Tag Archives: MMA


Lewiston, Maine (Junij 3, 2016) - To bo praznovanje vseh stvari Americana, ko se bo New England Fights (NEF) se v soboto vrne v banko Colisée Androscoggin, Junij 18, 2016. Divja priljubljena borbena promocija bo oboževalcem znova omogočila celo noč mešanih borilnih veščin (MMA) in profesionalno boksarsko akcijo.


V glavnem primeru boksarskega dela borbene karte, Brandon “Cannon” Berry (11-1-1) bo branil naslov severovzhodne mladinske velter kategorije pred izzivalcem James “Bad City iz Motor Cityja” Lester (10-9-1). Oba sta se borila za neodločen izid sodnikov’ semaforji aprila lani v Lewistonu. Dogovorili so se, da bodo na tekmi revanširali z Berryjevim naslovom. Tokrat, vseeno, bo neparno število krogov (natančneje sedem) da bodo možnosti za še en neodločen izid zelo majhne.


Tudi na boksarskem delu karte, nekdanji prvak ZDA v srednji kategoriji New England Russell “Haitijska senzacija” Lamour (13-2) in Casey “Buzzsaw” Nerodno (4-0-1) iz boksarskega kluba Portland v Portlandu, Maine bosta oba debitirala v boksu NEF.


Videl bo profesionalni del kartice MMA Jesse “Viking” Erickson (6-5) vrnil se je v kletko po tretjem neuspešnem poskusu osvojitve lahkega naslova aprila lani. Ericksonu bodo njegovo delo izrezali v obliki vedno težkega dela Amos Collins (4-5) pri ulov 161 kilogramov.


Ericksonov soigralec, Matt “Ken Doll” Denning (3-2), bo ob srečanju videl tudi akcijo na profesionalni kartici MMA Brandon Bushaw (1-2) v peresno dvoboj.


Amaterska MMA karta bo naslovna v revanši naslova muhe kot Ryan Burgess (2-0) brani proti nekdanjemu prvaku, in športnik, od katerega je prevzel naslov, Dustin Veinott (4-4). Izguba Veinotta proti Burgessu lani jeseni z deljeno odločitvijo ustavila njegov niz zmag v štirih bojih.


Tudi na amaterski kartici bo 46 year-old Dr. Steve Bang, Sr. (1-1), bariatrični kirurg iz Auburna, Maine. V nenačrtovanem poklonu očetovskemu dnevu, na borbeni karti se mu bodo pridružili sinovi Steve Bang, Jr. (3-5),Shawn Bang (1-1), Skyler Bang (0-0) in rejniški sin Conner Murphy (1-0).


The “NEF 24” Boj kartice (se lahko spremenijo):



140*NASLOV Brandon Berry (11-1-1)(c) proti Jamesu Lesterju (10-9-1)

HWT Vinnie Carita (11-1-1) proti Franciscu Mirelesu (17-10)

190 Steve Collins, Jr. (7-0-1) proti Joseju Humbertu Corralu (19-21)

160 Russell Lamour (13-2) vs Roberto Valenzuela (69-71-2)

154 Casey Kramlich (4-0-1) vs Zenon Herrera (0-1)


250 Michael Hansen (4-4) proti Robertu Laroskemu (1-1)


170 CJ Vrč (1-0) proti Phil Roweu (1-2)

161 Jesse Erickson (6-5) proti Amosu Collinsu (4-5)


145 Matt Denning (3-2) proti Brandonu Bushawu (1-2)


Amaterski MMA


125*NASLOV Ryan Burgess (2-0)(c) proti Dustinu Veinottu (4-4)

170 Shawn Bang (1-1) proti Mikeu Bezansonu (1-0)

155 Steve Bang starejši. (1-1) proti Stacy Lupo (0-0)


155 Derek Daley (0-0) proti Johelu Stephensonu (0-0)


155 Steve Bang, Jr. (3-5) proti Dominicu Cofoneu (6-5)


145 Skyler Bang (0-0) Eddie DeRoche (0-0)


125 Conner Murphy (1-0) proti Justinu Withamu (1-4)


115 Alex Walker (0-1) proti Nicole Burgess (0-0)



NEF se vrne v banko Colisée Androscoggin Bank v Lewistonu, Maine na Junij 18, 2016 s “NEF 24: OBLJUBLJENA DEŽELA.” Vstopnice za NEF 24 se začnejo šele ob $25 in so v prodaji zdaj www.TheColisee.com ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na207.783.2009 x 525.


