标记档案: 新泽西州

托马斯 “玉米片” 拉曼纳本周六晚上在大西洋城的克拉里奇酒店寻找大牌

拉曼纳将在主赛事中与 54 场比赛的老将卡洛斯·温斯顿·维拉斯奎兹对战
安东尼 “液” 杨在合作中扮演乔治·索萨
和Pasciolla & 加布里埃尔范在行动
同样不败的唐纳德·史密斯, 克里斯·托马斯, 以利亚葡萄 & 弗雷德里克·朱利安
称重直播 这个星期五 AT 3 PM ET ON 上升促销脸书页面

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (六月 8, 2017)–次中量级竞争者, 托马斯 “玉米片” 拉曼纳 感觉自己正处于突破性胜利的边缘, 他希望在今年夏天晚些时候与一个大牌比​​赛,这将有助于提升自己的排名, 在通往世界冠军的路上.
这个星期六 夜晚克拉里奇酒店大西洋城, 他首先必须通过54战斗老将 卡洛斯·温斯顿·维拉斯克斯 在由 Rising Promotions 推广的卡片的八轮主赛事中.
拉曼纳, 22-2 九次淘汰米尔维尔, 新泽西州, 将寻找他的连续第二场胜利, 战胜维拉斯奎兹将引发一场令人垂涎的战斗.
“我期待着周六的精彩战斗. 我不会掉以轻心,因为他是一位坚强的老将 54 打架,” 说拉曼纳. “我赢了之后, 我想要大的东西. Myself 和 Rising Promotions 考虑到了地区性的冠军争夺战. 已提出与 Zab Judah 和 Kermit Cintron 的战斗. 最终目标是获得世界评级, 并通过我想在大西洋城进行的有意义的战斗爬上梯子。”
“因为我有两个损失, 我总是接到要成为对手的电话. 我不认为自己是一个人. 我是最大的之一, 如果不是新泽西州最大的售票员, 拥有庞大的粉丝群, 我和我的 Rising Promotions 团队想利用这一点来推动我前进,就像一家真正的促销公司应该推动一名战士一样. 大西洋城是一个伟大的战斗城镇, 而且我认为我们可以将这种类型的比赛带回木板路,使这个小镇成为曾经的拳击圣地. 我认为今年夏天晚些时候与大牌对手的战斗将在大西洋城拳击界引起轰动, 这将使我朝着成为世界冠军的目标前进。”
在八轮的共同特征, 安东尼 “液” 年轻 (16-2, 6 不) 大西洋城战役 乔治·索萨 (15-8, 15 KO的) 新泽西州次中量级比赛.
加布里埃尔范 (8-1, 4 KO的) 大西洋城, NJ将争夺 埃德加·佩雷斯 (7-20, 3 KO的) 芝加哥的超中量级交锋.
弗雷德里克·朱利安 (4-0, 2 KO的) 坎博尔, 法国将接手 何塞·瓦德拉玛 (5-19, 3 KO的) 马纳蒂, PR in a light heavyweight bout.

和Pasciolla (9-2-2) 砖, NJ将争夺 Lemarcus塔克 (4-2, 2 KO的) 贝茨维尔, AR在重量级的复赛中. 帕肖拉在去年三月通过六轮分裂决定参加了第一场比赛.

唐纳德·史密斯 (4-0, 3 KO的) 费城将在 西得乐阻滞剂 (1-7-1) 普莱森维尔的, 新泽西参加超轻量级比赛.
克里斯·托马斯 (6-0, 3 KO的) 汤姆斯河, 新泽西州将在 奥斯卡·巴尔德斯 (1-2, 1 KO) 贝茨维尔, 中量级比赛中的 AR
以利亚葡萄 (3-0, 3 KO's) 费城将在 亨利·泰隆·佩奇 (0-4) 贝茨维尔, 方舟在初中量级倾斜.
托马斯·罗曼(Tomas Romain) (2-1) 布鲁克林, 纽约州将争取 拉蒙特白 (1-7, 1 KO) 华盛顿, DC在轻量级回合中.
重量将在现场直播 这个星期五 AT 3 PM ET上升促销脸书页面
拳击这个美好夜晚的门票价格为 $150, $125, $100, $80 和 $55 并可以在购买 www.rspboxing.com


