Tag Archives: MMA

Alexander Shlemenko vs. Brandon Halsey 3? Only if it’s a light heavyweight fight

SANKT PETERBURGAS, Rusija (Birželis 9, 2017) World-class MMA middleweights Aleksandras “Audra” Shlemenko ir Brandon “Jautis” Halsey have fought twice with each opponent imposing their wills from the opening bell to secure a quick victory.
Will they complete a rare MMA trilogy? Only if it’s a light heavyweight fight, according to Halsey.
I’d take the fight in an instant at 205 (kg); I can’t make it down to 185,Halsey said. “I think the fans would really love to see this fight. I’d be healthy, he’d be healthy. It would last more than 30 sekundžių. It would be a war!”

The two-fight split outcomes, which totaled only 56 sekundžių, calls for a “gumos rungtynės” to determine which one is the better fighter.
Shlemenko-Halsey 1 was held September 26, 2014 in Phoenix, Arizona (JAV) kaip Bellator 126 Pagrindinis įvykis, in which Shlemenko defended his Bellator middleweight title. Halsey, a former Division I, All-American wrestler at California State University at Bakersfield, started strong and used his wrestling skills to win only 35 seconds into the match, by way of a technical submission via a rare-naked choke. The gifted American become the new Bellator middleweight champion.
Last Thursday night at M-1 Iššūkis 79 Sankt Peterburge, Shlemenko-Halsey 2 was the main event. Shlemenko stormed out of his corner, blasting powerful kicks and punches on Halsey;s body, until the referee halted the action at the 21-second mark for a stunning technical knockout triumph for the rugged Russian.

We have to see how confident he is about himself,” Halsey continued. “He has to feel really good right now, breaking my rib on his first kick, and punching me out on the ground. He must feel great about it. I don’t see why he wouldn’t want to do it again. I felt great about our first fight after I choked him unconscious in 30 sekundžių. I thought I could do it again, even with significant health problems. He must think he can do it again, even if we move up one weight class. Kitaip, what kind of champion is he, teisė?

I believe that this trilogy fight could be a war, maybe something that will go down in the M-1 history books. The ball is in Shlemenko’s court. I’ll do the travelling. I’d come back to Russia and fight in front of his fans. The question is will he come up one weight class and fight me (at a weight) where I’m healthy? If he says no, gerai, then that’s on him. I know fight fans will be disappointed if he doesn’t take the fight just because he’s a little small, but that’s something he’s going to have to think about.
“Žiūrėk, if Fiodoras (Emelianenko) can walk around at 230 and fight guys that have 50-70 pounds on him, I don’t know why Shlemenko can’t win a fight at just 20 pounds heavier. Teisė? M-1 Global is a great outfit and I’m very glad to be fighting for them. They’ve got some studs at 205 that I’d love to a fight. And I know I’ve got a lot to prove after that embarrassing loss, so I’ll take whoever they want to give me. If I get my head smashed in again, gerai, at least it will be more entertaining, but if I smash some guy’s head in, gerai, that’s what I expect and I can’t imagine anything less.

I’ll take the next couple of weeks to get my health back, then start training. I’ll be ready to fight whoever they put in front of me this time. No more getting my ass kicked by the weight cut. That’s all behind me now. Let’s see what happens.

According to Halsey, he never should have agreed to fight Shelemnko in their rematch.

For the last two years,” Halsey explained, “I’ve been struggling and I think it’s time to let people know what’s been going on. My stubbornness and pride got the better of me. Against the advice of my coaches, many of my trainers, my mentors and friends, I’ve tried to stay down at 185, while my body long outgrew that weight class. I believed I knew better than everyone else. I thought that I would simply will myself to the weight and believed that, because I was the champion at 185 and that I had won nine straight fights at 185, going up to 205 would be cowardice, laziness and weakness. And I was wrong.

I was recently finally released from the hospital. I had several things wrong with me: renal failure from my kidneys shutting down from the weight cut, blood clot threatening my heart, broken rib causing internal bleeding, extreme hypotension (low blood pressure). The broken rib was from the fight, but the rest is from the weight cut. My doctors have told me that 185 is not a weight that I can safely make anymore. I hate to admit it but that’s the truth.

Shlemenko is a good fighter and right now we are one and one. I got him in 30 sekundžių, he got me in 25. Neither was a very good fight for the loser. And while he did break my rib with that very well-placed kick, I don’t feel like he beat me. The scale beat me before I ever got into the ring.

I do believe we should finish this trilogy and find out who is the best, once and for all, but it’s going to have to be at 205. I understand if Shlemenko is nervous about fighting me at 205; he is small. In that case, I welcome a fight with whoever M-1 Global wants me to fight. If Shlemenko accepts the fight, as he did with Tito Ortiz, I hope we can finally have a war that lasts more than 30 sekundžių. If he doesn’t, I’m sure fans will be disappointed to know he refused the fight just because of his size.

