Arkivji Tag: New York

Żewġ avvenimenti kbar fl Gym Gleason tal





L-Gym se

Agħlaq fi 5:00 pm

Il-ġimgħa u IS-SIBT fi 2:00 pm


Lulju 3 u 4.


Aħna qed tospita

New York VS Irlanda

Boxing Show Internazzjonali.


Dan il-ġimgħa

Lulju 3 fil 7:30PM

Aħna se jospita

tim internazzjonali mill-Irlanda


L-bouts huma sanzjonati mill USABoxingMetro.


L-iżen fl għall-ispettaklu se jibda fi 5:30PM u l-ewwel bout se jibda fi 7:30PM.


Il-prezz tal-biljett huwa $25 kull persuna. Tfal 6 u taħt mhumiex addebitati. Il-membri kollha ġinnasju u dilettanti rreġistrati mal-kotba tagħhom fil-paga idejn $20 kull persuna.


P.S. Jekk inti ma tistax tagħmel dan, iżda xorta tixtieq li tara l-ġlied, they’ll be streaming at Gleason’s Gym website:




IS-SIBT, Lulju 4 l-ġinnasju se tagħlaq fil 2:00 pm.




Għandna bżonn ġellieda femminili


Il-Proġett Sato qed ikollu Fundraiser fuq Il-Ħamis, 9 Lulju fil 7:30 pm.


L-fundraiser u l-partit se tinkludi erba bouts femminili kollha. L-ispettaklu se jkun sanzjonat mill USABoxingMetro.


L-avveniment se jsir fil Gym Gleason tal.


Jekk inti interessat li jipparteċipaw jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja l-matchmaker Jieun fil:

jew sejħa tagħha fi 718 797 2872.


Femminili kollha huma Juniors milqugħa, Anzjani u Masters.

Piżijiet minn Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino għal "Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network’

Dennis Hogan 151 lbs. vs. Kenny Abril 152 lbs.

10 Rawnds WBA-NABA Istati Uniti SUPER welterweight kampjonat

Tony Luis 137.5 lbs. vs. Edward Valdez 136 lbs.

CO-Main Event: Lightweights – 10 Rawnds

Jarrell “Big Baby” Taħħan 268 lbs. vs. Jisbqu Holmes 250 lbs.

Opener TV: Heavyweights – 6 Rawnds

Bakhtiyar Eubov 150 lbs. vs. Jason Thompson 146 lbs.


Joe Greene 169 lbs. vs. Guy Pakkjatur 165 lbs.


Hoshuan Sambolin 133 lbs. vs. Anthony Dave 139 lbs.


Daniel DeJesus NA vs. Josue Rivera NA

Lightweights – 4 Rawnds

Post: Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino, Niagara Falls, NY

Promoturi: Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen f'assoċjazzjoni ma 'Promotions Ġlieda Card Adam Wilcock tal, Promozzjonijiet GH3 Vito Mielnicki tal, Star Dmitriy Salita taċ-David Promozzjonijiet u prodotti mill Winner David Schuster ta Ħu Productions kollha


TV: CBS Sports Network (9 p.m. U/PT)


Biljetti:pprezzati għal $35 u $45, u bilqiegħda ringside hija $75 u jistgħu jinxtraw bil-karta ta 'kreditu kbar billi ċċempel Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000, onlineat Ticketmaster.comjew permezz tal-Uffiċċju Seneca Niagara Casino Kaxxa: 716-501-2444.

Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network Konferenza Stampa Finali Quotes u Photos

Ikklikkja HERE Għal aktar Ritratti

Niagara Falls, NY (Ġunju 25, 2015) – Il-konferenza stampa finali saret illum għallgħada tal-lejl “Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network” fil-Seneca Niagara Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino fil Niagara Falls, New York.

Ippreżentat mill Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen f'assoċjazzjoni ma ' Promozzjonijiet Ġlieda Card Adam Wilcock tal, Promozzjonijiet GH3 Vito Mielnicki tal, Star Dmitriy Salita taċ-David Promozzjonijiet u prodotti mill Winner David Schuster ta Ħu Productions kollha, avveniment prinċipali 10-round-lejl se karatteristika WBA #11- u IBF # 6-rated Dennis “Uragan” Hogan (21-0-1, 7 Kos) ta 'Queensland, Awstralja (permezz Kildare, Irlanda) jagħmlu l-ewwel difiża ta WBA-NABA Istati Uniti Super welterweight Kampjonat tiegħu kontra favoriti lokali Kenny Abril (14-7-1, 7 Kos) tal Rochester, New York.

Azzjoni tibda fl CBS Sports Network fil 9 p.m. U/PT ma American heavyweight artist eliminatorja Jarrell “Big Baby” Taħħan (13-0-1, 10 Kos) teħid fuq Slugger lokali Excel Holmes ta Buffalo fil-sitt tond. L-avveniment ko prinċipali fuq it-televiżjoni se karatteristika WBA # 14 rratati Tony Kanada “Lightning” Luis (19-3, 7 Kos) jiffaċċjaw New York (permezz-Repubblika Dominikana) veteran Edward Valdez (13-10-2, 3 Kos) fi 10-tond.

Biljetti għall “Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network” huma pprezzati għal $35 u $45, u bilqiegħda ringside hija $75 u jistgħu jinxtraw bil-karta ta 'kreditu kbar billi ċċempel Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000, online fi jew permezz tal-Uffiċċju Seneca Niagara Casino Kaxxa: 716-501-2444.

Hawnhekk huwa dak li l-parteċipanti ewlenin avveniment kellhom jgħidu:


I know hu (April) a southpaw tiżloq. I know hu kellu xi jirbaħ tajba u hu durabbli. Li delikata, huwa jista 'jikkawża problemi, hekk stajt ħadmet ħafna biex ikunu jistgħu jbassru l-imprevedibbli fit-taħriġ tiegħi.

Jien ok ma 'li tkun il-barra mill-belt Guy għal din il-ġlieda. 100%. Jien għamilt dan il-lott bħala dilettanti. Jekk inti ġlieda Guy mill Dublin fil-grawnd f'Dublin-folla kollu huwa kontra tiegħek.

Aħna għalhekk ingħaqad mal Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen, li kienet tajba għaliex jien ridt li tikseb sa l-Amerika fejn dan kollu jiġri. Dan huwa it-tielet ġlieda tiegħi sa minn Novembru u aħna qed jaħdmu mod tagħna l-sellum. Aħna qed jagħmlu movimenti kbar ma 'kull ġlieda. Jien jkollna aktar popolari hawn u jien tibda tikseb magħrufa u dan kollu jaħdem tajjeb ħafna.

Kenny Abril

Dennis Hogan, Rajna lilu ġlieda. Hu iebsa u hu b'reżervazzjonijiet. Hu jibqa busy. Jidher qisu ikun ġej fil-forma, iżda huwa one-dimensjonali. I think hu stands wisq straight-up fi żminijiet. Minbarra li, I really jagħtih kreditu. Hu ġellied qawwija.

A win fuqu se nifs ġdid karriera tiegħi. Stajt ġiet off għal sena, imma stajt ġiet fil-sparring gym u nibqgħu attivi. Mhuwiex simili I kont qed fuq chips tal-patata tiekol dar. Hija ser tagħti spinta me back up u jagħtu l-kunfidenza I bżonn.

Huwa sabiħ li jiġġieldu fuq it-televiżjoni nazzjonali fil Hometown tiegħi. Naħseb li huwa mod ta 'Alla ta' javżak me "int mhux isir ma 'dan l-isport s'issa.’ Ħafna nies tell me jien talent. I'ma Boxer tajjeb reali. I kont qed boxing peress li l-età ta 'seba'. I kellna xi daqqiet fit-triq permezz tal-karriera tiegħi, ħsieb wara I rebaħ ewwel tliet tissielet tiegħi I kien champion dinja. Imma I kiber u mmaturat fl-isport tal-boxing u issa naf dak li hemm bżonn.

# # #

L Seneca Niagara Casino & Hotel tinsab fil 310 4th Street fil Niagara Falls, New York. Għal aktar informazzjoni, sejħa 716.299.1100, jew ż L-uffiċċju kaxxa każinò huwa miftuħ mit 12pm- 8pm Sun-Ħam. & 12pm – 12 am Il-ġimgħa & IS-SIBT u tinsab fil-Staġuni Gift Shop jinsabu fil-ġwienaħ tramuntana tal-każinò. Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen, żjara jew jiċċekkjaw us out fuq Facebook Twitter: GCPBoxing.

Dwar Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen


Wieħed mill ħwejjeġ promozzjonali premier boxing l, Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen (GCP) huwa isem tajjeb rispettati għall waqfien avvenimenti ta 'klassi dinjija boxing professjonali u promozzjoni ġellieda professjonali elite madwar id-dinja.


Fundatur u CEO Greg Cohen kien involut ma boxing professjonali fil-kapaċitajiet varji mill-1980 tard, imsin dgħajjes tiegħu u li jistabbilixxi lilu nnifsu bħala negozjant shrewd boxing internazzjonali.


Distinti mill-kapaċità tiegħu biex spot u jiżviluppaw it-talent prima, Cohen magħmula aħbarijiet għall-gwida esperta tiegħu ta ', fost ħafna oħrajn, ex WBA Junior Middleweight Champion Austin “Nru Dubju” Trota, li Cohen għenu gwida mis mhux magħruf prospett New Mexico to-pay per view superstars livell elite.


Minbarra l-Trota, Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen ħadem ma 'ismijiet stabbiliti bħal eks champion unifikata u żewġ time heavyweight Hasim “Il Rock” Rahman (50-8-2, 41 Kos); u piż multipli champion klassi dinjija great-time kollha James “Dwal Out” Toney (74-7-3, 45 Kos).


Kontendenti kurrenti rated dinjija fil-roster GCP jinkludu Arash Usmanee, rikonoxxut universalment bħala top-10 featherweight super; ex WBA Internazzjonali Middleweight Champion u rated dinja middleweight konkorrent Jarrod Fletcher; featherweight top-rated Joel Brunker; cruiserweight Lateef Kayode; Kanadiżi eroj azzjoni ħfief u TV Tony Luis, u WBA u ħames time Irish National Champion Amateur, Dennis Hogan; u Rising sensazzjoni welterweight Cecil McCalla.


Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen kien ospitat avvenimenti ta 'klassi dinjija boxing fil-postijiet ifjen madwar l-Istati Uniti u d-dinja u wkoll kburi provdut talent u / jew il-kontenut tan-netwerks diversi televiżjoni inkluż HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBC Sports Network, CBS Sports Network, MSG u FOX Sports Net.

Għal aktar informazzjoni, żjara Sib magħna fuq Facebook

CHAMPIONS PREMIER boxing DWAR traskrizzjoni ESPN MEDIA telefonata konferenza


Lou DiBella

Nirringrazzjak ħafna għall-jingħaqdu magħna għal din is-sejħa għall-PBC fuq ESPN juru fuq Awissu 1 minn Barclays Center fil Brooklyn. L-ispettaklu se jkun live fuq primetime fuq ESPN nhar is-Sibt, Awissu 1, b'kopertura li tibda fl- 9:00 pm ET / 6:00 pm PT.


L-avveniment prinċipali tal-lejla hija Danny “Swift” Garcia kontra Paulie Malignaggi. Il-ġlieda ftuħ huwa bout titolu middleweight bejn Danny Jacobs u Sergio Mora.


Awissu 1 hija t-tieni karta PBC fuq ESPN u l-ewwel wieħed se tkun Keith Thurman kontra Luis Collazo Brooklyn. Li għaddej biex tkun fuq 11 Lulju fil tampa, Florida.


Biljetti għal Awissu 1 huma pprezzati għal $250, $150, $75 u $45 u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Huma qed disponibbli,, fl-Uffiċċju Box American Express fil Barclays Center. Biex ħlas bis-telefon, inti tista 'sejħa Ticketmaster fil 1-800-745-3000 jew biex jiksbu l-biljetti tal-grupp mill Barclays Center, 800-GROUPBK.


L-bout ftuħ hija ġlieda terrific. Danny Jacobs huwa ġlied inspirational iżda wkoll middleweight super talent li l-tela 'għal istatura kampjonat u jżomm l-ċinturin. Huwa ser ġlieda fil Barclays Ċentru għall-raba 'darba.


Danny lok mill-kanċer li vie madwar id-champion ġiet dokumentata sew. Iżda franchement, f'dan il-punt, hu imsawwat li l-mard u jixtieq li jiffoka biex tkun fuq il-karriera boxing tiegħu u fuq huma l-aħjar huwa jista 'jkun u hu jieħu fuq sfida enormi fuq Awissu 1 fil Sergio Mora, b'mod leġittimu wieħed mill-kontendenti middleweight aħjar hemmhekk u magħrufa sew ħafna bħala r-rebbieħ tal-tal NBC “Il Konkorrent” Serje numru ta 'snin ilu. Sergio huwa champion dinja qabel fil welterweight super, tfittex li żżid il-kuruna middleweight li jerġa tiegħu.


Huwa tippossjedi rebħiet fuq Ishe Smith, Peter Manfredo Jr. u Vernon Forrest u jidħol f'din il-ġlieda fuq ħames ġlieda win Streak. U hu aktar reċentement defeated Abraham Han fi Frar ta 'din is-sena fuq ESPN.


Allura l-ewwel, I ser let Sergio Mora ngħid ftit kliem qabel immorru l-champion.


Sergio Mora

Ħej, guys. Well, Jien eċċitati li jiġu ġlieda kontra fuq l-ewwel karta PBC tiegħi. Huwa kien żmien twil li ġejjin. L-aħħar darba I ġġieldu għal titlu dinja kien ta 'seba' snin ilu u I kien kapaċi jegħleb Vernon Forrest bħala 4-1 underdog.


I think jien ser tkun underdog għal din il-ġlieda mill-ġdid, ġlieda kontra l-iżgħar, champion aktar b'saħħitha fil Hometown tiegħu. Allura kien jisfratta lilu se tkun iebsa mal-karti kollha f'munzelli kontra tiegħi u dan huwa xi ħaġa li I draw u mdorri.


M'hemm xejn ħażin nista 'ngħid dwar Daniel Jacobs, assolutament xejn. I tfittex xi ħaġa negattiva li jgħidu u ma nistax. Il Guy għandha talent globali. Hu ferm iżgħar, aktar mgħaġġel, aktar b'saħħitha u hits aktar diffiċli milli lili u huwa aktar momentum ġejjin mod tiegħu. Hu fuq disa 'ġlieda win Streak u hu taħbita lili fil dan ukoll. I jkollhom ħames ġlieda għaddej għalija.


Imma l-ħaġa li nista 'ngħid huwa li hu ma kellha oppożizzjoni li I jiffaċċjaw. I think hu emozzjonali, ġellied atletiċi. I'ma ċerebrali, intelliġenti, ġellied strateġiku.


Din se tkun karta verament eċċitanti għaliex huwa fl Hometown tiegħu u jiddefendu t-titlu dinja. Jien bil-ġuħ għal dak it-titolu dinja u naf li jien ser jkollhom jiġu extra qawwija u jagħmlu ħafna aktar milli sempliċiment għandek rebħa mill-qrib fil Hometown tiegħu. Hekk jien ser ikollhom istampa azzjoni u jmorru minn żona kumdità tiegħi u naħseb huwa għaddej biex ikollhom imorru minn żona kumdità tiegħu, li se tagħmel ġlieda interessanti għal kulħadd.


Ninsab kunfidenti ħafna li jidħlu f'dan ġlieda. Ninsab tassew kuntenta fuq it-tim li jien ma issa u din l-opportunità. Stajt dejjem ried għall-ġlieda fl Brooklyn. I dejjem ried għall-ġlieda fl-arena mega bħal Barclays Center. Jien mbierka li jkollhom din l-opportunità u l-parti ta 'dan il-moviment PBC. Grazzi.


L. DiBella


Grazzi, Sergio.


U issa li l-champion, Tal Brooklyn stess, Danny Jacobs.


Daniel Jacobs


Well, wara Intro Sergio tal, dak li aktar jista I say? Li pjuttost jibred.


Jien eċċitati li jkollhom l-opportunità li jiġu lura fil Barclays Center għat-tieni darba madwar bħala ċampjin. Allura dan se jkun it-tieni difiża titolu tiegħi. Hija ser tkun kontra l-Guy-aktar esperjenza stajt jiffaċċjaw s'issa. Ħerqana biex ittestjar tal-konfront tiegħi kontra dan roqgħa, veteran crafty fil Sergio Mora.


Stajt dejjem qal li jien biss tipprova tikseb dik l-esperjenza l-aktar importanti. Huwa importanti għalija bħala ċampjin żgħażagħ, Jien mhux fejn nixtieq li jkun bħala ġellied s'issa. Int xorta qed jikbru, int għadhom qed jitgħallmu. Jien tħares lejn din bħala biss test verament bidu. Jien jippruvaw verament jiksbu esperjenza kemm nista fil-ġlieda kontra tali crafty, veteran roqgħa.


Hu kien f'din il-pożizzjoni qabel. Allura, hu diġà mdorri li jkunu f'din il-pożizzjoni u jkunu ta 'underdog imma ma nistax jieħu lilu ħafif anki jekk huwa se jkun underdog u anki jekk in-nies se pick me bħala favor biex tirbaħ. Jien tħares lejn lilu bħala l-opponent aktar devastanti li stajt kienu s'issa ġejjin sa middleweight.


Allura ma jkunx hemm ħafna ta 'biża safejn enerġija hija kkonċernata, iżda fejn hu ma li jagħmel up fil craftiness tiegħu u slickness tiegħu u awkwardness u xi kultant hu ma jidħlu fl-azzjoni kif ukoll. Hekk jien bil-ħerqa li lilha. Huwa verament test tat-tluq imma xi ħaġa li jien kont qed tipprepara għal waqt ta 'kwalunkwe kamp anki jekk stajt ilhom jaħdmu u tagħmel xandir tiegħi li jien kuntent ħafna li jħabbar. I kont qed iżomm il-gym. I kont qed żamma tajbin u jien verament bil-ħerqa li dan it-test u li hija fil Barclays I think hemm Ma post aħjar fid-dinja I jkollhom. Hekk jien bil-ħerqa li testijiet għall-ħiliet tiegħi kontra veteran crafty.



Nixtieq tnejn inti biex jindirizzaw meta inti tirċievi din l-attenzjoni negattiva fuq Twitter u tali, kif taħseb li jitrattawha u x'hemm tweġiba tiegħek għaliha.


S. Mora

Well, jisimgħu, I kont qed jittrattaw ma 'din il-kritika negattiva għall-karriera kollha tiegħi. Hija xi ħaġa li segwew me. I do not know jekk huwa għaliex jien rebbieħ juru realtà jew għax in-nies mibegħda l-mod li mmur fl għall-ġlieda kontra u ma nistax knock nies out. Jien sorry I ma twieled b'setgħa. Inti jeħtieġ li tkun imwielda b'Mard enerġija. Jekk I jkollhom mod fejn I jistgħu jilgħaqu u jieklu enerġija u knock out u liema nies trid tara fil-armament tiegħi, imbagħad I ser tagħmel dan, imma ma nistax. I twieled il-mod jien imwieled. I ltqajna biex jagħmlu dak I tista 'ma' kapaċitajiet tiegħi.


I think I ħadthom ġejjin triq twila ma 'l-atleti oħra li n-nuqqas ta' enerġija u naħseb li jagħmel me ġellied saħansitra aħjar. Hija magħmula me jevolvu f'tip differenti ta 'Boxer. Allura dawn huma l-affarijiet li boxing jeħtieġ li jifhmu u l-fannijiet ġlieda jeħtieġ li jifhmu li, “Kull dritt, ukoll, jisimgħu, hu tifi Guy ma 'lott ta' enerġija, iżda kif come il-Guy mingħajr ebda saħħa huwa attwalment tagħmel aħjar mill-Guy bil-qawwa? Minħabba li dan huwa l-xjenza ħelwa u dan huwa kif I issir champion.


