he pushing off me, or just resting? What punch am I gonna land, when am I gonna land it? How am I gonna land it? At what distance should I keep him? It’s all happening so fast.



But I’m always in control. And against Dejan, خوب … I knocked him out in the third round. They brought me the WBC belt. I was happy to finally get my hands on it. But what made it so special was that I had won it for my father. I remember hugging him. A big hug.



بهش گفتم, “Here you have it. مال شماست.”



در ماه مارس, I became world champion in a fourth weight class by winning the IBF world super lightweight title. همانطور که می دانید, I’ll soon be fighting Robert Easter Jr. to defend my lightweight title. But there’s another fight at the end of the year that I’m looking forward to even more. If everything goes well against Robert, I want to challenge for the IBF world welterweight crown. The undefeated champion is Errol Spence Jr. – بزرگ, قوی, dangerous fighter. Everybody is telling me not to take the fight. هر کسی. Even my father and my brother. “Don’t take it right now,” they say. “Let’s go after the other guys first. You don’t even need to go to welter. You can take on the guys at 135 یا 140, where you’re a little more comfortable.



But that doesn’t excite me. I want the toughest guy, and that happens to be a welterweight. من بهتر از همیشه هستم. من در نخست من هستم. And because everybody says no, that gives me more motivation to do it.



علاوه بر این, this is the kind of fight that is going to cement my name in boxing history. Other fighters win titles, and then just defend them. What’s the point in that? The champions we remember are the ones who take risks, who take on the biggest challenges, the biggest fights. There are lots of world champions, but the average person can probably name five or six: هستیم, تایسون, د لا هیا, Mayweather, Pacquiao … so what good is it to have a title hanging up on the wall if the world doesn’t acknowledge you as a world champion? To me that’s not a world champion. A world champion is when the world admires you and tells you that you’re a world champion.



That’s why I want to take the fight. And when I win it, I think the whole world’s gonna be like, “وای, this is no joke. This kid really is the best on the planet.



As for my father, he’s going to be so much prouder. He always said that he wanted a three-division champion in his family. I gave him that third title. Then I gave him a fourth. Now I’m gonna give him a fifth, in a division where he says I shouldn’t even be competing. And when I give it to him, I’m gonna be thinking about what he did for us all those years ago. And then I’m gonna say those words again: “Here you have it. مال شماست.”

رابرت جونیور عید پاک, لوئیس اورتیز & More Los Angeles Media Workout Quotes & عکس

Lightweight Champion Easter Battles Mikey Garcia in 135-Pound Title Unification That Headlines Action روز شنبه, جولای 28 Live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles & ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از اسکات هیرانو / SHOWTIME

لس آنجلس (جولای 25, 2018) – قهرمان سبک وزن IBF رابرت جونیور عید پاک. participated in a media workout to kick off fight week in Los Angeles Wednesday as he nears his 135-pound title unification showdown against WBC champion Mikey گارسیا این شنبه, جولای 28 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




Joining Easter Wednesday and competing on the three-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT) were Cuban heavyweight slugger لوئیس “رئال کینگ کنگ” اورتیز و رقیب سابق عنوان رضوان Cojanu, who meet in a 10-round bout plus unbeaten super lightweight contender ماریو “آزتک ها” محله و تند خوزه روم, who compete in a 10-round showdown.




Rounding out the workout participants was unbeaten prospect and 2016 آمریکایی. آسمانی Karlos بالدراس, who competes on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN, which will stream on the SHOWTIME کانال YouTube ورزشی و صفحه SHOWTIME بوکس فیس بوک شروع 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.




بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط Ringstar ورزش و جوایز TGB ترویج, شروع در $50, به علاوه هزینه های قابل اجرا, و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. برای خرید بلیط, visit AXS.com.




Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from City of Angels Boxing Gym:


ROBERT عید پاک JR.




Training down in Florida allowed me to get away from distractions and just focus on myself. Kevin Cunningham stayed on me every day. We focused on my skills, using my advantages and you’ll see it all on July 28.




We have a game plan, but we’re professionals in there and we both know we’ll have to make adjustments as the fight goes on. I’m going to fight my fight and leave it all in the ring. My focus is 100 percent on Mikey Garcia Saturday night.




Early in my career I fought a lot on the West Coast and my first pro fight was actually at STAPLES Center. So I’m very excited to be back in front of a big exciting crowd.




Coach Cunningham had me really working on the skills that I hadn’t been using as much in past fights. He’s helped me put together a great game plan that focuses on the advantages I have. He knows what kinds of things will give other fighters trouble.




Big fights like these are important to me. Champion versus champion speaks loudly about who we are as men. It’s the two best guys out there fighting to decide who’s the best in the weight class.




I’ve been dreaming about fights like this since I was a little kid. It’s finally here and I’m going to show the world what Robert Easter Jr. is really made of.






I feel great and I’m happy to get back in the ring on Saturday night. I moved past the loss after a day or two and got right back in the gym. I always knew I would fight again this year, because this is what I love to do.




