Tag Archives: MMA



Baigta Bellator 231 Kovos kortelė:

Frankas Pasaulis (19-13) nugalėjo Roy Nelson (23-18) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Philas Davis (21-5, 1 NC) nugalėjo Karlas Albrektsson (9-3) per TKO adresu 3:06 apvalios trijų

Ir Rūta (8-1) nugalėjo Džeisonas Džeksonas (10-4) per split sprendimą (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Joana Ilara (9-4) nugalėjo Bec Rawlings (7-9) per pateikimo (kneebar) į 3:35 apvalios dviejų

Džeikas Hageris (2-0) & Anthony Garrettas (4-2) baigiasi nekonkursu dėl atsitiktinio žemo smūgio ties 1:56 apvaliosios vieną

Preliminari kortelė:

Phumi Nkuta (1-0) nugalėjo Adrianas Haley (1-1) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27, 30-26, 30-26)

Connoras Dixonas (2-0) nugalėjo Orkhanas Ismatzade (0-2) per pateikimo (Kimura) į 0:42 apvaliosios vieną

Killys Mota (11-2) nugalėjo Mandelis Nallo (7-1) per TKO (kojos sužalojimas) į 1:16 apvalios trijų

Jessica Honey (9-3) nugalėjo Talita Nogueira (7-2) per split sprendimą (30-27, 28-29, 30-27)

Steve'as Mowry (7-0) nugalėjo Gokhanas Saricamas (4-1) per pateikimo (Kimura) į 0:56 apvalios dviejų

Daltonas Rosta (2-0) nugalėjo Claude'as Wilcoxas (1-1) per TKO (streikai) į 4:23 apvalios dviejų

Timas Caron (10-2, 1 NC) nugalėjo Lucas Pimenta Borges (8-3) per vieningu sprendimu (29-28 X3)

Jonas Manlis (13-6) nugalėjo Thiago Oliveira (16-5) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Elise Reed (1-0) nugalėjo Rebecca Bryggman (0-1) per TKO (štampus) į 4:48 apvaliosios vieną

Prašome apsilankyti Bellator.com Daugiau informacijos.


Apie Bellator:

Bellator yra pirmaujanti pasaulinė mišrių kovos menų ir kikbokso reklama, kurioje dalyvauja daug geriausių pasaulio sportininkų.. Pagal veteranas kova promotoriaus Scott Coker kryptimi, „Bellator“ renginiai vyksta didžiuosiuose pasaulio miestuose ir juos galima pamatyti per televiziją 160 prieinama daugiau nei milijardo žmonių auditorijai. Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose, „Bellator“ galima pamatyti tiek „Paramount Network“, tiek DAZN, pirmoji pasaulyje tikrai skirta LIVE sporto transliacijų paslauga. „Bellator“ sudaro vykdomoji komanda, kurią sudaro geriausi televizijos gamybos pramonės profesionalai, gyva įvykis instrumentuotė, kovotojas plėtra / ryšiai, vieta pirkimai, rėmimas kūrimas / kūrimas, Tarptautinis licencijavimo, prekyba, reklaminis, viešinimo ir Komisijos santykių. „Bellator“ yra įsikūrusi Holivude, Kalifas. ir priklauso pramogų milžinei „Viacom“., gyvena pasaulio premjeras pramogų ženklų, kad susisiekti su publikai įtikinamų turinį visoje televiziją, Filmuotos, internete ir mobiliųjų platformų.

Apie Paramount tinklą:

„Paramount Network“ yra aukščiausios klasės pramogų vieta, kuri peržengia pasakojimo ribas drąsiais originaliais scenarijais ir be scenarijaus serialais.. Įkvėptas daugiau nei šimtmetį trukusio kino, „Paramount Network“ yra ta vieta, kur ryškiausios šiandienos žvaigždės kiekviename ekrane pateikia didžiojo ekrano patirtį su įtraukiančiomis istorijomis, imtinai, ir giliai asmeniška.

Apie DAZN:

DAZN yra didžiausia pasaulinė sporto transliacijų platforma pasaulyje. Nuo paleidimo 2016, DAZN išsiplėtė keturiuose žemynuose, o programėlę šiuo metu galima atsisiųsti Jungtinėse Valstijose, Kanada, Vokietija, Austrija, Šveicarija, Italija, Ispanija, Japonija ir Brazilija. Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose., DAZN tapo patrauklia alternatyva mokesčiai už peržiūrą kovinio sporto industrijoje. Platformoje vyksta didelės „Matchroom Boxing“ kovos, Golden Boy Promotions, Ggg Akcijos, Bellator MMA, Pasaulio bokso superserija ir „Combate Americas“., viskas už vieną prieinamą kainą, bet kuriame įrenginyje – įskaitant išmaniuosius televizorius, smartphonach, tabletės, žaidimų konsolės ir kompiuteriai. DAZN taip pat rodo tiesioginį MLB veiksmą kiekvieną sezono dieną su nauju kasdieniu šou, ChangeUp. Labai laukta kasdienė programa „The Pat McAfee Show“ startavo rugsėjį.




