Tag Archives: Njujork

Naša sljedeća dva amaterska bokserska šoua su u srijedu svibnja 10, 2017 i u subotu svibnja 20, 2017

PRIDRUŽI NAM SE 10. svibnja ZA NOĆ BOŽANJA BOXING U BB KINGS-u. Kupite karte sada na www.fighters4life.net Fighters 4 Life je neprofitna organizacija 501C3 koja prikuplja novac putem gostovanja u amaterskim bokserskim emisijama. Naš deveti dobrotvorni bokserski show, Noć dobrotvornog boksa, će se održati u Srijeda, 10. svibnja 2017u ulici BB Kings 42. ulice. Ako želite kutiju naš sljedeći amaterski boksački show u subotu svibnja 20, kontaktirajte Njujorškog partnera s jednim brojem, Jieun Lee. Emisija je otvorena za sve trenutno boksačke amaterske boksere. Tražimo Juniore, Seniori i master bokseri. Obratite se suigraču, Neka je Lee na 917 858 3955 ili joj pošaljite e-poštu na matchmaker@gleasonsgym.net. Uključite svoje ime, težina, doba, zapis i telefonski broj.

Svibanj 13, 2017

  • 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm Otvaranje recepcije “Lucky Jo” izložba fotografija o boksu francuskog jezika
    fotograf Orianne O. Na zaslonu nagrađivana reportaža o
    životna priča dvobojne francuske prvakinje boksa Johanne Cavarec,
    aka Jo Lachance (Lucky Jo).

    8:30 pm Također će se održati izložbeni boksački meč tijekom uvodne večeri događanja.
    Ronica Jeffery 15-1 WBC Silver Featherweight Champion vs. Johanne Cavarec francuski prvak


Torbe JLEW bit će na licu mjesta 13. svibnja za izložbu fotografija i borbe koja prodaje svoju najnoviju torbu, koju su dizajnirale dvije borke i poduzetnice, Jamie Lewis iz JLEW Torbe i Cary Williams iz marke Too Pretty, i proizvedeno niz ulicu u Brooklynu. Dio prihoda od prodaje svake torbe ide u prilog Gleasonovoj Heather “vrućina” Izdržljiv. Pročitajte više ovdje: https://www.jlewshop.com / proizvoda / nevertoopretty-jlew spojkom

Pilates i osobni trening sada u Gleason's Gym.
Cinch su Ashley Barenz i Desira Barnes. U kombinaciji ih ima 18 godine pilatesa i osobno iskustvo treninga. U 2017, udružili su snage kako bi stvorili Cinch. Ashley i Desira su kreativni, dobro upućeni instruktori koji se iznimno osobno ponose dobrom formom svojih klijenata. Radeći sa Cinch instruktorom znojit ćete se, tonusni mišići, uživajte u vremenu koje provodite sa Cinchom, i primiti jednu upute na jedan za ispravljanje lošeg poravnanja tijela kako biste mogli teško raditi bez nanošenja štete vašem tijelu. Sa Cinchom ćete raditi pametnije, ne teže.
Cinch je otvoren Ponedjeljak-Subota s terminima dostupan cijeli dan.
Zakažite svoju sesiju cinch.schedulista.com ili e-mail cinchpilatesnyc @ gmail.s. Počevši od svibnja, Fizikalna terapija na Gleason teretani Jedan na jedan, 1 satne sjednice Fernando Moreno Jr. PT, DPT, CMP (Licencirani fizikalni terapeut; Certificirani liječnik Mulligan; Certificirano u SFMA) Dani i vremena: Utorak 10AM-13:00, Četvrtak 10AM-13:00 Zakažite upite za sastanak ili osiguranje, E-mail fernando@fernandompt.com ili posjet www.fernandompt.com
Ronica Jeffrey
JLEW torba

Top boxing judge Steve Weisfeld & Popular New York welterweight Johnny Turner Ring 8 Guest Speakers Tuesday, Travanj 18

