Tag Archives: Premier Boxeo League


Premier Boxeo League (PBC) Na CBS Sábado, Abril 4, En 3 p.m. E/Noon PT De Pepsi Coliseum en Quebec City, Canadá

World pesaxe: (Crédito da foto: Amanda Kwok / PBC na CBS)

BEHIND THE SCENES PHOTOS: (Crédito da foto: Amanda Kwok / PBC na CBS)



Adonis STEVENSON: 174 ½ Pounds

Saki BULL: 174 ½ Pounds





(TV Swing Bout)


Joey HERNANDEZ: 155 libras


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PBC na CBS, encabezado polo luz loita polo campionato mundial dos pesos pesados ​​entre Stevenson e Bika, é promovida polo Groupe Yvon Michel (Ximnasio) e presentado por Videotron e en asociación con Mise-O-Jeu. Os ingresos xa están á venda na taquilla do Pepsi Coliseum en Quebec, chamando (418) 691-7211 ou (800) 900-7469, en liña en www.billetech.com, no Ximnasio (514) 383-0666 e Champion Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Os prezos das entradas varían $25 para $250 no chan.


Premier Boxeo League (PBC) Na CBS

Sábado, Abril 4, En 3 p.m. E/Noon PT De Pepsi Coliseum en Quebec City, Canadá

Prema AQUI para fotos da rolda de prensa eliminatoria

Crédito: Amanda Kwok / PBC na CBS

QUEBEC (Abril 2, 2015) – Antes da inaugural Premier Boxeo League en CBS cerimonia comeza (3 p.m. E/12 p.m. PT), unha banda de mozos estrelas vai mirar para inflamar a Pepsi Coliseum multitude nunha serie de ataques undercard con inicio ás 1 p.m. E.


Os ingresos para o evento en directo están á venda e pódense mercar na taquilla do Pepsi Coliseum en Quebec, chamando (418) 691-7211 ou (800) 900-7469, en liña en www.billetech.com, no Ximnasio (514) 383-0666 e Champion Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Os prezos das entradas varían $25 para $250 no chan.


PBC na CBS, encabezado polo luz loita polo campionato mundial dos pesos pesados ​​entre Adônis “Superhome” Stevenson e Sakio “O Scorpion” Touro e presentando Artur Beterbievcomo afronta Gabriel “O home fermoso” Campillo, é promovida polo Groupe Yvon Michel (Ximnasio) e presentado por Videotron e en asociación con Mise-O-Jeu.


A atracción principal da acción eliminatoria está subindo invicto contedor super medio-medio Juliano “J Rocha” Williams (18-0-1, 11 Kos), que estará mirando para seguir o seu ascenso á fama cando afronta emocionante Joey “Fingers Twinkle” Hernández (24-2-1, 14 Kos)nun ataque welterweight 10 rolda.


Noutro xogo non televisada arriba, Kevin Bizier (23-2, 16 Kos)retorna ao arena na súa cidade natal para o rostro Fouad El Massoudi (12-4, 1 KO)nun oito redonda super medio-medio enfrontamento. Nun oito redonda chatarra pesado, invicto Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas (15-0, 10 Kos) afrontará Oezcan Cetinkaya (19-9-2, 13 Kos).


Nun par de loitas Welterweight Super, Sebastien Bouchard (9-1, 3 Kos) asumirá Denis Farías (19-6-2, 1 KO) nun enfrontamento de oito rolda e Custio Clayton (2-0, 1 KO) enfrontaraseRonald Berti (4-3-1, 1 KO)nun enfrontamento de seis rolda.


O resto da tarxeta é completado por un trío de perspectivas canadenses que buscan construír os seus currículos profesionais. Xan Michael Poulin (1-0-1) asume Michel Tsalla (1-9-2) nun catro medios ataque rolda, Vislan Dalkhaev (1-0) batallas Adel Hadjouis (7-3) en un galo ataque de catro rolda e Shakeel Pen (1-0, 1 KO) rostros Rene roody (0-2-1)en catro rolda dos super-medios loita.


Un invicto perspectiva vidos f a gran cidade de loita de Filadelfia, Williams Está mirando para manter a súa invencibilidade intacta e impresionar no gran escenario. O xogador de 24 anos enfróntase unha proba duro en Miami-nativa Hernández. O xogador de 30 anos de idade, Hernández loitou o mellor no boxeo e pretende entregar Williams súa primeira derrota como profesional, cando os dous se enfrontan.

Despois de botar un title-eliminación por decisión dividida, na súa última loita, Bizier, 30, regresa á súa cidade natal de Quebec mirando para volver gañar e na disputa do título. El espera construír o seu caso cunha vitoria sobre o 27-year-old El Massoudi, que está facendo o seu debut norteamericana. O loitador de Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dôme, Francia espera facer un impacto inmediato na súa batalla contra Bizier.


Un pesado invicto que representou Columbia no 2008 Xogos Olímpicos, Rivashas loitou exclusivamente na súa cidade natal adoptiva de Montreal desde que se fixo profesional, en 2009. Estará facendo o seu primeiro partido no Pepsi Coliseum, cando afronta Cetinkaya, de Kassel, Hesse, Alemaña.


Loitando por terceira vez como profesional no Pepsi Coliseum, Bouchard de Quebec está buscando a súa segunda vitoria consecutiva desde que sufriu a derrota solitaria. O xogador de 27 anos enfróntase unha proba difícil no experimentado Farías, de Aulnay-sous-bois, Seine-Saint-Denis, Francia. Esta é a 27-year-old Farías’ primeira loita fóra de Francia.


A 2012 Canadian Olympian, Clayton mira para construír o seu currículo profesional e amosar por que foi considerado un dos mellores boxeadores afeccionados a saír do Canadá. O xogador de 27 anos, natural de Montreal afronta o 27-year-old Berti de Bracquegnies, Bélxica.


Un retardatário para as filas profesionais, Poulin está mirando para construír fóra da súa primeira vitoria da carreira en decembro 2014. A 32-year-old de Quebec afronta o 31-year-old Tsalla, que tamén vén de Quebec.


Nacido en Rusia, pero loitando fóra de Quebec, Dalkhaev está facendo a súa segunda pro inicio tras gañar a súa primeira vitoria pro en decembro 2014. O xogador de 26 anos será probada polo 28-year-old Hadjouis, de Rueil-Malmaison, Haut-de-Seine, Francia.


Completan a eliminatoria non televisada, Pluma, 24, vai estar a ollar para a súa segunda vitoria pro tras incorporarse unha vitoria por TKO sobre Eddie Gates, en xaneiro deste ano. Batallas O Quebec-native o 36-year-old Rene fóra de Ontario.


Abaixo amósanse algunhas citas de roda de prensa de xoves:


Yvon MICHEL, Presidente do Gym

“Na miña opinión, the biggest fight in the history of Pepsi Coliseum was Pascal-Hopkins 1, but the scale of this event presented on a general network like CBS exceeds all that was done previously. “We are privileged to have the PBC series for this historic first. All of this is possible thanks to Adonis Stevenson. The undercard is also stacked.

PBC on CBS will also ensure that the people there love the experience. There will be screens everywhere and spectacular entrances. It will be a unique experience!” added the promoter.”

BERNARD BAR, Executive Vice President of GYM

“Haberá 10 loitas Sábado, including nine non-televised bouts that only people who bouthg tickets to be at the Coliseum will see. It’s a Marathon!”



“Estou só mirando para un bo rendemento e conseguir a vitoria o sábado. Veño me preparando e adestrando moi duro para esta loita. Estou levando unha loita de cada vez, e eu definitivamente non estou buscando pasado un loitador como Hernández.”


“Non hai escusas esta vez. Tiven algúns problemas para me motivar para o adestramento no pasado, pero non esta vez. Eu respecto o meu adversario e traballei moi duro para prepararse para esta loita. Esta será a loita da miña vida e eu estou ollando para poñer nun gran concerto o sábado.”


KEVIN Bizier“Estou feliz en pechar o Coliseum. É a miña casa aquí. E vostede sabe que eu sempre facer boas loitas! Meu adversario virá para loitar e el adora ir dentro para batallar. Será unha boa batalla eu e el. Que gañe o mellor Sábado.”


