标记档案: 总理拳击冠军

中量级竞争者小威利·门罗. 会谈即将于周六对阵杰马尔·查洛, 十二月 22 在顶级拳击比赛中
福克斯频道的冠军 & 福克斯将行动从巴克莱中心驱逐出境
布鲁克林 “我现在在马厩里,准备飞出马厩
12月22日,门” – 梦露

罗切斯特,纽约. (十二月 4, 2018) – 中量级竞争者和前冠军挑战者 威利·梦露JR. 讨论了他即将对阵 WBC 临时中量级冠军的比赛 Jermall夏洛茨维尔 当他准备周六参加超级拳击冠军赛时, 十二月 22 巴克莱中心的 FOX 和 FOX Deportes 直播, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.

随着战斗之夜的临近, 梦露在家乡罗彻斯特努力工作,纽约. 和他的教练蒂莫西·诺兰一起, 门罗相信他有望在对阵不败对手的比赛中取得出色的表现.

“现在营地里的一切都在按部就班地向前推进,” 门罗说。”我们每天都在完成我们需要的工作. 我们知道如何顺利​​运营营地. 如果我无法判断有什么问题, 然后就一切顺利了。”

A 两次与根纳迪·戈洛夫金 (Gennady Golovkin) 进行中量级世界冠军争夺的老将 比利·乔·桑德斯, 门罗着眼于查洛的再次对决 向精英中量级选手证明自己.

“我有 总是观看杰莫尔的战斗,因为我关注我周围的任何人 重量等级,” 门罗说. “在过去一年左右的时间里,我开始 我想我真的会参加这场战斗,我很兴奋它的到来 12月硕果累累 22.

“他是 被认为是顶级中量级之一,这使得这场比赛非常精彩. 这 是时候我将有一个完整的训练营了,这是我以前从未有过的 戈洛夫金和桑德斯,这会对我有帮助。”

尽管 他不具备对手惊人的击倒能力, 梦露是 非常有信心他的其他戒指属性可以弥补这一点 不同之处.

“是 都处于该部门的顶端,如果没有很多东西,你就不可能走得这么远 身体能力的,” 门罗说. “这场战斗不在于谁是谁 虽然最快和最强, 这是关于我们将如何执行. 我不是 专注于谁击球更重,但谁击球更聪明. 这总是会发生 确定谁赢得拳击比赛.

“拳击 首先是智力,然后才是一切. 我能吗 执行并让杰马尔感到不舒服? 我们将看看战斗中会发生什么 夜晚. 不过我会做好准备的. 我现在在我的马厩里,我已经准备好来了 12月22日飞出大门。”

查洛 担任 FS1 上梦露八月之战的色彩评论员,此后 然后两人在两次不同的新闻发布会上面对面交流 战斗之夜. 随着战斗周的临近, 梦露认为频繁的见面时间 将会打出更加精彩的战斗.

“我是 一遍又一遍地看到杰马尔,肯定更加渴望战斗,” 门罗说. “你亲自捡到的小东西往往会造成 你想更加战斗. 你看到了对手并进一步加强了它 你的头脑并用它来激励. 我认为这会让事情变得更加 当我们最终到达那里时很有趣。”

门票 为了演出, 由 Lions Only Promotions 和 TGB 共同推广 与 DiBella Entertainment 联合促销, 开始于 $50 并且正在 现在出售. 门票可在购买ticketmaster.combarclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可以在美国运通售票处购买 在巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.

电视转播 覆盖开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT 并由杰梅尔·查洛 (Jermell Charlo) 防守 他对阵托尼·哈里森的 WBC 超次中量级世界冠军, 此外 查洛 vs. 门罗对决. 电视转播的动作还有重量级人物 多米尼克·布雷泽尔和卡洛斯·内格隆之间的对决.

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粉丝 可以在 FOX Sports 应用程序上直播比赛, 有英文版或 通过 FOX 或 FOX Deportes 提供的西班牙语节目. 战斗可在 FOXSports.com 桌面版和应用商店, 或连接的设备,包括 苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

为了 更多信息: 访问www.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage 和www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FutureOfBoxing, @TwinCharlo, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @布鲁克林拳击 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 的粉丝:www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports 和www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

中美. 奥林匹亚选手特雷尔·高沙 (Terrell Gausha) 对阵乔伊·埃尔南德斯 (Joey Hernandez) & 两级冠军兰斯·巴泰勒米 & 周六,重量级拳击冠军埃菲·阿贾格巴 (Efe Ajagba) 登上拳击台,参加由超级拳击冠军举办的堆叠底牌比赛, 十二月 22 从布鲁克林巴克莱中心出发

更多! 前景光明 加里·安图安 & 加里·安东尼奥·拉塞尔

布鲁克林 (十一月 27, 2018) – 中美. 奥运选手和超次中量级竞争者 特雷尔Gausha 与身经百战的老兵发生冲突 乔伊·埃尔南德斯 在一场 10 回合的比赛中,前两个级别的世界冠军和古巴明星 兰斯·巴泰勒米 参加 10 回合超轻量级格斗比赛, 同时重量级的感觉 卡通Ajagba, 作为一个可怕的拳击手,他正在撼动这个部门, 周六,作为充满动感的底牌比赛的一部分,进入六轮比赛的擂台, 十二月 22 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家庭和总理拳击冠军呈现.




堆叠的底牌引出了福克斯节目中的重磅 PBC 节目,其中查洛双胞胎捍卫了他们的世界冠军头衔, 黄金时段多米尼克·布雷泽尔 (Dominic Breazeale) 和卡洛斯·内格隆 (Carlos Negron) 之间的重量级对决. Jermall夏洛茨维尔, 他和他的兄弟通过掷硬币获胜来决定他们的战斗顺序, 将在 12 回合 WBC 临时中量级冠军赛中对阵威利·门罗, 小, 而杰梅尔·查洛则将对阵托尼·哈里森,卫冕 WBC 超次中量级世界冠军头衔.




拥挤的底牌上还有中量级竞争者 马特·科罗博夫(28-1, 14 科斯) 在八回合的战斗和十回合的超次中量级对决中 布兰登·夸尔斯 (20-4-1, 10 科斯) 和 托德·曼努埃尔 (17-16-1, 5 科斯).




这场比赛仍在继续,羽量级世界冠军小加里·拉塞尔 (Gary Russell Jr.) 的不败前景和弟弟们不断崛起。, 如 2012 中美. 奥林匹亚 加里·安图安·拉塞尔 (7-0, 7 科斯) 八回合超轻量级比赛并保持不败 加里·安东尼奥·拉塞尔 (12-0, 10 科斯) 看起来在八轮雏量级比赛中保持不败.




演出门票, 由 Lions Only Promotions 和 TGB Promotions 与 DiBella Entertainment 联合推广, 开始于 $50 与现已公开发售. 门票可在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.




31岁的高莎 (20-1, 9 科斯) 在一场超次中量级冠军争夺战中,他以一致判定输给了埃里斯兰迪·拉拉,这是他职业生涯的第一次失利。 2017 在巴克莱中心. 美国的一员. 拳击队在 2012 伦敦奥运会, 克利夫兰的高沙希望在对阵埃尔南德斯的比赛中反弹.




埃尔南德斯 (27-4-1, 17 科斯) 自从输给奥斯汀·特劳特以来,已经连续三场淘汰赛获胜 2015 在 FS1 上. 来自迈阿密的 34 岁左撇子, 埃尔南德斯在八月 TKO 战胜何塞·安东尼奥·罗德里格斯 8.




祖国古巴一位多产的业余爱好者, 缪 (26-1, 13 科斯) 在职业生涯第一次失利后重返拳台, 在三月份与 Kiryl Relikh 的超轻量级世界冠军争夺战中. 这位32岁的选手成为了世界冠军 2014 当他击败阿吉尼斯·门德斯 (Argenis Mendez) 夺得 130 磅级冠军时, 并击败丹尼斯·沙菲科夫夺得空缺的轻量级金腰带,成为两个级别的冠军.




