Tag Archives: MMA


RIZIN kovos federacija
Pasaulio Grand Prix " 2017 veiksmas uždaryti 2017 MMA sezonas
Mirko “Cro Cop” Filipovičius & Takanori “„Fireball“ vaikas” Gomi grįžta Naujųjų metų išvakarės
Gruodis. 29 & 31 LIVE per PPV iš Japonijos
New York City (Gruodis 11, 2017) —Tarptautiniai mišrių kovos menų ir kikbokso gerbėjai gali uždaryti 2017 sezonas didingu stiliumi, žiūrint dvigubą statinę „RIZIN Fighting Federation World Grand Prix“ veiksmą, išryškino sugrįžusi kovinio sporto superžvaigždė Mirko “Cro Cop” Filipovičius,Gruodis 29 & 31, tiesiogiai transliuojamas mokant už peržiūrą iš Saitamos miesto, Japonija.
Gruodžio mėn. 29oji vyrų pusantro svorio ketvirtfinalio nugalėtojai pateks į gruodžio mėn. 31g moterų superatono ir kikbokso pusfinaliai, o vėliau - finalai (žr).
Specialus lankytinas objektas gruodžio mėn. 29ojikortelė yra lengvo svorio kategorijos rungtynės tarp Jiri “Denisas” Prochazka (19-3-0, 16 KO / TKO, 2 SUBRANGOVAMS), Čekija vs. Karlas Albrelktssonas(6-1-0, 2 KO / TKOs, 3 SUBRANGOVAMS), Švedija.
The Gruodis. 29 ir 31 (1 tarifu. /10 p.m. PT pradžia) bus tiesiogiai transliuojama visame pasaulyje (išskyrus Japoniją FITE.TV platformos $19.99 arba dviejų dienų specialus „RIZIN Pack“ pasiūlymas $29.99. Gerbėjai gali tiesiog atsisiųsti FITE programą – nemokamai atsisiųsti iš „iTunes“ ir „Google Play“ – ir tada perkelkite kovą į didįjį ekraną naudodamiesi tiesioginio srauto į TV funkcija. „FITE“ programa veikia su bet kuria „Wi-Fi“ prijungta televizija visame pasaulyje, „iOS“ ir „Android“ įrenginiai, taip pat srautinius įrenginius, tokius kaip „Roku“, „Chromecast“ ir dar daugiau. Gerbėjai taip pat gali tiesiogiai stebėti kovas FITE svetainėje adresu www.fite.tv iš bet kurio kompiuterio.
Naujųjų metų išvakarėse integruota sporto žiniasklaida bus platinama per kabelinę ir palydovinę PPV (Gruodis. 315:00 tarifu. IR / 2:00 tarifu. PT pradžia) ekstravagancija gyvena Šiaurės Amerikoje per „iN Demand“, Gyvenamumas, ir patiekalas JAV, taip pat „SaskTel“ ir „Telus“ Kanadoje, už Siūloma mažmeninė kaina tik $19.95.
“Džiaugiamės galėdami metus užbaigti dviem linksmais renginiais, „RIZIN World Grand Prix“ 2017, plius grįžo tarptautinės MMA žvaigždės Mirko “Cro Cop” Filipovičius ir Takanori “„Fireball“ vaikas” Gomi,” sakė „Flipps Media“ įkūrėjas ir generalinis direktorius, Kosta Jordanovas. “Šie renginiai padės mūsų labai sėkmingam kovinio sporto programavimui 2017 m.”
“Džiaugiamės parsivežę šį Naujųjų Metų išvakarių renginį iš Japonijos, su „Cro Cop’ ir „RIZIN World Grand Prix“ finalai Amerikos ir Kanados kovinio sporto gerbėjams,” Integruota Sportas žiniasklaidos prezidentas Dougas Jacobsas - pastebėjo. “Tai reta galimybė Šiaurės Amerikos MMA ir kikbokso gerbėjams stebėti geriausius tarptautinius kovotojus.”
„RIZIN World-Grand Prix“ kikbokso finalas, prieš moterų superatsvorio ir vyrų svorio kategorijos pirmenybes vyks trys linksmos rungtynės. Kroatijos sunkiasvoris “Cro Cop” Filipovičius (35-11-0, 27 KO / TKO, 5 SUBRANGOVAMS) įgauna japonų mėgstamąTsuyoshi Kosaka (27-19-2, 8 KO / TKO, 6 SUBRANGOVAMS) specialioje papildomoje lankytinoje vietoje Gruodis. 31gkorta. Taip pat, ilgai lauktas japonų lengvojo svorio sugrįžimas Takanori “„Fireball“ vaikas” Gomi(18-6-0, 13 KO / TKO, 6 SUBRANGOVAMS) bus pademonstruotas jo metime su tautiečiaisYusuke Yachi (18-6-0, 5 KO / TKO, 1 SUBRANGOVAMS). Moterų rungtynės tarp amerikiečių muselių Shinju “Juju” Aišku (1-0-0, 1 SUBRANGOVAMS) ir debiutuojančių „Chelsea LaGrasse“ taip pat yra čiaupo.
Specialus vienos dienos kikbokso turnyras vyks gruodžio mėn. 31g tarp Japonijos Kazuyuki Fujita ir Mitsuhisa Sunabe ir nenugalėtas nokautas menininkas (20-0, 16 Kos) „Tenshine Nasukawa“ vs. TBA su nugalėtojais kovosime čempionato etape kortų čempionato finale.
Visi kovoja ir kovotojai gali kisti.
Vyrų „Bantamweights“
Ianas “Dėdė Creepy” McCall (13-5-0), JAV prieš. Manelis Kape (8-1-0), Angola
Kyoaji Horiiguchi (20-2-0), Japonija vs.. Gabrielius Oliveira (10-0-0), Brazilija
Takafumi Otsuka (23-13-0), Japonija vs.. Khalidas Tahna (11-0-0), Vokietija
Shintaro Ishiwatari (23-6-0), Japonija vs.. Kevinas “„Macine“ ginklas” Petshi (12-3-0), Prancūzija
Moterų „Super-Atomweights“
Rena Kubota (5-0-0), Japonija vs.. Irena “„La Nina“” Rivera (7-4-0), Ispanija
Kanna Asakura (9-2-0), Japonija vs.. Maria Oliveira (10-2-0), Brazilija
Yamato Fujita, Japonija vs.. Mitsushisa Sunabe, Japonija
Tenšinas Nasuikawa, Japonija vs.. TBA
"Twitter": @FiteTV, @IntegratedPPV


