标记档案: 新英格兰战斗

NEF 宣布新罕布什尔州首秀的战斗卡, 第一次按次付费活动

即时发布: 米尔福德, 新罕布什尔州 (八月 13, 2021) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 返回下一个事件, “NEF 44: 回到黑色,“ 在八月 21, 2021, 在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶, 新罕布什尔。该节目将以混合武术为特色 (MMA) 和跆拳道比赛。今日早些时候, NEF 宣布了该活动的完整战斗卡,这将是自 Covid-19 大流行开始以来的第一次促销活动,也是该活动首次进入花岗岩州.

在卡的专业部分, 沃森的荣耀 (0-1) 和丽贝卡Bryggman(0-1) 两人都将在女子草量级比赛中寻求各自的首场胜利。沃森, 前 NEF 业余蝇量级冠军, 今年早些时候在佛罗里达州失去了她的职业首秀。同样地, Bryggman在Bellator的职业首秀中表现不佳 231 在秋季 2019.

迦勒大厅(3-0) 和肖恩·雷(2-0) 将在轻量级比赛中将他们各自无瑕的职业记录放在线上, 作为意志雅各布Deppmeyer (1-0) 和阿隆·休斯 (1-0) 谁计划在 145 磅的轻量级比赛中见面.

卡的专业部分也在行动中,这将是 NEF 粉丝的最爱乔希·哈维(7-1-1).  在职业生涯第一次输给老将杰西·埃里克森后,哈维将寻求反弹 (10-8) 去年.

两场冠军争夺战在卡的业余部分中名列前茅迈克Bezanson (5-0) 挑战长期的 NEF 业余次中量级冠军邓肯·史密斯(6-3) 为他的表带和纳撒尼尔Grimard (3-0) 和布兰登MAILLET-Fevens (3-1) 空缺的 NEF 业余羽量级冠军争夺战.

业余卡上还有一场期待已久的重赛奥斯汀迦勒 (4-0) 和詹姆斯PLOSS(1-2) 在 125 磅的蝇量级。他们的第一场比赛, 四月被奥斯汀夺冠 2017 在“NEF 28”中,陷入争议并在社交媒体上受到全国关注.

另外, NEF 今天宣布,它已与 Combat Sports Now 合作,提供“NEF 44: 回到黑色。”该活动将全程直播https://combatsportsnow.com/event/new-england-fights-44 为 $29.99.

完整的“NEF 44”战斗卡:


155 迦勒大厅 (辛迪加) VS 肖恩·雷 (独立)

145 乔希·哈维 (愿景探索) VS 伊恩·比阿兹 (KOV健身房)

145 雅各布Deppmeyer (头等舱MMA) VS 亚伦休斯 (团)

115 丽贝卡Bryggman (凯MMA) VS 荣耀华生 (年轻的MMA)


205 亨利·杰夫斯 (独立) VS 布兰登·奥尔登堡 (愿景探索)

170*标题邓肯·史密斯 (进化竞技) VS 迈克·贝赞森 (说)

170 柯蒂斯·欧莱特 (CMBJJ) VS 扎克福克纳 (侦察)

170 奥斯汀汉密尔顿 (独立) VS 乔恩·阿萨姆 (CMBJJ)

155 瑞恩·萨维奇 (头等舱MMA) VS 凯尔·普法尔 (Nostos)

155 唐纳德·卢卡斯 (独立) VS 埃文·皮特 (说)

155 卡莱布·肯尼 (团队Nitemare) VS 艾萨克·皮耶特 (说)

145*标题 纳撒尼尔·格里玛 (Nathaniel Grimard) (Nostos) vs Branon Maillet-Fevens (CMBJJ)

145 科迪·基尔顿 (头等舱MMA) VS 卡姆霍伊特 (说)

140 迈克·卡伦 (SSSF) VS Key Baltazar (Nostos)

135 泰迪政治日报 (进化竞技) 与泰勒父母 (CMBJJ)

130 汉农·桑福德 (CMBJJ) VS 理查德·马爹利 (年轻的MMA)

