标记档案: 新罕布什尔州


即时发布: 米尔福德, 新罕布什尔州 (六月 28, 2021) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 返回下一个事件, “NEF 44: 回到黑色,“ 在八月 21, 2021, 在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶, 新罕布什尔。该节目将以混合武术为特色 (MMA) 和跆拳道比赛。今日早些时候, NEF announced the addition of two amateur bouts to the fight card. Twin brothersEvan & Isaac Piette will make their respective amateur debuts in separate bouts.

The Piette twins are lifelong martial artists, having started their training in the northern portion of the Granite State at the Kaze Dojo when they were just six years old. They have trained at Kaze now for over a decade. The brothers are recent graduates of Littleton High School in Littleton, New Hampshire.

“In the fickle world of martial arts gyms, few people hang around for 11 years and even fewer do it with their identical twin,” noted Kaze Dojo owner and head coach Greg Williams. Evan and Isaac have been in my gym since first grade. From day one they have displayed a work ethic and a passion for martial arts. They are two of the most respectable individuals I know. After prolific high school sports careers, both are as excited to be a part of NEF in New Hampshire as I am to coach them.”

Evan Piette will step into the cage at “NEF 44” opposite唐纳德·卢卡斯 who will also be making his amateur debut that night. The fight will take place within the 155-pound lightweight division.

“I am excited for the opportunity to proudly represent northern New Hampshire,” said Evan Piette.  “I have been doing martial arts since I was six and it has become a part of who I am. My twin brother Isaac and Greg have been my partner and sensei since I first walked in. I’m ready to show what years of hard work can do on August 21st. Go Kaze!”

Like his twin brother, Isaac Piette will debut in the amateur lightweight division on August 21 in Milford.

“Evan and I have been making memories together since birth,” said Isaac. “At the age of six, we made our first appearance at Kaze Dojo. After countless blood sweat and tears, Evan and I are grateful to represent not only our home dojo but also New Hampshire’s North Country on August 21st. The three of us are ready to make one final memory before we part ways in the fall.”

Looking to play the role of spoiler on August 21ST is Isaac’s opponent, and fellow amateur debut卡莱布·肯尼Nicknamed “The Outlaw,” Kenney represents Team Nitemare based in Maine.

“Fighting in a cage has been a dream of mine for a long time,” stated Kenney.  “I’ve been training hard for this and can’t wait to showcase my skills. I’m super pumped that my debut will be on a NEF card close enough that people from home get a chance to come see all the hard work pay off.”

“NEF”门票 44: Back in Black” 现已发售www.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/.  MMA 和跆拳道比赛将在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶球场举行, 周六新罕布什尔州, 八月 21, 2021, 与钟时间 7 下午。

CARLTON CHARLES 重返 NEF 的 MMA Cage 44 在米尔福德, NH

即时发布: 米尔福德, 新罕布什尔州 (六月 25, 2021) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 返回下一个事件, “NEF 44: 回到黑色,“ 在八月 21, 2021, 在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶, 新罕布什尔。该节目将以混合武术为特色 (MMA) 和跆拳道比赛。今日早些时候, NEF 宣布在这张卡上增加了一场业余中量级比赛。卡尔顿查尔斯(3-2) 见面会乔什班克斯 (0-0) 在战斗重量 185 英镑.

卡尔顿查尔斯, 现在代表位于威斯布鲁克的 Recon Fitness, 缅因, 是足球场上的杰出运动员。他为温德姆的温德姆高中效力, 缅因州,后来在 2009 年作为助理教练带领球队获得州冠军。查尔斯继续为该部门效力 1 缅因大学黑熊队.

他在夏天首次亮相 MMA 2017 在“NEF 30”中,乔什·琼斯 (Josh Jones) 被淘汰出局 (2-4) 刚 23 进入第一轮秒。查尔斯会用一个 12 Delmarkis Edwards 在早期的第二次淘汰赛 2018 在“NEF 32”。

在对阵邓肯·史密斯 (Duncan Smith) 的 NEF 业余次中量级冠军挑战失败后 (5-3) 在“NEF 34”中,查尔斯在 2019 年春天在花岗岩州的最后一场比赛中取得了胜利。 与班克斯的比赛将标志着查尔斯在缺席 28 个月后重返笼子赛.

“男人, 我很高兴能回到那里,NEF 在 NH 首次亮相, 没有更好的时间,”查尔斯说. “已经有一段时间没有人有机会参加比赛了, 所以我很幸运有这个机会. 对我来说, 由于受伤已经两年多了 2019 然后大流行关闭了其他机会. 我不知道很多关于我的对手, 除了他来自一个很棒的健身房,这将使他准备好参加比赛. 我感谢我的教练和他的团队给我这个机会. 照常, 我是来表演的,我知道我的对手是比赛. 我希望他的营地健康,这样我们都能为自己全力以赴, 家庭, 当然还有粉丝!”

乔什班克斯将在“NEF 44”上首次亮相。班克斯代表位于福尔里弗的团训练中心, 在马萨诸塞州,他与 UFC 老将和前 NEF 职业轻量级冠军 Yorgan De Castro 一起训练 (6-3).

“NEF”门票 44: Back in Black” 现已发售www.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/.  MMA 和跆拳道比赛将在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶球场举行, 周六新罕布什尔州, 八月 21, 2021, 与钟时间 7 下午。


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.

“突围”可能是史蒂夫·武科萨的绝唱, 迈克·马歇尔的陈述时间

昆西, 质量. (六月 1, 2021) – 六月的主要活动 26 “突破”卡, 由 Granite Chin Promotions 提供, 匹配两个朝着相反方向前进的新英格兰重量级选手, 史蒂夫温柔的巨人”武科萨 (13-1, 5 科斯) 和 “飞”迈克·马歇尔 (5-1, 4 科斯).

另一个花岗岩下巴昼夜双头的晚卡 (分开招生) 由 Vukosa 之间空缺的 NABA 美国重量级锦标赛的 10 轮主赛事领衔 (13-1, 5 科斯) 谁可能会进行最后一次战斗 - 获胜, 丢失或画 — 和卫冕新英格兰重量级冠军马歇尔.

Vukosa, 与昆西战斗, 嘛, 是前 WBC 美国. 重量级冠军, 他在 2019 当他赢得8轮一致决定反对 乔·库苏马诺 (18-2, 16 科斯). 在他 20 年的职业拳击生涯中, 武科萨在洛杉矶著名的外卡拳击馆作为世界冠军的陪练伙伴获得了宝贵的经验 詹姆斯·托尼, 霍利菲尔德弗拉基米尔克里琴科. 他过去也开过公交车 15 马萨诸塞州交通局, 开始 4 P.M. 并完成 2 上午, 然后他跑进去. 但他现在 44 有妻子和三个孩子,他的拳击时钟在滴答作响.

“我仍在战斗,因为我喜欢它,”武科萨解释说. “很难离开你擅长的东西. 这一战,它可能是结束. 我的妻子会很高兴. 我的身体开始分崩离析: 手, 背部和膝盖. 他们一直在杀我. 我曾经是又快又快, 现在我很慢. 我只想好好打一场, 赢, 或输, 但我想赢. 我真的很喜欢在 Wild Card 度过的日子, 那些对练就像真正的打架, 和我与教练的业余时光 吉米法瑞尔.

“当他赢得新英格兰冠军时,我看到了我的对手, 令我印象深刻. (促进者)克里斯 (特拉耶蒂) 打电话问我要不要和他打架, 我接受是因为我喜欢战斗和一个很好的挑战. 我很期待这场战斗。”

36岁的马歇尔, 战斗丹伯里的出, CT, 赢得了他的最后两场比赛, 两者都在与 Vukosa 即将到来的比赛在同一地点的 Granite Chin 节目中, 包括他的NE. 去年 11 月对阵夺冠的表现 贾斯汀“疯狂火车”罗尔夫. 由于武科萨的高龄,马歇尔并没有把他的对手看成是在山上, 但他确实计划发表声明说, hopefully, 将使他在新英格兰以外的地方获得积极的曝光.