MPŪV 30 Main Event:
Penktadienis, JANUARY 12th LIVE ant AXS TV
MPŪV 31 Main Event:
Penktadienis, JANUARY 19th LIVE ant AXS TV
Vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempiono titulą
Penktadienis, JANUARY 26th LIVE ant AXS TV


LAS VEGAS, Nevada – Palikimas Kova aljansą (MPŪV) CEO Ed Soares announced the promotion will kick off 2018 su 1-2-3 punch in January with a trio of star-studded shows in California, Arizona, and Louisiana.

Pagrindinis renginys MPŪV 30 will feature the long-awaited clash between southern California kingpins and top LFA welterweights “Curtious” Curtis Millender and NickThe Phoenix” Barnes. MPŪV 30 – Millender vs. Barnes takes place Penktadienis, January 12th at Costa Mesa Hall at OC Fair Grounds in Costa Mesa, Kalifornija.
The following week, LFA heads to Arizona with a fierce interim featherweight title fight in the Valley of the Sun. Į pagrindinį renginį, former RFA title challenger and BJJ black belt Bobby “Wolfman” Moffett battles knockout sensation Thanh Le for the LFA interim featherweight title. MPŪV 31 – Moffett vs. Le takes place Penktadienis, January 19th at the Comerica Theatre in Phoenix, Arizona.
LFA caps the month of January with a pair of title fights in southern Louisiana. Į pagrindinį renginį, former LFA title challenger BrendanAll InAllen faces top undefeated prospect AnthonyFluffyHernandez for the vacant LFA middleweight title. Be bendro Headliner, red-hot Ryan “Supermenas” Spann will lock horns with UFC vet AlexThe SpartanNicholson for the inaugural LFA light-heavyweight title. MPŪV 32 – Allen vs. Hernandez takes place Penktadienis, sausio 26th at the Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino in Lake Charles, Luizianos.
The entire main card of all three of these events will be televised live and nationwide on AXS TV at 9 p.m. IR / 6 p.m. PT.
I’m excited to kick off 2018 with three straight weeks of LFA action across the country”, Užfiksuota Soares. “Curtis Millender and Nick Barnes are coming off big wins in LFA headliners and will meet in the main event of LFA 30 in southern California on January 12th. The following week, we head to Arizona with top contenders Bobby Moffett and Thanh Le meeting for the interim featherweight title in the main event LFA 31. We finish the month with two title fights at LFA 32 in southern Louisiana. Brendan Allen faces Anthony Hernandez for the vacant middleweight title in the main event and Ryan Spann will take on Alex Nicholson for the inaugural light-heavyweight title in the co-headliner.
Mill Baigiasi (13-3) returns home to the building where he fought and won his first seven fights. The Orange County juggernaut is looking to build off a perfect 2017 where he won three fights, including back-to-back LFA headliners. His most recent win came via highlight reel Head Kick KO in the main event of LFA 24. Millender will meet Barnes (12-2) in a long-awaited showdown between two of southern California’s finest. The welterweight stars started their careers in the southern California regional circuit, moved on to Bellator, and will finally meet in the main event of LFA 30. Barnes, like Millender, is coming off an impressive win in an LFA headliner.
Pagrindinis renginys MPŪV 31 is a fight that casual fans and MMA purists alike are salivating over. It pits a rugged and accomplished BJJ black belt in Moffett (10-2) against one of the most dynamic strikers in all of MMA in Le (7-1) with the LFA interim featherweight title on the line. Ant popieriaus, this is a textbook grappler vs. striker bout at its highest form. Tačiau, both men bring so much more to the table than what their respective martial arts backgrounds represent. Moffett, who trains out of The MMA Lab, has shown a willingness to throw down with anyone, while Le trains with BJJ wunderkind and UFC star Ryan Hall in northern Virginia.
LFA will conclude its busy month of January with a pair of title tilts in southern Louisiana. LFA standout and Louisiana native Allen (8-2) will get a second shot at LFA gold after going five rounds with current UFC star Eryk Anders for the inaugural LFA middleweight title in June. Allen quickly rebounded six weeks later with a submission win in the co-main event of LFA 18. He will face another highly-touted undefeated prospect for the title. This time it comes in the form of the northern California destroyer Hernandez (5-0). Žmogus žinomas kaip “Fluffyhas finished everyone he has faced inside the first round.
Bendro pagrindinis renginys MPŪV 32 will crown the inaugural LFA light-heavyweight champion. Spann (12-5) is a former Legacy FC title challenger that will look to capture LFA gold in front of his home crowd. “Supermenas” is riding considerable momentum heading into this fight after dispatching a pair of top contenders in the first round of his last two bouts at LFA 23 and LFA 27. He will face Nicholson (10-4) who has been a man on fire since his four-fight run with the UFC ended in May. The Florida native has been a tour de force since then as he looks to make his way back. In the past two months, “The Spartanhas knocked out three quality opponents in grand total of 3 minučių ir 28 sekundžių.
Rugsėjį 2016, Legacy FC and RFA officials announced that they would be merging to form the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) pradedant sausio 2017. Legacy FC and RFA have launched the careers of over 150 sportininkai, kurie pasiekė MMA viršūnę konkuruojančių UFC.
Prašome apsilankyti LFAfighting.com už šoninių atnaujinimus ir informaciją. LFA is on Facebook at Palikimas Kova aljansą. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting ir "Twitter" ne @LFAfighting.