“É unha primeira vez para min en Canadá. Estou preparado para esa loita e temos todas as armas para ter éxito”

OEZCAN Cetinkaya

“Fico feliz de ter a oportunidade de caixa no Quebec Coliseum. É un ano novo e estou ansioso para facer unha declaración deste ano

Sébastien BOUCHARD

“Traballamos duro no ximnasio e que o traballo valeu a pena cando deixei de Cédric Spera. Seguimos na mesma liña para esta loita.”


“Xa fai máis dun mes eu veño adestrando dúas veces ao día para esa loita. Eu vin aquí para gañar.”


“Estou ansioso para resolver algo Sábado. Non é nada persoal contra Michel Tsalla, pero eu teño un sorteo para borrar contra el.”

MARC RAMSAY (train de Vislan Dalkhaev)

“Eu teño unha historia especial con Vislan Dalkhaev. Inicialmente, el veu aquí sobre a recomendación de Artur Beterbiev. O obxectivo inicial era axudar Artur se adapte á Montreal e eu sabía que ter un amigo aquí axudaría. Na Academia, con todo, Descubrín que a, Non só eran amigos do outro, pero Vislan foi un boxeador de alto nivel.” 

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Para máis información visite www.sports.sho.com e www.groupeyvonmichel.ca, seguir en Twitter emSHOSports, yvonmichelgym, AdonisSuperman ESakio_Bika, seguir a conversa usando #StevensonBika, tornar-se un fan en Facebook enwww.facebook.com/SHOBoxing ou visita o Blog Showtime Boxeohttp://theboxingblog.sho.com.

Rising Star JULIAN WILLIAMS batallas Joey HERNANDEZ PLUS, Unha serie de PERSPECTIVAS canadenses & Contendentes para ser presentado na Adonis STEVENSON VS. Sakio BIKA eliminatoria

Non perda ningunha de acción que antecederon a Inaugural Premier Boxeo Campións na CBS Evento (3 p.m. E/12 p.m. PT)

First Fight Comeza En 1 p.m. no Pepsi Coliseum

Prema AQUI para fotos da rolda de prensa eliminatoria

Crédito: Amanda Kwok / PBC na CBS

QUEBEC (Abril 2, 2015) – Antes da inaugural Premier Boxeo League en CBS cerimonia comeza (3 p.m. E/12 p.m. PT), unha banda de mozos estrelas vai mirar para inflamar a Pepsi Coliseum multitude nunha serie de ataques undercard con inicio ás 1 p.m. E.


Os ingresos para o evento en directo están á venda e pódense mercar na taquilla do Pepsi Coliseum en Quebec, chamando (418) 691-7211 ou (800) 900-7469, en liña en www.billetech.com, no Ximnasio (514) 383-0666 e Champion Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Os prezos das entradas varían $25 para $250 no chan.


PBC na CBS, encabezado polo luz loita polo campionato mundial dos pesos pesados ​​entre Adônis “Superhome” Stevenson e Sakio “O Scorpion” Touro e presentando Artur Beterbiev como afronta Gabriel “O home fermoso” Campillo, é promovida polo Groupe Yvon Michel (Ximnasio) e presentado por Videotron e en asociación con Mise-O-Jeu.


A atracción principal da acción eliminatoria está subindo invicto contedor super medio-medio Juliano “J Rocha” Williams (18-0-1, 11 Kos), que vai belooking para continuar o seu ascenso á fama cando afronta emocionante Joey “Fingers Twinkle” Hernández (24-2-1, 14 Kos)nun ataque welterweight 10 rolda.


Noutro xogo non televisada arriba, Kevin Bizier (23-2, 16 Kos)retorna ao arena na súa cidade natal para o rostro Fouad El Massoudi (12-4, 1 KO)nun oito redonda super medio-medio enfrontamento. Nun oito redonda chatarra pesado, invicto Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas (15-0, 10 Kos) afrontará Oezcan Cetinkaya (19-9-2, 13 Kos).


Nun par de loitas Welterweight Super, Sebastien Bouchard (9-1, 3 Kos) asumirá Denis Farías (19-6-2, 1 KO) nun enfrontamento de oito rolda e Custio Clayton (2-0, 1 KO) enfrontarase Ronald Berti (4-3-1, 1 KO)nun enfrontamento de seis rolda.


O resto da tarxeta é completado por un trío de perspectivas canadenses que buscan construír os seus currículos profesionais. Xan Michael Poulin (1-0-1) asume Michel Tsalla (1-9-2) nun catro medios ataque rolda, Vislan Dalkhaev (1-0) batallas Adel Hadjouis (7-3) en un galo ataque de catro rolda e Shakeel Pen (1-0, 1 KO) rostros Rene roody (0-2-1)en catro rolda dos super-medios loita.


“Na miña opinión, the biggest fight in the history of Pepsi Coliseum was Pascal-Hopkins 1, but the scale of this event presented on a general network like CBS exceeds all that was done previously,” dixo o presidente da Gym Yvon Michel. “We are privileged to have the PBC series for this historic first. All of this is possible thanks to Adonis Stevenson. The undercard is also stacked.


PBC on CBS will also ensure that the people there love the experience. There will be screens everywhere and spectacular entrances. It will be a unique experience!”


Un invicto perspectiva vidos f a gran cidade de loita de Filadelfia, Williams Está mirando para manter a súa invencibilidade intacta e impresionar no gran escenario. The 24-year-old faces a stiff test in Miami-native Hernández. O xogador de 30 anos de idade, Hernández loitou o mellor no boxeo e pretende entregar Williams súa primeira derrota como profesional, cando os dous se enfrontan.


“Estou só mirando para un bo rendemento e conseguir a vitoria o sábado,” dixo Williams. “Veño me preparando e adestrando moi duro para esta loita. Estou levando unha loita de cada vez, e eu definitivamente non estou buscando pasado un loitador como Hernández.”


“Non hai escusas esta vez,” Dixo Hernández. “Tiven algúns problemas para me motivar para o adestramento no pasado, pero non esta vez. Eu respecto o meu adversario e traballei moi duro para prepararse para esta loita. Esta será a loita da miña vida e eu estou ollando para poñer nun gran concerto o sábado.”


Despois de botar un title-eliminación por decisión dividida, na súa última loita, Bizier, 30, regresa á súa cidade natal de Quebec mirando para volver gañar e na disputa do título. El espera construír o seu caso cunha vitoria sobre o 27-year-old El Massoudi, que está facendo o seu debut norteamericana. O loitador de Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dôme, Francia espera facer un impacto inmediato na súa batalla contra Bizier.


Un pesado invicto que representou Columbia no 2008 Xogos Olímpicos, Rivas loitou exclusivamente na súa cidade natal adoptiva de Montreal desde que se fixo profesional, en 2009. Estará facendo o seu primeiro partido no Pepsi Coliseum, cando afronta Cetinkaya, de Kassel, Hesse, Alemaña.


Loitando por terceira vez como profesional no Pepsi Coliseum, Quebec de Bouchard está buscando a súa segunda vitoria consecutiva desde que sufriu a derrota solitaria. O xogador de 27 anos enfróntase unha proba difícil no experimentado Farías, de Aulnay-sous-bois, Seine-Saint-Denis, Francia. Esta é a 27-year-old Farías’ primeira loita fóra de Francia.


A 2012 Canadian Olympian, Clayton mira para construír o seu currículo profesional e amosar por que foi considerado un dos mellores boxeadores afeccionados a saír do Canadá. O xogador de 27 anos, natural de Montreal afronta o 27-year-old Berti de Bracquegnies, Bélxica.


Un retardatário para as filas profesionais, Poulin Está mirando para construír fóra da súa primeira vitoria da carreira en decembro 2014. A 32-year-old de Quebec afronta o 31-year-old Tsalla, que tamén vén de Quebec.


Nacido en Rusia, pero loitando fóra de Quebec, Dalkhaev está facendo a súa segunda pro inicio tras gañar a súa primeira vitoria pro en decembro 2014. O xogador de 26 anos será probada polo 28-year-old Hadjouis, de Rueil-Malmaison, Haut-de-Seine, Francia.


Completan a eliminatoria non televisada, Pluma, 24, vai estar a ollar para a súa segunda vitoria pro tras incorporarse unha vitoria por TKO sobre Eddie Gates, en xaneiro deste ano. Batallas O Quebec-native o 36-year-old Rene fóra de Ontario.


