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Smelltu HÉR For Full Article Via premierboxingchampions.com

Smelltu HÉR To Read About The All-PBC Football Team Via premierboxingchampions.com

(Former world champ Andre Berto with Denver Broncos Running Back Ronnie Hillman
Photo via instagram.com/Andre Berto)

See below for Super Bowl 50 predictions from PBC fighters:
Andre Berto: I’ve got the Panthers by a dime. Man, that Broncosdefense is ferocious! I’ve never seen any team get after a guy like they got after Tom Brady. So how is my boy Cam Newton gonna handle them? Have you seen Cam run? He’s gonna run right over them.
Against the Patriots, that defense was allowed to be ferocious, but Cam won’t allow that. As for [Broncos running back] Ronnie Hillman, he’s my dude; he’s just gotta work on them hands a little bit.
Dominic Breazeale: I’ve got the Panthers winning, 35-21. Cam Newton is just having way too much fun, and at this point, I would have to say the guy is unstoppable.
Omar Douglas: I’m going with Panthers. Cam Newton has played great all season and almost went undefeated. He is not your average quarterback. He can throw the long ball or run it in for a touchdown. And on top of it all, he’s having fun. It’s hard to beat a guy like that!
Omar Figueroa Jr.: I don’t want to give a prediction. I love the Broncos like I love the San Antonio Spurs. But the Panthers are the Golden State Warriors of football right now. I see the Broncos having a really hard time keeping up.
Miguel Flores: Carolina has been smashing everyone, and Denver has been somewhat inconsistent. But after the Broncosmost recent games and their showing on defense, I will have to stick with the famous cliché: “Offense wins games, defense wins championships.
The Panthers have shown that they can be great offensively, but their defense hasn’t always been on point. So I’m going with the Broncos in a tight one.
Danny Garcia: I’m going with the Panthers. They’re rolling right now. They’ve got youth and energy, and they’ve got a lot of momentum going into the game. If they just stay focused and don’t party and get caught up [in the hype], they’ll win it.
Terrell Gausha: Panthers, because my bro that I went to high school with plays for Carolina: wide receiver Ted Ginn Jr. Meira, I think they are just that good.
Tony Harrison: Carolina Panthers all the way. As a former high school quarterback, I love what Cam is doing for the game. He’s amazing. Einnig, many people don’t know but my younger cousin, Devin Funchess (pictured above with Harrison while at the University of Michigan), plays wide receiver for the Panthers. So I’m always going with family in any situation.
Julius Jackson: I’ve got the Broncos. They have a better system as far as demonstrating an ability to play as a cohesive unit. That’s what will give them the edge.
Jamal James: I’m gonna have to go with the Panthers, because Cam Newton has been handling business. Meira, that team has kinda been an underdog. But every time people count them out, they come out and refuse to lose, which is something I respect and relate to.
Amir Khan: I would have to say that the Broncos have the veteran leadership in Peyton Manning and they’ve been there before, so they have the better overall experience. En á endanum, the youth and explosiveness of Cam Newton will win the day in what will be a hard-fought Panthers’ sigur.
Paulie Malignaggi: I’m going with the underdog Broncos. Maybe it’s just going with my heart, but I’m a Manning fan, mainly because his brother is the QB for my New York Giants, so I’m keeping it in the family.
Abner Mares: I’m taking the Panthers. Cam Newton has a style on and off the field that just dominates. It’s the Panthersyear, Cam is a tremendous leader and QB, and it’s time for a new dynasty to be born.
Shawn Porter: I think this is gonna be a great Super Bowl! It’s a very evenly matched game. Both teams are solid on both sides of the ball and have great quarterbacks. Peyton Manning is trying to solidify his status as an all-time great QB, and Cam Newton is trying to establish himself as a future great. I’m having a really hard time picking a winner, but personally I would love to see Cam Newton and the Panthers win.
Michael Selir: I’ve got to go with the Panthers. I’m gonna take Billy the Kid-Cam Newton-over the Old Deputy Sheriff, Peyton Manning.
Errol Spence Jr.: The Panthers will win because the Broncosdefense will not be able to contain or stop Cam Newton. And the Pantherspass defense is too good for a shell-of-himself Peyton Manning. I went to school with [Broncos defensive end] Von Miller, but I want Cam to win.
Antonio Tarver: It’s a destiny type of year for Cam Newton and the Panthers. I don’t think anyone is gonna stop them. While my heart is with Denver and the wise old veteran Peyton Manning-us old guys gotta stick together-I have to put my money on Cam and the Panthers.
All I pray for is to go out like Peyton Manning: attempting to win it all before I retire. But I have to say the Panthers will win.
Austin Trout: I’ve got the Panthers winning. They’re just playing with great team chemistry and great leadership in Cam Newton. But I’m still J-E-T-S till I D-I-E.
Sammy Vasquez Jr.: It’s simple: Panthers all day. They’ve been on fire. Cam Newton deserves it now after putting in the years with the team and all the hard work. They work together as a team, and that’s a great part of being successful.
Deontay Wilder: I like the Panthers because Cam Newton is just on a different level, a force to be reckoned with.
Thomas Williams Jr.: I’m taking the Broncos simply because of the experience factor. Cam Newton’s year has been phenomenal; he is an MVP for sure. But I think Peyton Manning’s postseason and all-around experience will outweigh Cam’s magic.
This will be just another walk in the park for Manning, who has been in the tougher, more grueling games over the course of his career.
Final tally: Panthers 17, Broncos 4.