Kovokite su tinklu, kad galėtumėte tiesiogiai transliuoti TKO 41, VIENAS čempionatas, Glory 49 Doubleheader & UFC FIGHT NIGHT®: Swansonas prieš. Ortega Prelims

TORONTO – kovos tinklas, pasaulio Premier 24/7 kelių platformų kanalas, skirtas visapusiškai aprėpti kovines sporto šakas, pristato sausakimšą gyvų kovinių sporto šakų savaitgalį, pradedant šį penktadienį, Gruodis. 8 į 6:30 p.m. Ir PSO 41: Čempionų gyvai iš Monrealio, Kanados varpų centras. Tiesioginis veiksmas tęsiasi šeštadienio rytą, Gruodis. 9 į 8:30 tarifu. Ir VIENAS čempionatas: Pasaulio kariai iš Bankoko, Tailande iš karto sekė GLORY kikbokso dviguba antraštė Glory 49 Roterdamas gyventi 11:30 tarifu. IR ir Glory 49 SuperFight serija gyventi 1:30 p.m. IR. Pagaliau, šeštadienio vakarą, Gruodis. 9 į 8:00 p.m. IR, „Fight Network“ pristato tiesioginę transliaciją UFC FIGHT NIGHT®: Swansonas prieš. Ortega PRELIMS iš Fresno, Kalifas.

Penktadienio tiesioginė transliacija PSO 41: Čempionų iš Monrealio, Kanada prasideda val 6:30 p.m. ET ir jį veda jaudinančios plunksnos svorio čempionato kova su Vindzoru, Ontarijo TJ Laramie (6-2) prieš nenugalimą vietinį favoritą Charlesas Jourdainas (5-0). Kitose čempionato rungtynėse, Marc-Andre Barriault (9-1) susiduria su Strahinja Gavrilovičius (8-4) dėl vidutinio svorio pavadinime, Džesis Ronsonas (18-8) raizginius su Derekas Gauthier (8-7) atsakomosiose rungtynėse dėl lengvosios karūnos, Adomas Dyczka (6-0) atrodo, kad išlaikys savo pagreitį Bakary Sakho (1-0) sunkiasvorių čempionato kovoje, daugiau Jesse Arnett (13-4) kvadratų ne su Dimitri Waardenburg (13-7) žada būti viso veiksmo reikalas dėl lengvo svorio kategorijos titulo.

Tiesioginė transliacija šeštadienio rytą, val 8:30 tarifu. IR, VIENAS čempionatas: Pasaulio kariai kyla iš Bankoko, Tailandas, antraštė buvo kova dėl ONE šiaudinio svorio titulo, kaip Japonijos titulo savininkas Yoshitaka Naito (12-0) rizikuoja savo auksu ir puikiu rekordu prieš brazilą Alex Silva (6-1). Kitaip Teminiai seansų, Tailando Šanonas Wiratchai (8-1) susitinka su rusu Rasulas Jakjajevas (10-6) į lengvo bijau, kovose išbandytas japonų veteranas Kotetsu BOKU (26-11-2) imasi amerikietiško Krikščionių Lee (7-1) veiksmuose su plunksnomis ir buvęs 115 svarų sveriantis kailis Dejdamrong Sor Amnuaysirichoke (8-2), Tailando, grįžta namo, kad susitiktų su japonais Riku Shibuya (7-4).