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Para máis información visite www.sports.sho.com e www.groupeyvonmichel.ca, seguir en Twitter emSHOSports, yvonmichelgym, AdonisSuperman ESakio_Bika, seguir a conversa usando #StevensonBika, tornar-se un fan en Facebook enwww.facebook.com/SHOBoxing ou visita o Blog Showtime Boxeohttp://theboxingblog.sho.com.


Prema AQUI Para fotos

Crédito da foto: Jeff Fusco

PHILADELPHIA (Abril 1, 2015) – As fight week nears for the second installment of Premier Boxeo League en NBC (8:30 pm ET/5:30 p.m. PT), superestrela invicto Danny “Rápido” Garcia held a media workout in his hometown of Philadelphia in preparation for his showdown with fellow world champion Lamont Peterson en Sábado, Abril 11 no Barclays Center, en Brooklyn.


Os ingresos para o evento en directo, que é promovido pola DiBella Entertainment, custa $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 e $50, non incluíndo encargos de servizo aplicables e os impostos, e están en now.Tickets venda están dispoñibles en www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com e na taquilla American Express no Barclays Centro. Para cargar por teléfono, chame a Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. Para billetes de grupo, por favor, chame 800-GROUP-BK.


Check out what Garcia and his father and trainer Angel had to say o mércores.




“Adestramento está indo ben, I’ve done everything I have to do and I’m still focused. It’s a week and a half until the fight and I’m ready to go. If the fight were mañá I’d be ready.


It’s a big fight and it’s the fight that the fans wanted. We’re going to give the fans a great night of boxing on NBC and it’s time the show the world that Danny Garcia is the star of NBC.


We have common opponents like Khan and Matthysse and we’ve had different results. They say styles make fights so those results don’t matter. Ben, my style is to kick his butt.


I know that this second PBC on NBC show is going to be even bigger and I just feel blessed to be a part of it and I can’t wait to go out there and showcase my skills.


I’m ready for whatever Peterson brings. If he tries to box then I’m going to go with that and if he wants to fight, I’ll be ready. I’m not going to go in and just try to knock his head off, I’m going to be Danny Garcia.


I’d love to be fighting on the biggest stage in boxing against the Mayweather and Pacquiaos, but for now it’s just about taking it one fight at a time, this is history in the making.


A lot of things have changed for me in the last few years, everybody knows me now. A lot of people look at you different now but it doesn’t make my head bigger, it just motivates me to work hard.


I love Brooklyn, it’s my fourth fight at Barclays Center and I’m looking to make it 4-0 en Abril 11.


This is a blessing for the sport of boxing. Millions of fans haven’t had the opportunity to watch boxing on primetime in years and this is great for the sport.




I’ll give Peterson credit for putting the gloves on. He thinks it’s going to be an easy night for him. He sees himself already on top of the mountain. It’s not going to happen like that, we’re going to ruin his party.


I want Peterson to act confident and come forward. They’re talking like Danny isn’t special but he lost to the guys we beat.


It doesn’t matter what anyone says as long as Danny is in here putting in 100 percent every day. It’s all about Abril 11.


We’re not going to train for eight weeks to go in there and worry about what Peterson is going to do, we’re going to do what we have to do. We train to go in there and win on Abril 11.”



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Para máis información visite www.premierboxingchampions.com www.nbcsports.com/boxing,www.BarclaysCenter.com e www.dbe1.com, siga no TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DannySwift, @ KingPete26, KidChocolate, AndyLeeBoxing, @RealLuisCollazo, @NBCSports and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/NBCSports e www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. Segue a conversa usando #PremierBoxingChampions e #BKBoxing.


I’ll definitely be going for the knockout este sábado na CBS” – Adonis Stevenson

I didn’t come here to Canada just to walk and look around. I came here to take this belt back home” – Saki Taurus

Premier Boxeo League (PBC) Na CBS

Sábado, Abril 4, En 3 p.m. E/Noon PT De Pepsi Coliseum en Quebec City, Canadá


Prema AQUI Para baixar imaxes

Crédito: Amanda Kwok / PBC na CBS

QUEBEC, QUEBEC (Abril 1, 2015) – During Mércores de final press conference at Le Bonne Entente in Quebec City, both Adônis “Superhome” Stevenson e Sakio “O Scorpion” Touro promised a knockout when they meet in the main event of the debut presentation of Premier Boxeo League (PBC) en CBSTelevision Network this Saturday, Abril 4, en 3 p.m. E/Noon PT.


The hard-hitting Stevenson (25-1, 21 Kos) will defend his light heavyweight world championship against former super middleweight world champion Bika (32-6-3, 21 Kos) in the main event from the Pepsi Coliseum en Quebec City.


The case was the same with the co-main event fighters as both undefeated light heavyweight and two-time Russian Olympian Artur Beterbiev (7-0, 7 Kos) and former light heavyweight world champion Gabriel Campillo (25-6-1, 12 Kos) expected to win via KO este sábado tarde. Campillo, sporting a Tom Brady jersey, even promised he would win in dramatic fashion like this year’s Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots.


Below are quotes from the fighters and trainers from Mércores de roda de prensa:



I know Sakio is going to try to take my title, but I’m prepared for that.


I know he was a champion. I made the move from 168 para 175 pounds and it worked well for me. I expect him to bring his best at 175 libras. He’s a former champ so I’m preparing to face a champion.


I’m looking for the KO because I’m from the Kronk Gym. Knockouts sell. But I can go 12 rounds, that’s not a problem. I train for 12 rounds.


My trainer has given me a great plan. He knows Sakio Bika very well and we’ll see what happens in the ring.


Bika is still going to have the same power moving up in weight. He should actually be stronger.


I’m very focused because I know Bika is very dangerous. I know he’s going to come into the ring and try to give me trouble.


I’m a knockout artist. I can do a lot in the ring, but first and foremost I’m a knockout artist.


I’d love to unify the belts eventually, but I’ll let my manager Al Haymon take care of that.


My mentor Emanuel Steward always told me that as soon as I enter the ring the knockout is what sells. I’ll definitely be going for the knockout este sábado on CBS.


I’m ready to go toe-to-toe. Adonis Stevenson vs. Sakio Bika on CBS, baby.



Saki BULL:

To beat a great fighter you have to be your best. I’m looking to take the WBC title back home.


I’ve fought everyoneI’ve never ducked an opponentand I don’t know if he can handle the pressure.


I feel more comfortable at 175 libras. I want to test the big boy [Stevenson] and I feel like I can do that. O Sábado we’ll see.


He’s knocked people out, pero eu nunca fora nocauteado. O Sábado I’ll be the one to knock him out.


I’m very hungry to get a world title back. I trained very hard at light heavyweight to get a title back.


I didn’t come here to Canada just to walk and look around. I came here to take this belt back home and I’m very confident I’m going to do that.


Training camp went very well, we put in good work and now we’re here in Canada ready to shock the world.




Training camp was very good as always. Nothing different, just hard work perfecting his boxing and the basic fundamentals. We’re looking for him to make a mistake and catch him.


The way you prepare for an unorthodox fighter like Bika is to make sure your basics are sound. You have to have a good jab, you have to have good movement and you have to have ‘super powerAnd I have “Superhome.


Emanuel also told me the knockout sells. It’s something that we both know and it’s something that is imbedded in us. We’re looking for the knockout on Abril 4. Sometimes I see things that Adonis is looking to do before he does it. So I’ll just be sitting there waiting for Adonis to catch Sakio Bika making a mistake and getting a knockout.


I’m super proud to represent Kronk Gym. That’s why I wear my hat here. Kronk to me is like my family name and that’s what I live by. I was born into Kronk when I was a little kid going to a tournament with my uncle Emanuel and all I remember is the Kronk fighters winning. And that’s what I do now: gañar.


Adonis is an artist, he’s a KO artist. Miña previsión para Sábado is a knockout on CBS.


There’s been a lot of talk and now it’s time for action. Toe-to-toe on Abril 4. Non perda.”




“Tivemos un gran campo de adestramento. Everyone was relaxed. We had great sparring.


He was making 168 pretty easy, but stepping up he’s able to eat whatever he wants. The weight is good. We think he’s going to be good and strong at 175. It’s a good move for him.


He’s never had any problems with power, so I think the extra weight and energy should be good for him at light heavyweight.


All this talk about Stevenson fighting (Sergey) Kovalev has motivated him pretty good. I think it gave him a pretty good picture of how the business of boxing works. He realizes that when the bell rings he needs to do something about it and he’s motivated by that.