LOS ANGELES – For the first time in the organization’s history, Bellator travels to Japan and the iconic Saitama Super Arena for an historic event, kaip Fiodoras Emelianenko (38-6, 1 NC) ir Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (38-13) square off in a long-awaited heavyweight showdown. Bellator Japan: Fiodoras vs. Siautėti, powered by RIZIN, takes place Sunday, Gruodis 29 and will air LIVE on Paramount Network.

Bilietai Bellator Japan: Fiodoras vs. Siautėti go on sale November 3. Additional bouts are expected to be announced in the coming days.

“For Bellator’s debut in Japan, we wanted to bring a massive event and fighters that the Japanese fans really connect with,Sakė Bellator prezidentas Scottas Coker. “Given the vast history of martial arts and MMA in Japan, and especially at Saitama Super Arena, this will be a very special show that no one will want to miss.This will, unquestionably, be a monumental event for Bellator and I am looking forward to the moment that Fedor and ‘Rampage’ walk out to a crowd that has known them since their careers began. I would also like to thank RIZIN for their help in making this event a possibility and we look forward to working together in the near future to showcase the best talent each organization has to offer.”

Fighting out of Stary Oskol, Belgorodo sritis, Rusija, Fedor Emelianenko returns to Japan following a successful run in the Bellator Heavyweight World Grand Prix earlier this year, where he earned consecutive first-round knockouts over Chael Sonnen ir Frankas Pasaulis. A former PRIDE FC Heavyweight Champion and PRIDE 2004 Sunkaus svorio pasaulio Grand Prix čempionas, “The Last Emperor” returns to where his career started. Often referred to as “The GOAT” by fans around the world, his career resume stands as one of the most impressive in the history of the sport with victories over Antônio Rodrigo Nogueira, Mirko "Cro Cop, Markas Hantas, Markas Colemanas ir Andrejus Arlovskis, pavadinimas kelias. Su 29 karjeros pergalės baigiasi finišu, the punching power and world-class Sambo of the stoic Russian could result in yet another defining moment in his illustrious career.

An eight-fight veteran of Bellator, Legendinė „siautėjimo“ Jacksono karjera parodė, kad jis varžėsi su keletu geriausių šios sporto šakos vardų, kelyje sukurdama ištikimą gerbėjų armiją. Buvęs „PRIDE“ ir „UFC“ čempionas yra išdidus daugelio epinių išskirtinių ritinių pataikymų ir nokautų savininkas, kurį jis sukaupė per savo epines kovas su tokiais kaip Chuckas Liddellas., Danas Hendersonas, "Karalius Mo" Lawal, Kevin Randleman and, bene labiausiai, his four-fight series with Wanderlei Silva. The Memphis, Tennessee-native has long been seen as an icon to MMA fans around the globe and has openly voiced a desire to face Fedor in front of a Japanese crowd before his career comes to an end. Dabar, the two legends will finally meet inside the Bellator cage on December 29 at the famed Saitama Super Arena.

Atnaujinta Bellator Japan: Fiodoras vs. Siautėti Kovos kortelė:

Heavyweight Main Event: Fiodoras Emelianenko (38-6, 1 NC) vs. Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (38-13)

*Kortelė gali keistis.

Prašome apsilankyti Bellator.com Daugiau informacijos.


Kubos Olympian & UFC veteranas tikisi užkariauti
BKFC lengvo svorio kategorija

PHILADELPHIA (Spalis 8, 2019) – Buvęs olimpietis ir UFC išskirtinisHectoro Lombardo tapo naujausiu kovotoju, su kuriuo pasirašė Kovos su nuogomis rankomis čempionatas (BKFC) kaip jis nori įsitvirtinti didžiausiuose ir geriausiuose kovose su apnuogintais kumščiais, kuriuos gali pasiūlyti šis sportas.

Lombardas yra pirmasis olimpietis, pasirašęs sutartį su BKFC, atstovaujanti Kubai dziudo varžybose 2000 Vasaros olimpinės žaidynės Sidnėjuje, Australija.

“Kurį laiką norėjau kovoti dėl šios nuostabios organizacijos ir džiaugiuosi, kad visa tai susibūrė,” - tarė Lombardas, kurie varžysis 185 svarų lengvo svorio kategorijoje. “Kovos su nuogomis rankomis čempionatas yra kitas kovos lygis ir aš džiaugiuosi, kad jame dalyvauju.”

“„Hector Lombard“ yra vienas pražūtingiausių smūgininkų MMA istorijoje, ir mes ieškome „Hector“, kuris sukeltų didžiulį smūgį su BKFC,” sakė BKFC įkūrėjas ir prezidentas Davidas Feldmanas. “Kaip ventiliatoriumi, Nekantrauju pamatyti, kaip Hektorui sekasi kvadratu. Jis jaudina ir sprogsta. Tai neįtikėtinas pasirašymas.”

