Архивы: MMA




Лос-Анджелес – Prior to the biggest event in Bellator history, Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Сильва, fans have the opportunity to meet MMA legends Тито Ортиз и Ройс Грейси during an exclusive Fan Fest on Пятница, Июнь 23 начиная с 8 p.m. И at the Dave & Buster’s Times Square location.


Дейв & Бастера, a season-long partner of Bellator MMA, is offering Bellator Nation members the chance to meet two of the biggest names in the sport. Fan Fest is free for Bellator Nation Members with RSVP, who can sign up at www.Bellator.com/fan-fest.


Known as one of the toughest competitors in MMA, Тито Ортиз is a fan-favorite across the world. Используя его борьба фон, Ortiz was a punishing competitor who defended his title an impressive five times. Always with a flair for the dramatic, Ortiz engaged in several intense rivalries over his career with the likes of Ken Shamrock and Chuck Liddell. Under the direction of Bellator MMA, the 42-year-old Ortiz claimed a trio of victories that included a pair of first-round finishes over Alexander Shlemenko and Chael Sonnen.


Название Грейси является синонимом MMA, and that is in large part to Ройс Грейси, Человек, который, как считается, изобрел спорта, как мы его знаем сегодня. Победитель первых нескольких событий UFC, Gracie dismantled multiple opponents in a single night, многие из которых были намного крупнее его. For many years, there was no answer for the Gracie jiu-jitsu technique that he brought to the cage. Сегодня, it’s difficult to find an MMA fighter who has not trained in the art of Brazilian jiu-jitsu that his father invented. В феврале 2016, Gracie headlined Bellator 149, an event that shattered company viewership records.


Headlined by the long-awaited bout between two of the biggest names in mixed martial arts history, Чел Соннен (29-15-1) иВандерлей Силва (35-12-1, 1 Северная Каролина), Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Сильва airs live on pay-per-view beginning at 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT. Emanating from Madison Square in New York City, the mecca of combat sports, this blockbuster event includes a heavyweight bout between MMA legend Федор Емельяненко и нелицеприятный Matt Mitrione, along with two championship bouts, в том числе Дуглас Лима (28-6) defending his 170-pound strap against Лоренц Ларкин(18-5, 1 Северная Каролина) and current lightweight champion Майкл Чандлер (16-3) putting his world title on the line against the undefeated Брент Примус (7-0).


Prior to the pay-per-view, SPIKE will air Bellator 180: Дэвис против. Бадер LIVE and FREE on both coasts beginning at 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT. The event is headlined by a light heavyweight title bout between current champ Фил Дэвис (17-3, 1 Северная Каролина) и главный претендент Райан Бадер (22-5). Дополнительно, Bellator 180 prelims will air exclusively on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App at 6 p.m. И/3 p.m. PT.


Пожалуйста, посетите Bellator.com и BellatorNYC.com for upcoming event information.


Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Сильва Карта (Плата за просмотр):

Полутяжелом Main Event: Чел Соннен (29-15-1) против. Вандерлей Силва (35-12-1, 1 Северная Каролина)

Heavyweight Main Event: Федор Емельяненко (36-4, 1 Северная Каролина) против. Matt Mitrione (11-5)

Средний вес титул чемпиона мира Бута: Дуглас Лима (28-6) против. Лоренц Ларкин (18-5, 1 Северная Каролина)

Бой за титул чемпиона мира в легком весе: Майкл Чандлер (16-3) против. Брент Примус (7-0)

Легкая особенность Бута: Аарон Пико (Дебют) против. Zach Freeman (8-2)


Bellator 180: Дэвис против. Бадер Карта (СПАЙК):

Бой за титул чемпиона мира в полутяжелом весе: Фил Дэвис (17-3, 1 Северная Каролина) против. Райан Бадер (22-5)

Легкий Бут: Джеймс Галлахер (6-0) против. Чинзо Мачида (5-2)

Бой в полусреднем: Нейман Грейси (5-0) против. Dave Marfone (5-2)

Women’s Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Хизер Харди (Дебют) против. Элис Яугер (4-5)


Bellator 180: Дэвис против. Бадер Предварительное Card (Bellator.com):

Средний вес Предварительное Bout: Райан Couture (10-5) против. Хаим Видодо (7-3)

Легкий Предварительный Bout: Джером Микл (2-1) против. Anthony Giacchina (1-1)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout (168 1bs.): Джон Сальгадо (4-7-1) против. Hugh McKenna (0-1)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout (130 1bs.): Matt Rizzo (9-2, 1 Северная Каролина) против. Sergio da Silva (6-8)

