Архивы: Нью-Ингленд Бои

NEF ОБЪЯВЛЯЕТ монументальных FIGHT CARD Портландцементом ДЕБЮТ

Портленд, Мэн (Октября 6, 2017) - New England Бои (NEF) дебютирует в Портленде на Пятница, Ноябрь 3, 2017 в Ауре с “NEF 31: Старый порт.” Ранее сегодня, промоушен объявил полную карту боя для события, включающую полный список профессиональных и любительских боев в смешанных единоборствах..

Любимый фанатами штата Мэн Пол Горман (10-9) запланировано на Джеймс “Флин’ Гавайский” блэр (5-1) в главном событии вечера. Горман, бывший обладатель титула чемпиона NEF в легчайшем весе и обладатель черного пояса по бразильскому джиу-джитсу из Академии в Портленде, возвращается в клетку NEF после трехлетнего отсутствия. Блэр - перспективный кандидат из всемирно известной американской топ-команды в Коконат-Крик., Флорида, где он тренируется вместе с настоящими убийцами’ ряд нынешних и бывших чемпионов мира, таких как Майк Браун (26-9), Тайрон Вудли (18-3-1), и Иоанна Енджейчик (14-0) Просто назвать несколько.

Действующий чемпион NEF в среднем весе среди профессионалов CJ Ewer (3-0) будет в действии, когда он берет на Crowsneck Бутин (2-3) в неосновном деле. Летом Эвер завоевал титул чемпиона в 185 фунтах, уступив Майку Хансену. (5-6) на “NEF 30: Грохот в Бангоре.” Бутин будет уволен с соревнований на год.

“Блэкпул-потрошитель” Мэтт Пробин (0-0) дебютирует в профессиональном ММА против сурового ветеранаДжош Паркер (6-9). И Пробин, и Паркер имеют обширный опыт профессиональных боксеров.. Пробин тренировался и соревновался по тайскому боксу в Таиланде.. Паркер - основатель Ruthless MMA. & Бокс Уотервилля, Мэн.

Джон “Первый класс” Рей (2-8) выйдет из пенсии к лицу Зенон “К-бар” Эррера (0-5). Последний раз Райо дрался летом 2015. Он является главным тренером Первого класса ММА в Брансуике., Мэн. Эррера, ветеран армии и морской пехоты США, ищет свою первую победу с момента вступления в ряды профессионалов два года назад.

На любительской стороне карты будет представлено в общей сложности три титульных боя.. Чемпион NEF в тяжелом весе среди любителей Ник “Хранитель” Гулливер (4-0) будет защищать свой ремень от подписанта WWEТерранс Жан-Жак (2-0), в то время как Nate Boucher (2-0) и Джастин Уитхем (3-4) бороться за вакантный титул в наилегчайшем весе. Alex Walker (4-1) и Хилари Роуз (4-3) войдут в историю, когда они сразятся за первое в истории женское чемпионство НЭФ в полутяжелом весе..

Бой Уокер-Роуз будет одним из четырех женских боев, представленных на турнире. “NEF 31” любительская карта. Кэрол Линн Пауэлл (0-0), жена бывшего чемпиона NEF в профессиональном легком весе и нынешнего участника UFC Девина Пауэлла (8-3), запланирован дебют в клетке против Франческа Морабито (0-0). Jayda “Lil Killah” Двор замка (0-0) дебютирует всего через восемь дней после своего 18-летия, установленный законом минимальный возраст для участия в ММА в штате Мэн, в поединке легчайшего веса с Даная Дости (0-0) в то время как Сара Матулис (0-0) и Челси Элизабет(0-0) встретиться в еще одном двойном любительском дебюте.

Полный “NEF 31” бой карты (могут быть изменены и утверждение спортивных единоборств органа Мэн):



180 CJ Ewer 3-0 (MMA Юнга) против Crowsneck Бутин 2-3 (Независимый)


150 Джон Рей 2-8 (Первый класс MMA) против Зенон Эррера 0-5 (Независимый)


145 Джош Паркер 6-9 (Безжалостный MMA & Бокс) против Мэтта Пробина 0-0 (CMBJJ / Young ММА)


135 Пол Горман 10-9 (Академия) против Джеймса Блэра 5-1 (American Top Team)




265*НАЗВАНИЕ Ник Гилливер 4-0 (с) (Первый класс / Литейный завод) vs Терранс Жан-Жак 2-0 (Команда Ссылка)


125*НАЗВАНИЕ Nate Boucher 2-0 (CMBJJ) против Джастина Уитема 3-4 (Небьющиеся Combat Club)


115 *НАЗВАНИЕ Alex Walker 4-1 (Говорит) против Хилари Роуз 4-3 (USMMA)

265 Мэтт Гловер 1-1 (Берсеркеры ММА) против Джейсона области 0-2 (Кенни ММА)


