标记档案: 总理拳击冠军

不败的新星克里斯·科尔伯特 (Chris Colbert) 对阵阿尔贝托·梅尔卡多 (Alberto Mercado) & 不败的次中量级新秀赫苏斯·拉莫斯在福克斯周日和福克斯周日的 PBC 拳击之夜预赛中对阵朗代尔·哈伯特, 六月 23 在 拉斯维加斯 曼德勒湾活动中心 开始于 7 P.M. ET / 4时三十分. PT

LAS VEGAS (六月 4, 2019) – 令人兴奋的不败前景 克里斯·科尔伯特 发生在波多黎各 阿尔贝托·梅尔卡多 在八轮或十轮轻量级比赛中并且有望保持次中量级不败 赫苏斯·拉莫斯 战斗 Rondale哈伯特 作为 FOX PBC 格斗之夜特别预赛的一部分,在 FOX 和 FOX Deportes Sunday 上进行四轮比赛, 六月 23 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒湾活动中心开始 7 P.M. ET / 4时三十分. PT.

预赛将在 FOX 和 FOX Deportes 上举行 FOX PBC Fight Night 之前进行 开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT. 该节目由前冠军领衔 杰梅尔·查洛 (Jermell Charlo) 在超次中量级比赛中对阵墨西哥选手豪尔赫·科塔 (Jorge Cota) 其中包括前世界冠军吉列尔莫·里贡多 (Guillermo Rigondeaux) 和胡里奥·塞哈 (Julio Ceja) 在联合专题中进行 12 回合 WBC 羽量级冠军淘汰赛. 同样在行动的是耸人听闻的不败前景乔伊斯宾塞, 正如他 面孔黑色的Akeem在六回合的初中量级比赛中.

门票活动, 这是由狮子只有促销推广, TGB促销和梅威瑟促销, 现在正在销售,可以购买 在 AXS.com.

他代表布鲁克林的家乡, 纽约州, 科尔伯特 (11-0, 4 科斯) 已经开始为自己赢得声誉,在他的领域展示出惊人的技能 第一的 11 胜利. 这位 22 岁的年轻人最近猛烈抨击了马里奥·布里奥内斯 (Mario Briones) 4 月份在 FS1 上被第二轮淘汰. 他将对阵一位31岁的顽强球员 在梅尔卡多 (16-2-1, 3 科斯), 在整个职业生涯中从未被阻止过 追溯到 2009. 乌马考, 波多黎各人最近赢得了 三月份对塞尔吉奥·洛佩兹的一致决定.

“我正在为六月的重要日子做准备 23、” 科尔伯特说. “这是章节 12 在我的职业生涯中. 我认识梅尔卡多 会像他应该的那样来战斗. 我只是专注于穿上 另一个主导表现, 就像我每次做的那样. 梅尔卡多有着良好的记录 在纸上, 但我会做我在曼德勒湾最擅长的事情,并让它看起来很容易. 人们说你必须在维加斯战斗才能成为一流的拳击手, 所以我 很高兴能在那里战斗. 我们将在福克斯黄金时段进行战斗, 所以我会得到一个 有机会向大家展示为什么我将昵称改为“黄金时间”。”

“我已经准备好参加 6 月 23 日的这场战斗了,” 市场说. “我知道我面对的是谁以及我要面对的是什么, 但我每天都在努力工作 制定一项策略的一天,它将为我提供成功所需的一切. 我都有 使这场战斗成为一场伟大的战斗并取得胜利的工具. 我将会成为 具有侵略性并给他带来战斗. 他唯一的优势就是速度, 但是我 在其他方面都做得更好。”

自从上次成为职业选手以来,在每场职业比赛中都取得了淘汰赛成绩 可能, 拉莫斯 (9-0, 9 科斯) 使他的U.S. 4月首秀并被淘汰 塞弗拉·怀斯. 来自卡萨格兰德的 19 岁少年, 亚利桑那州将反对 30岁的哈伯特 (13-8-2, 8 科斯), 谁在法戈之外战斗, 北达科他州.

斯宾塞 (7-0, 6 科斯) 将出现在福克斯 PBC 格斗之夜 播出他与布莱克的比赛 (5-2, 2 科斯) 作为节目的一部分 以下预赛. 年仅 19 岁,转为职业选手仅半年多 一年前, 斯宾塞展示了他所拥有的巨大技巧和承诺 在他的前七场职业比赛中. 4 月 FS1, 菩提树, 密歇根本地人 在六回合比赛中首次展示了他的拳击天赋,赢得了冠军 一致决定对奥西亚斯·巴斯克斯 (Osias Vasquez). 他将承担 芝加哥出生的黑人, 谁以两连胜的身份参加这场比赛.

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观众可以即时串流中国人民银行显示了FOX 体育和FOX现在FOXSports.com应用程式或. 此外, 所有程序都 可对SiriusXM频道FOX体育 83 卫星收音机和在 SiriusXM应用.

欲了解更多信息: 访问www.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage 和www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo, @MandalayBay 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 粉丝在 Facebook 上www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports,www.facebook.com/foxdeportes 和www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. � |

WBC超次中量级冠军托尼·哈里森脚踝受伤 & 被迫退出与前冠军杰梅尔查洛的复赛

强硬 & 危险的豪尔赫·科塔(Jorge Cota)周日介入并取代哈里森, 六月 23 在 FOX PBC 战斗之夜 & FOX 在曼德勒海湾活动中驱逐主赛事 中心

在 拉斯维加斯

LAS VEGAS (六月 3, 2019) – 超中量级世界冠军 托尼·哈里森 上周在训练中脚踝受伤,退出了对前世界冠军的卫冕 Jermell夏洛茨维尔 原定于周日在 FOX 和 FOX Deportes 上成为 FOX PBC Fight Night 的头条新闻, 六月 23 在拉斯维加斯的曼德勒湾活动中心.

哈里森的脚踝内外扭伤,韧带撕裂 在他的右脚踝,他将出局 10 几周后他可以恢复 训练. 哈里森和查洛计划在今年晚些时候进行复赛.

介入以取代哈里森进行 12 轮比赛总是 危险的豪尔赫·科塔 (28-3, 25 科斯), 谁最近失去了一个 4月在FS1上对杰森·罗萨里奥(Jeison Rosario)有争议的分裂决定. 31岁 从洛斯莫奇斯, 锡那罗亚, 墨西哥连续三场淘汰赛获胜 在四月失败之前.

“上周末看我的墨西哥兄弟安迪鲁伊斯打架, 一世 我很有动力,” 科塔说. “我看到他如何得到一个意想不到的机会 成为冠军,让世界大吃一惊. 他激励我赢得这场战斗 以同样的方式. 我会在六月震惊世界 23 就像安迪所做的那样 周六, 墨西哥, 我爱的国家. 这是最重要的战斗 我的职业生涯。”

“正如我们从安迪鲁伊斯对安东尼的令人难以置信的沮丧中看到的那样 约书亚在周六晚上的重量级冠军争夺战中, 替换 战士不能被当成笑话,” 说汤姆·布朗, TGB总裁 促销. “豪尔赫·科塔(Jorge Cota)是一名危险的战士. 他有沉重的手和 他正在寻找机会发表声明. 杰梅尔查洛意识到 这有多严重,他想夺回他的头衔. 我知道他要去 准备发表自己的声明。”

29岁的查洛现在将不得不等待他的机会 为他职业生涯的唯一损失报仇,并在对阵哈里森的比赛中重新夺回冠军头衔. 战斗了休斯敦, 得克萨斯州, Charlo 赢得了空缺的 WBC 冠军 对约翰杰克逊的毁灭性淘汰赛胜利 2016. 他做了三个 以高光淘汰查尔斯成功卫冕冠军 哈特利和埃里克森鲁宾, 加上多数决定战胜前冠军 奥斯汀鳟鱼.