“我知道他是一位经验丰富的拳击手, 名人堂教练的学生 罗奇, 他本身就是一个很棒的战士,”马歇尔说. “这是拳击, 任何事情都有可能发生. 我的工作是为任何事情做好准备. 我在室内与 No 进行了最优质的陪练. 1 业余重量级, Fernely费利克斯, JR. 我的团队非常努力, 我的马槽, A.J. 加兰特, 要求我在上次战斗中变得更敏锐 (3-轮 KO 特蕾西·约翰逊 今年四月), 所以我做了他让我做的事. 我的角斗士 奥斯汀·安佩基奥 戴着手套让我保持敏锐, 和我的主教练 大卫麦克唐纳本尼“喷气机”小 也把我推得很好.

“我知道史蒂夫来打架,我期待着一个激动人心的拳击之夜. 我们是两个在擂台上并肩作战的勇士, 为真正喜欢拳击运动的拳击迷表演, 不是现在正在发生的 YouTube 名人垃圾。”

“在库苏马诺获胜后,史蒂夫遇到了一些厄运,” Granite Chin 总裁 Chris Traietti 评论道. “一些战斗失败了, 然后 COVID-19 大流行来袭. 在我们准备出发去机场的那天,我们真的在德国发生了一场战斗. 在那之后,我们在库萨马诺的战斗中失去了很多动力,不得不重新评估. 几个月前他参加了一场调整战, 但是我们现在要么通过赢得这样的战斗来重新获得一些动力,要么最终让史蒂夫骑马进入日落. 与马歇尔的这场战斗不会是野餐. 他以一些令人印象深刻的表演在当地舞台上崭露头角.

“就像许多参加战斗的人一样, 我不知道这场战斗是如何结束的, 这是一个伟大的主要事件. 我要说的一件事, 尽管史蒂夫喜欢让人们相信, 如果他赢得这场战斗, 这不会是他的最后一战. 零的可能性! 如果马歇尔赢了, 我毫不怀疑他会在不久的将来在一家主要网络上进行电视大战。”

在8轮联名活动中, 前东北部. 重量级冠军罗尔夫 (5-2-1, 4 科斯), 费尔菲尔德, ME, 将接受墨西哥挑战者 何塞·温贝托“奥林匹克”畜栏 (20-26, 12 科斯) 空缺的 ABF 大西洋重量级冠军.

新英格兰次中量级冠军 迈克“坏人”奥汉, JR. (12-1, 6 科斯), 从霍尔布鲁克战斗, 嘛, 将在与心烦意乱的八轮比赛中捍卫自己的冠军头衔泰隆“手石” Luckey (13-14-4 (9 科斯).

不败的霍利奥克, MA量级 丹泽尔“双重冲击”惠特利 (4-0, 3 科斯) 将在他的第一个预定的 6 轮比赛中与 安东尼·安德烈奥齐 (0-1), 斯旺西, 嘛. 印第安纳波利斯初中量级 德维恩智慧 将在他的 66 亲对抗 尼尔森“奇诺”佩雷斯 (2-0, 2 科斯) 在 6 轮比赛中.

也计划在undercard上采取行动, 所有4轮较量, 是韦茅斯, MA量级 埃里克“角斗士”高夫 (1-0) VS. 阿奎兰多·布兰道 (0-3), 霍利奥克初中量级 卡洛斯·阿贝尔·卡斯蒂略 (1-0, 1 KO) VS. 杰·格雷戈里 (0-3), 沃本, 马中量级 朱利安“黑龙”巴蒂斯特 (2-0, 2 科斯) VS. 罗德里戈·阿尔梅达 (2-10, 2 科斯), 弗雷明汉, MA 轻重量级 扫罗“蜘蛛”阿尔梅达 (0-13-4) VS. 亲开张 史蒂夫·桑普特, 劳伦斯, MA初中轻量级 凯文罗德里格斯 (0-1) 面孔 瑞安·维纳布尔 (2-4), 不败的波多黎各超中量级 Jelame加西亚 (7-0, 6 科斯) VS. 拉里“慢动作”史密斯 (12-47-2, 8 科斯), 和伍斯特的 (嘛) 3-时间 新英格兰金手套冠军 德梅克“高塔”埃德蒙兹 (1-0, 1 KO) VS. 亲开张 华莱士·纳斯·席尔瓦.

下午的 Pro-Am 卡的专业部分将由 ABF 大西洋轻量级冠军领衔 闫“野物”佩莱林 (11-1, 5 科斯) 在对阵刘易斯顿的比赛中卫冕, 我的挑战者 基督徒彼得, 通过安哥拉战斗, 在8回合的战斗中.

其他职业比赛, 所有 4 轮选手, 包括加拿大重量级 亚历克西斯·巴里尔 (1-0, 1 KO) VS. 纽约的亲首次亮相 安德鲁·诺兰, 梅休因 (嘛), 轻重量级安德鲁·佩雷斯 在他的职业生涯首秀vs. 耶稣辛特龙 (1-18-2), 斯普林菲尔德 (嘛) 超轻量级 伊恩“炸药”加西亚 (0-0-1) VS. 安迪·艾洛 (1-4-1), 布里奇沃特, 嘛, 纽约轻重量级 斯科特兰伯特 (1-2, 1 KO) VS. Yhago 手杖 (0-3), 朴茨茅斯 (ME) 通过巴西, 和斯普林菲尔德的职业首秀超中量级洛朗休姆斯 与专业首次亮相 菲利普·马丁斯, 马尔堡, 嘛.

首届“花岗岩下巴邀请赛”, 在半决赛中对阵新英格兰一些最好的业余拳击手, 在美国拳击认可的日夜双打比赛的下午部分的比赛中. 半决赛获胜者将晋级决赛八月的锦标赛冠军 28 在新英格兰体育中心.

一些顶级 N.E. 预计参加比赛的业余拳击手包括 2021 美国全国锦标赛金牌得主 有香斯库格, 2 次 N.E. 牛顿出金手套冠军 (嘛); 2-东北团队. 金手套冠军 塔肖恩沃德, 来自普罗维登斯的轻量级 (RI); 和middleweights的 詹姆斯·曼纳, 2019 两者都不. 普罗维登斯金手套冠军, 和 2 次 N.E. 金手套冠军 迈克·丰塔尼兹, 纳舒厄 (N.H).

门票有售,售价为 $25.00 (日间秀) / $40.00 (夜间表演) 一般座位 (未分配). 未分配的马戏团座位将在 $35.00 白天每个座位. 夜间表演将提供马戏团桌 (分配和座位 4) 为 $300.00 并且可以在网上购买 www.tickettriver.com(搜索: 花岗石下巴邀请赛日展, 夜间表演突围).

门开处 12:15 P.M. AND和 7:15 P.M. AND (夜晚) 在第一场比赛中, 分别, 在 12:30 P.M. AND和 7:30 P.M. AND.

叽叽喳喳: @Granite_Chin

贾斯汀 “Crazy TrainRolfe crowned N.E. 重量级冠军

贾斯汀 “Crazy TrainRolfe (L) punched his way to the N.E. 重量级冠军
(all pictures courtesy of Emily Harney/Fitography)


德瑞, N.H. (八月 30, 2020) – Two regional title bouts, supported by several stay-busy fights, highlighted Granite Chin Promotion’s first pro boxing event since this past November, ‘Return to Derry,” 昨夜 (周六, 八月. 29), in front of a near capacity crowd at New England Sports Center in Derry, 新罕布什尔州.

