Yorliq Archives: New England sur


Portlend, Meyn (May 31, 2018) - Shu hafta boshida, New England sur (NEF) rasmiylarga Mayk Kresponing jang lageri paytida jarohat olgani va u bilan raqobatlasha olmasligi haqida xabar berilgan edi “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi” bo'yicha Iyun 16 Portlendda. Dastlab Krespo bilan uchrashish rejalashtirilgan edi Arnold keldi (3-0) bo'sh bo'lgan NEF MMA Havaskorlik Bantamweight chempionati uchun. Killian Merfi (1-0) Kresponing o'rnini egallashga va Arnoldni "Aura" da 135 funtlik unvon uchun kurashni rejalashtirilgan besh raundlik ishida kuchaytirdi..

Murfi birinchi marta debyut qildi “NEF 33” o'tgan oy Portlendda Krishna Skott ustidan g'alaba qozongan (0-1) Birinchi davra texnik nokaut orqali. U g'olibning doirasi uchun begona emas. Merfi - kurash bo'yicha Meyn shtatining sobiq chempioni, yilda Elliott shahridagi Marshwood High School uchun A sinfini qo'lga kiritgan 2015. Bugun, u Somersvortda Nostos MMA bilan mashq qiladi, Nyu-Xempshir UFC ishtirokchisi rahbarligida, va sobiq NEF Professional chempioni, Devin Powell (8-3). Dastlab Merfi Florida shtatining Gabriel Diaz bilan raqobatlashishi kerak edi “NEF 34,” ammo Dias shu oyning boshida ushbu kurashdan chiqib ketdi.

"Bu 135 kilogramm kamar uchun kurashni yakunlaydigan voqealarning hayajonli burilishidir,” - dedi Merfi. “Ushbu sayohatni boshlashimdan maqsad bu kamarni yutish edi – va men ushbu imkoniyat uchun minnatdorman. Men NEFga minnatdorchilik bildirmoqchiman, mening murabbiylarim, mening jamoadoshlarim va tarafdorlarim. 16 iyun, Men bu belbog'ni uyga Nostosga olib ketayapman. "

Ehtimol, NEF ro'yxatining boshqa biron bir a'zosi so'nggi o'n ikki oy ichida Kam Arnoldda qatnashmagan.. U o'tgan raundda faxriy Devid Tompsonning o'n bir soniyali nokautini, shu jumladan sariyog 'ichidagi issiq pichoq singari uchta raqibni kesib tashladi. “NEF 33.” Arnold "Lewiston" ning markaziy meynlik braziliyalik Jiu-Jitsu a'zosi, Meyn.

"Birinchidan, Men Killianga ushbu jangni qabul qilgani uchun shunchaki "rahmat" demoqchiman, Matt Petersonga menga boshqa raqib topgani uchun,” - dedi Arnold izoh olish uchun. “Killian kelajakda, hayajonli kurashchi – va men u bilan to'qnashganimdan juda xursandman. Men u tayyor bo'lishini bilaman va u ushbu bo'linishni silkitib, bayonot berishni xohlaydi. Qattiq ishlashda davom etaman, strategiyaga tuzatish kiritib, u erdan devorga sharlar bo'ylab o'ting. Bu ajoyib kurash bo'ladi – va men NEFning navbatdagi 135 funtli chempioni bo'laman ».

«Sportchi qisqa fursat ichida qadam qo'yganidan va shon-sharafga erishish imkoniyatidan foydalanganidan boshqa hech narsa meni hayajonlantirmaydi – va Killian Merfi shu kurashni Kam Arnold singari mag'lubiyatsiz hayvonga qarshi o'tkazishga rozilik berib qilgan.,” deb e'lon qildi NEF hamraisi egasi va matchmaker Matt Peterson. “Kam bir yildan kamroq vaqt oldin debyut qilganidan beri o'zini to'xtatib bo'lmaydigan ko'rinishga ega edi – va endi biz uni NEF oltiniga imkoniyat uchun o'zini bezatilgan kurashchiga qarshi sinab ko'rganini ko'ramiz. Go'yo bu karta allaqachon yozgi pirotexnika emas edi – Endi besh raundlik chempionlik jangi davomida mag'lubiyatsiz ikkita tirnoq bir-birlarini yiqitishga urinayotganlarini ko'rishimiz mumkin. Bu ham yaxshi bo'lsin emas!"