松鼠 (7-0, 6 科斯) 今年夏天,当他的对手在触摸手套后走出拳击场并在 FS1 现场直播首轮比赛的铃声响起时,引起了人们的关注. 他是唯一一位在对阵24岁的阿贾格巴时毫发无损地离开擂台的对手, 他是尼日利亚拳击队的成员 2016 里约奥运会,今年将第五次踏上拳击场,也是第二次作为职业选手在巴克莱中心.




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球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,并通过应用程序商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.




欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FutureOfBoxing, @TwinCharlo, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


星期六, 一月 19 From MGM Grand Garden Arena


点击 这里 对于照片; 信贷: 以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME

观看完整的新闻发布会 这里

BEVERLY HILLS, 加利福尼亚州. - 十一月 20, 2018 – Boxing’s only eight-division world champion Manny “吃豆子” Pacquiao and former four-division champ Adrien “The Problem” Broner were all business on Tuesday as they concluded their two-city press tour in Los Angeles announcing their Saturday, 一月 19 showdown for Pacquiao’s WBA Welterweight World Title. 本次活动将生产和SHOWTIME PPV现场分发 (9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT) from MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, tickets to the Pacquiao vs. Broner welterweight world championship event will go on sale on Saturday, 十一月 24. 门票售价 $1,500, $1,000, $750, $500, $300, $200, $100, 不包括适用的服务费, and can be purchased online through AXS.com, 通过手机在充电 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Here are what the fighters and executives had to say on Tuesday.


“This fight is going to be a good fight. I have to pass through him before fighting Floyd Mayweather. I want to prove to the boxing fans that Manny Pacquiao is still in the pack. You will see more fights with Manny Pacquiao here in the United States.

“He’s young and he’s fast – and he’s fast with his mouth. There will be more action in the ring – we know what the people want. It’s going to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see a fight you will never forget.

“I continue my career as a boxer because boxing is my passion. When I hung up my gloves once, I felt sad not being in the ring and giving inspiration to people in the Philippines and boxing fans.”

On potentially fighting Floyd Mayweather again:

“I don’t think Adrien will agree with that, because I need to pass through him. This is not an easy fight.”

On working with Al Haymon:

“I have only good things to say about Top Rank – they helped me a lot. But I’m really thankful to be partnered with Al Haymon and have a chance to work with him.”

“[Broner’s] a funny guy. I think after his boxing career, he could have another career as a comedian. I don’t get upset about the jokes. I can’t help but laugh when I look at his face.”

Will the Mayweather rematch be next?

“I can’t give you an answer, but if you ask me, it would be good for me to have that fight.”


“一月 19, I am coming to win. Screw the money, I’m going to be victorious. They keep talking about a Pacquiao-Mayweather 2, but I’m going to mess those plans up. I just don’t see Manny Pacquiao beating me.

“He’s still in great condition. He’s trained his ass off. I have to keep my composure and stay focused on my game plan. But I’m not going to tell you what that plan is.

“Hope isn’t my strategy – there will be no luck. I feel like he can’t beat me. Look at my resume – what do I do to southpaws? I stop them. Going into this fight, 我非常有信心. I’m going to do what I always do to southpaws and dismantle him.”

STEPHEN ESPINOZA, 总统体育 & 事件编程, 欣欣网络公司.

“These two fighters have resumes that you’re all familiar with. On the surface they seem very different, but they’re more similar than you’d think.

“They’re two of the most entertaining and popular fighters in the sport. They are also two fighters who are all heart. We’ve seen them in tough fights, and there’s one thing you know you’re going to get out of Manny Pacquiao and AB, and that’s 100 percent effort throughout the fight.

“When Adrien Broner and Manny Pacquiao fight, it’s a huge event. Add in Mayweather Promotions and MGM Grand and Las Vegas, and it’s one of the biggest fights of the year. There’s a lot at stake – this will be an all action fight. It will be a special weekend, and we can’t wait.”

JOE RAMOS, Head of MP Promotions

“We all know Adrien is hungry, but he’s fighting boxing’s only eight-division champion. Manny will show the world that he’s the best fighter on the planet come January 19. Don’t miss a chance to be part of history.”


“We know we have a great fight come Jan. 19. You’ll see a future Hall of Famer in Manny Pacquiao, and a guy in Adrien Broner who has never backed down from a challenge. He knows he has to be at his best to beat Manny Pacquiao. The style matchup with these two guys is very intriguing. I promise you this will be a great fight.”

RAVONE利特尔约翰, Co-Head of About Billions Promotions

“这将是一场伟大的战斗. If my man AB hits the right shot, it could be a short night. We’ve never been down for the count, and we’re not going to start now. We know the position we’re in. It’s a pleasure to fight a legend like Manny Pacquiao.”

RICHARD STRUM, President of Las Vegas Live Entertainment and Sports

“This fight kicks off another tremendous year of entertainment for MGM. I’d like to welcome Manny Pacquiao and Adrien Broner, two of the sport’s most iconic fighters, back to MGM Grand and Las Vegas.”

Tickets Go On Sale Saturday, 十一月 24



星期六, 一月 19 From MGM Grand Garden Arena

现场直播 SHOWTIME PPV® Presented

By Premier Boxing Champions


点击 这里 对于照片; 信用阿曼达韦斯科特/欣欣

观看完整的新闻发布会 这里

Tickets Go On Sale Saturday, 十一月 24

纽约– 11月 19, 2018 – Senator Manny “吃豆子” Pacquiao and Adrien “The Problem” Broner announced their Saturday, 一月 19 mega-fight during the first leg of a two-city press tour at New York City’s Gotham Hall on Monday. The welterweight championship showdown will be produced and distributed live by SHOWTIME PPV (9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT) from MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.



拳击的只有八处世界冠军, Pacquiao will end his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring when he returns to Las Vegas to defend his WBA Welterweight World Title against former four-division world champion and must-see attraction Broner.




Promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, tickets to the Pacquiao vs. Broner welterweight world championship event will go on sale on Saturday, 十一月 24. 门票售价 $1,500, $1,000, $750, $500, $300, $200, $100, 不包括适用的服务费, 并且可以通过在线购买 AXS.com, 通过手机在充电 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.




Here are what the fighters and executives had to say on Monday.




“I just want to prove that I’m still in boxing and my journey in boxing is continuing. I want to entertain people and give a good show on January 19. You don’t want to miss the opportunity to see this great and prestigious fight in the ring with Adrien Broner. I know my opponent is fast and a top caliber fighter, he’s good and we have to work hard and train hard for this fight so the people will be happy. We will give a good fight for the fans.




“I chose Broner because we can have a good fight and entertain the fans. Adrien is a top caliber fighter and a good boxer. We cannot underestimate him.




“When I met up with Floyd [梅威瑟] 在日本, we talked and he said he wants to come out of retirement to challenge me. All I know is fighting in the ring and entertaining people. That’s my job. Floyd has come out of retirement and we’ll see after this fight, but we cannot underestimate Broner and this fight. We will discuss anything with Floyd Mayweather after that.




“I can fight at 140 磅或 147 pounds and I want to fight the biggest fighters in the world and one of those is Adrien Broner. I can fight anybody.



“I expect more action in the ring, that’s what we want. We don’t talk too much outside the ring but we will do it in the ring.



“是, I still have the [昏死] 动力. 事实上, I have learned how to develop that and by the grace of god, who has given me this power and with hard work and training, that technique is my weapon for this fight.




“I have already accomplished my dream and what I want to accomplish in this sport. I just want to continue in the top of boxing and give honor to my country.”





“I’m real thankful hearing that he was coming over to PBC, ‘Pacquiao’s Broner Crisis’. I’m happy – there are a lot of people that wanted this fight and god blessed me to get it. I guess I’m just the chosen one. What can I say about Pacquiao, he’s a future Hall of Famer.




“I had to call my momma after I looked in the mirror this morning. I had to let her know she has a beautiful son. We finally made it to pay-per-view at 29. I’m the only African-American do to that.




“It’s going to be a hell of a fight. I’m not coming to just pick up a check. I know when I win this fight, there’s more money to come.




“这场斗争对我来说意义重大. A win and I turn legend overnight. I got the whole hood with me just like he has the whole Philippines with him. I don’t even know how to spell that. But I have the whole hood with me: H-O-O-D.



