標記檔案: MMA

iKON Fighting Federation RETURNS TO MEXICO

圖標 3 直播 & 獨家通過UFC戰鬥通行證®


LAS VEGAS (十一月 10, 2020) – Many of Mexico’s top mixed-martial-arts fighters will be in action Friday night, 十一月 20, 在圖標 3, streaming live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, 開始 11 P.M. AND / 8 P.M. PT, from Marinaterra Hotel Spa & Event Center in San Carlos, 索諾拉, 墨西哥。

要註冊UFC FIGHT PASS, 世界領先的格鬥運動的數字訂閱服務, 請訪問www.ufcfightpass.com 或下載UFC應用。

圖標 3 is presented by iKON Fighting Federation (in association with Roy Jones Jr. 拳擊) and De La O Promotions.

兩個高度評價的墨西哥輕量化, 別. 5 亞歷杭德羅·“埃爾帕托”·馬丁內斯 (11-4-0) 和No. 7 丹尼爾·“危險”維加(12-3-0), 標題圖標 3.  Martinez has won two fights in a row, while Vega has been victorious in five of his last six matches.

South America and Mexico’s top-rated flyweightLouis “Lazyboy” Rodriguez (11-2-0) 面孔Paul “El Tierno” Marquez Moreno (6-5-0) 在共同功能的事件.

A pair of Mexican lightweights with identical records (10-3-0), Marco “La Roca” Elpidio 和Oziel “El Terro” Rodriguez Lopez, throwdown in a Special Lightweight Attraction.

圖森 (THE) 超中量級Pete “Dead Game” Rodriguez (1-0-0, SFT: 1-0-0), who made his successful pro debut at圖標 2, in which he used a strong ground-and-pound attack to stop his opponent, 戰鬥Yasser “Pantera” Guzman Delacruz (0-1-0) 

Other fights on tap include Miami super lightweightElvin Espinosa (3-0-0) VS. TBA, female flyweight凱拉(K-Rock)豌豆 (1-2-0), fighting out of Coconut Creed, 佛羅里達, 與Jessica “Asthartea” Solis (0-1-0), and pro-debuting Mexican featherweightsLuis “Mano” Gerardo Carcia 和Francisco Montoya Barcena.    



Websites:   HTTP://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.com  

Facebook的: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

嘰嘰喳喳: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial

Instagram的: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

關於羅伊·瓊斯JR, 拳擊促銷: 合作公司成立於 2013 10次​​世界冠軍羅伊·瓊斯, JR. 和Keith Veltre, 羅伊·瓊斯, JR. (RJJ) 拳擊促銷是它的方式來重塑拳擊.  RJJ在短短幾年已經取得了拳擊界產生巨大影響.  為UFC Fight Pass創建令人振奮的內容, CBS體育, 開演時間, ESPN和貝因體育在一些全國最好的場地, RJJ已經證明了它征服了這項運動的甜蜜科學。

總部設在世界資本爭奪, 拉斯維加斯, NV, 羅伊·瓊斯JR. Boxing Promotions 是攀登到頂部在一個快節奏, 加入年輕人才不斷增長的穩定: NABF超級輕量級冠軍, WBC #15, WBA #14 和IBF #7 翡翠“颶風”Bornea (15-0, 10 科斯), 兩次世界冠軍挑戰賽WBO #11 最輕量級的“威武”阿斯頓·帕利克特 (26-4-1, 22 科斯), 前NABA次中量級冠軍Kendo'Tremendo” Castaneda (17-2, 8 科斯), 前臨時世界中量級冠軍挑戰者約翰·“飛鴻”維拉 (19-1 (1 KO), NABF, 白細胞FECARBOX & WBC美國. 次中量級冠軍, WBC #14 和聖地亞哥“薩莫爾”多明格斯 (22-0, 17 科斯), 不敗的中量級前景康納“孩子”科伊爾 (12-0, 5 科斯), 不敗的超級中量級球星胡安“ Just Business”巴拉哈斯 (11-0, 7 科斯), 和前WBC世界青年重量級人物亞歷山大·“偉大的”弗洛雷斯 (18-3-1, 16 科斯).  