Titans í viðskiptum BREAKFAST meistarar stærri og betri en nokkru sinni fyrr

Smelltu HÉR Fyrir Myndir
Smelltu HÉR Fyrir vídeó af Titans í Trade Event
Las Vegas (Seven. 23, 2015) – Another memorable Titans í viðskiptum fatlaða of Champions er í bókunum sem sjötta afborgun af Floyd Mayweather berjast daga hefð sem fór fram á laugardag, Seven. 12 á MGM Grand í Las Vegas kynnt Mayweather Promotions, leiddi morgun framúrskarandi ræðum, net og viðurkenningu á sumir af áhrifamestu og ægilegur konur í íþróttum iðnaður.
Honorees með fyrsta kvenkyns þjálfara í NFL Dr. Aðeins Welter, Móðir Mayweather er Deborah Sinclair og fyrsti kvenkyns box dómari Patricia Jarman.
The breakfast var emceed af stjarnan Ballers HBO Jazmyn Símon sem opnaði með andríkur saga af erfiðleikum leikkona sem á eftir yfir 200 mismunandi prufurnar lenti loks stór brot hennar.
“Það er ekki hvernig þú byrjar, það er hvernig þú hefur lokið,” Sagði Simon.
The atburður náði hámarki með hvetjandi ræðu Dr. Welter sem hún tók “Titans í viðskiptum” verðlaun. Hún talaði um mátt ná markmiðum manns, ekki vera hræddur við að ryðja eigin leið og náið samband sem íþróttir skapar meðal fólks frá öllum ganga af lífi.
“Það skiptir ekki máli hvernig þú færð í dyrnar, það sem skiptir máli er hvað þú gerir þegar þú færð það,” sagði Welter. “Það er í fullu hrekja að vera kona í íþróttum…en Guð hélt mér auðmjúkur og ég reyni bara að gera allt sem ég get til að vera það besta sem ég get verið.”
Heildarstigagjöf, the atburður var mjög vel og á meðan Mayweather berjast daga getur verið hlutur af the fortíð með nýlegri tilkynningu hans starfslok, Titans í viðskiptum Breakfasts mun halda áfram.
“Þetta byrjaði sem tiltölulega lítið safna kvenna frá öllum hliðar box iðnaður hefur orðið skemmtilegt fyrir utan teig ef að heldur áfram að fá betri og betri,” sagði Nicole Craig, Vice President Markaðs- og Aðgerðir Mayweather Promotions. “Á þessu ári höfum við bætt lifandi skemmtun, sumir auka stjörnu völd og innblástur við ræðum og mæta. Það er frábært að sjá að þessi atburður heldur áfram að bara að fá betri og betri.”
Í tengslum við þessa miklu atburði, þeir sem hafa sterka löngun til að vinna og leggja sitt af mörkum viðleitni þeirra innan íþróttir og afþreying greininni sem Floyd Mayweather Jr. Foundation býður upp á námsstyrk fyrir konur á bi-árlega. Þetta forrit er hannað til að bjóða upp á aðstoð við konur með möguleika á að gera jákvæð áhrif, áframhaldandi náms, og gagnast starfsgrein í heild. Að sækja um Floyd Mayweather Jr. Foundation: Framfarir kvenna í íþróttum & Entertainment Scholarship heimsókn HTTP://tfmjf.org/scholarships/. Frestur til að sækja um sprettur önn er Nóvember 15.
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The Titans í viðskiptum: Breakfast of Champions WAS sponsored by: MGM Grand, Showtime Networks Inc., Guy Jam Capital, Saks Fifth Avenue, Swanson Communications, Fnom, Subzero Recovery, Arctic, Miru Vodka, Tea Drift, Heilun með hjarta og Wildflower.