“感觉像是心碎,” 说夏洛茨维尔. “我曾是 准备好摧毁托尼·哈里森,现在我要进去摧毁 科塔. 我总是祈祷我的对手得到安全的照顾并参加战斗 健康. 不幸的是,托尼·哈里森不是我的下一个受害者. 我想要 最好的哈里森,所以我希望他康复并准备好, 因为那只会 发挥我最好的一面.

“我觉得我的头衔被剥夺了,被扣为人质 我要回来. 我会经历一切来找回它. 他在的那一刻 可以战斗我想要比赛,我会夺回我的头衔. 我要进去 六月 23 以凶猛的态度和心态取得主导性的胜利 破坏, 因为我知道我不能再把它留给评委了。”

哈里森的受伤是超次中量级的最新转折 去年 12 月哈里森和查洛第一次相遇时开始的分区 FOX现场直播. 哈里森赢得了让查洛不高兴并带走的决定 标题. 回合的密切性质有助于保证立即复赛 这承诺同样充满激情和戏剧性. 朱利安 “J-摇滚” 威廉姆斯在贾勒特赫德作为 IBF 的比赛中取得了艰难的一致决定 和 WBA 头衔也在 5 月易手.

哈里森的这次挫折, 谁来自底特律并接受过培训 已故伊曼纽尔·斯图尔特在他职业生涯的早期, 是另一个挑战 28岁冠军. 哈里森在遭受痛苦之前有望获得冠军头衔 他职业生涯的第一次失利 2015 致威利·纳尔逊. 三连后 获胜, 他赢得了与 Jarrett Hurd 的 154 磅空置冠军头衔的机会. 尽管哈里森在战斗中表现出色, 他最终输给了赫德 并被迫再次登顶. 在又三场胜利之后, 包括战胜前冠军伊舍·史密斯, 哈里森利用了他的 对查洛的第二次世界冠军机会.

门票活动, 这是由狮子只有促销推广, TGB促销和梅威瑟促销, 现在正在销售,可以购买 在 AXS.com.

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观众可以即时串流中国人民银行显示了FOX 体育和FOX现在FOXSports.com应用程式或. 此外, 所有程序都 可对SiriusXM频道FOX体育 83 卫星收音机和在 SiriusXM应用.

欲了解更多信息: 访问www.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage 和www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo, @MandalayBay 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 粉丝在 Facebook 上www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports,www.facebook.com/foxdeportes 和www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.



“I’m going to finish this fightYou might be a contender, but it’s another thing to be a champion,” Charlo

“I didn’t expect my road to be easy because it’s never been easy for me…The best man will win on June 29,” Adams

Unbeaten Top Middleweight Jermall Charlo Makes Hometown Return to Battle Brandon Adams Saturday, 六月 29 住在Showtime® from NRG Arena in Houston and Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

点击 这里 for Photos from Andrew King/SHOWTIME

HOUSTON (五月 30, 2019) – Unbeaten WBC Interim Middleweight Champion and Houston-native Jermall夏洛茨维尔 went face to face with middleweight contender 布兰登·亚当斯Thursday at a press conference in Charlo’s hometown to preview their showdown Saturday, 六月 29 住在Showtime (9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT) from NRG Arena and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

门票现场活动, 这是由狮子只有促销和TGB促销推广, 现已发售,可通过 Ticketmaster 购买. 查洛VS. Adams is promoted in association with Banner Promotions and The Tournament of Contenders.

在精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 主要事件, Charlo will fight in Houston for the first time since 2012, as he looks to further cement his place amongst the middleweight elite against Adams, who shot up the 160-pound rankings by winning the 2018 的重启 竞争者.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from Hotel ZaZa Museum District in Houston:


“Me and my brother Jermell have been through so much in boxing. We’ve been doing it since we were eight-years-old. To make it to this world class level and to do it for Houston, it feels great.

“It’s going to be fireworks. I’m coming for the knockout every time. Houston is hot and the heat is going to be there fight night. I’m going to do what I normally do and give the crowd excitement.

“Ronnie Shields has changed me from being a kid to realizing who I am as a man in the sport of boxing. He’s had world champions before me so I know he can judge my progression. He’s going to make sure I stay at this level.

“I’m walking in the ring and I’m handling my business. This is definitely a step up fight for Brandon Adams, but I’m only worried about what I have to do. I’m just going to prepare to be my best. We’re going to both give it our all and I will be victorious.

“Boxing is about experiences and I’m still learning. I’m going to have my ups and downs, because no fighter is perfect. But I will always prepare myself well and that’s why I’m still undefeated. I needed a fight like my last one to get even better.

“I’m going to finish this fight. My goal is to make quick work of Brandon and show him that there are levels to this. You might be a contender, but it’s another thing to be a champion.

“I get a lot of juice from the hometown crowd. Just having my family there alone is what I really need to get the nerves and excitement to where I need them. I’m going to be comfortable and I’m going to stick to my game plan. I’m not here to make mistakes.

“Thus far camp has been great. I feel awesome and I’m well prepared. It’s an amazing feeling to be fighting in my hometown. It’s almost a dream come true to me. To have my own card at this level and on this stage, it shows the support Houston has for me.”


“I appreciate the opportunity I have to step into the ring with this man across from me. I’m super excited about it and I can’t wait. These are two top fighters getting in the ring and we’re going to give the fans a show.

“It’s not just what I see in Jermall, it’s what I believe in myself. The combo of working with Dub Huntley and Freddie Roach is perfect. They are both seasoned vets and they teach me something new every day.

“I didn’t expect my road to be easy because it’s never been easy for me. I’m on the road and I understand that. I’m prepared to pack my bags and go wherever I need to, so that I can become what I’m supposed to become. The best man will win on June 29.

“Before 竞争者 I felt that I didn’t have an opportunity to show how good I am. During the whole series it was about getting back in the ring and shaking off the rust, then showcasing who I am.

“Winning 竞争者 helped get me here, but I always had confidence and believed in myself since day one. In choosing to accept Charlo’s challenge, I had it in my mind that I belong here.

“It was pressure every time I fought on 竞争者. Each round were quality opponents leading up to the final and all of that will prepare me for Charlo. He deserves everything he’s gotten and I respect him as a man, but I’m going to take advantage of this opportunity.

“His team didn’t have to fight me, but they chose to. I appreciate his fans coming out to support him because they’ll see both of us. Hopefully I can win some of them over.”

罗尼盾, 查洛的教练

“We’ve done a lot of studying of Brandon Adams and he’s a really good fighter. 胜利 竞争者 is not an easy feat. He’s truly a contender, so we have to make sure we’re working hard every single day.

“We’re not sitting back and waiting for someone to fight us. We have to continue to be busy. You still have to fight hard fights when you’re at the top and that’s what we’re doing. We’re preparing the right way.

“I’m so happy that everybody has come out to support Jermall because he’s been waiting to make his homecoming and this is it. It’s important to see everyone on his side.”

DUB HUNTLEY, Adams’ Trainer

“I hope everybody comes out for this one because it’s going to be a great fight. I’ve been with Brandon for a long time and I know that he’s going to win this fight and put on a memorable performance. Charlo is a great fighter but Brandon has all the tools necessary to come into his hometown and get the victory.”

