Etikedaj Arkivoj: Nov-Jorko

Jarrell “Granda Bebo” Miller Faras Aperon ĉe Knaboj & Knabinoj-Klubo de Roĉestro

WBO #11-, WBA #12- kaj IBF-15-indicita pezegboksero Jarrell “Granda Bebo” Miller (16-0-1, 14 KOs), kiu prepariĝas defendi sian WBA NABA Heavyweight-titolon kontraŭ Topeka, Kansaso, fortbatulo Nick Guivas (12-3-2, 9 KOs) Vendrede nokte en Seneca Niagara Resort & Kazino en Niagara Akvofalo, Nov-Jorko (kaj loĝas ĉe 9 Pm EST ĉe CBS Sports Network), prenis iom da tempo el sia trejnado por aperi ĉe la Knaboj & Knabina Klubo de Roĉestro merkrede posttagmeze.
Reen en januaro, Miller aperis ĉe la klubo antaŭ sia NABA-titola batalo vs.. Donovan Dennis kaj promesis al la infanoj ke li revenos post kiam li gajnis la titolon por montri al ili sian titolzonon. Hodiaŭ ili ne nur vidis lian titolan zonon kaj fotis kun la batalanto, sed ili ankaŭ ricevis 20 donacis biletojn al Vendredo nokta batalo de Miller, tiel ke infanoj de la Knaboj & Knabina Klubo povus ĉeesti la batalon.
Miller alfrontos Guivas en la 10-ronda ĉefa evento de Greg Cohen Promotions, vorto Promotions, FightCard Productions kaj la venonta epizodo de Winner Take All Production “Ĉampioneca Boksado ĉe CBS Sports Network.”
En la nokta 10-ronda malpeza kunĉefa evento, arda Filipina prospektivo Harmonito “La Uragano Gensan” Dela Torre (17-0, 12 KOs) debutos sur usona grundo kontraŭ kapabla veterano Guillermo Sanchez (15-18-1, 6 KOs) De Buffalo.

Biletoj por “Ĉampioneca Bokso sur CBSaj Sportoj Reto” Komenco ĉe $35 kaj haveblas ĉe Seneca Niagara Feriejo & Kazina skatolo oficejo, aŭ vi povas ŝargi telefone ĉe 1-800-745-3000. Sur batala nokto, pordoj malfermiĝas ĉe 6 Pm Kaj la agaj komencoj ĉe 7:00 Pm. La Seneka Niagara Feriejo & Kazino situas ĉe 310 4th Strato en Niagara Akvofalo, NY. Por pli da informo, Voko 877-873-6322 aŭ viziti

Guivas Prenante Realisman Aliron Al Fronte Al 'Granda Bebo’ Miller en CBS-televidigita Showdown la venontan vendredon en Seneca Niagara Resort & Kazino