Kova Tinklo transliacija Glory 49 Roterdamas prasideda šeštadienį val 11:30 tarifu. IR, antraštė buvo paskutinis vienos nakties turas, lengvo svorio ketverių varžovų turnyras, kaip Danijos dinamo Niclas „Gaintojas“ Larsenas (46-9-2, 24 KO) kovoja su olandų ir marokiečių vunderkindu Tyjani „Stebuklų berniukas“ Beztati(14-1, 5 KO) ir bulgarų mėlynė Stojanas „Snaiperis“ Koprivlenskis (7-1, 3 KO) susitinka grįžtantį brazilą Maykolis Jurkas (8-5, 6 KO) atidarymo apvalios matchups. Papildomai, Angolos Krikščionių „Blogos naujienos“ Baya (59-5-1, 34 KO) atrodo, kad sugadins Slovėnijos lengvaatlečio debiutą Tiesiog Dainuoja (32-6-1), o Amerikos Muay Thai stilistė Omaras Morenas (25-7-1, 9 KO) kovoja Kinijos UFC veteranas Anying "Smiley" Wang (10-3).

Kortelė veda tiesiai į Glory 49 SuperFight serija į 1:30 p.m. IR, pavadintas naujai karūnuotu GLORY vidutinio svorio čempionu Aleksas „Po Atanas“ Pereira (26-6, 16 KO) pirmą kartą apgynė titulą prieš 25 metų olandą-tunisietį Yousri Belgaroui (23-3, 11 KO). Taip pat sąskaitoje, buvęs pusvidutinio svorio čempionas Nieky „Natūralus“ Holzkenas (90-13, 46 KO) susiduria su 23 metų rusu Alimas „Profesorius“ Nabijevas (47-6, 21 KO), Olandijos Eyevan „Mister Cool“ Danenburg (25-6, 13 KO) užrakina ragus su Road to GLORY UK nugalėtoju Jamie Bates (24-6, 3 KO) ir anglas Bailey „Blogas berniukas“ Sugdenas (9-1, 2 KO) perima Kiniją Chenglong Zhang (41-5, 11 KO) 19-mečių plunksninio svorio perspektyvų susidūrime.

Dviejų valandų UFC KOVŲ NAKTINĖS PRELIMOS prasidės šeštadienio vakarą val 8:00 p.m. ET su keturiomis įdomiomis kovomis, kaip Nr. 10-užėmė mažo svorio kategorijos vietą Aleksis Deivis (18-7) ir Nr. 11 Liz carmouche (10-5) Pereiti prie 125 svarų už muselsvorio kovą, Gaidys Lukas Sandersas (11-1) veidai Antrasis Soukhamtatas (11-5), Carlsas Johnas de Tomasas (8-1) ir „Dana White Tuesday Night Contender Series“ sutarties laimėtojas Alex Perez (18-4) kovoti su svoriu, o Frankie Saenz (11-5) ir Merabas Dvališvilis (7-1) pradėkite transliaciją su kita mažo svorio kova.

Prieš tiesiogines PRELIMS, „Fight Network“ tiesiogiai transliuos UFC FIGHT NIGHT PREFIGHT SHOW į 7:00 p.m. IR, su pirmaujančių pramonės mišrių kovos menų analitikų apžvalga, kaip Megan Olivi debiutuoja kaip vedėja „FOX Sports“ stalo su analitikais Rashadu Evansu ir Kenny Florianu, o Laura Sanko prideda ataskaitas ir apklausia kovotojus vietoje. Šeštadienio tiesioginės pagrindinės TSN5 kortos pabaigoje, gyvai UFC FIGHT NIGHT POSTFIGHT SHOW transliuoja maždaug 1:00 tarifu. IR, apibendrinant visą įdomų veiksmą.

Šio savaitgalio kovinių sporto šakų tiesioginė transliacija rodoma tik „Fight Network“ visoje Kanadoje.

Išsamų sąrašą kovos tinklo transliacijos grafiką, apsilankykite www.fightnetwork.com, Sekite mūsų Twitterfightnet, tapti ventiliatorius Facebook ir aplankyti mus Instagramfightnet.

Norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos Susisiekite:

Kova tinklas
Ariel Shnerer
Direktorius, Programavimas & Ryšių


Mes grįžome! FNU Combat Sports Show grįžta!

