Таг Архива: Њујорк

Sign up for our next Charity Boxing Event at BB Kings Broadway!

Се одржи на денот!
Our Fighters4Life have raised over $700,000 to date and have supported wounded and disabled veterans, inner city youth development, cancer causes as well as the Sato Project Dog Rescue.

Join our next Charity boxing event benefitting Gleason’s “Испрати Кид сон”
Box on Broadway.
The venue is BB King Blues Club & Grill
We are looking for new people interested in the sport of boxing. It promises to be the adventure of a life time. You will get in the best shape of your life as you help great causes.

И мажите и жените, кои се заинтересирани да ги научат криволичене на слаткото наука и да ја покажат она што го учат во рингот.
For the ten weeks leading up to your bout, Салата на светски познатиот Глисон ќе обезбеди обука потребно за да сте подготвени за May 25th.
Ние ќе ги документира својата обука и напредок, заедно со фотографии на неколку веб-сајтови и социјалните медиуми. Вашето семејство, пријатели и соработници, може да се следи и да го споделат патување, како ќе се влезе во борбите форма.
Вашиот напредок ќе ги инспирира да ви помогне и да донираат во ваше име.
If you are interested in being a part of this or know someone who is, ни пишете на info@gleasonsgym.net , за повеќе информации.
You can also call Bruce at Gleason’s Gym, 718 797 2872.


LAS VEGAS (Март 22, 2016) - Државата Њујорк донесе закон ќе дозволи денес иднина лед Автомобилизам (МЛД) натпревари да се одржи таму.

Светската серија на Борба против извршен директор Карлос Силва направи следните забелешки:

“Ова е возбудлив и историски ден за нашата одличен спорт. Those who have been lobbying for the legalization of MMA in NY State, вклучувајќи Светската серија на новите КОО Борба е Мајкл Mersch, треба да се пофали за нивната истрајност и посветеност за да се види преку усвојувањето на законот со кој конечно ќе им овозможи на фановите да се види во живо на МЛД во Empire State, и борци да се натпреварува таму. We recently opened an office in Manhattan so, заедно со нашите телевизиски партнер, Ен-Би-, Ние сме во потрага очекуваме да носат нашиот бренд на професионални ММА во Њујорк многу наскоро. "

Bellator МЛД ИЗЈАВА ЗА ЛЕГАЛИЗАЦИЈА на мешани боречки вештини ВО ЊУЈОРК


Санта Моника (Март 22, 2016) - Денес, Државата Њујорк донесе закон кој ќе им овозможи на спортот на мешани боречки вештини да произлегуваат од "Empire State".


Bellator МЛД претседател Скот Coker имаше ова да се каже во врска со објавувањето на атракција:


"Гласање Њујорк Собранието за легализирање на МЛД е пресуден момент за оваа неверојатна спорт. Како некој кој е промовирање борба против спорт повеќе од 30 години, ова е многу возбудливо време за мешани боречки вештини. Ние во Bellator МЛД се многу нетрпение очекувам да домаќин на настан во "круна скапоцен камен на Америка,’ Њујорк. Two Bellator champions, Лиам McGeary и Маркос Galvao нарекуваат Њујорк дома и знам што значи многу на двете од нив, како го прави тоа за целата промоција. Ние веќе биле во контакт со големите луѓе на Баркли центар и неколку други неверојатни места, и не можеме да чекаме да донесе нашиот свет-класа спортисти и акција спакувани емисии да арена во Empire State наскоро.”


Бруклин, Њујорк (Март 16, 2016)Even the very best in the business experience setbacks and get faced with choice time. Can I learn from my mistake and turn a negative into a positive?
Alex Miskirtchian found himself enjoying his momentum up the featherweight ladder before he hit a pothole in the road last summer. The Georgia-born fighter with a 26-4-1 mark got caught by vet Cornelius Lock and had to assess himself.

He did so, and licked his wounds and got back to work. The Belgium resident, who has mostly fought in his home-land, rebounded with a win in December and is being rewarded for his perseverance with an IBF intercontinental championship opportunity.

Miskirtchian, promoted by Brooklyn’s Dmitriy Salita, will fight Vireol Simion on Март 18, for a crack at that crown.

Alex is fighting for a title but more importantly for a chance to come back to the top of the division,” Збор рече.

He learned from his US experience, against Lock, took a break and came back with extra motivation to again make a world title run. I believe Alex will put on one of his best performances in this upcoming fight. He has a great team with manager Alain Vanackère and I believe the result will be a positive one on March 18th.”

The fight against the 19-1 Romanian Viorel will unfold in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, so Miskirtchian will need to fight his best brand of boxing that evening. His promoter, Word, has faith in him.