I’m excited to be fighting at STAPLES Center and I’m thankful to my opponent for accepting the challenge. I just want to show off my skills and prove again why I’m one of the best heavyweights in the world.




I’m going to go in there on Saturday and do my job. I’m prepared to take care of the opponent in front of me, whether it’s in round one or round twelve. It’s going to be the same mission that I have going into every fight.






We worked during training camp and sparred with a lot of southpaws to prepare for this. I feel good about our strategy and the shape I’m in.




My fight against (former heavyweight champion) Joseph Parker was an interesting fight. I only found out that I was facing him two weeks before, so I was not as ready as I wanted to be heading into it. But it was an opportunity I couldn’t miss and I believed in myself and fought all the way until the end.




Ortiz is a strong fighter and a big challenge. I’m looking forward to another tough fight and putting on a great performance for the fans.


MARIO باریوس




I’ve finished off training camp the last four weeks in the Bay Area with Virgil Hunter and I’m feeling great. We had fantastic sparring and everything is looking great heading into fight night.




I’m excited for this opportunity. I have a really good, experienced opponent in front of me, and I’m coming into his backyard. I have a lot to gain coming into this fight. This is going to be a very explosive fight.




I’m ready to showcase my talent and dominate with the game plan that we’ve put together. We’re focused on this fight, but I’m looking to climb the ladder and get a title fight or title eliminator by the end of the year.






I trained really hard for this great opportunity that I have here. It was very exciting to find out I’d be on SHOWTIME, especially on a big show like this headlined by a fight everybody wants to see. Now I get to display my talent in front of everybody.




We had an effective training camp. We worked hard each day and everything really went smoothly. Everybody wants to be in this position, but not everyone gets to experience it.




Barrios has a really good record and he’s very talented. He’s undefeated for a reason. We’re coming here to win. I’m going to be at my very best on Saturday.


KARLOS بالدراس




When I first made my pro debut I felt like I was rushing things in the ring and trying to do things too fast. Now as I get more fights in I’m going to be able to take my time and break these fighters down little by little. You can’t knock everybody out in the first round.




I’m only 22-years-old and I still have a long way to go. More than anything I just need to remain patient throughout the bout. We’ve put in the work so I know what I have to do on Saturday night.




I fought at STAPLES Center last month, بنابراین این چیز جدیدی نیست به من. I’m going to go in there and fight my fight, be smart and take him out of there. We’re doing things the right way and we’re planning on being here for a while.



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برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.com و www.staplescenter.com در توییتر دنبال کنیدShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions و www.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC است توسط تاج حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.



“When I came out of the womb, I was throwing punches… I love kicking butt.”

این شنبه در 10 p.m. و/7 p.m. PT در SHOWTIME


عکس های اعتباری: SHOWTIME ورزشی


تماشا کردن, چشم انداز & اشتراک از طریق یوتیوب: https://s.sho.com/2mESWdU



چی: Days ahead of his 135-pound title unification showdown with Mikey گارسیا (38-0, 30 کوس), قهرمان سبک وزن IBF رابرت جونیور عید پاک. (21-0, 14 کوس) reflects on the path that has led to the most important night of his career in a video feature released today by SHOWTIME Sports®.

Born and raised in Toledo, اوهایو, Easter dreamt of one day accomplishing what his father, also a professional boxer, was never able to accomplish: becoming a world champion.

“My dad had a short career and I made a promise to myself that I would make him live out winning a world championship through me,” said the 27-year-old Easter. “Winning a world title was a life-changing experience for me. We both lived out our dreams at that moment.”

عید پاک, who has made three successful defenses since winning his world title in an exciting contest over Richard Commey in 2016, decided to make the move to conduct training camp with Kevin Cunningham in West Palm Beach ahead of روز شنبه night’s unification against the WBC Lightweight Champion Garcia. Cunningham has worked with former world champions Devon Alexander, Cory Spinks and Adrien Broner and recently spurred Gervonta Davis to a dominant knockout of Jesus Cuellar.

“Moving to West Palm Springs took me out of my comfort zone,” Easter said. “I knew Kevin Cunningham had a strong camp and there’s no slacking in his program. I can really focus on boxing and on me.”

Live coverage of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast begins at 10 p.m. و/7 p.m. PT and also features Cuban heavyweight slugger لوئیس اورتیز (28-1, 24 کوس) returning to action to face former world title challenger رضوان Cojanu (16-3, 9 کوس) and opens with unbeaten super lightweight contender ماریو باریوس(21-0, 13 کوس) گرفتن on hard-hitting خوزه روم (24-2-1, 16 کوس) در یک مسابقه 10 دوره.

فوق العاده سبک وزن مدعی شریف Bogere نکات برجسته undercard به اقدام او به عنوان جنگ اسکار براوو جمعه, اوت 3 از شهر سام در لاس وگاس

شکست نخورده چشم انداز Sanjarbek Rakhmanov طول می کشد در یک بار مورد ضرب و شتم مارکی تیلور & سوپر ورزشکار پروزن مدعی عمر داگلاس & Lydell رودز میدان فعال در جاذبه های undercard به


LAS VEGAS (جولای 25, 2018) – هنگامی که مورد ضرب و شتم مدعی شریف Bogere خواهد حلقه برای یک دوره بسیار سبک وزن و فوق العاده 10-دور در برابر شیلی وارد کنید اسکار براوو در یک مبارزه است که برجسته undercard به عمل جمعه, اوت 3 از شهر سام در لاس وگاس.