125 奥斯汀迦勒 (CMBJJ) VS 詹姆斯·普洛斯 (说)

125 蒂姆·默里 (愿景探索) VS 吉利亚诺·罗西(说)

115 马特·迈尔斯 (独立) VS 胡安·奎诺姆 (UFC健身房)

130 跆拳道达斯汀维诺特 (CMBJJ) VS 杰拉尔多·雷耶斯 (Team链接)

“NEF”门票 44: Back in Black” 现已发售www.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/.  MMA 和跆拳道比赛将在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶球场举行, 周六新罕布什尔州, 八月 21, 2021, 与钟时间 7 下午。


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.

女性之战将标志着 Glory Watson 回归 NEF Cage

即时发布: 米尔福德, 新罕布什尔州 (七月 16, 2021) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 返回下一个事件, “NEF 44: 回到黑色,“ 在八月 21, 2021, 在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶, 新罕布什尔。该节目将以混合武术为特色 (MMA) 和跆拳道比赛。今日早些时候, NEF 宣布在战斗卡中增加了职业女子草量级比赛。沃森的荣耀(0-1) 将举行丽贝卡·布里格曼(0-1) 在战斗重量 115 英镑.

Glory Watson 上一次出现在 NEF 的笼子里是在 11 月 2019, 在草量级冠军争夺战中,她第一次也是唯一一次在业余比赛中输给了非常强硬的卡拉格林威尔 (10-5).  在那之前, 沃森连续六场胜利开始了她的业余生涯, 在此过程中夺得 NEF 女子业余最轻量级冠军。她在大流行期间在佛罗里达州的一张战斗卡上首次亮相, 首轮输给阿丽亚娜·梅伦德斯 (Ariana Melendez) (1-1).  沃森希望在 8 月 21 日获得她职业生涯的第一场胜利。她目前在班戈代表杨的 MMA, 缅因.

“我期待着回到笼子里获得惊人的晋升,并与经验丰富的对手进行比赛,”华生说. “这将是我的第二场职业比赛, 我对笼门在我身后锁上感到无比兴奋! 祝我的对手在 8 月 21 日有一个健康的战斗营和最好的技能!”

就像她的对手, 丽贝卡·布里格曼 (Rebecca Bryggman) 也将在 NEF 44 上寻找她职业生涯的第一场胜利。 布里格曼 (Bryggman) 首次代表国家晋级贝拉托 (Bellator) 上演职业生涯首秀,但输给了埃莉斯·里德 (Elise Reed) (4-0) 2019 年 10 月。她是 2-1 作为一个业余, 在 MMA 中不败,她唯一的失利是在跆拳道比赛中。布里格曼在纽约打架.

“这一切都与神圣的时间有关,我已经饿了, 耐心等待回到笼子里,”布吕格曼指出.  “现在是时候了。饥饿的动物是危险的动物, 而我就是那种动物。”

“NEF”门票 44: Back in Black” 现已发售www.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/.  MMA 和跆拳道比赛将在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶球场举行, 周六新罕布什尔州, 八月 21, 2021, 与钟时间 7 下午。


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


米尔福德, 新罕布什尔州 (六月 30, 2021) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 返回下一个事件, “NEF 44: 回到黑色,“ 在八月 21, 2021, 在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶, 新罕布什尔。该节目将以混合武术为特色 (MMA) 和跆拳道比赛。今日早些时候, 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯迦勒大厅(3-0) 定要面对肖恩·雷(2-0) 在战斗重量 155 英镑.

Caleb Hall is riding a six-fight win streak in the NEF cage dating back to his amateur days. He has not lost a fight with the promotion since 2015. Hall is a former NEF Amateur Featherweight Champion. He turned pro in 2018 with a first round submission victory over tough veteran John Ortolani (11-14).  事实上, all three of Hall’s wins as a professional have come via first round submission.

Hall is a product of Dirigo High School in Dixfield, Maine where he captured two state titles on the wrestling team. In recent years, Hall has taken up residence in Las Vegas, Nevada where he trains at Syndicate MMA.

