标记档案: MMA




即时发布: 路易斯顿, 缅因 (五月 4, 2017) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 返回安德罗斯科金银行体育馆 星期六, 六月 17, 2017 与格斗促销活动的下一个活动一起, “NEF 29: 星星 & 条纹。” 本次活动将呈现全方位的综合格斗比赛 (MMA) 与职业拳击较量. The professional portion of the card will feature a high-level catchweight bout between 保罗·高曼 (10-9) 和 詹姆斯 “飞翔者’ 夏威夷语” 布莱尔 (5-0) at 130-pounds.


Paul Gorman is a twelve-year veteran of the New England MMA circuit. He captured the NEF Bantamweight Title atNEF 5.Gorman would go on to successfully defend that title against Tateki Matsuda (12-8) in a five-round split decision victory that is to this day considered one of the greatest battles to ever take place in the NEF cage. Months later, Matsuda would sign with the UFC. Gorman finally dropped the title in the summer of 2014 to Tim Goodwin (10-6) in a hard-fought, five-round decision loss. He has not competed in the MMA cage since.


Gorman received his black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu from Maine MMA pioneer, and head coach of the Academy of MMA in Portland, 杰杰克. He has spent the last month training on the Indonesian island of Bali at Anthony Leone’s gym known asBali MMA.Longtime NEF fans will recall that Leone (15-7) and Gorman were the co-main event ofNEF I.


I’m happy to be returning to the NEF cage on 六月 17,” said Gorman when reached for comment in Bali. “It’s been what feels like forever since I’ve been under the lights, and I can’t wait to get in there and compete again.


A native of Hawaii now based in Florida, undefeated James Blair represents the world-renowned American Top Team (TO) 椰子溪. After an amateur career of 7-1, Blair turned pro in 2014. He captured the Island Fights Flyweight Title late last year. Blair will make his NEF debut on 六月 17 against Gorman. 最近, Blair has trained with former NEF Lightweight Champion, and current UFC signee, 德文 - 鲍威尔 (8-2) at ATT. He even travelled north with Powell to make an in-cage appearance announcing the Gorman fight at “新EF 28” last weekend in Lewiston.


I want to thank Matt Peterson and the NEF crew for offering this opportunity,” stated Blair. “It is an honor to be stepping into competition with a veteran and pioneer of the sport.


新英格兰拳击赛重返刘易斯顿的安德罗斯科金银行体育馆, 缅因州及其下一个活动, “NEF 29: 星星 & 条纹,” 周六, 六月 17, 2017. 门票现已在 Colisee 售票处发售 207-783-2009 X 525 并在网上www.TheColisee.com.


有关事件,并拼牌更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 在 Twitter 上关注他们 @nefights 并加入官方 Facebook 群组“新英格兰战斗.”



新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造缅因州的战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


即时发布: 路易斯顿, 缅因 (五月 3, 2017) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 返回安德罗斯科金银行体育馆 星期六, 六月 17, 2017 与格斗促销活动的下一个活动一起, “NEF 29: 星星 & 条纹。” 本次活动将呈现全方位的综合格斗比赛 (MMA) 与职业拳击较量. 该卡的业余部分将以轻量级冠军争夺战为标题,届时将看到 拉斐尔 “迪兹坚果” 含蓄 (4-0) 抵御 帕特·凯利 (3-0).


巴西柔术黑带, Velado 在秋季首次亮相 NEF 2015. 他提交了凯利·杨的MMA队友吉米·杰克逊 (3-3) 在 “新EF 25” 夺得业余轻量级冠军. 至今, 只有迈克·佩特森 (3-1), 杨氏的另一位成员, 与已成为扶手大师的 Velado 和 Kimuras 保持着距离. Velado 是不伦瑞克一级综合格斗 (First Class MMA) 会员, 缅因.


“再来一次,” 蒙面惊呼. “我们在 First Class MMA 和 Young’s MMA 之间进行了一场友好的竞争. 他们向我发起猛攻,我接听电话. PK (帕特·凯利) 是一个传奇. 如果你在缅因州摔跤并且你不知道他是谁, 你失去联系了. 我认为 PK 对我来说是一种不同于我之前四场比赛的挑战. 我已经证明我可以把战斗打到地面,而且当我到达那里时我很危险, 但这对帕特来说是一个通配符. 这场比赛对我来说非常令人兴奋,因为我们都保持不败,获胜者必须通过一场全面的比赛来证明他们已经准备好进入下一个级别. 我毫不怀疑PK能不能打倒我. 现在的问题是; 他会后悔带我去那里的决定吗? 我们将看到 6月17日.”


