Yorliq Archives: MMA


Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun: Orono, Meyn (Fevral 26, 2020) - New England sur (NEF) o'zining navbatdagi aralash yakkakurash turlarini namoyish etadi (MMA) Meyn universitetining eng mashhur Orono kampusidagi Kollinz san'at markazida tadbir. Hodisa, sarlavhali "NEF 43: Rampage,Shanba kuni bo'lib o'tadi, Aprel 18, 2020, qo'ng'iroq vaqti bilan 7 pm EDT. Bugun erta, jang targ'iboti kartaga havaskor ayollarning uchib ketadigan vazn toifasidagi jang qo'shilishini e'lon qildi."Maftunkor" "Chelsi" Taker(3-3) zimmasiga oladiCaree Hill(6-2) bo'sh vaznli NEF havaskor ayollar chempionati uchun. Bu nom amaldagi chempion Glori Uotson tomonidan bo'shatilgan (6-1) uning "NEF 43" jang kartasini yoqish to'g'risidagi qarori e'lon qilindi.

"Chelsi" Taker o'zining MMA havaskor karerasini ketma-ket uchta mag'lubiyat bilan boshlaganidan buyon uchta kurashni qo'lga kiritdi. Bu noyabr oyida NEFning so'nggi chiqishi bilan boshlangan seriya 2018 Taker BJ Garsoni mag'lub etganini ko'rgan (1-1) uchinchi raundda texnik nokaut orqali. O'sha paytdan beri u Nyu-Xempshir va Vermontdagi janglarda g'alaba qozondi. Taker faxr bilan Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlarining Sohil xavfsizlik xizmatida xizmat qiladi, Boothbayda joylashgan, Meyn. Hozirda u Brunsvikda joylashgan Birinchi sinf MMA vakili, Meyn.

«Men haqiqatan ham Karyeraga qarshi kurashishni orziqib kutaman,- dedi Taker.  «Bu juda yaxshi o'yin. U qattiq qiz va men ham shundayman. Men eng yaxshi ko'rsatkichimni namoyish etishni va bu belbog'ni beliga bog'lashni orziqib kutmoqdaman. "

Bu bir yildan kam vaqt ichida Caree Hill NEF-ning 125 funtli havaskor ayollarning belbog'iga da'vo qilish uchun Oregon shtatidagi uyidan kros-yurish uyushtirgan ikkinchi marotaba bo'ladi. U o'tgan yil iyun oyida "NEF 39" kamariga Glory Watsonni oldi va juda yaqin bo'linish qaroridan mahrum bo'ldi. Xill keyingi ikki jangida g'alaba qozondi, shu jumladan Oregonda mintaqaviy unvonni qo'lga kiritish. U Greshamda joylashgan Team Quest vakili, Oregon va UFC afsonalari Randy Couture tomonidan asos solingan (19-11) va Dan Xenderson (32-15).  Sport zalida Chael Sonnen kabi eng yaxshi nomlar ishlab chiqarilgan (31-17), Neyt karer (12-4), va marhum Evan Tanner (32-8) faqat bir necha ism.

«Men qaytib kelib, yana New England Fights uchun kurashish imkoniyatidan xursandman,- dedi Xill izoh olish uchun murojaat qilganida.  «Men qattiq mashq qildim va jang qayerga borishiga tayyorman. Men shtatidagi jang muxlislari uchun hayajonli jang o'tkazishni orziqib kutaman ».

New England sur’ aralash yakkakurashlar bo'yicha navbatdagi tadbir, “NEF 43: Rampage,” shanba kuni bo'lib o'tadi, Aprel 18, 2020, UMaine Orono shahridagi Kollinz san'at markazida. Chipta endi sotuvga borwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

New England Mushtlashish haqida

New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEFning vazifasi jangchilar va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli tadbirlarni yaratishdir. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.


Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun: Orono, Meyn (Fevral 25, 2020) - New England sur (NEF) o'zining navbatdagi aralash yakkakurash turlarini namoyish etadi (MMA) Meyn universitetining eng mashhur Orono kampusidagi Kollinz san'at markazida tadbir. Hodisa, sarlavhali "NEF 43: Rampage,Shanba kuni bo'lib o'tadi, Aprel 18, 2020, qo'ng'iroq vaqti bilan 7 pm EDT. Bugun erta, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur featherweight bout to the card.Brandon “BAMF” Maillet-Fevens(3-1) duch keladiNathaniel Grimard(1-0) vazn toifasida 145 funt.

