Архіви: MMA


Спільно Головною подією:
У середньому Showdown
П'ятниця, MAY 4th У прямому ефірі на AXS TV
Tickets are on sale NOW through TicketsWest.com
Х'юстон, Техас – Legacy Fighting Alliance (LFA) CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will crown an interim middleweight champion when it makes its first trip to Vail, Colorado in May at LFA 39. LFA middleweight champion Anthony Hernandez is currently taking time off to heal injuries, while also welcoming the birth of his fourth child. He is expected to face the winner of the LFA 39 main event later this year.

The main event of LFA 39 will crown an interim middleweight champion when Colorado native IanThe HurricaneHeinisch faces BJJ black belt Gabriel “Zangief” Checco for the interim strap. LFA 39 – Heinisch vs. Checco takes place П'ятниця, May 4th at Dobson Arena in Vail, Колорадо. Вся основна карта буде транслюватися в прямому ефірі і по всій країні на AXS TV на 9 p.m. І / 6 p.m. PT.
I am excited to bring LFA to beautiful Vail, Колорадо,” Встановлений Соарес. “Our middleweight champion Anthony Hernandez is taking some time off to heal injuries, so we will crown an interim champion that will face Hernandez in a title unification bout later this year. Ian Heinisch and Gabriel Checco are the top two contenders for the title and they both have title fight experience. This will make a fantastic main event at LFA 39.
Tickets for LFA 39 – Heinisch vs. Checco are available for purchase NOW at TicketsWest.com.
Heinisch (9-1) is widely considered one of the top middleweight prospects in the world. The two-time Colorado state wrestling champion from Ponderosa High School impressed many in his LFA debut last year, which served as the main event of LFA 10. “The Hurricaneoverwhelmed his veteran Brazilian opponent Lucas Rota in less than a round and finished him with a rare Ude-Garami (Keylock) from Kesa-Gatame (Scarf Hold). The flashy submission win earned him a shot at the LFA middleweight title in September at LFA 22. Things did not go as he planned that night, but the 29-year-old quickly rebounded with a highlight reel one-punch knockout in January. Heinisch was able to showcase his underrated striking and big right hand that put away Daniel Madrid in the co-main event of LFA 31. The win earned him a second chance at LFA gold in front of his home crowd at LFA 39.
Checco (10-2) is a Brazilian powerhouse and dangerous BJJ black belt known as “Zangief”. This is due to his signature mohawk and jaw-dropping finishing ability much like the popular Street Fighter video game character of the same name. All ten of Checco’s wins have come via KO, ВООЗ, або підпорядкування. That includes three highlight reel finishes under the RFA banner. The first was a blistering 74-second knockout of Joseph Henle in the co-main event of RFA 23 in southern California. The second was a beautiful Triangle-Armbar submission of Mike Jasper at RFA 31, which took place in downtown Las Vegas. The third was a comeback win via Heel Hook against Heinisch’s close friend and training partner Adam Stroup in the co-main event of RFA 43. Checco also brings the experience of two RFA title fights. He will need that when he faces an extra-motivated Heinisch for LFA gold at LFA 39.
Currently Announced Main Card (Televised on AXS TV at 9 p.m. І / 6 p.m. PT):
Головна подія | Interim Middleweight Title Bout (185 фунт)
Ian Heinisch (9-1) проти. Габріель Checco (10-2)
Со-головна подія | Середній Бут (185 фунт)
Jordan Wright (9-0) проти. Hayward Charles (15-10)
Бій у найлегшій вазі (125 фунт)
Brandon Royval (6-3) проти. Jerome Rivera (7-1)
Women’s Strawweight Bout (115 фунт)
Maycee Barber (3-0) проти. Audrey Perkins (1-0)
У Вересні 2016, RFA and Legacy FC officials announced that they would be merging to form the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) starting in January 2017. RFA and Legacy FC have launched the careers of over 150 athletes that have reached the pinnacle of MMA by competing in the UFC.
LFA 39 will serve as the fourth LFA event to take place in the state of Colorado. RFA visited “Держава Столітня” eight times before the merger. Further information about LFA 39 буде оголошено найближчим часом. The entire main card of LFA 39 буде транслюватися в прямому ефірі по всій країні і на AXS TV на 9 p.m. І / 6 p.m. PT.
Будь ласка, відвідайте LFAfighting.com оновлень сутички та інформації. LFA is on Facebook at Legacy Fighting Alliance. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting і Twitter в @LFAfighting.