I can’t say if Stevenson is overlooking him because I’m not around him enough. But I know the fans and media want to make the Kovalev fight. It was good for Bika to hear that because it motivated him. He knows he has an opportunity to do something about it. O Sábado afternoon he can change all that.


If Stevenson does what he says he’s going to domeet him in the center of the ring and go toe-to-toethis is going to be a tremendous fight.


If he comes to the center of the ring and fights and goes toe-to-toe then this fight won’t go the distance. If Stevenson comes to trade I think he gets knocked out. If he runs around the ring and boxes then it could be a different outcome.




I don’t think this is a big challenge for me. I’m ready to face the world champions and raise the bar higher. This is just another opponent for me.


This is another step that will move me closer to facing the champions at 175 libras. I want to put on a solid fight and show that I’m one of the best fighters in this division.


A knockout is never a goal for me. I’m trying to show my work and my dedication in the ring, but usually that’s what happens. Usually I finish with a knockout but that is not my main goal. My main goal is to box and show my skills.


My motivation is to face the champions. That’s why I work so hard every day in the gym. I will get there soon.


Why not face Kovalev? Estou preparado. When I turned professional my goal was to meet the champions. He’s a champion now and I’d like to face the champions.




We started training Xan. 1 and camp has been very good. We’ve been working very hard and I think I’m in great condition for this fight.


Beterbiev may not have a lot of professional experience, but he’s had a very long amateur career. So we know that he’s ready and is a good opponent for us. We’ll see how he handles things once we get past the 5th, 6th e 7th rounds.


To get ready for a hard-hitter like Beterbiev required lots of conditioning training. We worked the neck and the chin a lot. We think we’ve got a great chance in the second half of this fight though considering Beterbiev hasn’t really been tested like that.


As for a prediction, I’m going to knock Beterbiev out in the seventh round.




Live on CBS, Maio 9 en 4 p.m. E/1 p.m. PT

HIDALGO, Texas (Abril 1, 2015) – Exciting and undefeated former lightweight world champion Omar “Panterita” Figueroa (24-0-1, 18 Kos) will take on former two-division world champion Ricky Burns (37-4-1, 11 Kos) in the main event when Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) returns to CBS on Sábado, Maio 9 (4 p.m. E, 1 p.m. PT), at the State Farm Arena in Hidalgo, Texas.


No co-main event, a pair of bantamweight world champions square off when Tomoki Kameda (31-0, 19 Kos) batallas Jamie McDonnell (25-2-1, 12 Kos).

Os billetes para o evento en directo xa están á venda e custan $150, $100, $75, $50, e $25, non incluíndo encargos de servizo aplicables e os impostos. Os billetes están dispoñibles no www.ticketmaster.com or at the State Farm Arena Box Office. Para cargar por teléfono, chame a Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000.


I am so excited to be bringing this huge event to my hometown,” Dixo Figueroa. “It is my dream to fight on such a big stage and bring this kind of attention to Hidalgo. My fans have supported me from day one, and I plan on showing them how grateful I am with a stellar performance on Maio 9.”


“Eu non podo esperar para esta loita. Ever since it was confirmed I’ve been absolutely buzzing in the gym,” said Burns. “I’ve had some great nights in Scotland winning and defending my world titles at two different weights but I have always wanted to box in America. Our styles gel perfectly for one hell of a fight, neither of us take a step backbring on Maio 9!”


This will be a home game for Figueroa, who will be making his initial start at 140 pounds after a hard-fought ninth-round knockout over Daniel Estrada in a slugfest last August. The 25-year-old Figueroa vacated his 135-pound belt after that defense. He became a champion in 2013 when he earned a unanimous 12-round decision over Nihito Arakawa in a brutal Fight of the Year battle. Figueroa, despite fighting with a cut on his nose from an accidental head-butt, registered two knockdowns in the memorable slugfest. Since then Figueroa defended his title twice, first with a split-decision victory over Jerry Belmontes and later with a ninth-round knockout against Daniel Estrada. Now the Weslaco, Texas native will move up in weight when he battles Burns on Maio 9.


An experienced fighter and former two-division world champion out of Scotland, Burns looks to add a huge victory to his resume when he takes on Figueroa. A champion in the junior lightweight and lightweight divisions, the 31-year-old owns victories over a host of accomplished fighters including Roman Martinez, Michael Katsidis and Kevin Mitchell. After suffering consecutive losses to Terrence Crawford and Dejan Zlaticanin, Burns bounced back to defeat Alexandre Lepelley in October 2014 and he will look to keep that momentum going on Maio 9.


An undefeated world champion out of Tokyo, Kameda announced his arrival stateside with a vicious knockout over Pungluang Sor Singyu in July 2014 en Las Vegas. Que era nocaute segunda defensa do título galo de Kameda despois que gañou o cinto de Paulus en Ambunda 2013. The 23-year-old followed up his U.S. estrea, cando derrotou Alejandro Hernandez en Chicago por decisión dividida. His next challenge comes when he faces fellow bantamweight world champion McDonnell.


The United Kingdom’s McDonnell has been on a tear since 2008 con 17 vitorias consecutivas. Máis recentemente, he became a bantamweight world champion with a victory over Tabtimdaeng Na Rachawat and later successfully defended against Javier Nicolas Chacon.


PBC na CBS, headlined by Figueroa vs. Queimaduras, is promoted by Warriors Boxing and Panterita Promotions in association with Matchroom Sport. The event takes place at State Farm Arena in Hidalgo, Texas with the CBS telecast beginning at 4 p.m. E/1 p.m. PT.


We’re very excited to bring this exciting fight to the great fight city of Hidalgo,” dixo Leon Margules, Presidente do Warriors Boxing. “I have no doubt that these two fighters are going to put on an incredible show for the fans at State Farm Arena.


Para máis información visite www.premierboxingchampions.com, siga no TwitterPremierBoxing, SHOSports, OmarFigueroaJr, @RicksterKO, TomokiKameda, @ JamieMcDonnell1, @WarriorsBoxPromo and become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo ewww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing ou visita o Blog Showtime Boxeohttp://theboxingblog.sho.com.

Adonis STEVENSON serve comida AT Sopa dos Pobres en Quebec City

Light Heavyweight Champ defende contra Sakio Bika

En primeiro ministro de Boxeo League (PBC) Evento On CBS

Este sábado, Abril 4, en 3 p.m. E/Noon PT

(World: Amanda Kwok / PBC na CBS)

QUEBEC, QUEBEC (Marzo 31, 2015) – Este sábado tarde, Abril 4, contundente campión mundial dos pesos pesados Adônis “Superhome” Stevenson (25-1, 21 Kos) pretende repartir abundancia de castigo cando defende contra o ex-campión mundial dos super-medios Sakio “O Scorpion” Touro (32-6-3, 21 Kos) no evento principal da presentación de estrea de Premier Boxeo League (PBC) na CBS Rede de televisión (3 p.m. E/Noon PT) do Pepsi Coliseum en Quebec City.


Hoxe, con todo, no que se fixo unha tradición antes das súas loitas no Pepsi Coliseum, Stevenson servido comida en A Casa Lauberivière, un abrigo e sopa de cociña local para homes e mulleres sen teito. Ademais de servir comida, Stevenson eo seu equipo tamén deu billetes, autografado pósters e pousou para fotos coa xente no abrigo e algúns dos seus fans locais.


En Sábado segunda principal na CBS, prometedora invicto dos medio-pesados Artur Beterbiev (7-0, 7 Kos) está probado cando afronta o ex-campión mundial dos pesos pesados Gabriel Campillo (25-6-1, 12 Kos) nun ataque 10-round.


# # #

PBC na CBS, encabezado polo luz loita polo campionato mundial dos pesos pesados ​​entre Stevenson e Bika, é promovida polo Groupe Yvon Michel (Ximnasio) e presentado por Videotron e en asociación con Mise-O-Jeu. Os ingresos xa están á venda na taquilla do Pepsi Coliseum en Quebec, chamando (418) 691-7211 ou (800) 900-7469, en liña en www.billetech.com, no Ximnasio (514) 383-0666 e Champion Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Os prezos das entradas varían $25 para $250 no chan.