شب است با افزایش مدعی بسیار سبک وزن و با عنوان Ladarius میلر نما دنیس Galarza در برتر قهرمانان بوکس در رویداد اصلی گزاف گویی. برنامه تلویزیونی در آغاز 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT و ویژگی های یک مرحله نهایی مسابقات سبک وزن 10 دور بین سزار Barrionuevo و آبل راموس, به علاوه سبک وزن تاریخ بدون شکست خوان Heraldez مصرف در کوین وات در یک جلسه برنامه ریزی شده برای 10 دور.




بلیط برای رویداد, است که توسط تبلیغات می ودر ترویج, شروع در $25, در فروش در حال حاضر و در دسترس خواهد بود www.samstownlv.com/entertain.




مرحله undercard به شامل چشم انداز سبک وزن بدون شکست سنجر Rakhmanov مبارزه با مارکی تیلور در یک مسابقه هشت دور در حالی که رقیب فوق العاده پروزن عمر داگلاس و Lydell رودز رقابت در مرحله نهایی مسابقات هشت دور.




صف از دعوا نیز بدون شکست را ببینید آنجلو لئو (12-0, 7 کوس) مصرف در Sharone کارتر (9-2, 2 کوس) در هشت دوره از عمل خروس وزن فوق العاده, میان فوق العاده کوین نیومن (7-1-1, 3 کوس) پله در برای یک دوره شش دور در برابر سزار رویز (8-7, 5 کوس) و چشم انداز شکست نخورده آندرس کورتس (7-0, 4 کوس) مبارزه با Jarret جتر (7-2-1, 2 کوس) در یک ورزشکار پروزن مرحله نهایی مسابقات شش جانبه فوق العاده.




گرد کردن از شب چشم انداز بسیار سبک وزن و بدون شکست رولاندو رومرو (4-0, 4 کوس) در یک جلسه شش دور در برابر خاویر مارتینز (4-4, 3 کوس), سبک وزن نیست. Kaywann Sistrunk (0-0-1) مبارز Sevell حسن (1-1, 1 ضربه فنی) در چهار دوره از عمل سبک وزن تاریخ, شکست نخورده Efren لوپز (2-0, 1 ضربه فنی) در یک جلسه پروزن چهار دور در مقابل دانیل کنستانتینو (2-1-1, 1 ضربه فنی) و اولین طرفدار ازخوزه والنزولا در یکی از جاذبه های پروزن چهار دور.




29 ساله Bogere (31-1, 20 کوس) موفق به کسب هشت مستقیم دعوا را به عنوان اوت خود 3 matchup. در اوگاندا متولد اما در حال حاضر مبارزه از لاس وگاس, Bogere یک تصمیم نزدیک به Richar آوریل در یک عنوان مبارزه خالی در از دست داده 2013 قبل از کنار هم قرار دادن خط برنده فعلی خود را به امید رسیدن به یکی دیگر از شات عنوان. وی خواهد شد شیلی مخالف احسنت (22-7, 10 کوس), که اخیرا تصمیم باریک به چشم انداز شکست نخورده سائول رودریگز در مبارزه از دست داده که او رودریگز را به بوم ارسال.




نوشته اصلی از ازبکستان, Rakhmanov (10-0-1, 5 کوس) دعوا از لاس وگاس و نگاه به قرار دادن در یک نمایش در شهر به تصویب رسید خود را به عنوان او وارد حلقه در شهر سام برای دومین بار در سال جاری. مبارزه قبلی 28 ساله در سال جاری را دیدم او را متوقف Hylon ویلیامز جونیور. در دور دوم به آن را شش برد در یک ردیف از او به مبارزه تقسیم تساوی در برابر آلفونسو الورا در 2016. او خواهد شد توسط 24 ساله مخالف تیلور (9-1), که دعوا از هوستون و همچنین وارد اوت 3 فرم را با برنده خط شش مبارزه.




27 ساله داگلاس (18-2, 13 کوس) به حلقه در اوت گام 3 به دنبال قرار دادن در عملکرد چشمگیر به بازگشت در مخلوط برای یک شات عنوان جهان. داگلاس پیروزی های چشمگیر بیش از یک بار مورد ضرب و شتم فرانک دی آلبا و الکسی Collado از, قبل از انداختن تصمیم گیری برای قهرمان سابق خاویر Fortuna و Edner گیلاس. دلاور بومی اخیرا اولین دور حذفی از اشعیا مارتین کاردونا در دسامبر به ثمر رساند 2017.




