Tag Archives: MMA

Voittamaton M-1 Challenge kevyt mestari Roman Bogatov otsikkoon M-1 Challenge 104

Elokuu 30 Orenburg, Venäjä

PIETARI, Venäjä (Elokuu 7, 2019) - Voittamaton M-1 Challenge kevyt mestariRooma Bogatov puolustaa otsikkoaan vastaanMickael “Ragnar” Lebout, otsikointiM-1 Challenge 104: Battle in Heart of Continent, päivällä, Elokuu 30, Sports Arena Orenburgzhyessa Orenburgissa, Venäjä.

WKG & M-1 Challenge 104 voi seurata suorana lähetyksenä Venäjältä teräväpiirtomuodossa www.M1Global.TV. Katsojat voivat katsella alustava taistelee ja pääkortille kirjautumalla rekisteröityä www.M1Global.TV. Fanit katsella kaikkia toimia tietokoneissaan, sekä Android ja Applen älypuhelimet ja tabletit. M-1 Challenge 104 on myös saatavana www.FITE.TV.

Bogatov (8-0, M-1: 7-0), taistelevat pois Venäjältä, on kamppaileva mestari, joka pani kirjaimellisesti nukkumaan kolme hänen neljästä viimeisestä uhristaan. Bogatov, jolla on parempi maahyökkäys, valloitti halutun M-1 Challengen tittelin viime syyskuussa kloM-1 Challenge 97, kun hän voitti viiden kierroksen päätöksenRubenilton Pereira.  Hänen ensimmäisessä nimitystoiminnassaan viime tammikuussa, Bogatov lähetti toisen brasilialaisen haastajan käsivarren kolmion kuristimella, Michel Silva.

Lebout (19-9-2, M-1: 3-1) on vaarallinen haastaja Ranskasta, joka on voittanut kolme neljästä M-1: n maailmanlaajuisesta taistelusta. Monipuolinen taistelija, Lebout voi sopeutua vastustajaansa, onko hänen käytettävä iskuaan, kamppaileminen ja taktiset taidot voittaa.

Entinen M-1 Challenge -otsikkohaastajaAndrey “Iron” Lezhnev (18-8, M-1: 6-4) tuo arvokkaan kokemuksensa The Rageen kohtaamaan suosionBusurmankul Abdibait Uulu (11-2-1, 3-0-1) yhdessä esiintyneessä tapahtumassa.

Lezhnev, Ukrainan, on voittanut kahdeksan viimeisimmästä 10 taistelee, lyötiin M-1 Challenge -painomestariNate Landwehr, tosin menettää vaivaa, hänen viimeisimmässä toiminnassaan. Abdibait Uulu, Kirgisian ylpeys, on voittanut kolme kovaa vastustajaa peräkkäin aloittaakseen suurimman testinsä Lezhnevissa.

Brasilian kärpäspainoFlavio “Madruga”, kirjoittanut Silva Santos (9-3, M-1: 0-0) tekee M-1 Global -debyyttinsä vastaanArman Ashimov (10-3-1), Kazakstanista. Santos on viimeisin brasilialaisten hävittäjien aalto, joka on löytänyt kodin M-1 Globalista.

Brasilian kansallinen mestari ja BJJ-musta vyö, Jean “Panqueka” Petrick (10-3-1, M-1: 2-0) heittää alasBoris “Bora” Polejay (18-6-1, M-1: 2-1-0), Ukrainan. Tämän ottelun voittaja asettaa itsensä todennäköisesti otteluun.

Pääkortin avaaminen on epäsymmetrinen esitys välilläVazha Tsiptauri, Georgian kansallinen MMA ja potkunyrkkeilymestari, ja Venäjän potentiaalinen Selem Evloev.

Amerikkalainen paino”Upea” George Garcia (9-3, M-1: 1-0) otti M-1: n debyytti-taistelunsa lyhyellä varoitusajalla, silti hän käytti kovaa tajuaan voittaakseenYuriy chobuka, takana paljaalla kuristimella, vain 20 sekuntia taistelunsa avauskierrokseen viime maaliskuussa kloM-1 Challenge 101.  Kalifornian kouder, kuka taistelee voittoputken, palaa alakortilla pahamaineista viimeistelijää vastaanBair kotiin, Venäjän.