“Of course I consider Manny one of the elite fighters at 147. The things he’s done in this game are unbelievable. I talk trash, I play but I know on January 19 I have to be on top of my game. This is his break-out fight to be on the A-side. I know he isn’t trying to look bad. But I’m here to knock him out. I feel like a bum trying to fight for a sandwich.




“I’m not worried about what Manny does. He has to worry about what I’m doing. I have three losses and he has eight. But he has been knocked out three times so we know he can go to sleep. He doesn’t need Nyquil for that, and I have the power to do it. He better be on his p’s and q’s because I’m trying to knock him out.




“If the knockout comes, 它来了. I’m just focused on my win. I’m trying to win in good fashion. I’m going to train my ass off and give it my all.




“This fight is very important from a business standpoint and for About Billions. A lot of young fighters want to work with me and I have to show them the way. As a leader, if I win this fight it gives them something to brag about. I’m not only fighting for me, I’m fighting for my family and my kids. It’s the longevity, it’s for after boxing. I have a chance to set myself up so that my kids’ kids can live comfortably.




“We’re boxers. We’re not afraid of nobody. We bleed the same, we walk the same, we put our pants on one at a time. There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’m trying to knock this guy out. I might laugh, I might play around but I’m trying to get him out of here.




“Every fighter is different. I don’t compare fighters to each other. Every fighter has their good habits and their bad habits. 各地, 他是一个伟大的战士. He’s done something that nobody has ever done in the sport but it’s time to turn over a new leaf. Adrien Broner will be the biggest name in boxing.




“I feel good at any weight. 我觉得强. I will let everything show January 19. 这将是一个战斗的地狱. I just want to beat the man in great fashion. 这没什么个人, it’s just for me so I can wake up and say I beat Manny Pacquiao.”


STEPHEN ESPINOZA, 总统体育 & 事件编程, 欣欣网络公司.

“SHOWTIME is thrilled to be hosting this press conference and to be bringing this matchup of two must-see fighters – there is a very short list of must-see attractions, and of course these two active fighters are on the top of the list.




“Boxing’s only eight-division world champion taking on the youngest boxer ever to be a four-division world champion. We would like to welcome Manny Pacquiao back to SHOWTIME, back to the U.S. as this is his first fight in the U.S. 在两年. These two are perennial draws at the box office, 评级, and in the streets. Two of the most well-known, widely recognized boxers in the sport of boxing. Two of the most athletically gifted fighters in the sport – power, 速度, quickness, they have it all.




“At this point, odds makers have favored Pacquiao. That’s understandable because he is a Hall of Famer with a Hall of Fame resume. But it would be a mistake to overlook Broner in this fight. Broner never backs down from a challenge. As long as I’ve known him and worked with him he’s never turned down a fight, not against bigger opponents like Shawn Porter, not against big punchers like Marcos Maidana, not against the guys that no one wants to fight. Broner gives them tough fights: 12 rounds against Porter, 12 grueling rounds against Maidana. So for those of you that think this is an easy fight, or easy bet because of the odds, think again. These are two of the most talented fighters of this generation, two of the most athletically gifted fighters of this generation. I guarantee this fight will be a must-see attraction.”


JOE RAMOS, Head of MP Promotions



“This is a fight that we’ve been trying to make for several years. Our new partnership with the great Al Haymon and the PBC has finally made this possible. I’d like to thank Al and his team for making this happen. I’d like to acknowledge our new partners in this fight, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, our broadcast partner SHOWTIME and Manny’s home away from home, the MGM Grand. To Team Broner, thanks for stepping up to the plate. I hope you have a great training camp and I wish you all the best. To Senator Manny, thank you for giving all your fans this opportunity to showcase your greatness and show you are still the best fighter in the world.”




“This is a huge fight. I can’t say enough about what I personally think will be the biggest fight of 2019. You have Manny Pacquiao, a future Hall of Famer, who’s fought everybody in this era against Adrien Broner, one of the most exciting fighters in the sport. He’s the biggest attraction with the biggest ratings and never shy about the cameras. This will be a great promotion. We expect the fans across the world to tune in to this great event. Will Manny Pacquiao be able to use his plethora of experience to defeat a young Adrien Broner whose still in the prime of his career? Or will Adrien Broner be able to utilize his outstanding speed and his skillset to defeat the legendary Hall of Famer, 帕奎奥? 收听, SHOWTIME PPV on January 19.”


RAVONE利特尔约翰, Co-Head of About Billions Promotions



“This is the biggest fight that we’ve been involved with, so I would like to thank everybody involved. Adrien knows what he needs to do. I’ve been with him since we were 18-years-old and we’ve been through a lot. I’ve never seen him back down from anything and anybody who’s watched him fight knows that. We look forward to bringing it and we’re going to bring it. I’m very happy to be in this position and we’re going to go far.”



星期六, 一月 19 From MGM Grand Garden Arena

现场直播 SHOWTIME PPV® Presented

By Premier Boxing Champions

Tickets Go On Sale Saturday, 十一月 24


纽约– 11月 19, 2018 – Senator Manny “吃豆子” 帕奎奥, boxing’s only eight-division world champion, will end his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring when he returns to Las Vegas to defend his World Boxing Association welterweight world title against former four-division world champion and must-see attraction Adrien “问题” Broner. The Pacquiao vs. Broner world championship event will take place Saturday, 一月. 19 在米高梅大花园球馆. 帕奎奥VS. Broner and its co-main event fights will be produced and distributed live by SHOWTIME PPV and presented by Premier Boxing Champions beginning at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT.




Pacquaio is coming off a vintage performance in July where he stopped Argentine slugger and world champion Lucas Matthysse inside seven rounds. 现在, Pacquiao returns to the U.S. in his remarkable fourth reign as welterweight world champion. Broner, one of the most talented fighters in boxing, is aiming for his second stint as 147-pound champion. 如果胜利的话, Broner also will add a career-defining win against a future Hall of Famer to his already stellar resume.




I have missed fighting in Las Vegas. It has been a second home to me,” 帕奎奥说. “Returning to the MGM Grand Garden Arena to defend my world title against Adrien Broner is an exciting way to stage my homecoming. Adrien is a tough opponent with an accomplished record. But if I have learned one thing while serving in the Philippine Congress and Senate, it is problem solving.




Broner说, “I have paid my dues in this sport, and now it’s time for me to get mines. I get more views than everybody when I fight. A lot of people are going to see me pack off Pacquiao into retirement, and without his belt.”




Promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, tickets to the Pacquiao vs. Broner welterweight world championship event go on sale Saturday, 十一月 24. 门票售价 $1,500, $1,000, $750, $500, $300, $200, $100, 不包括适用的服务费, 并且可以通过在线购买 AXS.com, 通过手机在充电 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.




“Manny Pacquiao and Adrien Broner are two of the most gifted athletes in boxing today,“斯蒂芬·埃斯皮诺萨说, 总统, 体育和事件编程, 欣欣网络公司. “Both men throw punches with eye-opening speed and carry significant power in both hands. These attributes have made them two of the biggest draws in the sport. Pacquiao is a proven pay-per-view attraction, while Broner has consistently delivered many of the highest-rated boxing events on television. This matchup promises explosive action from bell to bell.”




MP Promotions is very excited about launching its new relationship with the PBC by presenting Senator Manny’s return to Las Vegas in the first defense of his WBA welterweight world title,” said MP Promotions head Joe Ramos. “Manny has a rich boxing history at the MGM Grand Garden Arena, and he will train hard to keep that title when he battles Adrien Broner on January 19. This will be another opportunity for Manny to add another highlight to his spectacular career and entertain his millions of fans. 但更重要, to prove to the world that he still belongs in the pound-for-pound discussion. It’s going to be a great night for the sport.




Mayweather Promotions is looking forward to working with our co-promoters and SHOWTIME to bring this spectacle between Manny Pacquiao and Adrien Broner to the fans at the top of the year,” said Leonard Ellerbe of Mayweather Promotions. “This is going to be one of the biggest fights of 2019 with Broner looking to defy the odds and shut everyone up when he steps in the ring on fight night. Pacquiao has faced everyone top fighter in this era and is looking to add another signature win to cap off his historic career.