Справа Флойда Мейвезера, Молодший. Vs. CM Punk в клітці UFC

За: Багатий Бержерон

Флойд Мейвезер, Молодший. не робиться бойових дій. Гроші, які він заробив з Конором Макгрегором в односторонньому боксерському поєдинку, буде не дуже легко заробити поза небезпечним світом бойових видів спорту. Здається, пенсія завжди їсть у Флойда, і рано чи пізно він повертається до чергового блокбастеру, який шокує світ.


CM Punk потребує жеребкування, щоб зацікавити нас його кар'єрою. Навіть якщо він вибиває постійно живу лайно наступного хлопця, вони годують його в восьмикутнику UFC, Панку ще доведеться багато чого довести. Помістіть його проти Мейвезера у привітанні в поєдинку ММА за боксера світового класу, і зробіть це для мрії для Флойда, яка надає йому всі пільги та спонсорські поступки, які він хоче в контракті.


Флойд стане автоматичним аутсайдером, який негайно вийде проти Макгрегора в клітці. Такий претендент, як CM Punk, дає йому більше шансів на бій. Це дає CM панку шанс реально розпочати свою кар'єру, якщо він зможе перемогти Флойда.


Справа в тому,, Мейвезер може швидко вивчити спорт змішаних єдиноборств, і з його швидкістю та атлетичністю, враховуючи більш вражаючі варіанти, він насправді може шокувати нас у своєму першому бою з ММА… якщо він дійсно підкріплює свої розмови про боротьбу в клітці діями.


Під час туру на боксерський матч, Флойд неодноразово посилався на ідею битися з Макгрегором у клітці після того, як боксерський матч пройшов його шлях. Він не говорить уголос того, що насправді не вважає істинним або могло б бути істинним, якщо вклав у це свої зусилля.


Мені пощастило стати на краю кільця поруч із Леонардом Еллербе під час тренувань Мейвезера в Лас-Вегасі років тому.


Перш ніж він кидав удари по рукавицях, я запитав його, що йому найбільше подобається у боксі. Я не намагався наблизитися під час великої преси, тому я думаю, що він не сподівався на запитання.


Він сидів мовчки, і я не хотів, щоб воно висіло, як поганий пердеть на вітрі. Я ще раз запитав, ще голосніше. Він не дивився на мене, коли тінився з собою. “Все.” нарешті він поступився, а потім він приступив до роботи, щоб показати свою швидкість і вдарити, щоб усі ЗМІ побачили.


Включення ліктів, спинки, удари ногою та боротьба в його рутинному режимі можуть створити справжнього монстра з Мейвезера. Також, гроші від боксу, які стежать за ним до клітки, можуть бути величезними як для нього, так і для UFC. У його віці знадобиться маса роботи, щоб адаптуватися до нового виду спорту, але CM Punk як перший суперник ставить планку досить низько, оскільки обидва чоловіки отримують шанс показати свою належність. Give them both a serious training camp, make a reality show out of it, and it could happen.




“Гроші” is already preparing to train in mixed martial arts with UFC Champ Tyron Woodley, and he heaped some praise on both Woodley and McGregor as fighters recently:


“So we have to tweak a few things then, take things to that next level. You know I can’t overlook or knock any MMA guy. Tyron is unbelievable. Unbelievable fighter, tough competitor. Конор МакГрегор, he’s a tough competitor, helluva fighter. There’s a lot of tough, rugged guys out there in MMA and I can’t overlook or disrespect those guys.”




The MMA versus Boxing debate has been going on since long before I decided to do my own take on it with a series of radio shows pitting one expert against another. One of my favorites was “Альпініст” John Scully against Ken Shamrock.


Не дивно, the debate between these two fighter/trainer experts drifted into Mayweather making the crossover to MMA. This is not a new concept to Floyd. He’s been hearing the critics yap about him never making it in MMA for more than a decade now, always thinking about how he could one day prove his haters wrong.



Anyone who thinks the best MMA fighter in his weight class demolishes Floyd has never watched him train. What could this guy do with a couple of tune-up fights and a title tilt? How about 9 months of hard training in takedown and submission defense?


Everybody and their brother who knows anything about MMA decides to use the argument of all the past boxers who failed at MMA. They remind us all of the freakshow fight involving Randy Couture easily defeating James Toney. Флойд Мейвезер, Молодший. is not only on a different level than James Toney was when he got the chance to fight in the cage, he’s on a different planet.



Floyd can afford the best trainers, the best of everything really in preparing to enter the UFC Octagon. He will spare no expense in finances and sweat equity in cementing his legacy as the best crossover fighter in the history of the boxing and MMA rivalry. Who has the best true athletes? Mayweather is representing boxing’s best, and he doesn’t have much time left to prove that a world class boxer can dominate the MMA scene with the right approach and strategy.




