Tag Archives: NEF


PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Portland, Maine (Agosto 25, 2017) Fights -Nova Inglaterra (NEF) fará sua tão esperada estreia em Portland emSexta-feira, Novembro 3, 2017 na Aura com “NEF 31: O Porto Velho.” Hoje cedo, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional mixed-martial-arts bout to the card. Banheiro “First Class” Raio (2-8) vai se reunir Zenon “K-Bar” Herrera (0-5) com um peso de captura de 150 libras.

For John Raio, the bout will mark his return to the cage after more than two years. Raio retired following his rematch with Bruce Boyington (13-11) em Junho 2015. He has decided to make one more run at competing. Competition has been in Raio’s blood since his youth. He won a Maine state championship wrestling for Gardiner Area High School in 1995, and he went on to wrestle for Plymouth State University and the University of Southern Maine. While working for the United States Postal Service, Raio began competing in MMA in 2012. Since his retirement, Raio has concentrated on training fighters at his gym First Class MMA in Brunswick, Maine. He has led several to championship gold in the NEF cage while working full-time at his current position with Bath Iron Works (BIW).

I’m excited to get back into the cage,” said Raio. “Two years is a long time after fighting 14 vezes em três anos. I’ve learned a lot about the sport in that time. Our team’s success has motivated me a lot. We have amazing fighters and instructors at our gym. The opportunity to fight in Portland, where I delivered mail for eight years, was too hard to pass up.

Zenon Herrera last competed in the NEF cage in August 2016. He has split his professional career between boxing and MMA. Herrera is a military veteran, having served four years in the United States Army and five years in the United States Marine Corps. Em 3 de novembro, Herrera will look to score his first win since his amateur days on the Florida MMA circuit.

It’s been a long time since last in the NEF cage for both myself and John Raio,” Disse Herrera. “This will be a great way for both of us to make a return, and I’m very much looking forward to going in with such a well classed person. John and I are both the type who will come forward and never back down. I really think this is going to be a great match that will be enjoyed by all involved.

próximo evento misto de artes marciais do NEF, “NEF 31: O porto antigo,” verá a estreia da empresa em Portland, Maine no novo, espaço moderno Aura. O evento está programado para acontecer em Sexta-feira, Novembro 3, 2017. Os ingressos já estão à venda em www.auramaine.com.

Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra


PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Portland, Maine (Agosto 24, 2017) Fights -Nova Inglaterra (NEF) fará sua tão esperada estreia em Portland emSexta-feira, Novembro 3, 2017 na Aura com “NEF 31: O Porto Velho.” Hoje cedo, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur mixed-martial-arts bantamweight bout to the card. Henry Clark (3-3) está programado para enfrentar Carl Langston (6-9) com um peso de luta de 135 quilos.

Henry Clark is a member of the Choi Institute based in Portland. Since his debut in the fall of 2014, Clark has been known for producing exciting moments in the NEF cage. In a memorable bout with Langston’s Young’s MMA teammate, and current NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Champion, Fred Lear (6-2), Clark held onto a triangle choke while Lear viciously slammed him not once but twice. He will look to break a two-fight losing streak with what Clark predicts to be a dominant performance against Langston in front of his hometown fans.

Portland is my town,” declared Clark. “Em 3 de novembro, I’m showing up to prove that. I’ve got a great opponent in Carl who always shows up to fight, but I’m planning on keeping it a dominant, one-sided affair. Truly my only desire is that of violence, my only intention is victory. Both will be achieved.

Like Clark, Carl Langston calls Portland home. With a background in Taekwondo, Langston has thrilled NEF fans on numerous occasions with his prolific striking abilities. He knocked out Alex Johnson (2-3) with a series of violent kicks to the body in Langston’s last NEF appearance. Langston says this will be his last amateur fight before turning professional.

This will be my last amateur fight and there isn’t any better way to go out fighting for NEF’s first card in my hometown in Portland,” stated Langston. “I’m super pumped to be part of this card! Quanto ao meu oponente, he’s a good guy and I have nothing bad to say about him, but come fight time, I’m going to walk through him. He won’t make it out of the second round. He has nothing to offer me.

próximo evento misto de artes marciais do NEF, “NEF 31: O porto antigo,” verá a estreia da empresa em Portland, Maine no novo, espaço moderno Aura. O evento está programado para acontecer em Sexta-feira, Novembro 3, 2017. Os ingressos já estão à venda em www.auramaine.com.


Bangor, Maine (Agosto 6, 2017) –Não havia lugar como o lar Sábado noite para C.J. Jarro, Ryan Sanders e Fred Lear do MMA de Young em Bangor.

Lutando em frente a um salão de baile lotado a poucos passos de seu quartel de treinamento, os três lutadores no topo do card em “NEF 30” Rumble in Bangor ”, todos registraram vitórias impressionantes no Cross Insurance Center.