Topeka, Kansasa pezegulo Nick “Du Gunz” Guivas realisme alfrontas unu el la plej danĝeraj venontaj pezaj pezuloj en la mondo la venontan semajnfinon.
Guivas (12-3-2, 9 KOs) alprenos nevenkitan WBO #11, WBA #12 kaj IBF #15 Jarrell “Granda Bebo” Miller (16-0-1, 14 KOs) por la WBO NABO-Pezeguloĉampioneco plu Vendredo, Majo 27, 2016, ĉe la Seneca Niagara Feriejo & Kazino en Niagara Akvofalo, Nov-Jorko.
La du potencaj pezeguloj renkontiĝos en la ĉefa evento de Greg Cohen Promotions’ (en asocio kun Salita Promotions, FightCard Promotions de Adam Wilcock kaj Winner Take All Productions de David Schuster) sekva transdono de “Ĉampioneca Boksado ĉe CBS Sports Network.”
En la 10-ronda malpeza duonfinalatako, arda filipina perspektivo Harmonito “La Uragano Gensan” Dela Torre (17-0, 12 KOs) debutos sur usona grundo kontraŭ kapabla veterano Guillermo Sanchez (15-18-1, 6 KOs) De Buffalo.
Biletoj por “Ĉampioneca Bokso sur CBSaj Sportoj Reto” Komenco ĉe $35 kaj haveblas ĉe Seneca Niagara Feriejo & Kazina skatolo oficejo, aŭ vi povas ŝargi telefone ĉe 1-800-745-3000.
“Mi venas tien por venki, sendube,” diris Guivas, “kaj mi scias, ke mi estas multe pli malgranda ol li, sed mi pensas, ke mi povas moviĝi kaj resti for de liaj batoj. Li estas tre peza frapisto, do mi movos kaj boksos lin kaj vidos, kia estas la rezulto. Mi donos al ĉi tiu ulo ĉion, kion mi havas. Kaj mi scias, ke ankaŭ li venas por batali, do fine de la batalo, la plej bona viro levu la manon.”
Alpreni la ardan Miller ne estas tasko, kiun multaj pezeguloj esperas akiri nuntempe, sed Guivas diras, ke la tempo taŭgas por tia defio.
“Mi estas ĉe la parto de mia kariero, kie mi bezonas intensigi,” li klarigis. “Kiam ili ofertis al mi la batalon, Mi jam iom formis, do mi diris, ke ni ricevu pli bonan formon kaj vidu, kion ni povas fari. Mi pensas, ke nun mi pretas por ĝi.”
Guivas diras, ke li respektas la potencon de Miller, sed eble iuj malfermoj por fari kelkajn aferojn. “Dum la jaroj, Mi fariĝis pli lerta en la ringo. Mi scias, ke la ulo estas peza truisto kaj havis tre bonan amatoran karieron. Li havas bonan pikon, sed li ne havas superrapidajn manojn. Mi ankaŭ rimarkis, ke li emas eluziĝi en la postaj ĉirkaŭvojoj, do mi devas enprofundigi lin kaj vidi, ĉu mi povas ekskluzivi lin.”
Serva teknikisto por Koka-Kolao tage, Guivas fiksrigardis boksadon kaj havis sian unuan batalon en la aĝo de ok. Li finfine havis ĉirkaŭe 200 amatoraj bataloj kaj estis dufoja arĝenta gantmedalisto, gajnis la regionan turniron de Oraj Gantoj dufoje kaj iris al la PAL-Ŝtatanoj. Li ricevis la kromnomon “Du Gunz” de iniciatinto Damon Reed.
“Mia iniciatinto, Damon, estas ankaŭ mia iniciatinto kaj batalanto. Li donis al mi tiun nomon pro la grandeco de miaj brakoj kaj ĉar mi batis lin unu fojon kaj li diris, ke li sentas, ke li estis pafita per pafilo.”
Guivas diras, ke li multe laboras ĉe la Danger Fire Gym en Topeka, antaŭ kaj post laboro ĉiutage, kaj fari aferojn iomete malsamajn por prepari por Miller.
“Mi ellitiĝas frumatene kaj kuras kaj poste vespere post laboro mi faras mian boksadon kaj bataladon. Mi finas farante kvar ĝis kvin horojn tage de trejnado. Mi ne havas elekton, sed fari ĝin tiel. En la pasinteco, Mi havis unu-du batalantajn partnerojn por lukti, kaj mi irus kvin aŭ ses ĉirkaŭvojojn kun tiu ulo. Por tiu lukto, ni envenigis kvin ulojn kaj mi ricevas freŝan ĉiun rondon. Kaj la uloj kun kiuj mi batalas estas uloj ĉe la sekva nivelo aŭ pretas iĝi pintaj batalantoj. Mi ricevas freŝan aspekton de malsamaj uloj ĉiun rondon.”
Bona kontraŭpupilo kaj deca boksisto, Guivas diras venkon venontan vendredon ŝanĝus ĉion.
“Mi pensas, ke bati Miller certe metus min al la sekva nivelo. La ulo estas bonega 10. Se mi povos akiri la venkon, mi venos en la mono la venontan fojon. Mi tamen ne batalas nur por la mono. Mi amas batali. Tion mi faras.”
Sur batala nokto, pordoj malfermiĝas ĉe 6 Pm Kaj la agaj komencoj ĉe 7:00 Pm. La Seneka Niagara Feriejo & Kazino situas ĉe 310 4th Strato en Niagara Akvofalo, NY. Por pli da informo, Voko 877-873-6322 aŭ viziti
Pri Greg Cohen #Anta?enigo
Unu el boksanta’s superegaj varbaj grupoj, Greg Cohen #Anta?enigo (GCP) Estas puto-respektata nomo por okaziganta mondan-klasa profesiulo boksanta eventojn kaj #anta?enigi elitajn profesiajn batalantojn dum la mondo.
Fondinto kaj CEO Greg Cohen estis okupita kun profesia bokso en diversaj kapacitoj ekde la lasta 1980aj jaroj, Kulturanta lian metion kaj establanta lin mem kiel sagaca internacia bokso negocisto.
Distingita de lia kapableco ekvidi kaj evoluigi krudan talenton, Cohen unue faris varbajn fraptitolojn por sia sperta gvidado de, Inter multaj aliaj, Eksa WBA Malsupera Middleweight #?ampiono Austin “Neniu Dubo” Trutoj, Kiu Cohen helpita gvidilon de nekonata Nov-Meksika perspektivo al elita salajro-por-vida nivelo superstelo.
Krom Trutoj, Greg Cohen #Anta?enigo laboris kun solidaj nomoj kiel eksa unueca kaj du-tempo superpezula senegala Hasim “La Roko” Rahman kaj ĉiama granda plipezega mondĉampiono Jakobo “Ellumigas” Toney.
Cohen nuntempe promocias WBA-Intertempan Mondan Malpezan Ĉampionon Ismael Barroso, Nevenkita WBA NABA-Pezĉampiono kaj mond-indicita defianto Jarrell Miller, nevenkita mezpeza ĉampiono de WBA NABA kaj mondvalora defianto Robert Brant, eksa mondĉampiono Kendall Holt, same kiel nunaj mond-taksitaj defiantoj inkluzive de delonga elita meza pezo “Malbona” Joe Greene, supro super pluma pezo Arash Usmanee, Kanada malpeza kaj televida ago heroo Tony Luis; WBA kaj kvinfoja irlanda Nacia Amatora Ĉampiono, Dennis Hogan; kaj aŭstralia malpeza perspektivo Josh King.
Greg Cohen Promotions aranĝis mondklasajn boksajn eventojn en la plej bonaj ejoj tra Usono kaj la mondo kaj ankaŭ fiere disponigis talenton kaj / aŭ enhavon por pluraj televidaj retoj inkluzive de CBS Sports Network, HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBCaj Sportoj Reto, CBSaj Sportoj Reto, MSG kaj VULPAJ Sportoj Reto.
Por pli da informo, Vizito Trovi nin sur Facebook ĉ Pepi: @GCPBoxing.