VOW Fight – Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Nate Grebb (3-1) против. Bradley Desir (9-5)

Павел Витрук будет защищать титул чемпиона M-1 Challenge в легчайшем весе против. Временный титул Мовсар Евлоев

M-1 Challenge 81: Битва в горах 6, Июль 22 в Ингушетии
САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, Россия (Июнь 16, 2017 – M-1 Global объявила, что станет чемпионом M-1 Challenge в легчайшем весе. Павел Витрука будет защищать свой титул против временного титулиста Мовсар Евлоев, Июль 22 в M-1 Challenge 81: Битва в горах 6 main event, в Республике Ингушетия.
Международный турнир по смешанным единоборствам совпадет с 25й празднование юбилея Республики Ингушетия.
Витрука (14-2-0), борьбы из Москвы, сильно отскочил от уровня ниже среднего 2016 с впечатляющими победами над Сергей Морозов а потом Виталий Бранчуком стать первым чемпионом M-1 Challenge в легчайшем весе.
Витрука, хотя, до сих пор не смог провести свою первую защиту титула, из-за травмы, открываю дверь Евлоеву (7-0-0) стать временным чемпионом M-1 Challenge в легчайшем весе и обязательным претендентом Витрука.
Домашние бои в Ингушетии, Евлоев прибавлял в каждом бою., добавление физической силы и использование технологий. Он выбил Алексей Невзоров во втором туре на M-1 Challenge 76 стать временным чемпионом.
Евлоев выглядел очень впечатляюще в своих последних боях, и похоже, что его беспроигрышную серию будет чрезвычайно сложно прервать.. Витрука, однако, имеет гораздо больше опыта, чем его соперник, провёл в два раза больше профессиональных боев, включая несколько жестких испытаний, которые он прошел с честью.
Витриук против. Евлоева обещает быть бескомпромиссным боем, поскольку оба бойца более чем достойны обладания заветным чемпионским поясом M-1 Challenge.. Два воина — настоящие мастера боевых искусств..
Дополнительные бои в ближайшее время будет объявлено


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Сергей Харитонов усыпляет Рамо Тьерри Сокуджу в первом туре