Ewer derrotou Mike “The Mustache” Hansen por finalização em 1:46 da primeira rodada para capturar o título vago NEF pro dos médios. Lear conquistou o cinturão de peso galo amador do NEF, enquanto Sanders apertou seu controle sobre a cena profissional leve da Nova Inglaterra em um triunfo sem título.

Foi a segunda lotação esgotada de agosto consecutiva em Queen City, uma tradição que começou com “NEF Presents Dana White: Olhar dentro’ For a Fight ”no verão passado.

Depois de sua difícil vitória sobre o viajado Jay Ellis, Sanders campeão dos leves profissionais do NEF, Não classificados. 1 na região, manteve seus comentários curtos e amáveis ​​enquanto chamava o supracitado Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) presidente.

“Você pegou o cara errado ano passado,”Sanders disse. "Venha me buscar agora."

Sanders (15-8) não teve um caminho fácil contra Ellis, um veterano de mais de 80 lutas profissionais. Ellis manteve Sanders sob controle durante a maior parte da luta, mas se deixou vulnerável a um estrangulamento em triângulo em 2:34 do primeiro turno.

Ewer despachou Hansen com uma manobra igualmente rápida.

“É uma sensação ótima vencer na frente da torcida,”Ewer disse. “Por mais que trabalhemos (no acampamento de treinamento), Não achei que nada pudesse me impedir. "

O final repentino estragou as esperanças de Hansen de ganhar um título pela primeira vez em seus 13 anos de carreira em artes marciais mistas.

“Este foi de longe o melhor campo de treinamento que já tive. Nós estávamos apenas nos aquecendo,”Hansen disse. “Eu tinha muito mais para dar, e tenho certeza C.J. tinha muito mais para dar. Mas ei, poderíamos fazer de novo. ”

Lear destacou a parte amadora do card com um nocaute oficial no segundo assalto de Walt Shea.

Apenas o sino salvou Shea do ataque de Lear no final do capítulo de abertura. Lear ganhou a vantagem com um chute na cabeça no meio dessa rodada. Depois de quase travar em uma barra de braço que poderia ter encerrado a luta, Lear ensanguentou Shea, até então invicto, com uma série de ataques.

O fim parecia inevitável quando Shea precisava da ajuda de Lear para encontrar seu canto entre as rodadas, e outro ataque interrompido acelerou o final apenas 14 segundos mais tarde.

Um Lear emocionado elogiou seu treinador, Chris Young do MMA de Young, antes de colocar o cinto em volta da cintura do professor.

“Muita gente por aqui sabe o nome dele, mas eles não conhecem o homem,”Lear disse. “Ele é o primeiro cara na academia pela manhã e o último a sair à noite. Ele é a razão de estarmos todos aqui. Ele é a razão de nosso sucesso. Ele é a razão de alguns de nós não estarmos na prisão. "

Nas duas primeiras lutas de Josh Jones’ carreira de MMA amador, Jones despachou seus oponentes por nocaute com um soco em um total de 24 segundos. Carlton Charles levou um tique-taque a menos para derrubar Jones na impressionante conclusão de um emaranhado de ex-atletas universitários famosos.

Charles, um produto do programa de futebol da Universidade do Maine em sua caminhada inicial até a jaula do NEF, virou o jogo em Jones (2-1) em uma sucata de peso médio. Jones novamente foi para a paralisação antecipada com um par de tiros em loop, mas Charles calmamente os abaixou antes de pousar um dos seus e levar a questão para o tapete.

“Eu simplesmente amo a competição,”Charles disse. “Você não leva uma pancada na cara assim no campo de futebol.”

Quando os combatentes se recuperaram, Charles apoiou Jones contra a gaiola e acertou a mandíbula com as duas mãos direitas. Jones se ajoelhou e acertou um golpe de esquerda na cabeça. Isso convenceu o árbitro a intervir e parar a luta, um veredicto que deixou Jones e seu campo de MMA de primeira classe visivelmente confusos.

Era o charles’ segunda vitória unilateral em esportes de combate em uma semana. Anteriormente, ele entregou um nocaute técnico no primeiro round no ringue de boxe amador. Jones sofreu sua primeira derrota desde a transição do basquete, que jogou profissionalmente na Europa depois de estrelar na Universidade Husson de Bangor.

Um olhar para Sexta-feira Pesagem oficial sugeriu que a luta entre Roger Ewer (251 libras) e Dustin Freeman (220) pode ser o típico stand-up, caso de peso pesado. Em vez, transformou-se em uma vitrine de peso e peso que ficava bem na casa do leme de Ewer. Irmão mais velho de C.J., fazendo sua estreia no hexágono NEF em 44 anos de idade, martelou a vantagem ao longo e ganhou um nocaute técnico por meio de ataques sem resposta em 2:31 da segunda estrofe.