關於UFC FIGHT PASS®UFC FIGHT PASS® 是世界領先的格鬥運動的數字訂閱服務. 由於發動 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS現在可用於 200 國家和地區. UFC FIGHT PASS為會員提供無限制的現場直播UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; 住來自世界各地的混合武術和格鬥運動; 原創系列和歷史編程; 特殊功能; 幕後的內容; 深入訪談; 和先進的的作戰體育世界最新報告. UFC FIGHT PASS用戶也有 24/7 訪問世界上最大的圖書館打, 設有超過 20,000 從幾十回合對抗的體育組織, 以及在UFC歷史上每場戰鬥. 戰鬥迷可以在個人計算機上訪問UFC FIGHT PASS, iOS和Android移動設備, 蘋果電視, Xbox One上, 亞馬遜消防電視, 的Chromecast, 年, 三星智能電視, LG智能電視, 和索尼電視與Android電視. 欲了解更多信息, 請訪問www.ufcfightpass.com

RJJ拳擊 & iKON Fighting Federation回到墨西哥參加背靠背活動

直播 & 獨家通過UFC戰鬥通行證®

十一月. 19 & 20 來自聖卡洛斯MARINATERRA HOTEL SPA

LAS VEGAS (十一月 2, 2020) –小羅伊·瓊斯(Roy Jones Jr.)(RJJ) 拳擊促銷和iKON搏擊聯盟 (圖標) 回到墨西哥進行背對背格鬥運動賽事, 十一月 19 一個 20, 在聖卡洛斯的Marinaterra Hotel Spa, 索諾拉, 墨西哥。

RJJ Boxjng和iKON MMA將通過UFC FIGHT PASS直播®, 全球領先的格鬥運動數字訂閱服務。申請UFC FIGHT PASS, 請訪問www.ufcfightpass.com 或下載UFC應用。

“過去幾個月來,我們非常喜歡與合作推廣人一起工作伊曼紐爾·羅莫(Emanuel Romo) (來自O促銷) 瑪麗娜泰拉溫泉酒店一直是熱情的主人。”基思Veltre, RJJ Boxing的CEO /聯合創始人。 “這次旅行的情況會有所不同, 雖然, 因為我們將拳擊和MMA分為兩個晚上的格鬥運動娛樂節目。 RJJ拳擊在不敗的胡安·巴拉哈斯和墨西哥淘汰賽藝術家布魯諾·桑多瓦爾之間進行了一場出色的超中量級冠軍爭奪戰。照常, 我們將在實際戰鬥中展示一些有前途的前景. iKON成長迅速, 我們的第三屆MMA活動有望成為我們迄今為止最好的活動。”

拳擊定於週四開始直播 (十一月. 19) 通過UFC FIGHT PASS直播, 開始 10 P.M. AND / 7 P.M. PT, 接下來的星期五 (十一月. 20) MMA動作, 開始 10 P.M. AND / 7 P.M. PT。

在10輪的主要事件, 胡安“ Just Business”巴拉哈斯(11-0, 7 科斯), 戰勝維克多維爾, 加利福尼亞州, 將他無懈可擊的職業記錄放在危險線上布魯諾“ Tiburon”桑多瓦爾 (21-4-1, 17 科斯) 空置世界拳擊理事會 (WBC) 拉丁裔中量級冠軍。

居住在危地馬拉的三個不敗的古巴前鋒–中量級Yoelvis“ La Joya” Gomez (2-0, 2 科斯), 重量級巨獸“野獸”布魯宗 (2-0, 2 “ KOs) 和超最輕量級艾麗爾·佩雷斯·德拉托雷 (3-0, 3 科斯) — 預計將進行6輪較量,待確定的對手。不敗的加州次中量級Raiden“真人快打” Jace Martinez (5-0, 5 科斯) 還預定與TBA進行4輪比賽。

兩個高度評價的墨西哥輕量化, 亞歷杭德羅·“埃爾帕托”·馬丁內斯 (11-4-0) 和丹尼爾·“危險”維加(12-3-0), 標題圖標 3.   

額外圖標 3 比賽即將宣布。



Websites:   HTTP://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.com  

Facebook的: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

嘰嘰喳喳: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial

Instagram的: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

關於羅伊·瓊斯JR, 拳擊促銷: 合作公司成立於 2013 10次​​世界冠軍羅伊·瓊斯, JR. 和Keith Veltre, 羅伊·瓊斯, JR. (RJJ) 拳擊促銷是它的方式來重塑拳擊.  RJJ在短短幾年已經取得了拳擊界產生巨大影響.  為UFC Fight Pass創建令人振奮的內容, CBS體育, 開演時間, ESPN和貝因體育在一些全國最好的場地, RJJ已經證明了它征服了這項運動的甜蜜科學。