After a couple weeks off, we come back this week to talk about the combat sports world. Tomas, Tony and Rich catch up and discuss the events of the past couple weeks and preview upcoming boxing and MMA action. Tomas, Tony and Rich pay special attention to last weekend’s awesome UFC card with two of the best fights of the year in MMA to chat about. Eddie Alvarez’s masterful performance against Justin Gaethje was exciting enough, but add in the performance of Yancy Medeiros against Charles Oliveira and that put this card into a category all its own. We also discuss the latest boxing news and Miguel Cotto’s retirement fight. Listen to the broadcast in the player below.



Lewiston, Meino (Gruodis 5, 2017) – No, you have not been transported back to the 9th century. There will be no longboats, no battleaxes, and no shield maidens present on February 3rd Lewiston. Dar, the Androscoggin River is very likely to run red with blood that evening. A Viking and a Berserker will wage war in Central Maine when New England Fights (NEF) returns to Lewiston with the fight promotion’s next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 32: Super Šeštadienis.” Wrestling and jiu-jitsu, rather than swords and Thor’s hammer, will be the weapons of choice as Jesse “Vikingas” Erickson (8-7) veidai Mikrofonas “Ūsai” Hansen (5-8) of Berserkers MMA in a featured professional welterweight bout.

The fight will be Erickson’s twentieth in the NEF cage, a record number for any one fighter in the promotion, but it will be a year since his last NEF appearance. He lost to Jon Lemke (7-8) in the semi-finals of the NEF Lightweight Title tournament last February at the Colisee. Erickson, an instructor with Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ), and a homegrown talent of Lewiston-Auburn, will be looking for a triumphant return after a recent loss in Canada.

“It will be a year since I’ve fought in Lewiston,” said Erickson. “The NEF cage is like home to me. I’m really looking forward to hearing my friends, šeimos, and CMBJJ team as I enter the cage. But once the door shuts, all I hear is my corner and all I’m focused on is dismantling the man across from me. Odin’s Son is here to slay the great wolf. This is Ragnarok. Victory or Valhalla.”

Like his opponent, Mike Hansen is also in search of a much-needed win. Hansen lost all four of his fights in 2017, including back-to-back defeats this fall in Western Massachusetts. His last win came atNEF 25” į 2016 when Hansen, a former state champion wrestler for Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Meino, scored an impressive first-round submission of Matt Andrikut (2-1), defending the honor of Maine wrestling against the New York mat native.

“I’m super excited for this fight,” exclaimed Hansen of the upcoming meeting with Erickson. “It’s a great matchup for Maine MMA. Our schools are close to each other and we have competed against each other many times. It’s finally time for the coaches to get down and boogie. My pick for this fight is the fans for sure. Fans will not be upset.

Hansen challenged Erickson to add a stipulation to the bout when they announced the fight publicly atNEF 31in Portland last month. Hansen would like the loser to receive a tattoo with the design chosen by the winner.

I have nothing but respect for Jesse Erickson, but so still want our sponsor C+C O’Leary Tattoo in Lewiston to do his tattoo I pick for him when he loses. Aš, ‘finish him,’ ir ‘if he dies, he dies.Time to start making your sacrifices Jesse, you will need the gods in your favor on February 3rd, because when war time comes the blood will flow.”

NEF naujos mišrios kovos menų renginys, “NEF 32: Super Šeštadienis,” pamatysite bendrovė padaryti savo sugrįžimą į Androscoggin Bank COLISEE Lewiston, Meino. The event is scheduled to take place on Šeštadienis, Vasaris 3, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online at www.TheColisee.com.

PRIMUS Fighting Championship on FITE

Niujorkas, NY (Gruodis 5, 2017) – FITE TV announces the debut of PRIMUS Fighting Championship December 9th 2017. Renginys, which will be the inaugural event for PRIMUS FC, features a number of UFC veterans as well as some of the hottest young talent in MMA. The event streams live and globally on PPV for $16.99 on the FITE app and online at https://www.fite.tv/watch/primus-fc-rakim-cleveland-vs-houston-alexander/2m2kg/
Headlining the event will be UFC veteran HoustonThe AssassinAlexander as he looks for vengeance against RakimThe BoogeymanCleveland who handed Alexander a TKO loss early this year. The light heavyweight matchup is sure to produce fireworks both fighters have high TKO/KO finishing rates. Midwest fighting pride will also be on the line as both fighters hail from and have made their careers on the Midwest MMA scene.
In the co-main event one of the hottest heavyweight prospects in MMA and recent winner of Dana White’s Antradienis Night Contender series, Šeltonas “The Gravedigger” Kapai, faces off against Jason Walraven who will be hungry and looking to prove himself after a TKO loss to one of the toughest heavyweights in MMA, Aristokratiškas “KyrptoniteLopez earlier this year.
A pair of former Ultimate Fighter contestants are also featured on the card in RobThe SaintEmerson and Jamie Yager. Emerson, a contestant of The Ultimate Fighter season five, faces DavidThe KingSachs in a battle of experienced grapplers who are no strangers to submissions. Yager, a standout in The Ultimate Fighter season 11 and Kings MMA product, brings his explosive style of striking and a two fight winning streak into the cage against the Canadian Tyler “TNT” Jackson who makes his way back to the cage after a three year break from the sport.
Also on the card is Oklahoma product CortezThe Crazy CowboyColeman who is now training out of Factory X under Muay Thai coah Mark Montoya in Denver Colorado and is looking to get back on track against the surging ChristianoUrsoFrohlich who rides a four fight win streak into a matchup that promises to be a standup battle.
Adding to the lineup of MMA talent will be former Ultimate Fighter season 2 winner and UFC lightweight title contender JoeDaddyStevenson who will be providing commentary on the night’s action. Fans will also be treated to a National Anthem performance by Miss Oklahoma Alex Smith! Catch the action live December 9th at 7PM ET/4PM PT on FITE TV PPV.
About FITE
FITE brings premium combat sports programming to MMA, Boxing and Pro Wrestling fans to watch live on every screen – computer, tabletė, phone and TV.The FITE mobile app works with any Wi-Fi connected TV around the world as well as streaming devices such as Chromecast, Metai, "Xbox", Apple TV and more. The app can be downloaded for free at iTunes Appstore arba Google Play. Praeitą mėnesį, FITE launched its Android TV app expanding its content offering and making live television accessible with just a click to Android TV users globally.
FITE is a product of Flipps Media Inc, the digital entertainment company which allows users to cast video to connected TVs requiring no setup and no additional software.
Daugiau informacijos: www.fite.tv