Brandon Maillet-Fevens made his amateur debut at “NEF 36” in November 2018, losing via submission in the first round. Since that time, Maillet-Fevens has not looked back. He went on a three-fight win-streak in 2019, finishing all three of his opponents in the process. Most recently, Maillet-Fevens was successful over Tyler Knights (0-1) with a second-round submission at “NEF 41” last November. He currently represents Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) based in Lewiston, ME.

“I’m excited and grateful for the opportunity to once again get back in the NEF cage,” said Maillet-Fevens. “I think Nathaniel presents some challenges I haven’t had to deal with yet, but we’ve been hard at work improving every aspect of my game and I’m going to be comfortable wherever the fight goes. I’m looking forward to putting on a good fight for the fans and showcasing what CMBJJ is all about!"

Nathaniel Grimard impressed many with his first-round armbar submission of Justin Kangas (0-3) last September at “NEF 40” in what was Grimard’s cage debut. That fight took place within the 155-pound lightweight division. Grimard feels the ten-pound drop to featherweight will further benefit his comfort level in the cage. He represents Nostos MMA of Somersworth, Nyu-Xempshir, u erda UFC faxriysi va sobiq NEF Professional chempioni Devin Pauell qo'l ostida mashg'ulotlar olib boradi (10-4).

“I’m excited for this opportunity NEF has given me to fight a very game opponent in April,” said Grimard.  “I am stepping in the cage more comfortable and prepared this time at a weight class I belong. With both of us having finished our past opponents, I expect Brandon to bring it in April, and I think it’s going to be a great and exciting fight.”

New England sur’ aralash yakkakurashlar bo'yicha navbatdagi tadbir, “NEF 43: Rampage,” shanba kuni bo'lib o'tadi, Aprel 18, 2020, UMaine Orono shahridagi Kollinz san'at markazida. Chiptalar ushbu haftada sotuvga qo'yiladiwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

New England Mushtlashish haqida

New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEFning vazifasi jangchilar va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli tadbirlarni yaratishdir. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.



Bellator 239: Ruth vs. Amosov
Bosh Karta:

Yaroslav Amosov (23-0) mag'lub Va Rut (8-2) ovozdan qaror orqali (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Maylz hakamlar hay'ati (18-5) mag'lub Brandon Girtz (16-9) ovozdan qaror orqali (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Tim Johnson (13-6) mag'lub Tyrell Fortune (8-1) Ko orqali (zımbalar) da 2:35 dumaloq biri

Valentin Moldavsky (9-1) mag'lub Javy Ayala (11-8) ovozdan qaror orqali (30-25, 30-24, 30-24)

Dastlabki Card:

Davion Franklin (1-0) mag'lub J.W. Kiser (5-3) oltinchi raundda texnik nokaut orqali (zımbalar) da 1:30 dumaloq biri

Chris Gonzalez (4-0) mag'lub Aaron McKenzie (7-2-1) split qarori orqali (30-27, 28-29, 30-27)

Kevin Croom (21-12) mag'lub Adil Benjilany (5-3, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) split qarori orqali (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Cris Lencioni (6-2) mag'lub Salim Mukhidinov (7-4) split qarori orqali (29-28, 30-27, 29-28)

Kyle Crutchmer (6-0) mag'lub Scott Futrell (11-10) taqdim orqali (anaconda choke) da 2:58 dumaloq biri

Grant Neal (3-0) mag'lub Claude Wilcox (1-2) oltinchi raundda texnik nokaut orqali (zımbalar) da 3:37 turda uch

Josh Hill (19-3)mag'lub Vinicius Zani (11-6) ovozdan qaror orqali (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Solo Hatley Jr. (8-2) mag'lub Gaston Bolanos (5-3) split qarori orqali (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Denise Kielholtz (5-2) mag'lub Kristina Williams (3-3) taqdim orqali (orqa-yalang'och bo'g'ish) da 2:15 dumaloq biri

TeeJay Britton (6-2) mag'lub Gabriel Varga (1-1) split qarori orqali (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Keith Lee (6-3) mag'lub Shawn Bunch (9-5) ovozdan qaror orqali (30-26, 29-28, 29-27)

Christian Edwards (3-0) mag'lub Marco Hutch (3-3) ovozdan qaror orqali (30-26, 30-26, 30-25)

Tashrif buyuring Bellator.com Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun.