帕特·凯利是, 正如维拉多指出的, 缅因州摔跤界的传奇人物. 他整理了一个令人印象深刻的 116-20 缅因大学的职业记录, 夺得新英格兰冠军并参加 NCAA 锦标赛 1986. 这位52岁的教练对于冠军圈并不陌生, 多年来带领卡姆登山队多次获得州冠军, 在此过程中,他入选了缅因州业余摔跤联盟名人堂. 凯利因执教现任 UFC 明星蒂姆·博奇而闻名 (20-11) 博奇在卡姆登山期间获得了四个州摔跤冠军.


作为 Young’s MMA 的成员, 凯利首次亮相 MMA “新EF 14。” 以其激烈的笼内表演而闻名, 凯利已经击败了所有三个对手. 自从去年夏天取得最后一场胜利以来,膝盖受伤迫使他缺席比赛。 2015.


“第一, 我衷心感谢 NEF 给我这个千载难逢的机会,并感谢 Chris Young 教练和 Ernie Fitch 以及我在 Young MMA 的所有队友,” 凯利说. “我很兴奋能回到 NEF 笼子里. 我现在已经从严重的膝盖受伤中完全康复,感觉比以前更好了. 这场战斗非常有意义,因为你有两个不败的战士愿意为腰带而战.


“我很荣幸能与英国皇家空军这样的战斗机同在一个笼子里,” 凯利继续说道. “我尊重他目前是不败冠军的事实. 与他交手意味着我是时候向他提供一个值得争夺冠军的挑战了. 过去四年我一直在为这样的机会而训练. 我会给笼子带来不可预测的感觉和真正的勇气. 在本质上, Raf 会做他必须做的事,我也会做我必须做的事. 无论发生什么, 发生。”


新英格兰拳击赛重返刘易斯顿的安德罗斯科金银行体育馆, 缅因州及其下一个活动, “NEF 29: 星星 & 条纹,” 周六, 六月 17, 2017. 门票现已在 Colisee 售票处发售 207-783-2009 X 525 并在网上www.TheColisee.com.


有关事件,并拼牌更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 在 Twitter 上关注他们 @nefights 并加入官方 Facebook 群组“新英格兰战斗.”



新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造缅因州的战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.

Largest MMA event in The Americas July 14-15 在蒙特雷, 墨西哥

蒙特卡罗, 摩纳哥 (五月 3, 2017)- The World MMA Association (WMMAA) has announced that its 2017 Pan-American Championships, the largest MMA event ever in The Americas, will be held this coming 七月 14-15 在蒙特雷, 墨西哥.
National teams from the United States, 加拿大, 墨西哥, 哥斯达黎加, 尼加拉瓜, 哥伦比亚, 厄瓜多尔, 委内瑞拉, 乌拉圭, 巴西, along with special guest Spain, are expected to compete in the 2017 Pan-American Championships.
Representing your country on the biggest continental competition of nations, it strikes you, your heart starts to race in anticipation of the grand journey into WMMAA history,” Pan-American Division president 托马斯·玉 说.
The PAN-AM Board of Directors met again this past month during a collaboration with USA Boxing, during the latter’s 2017 西方精英预选赛 & 区域开放, when the tentative announcement was made that Monterrey (墨西哥) would be the event host this July.
阿尔伯克基, New Mexico was a leading destination host, 然而, PAN-AM Board members voted in favor of Monterrey as the ultimate location.
WMMAA Mexico, as well as Monterrey as the host city this year, is a huge step in the development of the championships and movement as a whole,” 俞加. “Monterrey has been an active sport city. It was the first city to bid on the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics. Monterrey had never bid on an Olympic Game prior to its effort to bid for the 2014 Summer Youth Olympics. The city did host several matches of the 1986 FIFA World Cup.
The moment we have all been waiting for is finally here as the 2017 Pan-American Championships will take place in Monterrey, Mexico this coming 七月 14-15. The final decision has been made and now it is time to exhale, relax, and peacefully wait for the upcoming grand event, gathering people from all around the world to watch their country’s athletes competing among the best.