Иван Бучингер сохраняет
M-1 Challenge полулегком
HARBIN, Китай (Июнь 16, 2017) – MMA часзвезда в тяжелом весе Сергей Харитонов продолжил свое доминирование в соревнованиях M-1 Global, нокаутировав Рамо Тьерри Sokoudjou в середине первого раунда вчерашнего вечера M-1 Challenge 80 main event, проходил в Харбине, Китай.
Сокуджу, уроженец Камеруна (18-8-0, М-1: 0-1-0), боевые действия из Соединенных Штатов, был прибит к подбородку прямым правым броском Харитонова (25-6-0, М-1: 4-0-0), который сразу прыгнул на своего упавшего врага, нанесение еще двух мощных ударов молотком по голове, пока судья не остановил действие.
Но это действительно был классический одноударный нокаут Харитонова., кто остается непобежденным в соревновании M-1 Global на 4-0-0.
или перейдите сюда, чтобы просмотреть:
M-1 Challenge featherweight champion Джон “Это” Buchinger (32-5-0, М-1: 7-1-0), Словакии, успешно защитил свой титул, подающий российский претендент Восток Нагибин (9-3-0, М-1: 5-2-0) в третьем раунде через удушающий удар сзади.
Немецкий полулегкий вес Саша Шарман (13-3-0, М-1: 1-1-0) сделал то же самое со своим противником, Musu “Железный король” Nuertiebieke (7-3-0, М-1: 0-1-0), из Китая, за исключением того, что Шарман закончил шоу в 1:03 знак первом раунде.
Австралийский полусредний вес Кори “Крупный” Нельсон (18-6-2, М-1: 0-0-1) и Александр “Iron Capture” Butenko (43-12-1, М-1: 9-2-1) боролся до трехраундовой ничьей, в то время как российские полулегкая Mikhail Korobov (11-3-1, М-1: 1-2-1) также использовал удушающий задний дроссель для подачи Асиркебай Жиненсибеке (12-5-0, М-1: 0-1-0) в первом туре.
По предварительным карты, Русский среднем Артем Казбанов (8-1-0, М-1: 1-0-0), Китайский полусредний вес Kuerbanjiang Tuluosibake (2-1-0, М-1: 1-0-0) и России легкий Адам Цуров (7-5-0, М-1: 6-2-0) все выиграли единогласным решением судей в трех раундах, соответственно, против Ношерван “Дикарь” Принц (3-4-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Ukrainian Makim “Безумный Макс: Мельник (3-4-0, М-1: 1-2-0) и ранее непобежденный Фу Канкан (4-1-1, М-1: 0-1-0), из Китая.
Бразильский полутяжелом Карлос “Большая собака” Эдуардо (16-4-0, М-1: 2-0-0) остановил непобежденного немца, Рене Хоппе (7-1-0, М-1: 2-1-0), в первом туре по рекомендации врача. Легчайший вес Грузии Ивбрагим Наврузов (4-0-1, М-1: 1-0-1) принял раздельное решение по трем раундам Huyixibai Huyixibai (14-5-0, М-1: 0-1-0), из Китая.
Еще раз, M-1 Global продвигает настоящее международное событие как 20 соревнующиеся спортсмены представлены 10 разные страны: Россия, США, Словакия, Германия, Бразилия, Австралия, Украина, Пакистан, Грузия и Китай.
Полные результаты ниже:
(все победители указаны первыми)
Сергей Харитонов (25-6-0, М-1: 4-0-0), Россия
КО1 (Удары – 2:39)
Рамо Тьерри Sokoudjou (18-8-0, М-1: 0-1-0), США
Иван Buchinger (32-5-0, М-1: 7-1-0), Словакия
WSUB3 (Удушающий – 3:24)
Восток Нагибин (9-3-0, М-1: 5-2-0), Россия
(Бухингер сохраняет титул чемпиона M-1 Challenge в полулегком весе)
Sascha Sharma (13-2-0, М-1: 1-1-0), Германия
WSUB1 (Удушающий – 1:03)
Muso Nuertiebieke (7-3-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Китай
Alexander Butenko (43-12-1, М-1: 9-2-1), Украина
Кори Нельсон (18-6-2, М-1: 0-0-1), Австралия
Mikhail Korobov (11-2-1, М-1: 1-2-1), Россия
WSUB1 (Удушающий – 1:18)
Асиркебай Жиненсибеке (12-5-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Китай
Свет тяжеловесов
Карлос Эдуардо (16-4-0, М-1: 2-0-0), Бразилия
WTKO1 (Доктор Приостановка – 1:06)
Рене Хоппе (7-0-0, М-1: 2-0-0), Германия
Виды Казбанова (8-1-0, М-1: 1-0-0), Россия
Ношерван Ханзада (3-4-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Пакистан
Ibragim Navruzov (4-0-1, М-1: 1-0-1), Грузия
Huyixibai Huyixibai (14-5-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Китай
Kuerbanjiang Tuluosibake (2-1-0, М-1: 1-0-0, Китай
Маким Мельник (3-4-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Украина
Адам Цуров (7-5-0, М-1: 6-2-0), Россия
Фу Канкан (4-1-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Китай


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FNU Спортивные единоборства Показать: Мэйвезер. McGregor set for August 26th, Уорд против. Kovalev II Preview, UFC Fight Night Hunt Vs. Lewis Recap

“Психический” Tom Padgett earned his nickname last week in predicting Mark Hunt would be buoyed to a win over Derrick Lewis in front of his hometown New Zealand fans at the latest UFC Fight Night. We recap the fight card and preview this weekend’s UFC Fight Night card from Singapore. Том, Tony and Rich also chat about Mayweather vs. McGregor getting signed. We additionally recap last week’s biggest boxing results and the upcoming weekend’s best fights, including a rematch of Andre Ward vs. Сергей Ковалев. Слушайте двухчастную трансляцию ниже.



M-1 Challenge 80 weights, фотографии & видео из Китая

M-1 Challenge 80
(L) Сергей “Десантник” Харитонов (24-6-0, М-1: 3-0-0), Россия 266 ½ фунта.
(R) “Африканский убийца” Рамо Тьерри Sokoudjou (11-5-0, М-1: 2-1-0), США 230 фунтов.