Orono, Meyn (Fevral 24, 2020) - New England sur (NEF) o'zining navbatdagi aralash yakkakurash turlarini namoyish etadi (MMA) Meyn universitetining eng mashhur Orono kampusidagi Kollinz san'at markazida tadbir. Hodisa, sarlavhali "NEF 43: Rampage,Shanba kuni bo'lib o'tadi, Aprel 18, 2020, qo'ng'iroq vaqti bilan 7 pm EDT. Bugun erta, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional women’s strawweight bout to the card.Glory “The Fury” Watson(0-0) is scheduled to make her professional debut againstGrace Nowak(0-2) vazn toifasida 115 funt.

Glory Watson put together a stellar amateur record of 6-1 over the course of a mere 17 oy, thereby becoming one of the hottest prospects in New England MMA. During that run, she captured the NEF Amateur Women’s Flyweight Title with a split decision win over Caree Hill (6-2) last summer at “NEF 39.” Watson’s sole loss came against an extremely tough Cara Greenwell (10-4) this past November. Watson took off NEF’s February event in Portland, Maine in order to prepare for her professional debut this spring. She is a member of Young’s MMA based in Bangor, Men

“I am beyond ecstatic to announce my debut into the professional rankings of the WMMA world,” said Glory Watson. “Many thanks to (NEF co-owners) Matt Peterson and Nick DiSalvo with New England Fights for putting on a show that allows me to progress my career with a very game opponent. I look forward to this big step in my journey and stepping into the cage once again!"

Grace Nowak is a longtime veteran of the MMA cage in the northeastern United States, having made her amateur debut back in 2010. Throughout her career, Nowak has fought regularly in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York. Nowak represents Behring Jiu-Jitsu based in Watertown, New York. The April 18 event will not only be the first time Nowak has fought in Maine, but also the first time she has visited the Pine Tree State.

“I’ve never been to Maine before so what better way to experience a new place,” said Nowak when reached for comment.  “I’m very excited to fight for NEF, and I’m looking forward to April 18.”

New England sur’ aralash yakkakurashlar bo'yicha navbatdagi tadbir, “NEF 43: Rampage,” shanba kuni bo'lib o'tadi, Aprel 18, 2020, UMaine Orono shahridagi Kollinz san'at markazida. Chiptalar ushbu haftada sotuvga qo'yiladiwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

New England Mushtlashish haqida

New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEFning vazifasi jangchilar va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli tadbirlarni yaratishdir. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.


Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun: Orono, Meyn (Fevral 20, 2020) - New England sur (NEF) o'zining navbatdagi aralash yakkakurash turlarini namoyish etadi (MMA) Meyn universiteti flagmani Orono talabalar shaharchasida joylashgan Kollinz san'at markazida. Tadbir, sarlavhali "NEF 43: Rampage,Shanba kuni bo'lib o'tadi, Aprel 18, 2020, qo'ng'iroq vaqti bilan 7 pm EDT. Bugun erta, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional bantamweight bout to the card.Fred Lear (0-1) zimmasiga oladiJason Rine (1-7) vazn toifasida 135 funt.

Fred Lear, who wrestled and played football for John Bapst Memorial High School in nearby Bangor, Meyn, had one of the most successful amateur careers in NEF history. Lear finished his amateur career in 2019 bir rekord bilan 6-2-1 and an NEF Amateur Bantamweight Title to his credit. He entered the professional ranks last April in Portland, Meyn, losing his debut to Bryant Bullock (2-1) via second-round submission. Lear experienced a disappointing setback when an opponent pulled out on him the night before weigh-ins at “NEF 40” last September. The Young’s MMA product will now look for the first win of his professional career on April 18 against Rine.