175 Carlton Charles 1-0 (Семья Чарльза Файтинг / Пожар&Железная атлетика) против Нейта Эванса 0-0


170 Мохаммед аль Кинани 0-0 (Эволюция Athletix) против Фил Пирсон 0-1 (Первый класс MMA)


170 Дэвид Грант 0-0 (Эволюция Athletix) против Тома Риала 0-0 (Nostos)


155 Уилл МакКолл 1-2 (Эволюция Athletix) против Чада Пирса 1-0 (Академия)


155 Ник Бэнкс 0-0 (Чой институт) против Эммет Huber 0-1 (Академия)


155 Garry Карр 0-0 (CMBJJ) против Дэвида Харта 0-1 (Кенни ММА)

135 Сара Матулис 0-0 (Небьющиеся Combat Club) против Челси Элизабет 0-0 (Первый класс MMA)


135 Даная Дости 0-0 (Кенни ММА) против Джейды Бейли 0-0 (MMA Юнга)


135 Карл Langston 6-9 (MMA Юнга) против Генри Кларк 3-3 (Чой институт)


135 Пришел Арнольд 1-0 (CMBJJ) против Caleb Костелло 3-4 (MMA Юнга)


135 Кэрол Линн Хокинс 0-0 (Nostos) vs Франческа Морабито 0-0 (Чой институт)


NeF в следующем смешанных боевых искусств событие, “NEF 31: Старый порт,” увидим дебют компании в Портленде, Мэн в новеньком, ультрасовременная площадка Aura. Мероприятие запланировано на Пятница, Ноябрь 3, 2017. Билеты уже в продаже в www.auramaine.com.


ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ: Портленд, Мэн (Сентябрь 12, 2017) -Новый Англия Бои (NEF) дебютирует в Портленде на Пятница, Ноябрь 3, 2017 в Ауре с “NEF 31: Старый порт.” Ранее сегодня, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur mixed-martial-arts bout to the card. Кэрол Линн Пауэлл (0-0) запланировано на Франческа Морабито (0-0) in a women’s bantamweight contest.

Carol Linn is the wife of former NEF Lightweight Champion, и текущий боец ​​UFC, Девин Пауэлл (8-3). Devin earned a contract with the UFC after impressing the company’s president, Дана Уайт, on his web series Дана Уайт: Заглянуть’ для боя at an event promoted by NEF in Bangor, Maine last year. Вместе, the Powells own and operate Nostos MMA & Conditioning Facility in Somersworth, Нью-Гемпшир. Прошлый месяц, they were awarded theBest Martial Arts Gym” на “2017 Best of the Seacoast” награды.

Fighting has been something I’ve fantasized about for a few years and now that it is finally happening, I couldn’t be more excited,” said Carol Linn when reached for comment. “I was supposed to have my first fight in June and it ended up falling through, and I think this fight is a much better match up and is in one of my very favorite towns. Francesca and I have trained together a few times and we were really excited to be a part of each other’s camps, but after realizing what a good matchup we are, we decided to put our friendship aside and both get in there for our first fights. We are very similar, and I’m excited to put a great show on for everyone.

I am very excited for my wife to make her debut,” noted Devin. “She’s been around the sport for almost half a decade, but is just recently getting into hard training and the competitive aspect of it. I never told her to fight or said I thought she should. She was very independent in this choice and when somebody chooses to do something on their own and they commit all of themselves to it, I think that is a great equation for a successful person in anything they do. She is going to find out a lot about herself on the 3rd. Happy to have a cage-side seat for it.

Francesca Morabito trains at the Choi Institute in Portland, Мэн. Her true passion lies in her work with non-profit organization Speak About It. Morabito has toured the world as a theatre artist with the Portland-based group, educating high school and college students on affirmative consent, healthy relationships, and sexual assault prevention.

It is such an honor to make my debut just a couple blocks from where I’ve been training for the past two years,” said Morabito. “I’m elated to fight in my hometownon the same street where I’ve trudged home on countless Maine winter nights, with my gym bag slung over my shoulder and my wet hair freezing solid underneath my Choi hoodie. мое время пришло. And I came to win.

NeF в следующем смешанных боевых искусств событие, “NEF 31: Старый порт,” увидим дебют компании в Портленде, Мэн в новеньком, ультрасовременная площадка Aura. Мероприятие запланировано на Пятница, Ноябрь 3, 2017. Билеты уже в продаже в www.auramaine.com.


Портленд, Мэн (Август 31, 2017) -Новый Англия Бои (NEF) дебютирует в Портленде наПятница, Ноябрь 3, 2017 в Ауре с “NEF 31: Старый порт.” Ранее сегодня, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur mixed-martial-arts bout to the card. Carlton Charles (1-0) возьмет на себя Nate Evans (0-0) at a catchweight of 175-pounds.