Titan Fighting Championships finds a new home in time for Titan FC:47 gruodžio 15, 2017

Gruodis 1, 2017 - Titanas Fighting Championships (Titanas FC) will have their pirmas Mixed Martial Arts event, Titanas FC 47, apie Gruodis 15, 2017 in their new namo, Xtreme Action Park į Fort Lauderdale, Floridos. The event will feature 10 Professional fights with its main event being for the Featherweight Title.

1. Sodiq Yusuff VS Luis Gomez, Featherweight Title Match

2. Gustavo Balart VS Bruno Korea Mesquita, Flyįeight

3. Michel Batista VS Edison Lopes, Heavyweight

4. Demarques Jackson VS Beibit Nazarov, Šviesaweight

5. Michael Cora VS Rico Farrington, Negu vidutinis svoris

6. Fred Moncaio VS , Marcos Lloreda, Welterweight

7. Steve'as Mowry VS Frank Tate, Heavyweight

8. Mike Lombardo VS TBD, Middleweight

9. Alberto Blas VS Jean Colon, Bantamweight

10. Thais Nega VS Hannah Cifer, WMMA Strawweight

kaip always, Titanas FC 47, will be available for live streaming via UFC kovos leidimas.

Titan’s COO, Lex McMahon:

"I believe that we have certainly found a home with our move to Xtreme Action Park. We are excited about showing off our new venue with such an action-packed card, and look forward to more fan and fighter focused events to consistently take place per 2018."




Baigta Bellator 189: Budas vs.. Blencowe 2 Pagrindinės plokštės rezultatai:

Julija Budd (11-2) nugalėjo Arlene Blencowe (10-7) per split sprendimą (46-49, 48-47, 49-46)

Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sch58s8ehmtwnjr/AAAx69mIvHYsMWb1iukNObqea?dl=0

Rafaelis Lovato jaunesnysis. (7-0) nugalėjo Chrisas Honeycutt (10-2, 1 NC) per vieningu sprendimu (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tcr1yg7q1e190fc/AAA7RYTKz1PLenoBmmjKaluTa?dl=0

Chidi Njokuani (18-5, 1 NC) nugalėjo Hisaki Kato (8-3) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xbk2nyzieavcgcm/AADm9fwL3c9TniJiK-gb-u4oa?dl=0


Davidas RICKELS (19-4, 2 NC) nugalėjo Adomas Piccolot (9-2) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Nuotraukos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jz0hx1wjmz82s11/AAB-PokM2z8vn211Lmv9WojZa?dl=0


Preliminarūs Kortų rezultatai:

Samas Sicilia (16-8) nugalėjo Marcos Galvão (18-9-1) per vieningu sprendimu (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Gastonas Bolanosas (2-1) nugalėjo Rick Gutierrez (0-2) via knockout at 1:13 apvaliosios vieną

Mandelis Nallo (6-0) nugalėjo Alec Williams (6-2) per TKO adresu 0:18 apvaliosios vieną

Juliana Velasquez (6-0) nugalėjo Na Liang (6-2) per pateikimo (arm bar) į 0:32 apvalios dviejų

Cris Williams (3-0) nugalėjo Thomas Lopez (1-3) per pateikimo (triangle) į 1:39 apvaliosios vieną

Stephanie Geltmacher (2-0) nugalėjo Ky Bennett (0-1) per vieningu sprendimu (30-25, 30-25, 30-27)

Brian Grinnell (9-7) nugalėjo Kemmyelle Haley (7-6) via submission at 0:39 apvaliosios vieną

Brandon Phillips (7-3) nugalėjo Jordan Howard (10-4) per vieningu sprendimu (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)

Andrew Parker (7-2) nugalėjo Frank Patterson (4-5) per pateikimo (triangle) į 3:03 apvaliosios vieną



Main Event:
CO-Main Event:
Vidutinio svorio sureguliavimas
Penktadienis, DECEMBER 8th LIVE ant AXS TV
Tickets are on sale NOW through TheBombFactory.com
HOUSTON, Teksasas – Palikimas Kova aljansą (MPŪV) CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion has a new main event at LFA 28, which takes place next week at The Bomb Factory in Dallas, Teksasas.