Lombardas taip pat pasižymi pirmuoju „Bellator“ čempionu, pasirašiusiu su BKFC. Jis buvo atidaromasis „Bellator“ vidutinio svorio čempionas, iškovojo titulą 2009. Lombardas nuėjo 8 – 0 „Bellator“ su septyniais finišais, gegužės mėn., įskaitant UFC veterano Jay Silva šešių sekundžių nokautą 2010.

Lombardas atsisakė Bellator vidutinio svorio čempionato 2012, kai jis persikėlė į UFC. UFC, Lombardas iš viso kovojo 12 kartų, užfiksavęs žymias nokauto pergales prieš Rousimarą Palharesą ir Nate'ą Marquardtą.

Profesinėje MMA karjeroje, Lombardas susumavo 34 Laimėta, 22 iš jų atkrintamuoju arba TKO. Jis yra laikomas vienu iš sunkiausiai mušamų vidutinio svorio ir vidutinio svorio svarų MMA istorijoje.

Lombardas yra iš Kubos ir po Australijos persikėlė į Australiją 2000 Vasaros olimpinės žaidynės. Dabar jis gyvena Floridoje.

# # #



Tickets on sale next Friday, Spalis. 11

LOS ANGELES – For the second time in as many years, Neal S. „Blaisdell“ arenoje Honolulu, Hawaii will host the homecoming of Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (10-0), as she puts her undefeated record and Bellator women’s flyweight title on the line against No. 1 varžovas Kate Jackson (11-3-1) in the main event on Saturday, Gruodis. 21, streamed exclusively on the DAZN app.

Papildomai, Bellator Havajai will feature the first quarterfinal matchup of Bellator’s Featherweight World Grand Prix, when the man with the longest winning streak in promotional history, A.J. McKee (15-0), takes on the always-exciting Derek laukai (20-9) in the evening’s co-headliner.

Bellator: Macfarlane vs. Jackson – one of the star-powered, year-end highlights of fight season on DAZN – will stream live exclusively on DAZN į 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, o preliminarūs veiksmai vyks toliau Bellator.com, DAZN ir visame pasaulyje „Bellator“ mobilioji programa. Tickets go on sale next Friday, Spalis. 11 and can be purchased through Bellator.com, as well as Ticketmaster.com or the Neal S. Blaisdell Arena box office. Artimiausiomis savaitėmis bus paskelbtos papildomos varžybos.

Born and raised in Honolulu, current Bellator women’s flyweight champ Macfarlane made her pro debut in 2015 with a KO victory that went viral and has not looked back since, remaining undefeated in her career. With impressive victories over Valerie Letourneau ir Veta Arteaga, Macfarlane was the focal point of Bellator’s debut in Hawaii last year. A proud graduate of Honolulu’s Punahou High School in 2009, Macfarlane later attended San Diego State University, where she would go on to earn her Master’s degree in liberal arts and science with a focus on indigenous issues – a subject she remains passionate about, launching “The Ilimanator Scholarship” for indigenous girls last year. Now Ilima-Lei turns her focus to Kate Jackson, who will be looking to play the role of spoiler when she enters the Bellator cage on December 21.

A winner of seven of her last eight fights, Kate Jackson has earned her way to a title shot against the division’s inaugural champion. A competitor on the 23rd season of Galutinis kovotojas, Jackson hails from Lostwithiel, Kornvalis, Anglija, and most recently defeated Lena Ovchynnikova Londone. Jackson made her Bellator debut in 2017 with a first round-victory over of Colleen Schneider and would later go on to dominate Anastasia Yankova at historic Bellator 200 in front of her hometown crowd. Facing the biggest test of her career, Jackson looks to reign atop the flyweight division when she leaves Hawaii.

With an undefeated professional record of 15-0, including six knockouts and eight first round finishes, there doesn’t seem to be much more for the talent-oozing 24-year-old to prove to the MMA community before his name is routinely mentioned among the division’s elite. Fighting out of Long Beach, Kalifornijoje., “Mercenary” is fresh off of a jaw-dropping performance that saw him finish Georgi Karakhanyan in only eight seconds just moments after watching his father, Antonio McKee, collect a knockout victory in what was the first ever father-son duo to compete on the same card in the US. With all 15 of his career wins coming under the direction of the Scott Coker-led promotion, the Team BodyShop product has made it clear that he has his sights on Patrickas „Pitbullas“ and his 145-pound belt, as he continues to build a strong argument as the new face of Bellator. Constantly looking for new records to break, McKee may have found the perfect match in Campos, as the two brawlers have combined for a remarkable 22 finishes over 36 karjeros pergalių.