Za immediate release
NEW YORK (Travanj 7, 2017) – One of the most respected boxing judges, Steve Weisfeld, and popular retired New York welterweight Johnny Turner will be Ring 8’s guest speakers at its April meeting, Tuesday night, Travanj 18 (7 poslije podne. I početak) u O'Neill's Restaurant, Nalazite se na 64-21 53rd Drive, Maspeth, NY 11378.
We are delighted to have both Steve Weisfeld and Johnny Turner appear as guest speakers at our next meeting,” Prsten 8 predsjednik Jack Hirsch rekla. “Weisfeld is one of the best judges in the sport having worked some of the biggest fights. With all the controversial decisions we have seen over the years, it will be fascinating to hear Weisfeld’s take on things.
Johnny Turner was one of the most charismatic boxers on the New York scene in the 1970’s and 80’s. He also had a part in the movie, Raging Bull. It will conjure up a lot of warm memories hearing him reminisce about his career.
A native of New Jersey, Weisfeld has judged more than 1,200 fights during his 25-yeear-old career, including numerous world championships all over the world. His last was the world middleweight championship bout at Madison Square Garden between Genadij “GGG” Golovkin a Daniel Jacobs.
Turner (42-6-2, 32 Kos) was a staple on the New York boxing scene from 1979 za 1984. The Brooklyn welterweight fought just about everywhere in New York, including the famed Madison Square Garden and legendary Sunnyside Garden in Queens. His most notable opponent was future Hall of Famer Wilfredo Benitez, who became a three-division world champion.
O RING 8: Prsten 8 postala osma podružnica ono što je tada bio poznat kao Nacionalni Veteran bokserice Udruge – stoga, RING 8 – a danas je moto organizacije ostaje: Boksači Pomaganje boksači.
RING 8 je u potpunosti posvećen potpore siromašnim ljudima u boks zajednice koji mogu zahtijevati pomoć u smislu plaćati najam, medicinske troškove, ili bilo opravdano potreba.
Idi na liniji za www.Ring8ny.com Za više informacija o RING 8, Najveća skupina te vrste u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama s više od 350 članovi. Godišnja članarina je samo $30.00 a svaki član ima pravo na buffet večeru na RING 8 Sastanci,, osim srpanj i kolovoz. Svi aktivni boksači, amaterski i profesionalni, s trenutnom boks dozvole ili knjige imaju pravo na besplatan RING 8 godišnje članstvo. Gosti Ring 8 Članovi su dobrodošli, po cijeni od samo $7.00 po osobi.

Special AdditionGolden Glove Quarter Finals Show added Tuesday March 21st at Gleason’s Gym

Gleason’s Gym will host the quarter finals of the Daily News Golden Gloves on Tuesday, Ožujak 21st.
Vrata će se otvoriti u 6:30 PM.
Prvi meč će biti na 7:30 PM.
All tickets are $25
(amateur boxers with book in hand $15)
This show is sanctioned by USABoxing.
Come support the gym.


Vijesti iz Gleasonove teretane, Nadolazeći događaji

Bijeli ovratnik / Master's Boxing show u Londonu, Engleska
Ožujak 31, 2017
Sve Ženski Klinika
Travanj 13-15, 2017

Gleason's Gym bit će domaćin sedme godišnje Klinike za žene i boksačke emisije.

Ako ste zainteresirani molimo da kontaktirate Bruce Silverglade na (718) 797-2872ili e-mail bruce@gleasonsgym.net.
Boksačka predstava bit će u Gleason's teretani Travanj 15
Klinika za ovjeravanje osobnih trenera
Svibanj 4-7, 2017
Osobni treneri - Ostvarite svoj bokserski certifikat i zaradite više novca. Recite svojim prijateljima i kolegama. Širite riječ.
Prijavite se za ovu kliniku.
Ova klinika nije za USABoxing certifikat. Nije za USABoxing trenere i ne prepoznaje ga USABoxing.
Ako ste zainteresirani, obratite se Bruceu Silvergladeu u Gleason's Gym. Telefonski broj je: 718 797 2872 a adresa e-pošte je info@gleasonsgym.net.
Gleason's Show Fundrasier Show
Svibanj 10, 2017

BB Kings Times Square, NYC

Fighters 4 Life je neprofitna organizacija 501C3 koja prikuplja novac putem gostovanja u amaterskim bokserskim emisijama.