McGregor did prove that he could give Floyd a few fits in the boxing ring, but on the third fight into a UFC contract that match could happen again in the cage. Floyd just has to show he belongs, but the first step is having the guts to back up his words with actions. He did say on the boxing press tour for the McGregor fight that when he beat McGregor in his own craft, he would go to the UFC and beat Conor in the cage, занадто.




I anticipate aShark Tanktype of negotiation between Mayweather and UFC President Dana White. Floyd will need to get a piece of the promotion itself, access to a wild amount of sponsorship cash, options to collect on media income, and at least $10 million per fight in just base pay. To get the billion dollar contract he envisions, the lawyers will be ironing out the details for as long as Floyd decides he needs to train for his first fight.


Floyd could easily rake in $90+ million in sponsorship and media income to make $100 million per fight with Showtime executives in his corner and a familiarity with being in front of the cameras. A five fight deal means there is a 1/2 billion dollar gap unless I am underestimating how much the UFC would give Floyd for base pay. Even if he makes $200 million per fight, the rest would have to come out of the overall corporation itself as equity, which is what Conor McGregor has been asking for.


Floyd just has a bigger upside to being an owner/partner and would be a huge asset when it comes to the UFC wanting to promote boxing at some point. He can also bring his fans and everyone who wants to see him get whipped and schooled in the new discipline. He brings eyeballs, extreme attention and money with him wherever he goes. At a $5 billion valuation, the UFC would likely be able to part with a ten percent chunk of the promotion to bring Mayweather officially on board and get him locked in for a long-term deal.



The other area that Floyd could have a huge impact on is in attracting more boxers to cross over to MMA. We’ve seen football players like Matt Mitrione and Greg Hardy experience virtually immediate success in MMA, so why not a world class boxer like Floyd? 19-0 Pro Boxer Gervonta Davis is already hinting at following his protege Floyd to MMA and says he’s just waiting for Dana White’s phone call. Then there are the heavyweight boxers to think about bringing into the cage, and Word Champion Anthony Joshua is keen on giving it a shot, занадто.




Так, the odds are high that Mayweather steps into the cage to compete by December of this year if you believe one of his most controversial videos to date on the subject:



Mayweather could be an incredible MMA fighter if given half the chance. He is not a man who takes a challenge like this lightly. He will have the best approach possible to get into cagefighting shape. He will bring all kinds of interest back to the boxing vs. MMA debate and actually might even inspire a whole new phase of that debate. The combat sports world as a whole will benefit if Floyd and the UFC can make this partnership work.



As for those who think Floyd will get eaten alive, they are certainly entitled to their opinion, but don’t use McGregor’s failure to adapt to boxing as your bar for Floyd. Mayweather will not take on a world class MMA fighter the first time he steps in the cage. He will not bring in the MMA equivalent of Paulie Malignaggi to get up to speed on the sport. He will spare no expense to get the best preparation possible. He’s already showing that to be true by bringing Tyron Woodley on as his official training partner. He will hand pick his first opponent and likely not get any crack at a title until two or three fights go his way.


Critics of people who think they can show up to an MMA gym and come out in six weeks at the UFC level will call me crazy, but Floyd truly is an amazing athlete who can quiet his doubters, and he’s not getting any younger. It’s now or never to solve that question of which sport is truly better at crafting the ideal fighter.

American NateThe TrainLandwehr keeps rollinTakes on M-1 Challenge featherweight champion Khamzat Dalgiev at M-1 Challenge 91