یک ورزشکار چند ورزشی است که در هر دو بوکس و هنرهای رزمی رقابت حرفه ای, در شهر اوکلاهما رودز (26-2-1, 12 کوس) پس از بازی زیان تصمیم به قهرمان سابق سرگئی Lipinets و Edner گیلاس به نمره برنده سه مستقیم, از جمله یک پیروزی آوریل بیش از مایک فولر. رودز 30 ساله بدون شکست در اول او بود 23 دعوا طرفدار و نگاه خواهد کرد، آن را به چهار در یک ردیف در اوت 3.




# # #

قهرمانان بوکس در برتر گزاف نیز در دسترس خواهد از طریق سرویس جدید گزاف گویی در اشتراک ویدئو بر روی تقاضا زندگی می کنند جریان می شود شکر قهوهای, که ویژگی های گسترده و یکی از یک نوع کتابخانه از فیلم سیاه و سفید نمادین و همچنین برنامه نویسی اصلی گزاف گویی و سری. شکر قهوهای در دسترس بر روی تلویزیون اپل است, سال, کانال های آمازون, آمازون آتش TV, کیندل آمازون, آندروید و اپل گوشی های هوشمند و تبلت ها و مرورگرهای وب از طریق BrownSugar.com. شکر قهوه ای همچنین دارای قابلیت های گوگل کروم که اجازه می دهد ویدیو برای پخش در تلویزیون به طور مستقیم از دستگاه های تلفن همراه و قرص برای مصرف کنندگان با دستگاه های آندروید و iOS. یک دوره رایگان دادگاه اولیه برای مشترکین با قیمت خرده فروشی $ 3.99 / ماه پس از آن وجود دارد.




گزاف گویی (BounceTV) پخش در سیگنال های پخش ایستگاه های تلویزیونی محلی و مربوط به حمل کابل, و ویژگی های یک برنامه ترکیبی از اصلی و خارج از شبکه سری, تصاویر متحرک تئاتر, فوق العاده, ورزشی زندگی می کنند, و بیشتر. گزاف رشد کرده است به در بیش از در دسترس باشد 109 میلیون خانه در سراسر ایالات متحده و 97% از همه آمریکایی های آفریقایی تبار (AA) خانه تلویزیون, از جمله تمام بازارهای تلویزیون بالا AA. مشاهده BounceTV.com برای اطلاعات بیشتر. گزاف گویی بخشی از E.W است. اسکریپس شرکت (NASDAQ: SSP).




برای اطلاعات بیشتر: www.premierboxingchampions.com و www.mayweatherpromotions.com در توییتر دنبال کنیدPremierBoxing, BounceTV, MayweatherPromo, وSwanson_Comm, تبدیل شدن به یک فن در فیس بوک در: www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions و www.Facebook.com/BounceTV. دنبال گفتگو با استفاده از #PBConBounce. PBC به Bounce است توسط تاج حمایت: بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.





محل کانال های محلی, بازدید BounceTV.com.

Former World Champion Sergey Lipinets Meets Erick Bone in 147-Pound Showdown in Primetime on FOX & FOX Deportes Saturday August 4 Presented by Premier Boxing Champions from NYCB LIVE, خانه یادبود جانبازان جانباز ناسائو

Junior Featherweight Contender Brandon Figueroa Takes On
Luis Roy Suarez Cruz
بیش! Special Edition of PBC on FS2 & FOX Deportes Features Antuanne Russell & Antonio Russell in Separate Matches
آندره برتو قهرمان سابق وزن سبک وزن جهان &
Devon Alexander Square-Off Live in Primetime Main Event



لانگ آیلند, NY (جولای 20, 2018) – Former super lightweight champion سرگئی Lipinets مبارزه خواهد استخوان اریک in a 147-pound 10-round showdown live in primetime on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday, اوت 4 from NYCB Live, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The Lipinets vs. Bone clash will kick off the primetime broadcast, که در آغاز می شود 7:30 p.m. و 4 /:30 p.m. PT and is headlined by former 147-pound world champions دیگر برتو و دوان الکساندر in a 12-round showdown and former world champion از پا افتادن “شکلات بچه” Quillin facing 168-pound contender J'Leon عشق. Sensational junior middleweight prospect جوی اسپنسر نیز در عمل است.




A special edition of Premier Boxing Champions on FS2 and FOX Deportes begins at 5:30 p.m. و / 2:30 p.m. PT and will feature unbeaten 2016 آمریکایی. آسمانی آنتوان راسل (6-0, 6 کوس) مصرف در خوزه آرتورو اسکیوئل (10-7, 2 کوس), بیش, time permitting on the telecast, his brother آنتونیو راسل (11-0, 9 کوس) in an eight-round bantamweight fight. The FS2 and FOX Deportes telecast is headlined by unbeaten light heavyweight contender مارکوس براون گرفتن یک بار مورد ضرب و شتم لنین کاستیلو in a 10-round match and a welterweight fight between former world champion لوئیس Collazo و برایانت Perrella.




بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط تبلیغات TGB ترویج, DiBella Entertainment and Mayweather Promotions, در حال حاضر در فروش هستند. بلیط را می توان با مراجعه به خریداری آنلاین www.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, و یا با تماس 1-800-745-3000. بلیط ها در گیشه Ticketmaster در NYCB LIVE نیز موجود است. تخفیفات گروهی از طریق تماس امکان پذیر است 516-231-4848.