Za več informacij o dogodkih in posodobitvah borbenih kart, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."


Lewiston, Maine (Junij 2, 2016) - Kvečjemu New England Fights (NEF) Dogodki, Steve Bang, Sr. (1-1) bi bil na drugi strani kletke, bodisi gledal, kako se eden od njegovih sinov bojuje, bodisi kot zdravnik v kletki. Junij 18, 2016, vseeno, kot že dvakrat v preteklosti, Bang bo vstopil v kletko mešanih borilnih veščin (MMA) v Lewistonu kot tekmec. The 46 letni bariatrični kirurg iz Auburna, Maine bo nadaljeval 48 year-old Stacy Lupo (0-0) v amaterskem MMA lahkem dvoboju na “NEF 24: OBLJUBLJENA DEŽELA.”


“Obožujem tekmovanje in kako nas vodi k izboljšanju in postajanju popolnejša različica sebe,” je dejal dr. Bang. “Minilo je leto dni, odkar sem se boril v kletki. Preteklo leto je bilo napolnjeno z doseganjem osebnih mejnikov in športnih ciljev, še veliko jih je bilo še treba uresničiti. Sredi vsega tega kaosa, zvezde so se znova poravnale, da mi dajo priložnost, da ponovno vstopim v bojno areno, kjer je vložek konkurence, zame, so najvišje.”


Doma iz Rivertona, Wyoming, Dr. Bang je diplomiral na univerzi Brigham Young v Ljubljani 1994 in nato z univerzitetne šole za osteopatijo Des Moines v Ljubljani 1998. Prihaja s področja medicine, dobro se zaveda tveganj, ki jih prevzame vsakič, ko vstopi v kletko.


“Le nekaj dni po obračanju 47, I will face a warrior intent upon bodily harm and yet I find myself incredibly blessed and thankful for the health and privilege to do so,” Dr. Bang continued. “I bring the health of mind, body and spirit beyond what is required to just be a participant. I have checked all of the boxes that give me the tools required to be a victorious warrior at any age.


Dr. Bang currently trains alongside his sons at Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ). Steve Bang, Jr. (1-1), Skyler Bang (0-0), Shawn Bang (1-1) and foster son Conner Murphy (1-0) will join their father in cage competition atNEF 24.


I am passionate about my training, and take advantage of every metric available to quantify and qualify that training. By every metric, I am at my peak performance levels. I am in the best shape of my life, better than I have ever been. One day that trend will indeed head south, but today is not that day. I do not take this health and privilege for granted. Every moment of life and every opportunity we are given is a gift and I plan to take full advantage of it as if it were my last.


Dr. Bang’s opponent, pri “NEF 24,” Stacy Lupo, while making his debut in the MMA cage, is a longtime veteran of combat sports. Lupo currently trains out of the Shatterproof Combat Club in Dexter, Maine, but he has been a martial artist for an amazing 32 let. He holds black belts in both Taekwondo and Shotokan karate. He was an accomplished wrestler in high school, placing in states his senior year. For more than a decade, Lupo ran his own martial arts academy before closing shop to concentrate on raising his family. In the 1980s and 1990s, Lupo competed in amateur boxing and kickboxing. His last kickboxing bout saw him win a unanimous decision over Don Labbe in the main event of a 1995 card in Lewiston.


I don’t know Steve personally, but like me, he is an old man in a young man’s sport, so I give him his due and my respect,” said Lupo. “As the saying goes, ‘be wary of old men in a world where men die young.I want to thank him for giving me the chance to compete in a sport I’ve always loved – tako, thank you Steven Bang, I look forward to our meeting.


I do not know my opponent personally, but I respect anyone willing to do what it takes to get to the cage door,” said Bang in closing. “That next single step across the threshold commands another whole level of respect. As with the warriors of old, we will battle with the same intensity to maim, kill or disable until compelled to mercy by the referee. Then we will have a bond that cannot be understood, nor shared, by anyone who has never been there.


NEF se vrne v banko Colisée Androscoggin Bank v Lewistonu, Maine na Junij 18, 2016 s “NEF 24: OBLJUBLJENA DEŽELA.” Vstopnice za NEF 24 se začnejo šele ob $25 in so v prodaji zdaj www.TheColisee.com ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na 207.783.2009 x 525.


Za več informacij o dogodkih in posodobitvah borbenih kart, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."


