Таг Архива: МЛД


.Први двајца регрути ветерани кои ќе се соочат на WSOF35, во живо на NBCSN
на Сабота, Ноември. 12

LAS VEGAS (Мај 17, 2016) - Светската серија на Борба против (www.WSOF.com) денес објави дека започнува револуционерна програма дизајнирана за поддршка и понатамошна атлетска кариера на воени ветерани кои активно се натпреваруваат, или бараат да се натпреваруваат, во спортот на Мешани боречки вештини (МЛД).

"WSOF: Кој е најтешкиот?”Ќе вклучува посветена програма за вработување што ќе ја види Светската серија борбен претседател и шесткратен светски шампион Татко Шефовите и неговиот персонал ги посетуваат ММА спортските сали, почнувајќи со локација во Сан Диего, Калифорнија. следниот месец, со цел да се оцени збирот на конкуренти со статус на ветеран.

Првите двајца регрути од програмата ќе излезат едни со други во живо на NBCSN на WSOF35, што ќе се одржи на локација што треба да се објави, наСабота, Ноември. 12, еден ден по Денот на бранителите.

„Со нетрпение очекуваме да се вклучиме во овој потфат што ќе ни овозможи да им вратиме на нашите вооружени сили што и служат на нашата земја и ја штитат нашата слобода.,"Рече Чифс.

„Како една од најголемите лиги во спортот на МЛД со национална телевизиска платформа во NBC и NBCSN, имаме можност да им понудиме потенцијално можност за промена на животот на борците кои се подготвени да направат скок, и имаме намера да ја искористиме нашата позиција во индустријата за да им користиме на сите ветерани што покажуваат ветување,", Вели Светската серија на Борба против извршен директор Карлос Силва.

Во јануари, Светската серија борби го постави својот прв воен ветеран – Caros "Иднината" Fodor - во акција. Fodor, кој се приклучи на САД. Маринскиот корпус само шест дена по матурата во средното училиште, беше испратен во Кувајт за инвазија во Ирак по терористичките напади во септември 11, 2001, и на крајот заработи чин наредник пред да го заврши својот воен период 2007.

Фодор ќе се врати во акција уште Сабота, Јули 30, кога ќе се соочи со својот посвоен брат Феникс Џонс, ака Бен Фодор, на WSOF32, во живо на NBCSN од XFINITY арената во Еверет, Миење., со почеток во 10:30 вечер. И/7:30 вечер. Португалија.

За Светската серија на Борба против (WSOF)
“Светската серија на Борба против” (WSOF) е светски премиерот професионални лед Автомобилизам (МЛД) се борат промоција посветен на доставување на најдобрите акција спакувани бори за борба навивачи со производство на најдобар можен натпревар-ups, меѓу елитата борци од целиот свет. За повеќе информации, посетете ја WSOF.com и да ги следат “Светската серија на Борба против” на Твитер MMAWorldSeries. WSOF и Светската серија на Борба против се регистрирани трговски марки на MMAWC, ДОО.


Санта Моника, Калифорнија. (Мај 16, 2016) – Bellator MMA is proud to announce the contract extension of undefeated bantamweight superstar Darrion "Волкот" Колдвел (9-0) на ексклузивен мулти-година, мулти-борба договор.


“Darrion is a fighter who I really think has that x-factor,” said President Scott Coker. “After his last fight, I looked at our matchmaker and I just said, ‘Wow, this is kid is exploding with talent.’ I’m very happy we were able to get this deal done and I look forward to seeing this star rise for years to come.”


Growing up in New Jersey, Caldwell was a talented, multi-sport athlete who shined the brightest on the wrestling mats. After becoming a three-time high school state champion in New Jersey, “The Wolf” naturally joined “The Wolfpack,” earning a spot on the North Carolina State University wrestling squad. With the Wolfpack, he continued dominate his opponents, winning the NCAA national wrestling championship in 2009.


Making his professional MMA debut in 2012, the 28-year-old has looked seemingly unstoppable at times throughout his first nine fights. Во неговата последна турнеја, the six-fight Bellator MMA veteran Caldwell convincingly defeated former two-division Bellator champion, and Greco-Roman world champion wrestler Joe Warren. You can watch the video by clicking on the photo’s below.