托马斯 “玉米片” 拉曼纳将在主赛事中与 54 场比赛的老将卡洛斯·温斯顿·维拉斯奎兹对战
安东尼 “液” 杨在合作中扮演乔治·索萨
同样不败的唐纳德·史密斯, 克里斯·托马斯, 以利亚葡萄 & 弗雷德里克·朱利安
称重直播 这个星期五 AT 3 PM ET ON 上升促销脸书页面

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (六月 7, 2017)–超中量级 加布里埃尔范 (8-1, 4 KO的) 当他与老将交手时,他将寻求他的连续第三场胜利 埃德加·佩雷斯 在计划进行六轮比赛的回合中,这将是打包的undercard的一部分 这个星期六 夜晚 克拉里奇酒店 大西洋城
该节目由Rising Promotions推广.
在主要事件, 托马斯 “玉米片” 拉曼纳 (22-2, 9 KO的) 发生在 卡洛斯·温斯顿·维拉斯克斯 (24-28-2, 15 KO的) 在八轮次中量级比赛
自从遭受了他唯一的职业污点, 该 28 大西洋城一岁的范, 新泽西已经阻止了他之前的两个对手.
Pham相信他只会变得更好作为他的教练, Chuck Eisenbeis 在 Pham 的最后几场比赛中缺席后将回到他的角落.
“让他回来很好. 他教会了我我所知道的一切,” 范说. “我们一直致力于步法, 和我的刺拳. 我每天都看到进步. Chuck 一直在与一些 UFC 选手合作,很高兴他能回来。”
在佩雷斯,他正在与一名耐用的战士作战, 谁面临过许多顶级前景, 13 Jermall Charlo 的不败战士和世界冠军.
“他是波多黎各人. 我知道他很坚强,因为我也是波多黎各人. 他有 27 打架, 所以这比我多三倍. 他经验丰富,大部分时间都在巡回演出. 我看过一些可以很流畅的电影, 所以我必须小心. 我一直在努力, 所以我有信心完成工作。”
以胜利, Pham 可以看到自己正在争夺一些地区冠军的机会.
“一场胜利将使我为加强战斗做好准备. 这场比赛后我会和我的经理讨论这个问题. 我很高兴我现在的位置,因为这将是我今年的第三场比赛,这是迄今为止我职业生涯中最忙碌的一段. 我希望给球迷留下深刻印象,并在每场比赛中不断提高期望值. 这将是一场顶级表演. 我想阻止这个人. 我不去寻找它, 但如果我看到我让他踉跄或受伤, 我会设法让他离开那里。”
在八轮的共同特征, 安东尼 “液” 年轻 (16-2, 6 不) 大西洋城战役 乔治·索萨 (15-8, 15 KO的) 新泽西州次中量级比赛.
弗雷德里克·朱利安 (4-0, 2 KO的) 坎博尔, 法国将接手 何塞·瓦德拉玛 (5-19, 3 KO的) 马纳蒂, PR in a light heavyweight bout.

和Pasciolla (9-2-2) 砖, NJ将争夺 Lemarcus塔克 (4-2, 2 KO的) 贝茨维尔, AR在重量级的复赛中. 帕肖拉在去年三月通过六轮分裂决定参加了第一场比赛.

唐纳德·史密斯 (4-0, 3 KO的) 费城将在 西得乐阻滞剂 (1-7-1) 普莱森维尔的, 新泽西参加超轻量级比赛.
克里斯·托马斯 (6-0, 3 KO的) 汤姆斯河, 新泽西州将在 奥斯卡·巴尔德斯 (1-2, 1 KO) 贝茨维尔, 中量级比赛中的 AR
以利亚葡萄 (3-0, 3 KO's) 费城将在 亨利·泰隆·佩奇 (0-4) 贝茨维尔, 方舟在初中量级倾斜.
托马斯·罗曼(Tomas Romain) (2-1) 布鲁克林, 纽约州将争取 拉蒙特白 (1-7, 1 KO) 华盛顿, DC在轻量级回合中.
重量将在现场直播 这个星期五 AT 3 PM ET上升促销脸书页面
拳击这个美好夜晚的门票价格为 $150, $125, $100, $80 和 $55 并可以在购买 www.rspboxing.com

安东尼 “液” Young looking for 6th straight victory when he takes on George Sosa in co-feature this Saturday at The Claridge in Atlantic City