Għalhekk ma jolqot lili. I biss tkompli edukazzjoni dwar ix-xjenza ħelwa u kiri lilhom jafu li l-enerġija mhuwiex l-aspett numru wieħed inti jeħtieġ li tkun suċċess huwa b'aġilità tiegħek, tekniki, difiża tiegħek, shots tal-ġisem, l-istrateġija, huwa wara li l-istrateġija huwa diffiċli.


Hekk jien kuntenti li tirrispondi dawn id-domandi għall-persuni li ma jafux. Imma n-nies li ma jafux, nikseb fuqha.



Danny, dak dwarek tirrispondi għal persuni li jixtiequ li inti ġlieda Golovkin? Li jgħidu huwa ma jkunx iebsa biżżejjed, kif taħseb li jittrattaw ma 'li Jittieħed?


D. Jacobs

Stajt tgħallmu peress ritorn tiegħi lura. Stajt qbilna ħafna ta 'kritika fuq il-pożizzjoni tiegħi – għaliex I kont qed tiffaċċja nies li riedu lili biex iżidu l-, nies li riedu lili biex tikseb fil-pożizzjoni għall-ġlieda kontra li jkunu jridu lili biex jiġġieldu. Jien għadda dak il-punt. Issa dak I care about – ukoll, mhux sal-punt fejn I ma jimpurtahom dwar dak li l-fannijiet jaħsbu iżda, jekk inti appoġġ me, I tħares lejn din bħala, inti tifhem il-proċess, inti tifhem li mhuwiex se jiġu meta inti riedu li ġejjin u jekk int fan ta 'l-isport u jekk int fan ta' myself, allura inti biss jmorru flimkien mal-vjaġġ.


Irrid biex iżidu l-. Irrid li tkun tista 'tikseb fil hemm ma' l-aħjar mill-aħjar. Imma ovvjament, ma 'kollox għaddej fl-isport tal-boxing dritt issa, Jien ma verament fil-kontroll ta 'ċerti affarijiet, inti taf. I tista 'tikkontrolla li I pass fil hemm bil iżda sa ċertu punt. So I really ma tendenza li jsibu rwieħhom affarijiet bħal dik. I do dak I do. I waqfa lest. Bħala champion, I kondotta myself ġewwa u barra taċ-ċirku. Min jien fil hemm ma I jagħtu l-aħjar tiegħi. Jekk inti fan ta 'l-isport, allura int ser bħal-ġlied irrispettivament. Dan kollu dwar it-tqegħid fuq juru. Dan huwa dak I kont qed tagħmel – Ħassejtni qisni I kont qed tqiegħed fl ġlied tajba.



Huwa sfida għalik li inti tixtieq li tieħu fuq li tkun l-ewwel persuna li tieqaf Sergio Mora jew hija pjuttost importanti għalik li finalment jmorru l-bogħod biex imorru 12 rawnds?


D. Jacobs

I d essenzjalment riedu li jmorru 12-il rounds ma Truax. I intentionally wanted to go 12-rounds with Truax. Because I felt like I could stop him a little bit earlier, forsi bħal fil-6 rawnd imma kien xi ħaġa li jien ridt li jipprova li myself u jafu li I tista 'tmur full qawwija 12 rounds hija xi ħaġa li jien kunfidenti ħafna ma 'issa u inħoss bħal jien twieġeb mistoqsija tiegħi. Allura, it-test bil Sergio Mora huwa – jekk ikun jista 'jiġi mwaqqaf jew jekk jew le I tista' tmur l-distanza miegħu, hu qatt ma kien mwaqqfa qabel, u għalhekk se jkun silġ fuq il-kejk biex tkun tista 'mhux biss biex jegħleb lilu imma biex tieqaf lilu fil-logħba.


Iżda, hu veteran crafty u jekk I tista 'tieħu jirbaħ fuq Guy bħal dik, rebħa hija win lili. Iżda fl-aħħar tal-ġurnata, dak li l-fannijiet trid tara huwa knockouts. Dak il-fannijiet jridu huwa tissielet spettakolari. Allura ħaġa tiegħi hija jekk nistgħu biss jipproduċu ġlieda meraviljuż u ġlieda kompetittiv, Jien kontenut ma 'dak. A eliminatorja huwa biss silġ fuq il-kejk. Imma hija xi ħaġa li jien infittxu imma jekk dan jiġri, Jien pretty ċert I taf kif tikseb-xogħol isir.



What do you think dwar il-ħiliet boxing tiegħu? Kif do jaqblu ma 'tiegħek speċjalment matul il-kors ta' ġlieda 12-round?


S. Mora

Li kienet kwistjoni kbira inti tlabt Danny, mill-mod. I think hu wieġeb perfettament. Nixtieq li knock out xi ħadd bħali, inti taf, minħabba li tqiegħed xi ħaġa fuq jerġa tiegħek li Vernon Forrest u Zokkor Shane Mosley, tnejn Hall ta 'fama greats ma kinux f'pożizzjoni li jagħmlu. Allura li kien kwistjoni kbira.


Like I said, I think hu jkollu dak kollu li jien ma. Imma għandi l-esperjenza. I think I tieħu xi sparatura aħjar mill-esperjenza ma 'Danny u I think I isegwu pjan logħba tiegħi aktar minn Danny. A lott ta 'boxers speċjalment ħafna ta' ġellieda atletiċi żgħażagħ imorru barra tal-pjan logħba tagħhom u ladarba jaraw li huwa ma tkunx qed taħdem. Bħala veteran, Naf li huwa ma tkunx qed taħdem inizjalment.


Hemm bidu, a midgame u logħba aħħari, tip ta 'prodotti simili fil-ċess. Imma inti biss ltqajna biex twaħħal għal dak li inti ipprattikat u ma jmurx barra ta 'element tiegħek u normalment l-affarijiet imorru tajjeb għalija. Li kif jien ser tkompli tagħmel.


Of course, Stajt inbidlu xi affarijiet fl-istrateġija tiegħi. Stajt inbidlu xi affarijiet fl-armament tiegħi u l-mod nara avversarji u mmur dwar dan. Iżda fl-aħħar, huwa għadu Sergio Mora – xorta waħda l-Guy li għandu li l-kapaċità tkun ittellef champion u li hu min għaddej biex jiġu ġlieda kontra Awissu 1.



Can you talk about your perspective on having it been a long time since you were at this level in terms of a belt being available to you?


S. Mora

Well, anyone who’s been around the game for more than ten years or not even then. Anyone who’s been around the game will know that this is a political game. And if you’re not with the right side, you’re on the wrong side. And then even if you are on the right side, there’s another side I think that are right and they’re going to be butting heads.


Very political business and I think I turned a lot of people off when I fought Shane Mosley and an uneventful fight but I took all the blame for that and then after that, I was forced to go to Texas to fight a Texan. And I came up short against Brian Vera and then that just really hurt my career.


I was getting all the bad media, I wasn’t getting the right offers and that’s a good reason why fighters retire because they don’t have the offers coming in and it can be really depleting and depressing. I decided to go back to the drawing board and start off with a new team, have a new focus and I realized the change in the boxing as well, the same people that were in charge of courts in 2010, 2012, they’re not in charge anymore. There are new players in the game, there are new dates in the game and there’s new opportunity.


So because of all this new stuff that’s been added to the world of boxing, a person like myself has been able to make the comeback and I’m in a really good place and I am appreciative.



Sergio, do you feel that you get a bit of a bad wrap?


S. Mora

In my head, in my stubborn, ignorant head, I’m undefeated. I thought I beat Brian Vera both of those times and I beat Vernon Forrest the first time. He beat me the second time. That’s an even draw, inti taf. So in a way, no one has really dominated, no one has really beat me convincingly. So in my head, I’m undefeated. There’s no rubber match to see who really has more wins over the other guy. But in reality, Vernon beat me the second time, I beat him the first time.


It’s a crazy business. People are waiting for you to just come down.



So when you take a look at Danny’s record, what is your take on what he’s accomplished or what you think of his ability?


S. Mora

Well, exactly what you guys thought. I think with special talent and he got a piece of a world championship and he’s recognized as a champion. Allura, everything that people thought of him came true. Now that he’s on top, he needs to fight top fighters. I don’t think he’s faced the opposition that I faced and other champions have faced. I think that’s the only thing that he’s limited in.


So I’m going to be the best name on his resume and we’re going to see how he’s going to be able to handle a guy as crafty like me and a former champion like myself. So it’s a bit of success for him and it’s the best for me fighting a young, hungry champ.



When you look over your resume of opponents you faced in your career so far, does he poses perhaps the most formidable test of your career given his experience and his crafty nature?


D. Jacobs

Well, absolutely, coming into this thing I even said that I mentioned that he’s the most experienced fighter that I will be stepping in the ring with. The former world champion, beating the likes of Vernon Forrest, Shane Mosley, a couple other guys. He has that experience. He knows what it is to go the distance. He knows what it is to be in a dogfight. I’m a young champion and I haven’t seen those things thus far, dritt, inti taf.


I’m content – ukoll, not content but, I’m okay with the fact that I have fought those guys, those topnotch but that’s what I’m looking forward to is a ladder. You can’t skip the ladder. You can’t skip any steps, or you’ll fall.


So we take in a step by the time and we stepping up and every time you’re going to see great opposition. I’m just looking forward to this one. I don’t take him lightly whatsoever. I clearly mark him as one of the toughest, craftiest most experienced guy that I have faced.



Daniel, what is going to be the thing that gets you over the top and helps you win this fight?


D. Jacobs

I don’t know what will be the main thing. But I feel like I have a lot more advantages than he does in the fight. But whatever my advantages are and whatever gets me going, will be the deciding factor for me I would stick to. So if it’s my speed, then I’ll stick to using my speed. If it’s my power, backing him down, showing him what a real middleweight feels like, then that’s what I would do.