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查洛VS. Adams will pit unbeaten WBC Interim Middleweight Championand Houston-native Jermall Charlo against middleweight contender Brandon Adams in Charlo’s hometown return Saturday, 六月 29 live on SHOWTIME from NRG Arena in Houston and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

精彩表演拳击锦标赛 在开始 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT and features hard-hitting super welterweight Erickson “Hammer’’ Lubin taking on French contender Zakaria Attou in a 12-round WBC title elimination bout in the co-main event. Opening the telecast is a WBA featherweight title eliminator between slick Mexican southpaw Eduardo Ramirez and power-punching Dominican Claudio Marrero.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports
在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成为在Facebook上的风扇 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

前超中量级冠军奥斯汀鳟鱼与美国作战. 奥运选手 Terrell Gausha 在 FS1 的顶级拳击冠军主赛事中平分秋色 & FOX 从比洛克西的 Beau Rivage 度假村赌场驱逐出境, 密西西比

不败的超级次中量级竞争者科代尔·布克以一致决定击败威尔士·奥本索 FS1 & FOX Deportes 联合主赛事

Undefeated Prospect Efe Apochi 在 FS2 的 PBC Prelims 主赛事中以淘汰赛击败 Earl Newman & FOX体育

点击 这里 for Photos
信贷: 杰米莫顿/美岸度假村赌场

BILOXI, MS. (五月 25, 2019) – 前超次中量级冠军 奥斯汀 “毫无疑问” 鳟鱼 (31-5-1, 17 科斯) 与前冠军挑战者作战 特雷尔Gausha (21-1-1, 10 科斯) 平局 (96-94 鳟鱼, 99-91 为高沙, 95-95) 周六晚上,在比洛克西的 Beau Rivage 度假村赌场举行的 10 轮超级次中量级比赛中,在 FS1 和 FOX Deportes 上夺冠, 密西西比.

“我们需要再做一次. 那是不对的,” 拉斯克鲁塞斯的鳟鱼说, 牛米. “让我们再来一次. 那是在一年的裁员之后. 时间将要关闭. 现在我更活跃了一点. 我需要立即复赛. 即时.

“你永远不知道评委们是怎么看的, 但我知道 99-91 为 (Gausha) 不对. 我肯定在那里不止一轮,” 继续鳟鱼. “但我今晚在那里感觉不太好. 我不得不强迫很多事情, 我不得不在后面几轮中缩小差距。”

“我觉得我赢得了战斗,” 克利夫兰本地人 Gausha 说. “有时是拳击. 你没有得到决定.

“这个夏令营我经历了很多. 就是这样,” 高沙继续. “我在训练营的最后一周得了重感冒. 我父亲在这次训练营中去世了.

“我真的不在乎与鳟鱼的复赛,” 总结 Gausha. “我只是想要更大的战斗. 我想做一些不同的事情. 但如果我们必须通过 (鳟鱼) 我们会再做一次,只是让它下次更有说服力。”

在 FS1 共同功能中, 不败的竞争者 Chordale布克 (15-0, 7 科斯) 击败了崎岖的老兵 甘文维OMOTOSO (27-4, 21 科斯) 一致决定 (100-90 X 3) 在10轮超中量级比赛. 布克, 来自斯坦福的左撇子, 康涅狄格州, 主导了对尼日利亚 Omotoso 的行动.

“打架时我总是很情绪化,” 布克说. “今天, 我只是把一切都说出来. 我觉得这是我终于达到这个水平后大放异彩的时候了. 这对我来说绝对是一场升级战斗, 面对一个他们告诉我没有其他人想打架的人.

“我觉得我没有什么可失去的,” 续布克. “我只是觉得我应该在这里. 我付出了很多努力才能到达我现在的位置, 但我本可以走一条截然不同的道路. 我有第二次生命的机会,现在看看我在哪里. 接下来我想和鳟鱼或高沙战斗, 或任何其他想要战斗的冠军挑战者, 我准备好了. 今晚我投了一个停赛,我准备接受测试并证明我是最好的。”

FS1 的首场比赛 艾哈迈德Elbiali (19-1, 16 科斯), 居住在迈阿密的埃及裔美国人, 佛罗里达, 获得技术淘汰赛胜利 马洛斯·西蒙斯 (13-2-2, 5 科斯) 库里蒂巴, 巴拉那, 下巴受伤无法继续比赛的巴西队. Elbiali 将 Simões 击倒在画布上,裁判 Keith Hughes 停止了比赛 2:12 进入第二帧.

“当他下楼时, 我用左勾拳夹住了他,” 说Elbiali. “我马上就知道我会伤害他, 那个钩子感觉很好. 他是一个棘手且非常尴尬的对手, 但我只是去做并完成了工作.

“我真的不喜欢召唤个人战士, 但我觉得我已经准备好争夺世界冠军了,” 埃尔比亚利继续. “每场比赛我们都在进步,我已经准备好了。”

FS1 的摇摆赛见证了芝加哥的 肖恩·辛普森 (10-0, 3 科斯) 败 塞尔吉奥·基罗斯 (6-2, 1 KO) 洛杉矶一致决定 (60-54 X 3).

FS2 和 FOX Deportes 的 PBC 预赛以重磅轻量级新秀为特色 埃菲·阿波奇 (8-0, 8 科斯) 尼日利亚队继续完美淘汰赛,阻止了布鲁克林队 伯爵纽曼 (10-2-1, 7 科斯) 2:17 进入第七轮.

FS2联合主赛展示了具有顶级前景的次中量级吸引力 阿蒙拉希迪 (7-0, 5 科斯) 达拉斯, 德克萨斯队以惊人的比分淘汰墨西哥队胡安·耶稣·加尔塞斯 (19-25, 13 科斯) 2:12 进入第四轮.

在 FS2 电视转播的开场战斗中, 加纳超中量级 哈比卜·艾哈迈德(Habib Ahmed)(27-1-1, 18 科斯) 击败了哥伦比亚队 胡安·德·安吉尔 (21-11-1, 19 科斯) 一致决定 (80-72 X 3) 在八轮比赛中.

# # #

球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 英文或西班牙文可通过FOX, FS1或FOX Deportes进行供稿. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,并通过应用程序商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


帕奎奥VS. Thurman Headlines Saturday, 七月 20 in a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT

植物VS. Lee FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event Precedes Pay-Per-View Also from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas at
7 P.M. ET / 4时三十分. PT

点击 这里 帕奎奥VS. Thurman Photos & 这里 植物VS. Lee Photos from Andy Samuelson/Premier Boxing Champions

点击 这里 从弗兰克Micelotta / FOX体育图片

点击 这里 从肖恩·迈克尔火腿图片/梅威瑟促销

LOS ANGELES (五月 22, 2019) – Eight-division champion 帕奎奥 and unbeaten welterweight world champion 基思·瑟曼, plus unbeaten super middleweight champion 迦勒厂 不败 迈克·李,squared-off for the second day in a row Wednesday, this time at a Los Angeles press conference as they previewed their respective showdowns taking place Saturday July 20 presented by Premier Boxing Champions and FOX Sports from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Pacquiao and Thurman will battle in a welterweight world title attraction that headlines a PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event beginning at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT. Plant will make the first defense of his title against the unbeaten Lee in the main event of FOX PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes preceding the Pay-Per-View and beginning at 7 P.M. ET / 4时三十分. PT.

门票活动, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, 通过手机在充电 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office. 植物VS. Lee is presented by TGB Promotions and Sweethands Promotions.

Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from The Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles:


It’s easy for my opponents to talk before the fight, and I’m used to everything they say. But when we get to the ring, it changes, and it will change on July 20.

I chose Keith Thurman because he’s a great fighter, he’s undefeated and because we can give a good fight to the fans. I want to make the fans happy on that night and show that I can still go toe-to-toe with any opponent.

He said he’s young, but we’ll see who looks young in the ring on July 20. I’m going to let my fists say everything for me.

We will work hard in training camp like always for this fight. We’re not going to take Keith Thurman lightly or underestimate him. He’s a world champion. I’m thankful for what he’s been saying, because it’s giving me motivation to prove that at 40-years-old, 我觉得 29.

Keith Thurman is aggressive and throws a lot of punches. I’m hoping on July 20 he will follow through with what he says and fight toe-to-toe with me.

The fans need to watch this fight because it’s a once in a lifetime fight. It’s going to be a Fight of the Year and full of action from start to finish. I’m ready to get it on July 20.

Most of my opponents are bigger than me and I beat them all. When we get into the ring, 不要紧. This has happened before and it will happen again against Thurman.

My experience will be very important for this fight. It’s going to be useful against an undefeated fighter. I’m going to give him the experience of losing for the first time.

I’m still having fun and enjoying the sport. I’m excited to go straight to the gym after this and start focusing on training for the fight.


It’s a blessing to be on this stage and have a fight of this magnitude. I’m an all-American fighter, an all-American champion and come July 20, I’m going to stay champion.

Manny is a world class fighter. He’s a gentleman inside and outside of the ring. I look forward to trading punches with a living legend. But one thing’s for sure, he’s not walking away with my title.

All Manny does is hop around in the ring. I’m not going to lose to a bunny rabbit. He’s not Tupac, but he does a little hip hop and he’s not going to stop until he gets dropped.

Manny is a world class fighter, not a world class boxer. I’m going to trip him up in the ring and he won’t know what direction to turn to. I know who I am as a fighter, and it will be proven come July 20.

I’m destroying the legend of Manny Pacquiao. His legacy ends on July 20 and mine begins. He’s an inspiration to many people throughout the world and everyone respects him, but I’m respectfully going to finish him.

This is a big fight as far as the stage goes, but it’s a big fight against a little guy. He’s a veteran and I’ve dismantled veterans in the past. I believe I would have destroyed Manny Pacquiao five years ago. I’ve always been ready for this fight. He’s never fought someone like me with this kind of lateral movement, 速度和力量. I’m coming for him.

I was in the gym four weeks ago starting some preparations. I wanted to get the ball rolling and use the momentum from my last training camp for this opportunity. Who better to showcase my skills and talent against than Manny Pacquiao? He chose me because it will be a guaranteed action fight.

I think this is one of the best Manny Pacquiao fights in a long time. 我打算把它. Pacquiao did not get reminded in his last fight what it feels like to be up against a real champion. I’m the youngest, fastest, hungriest fighter that he’s ever been in the ring with. 七月 20, it’s the ‘Keith Thurman show’.


I never consider myself the A-side because my history says that I shouldn’t even be here. As beautiful as the belt is, it’s about more to me than that. It’s about legacy for me. I’ve been carrying myself as a world champion since the day I started this journey, 所以这对我来说不是什么新鲜事.

I’m the whole package. 我有速度, I have footwork, 我有力量, I have the heart and the will to win. Until you find someone else who’s all that, I’m going to keep having my hand raised.

“我来自哪里, there’s confrontation every day. 这对我来说不是什么新鲜事. There are times I was told that I wouldn’t make it. Nobody paved the way for me like I’m from New York or Los Angeles. I paved my own way.

Mike Lee is in uncharted territory. I’m curious on how he plans on beating me. Does he plan on roughing me up and trying to knock me out like my last opponent? Can he do that better than Jose Uzcategui? Is he going to try to outbox me with his hand and foot speed? Because there’s no person from 160 到 175 who could do that.

I’ve been committed to the same thing for the last 18 年直. Rain, sleet or snow, I stayed committed. I’m bred for this. I was created for this. It’s the only thing I’ve done my whole life. 七月 20, I’ll be keeping the thing that I’ve worked my whole entire life for.

At every decision that has to be made, you can go left or you can go right. From the genesis of my being, every time it was the moment to make a tough decision, I went the same way. Because I do not bend or fold for anything. No matter what’s tossed my way, this journey must go on for me. He said he has nothing to lose, but I have everything to lose.

All the motivational videos that he watches and books that he reads, I’m the very essence and meaning of that. I’m the pinnacle of all those things he’s studied. You can’t learn mental fortitude in a book. Those things are earned, they’re not learned.


“这是一个梦想成真我. I’ve been through so much and there were days where I thought my dream was over. I’ve chased this since I was eight-years-old and I’m thankful for this chance to go after a dream that others thought I couldn’t reach.

The beauty of this sport is that it’s only me and Caleb in there. Everyone else can only talk. I’ve been in the ring through adversity and stuck it out, because that’s the kind of person I am. I know that if I come on July 20 as the best Mike Lee possible, that I can win.

I’ve been in the gym working every day. Doctors told me at one point that I wouldn’t fight again, but I’m still standing right here. I pushed through my pain to get here.

I’m excited to be here in Los Angles, where we hold training camp. I’m bringing the belt back to Chicago, but Los Angeles is a second home to me.

Today is the culmination of years of sacrifice, hard work and discipline. I’m undefeated for a reason but I feel people underestimate me and I like that. I’ve been underestimated my whole career. I’ve thrived off people say I couldn’t do it.

I respect Caleb Plant. He’s the champion for a reason and I respect any fighter who can step into that ring. You have to be a different kind of animal to do that in front of all those people, and I am that animal.

I’m coming with power, 实力, speed and I’m going to give it everything I have. I’m going to become the new IBF Super Middleweight World Champion.

RICHARD STORM, President of Las Vegas Live Entertainment & 体育

I’d like to welcome back Manny Pacquiao and Keith Thurman, two of the world’s best fighters, back to Las Vegas and MGM Grand. Manny returns to the ring at MGM Grand following his convincing win in January while Keith will fight in Las Vegas for the first time in four years, looking to remain undefeated.

We’re truly excited to be hosting this sensational event at MGM Grand and we look forward to seeing everybody in July.

BILL WANGER, Executive Vice President of Programming, 研究 & Content Strategy for FOX Sports

“曼尼帕奎奥 VS 帕奎奥. Keith Thurman is a living legend, versus a legend in the making. We’re excited to deliver an unprecedented night of boxing on July 20 在米高梅大酒店在拉斯维加斯.

Manny is one of boxing’s biggest stars. Keith Thurman is an undefeated world champion and a huge ratings draw. We’re excited to bring viewers inside the ropes and up close to the action on fight night, and produce extensive behind the scenes preview programming that will air across the FOX networks.

FOX Sports is thrilled to have a battle on July 20 with such a compelling storyline to kick off a great night of championship boxing with the IBF champion Caleb Plant against the undefeated Mike Lee.

“一月, Caleb Plant headlined the most-watched boxing event ever on FS1. Now he’s fighting on the FOX network for the first time as the main event. At FOX Sports, big events that capture America’s attention are in our DNA. This fight certainly fits that bill.

Our goal with the PBC deal is to build these fighters into household names, and we’re well on our way. We expect a great show on July 20 in Las Vegas.