M-1 Global TV announcer Seanas Wheelock not only called the original Shlemenko-Halsey fight, he also worked their rematch last week in Russia.
In the first fight,” Wheelock offered his unique, first-hand perspective, “Halsey came out and implemented his wrestling skills, hitting a takedown, took the back, and locked in a power rear-naked choke. Shlemenko is not one to tap-out, so he went to sleep (techninė pateikimas), which is what Halsey does best. Their last fight was the opposite, nors, as Alexander Shlemenko came out right away with a body kick to the liver, then he went to work, eliminating Halsey’s grappling and takedowns.
They’re two of the best fighters in the world. Both did what they do best to win, taking away what their opponent does best. I think a third fight would be great. I love doing commentary for both fighters; I’d happily call 50 Shlemenko-Halsey fights. A third fight would be very interesting.
Shlemenko’s (56-9-0, 1 NC, M-1: 6-0-0) ground-and-pound vs. Halsey’s (9-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0) wrestling-and-grappling in their trilogy fight. Who do you like in Shlemenko-Halsey 3? Keep in mind, nors, the only chance of their trilogy fight is if Shlemenko agrees to fight Halsey at 205 svarų. Stay tuned!


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@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
M-1 IŠŠŪKIO RENGINIŲ kalendorius:
M-1 Iššūkis 80 – Birželis 15, 2017 Habine, Kinija

Kovokite su tinklu ir tiesiogine transliacija GLORY 42 & Superfight serija Paryžius, UFC FIGHT NIGHT®: Lewis vs. Medžioklės pirmenybės & Fight Night Medicine Hat 3

TORONTO – kovos tinklas, pasaulio Premier 24/7 kelių platformų kanalas, skirtas visapusiškai aprėpti kovines sporto šakas, Šį šeštadienį pristato veiksmo kupiną gyvų kovinio sporto veiksmo dieną, Birželis 10, pradedant nuo 12:30 p.m. Ir Glory 42 Superfight serija po to seka Glory 42 Paryžius pagrindinė kortelė adresu 3 p.m. IR, abu transliuojami tiesiogiai per „Fight Network“ Kanadoje ir Turkijoje.

Vėliau, „Fight Network“ pateiks platų aprėptį UFC FIGHT NIGHT®: Lewis vs. Medžioti visoje Kanadoje, pradedant 7 p.m. ET su gyvai UFC FIGHT NIGHT®: Lewis vs. Medžioti PARUOŠIMAS PRIEŠ KOVĄ vedantis į TIESIOGINĖS PRANEŠIMAS į 8 p.m. ET Kova tinklo. Pagrindinė kortelė tiesiogiai transliuojama per TSN5. The UFC FIGHT NIGHT®: Lewis vs. Medžioti PARUOŠIMAS PRIEŠ KOVĄ dalyvaus buvęs UFC lengvo svorio čempionas Miesha Tate ir pensininkas Kenny Florianas, dirbantis stalo analitikais, laidos vedėja Karyn Bryant ir reporterė Heidi Androl ves interviu su kovotoju Naujojoje Zelandijoje..

Dviejų valandų TIESIOGINĖS PRANEŠIMAS „Fight Network“ bus lengvasvoriai Damienas Brownas (17-9) ir Aš ateinu Pichel (9-1) išskirtiniame susidūrime, daugiau Lukas Jumeau (11-3) įgauna Dominique Steele (14-8) į 170 svarų, tuo tarpu Nr. 11 Džonas Moraga (16-6) kovas Ashkan Mokhtarian (13-1) lėkštėje. Kiichi Kunimoto (18-6-2, 1NC) ir Zakas Ottovas (14-4) atidarykite transliaciją pusvidutinio svorio kovoje.

Šeštadienio pagrindinės kortos pabaigoje, gyvai UFC FIGHT NIGHT®: Lewis vs. Medžioti PARODAS PO KOVO maždaug 1 tarifu. ET on Fight Network funkcijų akcentai, analizė ir interviu po kovos.

Prasideda val 12:30 p.m. IR, the Glory 42 Superfight serija yra antraštė neseniai čempionato varžovas Yoann Kongolo (64-9, 46 KO) nokdaune, vilkinimo romanas prieš prancūzų veteraną Yohan Lidon (92-35-1, 55 KO). Bendroje antraštės kovoje, sunkiasvorių prancūzų gimtoji Nikolajus Wamba (47-7, 21 KO) akistata su brazilų brazilu Jhonata Diniz (15-5, 10 KO).