The 29-year-old Lipinets (13-1, 10 کوس) is looking to bounce back from a unanimous decision loss to pound-for-pound star Mikey Garcia in an IBF 140-pund t title fight in March. Lipinets, who was born in Martuk, Kazakhstan and now lives in Beverly Hills, کالیفرنیا, had won the vacant title against Akihiro Kondo last November and will be moving up to welterweight for the matchup against Bone.




استخوان (20-5, 8 کوس) enters the match with Lipinets on a four-bout win streak since losing by split decision to Eddie Ramirez in 2017. The 29-year-old from Manabi, Ecuador is coming off a split decision victory over Cameron Krael on May 11. Bone is a tough veteran who has tangled with former world champions Shawn Porter and Chris Algieri.




Additional action inside the arena will see unbeaten rising contender براندون فیگوئرا (15-0, 10 کوس) battling fellow unbeaten Luis Roy Suarez Cruz (13-0, 8 کوس) in an eight round bantamweight fight, top lightweight contender ریچارد کمی (26-2, 23 کوس) in a 10-round showdown against Mexico’s Yardley Cruz(24-10, 14 کوس) و سنگین وزن Marlo Moore (1-0, 1 ضربه فنی) در یک مبارزه چهار دور در برابر Thomas Hawkins (4-2, 1 ضربه فنی).




# # #




طرفداران می توانند زندگی می کنند جریان دعوا در برنامه FOX ورزشی, موجود در زبان انگلیسی یا اسپانیایی از طریق فید FOX یا FOX دپورتس. دعوا در FOXSports.com و از طریق فروشگاه برنامه موجود بر روی دسکتاپ می, و یا دستگاه های متصل از جمله تلویزیون اپل, تلویزیون اندیشه, تلویزیون آتش, ایکس باکس یکی و Roku.




برای اطلاعات بیشتر: بازدید www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage و www.foxdeportes.com, در توییتر دنبال کنیدPremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, NYCBLive وSwanson_Comm یا در فیس بوک طرفدار آن شوید www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports وwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC است توسط تاج حمایت, La Cerveza Mas Fina. BROOKLYN BOXING در لانگ آیلند توسعه برند BSE BROOKLYN BOXING ™ است. برای اطلاعات بیشتر, بازدید brooklynboxingshop.com.

پیتر Quillin, لوئیس Collazo & Alicia Napoleon Media Luncheon Quotes

Quillin Battles J’Leon Love Live in Primetime on FOX & FOX Deportes While Collazo Meets Bryant Perrella in Action on FS2 & FOX دپورتس شنبه, اوت 4
Napoleon Defends Her Super Middleweight Title in Undercard Attraction, All from NYCB LIVE, خانه یادبود جانبازان جانباز ناسائو


نیویورک (جولای 19, 2018) – قهرمان سابق جهان پیتر Quillin و لوئیس Collazo were joined by WBA Women’s Super Middleweight Champion آلیشیا ناپلئون at a media luncheon in Manhattan Thursday to discuss their respective showdowns taking place Saturday, اوت 4 from NYCB LIVE, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




Quillin will take on J'Leon عشق in a super middleweight attraction in primetime as part of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes action beginning at7:30 p.m. و 4 /:30 p.m. PT. The primetime action is headlined by a showdown between former welterweight world champions دیگر برتو و دوان الکساندر.




Collazo collides with برایانت Perrella in a welterweight attraction on FS2 and FOX Deportes beginning at 5:30 p.m. و / 2:30 p.m. PT on a telecast that also features unbeaten light heavyweight مارکوس براون نما لنین کاستیلو.




The undercard will be highlighted by Long Island-native and WBA Super Middleweight World Champion Napoleon making the first defense of her title against Hannah Rankin.




بلیط برای رویداد زنده, که توسط TGB Promotions و DiBella Entertainment تبلیغ می شود, در حال حاضر در فروش هستند. بلیط را می توان با مراجعه به خریداری آنلاینwww.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, و یا با تماس 1-800-745-3000. بلیط ها در گیشه Ticketmaster در NYCB LIVE نیز موجود است. تخفیفات گروهی از طریق تماس امکان پذیر است 516-231-4848.




Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday from The Palm West Side in Manhattan:






“اوت 4 is a big day. It’s been a long time since I fought in New York and I’m ready to showcase my talents here once again.




I’ve been away from my family for the last two years training in California with Virgil Hunter. Basically I made the decision to come back home and be closer to my family. Now being home, I’m learning how to adjust my methods and my camp around my family.




I think this is a new chapter in my life. J’Leon Love is trying to showcase and do something memorable against me. He’s trying to get a name on his record because he desperately needs one.




We can make it a dog fight. I wouldn’t say that J’Leon likes to be in a dog fight, he’s more of a classical boxer. He likes to be on his legs, he likes to pop the jab out and he likes to move around the ring. So let’s see who comes and brings their better stuff that night. I want to make it a dog fight.