總部設在世界資本爭奪, 拉斯維加斯, NV, 羅伊·瓊斯JR. Boxing Promotions 是攀登到頂部在一個快節奏, 加入年輕人才不斷增長的穩定: NABF超級輕量級冠軍, WBC #15, WBA #14 和IBF #7 翡翠“颶風”Bornea (15-0, 10 科斯), 兩次世界冠軍挑戰賽WBO #11 最輕量級的“威武”阿斯頓·帕利克特 (26-4-1, 22 科斯), 前NABA次中量級冠軍Kendo'Tremendo” Castaneda (17-2, 8 科斯), 前臨時世界中量級冠軍挑戰者約翰·“飛鴻”維拉 (19-1 (1 KO), NABF, 白細胞FECARBOX & WBC美國. 次中量級冠軍, WBC #14 和聖地亞哥“薩莫爾”多明格斯 (22-0, 17 科斯), 不敗的中量級前景康納“孩子”科伊爾 (12-0, 5 科斯), 不敗的超級中量級球星胡安“ Just Business”巴拉哈斯 (11-0, 7 科斯), 和前WBC世界青年重量級人物亞歷山大·“偉大的”弗洛雷斯 (18-2-1, 16 科斯).  

關於UFC FIGHT PASS®UFC FIGHT PASS® 是世界領先的格鬥運動的數字訂閱服務. 由於發動 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS現在可用於 200 國家和地區. UFC FIGHT PASS為會員提供無限制的現場直播UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; 住來自世界各地的混合武術和格鬥運動; 原創系列和歷史編程; 特殊功能; 幕後的內容; 深入訪談; 和先進的的作戰體育世界最新報告. UFC FIGHT PASS用戶也有 24/7 訪問世界上最大的圖書館打, 設有超過 20,000 從幾十回合對抗的體育組織, 以及在UFC歷史上每場戰鬥. 戰鬥迷可以在個人計算機上訪問UFC FIGHT PASS, iOS和Android移動設備, 蘋果電視, Xbox One上, 亞馬遜消防電視, 的Chromecast, 年, 三星智能電視, LG智能電視, 和索尼電視與Android電視. 欲了解更多信息, 請訪問www.ufcfightpass.com

官方格鬥之夜結果 & 照片BELLATOR 250: 穆薩西VS. 利馬


Bellator 250: 穆薩西 VS. 酸橙 主卡:
Gegard Mousasi (47-7-2) 打敗 道格拉斯·利馬 (32-8) 通過一致決定 (48-47, 49-46, 49-46)
亨利·科拉萊斯 (18-5) 打敗 布蘭登Girtz (16-10) 通過分裂的決定 (30-27, 27-30, 30-27)
道爾頓羅斯塔 (4-0) 打敗 你格洛德 (5-2) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

傑克·黑格 (3-0, 1 NC) 打敗 布蘭登·卡爾頓 (2-1) 通過分裂的決定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
早晨的主頁 (14-8) 打敗 鮑比·沃克 (33-14) 通過淘汰賽 (拳) 在 :20 第二輪的
約翰尼·埃布倫 (7-0) 打敗 泰勒·約翰遜 (6-2) 通過一致決定 (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)
亞當Borics (15-1) 打敗 埃里克·桑切斯 (9-6) 通過一致決定 (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)
科迪·羅 (1-0) 打敗 奧蘭多奧爾特加 (0-1) 通過提交 (D'Arce扼流圈) 在 2:41 圓一個


LOS ANGELES – On Thursday, 十二月 10, Bellator MMA presents a long-awaited world title bout featuring a clash of undefeated flyweights, 作為冠軍 Ilima雷·麥克法蘭 (11-0) defends her 125-pound championship belt against Brazil’s 朱莉安娜·貝拉斯克斯(Juliana Velasquez) (10-0) 在 Bellator 254. The event airs live on CBS Sports Network from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, 康涅狄格州.

CBS體育網 將播出 Bellator 254: 麥克法蘭VS. 貝拉斯克斯 在全美國直播. 市場, 而初步比賽將在 CBSports.com 和 Bellator MMA 的 YouTube 頻道上播放. 其他比賽將在稍後公佈.

Returning to the Bellator cage for the first time since a victory over 凱特·傑克遜 in her hometown of Honolulu last December, Macfarlane will look to continue her dominance over Bellator’s elite woman’s flyweight division as she defends her title against Julianna Velasquez on December 10. The inaugural Bellator flyweight champion, Macfarlane enters the contest with a perfect professional record of 11-0, including eight coming by way of stoppage. Adding to her impressive resume, “The Ilimanator” has the most victories amongst women in the Bellator cage (10) and has no plans of slowing down, as she seeks to add to her legacy inside the cage with her fifth successful title defense at Bellator 254.