Brautryðjandi OG NFL þjálfari DR. JUST Welter, Longtime Hnefaleikar JUDGE PATRICIA Jarman og Floyd Mayweather er móðir DEBORAH SINCLAIR að vera heiðraður AT Titans í viðskiptum: BREAKFAST meistarar Hosted by Mayweather Kynningar AT MGM Grand á laugardag, SEPTEMBER 12

This Year’s Floyd Mayweather Fight-Day Tradition Marks
6Th Afborgun af Semi-Annual Celebration
Las Vegas (September 8) – Mayweather Kynningar will bring together professionals from across the sports and entertainment industry on Laugardagur, September 12 for another installment of the Titans í viðskiptum: Breakfast of Champions. A Floyd Mayweather berjast daga hefð, hálf-árlega morgunverður miðar að því að skapa sterka rapport meðal fjölbreytt sérfræðinga í iðnaði og heiðra þá, sem hafa stuðlað að jákvæðri efla konur á sviði. Titans í viðskiptum: Breakfast of Champions mun fara fram á MGM Grand Convention Center og miðar eru í boði fyrir kaup á hér.
The atburður hefst spennandi dag box eins Floyd Mayweather mun stíga inn í hringinn fyrir endanlegt tíma um kvöldið sem hann tekur á Andre berto á MGM Grand í Las Vegas. The Titans í viðskiptum: Breakfast of Champions supports a strong community of professionals who aspire to positively impact the sports and entertainment industry. In bringing together a large group of highly influential individuals on one of the biggest days in boxing, jafningja og samstarfsmenn eru fær um að deila sögum, net og fagna árangri hvers annars.
Á þessu ári, að Titans í viðskiptum Committee is thrilled to present awards to honor the following recipients:
Dr. Aðeins Welter verður heiðraður með Titans af Trade verðlaun, eins og hún hefur gert sögu með því að verða fyrsti kvenkyns þjálfara í National Football League (NFL). Hún er nú Tjaldvagnar / preseason inni linebacker þjálfara fyrir NFL er Arizona Cardinals.
Deborah Sinclair verður kynnt með Golden Hanski Award. Hún er stolt móðir 12 tíma heimsmeistari Boxer Floyd Mayweather og tvær dætur Deltricia og Fannie. Frá oft-erfiðar aðstæður nærliggjandi fjölskyldu hennar í heimalandi Grand sínu Rapids, MY, að lifa innihaldsríku lífi í Las Vegas, Ms. Sinclair hvattir öll börn hennar til að rísa yfir aðstæður þeirra og leitast fyrir bestu líf mögulegt. Mayweather eiginleika oft ótrúlega farsælan feril sinn við móður sína og skilaboð hennar.
Patrica Jarman mun fá meritorious verðlaunin fyrir framlag hennar til box iðnaður sem dómari, meðal margra annarra afrek. Hún er nú alþjóðleg Boxing Judge, hafa forsæti 130 lota titli um allan heim þar á meðal UFC, Muay Thai, Big Knockout Boxing og Glory Kick Boxing berst. Á Laugardagur, September 12, Jarman mun dæma mjög sjá rematch milli Orlando Salido og Roman “Rocky” Martinez, sem mun birtast á Floyd Mayweather vs. Andre Berto undercard.
Hluti af ágóða viðburðarins verður að gefa til Floyd Mayweather Jr. Foundation’s Advancement of Women in Sports and Entertainment Scholarship. Visit:www.tfmjf.org/scholarships til að fá meiri upplýsingar.
“Hvert skipti sem við hýsa þennan morgunmat, Ég er aftur flutt af ótrúlegur og stuðningsmeðferð einstaklinga við höfum í okkar iðnaði,” sagði Nicole Craig, Vice President Markaðs- og Aðgerðir Mayweather Promotions. “Það er alger ánægja að hafa umsjón þessum atburði sem koma saman svo mörg mismunandi sérfræðinga og ég hef elskað að sjá það vaxa í gegnum árin.”
The Titans í viðskiptum: Breakfast of Champions er styrkt af: MGM Grand, Showtime Networks Inc., Guy Jam Capital, Saks Fifth Avenue, Swanson Communications, Fnom, Subzero Recovery, Arctic, Miru Vodka, Tea Drift, Heilun með hjarta og Wildflower.