O New England Fights


New England Fights ("NEF") je boj promocijske prireditve podjetje. Poslanstvo Nef je ustvariti najvišje kakovosti dogodke za gasilce in ljubitelje Maine je enako. Nef izvršni ekipa ima bogate izkušnje v boju športnega upravljanja, Proizvodnja dogodki, Odnosi z mediji, marketing, pravna in oglaševanje.

Cage Warriors 76: Newport, South Wales

Četrtek, June 2nd, 2016

Cage Warriors 76: Newport, South Wales

DOORS : Open to the public at 3:00pm
PRVA Bout : Amateur – 4:00pm (se lahko spremenijo)
Professional – 8:15pm
Televised main card – 9:00pm

Cage Warriors Fighting Championship returns to Newport, South Wales and features the cream of Welsh MMA performing in front of a global TV audience for the first time.

Cage Warriors 76, which takes place at the Newport Centre is headlined by home crowd favourite Jack Marshman who meets Manchester based Ali Arish. CWFC 76 will feature seven professional contests in total with the five-bout main card starting at 9pm (UK time).

UPDATE: David-Tonatiuh Crol has replaced Eddi Pobivanez, Jack Shore’s opponent due to injury.

Doors at the Newport Centre will open at 3:00pm – the show is SOLD OUTonline ticket sales have been suspended but limited returns may be available on the door.

Find live broadcast details for your region below…

Please check your local region’s listings for local broadcast times.

UFC FIGHT PASS® | Worldwide
Viasat | Scandinavia
Zuku TV | Slovenija
Premier Sports | UK
Setanta Ireland| Republic of Ireland

Main Card – 9:00PM (UK time)

Main Event: Srednji
Ali Arish (21-4) vs. Jack Marshman (18-5)

Andreas Stahl (9-2) vs. Lew Long (12-3)

Daniel Requeijo (7-2) vs. Nad Narimani (8-2)

David-Tonatiuh Crol (2-0) vs. Jack Shore (1-0)

Sam Creasey (5-0) vs. Kris Edwards (8-8)

Pro Prelims

140lbs catch weight
Ben Rees (1-2) vs. Josh Reed (4-0)

Ross Houston (1-0) vs. Dane Morgan (za prvenec)

For the latest Cage Warriors Fighting Championship news and updates, keep track of us on Facebook, Twitter in Instagram. View past CWFC action, free and on-demand, online via Cage Warriors TV.

Fotografija: Jack Marshman V Ali Arish


CAGE WARRIORS FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP is Europe’s leading and longest-running mixed martial arts promotion. An Irish-owned brand with offices in the UK & Slovenija, CWFC is the sport’s fastest-growing organisation, having staged 80 events in 12 countries across three different continents since its establishment in 2002. Home to some of biggest stars of MMA’s past, present and future.



SANTA MONICA, Kalifornija. (Junij 1, 2016) – Bellator MMA returns to Kansas with a pivotal matchup between undefeated phenom, Darrion "Volk" Caldwell (9-0) in Joe Taimanglo (22-6-1) to determine the No. 1 contender for the Bantamweight Title in the main event of "Bellator 159: Caldwell vs. Taimanglo” julija 22 inside Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, Kansas.

In the co-main event of the evening, local hometown hero Dave “Caveman” Rickels (17-4) se bo sestal Melvin "Young Assassin" GUILLARD (32-16-2) in a lightweight matchup that will surely provide fireworks. Dodatne tekmovanj bo objavljen v kratkem.

"Bellator 159: Caldwell vs. Taimanglo airs živo na Spike na 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT, medtem ko bo predhodni napadi tok živo Bellator.com in Bellator Mobile App z začetkom ob 7 p.m. IN.

Vstopnice za dogodek začeti na samo $27 in gredo v prodajo sobota, Junij 4, and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com, KansasStarEventCenter.com. Vrata za dogodek odprt pri 5:30 p.m. CT local time and the first preliminary bout will commence one hour later.

Na 28 stara leta, “The Wolf” may very well be the brightest young star in Bellator MMA’s deep bantamweight division. The New Jersey native has begun his career with nine consecutive victories, including five blistering first round finishes. Caldwell will be tasked with the headlining role for the second consecutive time after an impressive first outing at "Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” in which he had his way with former two-division Bellator champion Joe Warren, zmagovalni via rear-naked choke submission. The former NC State standout wrestled to a National Championship and two All-American accolades before joining the Bellator MMA fray in 2014. The undefeated Caldwell is reinvigorated after recently re-signing a seven-fight contract with the Scott Coker-led promotion. For a closer look at Caldwell’s most recent technical submission victory over Joe Warren in the main event of“Bellator 151,” Klikni tukaj.