With a professional record of 10-0, Rio de Janeiro’s Juliana Velasquez looks to remain perfect in her first chance at Bellator gold. The black belt judoka will attempt to become the second women’s flyweight champion in Bellator history when she looks to extend her promotional winning streak to six. With prior stoppage wins over Rebecca Ruth and Kristina Williams, Velasquez also defeated former 125-pound title challenger 亞歷杭德拉拉拉 en route to her upcoming title shot. Much like Macfarlane, the 34-year-old Team Nogueira-product will be competing for the first time in 2020, nearly a year removed from her Bellator 236 一致決定 大勝 艾倫·布朗.

更新 Bellator 254: 麥克法蘭VS. 貝拉斯克斯 主卡:

飛錘世界冠軍布特: Ilima雷·麥克法蘭 (11-0) VS. 朱莉安娜·貝拉斯克斯(Juliana Velasquez) (10-0)


請訪問 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.

SFT strawweight title fight headlines “SFT 22: The Return” Oct. 31 聖保羅, 巴西

SAO PAULO, 巴西 (十月 26, 2020) – Halloween Night in Sao Paulo will mark the return of live SFT MMA & Xtreme (Standout Fighting Tournament) mixed-martial-arts shows in Brazil, as “SFT 22: The Return,” features an all-female main card in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, 通過標題Andreia “Thai” Serafim (4-0-0, SFT: 2-0-0) versus fellow BrazilianPamela Mara Assis (4-2-1, 2-0-0) for the vacant SFT female strawweight title.

SFT 22: The Return will be aired live on network television in Brazil in English and Portuguese, as well as streamed live in the United States and worldwide on pay per view via the FITE app and website (www.FITE.tv), 開始 10:45 P.M. 美東時間 / 7:45 P.M. 太平洋標準時間, for only $14.99.

“In the main fight of the night,” “SFT presidentDavid Hudson 說, “the SFT strawweight title will be at stake. Undefeated in MMA with four victories, including two in SFT competition, Andreia ‘Thai’ Serafim will measure her strength against Pamela Mara Assis, 誰, like her opponent, comes is unbeaten in the SFT in two fights. The co-featured eventKarine ‘Killer’ Silva faces always toughSidy Rocha, former Pancrase bantamweight champion, who will be making her SFT.debut.”

An assistant “hodman,” (a laborer for a bricklayer or mason carrying bricks, mortar, and cement), Serafim will be challenged by Assis, who has won her last four fights in a row.

“I respect her (Serafim) consistent ground game and I believe our fight will be a classic ground game,” Assis commented, “but I’m not just going to fight in one MMA mode. I feel good and I’m ready in all areas. I will be prepared for whatever comes fight night.

“I always expect to bring my best. I’m always working hard to get good results and I want to realize my dream of winning this SFT belt, and proving I belong at the top of my weight class. We’re going into this fight in search of a big win and I’m working daily to give MMA fans a good fight.”

席爾瓦 (12-4-0, SFT: 1-0-0) and Rocha (12-7-2, SFT: 9-0-0) are well matched in a battle of Brazilian bantamweights, while strawweight Julia Polastri (7-2-0, SFT: 0-0-0) risks her 5-fight win streak againstJessica “So Na Manha” Evelyn Cunha (8-2-0, SFT: 0-0-0). 

Brazil vs. Argentina is always a fierce rivalry in any sport, especially MMA, and the renewal pits Brazilian strawweightBianca Sattelmayer versus her Argentinian opponentFlorencia Greco, in an SFT Xtreme match (SFT Xtreme allows striking, kicking and knees with 4-ounce gloves; clinching and fighting on the mat is prohibited).   

Brazilian bantamweightsThalita Diniz (2-1-0, SFT: 0-1-0) 和Claudia Leite (4-2-0, SFT: 2-1-0), and in a grappling matchIsabela “Belinha” de Padua (5-2-0, SFT: 4-0-0 MMA) 和Patricia Barbosa de Sousa MMA) will fight at a 128-pound catchweight. Padua is, who is now a UFC fighter, returns to SFT to grapple. She won all four of her SFT MMA fights and three weeks after her last SFT match, she signed with UFC.

“We’re really excited about this unique event,” Hudson concluded. “SFT’s return to Brazil is a special event because it’s for Breast Cancer Awareness. The main event has all the ingredients to be one of the best female fights in years. Our Xtreme fight showcases the ultimate rivalry in sports, Brazil versus Argentina.SFT 23promises to be a memorable evening of female combat sports action.”