“Bellator has been nothing but good to me,” Caldwell shared with the MMA Hour this morning. “They saw my talent early on in my career and they came after me… I’m here to let everyone know I’m going to continue my talents at Bellator MMA… With Bellator Jumping on board, it’s time to get married. I’m in it for the long run.”


Caldwell is nothing if not confident in himself, continuing with host Ariel Helwani: “I’ve always been a star, but it’s just been about getting on that platform and Bellator is giving me that opportunity… I don’t think any 135-pounder can see me, ya feel me? Whether its UFC, Bellator, anywhere in the world there isn’t a 135-pounder that can beat me.”




Full Event Photos Here

Сан Хозе, Калифорнија. (Мај 14, 2016) — In the main event of Bellator MMA’s return home to San Jose, Фил Дејвис и Кинг Мо showcased why their widely regarded as two of the top light heavyweights on the planet. На крајот, it was Davis who emerged victorious, taking home a unanimous decision with scores of 29-28, 30-27, 30-27.

The first ten minutes of action were razor thin, with both men using their strengths to gain the upper hand. For Lawal, the American Top Team standout relied heavily upon his power punching, throwing overhand rights with frequency. Davis used his lower limbs, keeping Mo at distance with leg kicks and short jabs. The tides really began to shift in the final frame though, as Davis clipped his opponent with a shot that he parlayed into a single-leg takedown, nearly finishing the bout with a kimura.

After his hand was raised, Davis was joined inside the cage by current Bellator 205-pound kingpin Лиам McGeary who will likely face Davis in “Г-дин. Wonderful’snext action. The two traded words and passed the eye test when it comes to a future Bellator MMA main event matchup.

Welterweight Bloodbath Ends in TKO Victory for Saad Awad

In the co-main event of “Bellator 154: Дејвис против. Кинг Мо,” Вие Авад (19-7) provided one of the most entertaining performances of the night with a first round TKO win over “Cyborg” Santos (21-17). The knockout came just 4:31 into the bout, when Awad unleashed a flurry of hammer fists that left forced referee Jason Herzog to call a stop to the action. “Assassin” fought off a brutal toe hold earlier in the round and countered with relentless blows to the sides of Santos’ head, eventually opening a large cut that spilled blood onto the canvas. With victories in four of his last five bouts and now a victory at 170-pounds to boot, the options for Awad’s future with the promotion remain endless.

San Diego-Labiano Give it All in Swing Bout on SPIKE

With two quick stoppages to start the card, Bellator aired a swing bout between Josh San Diego (7-1) и Еремија Монаган (9-5). A native of San Jose, “JSDtook full advantage of his opportunity on the big stage, and capped off the fight with a rapid flurry of attacks to end the final frame, earning himself a unanimous decision (29-28) victory over Labiano in front of a loud, hometown crowd. The win isJSD’ssecond with the promotion, both of which ended via unanimous decision.

Piccolotti Continues to Submit Opponents, Finishes Wood on Short Notice

In a highly emotional bout, Адам Piccolot (8-0) thoroughly dominated Реј Вуд (7-2) over the course of their lightweight bout, sealing the deal after 3:17 with a standing rear-naked choke submission. The win was AdamBomb’ssecond first-round finish and the quickest of his budding career. Со победата, the Half Moon Bay, Калифорнија. native remains undefeated and has solidified himself as one of the company’s brightest young prospects. Piccolotti was originally slated to fight Јордан Парсонс before his death, што Bellator instated a memorial scholarship fund in his honor earlier on in the day.

Fialho Remains Unbeaten With Monstrous Hammer Fist Knockout

In the opening bout of the main card on SPIKE, Andre Fialho (7-0) готовиот Rick Reger (7-2) with a vicious hammer fist knockout 2:11 into the first frame. Fialho was the aggressor from the get-go, setting the tone early and often with heavy fists and quick combinations. The 22-year-old Portuguese star continues to climb the ranks in a stacked Bellator welterweight division, as he remains undefeated with six consecutive knockouts and back-to-back first round finishes since joining the Bellator fray. At the conclusion of the fight, Fialho took a moment to acknowledge the significance of his win, dedicating the victory to his friend who had recently passed away.