“This is an intriguing matchup between two highly skilled boxers who provide entertainment every time they step in the ring,” said Tom Brown of TGB Promotions. “Manny Pacquiao is an iconic future Hall of Famer with a resume that includes a Who’s Who of some of the greatest boxers of this generation. Adrien Broner has become must-see TV in winning world titles in four different divisions, and a victory over Pacquiao will move him back into the championship ranks and add luster to an already sterling career.”




理查德·斯特姆, President of Las Vegas Live Entertainment and Sports for MGM Resorts International, 说, “We are excited to host this championship fight at the MGM Grand Garden Arena which will kick off another great year of entertainment programming for MGM Resorts. This will be a terrific matchup between two great champions and we look forward to welcoming both of them back to the MGM Grand and Las Vegas.”




A three-time Fighter of the Year and the Boxing Writers Association of America’s reigning Fighter of the Decade, 帕奎奥 (60-7-2, 39 科斯), who hails from Sarangani Province in the Philippines, is the only sitting Congressman and Senator to win a world title. After serving two terms as Congressman, Pacquiao was elected to a Philippine Senate seat in May 2016, capturing over 16 全国百万选票. Pacquiao’s boxing resume features victories over at least seven current and future Hall of Famers, 包括霍亚, 哈顿, 马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉, 莫拉雷斯, 米格尔·库托, 莫斯利, 和胡安·曼努埃尔·马尔克斯. 在他的最后一战, with Philippine President Rodrigo R. Duerte and Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad in attendance (the first time two heads of state attended a championship boxing event), Pacquaio, 39, regained the welterweight title for a fourth time with a vintage performance on July 15 at Axiata Arena in Kuala Lampur, 马来西亚, by knocking out defending WBA champion Lucas Matthyssee in the seventh round.




Pacquiao recently had the high honor of speaking to the Oxford Union and the Cambridge Union on the campuses of the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, 分别, on consecutive days, another historic first in a career of historic firsts for the international sports icon. Pacquiao’s speeches about his life attracted standing room only crowds and huge ovations.




Cincinnati’s Broner (33-3-1, 24 科斯) is a former four-division world title holder and one of boxing’s most popular and colorful personalities. The brash and outspoken 29-year-old has faced some of boxing’s best en route to winning titles at 130, 135, 140 和 147 英镑, including Mikey Garcia, Paulie Malignaggi and Shawn Porter. Broner, who will face his 10 world champion in Pacquiao, scored a draw in his last fight in April on SHOWTIME against former two-division world champion Jessie Vargas.



欣欣网络公司. (SNI), CBS Corporation的全资子公司, 拥有和经营的付费电视网络SHOWTIME®, 电影频道™和FLIX®, 并且还提供了精彩表演ON DEMAND®, 电影频道™ON DEMAND和FLIX ON DEMAND®, 而网络的认证服务SHOWTIME ANYTIME®. 欣欣数码有限公司, SNI的全资子公司, 操作单机流媒体服务SHOWTIME®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS and telco providers, and as a stand-alone streaming service through Apple®, 年®, 亚马逊, Google and Samsung. Consumers can also subscribe to SHOWTIME via Hulu, YouTube电视, 吊带电视, Sony PlayStation® Vue 和亚马逊渠道. SNI还管理史密森网络, SNI和史密森学会的合资企业, 它提供了史密森频道, and offers Smithsonian Earththrough SN Digital LLC. SNI营销和分销的体育和娱乐活动的展览用户在付费观看基础上,通过SHOWTIME PPV®. 欲了解更多信息, 到 www.SHO.com


Five FOX, Four FS1 PBC Fight Nights, Plus First Pay-Per-View
Highlight Schedule
Former Champions Lennox Lewis, 射线 “BOOM BOOM” 曼奇尼, and Erik “可怕” Morales Head Up FOX Sports, FOX Deportes Broadcast Teams

LOS ANGELESFOX Sports and Premier Boxing Champions today announced eight televised world title fights in the first three months of the new deal, featuring eight world champions and more than two dozen of the world’s best boxers going toe-to-toe. The schedule includes five world-class boxing fight nights live on FOX and FOX Deportes, four more on FS1 and FOX Deportes, and the first FOX PBC Pay-Per-View in March.




We’re thrilled to have Premier Boxing Championsbrightest stars coming to FOX Sports reaching the biggest audiences on broadcast television,” says Mark Silverman, FOX Sports President, 全国网络. “该 2019 PBC schedule kicks off with high-stakes action and excitement, making FOX the premier home for boxing and the continued leader in live sporting events.




Schedule highlights include world champion twins Jermall and Jermell Charlo defending their titles in separate fights live in primetime on FOX on December 22; followed by welterweight champion Keith Thurman’s ring return on FOX January 26; featherweight champion Leo Santa Cruz headlining on FOX February 23; 147-pound Champ Shawn Porter defending his world title March 9 在FOX; and the blockbuster showdown between welterweight Champ Errol Spence Jr. and four-division world champion Mikey Garcia, on FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View March 16, 住在AT&阿灵顿T球场, 得克萨斯州.




FOX Sports and FOX Deportes also announced the on-air personalities who will call all the thrilling action. Former heavyweight world Champion Lennox Lewis and former lightweight world champion Ray “BOOM BOOM” Mancini join FOX Sports as boxing analysts, while Emmy Award-winning broadcaster Chris Myers and Emmy Award-nominee Kenny Albert serve as blow-by-blow announcers. Seasoned FOX broadcaster Kate Abdo joins as a studio and fight night host. 更多, Boxing Hall of Famer Larry Hazzard works as a Rules Expert/Unofficial Scorer.




FOX Deportes taps International Boxing Hall of Fame member and former four-division world champion Erik “可怕” 莫拉莱斯, working with Jaime Motta and Lifetime Achievement Emmy Award winner Jessi Losada.




More on the FOX Sports PBC Schedule:

Jermall Charlo vs. 威利·梦露, JR. and Jermell Charlo vs. 托尼·哈里森, 星期六, 十二月 22, 2018, 8:00 PM ET on FOX. 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林




Twin titans kick off the new season of PBC on FOX, as Jermall Charlo (27-0, 21 科斯) defends his WBC interim middleweight title against top-rated contender Willie Monroe, JR. (23-3, 6 科斯), while Jermell Charlo (31-0, 15 科斯) makes the fourth defense of his WBC Super Welterweight Championship against hard hitting former title challenger Tony Harrison (27-2, 21 科斯). Rounding out the evening, WBC mandatory challenger and 2012 中美. Olympian Dominic “麻烦” BREAZEALE (19-1, 17 科斯) battles Carlos Negron (20-1, 16 科斯), 波多黎各拳击队的成员 2008 Beijing Olympics.


Jose Uzcategui vs. 迦勒厂, 星期天, 一月 13, 2019, 8:00 PM ET上FS1. Microsoft Theater at L.A. 住在洛杉矶




IBF Super Middleweight Champion Jose Uzcategui (28-2, 23 科斯) battles undefeated, top-rated challenger Caleb Plant (17-0, 10 科斯).


基思·瑟曼 VS. Josesito洛佩兹, 星期六, 一月 26, 2019, 8:00 PM ET on FOX. 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林




Undefeated WBA Welterweight Champion Keith Thurman (28-0, 22 科斯) ends a long injury layoff to defend his title and starts to reclaim the division against battle-hardened veteran Josesito Lopez (36-7, 19 科斯). Also that evening, 亚当Kownacki (18-0, 14 科斯), one of the fastest rising stars in the heavyweight division, takes on his toughest challenge to date when he steps in against U.S. Navy veteran and USC football standout Gerald Washington (19-2-1, 12 科斯).


里奥·圣克鲁斯vs. 米格尔·弗洛雷斯, 星期六, 二月 16, 2019, 8:00 PM ET on FOX. 洛杉矶




WBA Featherweight Champion Leo Santa Cruz (35-1-1, 19 科斯), one of the highest volume punchers in the sport, defends his title against the always tough Miguel Flores (23-2, 11 科斯). 更多, former WBC Lightweight Champion Omar Figueroa Jr. (27-0-1, 19 科斯) returns after a long injury layoff to face former title challenger John Molina Jr. (30-7, 24 科斯).