Nef keyingi aralash-jangovar-san'at tadbir, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” Portlenddagi Aurada bo'lib o'tadi, Shanba kuni Meyn, Iyun 16, 2018. Chiptalar endi onlayn tarzda sotilmoqda www.AuraMaine.com.

New England Mushtlashish haqida

New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEFning vazifasi jangchilar va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli tadbirlarni yaratishdir. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.


Portlend, Meyn (May 24, 2018) – Last week New England Fights (NEF) released the official card for its upcoming return to Aura in Portland, Meyn. The mixed-martial-arts event, nomli “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” is scheduled to take place on Saturday night, Iyun 16, 2018 qo'ng'iroq vaqti bilan 7:00 pm EDT. NEF matchmakers, ammo, were still hard at work on adding fights to the card, and earlier today they announced the addition of an amateur bantamweight bout to the event. Genri Klark (3-4) duch keladi Dave Brown (1-3) 135-lira bir jang og'irligi.




The lead-up toNEF 34has been somewhat of a wild ride for Henry Clark. He was originally scheduled to face Florida’s Krishna Scott (0-1) on the card. Just prior to the announcement of the full fight card, Scott’s camp informed NEF that he was pulling out of the fight. Clark remained in training camp at the Choi Institute in Portland in the hope that NEF matchmakers would find him a replacement opponent. When Dave Brown stepped up to the plate, Clark was quick to accept the opportunity to fight in front of his hometown fans and friends once more.




I’m so grateful that Dave Brown stepped up,” Said Clark. “It takes a lot of guts to take a short notice fight. I would have fought anyone on a week’s notice if it meant fighting in Portland. It’s great motivation for me to finish up my camp knowing who I’m fighting. I’m coming to showcase and steal the show.




Shimoliy Andover bir ona, Massachusetts, Dave Brown is a three-fight veteran of the NEF cage. Prior to his time competing in MMA, Brown wrestled for Plymouth State University in Plymouth, Nyu-Xempshir. He will return to NEF after a three-year absence following his loss to Norman Fox in the spring of 2015. Jigar rang, “‘Downtown’ Dave Brown” as he is known to his fans and friends, is looking forward to his return to action.




I’ve seen Henry Clark in action and I have a lot of respect for his abilities,” said Brown when reached for comment. “But come June 16, I’m gonna take him downall the way Downtown!”




Nef keyingi aralash-jangovar-san'at tadbir, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” Portlenddagi Aurada bo'lib o'tadi, Shanba kuni Meyn, Iyun 16, 2018. Chiptalar endi onlayn tarzda sotilmoqda www.AuraMaine.com.


New England Mushtlashish haqida




New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEFning vazifasi jangchilar va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli tadbirlarni yaratishdir. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.



Portlend, Meyn (May 18, 2018) –Earlier today, New England sur (NEF) released the official card for its upcoming return to Aura in Portland, Meyn. The mixed-martial-arts event, nomli “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” is scheduled to take place on Saturday night, Iyun 16, 2018 qo'ng'iroq vaqti bilan 7:00 pm EDT.




The main event will feature two rising East Coast prospects when Bangor, Maine’s own Aaron “Shafqatsiz” Lacey (5-1) meets Fayetteville, North Carolina’s Da’MonThe DiamondBlackshear (4-1) tuklar Butning. Lacey is coming off a dominant win over veteran Josh Parker (6-9) Shu yil, while Blackshear looks to rebound from the first loss of his professional career last August.




Lacey’s Young’s MMA teammate “The” Rayan Sanders (15-9) will see action in the co-main event against Tampa, Florida’s Vince McGuiness (5-7). Sanders is the reigning NEF MMA Pro Lightweight Champion. The fight with McGuiness will be a non-title affair.