托马斯 “玉米片” 拉曼纳将在主赛事中与 54 场比赛的老将卡洛斯·温斯顿·维拉斯奎兹对战
加布里埃尔范 & 丹·帕肖拉在行动
同样不败的唐纳德·史密斯, 克里斯·托马斯, 以利亚葡萄 & 弗雷德里克·朱利安
称重直播 这个星期五 AT 3 PM ET ON 上升促销脸书页面

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (六月 6, 2017)–Popular native son, 次中量级 安东尼 “液” 年轻 will look for his 6th consecutive win when he battles hard-hitting 乔治·索萨 在八轮合作中 这个星期六 night at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
该节目由Rising Promotions推广.
在主要事件, 托马斯 “玉米片” 拉曼纳 (22-2, 9 KO的) 发生在 卡洛斯·温斯顿·维拉斯克斯 (24-28-2, 15 KO的) 在八轮次中量级比赛
大西洋城的杨有记录 16-2 with six knockouts has won five in a row was given the task of fighting Sosa on two weeks notice. Young was training for an all-New Jersey showdown with Juan “野兽” 罗德里格斯, JR. but Rodriguez had to pull out due to an injury.
My camp has been great. Sosa is a late-replacement, but that really does not matter, because I was preparing for whoever,”说 29 year-old Young.
Young knows that Sosa is a big puncher, but feels he is a different fighter outside of his home-country of the Dominican Republic.
Sosa has 15 胜, and I know he has all of his victories by knockout. But he was matched lightly when he fought in the Dominican Republic. It doesn’t matter what he will bring, because I have been preparing for him like he is Floyd Mayweather.
Young has been preparing in New Jersey under the tutelage of trainer, 劳尔 “奇诺” 里瓦斯. Young is in a camp that includes recent world champion Jason Sosa, top contender Tevin Farmer and lightweight contender Michael Perez among others, and Young feels that the switch of trainers, which mirrors this win streak is no coincidence.
Chino has fixed a lot of my bad habits. He has me working on the jab, pivoting, and working the body. Since moving to Chino, I have improved with every fight.
This will be the 10th appearance on the Boardwalk for Young, and he will look to his mark to 9-1 在大西洋城 (Young is 2-0 在克拉里奇酒店).
I am privileged to fight where I was born. I always look forward to fighting in Atlantic City, and I look forward to putting on a great show 周六 夜晚。”
新泽西州的索萨有 15-8 所有 15 通过淘汰赛获胜.
该 30 一岁的索萨是一名六年的专业人士, 他在多米尼加共和国开始了他的职业生涯,连续六次被淘汰出局.
索萨的损失已经出现在拥有综合记录的战士身上 87-7-1 他们包括三名不败的战士以及竞争者雷·罗宾逊和埃德·佩雷德斯.
索萨通过淘汰赛连续赢得两场比赛,因为在他最近的一次努力中,他在 10 月的三轮比赛中击败了耶稣帕斯夸尔 29, 2016 在多明尼加共和国.
加布里埃尔范 (8-1, 4 KO的) 普莱森维尔的, 新泽西州将在 埃德加·佩雷斯 (7-20, 3 KO的) 芝加哥, IL超中量级对决.

弗雷德里克·朱利安 (4-0, 2 KO的) 坎博尔, 法国将在轻重量级较量中迎战对手.

和Pasciolla (9-2-2) 砖, NJ将争夺 Lemarcus塔克 (4-2, 2 KO的) 贝茨维尔, AR在重量级的复赛中. 帕肖拉在去年三月通过六轮分裂决定参加了第一场比赛.

唐纳德·史密斯 (4-0, 3 KO的) 费城将在 西得乐阻滞剂 (1-7-1) 普莱森维尔的, 新泽西参加超轻量级比赛.
克里斯·托马斯 (6-0, 3 KO的) 汤姆斯河, 新泽西州将在 奥斯卡·巴尔德斯 (1-2, 1 KO) 贝茨维尔, 中量级比赛中的 AR
以利亚葡萄 (3-0, 3 KO's) 费城将在 亨利·泰隆·佩奇 (0-4) 贝茨维尔, 方舟在初中量级倾斜.
托马斯·罗曼(Tomas Romain) (2-1) 布鲁克林, 纽约州将争取 拉蒙特白 (1-7, 1 KO) 华盛顿, DC在轻量级回合中.
重量将在现场直播 这个星期五 AT 3 PM ET上升促销脸书页面
拳击这个美好夜晚的门票价格为 $150, $125, $100, $80 和 $55 并可以在购买 www.rspboxing.com

