Tag Archives: Hyrwyddwyr Bocsio Premier

Andre Berto yn erbyn. Dyfnaint Alexander & Peter Quillin vs. Dyfyniadau Cynhadledd Derfynol y Wasg J'Leon Love & Lluniau

Pencampwyr Bocsio Premier ar FOX & FOX Deportes Yn byw yn Primetime hwn Dydd Sadwrn, Awst 4 o NYCB YN FYW,
Cartref y Coliseum Coffa Cyn-filwyr Nassau
Cliciwch YMA ar gyfer Lluniau gan Ed Diller/TGB Promotions

YNYS HIR, NY. (Awst 2, 2018) – Cyn-bencampwyr byd pwysau welter Andre Berto ac Dyfnaint Alexander aeth wyneb yn wyneb ddydd Iau yn y gynhadledd i'r wasg olaf cyn eu prif ddigwyddiad amser brig ddydd Sadwrn, Awst 4 ym mhrif ddigwyddiad Pencampwyr Bocsio Premier ar FOX & FOX Deportes o NYCB LIVE, cartref Coliseum Coffa Cyn-filwyr Nassau.




Hefyd yn cystadlu ar y teleddarllediad dydd Sadwrn sy'n dechrau am 7:30 p.m. A / 4:30 p.m. Roedd PT a sgwario dydd Iau yn gyn-bencampwr Peter Quillin a chystadleuydd pwysau canol uwch J'Leon Cariad. Bydd camau gweithredu ychwanegol ar FOX a FOX Deportes yn cynnwys rhagolygon diguro cynyddol Joey Spencer mewn atyniad pwysau welter super.




Yn arwain y teleddarllediad FS2 a FOX Deportes gan ddechrau am 5:30 p.m. ET/2:30 p.m. Mae ET yn gystadleuydd heb ei guro Marcus Browne o Ynys Staten, sy'n cymryd ar Lenin Castillo, a chyn bencampwr Luis COLLAZO, sy'n brwydrau Bryant Perrella ar waith pwysau welter, a oedd ill dau yn bresennol yn y gynhadledd i'r wasg ddydd Iau.




Yn cystadlu mewn is-ganolbwynt a chymryd rhan yng nghynhadledd i'r wasg ddydd Iau yn ei thref enedigol roedd Pencampwr Byd Pwysau Canolog Gwych y Byd i Ferched WBA Alicia Napoleon, sy'n amddiffyn ei theitl yn erbyn yr Alban Hannah Rankin.




Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad yn fyw, sy'n cael ei hyrwyddo gan TGB Promotions, DiBella Adloniant a Hyrwyddiadau Mayweather, ar werth yn awr. Gellir prynu tocynnau ar-lein drwy ymweld www.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, neu drwy ffonio 1-800-745-3000. Mae tocynnau hefyd ar gael yn Swyddfa Docynnau Ticketmaster yn NYCB LIVE. Mae gostyngiadau grŵp ar gael trwy ffonio 516-231-4848.




Dyma beth oedd gan y cyfranogwyr i'w ddweud ddydd Iau gan The JetBlue Overlook yn NYCB Live, cartref Coliseum Coffa Cyn-filwyr Nassau:






“Mae llawer o'r bobl hyn ar y cerdyn hwn wedi bod yn fechgyn rydw i wedi bod o gwmpas ers iddyn nhw ddod i fyny. Rydw i wedi bod yn y gêm ers tro ac rydw i wedi bod yn cracio pennau ers tro.




“Cawsom wersyll hyfforddi aruthrol ar gyfer y frwydr hon. Cymerais amser i adnewyddu fy hun ac rydw i wedi dod yn ôl a dod i siâp gwych. Rwy’n gwerthfawrogi’r hyn y mae Devon Alexander wedi bod drwyddo, ond mae'n delio ag anifail gwahanol nos Sadwrn.




“Dwi wedi gwthio’n galed i roi’r cyfle gorau i mi fy hun i ennill dydd Sadwrn. Rydyn ni wedi paratoi ar gyfer popeth rydyn ni'n meddwl y gall Dyfnaint ei gynnig. Rwy'n barod yn gorfforol ac yn feddyliol ar gyfer brwydr.




“Dw i'n mynd i wthio Dyfnaint. Dydw i ddim yn meddwl ei fod wedi ymladd unrhyw beth sy'n dod â'r hyn rydw i'n ei wneud ers iddo ddod yn ôl o'i seibiant. Rydyn ni'n mynd i weld a yw e'n ôl. Os nad yw'n barod, yna rydw i'n mynd i'w gwneud hi'n noson hir iddo.




“Mae'r cyfan yn fusnes nos Sadwrn. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr. Mae'n mynd i fod yn ddeinameit. Mae'n mynd i fod yn amser da.”






“Rwy’n ddiolchgar fy mod yn gallu parhau i ymladd, adeiladu fy etifeddiaeth a gwneud rhywbeth rwy'n ei garu. Rwy'n ddiolchgar i fod yma a dangos fy nhalent. Rwy’n dal i ysgrifennu fy etifeddiaeth ac mae Berto yn garreg gamu arall yn fy ffordd. Mae'n rhaid i mi fynd heibio iddo.




“Cawsom wersyll hyfforddi gwych lawr yn Florida. Mae'r Hyfforddwr Cunningham wedi fy mharatoi yn ogystal ag ar gyfer unrhyw frwydr yn fy ngyrfa. Bydd y ffocws a'r ymroddiad a roddwn yn y gwersyll i gyd yn dangos yn y cylch ar noson ymladd.




“Roedd Andre Berto yn bencampwr gwych ac rwy’n bendant yn parchu’r hyn y mae wedi’i wneud yn y gamp hon. Ond mae angen y fuddugoliaeth hon yn arw ar y ddau ohonom ac rwy’n siŵr na fydd y naill na’r llall ohonom yn ceisio cymryd cam yn ôl ar ein ffordd i fuddugoliaeth..




“Rwyf wrth fy modd bod yn Efrog Newydd. Rwyf bob amser yn cael llawer o gariad gan y cefnogwyr, ac maen nhw'n bendant yn grŵp angerddol o gefnogwyr. Rydw i'n mynd i fod yn barod am y goleuadau llachar ddydd Sadwrn.




“Rhaid imi ddiolch i Berto am dderbyn yr her. Awn yn ôl i'r dyddiau amatur. Rwy'n barod am yr her. Mae pawb yn gwybod y byddaf yn ymladd unrhyw un. Mae'n mynd i fod yn frwydr fawr. Mae tân gwyllt yn mynd i fod.”






“Rwy'n fwy na pharod ar gyfer y frwydr hon. Mae gen i lawer o hanes gyda J'Leon Love. Rydw i'n mynd i fod yn barod ar ei gyfer ac mae'n mynd i fod yn frwydr na fydd y cefnogwyr eisiau ei cholli.




“Rwy'n ffodus iawn i fod yn ôl yn y sefyllfa hon. Mae Coach Sosa wir wedi bod yn anrheg wych i mi. Mae wedi fy helpu yn feddyliol ac yn gorfforol i adeiladu ar bopeth roeddwn i wedi’i wneud gyda Virgil Hunter yn y ddwy flynedd flaenorol.




“Mae bod yn ôl yn Efrog Newydd yn bendant yn helpu i wneud i mi deimlo fy mod i wedi dod yn ôl. Gallaf fod yn ôl o flaen fy nghefnogwyr, ac yn bwysicaf oll, fy nheulu, fel y gallaf deimlo eu cefnogaeth a gadael iddo fy nghario yn y cylch.