MAJO 11, 2016
I’ve faced it all, and I stood tall, and did it my way.” – Frank Sinatra

NOV-JORKO – Majo 11, 2016The Raging Babe Brunch continues to forge connections between women of diverse backgrounds, companies and areas of expertise, all sharing in common their connections to the Sweet Science. Sur June 11th, the heels of Raging Babes from across the East Coast and beyond, hit the pavement in theConcrete Jungle,” Nov-Jorko, New York for the first New York eventen tri jaroj.

An intimate, exclusive affair, this spring’s Raging Babe Brunch, dubbed New York, New York will once again bring together boxing’s most influential women to network, and honor the sport’s trailblazers: those women who have broken the glass ceiling and transcended traditional gender roles in business, and in particular, En bokso.

The brunch shares June 11th with a Puerto Rican double-header at New York City boxing mecca, Madison Kvadrata #?ardeno, along with the annual Puerto Rican Day Parade. “I’m excited for the opportunity to celebrate both my heritage, and our seventh Raging Babe event,” said Raging Babe founder and namesake, Michelle Rosado, who is of Puerto Rican descent.

These brunches are more than just women chatting and having breakfast during fight week,” said Rosado. “These are friendships, businesses connections and lifelong relationships beginning in a room full of encouraging and powerful women, drawing on and sharing their experiences, challenges and triumphs as women in the boxing industry.

I have had so many requests from East Coast Raging Babes to bring the brunch East, and I’m thrilled to finally be able to return to New York,” continued Rosado. “New York City embodies the Raging Babe spirit of opportunity and hard work, and I can’t wait to be inspired once again by the women of boxing on June 11th.”

Por informo sur ĉeesti aŭ sponsoranta ĉi prestiĝa okazaĵo, bonvolu kontakti

Beat the Streets Announces Man of the Year Award for Kyle Snyder and Lifetime Achievement Award for Ray Lewis among 2016 Gala Award Winners

National and local wrestlers and coaches to be honored at 2016 “United in the Square” Gala Celebration in Times Square on Thursday May 19

NOV-JORKO, Majo 10, 2016 – Beat the Streets is pleased to announce that it will be presenting its 2016 Man of the Year award to champion international wrestler Kyle Snyder and its Lifetime Achievement Award to former NFL star Ray Lewis at its annual Gala celebration in Times Square on #?A?do, Majo 19.

Kyle Snyder became the youngest American to win a Senior World title when he captured the 97 kg gold medal at the 2015 World Wrestling Championships in Las Vegas at age 19. Snyder came out of Olympic redshirt and won the 2016 NCAA Wrestling Championships in Madison Square Garden as a sophomore for Ohio State, defeating two-time NCAA champion Nick Gwiazdowski of NC State in a classic heavyweight finals. In April, Snyder defeated 2012 Olympic champion Jake Varner in the finals of the U.S. Olympic Team Trials to earn a spot on the 2016 Usono. Olympic Team at the age of 20. Je 2014, Snyder was selected to represent Team USA as the youngest-ever member of the Beat the Streets All-Star team.

Ray Lewis is the former linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens, two-time Super Bowl Champion, and 2000’s Super Bowl MVP. He was an All-American linebacker and a wrestling star at Kathleen High School in Lakeland, Florido. He has received numerous awards and honors throughout his 17-year career with the Ravens, becoming the team’s all-time career leader in tackles. Lewis will be the Honorary Coach of the USA team at United in the Square.

Beat the Streets will also be awarding a number of New York City wrestlers and coaches in recognition of their achievements in the past year:

Junior League Girls Wrestler of the Year: Chloe Cabrera, F-ino 129, Bronx
Cabrera is a three-year middle-school wrestler who has stood out every season. Her accomplishments include her three times as Junior League Champion and being a member of the National Junior Honor Society for the past two years. She attends clinics at Beat the Streets and travels in the spring with Head Girls Coach Jacque Davis to out-of-state tournaments. As one of her supporters puts it, “she is always trying to better herself as a wrestler and has a bright future.”

Junior League Boys Wrestler of the Year: Jayden Cardenas, F-ino 582, Brooklyn
Cardenas is from MS 582 Upper Ten Eyck and has been wrestling for five years. He was the NYC City Champion and USA Wrestling Kids State Champion this year. Cardenas credits his family, Trejnisto, and supporters with giving him the drive to stay committed to the sport. He aspires to compete on his high school team and eventually wrestle in the Olympics, winning many more gold medals.

Female Student-Athlete of the Year: Dennielle Phillip, Wingate Educational Campus, Brooklyn
Phillip has been wrestling for almost three years and already made quite an impact. She placed first at the Mohawk Valley tournament and also won the coveted PSAL Yankee Award. Phillip says that wrestling has opened many doors for her and helped her to become a more confident person. She plans to continue wrestling in college and pursue her studies in criminal justice.

Male Student-Athlete of the Year: Evan McFarland, Tottenville High School, Staten Island
McFarland is an Eagle Scout and captain of his wrestling team at Tottenville High School. He is a member of the National Honors Society and involved in numerous volunteering activities, including Habitat for Humanity and the March of Dimes walk. “‘Resilient’ might be the best word to describe Evan,” said his Coach, John Cichon. “Leadership, character, dedication, and time management are some of Evan’s best qualities that he shares unknowingly with everyone he comes in contact with.” He hopes to become an engineer to best make a positive change in the world.