Smith stops Gabejan in 7

Wins by Sims, 价格, 包扎 & 罗德里格斯

Wright and Pasciolla battle to draw

Watch all the fights on Youtube


大西洋城, 新泽西州 (APRIL 25, 2017)–This Past 星期六, Keenan Smith stopped Edgar Gabejan in round seven of their scheduled eight round super lightweight bout that headlined a six bout card at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
The show was promoted by GH3 Promotions and D and D Management.
Smith dominated the action, as Gabejan was reduced to lunging holding and even went to the canvas several times for slips. Smith was able to score a knockdown in round seven from a flurry of punches. Smith was fully in control and stepped on the gas in the seventh, as he dropped Gabejan for a second time from a flurry of body punches. Gabejan got to his feet, but he had taken enough punishment and the fight was stopped at 1:43.
Smith of Philadelphia is now 11-0 五击倒. Gabejan of the Philippines is 27-34-7.
肯尼斯·西姆斯(Kenneth Sims), JR. remained undefeated by stopping Israel Villela in round three of their scheduled six-round super lightweight bout.
Sims battered a tough Villela, and then in round two cut him around the right eye. 在第三轮, Sims landed three flush blows, 和布特是在停止 1:03.
Sims of Chicago is 12-0 同 4 knocouts. Villela of Cancun, MX 是 6-5-2.
Heavyweight’s Tyrell Wright and Dan Pasciolla fought to a 6-round draw.
Both fighter’s took a card 58-56, and a third card read even at 57-57.
Wright of Jersey City, 新泽西州是 9-0-2. 砖的帕肖拉, 新泽西州是 9-2-2.
John Bauza needed just 17 seconds to destroy Francis Gakpetor in the scheduled six-round super lightweight bout.
Bauza decked Gakpetor with a hard 1-2 and and the fight was over soon as he hit the gorund.
Bauza of North Bergen, 新泽西州是 6-0 三击倒. Gakpetor of Ghana is 2-4-1.
Dylan Price stopped Chris Nelson in round three of their scheduled four round super flyweight bout.
Price started to beat-down Nelson in round two, and in round three battered Nelson until putting him down with a body shot, 战斗在 2:37.
Price of Sicklerville, 新泽西州是 2-0 有两个击倒. Nelson of Kentucky is 1-4.
Emmanuel Rodriguez made a successful pro debut with a four-round split decision over Jaxel Marrero in a bantamweight bout.
Rodriguez of Newark, NJ took two cards by 39-37 tallies, while Marrero took a card 39-37.
Marrero of Puerto Rico falls to 1-8-2.
Keenan Smith vs Edgar Gabejan
Keenan Smith vs Edgar Gabejan
Kenneth Sims vs Israel Villela
Kenneth Sims vs Israel Villela
Tyrell Wright vs Dan Pasciolla
Tyrell Wright vs Dan Pasciolla
John Bauza vs Francis Gakpetor
John Bauza vs Francis Gakpetor
Dylan Price vs Chris Nelson
Dylan Price vs Chris Nelson
Emmanuel Rodriguez vs Jaxel Marrero
Emmanuel Rodriguez vs Jaxel Marrero

Weights from Atlantic City


大西洋城, 新泽西州 (四月 21, 2017)- 权重 星期六 night’s card at The Claridge in Atlantic City.
基南·史密斯 140 – Edgar Gabejan 137.9
肯尼斯·西姆斯(Kenneth Sims), JR. 141.5 – Israel Villela 142.3
以利亚葡萄 153 – James Robinson TBA
泰瑞尔·赖特 240.8 – 和Pasciolla 249
约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza) 141.5 – Francis Gakpetor 145
迪伦价格 116.8 – Chris Nelson TBA
埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯 120.9 – Jaxel马雷罗 121.6

促销员: GH3促销 & D 和 D 促销活动
地点: 克拉里奇酒店
1ST贝尔: 7:00 PM

Robinson and Nelson will weigh in 周六

Photo by Marc Abrams of GH3 Promotions and D and D Promotions

Tickets range from $50 – $150 并且可以通过调用被购买 856-842-7577

Former National Amateur champion and undefeated junior welterweight Kenneth Sims, JR. is ready for Israel Villela this Saturday night at The Claridge in Atlantic City

基南·史密斯 – Edgar Gaebjan in main event

Also undefeated Elijah Vines, 泰瑞尔·赖特, 约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza), 唐纳德·史密斯 & 迪伦价格

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (四月 19, 2017)- 初中量级不败 肯尼斯·西姆斯(Kenneth Sims), JR. will look to make it 12 in a row without a loss when he takes on tough Mexican Israel Villela in a six-round co-feature bout 这个星期六 夜晚克拉里奇酒店大西洋城.