Nate Boucher melhorou para 2-0 com uma paralisação na primeira rodada de Jeremiah Barkac, quem estava fazendo sua estréia na gaiola. Barkac ganhou uma vantagem inicial na luta do galo com uma enxurrada de ataques, mas Boucher habilmente ganhou vantagem com as pernas e travou em um estrangulamento triangular.

Ganhar ou perder, Angela Young de Bangor anunciou que sua batalha com Jessica "The Black Widow" Borga seria a luta final de sua carreira. Pagamento (6-3) apagou qualquer esperança de um final de Hollywood com um nocaute técnico decisivo em 2:16 da rodada de abertura. Jovem (2-3), esposa de chris, nunca tinha ido menos do que a distância em qualquer uma de suas vitórias ou derrotas anteriores.

Em uma estreia mútua entre NEF e MMA, Zach Faulkner encantou sua torcida com uma vitória no segundo turno sobre David Hart, com mata-leão. O fim veio em 1:42.

Jesse Hutchinson também teve uma estreia triunfante nas fileiras amadoras. Ele parou Anthony LaPointe em 2:43 do primeiro turno em uma escaramuça de meio-médio.

NEF também anunciou que o próximo evento de artes marciais mistas da promoção, “NEF 31: O porto antigo,” verá a empresa fazer sua tão esperada estreia em Portland, Maine no novo, espaço moderno Aura. O evento está programado para acontecer em Sexta-feira, Novembro 3, 2017. Os ingressos estarão à venda nesta quarta-feira, Agosto 9 em www.auramaine.com.

Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra

Lutas da Nova Inglaterra ("NEF") é uma luta promoção de eventos empresa. A missão da NEF é criar os eventos de alta qualidade para lutadores e fãs do Maine tanto. A equipe executiva da NEF tem uma vasta experiência na gestão de esportes de combate, produção de eventos, relações com a mídia, marketing, legal e publicidade.


PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Bangor, Maine (Julho 21, 2017) - Fights Nova Inglaterra (NEF) retorna ao Cross Insurance Center no sábado noite, Agosto 5, 2017 com o próximo evento misto de artes marciais da promoção luta, “NEF 30: Rumble em Bangor.” Hoje cedo, NEF anunciou o cartão de luta completo para o evento.

No evento principal da noite, Do próprio Bangor CJ Ewer (2-0) vai se reunir Mike Hansen (5-5) de Rumford, Maine em uma competição de cinco rounds para coroar um novo campeão dos médios do NEF MMA Pro. Ewer é membro da academia local de Young’s MMA, enquanto Hansen representa o Berserkers MMA com base na região de River Valley, no estado. Ewer teve um nocaute no carretel de destaque sobre Ruben Redman (0-1) em sua última luta na cruz – exatamente um ano antes do dia em que ele conhecerá Hansen.

O co-evento principal da noite terá o companheiro de equipe de Ewer’s Young, perspectiva invicta de Bangor Aaron Lacey (4-0) enfrentar o veterano do Bellator Bryan Goldsby (17-16). Goldsby representará o desafio mais experiente de Lacey até agora. Lacey tem sido nada menos que “Implacável” – o apelido dele – desde que se tornou profissional. Ele finalizou três de seus quatro oponentes no primeiro round. Só joão santos (3-5) conseguiu sobreviver a três rodadas completas com Lacey no verão passado em Bangor. Lacey venceu a luta por decisão dividida em um acidentado, vai e volta, “luta da noite” atuação.

Completar o card profissional será outra pedra angular de Young, “O” Ryan Sanders (14-8), quem vai conhecer Milwaukee, Veterano de Wisconsin Jay Ellis (14-68) em um concurso welterweight. Sanders é o atual campeão dos leves do NEF MMA Pro, tendo derrotado Jon Lemke (6-8) em uma final de torneio em abril passado para reivindicar o título. A luta com Ellis será um caso sem título. Sanders tem uma seqüência de quatro vitórias consecutivas que começou há um ano no Cross.

A atração principal da parte amadora do card de luta será uma luta pelo título de peso galo amador do NEF MMA. Fred Lear (5-2) de Bangor vai lutar com Jefferson, Maine de Walt Shea (2-0) para o campeonato vago de 135 libras. Lear e Shea continuarão uma rivalidade competitiva que se desenvolveu nas fileiras amadoras nos últimos anos entre o MMA Young’s de Lear e a equipe de MMA de Primeira Classe de Shea com base em Brunswick, Maine.

A abertura da noite será uma luta de mulheres entre Angela Jovem (2-2), esposa do fundador do MMA de Young e treinador principal Chris Young, e Flórida Jessica “A viúva negra” Pagamento (5-2). Espera-se que a sucata seja empolgante. Jovem, uma enfermeira registrada no Eastern Maine Medical Center (EMMC), colocou vários “luta da noite” apresentações que levaram o público ao frenesi. Borga fará sua terceira viagem ao Maine no ano passado para competir na jaula do NEF.