CBS Sportscasters KEVIN HARLAN e Brent Stover analistas Paul Malignaggi e Virxilio HUNTER para chamar PREMIER boxeo Campións na CBS

SeRies Premieres Este sábado, Abril 4, na CBS en 3 p.m. E/Noon PT
Nova York (Marzo 31, 2015) - O equipo de transmisión para o Abril 4 estrea do Premier de Boxeo League (PBC) on CBS features a blend of highly respected sportscasters and shrewd boxing minds. Hosted by CBS Sports Network’s Brent Stover, As loitas serán chamados polo veterano play-by-play versátiles e respectados Kevin Harlan analistas arena Paul Malignaggi e transmisión recén chegado Virgil Hunter.


O PBC na CBS anunciar equipo vai inaugurar o primeiro de ata oito eventos en directo este ano comezando este Sábado, Abril 4, en 3 p.m. E/Noon PT. Campión mundial dos pesos pesados Adonis Stevenson (25-1, 21 Kos), de Montreal, will defend his title against former super middleweight world champion Saki Taurus (32-6-3, 21 Kos), de Sidney, Australia. Opening the two-fight afternoon broadcast will be undefeated Russian-born Canadian light heavyweight Artur Beterbiev (7-0, 7 Kos), de Montreal, de fronte para o ex-campión do mundo Gabriel Campillo (25-6-1, 12 Kos), de Madrid, España, de Pepsi Coliseum en Quebec City.


A emisora ​​veterano, Harlan chamou para os xogos da NFL 30 consecutive years. He joined CBS Sports’ NFL broadcast team as a play-by-play announcer in 1998. Harlan called CBS Sports’ HDTV coverage of the 2001 AFC Championship and Super Bowl XXXV. He has called CBS Sports’ cobertura do Campionato de Baloncesto da División I homes do NCAA desde 1999, including this year’s CBS/Turner coverage of the West Regional from Los Angeles. A well-versed radio broadcaster, this past season Harlan once again called play-by-play for NFL games with Boomer Esiason on Westwood One Radio Sports. Harlan and Esiason were the lead announce team on Westwood One for “Luns Night Football,"Playoffs, a Conference Championship game and the Super Bowl. This season marked Harlan’s fifth consecutive Super Bowl. Harlan called the NCAA Final Four and Championship games for CBS Radio Network and Westwood One for five consecutive years (2003-07), así como os rexionais (2009, 2010, 2011). Harlan’s boxing experience includes the 1995 Mike Tyson vs. Buster Mathis Jr. loita na FOX e varios eventos campionato de boxeo, el apelou radio. Harlan está na súa 28th estación transmitindo o NBA e chamou acción play-by-play para Turner Sports’ Cobertura dos Playoffs da NBA desde 1996 e xogos de tempada regular para TNT e TBS desde 1997.


A 34-year-old Malignaggi é un tempo de dous, dous división campión mundial. He is known for his passionate and honest assessment of live fights and fighters as an analyst for SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. An invaluable asset at ringside, Malignaggi aplica unha vida de experiencia persoal de boxeo para dinámico, ever-changing situations in the ring and articulates with aplomb. He’s been a regular ringside analyst since 2012.


The knowledgeable and sage Hunter is one of the most prominent and respected trainers in boxing. He has coached unbeaten super middleweight kingpin Andre Ward, Superastro británico e ex indiscutible 140 libras campión mundial Amir Khan e ex-campión mundial medio-medio Andre Berto e foi nomeado o 2011 Trainer of the Year by the Boxing Writers Association of America. Hunter is making his first foray into announcing on Abril 4 e ofrece unha perspectiva nova e única para o PBC na CBS.


Stover has served as studio host for CBS Sports Network since 2011. He joined the network in 2010 e ocupou diversos cargos, ata como locutor play-by-play para o fútbol, basketball and for Olympic sports. Prior to joining CBS Sports Network, Stover serviu como anfitrión, Referencia, reporteiro e play-by-play de voz para o Big Ten Rede e Fox Sports Net Centro-Oeste / Suroeste.


A segunda parte do PBC na CBS é Sábado, Maio 9, e vai poñer invicto Omar Figueroa, que baleiraron o Campionato Mundial Leve a subir de peso para 140 libras, contra o ex-campión Ricky Burns.


Datas adicionais para Premier Boxeo League na CBS serán anunciados inclúen transmisións en directo en xuño, Xullo e setembro, con ata tres eventos restantes no 2015 calendario. As transmisións de boxeo en directo pola CBS, distinta da estrea mencionado anteriormente, será transmitido en directo pola 4 p.m. E/1 p.m. PT.


The Premier Boxing Champions series was created for television by Haymon Boxing. É a primeira presentación dunha serie coherente de boxeo en directo pola CBS en 15 anos. The network aired a one-off live event featuring current WBC Super Bantamweight Champion Leo Santa Cruz in 2012. Antes diso, o último boxeo en directo na rede foi en 1997 cando entón campión dos medios Bernard Hopkins nocauteado Glen Johnson.


Boxeo en directo foi un grampo na rede en 1980, consistente con futuro Hall of Fame Thomas "The Hitman" Hearns, Roberto Duran, Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini and others. Historia do boxeo en CBS remonta 1948 cando os Pabst Blue Ribbon Bouts estreou con lendario comentarista Tintim por Tintim Russ Hodges.


Legendary Announce Trio Has Combined to Work

25 Super bowls, 25 Finais da NBA,

23 Xogos Olímpicos & 19 World Series

Costas para presentar recurso sobre Historia do Boxeo en Nova York

PBC na NBC Devolucións Sábado, Abril 11, Live at

8:30 PM ET na NBC, Presentando

Danny “Rápido” Garcia (29-0) vs. Lamont Peterson (33-2-1) &

“Irlandés” Andy Lee (34-2) vs. Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (31-0)

STAMFORD, Conner. – Marzo 31, 2015 – One of America’s iconic big-event broadcast voices, Bob Costas, will serve as a special contributor for NBC’s Sábado, Abril 11 primetime telecast of Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) na NBC, anunciouse hoxe.


Costas, host Al Michaels, and blow-by-blow announcer Marv Albert will work together on a broadcast for the first time ever on the PBC na NBC mostra Sábado, Abril 11 Vivir 8:30 p.m. E do Barclays Center, en Brooklyn. Costas presentará un recurso na longa historia do boxeo en Nova York.


Retornando á súa terra natal, Nova York para a cerimonia (Albert e Michaels son de Brooklyn, Costas de Commack, Long Island), o trío é sinónimo de grandes eventos deportivos – combinando a traballar 25 Super bowls, 25 Finais da NBA, 23 Xogos Olímpicos, 19 World Series, e moitos eventos campionato de boxeo na televisión e radio.


“Estamos moi contentos de ter tres dos deportes’ pesos pesados ​​de radiodifusión de todos os tempos – destacados, non peso – traballar xuntos na TV por primeira vez,” dito Sam Flood, Productor executivo, NBC Sports e NBCSN. “Apropiadamente, estes tres son compañeiros de equipo nun horario nobre NBC boxeo cerimonia.”


“Aínda que eu teña feito moitas transmisións con Al e con Marv, esta é unha oportunidade única para traballar no mesmo programa con dous dos grandes nomes de todos os tempos, ademais, é unha oportunidade para min e Al para renovar o noso debate en curso con Marv sobre cal foi a maior realización cinematográfica – Baseketball ou Os peixes que Pittsburgh Saved,” dixo Costas, que na 2014 Xogos de inverno de Sochi chegou U.S. primeiro anfitrión primetime 10-equipo olímpico de televisión (Jim McKay aloxado oito veces ao ABC).


“Eu nunca podería ter imaxinado iso,” dixo Michaels, en que 2015 en Domingo Night Football begins his record 30th consecutive season as the play-by-play voice of the NFL’s premier primetime broadcast package. “E para ter todo isto acontecer preto de onde todos nós medran que o fai moito máis especial. Moi, moi legal.”


“É unha honra formar parte deste grupo,” dixo Albert, que foi a voz nacional máis recoñecible da NBA desde 1990 ademais da súa 37 anos como a voz de radio e TV do New York Knicks. “Eu sempre tiven grande admiración polo traballo que Al e Bob fixo ao longo dos anos, e eu teño orgullo de chamalos de amigos.”


Michaels, Albert, Costas e será acompañado na cerimonia polo campión mundial analista e seis veces “Azucre” Ray Leonard, corner analyst B.J. Flores, e reporteiro Kenny Arroz.