GRIT Award: Rachel Koltsov, The Bronx High School of Science
Koltsov is the captain of the Bronx Science Blended and female wrestling team and has been a member of the team for four yearsdating back to when it was an all-boys team. She was instrumental in the team’s victory at the PSAL Blended Wrestling Championship. From her three years wrestling, she finds that the sport has helped teach her a great deal of discipline and responsibility. Koltsov is known for being a hard worker and having an outstanding, personable character. She plans to continue wrestling in college while pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering.

LADY LIBERTY Award: Aileen Gonzalez, Brooklyn Technical High School
As a NYC high school boys coach said of this Brooklyn Tech veteran, “I’m glad my boys do not have to wrestle her next year.” Gonzalez won the Girls City Championship and placed fourth in Boys City Championship. Gonzalez likes to be pushed to the limit and aspiresafter winning the team city championshipsto attend and graduate college. The Lady Liberty Award is specifically given to a senior NYC female wrestler who has stood as a beacon of opportunity and promise, representing all that is strong and proud about the city’s women’s wrestling culture.

ATLAS Award and Become Your Own Dream Scholarship: Leonard Merkin, Poly Prep Country Day School, Brooklyn
Merkin has made his mark at Poly Prep Country Day School by becoming a four-time NYS Private School Champion. The Atlas Award is given to a senior NYC wrestler who has picked up wrestling on his back and carried it into new territory, set new standards, and advanced the legacy of Beat the Streets. He has received All-American honors and will soon be wrestling for Princeton. Merkin is also the winner of the Become Your Own Dream Scholarship, which is given annually to a New York City student-athlete who has overcome obstacles, felt hardship, and plans to continue wrestling in college.

Junior League Coach of the Year: Michael Wurmbrand, F-ino 582, Brooklyn
Wurmbrand is the head coach of MS 582 Upper Ten Eyck and has been involved in the sport for ten years. He’s committed to wrestling because it shows clear transformations in students’ behavior, attitude, and leadership with their teammates and in the classroom. Wurmbrand has done a good job maintaining a sizable team at a small school and looks forward to future changes now that he’s able to start training younger student-athletes in elementary school.

High School Assistant Coach of the Year: Anthony Mirra, Tottenville High School, Staten Island
Mirra has been actively involved in Tottenville’s wrestling program since he was a student-athlete himself. He admits the sport for helping to make kids tougher mentally, emotionally and physically. As the lightweight coach, Mirra has helped to produce at least one Mayor’s Cup champion and at least one city champion every year. This past season, he saw six individuals crowned at the city championships and represent Tottenville at the state tournament in Albany, which has never been done by a large school’s team before. As one supporter said of Mirra, “his dedication does not end when practice endshe is the coach that wrestlers confide in when they are struggling.”

Girls High School Coach of the Year: Theodore Cook, Harry S. Truman High School, Bronx
A veteran of wrestling with over twenty years of experience, Cook has inspired a number of students with his coaching abilities. He’s widely respected for pushing his girls on the team that he started out of their comfort zones and daring them to try their hardest. “He is not afraid to go above and beyond to make sure his team reaches their full potential,” said one student. Another writes: “I can honestly said Coach Cook is probably the most trustworthy and reliable person I know.” Several of his supporters praise him as a father figure who helps lift everyone’s spirits and inspires the girls with life lessons.

Boys High School Coach of the Year: Peter Cardone, William Cullen Bryant High School, #Re?o
Coach Cardone has made the most of having a dedicated wrestling room at WC Bryant High School and turned a program on the brink into city champions. Cardone’s leadership, with the help of coaches Joe Goetz and Joseph Weinstein, grew his team from fifteen wrestlers to fifty-five. Cardone has overseen numerous accomplishments during his time with the school, including the NYC Freshman and Sophomore Title and becoming undefeated Region 4 Division Champions. “He has changed the lives of many wrestlers in the school by being with them through both good and hard times as a friend and a coach.”

Volunteer of the Year: David Prado
Prado has been involved in wrestling since he was in elementary school and attended Arizona State on an athletic scholarship. He is committed to the sport because it has given him so much success and opportunity throughout his life that he seeks to “pay it forward” to other kids whenever possible. He shows tireless dedication to the cause of Beat the Streets, volunteering at practices several days a week.

The Beat the Streets gala is an annual fundraiser that raises money to support New York City student-athletes, having previously been hosted in such iconic locations as Times Square and Grand Central Terminal. The gala helps provide wrestling equipment and opportunities to 3,000 kids across the five boroughs every year. This year’s celebration, “United in the Square,” will see some of America’s top wrestlers, including Jordan Burroughs and Adeline Gray, going up against world-class competition from Iran, Kanado, and South Korea. The gala begins at 3:45 PM Sur #?A?do, Majo 19 with exhibition matches featuring young wrestlers from NYC before the world class wrestling matches begin at 6:00 PM. Tickets for seating in Times Square and attendance at the post-match reception are available on the Beat the Streets website. The event will be streaming live on FloWrestling.