Naš deveti dobrotvorni bokserski show, Noć dobrotvornog boksa, će se održati u Srijeda, 10. svibnja 2017 u ulici BB Kings 42. ulice.
Tražimo zanimljivo, uzbudljivi sudionici koji su spremni za fizički izazov za cijeli život.
Lipanj 15-17, 2017
15th Godišnji Gleason's Fantasy Camp
Kolovoz 10 kroz 13, 2017

Sutrašnji prsten 8 Gostujući govornici: Top Rank matchmaker Brad Goodman i publicist Lee Samuels, plus bivši svjetski prvak Vito Antuofermo

NEW YORK (Ožujak 13, 2017) – Veteran provodadžija Brad Goodman, boks publicist Lee Samuels i bivši svjetski prvak u srednjoj kategoriji Vito Antuofermo bit će gosti govornici sutra noć (Utorak, More. 14) na mjesečnom sastanku Ringa 8, s početkom u 7 poslije podne. I, u O'Neill's Restaurant, Nalazite se na 64-21 53rd Drive u Maspethu, Njujork.
RING 8 je u potpunosti posvećen potpore siromašnim ljudima u boks zajednice koji mogu zahtijevati pomoć u smislu plaćati najam, medicinske troškove, ili bilo opravdano potreba.

Idi na liniji za www.Ring8ny.com Za više informacija o RING 8, Najveća skupina te vrste u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama s više od 350 članovi. Godišnja članarina je samo $30.00 a svaki član ima pravo na buffet večeru na RING 8 Sastanci,, osim srpanj i kolovoz. Svi aktivni boksači, amaterski i profesionalni, s trenutnom boks dozvole ili knjige imaju pravo na besplatan RING 8 godišnje članstvo. Gosti Ring 8 Članovi su dobrodošli, po cijeni od samo $7.00 po osobi.

Top Rank matchmaker Brad Goodman i publicist Lee Samuels, plus Bivši svjetski prvak Vito Antuofermo Prsten 8 Gostujući govornici u utorak navečer

Za immediate release
NEW YORK (Ožujak 9, 2017) – Veteran provodadžija Brad Goodman, boks publicist Lee Samuels i bivši svjetski prvak u srednjoj kategoriji Vito Antuofermo bit će gostujući govornici Ring 8 na ovome dolazi u utorak Noć je (More. 14) mjesečni sastanak, s početkom u 7 poslije podne. I, u O'Neill's Restaurant, Nalazite se na 64-21 53rd Drive u Maspethu, Njujork.
“Drago nam je što imamo Brada Goodmana, Lee Samuels i Vito Antuofermo kao naši gosti govornici ovog mjeseca,” Prsten 8 rekao je predsjednik Jack Hirsch. “Brad je jedan od najiskusnijih provodadžija u boksu, Lee je jedan od najcjenjenijih publicista u ovom poslu. Veselimo se što će Brad raspravljati o umjetnosti druženja, a Lee podijeliti svoja iskustva s velikim borcima s kojima je bio povezan i događajima koje je Top Rank planirao u budućnosti.
“Vito Antuofermo bio je neprikosnoveni prvak svijeta u doba kada su se najbolji morali boriti protiv najboljih. Zadržao je karizmu koju je imao u ono vrijeme. Bit će ugodno čuti ga kako govori o svojim borbama protiv takvih poput Haglera, Minter, Briscoe, Griffitha i velikih boksača s kojima se borio.”
Top Rank matchmaker Brad Goodman
Rođeni Njujorčanin iz Queensa, Goodman je od tada bio provodadžija 1983 za jednu od najboljih promotivnih tvrtki u boksu, Bob Arum's Top Rank. Sedmerostruki NABF provodadžer godine, Brad će govoriti o The Art of Matchmaking. Prva borba koju je vidio bila je Muhammad Ali vs. Earnie brijači aparati.
Samuels, koji je rođen u Pennsvilleu, New Jersey, radi više od dva desetljeća za Top Rank. Stigao je Leejev prvi vodeći PR zadatak za Top Rank 1987, kad je radio s velikim Čudo Marvin Hagler tijekom pripreme za njegov obračun protiv Sugar Ray Leonard.
Danas, ljubazni Samuels surađuje s Top Rankovom štalom superzvijezda i svjetskih prvaka.
Rođen u Italiji, Antuofermo (50-7-2, 21 Kos) preselio u New York kad je 17 i postao dobitnik Zlatnih rukavica New Yorka 1970. Devet godina kasnije, osvojio je Svjetsko boksačko vijeće (WBC) i Svjetske boksačke udruge (WBA) naslova svjetskog prvaka u srednjoj kategoriji, uzevši podijeljenu odluku u 15 rundi branitelja naslova Hugo Corro, u Monaku. Antuofermo je zadržao naslove u svojoj prvoj obrani naslova, bori Čudo Marvin Hagler do remija u 15 rundi u Las Vegasu.
Popularni Antuofermo, koji su se profesionalno borili između 1971 a 1985, također poražen Emile Griffith, Denny Moyer, Willie Classen, Willie Warren, Bennie Briscoe a Eugene Hart, među više uglednika. Mnoge Vitove rane borbe bile su u legendarnom Sunnyside Gardensu u Queensu, kasnije u slavnom Madison Square Gardenu. godine primljen je u inauguracijski razred NYSBHOF 2012.
RING 8 je u potpunosti posvećen potpore siromašnim ljudima u boks zajednice koji mogu zahtijevati pomoć u smislu plaćati najam, medicinske troškove, ili bilo opravdano potreba.