MPŪV 28 will feature a new main event when UFC vet DamonThe LeechJackson battles longtime rival and fellow Legacy FC alum Luis Luna in a lightweight rematch. The change came when original headliner Evan Cutts suffered an injury in training. Undefeated prospect Jaleel Willis was set to face Cutts, but will now have his LFA debut at a future date. MPŪV 28 – Jackson vs. Luna takes place this Penktadienis, December 8th at The Bomb Factory in Dallas, Teksasas. Visa pagrindinė plokštė bus tiesiogiai transliuojamos ir šalyje nuo AXS TV ne 9 p.m. IR / 6 p.m. PT.
Damon Jackson is a UFC vet and former Legacy champion that is coming off an impressive submission win at LFA 16,” Užfiksuota Soares. “He will face his longtime rival Luis Luna, who has been wanting a rematch with Jackson for over four and a half years. LFA started at The Bomb Factory in Dallas in January and returned in July. We will continue our exciting history in Big D next week at LFA 28.
Tickets for LFA 28 – Jackson vs. Luna are available for purchase NOW at TheBombFactory.com.
Jacksonas (12-2-1) comes into this fight looking to remind people that history has a way of repeating itself in the world of combat sports. In April 2013, Jackson faced Luna (14-6) in his fifth professional fight. The bout was Luna’s eleventh as a professional fighter. Jackson won the bout via armbar, but not without a bit of controversy.
The fight was back and forth until Jackson landed an illegal knee to a downed opponent in Round 1. The referee stopped the action and re-centered the fighters, but Luna was angry. When Jackson put his hand out to touch gloves, Luna ignored the gesture and threw a left hook and a flurry of punches that dropped Jackson. The NAIA All-American, Jacksonas, used his elite wrestling skills to survive the round.
In Round 2, both fighters came out firing. Luna gained top position off a trip that he utilized during the early striking exchange. Jacksonas, who is a master scrambler and appropriately nicknamedThe Leech”, quickly got back to his feet and landed a double-leg takedown. He then advanced seamlessly into a full mount. After raining down some ground and pound, Luna turned and Jackson moved with him, while transitioning into a fight-ending belly down armbar at the 1:15 mark of Round 2.
Jackson got the win that night, but Luna feels that the fight is not finished. While Jackson went on to gain fame fighting for Legacy FC, UFC, and LFA, Luna also elevated his profile by fighting in Legacy FC and is widely considered one of the top lightweights in the state of Texas. While Jackson is looking to have history repeat itself, Luna is aiming to prove another old adage. That would be the one that says lightning never strikes twice in the same place. Therein, as the Bard would tell us, lies the rub. The LFA 28 headliner will settle this bad blood rivalry, while also determining which maxim expresses the most truth.
Pagrindinė kortelė (Televiziją ant AXS TV ne 9 p.m. IR / 6 p.m. PT):
Main Event | Lengvas Bout (155 LB)
Damon Jackson (12-2-1) vs. Luis Luna (14-6)
Artimieji Bout (185 LB)
Kevin Holland (10-3) vs. Chris Bachmeier (10-1)
Light-Heavyweight Bout (205 LB)
– Alonzo Menifield (4-0) vs. Otavio Lacerda (9-4)
Gaidys Bout (135 LB)
Miles Johns (5-0) vs. Caio Machado (10-4)
Lengvas Bout (145 LB)
Steven Peterson (15-6) vs. Dustin Winter (6-4)
Negu vidutinis svoris Bout (170 LB)
Melvin Jordan (5-2) vs. Nikolay Veretennikov (4-3)
Negu vidutinis svoris Bout (170 LB)
Ramiz Brahimaj (4-0) vs. Benas Simonsas (2-1)
Rugsėjį 2016, Legacy FC and RFA officials announced that they would be merging to form the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) pradedant sausio 2017. Legacy FC and RFA have launched the careers of over 150 sportininkai, kurie pasiekė MMA viršūnę konkuruojančių UFC.
MPŪV 28 will be the third LFA event to take place in the City of Dallas. It will also be the seventh time that the LFA has traveled toThe Lone Star Stateof Texas. Further information about LFA 28 bus paskelbta netrukus. Visa pagrindinė kortelė MPŪV 28 bus tiesiogiai transliuojamos ir šalyje nuo AXS TV ne 9 p.m. IR / 6 p.m. PT.
Prašome apsilankyti LFAfighting.com už šoninių atnaujinimus ir informaciją. LFA is on Facebook at Palikimas Kova aljansą. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting ir "Twitter" ne @LFAfighting.