安东尼·迪雷尔 vs. 主治医生耶尔德勒姆, 星期六, 二月 23, 2019, 10:00 PM ET上FS1. 军械库, 明尼阿波利斯




Former WBC Super Middleweight Champion Anthony Dirrell (32-1-1, 24 科斯) battles once-beaten Avni Yildirim (21-1), who faces the stiffest competition of his career, in a clash for the vacant WBC Super Middleweight Championship.


Shawn Porter vs. Yordenis Ugas, 星期六, 三月 9, 2019, 8:00 PM ET on FOX. 拉斯维加斯




WBC Welterweight Champion Shawn Porter (29-2-1, 17 科斯) makes his first title defense against top-rated mandatory challenger Yordenis Ugas (23-3, 11 科斯), who gets his first world title shot.


埃罗尔·斯彭斯JR. VS. 米奇·加西亚, 星期六, 三月 16, 2019, 9:00 PM ET on FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View. AT&T体育场, 阿灵顿, 得克萨斯州




In one of the most highly anticipated and intriguing matches in boxing, IBF Welterweight Champion Errol Spence (24-0, 21 科斯) will defend his title against four-division world champion and current WBC Lightweight Champion Mikey Garcia (39-0, 30 科斯), who is moving up two weight classes to challenge Spence.


Lamont Peterson vs. 谢尔盖Lipinets, 星期天, 三月 24, 2019, 8:00 PM ET上FS1. 米高梅国家港口, 奥克森山, MD




Former junior welterweight and welterweight world champion Lamont Peterson (35-4-1, 17 科斯) clashes with former junior welterweight champion Sergey Lipinets (14-1, 10 科斯).


Caleb Truax vs. 彼得Quillin, 星期六, 四月 13, 2019, 10:00 PM ET上FS1. 军械库, 明尼阿波利斯




Former super middleweight champion Caleb Truax (30-4-2, 19 科斯) meets former middleweight champion Peter Quillin (34-1-1, 23 科斯) in a battle to determine who climbs back into title contention.


丹尼·加西亚VS. 阿德里安·格拉纳多斯, 星期六, 四月 20, 2019, 8:00 PM ET on FOX.




Former junior welterweight and welterweight champion Danny Garcia (34-2, 20 科斯) wants to rebound from a razor-thin loss in his last bout to take on battle-tested Adrian Granados (20-6-2, 14 科斯).


FOX Sports PBC Additional Dates:

(Fights confirmed on a later date.)




星期六, 五月 11, 2019, FOX

星期六, 五月 25, 2019, FS1

星期六, 六月 1, 2019, FS1

星期天, 六月 23, 2019, FOX

星期六, 七月 13, 2019, FS1

星期六, 七月 20, 2019, FOX

星期六, 八月 3, 2019, FOX

星期六, 八月 24, 2019, FS1

星期天, 九月 1, 2019, FOX

星期六, 九月 21, 2019, FS1

星期六, 十一月 9, 2019, FS1

星期六, 十二月 14, 2019 在FOX

星期六, 十二月 21, 2019 在 FS1 上




With the recently announced four-year deal, the FOX broadcast network will feature 10 marquee fight nights in prime time each year, while FS1 and FOX Deportes will telecast 12 fight nights annually. The package includes FOX Sports-PBC Pay-Per-View events. The Emmy Award-winning FOX Sports production team will produce more than 175 hours of original PBC boxing content per year across its channels.




All PBC on FOX Sports events and programming will be streamed live on the FOX Sports app, 英文或西班牙文可通过FOX, FS1或FOX Deportes进行供稿. FOX Sports will offer a platform inside the app to allow viewers to stream the PPV events. 此外, FOX Sports Digital will have a dedicated FOXSports.com and FOX Sports App page for PBC coverage, in addition to dedicated YouTube, Facebook的, Twitter 和 Instagram 频道.




FOX Sports and PBC launched the highly regarded primetime boxing series TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 and FOX Deportes in the fall of 2015, featuring PBC’s brightest up-and-coming boxers. The deal was expanded to include several fight nights on the FOX broadcast network, including exciting title fights such as heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder defending his title in February of 2016, July of 2016, and again in February of 2017, plus the exciting welterweight showdown between Danny Garcia and Robert Guerrero in January of 2016.




The Premier Boxing Champions series is created for television by Haymon Sports. 请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com 并按照国务院拳击冠军的 Facebook的叽叽喳喳. 有关FOX体育的更多信息, 访问 FOX体育的记者证.

波多黎各奥运选手内格隆准备周六与顶级重量级竞争者多米尼克·布雷泽尔较量, 十二月 22 福克斯电视台超级拳击冠军 & 福克斯从布鲁克林巴克莱中心驱逐 Action Live


MIAMI, FL. (十一月 9, 2018) – 波多黎各奥海 卡洛斯·内格龙 正在迈阿密深入训练营,准备与顶级竞争者进行 10 回合重量级对决 多米尼克 “麻烦” BREAZEALE 发生星期六, 十二月 22 FOX 和 FOX Deportes 现场直播,由巴克莱中心的 Premier Boxing Champions 主持, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.




出生于圣胡安, 内格隆代表祖国参加了 2008 奥运会,并渴望在 12 月重返纽约,在大批波多黎各拳击迷面前​​战斗 22.




“这不仅是对抗顶级对手的绝佳机会, 但能够在伟大的波多黎各球迷面前登上大舞台,为他们上演精彩的表演,” 尼格隆说, 谁最后一次在纽约作战 2010. “我对自己的能力非常有信心,并且了解我面前的工作. 当我们进入擂台时,每个人都会看到我有多努力。”




在教练 Herman Caicedo 的指导下, 内格隆将自六月以来首次重返拳台 2017, 当他以压倒性的表现击败老牌竞争者德里克·罗西(Derric Rossy)时,他多次击倒对手. Negron 与 Caicedo 合作了近一年, 此前曾帮助路易斯·奥尔蒂斯为与德昂泰·怀尔德的重量级冠军争夺战做准备.




“在布雷泽尔比赛宣布之前,卡洛斯就已经在训练营待了很长一段时间,这确实让我们在训练营的这一点上取得了飞跃性的进步,” 凯塞多说. “他现在在精神上和身体上都非常敏锐,这将在战斗之夜表现出来。”




“与路易斯·奥尔蒂斯和我们健身房的其他拳击手一起工作确实帮助我达到了另一个水平,” 尼格隆说. “我们每天都在努力,他们确实要求我发挥出最好的水平. 这里没有平庸. 你必须每天尽最大努力。”




身高六英尺六英寸的内格隆与身高六英尺七英寸的布雷泽尔相遇, 这场对决势必展现出赛区两大巨头的实力. 前冠军挑战者和美国. 奥林匹亚, 布雷泽尔展现了在战斗中卷土重来并一拳扭转局势的能力. 对于内格龙, 他知道他面前的任务是艰巨而有序的.




“布雷泽尔是一位非常强悍的战士,但他可能缺乏技巧, 他在心里弥补了很多,” 尼格隆说. “他确实表现出了在职业生涯中走到这一步的技巧, 但他也有一种特殊的东西可以帮助他度过一些艰难的战斗.




“这将归结为智力和控制环. 我是一个非常聪明的战士,拥有丰富的经验. 我曾经有过一次失落,我不想再经历一次. 我相信无论谁被打乱了他们的比赛计划都会遭受痛苦,我将确保我为他向我扔的一切做好准备。”




中国人民银行在福克斯电视台 & 福克斯体育频道 (FOX Deportes) 广播开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT 并由双料冠军查洛斯 (Charlos) 共同领衔 Jermall夏洛茨维尔 卫冕 WBC 中量级临时冠军 威利·梦露JR., 而WBC超次中量级世界冠军 Jermell 夏洛茨维尔 战斗 托尼·哈里森.




演出门票, 由 Lions Only Promotions 和 TGB Promotions 与 DiBella Entertainment 联合推广, 现已公开发售. 门票可在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.




# # #




球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,并通过应用程序商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.




欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FutureOfBoxing, @TwinCharlo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

多米尼克·布雷泽尔洛杉矶媒体午餐会语录 & 照片

卡洛斯·内格隆星期六, 十二月 22 在超级拳击冠军赛上 FOX & 福克斯将 Action Live 从巴克莱中心驱逐出境 布鲁克林
点击 这里 Luis Mejia / TGB促销的照片

LOS ANGELES (十一月 2, 2018) – 顶级重量级和 WBC 强制挑战者 多米尼克 “麻烦” BREAZEALE 周五在洛杉矶的午餐会上接受媒体采访,讨论了他在福克斯电视台和福克斯体育频道对阵波多黎各奥运选手的超级拳击冠军赛 卡洛斯·内格龙 星期六, 十二月 22 巴克莱中心直播, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.




广播开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT 并由双料冠军查洛斯 (Charlos) 共同领衔 Jermall夏洛茨维尔 卫冕 WBC 中量级临时冠军 威利·梦露JR., 而WBC超次中量级世界冠军 Jermell夏洛茨维尔 战斗 托尼·哈里森.




演出门票, 由 Lions Only Promotions 和 TGB Promotions 与 DiBella Entertainment 联合推广, 现已公开发售. 门票可在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.




以下是周五午餐参与者在比佛利山庄 The Flats 的 Watty's 午餐时所说的话, 其中特邀嘉宾是前二级世界冠军丹尼·加西亚:


多米尼克BREAZEALE, 白细胞编号. 1 重量级挑战者




“我一直坚持在健身房. 我的教练曼尼·罗伯斯(Manny Robles)在让我保持敏锐方面做得很好. 他确保我能观看其他人的比赛并学习新工具.




“我一直在努力奋斗才能到达顶峰,并且每次都通过战斗来做到这一点. 我一直在等待这个机会,现在就是我的时机.




“卡洛斯·内格隆是一位伟大的战士,我会为他做好准备. 人们希望看到交流,这就是我的目标. 我将为球迷带来一场精彩的表演并带回家一场胜利.




“我知道我是重量级的竞争者. 我在与安东尼·约书亚的比赛中表现不佳, 但现在我有一个绝佳的机会去追逐WBC冠军. 我不会让任何人妨碍我.




“我的目标不是在训练营里试图保持体形. 我看到太多了. 所以我确定是时候专注于这场战斗了, 我已经在战斗体重了. 我现在感觉很好并且看到了差异.




“我很期待 FOX 和 FOX Deportes 的这场大战. 重回擂台已经很久了,这对我来说是一个很棒的舞台.




“我主要关注的是这场战斗并确保冠军头衔. 我正在为卡洛斯·内格隆做准备,就像他是德昂泰·维尔德一样. 如果泰森·富里获胜我会有点沮丧,因为我真的很想面对维尔德.




“我的计划是十二月获胜 22 下次我战斗时, 那条绿化带即将上线. 我已经准备好迎接我为之奋斗的金腰带了。”


曼尼·罗伯斯, Breazeale的教练




“多米尼克真的为这场战斗做好了准备. 他会做好准备,因为他是一名非常勤奋的战士. 他的力量和体能训练非常专注,我们认为这会在这场比赛中得到体现.




“我们非常认真地对待这场战斗, 就像我们每次战斗一样. 这是我们一起度过的最好的营地之一. 到目前为止一切进展顺利. 我不只是这么说. 我坚信你会看到一个比以前更好的多米尼克.




“我们正在做很多不同的事情 – 速度, 步法, 耐力. 我们知道我们面前有一位出色的拳击手. 他已准备好完成任务. 多米尼克会很棒. 预计 12 月 22 日将有烟花表演。”


布列塔尼·古森·布朗, TGB 促销副总裁




“这将是十二月一场精彩的重量级对决 22 布鲁克林. 多米尼克·布雷泽尔总是在战斗中,他知道自己需要以风格取胜,才能再次获得重量级世界冠军的机会.




“布雷泽尔是 Deontay Wilder 对阵. 泰森·富里获胜者, 但他无法超越经验丰富的波多黎各奥运选手卡洛斯·内格隆. 这场比赛将成为福克斯和福克斯体育电视转播的一个很好的开始。”




# # #




球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在以下位置的桌面设备上进行: FOXSports.com 并通过应用商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.




欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FutureOfBoxing, @TwinCharlo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

FOX 上的顶级拳击冠军 & 福克斯驱逐新闻发布会语录 & 照片



查洛双胞胎成为头条新闻,不败的杰莫尔查洛对阵小威利门罗. 杰梅尔·查洛 (Jermell Charlo) 捍卫冠军头衔
托尼·哈里森 星期六, 十二月 22 巴克莱中心
点击 这里 从萧蔷特拉普/ TGB促销图片

布鲁克林 (十月 25, 2018) – 双胞胎兄弟和世界冠军 Jermall夏洛茨维尔Jermell夏洛茨维尔 星期四在布鲁克林参加了新闻发布会,宣布他们的比赛将拉开新赛季的序幕 FOX 和 FOX Deportes 的顶级拳击冠军 周六黄金时段直播, 十二月 22 在巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.




双子泰坦进入擂台并进行背靠背战斗, 新闻发布会上由传奇重量级拳手格里·库尼(Gerry Cooney)进行了抛硬币来决定谁将成为主要赛事. WBC 纪念币上的正面呼唤, 杰莫尔在拳击之夜赢得了最后进入擂台的权利,因为他与 威利·梦露JR., 当杰梅尔将战斗时 托尼·哈里森.




PBC 在 FOX 和 FOX Deportes 上的广播将于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT.




演出门票, 由 Lions Only Promotions 和 TGB Promotions 与 DiBella Entertainment 联合推广, 周五发售, 十月 26 在 10 A.M. AND. 门票可在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 从周六开始,还可在巴克莱中心的美国运通售票处购买门票, 十月 27 美国东部时间中午. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.




以下是周四在巴克莱中心 GEICO 中庭举行的新闻发布会参与者的发言:





“当我评论门罗的最后一场比赛时,我有一个很好的机会近距离观察他. 他看起来不错,我知道这是有可能的. 我很高兴它就在这里并且我有一个可以对抗的人.




“门罗已经与世界上一些最好的拳手较量过,这更加激励了我. 他面对的是我想与之并肩作战的战士, 所以我认为这是一个根据他们的表现来衡量自己的机会.




“这是我们为我和我兄弟举办的首场狮子会促销活动,我们非常高兴有机会. 我们一直在努力让这件事顺利进行,我们已经准备好向所有人展示我们能做的一切.




“我们一直梦想着能像这样在同一张牌上战斗. 我们喜欢一起获胜. 一辈子都是这样,十二月又是我们一起炫耀的机会 22.




“我付出了如此多的努力才走到了现在这个位置. 我保证十二月 22 我要带来一些让威利·梦露终生难忘的爆炸物. 查洛斯一家有自己的表演. 妈妈, 我们做到了!”






“我很高兴杰莫尔参加了这场战斗. 他正在评论我的上一场比赛,我当时就知道这是一场我非常想要的比赛. 我会充分利用它,并毫不怀疑我一开始就应该得到这个机会.




“我的团队一直在支持我,现在我正处于职业生涯中如此激动人心的时刻. 我知道我有能力在 12 月完成工作 22. 这是我第二次在巴克莱中心打架,我知道明亮的灯光不会影响我.




“我正处于职业生涯的黄金时期. 我面前有机会,也有一条充分利用它的道路. 正是我出现的时间. 我知道面对世界顶级拳手之一我必须做什么. 我们将实现这一目标。”






“托尼·哈里森是一位伟大的战士,我很高兴能与他对抗. 这个部门有很多伟大的战士,他是另一位优秀的战士. 他掉队了 21 战士, 所以我们知道他有权力. 我觉得我面临着更加激烈的竞争,我将在 12 月证明这一点 22.




“我爱布鲁克林,我很高兴能参加福克斯电视台关于这项新协议的首个 PBC 节目. 你可以忘记批评者,因为这将是一场伟大的战斗. 我和托尼·哈里森要来打架. 这将是两个爆发力极强的家伙将一切都抛在那里.




“拥有我们自己的查洛斯卡真是太棒了. 我们已经在训练营里为这个努力了. 现在我们要锁定更多,我知道我们会在战斗之夜处于最佳状态.




“我们以我们的传统为动力. 现在我们将继续提高这项运动的水平. 我们知道最大的战斗就在我们的能力范围内. 我们一直在互相竞争并努力互相提升.