“2019 and the September fight card were difficult for me, but I wasn’t going to let it get in the way of supporting my team,” said Lear. “I feel as though people have forgotten who I am and what I’m here to do. Jason Rine is a Bellator vet and a consummate professional. I’m here, Qornim ochdi, and April 18th I’m making the walk and leaving my mark.”

Jason Rine is indeed a Bellator veteran, having competed on the Bellator 215 card last year. Based out of Fredericktown, Ogayo, Rine has become well-known throughout the New England region in recent years, traveling in to fight on many area events. While his record may appear on the surface to be that of a journeyman, Rine has taken nothing but tough bouts throughout his professional career, always showing up to fight. April 18 will see him make his debut with NEF.

“I’m very excited to come to Maine and fight for NEF against a game opponent in Fred Lear,” stated Rine when reached for comment.  “I’m ready to test myself in a new promotion in a new state. Time for a fresh start and a new beginning.”

New England sur’ aralash yakkakurashlar bo'yicha navbatdagi tadbir, “NEF 43: Rampage,” shanba kuni bo'lib o'tadi, Aprel 18, 2020, UMaine Orono shahridagi Kollinz san'at markazida. Chiptalar ushbu haftada sotuvga qo'yiladiwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

New England Mushtlashish haqida

New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEFning vazifasi jangchilar va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli tadbirlarni yaratishdir. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.


Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun: Orono, Meyn (Fevral 19, 2020) - New England sur (NEF) o'zining navbatdagi aralash yakkakurash turlarini namoyish etadi (MMA) Meyn universiteti flagmani Orono talabalar shaharchasida joylashgan Kollinz san'at markazida. Tadbir, sarlavhali "NEF 43: Rampage,Shanba kuni bo'lib o'tadi, Aprel 18, 2020, qo'ng'iroq vaqti bilan 7 pm EDT.Zak "Rokki" Richard(6-2-1) o'sha kuni kechqurun NEF havaskorlarining engil vazn toifasidagi nomini himoya qilish uchun rejalashtirilganDevin corson(3-1).  Ular engil vazn toifasidagi chempionat chegarasida uchrashadilar 155 beshta uch daqiqali raundga mo'ljallangan jangda funt.

Richard o'tgan yilning noyabr oyida Portlendda o'sha paytda bo'sh turgan chempionlikni yutdi, "Sehrli" Mayk Myurrey ustidan bir ovozdan g'alaba qozongan Meyn (3-2).  U unvonlarga begona emas, 2015 yilda Vaterborodagi Massabesik litseyi uchun kurash bo'yicha Meyn shtati chempionatida g'olib bo'lgan. G'alaba Richard uchun qafasda juda katta ikkinchi kursni boshlagan edi. 2018 "Yilning yangi tanlovi" mavsumi. Oxirgi marta Richard Kollinz markazining sahnasida jang qildi, sentyabr oyida 2019, u Erik Tainterni shiddatli nokautga uchratdi (0-2).  Slam Richard uchun yosh faoliyati davomida imzolangan harakatga aylandi. U Somersuortning Nostos MMA mahsulotidir, Nyu-Xempshir, u erda UFC faxriysi va sobiq NEF Professional chempioni Devin Pauell qo'l ostida mashg'ulotlar olib boradi (10-4).

"Devin o'z vaqtida mening unvonimni yutishim to'g'risida" xohlagan narsani ayta oladi,'' Dedi Richard. «Uning takliflari bor. U buni tushundi. U uchun baxtsizlik, u ilgari bo'lgan eng g'ayratli Zakka ega. Men bu jangni bashorat qilaman, garchi, buyuk bo'lish ».

Slamlar haqida gapirganda, hech qachon NEF qafasida raqib Devin Korsondan ko'ra ko'proq muhim rol o'ynagan sportchi bo'lmasligi mumkin. Richard singari, Korson MMA o'yiniga o'zi bilan kuchli kurash bazasini olib keladi, Dover-Foxcroft-dagi Foxcroft akademiyasining paspaslarida eng yaxshi raqib bo'lgan, Meyn. Hozirda Korson ikki jangda g'alaba qozonmoqda va yakdil Jeykob Deppmeyer ustidan bir ovozdan g'alaba qozonmoqda. (hozir 1-0 a pro sifatida) va Teylor Bartlett (2-3-1) 2019 yilda U Dexter-da joylashgan savdo nuqtasini namoyish etadi, Meyn.