網站: www.sftmma.com 

Facebook的: /SFT.MMA, /SFT.Xtreme, davidhudson.SFT

嘰嘰喳喳: @SFTMMA

Instagram的: @SFTMMA, @SFTEXTREME, @DavidHudson.SFT

你管: /SFTUSA, /SFTBrasil



更多, 達里昂·考德威爾在 11 月的半決賽中迎戰不敗的阿傑·麥基. 19

LOS ANGELES — Bellator 羽量級世界大獎賽將於週四恢復, 十一月. 12 兩場四分之一決賽的比賽將舉行, 作為冠軍 帕特里西奧“鬥犬” (30-14) 辯護,他對冠軍 佩德羅·卡瓦略 (11-3), 而 丹尼爾Weichel (40-11) 和 伊曼紐爾·桑切斯 (19-4) 在前冠軍爭奪者的戰鬥中脫穎而出. 另外, 第一場半決賽定於週四舉行, 十一月. 19, 當前冠軍持有者 Darrion考德威爾 (15-3) 不敗之地 阿傑麥基 (16-0) 在錦標賽決賽中佔有一席之地. 所有的動作都在現場直播 CBS體育網 在 7 P.M. ET / 4時三十分. 來自安卡斯維爾 Mohegan Sun Arena 的 PT, 康涅狄格州.

在主要事件 Bellator 252 11月. 12, 球迷們將看到一場輕量級的世界冠軍爭奪戰,兩分區的 Bellator 冠軍 Patricio “Pitbull” 與 SBG Ireland 的 Carvalho 捍衛他 145 磅的冠軍頭銜. 除了五輪冠軍頭條, 第二屆 Bellator 羽量級世界大獎賽四分之一決賽將落下帷幕, 維切爾和桑切斯的兩位前冠軍挑戰者在維切爾以微弱的分裂決定勝利後再次相遇 2016. 這兩場比賽的獲勝者有望在下一場半決賽中相遇.

Bellator 253 十一月的頭條新聞. 19 看到前最輕量級世界冠軍考德威爾在第一場半決賽中在支架的另一側與前景上升的麥基進行了正面交鋒. 獲勝者將在決賽中獲得保證的席位,並有機會獲得 Bellator 世界冠軍頭銜,並有機會帶回家一百萬美元.

所有三場羽量級世界大獎賽最初都定於推遲舉行 Bellator 241Bellator 244 COVID-19 大流行之前的事件有效地使為期一年的錦標賽暫停.

CBS體育網 將播出 Bellator 252: 比特犬VS. 卡瓦略 Bellator 253: 考德威爾VS. 麥基 在全美國直播. 市場在 7 P.M. ET / 4時三十分. PT, 而初步比賽將在 CBSports.com 和 Bellator MMA 的 YouTube 頻道上播放. 其他比賽將在稍後公佈.

從納塔爾海陵, 北大河, 巴西, 兩屆輕量級冠軍 Patricio “Pitbull” 將於 11 月第 23 次進入 Bellator 籠子創造促銷記錄. 12. 憑藉對邁克爾·錢德勒的令人印象深刻的勝利, 丹尼爾·斯特勞斯 (X3), 丹尼爾Weichel (2倍) 和 帕特·柯倫, 這位 33 歲的年輕人繼續參加羽量級世界大獎賽,距離他去年 5 月的輕量級冠軍勝利不遠了. 贏得了 21 他 30 贏得作為一個專業, 同時獲得兩級冠軍最近擊敗了現任最輕量級冠軍 胡安·阿丘利塔 在激動人心的首輪世界大獎賽比賽的記分卡上,當他最終將目光投向卡瓦略時,球迷們當然可以期待更多的煙花.

葡萄牙提交專家佩德羅卡瓦略將在他八年的職業生涯中第五次進入貝拉托籠, 尋找他的第七個連續勝利和他的第一個世界冠軍頭銜. 在他最後的九場胜利中 11 競賽, 包括對德里克 領域, 丹尼爾 克勞福德在首輪比賽中對山姆西西莉亞的臉曲柄提交, 擁有 25 年曆史的 SBG Ireland 產品正處於偉大的風口浪尖——贏得 Bellator Featherweight World Grand Prix 將是鞏固它的完美方式.

擁有超過 50 以他的名義進行職業比賽, 德國的丹尼爾威切爾準備好讓他的 2020 與桑切斯在備受期待的世界大獎賽四分之一決賽中首次亮相, 四年前,一名戰士 Weichel 在 Bellator 159. 在他的 Bellator 處子秀之後 2014, “Drake” has enjoyed an impressive promotional mark of 9-3, including pivotal victories over Sanchez, 帕特·柯倫, 格奧爾基Karakhanyan索爾·羅傑斯.

On the heels of yet another masterful performance that ended in a submission victory over Tywan克拉克斯頓 in the opening round of the World Grand Prix, “El Matador” is ready for another title run as he prepares for the 50-fight veteran and the man who beat him once before, 丹尼爾Weichel. Since joining forces with Bellator in 2014, the Milwaukee, Wisc.-resident has collected 11 victories over a 14-fight stint, including key wins over the likes of Claxton, 丹尼爾·斯特勞斯, Marcos Galvao and Georgi Karakhanyan (2X).