The bout will be part of a ten-bout card promoted by GH3 Promotions and D and D Promotions.
在主要事件, 不败初中量级 基南·史密斯 (10-0, 4 KO的) of Philadelphia takes on veteran Edgar Gabejan of the Philippines in a bout scheduled for eight-rounds.
Sims of Chicago, will be making his 2nd consecutive start on the boardwalk after his eight-round unanimous decision over Emmanuel Robles (15-1-1) 上 1月20日 at Ballys. That fight was part of a ShoBox: The New Generation card seen live on Showtime.
Sims got the call to take aStay Busy” 战斗, before he steps back up later in the Summer.
I found out about this fight three weeks ago. It is not a big deal, I already had been sparring, so I am in good shape and ready for Saturday,” said Sims.
In Villela, Sims has seen little, but not a lot of his opponent, but he will be ready for anything that Villela will bring to the ring.
I saw a few Youtube videos, but I did not see a lot to get to a feel for him. But I am an experienced fighter, and I just have to fight my fight. I am not underestimating him, and I know he will be trying to win.
In the fight with Robles, Sims fought well throughout, and gave a brief critique of his performance.
I looked over the last fight, and I looked better watching it on television then I thought I did in the ring. 有了这样说, I know I have things to work on, and I could have looked better.
Sims is looking for a big performance 周六 that will be a prelude to a busy Summer.
It would be good to get a stoppage. I am looking to come back 5月13日 in Louisiana, then a fight back on television.
Appearing in six-round bouts will be:
泰瑞尔·赖特 (9-0-1, 6 KO的) 泽西市, 新泽西州将面临 和Pasciolla (9-2-1) 砖, New Jersey in a heavyweight bout.
In a battle of undefeated super lightweights, 约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza) (5-0, 2 KO的) 北卑尔根, 新泽西州将争取 Jesus Salas (1-0, 1 KO) 波多黎各
以利亚葡萄 (3-0, 3 KO的) 费城将在 詹姆斯·罗宾逊 (4-7-4, 1 KO) 纽约, PA在超次中量级比赛中.

唐纳德·史密斯 (4-0, 3 KO的) 费城将广场下车用 文森特·詹宁斯 (5-3, 4 KO的) 大急流城, MI in a super featherweight tussle.

迪伦价格 (1-0, 1 KO) 西克勒维尔, 新泽西州将争取 克里斯·纳尔逊 (1-3) of Kentucky in a super flyweight bout.
埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯 纽瓦克, NJ将他的亲亮相反对 Jaxel马雷罗 (1-7-2) of Puerto Rico in a bantamweight bout.
Tickets range from $50 – $150 并且可以通过调用被购买 856-842-7577

Full card set for this Saturday’s card at The Claridge in Atlantic City

基南·史密斯 – Edgar Gaebjan in main event

Just added: NABA USA Title bout Lightweight title bout between Aidar Sharibayev & Zach Ramsey
Also undefeated Kenneth Sims, 小, 以利亚葡萄, 泰瑞尔·赖特, 约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza), 唐纳德·史密斯 & 迪伦价格

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (四月 18, 2017)- An eight round battle for the NABA USA Lightweight title bout has just been added to a stacked night of boxing that will take place on 这个星期六 NIGHT at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
Aidar Sharibayev (5-0, 4 KO的) 阿拉木图, 哈萨克斯坦将采取 Zach Ramsey (8-1, 4 KO的) 斯普林菲尔德, 马萨诸塞州.
在主要事件, undefeated super lightweight Keenan Smith (10-0, 4 KO的) will take on Edgar Gabejan (27-33-7, KO的) 在预定八轮的回合中.

The show is promoted by GH3 Promotions and D and D Promotions.

Appearing in six-round bouts will be:
肯尼斯·西姆斯(Kenneth Sims), JR. (11-0, 3 KO的) of Chicago will take on Israel Villela (6-4, 2 KO的) of Cancun. Mexico in a super lightweight bout.