Прелиминарните резултати:

James Chapman (1-0) поразен Sean Tucker (0-1) преку TKO (тупаници) наt 4:41 на вториот круг

Ентони Тејлор (1-1) поразен Виктор Џонс (0-2) via KO at 0:27 на првиот круг

Danasabe Mohammed (4-0) поразен Martin Sano (4-2) преку КО (тупаници) наt 1:18 на првиот круг

Џош Paiva (8-1) поразен Steven Gruber (5-2) преку поднесување (задните гол задави) наt 2:14 на вториот круг

Sam Spengler (9-5) поразен Doyle Childs (2-2) преку едногласна одлука (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Joshua Hardwick (1-0) поразен Jorge Acosta (1-2) преку поднесување (гилотина задави) наt 1:21 на првиот круг

Jamielene Nievara (4-1) поразен Stephanie Frausto (5-6) via TKO at 2:43 на три тркалезни

Марк Dickman (11-2) поразен Томас Дијагне (5-6-1) преку TKO (тупаници) наt 3:05 на три тркалезни



Од мај 4, the world lost an incredibly talented mixed martial artist and an even better human being with the passing of Jordan Parsons. Денес, Bellator MMA has committed to ensuring that his legacy lives on in the form of a yearly scholarship toPretty Boy’sfavorite wrestling camp. With the newly-announced Jordan Parsons Scholarship Fund, Bellator will annually send a young wrestler toThe J Robinson Intensive Wrestling Campwhere Parsons honed his skills.

“Jordan Parsons was an integral part of the Bellator family and his devastating loss is one that we are all continuing to mourn,” said Bellator President Scott Coker. “In collaborating with Jordan’s family, we are very proud to announce this scholarship program in his name. We are hopeful that the future recipients of this scholarship will be afforded a wrestling education and honor Parson’s name by embodying the passion and intensity that he had for this sport and life in general.”

Во 2007, a 16-year-old Jordan Parsons spent two weeks at the J Robinson Intensive Wrestling Camp, which offers several locations across the country taught by University of Minnesota Head Coach J Robinson.

“We were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Jordan Parsons,” said Robinson. “We are humbled and honored that the Parsons family and Bellator have committed to send a deserving wrestler to one of our Camps. We will work as hard as we can at helping that wrestler reach their goals and create a positive change in their life, while honoring Jordan’s memory.”

“I couldn’t be more grateful for all of the support that Scott Coker and Bellator are providing with this scholarship fund,” said Parson’s mother Anna Morsaw. “This camp really helped Jordan develop into a better wrestler, and more importantly a better young man. He came home with J Robinsons ‘Never Quit, Never Give up’ mentality engrained in him. he learned to set goals, reach his goals and then set new goals. Bellator is doing their part to make Jordan a legend, and that’s what he always wanted.”

Details on how to apply for the scholarship will be announced in the near future.

Injury forces Ramazan Emeev to withdraw from M-1 Challenge 68 наспроти. Alexander Shlemenko June 16 во Санкт. Петерсбург, Русија

СТ. PETERSBURG, Русија (Мај 14, 2016) – An elbow injury has forced M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Рамазан Emeev (сликата на лево) to withdraw from his June 16тапресметка со Александар “Бура” Shlemenko М-1 предизвик 68 at Yubileyny Sports Palace in St. Петерсбург, Русија.
Emeev (14-3-0, M-1: 8-1-0) suffered a torn ligament in his elbow during training camp, postponing his M-1 Grand Prix Middleweight Championship fight against Shlemenko (52-9-0, M-1: 3-0-0) to a future date pending Emeev’s recovery period.
М-1 предизвик шампион во тешка категорија Александар “Драго” Волков (25-6-0, M-1: 9-3-0) will make his first title defense against AttilaPumukloVegh (29-6-2, M-1: 0-0-0) М-1 предизвик 68. A match between Russian middleweight ValeryThe Russian HammerMyasnikov (10-1-1, M-1: 1-1-1) and Spanish veteran ЕНОК решава Торес (18-9-0, M-1: 5-6-0) has also been announced for the June 16та картичка.
This is a tough blow for our organization because there is only one month before M-1 Challenge 68 and we have lost one of our main event fighters,” М-1 Глобална претседателVadim Finkelchtein рече. “It was the most anticipated fights for fans. We still have a great heavyweight title fight between defending champion Alexander Volkov and challenger Attila Vegh and we’re looking for a suitable replacement for Emeev to fight Shlemenko. M-1 Global has been working under a lot of pressure recently but, never-the-less, we continue to promote great events for our loyal fans. We will do everything possible to keep our fans happy.
М-1 предизвик 68 ќе биде емитувана во живо од Свети. Петерсбург во висока дефиниција наwww.M1Global.TV. Гледачите ќе бидат во можност да се види на прелиминарните борби и главните картичка со најавување за да се регистрирам www.M1Global.TV. Фановите може да се види сите на акција на нивните компјутери, како и на Android и Apple за паметни телефони и таблети.
Претстојни М-1 Глобални настани:
Мај 27 – М-1 предизвик 66: Nemkov наспроти. Yusopov, Orenburg City, Русија
Јуни 4 – М-1 предизвик 67: Buchinger наспроти. Idrisov, Baku, Азербејџан