About Beat the Streets
The mission of Beat the Streets is to develop the full human and athletic potential of the urban youth and to strengthen the culture of New York City wrestling. BTSW works directly with the New York City Department of Education in a public-private partnership to help New York City’s student-athletes achieve their personal and athletic goals. Through the operation of wrestling programs in middle and high schools in the five boroughs, BTSW and the DOE provide a safe, positive atmosphere in which disadvantaged and at-risk youth can learn the essential life skills of physical fitness, teamwork, and self-empowerment. The goal of fostering strong, dedicated, and optimistic kids is delivered through coaching, after-school programs, and summer camps. More information can be found at




On the morning of Tuesday, Majo 10, promoter Dmitriy Salita will continue his mission to mix the revival of Detroit boxing with a strong social conscience.
De 9-12 Estas, Salita and several fighters from his upcomingDetroit Brawl” Evento, will help the Forgotten Harvest organization pass out food to deserving families at New Bethel Baptist Church, situas ĉe 8430 C L Franklin Drive (aka Linwood St) en Detroit.
The group of local fighters joining Salita includes main event participant Demetrius Banks, co-main event fighter James Gordon Smith, as well as James Ballard and Darrell Van Horn.
Scheduled for Sabato, Majo 14, at the Masonic Temple in Downtown Detroit, “Detroit Brawlwill feature Banks (6-0, 4 KOs) in the six-round cruiserweight main event against Bronx-based cruiserweight Emilio Salas (5-1-1, 3 KOs), as well as Smith (9-0, 6 KOs) in the six-round co-main event against Mexico’s Pablo Cupul (8-19, 5 KOs). Ballard (6-0, 3 KOs) will face Chicago’s Edgar Perez (6-18, 3 KOs) in a six-round super middleweight scrap, while middleweight Van Horn (8-0, 5 KOs) will go against Torreon, Mexico’s Francisco Reza (13-17, 10 KOs) in a four-rounder.
Biletoj por “Detroit Brawlare on sale now and are priced at $28, $38, $63, $93, $100 Kaj $123. They are available at all Ticketmaster outlets, Ticketmaster.Com, De kriado 800-745-3000, or by visiting the Masonic Temple box office.
Forgotten Harvest is dedicated to relieving hunger in metro Detroit and preventing nutritious food waste. Establita en 1990, Forgotten Harvest now has 280 recipient agencies in its network, including emergency food pantries, supo kuirejoj, homeless and domestic shelters, children’s homes, senior centers and group homes.
Servicing Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties, Forgotten Harvest’s small and dedicated professional staff cover 2,000-square miles per day, bringing relief to 800 locations.
In otherDetroit Brawl” Ago, Lansing junior middleweight Antonio Urista (7-1, 2 KOs) will face Greenwood, Indiana’s Pablo Sanchez (7-1, 5 KOs) in a four-round bout. Russian cruiserweight Alexey Zubov (10-1, 6 KOs) will look to bounce back from his first career loss by taking on the capable Ernest Reyna (8-3, 4 KOs) De Tekstaro Christi, Teksaso, En ses-pli ronda. And in four-round welterweight bout between undefeated fighters, Turkmenabat, Turkmenistan’s Serdar Hudayberdiyev (1-0, 1 KO) will face Marco Russell (1-0-1) of Henderson, Nevado. East Pointe, #Mi?igano, cruiserweight Clarence Dubose (2-0, 2 KOs) will battle fellow Michigander Karinn Davis (2-6, 2 KOs) of Jackson in a four-round battle; and Brooklyn via Georgia super lightweight Giorgi Gelashvili (3-0, 2 KOs) will face Jackson, Michigan’s Alfred Hall (4-11-2, 2 KOs) in a four-round bout.

Sur batala nokto, pordoj malfermiĝas ĉe 6:30 Pm and the first fight is at 7:15 Pm. The Masonic Temple is located at 500 Temple Street in Detroit. All bouts subject to change.

Salita is also proud to announce that Detroit’s premier casino has once-again agreed to sponsor, along with some new local businesses including Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar and its proprietor, Erik Olson.
Your downtown playground, Greektown Casino Hotel is consistently voted Detroit’s Best Casino. Located right in the hub of the historic Greektown district it’s impossible to be any closer to the action. No matter what you want to play, Greektown Casino Hotel has your non-stop gaming action. From the newest slots and table games to live poker, Greektown Casino Hotel has 100,000 square feet of exciting, action-packed choices and so many thrilling ways to win!
Greektown Casino Hotel features a 30-story hotel with 400 stunning guestrooms and suites devoted to your comfort. And for your culinary needs, you can savor eclectic cuisine at one of their outstanding restaurants: Prism, Bistro 555 and The Market District.
For your special event or corporate gathering, Greektown Casino Hotel offers impeccable service in addition to a variety of exceptional spaces to help make your event an unforgettable experience.
Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar offers patrons an old-school sports and whiskey bar in Downtown Detroit’s Eastern Market district. Thomas Magee’s prides itself on providing every sport, every game, and every fight, plus great beer and whiskey!
For event information, Vizito Kaj Sur batala nokto, pordoj malfermiĝas ĉe 6:30.
For more information on theDetroit Brawlor Salita Promotions, The Greektown Casino Hotel is located at 555 E Lafayette Street in Detroit. Por pli da informo, visit them online Pepi: @GreektownCasino.

Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar is located at 1408 E Fisher Service Drive in Detroit. Por pli da informo, Voko 313-263-4342 or visit their official Facebook


Given the number of world-class southpaws he’s been in with at the world-famous Kronk Gym in Detroit, undefeated Motown-based cruiserweight Demetrius Banks (6-0, 4 KOs) says he’s not at all concerned about facing Puerto Rican New Yorker Emilio Salas (5-1-1, 3 KOs).
The pair will meet on Sabato, Majo 14, at the Masonic Temple in Downtown Detroit, in the six-round main event of Salita Promotions’ “Detroit Brawl,” Evento. In the six-round co-main event Detroit’s undefeated bantamweight James Gordon Smith (9-0, 6 KOs) and Mexico’s Pablo Cupul (8-19, 5 KOs).
Biletoj por “Detroit Brawlare on sale now and are priced at $28, $38, $63, $93, $100 Kaj $123. They are available at all Ticketmaster outlets, Ticketmaster.Com, De kriado 800-745-3000, or by visiting the Masonic Temple box office.
Because my experience, fighting a southpaw is not much of an adjustment,” said Banks during a break in training. “Being at Kronk, I’ve boxed world-class southpaws like (former WBO Middleweight Champion) Andy Lee and (current WBC Light Heavyweight Champion) Adonis Stevenson to name a few. It’s not a big deal for me. I fought so many southpaws, in the beginning of my career, it was more difficult to box a right hander.
Banks, a former football star and a committed mentor to Detroit’s youth, says that despite it being his first main event, he’s not feeling any extra pressure. “The way I look at it, it’s just another day. I don’t let the situation overwhelm me. I guess after the fight is over I’ll exhale and soak it all in. As of right now I’m ready to go to war. It doesn’t bother me what order we fight in.
Of opponent Salas, Banks says he’s not expecting any surprises.
I didn’tneed to see much of him to know what I’m getting. I probably watched part of a round and he’s what I would expect. I saw things in him I can exploit. I also know he’s on a five-fight win streak. He’s 6′ 3″ tall, out of the Bronx and he’s a southpaw. I guess he’s coming to win, but I can’t let this guy take food off my plate.
Banks says he’s aware that at age 35, there is no time to waste and he is working hard at Kronk with head coach Javan Hill and assistant trainer Richard Phillips, knowing that this fight is critical if he is to ever rise to contender status.
This fight presents a big opportunity for me, especially with Dmitriy doing so many big things in boxing. If I win this fight, it gives me the opportunity to sign with him. I feel like I need to hurry. Because of my age, I have a smaller window of opportunity and I understand it. This is an opportunity for me to step it up and get things going.
So how does he see things going against Salas?
I definitely see a fight in my mind before it happens. I always visualize them beforehand. I see the things I don’t want to happen, the things that can’t happen and things I want to do. He’s going to come out and try to show he’s tough and come to fight and win. He’s not me though. He’s not fleet-footed or as slick as me. I’ll trick him and touch him to his body. That will give me a lot of target. I will break him down from the body up.
On the Detroit Brawl undercard, Lansing junior middleweight Antonio Urista (7-1, 2 KOs) will face Greenwood, Indiana’s Pablo Sanchez (7-1, 5 KOs) in a four-round bout. Krome, Russian cruiserweight Alexey Zubov (10-1, 6 KOs) will look to bounce back from his first career loss by taking on the capable Ernest Reyna (8-3, 4 KOs) De Tekstaro Christi, Teksaso, En ses-pli ronda. And in four-round welterweight bout between undefeated fighters, Turkmenabat, Turkmenistan’s Serdar Hudayberdiyev (1-0, 1 KO) will face Marco Russell (1-0-1) of Henderson, Nevado.
In a six-round super middleweight scrap, Detroit’s super middleweight James Ballard (6-0, 3 KOs) will face Chicago’s Edgar Perez (6-18, 3 KOs); Detroit middleweight Darrell Van Horn (8-0, 5 KOs) will go against Torreon, Mexico’s Francisco Reza (13-17, 10 KOs) in a four-rounder; East Pointe, #Mi?igano, cruiserweight Clarence Dubose (2-0, 2 KOs) will battle fellow Michigander Karinn Davis (2-6, 2 KOs) of Jackson in a four-round battle; and Brooklyn via Georgia super lightweight Giorgi Gelashvili (3-0, 2 KOs) will face Jackson, Michigan’s Alfred Hall (4-11-2, 2 KOs) in a four-round bout.
Sur batala nokto, pordoj malfermiĝas ĉe 6:30 Pm and the first fight is at 7:15 Pm. The Masonic Temple is located at 500 Temple Street in Detroit. All bouts subject to change.
Salita is also proud to announce that Detroit’s premier casino has once-again agreed to sponsor, along with some new local businesses including Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar and its proprietor, Erik Olson.
Your downtown playground, Greektown Casino Hotel is consistently voted Detroit’s Best Casino. Located right in the hub of the historic Greektown district it’s impossible to be any closer to the action. No matter what you want to play, Greektown Casino Hotel has your non-stop gaming action. From the newest slots and table games to live poker, Greektown Casino Hotel has 100,000 square feet of exciting, action-packed choices and so many thrilling ways to win!
Greektown Casino Hotel features a 30-story hotel with 400 stunning guestrooms and suites devoted to your comfort. And for your culinary needs, you can savor eclectic cuisine at one of their outstanding restaurants: Prism, Bistro 555 and The Market District.
For your special event or corporate gathering, Greektown Casino Hotel offers impeccable service in addition to a variety of exceptional spaces to help make your event an unforgettable experience.
Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar offers patrons an old-school sports and whiskey bar in Downtown Detroit’s Eastern Market district. Thomas Magee’s prides itself on providing every sport, every game, and every fight, plus great beer and whiskey!
For event information, Vizito Kaj Sur batala nokto, pordoj malfermiĝas ĉe 6:30.
For more information on theDetroit Brawlor Salita Promotions, The Greektown Casino Hotel is located at 555 E Lafayette Street in Detroit. Por pli da informo, visit them online Pepi: @GreektownCasino.

Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar is located at 1408 E Fisher Service Drive in Detroit. Por pli da informo, Voko 313-263-4342 or visit their official Facebook

Miller alfrontos Guivas por WBO NABO-titolo pri 'Ĉampioneca Boksado ĉe CBS Sports Network’ ĉe Seneca Niagara Feriejo & Kazino vendrede, Majo 27

WBO #11, WBA #12 kaj IBF #15 pezega Jarrell “Granda Bebo” Miller (16-0-1, 14 KOs) alfrontos Topeka, Kansaso, fortbatulo Nick Guivas (12-3-2, 9 KOs) por la WBO NABO-Pezeguloĉampioneco plu Vendredo, Majo 27, 2016, ĉe la Seneca Niagara Feriejo & Kazino en Niagara Akvofalo, Nov-Jorko.
La du potencaj pezeguloj renkontiĝos en la ĉefa evento de Greg Cohen Promotions venonta epizodo de “Ĉampioneca Boksado ĉe CBS Sports Network.”
En la nokta 10-ronda malpeza kunĉefa evento, arda filipina perspektivo Harmonito “La Uragano Gensan” Dela Torre (17-0, 12 KOs) debutos sur usona grundo kontraŭ kapabla veterano Guillermo Sanchez (15-18-1, 6 KOs) De Buffalo.
Biletoj por “Ĉampioneca Bokso sur CBSaj Sportoj Reto” Komenco ĉe $35 kaj haveblas ĉe Seneca Niagara Feriejo & Kazina skatolo oficejo, aŭ vi povas ŝargi telefone ĉe 1-800-745-3000.
Impresa venko super Guivas multe pli proksimigos Miller al lia revo fariĝi Peza Ĉampiono de la Mondo. Neniu eviti militon aŭ mikrofonon, la sincera Miller publike vokis la mondajn pezajn ĉampionojn de preskaŭ la komenco de sia kariero.
Antaŭenigita de Greg Cohen Promotions kaj Salita Promotions, La fanfaronoj de Miller turniĝis al veraj minacoj en la lastaj jaroj, dum lia vico de imponaj knokaŭtoj kreskas kaj kreskas super ĉiam pli danĝeraj malamikoj.
Sur batala nokto, pordoj malfermiĝas ĉe 6 Pm Kaj la agaj komencoj ĉe 7:00 Pm. La Seneka Niagara Feriejo & Kazino situas ĉe 310 4th Strato en Niagara Akvofalo, NY. Por pli da informo, Voko 877-873-6322 aŭ viziti
Pri Greg Cohen #Anta?enigo
Unu el boksanta’s superegaj varbaj grupoj, Greg Cohen #Anta?enigo (GCP) Estas puto-respektata nomo por okaziganta mondan-klasa profesiulo boksanta eventojn kaj #anta?enigi elitajn profesiajn batalantojn dum la mondo.
Fondinto kaj CEO Greg Cohen estis okupita kun profesia bokso en diversaj kapacitoj ekde la lasta 1980aj jaroj, Kulturanta lian metion kaj establanta lin mem kiel sagaca internacia bokso negocisto.
Distingita de lia kapableco ekvidi kaj evoluigi krudan talenton, Cohen unue faris varbajn fraptitolojn por sia sperta gvidado de, Inter multaj aliaj, Eksa WBA Malsupera Middleweight #?ampiono Austin “Neniu Dubo” Trutoj, Kiu Cohen helpita gvidilon de nekonata Nov-Meksika perspektivo al elita salajro-por-vida nivelo superstelo.
Krom Trutoj, Greg Cohen #Anta?enigo laboris kun solidaj nomoj kiel eksa unueca kaj du-tempo superpezula senegala Hasim “La Roko” Rahman kaj ĉiama granda plipezega mondĉampiono Jakobo “Ellumigas” Toney.
Cohen nuntempe promocias WBA-Intertempan Mondan Malpezan Ĉampionon Ismael Barroso, Nevenkita WBA NABA-Pezĉampiono kaj mond-indicita defianto Jarrell Miller, nevenkita mezpeza ĉampiono de WBA NABA kaj mondvalora defianto Robert Brant, eksa mondĉampiono Kendall Holt, same kiel nunaj mond-taksitaj defiantoj inkluzive de delonga elita meza pezo “Malbona” Joe Greene, supro super pluma pezo Arash Usmanee, Kanada malpeza kaj televida ago heroo Tony Luis; WBA kaj kvinfoja irlanda Nacia Amatora Ĉampiono, Dennis Hogan; kaj aŭstralia malpeza perspektivo Josh King.
Greg Cohen Promotions aranĝis mondklasajn boksajn eventojn en la plej bonaj ejoj tra Usono kaj la mondo kaj ankaŭ fiere disponigis talenton kaj / aŭ enhavon por pluraj televidaj retoj inkluzive de CBS Sports Network, HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBCaj Sportoj Reto, CBSaj Sportoj Reto, MSG kaj VULPAJ Sportoj Reto.
Por pli da informo, Vizito Trovi nin sur Facebook ĉ Pepi: @GCPBoxing.