Visa šešių kovų korta Glory 42 Superfight serija galima rasti žemiau:

  • Pusvidutinio svorio kategorijos antraštės kova: Yoann Congo prieš Yoann Congo. Yohan Lidon
  • Sunkaus svorio bendro antraštės kova: Nicolas Wamba vs. Jhonata Diniz
  • Šviesos Sunkiojo Bout: Zinedine Hameur-Lain prieš. Fredis Kemayo
  • Lengvas Bout: Maratas Grigorianas vs. Antonio Gómezas
  • Lengvas Bout: Dylanas Salvadoras prieš. Sergejus Adamchuk
  • Negu vidutinis svoris Bout: Remy Vectol vs. Francois slenkstis

Į 3 p.m. IR, the Glory 42 Paryžius pagrindinė korta yra antraštė GLORY pusvidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionė Cedricas Doumbe'as (66-4-1, 39 KO) apgynė titulą namuose prieš varžovą Niek Holzken (90-12, 46 KO).Tuo tarpu, Armėnijos ir Belgijos puolėjas Harut Grigorian (44-10, 32 KO) muštynės Nr. 4 užėmė pusvidutinio svorio kategorijoje Murtel Groenhart (65-22-3) o nugalėtojas yra kitas eilėje į pusvidutinio svorio kategorijos čempiono titulą, plius viena-naktį, lengvo svorio ketverių varžovų turnyras.

Pilna penkių kovų korta Glory 42 Paryžius galima rasti žemiau:

  • Pusvidutinio svorio kategorijos pasaulio titulo antraštė: Cédricas Doumbė prieš. Niek Holzken
  • Lengvo svorio turnyro finalinė kova: „Bout A vs“ nugalėtojas. Kovos B nugalėtojas
  • Pusvidutinio svorio kategorijos antraštės kova: Murthel Groenhart vs. Harut Grigorian
  • Lengvo svorio turnyro pusfinalio kova B: Niclas Larsen vs. Massaro Glanderis
  • Lengvo svorio turnyro pusfinalio kova A: Anatolijus Moisejevas prieš. Kristianas Bėja

Į 10 p.m. IR, Z Akcijos dovanos Fight Night Medicine Hat 3 iš Albertos, Kanados Canaltos centras, tiesiogiai transliuojamas per „Fight Network“ Kanadoje, Ne JAV. ir visame pasaulyje per 30 Europos šalių, Afrika ir Artimieji Rytai. Į pagrindinį renginį, mūšyje išbandytų karių Dennisas Hallmanas (53-20-2) ir Joe Riggsas (42-17) susidurs dėl paaukštinimo laisvo vidutinio svorio čempionato. Kitaip Teminiai seansų, Mattas MacGrathas(18-9) mūšiai Petras Grajcaras (4-0) už pusvidutinio svorio karūną, o Steve'as Roy'us (2-2) meta žemyn Joshas Heinzas (3-1) dėl sunkiasvorių titulo.

Išsamų sąrašą kovos tinklo transliacijos grafiką, apsilankykite www.fightnetwork.com, Sekite mūsų Twitterfightnet, tapti ventiliatorius Facebook ir aplankyti mus Instagramfightnet.

Psychic Tom Predicts Win For Mark Hunt; Rabble RousinRich Opens the Show with Demetrious Johnson vs. Dana White Rant; Tony the Tornado rips Stevenson/Fonfara on this week’s FNU Combat Sports Show

Rich Bergeron opens this week’s FNU Combat Sports show by giving his unique take on the Demetrious “Mighty Mouse” Johnson feud with the UFC brass, namely Dana White. Upon refusing to take a fight with T.J. Dillashaw without getting certain assurances and conditions met, many fans on social media insisted DJ was running scared. Even Dillashaw took the opportunity to blast the move by the flyweight champ aschickenshit.Dana White even reportedly threatened to shut down the entire flyweight division if Johnson refused to fight TJ. “Mighty Mouse” didn’t blink and didn’t cave to the organization’s demands, and Rich explains in his opening dialogue why DJ should be respected and given the benefit of the doubt for his decision rather than being criticized and dragged through the mud for standing up for himself.


During the rest of the broadcast, Aristokratiškas “Tornado” Penecale details his night out at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia for a fight card headlined by Hank Lundy. He also recaps Fonfara vs. Stevenson II and calls the fighta disgrace.


“Psichinis” Tom Padgett chips in with some post-fight analysis of Aldo vs. Holloway. He also predicts Mark Hunt will benefit from home cage advantage in his battle with Derrick Lewis this weekend at UFC Fight Night 110 Naujojoje Zelandijoje.


There’s also an update on Hunt’s lawsuit against the UFC and Brock Lesnar and lots of other fight previews and recaps. Listen to the whole broadcast to catch up on what’s new in combat sports this week.