# # #

欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成为在Facebook上的风扇 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeporteswww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

艾哈迈德·埃尔比亚利训练营语录 & 照片

轻重量级拳手 Elbiali 在 FS1 的顶级拳击冠军赛中与 Marlos Simões 决斗 & FOX 在本周六晚上从比洛克西的 Beau Rivage 度假村赌场驱逐行动, 密西西比

点击 这里 从Elbiali团队获取照片

LAS VEGAS (五月 22, 2019) – 轻重量级拳手 艾哈迈德Elbiali 会回到擂台, 第一次与新教练贾斯汀·甘伯, 当他面对 马洛斯·西蒙斯 本周六晚,在比洛克西的 Beau Rivage 度假村赌场举行的 FS1 和 FOX Deportes 比赛中,作为 Premier Boxing Champions 的一部分,进行了 10 轮对决, 密西西比.

FS1 和 FOX Deportes 上的 PBC 开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT,由前超次中量级冠军领衔主演 奥斯汀 “毫无疑问” 鳟鱼 重返擂台与前冠军挑战者较量 特雷尔Gausha 在 10 回合的超次中量级战斗中.

门票活动, 这是由TGB促销推广, 现已发售,可在 Beau Rivage Theatre 票房和 Ticketmaster 购买.

Elbiali 最近开始与 Gamber 的一位新教练合作, 他还训练了超中量级冠军Caleb Plant, 并将在本周六晚上展示他在擂台上的进步. 以下是他对新教练的评价等等:

与新教练贾斯汀甘伯一起训练:“自从我开始和 Justin Gamber 一起训练以来,我学到了很多东西, 大约六周前. 没有反对我的老教练, 我只是觉得我需要一个新面貌. 贾斯汀和我合作得很好,我进步很大. 我正在学习如何在擂台上放松, 这帮助我在后面几轮对练中保持了我的力量. 贾斯汀是一位伟大的教练,我们将一起在轻重量级比赛中大放异彩。”

“我为这个训练营付出了很多努力,与过去的其他训练营相比,我可以看到不同之处. 我正在研究拳击的基础知识, 更多地使用我的刺拳并设置我的组合. 我知道我有能力击倒我的对手, 但现在我正在学习更多如何设置它. 在拉斯维加斯的生活和训练极大地促进了我的职业生涯,因为这里的陪练是首屈一指的. 我有一个很棒的训练营。”

“我知道西蒙斯是一个持久的对手,在他的职业生涯中只被阻止过一次. 我期待他的状态很好. 他在擂台上取得了很大的成功, 所以我正在为一个真正能战斗的人做准备. 我只是要去那里执行我的游戏计划。”

“今年我想打尽可能多的比赛,并获得世界冠军 2020. 当然, 一切都是以拼搏为前提的, 但这就是目标。”

关于他在 FS1 上的电视回归:
“在 FS1 上战斗总是很有趣和令人兴奋. FS1 是我们战士在我们即将到来时获得最多曝光的平台. 您无法将任何其他网络与 FOX 进行比较, 全世界都可以收听的地方. 能在 FS1 上战斗对我来说真的是一件幸事。”

# # #

球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 英文或西班牙文可通过FOX, FS1或FOX Deportes进行供稿. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,并通过应用程序商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


帕奎奥VS. Thurman Saturday, 七月 20 in a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT

植物VS. Lee Headlines FOX PBC Fight Night Preceding Pay-Per-View & Also from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas at
7 P.M. ET / 4时三十分. PT

点击 这里 从萧蔷特拉普/ TGB促销图片

点击 这里 for Photos from Darnell Ellerbe/Mayweather Promotions

纽约 (五月 21, 2019) – Eight-division champion 帕奎奥 and unbeaten welterweight world champion 基思·瑟曼, plus unbeaten super middleweight champion 迦勒厂 不败 迈克·李 went face-to-face Tuesday in New York at a press conference to preview their respective showdowns on Saturday July 20 and presented by Premier Boxing Champions and FOX Sports from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Pacquiao and Thurman will square-off in a welterweight world title attraction that headlines a PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event beginning at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT. Plant will make the first defense of his title against the unbeaten Lee in the main event of FOX PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes preceding the Pay-Per-View and beginning at 7 P.M. ET / 4时三十分. PT.

门票活动, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, 通过手机在充电 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office. 植物VS. Lee is presented by TGB Promotions and Sweethands Promotions.

Here is what the fighters had to say Tuesday from Gotham Hall in New York City:


I’ve never been scared of a challenge. I’m so excited for this fight against an undefeated champion. He’s the kind of fighter that you can’t underestimate. His record and successe gives me more motivation to work hard.

I will make sure that I’m 100 percent and ready for this fight. We’ll find out what happens on July 20, but it’s going to be exciting. I like being the underdog for this fight because that gives me more focus in training.

I’ve been careless and over confident in some fights, but this time around it’s different. Keith Thurman is a good fighter and we’re going to make sure the fans are happy on July 20.

It’s a great honor for me to be fighting back in Las Vegas and on the FOX Sports pay-per-view. I’m going to take advantage of the opportunity.

I chose Keith Thurman because he’s undefeated and I want to prove that at age 40 I can still beat a great fighter like Keith.

My time is not yet over. My journey is continuing. I’m going to prove that and more on July 20 against Keith Thurman.

I’m the kind of fighter that I don’t talk too much. I do my talking in the ring. I can do a lot of things in that ring. He can prove his words in the ring. I’m going to be a warrior on July 20 and show Keith Thurman what it’s like to be in the ring with me.

I will work hard for this fight. I haven’t felt this motivated and excited since the Oscar De La Hoya fight. I feel like I’m back against the best fighters in the world.

Our focus in every fight is on the speed and footwork, because those are advantages for me. We’re going to work on avoiding Keith’s offense.

Fans should watch this fight because it’s a once in a lifetime showdown. We’re going to bring action and I’m confident I will be victorious.


“我们准备好了. This is a blessing to be here and a dream come true. I started boxing at the age of seven. I worked hard to be a champion and I’ve always wanted to fight the greatest names in the sport.

Pacquiao wants a challenge and I’m very grateful to be sharing a ring with a legend. If you understand boxing history, you know that times change. I believe boxing is in a new era. Come July 20, Pacquiao will disappear. He’ll always be remembered in the sport, but I’m doing to Manny Pacquiao, what he did to Oscar De La Hoya.

“这是一场大战. I’ve waited 22 months to get back in the game. We had our ups and downs, but Keith Thurman is back on the rise. I’m going to make a big statement.

This training camp is going to start this Saturday. Once I get home, it’s grind time and on July 20, it’s going to be my time.

“七月 20 是 23 年的制作. I’ve dedicated myself to this beautiful sport of boxing for so long and my first trainer Ben Getty told me that I had what it takes to be a great champion. I’m truly looking forward to having another chance to show it.

We definitely had a stretch with a lack of activity. Not everyone knows who Keith Thurman is today. You could see that I wasn’t at my best in January. But on July 20, ‘One Time’ 又回来了. I’m getting ready to have one of my best training camps for this fight.

I had the knockdown in my last fight that was a reminder of what ‘One Time’ 是所有关于. We brushed the dust off and we’re taking that momentum into this fight.

I’m excited to be the guy who shows Manny Pacquiao where the exit is. He’s a legend who’s done great things. But I’ve never lost to a fighter who’s lost seven times. I have no intention of losing this fight and I don’t see him winning in any shape or form.