25 Year Anniversary for Give A Kid A Dream

Gleason’s Gym is very proud to announce its

25 Year Anniversary for Give A Kid A Dream
Gleason’s Gym established theGive a Kid a Dream” (a 501C3 charity) Je 1991 to mentor disadvantaged youths through the sport of boxing.
We are celebrating 25 years of accomplishment with a fundraising show at B.B. King Blues Club and Grill on Wednesday May 25, 2016. The gala will be packed with fun, great food and boxing.
Please join us for this fun event.
Our Fighters4Life team will be boxing to help raise funds and awareness for the program. We will also be honoring several of the many individuals that have helped make this Foundation a success.
The ticket prices are:
General admission $50.
Floor seating $100.

Tables seating four:
Platinum $1000.
oro $750.
VIP podium seating $250.
If you cannot attend, please make a contribution to: Doni Infanon Revo.
Send the contribution to: Doni Infanon Revo
Gleason’s Gimnastikejo, Inc.
77 Front St. 2nd Fl.
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Or donate on line at: Http://
If you have time and would like to see more about Give A Kid A Dream, watch the 9 minute CBS Game Changers program about Give A Kid A Dream.
Copy the link below to your web browser. Https://
Gleason’s Annual Fantasy Boxing Camp
Slider & Mike Tarnoff


LASa VEGAS (Aprilo 1, 2016) – Following last week’s historic passage of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) legislation by the New York State Assembly, Monda Serio de Batalado ( today re-enforced its commitment to bringing its prestigious brand of league competition to the Empire State with an announcement that it has signed a letter of intent to acquire the New York City-based MMA World Expo, and that, pending New York State Athletic Commission approval, it plans to stage a series of bouts at the seventh annual affair at Manhattan’s Jacob Javits Center in December.

“This is a very exciting and momentous time for our great sport, so we could not be more thrilled to take significant steps towards becoming owners of the MMA World Expo, which has been consistently delivering an incredible fan experience for the last six years and which will make for a great home for live World Series of Fighting action at a landmark location in Manhattan,"Diris World Series of Fighting CEO Carlos Silva.

The announcement comes three months after World Series of Fighting opened the doors to a satellite office in midtown Manhattan.

Two weeks ago, the company announced the appointment of michael Mersch to the dual role of Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel. While serving as Assistant General Counsel for the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), Mersch was one of the key figures involved in the effort to legalize MMA in New York State.

Since launching in 2009, The MMA World Expo has hosted dozens of MMA celebrity guests, Inkluzivanta Randy “The Natural” Couture, Anderson Silva,Matt Hughes, Fabricio Werdum Kaj Matt Serra.

The annual convention is also the site of an array of martial arts seminars instructed by legendary trainers, as well as competitions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai and catch wrestling, and brings together industry pioneers, vendors, atletoj, trainers and fans.

World Series of Fighting will announce additional details about its MMA World Expo acquisition plans, including its intent to promote live bouts at the event this year.

Live World Series of Fighting ago revenas al NBCSN sur Sabato, Aprilo 2 #?E 11:30 P.M. ET/8:30 P.M. PT with WSOF30: branĉo vs. Starks that will be headlined by a middleweight (185 Funtoj) championship showdown between defending kingpin David Branĉo (17-3) kaj supro konkuranto Clifford Starks (13-2).

Pri Monda Serio de Batalado (WSOF)
“Monda Serio de Batalado” (WSOF) estas tutmonda ĉefranga profesia Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) batali promocio dediĉis al liveranta la plej bonan agon-plenplena luktojn por lukton ŝatantoj de produktanta la plej bona ebla partio-ups inter elitaj batalantoj el la tuta mondo. Por pli da informo bonvolu vizito kaj sekvu “Monda Serio de Batalado” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries. WSOF kaj Monda Serio de Batalado estas varmarkoj de MMAWC, LLC.

Two Exciting Events at Gleason’s Gym for Females and MastersSign up today

Aprilo 14-16,2016
Gleason’s Gym will host the sixth annual All Female Clinic and boxing show.
The cost of the Clinic is $369.00.
If you are interested please contact Bruce Silverglade at (718) 797-2872 or
The boxing show will be at Gleason’s Gym on April 16
$20.00 admission
#?Iuj niaj vicoj estas sankciita de USABoxingMetro. #?Iuj boksistoj devas havi ilian boksan libron kun ili por partopreni.

Se vi deziras konkurenci, Bonvolu kontakti nia matchmaker Jieun Lee #? All matchmaking is done by email.

Junio 15-18, 2016
Gleason’s Gym will host the second annual Master’s International Championship Tournament
The cost of entry for this Tournament is $135.00.
If you are interested please contact Bruce Silverglade at (718) 797-2872 or email
Check in day Wednesday June 15 at Gleason’s Gym from
5:00AM to 10:00PM
Preliminary bouts Thursday and Friday June 16 Kaj 17
Finals Saturday June 18
Spectators $25.00 admission
#?Iuj niaj vicoj estas sankciita de USABoxingMetro. #?Iuj boksistoj devas havi ilian boksan libron kun ili por partopreni.

#A?gusto 1114, 2016

Gleason’s Gym will host the fourteenth annual Fantasy Boxing Camp at Honor’s Haven Resort and Spa.
The cost starts at $1799.00
All Female Show


All Female Show
Bruce with Female Fighters


Holt McCallany & Marcel Hutte
Master’s Clinic
Master Clinic