O Sábado, Abril 11 PBC na NBC primetime show features four boxers with a combined 127-4-1 rexistro e 80 Kos – superestrela invicto Danny “Rápido” Garcia (29-0, 17 Kos) vs. Lamont Peterson (33-2-1, 17 Kos), and middleweight champion “Irlandés” Andy Lee (34-2, 24 Kos) vs. Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (31-0, 22 Kos).


Segue-se unha mirada adicional no mítico trío transmisións deportivas traballar seu primeiro evento en conxunto.


Conto da cinta


Como locutor play-by-play ou host, na televisión ou radio, Costas, Michaels e Albert teñen cada traballou o Super Bowl, Xogos Olímpicos, Finais da NBA e World Series en varias ocasións. A raíz dunha avaría


Locutor Eventos traballou
Bob Costas 11 Xogos Olímpicos, 11 Finais da NBA, 7 Super bowls, 7 World Series
Al Michaels 10 Super bowls, 8 Xogos Olímpicos, 8 World Series, 2 Finais da NBA
Marv Albert 12 Finais da NBA, 8 Super bowls, 4 Xogos Olímpicos, 4 World Series


PETICIÓN memorable


AL MICHAELS“Vostede cre en Milagres? Si!” – 1980 Xogos Olímpicos de inverno, U.S. Equipo de hoquei derrota Unión Soviética en semifinais


VMDR ALBERT“Si, e conta!” – Numerosas transmisións da NBA


BOB COSTAS“O New York Yankees…Campións do Mundo….Equipo da Década…máis exitosa franquicia do século.” – Final como Yankees varren Braves en 1999 World Series


GREAT trios


Mentres nós imos resistir a tentación de comparar a radiodifusión trio Costas-Michaels-Albert ao igual estimado Three Tenors (José Carreras, Placido Domingo, e Luciano Pavarotti), Séguese unha mostraxe de grandes trios deportes que polo menos un dos tres cubriu:


LeBron James-Dwayne Wade-Chris Bosh – Liderada polo trío All-Star, the Miami Heat advanced to four consecutive NBA Finals, gañando dous (2012 e 2013).


Greg Maddux-John Smoltz-Tom Glavine – Desde 1993-2002, o trío lanzando levou o Atlanta Braves para os playoffs cada tempada, gañou tres bandeirolas Liga Nacional e conquistou o 1995 Título da World Series.


Troy Aikman-Emmitt Smith-Michael Irvin — Apelidado “Os Triplets,” o Hall of Fame combinación receptor vólvese wide-executando quarterback liderou o Dallas Cowboys a tres vitorias do Super Bowl en catro tempadas (1992-95).


Magic Johnson-Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, James Worthy – O Hall of Fame Angeles Lakers trio avanzado para seis dos sete finais da NBA de 1983-89, gañando tres títulos con cada un gañando honores NBA Finals MVP xa.


Wayne Gretzky-Mark Messier-Jari Kurri – O Salón da Fama Edmonton Oilers liña de fronte trio gañou catro Copas Stanley en cinco anos entre 1984-88.


“Azucre” Ray Leonard-Thomas “Sicário” Hearns-“Marabilloso” Marvin Hagler – Hall of Fame medio-medio / medios trio capturado 15 títulos de boxeo en 1970 e 1980 atrasados.


Larry Bird-Kevin McHale-Robert Parish – O Salón da Fama tribunal fronte liderou o Boston Celtics a tres títulos da NBA e dúas viaxes adicionais para as finais da NBA na década de 1980.


Pete Rose-Joe Morgan-Johnny Bench – Baluartes do “O Big Red Machine,” levou Cincinnati Reds a tres bandeirolas Liga Nacional consecutivos, gañar a World Series en 1975 e 1976.


Willis Reed-Walt Frazier-Dave DeBusschere – Trio levou o New York Knicks para só dous títulos da NBA da franquía en un período de catro anos (1970 e 1973).


The debut PBC na NBC telecast on Saturday, Marzo 7 media 3.4 millón de espectadores, clasificando como a transmisión de boxeo profesional máis asistido en 17 anos (“Fight Night de Oscar De La Hoya” en FOX, 5.9 millón, Mon, Marzo 23, 1998). O PBC na NBC debut also led NBC to a Sábado primetime victory among Adults 18-49, cun 1.08 clasificación no perfil demográfico.


NBC e NBCSN presentará 20 vivir “PBC na NBC” eventos de boxeo en 2015. Dentro do 20 shows en vivo, NBC Sports Group presentará máis de 50 horas de cobertura PBC, incluíndo o NBCSN- e programación post-loita para telecasts NBC. The Premier Boxing Champions series is created for television by Haymon Boxing. O PBC na NBC contará con moitas das estrelas máis brillantes de hoxe, nas súas partidas máis atractivos.


Todo PBC na NBC shows will be streamed live on NBC Sports Viva extra vía “TV Everywhere,” dando aos consumidores o valor adicional para o seu servizo de sinatura, e facer o contido de alta calidade dispoñible para clientes MVPD tanto dentro como fóra da casa e en múltiples plataformas. NBC Sports Viva extra está dispoñible para escritorios na NBCSports.com/liveextra. O NBC Sports Viva extra app is available on the iTunes App Store, Google Play e Windows Store.


–NBC Sports Group–

Adonis STEVENSON, Saki BULL & ARTUR BETERBIEV medios conferencia

Lisa Milner

Grazas, operador. Thanks everyone for calling in. We have a great call today to talk about the debut of PBC on CBS taking place next Sábado, 04 de abril, de Pepsi Coliseum en Quebec City, Canadá. We are going to start with the main event guys it’s Adonis Stevenson, campión mundial dos pesos pesados; seu adestrador, “Azucre” Outeiro; Saki Taurus, ex-campión mundial dos super-medios; eo seu adestrador, Kevin Cunningham. We will also have Artur Beterbiev later. His opponent is training in Spain. Así, he will not be joining us. Pero, first let’s get some opening comments from the fighters and their trainers. Adônis, nos daría un pouco máis de información sobre como o adestramento de ir tendo en semana loita da semana?


Adonis Stevenson

Grazas a todos os medios de comunicación social. Quero agradecer a Al Haymon, meu director, great job. This is a good person for me and fight on CBS since like ’80 like Sugar Ray Leonard, Muhammad Ali. Vostede sabe, this is amazing. And the first championship they want to start in Canada, Cidade de Quebec. This is amazing. And I’m very glad to be part of that.


L. Milner

Gran. “Azucre” Outeiro, podería engadir nada ao que sobre o adestramento ou comenta sobre como Adonis está facendo en campo?

“Azucre” Outeiro

The training camp is going fantastic. We are here in his hometown of Montreal training at his gym. His gym is just opening. Así, this would be the first training camp held at this gym and for such a fight of this magnitude where Adonis is defending his world championship for the fifth time. I’ve only been here for one week any other time, but Montreal is a great place and a great place for training as well. The city has been so good and warm welcoming me here, e non vexo por que Adonis ama Montreal, e non vexo por que Montreal ama Adonis ben.

L. Milner

Gran. Grazas. Sakio, podería dar un comentario de apertura rápida sobre o campamento de adestramento?

Saki Taurus

Todo certo, en primeiro lugar, I want to thank everybody for giving me this big opportunity at the world title. . My training camp is going really well. Quero agradecer a Deus, vostede sabe, to give me this opportunity. Novo, we have a good training camp here. Everyone is happy. Estou feliz, and my coach is happy. All my kingdom is happy. I’m just looking for on Abril, o cuarto, para facer-se tres veces campión do mundo.

L. Milner

Awesome. Grazas. Señor. Cunningham, está aí? Could you add anything to that?

Kevin Cunningham

Si. To piggyback on what Sakio has just said, tivemos un campo de adestramento tremenda, great sparing. Todo está indo ben. Sakio understands the opportunity that’s before him, and we look to come to Canada and Montreal. And we’re going to into Adonishometown. Así, Eu estiven alí, que fixo. You got to go into the lion’s den and take the title. So that’s what we’re working on doing and that’s what we plan on doing.


L. Milner

Gran. Grazas. Ok, we’re going to go ahead and open it up for questions from the media. Operator, por favor pode facelo?