Carlton Charles shocked the Maine MMA community earlier this month with his stunning first-round technical knockout of Josh Jones (2-1) на “NEF 30” в Бангор. Jones had looked indestructible to that point, only needing 24-seconds to finish his first two opponents combined. В очереди, it took Charles only 23-seconds to polish off Jones in his amateur debut. Это было, действительно, one of the most impressive debuts in NEF history.

Чарльз’ athleticism comes as no surprise, однако, to those who know him. He excelled in football for Windham High School. As an assistant coach, Charles later lead Windham to a Class A state championship. He went on to play for the NCAA Division I University of Maine Black Bears. В настоящее время, Charles trains MMA with Charles Family Fighting alongside his older brother, and seven-fight NEF veteran, Нейт Чарльз.

I’m real excited about the opportunity to fight in Portland,” сказал Чарльз. “Not often have we seen MMA in Portland, so it’s definitely going to get a lot of attention. It’s a bit closer to home than Bangor was, so I feel like I’ll have a lot of support there. I hope to put on a good show and look to build on the success of my first fight. I know my opponent will be tough so I am training hard to be prepared.

Nate Evans will be making his debut on 3 ноября. Like Charles, Evansbackground is in football. He was a star quarterback for Sumter Central High School in Livingston, Алабама. Also like Charles, Evans has begun training and combat sports and is hoping to make a successful transition from the gridiron to the MMA cage.

NeF в следующем смешанных боевых искусств событие, “NEF 31: Старый порт,” увидим дебют компании в Портленде, Мэн в новеньком, ультрасовременная площадка Aura. Мероприятие запланировано на Пятница, Ноябрь 3, 2017. Билеты уже в продаже в www.auramaine.com.


ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ: Портленд, Мэн (Август 29, 2017) -Новый Англия Бои (NEF) дебютирует в Портленде наПятница, Ноябрь 3, 2017 в Ауре с “NEF 31: Старый порт.” Ранее сегодня, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional mixed-martial-arts bout to the card. Джош Паркер (6-9) встретится “Блэкпул-потрошитель” Мэтт Пробин (0-0) в полулегком поединке.

Josh Parker is the founder and head coach of Ruthless MMA & Бокс. A two-sport athlete, Parker has split his professional career between the MMA cage and the boxing ring. He has won two of his last three fights for NEF, most recently dominating Andre Belcarris (0-2) for three rounds on his way to a unanimous decision victory in June. Parker will look to continue his winning ways when he meets Probin on 3 ноября.

I want to thank NEF for making this fight,” said Parker when reached for comment. “I’m excited to get back in there. We recently expanded Ruthless and moved to a new location. Our team keeps growing and they are pushing me every day. I look forward to putting on a show on 3 ноября.”

Originally from Blackpool, England and now a Maine resident, Matt Probin divides his training between Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Young’s MMA. Probin went 6-2 over the course of his amateur MMA career. While Probin has not competed in MMA in more than three years, he has been active as a professional boxer and kickboxer in recent years. В 2016, Probin had a stint training Muay Thai in Thailand where he competed at the world famous Bangla Boxing Stadiumone of Thailand’s most venerated fight venues.

I’m pumped for this fight,” declared Probin. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited about fighting someone before. Thanks to NEF for making it happen. I guarantee this fight will not go the distance. I respect his game and experience, but that’s it. I’m coming out with bad intentions. Не мигать!”

NeF в следующем смешанных боевых искусств событие, “NEF 31: Старый порт,” увидим дебют компании в Портленде, Мэн в новеньком, ультрасовременная площадка Aura. Мероприятие запланировано на Пятница, Ноябрь 3, 2017. Билеты уже в продаже в www.auramaine.com.


ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ: Портленд, Мэн (Август 25, 2017) -Новый Англия Бои (NEF) дебютирует в Портленде наПятница, Ноябрь 3, 2017 в Ауре с “NEF 31: Старый порт.” Ранее сегодня, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional mixed-martial-arts bout to the card. Джон “Первый класс” Рей (2-8) встретится Зенон “К-бар” Эррера (0-5) в промежуточном весе 150 фунтов.

For John Raio, the bout will mark his return to the cage after more than two years. Raio retired following his rematch with Bruce Boyington (13-11) в июне 2015. He has decided to make one more run at competing. Competition has been in Raio’s blood since his youth. He won a Maine state championship wrestling for Gardiner Area High School in 1995, and he went on to wrestle for Plymouth State University and the University of Southern Maine. While working for the United States Postal Service, Raio began competing in MMA in 2012. Since his retirement, Raio has concentrated on training fighters at his gym First Class MMA in Brunswick, Мэн. He has led several to championship gold in the NEF cage while working full-time at his current position with Bath Iron Works (BIW).