Love definitely wanted this fight, but it’s a perfect fight for me. I hope that he brings his very best because I’m definitely going to bring that on my behalf.




I’m just planning to go out there and be ‘Kid Chocolate’. I’ve got some good people around me. I’m training in Brooklyn with Aureliano Sosa, who has been pushing me to the max. اوت 4 for me is really about J’Leon being delivered into my hands and giving the fans a good showcase.


لوئیس Collazo




“سرانجام, it’s been so long. من سپاسگزار برای این فرصت هستم. I know that I need to make the most of each opportunity I get at this point, and I feel like I’ve definitely done that in all my recent fights. اوت 4 will be another night for me to show how much I still have left.




It’s amazing to be able to perform at this venue with me being from New York. The people, the atmosphere, the fans and how they react to the fights, it’s phenomenal. Now it’s my turn to give it back to my boxing fans and entertain them.





“من احساس می کنم 100 percent physically and am geared to be that way on fight night. I know that I have a tough, young opponent who needs this win as badly as I do. I’m going to show him what this sport is all about.




I just want that win, if the knockout comes we’ll take it. But the main thing is going out there get the win and looking good while I’m doing it.


آلیشیا ناپلئون




“من در انتظار یک مبارزه خوب. I know that Hannah Rankin is credible fighter and she’s a tough girl with a WBC Silver belt. I have the WBA World Title and I know she’s coming to take it. She’s a standup opponent, and I’m sure she’s going to be ready to give it her all that night just like I will.




I’m a Long Island girl born and raised, so there’s nobody better to make history that night than myself. I’m ready to be the first female to fight in that arena. It’s such a beautiful feeling, I’m so excited that it’s me who is getting this opportunity, with so much to follow.




The future is female. That doesn’t mean that were taking anything away from the males, it just means that it’s time for them to share the stage. We have a lot to offer, and we have a whole different audience and crowd to bring to boxing.




It’s awesome to see women fighters starting to climb the ladder and I want to see more of us. It’s not about that one female fighter, it’s about the multitude of us. There is power in numbers, and we need to be shown. You’ll be surprised how quickly the crowd will just attract to the women, and we’ll automatically be bringing a bigger base than they ever brought before.


لو DIBELLA, رئيس جمهور از DiBella سرگرمی




Peter Quillin knows what’s at stake August 4 and so does J’Leon Love. It’s a must-win fight for both guys, which usually equals a fun fight for the fans.




This card has so much talent. You have Marcus Browne back in the ring and Luis Collazo back against a good opponent. بیش, آلیشیا ناپلئون “The Empress”, the Long Island Female World Champion is in there with a really good fighter in Hannah Rankin. She’s the biggest fighter in Scotland. That’s a real quality women’s fight between two recognizable women fighters.




It’s a stacked card with solid fights from top to bottom. It should be a really good night of boxing on television, and a great night of fights for Long Island.




# # #




طرفداران می توانند زندگی می کنند جریان دعوا در برنامه FOX ورزشی, موجود در زبان انگلیسی یا اسپانیایی از طریق فید FOX یا FOX دپورتس. دعوا موجود بر روی دسکتاپ در می FOXSports.com و از طریق فروشگاه برنامه, و یا دستگاه های متصل از جمله تلویزیون اپل, تلویزیون اندیشه, تلویزیون آتش, ایکس باکس یکی و Roku.




برای اطلاعات بیشتر: بازدید www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage و www.foxdeportes.com, در توییتر دنبال کنیدPremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, NYCBLive وSwanson_Comm یا در فیس بوک طرفدار آن شوید www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports وwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC است توسط تاج حمایت, La Cerveza Mas Fina. BROOKLYN BOXING در لانگ آیلند توسعه برند BSE BROOKLYN BOXING ™ است. برای اطلاعات بیشتر, بازدید brooklynboxingshop.com.

رابرت جونیور عید پاک. Talks Unification Showdown with Mikey Garcia, Training in Florida & بیش


"در جولای 28, I’m going to show everyone what they’ve been sleeping on & why I’m a world champion," – عید پاک

Unbeaten Lightweight World Champion Faces Mikey Garcia روز شنبه, جولای 28Live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles & ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس

کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از خوزه پینیرو / SHOWTIME



WEST PALM BEACH, FL. (جولای 19, 2018) – قهرمان سبک وزن IBF رابرت جونیور عید پاک. has made the most of his inaugural training camp with Kevin Cunningham and will look to bring that same level of focus to the ring when he challenges WBC Lightweight World Champion Mikey گارسیا روز شنبه, جولای 28 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




“I decided to go to Florida for a different environment than I usually trained in,”گفت عید پاک, a Toledo-native who had trained in his hometown for much of his pro career. “I needed to be taken out of my comfort zone. At home, I was focused on too many other things. Coming to West Palm Beach has allowed me to focus on nothing but myself and boxing.”