A native of Yona, Guam, Taimanglo has emerged as one of the most prolific bantamweight fighters in MMA. Having gone 13-2 over his last 15 bouts dating back to 2009, it’s difficult to find a fighter more consistent than “The Juggernaut.” Since signing with Bellator in 2013, Taimanglo has accumulated a 5-2 record including a current string of three consecutive victories. Standing at 5’4,” Taimanglo will once again be squaring off against a much taller opponent in the 5’10’’ Caldwell. Kliknite tukaj to see exclusive footage of Taimanglo’s unanimous decision win over Sirwan Kakai pri “Bellator 151.”

As is usually the case when Bellator rolls through Kansas, Rickels will be the center of attention when he fights Guillard on July 22. “The Caveman” delivered the proverbial “Fight of the Night” back in February with a first-round knockout of Bobby Cooper during the co-main event of "Bellator 150: Kongo vs. Spartan.” A native of Derby, Kansas, Rickels will be making his 17th appearance under the Bellator MMA banner, a promotion with which he has accrued 11 victories over the course of a six-year period. The 27-year-old recently re-signed with the Scott Coker-led promotion, ensuring his exciting fighting style will be seen exclusively in the Bellator cage for years to come.

S 52 career fights under his belt, 33-year-old Melvin Guillard will have a lot to prove when he takes on “The Caveman.” Guillard seems to have made a full recovery from his brutally broken hand that occurred during his Bellator MMA debut last year. Throughout his MMA tenure, “The Young Assassin” has displayed a knack for ending fights early, s 23 njegovega 32 professional victories coming before reaching the judges’ scorecards. Julija 22 the New Orleans native will have an opportunity to take down another experienced lightweight in Rickels and reassert himself as a top 155-pounder.

Posodobljeno “Bellator 159: Caldwell vs. TaimangloCard:

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Main Event: Darrion Caldwell (9-0) vs. Joe Taimanglo (22-6-1)

Bellator MMA Lightweight Co-Main Event: Dave Rickels (17-4, 1 NC) vs. Melvin GUILLARD (32-16-2, 2 NC)

Predhodni Card:

Bellator MMA Srednja kategorija Predhodni Bout: Manny Meraz (8-2) vs. Trey Ogden (4-1)

Bellator MMA Velterska kategorija Predhodni Bout: Chris Harris (6-0) vs. Matt Foster (6-8)


Lewiston, Maine (Junij 1, 2016) – Just one day removed from the announcement that Russell Lamour, Jr. (13-2, 6 Kos) would make his debut on a New England Fights (NEF) kartice, the fight promotion announced that Lamour’s teammate Casey “Buzzsaw” Nerodno (4-0-1, 2 Kos) would also be featured on the “NEF 24: PROMISED LANDprofessional boxing event. On Junij 18, 2016 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée, Kramlich will face Zenon “K-Bar” Herrera (0-1) in a four-round super welterweight contest.


Along with Lamour, Kramlich trains at the Portland Boxing Club in Portland, Maine. Nerodno, to date, has yet to taste defeat in the boxing ring as a professional. Earlier this spring, Kramlich handed Boston’s Jason Kelly (5-1) the first loss of his professional career on a fight card in Salem, New Hampshire. He dominated the first two rounds of the fight before the previously-undefeated Kelly was unable to answer the bell to open round three.


Last fall, Kramlich fought to a draw against Antonio Chaves Fernandez (6-23-2) on a card in Portland, Maine. It is the only mark outside of the win column on Kramlich’s record. On Junij 18, Kramlich plans to add another notch to that win column at the expense of Zenon Herrera.


I’m very excited to be fighting on an NEF card,” said Kramlich. “Looking forward to putting on a great show for the fans. I’ve been training hard, I’m hungry and I’m looking to come out on top victorious and stay undefeated.


Zenon Herrera is one of only a small handful of athletes to have competed in both the NEF MMA cage and the boxing ring. Herrera made his boxing debut last fall in a losing effort to Tollison Lewis (2-1). On Junij 18, Herrera will be looking for his first win in NEF. He is a veteran of both the United States Army and Marine Corps, odsluženi kombiniranega devet let med vojaškimi vej.