Adônis, so much talk about you fighting the other light heavyweight champions and who the real light heavyweight champion of the world is. What are your thoughts about these other guys and it is interfering with your concentration for your fight with Sakio on 04 de abril na CBS?


A. Stevenson

Si, Sei que eles teñen moito que falar sobre iso, pero eu estou moi centrado en Bika agora, because Bika is in my face now. I don’t see anybody. I don’t see anybody in my face now. It’s Bika. And I don’t underestimate him, e eu estou moi preparado para el. Eu vou estar preparado para el 04 de abril. Así, meu foco está Bika. Sei que eles teñen tantas persoas a falar comigo sobre como combater este, pero estou moi centrado nese cara.


Cal é o procedemento para a proba de drogas antes da 04 de abril?

A. Stevenson

Tres tempo na formación e xa é seis horas in the morning. Así, they come into the condo and to do a drug test and two times in the training after sparing. I think it’s good for the boxers, to protect them. I’m very glad about that. And when I got to fight, Eu sempre fago a proba, vostede sabe? Así, non é a primeira vez que eu facer a proba, but I always to do it. This is fantastic, Eu amo esa.


Pensas que iso era necesario para o boxeo para ter este tipo de proba?

A. Stevenson

Claro que é necesario porque, é axuda-. Así, é moi importante para asegurarse de que todo está indo moi ben. E iso é parte do boxeo e esa é a evolución. Estou moi contento e feliz e apoio que.


Sakio, o que pensas sobre iso?

S. Touro

Creo que é moi, moi bo, porque eu teño [inintelixible] since I’ve been here. I think it’s good for the new generation. It goes for this sport. Para min, Creo que é perfecto. É perfecto porque, tantas persoas [inintelixible] apousentar [inintelixible] drug and they never get tested. And now with new generation, Creo que é moi bo, vostede sabe, for younger kids to try to see if they want to win. Once you come in this sport you have to have been clean. É unha organización perfecta para levar as persoas implicadas no e proba-los. É a cousa perfecta para facer.


Así, tanto de ti será probado tres veces, dúas veces durante o campamento de adestramento, xa antes da loita? Is that correct, caras?

A. Stevenson

Eu non sei para el, but for me it’s three time. And we do a piss test, e facemos un exame de sangue, moi.

S. Touro

Si, for me it was three time. Then two blood testlike blood test and piss test. This is the third time them testing me since I was here.


A primeira pregunta que se fixo para Adonis sobre a súa preparación para a próxima loita e tamén a distracción en torno a todas as futuras adversarios potenciais, Quere comezar a engadir a mesma pregunta a Adonis novo.


A. Stevenson

Vostede sabe, o tipo de cousas como Bika é salvaxe e mostrou que veña–vostede sabe, he just keep coming. The kind of stuff like that, I love this kind of stuff because he’s large and keep pressuring. And so, amosa se comete un erro como este, entón será un nocaute moi pronto na loita.


A miña pregunta é para “Azucre” Outeiro. “Azucre”, Eu só quero saber se está satisfeito co estilo que foi escollido para esta próxima loita, se este é o tipo de proba que busca como adestrador.

S. Outeiro

En relación á procura dun estilo de Adonis para loitar–and actually it doesn’t really matter to me. I’m happy with the selection of Sakio Bika. I have no problem with his style. I actually like the style because he’s coming forward. He wants to fight, and Adonis loves to fight. Adonis likes to go to toe-to-toe, and he likes to box. This is important for the maturity and, Adonis para aprender máis sobre o boxeo para poder estar nel cun loitador como Sakio Bika, que é un forte, veterano determinada e resistente que pode soportar. He can take a punch. He’s never been knocked out or anything like that. Así, esta é unha oportunidade para Adonis ir quizais 12 rounds ou para as últimas roldas, que pode construír e engadir á súa carreira como loitando en roldas, que foi capaz de facer. Esta loita aquí con Bika é unha proba, e Adonis ama a ser probado. I love for him to be tested as well. This is the only thing that’s going to make him grow and become more of a talented fighter and become a bigger superstar.


Adônis, está mirando un duro 12 loita redonda ou ve isto como motivación como de ser o primeiro en bater este cara se esa oportunidade se presenta?

A. Stevenson

It is motivation for me. That’s why I train very hard. I know he’s large as well in his punch. And he wants to keep me pressured. I love this kind of style. And if he goes for 12 rounds eu estou listo para 12 rounds. I fight and spar. My fight is, aforradores e adestrando para 12 rounds.When eu entrar no arena, Estou buscando o KO. I don’t look for the 12 redondo. If he goes the distance or 12 rounds, this is not a problem. Podo caixa. I’m beautiful. I got a good skill. I’m a Superman. Así, it’s not a problem for me. Pero, first I’m looking for a knockout. And I think any boxer going in the ring to fight always looks for a knockout. Ás veces, it’s not like that. Pero, me, Estou buscando o KO. And Emanuel said knockouts sell.


You said that you weren’t impressed with Kovalev’s performance over Jean Pascal. Do you want to put on a better performance? Do you feel pressure to put on a better performance since you said that? What do you think about that?

A. Stevenson

I’m not going to put pressure on myself. “Superhome” non sente presión. Vou usar a miña habilidade de boxeo, e eu vou usar a miña cabeza no arena. I don’t have to put pressure on something like that. I don’t feel like that. I’m the man. I’m the guy to get beat.


Foi Sakio Bika o primeiro adversario que se ofreceu para ti?

A. Stevenson

Si, it was the first. He was the first to open. We’re happy, and we don’t have a problem. And I know Sakio he was light–non, super middleweight champion. It’s very good, porque é un bo boxeador. He was champion last two fights. That’s a good opportunity for him, moi, para ir de leve un peso-pesado para loitar comigo. And it’s a good opportunity for me, moi.


Quero preguntarlle en que punto di a si mesmo, “Teño que loitar,” ou “Quero loitar Sergey Kovalev para unificar todo cintos da división.” At what point did you say that in your career?

A. Stevenson

I don’t think about Kovalev now. I think about Bika. It doesn’t matter what I said now because I have a fight coming up with Bika. Pero, seguro que quero loitar por títulos, pero agora–por agora eu teño Bika na miña cara.


Non quedaron impresionados coa maneira que Kovalev mirou na loita contra a outra semana Pascal. Por?

A. Stevenson

I’m not impressed by it because this is the first big fight Pascal had since Bernard and he fights one time a year before Bernard Hopkins. Así, in four years he fights one time. Así, é por iso que non estou impresionado con iso, Pascal porque non é un boxer activo como adoitaba estar de volta o día.



Vostede sabe que Kovalev, because of the WBC is going to be mandatory. I want to know how hard will you press for that mandatory if you’re successful again.

A. Stevenson

Claro, Sei. I’m ready to fight a title. Pero, Eu deixei o meu equipo, Al Haymon, importa iso. Then after that Kovalev we can unify the title. It’s not a problem for me because the two titles he gets now he gets Bernard Hopkins’ Título, e que eu debería loitar contra Bernard Hopkins.


Esta é unha loita que vai ser en rede nacional nos Estados Unidos, free TV. Have you given any thought about the fact that you’ll be performing in front of an audience probably bigger than has ever seen you fight ever?

A. Stevenson

Claro. This is a good opportunity for that. And first of all, Quero agradecer a Al Haymon para que, moi, porque, that’s him putting on the show. And since Muhammad Ali and Sugar Ray Leonard, back in the day it was free. Agora, we offer the public the fight for free and that’s a great opportunity for me. Así, I have a good performance for Sakio Bika. Pero, I know Sakio Bika is a tough opponent and he’s very awkward and tough. We’ll prepare for that, e nós estamos preparados. Tamén é moi bo para os nenos e mozos, asistir a loita. É unha boa oportunidade para todos.


Con ese gran potencial de observación de público que non ía poñer-lo nunha posición en que está a buscar un nocaute?

A. Stevenson

Claro. That gives me a lot of motivation. That’s why I train really hard for this fight and watch–para que a xente me asista. Since Muhammad Ali, I’m the first to be poor and the projects. Así, Estou moi, moi feliz, and I’m going to put a good performance. Like Emanuel said, nocautes vender.


Adônis, onde está adestrando esta semana? E logo, cando está realmente indo para Quebec City?

A. Stevenson

You know I opened a new gym in Quebec City. This is a good opportunity for me to train in my hometown. This is the first time since 2011. Podo ver o meu fillo, moi. Así, Eu amo esa. And we train very hard, eu e meu adestrador. We put the hard work pay off. This is different. This is a good opportunity for me, e eu adoro iso.


Así, está en Quebec City agora continuación?

A. Stevenson

I’m in Montreal now. Cidade de Quebec, Vou esta semana.


Así, cando vai realmente ir Quebec City?

A. Stevenson



Novo, my question goes to Adonis. I just want to know if a knockout is the result that you absolutely need or would you be disappointed if you didn’t win by a knockout against Bika?

A. Stevenson

I know Bika is a tough opponent. Así, Estou preparado para 12 rounds. Se o nocaute existe, it’s there. If it’s not, it’s not. Pero, no anel, Estou buscando o KO. Así, non importa para min, but I’m always looking for the knockout. That’s a Kronk. The Kronk Gym and my team we’re looking for that. Since the Kronk it’s been a while. They’re always looking for the knockout. If you’re training in the Kronk Gym and any fighter is looking for the knockout.


Pero, isto pode ser perigoso para estar sempre buscando un nocaute, porque entón se non obtelo tan axiña como quere, entón podes estar lonxe do seu estilo de boxeo. Is that something that worries you?

A. Stevenson

Podemos ir 12 redondo. It’s not a problem for me. We train for that. We train for that. I can go 12 redondo. And I’m from Kronk Gym, Detroit. And this place, temos unha boa, bo adestrador como Emanuel “Azucre” Outeiro. They know boxing. They teach me very well my skill and everything and my balance. They know boxing. And so, saben que o KO non está alí, pero nós estamos indo para o traballo. We’re going to use the good ability to go for 12 rounds. It’s not a problem.


Sakio, Eu só quero saber, como se sente para vostede neste campo de adestramento para adestrar para unha loita de pesos pesados ​​luz despois de pasar practicamente toda a súa carreira nun dos super-medios?

S. Touro

Eu sinto que foi un novo reto para ir cara arriba e tentar loitar contra o gran touro. Cando ve o meu réxime, ninguén quere loitar comigo. Foi sempre un pouco difícil, porque a xente non queren pelexar comigo. Para min é un gran desafío porque Stevenson, Adonis é un gran campión e quero me facer o campión do mundo na vida. Eu estou moi seguro de que podo tratar con el. E vén Abril 4, porque eu teño unha boa preparación, , un gran compañeiro sparing, Eu só ollar para ti ver como podo xestione o gran touro. Adonis é o primeiro para min con ese peso, but I just feel confident, Síntome positivo. Estou preparado, vostede sabe, para ir alí e amosar á xente no mundo que podo gañar Adonis Stevenson en Abril 4. I want to tell the big bull. I want to move up in light heavyweight division, eAbril 4 persoas van ser velo.


Será que o peso se sentir mellor para vostede? Do you see yourself staying at light heavyweight?

S. Touro

Véxome como un dos medio-pesados. Eu me vexo no medio-pesado, porque ve tantos campións mundiais. For me just it’s just a challenge. I want to challenge myself. Podo facer luz abondo fácil. It would be a struggle to do super middleweight. Vostede sabe, Podo facer-pesado realmente facilmente. Podo manexar o gran touro, porque eu tratar con todos. This is a big opportunity for me to try to see if can I handle the big bull. I can handle Adonis. tal como Abril 4, I will try to test myself. You all ready? Estou preparado. Eu teño unha boa preparación,. Nós entrenamos moi duro para esta loita. Estou só mirando para chegar a Quebec e coidar dos negocios.


Ao mesmo tempo, estaba na loita Sergey Kovalev / Jean Pascal, e foi ata HBO comentarista no momento, Bernard Hopkins, and you told him that you guarantee that you will fight Sergey Kovalev. I wanted to see what your answer was to what you think of Sergey Kovalev and his performance o sábadonoite un par de fins de semana.

A. Stevenson

Pascal non importa agora, porque estamos falando Bika. Eu vou a loitar Abril 4 con Bika. É unha cousa moi dura sobre Bika e Kovalev non é unha persoa agora cando eu penso sobre a loita con Kovalev e Pascal e, a continuación, despois de que eu dixen, “Ben, si, Vou loitar.” He’s not a person for me now. The person now is Bika.


Vostede pode garantir que a súa próxima loita sería contra Kovalev en maio do ano pasado, despois de 12 rounds against Fonfara. You beat Fonfara.

A. Stevenson

You can’t guarantee. It’s not working like that. It’s not football. It’s not hockey. And one punch can change anything. So now I got Bika in my face, e eu estou moi centrado con Bika, because I know this guy gives problems to all the champions. He was champion. And I know this fighter is tough.

L. Milner

Ok. Gentlemen, thank you so much for your time. I think this call really set in motion a great week and a half heading into the fight. Así, thank you so much. We’re going to switch over to Mr. Beterbiev.

Artur Beterbiev

Eu gusto da miña formación, and I am training hard. And it was all planned. Así, todo foi de acordo co plan de. É un rival serio. Eu non podo esperar para ter esa loita.


Artur, you defeated Sergey Kovalev in the amateurs. What do you think of him as far as a professional opponent right now?

A. Beterbiev

Tendo en consideración as súas declaracións de que recentemente producidas, Quere atopar con el e poñelas de volta no seu lugar no profesional.


O que lembra sobre el como un mozo que está loitando contra ti? What do you remember?

A. Beterbiev

Eu teño unha memoria moi boa. Así, Eu fixen vencelo dúas veces nas filas afeccionados, pero estou máis centrado no futuro agora. Gustaríame vencelo novo.


Artur, podería describir como se sente a súa carreira está indo para arriba neste momento?

A. Beterbiev

Eu gusto da forma que eu teño sido levado na miña carreira profesional. Estou adestrando todos os días e todos os días a traballar e sempre pensando que. Eu sempre intento mellorar e mellorar miñas pezas non que fortes, as part of my preparation.I’m not a future teller. Así, I’m ready to meet all the solid opponents. And I’m ready for the championship of the world, e eu estou preparado para calquera escenario.


Hai algún interese en ti loitando contra o vencedor do Stevenson / Bika?

A. Beterbiev

Podería loitar contra calquera.


¿Que pensas de Campillo e que tipo de retos que Campillo presenta para ti, porque ten experiencia moito máis profesional do que ten?

A. Beterbiev

Si, I have a lot of respect for Campillo because he’s very experienced. For sure he has more experience than I do. He has experience winning and losing, e el é un adversario sólido, pero a loita vai amosar a súa linguaxe profesional podería axudar nesta loita.


O que aprendeu cun knockdown?

A Beterbiev

I don’t think that was a knockdown. I just lost my balance for an instant. I recovered right away instantly. But I still think that this is a good lesson for me for this not to happen in the future. And I’m going to try to avoid any dangerous situations in my future.


Como ve Campillo, que tipo de loitador é el, e hai algunha parte do seu estilo–calquera elementos de seu estilo que pode ser preocupante?

A. Beterbiev

Este é un opponent.He do sólido funcionando moi ben, very experienced at attack. He’s very experienced at defense. A loita vai amosar o que vai pasar.

L. Milner

Ok, gran. Grazas. Grazas, Artur. Thanks everybody for being on. A special thanks to the media. This is a great show 04 de abril na CBS regulares, PBC on CBS right from Quebec City. Así, moitas grazas e teña un gran día.


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PBC na CBS, encabezado polo luz loita polo campionato mundial dos pesos pesados ​​entre Stevenson e Bika, é promovida polo Groupe Yvon Michel (Ximnasio) e presentado por Videotron e en asociación con Mise-O-Jeu.
Os ingresos xa están á venda na taquilla do Pepsi Coliseum en Quebec, chamando (418) 691-7211 ou (800) 900-7469, en liña en www.billetech.com, no Ximnasio (514) 383-0666 e Champion Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Os prezos das entradas varían $25 para $250 no chan.

Para máis información visite www.sports.sho.com e www.groupeyvonmichel.ca, seguir en Twitter emSHOSports, yvonmichelgym, AdonisSuperman ESakio_Bika, seguir a conversa usando #StevensonBika, tornar-se un fan en Facebook enwww.facebook.com/SHOBoxing ou visita o Blog Showtime Boxeo http://theboxingblog.sho.com.