Salita Promotions boxers are making more and more noise, around the world,” the promoter said. “I am proud of our growth and of the efforts of the fine athletes like Miskirtchian who fight for Salita Promotions!”

USA Wrestlers To Face Iran In Times Square In New York City May 19 In “United In The Square,” To Highlight Beat the Streets Gala Night

Select American Stars To Take On Iran in Olympic-level and Junior-level matches Youth Wrestlers and High School Girl Wrestlers Take The Mat; Gala Follows

NEW YORK– In what will be a highlight of the Olympic year in wrestling and has become a rite of spring in New York, Beat the Streets Wrestling, Inc. and USA Wrestling announced details of this year’s international competition, which returns to New York City’s Times Square on Четврток, Мај 19.

Натпреварувачи за Тим САД, which will include 2016 Olympic team hopefuls, will compete in men’s freestyle against world power Iran, a preview of the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. In addition to Olympic-level matches, four Junior-level matches will be featured, showcasing future world and Olympic-caliber talent.

Members of the U.S. Women’s Team and Greco-Roman Team are also expected to battle in some other featured bouts against international competition to be announced.

"I couldn’t be more excited. We have Iran and the USA battling for wrestling supremacy in Times Square; united in the idea that sports can bring change in young men and women and even in countries sometimes. It’s going to be pretty cool. An added plus is that Iran has the loudest and most passionate wrestling fans in the world. Не ја пропуштајте него,” said Beat the Streets Chairman of the Board Mike Novogratz, the founder of these Gala competitions.

Billed as “United in the Square,” this will be the second time that Iran has been featured as part of the Beat the Streets Gala competition.

Во 2013, Настанот беше наречен „Тркалата на шините,“Беше домаќин на историскиот Гранд Централ Терминал и се одржуваше двојна средба помеѓу Тимот САД, Русија и Иран. Играње важна улога во меѓународните напори за Олимписко борење, овој историски настан во борење се здоби со меѓународно покривање на медиумите и помогна во борењето да го задржи статусот на програмата за Олимписки игри.

The world-class competition has been hosted in Times Square four previous times. Во 2011, Соединетите држави го поразија Светскиот шампион Русија, 5-2, првата спортска манифестација досега одржана на историскиот Тајмс Сквер. Во 2012, друг У.С.. наспроти. Двојната средба на Русија се одржа во Тајмс Сквер, заедно со САД. Олимпискиот тим Борба-оф за 60 кг / 132 фунти. позиција на САД. Олимпискиот тим во слободен стил за мажи. Во 2014, Тимот САД порази Светски Ол стар тим во Тајмс Сквер, 8-3. Во 2015, „Салса на плоштад“ имаше средба помеѓу Тим САД и Тим Куба во три олимписки стилови, што се случи веднаш по историските промени во политичките односи во САД и Куба.

This will be the seventh straight year in which a major international-style wrestling competition will be hosted as part of the Beat the Streets Gala activities. Во 2010, ол-стар предизвик во кој има врвни У.С.. борачите се одржуваа на УСС Интрид, авиопревозник пристапил на западната страна на Менхетен.

Младите борачи на „победи на улици“ на „Бит на улиците“ ќе ги преземат своите душеци што ќе ги покажат своите вештини на изложбените натпревари со почеток од 3:30 вечер. to start the evening. A new feature will be held at the PSAL Girls Freestyle Dual Meet Championships finals, featuring the two top New York City girl’s freestyle wrestling high school teams from the spring girl’s freestyle season. Тогаш, тоа е Тим САД наспроти. Iran and other guests at 6:30 вечер., followed by the Beat the Streets Gala Celebration.

The USA vs. Iran dual requires a ticket for reserved seating in Times Square, but is an outdoor event. Pedestrians and non-ticket holders are encouraged to watch. Admission tickets may be bought in advance at www.btsny.org или212.245.6570. A ticket is required for the Gala Celebration at the PlayStation Theater. More details are available at http://www.btsny.org/gala.

The Gala Celebration will follow the wrestling competition. Оваа уникатна и електрична годишна манифестација им помага на победата на улиците (БТС) собере значителни средства за понатамошна мисија. Без разлика дали тоа обезбедува сеф, конструктивен излез за нашата урбана младина, борба против дебелината во детството, зајакнување на жените, или обединување на цели нации, борењето учи упорност, посветеност, and the value of working hard to achieve one’s goals, creates opportunities for personal and universal growth. БТС во моментов работи повеќе 3,000 студент-спортисти секоја година.