Квітня 21, in Saint Petersburg at M-1 Arena

Нейт “The TrainLandwehr is a showman
САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, Росія (Березня 19, 2018) – American mixed-martial-arts star Нейт “The TrainLandwehr will compete for his first M-1 Global title, when he takes on red-hot M-1 Challenge featherweight champion Khamzat Dalgiev, в M-1 Challenge 91 main event at the new M-1 Arena in Saint Petersburg, Росія.
M-1 Challenge 91 will be live-streamed from Russia in high definition on www.M1Global.TV. Глядачі зможуть спостерігати попередні бої і основної картки, зайшовши на реєстрацію на www.M1Global.TV. Шанувальники можуть спостерігати за всіма діями на своїх комп’ютерах, а також на Android і Apple, смартфонів і планшетів. M-1 Challenge 90 є available onwww.FITE.TV(preliminary card is free, $7.99 for the main card).
The 29-year-old Landwehr (10-2-0, М-1: 2-0-0), who fights out of Clarksville, Теннессі, made his M-1 Global debut last September at M-1 Challenge 83, коли він зупинився Mikhail Korobkov on punches in the second round. Landwehr’s last fight was this past November at M-1 Challenge 85, at which he won a split decision over Viktor Kolesnik.
Since his first fight in Russia, Landwehr has developed into one of M-1 Global’s most popular fighters, largely due to his fan-friendly fighting style, as well as his showmanship. He made his own promo video, talks trash at press conferences, and broke out into anass whoopingsong after his fight.
The Trainnever takes a step backwards, trading punches with his opponent from the opening bell, which often results in spectacular fights for MMA fans.
Landwehr (вище) is an all-around fighter who can ground or pound
Dalgiev (10-1-0, М-1: 7-1-0), Росії, виграв 10 fights in a row since he lost his pro debut in 2014. Last November at M-1 Challenge 86, Dalgiev turned in a shocking performance, knocking out longtime M-1 Challenge featherweight champion Іван Buchinger in the opening round with a thunderous punch that made him an instant star.
Able to defeat his opponent in a variety of ways, Dalgiev has won five fights by submission with three knockouts, including five opening-round stoppages. If rising to the occasion is his forte, Dalgiev should be sky high to fight Landwehr in one of the most anticipated M-1 Global showdowns in years.

Dalgiev (вище) put Buchinger to sleep in the first round to capture the coveted M-1 Challenge featherweight title (нижче)

All fighters and fights are subject to change. Additional main and full preliminary card bouts will soon be announced.


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@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
Майбутні Події:
Березня 30 – M-1 Challenge 90 в Санкт-. Петербург, Росія
Квітня 21 – M-1 Challenge 91 в Санкт-. Петербург, Росія

FNU Спортивні єдиноборства Показати: CM Punk Not Ready for Floyd, UFC Fight Night Preview and Heavyweights who Think Cheating Boxers Should Go to Jail

This week’s FNU Combat Sports Show starts off with Tom and Rich talking MMA for a while and then Tony joins in to cap off the show with a long boxing discussion. Listen to the whole broadcast below:


Спільно Головною подією:
П'ятниця, APRIL 20th У прямому ефірі на AXS TV
Tickets will go on sale at 10 am cst на Вівторок 3-20-18 через Ticketmaster.com
Х'юстон, Техас – Legacy Fighting Alliance (LFA) CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will bring a championship doubleheader to South Dakota at LFA 37. The promotion will crown its king and queen of the flyweight division as both the men’s and women’s vacant 125-pound titles will be on the line.