(L)Джон “Это” Buchinger(31-5-0, М-1: 6-1-0), Чемпион, Словакия 144 фунтов.
(R) Восток Нагибин (9-2-0, М-1: 5-1-0), Претендент, Россия 144 фунтов.
Featherweights – 3 X 5
Sascha Sharma (12-3-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Германия 143 фунтов.
Морда “Железный король” Nuertiebieke (7-2-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Китай 146 фунтов.
Александр “Iron Capture” Butenko
(43-12-0, М-1: 9-2-0), Украина 165 фунтов.
Кори “Крупный” Нельсон
(18-6-1, М-1: 0-0-0), Испания 168 фунтов.
Featherweights – 3 X 5
Mikhail Korobov (10-2-1, М-1: 0-2-1), Россия, 143 фунтов.
Асиркебай Жиненсибеке (12-4-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Китай 146 фунтов.
Свет тяжеловесов – 3 X 5
Рене Хоппе (7-0-0, М-1: 2-0-0), Германия 204 фунтов.
Карлос “Большая собака” Эдуардо (15-4-0, М-1: 1-0-0), Бразилия 204 фунтов.
Средневесов – 3 X 5
Виды Казбанова (7-1-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Россия 185 фунтов.
Ношерван “Дикарь” Принц (3-3-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Пакистан 184 ½ фунта.
Bantamweights – 3 X 5
Huyixibai Huyixibai (14-4-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Китай 135 фунтов.
Ibragim Navruzov (3-0-1, М-1: 0-0-1), Грузия 132 фунтов.
Kuerbanjiang Tuluosibake (1-1-0, М-1: 0-0-0, Китай 169 ½ фунта.
Makim “Человек Макс” Мельник (3-3-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Украина 167 фунтов.
Легковесов – 3 X 5
Адам Цуров (6-5-0, М-1: 5-2-0), Россия 154 ½ фунта.
Канкан Фу (4-0-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Китай 153 фунтов.
Зайдите сюда, чтобы увидеть больше фотографий взвешивания:

КОГДА: Четверг, Июнь 15, 2017

ГДЕ: Харбин, Китай
Прямая трансляция: www.m1global.tv (12.00 p.m. И / 9:00 a.m. PT в США)
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ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ: Льюистон, Мэн (Июнь 14, 2017) – Derek Daley believes that his mixed martial arts training gives him an edge in his career. He also recognizes that training with First Class MMA makes him a better mixed martial artist.


It’s a busy life for Daley, a law enforcement officer and father of a 6-year-old daughter, Ella. He will break away for a few frenzied moments on the night ofСуббота, Июнь 17, when he returns to the New England Fights hexagon for the first time in a year.


Дейли, 27, is one of seven fighters who will represent his Brunswick gym at “NEF 29: Звезды & Stripes.” The opening bell is set for 7 p.m. at Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston.


“I’ve improved in every area, and I’ve really improved my cardio,"Дейли сказал. “My first fight I was worried about what might happen if I got to the third round.”


There was barely time to break a sweat. Дейли, a two-time Maine high school wrestling champion at Dirigo High School in Dixfield who later played college football at Husson University, dispatched Johel Stephenson in only 55 секунд.


“We had a game plan to hit him with a straight jab to set him up for an overhead right, then get it down to the mat and finish it with ground-and-pound,"Дейли сказал. “It actually went exactly as we planned it, which was great.”


На этот раз, Дейли (1-0) takes on the more seasoned Frank Johanson (2-2) of Lewiston’s Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in a featherweight amateur scrap.


Daley joins Ras Hylton, Dominic Jones, Рафаэль Velado, Джош Джонс, Jake Deppmeyer and Jon Tefft in the First Class contingent on the docket. He was lured to the training center and the MMA phenomenon by another local police officer with fighting in his blood, Nick Gulliver of Jay.


“I had been training jiu-jitsu at the Foundry in Farmington,"Дейли сказал. “Nick said (MMA) would translate well to law enforcement, and he was right. Больше, John and Jody (Рей) are just great people.”


Raio’s experience on the high school and college wrestling mat has made him a natural mentor for Daley, who hit the 100-win plateau early in his junior year at Dirigo.

Daley won the 119-pound state title as a sophomore and backed it up as a senior at 135 фунты, not far from where he fights today at 145.


“Derek is a tremendous athlete and one of our best wrestlers,” Raio said. “He has a solid attitude and gives 100 percent every class and sparring session.”


It’s admittedly difficult for Daley to balance his competitive passion with his blossoming police career.


He began as an officer in Wilton. After moving to Richmond, he applied for work in three surrounding cities. Augusta was first to make him an offer.


“I’ve been there since November and it’s a perfect fit for me,"Дейли сказал. “I have a great sergeant and a great team.”


Police work is a family tradition. Daley’s father, Олень-самец, is Chief Deputy of the Oxford County Sheriff’s Department.


It was not a case of a father wanting his son to fill his shoes.


“I majored in physical education,” Daley noted. “Dad said, ‘Be a teacher. Don’t go into law enforcement.But it’s one of those things that must be pretty stubborn in the family, because my brother and I both are police officers. The schedule is tough and unpredictable.”


First Class MMA helps Daley bring his commitments as cop and fighter under one roof. “It’s a great workout. I’m not really into traditional weight lifting. Я имею в виду, I did it when I played college football (Husson). This way I get a workout, but it doesn’t feel like I’m working,"Он сказал. “It definitely makes me feel more comfortable if I ever have to get into a physical confrontation as an officer.”