O cheio “NEF 30” cartão da luta (sujeitas a alterações):


185*TÍTULO C. J. Jarro 2-0 (MMA de Young) vs Mike Hansen 5-5 (Berserkers MMA)

170 Ryan Sanders 14-8 (MMA de Young) vs Jay Ellis 14-68 (Knockout da equipe)

145 Aaron Lacey 4-0 (MMA de Young) vs Bryan Goldsby 17-16 (Jorge Gurgel)

MMA amador

135*TÍTULO Fred Lear 5-2 (MMA de Young) vs Walt Shea 2-0 (First Class MMA)

265 Roger Ewer 0-0 (MMA de Young) vs Dustin Freeman 0-0 (Independente)

185 Josh Jones 2-0 (First Class MMA) vs Carlton Charles 0-0 (Família Charles Briga / Incêndio&Iron Athletics)

170 Anthony Lapointe 0-1 (Titan Athletics) vs Jesse Hutchinson 0-0 (CMBJJ)

160 Zachary Faulkner 0-0 (Titan Athletics) vs David Hart 0-0 (MMA de Kenney)

145 Robbie Kiah 1-0 (MMA de Young) vs Robert H. Norris III (Independente)

135 Nate Boucher 1-0 (CMBJJ) vs Jeremiah Barkac 0-0 (Independente)

135 Angela Jovem 2-2 (MMA de Young) vs Jessica Borga 5-3 (Campeões MMA)

"NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor ”será realizado no Cross Insurance Center em Bangor, Maine no sábado, Agosto 5, 2017. Os ingressos já estão à venda emwww.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

Para mais informações sobre as atualizações de cartões de eventos e de luta, por favor visite o site da promoção no www.NewEnglandFights.com. Além, você pode assistir a vídeos no NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, siga-os no Twitter @nefights e aderir ao grupo oficial do Facebook “Lutas da Nova Inglaterra."

Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra

Lutas da Nova Inglaterra ("NEF") é uma luta promoção de eventos empresa. A missão da NEF é criar os eventos de alta qualidade para lutadores e fãs do Maine tanto. A equipe executiva da NEF tem uma vasta experiência na gestão de esportes de combate, produção de eventos, relações com a mídia, marketing, legal e publicidade.


PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Bangor, Maine (Junho 23, 2017) - Fights Nova Inglaterra (NEF) retorna ao Cross Insurance Center no sábado noite, Agosto 5, 2017 com o próximo evento misto de artes marciais da promoção luta, “NEF 30: Rumble em Bangor.” Hoje cedo, NEF anunciou a adição de um ataque pluma profissional para o cartão da luta. Aaron “Implacável” Lacey (4-0) vai assumir Bryan Goldsby (18-15) com um peso de luta de 145 quilos.

Goldsby will be the most experienced fighter Bangor-area prospect Aaron Lacey has ever faced in the cage. He has four Bellator bouts under his belt and has faced national stars such as Will Campuzano (14-6) and Jeff Curran (36-17-1). Goldsby made his NEF debut earlier this month, not in the MMA cage but in the boxing ring. O 5 de agosto bout will represent his return to the cage after more than a three year absence.

Lacey put on a “luta da noite” performance last year in Bangor in a brutal back-and-forth war against John Santos (3-5). It was the only fight of Lacey’s pro career thus far to make it to the judges’ scorecards. He has finished all three of his other opponents via first-round submission. The fight with Goldsby will be Lacey’s first since last November.

Fighting in Bangor last year was a dream come true, but it also showed me I have a lot to work on,” said Lacey. “I have been nonstop since then and have made giant improvements. Goldsby is a seasoned opponent who has fought at some of the highest levels the sport has to offer. This will be a big test for me and I’m looking forward to showing everyone just how dangerous I can be!”

"NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor ”será realizado no Cross Insurance Center em Bangor, Maine no sábado, Agosto 5, 2017. Os ingressos já estão à venda em www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

Para mais informações sobre as atualizações de cartões de eventos e de luta, por favor visite o site da promoção no www.NewEnglandFights.com. Além, você pode assistir a vídeos no NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, siga-os no Twitter @nefights e aderir ao grupo oficial do Facebook “Lutas da Nova Inglaterra."

Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra

Lutas da Nova Inglaterra ("NEF") é uma luta promoção de eventos empresa. A missão da NEF é criar os eventos de alta qualidade para lutadores e fãs do Maine tanto. A equipe executiva da NEF tem uma vasta experiência na gestão de esportes de combate, produção de eventos, relações com a mídia, marketing, legal e publicidade.


PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Bangor, Maine (Junho 20, 2017) - Fights Nova Inglaterra (NEF) retorna ao Cross Insurance Center no sábado noite, Agosto 5, 2017 com o próximo evento misto de artes marciais da promoção luta, “NEF 30: Rumble em Bangor.” Hoje cedo, NEF announced the addition of a professional championship middleweight contest to the fight card. CJ Ewer (2-0) vai assumir Microfone “O Bigode” Hansen (5-5) for the vacant NEF MMA Pro 185-pound championship.

CJ Ewer serves as a member of the United States Air Force security forces. When not defending the nation overseas, Ewer trains at Young’s MMA in Bangor. He is an accomplished wrestler, with two Maine state high school championships and a New England district championship to his credit. Ewer wrestled under legendary coach Ted Reese while attending the University of Southern Maine (USM). Upon joining the MMA circuit, he put together a 5-2 gravar como amador antes de se tornar profissional. Ewer’s last fight was one year ago to the day in Bangor atNEF PresentsDana White: Olhar dentro’ for a Fight.” He dropped Ruben Redman (0-1) with a highlight reel knockout that brought White and his web series co-stars to their feet at ringside.

Mike is a tough-as-nails opponent, and I look forward to testing myself against him,” said Ewer of the upcoming title fight with Hansen. “No final da luta, the most prepared fighter will win. Mike will not out work me in preparation, nor does he have training partners that I have. I look forward to bringing the 185-pound belt back to Young’s MMA on 5 de agosto.”

Mike Hansen, like CJ Ewer, proudly served his country. Hansen was a combat engineer in the United States Army before retiring from the service. Also like Ewer, Hansen comes from a wrestling background with a Maine state title earned during his time with Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine. A founding member of team Berserkers MMA, Hansen has a reputation for taking on all comers. He has never backed down from a challenge, sometimes battling behemoths two weight classes larger than himself.

I’ve been working towards this moment for years now,” stated Hansen. “I busted into the Maine MMA scene just over two years ago and have been fighting top ranked fighters and the guys that everyone else runs from to prove that I can fight. CJ Ewer is a great competitor coming from the best camp in the state at Young’s MMA. I have nothing but respect for them up there, and I know he will come ready to fight. Com isso dito, I will be ready for war, and I’m coming home with the gold that night. He’s just another man locked in the cage with me, and anyone who has had that caged locked behind them across from me knows I’m not an easy win.

"NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor ”será realizado no Cross Insurance Center em Bangor, Maine no sábado, Agosto 5, 2017. Os ingressos já estão à venda em www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

Para mais informações sobre as atualizações de cartões de eventos e de luta, por favor visite o site da promoção no www.NewEnglandFights.com. Além, você pode assistir a vídeos no NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, siga-os no Twitter @nefights e aderir ao grupo oficial do Facebook “Lutas da Nova Inglaterra."

Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra

Lutas da Nova Inglaterra ("NEF") é uma luta promoção de eventos empresa. A missão da NEF é criar os eventos de alta qualidade para lutadores e fãs do Maine tanto. A equipe executiva da NEF tem uma vasta experiência na gestão de esportes de combate, produção de eventos, relações com a mídia, marketing, legal e publicidade.


PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Lewiston, Maine (Maio 3, 2017) Fights -Nova Inglaterra (NEF) retorna ao Androscoggin Bank Colisee em Sábado, Junho 17, 2017 com o próximo evento da promoção de luta, “NEF 29: ESTRELAS & LISTRAS.” O evento contará com uma lista completa de artes marciais mistas (MMA) e lutas de boxe profissional. The amateur portion of the card will be headlined by a lightweight title fight that will see Rafael “Deez Nuts” Velado (4-0) defend against Pat Kelly (3-0).


A Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt, Velado made his NEF debut in the fall of 2015. He submitted Kelly’s Young’s MMA teammate Jimmy Jackson (3-3) em “NEF 25” to claim the amateur lightweight title. A data, only Mike Peitersen (3-1), another member of Young’s, has gone the distance with Velado who has established himself as a master of arm bars and Kimuras. Velado is a member of First Class MMA in Brunswick, Maine.


Here we go again,” exclaimed Velado. “We’ve got a friendly rivalry going between First Class MMA and Young’s MMA. They throw a badass at me and I answer the call. PK (Pat Kelly) is a legend of sorts. If you wrestle in Maine and you don’t know who he is, you’re out of touch. I think PK a different kind of challenge for me than my previous four fights. I’ve shown that I can get the fight to the ground and that I’m dangerous when I get there, but that’s a wildcard with Pat. This fight is very exciting to me because we are both undefeated and the winner is going to have to prove that they are ready for the next level by bringing a well-rounded game. I have no doubt as to whether PK is capable of taking me down. A questão é; will he regret his decision to take me there? We will see on 17 de junho.”