“I’m excited to make my return to the cage under NEF once again,” said Hall.  “I’m looking forward to getting out and testing my skill against my opponent.”

Hall’s opponent, 肖恩·雷, is also undefeated as a professional fighter with two wins to his credit. He is a graduate of Easton High School in Easton, Maryland. Ray currently resides in Waterville, 缅因.

“This has been a long time dream to be able to fight in the cage,”雷说.  “I’ve been training for this for years off and on. I get to test my skills against a worthy opponent. Thank you for making this possible and much respect to all involved!”

“NEF”门票 44: Back in Black” 现已发售www.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/.  MMA 和跆拳道比赛将在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶球场举行, 周六新罕布什尔州, 八月 21, 2021, 与钟时间 7 下午。


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


米尔福德, 新罕布什尔州 (六月 29, 2021) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 返回下一个事件, “NEF 44: 回到黑色,“ 在八月 21, 2021, 在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶, 新罕布什尔。该节目将以混合武术为特色 (MMA) 和跆拳道比赛。今日早些时候, NEF宣布在战斗卡中增加一个专业的羽量级比赛。阿龙“无情”莱西 (6-2) 见面会“Super” Shane Manley(5-5) 在战斗重量 145 英镑.

Aaron Lacey will return to the NEF cage for the first time since September 2018 when he submitted Jon Lemke (7-9) in the main event of “NEF 35” in Bangor, Maine. Lacey has been a longtime member of the NEF roster, debuting with the promotion as an amateur in the fall of 2013. He went on to win the promotion’s amateur featherweight title before turning pro in 2016. Lacey opened his professional career with four straight wins in the NEF cage. He represents Young’s MMA in Bangor.

“It’s been far too long since I have felt the NEF canvas beneath my feet,” exclaimed Lacey.  “I’m going to show everyone why this is the fight to watch! I’m super grateful to Matt Peterson and New England Fights for making this happen, fighting during the pandemic at the local level has been next to impossible. One thing that definitely excites me is sharing this card with some awesome teammates! A fun scrap is about to happen!”

Shane Manley is making his return to the NEF cage after nearly a decade’s absence. Manley competed on the NEF 1 and NEF 2 牌, downing Jesse Erickson (10-8) and Ray Wood (8-5) in respective amateur bouts back in early 2012. Manley turned pro in 2013 and has faced some of the country’s toughest competitors, including current UFC fighter Cody Garbrandt (12-4).  在 2017, he fought for national promotion Bellator. Manley’s most recent outing saw him hand Jeff Perez (5-2) the first loss of his career on a fight card in Massachusetts. That bout took place in 2019, prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Manley currently represents Team Andrello of Liverpool, 纽约.

I’ve been a part of NEF since the beginning, competing as an amateur on the NEF 1 and NEF 2 牌,” stated Manley when reached for comment.  “It feels like the right fit to have me back after such a long layoff since their last show. I’m beyond excited to be a part of NEF’s debut in New Hampshire! I’m ready to come back to the promotion right where I left offwith another win! 3-0.”

“NEF”门票 44: Back in Black” 现已发售www.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/.  MMA 和跆拳道比赛将在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶球场举行, 周六新罕布什尔州, 八月 21, 2021, 与钟时间 7 下午。


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


即时发布: 米尔福德, 新罕布什尔州 (六月 28, 2021) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 返回下一个事件, “NEF 44: 回到黑色,“ 在八月 21, 2021, 在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶, 新罕布什尔。该节目将以混合武术为特色 (MMA) 和跆拳道比赛。今日早些时候, NEF announced the addition of two amateur bouts to the fight card. Twin brothersEvan & Isaac Piette will make their respective amateur debuts in separate bouts.

The Piette twins are lifelong martial artists, having started their training in the northern portion of the Granite State at the Kaze Dojo when they were just six years old. They have trained at Kaze now for over a decade. The brothers are recent graduates of Littleton High School in Littleton, New Hampshire.