“速率, power and overall ring IQ will be the difference. I’m one of the smartest fighters in the sport. I always find a way to win. I know Pacquiao comes in shape, but he’s going to fall short of that finish line.


I’ve been boxing my whole life. They say it takes 10,000 hours of work to become a true success at something. Come July 20, I’ll have been doing this for 18-years straight. No breaks and no Plan B. I’ve just been boxing, day in and day out.

Mike Lee may have a financial degree, but in boxing, I have a Ph.D. That’s something he doesn’t know anything about. I came from very rock bottom, where nobody makes it out. If he thinks I’m going to let him mess this up for me, he’s not half as educated as I thought he was.

I have everything to lose. Every night from now until July 20, I hope Lee and his team are envisioning the worlds ‘and still’. Because that’s all anyone is going to hear on fight night.

It’s exciting to be on this primetime card. Everyone who wants to take it to the top of the sport wants to be a main event at MGM Grand. 同时, where we fight is not most important to me. We can fight in the parking lot, because it’s about legacy to me.

Anytime that someone steps into the ring and wins their first world title in fashion, it’s going to be a confidence booster. But I did tell everyone what was going to happen. There’s a season for everything and right now is mine.

He may come into the ring bigger and heavier than me, but boxing skills are what wins fights. Years of repetition with boxing teachers, are what wins fights. You’ll see all of that on July 20.

I don’t look at myself as the favorite in any fight. I’m the one who’s not supposed to be here. Put everyone through what I’ve been through, and see if they would make it here.


This has been a culmination of years of hard work and sacrifice. 最重要的, I’ve gotten somewhere no one thought I would get. I’m fine being the underdog. 我没有什么可输.

I’m coming out with everything I have. This is everything I’ve ever wanted. I respect Caleb Plant, but on July 20, I plan on making it my moment.

I’ve headlined cards in Chicago and at Notre Dame before so the bright lights are nothing new to me. I’m very excited and working hard. 七月 20, I’m going to keep proving people wrong.

The whole reason I got into this sport is to do it on big stages. Everyone wants to prove it on the biggest stage possible and there’s no bigger stage than at MGM Grand in Las Vegas. It’s a dream come true and it’s the reason I’ve worked so hard.

Moving down in weight is an advantage. I’ve got a great team working with me to make the weight easily and rehydrate the right way. I’m going to be the bigger and stronger guy in the ring.

I’ve had people that never thought I’d get here and I love it. It takes a different kind of person to step into that ring in front of so many people. You have to be ready to go out there and risk it all. I fight who they put in front of me and keep winning. That’s what I plan to do on July 20.

# # #

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www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成为在Facebook上的风扇 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeporteswww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


星期六, 七月 20 in the Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas – (9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT)

Blockbuster Night Presented by PBC & FOX Sports Features Primetime Show on FOX & FOX Deportes Headlined by Caleb Plant Defending His World Title Preceding Pay-Per-View Telecast


LAS VEGAS (五月 21, 2019) – 拳击的只有八处世界冠军, Philippine Senator and regular WBA welterweight champion 曼尼 “吃豆人” 帕奎奥 returns to face undefeated Super WBA Welterweight World Champion 基思 “一度” 瑟曼 in a powerhouse 147-pound showdown live on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event on Saturday, 七月 20 在米高梅大花园球馆在拉斯维加斯.

Preceding the pay-per-view is a FOX PBC Fight Night also taking place at MGM Grand that is headlined by undefeated IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Caleb “甜蜜的手” Plant making his first title defense against unbeaten contender Mike Lee.

Possessing speed, power and tremendous boxing skills, Thurman represents the most dangerous challenger that the future Hall of Famer Pacquiao has faced in his recent ring appearances. This high-stakes match will firmly give the winner a claim for the top spot in one of boxing’s deepest and most talented divisions.

门票活动, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, 通过手机在充电 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Senator Pacquiao is thrilled to be back in ‘Viva Las Vegas,’ fighting at the best venue for boxingthe MGM Grand Garden Arena. This is where the Pacquiao vs. Thurman world welterweight championship belongs,” said Sean Gibbons, President of MP Promotions. “We’re excited to be working with our partners at PBC, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions. Manny is fighting in the biggest fights on a global scale and it doesn’t get any more global than FOX Sports Pay-Per-View. Fans have always enjoyed watching Pacquiao and Thurman compete in the ring and we are confident they will, 再次, give boxing fans worldwide everything they’re expecting, 多. God bless Manny and Keith for stepping up to give us this fight!”

We’re looking forward to working with our partners in bringing yet another blockbuster back home to MGM Grand here in Las Vegas,” 伦纳德说Ellerbe, 梅威瑟促销的CEO. “This fight is a tremendous opportunity for both guys in terms of where they are in their respective careers. Pacquiao is currently the biggest name in the sport and Thurman is a young skilled undefeated fighter in the prime of his career, making for a compelling matchup. I know both fighters will be ready for the challenge that lies ahead of them come July 20, and I can’t wait to see this one go off.

This will be a sensational matchup between two great fighters and we’re looking forward to hosting this championship event at MGM Grand in July,” 理查德说斯特姆, President of Las Vegas Live Entertainment and Sports. “Fans have always enjoyed watching Pacquiao and Thurman compete in the ring and we are confident they will, 再次, give boxing fans worldwide everything they’re expecting, 和更多。”

FOX Sports is thrilled to present our second Premier Boxing Champions Pay-Per-View featuring one of boxing’s biggest stars, 帕奎奥, facing the champion Thurman, who wowed nearly three-million viewers live on FOX in January with his latest title defense,” 比尔·旺格说, FOX Sports EVP, 程序设计, Live Operations and Research. “This promises to be a can’t miss night of boxing with an unprecedented FOX Sports PBC doubleheader, as we open the evening with the FOX PBC Fight Night, headlined by newly crowned champion Plant defending his title against the undefeated Lee. Plant set the FS1 viewership record for a boxing show in January when he won his title, and we’re sure this match up will deliver even bigger audiences leading into the Pacquiao vs. Thurman Pay-Per-View.

A three-time Fighter of the Year and the Boxing Writers Association of America’s reigning Fighter of the Decade, 帕奎奥 (60-7-2, 39 科斯), who hails from Sarangani Province in the Philippines, is the only sitting Congressman and Senator to win a world title. After serving two terms as Congressman, Pacquiao was elected to a Philippine Senate seat in May 2016, capturing over 16 全国百万选票. Pacquiao’s boxing resume features victories over at least seven current and future Hall of Famers, 包括霍亚, 哈顿, 马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉, 莫拉雷斯, 米格尔·库托, Shane Mosley and Juan Manuel Marquez.

In his last match on January 19, Pacquiao put on a vintage performance against four-division champion Adrien Broner, scoring a 12-round unanimous decision in the 70th match of his illustrious career. It was his first time fighting in the U.S. 在两年. 在此之前,, he scored an impressive knockout over Lucas Matthysse to win his version of the WBA welterweight championship in Malaysia last July 15.

All my life I have confronted challengesin life, in politics, and inside the ring,” 帕奎奥说. “Keith Thurman is the type of challenge I crave as a fighter. He is the biggest and best test. That is why I want to fight him. We are going to give boxing fans an exciting fight and a great night.

The 30-year-old Thurman (29-0, 22 科斯) is the longest reigning welterweight champion in boxing, having collected his WBA title with a stoppage victory over Diego Chaves in 2013. He has successfully defended that title eight times and became a unified welterweight champion when he defeated Danny Garcia by split decision to win the WBC title. Plagued by a litany of injuries, including bone chips in his right elbow that had to be surgically removed, Thurman was out of action for nearly two years before getting back into the ring with a hard fought victory against Josesito Lopez in January on FOX.