LOS ANGELES — Brendan Schaub, a former professional MMA fighter and football player, host of the popular MMA podcast “Big Brown Breakdown” and co-host of the hit podcast “Fighter and the Kid”, will serve as co-host for Spike TV’s LIVE pre-show leading into Bellator’s epic event, Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva, from New York’s legendary Madison Square Garden.

Schaub will join Bellator host, Jenn Brown, in the broadcast booth and will offer insight and analysis for all the fights on Spike’s stacked Bellator 180: Davis vs. Blogiau card leading into the biggest event in the promotion’s history, Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva. Be, Schaub will be featured in original Bellator digital content in advance of the event.

Headlined by the long-awaited fight between two of the biggest names in mixed martial arts history, Chael Sonnen (29-15-1) ir Wanderlei Silva (35-12-1, 1 NC), Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva airs live on pay-per-view beginning at 10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT. Prior to the pay-per-view event, SPIKE will air Bellator 180: Davis vs. Blogiau LIVE and FREE on both coasts, pradedant nuo 8 p.m. IR/5 p.m. PT. Be, Bellator 180 prelims will air exclusively on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App at 6 p.m. IR/3 p.m. PT.

Emanating from Madison Square in New York City, the mecca of combat sports, this blockbuster event includes a heavyweight bout between MMA legend Fiodoras Emelianenko (36-4, 1 NC) ir sunku pataikyti Mattas Mitrione (11-5), along with two championship bouts, įskirtinai Douglas Lima (28-6) defending his 170-pound strap against Lorenz Larkin (18-5, 1 NC) and current lightweight champion Michael Chandler (16-3) putting his world title on the line against the undefeated "Brent" Primus (7-0).



Tickets for “Combate Clasico” on sale now

NEW YORK – June 2, 2017 – Relevent Sports, a division of RSE Ventures, and Combate Americas today announced a groundbreaking partnership to produce “Combate Clasico,” a spectacular, pasaulinio lygio mišrių kovos menų (MMA) live television event in Miami, Fla. apie Ketvirtadienis, Liepa 27.

Tickets for “Combate Clasico” are on sale online at Ticketon.com.

In the main event of a 10-bout affair that takes place at Mana Wynwood, the two premier, pound-for-pound fighters from rival cities in Spain – Abner “Skullman” Lloveras (20-9-1) of Barcelona and Javieras Fuentes (9-4) of Madrid – will face off two days before the El Clasico Miami, a meeting between global soccer powers Real Madrid and FC Barcelona at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami. The match, which marks the clubs’ first meeting in North America and the first outside of Spain since 1982, is part of the International Champions Cup presented by Heineken.

The “Combate Clasico” live MMA event will be part of a nearly week-long extravaganza that will begin with a match between marquee soccer clubs Juventus and Paris Saint-Germain at Hard Rock Stadium on Liepa 26 as well as concerts, parties and other interactive events prior to El Clasico Miami on Liepa 29.

For more information on El Clasico Miami fans can visit elclasicomiami.com ir internationalchampionscup.com.

“Relevent Sports is thrilled to partner with Combate Americas,” said Relevent Sports Chairman Charlie Stillitano. “Combate Clasico promises to be another must-see event in the lead up to El Clasico Miami at Hard Rock Stadium.”

“We are excited to be working with Relevent Sports and the International Champions Cup to bring the Combate Americas brand of electrifying, professional Hispanic MMA action to Miami,” said Combate Americas CEO and UFC co-founder Campbell McLaren. “This promises to be a phenomenal week of live sports and music, culminating in a historic showdown between the world’s two biggest soccer powerhouses.”

The event will air live in the U.S. on Azteca America at 10 p.m. IR/9 p.m. KT. It will also air the following night, Penktadienis, Liepa 28 on TV Azteca in Mexico.

The pride of Barcelona, the 34-year-old Lloveras is a 2010 Spanish Olympic boxing tournament Gold Medalist and three-time national boxing champion. Į 2015, Lloveras, who holds a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, was a contestant on Galutinis kovotojas: Komanda McGregoras vs. Komanda Faber reality television series on Fox Sports 1.

The 27-year-old Fuentes is an aggressive-minded and fast-paced competitor who has earned all of his professional career victories to date by way of (T)KO arba pateikimas.

Additional matchups for “Combate Clasico” will be announced soon.