The main event of LFA 37 will crown a new LFA flyweight champion when South Dakota native Sid “Порочне” Bice battles Cuban Olympic wrestler “Супер” Maikel Perez for the vacant strap. The co-main event of LFA 37 will crown a new LFA women’s flyweight champion when Colombian knockout sensation Sabina Mazo faces Colorado powerhouse Shannon Sinn for the vacant women’s title. LFA 37 – Bice vs. Perez takes place П'ятниця, April 20th в Sanford Пентагону в Су-Фолс, Південна Дакота. Вся основна карта буде транслюватися в прямому ефірі і по всій країні на AXS TV на 9 p.m. І / 6 p.m. PT.
“LFA 37 will continue our exciting history in South Dakota that began with the RFA in August 2014,” Встановлений Соарес. “We brought the first sanctioned MMA event to the state at RFA 17, we hosted the first MMA world title fight in the state, and now we will bring the first women’s world title fight to ‘The Mount Rushmore Stateat LFA 37.
Tickets will go on sale at 10 am cst на Вівторок 3-20-18 через Ticketmaster.com
Bice (8-1) is widely considered one of the top flyweight prospects in MMA as well as one of the best fighters to hail from “Державний Гора Рашмор”. The Winner, South Dakota native, who wrestled collegiately in Sioux Falls at Augustana University, made a successful return to his homestate after signing with LFA last year. “Sid Viciouswon both of his fights for LFA in Sioux Falls by establishing his signature frenetic pace that he uses to outclass his opponents with movement, dominant wrestling, and precise striking. The 28-year-old Factory X Muay Thai product, who is based in Denver, now looks to win gold in his home state at LFA 37.
Перес (6-1) is a former Olympian and Cuban national wrestling team member. The 34-year-old began competing on Cuba’s national team at international tournaments when he was 17-years-old. This included competing at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, Китай. “Super Maikelalso represented Cuba at the 2009 World Championships and the 2006 і 2009 Pan American Championships. Perez took the gold medal at 60 kg at the 2009 Pan American Championships. Перес, who trains at Kings MMA in southern California, now looks to add more gold to his trophy case at LFA 37. He will get that chance in front of the same fans he impressed last summer at LFA 19.
Mazo (4-0) is one of MMA’s breakout stars of 2017. The 20-year-old Colombian signed with LFA when she was 19-years-old and quickly burst onto the global scene last April at LFA 9. This happened when she knocked out 82nd Airborne Army veteran Jamie Thorton with a jaw-dropping head kick that went viral and was featured on every major MMA website as well as mainstream outlets such as USA Today. The Kings MMA product, who trains alongside Perez, then doubled-down in her sophomore appearance for LFA by knocking out Minnesota National Guard member Linsey Williams with another first round head kick. The “Colombian Queenis now looking for her crown and perhaps a hat trick head kick KO courtesy of one of the most lethal high kicks in MMA.
Sinn (5-5) is one of the most physically imposing women in the flyweight division. Her statuesque physique, aggressive fighting style, and technical grappling have made her a fan favorite. The Colorado native also happens to train alongside two of the best female fighters in the world, UFC women’s strawweight champion Rose Namajunas and UFC women’s flyweight #1 contender Valentina Shevchenko. Sinn’s world-class training partners, take-on-all-comers mentality, and relentless work ethic has allowed the 38-year-old Coloradan to enjoy a career resurgence that includes back-to-back wins over the 2016 RFA FansChoice “Проспект Рік” Katy Collins as well as former LFA title challenger Heather Bassett. She now looks for her crowning moment by capturing LFA gold.
LFA 37 will feature the fourth championship doubleheader to take place in the state of South Dakota as well as the first-ever women’s world title fight to take place inside “Державний Гора Рашмор”. The first three championship doubleheaders (six overall title fights) were contested under the RFA banner.
RFA visited South Dakota a total of four times and produced an incredible amount of talent at those four events. Ten fighters went on to compete for the UFC and five more would go on to fight for Bellator. Christos Giagos, Luke Sanders, Девін Кларк, Geane Еррера, Халіл Раунтрі, Метью Лопес, Terrion товари, Jordan Johnson, Joe Gigliotti, and Brian Camozzi are the ten fighters that competed for the RFA in South Dakota before signing with the UFC. Джастін Лоренс, Відзначити Дикман, Франциско Франція, Леандро Higo, and Logan Storley are the five fighters that competed for the RFA in South Dakota before signing with Bellator.
RFA 37 was the final RFA event in the state of South Dakota, before the merger, and it was featured on UFC President Dana White’s hit reality show Dana White: LookinFor A Fight. Five fighters from that event were signed to the UFC and another two signed with Bellator. That includes every fighter that won on the main card and another fighter that won on the undercard. LFA 37 looks to continue this tradition of success in the state.
Currently Announced Main Card (Televised on AXS TV at 9 p.m. І / 6 p.m. PT):
Головна подія | Flyweight Title Bout (125 фунт)
Sid Bice (8-1) проти. Maikel Perez (6-1)
Со-головна подія | Women’s Flyweight Title Bout (125 фунт)
Sabina Mazo (4-0) проти. Shannon Sinn (5-5)
Welterweight But (170 фунт)
– Джордан Ларсон (8-4) проти. Clarence Jordan (10-4-1)
Легкий бій (155 фунт)
– Брайс Логан (8-2) проти. Dakota Bush (4-0)
У Вересні 2016, RFA and Legacy FC officials announced that they would be merging to form the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) starting in January 2017. RFA and Legacy FC have launched the careers of over 150 athletes that have reached the pinnacle of MMA by competing in the UFC.
LFA 37 will serve as the third LFA event to take place in the state of South Dakota. RFA visited “Державний Гора Рашмор” four times before the merger. That includes RFA 17, which was the first sanctioned MMA event to take place in the state of South Dakota. Further information about LFA 37 буде оголошено найближчим часом. The entire main card of LFA 37 буде транслюватися в прямому ефірі по всій країні і на AXS TV на 9 p.m. І / 6 p.m. PT.
Будь ласка, відвідайте LFAfighting.com оновлень сутички та інформації. LFA is on Facebook at Legacy Fighting Alliance. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting і Twitter в @LFAfighting.





ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС – Renowned Brazilian jiu-jitsu ace Dillon Danis (0-0) will make his highly anticipated mixed martial arts debut against Kyle Walker (2-4) at Bellator’s return to Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Погано. на Субота, Квітня 28для Bellator 198: Федір проти. Мені.






Bellator 198, headlined by a first-round Heavyweight World Grand Prix bout between Федір Ємельяненко (36-5, 1 Північна Кароліна) і Френк Світ (18-11), will be broadcast live and free on Paramount Network at 9 p.m. І/8 p.m. Коннектикут, в той час як попереднє дію буде текти по Bellator.com і в усьому світі на Bellator Mobile App. Tickets for the event are on sale now and are available at the Allstate Arena box office and Ticketmaster.