Taistelu alakortilla on myös Ranskan höyhenpainoAnthony “La Masse” Dizy (12-3, M-1: 1-0) vs. VenäjäZalimbek Omarov (10-3-1, M-1: 7-2-1), Venäjän välisarjanMihail “Bulldozer” Dorošenko (3-0, M-1: 0-0) vs. AzerbaidžanBayram Mamedov (0-1 (M-1: 0-0), ja taistelu Venäjän olkilamppujen välilläZarina Gumerova (1-1-1, M-1: 0-0) vs.Aasia Klyutova (1-1, M-1: 1-0) harvinaisessa naisten M-1-maailmantaistelussa.

Kaikki taistelee ja taistelijat voivat muuttua.




Viserrys & Instagram:

@ M1GlobalNews

@ M1Global



Tulevat M-1-haastetapahtumat:

Elokuu. 30, 2019 - M-1-haaste 104: Roman Bogatov vs.. Mickael Lebout Orenburgissa, Venäjä.

Kanadalainen Chris Kelades uusi M-1 Challenge väliaikainen painonmestari

Päätökset Alexander Pletenko Kiinassa

WKG & M-1 Challenge 103

Viralliset tulokset

SHENZHEN, Kiina (Elokuu 4, 2019) - Kanadalainen taistelulajien taistelija Chris Kelades tuli M-1 Challenge väliaikaiseksi painon mestariksi tekemällä päätöksen Alexander Pletenko eilen illalla WKG ja M-1 -haaste 103 Shenzhenissä, Kiina.

M-1 Challenge “tavallinen” kärkipainomestariAlexander Doskalchuk piti puolustaa tittelinsä kloM-1 Challenge 103 vastaan ​​Kelades, kuitenkin, mestari sai vamman, joka pakotti Doskalchukin vetäytymään.

Pletenko vs. Kelades oli ottelun taistelu kesäkuussa, 2018, jossa Pletenko voitti päätöksenM-1 Challenge 93.  Pletenko, kuitenkin, tuli ylipainossa ja hän ei voinut voittaa otsikkoa.

Tämä tosi kansainvälinen MMA -tapahtuma sisältyy 20 ammattitaistelijoita 10 eri maat: Venäjä, Kiina, Yhdysvallat, Brasilia, Ukraina, Kanada, Azerbaidžan, Ruotsi, Georgia ja Saksa.

Tuomarit olivat kiireisiä koko yön, kun kahdeksan 10 taistelut menivät koko matkan.

Päätapahtuma, Kelades (14-4) ja Pletenko (14-5) taisteli hampaan ja naulan kanssa kanadalaiselta kostaakseen aikaisempaa menetysään viiden kierroksen yksimielisellä päätöksellä Ukrainan vastustajalleen.

Kiinalaiset taistelijat olivat voittaneet vain yhden neljästä taistelusta menossa illan viimeiseen otteluun, jossa fani suosikkiHuoyixibai Chuhayifo (12-3) lähetti kaikki kodit onnelliseksi, lyömällä Georgian bantamipainoBeno Adamia (5-5) lävistimellä avauskierroksella.

Venäjän välisarjanMaksim Grabovich (10-4) voitti yksimielisen päätöksen veteraani-brasilialaisesta hävittäjästäJonas “Bonus” Boeno (38-12), Brasilian raskaansarjanRoggers “The Tiger” Souza (9-2) teki erillisen päätöksenZaur gadzhibayev (7-3-1), ja Yhdysvaltojen osavaltioHayden “Hulk” Hassan (9-4) voitti M-1-debyytinsä yksimielisellä päätökselläMovsar Bokov (5-2), Venäjän.

Käytössä Alikortti, Kiinan höyhenpainoFeng “Siipinen tiikeri” Peng Zhao (6-2) voitti AmericanEdward Massey (5-4) pisteissä, mutta Zhaon maanmiehetMaheshate jaWang Zhen menetti yksimielisen päätöksen, vastaavasti, Venäjän kevyeenNikolay Goncharov (3-1-1) ja Brasilian kärpäspainoKayck “Chuck” Alencar (10-1).

Ruotsin teräspainoAndreas “Real Steel” Stahl (12-4) voitti jaetun päätöksen Saksan päätöksestäChristian Jungwirth (6-2), kun taas amerikkalainen kevytDaniel “Agent Orange” Swain (20-9-1) lukittu giljotiinikuristimeenXialong Wu, Kiinasta, kierroksen 28 sekunnin merkissä voitosta.