“Audra” Rising Alexander Shlemenko avenges 2 ½-year-old loss Stops Brandon Halsey in 25 sekundžių

UŽ nedelsiant paleisti
M-1 lenktynės 79 REZULTATAI

Alexander Shlemenko’s sensation stoppage of Brandon Halsey sets up a possible trilogy match

Go here for more pictures: https://yadi.sk/d/4xHtiukp3JjhgV
SANKT PETERBURGAS; Rusija (Birželis 2, 2017) — MMA žvaigždės Aleksandras “Audra” Shlemenko tik reikia 25 seconds to avenge a loss to middleweight Brandon “Jautis” Halsey vakar vakare M-1 Iššūkis 79 headliner at Saint Petersburg, Rusija.
M-1 Iššūkis 79 was a part of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum’s Cultural Program. Nine different countries were represented in this International event: Rusija, JAV, Jungtinė Karalystė, Izraelis, Brazilija, Kirgizija, Vokietija, Pietų Korėja, Ukraina.
Shlemenko (56-7-0, M-1: 6-0-0) came out for the opening bell with force, unloading a series of powerful kicks and punches to the body of an overwhelmed Halsey (9-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), who made his M-1 Global debut, and he was unable to make it past the 25-seconds mark of the opening round.
In this battle of former Bellator champions, Shlemenko gained revenge for his Bellator loss to Halsey, by way of a rear-naked-choke in 35-seconds, rugsėjo 26, 2014.
Shlemenko, kovoti iš Rusijos, noted after the fight that his electrifying start wasn’t a coincidence. “I’m just happy,” jis pasakė. “Aš turiu galvoje,, if I’d just won, everyone would say, ‘Well, I got it done.’ Bet, I won in 25 sekundžių; it’s just real happiness. I think everyone’s happy. It was wonderful and beautiful and no left no questions,”
Halsey later said he’s ready for a third match against Shlemenko to complete their trilogy. “I’m ready to go against Russian again,” Halsey commented. “You all saw that Alexander came out aggressively. He had a good start and everything was pre-decided. I lost and it hurts, but I’m ready to go back to battle. I will not excuse myself. There’s nothing less to worry about than anyone else’s opinion in the forums. Šiandien, Shlemenko was stronger. I am prepared learn from my mistakes. I got a quick win last time. Dabar, Shlemenko won quickly. The score is 1-to-1 and I am ready to meet him again to finally determine who is the better fighter.
Rusų Papildsvars Sergejus Romanovas (11-0, M-1: 5-1-0) defeated M-1 pro-debutingsustabdęs amerikietį “sustabdęs amerikietį” sustabdęs amerikietį (7-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Vokietijos, by first-round technical knockout due to an arm injury.
Rusų lengvas Aleksejus “Paskyrimas” Machno (14-5-0, M-1: 4-2-0) took a majority decision over Brazilian Michelis “Sassarito” Silva (18-6-1, M-1: 0-1-0), while Russian middleweight Oleg Oleniochev (9-4-0, M-1: 2-0-0) won a unanimous decision overENOC Sprendžia Torres (19-10-1, M-1: 5-7-1).
In the main card opener, Rusijos Gaidys Dalgiev Khamzat (9-1-0, M-1: 6-1-0) used a heel hook to submit Brit DraganLittle WonderPesic (13-8-0, M-1: 0-1-0).
American bantamweight The Finisher” Joshas ištaisymas Namas (15-4-0, M-1: 3-0-0) remained unbeaten in M-1 Global competition, submitting previously undefeatedBakhtiyarBahaToychubaev (6-1-1, M-1: 0-1-0) in the second round with a rear-naked choke.
Also fighting on the preliminary card were winners by unanimous decision: Ukrainiečių šviesos sunkiasvoris Dmitriy Mikutsa (7-4-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Rusijos sunkiasvoris Antonas Vjaziginas (8-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0) and Russian bantamweight Alexander Osetrov (2-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), atitinkamai, prieš rusus Dmitrijus Tebekinas (5-3-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Ukrainian Yuri Protsenko (8-4-0, M-1: 1-1-0) and Israeli Almog Shair (2-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0).
Russian bantamweight Bair Shtepin (4-2-0, M-1: 1-2-0) sustabdęs amerikietį “Velnio vaikis” Won Jun Jang (4-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), of South Korea, pirmajame etape. Russian lightweightsNikolay Goncjarpv (0-0-1, M-1: 0-0-1) ir Maxim Pugachev (7-1-1, M-1: 3-0-1) kovojo trijų apvalios lygiosiomis.
Pilnas rezultatai žemiau:
Aleksandras Shlemenko (56-7-0, M-1: 6-0-0), Rusija
WTKO1 (0:25 – štampus)
Brandon Halsey (9-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), JAV
Sergejus Romanovas (11-1-0, M-1: 4-2-0), Rusija
WTKO1 (4:19 – rankos traumos)
Burn Adas (7-3-0, M-1: 0-010), Vokietija
Aleksejus Machno (14-5-0, M-1: 4-2-0), Rusija
Michael Silva (18-6-1, M-1: 0-1-0) Brazilija
Olegas Oleničevas (9-4-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Rusija
ENOC Sprendžia Torres (19-10-1, M-1: 5-7-1), Ispanija
Dalgiev Khamzat (9-1-0, M-1: 6-1-0), Rusija
WSUB1 (kulnas kablys)
Dragan Pesic (13-8-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Jungtinė Karalystė
Antonas Vjaziginas (8-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Rusija
Yuri Protsenko (8-4-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Ukraina
ŠVIESOS sunkiasvoriai
Dmitry Mikutsa (7-4-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Ukraina
Dmitrijus Tebekinas (5-3-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Rusija
Nikolay Goncharov (0-0-1, M-1: 0-0-1), Rusija
Maxim Pugachev(7-1-1, M-1: 3-0-1), Rusija
Josh Rettinghose (15-4-0, M-1: 3-0-0), JAV
WSUB2 (4:31 – galinio nuogas droselis)
Bakhtiyar Toychubaev (6-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Kyrgzstan
Bair namas (4-2-0, M-1: 1-2-0), Rusija
WKO3 (2:31 – štampus)
Won Jun Jang (4-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Pietų Korėja