ALSO, MMA 传奇人物蒂托·奥尔蒂斯和丹·亨德森将与球迷见面并签名 MAY 19

LOS ANGELES – Monster Energy Bellator MMA 格斗系列赛将于周六在 Monster Energy NASCAR 全明星赛周末期间造访夏洛特赛车场, 五月 20 在赛道比赛开始之前,整个下午将进行多场 MMA 比赛. 所有比赛都安排在 3:30-5 P.M. AND 夏洛特赛车场粉丝专区的 Monster Energy 展览.

另外, 球迷将有机会见到这项运动历史上的两位最著名的人物星期五, 五月 19, 当前UFC冠军 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯 以及前 PRIDE 和 STRIKEFORCE 冠军头衔持有者 丹·亨德森 可以在夏洛特赛车场球迷区的 Monster Energy 展示台上签名 3-4 P.M. AND.

通过 Bellator MMA, 与长期合作伙伴 Monster Energy 一起, 混合武术将作为赛前活动专门为到场的球迷提供. 阵容 周六 将包括四场综合格斗比赛,其中一些最优秀的地区新星将参加, 考虑与主要赛事前景签署一份多场比赛的 Bellator MMA 合同.

Monster Energy NASCAR 全明星赛即将举行 星期六, 五月 20 在 8 P.M. AND, FS1 现场直播. Monster Energy NASCAR 全明星赛门票可在以下网址购买: NASCAR.com/门票 或致电夏洛特赛车场 1-800-455-FANS (3267).


更新 Monster Energy Bellator MMA 格斗系列 在夏洛特赛车场战斗卡:

重量级的主要事件: 艾伦·克劳德 (7-2, 梅巴内, 北卡罗来纳州) VS. 罗伯特·尼尔 (4-2, 杰斐逊, 嘎。)

次中量级回合: 雷米霍洛威 (8-2, 夏洛特, N.C) VS. 雅各布·麦克林托克 (8-2, 查尔斯顿, 南卡罗)

轻量级回合: 迈克·史蒂文斯 (6-3, 温斯顿塞勒姆, N.C) VS. 拉肖恩·阿尔科克斯 (6-8, 威明顿, 北卡罗来纳州)

轻重量级回合: 艾伦·博斯 (5-0, 杰克逊维尔, 北卡罗来纳州) VS. 克里斯·克劳福德 (8-5, 达勒姆, N.C)


请访问 Bellator.com 了解详情.





即时发布: 路易斯顿, 缅因 (五月 2, 2017) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 返回安德罗斯科金银行体育馆 星期六, 六月 17, 2017 与格斗促销活动的下一个活动一起, “NEF 29: 星星 & 条纹。” 本次活动将呈现全方位的综合格斗比赛 (MMA) 与职业拳击较量. On the professional portion of the MMA card, the ever-popular RasRasquatch” 希尔顿 (1-0) 已签约的脸 埃里克 “Big BlackRamsey (0-1) 在一个重量级的较量.


Including his amateur career, 在6'6″ Ras Hylton is a perfect 4-0 在NEF笼. His meteoric rise to the top of the NEF heavyweight division has left a trail of broken and battered opponents in its wake. Hylton’s first four opponents have not lasted a total of six minutes with the Taekwondo black belt. A member of both First Class MMA and Dragon Fire Martial Arts, Hylton won his pro debut over veteran Mike Hansen (5-5) 在 “NEF 27” 去年二月.


I’m really excited about being able to get in the cage again,” said Hylton. “I have the opportunity to get tested by someone outside the circuit, which evokes a real ‘next levelfeeling. NEF is really pulling out all the stops to make 6月17日 a great start to the summer! I can’t think of a better way to celebrate Father’s Day, so I intend to relax, 不败, with my kids on Sunday. I hope everyone comes out for this one!”


Eric Ramsey will make his first NEF appearance on 六月 17. Based out of Clinton, 俄克拉何马州, Ramsey has been a fixture on MMA cards in the Sooner State since 2012. Like Hylton, he gained a reputation as a quick finisher, with his first three amateur bouts lasting a total of less than three minutes. Ramsey comes to Maine looking for his first win as a professional. He represents Trinity Combat Club.