Alla on viralliset painot ja lisää kuvia:



Chris Kelades (14-4, M-1: 3-1), Kanada


Alexander Pletenko (14-5, M-1: 1-1), Ukraina

 (Kelades voitti M-1 Challenge Interim -pelissä tittelin)


Huoyixibai Chuhayifu (12-3, M-1: 3-1), Kiina

WKO1 (lävistimet - 4:41)

Beno Adamia, (5-5, M-1: 0-2), Georgia


Maksim Grabovich (10-4, M-1: 7-3), Venäjä


Jonas Boeno (38-12, M-1: 0-1), Brasilia


Roggers Souza (9-2, M-1: 1-0), Brasilia


Zaur gadzhibayev (7-3-1, M-1: 5-2), Azerbaidžan


Hayden Hassan (9-4, M-1: 1-0), Yhdysvallat


Movsar Bokov (5-2, M-1: 4-2), Venäjä



Andreas Stahl (12-4, M-1: 1-0), Ruotsi


Christian Jungwirth (6-2, M-1: 0-1), Saksa


Daniel Swain (20-9-1, M-1: 3-1-1), Yhdysvallat

WSUB1 (giljotiini kuristin - 0:28)

Xiaolong Wu (16-9-1, M-1: 0-2), Kiina

Nikolay Goncharov (3-1-1, M-1: 1-1), Venäjä


Maheshate (2-1, M-1: 0-1), Kiina


Feng Peng Zhao (6-2, M-1: 1-0), Kiina


Edward Massey (5-4, M-1: 1-2), Yhdysvallat


Kayck Alencar (10-1, M-1: 2-1), Brasilia


Wang Zhen (5-1, M-1: (0-1), Kiina




Viserrys & Instagram:

@ M1GlobalNews

@ M1Global




LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE: Orono, Maine (Heinäkuu 19, 2019) - New England Fights (NEF) will debut in Orono on September 7, 2019 at the Collins Center for the Arts with the promotion’s next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 40: School of Hard Knocks.” Aiemmin tänään, NEF announced the addition of an amateur lightweight bout to the card. Zac Richard (3-2-1) tapaa Brandon Sewall (0-1) at a fight weight of 155 kiloa.

Zac Richard has competed twice previously in the lightweight division, winning both fights in 2018. That same year, Richard was voted “Vuoden tulokas” by NEF fans. He has yet to taste victory in 2019 with all three of his fights this year thus far taking place in the 145-pound featherweight division. Richard went to a five-round draw with Fred Lear for the amateur featherweight championship last February in what has been a leading contender for “Fight of the Year” in 2019. On September 7, Richard will look to bounce back from back-to-back losses in his two most recent fights this spring. AtNEF 38,Richard dropped a five-round unanimous decision to Tom Pagliarulo (3-1) prior to losing via first-round submission to Miguel Cuevas (6-1) kesäkuussa.

“I’m very excited to get back in there after coming off two losses a month apart,” said Richard.  “I’m extremely unhappy with my fight against Tom—I definitely can’t have another off-day on fight day again. I’ve made a lot of changes to make myself happier with my life. The grind is different now.”

“Having watched Zac compete since he was a child during his youth wrestling days, I’ve seen how he navigates challenges,” noted NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson.  “He doesn’t look for the easy way out—he’s a born competitor and he always seeks out the toughest opponents. Whether it was in wrestling or now in MMA, he comes to fight. I have no doubt that he will be on the warpath on September 7th, looking to get back to his winning ways.”

Zac Richard has drawn a big one for his return to the lightweight division. Brandon Sewall stands 6’1,towering over most others in the weight class. The resident of Bath, Maine will look for his first win in the NEF cage after losing his debut to Jimmy Jackson (4-3) viime kuussa “NEF 39.

“It is going to be simplelocate him, get at him, and strike him as hard as I can,” said Sewall when reached for comment.

“Brandon embodies the martial spirit,” stated Peterson. “When I suggested Zac to him as an opponent, he didn’t hesitate at all. He’s eager to prove the validity of his training and disciplined diet in the NEF cage in front of a big audience. Brandon will be the much bigger man in the bout. Whatever the outcome, I know that both guys will be looking to set a furious pace and finish the fight quickly.”

New England Taistelee’ seuraava taistelulajien sekatapahtuma, “NEF 40: SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS,” tapahtuu lauantai, Syyskuu 7, 2019 at the Collins Center for the Arts at the University of Maine as the promotion debuts in Orono, Maine. Liput ovat myynnissä nyt www.collinscenterforthearts.com.


LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE: Orono, Maine (Heinäkuu 11, 2019) - New England Fights (NEF) will debut in Orono on September 7, 2019 at the Collins Center for the Arts with the promotion’s next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 40: School of Hard Knocks.” Aiemmin tänään, NEF announced the first professional fight signed for the card. “Jamaikan Shamrock” Ras “Rasquatch” Hylton (4-2) ottavat Chris Sarro (0-0) joka Runkosarja bout.

Ras Hylton is coming off a big win last April over Charles Penn (0-1) in Portland, Maine. The doctor stopped that fight in the first round when a cut over Penn’s eye could not be closed. Hylton opened the gash with a straight right hand that left blood pouring down to the mat.

Hylton is a mainstay of the NEF heavyweight and cruiserweight divisions. The 6’6athlete holds a second-degree black belt in Shotokan karate. He currently trains with Dragon Fire Martial Arts in Portland and First Class MMA in Brunswick, Maine.

I am quite fortunate to be at the point in my career when I’m called upon to introduce new professionals to our work experience,” sanoi Hylton.  “Boxers like my opponent offer a great risk with their familiarity in the pocket and at distance, so of course we’ll both be more than happy to trade our best shots for the win! I love the arts, but it’s in the fighting aspects of martial arts that competitors like us truly live and find purpose. So we train like our lives depend on it, because to us, that’s how it is. Welcome to the school of hard knocks, Chris. MMA 101 is now in session.

As noted by Hylton, his opponent Chris Sarro may be a newcomer to the MMA cage, but he is no stranger to the world of combat sports. Sarro made a name for himself as an amateur boxer with a record of 7-1. He captured the 2019 Northern New England Golden Gloves championship in the superheavyweight division. A native of Ellsworth, Maine, Sarro currently represents Acadia Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

“I’m just excited to fight close to home,” said Sarro.  “Orono feels like my backyard. Come September 7th, I’m going to show the world there’s a new heavyweight in town. This is my time.”

New England Taistelee’ seuraava taistelulajien sekatapahtuma, “NEF 40: SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS,” tapahtuu lauantai, Syyskuu 7, 2019 at the Collins Center for the Arts at the University of Maine as the promotion debuts in Orono, Maine. Tickets are on sale now atwww.collinscenterforthearts.com.

Tietoja New England Fights

New England Taistelee ("NEF") on taistelu tapahtumia tarjouksia yritys. NEF: n tehtävänä on luoda korkealaatuisimpia tapahtumia taistelijoille ja faneille. NEF: n johtoryhmä on laaja kokemus kamppailulajien hallinta, tapahtumien tuotanto, mediasuhteet, markkinointi, oikeudellisia ja mainonta.


LOS ANGELESBellator is proud to announce that Russian MMA great Fedor Emelianenko (38-6, 1 NC) has signed an exclusive multi-fight contract extension to finish his career inside the Bellator cage.

Emelianenko’s farewell tour continues in Bellator’s stacked heavyweight division on the heels of a finals run during the promotion’s eight-man Heavyweight World Grand Prix.Fighting out of Stary Oskol, Belgorod Oblast, Venäjä, “The Last Emperor” recently earned first-round knockouts over Chael Sonnen ja Frank Mir in the tourney’s semifinals and opening round, vastaavasti.

“I am pleased that we were able to sign Fedor, the greatest heavyweight of all time, to a new contract extension,” Bellator President Scott Coker said. “He is someone that I consider a friend in this business and am even more pleased that he has decided to finish his storied career with Bellator. There are exciting matchups for him here in Bellator that I know will appeal to his fans from the past, as well as new fans from his recent run in the tournament. As his time in the sport winds down, I am happy to see him close out his career on his own terms.”

My strong friendship and respect for Scott Coker made reaching a contract extension a simple process,” said Fedor Emelianenko. “Bellator is my home – I look forward to helping Bellator continue to grow and reach its full potential as the world’s top MMA promotion.

A former PRIDE Heavyweight Champion and PRIDE 2004 Heavyweight World Grand Prix Champion, Emelianenko is often referred to as “The GOAT” by fans around the world. With a career resume that stands as one of the most impressive in the history of the sport that includes victories over Antônio Rodrigo Nogueira, Mirko Cro Cop, Mark Hunt, Mark Coleman and Andrei Arlovski, muutamia. Kanssa 29 career victories ending via finish, the punching power and world-class Sambo of the stoic Russian can always result in yet another accolade in his illustrious career.