安东尼·扬 (15-2, 6 KO的) 大西洋城将承担 Francis Gakpetor (4-3-1, 4 KO的) 阿克拉, Ghana in welterweight bout.

泰瑞尔·赖特 (9-0-1, 6 KO的) 泽西市, 新泽西州将面临 和Pasciolla (9-2-1) 砖, New Jersey in a heavyweight bout.
In a battle of undefeated super lightweights, 约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza) (5-0, 2 KO的) 北卑尔根, 新泽西州将争取 Jesus Salas (1-0, 1 KO) 波多黎各
以利亚葡萄 (3-0, 3 KO的) 费城将在 詹姆斯·罗宾逊 (4-7-4, 1 KO) 纽约, PA在超次中量级比赛中.

唐纳德·史密斯 (4-0, 3 KO的) 费城将广场下车用 文森特·詹宁斯 (5-3, 4 KO的) 大急流城, MI in a super featherweight tussle.

迪伦价格 (1-0, 1 KO) 西克勒维尔, 新泽西州将争取 克里斯·纳尔逊 (1-3) of Kentucky in a super flyweight bout.
埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯 纽瓦克, NJ将他的亲亮相反对 Jaxel马雷罗 (1-7-2) of Puerto Rico in a bantamweight bout.
Tickets range from $50 – $150 并且可以通过调用被购买 856-842-7577

Undefeated super lightweight Keenan Smith takes on 67 fight veteran Edgar Gabejan on Saturday, April 22nd at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City

Stacked card features Anthony “液” 年轻

Also undefeated Kenneth Sims, 小, 以利亚葡萄, 泰瑞尔·赖特, 约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza), 唐纳德·史密斯 & 迪伦价格


大西洋城, 新泽西州 (四月 12, 2017)- 不败超轻量级 基南·史密斯 将在 67 fight veteran Edgar Gabejan in a bout scheduled for eight-rounds that will headline a 10-bout card at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.

The show is promoted by GH3 Promotions and D and D Promotions.
The card will also feature many up and coming stars from the Philadelphia/New Jersey region.
费城史密斯的纪录 10-0 同 4 击倒.
工匠, 该 2008 全国金手套羽量级冠军和一个 2007 少年奥林匹克全国冠军, turned pro in April 2010-at 130 英镑. 史密斯去 72-4 在业余. Two of the victories came against current world-ranked contender Amir Imam.
他转为职业选手 2010, and his wins over two undefeated fighters Alex Montes (1-0) and Lavelle Hadley (2-0). Smith also has a win over Bemjamin Whitaker (10-1) in a bout that was nationally televised on Showtime’s ShoBox series. 在他的最后一个回合, Smith defeated Marquis Hawthorne on 1月20日 在大西洋城.
The will be Smith’s 6 fight Atlantic City.
Gabejan of Binanginan, Philippines is a 14 year professional who sports a record of 27-33-7 九击倒.
该 35 year-old Gabejan has some quality results on his resume with wins over Marbon Bodiongan (11-2-2), Balweg Bangonyan (16-4), Ernie Sanchez (11-0), Lloyd Francisco (9-1), Ronald Pontillas (7-1-1), Jason Egera (9-1), Jun Talape (11-2), Gary Bagsaio (2-0) & Rager Balonggod (1-0). 在他的最后一个回合, Gabejan had a draw with undefeated Pedro Durran (14-0) 七月 9, 2016 in San Mateo, 加利福尼亚州.
Appearing in six-round bouts will be:
肯尼斯·西姆斯(Kenneth Sims), JR. (11-0, 3 KO的) of Chicago will take on Israel Villela (6-4, 2 KO的) of Cancun. Mexico in a super lightweight bout.

安东尼·扬 (15-2, 6 KO的) of Atlantic City will take on an opponent to be named in a welterweight bout.

泰瑞尔·赖特 (9-0-1, 6 KO的) 泽西市, 新泽西州将面临 和Pasciolla (9-2-1) 砖, New Jersey in a heavyweight bout.
In a battle of undefeated super lightweights, 约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza) (5-0, 2 KO的) 北卑尔根, 新泽西州将争取 Tyrome琼斯 (4-0, 3 KO的) 芝加哥.
以利亚葡萄 (3-0, 3 KO的) 费城将在 詹姆斯·罗宾逊 (4-7-4, 1 KO) 纽约, PA在超次中量级比赛中.