Твитер & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global



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Санта Моника, Калифорнија. (Мај 13, 2016) - Bellator MMA is pleased to announce an extension with one of its major sponsors, Monster Energy. The new deal with the world’s leading energy drink company ensures that fans will see the iconic green “M” Monster logo in the Bellator cage for years to come.



Monster will continue to own highly visible inventory inside the Bellator cage and sponsor concourse activations during events as well as additional off-site promotional activations. To complement the live event experience, Monster and Bellator will look to engage in a multi-faceted activation plan intended to build customer loyalty and drive tune-in of the Bellator broadcasts on Spike. The sponsorship extension will also see Bellator MMA continue to put on fights during the “Monster Energy Cup”an event that showcases the world’s top supercross riders in a head to-head battle for the coveted “Monster Energy Cup” award and the chance to win one million dollars.



“Monster Energy is the ultimate lifestyle brand that puts its fans first – which aligns perfectly with our philosophy at Bellator,” said Bellator President Scott Coker. “They are an ideal partner and we look forward to continuing to link our high-energy action-packed events with their world-class product.”



"Bellator 154: Дејвис против. King Mo” мај 14 will be the promotion’s first event with the newly-renewed sponsorship deal, and features Monster Energy athlete Фил Дејвис во главниот настан. In addition to Davis, Monster sponsors several Bellator athletes including: Квинтон "дивеење" Џексон, Џо Шилинг, Мајкл Чендлер, Џои Белтран и Бренан Вард.



Coker continued: “The ability for our athletes to procure their own sponsorships is something we take great pride in, and we look forward to giving our athletes an opportunity to represent the world’s largest energy drink brand for the foreseeable future.”


GPG 24 Fighting for Wounded Soldiers 3 – THIS Saturday – May 14, 2016 - 7 PM at the Voorhees Coliseum FIGHT CLUB!!

10 LIVE matches! Watch full combat MMA fights including former UFC and Bellator fighter Nah’shon Burrell (13 - 6) take on Dustin Long (6 - 1).

This stacked card also includes Des “M-80” Moore, Albert Tapia, Ruslan Melikov, Timothy Woods, Darren Mima, and Juan Puerta.

It all comes down to just…one…night! Don’t miss out on the biggest New Jersey MMA event – GPA 24 -Сабота, Мај 14, 2016 - 7 Премиерот!!!

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This isn’t your average MMA event- Click the button below to get your tickets today!


Reigning world bantamweight champion Marlon Moraes will put his title on the line against Josh Hill for the second time, in the new main event of WSOF32 on Сабота, Јули 30, живеат во NBCSN 10:30 вечер. И/7:30 вечер. Португалија.


LAS VEGAS (Мај 10, 2016) -World Серија Борба против (WSOF.com) has announced a new main event and second championship rematch between reigning bantamweight (135 фунти) главен болт Марлон Moraes (16-4-1) and streaking challenger Џош "господин" Хил (14-1), for its stacked Mixed Martial Arts (МЛД) event at XFINITY Arena at Everett on Сабота, Јули 30, живеат во NBCSN 10:30 вечер. И/7:30 вечер. Португалија.

The highly-anticipated world featherweight (145 фунти) title fight and second showdown between Александре "Капетан" Алмеида (18-5) and the man he took the title fromЛенс Палмер (10-2) – will now serve as the co-main event of WSOF32: Мораес vs.. Hill II.