Emelianenko’s return to the Bellator cage is yet to be determined, but he is expected to return to action later this year.

Käy Bellator.com lisätietoja.



NEW YORK – The line-up for the highly anticipated Bellator 222: MacDonald vs. Gracie tapahtuma has been completed with two title fights and 18 electric bouts in total filling out Bellator’s return to Madison Square Garden this Friday, Kesäkuu 14 – only on DAZN. The star-studded card is headlined by a double main event that will see a Welterweight World Grand Prix semi-final matchup between current Bellator welterweight world champion Rory MacDonald (20-5-1) defending his title against the unbeaten Renzo Gracie-trained Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt Neiman Gracie (9-0), as well as two of the sport’s biggest names in Lyoto Machida (25-8) ja Chael Sonnen (31-16-1) finally meeting after years of parallel careers in the MMA world.

The main card of Bellator 222 will stream live exclusively on DAZN at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, while preliminary action begins at 6:30 p.m. EST/3:30 p.m. PST and will also stream onDAZN or globally on the Bellator Mobile App.

Limited tickets remain available and can be purchased online from Ticketmaster.com, MSG.com ja Bellator.com.

The DAZN-streamed main card also features Darrion Caldwell (13-2) defending his Bellator bantamweight world title against Rizin Fighting Federation’s bantamweight championKyoji Horiguchi (27-2) in a true “champion vs. champion” matchup, following a Horiguchi submission victory when the two met in Rizin’s ring this past December in Japan, as well as a 175-pound catchweight contest between polarizing grappling ace Dillon Danis (1-0) and Max Humphrey (3-2). Lisäksi, fans will see an intriguing featherweight bout featuring former Bellator 135-pound champion Eduardo Dantas (21-6) making the leap to 145-pounds in an attempt to hand Juan Archuleta (21-1) the first loss of his Bellator career, kun taas Ricky Trays (11-2) welcomes unbeaten Patrick Mix (10-0) klo kääpiösarjalainen.

Preliminary action for Bellator 222 is also must-see and features many of Bellator’s rising stars. Those who tune in will see bouts highlighted by Aaron Pico (4-2) vastaan Adam Borics (12-0) at 145-pounds, as well as a second inter-promotional contest pitting Rena of Rizin (8-2) vastaan Lindsay VanZandt (5-1) in a 112-pound catchweight fight. Bellator 222will also see the return of “The Heat” to MSG, when world champion boxer Heather Hardy (2-1) kasvot Taylor Turner (3-5) at flyweight. Familiar faces in Mike Kimbel (2-1), Robson Gracie Jr. (1-0) ja Haim Widodo (10-6) will all also compete, while former Ultimate Fighter osallistuja Phil Hawes (4-2) will make his promotional debut. Lopuksi, it was recently announced that undefeated Taekwondo Master Valerie Loureda (1-0) will make her sophomore appearance when she welcomes Larkyn Dasch (0-1) to the Bellator cage on Friday night at Madison Square Garden.

Bellator 222 Main Card:

Welterweight World Grand Prix Semifinal Title Bout: Rory MacDonald (20-5-1) vs. Neiman Gracie (9-0)

Light Heavyweight Co-Main Event Bout: Lyoto Machida (25-8) vs. Chael Sonnen (31-16-1)

175-Pound Catchweight Bout: Dillon Danis (1-0) vs. Max Humphrey (3-2)

Kääpiösarjalainen Bout: Ricky Trays (11-2) vs. Patrick Mix (10-0)

Höyhensarja Bout: Eduardo Dantas (21-6) vs. Juan Archuleta (22-1)

Bantamweight World Title Bout: Darrion Caldwell (13-2) vs. Kyoji Horiguchi (27-2)


Höyhensarja Bout: Aaron Pico (4-2) vs. Adam Borics (12-0)

Naisten kärpässarja Bout: Heather Hardy (2-1) vs. Taylor Turner (3-5)

Naisten kärpässarja Bout: Valerie Loureda (1-0) vs. Larkyn Dasch (0-1)

Welterweight Bout: Robson Gracie Jr. (1-0) vs. Oscar Vera (Pro Debut)

Kääpiösarjalainen Bout: Mike Kimbel (2-1) vs. Sebastian Ruiz (2-2)