But it’s all about adjusting and getting in there because, inti taf, not a lot of things may work according to the game plan. So you got to go to Plan B, Plan C and so on and so forth. So I’m just looking forward to seeing what works for me, figuring it out because it is a puzzle, it is a chess game when you fight a guy like Sergio and just making it work. I think that’s what a true champion does is just adjust and get the job done.



What are you doing in training camp to get away from that label of spoiler and be directly concentrated on winning that title from Danny Jacobs?


S. Mora

Iva. I’ve been labeled the spoiler. I’ve been labeled a lot of names that I actually consider as a good thing, inti taf. You could see it as positive or negative. You come in the positive things that I’m going to go in there, I’m going to spoil Danny Jacobsplans and spoil his promotion plan and spoiler for the fans is the negative that I’m going to come in and win. I decided to go in therewhen the fight with Mosley and Vera, I decided to change my style a bit and I actually engaged a little bit more and be a little bit more offensive and take more chances to go for the knockout. But I think I’ve done that. You know, in my last five fights, I knocked down three of my opponents. So I’ve kept my word and I got this opportunity to fight for a world title again.


With Danny, I’m going to do the same. I’m going to try to go out there and do the same thing that got me into this position. I’m showing them that I can be and I can be crafty. I mostly want to let them know that, “Ħej, jisimgħu, I got this other side to my game too that I added to that slickness and that craftiness.Danny also mentioned, if that’s not working, then I got to go to Plan B and C. I’m going to give him different looks just like he’s going to give me. But I’m an excited former champion and waiting to be a new champion August 1st.



Talk about the kinds of sparring partners you have into camp.


S. Mora

Iva, I like to have heavier sparring partners, harder punching sparring partners. But it’s not about the power because me and my sparring partners aren’t going to go in there and hit me with that power. So I like hitting guys with slickness, with speed, just in case Danny comes in there and he shows me a different style, I got to be ready for that. So I got younger guys, stronger guys, powerful guys, big guys, elusive guys and I like to mix it up.



You’re a tremendous fighter, and the same time, you are great announcer, can you talk about seeing that light at the end of the tunnel and a career after boxing?


D. Jacobs

Well, thank you sir I really, really appreciate that. To answer your question, iva, dak l-pjan ta 'logħba. To be able to talk and give my side on a national level. So one opportunity I don’t take for granted that I’m enjoying doing is giving me a different perspective on a sport that I love. And it’s something that it can set me up for the rest of my life as something to do post-boxing. Iżda, obviously not straying away from the main task at hand, boxing obviously is what I love to do and just the forefront. So I’m 110% focused on what we’re doing actually inside the ring.


But on my spare time in between fights, it’s something that I also like to do and stay busy. But the most part is just building the brand. Dak hu li aħna qed tagħmel. We’re building the Danny Jacobs brand and I’m having fun doing it but I’m taking it seriously because, inti taf, boxing is a very short road and I’m going to fall back on this as well.


So just trying to take everything serious and trying to give the best that I have and seeing that it’s been working thus far. So God has definitely blessed me and I’m just looking forward to everything in the near future. This opportunity to fight Sergio is a heck of an opportunity for me in my mind. I think it’s one heck of a step-up as well.


So I’m just looking forward to what life has in store for me and my career in the future.


L. DiBella

We’re going to move on to the main event of the evening right now. But once again, this is Premier Boxing Champions on ESPN from Barclays Center on August 1. It’s primetime in ESPN, coverage beginning at 9:00 pm ET / 6:00 pm PT. Tickets are from $250 down to $45 available at,, the Box Office at Barclays or by calling Ticketmaster or calling Barclays Center.


The main event is a classic Philadelphia versus Brooklyn matchup, featuring two of boxing’s biggest stars. And it’s a must-win situation for both fighters when Danny “Swift” Garcia takes on Paulie “Magic Man” Malignaggi. Huwa 12 rounds at welterweight at 147 liri.


Interestingly, both of these fighters participated at Barclays Center inaugural boxing card in 2012.


Danny Garcia, the former Unified Welterweight Champion, made five defenses Junior Welterweight Champion, made five defenses of his belt. It’ll mark Danny’s official move up to welterweight and his fifth appearance at Barclays Center. On his last fight, he had a really tough win and a really hard-fought fight with Lamont Peterson.


Fuq Awissu 1, he has his hands full with Paulie Malignaggi, former Welterweight and Junior Welterweight World Champion, għandha rekord ta ' 33-6. It’s Paulie’s fourth fight at Barclays Center. He defeated Pablo Cesar Cano and Zab Judah there and he lost close split decision to Adrien Broner.


Paulie, do you want to start by saying a few words?


Paulie Malignaggi

Grazzi, Lou. Iva, I’m just really feeling blessed to have the opportunity. It was an opportunity that I didn’t see coming my way after pulling out of the O’Connor fight earlier in the summer and then now trying to back up into the fall. I’m just really trying to sit back and enjoy the summer more so than training and whatnot.


This kind of opportunity just fell into my lap. It was unexpected. But I’m all about competing against the best. As surprised that I was, it was also an opportunity I couldn’t say no to. It’s a chance to, be back in the main spotlight with that kind of a fight, be at the forefront which are the kind of fights that I crave, anyway, and the kind of fights that really get my adrenaline flowing and get me motivated.


I’m fighting one of the best fighters in the world today at any weight. Like Danny Garcia, it’s a motivation to test myself against the best. I always want to test myself against the best, and so here I am.


L. DiBella

Grazzi, Paulie. Danny “Swift” Garcia, still undefeated, 30-0 ma 17 Kos. Danny?


Danny Garcia

How are you guys doing? Ewwel, I want to say good afternoon to everybody. I hope everybody is having a good day. Thanks for having me on this conference call.


Awissu 1st this is going to be another great night at Barclays Center. It’s my fifth fight there and my first fight at 147. So I feel like this is a great matchup, stylistically, to the fans all around the world.


Come August 1st, I’m going to be ready. I’m working hard. Jien taħriġ iebes. I can’t wait to get in there, showcase my skills and in the weight class.



How do you feel, Danny, now moving up to welter?


D. Garcia

Iħoss kbir. For the first time in a long time, I could worry about training to get better and not training to lose weight. I’ve been fighting at 140 my whole career.


I just feel felt like losing the weight was affecting my performances, mostly in the later rounds of big fights because I will use a lot of my energy losing weight. I think I’m just going toI’ve been feeling a lot stronger and a lot better at 147. I think I should have been moved up maybe after the Mattysse fight.


But I’m here now and I feel good. Inħoss qawwija. Jien taħriġ iebes. And we’re working on new things just to get faster and stronger at 147.



Did the weight loss hurt you against Lamont Peterson you think?


D. Garcia

I’m not making any excuses. He had a good game plan. I just didn’t feel strong at that weight class anymore.


Qabel, when I hit guys, I could feel the power going through my arms. And when I land a shot, I knew I would hurt them. I just didn’t feel strong at the weight class no more. I just felt like I was hurt myself. I just didn’t feel as strong at 140 anymore.



Paulie, just talk about getting back in the ring after the Porter fight and this opportunity for you.


P. Malignaggi

I feel blessed just to get the opportunity and to get a chance to continue to test myself against one of the best fighters in the world.


You get to the point when you’re not in the ring for a while. It’s going through my mind that maybe I don’t want to fight. But as time went by and I started working out again, I started realizing that it was something I missed. It was something I was still craving. I wanted to be back in there.


Din is-sena, b'mod partikolari, has been different than a lot of years. I’ve always had my fight and then I’ve gone right back into just hanging out. I’ve spent almost the entire year in the gym. And I’ve been able to balance it out with all my travel with my commentating. I was in Sadam Ali’s camp for his fight.. I went right into my own training camp for Danny O’Connor and I got cut just two weeks before that scheduled fight. Then I got a call for this fight not long after that.


I’ve spent a large chunk of the year in the gym, which is something that hasn’t happened in a long time. And I feel sharp before that. If we’re going to talk about the layoff, people are going to talk about the fact that, I haven’t fought for a long time. But in reality, I actually haven’t trained this consistently in a decade, I mean literally a decade. Since I fought Miguel Cotto, I started making pretty good money after that and I haven’t stayed all year in the gym. Qabel li, I was in the gym all year, inti taf.


I didn’t even mean to do it by design. It’s not like I said, “Oh, din is-sena, I’m going to spend the whole year in the gym.” I didn’t – it’s not something I planned. It’s just something that ended up happening going from one camp into another camp, into another camp. And I guess it’s just an accident.


But I do feel the sharpness in a gym. I do feel the timing is really good. Obviously my weight has come down. Allura, that’s a good feeling knowing that I have to drop a lot of weight during the training camp just working on the sharpness and keep getting better.



Was there ever any serious consideration about retiring after the Porter fight or was that just suddenly flowing around out there?


P. Malignaggi

It wasn’t even something I considered. It was just something that I felt like I was going to do, inti taf. I just felt like, I don’t really want to do this, in the time, the way I felt, where my mind was at. And it was just something I didn’t want to do anymore.


So I think that’s probably the best thing that happened to me in terms of thinking it like that. Not talking about the loss, but in terms of my mindset in that moment was probably the best thing because if you start to tell yourself you’re going to have a layoff and you’re going to come back, in the back of your mind, you’re never going to take that time off the right way. You’re going to be thinking about you should be back in a gym or when is the right time to get back in the gym.


But because I wasn’t thinking that, I was just thinking, “Inti taf liema, Jien jsir,” I gave myself plenty of time to kind of rejuvenate a little bit before I got back in the gym. And then I just decided, “Ħej, you know what, I miss this. I want to get back in the gym.


So I think the change of my mind was probably a good thing as opposed to just telling myself, “Inti taf liema, I’m going to take some time off and then come back.I really didn’t think I was going to come back. So when I took the time off, it was really like a time that I was legitimately, fil-fehma tiegħi, feeling rested and got myself rejuvenated without even realizing it. And then by the time I got back in the gym, it was like to try rebuilding a new me, biex ngħidu hekk.