I look forward to displaying my skills in front of a new crowd,” said Ramsey. “I am very grateful to NEF and Ras Hylton for allowing me the opportunity to challenge myself. I’m excited to show what Oklahoma has to offer. 谢谢, and God bless.


新英格兰拳击赛重返刘易斯顿的安德罗斯科金银行体育馆, 缅因州及其下一个活动, “NEF 29: 星星 & 条纹,” 周六, 六月 17, 2017. 门票现已在 Colisee 售票处发售 207-783-2009 X 525 并在网上www.TheColisee.com.


有关事件,并拼牌更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 在 Twitter 上关注他们 @nefights 并加入官方 Facebook 群组“新英格兰战斗.”



新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造缅因州的战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.



即时发布: 路易斯顿, 缅因 (五月 1, 2017) – Between them they have a dozen fights in the Bellator cage. 现在, they have signed to face each other in the New England Fights (NEF) hexagon. 射线 “所有业务” 木 (8-3) 见面会 亚历山大 “屁股” 小母牛 (19-5) 在主要事件 “NEF 29: 星星 & 条纹。” 本次活动, which will feature a full slate of mixed-martial-arts and professional boxing bouts, is scheduled to take place on Saturday, 六月 17, 2017 在安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店在路易斯顿, 缅因.


This would be a main card fight on any nationally-televised event,” 说NEF共同拥有者和推动者尼克DiSalvo. “It doesn’t get any bigger or better than this on the regional level. This is the kind of fight we love to deliver to the NEF fans.


Wood grew up in Bucksport, Maine and became a top MMA prospect after joining Young’s MMA in Bangor. He was victorious in ten of his first eleven fights over the course of his amateur and early professional careers. Wood’s sole loss during that impressive run came when he moved up to the lightweight division to face a larger Shane Manley (3-3).


It took Wood just over a minute to submit Lenny Wheeler (9-5) 在 “NEF 8.” 在这样做, Wood became the first NEF Featherweight Champion. He went on to successfully defend the title against tough Brazilian prospect Gabriel Baino (6-2) with a second-round TKO. Months later, Wood would drop the title to Anthony Morrison (20-11) via fifth-round submission.


The next few years would see Wood travel away from Maine to settle first in South Carolina and later Texas. Since leaving Maine, he has been training at some of the top gyms in all of mixed martial arts with world-class athletes, and he has fought for national promotion Bellator three times. Wood’s Bellator debut saw him finish Chris Jones (10-5) 在第一轮. He is now looking to rebound from a unanimous decision loss to AJ McKee, JR. (8-0) 在Bellator 166 去年年底. The fight with Bezerra will be Wood’s first on Maine soil since February 2015.


I’m excited to fight in front of the New England fans once again,” said Wood when reached for comment at his home in Amarillo, 得克萨斯州. “It’s been way too long. It’s time to get back to where all my success began. The last time I fought in Maine, I left with a loss, and I have no easy task in front of me this time. Alexandre is no joke, and has fought some of the best in the world, and with me coming off back-to-back losses, I have no choice but to have my hand raised by the end of three rounds. I have never lost three straight in anything.


A native of Sao Paolo, 巴西, Alexandre Bezerra now lives and trains in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he is a member of Daddis Fight Camps. Bezerra holds a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and he is also a teacher of the sport.


Bezerra has nine Bellator bouts under his belt. He competed in both the Season Six and Season Eight featherweight tournaments, making it past the quarterfinal rounds but losing in the semifinals each time. 最近, Bezerra competed for national promotion Titan Fighting Championships in late 2016. Like Wood, Bezerra is looking to bounce back from a loss.
I am very excited to compete for NEF, they are a fantastic organization and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity,” said Bezerra. “My opponent is a tough, up-and-coming prospect, and this should be a great fight. Both of us are looking to finish fights, so the fans are in for a treat!”


Everyone in Maine and New England fight sports knows the talent that is Ray Wood,” 说NEF共同所有者和媒人马特·彼得森. “He cut his teeth in NEF and after going on to compete in several high-profile Bellator fights, he’s coming back home to where it all began for him. 他的对手, a native of Brazil, is a seasoned veteran that has a black belt in jiu-jitsu. Fans can expect to see the highest level of mixed martial arts skill on display in this blockbuster main event.