I’m excited to get back into the cage,” Саид Ray. “Two years is a long time after fighting 14 раз в течение трех лет. I’ve learned a lot about the sport in that time. Our team’s success has motivated me a lot. We have amazing fighters and instructors at our gym. The opportunity to fight in Portland, where I delivered mail for eight years, was too hard to pass up.

Zenon Herrera last competed in the NEF cage in August 2016. He has split his professional career between boxing and MMA. Herrera военный ветеран, отслужив четыре года в армии Соединенных Штатов и пять лет в Корпусе морской пехоты США. На 3 ноября, Herrera will look to score his first win since his amateur days on the Florida MMA circuit.

It’s been a long time since last in the NEF cage for both myself and John Raio,” Саид Эррера. “This will be a great way for both of us to make a return, and I’m very much looking forward to going in with such a well classed person. John and I are both the type who will come forward and never back down. I really think this is going to be a great match that will be enjoyed by all involved.

NeF в следующем смешанных боевых искусств событие, “NEF 31: Старый порт,” увидим дебют компании в Портленде, Мэн в новеньком, ультрасовременная площадка Aura. Мероприятие запланировано на Пятница, Ноябрь 3, 2017. Билеты уже в продаже в www.auramaine.com.

О Новой Англии боев


ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ: Портленд, Мэн (Август 24, 2017) -Новый Англия Бои (NEF) дебютирует в Портленде наПятница, Ноябрь 3, 2017 в Ауре с “NEF 31: Старый порт.” Ранее сегодня, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur mixed-martial-arts bantamweight bout to the card. Генри Кларк (3-3) планируется к лицу Карл Langston (6-9) в борьбе веса 135 фунтов.

Henry Clark is a member of the Choi Institute based in Portland. Since his debut in the fall of 2014, Clark has been known for producing exciting moments in the NEF cage. In a memorable bout with Langston’s Young’s MMA teammate, and current NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Champion, Фред Лир (6-2), Clark held onto a triangle choke while Lear viciously slammed him not once but twice. He will look to break a two-fight losing streak with what Clark predicts to be a dominant performance against Langston in front of his hometown fans.

“Портленд мой город,” declared Clark. “На 3 ноября, I’m showing up to prove that. I’ve got a great opponent in Carl who always shows up to fight, but I’m planning on keeping it a dominant, one-sided affair. Truly my only desire is that of violence, my only intention is victory. Both will be achieved.

Like Clark, Carl Langston calls Portland home. With a background in Taekwondo, Langston has thrilled NEF fans on numerous occasions with his prolific striking abilities. He knocked out Alex Johnson (2-3) with a series of violent kicks to the body in Langston’s last NEF appearance. Langston says this will be his last amateur fight before turning professional.

This will be my last amateur fight and there isn’t any better way to go out fighting for NEF’s first card in my hometown in Portland,” stated Langston. “I’m super pumped to be part of this card! Что касается моего оппонента, he’s a good guy and I have nothing bad to say about him, но пришло время сражаться, I’m going to walk through him. He won’t make it out of the second round. He has nothing to offer me.

NeF в следующем смешанных боевых искусств событие, “NEF 31: Старый порт,” увидим дебют компании в Портленде, Мэн в новеньком, ультрасовременная площадка Aura. Мероприятие запланировано на Пятница, Ноябрь 3, 2017. Билеты уже в продаже в www.auramaine.com.


ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ: Портленд, Мэн (Август 22, 2017) - New England Бои (NEF) will make its debut in Portland on Пятница, Ноябрь 3, 2017 в Ауре с “NEF 31: Старый порт.” Ранее сегодня, промоушен объявил о добавлении в карту титульного боя любительских смешанных единоборств. Ник Гулливер (4-0) will defend the NEF MMA Amateur Heavyweight Title against Терранс Жан-Жак (1-0).

NEF is an amazing organization and I love fighting for them,” said Gulliver. “This will be my fifth fight for NEF and to me, this fight is different. During my fighting career I’ve always been fighting for someone, or something, and I’ve never really had time or the energy to really enjoy it. This fight I’m fighting to prove to myself that I’m good enough to be the heavyweight champion. People tell me every day after sparring or training that I’m good, but I don’t see it yet. I don’t see what others see and this is a time for me to see and believe. This camp I’m going to work and find myself in the process.

Гулливер, a product of First Class MMA and the Foundry BJJ, has been nothing short of perfect over the course of his amateur career with NEF. “Хранитель,” as he is known amongst his fans and teammates, has finished all four of his previous opponents, including a third-round technical knockout of Yorgan DeCastro (2-4) last fall to claim the title belt. DeCastro is the first, и только, opponent to date to make it out of the first round with Gulliver.

I have a lot to prove to myself and I’m going to look into the mirror on 3 ноября and see the man I’ve wanted to be in the cage and out,” continued Gulliver. “I’m going to work as much as I can and never give up. Something I always repeat to myself is ‘cowards never start, the weak never finish, winners never quit,’ and I’m not quitting on November 3rd.