Did you think that this might be too much of a stepup after you’re going to be fighting Danny O’Connor after the long layoff?


P. Malignaggi

I was actually surprised. Ewwel, I didn’t realize Danny was actually going to move to welter right away. I figured like he was having trouble making the junior welterweight limit. But I had heard rumblings that he still wanted to stay a junior welter for a little longer.


I was surprised just in general that he’s moving to welterweight. And then I was surprised, coming off the layoff, I thought maybe that we’ll get somebody else, instead of me to fight Danny.


When I got the call, I kien sorpriż. But it was almost like pleasantly surprised. And not because I don’t respect Danny because I do, I got a lot of respect for Danny and family and his father and everything, but I’m a competitor. I haven’t had a big fight in over a year. So it’s just like, wieħed, this is an opportunity for me to kind of put myself back in the mix with one really good performance as opposed to slowly getting back in the mix over the course of three, four fights.


I’m 34-years-old. I’m not 24. So I don’t really have that kind of patience anymore. Fl-istess ħin, when I got the call, I also realized how good I had felt in the gym sparring and how good I’ve been feeling in the gym just getting shaped or whatnot. So I felt like I could just flow right into another training camp, because I hadn’t taken that long a time off after I had been cut for the O’Connor camp. I actually still kept training.


So my weight was still good. It kind of made sense on a lot of fronts. I didn’t tell myself, “Oh, it’s a big step-up after a layoff.I didn’t look at it like that. I looked at it from more of a positive perspective.



Are there any health concerns for you or just heading into this fight?


P. Malignaggi

I don’t ever think about this stuff, wieħed. You have to have a short memory in boxing. And that applies to both when you look good and when you look bad. So whatever has happened to you in the past, it doesn’t matter whether it was good or bad. You can’t take that in the ring with you in your next performance. You’re starting a new chapter every time you step in the ring for round one in your next fight.


So I know as far as round one, it’s a new chapter for me. And so I don’t consider, I don’t think about what’s happened to me in the past, whether it was good or bad. But it’s something that I haven’t thought about in a long time and it doesn’t go through my mind.



Danny is this an effort for you to feel what a 147-fight feels like?


D. Garcia

This is a fight my manager wanted. He gave me the call. He made this fight. And like any other fight, he did ask me, “Ħej, do you want to fight this guy?” And then we say, “Iva, we want to fight this guy.


So I didn’t go say, “Gee, I want to fight Paulie because he’s not a big puncher,” inti taf, għaliex, power is just one of the many skills you need in boxing. I don’t choose the opponent. I don’t hand choose the opponent. Imma naħseb li b'mod ġenerali, this is going to be a great fight.



And what are you looking for this fight to do in terms of advancing your career should you win the fight? What would be next for you? What are you aiming to do in this division?


D. Garcia

I do not know xi jmiss. Ovvjament, ġlieda wieħed fi żmien. I got a task in front of me. I got to go in there 110% mentally and physically prepared and just get the job done. Then after that, we can see what’s next for us.



Paulie, how do you view a fighter like Danny, a former champion, coming up from 140 biex 147?


P. Malignaggi

Oh, I think he’s a phenomenal fighter. I even told Danny myself, early on, I wasn’t high on him. Iżda, I know when he was in the prospect stages, he was beating some really good names and he was hitting a harder road up and a lot of prospects to do, in terms of a guy he has to fight. And he grew on me. I started realizing I’m not looking at this kid the right way. This kid is actually good on a lot of fronts, both from a physical perspective and from a mental perspective, really strong.


I’ve always had a lot of respect for him. But in terms of 140, 147, he’s no different than me. I was a junior welterweight champion; I moved into welterweight. So from that front, I don’t even look at myself as a bigger guy or anything. As a matter of fact, he moved up to welterweight at a younger age than when I moved up to welterweight, inti taf. So his body grew into the division a little sooner than my body grew into the division.


So I think from that point of view, we both have that in common that we’re both ex-junior welterweight. So from a physical standpoint, I’m not looking at it as having any advantages. It’s just a matter of matching of my skills to his skills.



Moving up to 147, do you really feel like you’re going to be able to put a staple on a lot of people’s mouths to shut them up about all the criticism that comes with Danny Garcia?


D. Garcia

That’s just boxing. Because I’ve been the underdog before, I’ve been the underdog before and I won. And there was like, “Oh, he got lucky.So it’s either I’m the favorite or the underdog. I can’t listen to none of that stuff after just going through each fight like I was, mentally prepared, physically prepared going in and get the job done.


If it’s good enough for the media and it’s good enough for the fans, Jien ferhan. I’m still happy because, it takes a real man to go in there and put gloves on and fight another man for 12 rawnds. It takes a lot of discipline. It’s usually hard work for ten weeks straight waking up every day, doing the same thing, sweat, demm, tears, all that stuff.


So I would love for the fans and the media to love me. Iżda, it is what it is, they’re tough on me and that’s what keeps the chip on my shoulder and that’s going to make me train hard every day.



Do you see your craftiness advantages that you may have over him that Danny may have a little bit of difficulty with skilled boxers?


P. Malignaggi

I think styles make fight. From a style point of view there are things that I feel like I’ll be able to do against Danny. But I also expect Danny had made some adjustments since those fights.


When it comes to the Lamont Peterson fight, as I was watching that fight and Lamont started turning things around, I started thinking, maybe Danny, he got in his mind after the first three, four, five rounds that this was the kind of fight this is going to be all night.


And when you kind of get into that role in your mind where, ħej, wieħed, this is going to be at a slow pace fight and you’re going to go through the motions in the fourth round. And then suddenly the script gets switched on you; you weren’t ready.


I felt like Lamont almost caught Danny in a sleep. And so from there, I don’t know that Danny would make a mistake again. The pace was so slow early on. I felt like I put myself in Danny’s shoes and I said, “Inti taf liema, if I was Danny, I would probably be thinking two, three, four rounds. Daqshekk. This is the kind of fight we’re going to fight for 12 rawnds. So I wouldn’t be ready when suddenly he got turned off. Because if in your mind you put inif you put in your mindset that’s how the fight is going to be and then things switched, then you kind of get caught sleeping.


So I felt like maybe it was a learning experience for Danny. But as far as from the stylistic point of view, yes I like the way my boxing skills match up to his. I’m sure there’s things he feels he can do to me as well. And that’s kind of why we get in the ring, we compete with each other and you match up skills. But I’m sure both of us have certain advantages over the other that we’re both going to try to apply once the bell rings on August 1st.



Do you see that as a must-win situation for you especially coming off the loss with Shawn Porter?


P. Malignaggi

I think it’s more must-win for me as far as my own boxing career is concerned. I think there’s no question that from my professional boxing career, not my commentating career; take everything else aside. For the life of my professional boxing career to continue, I feel like this is a must win for sure. I don’t think that there’s much of a must-win for Danny as it is for me.


At this level, they’re allyou always feel like it’s must win because you’re always in the mix for a bigger fight if you can win. So it’s always must win. But in reality, I feel like the burden falls on me more than Danny for it to be that kind of must-win.


But it’s also nothing new to me. I’ve been written off before. My career was supposed to end in 2009 when I went to Houston, Texas. I just came off the Ricky Hatton loss and I went to Houston to fight Juan Diaz. And no matter what I said in the press conferences, no matter what I’ve said in interviews, I remember just within one year they just kind of felt like this was going to be the end of my career. And so I had to go in there and prove it myself that it wasn’t yet, inti taf.


So I had everybodyif I allowed myself to listen to what everybody says, I would have long gone a long time ago because you figure, you teach everybody their lessons and then it happened again in 2012. I got sent to Ukraine. I hadn’t really had a big fight in a couple of years and people just thought I was again sent to Ukraine as a fight just to make a little bit of money and be done. I was surprised that everybody was thinking about me like that again. I was like, “Wow. These people really don’t learn their lesson, you know.


And so I went to Ukraine and I’d come back with the WBA Welterweight title at that time. And I was able to turn things around again fromin my career. And those are really two key situations because losses in those two fights would really have erased me from the sport.


So I found myself again in this kind of situation. I’m not travelling to anybody’s hometown this time. I’m fighting in my own hometown. But it’s the same situation. It’s kind of the same thing. No matter what I say going into this fight, people are still going to look at it the same way that I’m the opponent and I’m the guy that Danny beats and this is my last fight and I’m just taking this for a payday and all this stuff.


So if I hadn’t already been through this, maybe I would worry about it. I remember in 2009, going to Houston, being kind of worried about it, complaining about all kinds of stuff and just not really knowing what I was walking into. I was walking into a dark room. But I’m not walking into a dark room on August 1st. I know exactly what’s going on. I know exactly what the rumblings are in the boxing world. And I know exactly what everybody is saying about the fight.


Regardless, ma jimpurtax. None of it matters. I go in the gym; I do my work every day. I know my mindset. It’s focused. It’s ready. And I know I’m going there to do work on August 1st. And nobody’s opinion is going to matter when the bell rings. But you can’t take people’s opinions in the ring with you, darb'oħra, whether they’d be good or whether they’d be bad. Nobody’s opinion comes in the ring with you. It has absolutely no bearing on who wins each and every single round.



Danny, what things have you been able to do this time around doing training that you could not do in the past because you had to make 140?


D. Garcia

We added things to our workout now. We added a lot of explosive workouts, a lot of agility, a lot of footwork, a lot of things to making you more explosive, things I couldn’t do at 140 because I didn’t have the energy for it. But now the extra weight is really helping me. I’m eatingI’m adding more meals to my base to make me stronger, like before I had to skip meals. I was always weak.



When we’re thinking about this, your training in the gym, do you 100% know how good you’re going to be as far as the sharpness and what you have left at 34? Or does it remain to be seen, you’ll only know on fight night?


P. Malignaggi

Fight night you can feel any which way. You can have a good camp but sometimes have a bad night. You can have a bad camp and have a good night. You don’t know how you’re going to be on fight night until you wake up the morning of the fight.