新英格兰拳击赛重返刘易斯顿的安德罗斯科金银行体育馆, 缅因州及其下一个活动, “NEF 29: 星星 & 条纹,” 周六, 六月 17, 2017. 门票现已在 Colisee 售票处发售 207-783-2009 X 525 并在网上 www.TheColisee.com.


有关事件,并拼牌更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 在 Twitter 上关注他们 @nefights 并加入官方 Facebook 群组“新英格兰战斗.”


路易斯顿, 缅因 (四月 30, 2017) –再次, 乔恩·莱姆克的脑袋里流了血. 再次, “ The” Ryan Sanders在胜利中举手.

这次, 然而, 关于终点的争议或猜想为零, 权威性的结局使Sanders首次成为NEF混合武术冠军.

桑德斯(Sanders)用断头台的ke子来止住Lemke 22 进入第二轮第二秒,并在“ NEF”赢得了空缺的“ New England Fights”轻量级冠军 28: 不可战胜的,”举行 星期六 晚上在安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店在路易斯顿.

他们先前在11月举行的非冠军对抗赛 2016 因意外砍伐而使Lemke无法继续. 桑德斯(Sanders)通过赢得所有三位法官的记分卡的前两轮比赛赢得了胜利.

在冠军争夺战中, 在林姆(Lemke)利用后期删除打断来回的东西之后,桑德斯可能落后了, 站立会议.

“他在……肠子里打我。, 而且...很疼,桑德斯说, 用他的电话卡上的微笑和粗俗的字眼来修饰语句. “我知道第一轮比赛将会艰难, 因为他是杀手, 而且我往往起步很慢。”

桑德斯 (14-8) 不要浪费时间获得Lemke (6-8) 到垫子上,并在第二轮中获得水龙头. 这是他九次参加NEF比赛第七次获胜.

这位基于Bangor的战斗机将胜利献给了他的妻子, 凡妮莎, 她被关在笼子里把皮带绑在丈夫腰上. 这对夫妇庆祝了结婚五周年 星期五.

“她救了我的命,桑德斯说. “她是我在这里的原因, 我打架的原因, 以及我成为冠军的原因。”

在合作的主要事件, 乔希·哈维 (4-0) 残酷地保持不败, 50-德里克·肖里的第二场淘汰赛.

肖里 (4-9) 回到NEF笼子里,为他的四个孩子和他们的母亲筹集资金, 在最近的新罕布什尔州公寓火灾中失去家园的人.

“他是一个好人,一个超级战士. 我很高兴他加紧战斗,哈维说. “接下来,我想与其他不败的人战斗。”

奥本(Auburn)的马特·丹宁(Matt Denning)以权威结束了他的四连胜. “肯·多尔”(Ken Doll)对乔什·帕克(Josh Parker)进行了第一轮判决,这让他期待已久的重返NEF笼子.

丹宁(Denning)用他的挣扎力量赢得了怨恨比赛. 他从早前的失败中恢复过来, 在地面上占主导地位, 在第四分钟用断头台将其收起.

“赢得胜利感觉很好. 我终于得到了一个,丹宁说. “我在 145 英镑, 这就是我的归属。”

Bellator资深人士Walter Smith-Cotito将他的NEF记录提高到 3-0, 而他的做法是反对令人大开眼界的反对派. 在过去的胜利之后,布鲁斯·博伊顿(Bruce Boyington)和埃里亚斯·利兰(Elias Leland), Smith-Cotito在 2:05 第二轮. Belcarris在他的职业选手首次亮相之后 34 业余的较量.

多米尼克·琼斯(Dominic Jones)凯旋而出, 只拿出NEF支柱Tollison Lewis 30 第一轮还剩秒数. 琼斯以决定赢得了他所有的业余战斗, 但要用他的摔角敏锐度在地面上统治他的高个对手并赢得将军澳.

第一轮停牌也是该卡业余部分的规则, 所有四场战斗都在两分钟内结束.

最有争议的结果涉及Caleb“ Dr. 感觉良好”奥斯汀, 拉姆福德山谷高中的一名18岁高中生, 在Lancester扮演Kaze Dojo的James Ploss, 新罕布什尔州. 这是两个战士的笼子首次亮相.

Ploss是开场钟的侵略者,并立即采取行动. 这也发挥了奥斯丁的优势, 谁积累了惊人的 208-11 小学生摔跤手赢得两个州冠军的同时创下的纪录.