“Rydyn ni wedi gweithio ar bopeth yn y gwersyll ac rydyn ni'n barod i gynnal sioe ddydd Sadwrn. Rwy'n barod i ddangos i bawb bod gen i'r hyn sydd ei angen i gystadlu am deitl byd o hyd. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth rydw i wedi bod yn edrych ymlaen ato ers amser maith.






“Rwy'n gwerthfawrogi pobl yn dod allan. Rwyf wrth fy modd yn dod i Efrog Newydd. Mae hwn yn gerdyn gwych gyda chymaint o ymladdwyr gwych ac rwy'n ddiolchgar am y cyfle.




“Rwyf wedi bod yn aros am hwn ers amser maith. Dewch Awst 4, byddwch yn fy ngweld yn arddangos fy dawn. Does gen i ddim byd ond parch at Peter Quillin, ond dyma pam maen nhw'n ei alw'n groesffordd. Mae'n rhaid i ni redeg i mewn i'n gilydd.




“Nid wyf yn poeni am unrhyw beth y mae Peter wedi'i wneud yn ymladd yn y gorffennol. Rwy'n barod am y Peter Quillin gorau rydyn ni wedi'i weld. Nid yw'n mynd i fy nal gan syndod yno.




“Mae'n rhaid i mi fod yn smart, gwrandewch ar fy nghornel a gosodwch fy nghynllun gêm. Gwn fod gennyf y sgiliau i ennill ac ennill yn argyhoeddiadol. Os byddaf yn dilyn y cynllun gêm, Rydw i'n mynd i ddangos i bawb fy mod yn barod am y gorau yn yr adran.




“Rwy'n gyffrous i fod yn ôl yn Efrog Newydd. Rwy'n bwriadu reidio'r egni o'r dorf, boed yn gwreiddio yn fy erbyn neu gyda mi, a rhoi rhywbeth i'w gofio i bawb.”






“Mae wedi bod yn amser ond rwy'n ddiolchgar i fod yn ôl. Rwy'n barod iawn i fynd i mewn yno nos Sadwrn a chynnal sioe i chi. Rydw i'n mynd i wneud yr hyn rydw i'n ei wneud orau, a chadw fy enw yn gynnen teitl.




“Rwy’n gwybod bod fy ngwrthwynebydd yn fedrus ac mae’n mynd i fod yn barod i geisio fy ypsetio. Ond rydw i wedi gweithio'n rhy galed yn y gwersyll i adael i unrhyw un gerdded i mewn i'm cartref a'm curo. Nid yw'n digwydd.




“Rwyf wedi gwneud yn siŵr fy mod yn aros yn amyneddgar ac yn gwybod bod fy amser yn dod. Rydw i'n mynd i barhau i ychwanegu at fy ailddechrau nes nad oes unrhyw un a all wadu fy ergyd.




“Rwy'n ceisio cyflawni hyn yn drawiadol, ond fe gymeraf y fuddugoliaeth sut bynnag y gallaf ei chael. Ar y pwynt hwn mae'n ymwneud â pharhau i ennill fel y gallaf gadw fy hun ar frig y safleoedd. Rydw i eisiau ergyd teitl byd ac rwy'n barod amdani.”






“Mae'n wych cael bod yma. Rwyf am ddiolch i bawb sydd wedi fy helpu yn yr olaf 18 misoedd wrth wella o'm hanaf. Roedd yn anodd, ond roedd yn broses yr oedd yn rhaid i mi fynd iddi.




“Mae fy nhîm wedi fy nghefnogi trwy drwchus a thenau waeth beth rydw i wedi bod drwyddo. Roedd hynny'n cynnwys fy nhad, a ddaeth â fi i'r gampfa yn wreiddiol pan oeddwn yn blentyn. Dyma'r union beth rydw i wrth fy modd yn ei wneud.




“Mae fy ngwrthwynebydd yn ifanc ac yn ysu i roi enw ar ei record. Mae ganddo rai sgiliau rydyn ni wedi paratoi ar eu cyfer. Rwy'n hyderus nad oes ganddo unrhyw beth nad wyf wedi'i weld o'r blaen.




“Rwy'n barod i fynd i'r gwaith ym mis Awst 4. Rydw i'n mynd i roi ymladd gwych i'r cefnogwyr a noson arall i'w chofio gyda mi yn y cylch.”






“Mae hwn yn gerdyn mawr gyda llawer o weithredu ac rwy'n falch o fod arno. Mae Hannah yn bencampwraig wych ac mae hon yn mynd i fod yn ornest wych. Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych ac rydym yn mynd i barhau i wthio am gyfleoedd gwell a gwell i ymladdwyr benywaidd.





“Mae hon yn frwydr na fyddwch chi am ei cholli. Rydw i wedi cael gwersyll gwych ac rydw i'n barod am ryfel arall. Enillais y teitl hwn yng Nghanolfan Barclays ym mis Mawrth ac ni allaf aros i weld pawb allan yn bloeddio drosom ddydd Sadwrn.




“Mae'n anrhydedd cael ymladd gartref. Dwi wir yn cymryd i fy nghalon fod yna ymladdwyr benywaidd ifanc allan yna sy'n fy ngwylio am ysbrydoliaeth. Mae'n helpu i fy ysgogi ac rwy'n credu y bydd yn fy helpu i amddiffyn fy nheitl yn llwyddiannus ddydd Sadwrn.”






“Mae'n wych bod ar gerdyn mor wych. Rydw i wedi bod yn chwilio am frwydr fawr fel hon ac ni allai fod wedi dod ar amser gwell i mi.




“Pan gefais yr alwad am y frwydr hon roeddwn yn amlwg yn mynd i ddweud ie. Mae Camp wedi bod yn anhygoel ac ni allaf aros i fynd i mewn yno nos Sadwrn a dangos i bawb yr hyn y gallaf ei wneud.




“Mae hon yn wrthwynebydd teilwng ac rwy’n falch ei bod wedi derbyn yr her. Rydw i wedi dod yn rhy bell i adael Efrog Newydd heb wregys y bencampwriaeth.”


LOU DIBELLA, Llywydd DiBella Adloniant




“Dylai hon fod yn sioe gyffrous ddydd Sadwrn, yn byw ar FOX a FOX Deportes yn dechrau am 7:30 p.m. A. Mae yna hefyd sioe wych sydd mewn gwirionedd yn dechrau ar FS2 a FOX Deportes yn 5:30 p.m. A. Mae hwn yn gerdyn wedi'i lwytho o'r top i'r gwaelod, fel y gwelwch o'r llygad y dydd yma. Mae'n cynnwys nifer o'r ymladdwyr gorau yn y byd.




“Mae'r prif ddigwyddiad yn cynnwys dau ddyn yn Andre Berto a Devon Alexander sydd ill dau yn bencampwyr byd sawl amser, ymladdwyr ac ymladdwyr adnabyddus sydd angen y fuddugoliaeth hon. Y rysáit ar gyfer ymladd gwych yw dau focsiwr gwych sy'n gorfod ennill.




“Mae'r digwyddiad cyd-ymddangos yn pwl tebyg. Mae Peter Quillin a J’Leon Love yn fechgyn sydd yn llun y bencampwriaeth ar 168 pwys. Y gwir amdani yw y bydd enillydd y frwydr hon yn cael cyfle i ymladd am y teitl yn fuan.