175-Pound Catchweight Bout: Haim Widodo (10-6) vs. Gustavo Wurlitzer (22-22, 1 NC)

Women’s 112-Pound Catchweight Bout: Rena Kubota (8-2) vs. Lindsay VanZandt (5-1)

Keskisarja Bout: Phil Hawes (4-2) vs. Michael Wilcox (6-3)

Kevyt Bout: Marcus Surin (5-1) vs. Nekruz Mirkhojaev (4-2)

keskipakoispainoelementti Bout: Brandon Medina (Pro Debut) vs. Brandon Polcare (1-2)

165-Pound Catchweight Bout: Kastriot Xhema (2-3) vs. Whitney Jean Francois (2-6-1)

Höyhensarja Bout: John Beneduce (2-2) vs. Kenny Rivera (2-1)

*Kortti voivat muuttua

Käy Bellator.com lisätietoja.


LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE: Lewiston, Maine (Kesäkuu 4, 2019) - New England Fights (NEF) returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee on Saturday, Kesäkuu 22 sen seuraavan sekalaisen taistelulajitapahtuman kanssa, “NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN.” Aiemmin tänään, the fight promotion announced that Jesse “VikingErickson (9-7) tapaa Dylan Lockard (5-1) for the vacant NEF Professional Lightweight Championship. Former champion Ryan Sanders (18-9) decided to vacate the title late last year due to the extreme weight cuts he had to endure to make the lightweight limit of 155 kiloa.

Ottelu, originally scheduled to be a non-title affair between Erickson and Lewis Corapi (8-5), came about after Corapi had to pull out due to illness.

Jesse Erickson has been a perennial contender since the inception of the NEF Lightweight Title,” totesi NEF osaomistaja ja matchmaker Matt Peterson. “Sisään 22 bouts between his amateur and professional career, you have to go all the way back to his very first fight in 2012 to find the one time that Erickson has ever had a fight go to the judge’s scorecards. He always competes with a ferocity that leads him to securing the finish, or being finished. He’s pure fire every time he climbs in the cage. Dylan Lockard, by the same token, has only lost once between his amateur and professional outings and is one of the hottest prospects in New England right now. Kuten amatööri, Lockard beat both Josh Harvey and Caleb Hall—two NEF staples that are undefeated and have looked unstoppable since turning professional. You couldn’t ask for a more perfectly matched fight between two experienced, hungry athletes to fill the highly coveted lightweight title.

Erickson has attempted to capture the lightweight belt three times previously, twice against Bruce Boyington (17-11) and once against current UFC competitor Devin Powell (9-4), only to come up short in each fight. Erickson says he will be patient in this bout in hopes of winning the title that has eluded him to date.

“First, I want to thank Dylan for stepping up to take the bout,” remarked Erickson. “He seems well-rounded and has wins over some quality opponents. I’m working hard every day and will enter the cage in the best shape I’ve ever been in. I’m not going to be in a rush in the cage on June 22nd. I have five rounds to put him away and finally walk out with that belt. Victory or Valhalla, fourth time’s the charm.”

Lockard will definitely be entering hostile territory with hundreds of Erickson’s hometown friends, family and fans in the crowd. The fight will take place ten pounds heavier than the featherweight limit Lockard usually competes at.

Everything about Lockard’s background, kuitenkin, indicates that he rises to meet any challenge. In 2010 he won a state championship at 152 pounds wrestling for Timberlane Regional High School in Plaistow, New Hampshire, finishing his senior season with an impressive 38-9 record. He began his amateur MMA career in 2014 and went a perfect 4-0, defeating some of the best the region has to offer including Harvey and Hall. Lockard turned pro in the summer of 2016. His only loss to date has been against a very tough Shane Manley (5-5), who longtime NEF fans will remember as the athlete who handed both Jesse Erickson and Ray Wood (8-5) the first losses of their respective MMA careers. Lockard is currently on a two-fight win streak since the loss to Manley, most-recently upending previously-undefeated Anthony Wright (4-1) on a fight card in Rhode Island last fall.

“I’m excited to come up to Maine and fight for the NEF title,” said Lockard when reached for comment.  “Jesse is a really tough opponent, and I think we match up well. It’s going to be an exciting fight for the fans.”

“NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN,” järjestetään lauantaina, Kesäkuu 22, 2019 klo Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston, Maine kelloaika 7 pm. Liput ovat myynnissä nyt www.TheColisee.com.


LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE: Lewiston, Maine (Toukokuu 29, 2019) - New England Fights (NEF) returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee on Saturday, Kesäkuu 22 sen seuraavan sekalaisen taistelulajitapahtuman kanssa, “NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN.” Aiemmin tänään, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur women’s bantamweight bout to the card. Megan Rosado on määrä kohdata Sarai Knapp klo taistelu paino 135-kiloa.

Megan Rosado is currently an even 1-1 since debuting in the NEF cage late last year. She took on Glory Watson atNEF 36in September and went the distance in a back-and-forth, thrilling contest. Watson was able to pull out a split decision on the judgesscorecards to take the victory. Rosado returned last month atNEF 38in Portland, Maine to face Amanda Bennett (0-2).  Jälleen, the fight went to the judges’ tuloskortit, but this time it was Rosado walking out of the cage with the win. She represents Nate Libby’s Evolution Athletix based in Saco, Maine.

“I’m super excited to step back into the cage for my third amateur fight,” sanoi Rosado. “It’s safe to say that I’m addicted to the whole fight experience! I may not have a squeaky clean undefeated record, but getting a taste of a loss and a win is what makes you more dangerous, minun mielestäni. En tiedä mitään vastustajani, but that doesn’t even begin to scare me. Im’ma bring it, and I’m going to win on June 22. Älä missaa sitä!"

Sarai Knapp will be making her amateur MMA debut atNEF 39on June 22nd. She will make the 1,000-mile trip from her home state of Indiana to compete against Rosado. Knapp represents Lee Brothers MMA based in Fort Wayne.

Training mixed martial arts has changed my life,” remarked Knapp. “I’m just excited to challenge myself against a tough opponent like Megan. My coach tells me that everybody from Nate Libby’s gym is tough, so we’re getting ready for a fight.

The bout between Rosado and Knapp is the second women’s fight announced for theNEF 39card. Also on the amateur card that night, Glory Watson (4-0) will meet Caree Hill (4-1) for the vacant women’s flyweight championship.

“NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN,” järjestetään lauantaina, Kesäkuu 22, 2019 klo Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston, Maine kelloaika 7 pm. Liput ovat nyt myynnissä klowww.TheColisee.com.

Tietoja New England Fights

New England Taistelee ("NEF") on taistelu tapahtumia tarjouksia yritys. NEF: n tehtävänä on luoda korkealaatuisimpia tapahtumia taistelijoille ja faneille. NEF: n johtoryhmä on laaja kokemus kamppailulajien hallinta, tapahtumien tuotanto, mediasuhteet, markkinointi, oikeudellisia ja mainonta


LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE: Lewiston, Maine (Toukokuu 25, 2019) - New England Fights (NEF) returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee on Saturday, Kesäkuu 22 sen seuraavan sekalaisen taistelulajitapahtuman kanssa, “NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN.One of the featured fights on the amateur portion of the pro/am card will see Nate Boucher (4-3) tangle with Robert Presley (5-4) for the vacant NEF Amateur Flyweight Title.

This will be Boucher’s second attempt at capturing the flyweight belt. Then-undefeated, Boucher met Justin Witham (4-4) marraskuussa 2017 for the championship in Portland, Maine. Witham went on to win the bout, and the title, via split decision on the judges’ tuloskortit. Many in attendance, kuitenkin, felt that Boucher had dominated the bout.

The loss to Witham was the start of a three-fight skid for the former wrestler from Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine. Boucher has rebounded and put himself back in contention for the flyweight strap with back-to-back first-round submission victories atNEF 36” ja “NEF 37,” vastaavasti.

Boucher represents Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Lewiston, Maine.

“Since coming up short on the judges’ scorecards in my first title fight—a fight that many fans feel I won—I have been focused on one single goal: getting another shot at the belt,” sanoi Boucher. “Vihdoin, that opportunity is here and I don’t plan on allowing anything to stand in my way of achieving my main goal which is winning the flyweight title! I’m doing everything that I need to do in order to make sure that the judges don’t play a role in the outcome on June 22nd. Special thanks to all of my sponsors and supporters for helping me on my way back to the belt fight—I vow to make you all proud at ‘All-American’ in Lewiston.”

Robert Presley, known as “Soturi,” comes to Maine all the way from Lancaster, Ohio to challenge for the flyweight title. He was victorious in his most recent bout last January via unanimous decision. With this being his tenth amateur bout, Presley plans on turning pro soon after. He represents both 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu and the Lancaster Academy of MMA.