Idi na liniji za www.Ring8ny.com Za više informacija o RING 8, Najveća skupina te vrste u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama s više od 350 članovi. Godišnja članarina je samo $30.00 a svaki član ima pravo na buffet večeru na RING 8 Sastanci,, osim srpanj i kolovoz. Svi aktivni boksači, amaterski i profesionalni, s trenutnom boks dozvole ili knjige imaju pravo na besplatan RING 8 godišnje članstvo. Gosti Ring 8 Članovi su dobrodošli, po cijeni od samo $7.00 po osobi.

USA Men’s And Women’s Wrestlers To Face International Power Japan In New York City’s Times Square May 17 for Beat the Streets Annual Benefit

Select American stars to take Japanese wrestlers in first-time New York dual meet; Youth Wrestlers and High School Wrestlers take The Mat; Benefit Celebration Follows

NEW YORK– Beat the Streets Wrestling, Inc. and USA Wrestling announced today that the men’s and women’s national wrestling teams of the United States and Japan will square off in New York City’s Times Square on Srijeda, Svibanj 17 in the seventh annual wrestling celebration. This year’s event will take place in Times Square’s Duffy Square (između 46tha 47th streets). Competitors for Team USA, which will include members of the 2016 Olympic team as well as other elite stars, and their Japanese opponents will be announced in the coming weeks.

"We welcome our friends and colleagues from Japan to help us spread the word and once again make history with our event in Times Square,” said Beat the Streets Chairman of the Board Mike Novogratz. “We have worked with many nations in our goodwill mission for young people over the years, but bringing both the men’s and women’s elite wrestlers from Japan here for this dual meet will be a unique experience for all, with every dollar helping further our mission of growing the sport of wrestling in New York City across the country and around the world, from the grassroots on up.”

U 2013, the event dubbed “The Rumble on the Rails,” was hosted in historic Grand Central Terminal and featured dual meets between Team USA, Russia and Iran. Playing an important role in the international Keep Olympic Wrestling effort, this historic wrestling event gained international media coverage and helped wrestling retain its status on the Olympic Games program.