Terrance Jean-Jacques brings a solid amateur wrestling background with him to the NEF cage. The Haverhill, Massachusetts native put together an impressive 22-6 record as the starting heavyweight for the NCAA Division I Iowa Hawkeyes as a freshman. He later transferred to Rhode Island College and was a runner-up at the 2015 Division III wrestling championships. Jean-Jacques signed a developmental deal with the WWE in the spring of 2016 to train at their performance center in Florida.

Everybody fights for different things,” remarked Jean-Jacques. “Мое дело, I’m not doing this for anyone else but my daughter and myself. It’s much bigger than this fight. I’m reinventing myself and it’s kill or be killed. This will be the best version of myself to date. I have goals that I’m charging at in an unstoppable manner and I’m coming to get it. This is my destiny.

I want to thank my training partners and my family,” said Gulliver in closing. “I want to thank FirstClass MMA and The Foundry BJJ for everything they have given me. I’ve been training with FirstClass MMA and John Raio for almost three years now and I’ve been training with The Foundry BJJ going on eight years now. I appreciate all they do for me. I can name over 100 people that I train with every week that help push me, day in and day out, and I can’t thank them enough for it.

“Этот бой будет война. If you put me and my opponent, Терренс, side by side and took bets, I’d be the loser all day. Shit, even I would bet against me if it was about size and looks. But this fight will be won by one thing and one thing only and anyone that knows me knows what I’m about to say. This fight will be won with heart. I’m not great at anything I do. I fail at most things, but I have a lot of heart and I push. Sometimes in life heart is what people need most. I’m looking to see what I’ve got on 3 ноября and I’m looking forward to 4 ноября when I can wake up and see that I had enough heart and that I am the still the champ. Thank you to everyone involved in my life and thanks again for this fight I greatly appreciate it. Thank you to Terrance Jean-Jacques for coming to Portland to fight. Также, just a quick thank you to my friend Josh Jones, who made me remember the fun in this game again. He got me motivated to fight in this one. I’m hoping this fight is just like watching fireworks at a baseball game. If you’ve never seen fireworks at a baseball game come to this fight and I’ll show you the feeling.

NeF в следующем смешанных боевых искусств событие, “NEF 31: Старый порт,” will see the company make its long-awaited debut in Portland, Мэн в новеньком, ультрасовременная площадка Aura. Мероприятие запланировано на Пятница, Ноябрь 3, 2017. Билеты уже в продаже в www.auramaine.com.


Бангор, Мэн (Август 6, 2017) –There was no place like home Суббота night for C.J. Кувшин, Ryan Sanders and Fred Lear of Young’s MMA in Bangor.

Fighting in front of a sold-out ballroom a stone’s throw from their training headquarters, the three fighters atop the card at “NEF 30” Rumble in Bangor” all posted impressive victories at Cross Insurance Center.

Ewer defeated Mike “The Mustache” Hansen by submission at 1:46 of the first round to capture the vacant NEF pro middleweight title. Lear landed the NEF amateur bantamweight belt, while Sanders tightened his grip on New England’s pro lightweight scene in a non-title triumph.

It was the second consecutive August sellout in the Queen City, a tradition that began with “NEF Presents Dana White: Заглянуть’ For a Fight” last summer.

After his hard-fought win over the much-traveled Jay Ellis, NEF pro lightweight champion Sanders, Нет занимает. 1 в области, kept his comments short and sweet while calling out the aforementioned Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) президент.

“You took the wrong guy last year,Сандерс сказал. “Come get me now.”

Сандерс (15-8) didn’t have an easy road against Ellis, a veteran of more than 80 про бои. Ellis had Sanders under control for most of the fight but left himself vulnerable to a triangle choke at 2:34 в первом туре.

Ewer dispatched Hansen with a similarly swift maneuver.

“It’s a great feeling to win it in front of the home crowd,” Ewer said. “As hard as we worked (в тренировочном лагере), I didn’t think anything could stop me.”

The sudden ending spoiled Hansen’s hopes of winning a title for the first time in his 13-year mixed martial arts career.

“This was by far the best training camp I ever had. We were just getting warmed up,” Hansen said. “I had a lot more to give, and I’m sure C.J. had a lot of more to give. But hey, we could do it again.”

Lear highlighted the amateur portion of the card with an authoritative second-round knockout of Walt Shea.

Only the bell saved Shea from Lear’s onslaught at the end of the opening chapter. Lear gained the advantage with a kick to the head midway through that round. After nearly locking in an arm bar that could have ended the fight, Lear bloodied the previously unbeaten Shea with a series of strikes.

The end appeared inevitable when Shea needed Lear’s help to find his corner between rounds, and another interrupted attack hastened the finish only 14 секунд.

An emotional Lear lauded his coach, Chris Young of Young’s MMA, before fastening the belt around the teacher’s waist.