Combate 19 Weigh-In Results, Photos and Video

Kyra Batara (į kairę) and Paulina Granados (teisė) faced off on stage after each weighed in one day before their much-anticipated main event showdown atTS-1 Promotions Presents: Combate 19 (Queen Warriors)” live on Telemundo from Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio, Texas on Friday, Gruodis. 1.


SAN ANTONIO Iš, TX – November 30, 2017 –The fighters stepped on the scale and faced off with each other on Thursday, Lapkritis. 30, one day before the “TS-1 Promotions Presents: Combate 19 (Queen Warriors)" Mišrių Kovos menai (MMA) ekstravagancija, headlined by the much-anticipated women’s atomweight (105 svarų) showdown between rivals Kyra "Mogwai" Batara (6-4) ir Paulina “Firefox” Granados (4-2), live on Telemundo at 12 tarifu. IR/11 p.m. CT on Friday, Gruodis. 1 from Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio, Teksasas.

After Batara of Las Vegas, Nev. missed weight by one pound (107.4 svarų) after the contracted, one-pound allowance was considered, an agreement was made between her and Granados (4-2), who weighed in at 105.5 svarų, to proceed with the bout as planned.

Co-main event fighters Andres “The Bullet” Quintana (12-2) Albukerkė, N.M. ir Rėja "kariai" Trujillo (21-19) Houston, Texas tipped the scales at 145 svarų ir 145.9 svarų, respectively for their featherweight (145 svarų) matchup.

Undefeated Daniel Rodriguez (4-0) Los Andžele, Kalifas. and fellow knockout artistVictor “Kelevra” Reyna (9-3) Dalaso, Texas clocked in at 171.1 svarų ir 170 pounds for their welterweight (170 svarų) scrap that will serve as the opening bout on the live Telemundo broadcast.

Prior to the live Telemundo broadcast, the seven-bout preliminary card will stream live on TelemundoDeportes.com, the Telemundo Deportes En Vivo App and Facebook LIVE, pradedant nuo (9 p.m. IR/8 p.m. KT).

Kaina nuo $30, tickets for “TS-1 Promotions Presents: Combate 19 (Queen Warriors)"Yra parduodama Ticketmaster.com.

Doors at Freeman Coliseum open at 7 p.m. KT. The first preliminary bout begins at 8 p.m.

(Pictured above): ReyThe WarriorTrujillo (į kairę) and AndresThe BulletQuintana (teisė) will square off in the ‘Combate 19’ bendro pagrindinis renginys, live on Telemundo rytoj, Penktadienis, Gruodis. 1.



Atomweight (105 svarų) Main Event: Kyra Batara (107.4 svarų) vs Paulina Granados (105.5 svarų)

Nereikšmingas daiktas (145 svarų) Bendras Main Event: Andres Quintana (146 svarų) vs Rey Trujillo (146.4 svarų)

Negu vidutinis svoris (170 svarų) Featured Bout: Daniel Rodriguez (171.1 svarų) vs Victor Reyna (170 svarų)


Catchweight (140 svarų): Ray Rodriguez (139.1 svarų) vs Michael Rodriguez (143.7 svarų)

Atomweight (105 svarų): Vanesa Rico (105.1 svarų) vs Brenda Enriquez (106.1 svarų)

Gaidys (135 svarų): David Jesus Fuentes (135 svarų) vs Joel Scott (135.1 svarų)

Svorelis (125 svarų): Heinrich Wassmer (125.4 svarų) vs Juan Deantes (123.8 svarų)

Catchweight (140 svarų): Javier Obregon (139.5 svarų) vs Jose Ceja (138.9 svarų)

Svorelis (125 svarų): David Miramontes (125.6 svarų) vs Federico David Olivera (123.8 svarų)

Lengvas (155 svarų): Fernando Rodriguez (153.1 svarų) vs Jesse Almaraz (154.2 svarų)


Combate Americas is the premier Hispanic Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) sports franchise, rapidly becoming the number two sport, after soccer, for Spanish speaking sports fans worldwide. „Combate Americas“ franšizėje yra TV realybės programos, tiesioginiai renginiai ir mobilusis programavimas. Bendrovės generalinis direktorius, Campbell "McLaren", yra visuotinai pripažintas „Ultimate Fighting Championship“ įkūrėju / kūrėju (UFC). „New York Magazine“ apibūdino „McLaren“ kaip “rinkodaros genijus už UFC” ir "Yahoo"! Sportas skelbė, kad jis “žino daugiau apie ne tik apie kas nors šiandien sporte.” Su precedento neturinčiu produktu ir „blue-chip“ nuosavybės bei valdymo komanda, „Combate Americas“ yra pasirengusi pralaužti naują kelią ir sukelti naują erą pasaulio čempionato lygio MMA varžybose.