The world-class competition has been hosted in Times Square five previous times. U 2011, the United States defeated World Champion Russia, 5-2, the first sports event ever held in historic Times Square. U 2012, another U.S. vs. Russia dual meet was held in Times Square, along with the U.S. Olympic Team Wrestle-off for the 60 kg/132 lbs. position on the U.S. Olympic Team in men’s freestyle. U 2014, Team USA defeated a World All-Star Team in Times Square, 8-3. U 2015, “Salsa in the Square” featured a meeting between Team USA and Team Cuba in the three Olympic styles, held shortly after the historic change in USA and Cuban political relations. Last year the US met Iran in a dual meet in Times Square as a preview to the 2016 Olimpijske igre.

This will be the eighth straight year in which a major international-style wrestling competition will be hosted as part of the Beat the Streets Benefit activities. U 2010, an all-star challenge featuring top U.S. wrestlers was held on the USS Intrepid, an aircraft carrier docked on the west side of Manhattan.

Top Beat the Streets youth wrestlers will take the mat showcasing their skills in exhibition matches beginning at 3:00 poslije podne. to kick off the NYC Benefit. For the second straight year, the Benefit will feature the PSAL Girls Freestyle Dual Meet Championships finals, showcasing the two top New York City girl’s freestyle wrestling high school teams from the spring girl’s freestyle season. Then it’s Team USA vs. Japan at 6:00 poslije podne. with video highlights and special guest appearances followed by the Beat the Streets Benefit Celebration.

Tickets are required for entry and can be purchased at www.btsny.org ili 212.245.6570 ili slanjem beatthestreets@eventassociatesinc.com. Standing room available for non-ticket holders on first come first serve basis. A ticket is required for the Benefit Celebration at the Marriott Marquis. More details are available at http://www.btsny.org/gala.

The Benefit Celebration will follow the wrestling competition. This unique and electrifying annual event helps Beat the Streets (BTS) raise significant funds to further its mission. Whether it’s providing a safe, constructive outlet for our urban youth, fighting childhood obesity, empowering women, or uniting entire nations, wrestling teaches persistence, posveta, and the value of working hard to achieve one’s goals and creates opportunities for personal and universal growth. BTS currently serve over 3,000 student-athletes every year.

Beat the Streets Wrestling Schedule

In New York City, Svibanj 17, 2017

3:00 poslije podne. – Beat the Streets Youth Exhibition Matches between 46th and 47th Streets

4:45 poslije podne. – New York City Girl’s Freestyle Dual Meet Championships Finals between 46th and 47th Streets

6:00 poslije podne. – World Class Wrestling: Team USA vs. Team Japan between 46th and 47th Streets

Followed by Benefit Celebration

About Beat the Streets

The mission of Beat the Streets is to develop the full potential of the urban youth and to strengthen the culture of New York City wrestling. BTS works directly with the New York City Department of Education in a public-private partnership to bring the life changing sport of wrestling to over 3,000 New York City student-athletes to help them achieve their personal and athletic goals. Through the operation of wrestling programs in middle and high schools in the five boroughs, BTS and the DOE provide a safe, positive atmosphere in which disadvantaged and at-risk youth can learn the essential life lessons of grit, personal responsibility and teamwork, physical fitness and nutrition, and life-long learning. The goal of fostering strong, well-rounded student-athletes is delivered through coaching, after-school programs, life skills workshops, and summer camps. More information can be found at www.btsny.org.

About USA Wrestling

USA Wrestling is the National Governing Body for the Sport of Wrestling in the United States and, kao takav, is its representative to the United States Olympic Committee and United World Wrestling, Međunarodna federacija hrvanje. Jednostavno, SAD Hrvanje je središnja organizacija koja koordinira amaterske hrvanje programe u narod i radi za stvaranje interesa i sudjelovanje u tim programima. It has over 220,000 members across the nation, boys and girls, men and women of all ages, representing all levels of the sport. Its president is James Ravannack, and its Executive Director is Rich Bender. More information can be found at TheMat.com