“The magnitude of this event has increased dramatically with the addition of a second world title fight and rematch between Marlon Moraes, who has been unstoppable, in the cage, and one of the most formidable and talented contenders in the world in Josh Hill” said World Series of Fighting President Татко Шефовите.

The second meeting between Moraes and Hill comes 17 months after the two superstars went the five-round distance of their championship main event fight at WSOF18 on February 12, 2015, with Moraes successfully defending his coveted title by way of unanimous decision.

The 5-foot-6, 28 year-old Moraes of Howell, N.J. преку Нова Friburgo, Brazil is a former Muay Thai champion and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brown belt whose reign of terror in the 135-pound division has been ongoing since the end of 2011, when he ignited a win streak that has spanned 11 straight fights, Вклучувајќи 3 defenses of his World Series of Fighting title.

In his last start and third title defense at WSOF28 on Февруари 20, Moraes, who captured the World Series of Fighting crown with a unanimous decision overЏош Исправка Куќа на март 29, 2014, потребни само 1 minute and 13 seconds to score a brutal TKO on Јосиф Barajas with a series of rapid-fire leg kicks.

Since the first meeting with Moraes, his only loss to date, the 5-foot-6, 29-year-old Hill of Hamilton, Онтарио, Canada has rebounded with four straight victories, a streak that Hill started with a third round (2:01) поднесување (задните гол задави) of Rettinghouse on May 30, 2015.

Hill is coming off of a unanimous decision win over Bendy Casimir на Април 9, in a bout that took place in Medicine Hat, Алберта, Канада.

Со цена од $29, tickets for WSOF32: Мораес vs.. Hill II are on sale at XFINITYArenaEverett.com and WSOF.com.

Во друга акција на NBCSN во живо предавам на телевизија, costumed crusader Феникс Џонс(6-1-1) ака Бен Фодор of Seattle, Измијте. will look to settle his rivalry with adopted brother Caros "Иднината" Fodor (10-5) of Seattle in a 162-pound catchweight affair.

Additional bouts for WSOF32: Мораес vs.. Hill II will be announced soon.


Санта Моника, Калифорнија. (Мај 10, 2016) – Due to injury, Јулија Бад (8-2) has been forced to withdraw from her inaugural Bellator MMA Women’s Featherweight Championship Bout against Marloes Coenen (23-6). Како резултат, Alexis Dufresne (5-2) will take her place and challenge Coenen during the featured preliminary contest of "Bellator 155: Карваљо vs. Manhoef " во CenturyLink Арена во Boise, Ајдахо, на Мај 20.

The fight joins a card that already features a colossal Middleweight World Championship main event, во кои Рафаел Карваљо (12-1) брани својот појас против огнената Мелвин "No Mercy" Manhoef (30-12-1). Во прилог, former Bellator MMA featherweight titlist Пет Curran (21-7) ќе се врати во акција за прв пат од јуни, кога тој се соочува со еластични Георги Karakhanyan (24-5-1) во ко-главен настан на картичката. The last two men to challenge for Will Brooks’ lightweight title, Marcin Одржана (21-4) и Дејв Јансен (20-3) Исто така, ќе бидат во акција. Rounding out the televised portion of the event will be two heavyweight fights, кога Дан Чарлс (10-3) ги исполнува Аугусто Sakai (9-0) и Џои Белтран (17-12) носи на Чејс Гормли (12-5).

Билети за "Bellator 155: Карваљо vs. Manhoef " со почеток во само $25 и се на продажба сега во Bellator.com, CenturyLink Арена Box Office или CenturyLinkArenaBoise.com на. Настанот се емитува во живо и бесплатно на Спајк во 9 вечер. И/8 вечер. КТ, while the can’t-miss preliminary card airs live on Bellator.comи На Bellator мобилен стан.

A former Strikeforce Women’s Bantamweight Champion, Marloes Coenen, is riding a two-fight winning streak and undefeated record under the Bellator MMA fray into her bout with Dufresne. “Rumina” began her career winning eight consecutive fights and 13 of her first 14. The 35-year-old has been competing professionally since 2000 and has been an integral part of the progression of women’s mixed martial arts, challenging some of the best that the sport has to offer. Сега, it’s back to the drawing board for the Dutch submission specialist when she looks to spoil the Bellator MMA debut of Alexis Dufresne.