"United In The Square,” Beat the Streets Wrestling Schedule

In New York City, Мај 19, 2016

3:30 вечер. – Beat the Streets Youth Exhibition Matches between 42nd and 43rd Streets

4:45 вечер. – New York City Girl’s Freestyle Dual Meet Championships Finals between 42nd and 43rd Streets

6:30 вечер. - Борење во светска класа: Тим САД против. Team Iran between 42nd and 43rd Streets

Followed by Gala Celebration

За победи на улиците

The mission of Beat the Streets is to develop the full human and athletic potential of the urban youth and to strengthen the culture of New York City wrestling. BTSW works directly with the New York City Department of Education in a public-private partnership to help New York City’s student-athletes achieve their personal and athletic goals. Преку работење на програми за борење во средните и средните училишта во петте општини, BTSW and the DOE provide a safe, positive atmosphere in which disadvantaged and at-risk youth can learn the essential life skills of physical fitness, teamwork, and self-empowerment. Целта на негување силни, dedicated, and optimistic kids is delivered through coaching, програми за вонредни училишта, и летни кампови. Повеќе информации можете да најдете на www.btsny.org.

За борење во САД

Борењето во САД е Национално раководно тело за спорт на борење во САД и, како таков, е нејзин претставник во Олимпискиот комитет на Соединетите држави и во Обединетото светско борење, меѓународната боречката федерација. Едноставно, САД борење е централната организација која ги координира аматерски програми борење во земјата и работи за да се создаде интерес и учество во овие програми,. Ги заврши 220,000 членови низ целата нација, Момчиња и девојки, мажи и жени од сите возрасти, претставувајќи ги сите нивоа на спортот. Its president is James Ravannack, а извршен директор е Рич Бендер. Повеќе информации можете да најдете на TheMat.com


Cameras Will Be Following the Fighters At The Brigade Boxing Championship Овој петок Ноќен

ЊУЈОРК (Февруари. 25, 2016) - 60 MINUTES SPORTS will offer a window into one of the most time-honored traditions in America’s military when it presents a segment on the U.S. Naval Academy’s boxing program and its annual Brigade Boxing Championship. The feature builds up to the 75та championship this Friday, Февруари. 26, in Annapolis, Md., and correspondent Jack Ford and 60 MINUTES SPORTS will be in the arena to record the action for the men’s and women’s bouts. The report will appear on the next edition of 60 MINUTES SPORTS, Вторник, Март 1 на 9 вечер. И/Португалија, на Showtime.


Boxing has been practiced at the nation’s second oldest military institution for 150 години, and midshipmen have vied for the Brigade Boxing Championship since 1941. Along the way to this year’s 75таanniversary, the academy has made learning to box a requirement of graduation from the U.S. Naval Academy.


The man who teaches the “sweet science” to midshipmen – male and female – is Head Boxing Coach Jim McNally. It’s about future leaders facing fear. “We use boxing…as a laboratory…an environment of controlled stress, physical fear,” says McNally. “We want them to learn a lot about themselves and how they’re going to react to those situations,” he tells Ford.


60 MINUTES SPORTS shot the story in Annapolis in the fall and last January to show the process and tell the stories of three midshipmen who will be in the ring овој петок fighting for a championship. One of them, Samantha Glaeser, has a chance to make academy history. There have been only 19 at Annapolis to win the crown all four years at the Naval Academy, and none was a woman. Glaeser has a chance Петок ноќ.


Ford also speaks with Glaeser’s foe, Stephanie Simon, another midshipmen with pugilistic talents who has a National Collegiate Boxing championship under her belt. She has not been able to defeat Glaeser, Меѓутоа, in their two previous meetings for the brigade championship.


Ford also talks to Midshipman Jourdan Looney, whose two brigade championship titles are testament to what boxing means to the Academy. He had no boxing experience before he entered the Naval Academy. “Boxing…fighting is one of my biggest fears. I conquer that one fear, I’ve conquered any other fear that I could possibly have.” He’ll be in contention for his third brigade title Петок ноќ.


САД. Naval Academy Superintendent, Vice Adm. Walter Carter, sums up the importance of boxing to America’s future naval officers for Ford. "[Бокс] is that moment where no matter how well you think you have planned out your couple minutes in the ring, you’re going to learn something new, because that plan is going to have to be different….”