Having taken up the sport when he was in grade school, the Clearwater, Florida native blossomed under the tutelage of his first trainer, Ben Getty, to become an outstanding amateur. Though Getty has passed away, Thurman still carries those boxing and life lessons with him whenever he steps into the ring with his current longtime trainer Dan Birmingham. His power punching earned him the nicknameOne Time.

I’m extremely excited for this opportunity to get a fight that I’ve wanted for a long time,” 瑟曼说. “The right circumstances have aligned for it to happen now and I’m grateful for that. Me and my team are looking forward to it. It’s going to be an honor to be in the ring with Manny Pacquiao. It’s going to be fun to go back to MGM Grand in my first pay-per-view with FOX Sports. I believe that Ben Getty would be very proud of what I’ve been able to accomplish. He said I’d be able to dominate the welterweight division and be a multi-million-dollar fighter and a star in the sport.

Manny Pacquiao is beatable. He’s been beaten before in his career. He’s a fan favorite and a legend. For me his boxing tactics are predictable. He fights in spurts and you have to take advantage of that. You have to be respectful of his power. But I believe my movement, athleticism and ring knowledge will be able to present him something he’s not seen in all his years of boxing.

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# # #

欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成为在Facebook上的风扇 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeporteswww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


星期六, 七月 20 in the Main Event of FOX PBC Fight Night & on FOX Deportes from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas
(7 P.M. ET / 4时三十分. PT)

FOX PBC Fight Night Precedes PBC on FOX Sports
Pay-Per-View Event Headlined by Manny Pacquiao vs. Keith Thurman Welterweight World Title Matchup


LAS VEGAS (五月 21, 2019) – 不败的IBF超中量级世界冠军 迦勒 “Sweethands” 厂 will make the first defense of his title against unbeaten contender 迈克·李 in the main event of FOX PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes Saturday, 七月 20 从米高梅大花园球馆在拉斯维加斯.

电视报道开始于 7 P.M. ET / 4时三十分. PT and will precede the FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View event that also takes place at MGM Grand and is headlined by eight-division champion Manny Pacquiao facing WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman.

Caleb Plant put the boxing world on notice with his exciting title-winning performance in January and will look to build on that showing against an unbeaten contender in Mike Lee on July 20,” 说汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统. “His first defense of the title will put Plant in primetime on FOX and FOX Deportes in Las Vegas and building up to the Pacquiao vs. Thurman pay-per-view event. With two undefeated fighters going toe-to-toe in this first main event of the evening, fans are in for a memorable night of action.

门票活动, which is presented by TGB Promotions and Sweethands Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, 通过手机在充电 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

植物VS. Lee will see two hungry unbeaten fighters square off, as Plant looks to defend his title and cement himself as the class of the 168-pound ranks, while Lee will look to join the super middleweight elite as a world champion for the first time.

To win the title, 厂 (18-0, 10 科斯) turned the tables on the hard-hitting Venezuelan slugger Jose Uzcategui in their IBF championship fight in January on FS1. Going into the match the consensus was that Uzcategui was the harder puncher and that Plant would have to withstand his power to walk away with the belt. It was the 26-year-old Plant, 然而, who stunned Uzcategui by dropping him to the canvas twice on the way to a convincing unanimous decision. It was an emotional night for Plant, who is from Ashland City, 田纳西州. 现在住在拉斯维加斯. He had dedicated his career-best victory to the memory of his late daughter Alia, who suffered from a rare disorder that caused seizures.

I’m more than ready to return to the ring on July 20 as the main event on FOX at MGM Grand in Las Vegas,” 该植物. “I’ll be defending my IBF world title in tremendous fashion and this is one fight you guys will not want to miss. I’m taking this fight just as seriously as my last opponent.

This guy is undefeated and looking to stay that way, but unfortunately for him, he took on the wrong challenge against the wrong guy. Come July 20, he’ll realize he’s in deeper water than he’s ever been in. My last fight was for Alia, but this fight I’m dedicating to my beautiful mother Beth Ann. May you Rest in Peace, Love you Momma.

The 31-year-old Lee (21-0, 11 科斯) graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a degree in business, but decided to pursue his boxing dreams rather than take a job on Wall Street. A native of Wheaton, Illinois who now lives in Chicago, Lee has made a steady climb up the ladder and has been campaigning at light heavyweight. He will be moving down to super middleweight to challenge for his first world championship. Lee is coming off an impressive unanimous decision victory over Jose Hernandez on last June 8.

I’ve have dreamt of the opportunity to fight for a world title for years,” Lee说. “All the years of hard work, pain and sacrifice have led me to this moment. 七月 20 I will be victorious and prove everyone wrong that didn’t believe I was good enough to even get here.

When I spent almost two years in and out of hospitals battling an autoimmune disease there were moments I never thought I could get back to this level and there were doctors who told me my fighting days were done. But I have won every fight since and I plan to prove that anything is possible if you want it bad enough. I could not have done this without my Dad, my advisor Mike Borao and my trainers Jamal Abdullah and Julian Chua.

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# # #

欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成为在Facebook上的风扇 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

周六晚,德昂泰·维尔德 (DEONTAY WILDER) 在 Showtime® 上以精彩的首轮击倒多米尼克·布雷泽尔 (Dominic Breazeale) 的方式让巴克莱中心的观众兴奋不已,进入了重量级拳击冠军的稀有空气中

加里·拉塞尔JR. TKO战胜基科·马丁内斯 卫冕羽量级冠军

胡安·赫拉尔德斯 (Juan Heraldez) 和阿吉尼斯·门德斯 (Argenis Mendez) 在电视转播揭幕战中战成平局

观看安可演示周一 10 P.M. ET / PT在

点击 这里 从阿曼达韦斯科特/ SHOWTIME照片
& 这里 从汤姆赌场/欣欣照片

点击 这里 从瑞安Hafey /英超冠军拳击照片
点击 这里 从肖恩·迈克尔火腿图片/梅威瑟促销

布鲁克林 (五月 19, 2019) – WBC重量级世界冠军 Deontay “青铜轰炸机” 怀尔德 交付了 40 周六晚上以毁灭性的方式淘汰了他的职业生涯, 发送强制挑战者 多米尼克 “麻烦” BREAZEALE在巴克莱中心喧闹的人群面前,他平躺在地上,举着标志性的右手, 布鲁克林拳击™的家, 由总理拳击冠军呈现事件. 第九次成功卫冕金腰带, 怀尔德与名人堂成员乔·路易斯一起加入杰出公司, 穆罕默德·阿里, 迈克·泰森等人成为历史上第10位连续九次或以上成功卫冕重量级拳王的拳手. 在这里观看: HTTPS://s.sho.com/2Hp0AEh

为今晚的世界冠军赛做准备, 怀尔德 (41-0-1, 40 科斯) 多次承诺战斗不会持续太久. 高耸的塔斯卡卢萨, 翼. 本地人信守诺言, 得分 20 他的职业生涯和他的首轮淘汰赛 15 击倒重量级世界冠军. BREAZEALE (20-2, 18 科斯) 能够抵挡维尔德早期的第一次进攻, 但在首轮比赛后期,怀尔德与拳击界最危险的右手齐平,无法击败裁判哈维·多克的10数.

“今晚一切都从我身上涌出来”, 怀尔德说. “我知道这是一个巨大的积累, 有很多敌意和很多话,这是我今晚说出来的. 这就是拳击如此伟大的原因.