大约30秒标记, 普洛斯(Ploss)应用了断头台并强行从奥斯丁(Austin)轻拍. 不幸的是Ploss, 裁判没有看到Austin轻击,并且在Ploss解除保留后,他让战斗继续进行.

奥斯丁充分利用了缓刑,并在立式和醒目的比赛中表现出了力量, 最终在 1:57 马克.

乔什·“篮球”·琼斯在对阵肖恩·伍斯特的首场比赛中毫无疑问留下了一切 (0-3).

琼斯, 29, 由NBA发展联盟(NBA Development League)起草,然后在德国和加拿大从事职业生涯, 持续不断的干草制造者进行了早期攻击. 他把伍斯特(Worcester)扔到画布上,并在仅仅 20 秒.

Jacob Deppmeyer在业余六边形上将他的分类帐均匀化 1-1 以77秒的优势解散了Glenn Kasabian 140. Dominic和Josh Jones以及Dettmeyer的胜利使First Class MMA成为完美的选择 3-0 在晚上.

梅森·特拉弗斯(Mason Travers)参加战斗机大游行,并在2004年击败奈杰尔·莫耶(Nigel Moye)赢得了业余比赛 1:10 开幕节的.

关于“ NEF”的许多重大公告 29: 军人的)星章和臂章,”将举行 星期六, 六月 17 在Androscoggin Bank Colisee. 主赛事将以Ray“ All Business” Wood的缅因州归乡为特色. 前NEF最轻量级冠军Paul Gorman也将亮相.

专业拳击将重返聚光灯, 由北安森州的当地人布兰登·蒙泰拉(Brandon Montella)和波特兰的拉塞尔·拉莫尔(Russell Lamour)领导, 和一个特别的客人: 前重量级冠军詹姆斯•巴斯特•道格拉斯(James“ Buster” Douglas)将出席迎接球迷并签署签名.

Tickets start at $25 和可在 www.TheColisee.com or by calling the Colisee box office at 207.783.2009, 延期 525.



LOS ANGELES – Bellator is pleased to announce the signings of Valérie Létourneau (8-6), 亚历杭德拉拉拉 (6-1), Sabriye Şengül(登场), 克里斯蒂·洛佩兹 (2-0), Na Liang (6-0) 和 朱莉安娜·贝拉斯克斯 (5-0) to multi-fight contracts that will see them compete in Bellator’s emerging 125-pound division. 另外, Bellator will look to crown its next women’s flyweight world champion this year.

“2017 has been a big year for us in terms of bringing in marquee free agents that can have an immediate impact on their division,” Bellator总裁Scott Coker的说. “This group of flyweight signings demonstrates that we’re committed to that throughout our roster, as we’re adding even more depth to an already-competitive weight class. We’re adding a proven title contender, along with a group of prospects from all around the globe, and we look forward to putting on great fights and displaying the talent this division has to offer.”

These news stars join a division that already includes talented fighters, 例如 Keri Taylor-Melendez (1-0), Ilima雷·麦克法兰 (6-0),Anastasia Yankova (5-0), 艾米丽·杜科特(Emily Ducote) (5-2), 科琳·施奈德 (11-7) 和 莉娜·奥弗希尔温尼科瓦 (12-4, 1 NC).

出生于加拿大的 Létourneau, 前UFC草量级冠军挑战者, 拥有令人印象深刻的激动人心的战斗记录, highlighted by a world title contest against undefeated UFC champion Joanna Jędrzejczyk. 现在, moving up to a more natural weight class, the 33-year-old American Top Team product will make her debut for Bellator in 2017. She will look to improve upon her eight victories as a professional, 包括五个完成的理货, 有四人以淘汰赛的方式到来.

Hailing from Medellin, 哥伦比亚, Alejandra Lara will look to make a statement in Bellator’s budding women’s flyweight division. The 22-year-old knockout artist has earned six victories in seven outings since making her professional debut in 2011. “Azul” has shown tenacity in her fights thus far, showcasing a pair of first round knockouts, as well as a first round armbar submission. Lara trains alongside UFC fighters Alexa Grasso and Irene Aldana at Team Lobo in Mexico.

Fighting out of Hollywood, 加利福尼亚州。, Kristi Lopez will enter the Bellator fray as she prepares for her third professional bout. 在此之前,, “Loba” also tallied three victories over a four-fight, two-year span on the amateur circuit.