Fighting out of Lubbock, Teksasas, Campos will be competing in the first of the four quarterfinal matchups in Bellator’s Featherweight World Grand Prix, following a decisive victory over former featherweight world champion Danielis Straus į Bellator 226 this past September. The 31-year-old knockout artist is ready to build on his impressive professional record of 20-9, when he takes on undefeated superstar McKee on December 21. Always ready to trade blows, the heavy-handed veteran has spent much of his time competing in Bellator’s lightweight and welterweight divisions over the past six years of his career. Dabar, “The Stallion” hopes to continue his impressive surge in the 145-pound class, as he prepares to go toe-to-toe with one of the most dangerous featherweights in the world. With a shot at one million dollars on the line, Campos will rely on his fearless fighting style and sound wrestling background if he wants to advance in what many have pinned as one of the most anticipated matchups in the second round.

Bellator Havajai: Macfarlane vs. Jacksonas Pagrindinė kortelė:

Flyweight World Title Bout: Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (10-0) vs. Kate Jackson (11-3-1)

Featherweight World Grand Prix Quarterfinal Bout: A.J. McKee (15-0) vs. Derek laukai (20-9)

*Kortelė gali keistis.

Daugiau informacijos, apsilankykite Bellator.com.


Complete Event Photos Here

Bellator 228 Pagrindinės plokštės rezultatai:

Gegard Mousasi (46-7-2) nugalėjo Lyoto Machida (26-9) per split sprendimą (29-28, 28-29, 30-27)

Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (30-4) nugalėjo Juanas Archuleta (23-2) per vieningu sprendimu (49-46, 50-45, 49-46)

A.J. McKee (15-0) nugalėjo Georgi Karakhanyan (28-10-1, 1 NC) per KO (štampus) į :08 apvaliosios vieną

Darrion Caldwell (14-3) nugalėjo Henris Corrales (17-4) per vieningu sprendimu (29-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Danielis Weichel (40-11) nugalėjo Saulius Rodžersas (13-3) per vieningu sprendimu (29-28, 30-27, 29-28)

Preliminari kortelė:

Adrian Najera (2-0) nugalėjo Jason Edwards (2-1) per pateikimo (galinio nuogas droselis) į 2:28 apvalios trijų

Benji Gomez (9-12) nugalėjo Johnny Santa Maria (3-5) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27 X3)

Ozzy Diaz (4-1) nugalėjo Andre Walker (5-3) per pateikimo (galinio nuogas droselis) į 3:05 apvaliosios vieną

Ianas Butleris (7-6) nugalėjo Emilio Williams (4-3) per TKO (štampus) į :53 apvalios dviejų

AJ Agazarm (2-1) nugalėjo Jonathanas Quiroz (3-4) per vieningu sprendimu (29-28 X3)

Ava riteris (1-0) nugalėjo Shannon Goughary (4-4) per TKO (punšas) į 1:46 apvalios trijų

Antonio McKee (30-6-2) nugalėjo William Sriyapai (14-9) per TKO (štampus) į 1:17 apvalios dviejų

Džonis Cisneros (13-7) nugalėjo Mike Jasper (13-6) per TKO (kojos sužalojimas) į 4:28 apvalios dviejų

Leandro Higo (19-5) nugalėjo Shawn Bunch (9-4) per pateikimo (giljotina droselis) į 4:34 apvalios dviejų

Weber Almeida (2-0) vs. Castle Williams (4-2) per TKO adresu 0:20 apvalios dviejų

Joshua Jones (9-4) nugalėjo Dominic Clark (14-9) per pateikimo (giljotina droselis) į 2:39 apvaliosios vieną

Jamesas "Barnes (12-4) nugalėjo David Duran (8-6) per pateikimo (galinio nuogas droselis) į 1:51 apvalios dviejų

Prašome apsilankyti Bellator.com Daugiau informacijos.




LOS ANGELES – Bellator is set to deliver one of the most anticipated bouts in the history of women’s MMA on Saturday, Sausis 25 at the “Fabulous” Forum in Inglewood, Kalifas. when reigning champ Julija Budd (13-2) defends her world featherweight title against Cris "Kiborgas" (21-2, 1 NC) pagrindiniame atveju.

Bilietai Bellator: Budd vs.Cyborg go on sale to the general public Friday, Spalis. 4 į 10 tarifu. PT and can be purchased at the Forum box office, as well as Bellator.com ir Ticketmaster.com. A special presale is scheduled to take place Wednesday, Spalis. 2 iki ketvirtadienio, Spalis. 3 using code “BELLATOR” upon purchase.

Bellator: Budas vs.. kiborgas will stream live exclusively on the DAZN app at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, o preliminarūs veiksmai vyks toliau Bellator.com,DAZN ir visame pasaulyje „Bellator“ mobilioji programa. Artimiausiomis savaitėmis bus paskelbtos papildomos varžybos.