Pat Kelly is, as Velado noted, a legend in the Maine wrestling world. He put together an impressive 116-20 career record at the University of Maine, captured a New England title and wrestled in the NCAA Championships in 1986. The 52-year-old is no stranger to the championship circle as a coach either, having led the Camden Hills team to several state titles over the years, earning himself an induction into the Maine Amateur Wrestling Alliance Hall of Fame in the process. Kelly famously coached current UFC star Tim Boetsch (20-11) to four state wrestling titles during Boetsch’s time at Camden Hills.


As a member of Young’s MMA, Kelly made his MMA debut atNEF 14.Known for his intense in-cage performances, Kelly has finished all three of his opponents. A knee injury has forced him to the sidelines since his last victory in the summer of 2015.


“Primeiro, my sincere thanks to NEF for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and to Coach Chris Young and Ernie Fitch along with all my teammates at Young’s MMA,” said Kelly. “I am so pumped-up to get back into the NEF cage. I am now fully recovered from a serious knee injury and am felling better than ever. This fight makes perfect sense in that you have two undefeated fighters that are willing to wage war for the belt.


I am honored to share the cage with a fighter of Raf’s caliber,” Kelly continued. “I respect the fact he is currently the undefeated champ. To fight him means that my time has come to offer him a challenge worthy of title contention. I have been training for an opportunity like this for the past four years. I will bring to the cage a sense of unpredictability and true grit. In essence, Raf will do what he has to do and I will do what I have to do. Aconteça o que acontecer, happens.


New England Fights retorna ao Androscoggin Bank Colisee em Lewiston, Maine com seu próximo evento, “NEF 29: ESTRELAS & LISTRAS,” no sábado, Junho 17, 2017. Os ingressos já estão à venda na bilheteria do Colisee 207-783-2009 X 525 e em linha emwww.TheColisee.com.


Para mais informações sobre as atualizações de cartões de eventos e de luta, por favor visite o site da promoção no www.NewEnglandFights.com. Além, você pode assistir a vídeos no NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, siga-os no Twitter @nefights e aderir ao grupo oficial do Facebook “Lutas da Nova Inglaterra."


Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra

Lutas da Nova Inglaterra ("NEF") é uma luta promoção de eventos empresa. A missão da NEF é criar os eventos de alta qualidade para lutadores e fãs do Maine tanto. A equipe executiva da NEF tem uma vasta experiência na gestão de esportes de combate, produção de eventos, relações com a mídia, marketing, legal e publicidade.



PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Lewiston, Maine (Abril 27, 2017) – Nunca um a recuar a partir de um desafio, or an opportunity to call out the competition, “The” Ryan Sanders is irked by the tone of the scuttlebutt since his first fight with Jon Lemke last November.

Sim, the skirmish stopped during the third round, due to a deep cut on Lemke’s head. But with Sanders leading comfortably, 20-18, em todas as três cartas, he was declared the winner.

It all fell in line with the Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts, and it surely reflected Sanders’ conviction that he was well in command of the bout and on his way to victory, regardless. Since that night, o Sábado before Thanksgiving, contudo, Sanders, 29, says that Lemke and others in his camp have been a tad too outspoken about their belief that it was somehow a tainted victory.

In a recent interview with Jason Floyd on “The MMA Report Podcast,” Sanders held nothing back when queried about his motivation to dole out another beating when the former training partners meet this Saturday, Abril 29 in a rematch at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston.

Desta vez, it’s the tournament final for the vacant lightweight title at “NEF 28: Invincible.”

“I was a little upset afterwards that (Lemke) said he thought it should have been a no-contest,”Sanders disse. “What Jon won’t talk about or say is that right before I got that takedown, he quit. He quit in my arms.”

Sanders (13-8) clarified that comment, adding that while Lemke (6-7) didn’t say the word explicitly, his vast experience in the cage underscored his belief that the end was nigh.

“A fighter knows when someone is about to give up, and Jon was about to give up,"Ele disse. “He wasn’t fighting that takedown in my arms. He was just dead weight in my arms, so it’s a bit frustrating that he would say that.”

It didn’t take long for the stars to align and serve up the second helping that both fighters’ fan bases crave. With a shot at the strap in the offing, both men made short work of their 155-pound tournament semifinal opponents in February.

Sanders landed a vicious kick to the jaw of John Ortolani that ended their confrontation in a mere 15 segundos. Lemke was just as impressive, needing only a minute longer to dispatch Jesse “the Viking” Erickson.

Typically it’s the defeated fighter in this scenario who covets the chance at vindication, but Sanders sounds like the one with an axe to grind after hearing some of the public perception about his previous win.

“I’m happy that we get a rematch and to be able to show everyone that the first time it wasn’t a fluke and to have my hand raised again,” Sanders, que é 6-1 in his past seven fights, dito. “I’m unstoppable right now. I’m surrounded with the best people. I’ve got great teammates, great coaches and an amazing wife … Any guy who fights me, they are (screwed)."