“Mae yna frwydr teitl merched ar y cerdyn hwn sy'n cynnwys unig bencampwr byd bocsio Long Island, yn Alicia Napoleon. Mae hi'n ymladdwr lleol poblogaidd sy'n mynd i wneud yr amddiffyniad cyntaf o'i theitl ddydd Sadwrn. Bydd hi'n brwydro yn erbyn balchder yr Alban, yn Hannah Rankin, yn yr hyn a ddylai fod yn orchest fawr. Dyma ddau bencampwr y gamp ac mae’n anrhydedd i ni eu cael yn y cylch dydd Sadwrn.”




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Gall cefnogwyr ffrydio'r ymladd yn fyw ar ap FOX Sports, ar gael yn Saesneg neu Sbaeneg drwy'r porthiant FOX neu'r FOX Deportes. Mae'r ymladd ar gael ar y bwrdd gwaith yn FOXSports.com a thrwy'r app store, neu ddyfeisiau cysylltiedig gan gynnwys Apple TV, teledu VIP, teledu Tân, Xbox One a Roku.




Am fwy o wybodaeth: Ymweliad www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage ac www.foxdeportes.com, dilyn ar TwitterPremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, @NYCBLive a @Swanson_Comm neu dewch yn gefnogwr ar Facebook yn www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports acwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. Noddir PBC gan Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.Mae BROOKLYN BOCSING ar Long Island yn estyniad o frand BROOKLYN BOXING™ BSE. Am fwy o wybodaeth, Ymweliad brooklynboxingshop.com.

Pwysau Welter Contender & Minneapolis Fan-Favorite Jamal James Takes On Mexico’s Mahonry Montes Friday, Awst 24 in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes from the Armory in Minneapolis

Middleweight Contenders Willie Monroe Jr. & Immanuel Aleem
Square-Off in Co-Main Event
Unbeaten Rising Prospect Jamontay Clark Steps in Against Once-Beaten Jeison Rosario in Super Welterweight Action
Tocynnau ar Werth Nawr!

MINNEAPOLIS (Awst 2, 2018) – Welterweight contender Jamal James will return to action in his hometown as he takes on Mexico’s Mahonry Montes in the main event of an exciting night of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes action Friday, Awst 24 from the Armory in Minneapolis, Minnesota.




Mae'r telecast yn dechrau am 8:00 p.m. A / 5:00 p.m. PT and will feature middleweight contenders Willie Monroe Jr. ac Immanuel Aleem going to battle in a 10-round attraction and unbeaten rising prospect Jamontay Clark cymryd ar unwaith-guro Jeison Rosario mewn 10 rownd cystadleuaeth pwysau welter super.




Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad yn fyw, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Warriors Boxing, are on sale now and are available by visiting www.ArmoryMN.com neuTicketmaster.com.




Jamal James is building a following in his hometown of Minneapolis as he builds momentum in the welterweight division, and this fight against Mahonry Montes will help him accomplish both things,” Dywedodd Tom Brown, Llywydd TGB Promotions. “The undercard features some strong matches that include boxers who will figure prominently into the championship picture in the near future. It will be an entertaining show for the fans in Minneapolis and those tuning in on FS1 and FOX Deportes.




Warriors Boxing is very excited to return to the beautiful newly-renovated Armory in Minneapolis with another PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes show,” Dywedodd Leon Margules, Llywydd Rhyfelwyr Bocsio. “In addition to the great lineup of televised fights, headlined by local star Jamal James, favorite son and former world champion Caleb Truax returns to the ring at home for the first time since back-to-back road performance in world title fights.


James (23-1, 10 Kos) built on the biggest victory of his careera knockout over tough veteran Diego Chaves last Decemberwith a decision win against Abel Ramos in April at the Armory and on FS1. The 30-year-old James has picked up three-straight victories since suffering the only loss of his careera unanimous decision defeat to Yordenis Ugas in August 2016. He returns to downtown Minneapolis looking to keep his momentum going towards the top of the welterweight division.




I’m in camp training hard for another thriller at home against a pressure fighter in Mahonry Montes,” said James. “I’m going to use my height, range and skills to show that I’m hungry and keeping my eyes on the prize. Once I get past Montes, a big name is going to have to fight me. I’m right on the road to a world title challenge.




The 28-year-old Montes (35-7-1, 24 Kos) has challenged everyone from world champions to top rising prospects throughout his pro career and enters this bout having scored knockout victories in consecutive fights. Representing Sinaloa, Mecsico, Montes owns a victory over welterweight contender Francisco Santana in a fight last year that saw Montes drop his opponent on the way to a decision victory.




I’m am so excited to have this opportunity against Jamal James,” said Montes. “My last loss was unfortunate because I thought I had my opponent hurt, but I’ve picked up a couple of wins since then and have been training very hard. I’m ready to show everyone that I belong with the best fighters in the world. I’m never in a bad fight and I’m going to show the fans in Minnesota how a real Mexican fights.




A two-time title challenger, Monroe (22-3, 6 Kos) has faced current titlists Gennady Golovkin and Billy Joe Saunders in his forays into championship fights. The 31-year-old from Rochester, New York has defeated Gabriel Rosado, Brian Vera and John Thompson since 2015 to earn multiple opportunities at the middleweight title. Monroe most recently won a dominant decision over Carlos Galvan in March.




Fighting out of Virginia, Aleem (18-1-1, 11 Kos) stopped Juan De Angel in the sixth-round of their May fight to get back in the win column after his first defeat in a bout against Hugo Centeno Jr last August. The 24-year-old had stopped then unbeaten Ievgen Khytrov in the sixth round of a January 2017 fight that became a Fight of the Year nominee prior to the Centeno fight.




Mae'r 23-mlwydd-oed Clark (13-0, 7 Kos) has used his height and reach to establish himself as a fast-rising prospect on his way to contender status. The Cincinnati-native had two impressive victories in 2017, first defeating then unbeaten Ivan Golub and then a decision victory over Domonique Dolton last November as he came out victorious against his toughest pro opponent so far.


Llaswyr (15-1-1, 11 Kos) fights out of Miami but is originally from the Dominican Republic. Rosario suffered his first defeat last year at the hands of Nathaniel Gallimore, but has rebounded to be undefeated in his last four fights. This run has seen the 23-year-old fight to a draw with Mark Anthony Hernandez in February before defeating Justin DeLoach and dropping him twice on his way to a decision victory in May.




# # #




Gall cefnogwyr ffrydio'r ymladd yn fyw ar ap FOX Sports, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. Mae'r ymladd ar gael ar ben-desg yn FOXSportsGO.com a thrwy y siop app, neu ddyfeisiau cysylltiedig gan gynnwys Apple TV, teledu VIP, teledu Tân, Xbox One a Roku. Yn ogystal,, pob rhaglen hefyd ar gael ar FOX Sports ar SiriusXM sianel 83 ar radio lloeren ac ar y app SiriusXM.




Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i www.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage ac www.foxdeportes.com.

Dilynwch ar TwitterPremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ASwanson_Comm a dod yn gefnogwr ar Facebook arwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, ac www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Uchafbwyntiau ar gael yn www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes cael ei noddi gan Corona Ychwanegol, Finest Beer.