Two world champions were in attendance to support the fighters, undefeated reigning World Boxing Organization (WBO) 中量级冠军 德米特里 “布布” 安德拉德“高卢” 何塞·安东尼奥·里维拉, 退役3次, 2-division title holder.

I’m glad that tonight we took as step forward towards normalcy,” 促进者 克里斯·特雷蒂 评论. Sports help to bring people together and tonight we had a packed house with people of all races, religions, and creeds. I’m happy these Americans enjoyed themselves here tonight.

贾斯汀 “Crazy TrainRolfe was crowned New England heavyweight champion by way of an 8-round unanimous decision over Tracey “泰坦” 约翰逊 在主要事件.

Rolfe vs. Johnson II was a rematch of a 6-round majority draw last November in Quincy, 马萨诸塞州. A lot more was at stake in the rematch, 虽然, because the N.E. heavyweight title was on the line. Boston southpaw Johnson, the half-brother of Andrade, methodically boxed, while Maine-resident Rolfe came forward throwing bombs, and their contrast of styles made for a entertaining fight.

The elusive Johnson started finding his range in the fourth round, connecting with combinations as Rolfe appeared to tire, but he got his second wind and continued to be aggressive, often pinning Johnson on the ropes. The two evenly matched fighters went back and forth in the latter half of the fight, although Rolfe pressed the action and Johnson countered. Neither appeared to be hurt at any point during the bout., Both let loose in the eighth and final round, leaving nothing in the tank. Rolfe’s non-stop attack and turned out to be the difference in this match-up.

Ryan DiBartolomeo captured the vacant New Hampshire welterweight title, taking a 6-round split decision over Kris Jacobs, 在共同功能的事件. “I live in Massachusetts but all my fights (3-0-1) have been in New Hampshire and I train in Nashua (NH),” DiBartolomeo said after the fight. “Fighting in New Hampshire is like fighting at home and now I’m the New Hampshire welterweight champ.

DiBartolemeo quickly came out of the corner and soon dropped Jacobs for an 8-count. Jacobs made it through the opening round, but he was unable to avoid the free-swinging DiBartolemeo’s strong right hand, peppering his opponents head, 在第二轮. Jacobs settled down in the third, picked-up the pace in the fourth, and started letting his hands go more in the fifth, landing more effectively on his aggressive foe. The two fighters went at it toe-to-toe in the final round and DiBartolemeo closed the show.

New England middleweight champion 肯德里克球, JR., fighting light heavyweight Tahuk Taylor, displayed his skill set to the maximum, blasting his opponent to the mat with a sweet straight right, again with a beautiful left hook, and he was about to close the show when refereeJackie Morell mercifully ended the fight with 13-seconds left in round one.

Popular junior welterweight 话筒 “坏男人” OHan, JR. did just about everything but stop gritty DeWayne智慧, who was penalized two points and officially floored once. But he survived, albeit losing a lop-sided 6-round unanimous decision to Ohan.

新英格兰金手套冠军 弗朗西斯 “Frank The Tank” 霍根 dismissed Rashan Wisdom, who went down on the canvas twice before his corner threw in the towel. Hogan is a tall, lanky southpaw who is well schooled and now 2-0 (2 科斯).

In a spirited fight, 不败轻重量级 EdetPapitoMkpanam (4-0, 3 科斯) was relentless against a game 索尔 “Spider” 阿尔梅达, one of the top mixed-martial-arts fighters in New England. Mkpanan dropped Almeida in the first two rounds on his way to a tough 4-round unanimous decision.

Promising Boston lightweight prospect 乔纳森Depina 被超越 TheoThe Unholy TruthDesjardin, flooring him early and finishing him off soon after with a blistering shot, 改善 2-0 (2 科斯).

中量级 安东尼·康塞普西翁 won by way of a third-round disqualification when his opponent, 亲开张 Caleb Denham, ignored the referee’s instructions to continue fighting.

中量级 拉里 “斯洛莫顺” 工匠, 战斗达拉斯的出, recorded his first victory in more than nine years, taking a 4-round unanimous decision from 耶稣 “果汁” 辛特朗. The 41-year-old Smith, 0-39-2 during his winless streak, dropped Anderson in the first round.

Larry Smith celebrated after his first win in 9 岁月

得克萨斯州轻重量级 布赖恩·维拉 淘汰 迈克·安德森 with a big right hand early in round one. 裁判 利奥·格斯特尔 immediately waved off the count right after Anderson hit the mat. 维拉, who is known for his participating in 竞争者 电视真人秀, has defeated world champions 塞尔吉奥·莫拉 (两次), then-undefeated 李兆Serhiy Dzinziruk during his 16-year pro career.

Veteran junior middleweight CliffMagicianMcPherson had no tricks for 泰隆 “石手” Luckey because he was disqualified in the second round by referee Morrell for repeated holding.

Opening the night was a cruiserweight match between 拉里 “杀手” 普赖尔 弗朗西斯科·内托. It didn’t take long for Pryor, whose cousin was the late, 名人堂成员 亚伦 “Hawk” 普赖尔, put down Neto with a nicely placed left hook. Neto beat the count but stood on wobbly legs, leading referee Gerstel to halt the fight at the 35-second mark of the opening round.


贾斯汀·罗尔夫 (4-1-1, 3 科斯), 费尔菲尔德, ME
WDEC8 (79-73, 79-73, 78-74)
特蕾西·约翰逊 (4-8-6, 0 科斯), 波士顿, 嘛
(Rolfe won the N.E. 重量级冠军)

Ryan DiBartolomeo (3-0-1, 1 KO), Leominster, 嘛
WDEC6 (59-54, 59-54, 56-57)
Kris Jacobs (2-1-1, 0 科斯), 福尔里弗, 嘛
(DiBartolomeo won vacant N.H. 次中量级冠军)

拉里·普赖尔 (12-22, 6 科斯), Frederickson, MD
WTKO1 (0.35)
弗朗西斯科·内托 (1-9), 沃本, 嘛

肯德里克球, JR. (15-1-2, 11 科斯), 伍斯特, 嘛

Tahuk Taylor (3-12-1, 1 KO), Greensboro, NC

埃德特·麦克帕南 (4-0, 3 科斯), 新贝德福德, 嘛
WDEC4 (40-35, 39-36, 39-36)
索尔·阿尔梅达 (0-12), 弗雷明汉, 嘛

布赖恩·维拉 (27-16, 17 科斯), Auston, TX
WKO1 (1:01)
迈克·安德森 (0-6), 费城, PA

弗朗西斯·霍根 (2-0, 2 科斯), 韦茅斯, 嘛
WTKO1 (1:37)
Rashan Blackburn (8-54-2, 4 科斯), 哥伦布, OH

拉里·史密斯 (11-44-2, 7 科斯), 达拉斯, TX
WEC4 (40-35, 40-36, 40-36)
Jesus Javier Cintron (1-14-2, 0 科斯), Asbury Park, 新泽西州

安东尼·康塞普西翁 (5-0-1, 4 科斯). 普罗维登斯, RI
WDQ3 (152)
Caleb Denham (0-1, 0 科斯), Jamaica Plain, 嘛

JUNIOR middleweights的
泰隆Luckey (10-12-4, 7 科斯), Little Egg Harbor, 新泽西州
WDQ2 (2:51)
Cliff McPherson (2-41-1, 1 KO), 克利夫兰, OH

迈克·欧汉, JR. (10-1, 5 科斯), 霍尔布鲁克, 嘛
WDEC6 (60-52, 59-54, 59-54)
DeWayne智慧 (7-54-2, 3 科斯), 印第安纳波利斯, 在
乔纳森Depina (2-0, 2 科斯), 波士顿, 嘛
WKO1 (2:17)
Theo Desjarden (0-12), Wrentham, 嘛

“区域战斗之夜” 德里的结果, NH

阻止拉里·史密斯 5


理查德·里维拉 & 欧文·冈萨雷斯

注册轰动 1ST 圆形淘汰赛









德瑞, N.H. (四月 8, 2018) — 官方称重今天举行,明天举行 (星期六) 晚上的 “区域战斗之夜,” 由 Granite Chin Promotions 提供, 在德里的运动区, 新罕布什尔州.