"Twitter" & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
M-1 IŠŠŪKIO RENGINIŲ kalendorius:
M-1 Iššūkis 80: Kharitonov prieš. Lopez – Birželis 15, 2017 Habine, Kinija

FNU Kovinis sportas Rodyti: UFC Fight Night Priminti, 212 Peržiūrėti; Kell Brook vs. Errol Spence jaunesnysis. Recap and Sucker Punches in boxing and MMA

News From Gleason’s Gym

  1. Heather “The Heat” Hardy will make her MMA debut at Madison Square Garden on Šeštadienis, birželio 24th.

Heather is a two sport woman. She is the WBC International Female Featherweight Champion with a 20-0-0 įrašas. Purchase tickets at Gleason’s Gym or at www.heather-hardy.com/events

2. Sonya “The Scholar” Lamonakis Sonya Lamonakis 10-2-2 will be boxing Birželis 10 in Worcester Massachusetts at the DCU for the UBF WORLD TITLE. Bilietus $45 if interested please call 6468950890.
3. 31 Years Later, Boxing Returns to the Coliseum on Liepa 15
After a 31-year absence, professional boxing returns to NYCB LIVE, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum with PBC on FOX on Liepa 15, 2017. Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment proudly announces the first professional boxing match at the Coliseum since Mike Tyson knocked out Steve Zouski on March 10, 1986.
Opening night of Brooklyn Boxing On Long Island will be headlined by a welterweight battle between former champions
Omaras Figueroa ir Robertas Guerrero. Long Island favorite Seanie Monaghan will face Staten Island’s Marcus Brown in a collision of undefeated light heavyweights. The card also includes a heavyweight brawl between Arturas pin ir Adomas Kownacki.
Bilietai jau parduodami.
4. JAV bokso absolventų asociacija USA Boxing is establishing a formal USA Boxing Alumni Association. The goal is to increase the relationships amongst fellow alumni and with USA Boxing as a whole. In order to launch this association, they need to collect a sufficient amount of responses form their survey. If we achieve a certain response rate, we’ll get the funding we need from the donors. Please take five minutes and complete this survey. It will only be up for two weeks. http://www.teamusa.org/USA-Boxing/Features/2017/May/24/USA-Boxing-Needs-Your-Help


15th Annual Gleason’s Fantasy Camp Rugpjūtis 10 per 13, 2017


Lewiston, Meino (Birželis 1, 2017) - Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) grįžta į „Androscoggin Bank Colisee“ Birželis 17 with a fight card featuring both mixed-martial-arts (MMA) ir profesionalių bokso seansų. Anksčiau šiandien, skatinimas paskelbė visą kovą kortelė renginio. The fight card is subject to approval of the Combat Sports Authority of Maine (CSAM). The boxing portion of the card will begin at 7 pm EDT with the MMA card to immediately follow.


In a highly-anticipated “Superkova,” Maine MMA star Bruce'as “Gana Vaikinas” Boyington (14-9 MMA, 1-0 boksas) will take on Maine’s premier boxer Russellas “The Haitian SensationLamour, Jaunesnysis. (15-2, 7 Kos) in a six-round boxing bout. The fight will be a dream match for fans who never expected to see each sportstop in-state athletes face one another. Boyington and Lamour have both been featured in nationally-televised bouts on NBC and ESPN in recent years. Lamour is the former New England Middleweight Champion, while Boyington held the NEF MMA Lightweight Title until relinquishing it last year to sign with the World Series of Fighting (WSOF) global promotion.


Bruce and Russell are at the top of their respective games,” noted NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson. “Russell is a great boxer, and he’s going to face a superb striker in the form of Taekwondo black belt Bruce Boyington. This is a true dream match for Maine fight fans.