Рей, now retired from the cage after a run as one of NEF’s most popular fighters in its infancy, understands the home vs. work vs. family balance. He is the father of two and was employed full time with the U.S. Postal Service when he got the itch to try combat sports once again.


Еще, he is high on his pupil’s potential if Daley ever decides to focus fully on the cage.


“The sky is the limit for him in this sport. I can see him getting to the UFC or Bellator if that is the path he chooses,” Raio said. “He is an outstanding police officer and a great father as well. He puts his daughter first in everything he does.”


Daley returns the compliments, insisting that even if his foray into MMA winds up being a cup of coffee, he will continue to train at First Class for fitness purposes. He describes the atmosphere as a tight circle of friends and a brotherhood.


“It’s a great group of guys. There are no egos,"Дейли сказал. “I was kind of worried about that when I first showed up. Was I going to be (a target) because I’m a police officer, or were there a bunch of guys all looking to be the alpha dog? But it’s quite the opposite. It’s like a big family. You’re punching a guy in the face, but you’re family.”


That goes double for his friendship with Gulliver, who is undefeated as an amateur heavyweight.


“I feel like a baby gorilla with its mom when I’m working out with Nick,” he quipped. “I think for him it’s enjoyment just to pound on me.”


It certainly reduces the stress when he gets the opportunity to pick on someone his own size at an NEF card, although Daley knows better than to take the veteran Johanson lightly.


The CMBJJ fighter enters on a two-fight winning streak, and he defeated First ClassDeppmeyer in February.


“Frank is a tough opponent. I saw his fight against Jake,"Дейли сказал. “He has a tough chin. He takes shots and just keeps coming forward.”


Even though he fought in front of thousands at the state wrestling showcase four times as a high school student, Daley is humble enough to acknowledge that an NEF show is a different animal.


“I was a complete nervous wreck, like almost to the point where I was ready to puke behind the curtain,” he said of his debut. “Then once I stepped in the cage, it went away and I just did what I had to do. I was able to shake off the rust a little bit.


“But it’s still different from wrestling. Back then I wasn’t getting punched in the face.”


The Июнь 17 card features four professional MMA fights, four pro boxing matches, and seven amateur skirmishes in the cage. Tickets to “NEF 29: Звезды & Stripes” start at $25 и доступны по телефону (207) 783-2009 доб. 525 или, по крайней www.thecolisee.com. For more information on the fight card, пожалуйста, посетитеwww.newenglandfights.com.




ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕСBellator has signed longstanding MMA commentators Майк Голдберг и Мауро Ranallo to multi-event broadcast agreements beginning with Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Сильва и Bellator 180: Дэвис против. Бадер на Суббота, Июнь 24. The move sees Goldberg return to SPIKE for the first time since 2011, while Ranallo reunites with Bellator President Scott Coker, having worked together through 2013. The pair will join a broadcast team that currently includes Jimmy Smith, Jenn Brown and Chael Sonnen.

“Mike Goldberg and Mauro Ranallo are two of the best in our business and I couldn’t be happier about them joining the Bellator family,"Сказал Скотт Кокер. “In addition to Июнь 24, we look forward to working together to make future Spike broadcasts even more exciting for our fans as we add further depth to an already-exceptional broadcast team.

“The addition of highly-regarded announcers Mauro and Mike to our fantastic lineup of broadcasters, and our first-rate production led by Scott Fishman, further demonstrates our commitment MMA fans and expanding the global Bellator brand,” added Spike SVP, Sports and Specials Jon Slugger.

Mike Goldberg is best known for his 20 plus years of play-by-play work in professional MMA and trademark calls that made him popular with fans around the globe. In addition to his two decades in mixed martial arts, he has broadcast every major sport at the network level, most notably his 900 games in the NHL, both nationally and with the Minnesota Wild, Vancouver Canucks and Detroit Red Wings. He has also hosted entertainment shows, в том числе Shaq Vs. A graduate of Miami (Огайо) Университет, Goldberg now resides in Phoenix, Аризона.

Mauro Ranallo gained notoriety with MMA fans during his tenure with PRIDE, and later STRIKEFORCE, where his voice became synonymous with the now-legendary events. Throughout his career, Ranallo has spent time working with various sports outside of MMA, including boxing, профессиональная борьба, kickboxing and ice hockey, and will continue his work with Showtime Boxing. Раналло, a native of British Columbia, Канада, now resides in Los Angeles, Халиф.