“In the fickle world of martial arts gyms, few people hang around for 11 years and even fewer do it with their identical twin,” noted Kaze Dojo owner and head coach Greg Williams. Evan and Isaac have been in my gym since first grade. From day one they have displayed a work ethic and a passion for martial arts. They are two of the most respectable individuals I know. After prolific high school sports careers, both are as excited to be a part of NEF in New Hampshire as I am to coach them.”

Evan Piette will step into the cage at “NEF 44” opposite唐纳德·卢卡斯 who will also be making his amateur debut that night. The fight will take place within the 155-pound lightweight division.

“I am excited for the opportunity to proudly represent northern New Hampshire,” said Evan Piette.  “I have been doing martial arts since I was six and it has become a part of who I am. My twin brother Isaac and Greg have been my partner and sensei since I first walked in. I’m ready to show what years of hard work can do on August 21st. Go Kaze!”

Like his twin brother, Isaac Piette will debut in the amateur lightweight division on August 21 in Milford.

“Evan and I have been making memories together since birth,” said Isaac. “At the age of six, we made our first appearance at Kaze Dojo. After countless blood sweat and tears, Evan and I are grateful to represent not only our home dojo but also New Hampshire’s North Country on August 21st. The three of us are ready to make one final memory before we part ways in the fall.”

Looking to play the role of spoiler on August 21ST is Isaac’s opponent, and fellow amateur debut卡莱布·肯尼Nicknamed “The Outlaw,” Kenney represents Team Nitemare based in Maine.

“Fighting in a cage has been a dream of mine for a long time,” stated Kenney.  “I’ve been training hard for this and can’t wait to showcase my skills. I’m super pumped that my debut will be on a NEF card close enough that people from home get a chance to come see all the hard work pay off.”

“NEF”门票 44: Back in Black” 现已发售www.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/.  MMA 和跆拳道比赛将在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶球场举行, 周六新罕布什尔州, 八月 21, 2021, 与钟时间 7 下午。

CARLTON CHARLES 重返 NEF 的 MMA Cage 44 在米尔福德, NH

即时发布: 米尔福德, 新罕布什尔州 (六月 25, 2021) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 返回下一个事件, “NEF 44: 回到黑色,“ 在八月 21, 2021, 在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶, 新罕布什尔。该节目将以混合武术为特色 (MMA) 和跆拳道比赛。今日早些时候, NEF 宣布在这张卡上增加了一场业余中量级比赛。卡尔顿查尔斯(3-2) 见面会乔什班克斯 (0-0) 在战斗重量 185 英镑.

卡尔顿查尔斯, 现在代表位于威斯布鲁克的 Recon Fitness, 缅因, 是足球场上的杰出运动员。他为温德姆的温德姆高中效力, 缅因州,后来在 2009 年作为助理教练带领球队获得州冠军。查尔斯继续为该部门效力 1 缅因大学黑熊队.

他在夏天首次亮相 MMA 2017 在“NEF 30”中,乔什·琼斯 (Josh Jones) 被淘汰出局 (2-4) 刚 23 进入第一轮秒。查尔斯会用一个 12 Delmarkis Edwards 在早期的第二次淘汰赛 2018 在“NEF 32”。

在对阵邓肯·史密斯 (Duncan Smith) 的 NEF 业余次中量级冠军挑战失败后 (5-3) 在“NEF 34”中,查尔斯在 2019 年春天在花岗岩州的最后一场比赛中取得了胜利。 与班克斯的比赛将标志着查尔斯在缺席 28 个月后重返笼子赛.

“男人, 我很高兴能回到那里,NEF 在 NH 首次亮相, 没有更好的时间,”查尔斯说. “已经有一段时间没有人有机会参加比赛了, 所以我很幸运有这个机会. 对我来说, 由于受伤已经两年多了 2019 然后大流行关闭了其他机会. 我不知道很多关于我的对手, 除了他来自一个很棒的健身房,这将使他准备好参加比赛. 我感谢我的教练和他的团队给我这个机会. 照常, 我是来表演的,我知道我的对手是比赛. 我希望他的营地健康,这样我们都能为自己全力以赴, 家庭, 当然还有粉丝!”