在主要事件, 多切斯特, MA 初中量级 加布里埃尔·杜卢克(Gabriel Duluc) (12-3, 3 科斯) 使用恶毒的身体攻击来阻止德克萨斯州的老战士 拉里 “斯洛莫顺” 工匠 在第五轮. 肝脏权让史密斯失望, 但他殴打了裁判 迈克·瑞恩的计数. 史密斯无法恢复,因为他被杜卢克按在绳索上, 他连续打了十几拳却无人回应, 迫使裁判瑞恩结束比赛.





新英格兰最强劲的击球手无疑是UBF N.E. 轻重量级冠军 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里维拉 (7-0, 6 科斯), 谁淘汰了轻量级 兰迪 “响尾蛇” 坎贝尔 (3-19, 2 科斯) 在他们的非冠军之战中打出第一拳, 致命的一击折断了坎贝尔的右下脚踝.





华而不实的伍斯特, 硕士前景 欧文·冈萨雷斯 (9-0, 8 科斯) 压倒了他的墨西哥对手, 初中量级 旧金山 “猴” 平均的 (12-13, 8 科斯), 在第一轮技术淘汰赛的途中从各个角度对他进行攻击, 其中奖牌两次登上画布.





新英格兰轻量级冠军 克里斯·特雷蒂 (26-4, 21 科斯), 也是共同发起人, 捣碎 “干扰” 詹姆斯·莫罗 (12-23-3, 5 科斯) 从柱子到柱子直到裁判 利奥·格斯特尔 在第三轮技术淘汰赛中停止了非冠军争夺战.





爱尔兰初中量级 帕迪·麦吉, 多切斯特外的战斗, 嘛, 在他的职业首秀中只打出两拳, 两种地板 巴德赖尔·史密斯 (0-4), 快速首轮淘汰赛.





斯托顿, MA量级 特拉维斯 “在奥特洛” 德姆科 (6-1, 1 KO) 被超越 保罗·德索萨 (0-11), 萨默维尔, 做出六轮禁赛决定.





与前世界冠军 维尔弗雷, 瓦斯奎兹, JR. 支持他, 斯普林菲尔德, MA量级 安东尼·贝拉斯克斯 (2-0, 2 科斯) 只需要 43 完成秒数 沙冯特·迪克森 (0-3).





丹伯里, CT 青少年次中量级 奥马尔 “野兽” 博罗伊岛, JR. (5-0, 1 KO) 保持不败, 在一场比赛中做出四轮一致决定 卡洛斯·加林多 (0-2).





本地喜爱, 瑞奇·福特 (2-1-1), 与克莱蒙特战斗, NH, 掉落沃本, MA 初中量级 雅科·马索斯 (0-2) 两次比赛均被裁判终止 迈克·瑞恩.





新泽西超中量级 克里斯 “桑德曼” 托马斯 将他的职业记录提高到 8-0-1 (5 科斯), 什么时候 约翰·汉佐普洛斯 (0-2) 第三轮未能按铃.








MAIN EVENT – JUNIOR middleweights的
加布里埃尔·杜卢克(Gabriel Duluc) (12-3, 3 科斯), 多切斯特, 嘛
WTKO5 (1:40)
拉里·史密斯 (10-35-1, 7 科斯), 达拉斯, TX

共同特征 – 的cruiserweights
理查德·里维拉 (7-0, 6 科斯), 哈特福德, CT
WKO1 (0:37)
兰迪·坎贝尔 (3-19, 2 科斯), 鲍斯顿, OH

克里斯·特雷蒂 (26-4, 21 科斯), 昆西, 嘛
WTKO3 (0:53)詹姆斯·莫罗 (12-23-3, 5 科斯), 拉斐特, 在.





克里斯·托马斯 (8-0-1, 5 科斯), 山毛榉木, 新泽西州

WTKO2 (3:00)

约翰·汉佐普洛斯 (0-2), 林恩, 嘛



JUNIOR middleweights的

瑞奇·福特 (2-1-1, 1 KO), 克莱蒙特, NH

WTKO1 (1:47)

雅科·马托斯 (0-2), 沃本, 嘛




特拉维斯·德姆科 (6-1, 1 KO), 斯托顿, 嘛.
WDEC6 (60-54, 60-54, 60-54)
保罗·德索萨 (0-11), 萨默维尔, 嘛




安东尼·贝拉斯克斯 (2-0, 2 科斯), 斯普林菲尔德, 嘛
世界贸易组织 (0:43)
沙冯特·迪克森 (0-3), 费城, PA




欧文·冈萨雷斯 (9-0, 8 科斯), 伍斯特, 嘛
WTKO1 (1:57)
弗朗西斯科·梅德尔 (12-13, 8 科斯), 索诺拉, 墨西哥




帕迪·麦吉 (1-0, 1 KO), 多切斯特, 嘛
WTKO1 (1:12)

巴德赖尔·史密斯 (0-4), 费城, PA




奥马尔博罗伊岛, JR. (5-0, 1 KO), 丹伯里, CT
WDEC4 (40-35, 40-35, 40-36)
卡洛斯·加林多 (0-2), 沃本, 嘛



赞助商包括贝特利雪佛兰, 托宾科学公司, 矩阵航空航天, 镇普莱斯套房酒店, 曼彻斯特君主队和 Cars.com



叽叽喳喳: @Granite_Chin


不败羽量级新星欧文·冈萨雷斯 (Irvin Gonzalez) 加入 “区域战斗之夜”


本周六在德里的 SportsZone, N.H.




昆西, 质量. (四月 2, 2018) — 这周六晚上 “区域战斗之夜”, 由 Granite Chin Promotions 提供, has been strengthened by the late addition of hot prospect 欧文·冈萨雷斯 to a card already showcasing some of the best young, professional boxers in New England.




Granite Chin Promotions is on a mission to establish a fan-base in the Granite State, providing a fan friendly, full entertainment experience at The Sports Zone in Derry, 新罕布什尔州.




冈萨雷斯 (8-0, 7 科斯), fighting out of Worcester, 嘛, 是 2015 新英格兰金手套冠军, who qualified for the 2016 奥运选拔赛. The 21-year-old featherweight prospect will face Mexican 旧金山 “猴” Medal (12-12, 8 科斯) 在六轮的较量.




冈萨雷斯, who hasn’t fought since December 1 1 (sensational third-round knockout of previously undefeated 13-0 Marlon Olea in Providence), was supposed to fight St. 帕特里克节在波士顿, but he was informed the day of the weigh in that his opponent hadn’t cleared medicals.




I’m always in the gym working hard because I like to stay busy and be ready,” 冈萨雷斯说. “No layoffs for me. I’ve been sparring 3-4 每周几次来打磨我的手艺. 我总是准备. 几周前我很失望, 但我正在为这张卡而战, 并回到正确的轨道上.




“我只专注于下一场比赛, 四月 7, 对抗艰难的, 有经验的对手. 他是一位来自墨西哥的资深拳击手. 这周六晚上之后, 我会专注于下一场比赛, 五月 5 在福克斯伍兹。”




冈萨雷斯的加入以及一张包含哈特福德等明日之星的卡片, CT轻重量级冠军 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里维拉 (6-0, 5 科斯) 意味着新英格兰前三名新秀中的两名将在本周六在德里参加比赛. 其他几位有前途的拳击手也将参加比赛. 里维拉的面孔 兰迪 “响尾蛇” 坎贝尔, 俄亥俄州, 在六轮联合赛事中.