Пожалуйста, посетите Bellator.com и BellatorNYC.com for upcoming event information.


Льюистон, Мэн (Июнь 13, 2017) – Ray “All Business” Wood has received his mail in Florida, Мэн, South Carolina and Texas, to name just a few corners of the United States. He’s comfortable with a nomadic existence, especially when his highest goals are at stake.


The Pine Tree State is where Wood’s mixed martial arts dream evolved, однако. And in any endeavor at any chapter of life, sometimes home is where you can go to recapture the magic.


That’s at least some of the inspiration for one of the most popular combatants in New England Fights history as he sets foot in that regional cage for the first time в 28 месяцы.

Дерево (8-3) will lock up with Alexandre “Popo” Bezerra (19-5) in a featherweight bout that promises nothing but fireworks at “NEF 29: Звезды & Stripes” onСуббота, Июнь 17. The opening bell at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee is scheduled for 7 p.m.


“I’m coming off two losses, so it’s good to get back where it all started,” Wood said. “It’s a good time to rekindle the fire.”


No shortage of major factors have contributed to the hiccup in Wood’s winning ways. For starters, Дерево, который превращает 28 июня 6, has been juggling his career with life’s ultimate responsibility since last summer, когда его жена, Tiana, gave birth to their first child, Liem.


It’s also worth noting that his two losses have come against undefeated fighters in the elite Bellator Fighting Championships. Wood tapped to a first-round choke at the hands of Adam Piccolotti (9-0) мая 14, 2016. After a brief stint to embrace the newfound challenges of fatherhood, Wood returned to the fray in December and dropped a unanimous decision to second-generation MMA prospect A.J. Макки, Младший. (8-0).


Wood is quick to point out that a busier life is no excuse for a change in performance. Скорее, it empowers him with new purpose as he plies his non-traditional trade.


“It’s definitely been a lot of big changes. Now I have a kid. That changes everything,"Он сказал. “That gives me a lot more to fight for. If I go out and perform, that provides more opportunities and gives me more to offer my family.”


The only other loss on Wood’s docket coincided with his most recent experience in Maine. Crafty veteran Anthony “Cheesesteak” Morrison (20-11) took the NEF featherweight belt via fifth-round submission.


Wood left Maine shortly thereafter for Gaffney, Южная Каролина. He now resides with his family in Amarillo, Техас.


“I wasn’t originally from Maine,” said Wood, who grew up in Fort Myers, Флорида, before moving to Bucksport in seventh grade. “I kind of knew I wanted to leave and see what was out there.”


He took many pieces of Maine with him, хотя. Дерево, a high school wrestler, found himself sorely missing that competition after graduation, so he took up jiu-jitsu.


Вскоре после этого, he heard that a gentleman named Chris Young was training MMA fighters at a home-based sweatshop in Bangor.


“He was holding workouts in his basement. This was before his gym (MMA Юнга) even started. It was a weird thing,” Wood recalled. “Looking back on it, who just shows up at somebody’s house, knocks on the door and says, "Эй, I hear you guys train MMA?” You just hope you have the right house.


“I love to compete, and I loved wrestling," добавил он. “I knew when my wrestling days were over that I needed to find something to fill that void.”


Mixed martial arts provided that platform. Wood picked up three wins before stopping Ahsan Abdullah (7-8) on strikes at the inaugural NEF card in February 2012.


Wood emerged as a mainstay with the growing organization, culminating with his July 2013 victory in Bangor over Lenny Wheeler (9-6, 1 Северная Каролина) за вакантный титул.


«Когда я впервые начал, I had no illusions of fighting professionally or anything like that. My passion found me,” Wood said. “NEF does a great job preparing guys. They’ve sent a bunch of guys on to fight at the next level. They keep fighters busy. I was able to win a title, and it certainly didn’t hurt my career. I’m glad I was able to fight for them early on.”


While he’s back under the familiar black banner, the competition remains at a world-class level. Телка, 29, is a nine-time Bellator veteran.


The Brazilian, now based out of Philadelphia, lost a decision to unbeaten Andre Harrison (16-0) в его последнем бою. До этого, he split two wars with UFC vet Levan Makashvili (14-2-1), and then won two quick stoppages.


“He’s got a lot of experience. He’s been in with the best of the best. He has a combination of toughness and skill,” Wood said. “He’s like me in that he likes to take the fight to you. We’re not going to be in there playing patty-cake.”


Ups and downs are the nature of even the most successful MMA careers. Wood has learned not to let the recent losses leave him awestruck by the caliber of opponents at the next level.