Under the tutelage of Marcelo Garcia at Alliance in New York, Danis began competing at an elite level on the jiu-jitsu circuit not long after emerging on the scene. Danis would win the IBJJF World Championship in Gi and No-Gi in 2014 as a brown belt, with those victories earning him his black belt in 2015. The very next year, Danis would return to the IBJJF tournament and take home the Pan American No-Gi Championship. Garnering the attention of fans along the way, Conor McGregor also took notice, enlisting the services of the New Jersey native to help him train for his 2016 rematch with Nate Diaz. Always one to challenge himself, Danis signed an exclusive multi-fight contract with Bellator in 2017 and has already settled in for training camp at the famed SBG Ireland.






Fighting out of Herrin, Жорстоке., Kyle Walker will enter the Bellator cage for the first time at Bellator 198, where he will likely play the role of underdog to the BJJ kingpin. Walker made his pro debut in 2013, racking up wins in two of his first three matchups within the calendar year. After taking some time away from the sport, Walker stepped back inside the cage competing for some of the best regional promotions, including a return to Shamrock FC.






Повна Bellator 198 Головна Карта:

Heavyweight Grand Prix Перший раунд: Федір Ємельяненко (36-5, 1 Північна Кароліна) проти. Френк Світ (18-11)







Сумірна головна подія у напівважкій вазі: Еммануель Санчес (16-3) проти. Сем Сицилія (16-8)







Сутичка основної карти середньої ваги: Джон Солтер (15-3) проти. Рафаель Ловато-молодший. (7-0)







Поєдинок основної карти в напівважкій вазі: Нейман Грейсі (7-0) проти. Javier Torres (10-3)







175-Pound Catchweight Main Card Bout: Dillon Danis (Pro Дебют) проти. Kyle Walker (2-4)






Попереднє Card:






Попередній поєдинок у напівважкій вазі: R’Mandel Cameron (4-3) проти. P.J. Cajigas (6-6)






Попередній поєдинок у напівважкій вазі: Dan Stittgen (12-5) проти. Mark Stoddard (15-9)






150-Pound Catchweight Feature Bout: Eric Wisely (27-9-1) проти. Morgan Sickinger (20-10)






Попередній поєдинок середньої ваги: Matt Paul (2-2) проти. Brian Booth (4-3)






Попередній поєдинок у напівважкій вазі: Joey Diehl (11-9) проти. Nate Williams (27-17)






Полегшений попередній поєдинок: Tom Shoaff (8-3) проти. Mike Budnik (13-4)





*Картка може бути змінена






Please visit Bellator.com for additional information.



Host Brendan Schaub Talks With Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder & UFC Star Brian Ortega Following Their Recent Triumphs

Available NOW On YouTube І Facebook

and right here:

ЩО: SHOWTIME Sports released the second installment of the first-of-its-kind sports talk show BELOW THE BELT, hosted by Брендан Шауб, available now on theBelow the Belt YouTube Channel і Below the Belt Facebook Page. Following the show’s debut on February 28, the second installment of the twice-monthly digital-first program features an interview with America’s only heavyweight world champion, Deontay Уайлдер, who reflects on his instant-classic victory over Luis Ortiz March 3 на SHOWTIME. Schaub also sits down with the UFC’s Браян Ортега following his first-round knockout win over Frankie Edgar at UFC 222.






BELOW THE BELT explores the latest news in combat sports and pop culture, with Schaub delivering candid thoughts in his unique and unfiltered style. The multi-platform program, which also includes a weekly podcast and a composite program that airs once per month on SHOWTIME EXTREME, features interviews with the biggest names in combat sports and entertainment, road trips, fight camp visits, sketches, animation and pop-culture spoofs. У наступному випуску BELOW THE BELT launches Березня 28 followed by new shows Квітня 11, Квітня 18, Травня 2 and May 16.