Easter saw what Cunningham had done for his close friends Adrien Broner and Gervonta Davis, who both trained with Cunningham leading into April 21 fights on SHOWTIME that saw Broner battle to an entertaining draw against Jessie Vargas and Davis capture a second world title with a spectacular knockout of Jesus Cuellar.




“I was with Adrien Broner and Gervonta Davis every step of the way during training camp with Kevin Cunningham earlier this year,”گفت عید پاک. “I saw for myself that it was something I needed to do. I talked with my dad about getting away from the distractions and we agreed this was the right move.”




Easter burst onto the scene in 2016 with a dominant knockout of former champion Argenis Mendez before beating Richard Commey later that year in an entertaining battle to capture the lightweight belt. Easter’s last two defenses however have seen him narrowly escape with decision victories, something the unbeaten champion believes won’t be a factor on July 28.




“People are paying attention to my last couple of fights when I wasn’t using my height and reach,”گفت عید پاک. “I can improve on that by taking it back to what I had been doing before. I was knocking people out fight after fight.




“If you’re looking at just my last two fights, you aren’t giving me credit for everything I bring to the table. I faced two tough southpaws recently but on July 28 I’m going to show everyone what they’ve been sleeping on and why I’m a world champion.”




The 27-year-old Easter will now step up to take on one of boxing’s pound-for-pound best in four-division world champion Mikey Garcia. For Easter, this is a fight that he’s had on his mind and one that can put him into the top echelon of the sport.




“I’ve always wanted to fight the best in my weight class and now I have my chance to unify,”گفت عید پاک. “I know that Mikey is going to fight his fight and look to counter. He wants to wait for you to make a mistake so he can take advantage.




“What I have to do is go in there and impose my attributes on him. My height and reach are my advantages, but also my speed and power. I just have to combine all that and focus on my footwork.”




Although Easter will be fighting in Garcia’s hometown of Los Angeles, he has no plans to let the partisan crowd effect his focus as he looks for his biggest pro win in the same building where he made his professional debut.




“It doesn’t matter to me where we fight,”گفت عید پاک. “None of the fans can help him fight. It’s only about me and him in that ring together.




“My first pro fight was at STAPLES Center and even though it was early on an undercard, I still felt like there were 10,000 fans watching me. I just fought my fight. It’s all about staying focused. There will be no excuses on July 28.”




بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط Ringstar ورزش و جوایز TGB ترویج, شروع در $50, به علاوه هزینه های قابل اجرا, و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. برای خرید بلیط, visit AXS.com.




The three-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT) will also see Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz returning to action to face former title challenger رضوان Cojanu in a 10-round bout and unbeaten super lightweight contender ماریو "ال آزتکا" باریوس مصرف در سخت ضربه خوزه روم در یک مسابقه 10 دوره.




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برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.com وwww.staplescenter.com در توییتر دنبال کنیدShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, Ringstar, @TGBPromotions @STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions وwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter. PBC است توسط تاج حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.

Mario Barrios Training Camp Quotes & عکس

Unbeaten Super Lightweight Contender Barrios Take on Jose Roman Saturday, جولای 28 زنده در SHOWTIME از
STAPLES Center in لس آنجلس & ارائه شده توسط
برتر قهرمانان بوکس
کلیک کنید اینجا for Photos from Brett Ostrowksi



OAKLAND, مانند. (جولای 18, 2018) – رقیب فوق سبک وزن بدون شکست ماریو باریوس will look to deliver a sixth-consecutive knockout when he faces خوزه روم در روز شنبه, جولای 28 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The three-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT)is headlined by a lightweight title unification showdown between Mikey گارسیا و رابرت جونیور عید پاک. and also features Cuban heavyweight slugger لوئیس “رئال کینگ کنگ” اورتیز returning to action to face former title challenger رضوان Cojanu در یک جلسه 10-دور.




بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط Ringstar ورزش و جوایز TGB ترویج, شروع در $50, به علاوه هزینه های قابل اجرا, و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. برای خرید بلیط, visit AXS.com.




محله (21-0, 13 کوس) made the leap from campaigning at 130-pounds to the super lightweight division in December 2016 and has stayed busy while knocking out increasingly difficult opposition as he nears world title contention.




Here is what the 23-year-old Barrios had to say about his July 28 matchup and more from training camp in Northern California with Virgil Hunter:


On his fight against Jose Roman:

Roman is a very dangerous fighter with a good record. He’s a tall fighter like myself, so that will be a different challenge for me to overcome.




There is no doubt he will be my toughest opponent to date. These are the kind of difficult fights I need to win and win convincingly to get to the championship level. I’m going in there on mission July 28 and I’m going to prove I’m ready for a title shot.




I know he’s motivated going into this fight since he’ll be fighting near his hometown. I’m just going to stick to my game plan and focus on what I must do, and that’s throw hard punches with precise accuracy.


On his current knockout streak:

Since I’ve move up to super-lightweight, my body has adjusted to the weight gain, and I’m feeling stronger than I ever have. I’m still growing into my man strength and my power is growing as well. I never go into a fight looking for the knockout, but if I get my opponent hurt, I promise I’ll be looking to take him out.