Rounding out the professional portion of the card will be yet another Young’s MMA competitor in the form of Carl Langston (0-1) who is scheduled to rematch The Choi Institute’s Ernesto Ornelas (3-7) in a battle of Portland fan-favorites. Langston and Ornelas initially met last month at “NEF 33” with Ornelas coming out on top via unanimous decision. Langston immediately requested a rematch blaming his performance on nerves surrounding his pro debut. Ornelas obliged and has promised to finish Langston this time out, leaving no room for question.




The amateur portion of the card will be headlined by a pair of title fights. Undefeated Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) shohko'cha Arnold keldi (3-0) duch keladi Maykl Krespo (3-3) of First Class MMA for the vacant NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Championship. In the second title fight, Karlton Charlz (2-1) of the Charles Fighting Family and Berserkers MMA meets Dunkan “Tog'li tog '” Smith (2-2) of Evolution Athletix to crown a new NEF MMA Amateur Welterweight Champion. Both fights are scheduled for five three-minute roundsa first in the NEF amateur division as all previous title fights had been scheduled for three three-minute rounds.




Three women’s bouts will take place on the amateur card. Brianne Genschel (0-1) of First Class MMA and the Foundry will take on Tampa, Florida’s Amanda Gallo (1-1) while Genschel’s First Class MMA teammate "Chelsi" Taker (0-2) faces the debuting Shon-sharaf Uotson (0-0) Yangning MMA bo'yicha, va Carol Linn Powell (0-1) javob Sarah Matulis (1-0) of the Outlet. Powell owns and operates Nostos MMA of Somersworth, NH alongside her husband, UFC signee and former NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Champion Devin Powell (8-3).


Genri Klark (3-4) va Killian Merfi (1-0) both had opponents pull out on them prior to press time. NEF matchmakers are working on finding replacement opponents. Bantamweight and featherweight amateurs interested in either fight are asked to contact NEF via email at newenglandfights@gmail.com. Serious inquiries only please.




The fullNEF 34” kurash karta (o'zgartirish uchun mavzu):




155 Rayan Sanders 15-9 (Yangning MMA) vs Vince McGuiness 5-7 (Bang Muay Thai Tampa/Gracie Pac MMA)


145 Aaron Lacey 5-1 (Yangning MMA) vs Da’mon Blackshear 4-1 (Team ROC)


135 Carl Langston 0-1 (Yangning MMA) vs Ernesto Ornelas 3-7 (Choi’s)





170*TITLE Karlton Charlz 2-1 (Charles Fighting Family/Berserkers MMA) vs Duncan Smith 2-2 (Evolution Athletix)


135*TITLE Maykl Krespo 3-3 (Birinchi sinf MMA) vs Kam Arnold 3-0 (CMBJJ)


205 Cody Rolling 4-5 (F2 Arena) va boshqalar Mike Williams 2-2 (CMBJJ)


185 Mark Gardner 2-0 (Academy) vs Eric Camacho 0-0 (F2 Arena)


185 Jordan Norman 0-0 (Bad Little Falls Dojo) vs Zac Lawrence 0-0 (Nostos)


180 Rich Kenney 0-0 (Kenney’s MMA) vs Brandon Schwinck 0-1 (Mustaqil)


170 Dalton Dunphy 0-0 (Birinchi sinf MMA) vs Curtis Ouellette 0-1 (CMBJJ)


170 Christian Barrett 0-0 (Birinchi sinf MMA) vs Michael Vizza 1-3 (RMNU)


155 Angelo Rizzitello 1-1 (The Outlet) vs Clifford Redman 0-4 (Mustaqil)


155 Brandon Clark 0-0 (Academy) vs Joe Howard 0-0 (CMBJJ)


150 Delmarkis Edwards 0-1 (Mustaqil) vs Taylor Bartlett 0-1 (CMBJ)


150 Josiah Kenney 0-0 (Kenney’s MA) vs Carter Labrecque 0-0 (CMBJJ)


140 Jordan Young 0-0 (Mustaqil) vs Glenn Kasabian 1-3 (Nostos)


135 Brianne Genschell 0-1 (Birinchi sinf MMA) vs Amanda Gallo 1-1 (RMNU)


135 Sarah Matulis 1-0 (The Outlet) vs Carol Linn Powell 0-1 (Nostos)


130 "Chelsi" Taker 0-2 (Birinchi sinf MMA) vs Glory Watson 0-0 (Yangning MMA)