Having needed just one round to put away his last opponent via submission in the quarterfinals of the World Grand Prix, Darrion Caldwell is on a mission to regain Bellator gold. “The Wolf,” a former North Carolina State University NCAA National Champion wrestler, has looked unstoppable since moving up to the featherweight division, having defeated 亞當Borics, 以及 亨利·科拉萊斯 in the opening round of the tournament. 現在, the former bantamweight champ sits only two victories away from holding a title in his second division – a feat very few athletes can claim.

Touted by ESPN as the best fighter in MMA under the age of 25, 阿傑麥基 looks to back up the lofty expectations often held by the public for second generations-athletes. Undefeated in his career, “The Mercenary” has made himself known to the world through his flashy persona and trash talk, 但最重要的, his work inside the Bellator cage. With every one of his pro bouts taking place with Bellator, 長灘本地人可以實現他開始做的事情 Bellator 146 在 2015 再贏兩場就成為世界冠軍.

還宣布了 Bellator 252......是第三張主卡回合,以總是令人興奮的 亞倫微微 (6-3) 位於阿爾伯克基的 Jackson-Wink MMA 學院, N.M., 他第二次出現在 Bellator 的“FightSphere”中, 之前擊敗了 Solo Hatley Jr. 以令人印象深刻的方式在 Bellator 242. 他將接替匹茲堡的 約翰·德·耶穌 (13-8), 誰最近在 Bellator 244 對陣弗拉迪斯拉夫·帕魯琴科, 在什麼承諾爆炸性的輕量級比賽.

了解更多信息, 請訪問 Bellator.com.

更新 Bellator 252: 比特犬VS. 卡瓦略 戰卡:
7 P.M. AND

羽量級世界冠軍賽/FWGP 四分之一決賽: 帕特里西奧“鬥犬” 弗萊雷 (30-4) VS. 佩德羅·卡瓦略 (11-3)
羽量級世界大獎賽四分之一決賽: 丹尼爾Weichel (40-11) VS. 伊曼紐爾·桑切斯 (19-4)
羽主卡布特: 亞倫微微 (6-3) VS. 約翰·德·耶穌 (13-8)

更新 Bellator 253: 考德威爾VS. 麥基 戰卡:
7 P.M. AND

羽量級世界大獎賽半決賽: Darrion考德威爾 (15-3) VS. 阿傑麥基 (16-0)




洛杉磯 - Bellator MMA is back in primetime on Thursday, 十一月. 5 with a card headlined by an exciting battle featuring one of the promotion’s newest free agent acquisitions in 科里·安德森 (13-5), who will make his highly anticipated Bellator debut against Dutch combat sports legend 梅爾文Manhoef (32-14-1, 2 NC) in the stacked light heavyweight division. The action emanates from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, 康涅狄格州, where Bellator has held all its domestic shows since the promotion’s return to live events.

CBS體育網 將播出 Bellator 251: Manhoef VS. 安德森 在全美國直播. 市場, 而初步比賽將在 CBSports.com 和 Bellator MMA 的 YouTube 頻道上播放. 其他比賽將在稍後公佈.

Legendary Dutch fighter Melvin Manhoef is one of the most feared and violent striking specialists in all of combat sports. 同 29 他 32 career victories coming by way of knockout, “No Mercy” boasts one of the highest knockout percentage rates of any MMA fighter with at least 15 勝利. Manhoef has collected victories over iconic names in the sport, including Mark Hunt and Kazushi Sakuraba, throughout an illustrious career dating back to 1995, when he earned the first of many knockout victories at only 18 years of old. After stacking together two consecutive victories, including a TKO over 雅尼克財富 in his last outing, Manhoef looks to spoil the much-hyped Bellator debut of Anderson in the main event of Bellator 251.

Rockford, Illinois’ Corey Anderson joined Bellator’s light heavyweight division this past August after opting to depart the UFC. The winner of 終極戰士 季節 19 was ranked fourth in the UFC’s 205-pound division at the time of his departure, having defeated top opponents, including current champion Jan Blachowicz, Johnny Walker, Ilir Latifi and Glover Teixeira. Prior to honing his MMA under world-renowned BJJ ace Ricardo Almeida, the 31-year-old became a two-time NCAA All-American wrestler and earned his degree in business administration from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. “Overtime” will look to ascend to the top of a crowded Bellator light heavyweight class that includes champion 瓦迪姆Nemkov, 菲爾·戴維斯, 瑞安貝德, 町田龍太, 新人 克里斯蒂安·愛德華茲 and former LFA champ 亞歷克斯·波利齊(Alex Polizzi).