Chinese submission specialist Na Liang will look to build on a 2017 campaign that already saw her finish an opponent in a mere 38 秒. The first-round stoppage marked the fifth time in six appearances that Liang’s opposition failed to make it out of the opening round. After competing exclusively at bantamweight to begin her career, Liang decided to move down to the flyweight division, where she also saw success by collecting a trio of first round finishes.

With an impressive following in Turkey from her kickboxing career, Sabriye Şengül will now transition to MMA under the direction of Bellator. With a professional kickboxing record of 6-1, the 26-year-old prospect holds the potential to achieve the same success in multiple combat sport disciplines.

不败于 30 岁, Juliana Velasquez trains under the Nogueira brothers in Brazil, carrying one of the most famous names in MMA with her inside the Bellator cage. 另外, Juliana trains alongside fellow Bellator flyweight 布鲁纳·巴尔加斯. With five wins in five appearances, the Rio de Janeiro resident will look to become another Brazilian Bellator champion.

BELLATOR 新增 CHICK KONGO 对阵 AUGUSTO SAKAI 的重量级对决 179: DALEY VS. 麦克唐纳在上海证券交易所体育馆, 五月温布利 19

BELLATOR 179 预赛对阵

LOS ANGELES — 新宣布的重量级比赛包括 谢赫·金刚 (26-10-2) 针对 酒井奥古斯托 (9-0-1) 已添加到已经电动的 Bellator 179: 戴利VS. 麦当劳 事件, 源自上交所体育馆, 五月温布利 19.

金刚, 法国出生的重量级人物, 目前取得四连胜,其中包括战胜奥利·汤普森和亚历山大·沃尔科夫, 而 25 岁的酒井希望保持不败并在联赛中扬名.

另外, 本次赛事的初赛对决已经确定,由英国一些最优秀的新秀选手参加.

Bellator 179: 戴利VS. 麦当劳 将于 SPIKE 播出 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT. 活动门票现已在 SSE Arena 发售, 温布利票房 (0844 815 0815), ssearena.co.ukaxs.com.

更新 Bellator 179: 戴利VS. 麦当劳 主卡:

次中量级的主要事件: 保罗·戴利 (39-14-2) VS. 罗里·麦克唐纳 (18-4)

次中量级功能回合: 迈克尔页 (12-0) VS. 德里克·安德森 (14-3)

轻重量级特征回合: 利亚姆McGeary (12-1) VS. 林顿瓦塞尔 (17-5)

重量级特征回合: 谢赫·金刚 (26-10-2) VS. 酒井奥古斯托 (9-0-1)


轻量级初步回合: 杰·多兹 (6-0) VS. 阿尔菲·戴维斯 (6-1)

重量级的初步回合: 罗布·比奇 (4-1) VS. 斯塔夫·伊科诺莫 (17-5)

飞锤初步回合: 杰米·鲍威尔 (6-1) VS. 阿米尔·阿尔巴齐 (8-0)

重量级初步回合: 乌梅尔·卡亚尼 (4-3) VS. 内森·琼斯 (10-5)

重量级初步回合: 丹·文尼 (14-14) VS. 亚历克斯·洛霍尔 (10-1)

中量级初步回合: 利亚姆·埃特巴尔 (6-1) VS. 拉法尔·塞伊拉·塞伊罗夫斯基 (2-0)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout (150 磅。): 杰里米·佩特利 (10-8) VS. 蔡斯·莫顿 (6-3)

中量级初步回合: 马尔钦·普罗斯特科 (4-5) VS. 迈克·希普曼 (9-1)

轻量级初步回合: 萨利赫·库鲁坎 (4-5) VS. 迭戈·巴尔博萨 (3-0)



即时发布: 路易斯顿, 缅因 (四月 27, 2017) – 从来没有一个从挑战退缩, or an opportunity to call out the competition, “The” Ryan Sanders is irked by the tone of the scuttlebutt since his first fight with Jon Lemke last November.

是的, the skirmish stopped during the third round, due to a deep cut on Lemke’s head. But with Sanders leading comfortably, 20-18, 在所有这三个卡, he was declared the winner.

It all fell in line with the Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts, and it surely reflected Sanders’ conviction that he was well in command of the bout and on his way to victory, 不管. Since that night, 该 星期六 before Thanksgiving, 然而, 桑德斯, 29, says that Lemke and others in his camp have been a tad too outspoken about their belief that it was somehow a tainted victory.