The professional MMA portion of the fight card will feature the long-awaited return of former NEF MMA Featherweight Champion Spindulys “Visos veiklos” Mediena (8-3) as he faces Brazilian prospect Alexandre “Užpakalis” Bezerra (19-5). Wood left Maine more than two years ago to re-settle in South Carolina and then Texas. Both Wood and Bezerra are veterans of the Bellator cage with a dozen fights between them for the national promotion.


When you consider both sides, this is probably the highest-level fight to ever take place in NEF,” sakė NEF bendrasavininkas ir rėmėjas Nickas DiSalvo. “This fight could easily be slid into any UFC card on FS1 or Fox and steal the show. Either one of these athletes could get the call up after this fight. Our fans are about to see something special.


The amateur MMA card will be headlined by a title fight with Rafaelis “Deez NutsVelado (4-0) defending the amateur lightweight championship against Maine Amateur Wrestling Alliance Hall of Famer Pat Kelly(3-0). At age 52, Kelly will be the oldest fighter to ever challenge for an NEF title.


In addition to the fights, legendary boxer James “Buster” Douglas (38-6-1, 25 Kos) will make an appearance atNEF 29as the guest of honor. Douglas will hold an hour-long meet-and-greet with fans at the Colisee from 6 pm, kad 7 pm prior to the opening bell. Longtime fans will remember Douglas as the architect of the greatest upset in professional sports history with his knockout of “Geležis” Mike'as Tysonas (50-6, 44 Kos) į 1990 to claim the world heavyweight title. Douglas halted the 37-fight undefeated streak that opened Tyson’s pro career.


The fullNEF 29” Kova skyriaus (subject to change and approval of CSAM):



200 Crowsneck Boutin (Nepriklausomas) vs. Cristiano Pedro (Cugno)

168 Jason Quirk (TSK) vs. Borngod Washington (Meekins)

160 Russell Lamour (TSK) vs. Bruce Boyington (Boyington anketa TKD)

154 Casey Kramlich (TSK) vs. Bryanas Goldsby (Jorge Gurgle)



265 Ras Hylton (First Class/Dragon Fire) vs. Eric Ramsey (Trinity)

145 Alexandre Bezerra (Daddis) vs. Ray Mediena (Nick’s)

145 Dominic Jones (Pirmarūšis) vs. Mattas Denning (CMBJJ)

145 Andre Belcarris (NE Assassins) vs. Joshas Parkeris (Negailestingas)



155*PAVADINIMAS Rafaelis Velado (Pirmarūšis) (c) vs. Pat Kelly (Young’s)

185 Mike Williams (CMBJJ) vs. John Tefft (Pirmarūšis)

185 Anthony Spires (Nepriklausomas) vs. Josh Jones (Pirmarūšis)

150 Jokūbas Deppmejeris (Pirmarūšis) vs. Ben Harrington(CMBJJ)

145 Derek Daley (Pirmarūšis) vs. Frank Johanson (CMBJJ)

140 Glenn Kasabian (Nostos) vs. Kam Arnold (CMBJJ)

115 Aleksas Walker (Kaze) vs. Sarah Ziehm (CMBJJ)



„New England Fights“ grįžta pas Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston, Maine with its next event, “NEF 29: STARS & STRIPES,” šeštadienį, Birželis 17, 2017. Bilietai dabar parduodami Colisee kasoje 207-783-2009 x 525 ir internete www.TheColisee.com. The event will be broadcast live on the FloCombat app on Roku and Apple TV and streamed live at www.FloCombat.com.


Daugiau informacijos apie renginį ir kovoti kortelių atnaujinimus, apsilankykite skatinimo tinklapyje adresu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Papildomai, Jūs galite žiūrėti NEF vaizdo įrašus www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, sekite juos „Twitter“ @ kovos ir prisijungti prie oficialios „Facebook“ grupės „Naujosios Anglijos Kovų."


Apie New England Kovų

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų ("NEF") yra kova renginiai akcijas bendrovė. NEF misija yra sukurti aukščiausios kokybės renginius Meino kovotojų ir aistruoliai. NEF vykdomoji komanda turi didelę patirtį Kovinis sportas valdymas, Renginiai gamyba, ryšiai su žiniasklaida, prekyba, teisinė ir reklama.

Fight Network to Live Broadcast M-1 Challenge 79, Fight Nights Global 68, MPŪV 13 & Extensive UFC 212 Fight Coverage

For Immediate Release – May 31, 2017

TORONTO – kovos tinklas, pasaulio Premier 24/7 kelių platformų kanalas, skirtas visapusiškai aprėpti kovines sporto šakas, presents another busy weekend of live events, beginning this Thursday, Birželis 1 su M-1 Iššūkis 79: Shlemenko prieš. Halsey 2 from St. Peterburgas, Rusija, which kicks off at 2:30 p.m. IR.