“我们很高兴欧文出现在我们的节目中,” 共同发起人 查Shearns 说. “他的最后一场战斗失败了,我们总是很乐意帮助当地的战士, 尤其是像欧文这样有能力的人. 我们在这个节目中有五位不败的战士. 他们是有很多上升空间的合理前景. 欧文, 里奇和奥马尔开始受到全国关注,新罕布什尔州球迷也开始关注他们. 这个节目中的资深战士也有很多值得奋斗的事情. ”




多切斯特, MA轻量化 加布里埃尔·杜卢克(Gabriel Duluc) (11-3, 2 科斯) 在对阵达拉斯老将的八轮主赛事中成为头条新闻 拉里 “斯洛莫顺” 工匠.




伊拉克战争老兵 克里斯·特雷蒂 (25-4, 20 科斯), 昆西的战斗, 嘛, 会见印第安纳退伍军人 Jammin'” 詹姆斯·莫罗 在八轮比赛中, 非冠军争夺战. 特拉耶蒂, 谁的头衔不会上线, 也是共同发起人 “区域之战之夜。”




另一个顶级康涅狄格州. 前景, 丹伯里初中量级 奥马尔博罗伊岛 (4-0, 1 KO), 发生在 卡洛斯·加林多, 沃本 (嘛), 在四轮比赛中. 底牌上的其他四轮选手包括皮博迪, MA 轻重量级 拉塞尔·金伯 (1-0) VS. 达斯汀·卡普林格; 爱尔兰次中量级 帕迪·麦吉, 现在正在多切斯特战斗 (嘛), 首次亮相职业联赛. 费城的 巴德赖尔·史密斯; 斯普林菲尔德, MA量级 安东尼·贝莱斯克斯 (1-0, 1 KO) VS. 费城的 沙万特·迪克森, 和克莱蒙特, NH初中量级 里基·福特 (1-1-1) VS. 费城的 德米特里厄斯·托马斯.




Also fighting on the undercard in six-round bouts are Stoughton, MA量级 特拉维斯·德姆科 (5-1, 1 KO) VS. 保罗·德索萨, and New Jersey middleweight 克里斯 “桑德曼” 托马斯 (7-0-1, 4 科斯) VS. 林恩, 马中量级 John Hantzopoulas.








门票, 售价 $60.00 (马戏团), $45.00 和 $30.00, 有售,并提供购买的 www.tickettriver.com. Tables with wait service are also available for $400.00. Half-priced tickets are available for active members of the military, police and fire departments.




门开处 7:00 下午, 第一回合 7:30 P.M. AND.




Event sponsors include Betley Chevrolet, 托宾科学公司, 矩阵航空航天, 镇普莱斯套房酒店, 曼彻斯特君主队和 Cars.com.



叽叽喳喳: @Granite_Chin

Amateur Boxing: USA vs Ireland New England Tour Closes Out With Fantastic Night of Action in Manchester, NH

Fight Report By: 丰富的伯​​杰龙

Photography By: Shelly Corriveau

PHOTO SLIDESHOW (contact rich.bergeron@gmail.com for photo copies):

Boxing fans packed the Manchester Downtown Hotel Wednesday night to take in a spectacular night of elite amateur boxing. This was the final stop on a three-city tour of Boston and Springfield, Massachusetts and Manchester, 新罕布什尔州. The scheduled fights featured Team USA amateurs facing the best amateur boxers from Ireland. By the final bell, Ireland managed to finish the eight bouts of the evening with a tie score, their best outcome of the tour. Team USA won the first two duals of the tour in Boston and Springfield, 分别, 通过分数 8-4 和 7-3.


Wednesday’s fights were not all about winning, 然而. For the majority of the boxers involved it was a great opportunity to fine-tune their techniques and get some much-needed international competition experience. Some of Wednesday night’s best performers will also likely be representing their respective countries in the upcoming 2020 奥运会.



The main event of the night featured 2016 Youth World Championships Bronze Medalist Richard Torrez dominating 3-time Irish National Champion Dean Gardiner. The Irish fighter’s towering height and long reach simply could not overcome the fast pace and excellent defensive posture of the shorter American.


Torrez spent the first round executing masterful feinting and punch slipping while scoring with some bombing hooks. Torrez changed levels, used slick head movement, and never let his foot off the gas as Gardiner plodded forward with an unbalanced and wild approach in the early going. A thudding body shot connected for the Irishman in the first, but not much else.


Torrez kept up the quick work rate in the next frame, unleashing left and right hooks and landing cleanly through much of the round. He scored to the body and head easily, though much of the round saw his opponent covering up and waiting for openings. One straight left from Torrez sent his opponent reeling for a moment, but the taller man recovered and did land a phenomenal left hook to the head of Torrez as he was fighting off the ropes. Gardiner tried landing mostly straight punches on the outside and seemed unable to turn over his punches in close.

The third round saw both fighters slugging it out until the final bell with one of the wildest back and forth exchanges of the night, but it was too little and too late for Gardiner. He just could not get his range dialed in. Torrez just outworked his opponent again and landed a few slick uppercuts to go with his thundering right and left hooks. He used the jab sparingly but effectively, spending much of the final frame targeting Gardiner’s body. Torrez earned the Unanimous Decision win with his performance and didn’t take more than a handful of hard shots in the process.


Kelly Harrington, a World Championship Silver Medalist from Ireland, likely had her team’s most masterful performance in cruising to a unanimous decision victory over Stacia Suttles in the opening bout of the night. Suttles struggled to keep herself at the ideal punching range against the unrelenting attack of Harrington in the first round, spending much of the three minutes bobbing and weaving to try to avoid the crisp combinations of her opponent. Suttles did land her jab fairly consistently, and she did begin to put some combos together late in the round, but Harrington is an absolute expert when it comes to head movement. She looked as if Floyd Mayweather, JR. was one of her coaches as she utilized a hands-low technique with constant feints, punch slipping and level changing. The first round saw her landing a beautiful straight left to the head and a fantastic body and head punching combination that landed solidly. She unleashed some fierce hooks, although a few were wild haymakers. Below is a picture of Harrington during one of just a few brief moments in the fight where she brought both hands up to protect her face.