In a recent interview with Jason Floyd on “The MMA Report Podcast,” Sanders held nothing back when queried about his motivation to dole out another beating when the former training partners meet this Saturday, 四月 29 in a rematch at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston.

这次, it’s the tournament final for the vacant lightweight title at “NEF 28: Invincible.”

“I was a little upset afterwards that (莱姆克) said he thought it should have been a no-contest,桑德斯说. “What Jon won’t talk about or say is that right before I got that takedown, he quit. He quit in my arms.”

桑德斯 (13-8) clarified that comment, adding that while Lemke (6-7) didn’t say the word explicitly, his vast experience in the cage underscored his belief that the end was nigh.

“A fighter knows when someone is about to give up, and Jon was about to give up,“他说,. “He wasn’t fighting that takedown in my arms. He was just dead weight in my arms, so it’s a bit frustrating that he would say that.”

It didn’t take long for the stars to align and serve up the second helping that both fighters’ fan bases crave. With a shot at the strap in the offing, both men made short work of their 155-pound tournament semifinal opponents in February.

Sanders landed a vicious kick to the jaw of John Ortolani that ended their confrontation in a mere 15 秒. Lemke was just as impressive, needing only a minute longer to dispatch Jesse “the Viking” Erickson.

Typically it’s the defeated fighter in this scenario who covets the chance at vindication, but Sanders sounds like the one with an axe to grind after hearing some of the public perception about his previous win.

“I’m happy that we get a rematch and to be able to show everyone that the first time it wasn’t a fluke and to have my hand raised again,” Sanders, 是谁 6-1 in his past seven fights, 说. “I’m unstoppable right now. I’m surrounded with the best people. I’ve got great teammates, great coaches and an amazing wife … Any guy who fights me, they are (screwed).”

Asked if he is bent on earning a submission to achieve a measure of unfinished business, Sanders quickly declared that any form of victory will suffice.

“Not necessarily to get a stoppage victory, but I’m going to show him. It will be five months since we fought, and I’ve been in the gym every day, and I’m going to show him that he’s not on my level,桑德斯说. “Eventually the victory will come whether it’s a submission, a TKO, 淘汰赛. Jon does have a lot of heart, but I’m going to be stealing it from him. I’m going to steal his soul and I’m going to break his will.

“I’m a grappler, so I do prefer a nice submission victory,“ 他继续. “But whatever he gives me I’ll take, and I’m going to go in there and take it. I’m going to take that belt home. That is my belt, and I’ve worked too hard to let anyone else take it from me.”

The rivalry between Sanders and Lemke is a natural one. They were former stablemates at Team Irish before Sanders switched to rival Young’s MMA.

Sanders said he didn’t earn enough takedowns for his liking in the previous encounter, but he believes the scorecards were an accurate reflection of how he dominated the fight.

“I knew he was a tough dude. He could take a punch. He could take a kick,桑德斯说. “I feel like I was getting the best of it.”

A second bout with Lemke fits Sanders’ profile as a fighter willing to take on anyone, 随地, 在任何时候.

桑德斯, who has been matched in his career with the likes of Marcus Davis, Gil de Freitas, Levan Makashvili, Luis Felix and Derrick Kennington, has won his last five in a row on Maine soil.

He dropped back-to-back decisions to de Freitas in his two previous bids for an NEF title and naturally predicts that he won’t let the third chance at gold slip away.

“I know with the training I’m putting in that I’m destined for greatness,桑德斯说. “My work has shown that, and my future fights will show that. I know I’m there to fight the best. Look at the guys I’ve fought. They’re UFC or Bellator vets, or they’re top-five fighters in the region.

“(The fans are) going to witness a great fight, a great performance by Ryan Sanders,”他总结道. “They may say, ‘This guy’s being (a jerk). He’s real cocky.’ It’s not that I’m cocky. I’m fully confident in my training and in my training partners and in my coaches and in myself that I am ready to fight anybody in the region and beat anybody in the region.”

“NEF”开幕钟声 28: Invincible” on 四月 29 被设定为 7 P.M. Tickets start at $25 和可在 www.TheColisee.com or by calling the Colisee box office at 207.783.2009, 延期 525.