(Credyd: Epix / Dianna GarciaBeck Media)

FRESNO, MEGIS (Awst 1, 2018)Marcos “Mad Man” Hernandez (11-1-1, 3 Kos), who is advised by Al Haymon and fighting under the Hyrwyddwyr Bocsio Premier platform of fight cards, will appear on the upcoming season of Y Contender on EPIX®.


The highly anticipated 12-episode season, from MGM Television and Paramount Television, will premiere on EPIX® on Aug. 24, 2018, yn 10 PM ET/PT with Hernandez being one of the more notable middleweights featured on the series multiple fights televised on FS1.


Hernandez, a native of Fresno, MEGIS, trained with his father Joey Hernandez until a heavily debated split-decision loss to Kyrone “Caea I Lawr Mae'n” Davis made Hernandez rethink his training habits. He has since moved his camp to Southern California and begun training with Henry Ramirez. Since the move Hernandez, has since gone undefeated in the professional realm.



I am excited that a lot of people will get to see me on The Contender,” Said Hernandez. “I loved being on the show and growing up I watched it every week. It was amazing to see Ward Andre ac Sergio Mora yno. Those guys are two fighters who fought at middleweight that I have looked up to my whole career.


This is an opportunity to create a better life for my son, my wife as well as my mom and dad. I am proud to be from Fresno and I want people to know where I am from and who I am fighting for.”


Ladarius Miller Training Camp Quotes & Lluniau

Lightweight Contender Battles Dennis Galarza in Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce Main Event Friday, Awst 3
o Sam’s Town in Las Vegas
Cliciwch YMA for Photos from Mayweather Promotions

LAS VEGAS (Awst 1, 2018) – Rising lightweight contender Ladarius Miller will look to make a statement when he faces Dennis GALARZA in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) Dydd Gwener, Awst 3 from Sam’s Town in Las Vegas.




I’m putting the lightweight division on notice,” said Miller. “I will be a name tossed in with the other great fighters in this division and I’m coming for that top spot. No one can stop me.




Miller has improved across the board since a defeat to Rolando Chinea and will look to continue to build off of his recent momentum on August 3.




Suffering a loss has helped me toughen up mentally,” said Miller. “I added a strength and conditioning coach who’s kept me in shape and helped me push myself farther. My head trainer Rafael Ramos has helped me get to this point and we’re only getting started.




I now know that the only person who can beat me in the ring is myself. Whenever I’m in the gym and thinking about the loss, I remind myself that I am my only competition. When you begin to get serious about your craft and dedicate yourself, the results show.




The Memphis-native, who now fights under the Mayweather Promotions banner in Las Vegas, is positioned to make waves in his first headlining spot.




It feels great to be in this position at the top of the card,” said Miller. “Floyd and Leonard Ellerbe are putting me in a great position leading a card full of talented fighters. I don’t know where I’m ranked right now, but I believe this fight will get me to the level I need to be at to be in the conversation with top contenders.




He will be opposed by the skilled and lanky Galarza, a fighter that Miller is familiar with and who he may mesh with to create a memorable fight night.




I have a plan for whatever Galarza brings my way, ond yn bwysicaf oll, I want to give the fans a great show and continue to show the world who Ladarius Miller is,” said Miller. “I’ve known Galarza since the amateur days. He’s a talented fighter who’s long and capable of fighting from a good range. I’m quicker, craftier and at the end of the day, I think I’m going to win a great fight.




Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad, which is being promoted by Mayweather Promotions, begin at $25, are on sale now and will be available at www.samstownlv.com/entertain.




# # #

Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce will also be available to be streamed live via Bounce’s new subscription-video-on-demand service Brown Sugar, which features an extensive and one-of-a-kind library of iconic black movies as well as Bounce original programming and series. Brown Sugar is available on Apple TV, Blwyddyn, Amazon Channels, Amazon Fire TV, Amazon Kindle, Android and Apple smartphones and tablets and web browsers via BrownSugar.com. Brown Sugar also has Google Chromecast capabilities which allow video to play on televisions directly from mobile devices and tablets for consumers with Android and iOS devices. There is a free initial trial period for subscribers with a retail price of $3.99/month thereafter.




Bounce (BounceTV) airs on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage, and features a programming mix of original and off-network series, lluniau cynnig theatraidd, arbennig, live sports, ac yn fwy. Bounce has grown to be available in more than 109 million homes across the United States and 97% of all African-American (AA) television homes, including all the top AA television markets. Visit BounceTV.com for more information. Bounce is part of The E.W. Scripps Company (NASDAQ: SSP).




Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i: www.premierboxingchampions.com ac www.mayweatherpromotions.com dilyn ar TwitterPremierBoxing, BounceTV, MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm, ddod yn gefnogwr ar Facebook yn: www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions and www.Facebook.com/BounceTV. Follow the conversation using #PBConBounce. PBC on Bounce is sponsored by Corona: Finest Beer.




Yn y lleoliad sianel leol, Ymweliad BounceTV.com.

Peter Quillin & Alicia Napoleon Ymweld â Gwersyll Dydd Crestwood yn Long Island Cyn Matchups y dydd Sadwrn hwn, Awst 4ydd o NYCB YN FYW, Cartref Coliseum Coffa Cyn-filwyr Nassau

Cliciwch YMA ar gyfer Lluniau gan Ed Diller/TGB Promotions

YNYS HIR, NY (Awst 1, 2018) – Cyn bencampwr pwysau canol Peter “Siocled Kid” Quillin a Phencampwr Byd Pwysau Canolog Super Merched y Byd WBA Alicia “Yr Ymerodres” Napoleon ymwelodd â Gwersyll Dydd Crestwood brynhawn Mercher a chynnal sesiwn hyfforddi cymhelliant a ffitrwydd gyda throsodd 200 gwersyllwyr.




Manteisiodd Quillin a Napoleon brodorol Lindenhurst ar y cyfle i rannu negeseuon cadarnhaol gyda'r gwersyllwyr cyn i'w gemau cyfatebol gael eu cynnal y Sadwrn hwn., Awst 4 o NYCB YN FYW, cartref Coliseum Coffa Cyn-filwyr Nassau.




“Bod yn focsiwr yw fy ffordd o fyw, ac mae gallu rhannu rhai o'r pethau a wnaeth i mi pwy ydw i gyda'r plant hyn yn bleser mawr,” Said Quillin. “Mae mor bwysig estyn allan i’r genhedlaeth nesaf a rhoi’r offer iddynt fyw yn bositif. Fel athletwr proffesiynol rwy'n ystyried y rhan honno o'm swydd ac yn rhywbeth yr wyf yn ymfalchïo yn ei wneud.”




“Rydw i mor hapus i fod yma a rhoi rhywbeth yn ôl i’r plant hyn,” meddai Napoleon. “Mae rhannu awgrymiadau a chymhellion gwahanol tra rydw i yma yn anrhydedd mewn gwirionedd. Rwy'n canolbwyntio ar amddiffyn fy nheitl nos Sadwrn, ond y mae rhywbeth fel hyn yn wir ddaioni. Gobeithio eu bod i gyd wedi cael hwyl ac wedi dysgu rhywbeth nad oedden nhw’n ei wybod cyn heddiw.”




Siaradodd y diffoddwyr â'r grŵp mwy o wersyllwyr a dangos rhai technegau hyfforddi iddynt cyn cynnal sesiwn ffitrwydd hanner awr am tua 25 saith ac wyth oed i dalgrynnu allan y prynhawn.




Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad yn fyw, sy'n cael ei hyrwyddo gan TGB Promotions, DiBella Adloniant a Hyrwyddiadau Mayweather, ar werth yn awr. Gellir prynu tocynnau ar-lein drwy ymweld www.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, neu drwy ffonio 1-800-745-3000. Mae tocynnau hefyd ar gael yn Swyddfa Docynnau Ticketmaster yn NYCB LIVE. Mae gostyngiadau grŵp ar gael trwy ffonio 516-231-4848.


Quillin wynebau J'Leon Cariad yn PBC ar gamau gweithredu FOX a FOX Deportes sy'n dechrau am7:30 p.m. A / 4:30 p.m. PT ac yn cael ei arwain gan ornest rhwng cyn-bencampwyr pwysau welter y byd Andre Berto ac Dyfnaint Alexander.


Napoleon yn tynnu sylw at y cerdyn isaf nad yw ar y teledu yn ei thref enedigol wrth iddi amddiffyn ei theitl byd cyntaf yn erbyn yr Alban Hannah Rankin.


# # #




Gall cefnogwyr ffrydio'r ymladd yn fyw ar ap FOX Sports, ar gael yn Saesneg neu Sbaeneg drwy'r porthiant FOX neu'r FOX Deportes. Mae'r ymladd ar gael ar y bwrdd gwaith yn FOXSports.com a thrwy'r app store, neu ddyfeisiau cysylltiedig gan gynnwys Apple TV, teledu VIP, teledu Tân, Xbox One a Roku.




Am fwy o wybodaeth: Ymweliad www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage ac www.foxdeportes.com, dilyn ar TwitterPremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, @NYCBLive a @Swanson_Comm neu dewch yn gefnogwr ar Facebook yn www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports acwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. Noddir PBC gan Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.Mae BROOKLYN BOCSING ar Long Island yn estyniad o frand BROOKLYN BOXING™ BSE. Am fwy o wybodaeth, Ymweliad brooklynboxingshop.com.

Top Welterweight Contender Yordenis Ugas Faces Argentina’s Cesar Barrionuevo in 147-Pound Title Eliminator & Unbeaten Polish Heavyweight Adam Kownacki Meets Former Heavyweight Champion Charles Martin On SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Tripleheader

Dydd Sadwrn, Medi 8 gan Barclays Center yn Brooklyn &
Cyflwynir gan Hyrwyddwyr Bocsio Premier

BROOKLYN (Awst 1, 2018) – Top 147-pound contender Yordenis Ugas and Argentine slugger Cesar Barrionuevo will battle in a WBC welterweight title eliminator while unbeaten Polish heavyweight contender Adam Kownacki will face former heavyweight champion Charles Martin in a 10-round attraction as part of a tripleheader live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Medi 8 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Barclays Center, cartref BROOKLYN BOCSIO ™.




The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® prif ddigwyddiad (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) will pit two of the division’s biggest names against each other as former 147-pound champions Danny “Swift” Garcia ac “Showtime” Shawn Porter square off for the vacant WBC Welterweight World Championship. The winner of Ugas vs. Barrionuevo earns the WBC’s second mandatory position to the winner of Garcia vs. Gwisgwch.




Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad yn fyw, sy'n cael ei hyrwyddo gan TGB Promotions a DiBella Entertainment, in association with DSG Promotions, yn dechrau am $50 ac ar werth yn awr. Tickets can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, neu drwy ffonio 800-745-3000. Gellir prynu tocynnau hefyd yn Swyddfa Docynnau American Express yng Nghanolfan Barclays. Gostyngiadau grwpiau ar gael drwy ffonio 844-BKLYN-GP.


Ugas (22-3, 11 Kos), a anwyd yng Nghiwba ac mae bellach yn byw yn Las Vegas, is one of the busiest boxers in the sport and a consensus top-10 fighter in the welterweight division. Ar ôl colli penderfyniad unfrydol i Amir Imam yn 2014, the 32-year-old Ugas took a year off from boxing, moved up to 147 pounds and came back on a tear. Yn ystod cyfnod o 12 mis o fis Awst 2016 a mis Awst 2017, Enillodd Ugas pum ymladd yn syth, cnocio oddi contenders a rhagolygon top cynnwys Jamal James, Bryant Perrella, Levan Ghvamichava, Thomas Dulorme a Nelson Lara. Ugas has added two more stoppage victories in 2018, including February on SHOWTIME when he handed Ray Robinson his first defeat since a 2010 decision to Shawn Porter.




I’m very excited to be part of such a great card,” Ugas said. “This is a huge opportunity to put myself in position to fight the best fighters in the welterweight division and that’s my goal. Dydw i ddim yn gwybod llawer am fy gwrthwynebydd, but he is a power punching Argentine and I have to be 100 percent ready come September 8. This will be my second appearance on SHOWTIME


CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING and I look forward to making another huge statement. I’m going to close the show in New York like my friend, Yankeescloser Aroldis Chapman.


Barrionuevo (34-3-2, 24 Kos) has devastating one-punch power and is wildly popular in his native Argentina, where he has held regional titles while stopping seven of his last nine opponents. Barrionuevo will make his U.S. debut on September 8. The 29-year-old has won 10 fights in a row and has only lost once since 2010 as he looks to follow in the footsteps of Marcos Maidana and Lucas Matthysse, elite welterweights from Argentina. Barrionuevo, sydd yn safle Dim. 6 gan y Cyngor Llyfrau yn 147 bunnoedd, was previously scheduled to face Abel Ramos on Aug. 3 in Las Vegas before taking the opportunity to fight Ugas in this title eliminator.




I am proud to be fighting in the United States and fighting on SHOWTIME is a dream come true,” said Barrionuevo. “Argentine boxing has a long history of great champions from Carlos Monzon to Sergio Martinez and most recently Marcos Maidana. I am looking to become one of those great Argentine fighters of this era and it starts on September 8. I bring the power and the heart of my country with me and expect all the Argentine flags to be out at Barclays Center.


Kownacki (17-0, 14 Kos) has become a must-see attraction amongst the large contingent of Polish boxing fans in his hometown of Brooklyn and will return to fight at Barclays Center for the fifth time on September 8. The 29-year-old has steadily climbed up the rankings, having most recently knocked out then once-beaten heavyweight Iago Kiladze in Brooklyn in January. Prior to that win, the undefeated heavyweight scored a dominant stoppage of Artur Szpilka last July on Long Island in a matchup of top Polish heavyweights.




It’s exciting to be back in the ring on SHOWTIME to showcase my skills,” Dywedodd Kownacki. “It will be another step to reach my goal of becoming the first Polish heavyweight champion. I am training hard in preparation to fight Charles Martin. It will be an amazing night in Barclays Center. I’m hoping Barclays Center will be covered in white and red.




Fe'i ganed yn St. Louis, Martin (25-1-1, 23 Kos) captured the IBF Heavyweight World Championship in January 2016 via a third round TKO against Vyacheslav Glazkov at Barclays Center on SHOWTIME. The 32-year-old scored knockouts in 21 o'i gyntaf 23 before losing in his first title defense against Anthony Joshua in the UK. Martin trains in Big Bear, California and has since scored two knockout victories on his way towards a matchup with Kownacki that could move him closer to another shot at a belt.




I don’t want to talk about fighting, I just want to get in there and show off my skills,” Dywedodd Martin. “For this fight I asked for the toughest opponent that I could get. I’m not worried about who is in front of me. I will be ready on September 8.