乔什班克斯将在“NEF 44”上首次亮相。班克斯代表位于福尔里弗的团训练中心, 在马萨诸塞州,他与 UFC 老将和前 NEF 职业轻量级冠军 Yorgan De Castro 一起训练 (6-3).

“NEF”门票 44: Back in Black” 现已发售www.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/.  MMA 和跆拳道比赛将在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶球场举行, 周六新罕布什尔州, 八月 21, 2021, 与钟时间 7 下午。


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


即时发布: 米尔福德, 新罕布什尔州 (六月 9, 2021) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 返回下一个事件, “NEF 44: 回到黑色,“ 在八月 21, 2021 在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶, 新罕布什尔。该节目将以混合武术为特色 (MMA) 和跆拳道比赛。今日早些时候, NEF announced the addition of an amateur title fight to the card.Nathanial Grimard(3-0) 将在布兰登“BAMF” MAILLET-Fevens(3-1) for the vacant NEF Amateur Featherweight Championship.

Grimard and Maillet-Fevens were originally scheduled to meet at “NEF 43” last year until the event was indefinitely postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Grimard has not let the global pandemic slow down his fight aspirations. With New England states closed for MMA events, Grimard ventured south to Florida last February and again just last week, picking up back-to-back wins to open his amateur career at a perfect 3-0. The Exeter, New Hampshire native represents Nostos MMA of Somersworth, 新罕布什尔州,他在 UFC 和 Bellator 老将的指导下训练, 和前 NEF 职业轻量级冠军, 德文 - 鲍威尔.

“I’m very excited for this opportunity to fight for title,” Grimard说.  “I have been improving every fight, and I believe I have the skills and hard work to win the belt. I can’t wait to show my improvements in the NEF cage. I expect to see the best version of Brandon, and I think we will put on a great fight for August 21st.”

“Nate is exactly what you’d want in a fighter,” said Grimard teammate and Nostos co-proprietor Carol Linn Powell.  “He does BJJ, striking, 摔角, drills, 力量和体能, spars smart, even puts the Gi on. He has been working so hard for this sport and never stopped when the world did. I can’t think of anyone more deserving of a title shot and I can’t wait to see him win that belt.”

Brandon Maillet-Fevens is one of the great comeback stories of NEF history. After losing his amateur debut at “NEF 36” in November 2018, Maillet-Fevens went on a three-fight win-streak, finishing all three of his opponents in those fights. In his most recent outing pre-pandemic, Maillet-Fevens defeated Tyler Knights (0-1) via second-round submission at “NEF 41” in November 2019. Maillet-Fevens represents Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) 总部设在路易斯顿, ME.

“It’s been a long year and half, but we never stopped working, never stopped perfecting our skills, because we knew this day was coming,” declared Maillet-Fevens.  “I think this is a very exciting matchup. You’ve got two proven finishers that are hungry to take that next step in our careers. I know we’re both ready to go in there, put on a great show, and leave it all in the cage. I’m grateful and excited for this opportunity and I’m looking forward to a great fight!”

“Brandon is one of those guys who shows up every day, works hard, never complains, and even when he’s not fighting he’s in the gym getting better and helping his teammates,” noted CMBJJ coach Jesse Erickson.  “He’s a role model for my up-and-comers. I’m very much looking forward to this contest!”

“NEF”门票 44: Back in Black” 现已发售www.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/.  MMA 和跆拳道比赛将在米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶球场举行, 周六新罕布什尔州, 八月 21, 2021, 与钟时间 7 下午。


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.

NEF 将在新罕布什尔州首次亮相; 中量级冠军争夺战宣布

即时发布: 米尔福德, 新罕布什尔州 (六月 7, 2021) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 今天宣布格斗促销活动将在下一次活动中回归, “NEF 44: 回到黑色,“ 在八月 21, 2021.  该节目将起源于米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶, 新罕布什尔州,将混合武术 (MMA) 和跆拳道比赛. 这将是 NEF 在花岗岩州期待已久的首秀, 这也将是自春季 COVID-19 大流行以来促销活动的第一场活动 2020.