125 Greg Waterbury 0-0 (White Mountain BJJ) vs Brady MacDonald 0-1 (Pictou County Titans)





Nef keyingi aralash-jangovar-san'at tadbir, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” Portlenddagi Aurada bo'lib o'tadi, Shanba kuni Meyn, Iyun 16, 2018. Chiptalar endi onlayn tarzda sotilmoqda www.AuraMaine.com.




Portlend, Meyn (May 9, 2018) – The family that bleeds together, stays together.




It isn’t exactly warm, fuzzy, wall-hanging material that you’ll find overlooking somebody’s mantle, but the statement applies to Tampa, Florida-based domestic partners Amanda Gallo and Michael Vizza.




They’ll travel to Maine for their second New England Fights card in four months – and the first featuring both their names on the docket – for “NEF 34: Home of the Brave.”




Fight night is Saturday, Iyun 16 Portlenddagi Aurada.




Gallo (1-1), who stunned the crowd with her victory over Jayda Bailey in February, is scheduled to face Brianne Genschell (0-1) in a bantamweight clash. Vizza (1-2) will be paired with NEF newcomer Christian Barrett.




“It was supposed to happen one time, but then I got injured in training. So we’ve had fight camp together before,” Gallo said. “It’s interesting when you’re both training for a fight at the same time. When you put two hungry, angry people together, it can get difficult.”



The two fought one week apart in their most recent trips to the cage.




Vizza was still training for a bout in Florida when they paid a four-day visit to Maine in the dead of winter for Gallo’s showdown with then-undefeated Bailey.




“Like any relationship it has ups and downs,” Vizza said. “I think we have more ups than downs because we get to spend a lot of time together.”




Since relocating from Tallahassee to Tampa, the couple has trained at RMNU South Tampa. One of their coaches is NEF mainstay John Ortolani.




“We’re basically gym partners. It’s good to have the same interests,” Gallo said. “It’s cool at the gym, because when it’s time partner up with someone to drill or whatever, you know the person.”




After fighting in Georgia and Florida, Gallo wound up taking her first fight in Maine through her connection with Ortolani.




The former lacrosse player, bir faxriysi 20 pro MMA fights, spoke highly of his own experience with NEF. Gallo felt the same welcoming atmosphere from both the promotion and its fans in her first go-round.




“John had so many good things to say about the organization,” Gallo said. “And I did have an awesome experience. It’s very well organized. They treat the fighters really well.”




It took a while for her to win over the crowd, albatta. Many of them were responsible for selecting Bailey as NEF’s 2017 rookie of the year.




Leading up to the fight, Gallo saw an internet poll in which 97 percent of the fans picked her opponent to win.




“It can mess with your head a little bit when you feel like you’re considered that big an underdog, but I also used it as motivation to prove them wrong,” Gallo said. “You feel like there’s nothing to lose.”




Gallo had to laugh at the crowd response during fighter introductions, which was similarly slanted.




“They announced her name and everybody screamed,” Gallo said. “When they announced mine you could hear crickets.”




After losing her debut in Thomasville, Gruziya, by split decision to a veteran opponent, Gallo balanced the books with a unanimous decision victory at Bailey’s expense.

She will take on another local favorite in Genschell (0-1), who fights out of Farmington and First Class MMA of Topsham.




“I know she’s a black belt in jiu-jitsu, so that will be an interesting challenge,” Gallo said of Genschell.