NEF se vrne v banko Colisée Androscoggin Bank v Lewistonu, Maine na Junij 18, 2016 s “NEF 24: OBLJUBLJENA DEŽELA.” Vstopnice za NEF 24 se začnejo šele ob $25 in so v prodaji zdaj www.TheColisee.com ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na207.783.2009 x 525.


Za več informacij o dogodkih in posodobitvah borbenih kart, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."


O New England Fights


New England Fights ("NEF") je boj promocijske prireditve podjetje. Poslanstvo Nef je ustvariti najvišje kakovosti dogodke za gasilce in ljubitelje Maine je enako. Nef izvršni ekipa ima bogate izkušnje v boju športnega upravljanja, Proizvodnja dogodki, Odnosi z mediji, marketing, pravna in oglaševanje.


Lewiston, Maine (Maj 31, 2016) – The Androscoggin Bank Colisée has a storied history of professional boxing inside the arena’s four walls. On Junij 18, Russell “Haitijska senzacija” Lamour, Jr. (13-2, 6 Kos) will add the next chapter to that story when he enters the New England Fights (NEF) ring for the first time. Na “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND,” Lamour will make his NEF debut in a middleweight bout against Mexican veteran Roberto “The Old” Valenzuela (69-71-2, 56 Kos).


Definitely excited to be making my NEF debut,” said Lamour. “NEF does a lot of shows here in Maine, and from what I hear it’s always a packed show. So I’m looking forward being on this card. I am excited about fighting at the Colisée ’cause I can then say that I fought in the same building that Muhammad Ali fought in and also that it’s right here at home in Maine. Fighting here at home again is always a great feeling, especially when you’re fighting in front of the people that support you the most. Can’t ask for anything better than that when fighting here in your backyard.


A native of Brooklyn, New York, Lamour entered the Portland Boxing Club shortly after graduating from Deering High School in Portland, Maine. He had a stellar amateur boxing career, finishing with a record of 79-16. Among his numerous amateur accomplishments, Lamour was a five-time New England regional Golden Gloves champion. He competed in the semi-pro World Series of Boxing (WSB) where he was the number-one ranked middleweight in the Americas.


Lamour’s success carried over to the professional ranks where he won his first 11 Konci. Over the course of that impressive run, Lamour would capture the vacant USA New England Middleweight Title with a TKO victory over Laatekwei Hammond (21-6) in Lamour’s hometown of Portland, Maine. Lamour has competed on ESPN’s Petek Night Fights before a national audience. Prejšnji mesec, he scored a TKO win over Borngod Washington (3-17) in Salem, New Hampshire. Lamour hopes to make it two in a row with a win over Valenzuela on Junij 18.


He is a journeymen,” Lamour said of his upcoming opponent. “He’s been fighting for a while and has seen many different styles, but to me he’s just someone else that’s in my pathway that I have to beat to get to where I want to be, so I have to get him out of my way.


Roberto Valenzuela is no stranger to Maine fight fans. He travelled from his home in Sonora, Mexico to Lewiston, Maine last fall to battle Brandon “Cannon” Berry (11-1-1). Valenzuela would lose the bout via unanimous decision, but he impressed all in attendance with his gritty performance, roughing up Berry and cutting him above the eye in the process. Valenzuela has faced the likes of former world champions Andre Berto (31-4, 24 Kos) in Steve Forbes (35-14, 11 Kos) in sedanji svetovni prvak Zahir Raheem (35-3, 21 Kos). He held the Mexican Pacific Coast Super Featherweight Title from 2003 da 2007.


I am very excited to come back to Maine and fight again,” dejal Valenzuela preko prevajalca. “I love New England, and I’ve fought in Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont and Rhode Island during the course of my career. I’ve also worked corners in Connecticut and been pulled over for speeding in New Hampshire, so that must count for something. The last time I was in Maine, I busted open Brandon Berry’s eye and waged a bloody war. I’m ready to do the same with Russell Lamour. I hope he’s ready too.


NEF se vrne v banko Colisée Androscoggin Bank v Lewistonu, Maine na Junij 18, 2016 s “NEF 24: OBLJUBLJENA DEŽELA.” Vstopnice za NEF 24 se začnejo šele ob $25 in so v prodaji zdaj www.TheColisee.com ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na207.783.2009 x 525.