# # #




Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, dilyn ar Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, neu ddod yn gefnogwr ar Facebook ar www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingac www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.Noddir PBC gan Corona, Finest Beer.


Luis Ortiz Registers Second-Round TKO of Razvan Cojanu in Co-Feature

Fideo: https://s.sho.com/2mPpH8r

Mario Barrios Remains Undefeated With Eighth-Round TKO Against Jose Roman

Watch The Encore Presentation Monday At 10 P.m. A/PT Ar Showtime EITHAFOL®

Cliciwch YMA for Photos from Scott Hirmano/SHOWTIME

LOS ANGELES (Gorffennaf 28, 2018) – Mikey Garcia became the 10fed lightweight champion to unify the division with a unanimous decision against Robert Easter Jr. Saturday on SHOWTIME, and immediately afterward set his sights on boxing’s best, namely Errol Spence Jr.

Full fight highlights here: https://s.sho.com/2LzlnJ6





All three judges scored the fight in favor of Garcia,118-109, 117-110, 116-111, in an electrifying fight in front of 12,560 fans at Staples Center in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.





The four-division world champion Garcia (39-0, 30 Kos) – who was fighting in his native Southern California for the first time in seven years – keeps his 135-pound WBC title, and also claims Easter’s IBF Lightweight belt





“I’m here for the biggest challenges,” said Garcia, 30, who unified a title for the first time in his career. “I don’t know if there is anyone that is a bigger challenge than Errol Spence. I know he’s up to fight everyone so let’s make it happen. I think it can be made. I think that’s the next big fight coming up.





“I feel I have the power and the skillset to compete in any division up to welterweight. He’s the toughest guy at welterweight so I want to face him.”





Garcia scored a knock down in the third round against Easter (21-1, 14 Kos) o Toledo, Ohio, who was sent to the canvas for just the second time in his career. A strong right jab put Easter out of position, immediately followed by a devastating left hook sent Easter down with 24 seconds remaining in the round.





Garcia got better as the fight progressed. In the final four rounds Garcia out-landed Easter 95-34 in total punches and ended the fight being the more active fighter throwing 555 punches to Easter’s 507. He connected on nearly 40 percent of his power shots while Easter landed at a 24 percent clip.





“It’s a great accomplishment being here in L.A.,” Garcia said. “I was in control most of the fight, and I did what I had to do. I knew he was a tough opponent. He’s a tough warrior. He gave a great fight but I was a better fighter. I was in control of the fight and I did what I had to do to win.”





Pasg, who went into the Garcia locker room after the fight to congratulate his opponent, was gracious in defeat.





“Whenever we step in the ring we are both putting our lives on the line and tonight Mikey was victorious,” said Easter, who entered the fight as the longest reigning champion at 135 bunnoedd. “I just couldn’t find the timing and I just couldn’t let my right hand go. He caught me with a clean shot and I went down, but I got up like a true champion.”






During an interview at the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING host desk, Spence, a fellow top-five pound-for-pound great, said he would “definitely” welcome a fight with Garcia. “I feel like that’s the best fight available for me right now with Shawn [Gwisgwch] and Danny [Garcia] fighting in September. Keith Thurman is still recovering and needs a tune up.

Full interview here: https://s.sho.com/2veXH1T.





“He’s daring to be great, he wants to be great, he wants to move up and dethrone me and it’s not going to happen. It’s definitely going to be an easy fight. [Garcia] will be pound-for-pound No. 1 if he beats me. He has great skills but I see myself winning. I don’t really see anything that concerns me. He’s technically good, but I don’t see him hurting me at 147.”





Heavyweight southpaw Luis Ortiz (29-1, 25 Kos) returned to the ring with a resounding victory, scoring a devastating second round knockout (2:08) of former world title challenger Razvan Cojanu (16-4, 9 Kos)





Ortiz landed 42 y cant o'i ergydion pŵer (eight of 19) while Cojanu landed just two of 13 (15%) in the short fight.





Ortiz was emotional after the fight. He told SHOWTIME’s Jim Gray that just five days ago he learned doctors have found a cure for Epidermolysis Bullosa, a disease his daughter suffers from.





“Thanks to God they found a cure for my daughter’s disease,” Ortiz said. “My wife told me while I was boarding the plane to get here. It’s been hard to be away from them. I’m happy I won, but it’s been really hard to be away from them.”






Both fighters were coming off losses in heavyweight world title fights. Ortiz was fighting for the first time since challenging Deontay Wilder in a 2018 Ymladd yr ymgeisydd y Flwyddyn. The 6-foot-4 Ortiz wasted little time knocking out the 6-feet-7½, 269-pound Cojanu, returning for his first fight since challenging then-WBO Heavyweight Champion Joseph Parker.






“In my mind King Kong has not been defeated. I don’t feel I lost against Deontay Wilder. I want to fight [Anthony] Joshua, but he only fights boxers he’s sure he can defeat. I’m going to ask the government to put me on disability, maybe that way Joshua will fight me.”





Yn yr agorwr telecast, Mario Barrios (22-0, 14 Kos) remained undefeated recording his sixth straight stoppage with an eighth-round TKO of Jose Roman (24-3-1, 14 Kos) in a scheduled 10-round welterweight match. Each of the judges, as well as SHOWTIME expert scorer Steve Farhood, scored the fight 80-70 in favor of Barrios at the time of the stoppage as Roman’s corner didn’t answer the bell for the ninth round.





San Antonio’s Barrios relied on effective body work in dominating the fight, gysylltu ar 61 o'i 133 ergydion corff. He connected on 44 y cant o'i punches pŵer (104/239) compared to 26 percent for Roman (34/132), who had just five body shots on the night.





"[Body work] is something I’ve been able to work on,” Barrios told Gray in the ring. “You put the body work in early and by the end of the fight they have nothing left. That worked perfectly for this fight. This was the farthest I’ve gone in a while. It was great work and I feel like I’m transitioning to the fighter that I always thought I’ve be.”





Cymdogaethau, who suffered a cut above his left eye in the first round, sent Roman to the canvas at 1:15 of the fourth round with a strong right that dazed Roman, then a left hook that put Roman down for the seventh time in his career. Barrios ended the round with a flurry of punches that left Roman stunned.






The 23-year-old Barrios sent Roman down again with 1:38 remaining in the eighth round. Roman survived the round, but his corner refused to answer the bell and the fight was over.





“I feel I’m ready [for a title shot)],” Barrios said. “I feel strong. I feel fast. Rwy'n ifanc, but whatever my managers throw at me I’m ready. If I could get it tomorrow, I’d take it.”






It was a star-studded night at Staples as current and former world champions attended the fights, including Jarrett Hurd, Errol Spence Jr, Leo Santa Cruz, Cesig Abner, Gervonta Davis and Adrien Broner.






Shawn Porter was also in attendance. It was recently announced that Porter and fellow former 147-pound world title holder Danny Garcia will square off against one another for the vacant WBC Welterweight World Championship live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Saith. 8 gan Barclays Center yn Brooklyn, N.Y..





“I’m just a different type of athlete,” Porter told SHOWTIME’s Brian Custer. “When you talk about having the tools to become a two-time world champion; I have the tools, the athleticism, the tenacity the ring generalship. You will see all of that on Sept. 8.