«Men Zak haqida ko'p o'ylamayman, bundan tashqari u mening yo'limda,”Dedi Korson. "U men yutishim kerak bo'lgan odam 155 kamar. Axir aytilgan va qilingan narsadan keyin, Men qo'l ko'targan holda men bo'laman ”.

New England sur’ aralash yakkakurashlar bo'yicha navbatdagi tadbir, “NEF 43: Rampage,” shanba kuni bo'lib o'tadi, Aprel 18, 2020, UMaine Orono shahridagi Kollinz san'at markazida. Chiptalar ushbu haftada sotuvga qo'yiladiwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

New England Mushtlashish haqida

New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEFning vazifasi jangchilar va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli tadbirlarni yaratishdir. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.



Los Angeles – The full slate of bouts for Bellator’s return to WinStar World Casino and Resort in Thackerville, Yon. bu juma, Fevral 21 has been finalized with a stacked four-fight main card airing at 9 p.m. QILISh / 8 p.m. CT on Paramount Network and DAZN. Bundan tashqari, a total of 13 preliminary fights will stream on Bellator MMA’s YouTube channel and DAZN beginning at 6:15 p.m. PT/5:15 p.m. CT.

asosiy tadbir Bellator 239 will feature an exciting welterweight clash between two of the division’s best prospects, as three-time NCAA National Wrestling Champion Va Rut (8-1) takes on undefeated Ukrainian striker Yaroslav Amosov (22-0). Bundan tashqari kartada, a premiere lightweight matchup between Minnesota’s own Brandon Girtz (16-8) and recent Bellator free agent signing Maylz hakamlar hay'ati (17-5), as well as two pivotal matchups in the heavyweight division as Tyrell Fortune (8-0) is set to meet UFC-veteran Timothy Johnson (12-6) va eng raqib Javy Ayala (11-7) goes to battle against a member of Fedor Emelianenko’s team in Russia, Valentin Moldavsky (8-1).

Preliminary action for Bellator 239: Ruth vs. Amosov will be highlighted by a number of young undefeated prospects returning to the cage, including Oklahoma’s Kyle Crutchmer (5-0), Christian Edwards (2-0), Chris Gonzalez (3-0), Grant Neal (2-0) and Texas’ Lucas Brennan (2-0), while familiar names in Cris Lencioni (5-2), Gaston Bolanos (5-2) va Shawn Bunch (9-4) are also scheduled to compete on the card.

Bundan tashqari, the prelims will feature appearances by two Bellator Kickboxing champions in flyweight champ Denise Kielholtz (4-2) and featherweight titleholder Gabriel Varga (1-0) as they both return to the Bellator MMA cage.

Tashrif buyuring Bellator.com Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun.

Bellator 239: Ruth vs. Amosov Bosh Karta:

Paramount Network and DAZN

9 p.m. QILISh / 8 p.m. CT

Yarim ortasiklet Asosiy Tantanalarni: Va Rut (8-1) va boshqalar. Yaroslav Amosov (22-0)

Engil Co-Asosiy Tantanalarni: Brandon Girtz (16-8) va boshqalar. Maylz hakamlar hay'ati (17-5)

Heavyweight Main Card Bout: Tyrell Fortune (8-0) va boshqalar. Tim Johnson (12-6)

Heavyweight Main Card Bout: Javy Ayala (11-7) va boshqalar. Valentin Moldavsky (8-1)

Dastlabki Card:

Bellator MMA’s YouTube Channel and DAZN

6:15 p.m. VA / 5:15 p.m. CT:

Light Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Christian Edwards (2-0) va boshqalar. Marco Hutch (3-2)

Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Shawn Bunch (9-4) va boshqalar. Keith Lee (5-3)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Gabriel Varga (1-0) va boshqalar. TeeJay Britton (5-2)

Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Denise Kielholtz (4-2) va boshqalar. Kristina Williams (3-2)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Gaston Bolanos (5-2) va boshqalar. Solo Hatley Jr. (7-2)

Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Josh Hill (18-3) va boshqalar. Vinicius Zani (11-5)

Light Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Grant Neal (2-0) va boshqalar. Claude Wilcox (1-1)

175-funt. Contract Weight Bout: Kyle Crutchmer (5-0) va boshqalar. Scott Futrell (11-9)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Cris Lencioni (5-2) va boshqalar. Salim Mukhidinov (7-3)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Adil Benjilany (5-2, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) va boshqalar. Kevin Croom (20-12)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Lucas Brennan (2-0) va boshqalar. Jamese Taylor (0-1)

Engil vazn toifasidagi dastlabki jang: Chris Gonzalez (3-0) va boshqalar. Aaron McKenzie (7-1-1)

Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: J.W. Kiser (5-2) va boshqalar. Davion Franklin (Pro debyut)

*Karta o'zgarishi mumkin

Tashrif buyuring Bellator.com Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun.



Tickets go on sale this Friday, Feb. 14

Los Angeles – A middleweight superfight for the vacant 185-pound title, pitting former divisional champion Gegard Mousasi (46-7-2) against current Bellator welterweight titleholder Duglas Lima (32-7), has been added to Bellator’s exciting return to SAP Center at San Jose on Saturday, May 9 – LIVE on Paramount Network and DAZN at 10 p.m. VA / 9 p.m. CT.

The event is anchored by a previously announced heavyweight world title bout, featuring two-division Bellator champ Ryan Bader (27-5, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) defending his 205-pound title against Russia’s Vadim Nemkov (11-2).

Bellator: Bader vs. Nemkov airs live on Paramount Network and DAZN on Saturday, May 9 da 10 p.m. VA / 9 p.m. CT. Preliminary action will stream on DAZN, Bellator.com and globally on the Bellator Mobile App. Tickets can be purchased at the LexisNexis Risk Solutions Ticket Office at SAP Center, through Ticketmaster and Bellator.com.

The Bellator middleweight title was recently relinquished by Rafael Lovato Jr. due to ongoing medical complications.

Fighting out of Leiden, South Holland, Gollandiya, Mousasi has cemented legendary status within the sport, having won titles with multiple promotions across a 55-fight career. Eng oxirgi, Mousasi defeated Lyoto Machida split qarori orqali, clearing his path to a shot at a second Bellator middleweight title run. With victories in his storied career against Machida, Rory MacDonald, Chris Weidman, Rafael Carvalho, Vitor Belfort, Jacare Souza, Dan Henderson and Mark Hunt, a victory over Douglas Lima will add to his already-impressive resume.

Looking to join the ranks of Ryan Bader va Patricio “Pitbull” as two-division champions, Lima moves up 15-pounds to try his hand against Mousasi. Since making his promotional debut in 2011, “The Phenom” has earned 14 g'alabalar, including a trio of world titles and 10 finishes, making the American Top Team-product one of the most dominant fighters in the 170-pound division. Bilan 26 uning 32 career victories coming by way of knockout or submission, including consecutive dominant finishes over Andrey Koreshkov va Michael “Venom” Page” in the first two rounds of the World Grand Prix tournament, Lima most recently capped of his 2019 with a win over Rory MacDonald to regain the welterweight world title.

Tashrif buyuring Bellator.com Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun.

Yangilangan Bellator: Bader vs. Nemkov Bosh Karta:

Paramount Network and DAZN

10 p.m. VA / 9 p.m. CT

Light Heavyweight World Title Bout: Ryan Bader (27-5, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) va boshqalar. Vadim Nemkov (11-2)

Middleweight World Title Bout: Gegard Mousasi (46-7-2) va boshqalar. Duglas Lima (32-7)

*Karta o'zgarishi mumkin

Tashrif buyuring Bellator.com Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun.


Los Angeles – Bellator is proud to announce that welterweight champion Duglas Lima (32-7) and flyweight champion Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (11-0) will continue to compete inside the Bellator cage after signing exclusive multi-year, multi-fight extensions to remain with the ViacomCBS-owned promotion.