Za več informacij o dogodkih in posodobitvah borbenih kart, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."


Lewiston, Maine (Maj 30, 2016) - New England Fights (NEF) presents “NEF 24: PROMISED LANDat the Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston on Junij 18, 2016. Tisto noč, two military veterans will be featured in professional mixed-martial-arts (MMA) Konci. Mike “Brki” Hansen (4-4) will compete in a heavyweight bout while CJ Vrč (1-0) will see action in the welterweight division.


Mike Hansen won two state wrestling championships competing for Mountain Valley High School (MVHS) in Rumford, Maine. Shortly after graduation, Hansen began training in MMA and made his debut in the sport in 2005. He would, vseeno, put his MMA career on the backburner for the next decade to enlist and serve his country as a combat engineer in the United States Army. After retiring from the Army, Hansen returned to Maine and opened Berserkers MMA in Rumford, where he trains other MVHS alum to compete in the NEF cage. OnJunij 18, Hansen will face Robert Laroski (1-1).


I hope he’s been training, ’cause I’ve been active starting this year,” said Hansen. “I’m looking for a win coming off my last fight. I will find his weaknesses and exploit them. I’m looking for the finish, and it won’t take long. Just over 51 Pred leti, (Muhammad) Ali got the first round, first minute stoppage over (Sonny) Liston right at the Colisee. My fight will end in similar fashion, under the same roof.


CJ Ewer is a proud member of the United States Air Force security forces. When he is not overseas serving his country, Ewer can be found back home in the Bangor, Maine area training at Young’s MMA. After a successful amateur career, he submitted Zenon Herrera in his pro debut earlier this year. On Junij 18, Ewer will take on The Fresh PrincePhil Rowe (1-2) from Florida.


NEF se vrne v banko Colisée Androscoggin Bank v Lewistonu, Maine na Junij 18, 2016 s “NEF 24: OBLJUBLJENA DEŽELA.” Vstopnice za NEF 24 se začnejo šele ob $25 in so v prodaji zdaj www.TheColisee.com ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na207.783.2009 x 525.


Za več informacij o dogodkih in posodobitvah borbenih kart, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."


O New England Fights


New England Fights ("NEF") je boj promocijske prireditve podjetje. Poslanstvo Nef je ustvariti najvišje kakovosti dogodke za gasilce in ljubitelje Maine je enako. Nef izvršni ekipa ima bogate izkušnje v boju športnega upravljanja, Proizvodnja dogodki, Odnosi z mediji, marketing, pravna in oglaševanje.

M-1 Challenge 66 Viktor Nemkov vs. Rashid Yusopov M-1 Challenge Light Heavyweight Championship May 27, 2016 * Orenburg City, Rusija