“A lot of people around here know his name, but they don’t know the man,” Lear said. “He’s the first guy in the gym in the morning and the last one to leave at night. He’s the reason we’re all here. He’s the reason we’re successful. He’s the reason some of us aren’t in jail.”

In the first two fights of Josh Jonesamateur MMA career, Jones dispatched his opponents by one-punch knockout in a total of 24 секунд. It took Carlton Charles one fewer tick of the clock to take out Jones in the stunning conclusion to a touted tangle of former star collegiate athletes.

Чарльз, a product of the University of Maine football program taking his initial walk to the NEF cage, turned the tables on Jones (2-1) in a middleweight scrap. Jones again went for the early stoppage with a pair of looping shots, but Charles calmly ducked them before landing one of his own and taking the issue to the mat.

“I just love the competition,” Charles said. “You don’t get hit in the face like this on the football field.”

When the combatants regained their feet, Charles backed Jones against the cage and landed two right hands to the jaw. Jones dropped to one knee and absorbed a sharp left to the head. That persuaded the referee to step in and stop the fight, a verdict that left Jones and his First Class MMA camp visibly puzzled.

It was Charlessecond one-sided combat sports victory in a week’s time. He previously delivered a first-round TKO in the amateur boxing ring. Jones suffered his first defeat since making the transition from basketball, which he played professionally in Europe after starring at Bangor’s Husson University.

One look at Пятницы official weigh-in suggested that the bout between Roger Ewer (251 фунты) and Dustin Freeman (220) might be the typical stand-up, slug-it-out heavyweight affair. Вместо, it turned into a ground-and-pound showcase that was right in Ewer’s wheelhouse. C.J.’s older brother, making his debut in the NEF hexagon at 44 лет, hammered out the advantage throughout and earned a TKO via unanswered strikes at 2:31 of the second stanza.

Nate Boucher improved to 2-0 with a first-round stoppage of Jeremiah Barkac, who was making his cage debut. Barkac gained an early advantage in the bantamweight bout with a barrage of strikes, but Boucher cleverly gained leverage with his legs and locked in a triangle choke.

Победа или поражение, Bangor’s Angela Young announced that her battle with Jessica “The Black Widow” Borga would be the final fight of her career. Платить (6-3) erased any hopes of a Hollywood ending with a decisive TKO at 2:16 в первом раунде. Молодой (2-3), wife of Chris, had never gone less than the distance in any of her prior wins or losses.

In a mutual NEF and MMA debut, Zach Faulkner delighted his home crowd with a second-round victory over David Hart via rear naked choke. Конец наступил в 1:42.

Jesse Hutchinson also enjoyed a triumphant debut in the amateur ranks. He stopped Anthony LaPointe at 2:43 of the first round in a welterweight skirmish.

NEF also announced that the promotion’s next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 31: Старый порт,” will see the company make its long-awaited debut in Portland, Мэн в новеньком, ультрасовременная площадка Aura. Мероприятие запланировано на Пятница, Ноябрь 3, 2017. Tickets will go on sale this Wednesday, Август 9 на www.auramaine.com.

О Новой Англии боев

Нью-Ингленд Бои ("NEF") является борьба Рекламные акции компании. Миссия NeF является создание высокого качества мероприятия для бойцов и болельщиков в штате Мэн, так. Исполнительная команда NeF имеет обширный опыт в области управления единоборств, производство события, по связям со СМИ, маркетинг, правовой и реклама.



Matt Andrikut v Mike Hansen square off in MMA action from NEF 25.

ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ: Rumford, Мэн (Август 3, 2017) – New Mike Hansen’s dreams of becoming a mixed martial arts (MMA) champion were admittedly premature. Then they were derailed for nearly a decade by a combination of injuries, service to his country and fatherhood.


The teenage ambition that made Hansen believe he could conquer the world, or at least his little corner of it, never went away, хотя.


Twenty-nine months after resurrecting his career with New England Fights, Rumford’s Hansen (5-5) finally gets that coveted title shot. He will battle hometown favorite C.J. Кувшин (2-0) в «НЭФ 30: Rumble in Bangor” this Суббота, Август 5 at Cross Insurance Center for the organization’s vacant middleweight title. The card starts at 7 p.m.

Хансен, который превратил 32 в июле 21, says the opportunity fulfills an early goal while living and fighting in Massachusetts back in 2005.


"Я был 19 years old and thought I had a great head on my shoulders, so I called out the (World Fighting League) champion at the time, who was John “Doomsday” Howard,” Hansen said. “I said that I wanted that belt and that I was coming after him. Knowing what I know now, he probably would have whipped the (дерьмо) out of me.”


Howard went on to compete at the highest level with Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC) and is now a veteran of 37 journeys into the cage. Hansen’s career path had many more stops, starts and detours.