“我刚刚告诉布雷泽尔我爱他,当然我想看到他回家与家人团聚. 我知道我们会说一些话, 但当你可以和一个男人战斗然后你可以拥抱他并亲吻他, 我希望世界就是这样. 我们握手,期待新的一天,这就是一切的意义所在。”

随着重量级部门的注意力转向下一步, 维尔德坚称与泰森·富里的比赛, 他唯一面对过并且没有被打败的人, 或安东尼·约书亚仍在谈判中并在进行中.

“我明白弗瑞做了什么,” 怀尔德说. “当你像那样跌倒在画布上时,我明白你必须重新振作起来. 但复赛将会发生, 就像所有其他的战斗都会发生一样. 最棒的是所有这些争斗都很少被讨论. 大战将会发生. 我只是希望你有耐心。”

BREAZEALE, 他们唯一的两次失败都是对阵维尔德和约书亚, 很失望他不被允许继续战斗.

“我认为裁判提前停止了比赛,因为我能听到他说“七”和“八”, 但这就是拳击,” 说Breazeale. “他完成了他的工作并保证我们在下一场战斗中的安全.

“我站起来,把腿放在我身下. 这是重量级比赛,所以有权力的人会出击. 在这种情况下,他的大右手先于我落地. 我以为我会在后面几轮比赛中登场. 我会回来并再次争夺重量级冠军。”

在共同特征, WBC轻量级世界冠军 加里·拉塞尔JR. (30-1, 18 科斯) 再次上演专业表演,第四次对抗勇敢的选手,卫冕自己的金腰带 马切达马丁内兹 (39-9-2, 28 科斯). 由于马丁内斯的左眼有一道伤口, 裁判瑞奇·冈萨雷斯根据赛场医生的建议在第五回合停止了比赛, 导致技术性淘汰.

罗素, 谁一年来第一次打架, 没有出现环锈的迹象,并展示了他的全部技能,包括他标志性的闪电般的快手. 拥有30年历史的Capitol Heights, 马里兰州. 本地人从开场钟起就占据主导地位,并取得了非凡的成绩 40% 他的权力拳. 在几乎没有休息时间的全动作战斗中, 马丁内斯做了足够多的工作来发挥他的作用. 西班牙人不断挺身而出,但拉塞尔在第二轮右勾拳后继续瞄准在他眼睛上方打开的切入点. 场边官员呼吁停止比赛 2:52 第五轮.

“我做得很好,” 说 2008 中美. 奥林匹亚选手拉塞尔接受 SHOWTIME 场边记者吉姆·格雷采访. “我们留在刺拳后面,他无法通过它. 我们知道智力胜过运动才能完成任务.

“我们想要 [WBA羽量级冠军] 狮子座圣克鲁斯,” 拉塞尔穿着一件写着“Leo Next”的衬衫继续说道. “我们想让这场战斗发生. 场地这边的火一直很热. 你会被烧伤. 我希望今年能进行这场战斗. 一起让它成为现实。”

“对于一场非常艰苦的战斗来说,这是一个很好的暂停,” 前世界冠军马丁内斯说道. “我绝对是一个视觉战士,所以剪辑变得很困难. 加里的身体状况很好,这是一场非常艰苦的战斗.

“我现在要休息一下, 但我会回来的. 我认为我有一些美好的时刻并且有一个很好的划分. 我想我会减重到 122 磅,以便在那里赢得世界冠军。”

在转播揭幕战, 不败的前景 胡安Heraldez (16-0-1, 10 科斯) 和前世界冠军 Argenis门德斯 (25-5-2, 12 科斯) 争取竞争激烈的多数抽签. 9 月首次亮相,并在《断箭》中通过一致决定击败了备受推崇的 Alejandro “Pork Chop” Guerrero 95-95, 而第三个则由门德斯获胜 97-93.

在他的导师弗洛伊德·梅威瑟面前战斗, 拉斯维加斯’ 赫拉德兹通过设定节奏和建立刺拳控制了许多早期回合. 赫拉尔德斯超越门德斯 126-108 总出拳数和 70-30 在整个刺拳中 10 发. 早早落后, 门德斯, 经验丰富的老兵和 2004 多米尼加共和国奥运选手, 利用他的经验重新投入战斗. 第五回合比赛节奏加快, 两名战士都遭受了几次重击,但势头转向了门德斯. 32岁的门德斯, 谁曾与七名现任或前任冠军交手, 异常强劲地结束了战斗, 在所有三位评委的最后一轮比赛中获胜’ 记分卡. 如果不这样做, 门德斯会输掉这场战斗.

“我以为我赢得了战斗,” 门德斯失望地说. “他没有对我做任何事. 他是如何赢得这场战斗的? 如果我必须证明我在复赛中击败了他, 我会准备好. 我不会把它留给评委们.

“我的速度和力量让他很困难. 我以为我的反击真的很好. 他在后面几轮比赛中感到疲倦,这让我可以更接近他,让我的进攻继续下去。”

同样, 赫拉德兹认为他已经做了足够多的事情来赢得这场战斗,他认为这场战斗是一场潜在的出柜派对.

“我以为我赢得了一场势均力敌的判决,” 赫拉德兹说. “我没想到这是平局. 他在任何时候都没有做任何伤害我的事情.

“他并没有真正与我互动. 他只是想四处走动并选择投篮机会, 但这并不是我没有准备好的事情. 我要么参加与门德斯的复赛,要么朝着世界冠军的目标前进。”

电视转播前, SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN 在 SHOWTIME Sports 社交平台上直播了三个undercard 景点. 重量级人物之间的较量 罗伯特·阿方索 (18-0-1, 8 科斯) 和 阿戈·基尔德泽 (26-4-1, 18 科斯) 经过八轮比赛以平局告终. 当一名裁判打分时 77-75 为了阿方索, 另一个有它 77-75 对于Kiladze, 9 月首次亮相,并在《断箭》中通过一致决定击败了备受推崇的 Alejandro “Pork Chop” Guerrero 76-76, 导致平局.

同样进入擂台的还有 2016 中美. 奥林匹亚 加里·安图安·拉塞尔 (9-0, 9 科斯), 羽量级冠军小加里·拉塞尔的弟弟。, 谁下降马科斯·莫吉卡 (16-4-2, 12 科斯) 两次赢得停赛 2:13 进入第三轮. 最后的行动是布鲁克林本地人 2016 海天奥海 理查德森Hitchins (9-0, 5 科斯), 谁获得了TKO 亚历杭德罗·礼品 (4-2-3, 4 科斯) 穆内拉在第三轮比赛中被击倒,尽管进入了该轮比赛的最后钟声,但仍无法继续比赛.

# # #

关于WILDER VS. 布雷泽尔
怀尔德VS. Breazeale 是一场由重量级世界冠军 Deontay Wilder 领衔的 BombZquad 赛事,周六,他将与顶级竞争者 Dominic Breazeale 争夺 WBC 冠军头衔, 五月 18 住在Showtime巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家, 由总理拳击冠军呈现.

精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 开始于 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT 和 WBC 羽量级世界冠军小加里·拉塞尔 (Gary Russell Jr). 捍卫他对前世界冠军头衔 基科·马丁内斯, 加上不败的超轻量级竞争者 胡安·赫拉德兹 与前世界冠军的对决 阿吉尼斯·门德斯 在10轮的吸引力. 赫拉德兹 vs. 门德斯之战与梅威瑟促销活动共同推广.

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