“We always say that the business has to make sense [to make fights], And it sounds to me like the business has played its part. I win the WBC Championship and you’ll get Shawn Porter vs. Errol Spence.”






In streaming coverage of live undercard fights on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN, undefeated super lightweight prospect Fabian Maidana (16-0, 12 Kos), the brother of former champion Marcos Maidana, recorded a seventh-round stoppage (2:32) against former world title challenger Andrey Klimov (19-5, 9 Kos).






Also on the live stream, 2016 U.S. Olympian and unbeaten prospect Karlos Balderas (6-0, 5 Kos) dominated 54-fight veteran Giovanni Caro (27-24, 21 Kos) scoring a stoppage at 2:09 of the fourth round in a scheduled six-round super featherweight bout.





Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader will replay on Monday at 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME.




# # #





Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.com acwww.staplescenter.com dilyn ar Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions @STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions acwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter. Noddir PBC gan Corona, Finest Beer.



Showtime PENCAMPWRIAETH BOCSIO® Tripleheader Live At 10 p.m. A/7 p.m. PT From Staples Center In Los Angeles, Calif.

Cliciwch YMA Ar gyfer Lluniau; Credyd: Scott Hirano/SHOWTIME



Mikey Garcia – 135 pwys.

Robert Jr Pasg. - 134 ½ pwys.

Canolwr: Jack Reiss (Calif.); beirniaid: Larry Hazzard Jr. (N.J.), Edward Hernandez Sr. (Calif.), Steve Weisfeld (N.J.)


Louis Ortiz - 241 pwys.

Razvan Cujanu – 269 pwys.

Referee Jerry Cantu (Calif.). beirniaid: Max DeLuca (Calif.), Dr. Lou Moret (Calif.), Zachary Young (Calif.)



Mario Barrios – 141 ½ pwys.

Jose Roman – 142 pwys.

Referee Gerard White (Calif.). beirniaid: Max DeLuca (Calif.), Dr. Lou Moret (Calif.), Zachary Young (Calif.)



Mikey Garcia

“All the work is done; the talking is done. Now it’s time to settle this thing in the ring.”


Robert Jr Pasg.

“I told Mikey there ain’t no more talking. I’m coming in shape. It’s going to be an exciting fight for all the fans that are here from my side and from his side. We’re just ready to fight and put on a great performance for LA.




“This fight is champion vs. pencampwr. It’s going to determine who’s the best, go iawn. Tomorrow is going to be the best of the best and you’re going to see the best out of me.”


Luis Ortiz

“I’m going to do what I’ve always done in my career and even in the amateurs, and that’s just fight. It’s going to be no different. I’m going to come out punching.




“Every fight is an important fight and tomorrow night I will show what I can do. I’m going to show why I’m known as the most avoided fighter.”


Razvan Cojanu

“I’m in very good shape. Tomorrow night it’s SHOWTIME. We’re going to bring the pain.




“The secret to beating Luis Ortiz is two things. One, I cannot say because I’m in front of the cameras but the other one is the heart.”

Mario Barrios

“Everything about fighting on SHOWITME excites me. I’ve been working for this and dreaming about this day since I was a little kid. Now it’s here and I want to take full advantage of it.




“I hope the fans can expect a lot. I’m here to showcase my talents and they are going to see fireworks. I always get a lot of love from the fans when I fight in L.A.”


Jose Rufeinig

“I have a special motivation for this fight. My cousin’s son is battling leukemia so I dedicate this fight to him. He’s only three years old. It’s really hard because I’m a father and just imagining that breaks my heart.”


# # #




Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.com acwww.staplescenter.com dilyn ar Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions @STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions acwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter. Noddir PBC gan Corona, Finest Beer.

WATCH NOW! THE APPROACH: Mikey GARCIA – Four-Division World Champion Explains His Mindset Before a Fight


Four-Division World Champion Explains His Mindset Before a Fight

Garcia Faces Robert Easter Jr. in Lightweight World Title Unification Bout

Mae hyn Dydd Sadwrn, 10 p.m. A/7 p.m. PT Ar Showtime

Credyd Photo: Chwaraeon Showtime

Gwylio, Gweld & Share Via YouTube: https://s.sho.com/2AgFPt5

BETH: bencampwr byd Pedwar-adran Mikey Garcia explains his mindset in the final moments before a fight in this new digital offering from SHOWTIME Sports®. The Approach: Mikey Garcia provides a first-person glimpse into Garcia’s psyche and unique tendencies as he prepares to enter the ring.

“The ring walk is the most special moment of a fight itself,” says Garcia. “Sometimes I get very emotional and I want to cry because it’s unbelievable that all of these people are there to support me.”

Garcia, the unbeaten WBC Lightweight World Champion, will meet IBF Lightweight World Champion Robert Jr Pasg. in a 135-pound unification showdown yfory nos, Gorffennaf 28 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles.

Live coverage of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING begins at 10 p.m. A/7 p.m. PT and also features Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis Ortiz (28-1, 24 Kos) returning to action to face former world title challenger Razvan Cojanu (16-3, 9 Kos) and opens with unbeaten super lightweight contender Mario Barrios (21-0, 13 Kos) cymryd on hard-hitting Jose Rufeinig (24-2-1, 16 Kos) in a 10-round showdown.

The night kicks off with SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN at 8 p.m. A/5 p.m. PT, as former three-division champion Abner Mares joins boxing broadcaster Ray Flores and analyst Chris Mannix to preview the night’s tripleheader and call live undercard bouts from ringside in Los Angeles. SHOWTIME’s fifth digital presentation of live boxing in 2018 will stream on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel ac Tudalen Showtime Bocsio Facebook.

Mikey Garcia vs. Robert Jr Pasg. Terfynol Dyfyniadau Cynhadledd i'r Wasg & Lluniau

Lightweight World Champions Clash in Unification Fight That Headlines Action Dydd Sadwrn, Gorffennaf 28 Live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles & Cyflwynir gan
Hyrwyddwyr Bocsio Premier
Cliciwch YMA i Lluniau o Scott Hirano / Showtime


LOS ANGELES (Gorffennaf 26, 2018) – Lightweight world champions Mikey Garcia ac Robert Jr Pasg. went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference two days before they enter the ring for a 135-pound title unification Saturday, Gorffennaf 28 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




Joining them Thursday and competing on the three-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT) were Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis “Mae'r Real King Kong” Ortiz a chyn Challenger teitl Razvan Cojanu, who meet in a 10-round bout plus unbeaten super lightweight contender Mario “El Azteca” Cymdogaethau ac yn galed-taro Jose Rufeinig, who compete in a 10-round showdown.




Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad yn fyw, sy'n cael ei hyrwyddo gan Ringstar Chwaraeon a TGB Promotions, begin at $50, yn ogystal â ffioedd perthnasol, ac ar werth yn awr. Er mwyn prynu tocynnau, visit AXS.com.




Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from Conga Room at L.A. Byw:






This will be my first title unification match. It means a lot to face another unbeaten champion. It will help my legacy and my career. I’m taking the proper steps to move forward and cement my name for the ages.




There isn’t another fight in front of me right now that gets me excited other than this one against Robert Easter Jr. He’s going to come with everything he has. This is definitely his biggest fight and I believe we’ll be able to bring the best out of each other.




Me and Robert Easter Jr. are the only unbeaten champions in the division. So in my eyes, the winner is the best fighter in the division.