NEF 之前安排的活动, “NEF 43: 乱闹,” 受疫情影响无限期延期, 仍在 UMaine Orono 的柯林斯艺术中心等待重新安排的日期. NEF 高管希望该日期将在秋季晚些时候, 但截至发稿时,他们仍在等待缅因州格斗体育局关于重新开放该州 MMA 和拳击赛事监管的决定,不受限制.

“拳手和球迷已经等得够久了,” NEF 发起人兼共同所有人 Nick DiSalvo 宣布。 “缅因州尚未完全开放格斗体育赛事, 汉普郡圆顶体育场和新罕布什尔州拳击委员会提供了一个绝佳的机会,让拳击手在夏天结束之前重新回到笼子里并重新活跃起来。”

NEF 今天进一步宣布,在米尔福德举行的“NEF 44”卡的第一场比赛将是一场业余次中量级冠军争夺战。邓肯“高地人”史密斯 (5-3), 自 6 月以来一直保持促销的 170 磅冠军 2018, 计划对抗排名第一的竞争者迈克“全班”贝赞森 (5-0).

“Coming out of COVID we’re going to find out who really wants it and is serious about accelerating in the sport,“说NEF共同拥有和媒人马特·彼得森. “Who was working during quarantine, grinding away in their basements and garages and backyards and getting better while the world was shut down? Duncan and Bezanson both believe they are those guys and we’re going to find out on August 21st. These are two of the best in the Northeast welterweight division and I can’t wait to see which one proves that they are ready to punch through into the professional division before the end of 2021.”

Reigning champion Duncan Smith is a perfect 3-0 in the NEF cage. His last defense of the title was at “NEF 38” in April 2019 when he defeated John Tefft (2-1) via unanimous decision. Smith represents Evolution Athletix based in Saco, 缅因.

“I’ve never felt more complete and confident in all aspects of living,” said Smith. “I am extremely excited to showcase my skills against a game opponent before I enter the pro ranks. A lot can change in two years.”

Undefeated Mike Bezanson is regarded by many as one of the most exciting competitors on the entire New England scene. He is known for his flashy striking style and explosive finishes. Bezanson represents Team Kaze of Lancaster, 新罕布什尔州.

I’ve been sitting like a caged lion this last year because of COVID,” stated Bezanson when reached for comment. “Waiting eagerly for everything to open up just like everyone else. I’m very excited to be able to get back in there to perform for everyone!  I can assure you this will be the same game plan as all my previous fights. I’m going in there for two reasons, to knock out whoever is in front of me and walk out with a belt over my shoulder.

“With everything opening up and restrictions being lifted, there is a lot to get excited about,” said Bezanson’s coach and Kaze Dojo owner Greg Williams. “That being said, nothing excites me more than seeing Mike Bezanson bringing his unique brand of violence back to the NEF cage! He is a rare talent and I believe he will eventually realize himself on the highest level. Another amateur belt is just icing on the cake. We all look forward to seeing New England’s best amateur 170 prospect and how he has evolved in the past year!”

“NEF”门票 44: Back in Black” 现已发售www.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/The hybrid MMA and kickboxing event will take place at the Hampshire Dome in Milford, 周六新罕布什尔州, 八月 21, 2021, 与钟时间 7 下午。


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.

NEF 43 改期至6月 13 DUE TO冠状疑虑

奥罗诺, 缅因 (三月 20, 2020) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 今天宣布,该拼促销的下一个混合武术 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 43: 乱闹,”已重新安排至周六, 六月 13, 2020. 本次活动, 这将从柯林斯中心起源于缅因州的旗舰奥罗诺大学校园艺术, 原定将于四月 18. 活动组织者, 然而, 已决定重新安排到六月 13 根据该中心疾病控制与预防 (CDC) 最近提出的建议,所有的活动和集会自由 50 人以上被推迟了至少八周,因围绕COVID-19冠状病毒蔓延的担忧.