唐纳德·史密斯 (4-0, 3 KO的) 费城将广场下车用 文森特·詹宁斯 (5-3, 4 KO的) 大急流城, MI in a super featherweight tussle.

迪伦价格 (1-0, 1 KO) 西克勒维尔, 新泽西州将争取 克里斯·纳尔逊 (1-3) of Kentucky in a super flyweight bout.
埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯 纽瓦克, NJ将他的亲亮相反对 Jaxel马雷罗 (1-7-2) of Puerto Rico in a bantamweight bout.
Tickets range from $50 – $150 并且可以通过调用被购买 856-842-7577

托马斯 “玉米片” LaManna to battle Eduardo Flores on Saturday, January 28th at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City

Chuck Mussachio takes on Michael Mitchell in co-feature

Plus undefeated Quian Davis, 丹·默里, Dallas Holden and Yurik Mamedov in action

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (一月 11, 2017) – 托马斯 “玉米片” 拉曼纳 will battle veteran Eduardo Flores eight-round junior middleweight bout on 周六晚上, 1月28日克拉里奇酒店大西洋城.
The bout will headline a card promoted by Rising Promotions.
CEO of Rising Promotions Debra LaManna stated, “We are starting 2017 with a tremendous card and we plan on only doing bigger and better things for boxing this year.

米尔维尔拉曼纳, 新泽西州有纪录 21-2 九击倒.

该 25 year-old is coming off a defeat to undefeated Dusty Hernandez Harrison in a thrilling bout that took place on September 15th 费城.

在该回合, LaManna fought a good fight and had solid moments throughout the hotly contested bout that was for the USBA Welterweight title.

LaManna is moving back up to the 154 pound division where LaManna is undefeated (7-0 间 148-154 英镑) in the division for which he turned professional in 2011.

LaManna won his first 16 结束, where enjoyed wins over Ashanti Gibbs and Jamaal Davis.

After suffering his first professional defeat to undefeated middleweight prospect Antoine Douglas, LaManna ripped off five consecutive victories that was highlighted by by a 4th round stoppage over Kendal Mena (20-3).
I’m looking forward to displaying my boxing skills against this rugged veteran,” said LaManna He’s been in the ring with a lot of good fighters and former world champions, but never been in there with me. I feel my height, youth and size will play a big role in this fight but it’s all about making adjustments and fighting the smartest fight possible to get the win.
“我的最后一战, I took a L but that stands forLessonand since that lesson, I’ve been training extremely hard and I’m very focus at this task at hand.

Flores of Quito, Ecuador is a 52-fight veteran and sports a record of 25-24-3 同 15 击倒.
该 30 year-old Flores is a 10 年的职业, who has taken on the best fighters in the 135-154 pound divisions such as former world champions Carlos Baldomir, 迭戈查韦斯 & Kermit Cintron as well as 19 other undefeated opponents, for which Flores had three wins and a draw.
Flores is coming off a six-round unanimous decision defeat to undefeated Sammy Valentin (9-0) 上 11月18日 基西米, 佛罗里达.
在六轮的共同特征, 轻重量级 Chuck Mussachio (19-3-2, 5 KO的) of Wildwood, New Jersey will fight 迈克尔·米切尔 (3-7-2, 1 KO) 帕特森, 新泽西州.

Mitchell has faced terrific competition and has only been stopped once, and has fought four undefeated fighters.

Also scheduled to appear in a six-round bout will be:
超中量级 加布里埃尔范 (6-1, 2 KO的) 普莱森维尔的, 新泽西州. 发生在 何塞·瓦德拉玛 (5-17, 3 KO的) 马纳蒂, 波多黎各.

约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza) (5-0, 2 KO的) 北卑尔根, NJ将争夺 Tyrome琼斯 (4-0, 1 KO) of South Bend, Indiana in a battle of undefeated junior welterweights.

巴利亚达 葡萄园的, NJ将他的亲亮相反对 Courtney McCleave (2-5, 1 KO) 康科德, North Carolina in a junior middleweight bout.
Jamil Simmons 普莱森维尔的, NJ将他的亲亮相反对 托马斯·罗曼(Tomas Romain) (0-1) 布鲁克林, 纽约在轻量级比赛中.
最轻量级 Dallas Holden 大西洋城 (1-0) 将于亲开张 Matthew Lyall 普莱森维尔的, 新泽西州.
Quian戴维斯 (4-0-2) of Mays Landing, 新泽西之战 Demonte Cherry (1-2,1 KO) of North Carolina in a heavyweight bout.