Undefeated M-1 Challenge welterweight champion Alexey Kunchenko to defend title belt against former M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Alexander Butenko

Joe Riggs vs. Boris Polezhay in co-feature
M-1 Challenge 90, Море. 30, in Saint Petersburg at M-1 Arena
САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, Росія (Березня 14, 2018) – Undefeated M-1 Challenge welterweight champion Олексій Кунченко (17-0-0) will put his perfect MMA professional record and title belt on the line Березня 30, against former M-1 Challenge lightweight titlist Олександр “Iron Capture” Butenko, в M-1 Challenge 90 main event at the new M-1 Arena in Saint Petersburg, Росія.
M-1 Challenge 90 will be live-streamed from Russia in high definition on www.M1Global.TV. Глядачі зможуть спостерігати попередні бої і основної картки, зайшовши на реєстрацію на www.M1Global.TV. Шанувальники можуть спостерігати за всіма діями на своїх комп’ютерах, а також на Android і Apple, смартфонів і планшетів. M-1 Challenge 90 є available on www.FITE.TV(preliminary card is free, $7.99 for the main card)
The 33-year-old Kunchenko captured his M-1 Challenge welterweight title nearly two years ago, на M-1 Challenge 65, коли він нокаутував Мурад Абдулаєв в четвертому раунді. Kunchenko has made three successful title defenses. He won two decisions in a rematch with Abdulaev and against Максим Грабович, and he stopped Sergey Romonav в першому раунді.
The Russian-born Kunchenko is a legitimate knockout artist, зупинка 12 з його 17 pro victims, and he is 9-0 in in M-1 Global competition.
Kunchenko (R) is a lethal striker with 12 KOs in 17 про бої
Butenko (45-12-3, М-1: 11-2-1) is an experienced fighter, who is attempting to become a two-division M-1 Challenge champion. The battle-tested Ukrainian won his M-1 Challenge lightweight crown at M-1 Challenge 67, back in June of 2016, коли він виграв п’ятитурове рішення Artem Damkovsky за вакантне звання.
У своїй першій захисту титулу, Butenko was knocked out by Abukar Yandiev в першому раунді, Лютого 18, 2017 на M-1 Challenge 74. He has won his last two fight, на M-1 Challenge 82 & 86, відповідно, проти Keith Johnson (DEC3) і Eler Narmurzan(TSUB1).

Butenko (R) also has power
American middleweight and former UFC fighter,Джо “DieselRiggs (47-17-0, 1 Північна Кароліна, М-1: 2-0-0), боротьба з Феніксом, AZ, бере на себе Boris Polezhay (18-6-0, М-1: 2-1-0), Україна, у спільному заході.
Riggs is riding a six-fight win streak, including a pair of victories in M-1 Challenge events, in which he knocked out Oleg Olenichev і Dmitry Samoilov. Polezhay has won 13 з його останніх 14 бої.
Also fighting in the main card is Brazilian flyweight Rafael Dias (14-5-0, M-1¨0-1-0), хто стикається Vadim Malygin, Росії. Dias has lost only two of his last 10 бої, both of those in bantamweight matches. Malygin lost his only M-1 Challenge title fight last September, коли Aleksander Doskalchuk submitted him in the second.
All fighters and fights are subject to change. Additional main and full preliminary card bouts will soon be announced.
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ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС – Bellator is proud to announce that reality star turned MMA fighter Aaron Chalmers (3-0) will make his promotional debut on the main card of historic Bellator 200 проти Ash Griffiths (4-5) at The SSE Arena, Wembley in London on П'ятниця, Травня 25.

Fighting out of Newcastle, Англія, Chalmers steps inside the Bellator cage following three first-round stoppage victories under the direction of BAMMA. Chalmers is a well-known cast member of MTV’s British reality television series “Geordie Shore,” having appeared for 10 seasons beginning in 2014, as well as MTV’s “Ex on the Beach.” He would go on to make his MMA debut in 2017, winning his first bout via submission in the first round. “The Joker” has since defeated two other opponents in under a minute and now looks to take the next step in his professional career.

Griffiths turned pro in 2013, fighting regionally in England, prior to making his debut with Bellator last year during the main card of Bellator 191 в Ньюкаслі. Hailing from Willington, Англія, the nine-fight veteran provides a tough test for the newcomer. Fans can expect fireworks, when these two compete for bragging rights in front of their U.K. crowd.

The catchweight contest joins a stacked card that already includes a Bellator middleweight title matchup pitting current champ Рафаель Карвалью (15-1) проти Гегард Мусасі (43-6-2), a rematch betweenheavyweight fan-favorites Mirko Cro Cop (36-11-2, 1 Північна Кароліна) і Рой Нельсон (23-15), while former titleholder Філ Девіс (18-4) бере на себе Лінтон Vassell (18-6) in a light heavyweight matchup and undefeated British striker Майкл "Яд" Сторінка (12-0) відповідає Девід "Печерна людина" Rickels (19-4, 2 Північна Кароліна) в напівсередній вазі.