Fighting out of Port Moody, Britų Kolumbija, Kanada, Budd will enter the Bellator cage in January for the fourth time since claiming the inaugural Bellator women’s featherweight world title in 2017. Currently riding a winning streak of 11 galai, including seven straight fights since joining forces with Bellator in 2015, “The Jewel” has her eyes set on a fourth consecutive world title defense when she finally has the opportunity to challenge “Cyborg.” Since knocking off Dutch legend Marloes Coenen for the 145-pound strap at Bellator 174, the Gibson MMA-product has since collected victories over top contenders Olga Rubin,Arlene Blencowe ir Talita Nogueira. With seven of her 13 Karjera laimi ateina būdu nokautas ar pateikimo, the former kickboxing standout will look to derail the Bellator debut of “Cyborg.”

On the heels of signing the largest contract in women’s MMA history, Cris “Cyborg” will enter the Bellator cage for the first time on January 25, with the opportunity to lay claim to Bellator gold. Just like her upcoming opponent, “Cyborg” too was an inaugural champion, winning the inaugural Strikeforce Featherweight Championship in 2009 after defeating Gina Carano. The 34-year-old Curitiba, Brazil-native’s Bellator tenure follows a three-year run in UFC, multiple world title and a 20-fight unbeaten streak that includes notable victories against Holly Holm, Tonya Evinger, Marloes Coenen and Leslie Smith.

Atnaujinta Bellator: Budas vs.. kiborgas Kovos kortelė:

Plunksnų svorio kategorijos pasaulio varžybos: Julija Budd (13-2) vs. Cris "Kiborgas" (21-2, 1 NC)

*Kortelė gali keistis

Prašome apsilankyti Bellator.com Daugiau informacijos.




Bellator 226: Baderis vs. Kongo Pagrindinė kortelė:

Ryan Bader (27-5, 1 NC) ir Cheick Kongo (30-10-2, 1 NC) was ruled a no-contest due to an accidental eye poke

Derek laukai (20-9) nugalėjo Danielis Straus (26-9) per vieningu sprendimu (30-26, 30-25, 30-25)

Adam Borics (14-0) nugalėjo Pat Curran (23-9) per TKO (štampus) į 4:59 apvaliosios vieną

Pedro Carvalho (11-3) nugalėjo Samas Sicilia (17-10) per pateikimo (face-crank) į 1:56 apvalios dviejų

Emmanuelis Sanchez (19-4) nugalėjo Tywan Claxton (5-1) per pateikimo (trikampis droselis) į 4:11 apvalios dviejų

Danielis Carey (7-3) nugalėjo Gastonas Bolanosas (5-2) per techninį pateikimą (giljotina) į 4:19 apvaliosios vieną

Preliminari kortelė:

Ivan Batinich (4-1) nugalėjo Daniel Compton (2-2) per pateikimo (galinio nuogas droselis) a 4:33 apvalios dviejų

Tyson Miller (1-0) nugalėjo Albertas Gonzalesas (1-2) per TKO adresu 1:18 apvaliosios vieną

Alan Benson (1-1) nugalėjo Favian Gutierrez (2-3) per split sprendimą (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Peter Ishiguro (2-1) nugalėjo Eliasas Andersonas (0-1) per vieningu sprendimu (29-28 X3)

Daniel Gonzalez (3-2) nugalėjo Jonas Adamsas (0-1-1) per TKO (streikai) į 4:56 apvalios dviejų

Cornelius Savage (1-0) nugalėjo Evan Gubera (0-2) per split sprendimą (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Jonas Macapa (23-4-2) nugalėjo Ashleigh Grimshaw (20-11-1) per TKO (kampinis sustojimas) į 5:00 apvalios dviejų

Adomas Piccolot (12-3) nugalėjo Jake Smith (7-3) per pateikimo (galinio nuogas droselis) į 2:34 apvalios dviejų

Džesika Borga (3-2) nugalėjo Gintaras Leibrockas (3-4) per pateikimo (armbar) į 4:45 apvaliosios vieną

Cassas Bellas (4-0) nugalėjo Isaiah Rocha (1-1) per pateikimo (giljotina droselis) į 1:21 apvaliosios vieną

Batsumberel Dagvadorj (6-0) nugalėjo James Terry (20-11) per pateikimo (bulldog choke) į 2:43 apvaliosios vieną

Renato Valente Alves (6-4) nugalėjo Abraomas Vaesau (5-3) per pateikimo (galinio nuogas droselis) į 3:36 apvalios trijų

Hyderis Amilas (4-0) nugalėjo Ignacas Ortizas (2-1-1) per split sprendimą (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Chris Gonzalez (3-0) nugalėjo Luis Vargas (2-4) per vieningu sprendimu (30-27, 30-26, 30-25)

Prašome apsilankyti Bellator.com Daugiau informacijos.


Vinicius De Jesus stops Chris Lozano to Retain CES MMA welterweight title

HARTFORD, Conn. (Rugsėjis 7, 2019) – CES MMA World Welterweight Champion Vinicius De Jesus made his first title defense tonight, stopping game challenger Chris “The Cleveland Assassin” Lozano in the third round in the “CESMMA 58” main event at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford.