But I will say this, I’m having a good camp. And it mainly has to do with the fact that I’ve flown from one camp to another to another and I’ve been able to keep working on my skills and keep working on my sharpness. My weight has stayed low because of the fact that I have consistent training, consistent sparring.


I really like the way I’m feeling right now. I like the rhythm that I’m in when I’m in the gym. I like the flow. We’re just going to try to bring this sharp camp into the fight.



Do you believe that you got the fight because they believed that you were a faded fighter?


P. Malignaggi

I didn’t go that deep into thinking. When I got the call, I was just surprised. Rhen I got the thinking, bħal, wieħed, that’s a big fight. Any competitor wants big fights and wants to be in the limelight and wants to be on the big stage. I was wondering if I would ever get a chance to fight on this stage again.


I was more just surprised than anything else. I didn’t really go into thinking as to why I got the fight or why I got offered the fight or whatnot. I think that’s more your guys’ xogħol. And I’m sure they let me know about it on Twitter and in the media why I’ve got this fight. Even if I didn’t think about it, just seeing what everybody says about it, I kind of get the gist of it.


If that’s the reason I got offered the fight, it’s the same reason I got offered the Juan Diaz fight in Houston in ’09. It’s the same reason I got the Vyacheslav Senchenko fight in Ukraine in 2012. And my confidence comes from me knowing I have the mental capacity to not let that kind of pressure bother me and have the mental capacity to just go into my zone and eliminate all the negativity from my mind.


Danny said earlier he would love the media and the fans to love him. I couldn’t care less whether anybody loves me or hates me. And I think the body of my work throughout my career or the things that I said, the things that I do, shows that I could care less whether anybody loves me or hates. I go out there to do a job. I’m a competitor. I love competing. I love the adrenaline rush of combat at the highest level and testing myself against the best fighters in the world.


That’s why I do this. I imħabba għall-ġlieda kontra – I love to see where I’m at. And on August 1st, I’ll show myself.



Danny, where is dad, Angel Garcia?


D. Garcia

My dad is doing well. Dritt issa, he’s at a shop. He owns and runs a business. Angel is just being Angel right now. I won’t see him until 5 o'clock. Only the Lord knows what he’s doing right now.



I would say some of the best work that you have done in the ring is by out-foxing heavy-handed opponents. How much of the old fox are we going to see? How is he again against Danny Garcia?


P. Malignaggi

I think for the most part, people know Danny’s style, people know my style. We’re going to make some adjustments to each other, both as part of the game plan and once we see each other in the ring.


I can’t really tell you exactly how I’m going to play it out until I’m in the ring myself. I plan on being the best me possible. I plan on being the sharpest me possible. And right now, in training, Inħoss verament tajba. The plan is to flow this training camp into a sharp night on August 1st.



How long have you been thinking about the move up to welter?


D. Garcia

I believe right after the Matthysse fight I wanted to move up. I felt like that was a perfect time for me to move up because I beat the best 140-pounder at that time. I had beat Khan and then I came back and beat Morales and Matthysse.


I beat two of the best 140-pounders, so I feel like it’s time for me to go up to 147. But they had different plans for me. Me and my team, we decided to stay at 140 for a little longer to see how it played out. I just wasn’t fully strong at the weight class anymore. I just wasn’t fully strong anymore. So I felt like it’s time for me to go up to 147.



How confident do you feel that you can become world champion again against the likes of Thurman, Kell Brook, perhaps a rematch against Amir Khan?


D. Garcia

Ninsab kunfidenti ħafna. I faced a lot of good fighters. I faced a lot of great fighters in my career. I have a lot of experience. I was a big 140-pound fighter. I’ve never faced a 140-pound fighter who was taller than me or who looked better than me.


I was just squeezing my body down to 140. And I feel like I’m going to be a way better fighter at 147 and be able to use my legs more. Fil 140, I felt like I wasn’t strong no more, so I just had to walk forward all night and knock my opponents out.


But I feel like at 147, you’re going to see a more athletic Danny Garcia and be able to use my legs more, using my jab more and see punches clearer. When you drain yourself as hard to see punches, then you get hit with a lot of dumb punches because your vision is not clear.


Inħoss bħal viżjoni tiegħi se jkun hemm ħafna aktar ċara u jkunu jistgħu jiċċaqalqu ras tiegħi, tara l-puntelli aħjar, użu saqajn tiegħi. U naħseb jien ser tkun champion fil 147, wisq. I know so.


L. DiBella

Ma 'dak, nirringrazzjak, kulħadd, għall-jingħaqdu magħna għal din PBC fuq sejħa ESPN.


Għal darb'oħra, dan ser ikun Danny “Swift” Garcia kontra Paulie “Magic Man” Malignaggi, u Danny Jacobs kontra Sergio Mora fil-bout ftuħ fil Barclays Center, Awissu 1, primetime fuq ESPN, coverage beginning at 9:00 pm ET / 6:00 pm PT.


# # #

Minbarra l-avveniment u ko-prinċipali avveniment prinċipali tal-lejla, bouts undercard tagħżel se jsiru live fuq ESPN3. ESPN Deportes se televize wkoll il-ġlieda ħajjin bħala parti mill-tagħha Tissielet Night serje u ESPN International se tippreżenta kopertura ħajjin madwar in-netwerks tagħha fl-Amerika Latina, Brażil, l-Rim Karibew u tal-Paċifiku. Live kopertura se jkun disponibbli wkoll permezz WatchESPN fuq il-kompjuters, smartphones, Pilloli, Amazon Nar TV u Fire TV Stick, Apple TV, Chromecast, Sena, Xbox 360 u Xbox One permezz ta 'fornitur video affiljata.


Għal aktar tagħrif żur, Segwi fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter USwanson_Comm u isiru fan fuq Facebook,,, Segwi l-konverżazzjoni li jużaw #PBConESPN u #BrooklynBoxing.


NEW YORK (Ġunju 25, 2015) – Superstiti kanċer u Middleweight Dinja Champion Daniel “Il-Man Miracle” Jacobs (29-1, 26 Kos) komplew jinfirxu istorja motivazzjonali tiegħu ta 'perseveranza din il-ġimgħa billi tagħmel żjarat biex Club Gilda fil Warminster, PA nhar it-Tlieta u l-Isptar Morgan Stanley tat-Tfal fi New York nhar l-Erbgħa bħala parti ta 'dmirijietu Get In The Ring Foundation sensibilizzazzjoni komunità. Jacobs ħa ż-żmien barra ta 'taħriġ għall tiegħu IS-SIBT, Awissu 1 Premier Boxing Champions fuq ESPN difiża titolu kontra Sergio “L Snake Latin” Mora (28-3-2, 9 Kos) fi Barclays Center fil Hometown tiegħu ta 'Brooklyn.


Photo: Daniel Jacobs mat-tfal fil-Club Gilda tal

Kreditu: Kathryn Brown / Get Fil Il-Fondazzjoni Ring


Jacobs għelbu bout tiegħu ma osteosarkoma, forma rari ta kanċer fl-għadam, u hu jittama li l-irkupru mirakuluża tiegħu u rimonta tista 'sservi biex jimmotivaw lit-tfal li ġew affettwati mill-kanċer.


“Dawn il-gidjien jafu l-isfidi li l-kanċer tista 'ġġib,” Jacobs qal. “Imma meta tara xi ħadd fil-pożizzjoni tiegħi — a champion dinja li għelbu kanċer u qed tagħmel tant wara l-irkupru — din tista 'tagħtihom sens ta' tama. I jridu jaqsmu l-battalji I kellna, u għalhekk tista 'tagħti gidjien biss ftit aktar komdi fil-battalji u l-ġlidiet li qed jiffaċċjaw issa.”


Kif Jacobs gerijiet up għall-ġlieda tiegħu lura ġewwa ċ-ċirku kwadrat fuq Awissu 1, huwa ottimist li l-isforzi tiegħu din il-ġimgħa se jgħin lit-tfal fil-Club Gilda u l-Isptar Morgan Stanley tat-Tfal jemmnu li huma ċampjins fil-ħajja biss peress li hu fiċ-ċirku.


# # #

BILJETTI: Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li huwa promoss permezz DiBella Entertainment, huma pprezzati għal $250, $150, $75 u $45, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Biljetti huma disponibbli fuq, and at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center now. Biex ħlas bis-telefon, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000. Għall-biljetti tal-grupp, jekk jogħġbok ċempel 855-GRUPP-BK.


Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar jiksbu fil-email Fondazzjoni Ring

Canada’s Tony Luis Set for Ring Return on Friday, Ġunju 26, fil Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino u Live fuq CBS Sports Network


Wara dawran suċċess bħala boxing kummentatur fuq it-televiżjoni, Cornwall, Ontario, Tony Kanada “Lightning” Luis huwa stabbilit li jirritornaw għall-ċirku fil-bout-ko dehru ta ' “Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network”, skedata għall Il-ġimgħa, Ġunju 26, 2015, mill-Niagara Resort Seneca & Casino fil Niagara Falls, New York.

Fl-ewwel ġlieda tiegħu peress kontroversjali ħafna tiegħu “telf” li Ingilterra Derry Matthews għall-Dinja tal-Futbol WBA f'April li għadda, WBA # 14 rated Luis se jiffaċċjaw New York (permezz-Repubblika Dominikana) veteran Edward Valdez (13-10-2, 3 Kos) fi 10-tond.

Biljetti għall “Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network” huma pprezzati għal $35 u $45, u bilqiegħda ringside hija $75 u jistgħu jinxtraw bil-karta ta 'kreditu kbar billi ċċempel Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000, online fi jew permezz tal-Uffiċċju Seneca Niagara Casino Kaxxa: 716-501-2444.