Iceman John Scully’s 6th Official Amateur Boxing Reunion

Subota, Ožujak 18, 2017
12:00 Podne (until around 3 pm)
@ Monique’s Lounge (aka 108 Lounge)
181 East 108th Street
East Harlem, Njujork
I am proud to officially announce my 6th Official Amateur Boxing Reunion that will take place on March 18 at Monique’s Lounge in Harlem, Njujork. I am expecting by far the largest turn out of any of the previous 5 reunions which were held twice at Rival Boxing in Las Vegas, once at Jimmy’s Corner in Manhattan and once each at Connecticut’s Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods Casinos.
Of the over 100 boxers attending this far, among them I expect the likes of 1988 Olimpijski srebrna Riddick Big Daddy Bowe, NYC Golden Gloves Champ “Otrov” Junior Jones, 1984 Olympic champ Mark Breland, 1974 National Junior Olympic champ Marlon Starling, 1996 USA Olympic team captain Lawrence Glina-beg a 1988 Nacionalni Zlatni Rukavice prvak Ocjena “Previše Sharp” Johnson.
At my past reunions, including the most recent one held at the Rival Boxing Store in Las Vegas on Studeni 18, we’ve had the likes of Roy Jones Jr., Alex “Bronx bombarder” Ramos, 1992 Olympian Montell Griffin, former three time world champions Mike McCallum and Iran Barkley, a “The Fighterand Irish Micky Ward in attendance.
Among the most special of moments at my reunions, we had Mike McCallum and Alex Ramos, who met each other in the semi-finals of the 1980 NYC Golden Gloves, reconnect in Las Vegas in late 2014, we had Luis Ortiz and Lawrence Clay-Bey, who were brought together in 2015 at Foxwoods after not only not seeing each other in 38 YEARS but after not even knowing they fought against each other in 1977 until just a few days before they reunited and in NYC over the summer of 2015 imali smo 1984 New York City Golden Gloves 156 pound champion and runner up Dennis “Čarobnjak” Milton and Jesse Lanton connect once again.
Any media who wish to attend the event in Harlem, New York on March 18 are more than welcome to be a part of the festivities.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=htZpAj5JPHE&feature=youtu.be ...former champion Michael Second To Nunn calling in to my Amateur Boxers Reunion in Las Vegas last year to speak to former (1986) opponent Alex “Bronx bombarder” Ramos.


Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum Presented By
New York Community Bank Will Welcome its First PBC Card This Spring
BROOKLYN/LONG ISLAND (Ožujak 2, 2017) –Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment venues, Barclays Center and Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum Presented By New York Community Bank (NYCB), will be the sites for select Premier Boxing Champions Series (PBC ) events in 2017.
Ovo subotu PBC welterweight showdown between Danny “Brz” Garcia and KeithOne-TimeThurman in Brooklyn will be the first of a multi-fight schedule at Barclays Center and The New Coliseum Presented By NYCB in 2017. The event is live on CBS Primetime starting at 9PM ET (6PM PT). The inaugural PBC event at The New Coliseum Presented By NYCB, as well as the seriesnext fight at Barclays Center, Uskoro će biti objavljen.
Also announced today, BrooklynBoxingShop.com, the ecommerce home for BROOKLYN BOXING merchandise, will activate at PBC events nationwide through retail, advertising and in-ring signage. Pokrenut u 2016, BROOKLYN BOXING features a unique brand of active wear, lifestyle apparel, and accessories for men and women, fighters and fans alike.
Barclays Center has hosted six PBC events, including Thurman’s victory over Shawn Porter, named PBC’s 2016 Borba godine, lipnja 25, 2016, and Carl Frampton’s win against Leo Santa Cruz on July 30, 2016 for the world featherweight title.
Barclays Center and The New Coliseum Presented By NYCB are proud to host PBC events on the East Coast,” rekao je Brett Yormark, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Zabava. “We will be host to multiple championship events between both venues this year, and are also looking forward to creating more exposure for our BrooklynBoxingShop.com business through the nation’s best boxing series.
Barclays Center brought professional championship boxing back to Brooklyn for the first time since 1931. Under its BROOKLYN BOXING™ programming franchise, the venue has hosted 20 professional boxing events with more than 150 bouts and 35 Title fights.
Long Island has a rich boxing history, with the Coliseum having hosted fights with the likes of Mike Tyson and Gerry Cooney. U 1976, George Foreman famously scored a fifth round knockout of Joe Frazier in a fight that was billed as theBattle of the Gladiators.
Brooklyn Sports & Zabava (BSE) develops and operates state-of-the-art venues and manages premier sports franchises, delivering dynamic content and experiences for audiences. BSE oversees programming, marketing, sales, and operations for Barclays Center and Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum Presented By New York Community Bank, and manages and controls the NBA’s Brooklyn Nets and its Development League team, the Long Island Nets, as well as the business operations of the NHL’s New York Islanders.
Barclays Center, which opened on September 28, 2012, offers 17,732 seats for basketball, 15,795 for hockey, and up to 19,000 seats for concerts, i ima 101 luxury suites, four bars/lounges, four clubs, a 40/40 CLUB & Restaurant by American Express.
The New Coliseum Presented By NYCB, scheduled to reopen Travanj 5, 2017 after extensive renovation, will offer 13,000 seats for hockey, 13,500 for basketball, a 14,500 for concerts, with the ability to flex up. The bowl will have a theater seating option for 4,000 Gosti.
With a focus on emerging businesses, BSE identifies and creates alliances, strategic partners and other business opportunities to ensure the success of its assets. Za dodatne informacije, posjetite Brooklynse.com.