Yusopov upsets Nemkov to become new
M-1 Challenge svetlobe prvak v težki kategoriji
Puetz decisions Seledtsov
New M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion Rashid Yusopov
ORENBURG CITY, Rusija (Maj 28, 2016) – Last night’s M-1 Challenge 66 event had its share of upsets, leading with a main event split decision victory by Rashid Yusopov over defending M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion Viktor Nemkov, in Orenburg City, Rusija.
Nekdanji M-1 Challenge light prvak Stephan “T-800” Puetz took a unanimous 3-round decision from Andrey Seledtsov v sodelovanju funkcijo.
Russian challenger Yusopov (7-2-0, M-1: 4-1-0) won a hard fought 5-round split decision over defending champion Nemkov (23-6-0, M-1: 14-5-0), fighting out of Russia by way of Kazakhstan, who was making his initial title defense.
Nemkov had captured the coveted M-1 Challenge light heavyweight title this past December, taking a 5-round decision from defending champion Puetz, who had won a 5-round split decision April, 2014 against Nemkov for the title. Nemkov is a two-time M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion having defeated Vasilij Babich (WSUB3 – arm-lock) for the vacant title that he then lost in his first title defense to Puetz.
The 23-year-old Yusupov was riding a 4-fight win streak going into his fight with Nemkov. A former Russian, European and World Amateur MMA champion, Yusupov is known as a dangerous striker whose signature moves are powerful kicks.
Puetz vs. Seledtsov was billed asTerminator” vs. “Spetsnevand it lived up to its name as Puetz won a unanimous 3-round decision. Puetz, Nemčija, had successfully defended his M-1 Challenge light heavyweight title twice, after beating Nemkov in their original championship match, proti Luis Fernando Miranda (Sub2 – čok) Avgust 15, 2014 priM-1 Challenge 50, in Valery Myasnikov (KO/TKO2 – luknjači) December 17, 2014 priM-1 Challenge 54. In a non-title fight this past May, Puetz stopped then-M-1 Challenge heavyweight champion Marcin Tybura in the third round due to a severely damaged broken nose.
Seledtsov, 28, is a former Spetsnev solider known for his powerful boxing, combat samba and MMA background. A local White-Rex promotion champion, the Russian was making his M-1 Global debut.
In other M-1 Challenge 66 pretepi, Damir Ismagulov (7-2-0, M-1: 4-1-0) stopped Georgian lightweight Raul Tutarauli (6-3-0, M-1: 3-1-1) near the end of the third round on punches, American bantamweight Josh “The FinisherRettinghouse (13-4-0, M-1: 1-0-0) made an impressive M-1 Global debut when the doctor stopped his fight against BelarussianVadim Zhlobich (4-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0) v krogu otvoritveni, vzhodno Nagibina (8-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0) won a 3-round decision over fellow Russian countryman Mikhail Korobkov (9-1-1, M-1: 0-1-1), in ruski peresno Movsar Evloev (3-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0) izrežemoAlexander Krupemkin (1-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), boj iz Ukrajine.
Complete results & foto galerija spodaj:
RASHID YUSOPOV (7-2-0, M-1: 4-1-0), Rusija
VIKTOR NEMKOV (23-6-0, M-1: 14-5-0), Russia by way of Kazakhstan
(Yusopov M-1 Challenge light heavyweight title)
LIGHT heavyweights – 3 X 5
Stephan PUETZ (14-2-0, M-1: 5-1-0), Nemčija
ANDREY SELEDTSOV (5-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Rusija
Lightweights – 3 X 5
DAMIR ISMAGULOV (7-2-0, M-1: 3-2-0), Russia by way of Kazakhstan
WKO / TKO3 (Luknjači – 3:49)
RAUL TUTARAULI (6-3-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Georgia
JOSH RETTINGHOUSE (13-4-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Združene države Amerike
WKO / TKO1 (Doctor Stoppage3:10)
VADIM ZHLOBICH (4-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Belarus
EAST Nagibina (8-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Rusija
Mikhail KOROBKOV (9-1-1, M-1: 0-1-1), Rusija
MOVSAR EVLOEV (3-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0)
WKO / TKO1 (Luknjači – 4:09)
ALEXANDER KRUPEMKIN (0-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Ukrajina

Yusopov strikes Nemkov

(L-R) – Yusopov & Nemkov

(L-R) — Yusopov & Nemkov

(L-R) — Puetz & Seledtsov

Vadim Zhlobich fight vs. Josh Rettinghouse was stopped by the doctor due to these cuts

Nagibin & Korobkov
Prihajajoči dogodki:
Junij 4, 2016M-1 Challenge 67: Buchinger vs. Idrisov @ Baku, Azerbajdžan.
Junij 16, 2016M-1 Challenge 68: Shlemenko vs. Vasilevsky @ St. Petersburg, Rusija


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@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global


ON Sobota, Julij 30

Plus undefeated featherweight rivals
Hakeem Dawodu and Marat Magomedov collide
in preliminary card rematch

LAS VEGAS (Maj 27, 2016) -World Series of Fighting (WSOF.com) announced today the completion of the live NBCSN (10:30 p.m. IN/7:30 p.m. PT) televised portion of its WSOF32 world championship doubleheader, with the addition of a middleweight (185 funtov) contest between undefeated sensation Shamil Gamzatov (10-0) and red-hot finisher Louis “Put The Guns Down” Taylor (12-3).

Poleg tega, the league announced the first WSOF32 preliminary bout, a much-anticipated rematch between a pair of unbeaten featherweight (145 pound) rivals in Hakeem "pomeni" Dawodu (5-0-1) in Marat Magomedov (7-0-1).

WSOF32: Moraes vs. Hill II takes place at Xfinity Arena at Everett on Sobota, Julij 30. In the world bantamweight (135 funtov) championship main event, vladajoči Kingpin Marlon Moraes (16-4) will risk his title for the second time against challenger Josh "Gentleman" Hill (14-1).