Ippreżentat mill Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen flimkien ma 'Promotions Ġlieda Card Adam Wilcock tal, Promozzjonijiet GH3 Vito Mielnicki tal, Star Dmitriy Salita taċ-David Promozzjonijiet u prodotti mill Winner David Schuster ta Ħu Productions kollha, avveniment prinċipali 10-round-lejl se karatteristika WBA #11- u IBF # 6-rated Dennis “Uragan” Hogan (21-0-1, 7 Kos) ta 'Queensland, Awstralja (permezz Kildare, Irlanda) jagħmlu l-ewwel difiża ta WBA-NABA Istati Uniti Super welterweight Kampjonat tiegħu kontra favoriti lokali Kenny Abril (14-7-1, 7 Kos) tal Rochester, New York.

“Taħriġ li qed jiġri kbir!” qal Luis pozittiva sounding. “Edward Valdez huwa iebsa, veteran imħawwar li tista 'sorpriża xi ħadd jekk inti jorqdu fuq lilu. Huwa taw Ivan Redkach tmien rawnds iebes u dak l-Valdez jien tħejjija għall.”

Luis għamlet xogħol sabiħa fl-ewwel trasferiment tiegħu bħala kummentatur kulur. Huwa ħadem l Kayode vs. Kisner mxandra minn Triq Beale aħħar xahar. “L-GIG commentating fil Memphis kien esperjenza kbira. Jien dejjem ried li l-impjieg bħala kid u qisni I kienu qed jagħmlu dan ħajja kollha tiegħi. Tgħallimt ħafna u jgawdu myself u ħerqana li jagħmlu dan mill-ġdid fil-futur.”

A figura popolari fil Hometown tiegħu u matul l-Kanada indiġeni tiegħu, Luis jżid ukoll li hu jistenna bil-ħerqa li li turi qawwija mill pajjiżu, kif Niagara Falls hija distanza qasira ħafna mill-Kanada.

“Il-ġlieda kontra hekk qrib il-fruntiera Kanadiża jien bit-tama għal parteċipazzjoni tajba mill-partitarji Kanadiżi tiegħi sħabi! I pjan dwar it-tqegħid fuq juru kbir għalihom u l-telespettaturi televiżivi nazzjonali. Nispera li l-qawwa ta 'dan ir-rendiment se jimbotta me fis ieħor ġlieda titolu dinja u din id-darba I pjan fuq it-teħid il-home ċinturin.”

U f'żewġ karatteristiċi miżjuda speċjali ħafna, American heavyweight artist eliminatorja Jarrell “Big Baby” Taħħan (13-0-1, 10 Kos) ser jirritorna għall-ring biss 22 jum wara TKO prinċipali avveniment tiegħu 2 fuq Damon McCreary li jieħu fuq Slugger lokali Excel Holmes ta Buffalo fil-sitt tond; u ta 'żmien twil konkorrent middleweight top “Jfissru” Joe Greene (25-1, 16 Kos) ser jirritorna għall-ring għall-ewwel darba f'aktar minn sentejn biex jiffaċċjaw Guy Pakkjatur Michigan fl 'sitt tond.

Fuq il-undercard, żewġ prospetti lokali se tagħmel debuts pro tagħhom, kif Rochester, New York featherweight super Hashuan Sambolin se jmorru tiegħu l-ewwel erba kontra Mikea Fergħa Cincinnati tal; u Buffalo ħfief Daniel DeJesus se tagħmel id-debutt tiegħu kontra TBA.And arrotondament 'l-azzjoni, Undefeated Bakhtiyer Eubov Kazakhstan se tfittex li żżomm perfetta tiegħu 5-0, 5 Rekord Kos intatti kontra New York welterweight Jason Thompson (5-10-4, 4 Kos).




L Seneca Niagara Casino & Hotel tinsab fil 310 4th Street fil Niagara Falls, New York. Għal aktar informazzjoni, sejħa 716.299.1100, jew ż L-uffiċċju kaxxa każinò huwa miftuħ mit 12pm- 8pm Sun-Ħam. & 12pm – 12 am Il-ġimgħa & IS-SIBT u tinsab fil-Staġuni Gift Shop jinsabu fil-ġwienaħ tramuntana tal-każinò. Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen, żjara jew jiċċekkjaw us out fuq Facebook GCPBoxing

Dwar Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen


Wieħed mill ħwejjeġ promozzjonali premier boxing l, Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen (GCP) huwa isem tajjeb rispettati għall waqfien avvenimenti ta 'klassi dinjija boxing professjonali u promozzjoni ġellieda professjonali elite madwar id-dinja.


Fundatur u CEO Greg Cohen kien involut ma boxing professjonali fil-kapaċitajiet varji mill-1980 tard, imsin dgħajjes tiegħu u li jistabbilixxi lilu nnifsu bħala negozjant shrewd boxing internazzjonali.


Distinti mill-kapaċità tiegħu biex spot u jiżviluppaw it-talent prima, Cohen magħmula aħbarijiet għall-gwida esperta tiegħu ta ', fost ħafna oħrajn, ex WBA Junior Middleweight Champion Austin “Nru Dubju” Trota, li Cohen għenu gwida mis mhux magħruf prospett New Mexico to-pay per view superstars livell elite.


Minbarra l-Trota, Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen ħadem ma 'ismijiet stabbiliti bħal eks champion unifikata u żewġ time heavyweight Hasim “Il Rock” Rahman (50-8-2, 41 Kos); u piż multipli champion klassi dinjija great-time kollha James “Dwal Out” Toney (74-7-3, 45 Kos).


Kontendenti kurrenti rated dinjija fil-roster GCP jinkludu Arash Usmanee, rikonoxxut universalment bħala top-10 featherweight super; ex WBA Internazzjonali Middleweight Champion u rated dinja middleweight konkorrent Jarrod Fletcher; featherweight top-rated Joel Brunker; cruiserweight Lateef Kayode; Kanadiżi eroj azzjoni ħfief u TV Tony Luis, u WBA u ħames time Irish National Champion Amateur, Dennis Hogan; u Rising sensazzjoni welterweight Cecil McCalla.


Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen kien ospitat avvenimenti ta 'klassi dinjija boxing fil-postijiet ifjen madwar l-Istati Uniti u d-dinja u wkoll kburi provdut talent u / jew il-kontenut tan-netwerks diversi televiżjoni inkluż HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBC Sports Network, CBS Sports Network, MSG u FOX Sports Net.

Għal aktar informazzjoni, żjara Sib magħna fuq Facebook TwITES: GCPBoxing.

Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network Card Skedati għall il-Ġimgħa, Ġunju 26, at Seneca Niagara Casino Taking Shape

Hogan Set li jieħu fuq Abril fil Main Event


L-pagament li jmiss tal “Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network”, skedata għallIl-ġimgħa, Ġunju 26, 2015, mill-Niagara Resort Seneca & Casino fil Niagara Falls, New York, qed tieħu forma.

Ippreżentat mill Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen flimkien ma 'Promotions Ġlieda Card Adam Wilcock tal, Promozzjonijiet GH3 Vito Mielnicki tal, Star Dmitriy Salita taċ-David Promozzjonijiet u prodotti mill Winner David Schuster ta Ħu Productions kollha, avveniment prinċipali 10-round-lejl se karatteristika WBA #11- u IBF # 6-rated Dennis “Uragan” Hogan (21-0-1, 7 Kos) ta 'Queensland, Awstralja (permezz Kildare, Irlanda), jagħmlu l-ewwel difiża ta WBA-NABA Istati Uniti Super welterweight Kampjonat tiegħu kontra favoriti lokali Kenny Abril (14-7-1, 7 Kos) tal Rochester, New York.

Biljetti għall “Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network” huma pprezzati għal $35 u $45, u bilqiegħda ringside hija $75 u jistgħu jinxtraw bil-karta ta 'kreditu kbar billi ċċempel Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000, online fuq jew permezz tal-Uffiċċju Seneca Niagara Casino Kaxxa: (716) 501-2444.

Fil-bout-ko dehru, WBA # 14 rratati Tony Kanada “Lightning” Luis (19-3, 7 Kos) ritorni lejn il-ħolqa għall-ewwel darba mill kontroversjali ħafna tiegħu “telf” li Ingilterra Derry Matthews għall-Dinja tal-Futbol WBA f'April li għadda. Luis se tieħu fuq veteran iebsa Edward Valdez (13-10-2, 3 Kos) fi 10-tond.

U f'żewġ karatteristiċi miżjuda speċjali ħafna, American heavyweight artist eliminatorja Jarrell “Big Baby” Taħħan (13-0-1, 10 Kos) ser jirritorna għall-ring biss 22 jum wara TKO prinċipali avveniment tiegħu 2 fuq Damon McCreary li jieħu fuq Slugger lokali Excel Holmes ta Buffalo fil-sitt tond; u ta 'żmien twil konkorrent middleweight top “Jfissru” Joe Greene (25-1, 16 Kos) ser jirritorna għall-ring għall-ewwel darba f'aktar minn sentejn biex jiffaċċjaw Guy Pakkjatur Michigan fl 'sitt tond.

Fuq il-undercard, żewġ prospetti lokali se tagħmel debuts pro tagħhom, kif Rochester, New York, featherweight super Hashuan Sambolin se jmorru tiegħu l-ewwel erba kontra Mikea Fergħa Cincinnati tal; u Buffalo ħfief Daniel DeJesus se tagħmel id-debutt tiegħu kontra TBA.And arrotondament 'l-azzjoni, Undefeated Bakhtiyer Eubov Kazakhstan se tfittex li żżomm perfetta tiegħu 5-0, 5 Rekord Kos intatti kontra New York welterweight Jason Thompson (5-10-4, 4 Kos).

L Seneca Niagara Casino & Hotel tinsab fil 310 4th Street fil Niagara Falls, New York. Għal aktar informazzjoni, sejħa 716.299.1100, jew żjara L-uffiċċju kaxxa każinò huwa miftuħ mit 12 pm- 8 pmSun-Ħam. & 12 pm – 12 am Ġimgħa u IS-SIBT u tinsab fil-Staġuni Gift Shop jinsabu fil-ġwienaħ tramuntana tal-każinò. Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen, żjara jew jiċċekkjaw us out fuq Facebook fil Twitter: GCPBoxing.