Suttles caught Harrington with some glancing and flush shots in the second round, but she seemed to be having trouble getting power behind her punches. She did trade some decent right hands with her opponent, but it was clear by the end of the round that she just wasn’t going to be able to find any rhythm in the fight due to the craftiness of her opponent. Harrington spent the same round perfecting her range with crisp 1-2 combos and wild lead rights connecting. Harrington also scored some powerful left hooks with a picture perfect straight right landing just a few moments later.
The third round was more of the same for both fighters. Suttles worked much of the frame to track her opponent down, but every time she unloaded, she paid for it. One particularly solid left hook landed late in the round, but it just wasn’t enough. Harrington spent much of the last three minutes trying to connect with winging right hands. She landed one of her hardest punches of the fight late in the round and momentarily stunned her opponent before the bell to end the fight. Harrington took away a unanimous decision and looks to be one of the most promising boxers at her weight in the running for the 2020 奥运会.
Yet another example of height somehow being a disadvantage played a role in the other female fight on the card. Team USA’s Leah Cooper (#2 US Female Middleweight) used ducking and feinting to avoid the taller Aoife Burke’s long reach. Cooper fought from a semi-crouch, making it hard for Burke to land with any significant power on the majority of her punches. The 8-time National Irish Champion
had a few spots in the fight where she regained control of the action, but Cooper made the right adjustments to minimize the threats.
Cooper executed a swarming attack to begin the first round, firing off 1-2 combos and backing Burke up. She remained patient and persistent throughout the frame, staying low and out of range of Burke’s power shots. Burke exhibited excellent defense, but she could only manage to throw and land one punch at a time. She showcased a crisp jab throughout the round, but it just didn’t deter Cooper. Burke had her best moments of the round toward the final bell, mixing up shots to the body and head, including a hard right hook to the head.
Burke came out for the second round on fire, storming Cooper with rapid fire 1-2 combos and hooks. She also mixed in a slick uppercut that found Cooper’s chin. Cooper weathered the storm, only falling into the trap briefly. She regained her composure, landed some excellent counter punches, and turned what might have been Burke’s best round into the Irish champ’s worst. Cooper remained calm and cool, despite taking some of the hardest shots her opponent landed in the fight. She landed some superb 1-2 combos after Burke’s attack fizzled, eventually opening a cut near Burke’s left eye and bloodying her nose. Cooper’s hard body punching also sent Burke crouching down to the canvas briefly after a solid right hook.
Burke started the third round a bit late after getting checked out and cleared by the ringside doctor. She again started out with a flurry of bombing punches. She targeted the body and the head, but Cooper collected herself once again and went back to work. She changed levels well and began connecting with furious hooks, first to the body and then back up to the head. She also kept up an active jab and landed multiple 1-2 combos. Burke did manage another late flurry in the closing moments of the fight, but Cooper still came away with the unanimous decision win.
Team USA Lightweight James Browning came into Wednesday night’s bout with Ireland’s Francis Cleary as a two-time USA Boxing Champion. Cleary, a nine-time Irish National Champion, represented Browning’s first crack at international competition. 两架战斗机有自己的时刻, but it would be Browning getting the win at the end of three entertaining, back-and-forth rounds of action.
Browning spent the first round establishing a higher work rate than his opponent and using lots of movement to avoid Cleary’s attack. He also landed a consistent jab, mixing up his body and head shots well. Though he won the round, Browning took plenty of risks and paid the price. Cleary picked his spots and unleashed the more clean and powerful punches when he was able to land. He just couldn’t connect enough, and he clinched out of trouble almost every time he wound up fighting in close quarters.
Clearly landed some more sharp bombs in the second frame, getting more aggressive and starting to track down his constantly moving opponent. A thumping left hook near the end of the round connected with Browning’s head and impressed the packed house of fans. 还, Browning remained busy and did well in the slugging exchanges between the two fighters. He was often wild, but the work output kept Cleary from stealing the round.
Cleary came out for the third round with renewed ferocity, engaging in a wild brawl with Browning. It was the best round of the fight for Cleary, and Browning could not maintain the elusiveness he displayed in the prior rounds. The Irish fighter landed another booming left hook in the round, featured perfectly-timed counters, and kept punching right up to the bell. Browning definitely appeared to be frustrated and tired by the end of the fight. 还, two out of the three judges were sure he deserved the win, 赢得分裂决策胜利.
The next bout pitted eight-time Irish National Champion Wayne Kelley against 13-time US National Champion Adrian Benton in a close welterweight battle. Both young fighters had bright spots in the match, but Kelley managed to squeak out the split decision victory with a crafty, gutsy effort.
Benton had the better first round thanks to a swarming attack. He worked in and out of range with 1-2 combos and sparing hooks. He used all his angles well, pivoting out of trouble and into effective range with ease. Kelley struggled to land counters until the final moments of the round when he landed his own flurry of 1-2 combos.
Kelley started the second round with much more energy and poise. He landed early and often, winging left hands and opening up a cut on Benton’s lip. Benton slipped some of the more dangerous punches, blocked shots well and landed some crisp, hard shots of his own. His best exchange was a left and right hook to the head that landed near the middle of the round.
Kelley slowed down a bit in the final round, unable to find his ideal range. He landed some hard right hands, a well-placed body shot and unloaded with a late flurry. Benton kept busy early in the round and artfully ducked under a bombing right hook from Kelley. The judges seemed more impressed with Kelley’s composure in the final two rounds as Benton kept getting drawn in to sloppy brawling. Kelley edged out the win by a 2-1 余量.
The light welterweights came next, producing another tight contest. Ireland’s Caoimhin Ferguson fought Team USA’s Charlie Sheehy with a slightly better tactical approach, earning another split decision victory for his squad.
Sheehy took on a more cautious and patient approach in the first round, waiting for the perfect moment to throw and land. His best punches of the round included a hard right hand to the body and a starching jab. Ferguson put in more work in the frame, scoring on multiple hooks to the head and unleashing wild and crazy flurries a few times. One particular left hook crashed hard into Sheehy’s head in the final moments of the round.
Ferguson landed some decent shots in the second round, but Sheehy was much more composed. He worked around the wild-swinging, hard-charging assault by keeping his distance and scoring from outside with some crisp rights to the chin. The fighters exchanged some hooks to the body and wound up in a clinch before the end of the round.
Sheehy struggled to string punches together in the final round. Though he had a nice straight right hand working for him, Ferguson was able to penetrate his defense. Ferguson landed a thumping left hook early and went on to land a few more bombs before losing his mouthpiece in one exchange. Likely knowing he needed to finish strong to get the judges on his side, Ferguson rushed in with a final torrent of hooks in the final seconds. He earned a 2-1 decision win for his tenacity.
Welterweights Kieron Molloy (爱尔兰) and Freudis Rojas, JR. (美国) squared off in another bout. Both fighters are previous World Championship Bronze Medalists with Molloy also claiming nine Irish National titles and Rojas winning the US nationals 10 times so far. It was another close shave win for Team Ireland.
Rojas was clearly the more active fighter in the first round. He used a consistent jab and increased his work rate through the frame. He ket busy on offense right up until the bell. Molloy began the round winging shots and trying to figure out his range. He unleashed a bit late in some of the more fierce exchanges, couldn’t figure out how to get his combinations going, and had a tough time catching up with the faster Rojas. Molloy did land some excellent straight lefts, 虽然.
The next round went much better for the Irish southpaw. He started with an uptick in his punch output, though he still struggled to land combos. At one point in the round, Molloy connected with a huge straight left, followed up by a nice power jab, slowing down his opponent. Rojas kept coming forward but couldn’t capitalize on scoring opportunities in the round. A late flurry of punches from Rojas wasn’t enough for him to steal the round.
Rojas landed some excellent shots in the final round, going downstairs to the body frequently. He also caught Molloy against the ropes, blasting him with straight punches. Molloy fought the smarter round, 虽然, picking the best times to throw and often catching Rojas with his hands down. His best exchange of the round featured a huge 1-2 connecting to the head and a wild left hook to the head. A final swarm of punches from the Irish fighter closed the show and earned him a 2-1 split decision win.
Team USA’s Nikita Ababiy scored a hard-fought win in a wild affair before the main event with Team Ireland’s Gerard French. The first round saw Ababiy jabbing well. The American came into the fight with a very non-traditional boxing stance with one hand low, but his posture seemed to be effective in luring his opponent into punching range. Ababiy landed some booming hooks and a nice left uppercut that backed up French. 与此同时, French concentrated on trying to land counters. He had a lower work rate but also didn’t take too much punishment.
French spent the second round trying to exchange in close quarters. He landed more shots later in the round, including some heated right hooks in the final moments. Ababiy connected with some thumping shots in the round and showcased some nice defense as well. He mixed up his shots to the body and head, throwing and covering up to wait for the next opening. Ababiy landed a nice left hook to the head followed up with a picture perfect right uppercut in the final minute. He ended the round well on his way to his first win.
The final round saw Ababiy slow down a bit, but he was still effective enough to carry the frame. French managed some crisp left hooks to the head, but he couldn’t figure out the different style his opponent brought to the ring. The American cruised to the unanimous decision win.
The night also began with the only stoppage on the card thanks to a wild brawl between local 132-pound Manchester, NH novices Michael Correa and Abhisek Thapa. Correa took off across the ring upon hearing the opening bell and unleashed one wild flurry after another. Thapa didn’t let the tornado swallow him up, 虽然. He ust covered up and waited for his opportunities. It only took a couple minutes for Correa to start tiring out from the relentless attack. Thapa then waded in to land some of the most impressive shots of the night, forcing the referee to stop the fight for three standing eight counts before the end finally came with a whirlwind of power punches from Thapa.