Since he made his professional debut with a second round (1:35) WHO (luknjači) na Murat Aibazov januarja 30, 2012, 6-foot-2, 25-year-old Gamzatov of Dagestan, Russia has been an unstoppable force, defeating all of his opponents by way of either (T)KO or submission in either the first or second round of action.

In his last start and debut inside the World Series of Fighting decagon on Januar 23, Gamzatov scored a thunderous, Prvi krog (2:32) WHO (luknjači) na Teddy Holder.

The 5-foot-11, 37-year-old Taylor of Chicago, Ill. is riding a five-fight win streak that he ignited on December 14, 2012 with a first round (4:12) KO (punch) na Joe Vedepo.

Taylor, ki je pridobil 11 njegovega 12 career wins via (T)KO ali predložitev, made an explosive promotional debut for World Series of Fighting in his last appearance at WSOF29 on Marec 12, Dodelava Cory Devela in just 29 seconds with a guillotine choke submission.

A protégé of famed Muay Thai trainer Mike Miles, 5-foot-8, 24-year-old Dawodu of Calgary, Alberta, Canada launched his professional career inside the World Series of Fighting decagon on February 21, 2014 ko je dosegel prvi krog (1:07) KO (punch) na Behrang Yousefi.

Following his successful debut, Dawodu claimed four consecutive victories – all by way of (T)KO – under the World Series of Fighting banner, before facing off with Magomedov last December 18. Following three rounds of battle, the fight was declared a majority draw.

The 5-foot-8, 25-year-old Magomedov of Dagestan is a combat Sambo specialist who has claimed all but one of his wins by way of submission, beginning with his professional debut on July 1, 2011 when he forced Dzhambulat Magomedov to tap out from a triangle choke in the first round (3:40) of their matchup.

Additional preliminary card bouts for WSOF32 will be announced soon.

Po ceni od $29, tickets for WSOF32: Moraes vs. Hill II are on sale at XFINITYArenaEverett.com and WSOF.com.

In the world featherweight championship co-main event, Alexandre "Captain" Almeida (18-5) will defend his title for the first time against the fighter he took it fromLance Palmer (10-2).

V drugih ukrepih na živo televizijska oddaja NBCSN, costumed crime fighter Phoenix Jones (6-1-1) aka Ben Fodor of Seattle, Wash. will look to settle his rivalry with adopted brother Caros “The Future” Fodor (10-5) of Seattle in a 162-pound catchweight affair.

M-1 Challenge 66 Viktor Nemkov vs. Rashid Yusopov M-1 Challenge Light Heavyweight Championship May 27, 2016 * Orenburg City, Rusija

M-1 Challenge 66, Petek in Orenburg City, Rusija
Petek, Maj 27 pri 11 a.m. / 8 a.m. PT in U.S.A.
(L-R) – Viktor Nemkov & Rashid Yusopov
VIKTOR NEMKOV (23-5-0, M-1: 14-4-0) Prvak, Russia by way of Kazakhstan 205 lbs. (93 kg)
RASHID YUSOPOV (6-2-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Challenger, Rusija 204 lbs. (92.7 kg)
LIGHT heavyweights – 3 X 5
STEPHAN “T-800” PUETZ (13-2-0, M-1: 4-1-0), Nemčija 204 ½ lbs. (92.9 kg)
ANDREY SELEDTSOV (5-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Rusija 205 lbs. 93 kg)
Lightweights – 3 X 5
RAUL TUTARAULI (6-2-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Georgia 154 ½ lbs. (70.3 kg)
DAMIR ISMAGULOV (6-2-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Russia by way of Kazakhstan 154 ½ lbs. (70.3 kg)
JOSH RETTINGHOUSE (12-4-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Združene države Amerike 139 lbs. (63.3 kg)
VADIM ZHLOBICH (4-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Belarus 138 lbs. (62.7 kg)
Mikhail KOROBKOV (9-0-1, M-1: 0-0-1), Rusija 145 lbs. (65.8 kg)
EAST Nagibina (7-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Rusija 144 ½ lbs. (65.7 kg)
ALEXANDER KRUPEMKIN (za prvenec), Ukrajina 131 LBS. (59.6 kg)
MOVSAR EVLOEV (2-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0) 136 lbs. (61.75 kg)
KDAJ: Petek, Maj 27, 2016
KJE: Orenburg City, Rusija
PROMOTOR: M-1 Globalna
LIVE STREAM: FREE pri www.m-1global.tv (Petek, Maj 27 pri 11 a.m. IN / 8 a.m. PT in USA)



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