了解更多信息, 請訪問 www.Bellator.com.

更新 Bellator 251: Manhoef VS. 安德森 戰卡:

輕重量級的主要事件: 梅爾文Manhoef (32-14-1, 2 NC) VS. 科里·安德森 (13-5)


RJJ Boxing Promotions iKon fighting federation boxing/mma results from biloxi

BILOXI, 思念. (九月 25, 2020) – Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions (RJJ拳擊) and the debut of the newest mixed-martial-arts promotional company, iKON格鬥聯盟 (圖標), presented its inaugural hybrid professional boxing/MMA show last night at Biloxi Civic Center in Biloxi, 密西西比州。

Boxjng and MMA action was streamed live on UFC FIGHT PASS®, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. To sign up for UFC FIGHT PASS, 請訪問www.ufcfightpass.com 或下載UFC應用。

Boxing was co-promoted by RJJ Boxing and Rite Hook Promotions, pro MMA matches were co-promoted by iKON, in association with RJJ Boxing, and Empire Fighting Championship.

Five undefeated boxing prospects were showcased with each emerging victoriously. In the main event, undefeated Tampa welterweight prospectMark Reyes, JR. (13-0, 11 科斯) knocked out his Mexican opponentCarlos Mohamed Rodriguez (13-9-1, 5 科斯), in round four for his eighth straight fight that didn’t go the distant.

在共功能的事件, 羅伊·瓊斯, JR. 保護, Michael “Boy Wonder” Williams, JR. (13-0, 9 科斯), captured the vacant National Boxing Association (NBA) Continental Americas super lightweight title, 停車Thomas Miller (6-4, 3 科斯) midway through the second round with a vicious body shot.

Tennessee super lightweightTyler “Short Fuse” Tomlin (7-0, 5 科斯) need only half-a-round to knockout TexanGabriel Gutierrez (5-9, 3 科斯), New Orleans super lightweightJonathan Montrel (7-0, 5 科斯) erasedHenry Lee Crapp 在兩輪, and Dominican Republic lightweightEridson Garcia(9-0, 6 科斯) pitched a shutout against ArgentinianChristian “El Ninja” Guido(8-14, 6 科斯) for a 6-roiund unanimous decision.

In the iKON launch, veteran lightweightKhasan “Black Wolf” Ashkabov 提高到 21-2-0 with a second-round submission win in the main event againstCliff “The Goblin” Wright (12-14-0), by locking in a rear naked choke.

家鄉的喜愛Tyler “Zombie” Hill (10-5-0) suffered a first-round loss to Iowa middleweight Johnny Parsons (5-2-0), who stopped his opponent on punches.

Miami middleweightAllan St. Gelais (1-0-0) won his pro debut with a second-round stoppage ofRavon “Big Shot” Baxter (1-2-0), while North Carolina welterweightZachary Dalen (2-1-0) recorded an opening-round technical knockout ofR.J. Summerlin (1-2-0). 

Sedriques “The Reaper” Dumas won his pro debut in fashion, using a rear naked choke to submitClarence “Prodigy” Brown (1-8-0) in round one.

Florida lightweightChristian “Hollywood” Lohseñ (8-2-0) and Arizona featherweightA.J. 坎寧安 (6-1-0), 分別, 打敗Dennis “DJ” Hughes (2-2-0) 和Jewell “Kid Dynamite” Scott(3-4-0). 





Mark Reyes, JR. (13-0, 11 科斯), 坦帕, FL

WTKO4 (1:51) 

Carlos Mohamed Rodriguez (13-9-1, 5 科斯), La Paz, 下加利福尼亞州, 墨西哥


Michael Williams, JR. (13-0, 9 科斯), 費耶特維爾, NC

WKO2 (1:42) 

Thomas Miller (6-4, 3 科斯), Huntington, WV


Tyler Tomlin (7-0, 5 科斯), Ashland City, TN

WTKO1 (1:49) 

Gabriel Guttierrez (5-9, 3 科斯), 步驟, TX

Jonathan Montrel (8-0, 5 科斯), 新奧爾良, LA


Henry Lee Crapp


Eridson Garcia (9-0, 6 科斯), Santa Domingo, 多明尼加共和國

WDEC6 (60-54, 60-54, 60-54) 

Christian “El Ninja” Danilo Guido (8-14 (6 科斯), Tigre, 布宜諾斯艾利斯, 阿根廷



Khasan Askhabov (20-2-0), 邁阿密, FL

WSUB2 (rear naked choke – 2:24) 