George Mitchell & Patrick Jum Ring 8 Kelliema mistiedna lejl il-Ħamis fi New York

Għal Rilaxx immedjat

ABOUT RING 8: Ring 8 saret it-tmien sussidjarja ta 'dak li kien imbagħad magħrufa bħala l-Veteran Nazzjonali Boxers Assoċjazzjoni – għalhekk, RING 8 – u llum motto tal-organizzazzjoni għadha: Boxers Ngħinu Boxers.


RING 8 hija impenjata bis-sħiħ biex tappoġġa lin-nies inqas ixxurtjati fil-komunità boxing li jistgħu jeħtieġu assistenza f'termini ta 'kera ħlas, spejjeż mediċi, jew kwalunkwe ħtieġa ġustifikabbli.


Mur fuq il-linja biex għal aktar informazzjoni dwar RING 8, l-akbar grupp tax-xorta tiegħu fl-Istati Uniti ma 'aktar minn 350 membri. Drittijiet tas-sħubija annwali hija biss $30.00 u kull membru hu intitolat għal pranzu buffet fil RING 8 laqgħat ta 'kull xahar, esklużi Lulju u Awissu. Boxers attivi kollha, dilettanti u professjonali, b'liċenzja boxing kurrenti jew il-ktieb huma intitolati għal RING kumplimentari 8 sħubija annwali. Mistednin ta Ring 8 membri huma milqugħa bi spiża ta 'biss $7.00 kull persuna.

NEW YORK (Ġunju 17, 2015) – Veteran cut-bniedem “Big” George Mitchell u l-prospett middleweight junior Patrick Jum (10-1-1, 6 Kos) huma skedati kelliema mistiedna fil għada bil-lejl (Il-Ħamis, Ġunju 18) Ring 8 laqgħa ta 'kull xahar fil Plattduetsche Park fil Franklin Square, New York.


Il kicks off filgħaxija fil 7 p.m. U ma 'buffet sħun u l-kesħa, segwita siegħa tard bil-bidu tal-Ring 8 laqgħa.


L 6'7″, 285-lira Mitchell kien il-muntaġġ fi New York tissielet għal deċennji, taħdem il-kantunieri tal-ċampjins, kontendenti, prospetti u journeymen simili. Huwa jkun protégé ta 'l-aħħar, kbira Al Gavin, meqjus minn ħafna bħala wieħed mill-akbar cut-irġiel fl-istorja boxing.


Bħala Boxer dilettanti, Ġurnata kienet il Ebda kklassifikati. 1 American fid-deċiżjoni 152-lira. Il-ġlieda kontra minn Freeport (NY), huwa promoss permezz DiBella Entertainment, ġestiti u mħarrġa mill Joe Higgins.


Jum qiegħda żżid in għal Higgins, li ma jistax jattendi minħabba impenn boxing dilettanti, bħala waħda mill-Ring 8 Kelliema Ġunju. Higgins huwa ġejjin off rebħa ma 'Ring ieħor 8 favoriti hu wkoll mankijiet, undefeated, rated dinja konkorrent heavyweight dawl Sean Monaghan (25-0, 16 Kos), ta 'Long Beach (NY).


Għada lejl se jkun l-Ring aħħar 8 laqgħa dan is-sajf. L-Ring annwali 8 Picnic huwa skedat għall Awissu 30. Mur online biex għal informazzjoni addizzjonali.


Kopertura Jibda Fuq ESPN Fuq 9 p.m. U/6 p.m. PT

Biljetti jinsabu għall-bejgħ Issa!

BROOKLYN (Ġunju 17, 2015) – Middleweight Dinja Champion Daniel “Il-Man Miracle” Jacobs (29-1, 26 Kos) prospetti għall-annell fil Hometown tiegħu ta 'Brooklyn li jieħu fuq eks champion tad-dinja Sergio “L Snake Latin” Mora (28-3-2, 9 Kos) bħala l-opener televiżiv ta ' Premier Boxing Champions fuq ESPN primetime IS-SIBT, Awissu. 1 fil Barclays Center b'kopertura fuq it-televiżjoni li tibda fl- 9 p.m. U/6 p.m. PT.


Din il-ġlieda se jippreċedi l-Showdown bejn superstars undefeated Danny “Swift” Garcia (30-0, 17 Kos) u s Brooklyn stess Paulie “Il-Man Magic” Malignaggi (33-6, 7 Kos).


“Jien biss eċċitati li jkunu fuq din il-karta kbira u li jkunu kapaċi jwettqu fil Barclays Center huwa ta 'unur,” Said Jacobs. “Ħerqana biex jagħmlu l-aħjar mill-din l-opportunità u aktar importanti nixtieq li jagħtu l-fannijiet Brooklyn juru kbira. I nikseb li jmorru jaħdmu fil arrière tiegħi stess.”


“I marru lura lill-"bord tpinġija,’ ħadmu iebes u issa jien mbierka li tkun parti ta 'dan l-avveniment kbir,” Said Mora, “I don’t plan to let this opportunity get by me. Fuq Awissu 1, Jien ġejjin biex Brooklyn biex tirbaħ.”


Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li hija promossa mill DiBella Entertainment f'assoċjazzjoni ma 'Promozzjonijiet Swift, huma pprezzati għal $250, $150, $75 u $45, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, huma fuq bejgħ issa. Biljetti huma disponibbli fuq, www.ticketmaster.comu fl-Uffiċċju Box American Express fuq Barclays Center bidu Il-Ħamis, Ġunju 18 f'nofsinhar. Biex ħlas bis-telefon, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000. Għall-biljetti tal-grupp, jekk jogħġbok ċempel 800-GRUPP-BK.


Il-figura inspirational li se ġlieda fil Barclays Ċentru għall-raba 'darba, Jacobs Brooklyn temm triq tiegħu mill superstiti kanċer li champion f'Awissu li għadda meta hu megħlub Jarrod Fletcher għat-titlu middleweight. Fl 2011, filwaqt li jsegwi kampjonat fiċ-ċirku, kanċer mhedda ħajtu u miżmuma minnu fuq il-ġenb għall 19 xhur. Meta rritorna, hu qabad fejn telaq off u ma tilifx peress. 28-il sena jistenna li jżommu momentum tiegħu ser meta huwa jiffaċċja Mora fuqAwissu. 1.


Ir-rebbieħ ta 'l NBC “Il Konkorrent” serje, l Mora 34-il sena hija champion dinja qabel fil welterweight super u tfittex li żżid il-kuruna middleweight li ismu. L-indiġeni Los Angeles tippossjedi rebħiet fuq Ishe Smith, Peter Manfredo Jr. u Vernon Forrest u jidħol f'din il-ġlieda fuq ħames ġlieda win Streak. Huwa aktar reċentement defeated Abraham Han fi Frar ta 'din is-sena u se tagħmel l-ewwel tibda pro tiegħu fil Brooklyn fuq Awissu. 1.


Minbarra l-avveniment u ko-prinċipali avveniment prinċipali tal-lejla, bouts undercard tagħżel se jsiru live fuq ESPN3. ESPN Deportes se televize wkoll il-ġlieda ħajjin bħala parti mill-tagħha Tissielet Night serje u ESPN International se tippreżenta kopertura ħajjin madwar in-netwerks tagħha fl-Amerika Latina, Brażil, l-Rim Karibew u tal-Paċifiku. Live kopertura se jkun disponibbli wkoll permezz WatchESPN fuq il-kompjuters, smartphones, Pilloli, Amazon Nar TV u Fire TV Stick, Apple TV, Chromecast, Sena, Xbox 360 u Xbox One permezz ta 'fornitur video affiljata.


Għal aktar tagħrif żur, Segwi fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter USwanson_Comm u isiru fan fuq Facebook fil,,, Segwi l-konverżazzjoni li jużaw #PBConESPN u #BrooklynBoxing.

Tliet avvenimenti kbar fil Gleason tal Gym Dan Weekend


RE: Tliet avvenimenti kbar fil-Gym Gleason tal

Dan Weekend


L-Gym se


fi 4:00 pm


Il-ġimgħa u IS-SIBT

Ġunju 19 u 20.

Aħna qed tospita l-

Internazzjonali Master Tournament Gleason tal


Dan il-ġimgħa u IS-SIBT,

Ġunju 19 u 20 fi 6:00PM

Aħna se jospita

Internazzjonali Master Tournament Gleason tal



Mija u seba 'irġiel u n-nisa minn madwar id-dinja huma ffirmaw għall-kampjonat din is-sena.


Bouts kollha tagħna huma sanzjonati mill-USABoxingMetro. Boxers kollha għandu jkollhom boxing ktieb tagħhom magħhom sabiex jipparteċipaw.


L-iżen fl għall-turi se jibda fi 4:00PM u l-ewwel bout se jibda fi 6:00PM.


Il-prezz tal-biljett huwa $20 kull persuna. Tfal 6 u taħt mhumiex addebitati. Il-membri kollha ġinnasju u dilettanti rreġistrati mal-kotba tagħhom fil-paga idejn $15 kull persuna.


P.S. Jekk inti ma tistax tagħmel dan, iżda xorta tixtieq li tara l-ġlied, they’ll be streaming at Gleason’s Gym website:


Il-Ħadd, Ġunju 21



Ewwel Edizzjoni

Italian-American Boxing Awards


A tale ta 'Emigranti, Kultura, Tama u Boxing.


6:00 pm

Diskors merħba.


6:30 pm


Żieda ta 'l-boxer Amerikan Taljan, esplorazzjoni tal-kundizzjonijiet soċjali u storiċi li kollha

Italian American kkonfrontati u għelbu.

Konferenza li jibda bid-presidenza minn Prof. Joseph Perricone minn Fordham



7:15 pm

Aġġornament ma 'prodotti Taljan.


8:00 pm

Boxing Show Wirja bejn it-tnejn Champions Taljani Floriano Pagliara u

Francesco Tamburiello.


8:30 pm

Ċerimonja għoti, Konklużjoni u Tislijiet.