Прстенот 8 Guest Speaker Promoter Lou DiBella Pictures

ЊУЈОРК (Февруари 18, 2016) – Boxing promoter Лу DiBella was Ring 8’s monthly guest speaker this past Tuesday night at O’Neill’s Restaurant, кој се наоѓа на 64-21 53rd Drive in Maspeth, Њујорк.
Lou was fantastic,” Прстенот 8 претседател Боб Дафи рече. “He was very informative and spoke nearly 30-minutes. He kept everybody in tune to what’s happening in boxing today, discussed how difficult it is to promote a boxing show, and answered everybody’s questions. Our members really enjoyed listening to Lou.

(L-R) Прстенот 8 vice president Jack Hirsch, promoter Lou DiBella and Ring 8 Претседателот Боб Дафи
(pictures courtesy of John Roe)
За ринг 8: Прстенот 8 стана осмиот подружница на она што тогаш беше познато како Национален ветеран Боксерите асоцијација – Оттука, ПРСТЕН 8 – а денес мотото на организацијата останува: Боксерите Помагање на Боксерите.
ПРСТЕН 8 е целосно посветена на поддршка на помалку среќните луѓе во бокс заедница кои можат да бараат помош во однос на плаќање на киријата, медицински трошоци, или што и оправдани потреба.
Оди на линија за да www.Ring8ny.com За повеќе информации за ПРСТЕН 8, најголемата група од ваков вид во САД со повеќе од 350 членови. Годишна членарина е само $30.00 и секој член има право на вклучена вечера во ПРСТЕН 8 месечни состаноци, со исклучок на јули и август. Сите активни боксери, аматерски и професионални, со тековната бокс дозвола или книга имаат право на бесплатни ПРСТЕН 8 годишно членство. Гости на прстен 8 членови се добредојдени по цена од само $7.00 по лице.

Five Exciting Events at Gleason’s Gym Something for Everyone

Five Exciting Events at Gleason’s Gym
Something for Everyone
Февруари 11-13, 2016
Gleason’s Gym will host the eighth annual Masters Clinic and boxing show.
Цената на Клиниката е $369.00.
Ако сте заинтересирани, ве молиме контактирајте не на Брус Silverglade (718) 797-2872 или е-маил bruce@gleasonsgym.net.
The boxing show will be at Gleason’s Gym on Февруари 13
$20.00 admission
Сите наши борби се санкционирани од страна USABoxingMetro. Сите боксери мора да имаат бокс книга со нив, со цел да учествуваат.

Ако сакате да се натпреварувате, Ве молиме контактирајте ја нашата сватовник Jieun Ли на matchmaker@gleasonsgym.net. All matchmaking is done by email.

Март 12, 2016
Benefit for Gleason’s Give A Kid A Dream
Фитнес Глисон е
$25.00 admission
Сите наши борби се санкционирани од страна USABoxingMetro. Сите боксери мора да имаат бокс книга со нив, со цел да учествуваат.

Participants needed for this charity event. We will train you and get you into the best shape of your life. You will help us raise funds for our very worthy charity, Испрати Кид Сон. Ако сакате да се натпреварувате, please contact Devon Cormack or Heather Hardy atdheatfitness@gmail.com.

For more details call 718 797 2872.
Април 14-16,2016
Gleason’s Gym will host the sixth annual All Female Clinic and boxing show.
Цената на Клиниката е $369.00.
Ако сте заинтересирани, ве молиме контактирајте не на Брус Silverglade (718) 797-2872 или е-маил bruce@gleasonsgym.net.
The boxing show will be at Gleason’s Gym on Април 16
$20.00 admission
Сите наши борби се санкционирани од страна USABoxingMetro. Сите боксери мора да имаат бокс книга со нив, со цел да учествуваат.

Ако сакате да се натпреварувате, Ве молиме контактирајте ја нашата сватовник Jieun Ли на matchmaker@gleasonsgym.net. All matchmaking is done by email.

Јуни 15-18, 2016
Gleason’s Gym will host the second annual Master’s International Championship Tournament
The cost of entry for this Tournament is $135.00.
Ако сте заинтересирани, ве молиме контактирајте не на Брус Silverglade (718) 797-2872 или е-маил bruce@gleasonsgym.net.
Check in day Wednesday June 15 at Gleason’s Gym from
5:00AM to 10:00Премиерот
Preliminary bouts Четврток и Петок Јуни 16 и 17
Финалето Saturday June 18
Spectators $25.00 admission
Сите наши борби се санкционирани од страна USABoxingMetro. Сите боксери мора да имаат бокс книга со нив, со цел да учествуваат.

Август 11-14, 2016

Gleason’s Gym will host the fourteenth annual Fantasy Boxing Camp at Honor’s Haven Resort and Spa.
The cost starts at $1799.00

New Heavyweight Champ Charles Martin Says: ‘My Time to Shine Will Come!’