There was also a guest appearance made by the boxer Floyd Mayweather, JR. still calls his toughest opponent ever, 伊曼纽尔·奥古斯都 (3-34-6, 20 科斯). Augustus participated in a reunion the previous night with “爱尔兰的” 米奇沃德 (38-13, 27 科斯), celebrating one of the best fights in the history of the sport, which took place on July 13, 2001. Augustus stuck around for the fights and even came into the ring to showcase that he still has the same punching prowess that made him one of the most entertaining fighters of his era.
“We learned from this tour that we’re right up there with the best teams in the world,” Team USA head coach Billy Walsh said. “Team Ireland is a very good, young team. We’re going to have a good team to send to Tokyo (2020 奥运会). I’m proud of my team. They all worked very hard. We didn’t have some of our best boxers because some were competing in an International tournament We do have a good crop of 18-19-20 year-olds who will make up our 2020 Olympic team.”

Team Ireland also brought their own production crew to film all the action for those who couldn’t be there:

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USA and Ireland battle to 4-4 draw Americans capture three-city team title, 2-0-1, on USA vs. 爱尔兰拳击东北游

曼彻斯特, N.H. (三月 22, 2018) – Last night’s third and final stop on USA Boxing’s 2018 美国VS. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour ended in a 4-4 draw at Downtown Manchester Hotel in Manchester, 新罕布什尔州. Team USA won the team tour title, 2-0-1.
Team USA had won the first two duals of the tour in Boston and Springfield, 分别, 通过分数 8-4 和 7-3.
We learned from this tour that we’re right up there with the best teams in the world,” Team USA head coach 比利·沃尔什 说. “Team Ireland is a very good, young team. We’re going to have a good team to send to Tokyo (2020 奥运会). I’m proud of my team. They all worked very hard. We didn’t have some of our best boxers because some were competing in an International tournament We do have a good crop of 18-19-20 year-olds who will make up our 2020 Olympic team.
Team Ireland led last night’s team scoring, 4-3, going into the final match of the night, a super heavyweight rematch. 该 2016 Youth World Championships bronze medalist 理查德Torrez once again defeated there-time Irish National Champion Dean Gardiner,
Third time was the charm for Brooklyn middleweight 尼基塔·阿巴比, who broke into the win column with a 3-0 unanimous decision over 杰拉德·弗伦奇, keeping the Americans hope alive to deadlock the final score with one match to go.
In a battle between southpaw welterweights, nine-time Irish National Champion and World Championships bronze medalist, Kieron Molloy took a 2-1 split decision over Freudis Rojas, JR., a 10-time national champion and World Championships bronze medalist.
Irish light welterweight 凯文·弗格森 赢了个 2-1 split decision victory over California light welterweight 查理谢伊 to give Team Ireland a 3-2 advantage.
Eight-time Irish National champion and European Championships bronze medalist Wayne Kelley 赢了个 2-1 split decision versus Cincinnati light welterweight Adrian Benton, the 13-time national champion making his International match debut.
In his International debut, two-time USA Boxing champion James Browning 赢了个 2-1 decision over Irish lightweight Francis Cleary, a nine-time Irish National champion and European Championships silver medalist, in a very entertaining lightweight match.
别. 2-rated American middleweight Leah Cooper dropped her opponent, eight-time National Irish National champion and European Championships bronze medalist Adolfe Burke, en route to a 3-0 一致决定.
World Championship silver medalist 凯莉·哈林顿 defeated lightweight 斯西亚萨特尔斯for the second time on the tour by the identical score, 3-0, giving Team Ireland its first lead of the tour, albeit temporary, in last night’s tour opener.
In a Special Manchester Lightweight novice class match, Michael Correa (Manchester PAL) 打败 Abhisek Thapa (Title Boxing) when the referee stopped the contest in the opening round.
完整个人 & 团队成果:
(tour records in parenthesis)
理查德Torrez, 莱里, 加利福尼亚州, 美国
UDEC (3-0)
Dean Gardiner, Tipperary, 爱尔兰
尼基塔·阿巴比 (1-2), 布鲁克林, 纽约, 美国
UDEC (3-0)
杰拉德·弗伦奇 (0-2), Antrim, 爱尔兰
Kieron Molloy (2-0), 戈尔韦, 爱尔兰
SDEC (2-1)
Freudis Rojas, JR. (0-1), 拉斯维加斯, 内华达, 美国
凯文·弗格森 (1-1), Antrim, 爱尔兰
SDEC (2-1)
Charley Sheehy (1-1), 布里斯班, 加利福尼亚州, 美国
Wayne Kelley (1-1), West Meade, 爱尔兰
SDEC (2-1)
Adrian Benton (0-1), 辛辛那提, 俄亥俄, 美国
James Browning (1-0), 坦佩, 亚利桑那, 美国
SDEC (2-1)
Francis Cleary (0-2, Mayo, 爱尔兰
Leah Cooper (1-0), Ozone Park, 纽约, 美国
UDEC (3-0)
Aolfe Burke (0-1), 都柏林, 爱尔兰
凯莉·哈林顿 (2-0), 都柏林, 爱尔兰
UDEC (3-0)
斯西亚萨特尔斯 (0-2), 布朗克斯, 纽约, 美国
美国: 4

爱尔兰: 4
Michael Correa, Manchester PAL, 曼彻斯特, NH
WRSC1 (1:41)
Abhisek Thapa, Title Boxing, 曼彻斯特, NH
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Facebook的: /USABoxing

2001 Fight of the Year Reunion for final stop of 2018 美国VS. Ireland Northeast Tour

Emanuel Augustus joins special guests Micky Ward & Steve Smoger to complete memorable fight
三月 21 在曼彻斯特, NH
科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (三月 19, 2018) – Retired pro boxer 伊曼纽尔·奥古斯都 has confirmed his attendance this week at a USA Boxing-hosted reunion of the 2001 年度扑灭, associated with the final stop on the 2018 美国VS. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour festivities in Manchester, 新罕布什尔州.
该 2001 Fight of the Year was held July 13, 2001, at Hampton Beach Casino in Hampton, NH., and it is still considered one of the greatest matches ever broadcast on ESPN. “爱尔兰的” 米奇沃德 won an incredibly entertaining, back-and-forth junior welterweight match-up withboxing culthero 伊曼纽尔·奥古斯都, by way of a 10-round unanimous decision that was much closer than the judgesscoring indicated (98-90, 96-91, 96-94).
Ward versus Augustus was truly the event of the year in boxing and we’re so happy it was held right here in New Hampshire,” said Stephen, who has been in his position as chairman since 1974, “Micky was losing the fight until the later rounds. As the chairperson of he commission, I checked the judgesscorecards after six or seven rounds and Micky was losing. 然后, Micky caught Augustus, dropped and really hurt him. He went on to win a great fight.
The high-profile win positioned Ward for what turned out to be his epic Gatti trilogy, while Augustus went on to become one of the most dangerous, upset-minded opponents in boxing. 病房, Augustus and the third man in the ring that night, 名人堂裁判大厅 史蒂夫·斯莫杰, will host as USA Alumni Association event Tuesday, 海. 20 at The Shaskeen Pub & Restaurant (909 Elm St. 在曼彻斯特), 开始 6 P.M. AND.
The trio will also be joined by two others closely associated with the 2001 年度扑灭, Chairman of the New Hampshire Boxing and Wrestling Commission, Bobby Stephen, as well as International matchmaker, Eric Bottjer, who made the Ward-Augustus fight in 2001.
All five will also attend the USA Boxing Alumni Association event as well as the following night’s (海. 21) 美国VS. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour finale at the Manchester Downtown Hotel in Manchester, 新罕布什尔州.
A special lightweight novice WILL open the competition, showcasing two Manchester amateur boxers, Abhisek Thapa (Title Boxing Club) 和 Michael Correa (Manchester PAL).
Presented by Corona Premium, the Manchester event will start at 7 P.M. 美东时间, and it also serves as a fundraiser for another partner of the show, 曼彻斯特 PAL 拳击俱乐部.
门票价格在合理的 $20.00 一般入学, $30 用于预订场边座位, 并可在 Seacoast Ticket Agency 网站上购买, www.seacoastticket.com, 该活动的官方门票经销商.
We’re so happy to have the USA-Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour here in Manchester,” Stephen added. “The talent on both squads is extraordinary. We’re honored to have these two teams here for this big event. It’s a credit to USA Boxing and (special events director) 在瓦伦蒂, who has done so much over the years for boxing in New Hampshire. Boxing was very popular here many years ago. People turned out in droves to attend the Golden Gloves. There’s a boxing resurgence and that’s so important to teach young people discipline, respect and conditioning that’s so needed today. These amateurs do their best for the love of boxing; they aren’t in it for money like professionals.
Micky is honorable, a real nice person. It means a lot for local fans and boxers to meet him. We were fortunate to have him fight in New Hampshire on serval occasions and nobody who watched his fight Augustus or his trilogy with 阿图罗·加蒂 will never forget.”.
了解美国队与美国队的最新动态. 爱尔兰拳击东北游 点击这里.
美国VS. 爱尔兰计划
三月 21: 曼彻斯特市中心酒店, 曼彻斯特, N.H.
(All boxers and bouts are subject to change.)
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Team USA defeats Team Ireland, 8-4 In USA Boxing’s 2018 美国VS. 爱尔兰拳击东北游