Tickets for the event are on sale now at The SSE Arena, Wembley Box Office (0844 815 0815), Ticketmaster.com, ssearena.co.uk і axs.com. Bellator 200 will be broadcast on Paramount Network at 9 p.m. І/8 p.m. Коннектикут, в той час як попереднє дію буде текти по Bellator.com і в усьому світі на Bellator Mobile App. The main card is now complete, additional preliminary contests will be announced in coming weeks.

Повна Bellator 200 Головна Карта:

Бій за титул чемпіона світу середньої ваги: Рафаель Карвалью (15-1) проти. Гегард Мусасі (43-6-2)

Сутичка основної карти у важкій вазі: Mirko Cro Cop (36-11-2, 1 Північна Кароліна) проти. Рой Нельсон (23-15)

Light Heavyweight Main Card Bout: Філ Девіс (18-4) проти. Лінтон Vassell (18-6)

Поєдинок основної карти в напівважкій вазі: Michael Page (12-0) проти. Девід Rickels (19-4, 2 Північна Кароліна)

163-Pound Catchweight Main Card Bout: Aaron Chalmers (3-0) проти. Ash Griffiths (4-5)

*Картка може бути змінена

Please visit Bellator.com for additional information.




Квитки вже у продажу

Нью-Йорк - березень 13, 2018 – Combate Americas announced six new matchups today for “Combate Estrellas I,” the premier Hispanic Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) sports franchise’s first live television event of 2018, and the first event of a two-part series featuring a collection of Combate Americas’ top estrellas, or “stars,” that will take place at Shrine Expo Hall in Los Angeles, Халіф. на П'ятниця, Квітня 13.



За ціною від $40, квитки на "Combate Estrellas I" продаються за адресою Ticketon.com.



The newly announced bouts include a featherweight (145 фунти) main card battle between fellow rising stars Jose “Froggy” Estrada (4-1), representing the U.S., і Pablo “Gallo Negro” Sabori (8-4) Мексики.


The matchup between Estrada, 27, who fights out of Ventura, Каліфорнія., and the 26-year-old Sabori of Tecate, Baja California, will precede the flyweight (125 фунти) women’s co-main event between five-division world boxing champion Аманда «The Real Deal» Серрано, (0-0) representing Puerto Rico in her much-anticipated MMA rules debut, проти Erendira “Aketzaly” Ordoñez (2-1) Мексики, and the bantamweight (135 фунти) main event rematch between John “Sexi Mexi” Castaneda (16-3), representing the U.S., і Marc “Lufo” Gomez (21-11), representing Spain.



In “Combate Estrellas I” preliminary bout card action, Rafa “Gifted” Garcia (5-0) of Mexico will risk his perfect record in a lightweight (155 фунти) scrap against fellow streaking prospect Chase “El Guero” Gibson (8-2) of the U.S.


A winner of Combate Americas’ first-ever open fighter tryout in 2016, the 25-year-old Garcia of Mexicali, Baja California, has defeated all of his opponents to date by way of submission inside of two rounds, while the 28-year-old Gibson, який бореться з Лос-Анджелеса, is a winner of his last five bouts.



In women’s atomweight (105 фунти) action on the preliminary bout card, Paulina “Firefox” Granados (4-3) will battle fellow American Sheila Padilla(3-2).



Lightweight American rivals Danny “The Realist” Ramirez (6-3) і Erick “Ghost Pepper” Gonzalez (7-2) will face each other for the second time, in a grudge bout, just over one year after Ramirez took a unanimous decision from Gonzalez at “Combate 11” on February 16, 2017.



Непереможний Javier “El Mariachi” Garcia (3-0) will collide with fellow American and aggressive-minded finisher Gabriel Green (7-2) in another lightweight affair. Both Garcia and Green have claimed all of their respective victories to date by way of (T)КО або підпорядкування.



In a flyweight contest, підпорядкування асом Heinrich “Ricky Scraps” Wassmer (6-2) of the U.S. зіткнеться “Malicious” Michael Reyes (3-4-1) of the U.S.











Bantamweight Main Event:
Джон Кастанеда (16-3) проти. Марк Гомес (21-11)



Flyweight Co-Main Event:
Аманда Серрано (0-0 проти. Erendira Ordoñez (2-1)



Напівлегка вага: Хосе Естрада (4-1) проти. Пабло Саборі (8-4)





Легкий: Rafa Garcia (5-0) проти. Chase Gibson (8-2)


Atomweight: Paulina Granados (4-3) проти. Sheila Padilla (3-2)


Легкий: Danny Ramirez (6-3) проти. Erick Gonzalez (7-2)


Легкий: Javier Garcia (3-0) проти. Gabriel Green (7-2)


Легка вага: Heinrich Wassmer (6-2) проти. Michael Reyes (3-4-1)
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