The main card was streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, pasaulyje pirmaujanti kovinio sporto skaitmeninio abonemento paslauga.

Lozano (10-5) dropped De Jesus (9-2) in the opening round with a shot to the temple, but the Brazilian bounced up and fought back. The first two rounds were fought relatively cautious as both fighters took turns being the aggressor. De Jesus took charge in the third connected on punches and kicks, while avoiding Lozano’s limited offensive attacks. A strong De Jesus punch snapped Lazano’s head and that’s the opening the defending chance had set up. He bashed Lazano around the cage, trapping him as he threw punishing combinations until the referee waved off the action midway through the third.

“I appreciate him (Lozano) accepting this fight when others didn’t,” an excited De Jesus praised his opponent after the fight. “I respect him very much and hope he’s okay and back in the cage soon. I have a high fight IQ and he was difficult to hit. This is for my fans and family.

“My boxing paid off. My father coached me to box. Dabar, I’m looking for the big show, the lions in the UFC.”

Be bendro funkcionalus atveju, Hartford heavyweightParkeris Porter (8-5) and his Brazilian opponentDirlei Broenstrup (16-7) put on a very entertaining show. Porter couldn’t miss his overhand right in the first round, but Broenstrup responded in the second and came out hot for the third. All of a sudden Porter unloaded a straight right on Broenstrup’s chin and that’s all she wrote with less than two minutes remaining on the clock.

“I knew I started to get tired in the third round,” Porter commented. “I felt that I had won the first two rounds and my mentality was stay alive and don’t get taken out. I’d love to get a shot at the CES heavyweight strap in my next fight.”

Veteran Cincinnati lightweightReggie Merriweather (13-5) ruined the homecoming type of night for popular and previously undefeatedJesse James Kosakowski (3-1) from Waterbury, KT. Merriweather landed several bombs, Kosakowski got out of a few jams, and then suddenly Merriweather closed the show with a single righthanded punch halfway through the first round. Kosakowski’s large crowd of supporters expressed their collective feelings the referee had prematurely stopped the fight, but the upset was already in the books.

Massachusetts featherweight“Relentless” Robbie Leroux switched positions onPete “The Heat” Rogers, Jaunesnysis.  to win by way of a reverse heal hold (pavaizduota žemiau) forcing a tap-out. It appeared that Rogers had the advantage and was moments away from victory Leroux did his thing.

Florida bantamweightJornel “A1” Lugo, who lived in Wallingford (KT), used his speed and angles to stopHarris “Dirty Harry” Bonfilgio on punches in the first round. “Only one thing pays the bills…skills,” Lugo said after the fight. “Everybody kept telling me to watch out for his kicks. I studied – I’m paranoid – so I was prepared.”

Pro-debuting Brooklyn flyweightAdrian Haly took a split decision fromJustin “Juggernaut” Valentin, iš Meriden (KT), in the first fight of the night steamed live on UFC FIGHT PASS.

“CESMMA 59” Oct. 25, 2019 at Twin River Casino in Lincoln, R.

Providence lightweightSean Soriano (12-6) will headline “CESMMA 59” on Friday night, Spalis 25, 2019, at Twin River Casino in Lincoln, Rhode Island. A pair of undefeated, red-hot prospects, Niujorko pusvidutinis svorisJohn Gotti III (4-0) and Connecticut light heavyweightWilliam “Knightmare” Knight (5-0), are also scheduled to fight on what promises to be a loaded card.

Local favoriteNick Giuiletti, fighting out of nearby Wallingford, jumped all over lightweightCody Schieve right off the bell, driving his over-matched opponent to the mat and unleashed a barrage of unanswered punches until the undercard fight was halted only 38-second into round one by way of technical knockout.

Massachusetts cruiserweightDan Randall used an effective ground-and-pound attack againstJesse Baughman, who tapped out midway through the opening round.

Connecticut bantamweight Will “Siracha” Smith took two of three rounds from Aaron Reese for a unanimous decision in the opening match of the evening.

Below find the official results:



 Vinicius De Jesus, De Jesus MMA / Norwalk, CT by way of Brazil

WTKO3 (3:22)

Chris Lozano, Warehouse Warriors / Klyvlendas, OH

(De Jesus retained the CES MMA title)


Parkeris Porter, Underdog MMA / Hartfordas, KT

WKO3 (3:17)

Dirlei Broenstrup, Minu Fight Team / Rio Grande, Brazilija


Reggie Merriweather, Aaron Thomas Jui

Jitsu / Sinsinatis, OH

WKO1 (2:37)

Jesse James Kosakowski, PSDTC / Waterbury, KT


Robbie Leroux, Regiment Training / Fall River, MA

WSUB (1:55)

pete Rogersas, Jr, Pete Rogers Karate / Norwich, KT


Jornelis Lugo, Combat Club & DZ MMA / West Palm Beach, FL

WKO1 (3:27)