波士顿 (三月 13, 2018) – 美国队击败爱尔兰队, 8-4 , 昨夜 (星期一) on the first stop of the three-city 2018 美国VS. 爱尔兰拳击东北游, at Club Royale Entertainment Center in Boston’s historic theater district.
Two of the best amateur boxing squads in the country, featuring numerous 2020 Olympic hopefuls, had a major showdown to the delight of the mixed crowed of supporters of both programs.
It was a fantastic night of boxing,” said Team USA head coach 比利·沃尔什, who used to guide Team Ireland’s boxing program. The real winners were the boxing fans, American and Irish, supporting these two young teams. I was really happy with our performance as well as theirs.
美国VS. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour continues 本周四 (海. 15 在) the MassMutual Center in Springfield, 质量。, 并得出结论: 星期三, 海. 21 在新罕布什尔州曼彻斯特市中心酒店.
All the duals will begin at 7:00 P.M. 美东时间 和门票将提供购买在未来几周内. 每个城市将展示多达 12 结束, 全部将进行直播, 免费, 在美国拳击网站 (www.usaboxing.org).
Honorary captains 爱尔兰的” 米奇沃德凯文· “The Clones ColossusMcBride, 分别, led Team USA and Team Ireland into the ring.
A USA Alumni Association gathering was held prior to the show.
In the final bout of the night, American super heavyweight 理查德Torrez, 该 2016 青年世界锦标赛铜牌得主和 2017 USA Boxing Elite National champion, closed the show in style against four-time Irish National Champion Dean Gardiner, 3-0.
Bombs away was the theme in the heavyweight match as Irishman 基里尔·阿夫加纳塞夫 powered his way past 阿德里安·蒂尔曼, 2-1.
Lanky American light heavyweight 卡里尔·科 决定六次爱尔兰全国冠军 凯文·海因斯.
Three-time European champion Michael Nevin 有刃的 2016 Youth World Championship team member 尼基塔·阿巴比, 2-1, in a back-and-forth middleweight contest.
One of America’s brightest prospects, 2017 世界精英锦标赛铜牌得主 特洛伊艾斯利, showed everything in his arsenal against eight-time Irish National champion 布雷特·麦金蒂, emerging with an impressive unanimous decision in a toe-to-toe middleweight clash.
Eight-time Irish National champion Kierion Molloy won a split decision over American welterweight 昆顿·兰德尔, 一 2017 世界锦标赛精英队成员.
In a special match-up between two Internationally decorated light welterweights,2016 世界青年冠军和 2017 精英洲际锦标赛银牌得主, 在...前面虎” 约翰逊, took a split decision from eight-time Irish National champion 韦恩·凯利.
Keyshawn戴维斯 pounded Irish light welterweight 乔治·贝茨 en route to a dominating unanimous decision victory, in which the American showcased his numerous skills.
American lightweight 马克·卡斯特罗, who moved up one weight class, turned in an auspiciousEliteclass debut, 击败 Francis Cleary 通过一致决定. The highly-regarded Castro was a two-time World champion as a junior and youth boxer.
Aggressive American welterweight Oshae琼斯 won a hard-fought split decision versus Grainne Bates in an action-packed match from start to finish. Jones was a 2017 精英女子洲际锦标赛银牌得主.
World Championships silver medalist lightweight 凯莉·哈林顿 won a unanimous decision over American lightweight 斯西亚萨特尔斯 in a very competitive match.
Four-time 2017 international gold medalist 弗吉尼亚福克斯 opened the night with a victory over Irish flyweight Lauren Hogan, when the referee stopped the contest in the second round.
完整个人 & 团队成果:
理查德Torrez, 莱里, 加利福尼亚州, 美国
WDEC (3-0)
Dean Gardiner, Tipperary, 爱尔兰
基里尔·阿法纳塞夫, 都柏林, 爱尔兰
WDEC (2-1)
阿德里安·蒂尔曼, 科罗拉多斯普林斯, 科罗拉多州, 美国
卡里尔·科, 球衣, 市, 新泽西州, 美国
WDEC (3-0)
凯文·海因斯, 贝尔法斯特, 爱尔兰
Michael Nevin, 莱伊什, 爱尔兰
WDEC (2-1)
尼基塔·阿巴比, 布鲁克林, 纽约, 美国
特洛伊艾斯利, 亚历山大, 弗吉尼亚州, 美国
WDEC (3-0)
布雷特·麦金蒂, 歌谣, 爱尔兰
Kieron Molloy, 戈尔韦, 爱尔兰
WDEC (2-1)
昆顿·兰德尔, 凯蒂, 得克萨斯州, 美国
老虎约翰逊, 克利夫兰, 俄亥俄, 美国
WDEC (2-1)
韦恩·凯利, 莱伊什, 爱尔兰
Keshawn Davis, 诺福克, 弗吉尼亚州, 美国
WDEC (3-0)
乔治·贝茨, 都柏林, 爱尔兰
马克·卡斯特罗, 弗雷斯诺, 加利福尼亚州, 美国
WDEC (3-0)
Francs Cleary, Mayo, 爱尔兰
Oshae琼斯, 托莱多, 俄亥俄, 美国
WDEC (2-1)
Grainne Bates, 都柏林, 爱尔兰
凯莉·哈林顿, 都柏林, 爱尔兰
WDEC (3-0)
斯西亚萨特尔斯, 布朗克斯, 纽约, 美国
Ginny Fuchs, Kemah, 得克萨斯州, 美国
RSC2 (1:57)
Lauren Hogan, 奥法利, 爱尔兰
美国: 8 爱尔兰: 4
了解美国队与美国队的最新动态. 爱尔兰拳击东北游 点击这里.
美国VS. 爱尔兰计划
三月 15: 万通中心, 斯普林菲尔德, 质量.
三月 21: 曼彻斯特市中心酒店, 曼彻斯特, N.H.
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Facebook的: /USABoxing