Both Douglas Lima and Ilima-Lei Macfarlane continue to prove they are two of the most dominant fighters on the Bellator roster,"Bellator Prezident Scott cho'kadi dedi. “They made their Bellator debuts very early on in their careers, have climbed to the top of their respective divisions and have come to represent what this promotion is all about. As champions, both have taken on all challenges and have succeeded in every opportunity. I look forward to watching them continue their careers with us.”

Hailing from Goiania, Brazil and now fighting out of Atlanta, Gruziya, the 32-year-old Lima most recently handled Rory MacDonald in a rematch – a Welterweight World Grand Prix final matchup that saw Lima leave as a world champion with a one-million-dollar prize. Since making his promotional debut in 2011, “The Phenom” has earned 14 g'alabalar, including a trio of world titles and 10 finishes, making the American Top Team-product one of the most dominant fighters in the 170-pound division. Bilan 26 uning 32 career victories coming by way of knockout or submission, including consecutive dominant finishes over Andrey Koreshkov va Michael “Venom” Page” in the first two rounds of the World Grand Prix tournament, Lima has recently made it clear that he now has title aspirations at middleweight.

Re-live Douglas Lima’s most recent championship victory here

Born and raised in Honolulu, the inaugural Bellator flyweight champ Macfarlane made her pro debut in 2015 with a KO victory that went viral and has not looked back since, while remaining undefeated in her career. With impressive victories over Valeriy Letourneau va Veta Arteaga, Macfarlane was the focal point of Bellator’s debut in Hawaii last year and returned to Hawaii with a submission win over Kate Jekson bu o'tgan dekabr. A proud graduate of Honolulu’s Punahou High School in 2009, Macfarlane later attended San Diego State University, where she would go on to earn her Master’s degree in liberal arts and science with a focus on indigenous issues – a subject she remains passionate about, recently launching “The Ilimanator Scholarship” for indigenous girls.

Re-live Ilima-Lei’s most recent championship victory here

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About Bellator:

Bellator is a leading global mixed martial arts and kickboxing promotion featuring many of the best athletes in the world. Veteran kurash Promouter Scott cho'kadi rahbarligi ostida, Bellator events take place in major cities worldwide and can be seen on television in over 160 countries to an available audience of over one billion people. Qo'shma Shtatlarda, Bellator can be seen on both Paramount Network and DAZN, the world’s first truly dedicated LIVE sports streaming service. Bellator is comprised of an executive team that includes top industry professionals in television production, jonli hodisa orkestrasyon, qiruvchi rivojlanish / munosabatlari, makon xaridlari, homiylik yaratish / rivojlantirish, xalqaro litsenziyalash, marketing, reklama, reklama va komissiya munosabatlar. Bellator is based in Hollywood, Calif. and owned by entertainment giant ViacomCBS, televizor bo'ylab jabbor mazmun orqali tinglovchilar bilan ulanish dunyodagi birinchi ko'ngilochar brendlari uchun uy, kinofilmlarni, onlayn va mobil platformalar.


Los Angeles – Following the medical complications that were publicly disclosed by Rafael Lovato Jr. (10-0) late last month, the Bellator middleweight champion has decided to relinquish his 185-lb world title. The unbeaten Lovato Jr. defeated former champ Gegard Mousasi to win the title at Bellator 223 in London on June 22, 2019.

“My journey with my team and family to become the Bellator middleweight world champion was incredible and something I will cherish forever,” said Lovato Jr. “I dreamed of having a long reign as champion, but sometimes life has another plan. Bellator has been very supportive during this difficult process, a situation that has never really happened before in our sport. I know the division must move on while I am on the sidelines and I wish everyone great fights on their way to that belt. I will be working to come back if it is possible – and if not, life will continue to be amazing for me and I look forward to working with Bellator in another fashion.”

“This has been an incredibly challenging time for Lovato Jr., his team and his family at home,"Bellator Prezident Scott cho'kadi dedi. “He is a true warrior of the sport and I cannot say enough about him for making such a difficult decision. His health is the priority for us and we will continue to work with him on addressing the next steps in his career.”

Bellator will announce plans for the vacant middleweight title in the coming days.

Tashrif buyuring Bellator.com Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun.