Yorliq Archives: Premer boks Chempionlar



Chikagodagi (May 12, 2015) – Cuban boxing sensation Erislandy “American Dream” Lara (20-2-2, 12 KOS)bo'yicha ringga qaytadi Juma, Iyun 12 to face veteran Delvin Rodriguez (28-7-4, 16 KOS) as Premier Boxing Champions heads back to Spike.


Bundan tashqari, Russian knockout artist Artur Beterbiev (8-0, 8 KOS) is set to square off against the ring-savvy Doudou Ngumbu (34-6, 13 KOS) of Haute-Garonne, Frantsiya.


Mix bo'yicha PBC Ushbu nashr da boshlanadi 9 p.m. VA. Ochiq UIC Pavilion da Doors 5 p.m. CTbirinchi kurash majmui uchun bilan 5:30 p.m. CT.


I’m very excited to be fighting on Spike TV on June 12th in Chicago.said Erislandy “American Dream” Lara. “Delvin Rodriguez is a tough veteran fighter who I respect. He has a lot of heart and determination. But once the bell rings I’m looking for the knockout!”


“To'g'risida Iyun 12, I am going to change everyone’s mind about me and show that I can beat Lara,” Said Rodriguez.


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, Guruh Yvon Mishel bilan birgalikda Warriors boks tomonidan targ'ib qilingan (SPORTZAL), fiyatlandırılır $151, $101, $51, va $31, Amaldagi xizmat xarajatlarni, shu jumladan emas, va hozir indirimdedir. Asosiy kredit karta bilan telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000 yoki UIC Pavilion Box Office da (312) 413-5740. Chiptalar ham mavjud www.ticketmaster.com yoki UIC Pavilion Box Office tashrif buyurib, (Payshanba yoki Juma 9:00 A.M.4:00 p.m.).


32-yoshli Lara is a slick boxer with the ability to deliver punishment while taking very little of it in return. Lara Alfredo Angulo ustidan g'alaba qozondi, Ishga qabul qilish davomida Austin Trout va Freddy Hernandez. Amatör sifatida, Lara ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn bir milliy chempionat, shu jumladan, ko'p unvonlari qo'lga kiritdi va ham ishtirok etdi 2007 Pan-am o'yinlar. Guantanamodagi dastlab qiruvchi, Cuba but fighting out of Houston most recently defeated former world champion Ishe Smith on his way to his 20th professional g'alaba.


Already deep into an accomplished career, 35 yoshli Rodriguez looks to give Lara a stiff test and entertain the crowd at UIC Pavilion on June 12. Having battled the likes of Miguel Cotto and Austin Trout, Rodriguez has also picked up victories over Mike Arnaoutis, Pawel Wolak and Shamone Alvarez throughout his accomplished career. Born in Santiago de le Caballeros, Dominican Republic but fighting out of Danbury, Connecticut, Rodriguez will look to improve on his last outing, a draw against Joachim Alcine in May 2014.


U professional duch har bir raqibini qavatli qilib, Endi 30 yoshli sobiq havaskor standout Beterbiev Chikagoda tirik uning nokaut chiziq tutish izlab bo'ladi. Ichida Tavoris Cloud ustida ta'sirli g'alaba tishli qilib 2014 va Gabriel Campillo shu yilning boshida, the heavy-fisted Russian knows he’ll be tested with an experienced opponent on June 12.


Following a hard-fought loss to Andrzej Fonfara in November 2014, France’s Ngumburebounded nicely with a knockout win in January of this year. The battle-tested 33-year-old veteran will look to use his wealth of professional experience at UIC Pavilion in order to emerge victorious.


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-boks-chempionlari, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, @LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm VaSpikeTV va Facebookda muxlisi bo'l www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromova www.Facebook.com/Spike.

Yulduz endigina Guerrero Los Anjeles jangga’ Shanba kuni tushdan keyin O'Z ARON MARTINEZ, IYuN 6 NBC Premer boks Chempionlar Carson IN STUBHUB MARKAZI kelsa AS, CALIF. AT boshlash 3 P.M. ET / peshin PT

Ko'proq! Chris Arreola & Alfredo Angulo

Alohida johillik raqobat uchun

Iso Cuellar o'rtasida bir tuklar Showdown & Vic Darchinyan

CARSON, CALIF (May 11, 2015) –Robert “Sade” Jangchi (32-3-1, 18 KOS) xalqqa qaytadi, deb qarshi off u maydonlar Aron Martinez (19-3-1, 4 KOS) shanba kuni kunduzi, Iyun 6 Premer boks Chempionlar sifatida (PBC) NBC Carson yilda StubHub markazi keladi, Calif. adabiyot da boshlanadi 3 p.m. VA/peshin PT.


Ko'p yillik yulduzlar ham kartada xususiyatli bor Chris “Nightmare” Arreola (36-4, 31 KOS) va Alfred “It” Angulo (22-5, 18 KOS) alohida johillik raqobat kim. A ishonch harakat yaxlitlash sifatida faoliyat qadoqlangan tuklar showdown bo'lish Iso Cuellar (26-1, 20 KOS) janglar Vic Darchinyan (40-7-1, 29 KOS).


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, TGB aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilingan, fiyatlandırılır $200, $150, $100, $50 va $25, Ortiqcha soliqlar, to'lovlar va xizmat to'lovlari, Endi sotuvga va AXS.com onlayn sotib olish uchun foydalanish mumkin.


“Men xalqqa tez qaytishiga qilish kerak juda xursandman, ayniqsa NBC.” Said Guerrero. “Bu sharaf asosiy voqea sifatida yana bir bor StubHub markazida jang qilish uchun. Men har doim kabi uni olib va ​​muxlislar ajoyib kurash berish ketyapman. Qo'ng'iroq chalinadi uchun men kutish mumkin emas!”


“Men tarmoq televidenieda Robert Guerrero jang qilish imkoniyati yaratilgani uchun juda xursandman,” Said Martinez. “Mening oxirgi kurash beri, Men sport zali juda qiyin ish edi ayting. Men dunyoni zarba istayman va sade mag'lub etdi.’ Bu haqda hech qanday xato qilish, Men g'olib kelishi qilyapman.”


“Men shunday baxtli mening oxirgi kurash so'ng tez orada xalqqa qaytarib olish kerak emasman [Qadam tashlamoq 13],” Said Arreola. “imkoniyat band bo'lish va StubHub markazida jang katta va men ko'nikmalarini namoyish rejasi uchun.”


“Men avval bir necha marta jang qilib, qaerda, men Janubiy Kaliforniya bunday buyuk kartasida jang qilish uchun imkoniyat uchun minnatdorman,” Said Angulo. “Men uchun muhim kurash sifatida ko'rish va men muxlislari xafa bo'lmaydi, deb bilaman.”


“Biz StubHub markazi qaytish uchun juda xursandmiz va bilan ishlash

Bir harakat-qadoqlangan kartada NBC jamoasi” dedi TGB aktsiyalar Tom Brown. “Robert Guerrero va Aron Martinez ochish kamariga fireworks beradi

asosiy tadbir va biz dahshatli undercard janjal to'liq karta qo'shib olaman

Janubiy Kaliforniya kurash muxlislari uchun o'yin-kulgi to'liq tushdan keyin uchun.”


32-yoshli Jangchi Gilroy chiqib, Kaliforniya Andre Berto ustidan g'alaba egalik, Saljuq Aydin va Michael Katsidis. U, eng so'nggi kirish PBC kartasida Keyt Thurman qarshi ajoyib ishlashi bilan muxlislarini elektrlashtirilgan Qadam tashlamoq 7 bu yil. To'rt vazn toifasida sobiq jahon chempioni, Guerrero boshqa ustun ishlash qo'yish ko'rinadi Iyun 6 StubHub markazida.


Uruapan tug'ilgan, Michoacan de Okampo, Meksika, lekin East Los Anjeles chiqib jang, Martinez iyun kuni o'z StubHub markazi debyutini qiladi 6. 33 yoshli qaytib pro 2005 va bir texnik durang oldin uning dastlabki etti boshlanadi qo'lga kiritdi 2007 Vito Gaspayran qarshi. Martinez birga chaqib A qattiq qiruvchi 10 o'rtasida to'g'ri g'alabalar 2009 va 2012..


34-yoshli Arreola mart kuni ajoyib bir vazn toifasida o'yinda ham Curtis Harper mag'lub 13 Ontario, Calif. Escondido tug'ilgan, Calif. lekin Los Anjeles chiqib jang, Arreola uzoq og'ir vazn toifasida tabaqada eng qo'rqinchli Perforatörler biri bo'ldi. Bo'linish eng yaxshi ostiga olgan, Arreola bu darajada muvaffaqiyatli bo'lishi uchun nima qiladi biladi va iyun kuni uning mamlakatni muxlislarini shug'ullangan ko'rinadi 6.


Monterrey'dan yilda tug'ilgan A qattiq kurash Meksika jangchi, Baja Kaliforniya, Meksika lekin Coachella chiqib jang, Calif.,Angulo Uning qabul qilingan mamlakatni muxlislar oldida katta g'alaba uchun qidirmoqda. Sport eng yaxshi qarshi har doim tayyor, 32 yoshli dunyoning eng yaxshi jangchilar ba'zi barmog'i-to-oyoq ketdi va Gabriel Rosado ustidan g'alaba nokaut ushlab oldi, Joachim Alcine va Joel Julio.


Buenos-Ayres chiqib A tez-turish yulduz, Argentina, Cuellar uni amalga oshirish uchun ko'rinadi 10 iyun kuni Darchinyan urushlar ketma-ket g'alabalar 6. Ikki qo'li Uning kuch-sentyabr oyida Puerto-Riko icon Xuan Manuel Lopez ikkinchi davra qirg'in, shu jumladan, uning oxirgi to'qqiz g'alabalarni olti knockouts uni olib keldi. 2014. U StubHub markazida uzuk kirib, uning birinchi martaba Kaliforniya boshlash qiladi 28 yoshli.


Eng yaxshi featherweights muhokama qaytib o'zini qo'yish Looking, 39-yoshli Darchinyan portlovchi Cuellar to'ntarish uchun tajriba turdagi bilan keladi. A sobiq jahon chempioni, Glendale chiqib jang Armaniston qiruvchi, Kaliforniya, bu yil fevral oyida Xuan Jimenez ustidan to'qqizinchi davra oltinchi raundda texnik nokaut off keladi. Bunday Abnur Mares kabi uch talabgor qarshi jang qilib, Nonito Donaire va Nicholas Walters, Darchinyan ham Yonnhy Peres ustidan g'alaba egalik, Xorxe Arce va Cristian Mijares.


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com va www.nbcsports.com/boxing, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, NBCSports, GHOSTBOXING, NightmareBoxing, @ ElPerro82, JesusCuellarBOX & VicDarchinyan Va Facebookda muxlisi bo'l www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, va www.facebook.com/NBCSports.


Jamie McDonnell Earns Close Decision Over

Tomoki Kameda

Bosing BU YERGA For Photos From Esther Lin/PBC on CBS

HIDALGO, Texas (May 9, 2015) – Omar “Panterita” Figueroa (25-0-1, 18 KOS) remained undefeated as he put on an exciting show in front of a raucous hometown crowd and earned a unanimous decision over Ricky Berns (37-5-1, 11 KOS) on Premier Boxing Champions on CBS live from State Farm Arena in Hidalgo, Texas.


Figueroa was the sharper fighter who landed harder punches and was able to dictate the pace of the fight. Burns was deducted a point in both the eighth and 11th rounds by the referee for excessive holding. “Panterita” ballaringizni tomonidan qo'lga kiritdi 116-110 ikki marta va 117-109.


In the first televised fight of the afternoon, British star Jamie McDONNELL (25-2-1, 12 KOS) earned a narrow but unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Tomoki “Mexicanito” Kameda (31-1, 19 KOS). McDonnell was knocked down for the first time in his career by a sharp right hand from Kameda in round three but quickly recovered to win by a score of 114-113 Barcha uch sudyalarga’ kartochkalar.


Here are what the fighters had to say after their bouts:


Umariy Figueroa


Fighting a fight like that, it takes a lot to go even four rounds, much less 12. With a fighter like that, leaning on you and using his weight on you it’s tough. I’m just glad I was in shape and didn’t let my fans down.


I’m a very offensive fighter, so the holding kind of slowed me down. I tried to do what I could and, thankfully, the judges saw that.


My hands are a little sore, but I really did hold back on my punches, especially because he has one of those European guards where he holds his hands up high and his elbows are exposed. I had to be careful going to the body because that’s how I hurt my hands most times, from hitting the elbows. I felt ridiculously strong at the new weight, but I didn’t think my hands would hold up, so I was holding back and trying to win the fight on points and if I could hurt him I would try to stop him.


He was punching me behind the head, so I felt like I had to do the same. If you want to play like that, I can play that game.


At the end of the fight, he came with a good body shot that hurt me a bit. That’s why I slowed down at the end. I have to give it to Ricky. He’s a tough fighter.


It’s time to rest up. I’ve been training since the beginning of the year and I deserve a little rest.




We knew it was going to be a tough fight, but I didn’t agree with the deductions for holding. I thought he was holding as much as me and that’s why I had to tie him up.


We moved up in weight for this one but still had some trouble making weight, but I didn’t want to jeopardize my chance to fight in America.


I think it was his size that gave me problems more than anything. I don’t know what weight he was in that ring, but it was a lot bigger than me.


The plan was to try to stick to boxing for the first half of the fight, but once the size really took over I had to stand and exchange more than I would have liked. I couldn’t get him off of me. I’ve got no excuses, as I said the best man will win.


I always leave everything in the ring and that’s all I can do. I hope everyone who watched enjoyed the fight.


We’ve enjoyed the experience of being in the U.S., obviously the decision didn’t go our way which puts a damper on it, but overall everyone here in Texas has been great. I want to say a big thank you to everybody. I hope to back again.




I felt in control all the way through. It was a great performance. I know I should have just boxed but I wanted to fight.


I didn’t think I was going to get the decision being abroad, but it’s more than spectacular to come out of here victorious. He’s a great, mag'lubiyati chempioni.


His speed surprised me on the knockdown. I knew he was going to be fast, but I didn’t expect it like that. I didn’t see the shot and next thing I knew I was on the floor.


Hit and move, hit and move, that was the strategy. I remember being in there and thinking, ‘Man, this isn’t easy.I knew the crowd was going to go his way but it was a great experience.


It’s been a fantastic time being here in America. I’d like to see some familiar faces but it’s a new experience. I was up against it but I knew I could pull it off. I knew deep inside that I could do it.


I think I’m going to move up in weight. I want to catch the big fights before they’re gone.




I think I won the fight. I did enough to win. He did a lot to win the last rounds, but I did more over the fight. I don’t agree with the judges decision, but I respect it.


I knew he would get up after the knockdown because he’s a world champion. He’s a great fighter and I take my hat off to him, but I won the fight.


“Men revanshi istayman.”


# # #


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, SHOSports, OmarFigueroaJr, @RicksterKO, TomokiKameda, @ JamieMcDonnell1, @WarriorsBoxPromo and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo vawww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing yoki kvplt_fan boks blogiga tashrif http://theboxingblog.sho.com.


Shanba kuni peshindan keyin, MAY 23

Bundan tashqari, mag'lubiyatsiz Xaver Fortuna Brayan Vaskes bilan jang qiladi

Undercard harakatida

Andre Dirrellni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun Undercard janglari va boshqalar. James DeGale

Supero'rta vazn toifasidagi jang

Boston (May 8, 2015) – Hayajonli engil korchalonlari Edwin Rodriguez (26-1, 17 KOS)va Kreyg Baker (16-0, 12 KOS) ringni yoqing Shanba, May 23 Bostonda NBC telekanalida Premer Boxing Championsning Xotira kuniga bag'ishlangan maxsus nashri doirasida.


NBCdagi jonli PBC tadbiri boshlanadi 4:30 p.m. VA/1:30 p.m. PT va qadar davom etadi 6:00 pm. VA / 3:00 p.m. Harakat dan NBCSN orqali o'tadi PT 6:00 p.m. VA/3:00 p.m. PT qadar 7:00 p.m. VA/4:00 p.m. PT.


Keyingi undercard harakat kovaklariga bir juft xavfli junior lightweights sifatida Javier Fortuna(27-0-1, 20 KOS) va Brayan Vaskes (34-1, 18 KOS)Boston universitetining Agganis arenasida jang qiling. Ushbu undercard janglari o'rtasidagi super o'rta vazn toifasidagi musobaqani qo'llab-quvvatlaydi Andre Dirrell (24-1, 16 KOS) va James DeGale (20-1, 14 KOS).


“Men ushbu ajoyib kartada bo'lish uchun ushbu imkoniyatdan foydalanmoqchiman,” Said Rodriguez. “Men dunyoga va barcha engil vazn toifalarini ko'rsataman, ayniqsa Kovalyov, Stivenson va Fonfara, Kreyg Beykerning mag'lubiyatsiz rekordini qiziqarli tarzda qabul qilib, men hisoblanishim kerak bo'lgan kuch ekanligimni.”


“Men ushbu jang taqdim etadigan imkoniyatdan foydalanishga tayyorman,” - dedi Beyker. “A g'alaba May 23 meni jahon chempionligi uchun kurashga yaqinlashtiradi va men shunchaki katta ishni amalga oshirishni orzu qilganman. Men Rodrigesni oldin ham ko'rganman va u yaxshi jangchi, lekin men Bostondagi jang muxlislari uchun shou ko'rsatishim uchun juda yaxshi holatda bo'lish uchun harakat qilyapman. Biz ajoyib lager o'tkazyapmiz va katta yutuqlarga erishmoqdamiz, narsalar juda qiziqarli bo'lishi kerak.”


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, qaysi Murphys boks bilan birgalikda DiBella Entertainment tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, fiyatlandırılır $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 va $35, Amaldagi xizmat ayblov va soliqlar, shu jumladan emas, va hozir indirimdedir. Chipta mavjud bo'ladiwww.ticketmaster.com. Telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000.


A qo'lga kiritdi muvaffaqiyatli havaskor 2006 Milliy Golden sportchisi oltin medal va bir 2005 U.S. Milliy chempionati oltin medal, 29-yoshli Rodriguez bu jangga so'nggi ikki jangining g'olibi sifatida kiradi. Dominikan Respublikasida tug'ilgan, ammo yaqin atrofdagi Vussterda jang qilgan, Mass., Rodrigesning yagona mag'lubiyati mag'lub bo'lmagan yulduz Andre Uordga keldi 2013 va u ilgari mag'lubiyati jangchilar Will Rosinsky ustidan g'alaba egalik, Jason Escalera va Esekiel Osvaldo Maderna.


Professionalga aylangan mag'lubiyatsiz jangchi 2008, Novvoy ayol masofa ichida oxirgi to'rtta raqibini to'xtatib, bu jangga kiradi. 31 yoshli futbolchi o'z uyida Entoni Greli va Serxio Kordoba ustidan g'alaba qozondi. 2014 va boshladi 2015 Umberto Savinni nokautga uchratib. O'zining tug'ilgan shahri Baytaun shahridan jang qilish, Texas, Beyker raqobatda bir qadam tashlab, katta g'alabaga intiladi.


Mag'lubiyatsiz va egasi a 4-0 yozib olish 2014, 25-yoshli Fortune taassurot qoldirmoqchi bo'lgan ortib borayotgan istiqboldir May 23. Luis Frankoga qarshi bo'lingan quradan so'ng 2013, u ketma-ket beshta jangda g'alaba qozonish uchun qaytib keldi. Dominikan Respublikasida tug'ilib o'sgan, "Fortuna" Abner Kotto ustidan g'alaba qozondi, Migel Roman va Patrik Hyland.


Jahon chempioni bo'lgan sobiq da'vogarning yagona mag'lubiyati Takashi Uchiyama bo'lgan 2012,Vazquez ta'sirchan besh jang g'alabali seriyasida bu kurashga keladi. 27 yoshli futbolchi o'z faoliyatini shu bilan boshlagan 29 g'alaba qozondi va yaqinda Serxio Tompson ustidan g'alabalarni qo'shdi, Xose Feliz kichik. va Rene Gonsales. Kosta-Rikadan jang, Vaskesda may oyida g'alaba qozonish uchun katta imkoniyat bor 23.


* * *


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, www.AgganisArena.com va www.dbe1.com, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, AndreDirrell, @ JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, NBCSports VaAgganisArena va Facebookda bir fan bo'lib www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports,www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/DropkickMurphys vawww.facebook.com/MurphysBoxing. #PremierBoxingChampions Va #PBConNBC yordamida suhbat qiling


Bosing BU YERGA For Photos From Esther Lin/PBC on CBS

Live On CBS Sports Starting at 4 P.M. VA/1 P.M. PT

HIDALGO, Texas (May 7, 2015) – Uchun hafta jang Premer boks Chempionlar bo'yicha CBS continued Thursday as televised fighters Omar “Panterita” Figueroa, Ricky Berns, Tomoki “Mexicanito” Kameda, Jamie McDONNELLva Austin “Shubhasiz” Gulmohi spoke to the media at the final press conference before their respective bouts taking placeShanba, May 9 Davlat Farm Arena da.


Here are what the participants had to say Thursday:


Umariy Figueroa


This is the biggest fight of my career thus far. I have my brother on the undercard and it’s here at home. Bu u. I think it’s great for people from the Valley to get a huge card like this here. They haven’t seen this since Vasquez vs. Marquez, so I hope to bring that level of boxing back to the Valley.


I definitely feel more pressure but the good kind of pressure. I’ve thrived on pressure my whole life. I was a pitcher for a long time. I was a closer. So I’ve been in situations where it’s bases loaded and we’re down so many runs and I’ve got to keep the game close. Bu men uchun yashash nima.


I haven’t seen any film of Ricky Burns. Haven’t watched him at all. But from what I’ve heard he’s a tough fighter in great shape, so if we go 12 rounds it’ll be a good 12 tur. I’m going to go out there and give it my all and win in the most impressive way possible.


It wasn’t difficult to give up my title. I don’t fight for titles. I don’t care for titles. I think they’re just aesthetic things. I’d rather please the fans with a good fight. I don’t care if I win a title at the end of the day, but if the fans are happy, I am happy.


I’m going to be a lot stronger at this new weight. I don’t know what to expect. I’m excited to get in the ring and find out.




When you’re in hard fights, that’s what brings out the best of you. I’m looking forward to getting in the ring and putting on a good performance and win some fans over here.


It’s a very tough fight and we knew that before we took it. Figueroa likes to come forward and be aggressive, but that can be his downside because he takes a lot of shots. We’re prepared for whatever happens on fight night and the best man will win.


Some people think I’ve come over here just to be an opponent but that’s not the case. I had a bad year but it’s all behind me. I’m going to get back to my winning ways.


This is everything I’ve ever wanted to accomplish in boxing. It’s going to be a hard fight but by the time the fight comes it will be just about four weeks that I’ve been in Texas.


I treat boxing as my job, when it comes to training and fighting I always give it 100 percent and leave it all in the ring and hopefully the fans will see that. Omar is never in a dull fight and I’m not one to back out.


We’ve treated this fight exactly the same as any other. Even though we’re in his hometown, as soon as that first bell goes that’s when it’s going to count. It’s just me and him in that ring.




It is a dream come true to fight on a network like CBS. Millions are now going to get to know me, get to know my style. Boxing is changing and to be part of that is a great honor to me.

It was not easy to relinquish my world titleI was the first Japanese to hold that title. It’s never easy to give up something that you’ve worked so hard for. But I respect the sanctioning body’s decision, they said I had to relinquish it and so I did. Hozir, I’m going for another title, and after that maybe unification.

McDonnell is a good boxer. He knows how to box and knows his way inside the ring. Most British fighters do that, move around a lot. Its not an easy style to face, but my team and I have a great strategy and we are going to win, we are going to win by knockout.

I love Mexico. I moved there when I was 15 with my family. I did all of my amateur and all my professional career there. I’m grateful to Mexico and all Mexicans for giving me so much.

My team and the guys at the gym started calling me ‘El Mexicanitobecause I embrace Mexican culture as my own. I love the food, the people and of course the Spanish language. I struggle with it at first, but now I think I got it mastered.




I think Kameda is a bit scared and a bit intimidated by my size. I genuinely believe I am going to knock him out. I’m too big and too strong.


I’ve been a world champion for a couple of years now. I’m ultra-confident for this fight. It’s the best I’ve ever felt. Men, albatta, unga birinchi qidiryapman.


Kameda is a good fighter and I expect the very best from him. He better expect the very best from me. This is life changing, whoever wins this fight gets propelled up a few levels.


I want the best life possible for my wife and baby daughter. To do that I have to beat him.


My losses were six years ago and I didn’t even really believe in myself at that time. I’ve gone through every experience that you can in that time and I bring everything to the table.


Fans can expect to see a lot of heart. Men musht olishi mumkin, I can give a punch. It’s an interesting fight and it’s a chance for me to showcase what I’m all about on this great stage here in America.




As far as my opponent dropping out at the last minute, disappointment is kind of an understatement. But I’m trying to keep it classy, so I’ll stick with disappointed. I’m not surprised though.


The day I heard that he pulled out it definitely changed my mindset, but I had to find that focus and realize that we still have work to do.


It’s an honor to be part of this whole PBC on CBS card. I feel like this is the resurgence of boxingbrining it back to the golden days. For me to be a part of that was one of my goals when I turned pro. I wanted to be a part of the comeback of boxing.


I’m trying to get a belt. I want my world title back. After I get a world title I’m going to try and avenge those losses. After I avenge those losses I want another title so I can become an undisputed champion. Once that’s done we can consider moving up to another weight class maybe.


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, SHOSports, OmarFigueroaJr, @RicksterKO, TomokiKameda, @ JamieMcDonnell1, @WarriorsBoxPromo and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo vawww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing yoki kvplt_fan boks blogiga tashrif http://theboxingblog.sho.com.


Austin Trout To Face Luis Galarza

Plus Top Local Talent & Highly-Touted Prospects Complete Card

Coverage of Premier Boxing Champions on CBS Starts

da 4 P.M. VA/1 P.M. PT

HIDALGO, Texas (May 7, 2015) – A full day of exciting undercard fights come to State Farm Arena in Hidalgo, Texasshanba kuni kunduzi, May 9 as local fan favorites and top prospects will look to make their marks on the boxing world. This includes former world champion Austin “Shubhasiz” Gulmohi (28-2, 15 KOS), kim urushlar Luis Galarza (21-3, 15 KOS) in super welterweight action .



A former world champion who defeated Miguel Cotto in 2012, 29-yoshli Gulmohi looks to make it three victories in a row on May 9. He also owns victories over Delvin Rodriguez, Daniel Dawson and Rigoberto Alvarez, tashqari, uning 2004 U.S. Championships gold medal. Fighting out of Las Cruces, Nyu-Meksiko, he takes on the 33-year-old Galarza out of El Taino, Puerto-Riko.



These fights will support the Premer boks Chempionlar bo'yicha CBS show featuring undefeated star Omar “Panterita” Figueroa sobiq jahon chempioni kurash Ricky Berns and the bantamweight showdown between Tomoki Kameda (31-0, 19 KOS) va Jamie McDONNELL (25-2-1, 12 KOS).



Jonli tadbir uchun chipta endi sotuvga va fiyatlandırılır $150, $100, $75, $50, va $25, Amaldagi xizmat ayblov va soliqlar, shu jumladan emas. Chiptalar mavjud www.ticketmaster.com or at the State Farm Arena Box Office. Telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000.



Undercard action will also feature a pair of knockout artists as RogelioPorkyMedina (35-6, 29 KOS) oladi Samuel Miller (28-10, 25 KOS) 10-dumaloq super o'rta Butning ichida. Undefeated prospect Miguel Flores (14-0, 7 KOS) janglar German Meraz (43-34-1, 24 KOS) in an eight round featherweight attraction and Darwin Price (6-0, 3 KOS) Yuzlari Juan Ovalle (4-6-2, 3 KOS) in six rounds of super lightweight action.



Action continues with Steve Lovett (11-0, 9 KOS) kurash Eric Watkins (12-8-2, 5 KOS) in an eight round light heavyweight showdown. Ko'proq, Jose Prado (4-1, 2 KOS) zimmasiga oladi Victor Rosas (6-1, 2 KOS) in a four round welterweight tussle while Karlos Velasquez (18-1, 12 KOS) Yuzlari Juan Ruiz (24-16, 7 KOS) in an eight round featherweight bout.



Some of Texashottest prospects round out the card as Omar’s brother, Brandon Figueroa (debyut uchun) oladi Hector Gutierrez (2-7) in a four round featherweight bout while Mario Barrios (8-0, 5 KOS) looks to remain undefeated against Jose Del Valle (4-10-1, 3 KOS) in six rounds of action in the super featherweight division.



More Texas flavor comes in the form of a pair of undefeated prospects as Ryan Karl (6-0, 5 KOS) Yuzlari Alfred Hall (4-8-2, 2 KOS) in four rounds of welterweight action and Enrique Alvarez (5-0, 3 KOS) janglar Alberto Espinoza (3-6) in a four round super welterweight swing bout.



After a long career having fought mostly in Mexico, 26-yoshli Medina burst onto the scene with a thrilling knockout over previously unbeaten J’Leon Love in Aug. 2014. The fighter out of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico added two more victories since then and looks for a third when he takes on the 35-year-old Miller out of Arboletes, Kolumbiya.



An undefeated fighter making his 2015 debyuti, the 22-year-old Gullar out of Morella, Mexico will take on an experienced fighter in the 28-year-old Meraz out of Agua Prieta, Sonora, Meksika. Another fighter looking to keep his perfect record intact, 25-yoshli Price Sit tashqariga. Louis takes on the 27-year-old Ovalle from Mercedes, Texas.



Yangi Janubiy Uels vakili, Austraila, Lovett Pro aylandi 2010 va uning birinchi bir kurash tushish uchun hali bor 11 uchlari. The 30-year-old takes on the 28-year-old Watkins out of Morgantown, West Virginia.



After picking up his third straight victory in March, 26-yoshli Prado returns to the ring looking for a fourth win in a row. Fighting out of Reynoso, Meksika, he faces the 27-year-old Roses out of Nuevo Laredo, Meksika.


A 2004 Puerto-Riko ulug'vor, 30-yoshli Velasquez has been perfect since his lone loss to Rico Ramos in 2013. The fighter out of Catano, Puerto Rico hopes for his fourth straight victory when he battles the 36-year-old Ruiz out of Santa Clarita, Kaliforniya.



Uning uy davlat jang va San-Antonio vakili, Mahalla looks for his second victory of 2015 bo'yicha May 9. The 19-year-old hopes to build on his momentum when he squares off against the 25-year-old Vodiy BAYAMON chiqib, Puerto-Riko.



The brother of headliner Omar, Brandon Figueroa will make his pro debut at 18-years-old just miles away from his hometown of Weslaco, Texas. His opponent is the 27-year-old Gutierrez out of Mission, Texas.



A pair of swing bouts feature 23-year-old Houston native Karl battling the 32-year-old Zal out of Jackson, Michigan and the 20-year-old Alvarez from McAllen, Texas who faces 29-year-old Espinoza San-Antonio.



Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, SHOSports, OmarFigueroaJr, @RicksterKO, TomokiKameda, @ JamieMcDonnell1, @WarriorsBoxPromo and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo va www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing yoki kvplt_fan boks blogiga tashrif http://theboxingblog.sho.com.




Bosing BU YERGA Rasmlar uchun

Kredit: Lukas Noonan / Premier boks Chempionlar

Chikagodagi (Aprel 25, 2015) – Premier boxing Champions took Chicago by stormJuma night with an exhilarating fight card featuring three captivating fights on Spike from the UIC Pavilion.


The televised opener showcased Roberto “Tahdid” Garcia (37-3, 23 KOS) getting an eight-round unanimous decision win over James Stevenson (22-2, 15 KOS). The first main event saw Doniyor “Miracle Man” Jacobs (29-2, 26 KOS) bir 12thround knockout win over the hard-nosed Xolib “Golden” Truax (25-2-2, 15 KOS). The night’s second main event featured Badou Jack “Ripper” (19-1-1, 12 KOS) earning a majority decision over Entoni “Itlarni” Dirrell (27-1-1, 22 KOS).


Below are comments offered by the televised fighters as they discussed their performances tonight:




He fought a great fight tonight.


“Men revanshi istayman.”




I was in great shape for tonight and I believed in myself. All the talk from Dirrell and his camp never got to me.


Nothing he did tonight frustrated me. U yaxshi qiruvchi bo'ldi, and I didn’t fight a perfect fight, lekin men g'alaba bor.


I knew they couldn’t rob me. I thought I clearly won. I had a tough start to my career, but I re-focused myself with my team and got back on track.


It’s a blessing to be part of PBC. Bringing boxing back to primetime is incredible for the sport. I’m not even from this country originally, but I have lots of fans here and this series will only help me gain more.


I want George Groves next.


Doniyor JACOBS


I was in tremendous shape for this fight. I knew I was ready to go 12 tur. He’s a veteran when it comes to fighting down the stretch, so I had to be prepared.


At the end of the sixth round I hit him with a right that caused him to stumble into the ropes. I wasn’t sure at that moment if he was really hurt, or if he was just playing opossum. My corner let me know when I really had him hurt though and I took advantage.


He didn’t hold as much as I thought he might. I’m glad it turned out that way, but I was prepared for it if he did.


He was physically stronger than I thought he’d be, but he never really hurt me tonight.


PBC is an unbelievable outlet for us boxers. My hope is that I can continue to grow my brand and become a star inside and outside of the sport of boxing.


I’m out to prove that I’m the best in this division. I want whoever Al (HAYMON) says next.




I wanted to pressure him, but I couldn’t get my punches off the way I wanted to. His movement was great and it was just an off night for me.


I couldn’t get him to engage me and I think that ended up winning him the fight.


There were a couple good shots that buzzed me, but no shots that really hurt me all that much. There were no devastating blows or anything. A fighter always wants to continue on, but the ref did his job.


PBC is fantastic for bringing in casual fans who wouldn’t have otherwise watched our fights. This is truly groundbreaking. After a fight like that I hope that more and more fans will continue tuning in.


I’m heading back to the gym to put in hard work. Hopefully I’ll be back on another PBC card against whoever Warriors and Al (HAYMON) say.


Roberto G'orsiya


I felt like Stevenson was just trying to survive, whereas I was trying to win. I could tell that my punches were bothering him. I could hear him breathing very heavily.


I was just trying to get back to it tonight. My last fight was almost nine months ago here in this same venue. I needed to get this fight under my belt to keep up my drive and continue working toward the goal.


I usually have to chase the guys I’m fighting. Even with the punchers like (Entoni) Margarito I end up having to chase them down. I took all that previous experience and used it tonight. It basically felt like a sparring session for me.


PBC is an incredible opportunity for fighters like myself and I plan on continuing to take advantage of it.


I have a great team behind me and we’re just interested in moving forward. I’m ready for a big step though. I want Shawn Porter next. I made a commitment to fight him, and I plan on sticking to that.




Nothing he was doing was really getting to me. haqiqatdir, I took this fight on a week and a half notice. I honestly thought I pulled it off. Everyone knows who really won tonight.


I was getting in a groove, but then my back started hurting me and that took me out of it a little bit.


PBC gives fighters like me a chance to showcase my skills to so many more people than we’ve been used to.


I’m ready for all takers in my weight class. I’m heading back to the gym immediately and I’ll be ready for whatever’s next.


# # #

The card was co-promoted by Warriors Boxing and Mayweather Promotions. Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.spike.com/shows/premier-boks-chempionlari, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, WarriorsBoxProm, MayweatherPromo VaSpikeTV va Facebook muxlisiwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo,www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions va www.Facebook.com/Spike.

Premer boks Champions ON mix So'nggi matbuot anjumanida tirnoq & FOTOSURATLAR

Bosing BU YERGA Rasmlar uchun

Photo Kredit: Lukas Noonan / Premier boks Chempionlar

Chikagodagi (Aprel 22, 2015) – Fight week officially kicked-off Wednesday in Chicago as fighters on the Premer boks Chempionlar bo'yicha Spike fight card participated in the final press conference before entering the ring on Friday, Aprel 24 UIC Pavilion ot.


The night of fights features Entoni “Itlarni” Dirrell (27-0-1, 22 KOS) kurash Badou Jack “Ripper” (18-1, 12 KOS) va Doniyor “Miracle Man” Jacobs (28-1, 25 KOS) olib Xolib “Golden” Truax (25-1-2, 15 KOS). The televised action on Spike begins at 9 ET / 8 CT.


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, Warriors Boxing va Mayweather aktsiyalar bilan-targ'ib CO bo'lgan, fiyatlandırılır $151, $101, $51, va $31, Amaldagi xizmat xarajatlarni, shu jumladan emas, va hozir indirimdedir. Asosiy kredit karta bilan telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000 yoki UIC Pavilion Box Office da (312) 413-5740. Chiptalar ham mavjud www.ticketmaster.com yoki UIC Pavilion Box Office tashrif buyurib, (Payshanba yoki Juma 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 p.m.).


Bu erda matbuot anjumani ishtirokchilari aytish kerak edi nima bor:




I’m a better fighter now because I’m working harder. You have to work harder to stay at this level. Now everybody is gunning for you because you have what they want.


I’m glad that because of this platform, everybody knows what I’ve been through now. People can see that anything is possible. Going through something like defeating cancer has helped me achieve my dreams.


Badou Jack is a good fighter, but he hasn’t fought a guy like me.


Juma Kuni night I just have to hope that Jack doesn’t run. I want him to stand in there with me and we’ll see who’s better. I’m going to test his chin like nobody else has.




I had the best training camp I’ve ever had and I’m ready to bring the title back to Las Vegas.


I don’t do the social media trash talking, I save it for the ring and Juma kuni I’m going to show the world why I deserve to be world champion.


I respect Anthony Dirrell for winning the fight against cancer. I lost two of my amateur trainers to that disease and I’ll be dedicating this fight to them.


His team likes to bark and talk a lot of trash but they can’t fight for him. Kabi Juma night it’s just going to be the two of us in the ring.


I don’t bark, I don’t talk trash, I let my fists do the talking.


Opportunities like this don’t always come around and I will make sure I don’t let this one slip away.


Doniyor JACOBS


Fighting here in Chicago serves as extra motivation for me. I’ve always been the guy fans favored at Barclays Center, and I may have gotten a little spoiled. So I’m excited to be the guy that people want to see lose. Truax will probably have a larger crowd supporting him, and those fans will motivate me to be stronger and fight better Juma kuni.


People love a great story. I’m extremely proud of my story and for having beat cancer, but let’s not forget about my skill set.


Truax can say he’s tired of hearing about ‘The Miracle Manall he wants, but he shouldn’t be thinking about my cancer when we get in the ring. He should just fear me. I’m going to be a cancer to him once we start fighting.


I’m not saying I’m going to knock him out. I’m just saying I’m going to win because that’s what I came to do. I’ll take a win however I can get it.




This is a huge fight and a huge opportunity for me. It’s a career-changer and life-changer for my career in boxing. I’ve got to be smart in this fight.


I couldn’t be in any better shape right now. Physically I’m mature at 31-years-old. This is the right spot for me and a great opportunity.


I want to thank all of my fans and you should expect to see a lot of people from Minnesota coming down to see me. It’s going to be great to celebrate with all of them.


# # #


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-boks-chempionlari, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, AnthonyDirrell, BadouJack, DanielJacobsTKO, GoldenCalebT, WarriorsBoxProm, MayweatherPromo VaSpikeTV va Facebook muxlisi www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo, www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions vawww.Facebook.com/Spike.


Chikagodagi (Aprel 21, 2015) – International Boxing Hall of Fame inductee Joe “Pride of WhalesCalzaghe has been added to the broadcast team as a special analyst for the Premer boks Chempionlar (PBC) bo'yicha Spike TV Aprel 24 fight card taking place at Chicago’s UIC Pavilion.

Before retiring in 2009, Calzaghe set the record as the longest continuously reigning world champion in the history of boxing, making more than 21 defenses of his super middleweight title along the way. When Calzaghe finally hung up the gloves he had amassed an astonishing unblemished record of 46-0, 32 KOs that featured notable wins over Mikkel Kessler, Bernard Hopkins and Roy Jones Jr.

Calzaghe will enter the booth for Spike TV to help analyze the first main event of the evening featuring Doniyor “Miracle Man” Jacobs (28-1, 25 KOS) u duch sifatida Xolib “Golden” Truax (25-1-2, 15 KOS), followed by the second televised bout of the evening between Entoni “Itlarni” Dirrell (27-0-1, 22 KOS) va challenger Badou Jack “Ripper” (18-1, 12 KOS).

# # #

Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, Warriors Boxing va Mayweather aktsiyalar bilan-targ'ib CO bo'lgan, fiyatlandırılır $151, $101, $51, va $31, Amaldagi xizmat xarajatlarni, shu jumladan emas, va hozir indirimdedir. Asosiy kredit karta bilan telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000 yoki UIC Pavilion Box Office da (312) 413-5740. Chiptalar ham mavjud www.ticketmaster.com yoki UIC Pavilion Box Office tashrif buyurib, (Payshanba yoki Juma 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 p.m.).

Spike televidenie televidenieda faoliyat boshlanadi 9 p.m. VA va 8 p.m. PT (g'arbiy sohilidagi kechiktirildi).

Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-boks-chempionlari, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, AnthonyDirrell, BadouJack, DanielJacobsTKO, GoldenCalebT, WarriorsBoxProm, MayweatherPromo VaSpikeTV va Facebook muxlisi www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo, www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions vawww.Facebook.com/Spike.





Chiptalar Endi indirimdedir!

Boston (Aprel 21, 2015) – A Memorial Day weekend showdown takes center stage when Olympic stars battle it out as 2004 Bronze medalist for the United States Andre Dirrell (24-1, 16 KOS) javob 2008 Gold medalist for Great Britain James DeGale (20-1, 14 KOS) in a super middleweight bout as Premer boks Chempionlar (PBC) on NBC comes to Boston on Shanba, May 23 live on NBC and NBCSN.

NBC PBC bu maxsus Xotira va qadrlash kuni weekend tushdan keyin nashrning Live qamrov da boshlanadi 4:30 p.m. VA/1:30 p.m. NBC PT va qadar ketadi 6:00 pm. VA / 3:00 p.m. Harakat dan NBCSN orqali o'tadi PT 6:00 p.m. VA/3:00 p.m. PT qadar 7:00 p.m. VA/4:00 p.m. PT.

“Men bu kurashda uchun tayyorman,” Said Dirrell. “I’m so happy and honored to be fighting on NBC for a world title against a worthy opponent in James DeGale.

We are almost there, bo'yicha May 23 it’s my time to make history as the first Briton to win an Olympic gold medal and a world title,” said DeGale. “I’m excited about coming to the U.S for this fight, Boston is a great city and I will be bringing plenty of support from the UK. It’s been a frustrating period waiting for my shot but now it’s here and no one is taking it away from me.

I’m thrilled to bring Premier Boxing Champions to the Agganis Arena at Boston University on May 23,” Lou DiBella dedi, DiBella Entertainment Prezidenti. “Holiday fireworks will begin Shanba afternoon when America’s skilled technician and Olympic bronze medalist Andre Dirrell takes on Britain’s Olympic gold medalist James DeGale for the world super middleweight championship. The card will also feature strong co-featured and undercard bouts, including Boston, New England and Irish title contenders.

An amateur standout who won two U.S. Havaskor jahon chempionati o'z Olimpiya bronza medalidan tashqari, the 31-year-old Dirrell looks to keep up his recent win streak when he battles DeGale on May 23. A winner of his last six fights, Dirrell’s only blemish on his record is a split decision loss to Carl Froch in 2009. Flint chiqib qiruvchi, Michigan holds victories over Arthur Abraham and Curtis Stevens.

Londonda tug'ilgan, DeGale won a Commonwealth Championship Bronze medal in 2006 and an Olympic Gold medal in 2008. The 29-year-old turned pro in 2009 va uning birinchi kiritdi 10 starts while ending eight of those opponents within the distance. Uning faqat ziyon keldi 2011 when he lost to fellow countryman George Groves by a narrow majority decision. Since then he has won 10-straight bouts including his most recent victory over Marco Antonio Periban.

PBC and DiBella Entertainment are proud to be working in association with Ken Casey and his Murphys Boxing on this event. The Dropkick Murphys front man has been on the front lines of the boxing resurgence in Boston.

Boston deserves to have big time fight cards like this. We have rabid boxing fans and a ton of talented world class fighters, many of which will be featured on May 23,” said Casey.

Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, qaysi Murphys boks bilan birgalikda DiBella Entertainment tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, fiyatlandırılır $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 va $35, Amaldagi xizmat ayblov va soliqlar, shu jumladan emas, va hozir indirimdedir. Chipta mavjud bo'ladiwww.ticketmaster.com. Telefon orqali zaryad qilish uchun, da Ticketmaster qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000.

Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, www.AgganisArena.com va www.dbe1.com, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, AndreDirrell, @ JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, NBCSports VaAgganisArena va Facebookda bir fan bo'lib www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports,www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/DropkickMurphys vawww.facebook.com/MurphysBoxing. #PremierBoxingChampions Va #PBConNBC yordamida suhbat qiling