Airing live exclusively across Canada, M-1 Iššūkis 79: Shlemenko prieš. Halsey 2 is headlined by a highly anticipated middleweight rematch between former Bellator MMA champions Aleksandras Shlemenko(55-9) ir Brandon Halsey (9-2). Kitaip Teminiai seansų, German welterweight Burn Adas (7-2) patenka priešo teritoriją nuo Rusijos Sergejus Romanovas (11-1), Brazilian lightweight Michel Silva (18-5) meta žemyn Aleksejus Machno (13-5), Ispanijos vidutinio svorio ENOC Sprendžia Torres (19-9) atitinka Oleg Olenyechev (8-4) and Serbian featherweight Dragan Pesic (13-7) susiduria ne su Khamzatas Dalgievas (8-1).

Gyvai M-1 Iššūkis 79: Shlemenko prieš. Halsey 2 main card will immediately follow the M-1 atrankaprelims, which kick off at 12 p.m. ET and air live on Fight Network in Canada, Ne JAV. ir visame pasaulyje per 30 Europos šalių, Afrika ir Artimieji Rytai. The M-1 Selection broadcast features American bantamweight Joshas ištaisymas Namas (14-4) taking on Kyrgyzstan’s Bakhtiyar Toichubaev (7-3), while undefeated Temirlanas Šaripovas (3-0) atitinka Danila Prikaza (6-1) in an all-Russian welterweight affair.

The Russian city of St. Petersburg will play host to more live action on Friday, Birželis 2 į 12 p.m. IR, kaip Fight Nights Global 68 airs live on Fight Network in Canada and globally in over 30 Europos šalių, Afrika ir Artimieji Rytai. The light heavyweight title is up for grabs in the main event as undefeatedSergey Pavlovich (10-0) įgauna Mikhail Mokhnatkin (9-1-2). Tuo tarpu, a heavyweight superfight is set for the co-main event, with unbeaten Russian powerhouse Vitalijus Minakov (19-0) taking on former EliteXC kingpin and UFC title challenger Antonio “Bigfoot” Silva (19-11). Rounding out the star-studded card,Stjepan Bekavac (19-6) welcomes UFC veteran Nikita Krylov (21-5) į paaukštinimą, Tony Johnson Jr.(10-3) kvadratų ne su Baga Agaev (28-19) in a heavyweight encounter, Asif Tagiev (5-2-1) atitinka Dmitry Aryshev (5-5-1) į Papildsvars bijau, plus unbeaten Israeli prospect Jackie Gosh (7-0) looks to extend his perfect mark against Russia’s Oleg Dadonov (6-1).

Penktadienį, Birželis 2 į 9 p.m. IR, Palikimas Kova aljansą invades Burbank, Kalifas. už MPŪV 13: Millender vs. Olandija, featuring pivotal duels in the welterweight division, kaip Curtis Millender (11-3) įgauna Kevin Holland (9-2), o Karen Darabedyan (12-6) veidai Sam Liera (12-9). In light heavyweight bouts,Dominick Reyes (5-0) įgauna Jordan Powell (8-6), o Alonzo Menifield (2-0) mūšiai Khadzhimurat Bestaev (4-1). A bantamweight bout between undefeated American Kyler Phillips (3-0) ir MeksikosJonathanas Quiroz (2-1) will round out the card, which airs live on Fight Network in Canada and globally in over 30 Europos šalių, Afrika ir Artimieji Rytai.

Pagaliau, šeštadienį, Birželis 3, Fight Network presents extensive live pre and post-fight coverage for UFC 212: Aldo vs. Holloway from Rio de Janeiro, Brazilija. Bet pirmiausia, the live weigh-ins will be televised on Fight Network on Friday, Birželis 2 į 6 p.m. IR, with all the stars tipping the scales ahead of their pay-per-view showdowns.

The UFC 212 PARUOŠIMAS PRIEŠ KOVĄ will air live on Fight Network in Canada on Saturday, Birželis 3 į 7 p.m. ET leading into the TIESIOGINĖS PRANEŠIMAS on TSN3. The UFC 212 PARUOŠIMAS PRIEŠ KOVĄ will feature featherweight contender Cub Swanson, middleweight champion Michael Bisping and former light heavyweight champion Rashad Evans working as desk analysts with host Karyn Bryant and reporter Laura Sanko conducting on-site fighter interviews in Brazil.

At the conclusion of Saturday’s pay-per-view broadcast, gyvai UFC 212 PARODAS PO KOVO maždaug 1 tarifu. ET on Fight Network funkcijų akcentai, analizė ir interviu po kovos.

Išsamų sąrašą kovos tinklo transliacijos grafiką, apsilankykite www.fightnetwork.com, Sekite mūsų Twitterfightnet, tapti ventiliatorius Facebook ir aplankyti mus Instagramfightnet.