Challenges and surprises are part of the attraction of fighting in Maine, added Vizza, who also will take on a foe from the First Class stable in Barrett.




Vizza has a TKO win and losses by split decision and submission in his home region.




“It’s just good to get a different perspective. We kind of know most of the people who fight around here,” Vizza said of the southeast. “It’s fun to train to fight someone you’ve never really seen or heard of, and to do it about as far away as you can go.”




Both fighters were impressed by the passion and loyalty of NEF fans. Vizza noted that seeing thousands of casual spectators at a local MMA promotion is unheard of in Florida.




“The energy is definitely crazy. I’ve never seen so many people so excited to watch people fight that they haven’t even heard of,"Dedi. “Down here you’re pretty much fighting in front of your family and friends. Up there people are excited to go see people they don’t even know. It’s for the genuine appreciation of the sport.”




In Gallo’s case, women’s opponents are hard to find in her corner of the country. The sudden spike of competitiveness in NEF’s female ranks could make Maine a semi-regular destination for years to come.




“When I lived in Tallahassee it was extremely difficult to find women’s fights, or fights in general. MMA is just not very big there,” Gallo said. “Down in Tampa there is a lot more promotion of the sport, but it’s still hard. All the fighters kind of know each other.”




At this rate, Gallo and Vizza may become a well-known power couple – some 1,450 miles from home – in no time.




Nef keyingi aralash-jangovar-san'at tadbir, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” Portlenddagi Aurada bo'lib o'tadi, Shanba kuni Meyn, Iyun 16, 2018. Chiptalar endi onlayn tarzda sotilmoqda www.AuraMaine.com.




Portlend, Meyn (May 3, 2018) - New England sur (NEF) Portlenddagi Auraga qaytadi, Meyn navbatdagi aralash-jang san'ati bilan, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” shanba kuni tun, Iyun 16, 2018. Avvalroq bugun, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur bantamweight bout to the card. Killian Merfi (1-0) uchrashadi Gabriel Diaz (0-1) vazn toifasida 135 funt.

Murphy made his cage debut last month at “NEF 33” in Portland with a first-round technical knockout of Krishna Scott (0-1). He followed the footsteps of his older brother Connor Murphy (1-2) into the NEF amateur ranks. Killian trains with Nostos MMA of Somersworth, New Hampshire under the tutelage of UFC signee, and former NEF Pro Lightweight Champion, Devin Powell (8-3). Prior to joining Nostos, Murphy was a standout on the wrestling mats for Marshwood High School in Elliot, Maine where he won a Class A state championship in 2015.

I’m really excited for my second fight,” - dedi Merfi. “I’ve got an amazing coach and team behind me. As for the finish, I won’t predict anything. I’ll let all my work in the cage speak for itself.

Gabriel Diaz is a member of F2 Arena in Gainesville, Florida. Iyun kuni 16, he will not only be looking to avenge his own loss at “NEF 33” to Murphy’s Nostos teammate Zac Richards (1-0), but Diaz will also have the opportunity to avenge his own F2 Arena teammate, Krishna Scott, who was defeated by Murphy at “NEF 33.”

Nef keyingi aralash-jangovar-san'at tadbir, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” Portlenddagi Aurada bo'lib o'tadi, Shanba kuni Meyn, Iyun 16, 2018. Chiptalar endi onlayn tarzda sotilmoqda www.AuraMaine.com.


Portlend, Meyn (May 2, 2018) - New England sur (NEF) Portlenddagi Auraga qaytadi, Meyn navbatdagi aralash-jang san'ati bilan, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” shanba kuni tun, Iyun 16, 2018. Avvalroq bugun, jang targ'iboti kartaga havaskorlar o'rtasida o'rta vazn toifasida chempionlik baxsining qo'shilishini e'lon qildi. Karlton Charlz (2-1) qabul qilishi rejalashtirilgan Dunkan “Tog'li tog '” Smith (2-2) bo'sh NEF havaskor 170 funt unvoni uchun. Jang beshta uch daqiqali raundga belgilangan.