“On June 22nd, I will be flying in from the little town of Newark, Ohio to go to war with Nate Boucher for the NEF flyweight title,” said Presley. “I don’t know much about Nate, but I will be honored to share the cage with him. Tämän jälkeen taistelu, I am turning pro. I’ve learned a lot from my amateur career and am ready to showcase my talent. Many thanks to NEF for giving me a chance to please their home crowd. I hope everyone is ready for a battle!"

“NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN,” järjestetään lauantaina, Kesäkuu 22, 2019 klo Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston, Maine kelloaika 7 pm. Liput ovat nyt myynnissä klowww.TheColisee.com.

Tietoja New England Fights

New England Taistelee ("NEF") on taistelu tapahtumia tarjouksia yritys. NEF: n tehtävänä on luoda korkealaatuisimpia tapahtumia taistelijoille ja faneille. NEF: n johtoryhmä on laaja kokemus kamppailulajien hallinta, tapahtumien tuotanto, mediasuhteet, markkinointi, oikeudellisia ja mainonta.


LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE: Lewiston, Maine (Toukokuu 22, 2019) - New England Fights (NEF) returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee on Saturday, Kesäkuu 22 sen seuraavan sekalaisen taistelulajitapahtuman kanssa, “NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN.” Aiemmin tänään, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur title fight to the card. Carlton Charles (3-2) kohtaavat Jordan Norman (2-1) for the vacant amateur middleweight belt.

Prior to entering the MMA ranks, Carlton Charles made his mark on the football field. He played for Windham High School in Windham, Maine and later led the team to a Class A title as an assistant coach. Charles went on to play fullback for the University of Maine Black Bears. He made his NEF debut in the summer of 2017 with a 23-second knockout win. He would top that performance with a 12-second knockout victory in February 2018. After an unsuccessful attempt at capturing the amateur welterweight title against Duncan Smith (5-3) viime kesäkuussa, Charles returned to the cage one month ago in New Hampshire and picked up yet another first-round knockout win.

“Kuten aina, I feel blessed and very grateful for the opportunity to fight for the belt,” said Charles.  “I know Jordan has come a long way in this sport and is always training hard and improving. I will be looking to not be caught by one of those big meat hooks that he has for hands. He’s a big powerful guy, and I’m going to be training hard as always to be able to go out and perform to my best ability. I know my coaches will have me ready for this one! have no doubt in my mind the fans will be in for a real treat with this one.

Jordan Norman has indeed come a long way since his NEF debut last June. He lost that evening via first-round knockout, but Norman would come firing back in his next two bouts. He won a split decision over John Assam (0-1) viime syksynä, and just last month finished Greg Ishihara (0-1) in the second round. Norman represents the Bad Little Falls Dojo.

“I’m honored for the opportunity to get into the NEF cage and compete for the amateur title against someone like Carlton,” exclaimed Norman. “He and I will put on one hell of a show for the Lewiston crowd. Both of us come to fight and it won’t be any different on June 22nd. I have nothing but respect for him and his team. I’m excited for the task at hand and scrapping it out for the middleweight title.”

The middleweight title fight between Charles and Norman is the fourth already announced for theNEF 39card. JoshHook OnHarvey (6-0-1) is scheduled to defend the professional featherweight title against Jordan Downey (5-4), while Nate Boucher (4-3) will square off with Robert Presley (5-4) for the vacant amateur men’s flyweight belt, and undefeated Glory Watson (4-0) takes on Caree Hill (4-1) to crown NEF’s first amateur women’s flyweight champion. Also announced for the card, Jesse “Viking” Erickson (9-7) faces Lewis Corapi (8-5) in a professional lightweight bout.

“NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN,” järjestetään lauantaina, Kesäkuu 22, 2019 klo Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston, Maine kelloaika 7 pm. Liput ovat myynnissä nyt www.TheColisee.com.

Tietoja New England Fights

New England Taistelee ("NEF") on taistelu tapahtumia tarjouksia yritys. NEF: n tehtävänä on luoda korkealaatuisimpia tapahtumia taistelijoille ja faneille. NEF: n johtoryhmä on laaja kokemus kamppailulajien hallinta, tapahtumien tuotanto, mediasuhteet, markkinointi, oikeudellisia ja mainonta.