On his training camp for this bout:

“من یک اردوی آموزشی فوق العاده داشته ام. For the first few weeks I was training in San Antonio at the South Park Boxing Gym with my dad and Rick Nunez laying the groundwork for what we wanted to accomplish.




Then I finished it off in up in Northern California with Virgil Hunter, who will be guiding my corner. Together we all make a fantastic team. I’ve had tremendous sparring for this fight, my health is good and I’m ready to go.


On making his SHOWTIME debut:

I’m really excited to be making my debut on SHOWTIME debut on this card. I always knew I would be fighting on the big stage at some point in my career. Now it’s time to show the world what I’m made of. I’m very grateful to my team for giving me this opportunity.




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برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comو www.staplescenter.com در توییتر دنبال کنیدShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions وwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC است توسط تاج حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.

Unbeaten 140-Pound Contender Fabian Maidana Battles Veteran Andrey Klimov & 2016 آمریکایی. Olympian Karlos Balderas Enters the Ring on Saturday, جولای 28 from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in a Premier Boxing Champions Event

بیش! Undefeated Terrel Williams Clashes with Unbeaten Prospect Jamontay Clark on an Action-Packed Night of Undercard Fights


لس آنجلس (جولای 16, 2018) – فوق العاده سبک وزن شکست نخوردگان فابین Maidana از در برابر رقیب سابق عنوان به میدان می رود آندری کلیموف a 10-round bout that highlights undercard action Saturday, جولای 28 از مرکز استیپلز در لس آنجلس و ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس.




The action continues with 2016 آمریکایی. Olympian and rising unbeaten prospect Karlos بالدراس (5-0, 4 کوس) in a six-round super featherweight fight plus Terrel ویلیامز(16-0, 13 کوس) taking on unbeaten welterweight prospect Jamontay کلارک (13-0, 7 کوس)در یک مبارزه 10 دور.




The event is headlined by a lightweight world championship title unification bout between WBC Lightweight World Champion Mikey گارسیا and IBF Lightweight World Champion رابرت جونیور عید پاک. زندگی در SHOWTIME.




بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط Ringstar ورزش و جوایز TGB ترویج, شروع در $50, به علاوه هزینه های قابل اجرا, و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. برای خرید بلیط, visit AXS.com.




Maidana از (15-0, 11 کوس) is the younger brother of two-division world champion Marcos Maidana. جوان 26 ساله اهل بوینس آیرس, Argentina is coming off an impressive TKO victory over Justin Savi on April 21 after defeating Johan Perez by decision in his prior fight. Klimov will present an increase in competition for Maidana as he continues on the path from prospect to contender.




The 35-year-old Klimov (20-4, 10 کوس), who was born in Klimovsk, روسیه, but now lives in Beverly Hills, stopped Ruben Movsesiani in his last fight on Sept. 30, 2017. That win snapped a three-fight losing streak in which he dropped decisions to former world champion Jose Pedraza, Liam Walsh and Alejandro Luna after a three-fight winning streak that led to the title fight against Pedraza.




The 22-year-old Balderas, نسل اول مکزیکی-آمریکایی, در رقابت های ایالات متحده قرار گرفت. تیم بوکس المپیک در 2016 بازی در Rio de Janeiro, برزیل قبل از تبدیل حرفه ای در آوریل 2017. نمایندگی سانتا ماریا, کالیفرنیا., he most recently made his STAPLES Center debut on June 9 with a first round knockout of Alex Silva to remain unbeaten in his promising professional career.




The card will also feature former title challenger Roberto Marroquin (27-4-1, 20 کوس) against Panama’s ریکاردو نونز (20-2, 18 کوس) در یک مسابقه 10 دوره, once-beaten super featherweight Ivan Delgado (11-1-1, 4 کوس) in a six-round bout and undefeated prospect جری پرز (7-0, 5 کوس) stepping into the ring for a six-round super featherweight fight.




Additional fights will see unbeaten 19-year-old prospect Wesley Diana facing Pennsylvania’s Evincil Dixon in a four-round 140-pound attraction, شکست نخوردگان براندون گلانتون مصرف در مکزیک Daniel Najera in a six-round cruiserweight bout and once-beaten featherweight Luis Coria facing Mexico’s Guadalupe Arroyo در مرحله نهایی مسابقات شش جانبه.




Rounding out the lineup is unbeaten prospect خوزه بالدراس در مبارزه شش دور, شکست نخوردگان Lina Licona in a four-round junior flyweight women’s bout and an eight-round clash between undefeated Neri Romero و ققنوس عیسی Aguinaga.




The three-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT)will also see Cuban heavyweight slugger لوئیس “رئال کینگ کنگ” اورتیز returning to action to face former title challenger رضوان Cojanu in a 10-round bout and unbeaten super lightweight contender ماریو “آزتک ها” محله مصرف در سخت ضربه خوزه روم در یک مسابقه 10 دوره.




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برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comو www.staplescenter.comدر توییتر دنبال کنیدShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions وwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC است توسط تاج حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.