Karlton Charlz o'tgan yilning yozida mag'lubiyatsiz Josh Jonsning 23 soniyali texnik nokauti bilan NEF sahnasini yorib o'tdi. (2-4) Bangordagi kartada, Meyn. Shu yilning boshida, Charlz Delmarkis Edvardsning 12 soniyali demontaji bilan NEF qafasiga qaytib keldi (0-1). Meyn Qora Bear Universitetining sobiq himoyachisi MMA oltindan birinchi zarbasini oladi Iyun 16, ammo u chempionat uchun begona emas. Vindxem o'rta maktabida o'ynaganidan keyin, Charlz futbol jamoasini yordamchi murabbiy sifatida A toifasidagi davlat unvoniga olib chiqdi.

“Men yarim o'rta vaznda havaskor NEF chempionligi uchun kurashish uchun ushbu imkoniyatdan juda xursandman va muborak bo'ldim,” - dedi Charlz. “Mening havaskorlik va jangovar martaba tajribam uchun bu juda muhim qadam. Ushbu jang men bilgan buyuk raqibga qarshi, va, qattiq mashg'ulot olib boradi va barchasini qafasda qoldiradi. Bilaman, murabbiylarim va oilam meni ushbu jangga tayyor qilishadi, va biz Portlend uchun shou namoyish etishimizni kutmoqdaman!”

Dunkan Smit o'tgan oy NEFda debyut qildi “NEF 33” Portlendda Teylor Bartlettning ta'sirchan gilyotinli taqdimoti bilan (0-1) birinchi turda. Smit bundan oldin butun mintaqada MMA va kikboksing bahslarida boshqa aktsiyalar uchun qatnashgan 2014. Sakoda joylashgan Evolution Athletix a'zosi, Meyn.

Carlton and I are both looking to go pro and climb up the ladder,” Said Smith. “Fights like this is what it’s all about. I have the upmost respect for my opponent, but I have all the skills to win. Other than getting clipped, this fight is already won.

Nef keyingi aralash-jangovar-san'at tadbir, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” Portlenddagi Aurada bo'lib o'tadi, Shanba kuni Meyn, Iyun 16, 2018. Chiptalar endi onlayn tarzda sotilmoqda www.AuraMaine.com.

New England Mushtlashish haqida

New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEFning vazifasi jangchilar va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli tadbirlarni yaratishdir. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.


Portlend, Meyn (Aprel 30, 2018) - New England sur (NEF) Portlenddagi Auraga qaytadi, Meyn navbatdagi aralash-jang san'ati bilan, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” shanba kuni tun, Iyun 16, 2018. Avvalroq bugun, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional bantamweight bout to the card. Ernesto Ornelas (3-7) yuzma imzoladi Carl Langston (0-1) 135-lira bir jang og'irligi.

The bout will be a rematch of their fight in Portland earlier this month. Ornelas and Langston initially met at “NEF 33” aprel kuni 14 at Aura. Ornelas, a member of Portland’s The Choi Institute, put on an impressive showing for the duration of three rounds on his way to a unanimous decision win on the judges’ qorni. The victory was Ornelasfirst in the NEF cage with four previous attempts since the promotion’s inception in February 2012. (He holds a record of 1-0 as a professional in the NEF boxing ring as well.) Not only is Ornelas predicting another win over Langston on Iyun 16 he promises to finish his foe this time.

Carl said his nerves got the better of him that night. Bunday Qilma, they didn’t Men got the better of him, once I stepped into that cage and took the center and looked him in the eye,” said Ornelas imperatively. I saw fear. A true fighter has no fear. Iyun 16, he will see what a true fighter looks like, as he looks up at me from the flat of his back.

The “NEF 33” bout with Ornelas was Langston’s pro debut after a lengthy amateur career that spanned 16 fights and more than four years. Many of his friends and family had turned out for the event in his hometown of Portland. And while Langston did force Ornelas to the scorecards, the Young’s MMA member was disappointed in his own performance, blaming the loss on nerves. He immediately asked NEF matchmakers for a rematch against Ornelas on the Iyun 16 Portland card.