Harris Bonfilgio, Ultimate MMA / Gilford, KT


Adrian Haly, Brooklyn MMA / Brooklyn, NY

WDEC3 (29-28. 29-28, 28-29)

Justin Valentin, Underdog MMA / Meridenas, KT



Nick Giuletti, Ultimate MMA / Wallingford, KT

WTKO1 (0:38)

Cody Schieve, Team Schieve / Jasper, IN


Dan Randall, FAA /Granby, MA

WSUB1 (2:33)

Jesse Baughman, Team Link North / Littleton, NH


Will Smith, Golden Falcon MMA & FAA / West Haven, KT

WDEC3 (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Aaron Reese, Jackson Wink MMA / Shaker Heights, OH


Websites:  www.cesmma.comwww.ufcfightpass.comwww.ctconventions.com

"Twitter": @CESMMA, @UFCFightPass, @ctconventionCT

Instagram: @CESMMA, @UFCFightPass

"Facebook": /CESMMA, /„UFCFightPass“, /CTConventions


UŽ nedelsiant paleisti: Orono, Meino (Rugsėjis 3, 2019) - Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) will debut in Orono this Saturday, Rugsėjis 7, 2019 at the Collins Center for the Arts with the promotion’s next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 40: School of Hard Knocks.” Anksčiau šiandien, NEF announced the addition of an amateur lightweight fight to the card. Nate “The Mule” White (2-0) returns to the cage to face Ryan Savage (0-1) ne kova svorio 155 svarų.

Undefeated Nate White stepped up on just a few days’ notice after Savage’s original opponent, Andrew Kamakas, could not gain medical clearance to fight. The 19-year-old Rumford, Maine native is on a roll this year and making a play for the “Rookie of the Year” nod from NEF fans. So far, White has needed just over a combined four minutes to down his first two opponents. In April, he forced a first-round stoppage against Clifford Redman at “NEF 38” when Redman suffered an injury less than a minute into the fight. White followed that victory up with a technical knockout of Justin Kangas at “NEF 39” in June. White, a member of the Maine Army National Guard, will be traveling straight from being tazed and peppered sprayed only hours before his scheduled competition with Savage on Saturday night, as part of his Guard OC and tazer qualification training.

“This is a busy week in my life,” said White. “I’m in Texas right now for a job interview and will be flying back on Wednesday to head off to drill weekend with the Guard before my fight on Saturday night, but life is all about seizing opportunities when they become available. I’m excited for the chance to test myself against Ryan. I’ve heard that he is a good guy and I know he trains hard, so I’m excited to see how my skills match-up against him.”

Ryan Savage, a fellow active serviceman with the Air Guard, will be looking for the first win of his amateur MMA career this Saturday night in Orono. At “NEF 38” last April, Savage lost via submission to Connecticut’s Arii Fernandez in the first round of Savage’s debut. He currently represents First Class MMA of Brunswick, Meino.

“I’m very fortunate to be given another chance to showcase my true potential,” said Savage. “My first MMA fight opened my eyes to the importance of being an all around fighter, and was a very humbling experience. Nate has been on a roll these last two cards, and I know is training hard to continue his undefeated streak. Nate has great skill, but I’m ready to put that to the test and show everyone I’m here to stay.”

“Fight lore is full of legendary tales of guys stepping-up on last-minute notice to save bouts—and this is another example of that,” said Matt Peterson, NEF Matchmaker and co-owner. “Two active servicemen from respected gyms in the state—one a boxer and the other a wrestler—agreeing to an MMA fight on short notice is just one more added attraction to the stacked card that we have set to wow UMaine with this weekend. I’ve never been more excited to go back to school.”

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų’ kitas mišrių kovos menų renginys, “NEF 40: SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS,” will take place this Saturday, Rugsėjis 7, 2019 at the Collins Center for the Arts at the University of Maine as the promotion debuts in Orono, Maine. Doors will open at 6 pm and first fight will take to the cage at 7 pm. Bilietai jau parduodami adresuwww.collinscenterforthearts.com.

Apie New England Kovų

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų ("NEF") yra kova renginiai akcijas bendrovė. NEF misija yra sukurti aukščiausios kokybės renginius tiek kovotojams, tiek sirgaliams. NEF vykdomoji komanda turi didelę patirtį Kovinis sportas valdymas, Renginiai gamyba, ryšiai su žiniasklaida, prekyba, teisinė ir reklama.



LOS ANGELES - Bellator will hold the first-ever MMA event at Webster Bank Arena in Bridgeport, Conn. šeštadienį, Rugpjūtis 24 when the always-exciting Mattas Mitrione (13-6, 1 NC) once again squares off against Sergejus Kharitonov (29-7, 2 NC) in a heavyweight headliner.