“这对查洛双胞胎和狮子会促销来说是件大事. 我们将做我们一直在做的事情, 这就是在战斗之夜带来一些热量和味道. 我们了解拳击的那一部分. 对于布鲁克林来说,这将是一个激动人心的夜晚。”






“我很高兴再次回到巴克莱中心的这个地方战斗. 我在这项运动中表现得非常有韧性. 我还没有以自己的方式参与这场战斗. 我已经准备好迎接任何一场比赛,这场比赛也不例外.




“有时有些事情你必须为自己做,这场战斗就是其中之一. 在我心里,我知道我应该在这里,我知道我有能力. 查洛是这场战斗的真正冠军,他周围显然有一支伟大的团队. 他每次都会给自己施加压力,让自己继续在这个水平上竞争,我尊重这一点.




“我们都非常有竞争力,这使我们成为战士, 所以我相信这会让这成为一场真正爆炸性的战斗. 老实说,我对他参加战斗感到惊讶, 我赞扬他作为一名运动员. 他知道他在这场战斗中所面临的危险.




“我以前也达到过这个水平. 我已经接受了我的颠簸和瘀伤. 我一直都是一名真正的冠军,所有这些都让我达到了现在的水平. 十二月 22, 我保证我会出现并把一切都留在擂台上。”


罗尼盾, 杰马尔的训练师




“这是一个很高兴来到这里, 尤其是像杰马尔这样伟大的战士. 我期待着战斗之夜. 杰莫尔每天都训练得很刻苦. 他知道这将是一场艰苦的战斗,他期待着挑战.




“我希望每个人都能出来享受这个表演, 因为杰莫尔每天都在努力保持最佳状态. 他是一位特殊的战士,他在健身房里从不欺骗我们. 这将是一个您不想错过的夜晚。”


德里克·詹姆斯, 杰梅尔的训练师




“这将是一个伟大的斗争. 我们知道托尼·哈里森是谁以及他是做什么的. 他非常坚强,他是为了胜利. 当他面对贾勒特·赫德时,我以为他有机会,现在他要挑战杰梅尔, 这样我们就可以开始有机会看看每个人在这个部门的排名如何.




“我们会恢复状态并做好准备. 这将帮助我们了解下一步的发展以及我们的长期目标. 请务必出来看看我们将在拳击之夜将什么带入擂台。”


汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统




“我感谢大家来到这里,宣布将在巴克莱中心举办一场轰动的演出. 很荣幸能够在 12 月在这里揭开 FOX 系列节目的序幕 22.




“这将是巴克莱中心的另一张高品质卡. 他们最近被指定为 PBC 东海岸官方比赛场地,我们很高兴能通过这场比赛开始达成这一协议.




“查洛斯夫妇之前都曾在巴克莱中心打过比赛, 而哈里森和门罗也曾在这里战斗过, 所有这些结合在一起创造了完美的记录. 这座建筑有一种特质,可以让拳手们发挥出最好的水平,我们迫不及待地想看看这些伟大的拳手在 12 月 22 日会带来什么。”


史蒂夫·贝克尔, 福克斯电视台 PBC 制作副总裁




“福克斯体育频道 (FOX Sports) 很高兴能够在福克斯 (FOX) 和福克斯体育 (FOX Deportes) 上开始与 PBC 的新合作伙伴关系。 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT 与这些非凡的战斗. 这是 FOX 和 FOX Deportes 的免费电视节目,我们很高兴这些比赛能够在 12 月上演擂台 22.




“FOX 拥有报道格斗运动的悠久传统,我们期待继续这一传统,并重点介绍 PBC 拳击手的明星阵容, 当我们开始拳击的新时代时。”






“作为这一新合作伙伴关系的一部分,我们非常荣幸和激动于 12 月在 FOX 上举办首届 PBC 活动 22 布鲁克林. 我们是拳击的新圣地,我对此感到非常自豪.




“杰梅尔和杰莫尔在这座建筑中都取得了令人难以置信的成功,我很高兴他们能共同成为这张卡的主角. 这对您和这座建筑来说都将具有历史意义. 我们认为您是布鲁克林拳击大家庭的成员. 我有一个和我从事同一行业的双胞胎, 所以我明白与你的兄弟一起获得最高级别的认可意味着什么.




“威利·门罗,你是一位强大的竞争对手,我相信你会在这里上演另一场精彩的表演. 托尼·哈里森和我们一起在巴克莱中心反击也是一种荣幸. 我期待着十二月见到大家 22. 这确实是送给整个布鲁克林的节日礼物,我们预计会有大量观众前来观看。”




# # #




球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在以下位置的桌面设备上进行: FOXSports.com 并通过应用商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.




欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FutureOfBoxing, @TwinCharlo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


世界冠军杰马尔·查洛 & 杰梅尔·查洛将在福克斯卫冕冠军 & 福克斯周六黄金时段驱逐出境, 十二月 22 巴克莱中心布鲁克林
更多! 顶级重量级选手多米尼克·布雷泽尔 (Dominic Breazeale) 在重量级对决中对阵波多黎各奥运选手卡洛斯·内格隆 (Carlos Negron),比赛在 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT
上周五销售门票, 十月 26 在 10 A.M. AND!

布鲁克林 (十月 25, 2018) – 双胞胎兄弟和世界冠军 Jermall夏洛茨维尔Jermell夏洛茨维尔 将为新赛季拉开帷幕 福克斯和福克斯体育频道的超级拳击冠军 周六黄金时段直播, 十二月 22 在巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家. 查洛斯夫妇是当今拳击界最炙手可热的两位年轻新星,他们在 2016 当他们成为第一对在同一重量级同时获得冠军的双胞胎拳击手时.




杰马尔·查洛将与顶级竞争者争夺 WBC 临时中量级冠军头衔 威利·梦露, 小, 而杰梅尔·查洛则第四次卫冕 WBC 超次中量级冠军头衔,对手是实力强劲的前冠军挑战者 托尼·哈里森. 杰莫尔在今天的新闻发布会上通过掷硬币获胜,决定哪位查洛双胞胎将结束节目,之后他的战斗将成为节目的主要赛事.




激动人心的行动之夜还将见证 WBC 强制挑战者和 2012 中美. 奥林匹亚 多米尼克 “麻烦” BREAZEALE 战斗 卡洛斯·内格龙, 波多黎各拳击队的成员 2008 北京奥运会, 在一场 10 轮的重量级比赛中,FOX 和 FOX Deportes 的广播在 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT.




演出门票, 由 Lions Only Promotions 和 TGB Promotions 与 DiBella Entertainment 联合推广, 周五发售, 十月 26 在 10 A.M. AND. 门票可在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 从周六开始,还可在巴克莱中心的美国运通售票处购买门票, 十月 27 美国东部时间中午. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.




“拳击卡顶部的查洛双胞胎总是带来兴奋和娱乐,” 说汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统. “在最近的记忆中,还没有任何双胞胎世界冠军拳击手能像查洛斯夫妇一样登上擂台. 杰马尔将接受威利·门罗娴熟的左撇子技术的考验, JR. 杰梅尔将面临托尼·哈里森的严峻挑战, 他也渴望赢得世界冠军. 重量级拳击手多米尼克·布雷泽尔 (Dominic Breazeale) 是一位从未退出过任何比赛的复古拳击手, 但他会全力对抗卡洛斯·内格隆, 谁有奥运血统. 对于巴克莱中心的人们以及收看福克斯和福克斯体育频道黄金时段广播的人们来说,这将是一个特别的夜晚。”




“福克斯体育很高兴能够在周六与中国人民银行启动这项新协议, 十二月 22 通过这些非凡的战斗,” 马克·西尔弗曼说, 总统, 全国网络, FOX体育. “未来四年, 我们期待着重点介绍 PBC 的明星拳击手阵容并讲述他们的精彩故事。”




“巴克莱中心以福克斯黄金时段转播的一场大型拳击之夜来结束其布鲁克林拳击节目的强劲表现是再合适不过了,” 布雷特说Yormark, BSE的全球首席执行官. “作为双胞胎的我自己, 我理解与你兄弟一起实现职业里程碑是多么特别, 我期待看到杰梅尔和杰莫尔为布鲁克林的拳击迷带来他们独特的兴奋品牌. 布雷泽尔 vs 顶级重量级比赛. 内格龙, 该卡将提供 BROOKLYN BOXING 的竞技比赛保证, 特色 50/50 战斗和这项运动的最佳人物。”




这将是查洛双胞胎在巴克莱中心的第三场比赛, 当他们进入十二月时 22 一个组合的 4-0 现场四场淘汰赛.