Brand new IBF Heavyweight Champion “Принцот” Чарлс Мартин (23-0-1, 21 КО) should be on cloud nine.
In just his seventh year of boxing and slightly over third as a professional, Martin already finds himself the sixth southpaw to have ever won a heavyweight championship after scoring a TKO 3 over Ukrainian top contender Vyacheslav Glazkov last Saturday night, Јануари 16, at the Barclay’s Center in New York.
Winning any world title is an amazing accomplishment that most never reach in decades of boxing. Add in that Martin took out the 2008 Olympic Super Heavyweight bronze medalist to become the second current American heavyweight champion in a suddenly rejuvenated division.
“Таа се чувствува добро,” admits Martin. “I wanted to do it fast. I couldn’t wait,” he explains of his quick ascension. “Some things they say take time but when you’re really determined to do something, you’ll do it as soon as possible.
With his place already assured in the boxing history books and several lucrative possible showdowns on the near horizon, why isn’t Martin the happiest man on the planet?
It was the way he won.
I have an empty feeling right now,” said the 29-year-old champion. “I was in front of so many people and it was my time to shine on Showtime and show the world my skills. I felt that he had no power and said to myself that he would be easy work. I knew I was going to have a great night. I was going to KO him and then everyone would love mebut it didn’t happen like that.
Glazkov stopped fighting in round three due to torn ACL in his knee and Martin was declared the winner of the then-vacant title by way of injury-induced TKO.
I wanted to win the belt my way,” continued the disappointed Martin. “He would have got knocked out eventually. It was coming to him. I never even got to use my uppercut on him, but it’s all good.
Humble and extremely likeable, Martin remained polite, post-fight and expressed his condolences to the disappointed Glazkov. Меѓутоа, since that night, Glazkov has gone on to say he hadfigured Martin outand that the championship would have certainly been his had he not been injured.
Oh my goodness, I’m trying to stay humble about the situation, but that’s so crazy what he said,” вели Мартин. “If he really thinks that, he’s tripping. Things were about to get a lot worse for him. Јас Ви ветувам, once he started slowing down, my combinations would have started to come out. I was throwing the one/two because he was getting out of the way pretty good in the first few rounds. I was just getting started. I thought I would box him for a while and then start going at him and whip his butt. I promise you I could have. That injury saved him. It broke my heart that I didn’t get to do what I wanted. How does that happen? I was having fun.
Martin says his team and friends and relatives have been good to remind him the abbreviated ending was out of his control. He also says he’ll take a quick vacation and then get right back to work.
So what comes next for the new American heavyweight champion?
Tyson Fury or Deontay Wilder. I want them both. I want all the best. That’s the next move. My time to shine will come. I’m a world champion now and I can say that the belt is in the right hands. I’m not going to sit around. I want to fight.
Martin also says that is Britain’s world champ, Тајсон бес, ever points his taunting antics at him, he won’t mind.
It’s good for boxing for him to do that kind of stuff. Ми се допаѓа тоа. It’s all business. At the end of the day he has no crazy beef with anybody. Nobody choked anybody’s mother. It’s just boxing. You got to get attention somehow. He makes people want to see a fight. We’re in the entertainment and hurt business. It’s definitely a real fight in the ring though. It’s a non-personal thing that very gets personal once they step in the ring with me. That’s two guyslivelihood in there. That’s our income for our families.

Прстенот 8 January Meeting Review & Pictures

The late Herschel Jacobs’ семејство & пријатели
(all pictures courtesy of Stanley Janousek)
ЊУЈОРК (Јануари 21, 2016) – Ring 8’s first monthly meeting of 2016 was held this past Tuesday evening at O’Neil’s Restaurant in Maspeth, Њујорк.
International boxing judge Он Мекеј (лево) was the guest speaker. McKaie has judged nearly 800 професионални борби, Вклучувајќи 23 world championships.
Прстенот 8 historian Хенри Hascup (право) eulogized and made a historical tribute to the late Herschel Jacobs, who passed away this past December at the age of 75 (pictured to right). Џејкобс (27-20-2, 11 КО) fought professionally between 1960 и 1978. His most notable win was a 10-round decision in 1971 against three-time world light heavyweight champion and Hall-of-Famer, Harold Johnson, at the famed Sunnyside Garden in Queens. Jacobs also gave Rubin “Ураганот” Картер (4-0) his first pro loss in 1962 by way of a six-round decision.
Jim Kinney (speaking) made a special presentation to Herschel Jacobsson (far left). Прстенот 8 historian Henry Hascup (white shirt) and Ring 8 Претседателот Боб Дафи (екстремната десница) also took part in the presentation.