今天早些时候,, NEF通过其Facebook页面上发布了其所有者尼克DiSalvo和马特·彼得森下面的语句:

因围绕冠状病毒的持续担忧和公众集会, NEF 43 已重新安排到周六, 六月 13, 2020, 在奥罗诺柯林斯艺术中心。大门会在打开 6 PM和第一次战斗将在 7 下午.

门票通过购买战斗机 (或为那些谁通过战斗机计划购票): 印有四月的所有门票 18 日期将在门口6月13日兑现。如果你不能在6月新的日期参加活动 13, 请联系战斗机最初卖给你票.

门票通过CCA票房购买: 印有四月的所有门票 18 日期将在门口6月13日兑现。如果你不能在6月新的日期参加活动 13, 请发送电子邮件的票房ccatix@maine.edu. 您也可以拨打 207.581-1755 并留言。票房将采取退款请求,直到下周五, 三月 27, 2020, 在 5 pm EDT.

谢谢大家的耐心和持续的支持,我们将继续监控和调整,以这种前所未有的局面。我们希望我们所有的球迷, 战士, 员工, 和朋友们身体健康和安全,在这个艰难的时刻.

– 尼克DiSalvo & 马特·彼得森

新英格兰战斗’ 未来混合武术事件, “NEF 43: 乱闹,” 将于周六, 六月 13, 2020, 在柯林斯艺术中心在缅因大学奥罗诺. 门票现已公开发售,在www.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

BJ GARCEAU打最后一次AT NEF 43 奥罗诺, 缅因

即时发布: 奥罗诺, 缅因 (三月 12, 2020) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 将展示其未来的混合武术 (MMA) 事件在柯林斯艺术中心缅因州的旗舰奥罗诺大学校园。事件, 名为“NEF 43: 乱闹,”将于周六, 四月 18, 2020, 与钟时间 7 美东时间下午。今天早些时候, 战斗推广宣布增加一个业余strawweight回合卡。BJ Garceau(1-1) 定要面对法蒂玛·克莱恩(1-0) 在战斗重量 115 英镑.

BJ Garceau将进入NEF笼4月18日Garceau第三次也是最后一次, 谁被诊断为1型青少年糖尿病中 1993, 她的业余亮相了报纸头条,成为鼓舞了许多人。她击败萨拉奇目 (1-2) 通过在“NEF 32”在2018年二月分裂的决定Garceau那年晚些时候回到了笼子, 输给切尔西塔克 (3-3) 在第三轮的“NEF 36”大赛。 Garceau是年轻的MMA的总部设在班戈的产物, 缅因

“我很高兴能在我的家乡回到了笼子, 什么将是我最后的战斗今年四月,” Garceau说.  “我希望能够用我的手高举在年底离开我的故居领走我的球迷一场胜利, 朋友, 家庭, 教练, 团队和我自己. 我给它的一切我已经得到了最后一次,这将是你不希望错过一拼。有了这样说, 我超越感激我的对手采取的斗争,每一个机会,年轻的MMA, NEF和大家在混合武术社给了我多年来. 谢谢, 谢谢, 谢谢!”

法蒂玛·克莱恩将长途跋涉从她的家在海德公园, 纽约的斗争。在只有19岁, 克莱恩已经拥有巴西柔术紫带。她做了她的业余MMA的首演去年秋天一致决定胜利怀特普莱恩斯的卡片上, 纽约。克莱恩表示基于在Wappingers Falls的黑洞柔术, 纽约.

“我要感谢NEF给我机会展示我所有的辛勤工作,置评时,”克莱恩说. “作为,这是我的首演为组织战斗, 我保证会在我的比赛中名列前茅搏击之夜. 谢谢, BJ, 接受这个对决, 我期待着看到你在笼子里. 在一个消息我会在人群: 准备受理“。

新英格兰战斗’ 未来混合武术事件, “NEF 43: 乱闹,” 将于周六, 四月 18, 2020, 在柯林斯艺术中心在缅因大学奥罗诺. 门票现已公开发售,在www.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.