The 25-year-old Alexis Dufresne began her career with a blazing start, earning victories in her first five scraps, all of which she ended in the first round. Born in Temecula, Калифорнија., “Sneaky Zebra” has strung together an impressive resume, including three straight first round knockout wins dating back to her 2013-14 seasons and most recently two appearances for the UFC. Dufresne will be making her Bellator MMA debut следниот петок and hopes to get back to her winning ways when she fills in for the absent Julia Budd on short notice.

Заврши "Bellator 155: Карваљо vs. Manhoef "Борба картичка

Bellator МЛД средна светската титула борбата: Рафаел Карваљо (12-1) наспроти. Мелвин Manhoef (30-12-1)

Bellator МЛД Featherweight Ко Мајна-настан: Пет Curran (21-7) наспроти. Георги Karakhanyan (24-5-1)

Bellator МЛД во тешка категорија Функција Бу: Дан Чарлс (10-3) наспроти. Аугусто Sakai (9-0)

Bellator МЛД Лесни Функција Бу: Дејв Јансен (20-3) наспроти. Marcin Одржана (21-4)

Bellator МЛД во тешка категорија Функција Бу: Џои Белтран (17-12) наспроти. Чејс Гормли (12-5)


Прелиминарните картички


Bellator МЛД Featherweight Прелиминарните Бу: Marloes Coenen (23-6) наспроти. Alexis Dufresne (5-2)

Bellator МЛД bantamweight Прелиминарните Бу: Џо Хамилтон (3-0) наспроти. Тајлер Freeland (3-0)

Bellator МЛД Flyweight Прелиминарните Бу: Вета Arteaga (1-0) наспроти. Џеки Vandenburgh (0-1)

Bellator МЛД Featherweight Прелиминарните Бу: Винс Моралес (3-1) наспроти. Хамилтон Пепел (3-1)

Bellator МЛД bantamweight Прелиминарните Бу: Брендон Raftery (4-2) наспроти. Кејси Џонсон (4-0)

Bellator МЛД Лесни Прелиминарните Бу: Скот Thometz (9-5) наспроти. Џош Тајлер (7-3)

Bellator МЛД средна Прелиминарните Бу: Шон сили (9-5) наспроти. Вил Noland (15-6)

Bellator МЛД bantamweight Прелиминарните Бу: Рики Стил (5-0) наспроти. Ерик Cronkhite (2-1)

Bellator МЛД bantamweight Прелиминарните Бу: Џеси Брок (21-8) наспроти. Olly Bradstreet (39-12)


Two Main Card Fights Complete ‘Bellator 154: Дејвис против. Кинг Мо’ мај 14


Санта Моника, Калифорнија. (Мај 5, 2016) – A welterweight matchup pitting “Cyborg” Santos (21-16) against Bellator MMA veteran Вие Авад (18-7) and a lightweight meeting featuring Адам Piccolot (7-0) наспроти Реј Вуд (6-1) биле додадени на главната карта на "Bellator 154: Дејвис против. Кинг Мо," which airs LIVE and FREE on SPIKE and takes place on May 14 на САП Центар во Сан Хозе, Калифорнија.

These matchups join an electric main event between light heavyweight phenoms “King Mo” (19-4, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави) и Фил "Г-дин. Прекрасна "Дејвис (15-3, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави). Во прилог, a heavyweight bout between Сергеј Kharitonov (23-5) и Josh Appelt (12-5) will serve as the evening’s co-main event and undefeated Andre Fialho (6-0) ќе се соочи Rick Reger (7-1) in a welterweight feature fight.

The contests make up the televised portion of "Bellator 154: Дејвис против. Кинг Мо," which airs LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 8 вечер. И/7 вечер. CT while the preliminary card will stream live on Bellator.com и На Bellator мобилен стан со почеток во 6:30 вечер. И. Билети со почеток во само $30 и се на продажба сега во Bellator.com, Ticketmaster, и билетарата на САП Центар.