“You have to stay true to your training, You have to remember why you fell in love with the sport in the first place,"Он сказал. “A fight is a fight, no matter where it takes place or who is watching. You just have to pay attention to what you know.”


The time between his past two birthdays has been a period of learning in both Wood’s personal and professional lives.


As the new father discussed his upcoming return to New England via phone, his infant son was audible in the background.


"Он 10 months old. It’s crazy how quickly that time goes,” Wood said. “He’s a little bit feisty. I can kind of tell he’s going to be an athlete.”


Wood’s return headlines a card that tentatively features four professional MMA fights, four pro boxing matches, and seven amateur skirmishes in the cage.


Tickets to “NEF 29: Звезды & Stripes” start at $25 и доступны по телефону (207) 783-2009 доб. 525 или, по крайней www.thecolisee.com.


Для получения более подробной информации о новинках карт событий и бороться, пожалуйста, посетите веб-сайт продвижение по адресу www.NewEnglandFights.com. В дополнение, Вы можете смотреть NEF видео в www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, подписывайтесь на них в Twitter @nefights и присоединяйтесь к официальной группе Facebook »Нью-Ингленд Бои."


О Новой Англии боев

Нью-Ингленд Бои ("NEF") является борьба Рекламные акции компании. Миссия NeF является создание высокого качества мероприятия для бойцов и болельщиков в штате Мэн, так. Исполнительная команда NeF имеет обширный опыт в области управления единоборств, производство события, по связям со СМИ, маркетинг, правовой и реклама.




ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ: Льюистон, Мэн (Июнь 12, 2017) – There are wink-and-nudge undertones when 38-year-old Rafael Velado declares “I’m the young guy, for once” as he contemplates his New England Fights amateur lightweight title defense on Суббота, Июнь 17. Тогда снова, он, by nearly a decade-and-a-half.


It’s a disservice to label hall of fame competitor and coach Pat Kelly a sentimental favorite in his quest to win the 155-pound strap. Yet the 52-year-old assuredly is, as evidenced by at least one internet poll that shows him as the clear people’s choice to win the fight.


Velado vs. Kelly is a bundle of contradictions, an intriguing mix of styles, perhaps even a pairing that defies logic. It’s certainly a spotlight neither man would have predicted for himself five years ago. It’s also a clash of undefeated warriors that promises to rock the house at Androscoggin Bank Colisee.


“You can buy a ticket for this fight, but I truly believe you’re only going to need the edge of your seat,” Kelly, an amateur wrestling legend from the Camden-Rockport region. “I think we’re going to light the place up.”


“Everybody seems excited, and wouldn’t that be a cool story? If I end up saying later on, ‘I fought a guy when he was 52, and he beat my butt,’ the moral of the story is don’t ever count anybody out,” Velado said.


Just to clarify, Завуалированный (4-0) doesn’t expect that to happen. A black belt in jiu-jitsu fighting out of First Class MMA of Brunswick, he looks to extend his winning streak over fighters from Young’s MMA of Bangor.


Velado claimed the vacant crown with a first-round demolition of Jimmy Jackson last September. До этого, Mike Peitersen took Velado the distance in his toughest test to date.


“It makes sense from a record standpoint, but I’ve fought four times since the last time Pat did, and two of those were against his training partners,” Velado said. “If you look at strength of opposition, I don’t know that it’s that close. I’m not saying that means it won’t be a good match. I just don’t think it’s very comparable. But we all know the MMA magic can happen.”


Due to lengthy rehabilitation from a knee injury, Келли (3-0) hasn’t fought since June 15, 2015 в «НЭФ 18: Сделано в Америке,” when he won by technical knockout over Steve Bang Sr. He beat Bang’s son and namesake in the same manner and also defeated Frank Dellasala in his debut, which came at welterweight.


The champion wrestler (Университет штата Мэн) и тренер (Camden Hills High School, where he mentored now-UFC star Tim Boetsch) weighed in at over 200 pounds before he began the three-hour round trip to and from Bangor, four times each week.


“I’m an amateur’s amateur,” Kelly said. “I got into this four years ago to stay in shape, make contacts, make new friends and enjoy the experience. When they asked me if I’d like to try getting in the cage, это было, ‘Yeah, I’ll give that a shot.


Kelly said he was welcomed with open arms, then “beaten to a pulp,” by the likes of Bruce Boyington, Ryan Sanders and Aaron Laceyall accomplished pro fighters from the Bangor gym.


It wasn’t long, predictably, before he fell in love with the concepts of competition and self-discipline all over again.


“There’s a bold truth to this sport,” Kelly said. “It’s one-on-one, locked in a cage with the other guy, and what are you going to do to survive? I love that feeling.”