Joe Smith, Jr. Ring 8’s February Guest Speaker

(Joe Smith, Jr. pictures courtesy of Star Boxing)
NEW YORK (Veljača 13, 2017) – World-class light heavyweight boxer Joe “The Irish Bomber” Kovač, Jr. will be Ring 8’s guest speaker Četvrtak noć, Veljača 23, at its monthly meeting, s početkom u 7 poslije podne. I, at Plattduetsche Park Restaurant, Nalazite se na 1132 Hempstead Turnpike in Franklin Square, Njujork.
The 27-year-old Smith (23-1, 19 Kos) is a Union 66 laborer between fights. The Long Island power-puncher from Mastic burst upon the International boxing scene last June, stopping former world title challenger Andrzej Fonfara (28-4) in the opening round for the World Boxing Council (WBC) International light heavyweight title.
Joe Smith, Jr. (R) is shown finishing off Bernard Hopkins
U prosincu prošle godine, Smith followed up with a sensational eighth-round knockout of living legend Bernard Hopkins (55-8-2), the seven-time, two-division world champion whose retirement fight was ruined by Smith.
With knockout victories over Fonfara and Hopkins in his last two fights, Joe Smith might be the most exciting fighter since Arturo Gatti,” Prsten 8 predsjednik Jack Hirschrekla.
We look forward to him being a featured speaker at our monthly meeting and letting us know what he has planned next in his career.
Smith was the recipient of Ring 8’s “Nagrada za nokaut godine” last December at the organization’s 30th Godišnji Ring 8 Odmor događaja i dodjela nagrada. Phil aJerry Capobianco, odnosno, Smith’s manager and trainer, were also honored as Ring 8’s Manager and Trainer of the Year.
Smith is a light heavyweight contender on the verge of a major fight this year, possibly a world title shot. He is promoted by New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) inductee Joe DeGuardia (Star Boks).
O RING 8: Prsten 8 postala osma podružnica ono što je tada bio poznat kao Nacionalni Veteran bokserice Udruge – stoga, RING 8 – a danas je moto organizacije ostaje: Boksači Pomaganje boksači.
RING 8 je u potpunosti posvećen potpore siromašnim ljudima u boks zajednice koji mogu zahtijevati pomoć u smislu plaćati najam, medicinske troškove, ili bilo opravdano potreba.
Idi na liniji za www.Ring8ny.com Za više informacija o RING 8, Najveća skupina te vrste u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama s više od 350 članovi. Godišnja članarina je samo $30.00 a svaki član ima pravo na buffet večeru na RING 8 Sastanci,, osim srpanj i kolovoz. Svi aktivni boksači, amaterski i profesionalni, s trenutnom boks dozvole ili knjige imaju pravo na besplatan RING 8 godišnje članstvo. Gosti Ring 8 Članovi su dobrodošli, po cijeni od samo $7.00 per person..