The remainder of the main card features four other must-see bouts, including two additional heavyweight slugfests, as former Bellator heavyweight champion Vitalijus Minakov (21-1) veidai Javy Ayala (11-7) į bendrai Main Event, while undefeated heavyweight prospects Tyrelis Fortūna (6-0) ir Rudy Schaffrothas (6-0, 1 NC), who both originally hail from Portland, Valandų., collide in the main card opener.

Rounding out the five-fight card on Paramount Network – the man with the most appearances inside the Bellator Cage in history, Davidas RICKELS (21-5, 2 NC), takes on the undefeated Ukrainian Jaroslavas Amosovas (21-0) in a 175-pound catchweight bout, and former flyweight title contender Alejandra Lara (7-3) atitinkaTaylor Turner (4-5) ne Gaidys, who returns after recently upsetting Heather Hardy at Madison Square Garden earlier this summer.

The main card can be seen live on "Paramount tinklas ir DAZN į 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. KT, o preliminarūs veiksmai vyks toliau Bellator.com, DAZN ir visame pasaulyje „Bellator“ mobilioji programa pradedant nuo 5:45 pm EST/2:45 pm PST.

Bilietai Bellator 225: Mitrione vs. Kharitonov 2 yra parduoti dabar, and are available in-person at the Click It or Ticket Box Office at Webster Bank Arena, as well as online at Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com.

Earlier in the evening, Konektikutas savo paties "Notorious" Nikas Newell (15-2) will lace up the Bellator gloves for the first time in his career and make the short drive from his home in Milford, Conn. to Webster Bank Arena, kai jis atitinka Corey Browning (5-2), a man who has already defeated “Baby Slice” and Aaron Chalmers. Also representing the “The Constitution State,” the surging Mike “The Savage” Kimbel (3-1) will be looking to impress the partisan crowd againstChris Disonell (3-3).

Preliminary action is highlighted by appearances from top Bellator prospects, including Royce Gracie’s eldest son Khonry Gracie (1-1), Israel’s Aviv Gozali (2-0) and the promotional debut of light heavyweight Grant “The Truth” Neal (1-0). Daugiau, long-time UFC and TUF veteran Sabah Homasi (12-8) returns to the Bellator Cage for the first time since Bellator 124.

Taip pat ant kortelės, nepramintas Austin “The Gentleman” Vanderford (7-0) will make his middleweight debut against Georgia’s Joseph Creer (6-0-1), Naujasis Džersis s Ricky Bandejas (11-3) will return to action for the first time since relocating to American Top Team in Florida, when he competes at bantamweight against Virginia’s Ahmet Kayretli (8-3, 1 NC) ir visada jaudinantis Timas Džonsonas (12-5) will make his sophomore Bellator appearance against recently signedAzunna Anyanwu (15-5) of Philadelphia in a heavyweight matchup.

Baigta Bellator 225: Mitrione vs. Kharitonov 2 Kovos kortelė:

Heavyweight Main Event: Mattas Mitrione (13-6, 1 NC) vs. Sergejus Kharitonov (29-7, 2 NC)

Heavyweight Co-Main Event: Vitalijus Minakov (21-1) vs. Javy Ayala (11-7)

Bantamweight Feature Bout: Alejandra Lara (7-3) vs. Taylor Turner (4-5)

175-Pound Catchweight Funkcinė kova: Davidas RICKELS (21-5, 2 NC) vs. Jaroslavas Amosovas (21-0)

Sunkiasvoris „Feature Bout“: Tyrelis Fortūna (6-0) vs. Rudy Schaffrothas (6-0, 1 NC)

Preliminari kortelė:

Vidutinio svorio parengiamosios varžybos: Khonry Gracie (1-1) vs. Oscar Vera (0-1)

165-Svaro svorio preliminari kova: Aviv Gozali (2-0) vs. Eduard Muravitskiy (9-8)
Light Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Grantas Nilas (1-0) vs. Alpha Toure (Pro debiutas)

Vidutinio svorio parengiamosios varžybos: Sabah Homasi (12-8) vs. Micah Terrill (14-7, 1 NC)

Vidutinio svorio preliminari kova: Ostinas Vanderfordas (7-0) vs. Joseph Creer (6-0-1)

Pasirengimo sunkiojo svorio varžyboms: Timas Džonsonas (12-5) vs. Azunna Anyanwu (15-5)

„Bantamweight“ preliminari kova: Ricky Bandejas (11-3) vs. Ahmet Kayretli (8-3, 1 NC)

140-Svaro svorio preliminari kova: Mike Kimbel (3-1) vs. Chris Disonell (3-3)

Lengvas parengiamasis mačas: Nickas Newellas (15-2) vs. Corey Browning (5-2)

165-Svaro svorio preliminari kova: Kastriot Xhema (3-3, 1 NC) vs. Connoras Dixonas (Pro debiutas)

175-Svaro svorio preliminari kova: Jonas Manlis (11-6) vs. Thiago Rela (10-7)

*Kortelė gali keistis.