28岁的杰马尔·查洛 (27-0, 21 科斯) 比他的同卵双胞胎兄弟大一分钟,他比杰梅尔早一年赢得了他的第一个世界冠军,当时他在第三轮毁灭性地击倒了科尼利厄斯·邦德拉奇,赢得了 IBF 154 磅级冠军。 2015. 出生于里士满, 德克萨斯州并与杰梅尔一起在休斯顿长大, 杰马尔仍在休斯顿与著名教练罗尼·希尔兹一起训练. 他三次成功卫冕154磅冠军, 包括对顶级竞争者朱利安·威廉姆斯的毁灭性淘汰, 在增加体重参加中量级比赛之前.




事实证明,杰莫尔同样具有统治力 160 英镑,因为他在 154 当他在七月的第四轮中击败豪尔赫·塞巴斯蒂安·海兰(Jorge Sebastian Heiland)首次中量级亮相时,他的体重增加了 2017 结束. 杰马尔在第二轮淘汰赛中击败雨果·森特诺,成为 WBC 中量级临时冠军, JR. 在三月的最后一场比赛中 3.




“我非常兴奋,回到布鲁克林的火焰已经点燃,” 杰马尔·查洛说. “很高兴能和我的双胞胎兄弟在布鲁克林成为一场大型演出的主角. 这将是一个激动人心的拳击之夜. 威利·门罗是那些能让我达到所有伟大战斗所需水平的战士之一. 相信我, 我们会得到他们. 这是他一直要求的一场战斗,知道他在关注我让我感到很特别. 每个人都知道我来的目的. 我要击倒他. 我会尽我所能地爆发并结束演出. 旅程现在从布鲁克林开始。”




31岁的威利·梦露, JR. (23-3. 6 科斯) 已展现出在精英级别竞争的技能, 但当这位狡猾的左撇子面对强硬的查洛时,他将面临严峻的挑战. 罗彻斯特的战斗, 纽约州, 门罗在三月份一致判定战胜卡洛斯·加尔文后,将在巴克莱中心进行职业生涯第二次比赛 3. 随后,他于 8 月以一致判定击败了哈维尔·弗朗西斯科·马西尔 (Javier Francisco Maciel)。. 24 在他的职业生涯中曾面对过顶级中量级选手根纳迪·戈洛夫金和比利·乔·桑德斯.




“我以前也经历过这个职位,12 月 22 日这不会让我感到困扰,” 门罗说. “这是我第三次争夺冠军头衔, 我是我们家族中的第三位威利·梦露, 并且已经两次争夺冠军, 我知道第三次将会是魅力. 有一项工作要做,但没有什么是容易的. 杰马尔·查洛(Jermall Charlo)与我过去的对手根纳迪·戈洛夫金(Gennady Golovkin)和比利·乔·桑德斯(Billy Joe Saunders)齐名, 所以这又是一次艰难的郊游. 但这绝对是一个我准备迎接的挑战,也是一个我认为我能够克服的挑战。”




Jermell夏洛茨维尔 (31-0, 15 科斯) 当他在第八轮击倒约翰·杰克逊时,与他的兄弟一起成为 154 磅的世界冠军。 2016 同一天晚上,他的兄弟卫冕了自己的 154 磅冠军头衔. 这位 28 岁的选手此前曾战胜过瓦内斯·马蒂罗相 (Vanes Martirosyan), 约阿希姆·阿尔辛和加布里埃尔·罗萨多在获得世界冠军机会之前. 与杰克逊的世界冠军之战也是杰梅尔在达拉斯与德里克·詹姆斯的第一次格斗训练, 他将在那里为这场比赛进行训练.




自从获得称号以来, 杰梅尔三度卫冕成功, 他在精彩集锦中击倒了查尔斯·哈特利和埃里克森·鲁宾 2017 六月份,奥斯汀·特劳特 (Austin Trout) 三次登上画布,最终取得了决定性的胜利. 这场比赛代表查洛有机会加强对154磅级别的控制.




“这对我来说是一场超级战斗, 比任何战斗都更大, 因为我可以和我的兄弟一起参加大型演出,我们可以一起展示我们的才华,” 杰梅尔·查洛说. “十二月 22, 我们后面没有任何东西. 比赛结束后,球迷们回家,我们将上演一场精彩的表演. 我正在和我的教练德里克·詹姆斯一起工作,我们正在做好准备,而不仅仅是为了托尼·哈里森. 我们正在努力统一. 我们会为部门中的每个人而来. 我非常高兴能和我的兄弟一起在 PBC 和 FOX 之间的新协议中开启首秀。”




28岁的哈里森 (27-2, 21 科斯) 是 154 磅级的顶级竞争者,他希望充分利用自己的第二次击球获得世界冠军. 格斗出底特律, 哈里森自2017年输给154磅级冠军贾勒特·赫德以来,已取得三连胜。 2017 在FOX. 哈里森最近的表现让他在史密斯的家乡拉斯维加斯以判定战胜了前世界冠军伊什·史密斯. 哈里森击败了谢尔盖·拉布琴科和费尔南多·格雷罗,希望在面对赫德以来最艰难的考验中夺得世界冠军.




“基于我上次对阵伊什·史密斯的表现, 我觉得我赢得了这个机会,” Harrison说. “杰梅尔·查洛是一位出色的战士. 我喜欢他对这项运动的态度和他在擂台上的技巧, 我期待以最好的状态面对他. 但这只会让我的竞争力源源不断. 这将是技能对技能的考验, 从第一轮开始会有很多来回的回合. 归根结底取决于谁最能坚持自己的游戏计划. 在这个级别很难获得机会,所以我要去那里,把它留在擂台上,让它成为一场激动人心的战斗。”




的成员 2012 中美. 伦敦奥运会奥运代表队, BREAZEALE (19-1, 17 科斯) 在过去的两场比赛中,他都取得了令人印象深刻的淘汰赛胜利,在WBC排名中跻身强制性竞争者的行列. 在输掉与安东尼·约书亚的重量级冠军争夺战后 2016, 这位 33 岁的选手在 2 月的一场比赛中击败了当时保持不败的伊豆乌戈诺 2017 当年 11 月阻止前冠军挑战者埃里克·莫利纳 (Eric Molina) 之前的战争. 格伦代尔酒店, 加州人还战胜了阿米尔·曼苏尔, 弗雷德·卡西和亚斯马尼·孔苏埃格拉.




“这是我第一次回到巴克莱中心 13 自从我击败埃里克·莫利纳(Eric Molina)几个月以来,我很高兴向粉丝们展示我会留下来,” 说Breazeale. “卡洛斯·内格隆是个大块头,也是奥运选手. 我想证明我没有任何环锈. 我已经脱离了圈子, 但我住在健身房,我可以拳击, 猛踩油门,机会出现时将其击倒。”




圣胡安的战斗, 波多黎各, 内格龙 (20-1, 16 科斯) 赢得了他的第一个 13 转职业后的职业比赛 2009 在他任职之后 2008 奥林匹克运动会. 这位 30 岁的选手已经连续七场击倒比赛获胜,其中包括 12 月的一场比赛 2016 当时保持不败的克里斯蒂安·加尔维斯(Cristian Galvez)的停赛和六月的统治性表现 2017 在TKO胜利的过程中,他两次击倒了德里克·罗西(Derric Rossy).




“我很感激有这个机会,也很感谢我的团队一直在我身边,” 尼格隆说. “任何了解这项运动的人都知道这是一项多么艰巨的任务,我每天都在努力赢得这场战斗. 当有人向我提供布雷泽尔时,我立刻答应了. 我想成为第一个出生和长大的波多黎各重量级冠军 22 我将带着荣誉而战, 心和骄傲. 我将宣布一位新的重量级人物。”




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