He started with six amateur wins out of the gate and won his initial professional foray with ease. The title fight will take place on the eve of the 12й anniversary of that pro debut.


“Being 19 лет, I was kind of cocky. I remember telling my dad nobody could compete with my wrestling,” Hansen said. “Back then, MMA hadn’t really evolved. The wrestler had the advantage over the jiu-jitsu guy. You could just hold a guy down and snuggle and hug and sweat out a win.”


After his first knockout loss, Hansen promised his father he would quit the sport. But he had already caught the fever, and his confidence was sky high.


Hansen was training for a bout at Laconia, New Hampshire’s bike week when he suffered a broken ankle two weeks before the weigh-in. He recovered and was in training for another fight when he was stabbed and beaten with a baseball bat in what could have been a fatal case of mistaken identity.


He remarkably walked out of the hospital a day later and soon embarked on a more structured path as a combat engineer in the United States Army. While enlisted, Hansen suffered a serious shoulder injury. Even after retirement, a return to the MMA cage seemed unlikely.


Then came a fateful call from an old friend and neighbor, NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson, И остальное уже история. Hansen has carved out a reputation as one who will take on any opponent in any weight class at any time, and perhaps there is no greater example than the Ewer matchup.


“The belts are vacant at 170, 185 и 205 (фунты). I can make weight for all those if I have enough time,” Hansen said. “I guess Peterson thought it made sense to kill two birds with one stone and put me in with Ewer at 185. Six weeks ago is when they called me, and at first they asked me about 170. I really liked the fight, but the weight didn’t make sense. I was sitting on the couch at 248.”


Hansen has spent most of his time in the heavyweight and light heavyweight divisions. He was glaringly outweighed in his last bout, a February loss to Ras Hylton.


Only once previously has he downsized to the middleweight threshold, a February 2016 loss to Zach Elkins. In the case of Ewer, who has done most of his work at 170, meeting in the middle might play to Hansen’s advantage.


“We’re two different styles of fighters. He’s coming up in weight and I’m coming down,” Hansen said. “He’s never been in the cage against anybody with my kind of power. When I’m hitting somebody at 200 фунты, I’m hitting them with the force of somebody who’s 245. My opponents have told me they’ve never been hit harder by a guy my size. I feel like it’s my fight to lose, as long as I don’t make any mistakes and go in there with the stamina I need to have.”


Hansen is confident against Ewer, у кого был 5-2 amateur record with notable wins over Ricky Dexter and Crowsneck Boutin before turning pro. He knows better, однако, than to underestimate any fighter out of the Young’s MMA stable.


“I feel like I’m the more talented fighter and that I have more tools in my tool box. But I know Young’s MMA is a great camp and that he trains with a lot of great guys,” Hansen said. “Chris (Молодой) finds a way to set you up to fight the fight you need to win. Look at the Pat Kelly fight (against Rafael Velado). They prepared to turn that into a kickboxing fight, and then he went out and did just that.”


Hansen has seen his name rise into the New England top-five conversation. Most of the fighters ahead of him have experience with larger promotions.


He said a win over Ewer could inspire him to travel and continuing to pursue the dream. That’s consistent with the personality he has shown through this second act of his career.


“I’ve been fighting the top-level guys in NEF for about the past two-and-a-half years,” Hansen said, “I always told Peterson to set me up with a guy who’s in the top 10 or just above me. I wanted to work my way up.”


From his days as a high school state wrestling champion at Mountain Valley High School, Hansen flaunted a distaste for winning that served him well.


In those days, he wore a T-shirt that read, ‘Nobody remembers second place,’ with four gold medals beneath it. Hansen’s attitude remains, but the mainstay of Berserker’s MMA out of the Greater Rumford Community Center noted that it is never only about himself.


“I want to win the title for all the people who have supported me and trained with me in Rumford. I also want it for my gym. We’ve done this three times in the amateurs and now we’re going to do it with a pro,"Он сказал. "(GRCC is) just a little on-profit that helps people pursue their dreams. I’d love to hang that belt on the wall. It shows people in the community what we’re capable of here, and hopefully it gets them interested and grows the gym. That’s my goal.”


Билеты на «НЭФ» 30: Rumble in Bangor” are available at CrossInsuranceCenter.com. For more information on the fight card and event updates, please visit NewEnglandFights.com.


О Новой Англии боев

Нью-Ингленд Бои ("NEF") является борьба Рекламные акции компании. Миссия NeF является создание высокого качества мероприятия для бойцов и болельщиков в штате Мэн, так. Исполнительная команда NeF имеет обширный опыт в области управления единоборств, производство события, по связям со СМИ, маркетинг, правовой и реклама.



ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ: Бангор, Мэн (Июль 21, 2017) - New England Бои (NEF) возвращается в Центр перекрестного страхования в субботу ночь, Август 5, 2017 со следующим событием смешанных боевых искусств в продвигаемого бороться в, “NEF 30: Грохот в Бангоре.” Ранее сегодня, NEF объявила о полном борьбе карты для события.

В главном событии вечера, Bangor’s own CJ Ewer (2-0) встретится Майк Хансен (5-5) of Rumford, Maine in a five-round contest to crown a new NEF MMA Pro Middleweight Champion. Ewer is a member of local gym Young’s MMA while Hansen represents Berserkers MMA based in the River Valley region of the state. Ewer had a highlight-reel knockout over Ruben Redman (0-1) in his last bout at the Crossexactly one year to the day he will meet Hansen.

The co-main event of the evening will see Ewer’s Young’s teammate, undefeated Bangor prospect Аарон Lacey (4-0) take on Bellator veteran Bryan Goldsby (17-16). Goldsby will represent Lacey’s most-seasoned challenge to date. Lacey has been nothing short of “Неустанный” – his nickname – с поворотным про. He has submitted three of his four opponents in the first round. Only John Santos (3-5) was able to survive three full rounds with Lacey last summer in Bangor. Lacey won that fight via split decision in a rugged, back-and-forth, “Борьба ночь” представление.

Rounding out the pro card will be another Young’s cornerstone, “The” Райан Сандерс (14-8), who will meet Milwaukee, Wisconsin veteran Джей Эллис (14-68) в полусреднем конкурса. Sanders is the reigning NEF MMA Pro Lightweight Champion, having defeated Jon Lemke (6-8) in a tournament final last April to claim the title. The bout with Ellis will be a non-title affair. Sanders is riding a four-fight win streak which began one year ago to the day at the Cross.

Headlining the amateur portion of the fight card will be an NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Title fight. Фред Лир (5-2) of Bangor will do battle with Jefferson, Мэн-х Walt Shea (2-0) for the vacant 135-pound championship. Lear and Shea will continue a competitive rivalry that has developed in the amateur ranks in recent years between Lear’s camp Young’s MMA and Shea’s team of First Class MMA based in Brunswick, Мэн.

Opening the night will be a women’s fight between Анжела Янг (2-2), wife of Young’s MMA founder and head coach Chris Young, и Флориды Джессика “Черная вдова” Платить (5-2). The scrap is expected to be an exciting one. Молодой, a Registered Nurse at Eastern Maine Medical Center (EMMC), has put on several “Борьба ночь” performances that have sent audiences into a frenzy. Borga will make her third trip to Maine in the past year to compete in the NEF cage.

Полный “NEF 30” бой карты (могут быть изменены):


185*НАЗВАНИЕ C.J. Кувшин 2-0 (MMA Юнга) против Майк Хансен 5-5 (Берсеркеры ММА)

170 Райан Сандерс 14-8 (MMA Юнга) vs Jay Ellis 14-68 (Team Knockout)

145 Аарон Lacey 4-0 (MMA Юнга) vs Bryan Goldsby 17-16 (Хорхе Гуржел)


135*НАЗВАНИЕ Фред Лир 5-2 (MMA Юнга) vs Walt Shea 2-0 (Первый класс MMA)

265 Roger Ewer 0-0 (MMA Юнга) vs Dustin Freeman 0-0 (Независимый)

185 Джош Джонс 2-0 (Первый класс MMA) vs Carlton Charles 0-0 (Семья Чарльза Файтинг / Пожар&Железная атлетика)

170 Anthony Lapointe 0-1 (Titan Athletics) vs Jesse Hutchinson 0-0 (CMBJJ)

160 Zachary Faulkner 0-0 (Titan Athletics) против Дэвида Харта 0-0 (Кенни ММА)

145 Robbie Kiah 1-0 (MMA Юнга) vs Robert H. Norris III (Независимый)

135 Nate Boucher 1-0 (CMBJJ) vs Jeremiah Barkac 0-0 (Независимый)

135 Анжела Янг 2-2 (MMA Юнга) vs Jessica Borga 5-3 (Champions MMA)

"NEF 30: Битва в Бангоре »пройдет в Cross Insurance Centre в Бангоре., Мэн в субботу, Август 5, 2017. Билеты уже в продаже вwww.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

Для получения более подробной информации о новинках карт событий и бороться, пожалуйста, посетите веб-сайт продвижение по адресу www.NewEnglandFights.com. В дополнение, Вы можете смотреть NEF видео в www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, подписывайтесь на них в Twitter @nefights и присоединяйтесь к официальной группе Facebook »Нью-Ингленд Бои."

О Новой Англии боев

Нью-Ингленд Бои ("NEF") является борьба Рекламные акции компании. Миссия NeF является создание высокого качества мероприятия для бойцов и болельщиков в штате Мэн, так. Исполнительная команда NeF имеет обширный опыт в области управления единоборств, производство события, по связям со СМИ, маркетинг, правовой и реклама.