Asked if he is bent on earning a submission to achieve a measure of unfinished business, Sanders quickly declared that any form of victory will suffice.

“Not necessarily to get a stoppage victory, but I’m going to show him. It will be five months since we fought, and I’ve been in the gym every day, and I’m going to show him that he’s not on my level,”Sanders disse. “Eventually the victory will come whether it’s a submission, a TKO, a knockout. Jon does have a lot of heart, but I’m going to be stealing it from him. I’m going to steal his soul and I’m going to break his will.

“I’m a grappler, so I do prefer a nice submission victory,” he continued. “But whatever he gives me I’ll take, and I’m going to go in there and take it. I’m going to take that belt home. That is my belt, and I’ve worked too hard to let anyone else take it from me.”

The rivalry between Sanders and Lemke is a natural one. They were former stablemates at Team Irish before Sanders switched to rival Young’s MMA.

Sanders said he didn’t earn enough takedowns for his liking in the previous encounter, but he believes the scorecards were an accurate reflection of how he dominated the fight.

“I knew he was a tough dude. He could take a punch. He could take a kick,”Sanders disse. “I feel like I was getting the best of it.”

A second bout with Lemke fits Sanders’ profile as a fighter willing to take on anyone, em qualquer lugar, a qualquer momento.

Sanders, who has been matched in his career with the likes of Marcus Davis, Gil de Freitas, Levan Makashvili, Luis Felix and Derrick Kennington, has won his last five in a row on Maine soil.

He dropped back-to-back decisions to de Freitas in his two previous bids for an NEF title and naturally predicts that he won’t let the third chance at gold slip away.

“I know with the training I’m putting in that I’m destined for greatness,”Sanders disse. “My work has shown that, and my future fights will show that. I know I’m there to fight the best. Look at the guys I’ve fought. They’re UFC or Bellator vets, or they’re top-five fighters in the region.

"(The fans are) going to witness a great fight, a great performance by Ryan Sanders,", concluiu. “They may say, ‘This guy’s being (a jerk). He’s real cocky.’ It’s not that I’m cocky. I’m fully confident in my training and in my training partners and in my coaches and in myself that I am ready to fight anybody in the region and beat anybody in the region.”

The opening bell for “NEF 28: Invincible” on Abril 29 é definido por 7 p.m. Os ingressos começam em $25 e estão disponíveis em www.TheColisee.com ou ligando para o escritório de caixa em Colisee 207.783.2009, extensão 525.



PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Lewiston, Maine (Abril 27, 2017) – Not everybody in life gets blessed with a shot at redemption. Jonathan Lemke will bask in that opportunity on multiple fronts when he battles “The” Ryan Sanders for the vacant NEF lightweight title this Sábado, Abril 29 at Androscoggin Bank Colisee as part of “NEF 28: Invincible.”

It’s the second shot at the NEF strap for Lemke, who lost a split decision to Bruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington in February 2016 em “NEF 21: THE IMMORTALS.” Lemke also looks forward to the rematch with Sanders after their fight in November was abbreviated due to a gash on Lemke’s head.

“Definitely after the way the last one ended, I still feel like I have a little unfinished business, a little chip on my shoulder,” Lemke said recently in an interview on “The Maine Event” podcast with Ryan Jarrell and Bryan Stackpole. “I definitely want to go out there and take care of business this time.”

Sanders (13-8) won a unanimous decision when the verdict went to the scorecards by virtue of the Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts.

Like his opponent and former stablemate, Lemke (6-7) has carved out a reputation as a fighter who will take on all comers. The first bout with Sanders extended his winless streak to four fights, but the quality of opposition – Devin Powell, Josh LaBerge and Boyington preceded Sanders – are good for more than an asterisk.

He snapped that run in short order with a first-round TKO of Jesse “The Viking” Erickson in February’s tournament semifinals.

“I’m very excited, very grateful,” Lemke said. “This is the culmination of a lot of years, a lot of hard work, to be at this point again and see some of that pay off.”

Lemke doesn’t believe that he needs the title to validate his years under the NEF umbrella. On the flip side, contudo, it is a line on the personal checklist on which he is hungry to leave his mark.

“It would mean a lot,” he acknowledged. “It wouldn’t define me either way, but at the same time certainly one of the goals I set out to achieve when I first started this sport was to take care of business on the regional end and to be a regional champion.”

Previous champions Powell, Boyington and Dez Green made the lightweight belt NEF’s most coveted honor by using it as a springboard to opportunities on a national scale.

Lemke, who has enjoyed the spotlight as part of both a Bellator card and Dana White’s “Lookin’ for a Fight” UFC audition, denied that he is looking ahead to greener pastures.

“I haven’t given it a lot of thought about where it would take me,"Ele disse. “I just think about getting that belt and defending that belt. It’s always one fight at a time.”

Between their days training together with Team Irish (Sanders now fights out of Young’s MMA) and their previous fight, Lemke and Sanders know one another as well as any NEF title fight opponents in history.