After beginning his career with five consecutive victories, the 32-year-old Saad Awad has continued to put together an impressive resume, including significant wins over the likes of Joe Duarte, Sergio Rios, and most recently Rob Sinclair. A 10-time veteran of Bellator MMA, “Assassin” has three first-round knockout wins, two of which came in the first 45 seconds of the bout. Во 2013, the California native handed Will Brooks the only loss of his career thus far, stopping hiim with a punch only 43-seconds into the fight.

“Cyborg” Santos has begun his 2016 campaign with a bang, recording victories in each of his first two bouts, including a crowd-silencing win over hometown favorite Бренан Вард in his Bellator MMA debut at "Bellator 153: Koreshkov vs. Henderson.” Of his 21 career wins, the 38-year-old welterweight has recorded 12 капачките, 10 of which came in the opening frame of the bout. The heavy-handed Brazilian originally made four appearances under the Strikeforce banner from 2009 на 2011, before signing a multi-fight contract with Bellator MMA in March of 2016. “Cyborg” will look to add to his current winning streak when he challenges Saad Awad, who will be moving up in weight class to 170-pounds.

The 27-year-old Piccolotti has been flawless early in his young career, earning victories in all seven of his professional bouts, including three wins since joining the Bellator MMA team. A native of Northern California, he made his promotional debut against Andrew Ramm at "Bellator 133: Manhoef наспроти. Shlemenko," with a unanimous decision win and then added to his admirable resume by finishing his 2015 campaign with a victory over Марио Сото на"Bellator 147: Thomson vs. Villaseca.” Правење на 2016 деби, the submission specialist will have little time to prepare for his new opponent Ray Wood as the two look to square off on May 14 at the SAP Center.

Ray “All Business” Wood made a splash in his Bellator MMA debut, when he finished Chris Jones with a spinning-back fist that resulted in a first round knockout at "Bellator 151: Ворен наспроти. Caldwell.” The 26-year-old Maine native has begun his professional career with a flashy 6-1 рекорд, including four knockout victories and two first-round finishes. After beginning his career under the direction of regional promotions, Wood now has his eyes set on establishing himself among the top of Bellator’s always-competitive featherweight division. Watch the fight below.

Заврши "Bellator 154: Дејвис против. King Mo” Fight Card:

Bellator MMA Light Heavyweight Main Event: Фил Дејвис (15-3, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави) наспроти. Мухамед "Кинг Мо" Lawal (19-4, 1 Соединетите Американски Држави)

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Co-Main Event: Сергеј Kharitonov (23-5) наспроти. Josh Appelt (12-5)

Bellator МЛД Лесни Функција Бу: Адам Piccolot (7-0) наспроти. Реј Вуд (6-1)

Bellator МЛД боксер од полусредна категорија Функција Бу: Вие Авад (18-7) наспроти. Евангелиста "Киборг" Сантос (21-16)

Bellator МЛД боксер од полусредна категорија Функција Бу: Andre Fialho (6-0) наспроти. Rick Reger (7-1)


Прелиминарните картички:

Bellator МЛД (160 lb.) “VOW” Prelim Bout: Joshua Hardwick (Деби) наспроти. Jorge Acosta (1-1)

Bellator MMA Featherweight Prelim Bout: Виктор Џонс (0-1) наспроти. Ентони Тејлор (0-1)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Prelim Bout: Danasabe Mohammed (3-0) наспроти. Martin Sano (4-1)

Bellator MMA Flyweight Prelim Bout: Џош Paiva (7-1) наспроти. Steven Gruber (5-1)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Prelim Bout: Sam Spengler (8-5) наспроти. Doyle Childs (2-1)

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Prelim Bout: Josh San Diego (6-1) наспроти. Еремија Монаган (9-4)

Bellator МЛД (130 lb.) Catchweight Prelim Bout: Алвин Cacdac (16-12) наспроти. Darren Uyenoyama (10-5)

Bellator MMA Featherweight Prelim Bout: Томас Дијагне (5-5-1) наспроти. Марк Dickman (10-2)

Bellator MMA Strawweight Prelim Bout: Stephanie Frausto (5-5) наспроти. Jamielene Nievara (3-1)

Bellator MMA Middleweight Prelim Bout: Andres Alcantar (3-0) наспроти. Ник Пика (5-0)

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Prelim Bout: James Chapman (Деби) наспроти. Sean Tucker (Деби)