I couldn’t be more excited about getting this rematch,” declared Langston. “I asked for this rematch the same night I lost to Ernie. I just wasn’t me that night. It was my first pro fight and my nerves got to me. I just didn’t feel like myself in there. Bu aytilgan, I still took him to a decision being that he had nine pro fights and I was making my pro debut. He still doesn’t bring the skill set and talent that I bring to the cage. This was a big mistake for Ernie to accept this rematch. He got lucky the first time, and I promise I will finish him this time. I know what it feels like being in there with him now, and I will make him fold without a doubt in my mind. He’s a mouthpiece, and I’m going to silence him and his groupies.

Nef keyingi aralash-jangovar-san'at tadbir, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” Portlenddagi Aurada bo'lib o'tadi, Shanba kuni Meyn, Iyun 16, 2018. Chiptalar endi onlayn tarzda sotilmoqda www.AuraMaine.com.


Portlend, Meyn (Aprel 27, 2018) - New England sur (NEF) Portlenddagi Auraga qaytadi, Meyn navbatdagi aralash-jang san'ati bilan, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” on Saturday night, Iyun 16, 2018. Avvalroq bugun, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur women’s catchweight bout to the card. "Chelsi" Taker (0-2) will return to the NEF cage to take on the debuting Shon-sharaf Uotson (0-0) 130-funt bir jang og'irligi.

"Chelsi" Taker, a member of First Class MMA of Brunswick, Meyn, is a native of Williamsburg, Virginia. She has served her country as a veteran of the United States Coast Guard. Tucker has twice entered the NEF cage to compete in MMA bouts. She lost to Sarah Matulis (1-0) via TKO last fall atNEF 31. She returned to meet Catie Denning (1-0) in February atNEF 32. Tucker forced Denning to a decision, but lost on the judges’ qorni. Earlier this month, Tucker entered the NEF cage for a third time to grapple Carol Linn Powell (0-1) on the opener of “NEF 33.” Tucker and Powell went to a five-minute draw.

I look forward to stepping into the cage with Glory,” said Tucker. It’s always an honor to step into the cage with anyone who puts in the time and work. She comes from a very good gym and so do I. I have some great sparring partners and coaches. I’m excited to show what I have learned every time I make an appearance.

NEF 34will be the debut of Glory Watson in the MMA cage. Watson is a product of Young’s MMA of Bangor, Maine where she is a teammate of Catie Denning who defeated Chelsea Tucker earlier this year. She is eager to test the skills she has picked up from her team in the cage this June.

I’m looking forward to stepping into the cage to represent Young’s MMA,” said Watson. “Men bu sport sevgi, and am excited to show what I can do. I am thankful to the NEF for this opportunity to put the skills I have learned to the test.

Nef keyingi aralash-jangovar-san'at tadbir, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” Portlenddagi Aurada bo'lib o'tadi, Shanba kuni Meyn, Iyun 16, 2018. Chiptalar endi onlayn tarzda sotilmoqda www.AuraMaine.com.


Portlend, Meyn (Aprel 26, 2018) - New England sur (NEF) Portlenddagi Auraga qaytadi, Meyn navbatdagi aralash-jang san'ati bilan, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” shanba kuni tun, Iyun 16, 2018. Avvalroq bugun, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional lightweight bout to the card. Reigning NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Champion “The” Rayan Sanders (15-9) duch keladi Vince McGuiness (5-7) in a non-title bout at a fight weight of 155-pounds.

Ryan Sanders has had a storied career in the NEF cage. He competed in, va qo'lga kiritdi, the main event of the very first NEF card in February 2012 over veteran Dan Keefe (7-3). Sanders fought on ten of the first fifteen NEF cards, including the company’s co-promotion with Bellator in the spring of 2013. After more than a two-year absence from NEF, Sanders returned to the promotion in August 2016 and went on a five-fight win-streak over the course of the next yearthe longest streak of his career. During that stint, Sanders captured his first gold in NEFthe coveted professional lightweight titlewith a victory over Jon Lemke (7-8) last spring. The bout with McGuiness will be Sandersfirst in the NEF cage since August 2017. He will be looking to bounce back from a loss in Massachusetts last month. Sanders is a longtime member of Bangor, Maine’s Young’s MMA fight team.