I’m very happy to be fighting again in Los Angeles. It’s been seven years since I fought here. To give fans a chance to see this big fight live at STAPLES Center is a great thing. I’m very thankful that we could have the fight here. Most opponents wouldn’t have come here.




I’m coming back to STAPLES Center as a world champion and I have a chance to unify in my hometown. There’s nothing better that I could ask for. I’m going to do everything I can to come out victorious on Saturday night.




I’m glad that Robert is confident coming into this fight. I believe that he will show up the best possible version of himself. That’s what gets me even more motivated and excited for this fight.




I’m here to take the biggest fights and biggest challenges. I will be at welterweight very soon and I look forward to taking on the best there. Everyone says not to do it, and that’s what excites me and motivates me the most.






I really don’t pay attention to being ‘overlookedor what my opponents say leading up to a fight. Ar Orffennaf 28 we still have to get in there and throw these hands. Nothing said by him or anyone outside bothers me at all.




The only big name Mikey Garcia has beaten is Adrien Broner. I’m going to give him problems. I believe with our skills and record, the winner of this fight is the best fighter in the weight class.




This can add big attention to my career. It can help me get the recognition that I deserve. I look at all my fights like a big fight, but obviously this is unification. You will see two warriors in there on Saturday.




It’s been a long time since I made my pro debut at STAPLES Center. You’re going to get a lot of action and excitement on Saturday night. Expect the unexpected.




I had such a great training camp with coach Cunningham and my dad. It was all boxing all the time and really what I needed heading into a matchup like this.




Everyone will be able to see my hard work pay off on Saturday night. I’m not the one who likes to talk about it, I want to show everybody what I got.




These are the kind of fights that I’ve always wanted to be a part of. It’s a big fight that I know the fans are going to really enjoy. I’m going to give them something to remember.




Being the underdog is what it is. Only one of us can be the favorite. We did what we had to do to prepare for this fight and on July 28 you’ll see it all in action.


ROBERT GARCIA, Mikey’s Brother and Trainer




There’s always risk in any fight. We’re very well-prepared for this big challenge and Mikey is in a great place mentally. Easter is a tall guy who I’m sure will try to use his reach and fight from the outside. But we’ll be ready for whatever he brings.




This is obviously a big fight for Mikey against another elite boxer. When two undefeated guys are unifying, it’s always big. We had great sparring partners who prepared Mikey to be at his very best.




We’re ready for the best Robert Easter possible. I’m not even looking at his past two performances. We’ve done what we had to do to be ready for this fight and the best version of our opponent.


KEVIN CUNNINGHAM, Easter’s Co-Trainer




Robert has always been a tremendous fighter and an excellent boxer when he wants to box. We just put extra emphasis on how we want to fight Mikey Garcia. Robert has the natural skill and ability, plus the size and reach to get this done.




We’re prepared to dictate the tempo, control distance and range and do everything we want to do. We’ve done it so far in camp and we’re going to bring it into the ring on Saturday night.




It’s obvious for the last couple of weeks that Garcia has been talking more about future fights than this fight on Saturday night. I look at that as him overlooking Easter. Fodd bynnag, Mikey is a pro with a seasoned trainer so I doubt he’s being totally overlooked. He better be ready.


ROBERT EASTER SR., Easter’s Father & Co-Trainer




I always feel very confident about Robert’s chances every time he steps into the ring. We had a good camp and I know he’s ready. He’s always ready, just like he’s been for every fight leading up to this one.




This fight is going to live up to the hype. Robert is going to go out there and show the world what he is really made of.




We’re going to go out there and get the win. We’re going to impose our game plan on Mikey and make it a really long night for him.






My hunger and motivation to become world champion has not changed at all. My opponent is very big, but in the ring everyone is the same size. We’re going to be smart and I’m going to do my job on Saturday night.




The Wilder fight is what it is. It’s the past now, and I don’t regret it. At the end of the day I want the rematch and I believe I deserve the rematch. They’re still running from me and they’re obviously running from Wilder, but I’m running from no one.




A victory on Saturday night will put me back in line for the rematch with Deontay Wilder. Fighting is what I know how to do, and that’s what I’m coming to do on Saturday night. We’re both hungry for a win and we will see who comes out on top.




I learned that I need to train even harder, fight harder, throw more and connect more. If I hadn’t been fatigued, I’d still be punching him today. I threw the clock away at the gym. We’re going to be smarter going forward.






I am very ready for this matchup. When we got this call, I was already in shape. We just had to make the adjustment to fighting a southpaw. We have about a month of really fun sparring leading up to this fight.




I feel very comfortable against the southpaw, especially one that everyone is familiar with like Ortiz. I know I have the skills to take home the victory.




The Wilder vs. Ortiz fight was a great fight and I congratulate him for that performance. I saw plenty of things that I can expose. The main thing is the sharp one-two combination that gives him trouble.


MARIO Barrios




This is definitely the toughest test of my career. I’m very happy to have this big fight. This is going to be the breakout performance that I’ve been looking for.




Whichever title is available to me is the title we’ll go after. It doesn’t matter who I have to face, I’ll be ready. I’m gunning for the very best.




This is a great opportunity to make my debut on SHOWTIME. This is a card packed with talent, but I plan on stealing the show. I’m going to show everyone the kind of fighter that I am.




I know that Roman is going to come to fight but so am I. I can’t wait to fight in this building. All the greats have fought here and I can’t wait to put on a great show.







“Cymdogaethau’ best weapon would be his speed and his range and I think we have the perfect game plan to oppose it. I know that I have to be patient in there because I have a difficult opponent. I’m doing this for my family and no one can stop me.




A win over Mario Barrios would be huge for me. The fans can come in there expecting a war between two Mexican warriors who will leave it all in the ring.




When I’m not fighting I’m going to Cyprus College and majoring in Mathematics. I’ve been really good at math since I was a kid. I’m on a great track right now in my boxing career and in life.


RICHARD SCHAEFER, Cadeirydd & Prif Swyddog Gweithredol Chwaraeon Ringstar




This is a top to bottom amazing card. It’s a boxing spectacular taking place here at STAPLES Center. We have a little bit of everything on this card. That includes talent from Robert Garcia’s gym, mwy 2016 U.S. Olympian Karlos Balderas, who I believe will one day be headlining at STAPLES Center one day.




The televised portion of this card has a stellar lineup as well, including an undefeated Mario Barrios, who represents Texas well and makes his state proud. He’s one of the most exciting fighters in the division and will have a tough challenge in Jose Roman.




Luis Ortiz is the kind of fighter that you just don’t want to miss a minute of when he fights. He is coming off of one of the best fights of this year, when he challenged WBC heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder.




The matchup between Mikey Garcia and Robert Easter Jr. is the cherry on top of an amazing night. I know that these fighters are ready to entertain and showcase their talent.

STEPHEN ESPINOZA, President Sports & Rhaglennu digwyddiad, Rhwydweithiau Showtime Inc.




There are fighters who say they want tough fights and then there are fighters who actually take tough fights. There’s a big difference between these two. Mikey Garcia and Robert Easter Jr. are the fighters who actually take the top fights.




This is the third world title unification on SHOWTIME this year. No other network has delivered this level of fights to boxing fans. That’s more world title unifications than all the other networks combined this year.




Mikey is a top pound-for-pound fighter and Easter is the longest reigning champion at lightweight and probably the most avoided fighter in the division. No one is rushing to fight either of these guys, eto, this was an easy fight to make.




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