Emmnuel Rodriguez of Quebradillias, Puerto Rico will make his pro debut against Weusi Johnson (1-2) 威尔明顿, Delaware in a bantamweight bout.

丹·默里 (1-0) Lanoka港, New Jersey squares off with 纳希尔·奥尔布赖特(Nahir Albright) (0-1) 西克勒维尔, New Jersey in a junior welterweight bout.

Also scheduled to compete in four-round bouts will be junior welterweight 布莱尼绿 (7-9-1, 3 KO的) 保罗斯伯勒的, 新泽西州 & 次中量级 尤里克·马梅多夫(Yurik Mamedov) (3-0, 1 KO) 布鲁克林, NY against opponents to be announced.
这个伟大的拳击之夜的门票是 $125, $80 和 $55 并可以在购买 www.RSPboxing.com

托马斯 “玉米片” LaManna returns to action on Saturday, January 28th at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City

Chuck Mussachio takes on Michael Mitchell in co-feature

Plus undefeated Quian Davis, 约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza), Dan Murray and Yurik Mamedov in action

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (十二月 22, 2016) – 托马斯 “玉米片” 拉曼纳 will return ti the ring in an eight-round junior middleweight bout on 周六晚上, 1月28日克拉里奇酒店大西洋城.
The bout will headline a card promoted by Rising Promotions.

米尔维尔拉曼纳, 新泽西州有纪录 21-2 九击倒.

该 25 year-old is coming off a defeat to undefeated Dusty Hernandez Harrison in a thrilling bout that took place on September 15th 费城.

在该回合, LaManna fought a good fight and had solid moments throughout the hotly contested bout that was for the USBA Welterweight title.

LaManna is moving back up to the 154 pound division where LaManna is undefeated (7-0 间 148-154 英镑) in the division for which he turned professional in 2011.

LaManna won his first 16 结束, where enjoyed wins over Ashanti Gibbs and Jamaal Davis.

After suffering his first professional defeat to undefeated middleweight prospect Antoine Douglas, LaManna ripped off five consecutive victories that was highlighted by by a 4th round stoppage over Kendal Mena (20-3)

I’m excited to be getting back in the ring at The Claridge! It’s like my adopted home in Atlantic City and the whole staff over there have been nothing but great to me and my Rising Star Promotions crew,” 说拉曼纳. “My last fight with Dusty was a rough one for me, I feel I was robbed of a decision win or at least a draw. I took some time off, enjoyed time with family and friends but I’ve been training for the passed 2 months and camp has been going really well.
This is my second fight with new trainer Ray McCline and we expect to put on a show come 1月28日.”
I’m looking for big fights in 2017, possibly another title fight and TV exposure but my main focus is on 1月28日.”

In the six-round-co feature, 轻重量级 Chuck Mussachio (19-3-2, 5 KO的) of Wildwood, New Jersey will fight 迈克尔·米切尔 (3-7-2, 1 KO) 帕特森, 新泽西州.

Mitchell has faced terrific competition and has only been stopped once, and has fought four undefeated fighters.

Also scheduled to appear in a six-round bout will be:
次中量级 约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza) (5-0, 2 KO的) 北卑尔根, 新泽西州 & 超中量级 加布里埃尔范 (6-1, 2 KO的) 普莱森维尔的, 新泽西州.
巴利亚达 葡萄园的, NJ将他的亲亮相反对 Courtney McCleave (2-5, 1 KO) 康科德, North Carolina in a junior middleweight bout.
Jamil Simmons 普莱森维尔的, NJ将他的亲亮相反对 托马斯·罗曼(Tomas Romain) (0-1) 布鲁克林, 纽约在轻量级比赛中.
Also scheduled to compete in four-round bouts will be heavyweight Quian戴维斯 (4-0-2) of Mays Landing, 新泽西州; 初中量级 布莱尼绿 (7-9-1, 3 KO的) 保罗斯伯勒的, 新泽西州; 初中量级 丹·默里 (1-0) of Lanoka, 新泽西州; 次中量级 尤里克·马梅多夫(Yurik Mamedov) (3-0, 1 KO) 布鲁克林, 纽约 & 最轻量级 Dallas Holden (1-0) 大西洋城.
这个伟大的拳击之夜的门票是 $125, $80 和 $55 并可以在购买 www.RSPboxing.com