I’m ecstatic to be back fighting for the NEF, it has been too long,” said Sanders. “I’m back to show the fans that I’m the best lightweight in the region, and that I’m on the road to be the best lightweight in the world. I really appreciate Vince taking this fight. I look forward to showing my improvements and the work that I’ve been putting in while away from the cage. I have great coaches, teammates, and an amazing wife in my corner that makes me truly feel unstoppable. Come watch me take another step towards my destiny on Iyun 16 in Portland.

A native of Brooklyn, New York and current head coach of Bang Muay Thai in Tampa, Florida, Vince McGuiness is no stranger to the New England MMA scene. His two most recent fights have been in Massachusetts, and McGuiness has even competed previously on a Portland fight card in 2015. He will be looking to rebound against Sanders after losing his last four bouts in the cage.

“I’m excited to be back in New England fighting again,” said McGuiness. “I always get love up there. I’m ready to put on a scrap!"

Nef keyingi aralash-jangovar-san'at tadbir, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” Portlenddagi Aurada bo'lib o'tadi, Shanba kuni Meyn, Iyun 16, 2018. Chiptalar endi onlayn tarzda sotilmoqda www.AuraMaine.com.


Portlend, Meyn (Aprel 25, 2018) - New England sur (NEF) Portlenddagi Auraga qaytadi, Meyn navbatdagi aralash-jang san'ati bilan, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” on Saturday night, Iyun 16, 2018. Avvalroq bugun, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur women’s bantamweight bout to the card. Carol Linn Powell (0-1) duch rejalashtirilgan Sarah Matulis (1-0) 135-lira bir jang og'irligi.





Powell is the wife of current UFC signee and former NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Champion Devin Powell (8-3). Birga, the couple owns and operates Nostos MMA & Conditioning Facility in Somersworth, Nyu-Xempshir. The gym earned theBest Martial Arts Gymdesignation in the 2017 “Best of the Seacoast” mukofotlar. Carol Linn made her in-cage debut last November in Portland against Francesca Morabito (1-0), losing a hard-fought decision on the judges’ qorni. Earlier this month, Powell grappled Chelsea Tucker to a draw to open “NEF 33″ Portlendda.





“Words can’t describe how excited and thankful I am to be partaking in the third NEF event in Portland after competing in the first and second,” said Powell when reached for comment. “Both times I’ve been in the cage have been very entertaining—the first of which ended in me getting my contacts knocked out and looking like Sloth after—and this time will be no different, I just plan on getting the job done quicker. I am looking forward to getting back in there and testing myself again and getting to witness how much better I have gotten at the sport. Sarah and I both made our debuts at ‘NEF 31’ noyabr oyida, and I can’t wait to overcome the new challenges she has for me and to get my first win in the cage.”





Like Powell, Sarah Matulis did indeed make her cage debut atNEF 31last November in Portland. That evening she was victorious over Chelsea Tucker with a first-round technical knockout. By day, Matulis is a mother and nurse practitioner who studied nursing at Pace University in New York. She is a member of The Outlet based in Dexter, Maine and regularly competes in grappling events throughout the New England region.





I’m thrilled to be competing again for NEF,” said Matulis. “Carol Linn and I are both budding amateur fighters. I know she’s hunting for her first win, but I plan to remain undefeated. NEF fans are accustomed to seeing spectacular WMMA bouts, and I fully expect this fight will keep to that standard.





Nef keyingi aralash-jangovar-san'at tadbir, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” Portlenddagi Aurada bo'lib o'tadi, Shanba kuni Meyn, Iyun 16, 2018. Chiptalar endi onlayn tarzda sotilmoqda www.AuraMaine.com.