Conventional wisdom dictates that the fight will go to the ground quickly. Then it’s a case of which fighter can assert his will and expertise.


Velado doesn’t lack for training partners who test his mettle every day. Six of them are scheduled to appear in the same cage at NEF 29. First Class owner John Raio also mirrors Kelly in terms of size and decorated wrestling background.


“Pat and I have been in (боевые виды спорта) a long time. We’ve both won against some excellent people and some not-so-excellent people,” Velado said. “The road to winning against me, a guy has to be better in two disciplines and also have a better game plan.”


Interesting choice of words, when you consider Kelly’s admission that he is more inclined to fly by the seat of his pants.


“My coaches talk about a game plan, but I don’t know if I’m a game plan kind of guy. I go right back to how I know to survive. That’s the warrior in me,” Kelly said. “What you have are two guys who are not going to give up. I think that’s part of the interest. That’s what makes it a good fight.


“Raf is experienced,” he continued. «Он непобедим. He’s the champion. I’m the old guy coming in and trying to knock him off. There are a number of parallels that make this a fascinating fight.”


The combatantsthoughtful words in separate interviews even followed the same wavelength.


Velado graciously said he understands the fansdesire to see Kelly keep turning back time, extend his own record as the oldest winner in NEF history and add the distinction of oldest champion to that list.


“I actually am a fan of Pat,” Velado said. “The MMA fan in me is rooting for him. I’d like to see him have whatever level of success is just short of winning. Mentally it wouldn’t wreck me if I lost the fight.”


Также, Kelly is prepared for the possibility that the outcome won’t go his way.

“I don’t ever train to lose, but often times winning comes in unique ways,"Он сказал.

If his four children perceive the merits of his commitment to MMA as more than a midlife crisis, Kelly believes he has already won the greatest battle of all.


"Да, of course you want to win, but I also want them to see that when you have a personal goal, you can’t just say you want it. You have to go get it,"Он сказал. “When I spend all that time driving back and forth, whether I’m talking to myself to thinking or listening to music, most of the time when I’m chasing this thing, I’m on my own. And I know my kids and students can see that.”


The Июнь 17 card tentatively features four professional MMA fights, four pro boxing matches, and seven amateur skirmishes in the cage. Tickets to “NEF 29: Звезды & Stripes” start at $25 и доступны по телефону (207) 783-2009 доб. 525 или, по крайней thecolisee.com.


Для получения более подробной информации о новинках карт событий и бороться, пожалуйста, посетите веб-сайт продвижение по адресу www.NewEnglandFights.com. В дополнение, Вы можете смотреть NEF видео в www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, подписывайтесь на них в Twitter @nefights и присоединяйтесь к официальной группе Facebook »Нью-Ингленд Бои."


О Новой Англии боев

Нью-Ингленд Бои ("NEF") является борьба Рекламные акции компании. Миссия NeF является создание высокого качества мероприятия для бойцов и болельщиков в штате Мэн, так. Исполнительная команда NeF имеет обширный опыт в области управления единоборств, производство события, по связям со СМИ, маркетинг, правовой и реклама.



World-renowned musician, artist and filmmaker Dave Navarro will perform the national anthem prior to the main event for Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Сильва at the legendary Madison Square Garden in New York City on Суббота, Июнь 24.

Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Сильва, the biggest event in Bellator history, features the long-awaited bout between two of the most popular fighters in mixed martial arts history, как Чел Соннен (29-15-1) и Вандерлей Силва (35-12-1, 1 Северная Каролина) finally square off in an impending grudge match. This blockbuster event includes a heavyweight bought between MMA legend Федор Емельяненко и нелицеприятный Matt Mitrione, along with two championship bouts, в том числе Дуглас Лима (28-6) defending his 170-pound strap against Лоренц Ларкин (18-5, 1 Северная Каролина) and current lightweight champion Майкл Чандлер (16-3) putting his world title on the line against the undefeated Брент Примус (7-0).

Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Сильва airs LIVE on pay-per-view beginning at 10PM ET/7вечера по тихоокеанскому. Prior to the pay-per-view event, SPIKE will air Bellator 180: Дэвис против. Бадер LIVE and FREE on both coasts, начиная с 8PM ET/5вечера по тихоокеанскому. Дополнительно, Bellator 180 prelims will air exclusively on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App at 6PM ET/ 3вечера по тихоокеанскому.

Navarro, a founding member of Jane’s Addiction, currently serves as host of Spike’s hit series, “Ink Master.” Enclosed is a recent clip of him performing the national anthem in a Spike promo.

Dave Navarro performs National Anthem