While Lemke allows for the possibility that both men will dip into their bag of tricks, he said fans shouldn’t expect too many surprises.

“I think stylistically it will be a little bit different. Game plan wise it will be a little bit different. At the start you might see some different wrinkles from both,” Lemke said “But at the end of the day we are both familiar with each other, so it will be a similar type fight.”

He also sees the confrontation living up to every ounce of its billing.

“One of the statements from the first card was that I believe this fight could headline any card, any regional or national promotion, and I still believe that,” Lemke said. “It’s a fight the fans want to see.”

And it’s a fight he naturally believes he will win the second time around.

“I’m healthy as can be. Had a good, tough camp, and I’m looking forward to getting out there and performing my business,” Lemke said. “I believe in my overall skill set and believe that overall skill set will lead to the victory.”

The opening bell for “NEF 28: Invincible” on Abril 29 é definido por 7 p.m. Os ingressos começam em $25 e estão disponíveis em www.TheColisee.com ou ligando para o escritório de caixa em Colisee 207.783.2009, extensão 525.


PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Lewiston, Maine (Março 15, 2017) – Lutas da Nova Inglaterra (NEF) apresenta seu próximo evento de artes marciais mistas “NEF 28: INVENCÍVEL” no sábado, Abril 29, 2017 no Colisee Androscoggin Bank em Lewiston, Maine. Hoje cedo, the fight promotion announced the addition of a pair of amateur bouts to the card. Ken Dunn(0-4) is set to face Eddie DeRoche (0-1) in a catchweight bout and double amateur debut fighters Caleb Austin (0-0) de Rumford, Maine and James Ploss (0-0) from Kaze Dojo in Lancaster, NH are set to tangle in a feature flyweight bout.


Caleb Austin is a two-time Maine state wrestling champion and a member of the exclusive “200 Wins Club,” a rare feat in Maine wrestling. Austin recently completed his high school career with an overall record of 208-11. Caleb’s father, Eric Austin—also a former Maine state wrestling champion—is an undefeated veteran of the cage, having gone 2-0 in NEF back in 2012. Como seu pai, Caleb is preparing to put his wrestling on display for the NEF fans in his debut on April 29th.


“I’ve wrestled my entire life and grown-up around the NEF community,” stated Austin when reached for comment. “I’ve been waiting a long time to turn 18 to become eligible to compete in the sport of mixed martial arts like my father did. I’m excited to put my skills to the test, represent Rumford and put on a show in the NEF cage. Estou pronto. "


Austin’s opponent, James Ploss, trains with Greg Williams at the well-known Kaze Dojo in Lancaster, New Hampshire. Several NEF veterans with names familiar to fans, including Allan Josselyn, Mike Bezanson and Alex Walker, hail from the Kaze Dojo. Ploss is committed to carrying on the tradition of strong debuts from the White Mountains gym and following through on a personal promise in the process.


“Fighting is real personal to me,” Ploss stated when reached for comment. “I promised the man that raised me that I would fight. He died shortly after that. I want to prove to him and myself that I can be successful in this sport. My goal is to inspire others to achieve.”


Eddie DeRoche wrestled alongside Austin for Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine. During his time there, DeRoche was a two-time state finalist. He made his NEF debut in June 2016 em “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND” in a losing effort against Skyler Bang. Reinvigorated at the opportunity to make up for his debut, DeRoche is committed to finding his first win in the NEF cage on April 29th at NEF 28.


“My first fight was a great learning experience,” stated DeRoche, when reached for comment. “I appreciated it for what it was and have made the necessary adjustments to make sure I come out on top when I step back into the NEF cage for the second time on April 29th."


DeRoche’s opponent, Ken Dunn, is also looking for redemption at NEF 28. Dunn has made three prior trips to the NEF cage since debuting with the promotion back in 2015 and is hungry for his first win inside the NEF hexagon.


“I want to show NEF fans that I’m worthy of a rematch and title shot at Velado and that strap,” stated Dunn when reached for comment. “Eddie Deroche is a worthy adversary. I’m excited to compete against him. It’s a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll—and I ain’t stopping until I get there.”

New England Fights retorna ao Androscoggin Bank Colisee em Lewiston, Maine com seu próximo evento de artes marciais mistas, “NEF 28: INVENCÍVEL,” em Sábado, Abril 29, 2017. Os ingressos já estão à venda na bilheteria do Colisee 207-783-2009 X 525 e em linha em www.TheColisee.com.

Para mais informações sobre as atualizações de cartões de eventos e de luta, por favor visite o site da promoção no www.NewEnglandFights.com. Além, você pode assistir a vídeos no NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA/, acompanhe a promoção no Twitter e Instagram @nefights, e junte-se ao grupo oficial do Facebook “Lutas da Nova Inglaterra.”