Cliff Wright (12-13-0), Cedar Rapids, 他

共同特徵 - middleweights的

Johnny Parsons (4-2-0), 拉斯維加斯, NV

WTKO / KO1 (拳 - 2:35) 

Tyler Hill (7-2-0), 比洛克西, 女士


Allan St. Gelais (1-0-0), 邁阿密, FL

WKO / TKO2 (2:12) 

Ravon Baxter (1-2-0), 克拉克斯維爾, TN

Sedriques Dumas (0-0-0), Pensacola, FL

WSUB1 (rear naked choke – 2:53) 

Clarence Brown (1-7-0), 休斯頓, TX


Zachary Dalen (2-1-0), 費耶特維爾, NC

WTKO1 (4:42) 

R.J. Summerlin (1-2-0), Pensacola, FL


Christian Lohsen (8-2-0), Deland, FL


Dennis Hughes (2-2-0), 威金斯, 女士


A.J. 坎寧安, (6-1-0), Batesville, THE


Jewell Scott (3-4-0), 什里夫波特, LA


網站:   www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.com 

Facebook的: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

嘰嘰喳喳: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre

Instagram的: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre




洛杉磯 - Bellator MMA has today confirmed the full fight card forBellator 247: 戴利VS. 安德森, which takes place Thursday, 十月. 1 at Allianz Cloud in Milan, 意大利.

Bellator 247: 戴利VS. 安德森kicks off the new partnership between Bellator MMA and CBS Sports Network, which will air the event LIVE Thursday, 十月. 1 (4 P.M. AND) from Italy’s fashion capital. Beginning with this event, CBS Sports Network will televise Bellator MMA events, both domestic and international, 在全美國直播. 市場, 而初步比賽將在 CBSports.com 和 Bellator MMA 的 YouTube 頻道上播放.

In addition to the exciting welterweight main event between veteran保羅·戴利 (42-17-2) 和德里克·安德森 (16-3, 1 NC), three other main card bouts are now confirmed, with the additions ofNorbert Novenyi Jr. (5-0) 承擔Laid Zerhouni(7-5) 在中量級, a flyweight matchup between former title challenger凱特·傑克遜 (11-4-1) and current Bellator Kickboxing flyweight champion丹妮絲·基爾霍爾茨(Denise Kielholtz) (5-2), as well as a lightweight contest pittingIlias Bulaid (2-0) 針對 Ivan Naccari(親亮相) in an explosive opening bout.

對初步卡, 愛爾蘭BELLATOR 加入了幾場偉大的戰鬥 (12-7) will make his return to the Bellator cage following injury against Italy’sSimone D’anna(7-2) 在145磅. 還, four welterweight bouts are official, when undefeatedJustin Burlinson (5-0) faces fellow unbeaten foe鮑比·帕萊特(5-0), 劉易斯·朗 (17-6) meets former Bellator headlinerGianni Melillo(13-5), Walter Gahadza (18-5) returns against the undefeatedUros Jurisic(10-0) 和Kywan Gracie (1-0) continues his young MMA career against Moldova’sConstantin Gnusariev (3-0-1).

Originally slated to face Liz Carmouche prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, 輕量級曼迪·博姆(Mandy Bohm) (6-0, 1 NC) gets a new assignment and welcomesGriet Eeckhout(5-3-1) to the Bellator cage in the first of two women’s preliminary bouts atBellator 247: 戴利VS. Anderson.The second pits玉Jorand 針對Monika Tochlikovain an atomweight contest that will serve as both fighters’ professional debuts.

另外, two Bellator veterans welcome two new athletes to the Bellator cage, 什麼時候李查德威克 (25-15-1) goes to battle with London Shootfighters-productEderson Cristian Macedo(10-5) at light heavyweight and SBG Ireland’sBlaine O’Driscoll(8-3) tests his skills against France’sSalah Elkas(6-6) in a flyweight affair. 最後, a 160-pound contract weight bout has been booked, as undefeatedChris Duncan (6-0) 會見Iamik Furtado (6-3).

A proud Hungarian, Norbert Novenyi Jr. enters the Oct. 1 contest boasting a perfect professional mark of 5-0, including a trio of submissions and two first-round finishes. The middleweight will be making his fourth appearance for Bellator MMA, collecting decisive wins in each of the previous three contests. Another decisive finish atBellator 247 could place the London Shootfighters-product into the mix at the top of the 185-pound division. Hailing from Montpellier, 法國, Zerhouni will be making his first appearance of 2020 and first fight on a Bellator card, where he will be searching for his fourth win over his last five fights. With each of his five career victories coming by way of knockout or submission, including four in the opening round, the 24-year-old finisher will look for yet another early stoppage in the co-main event ofBellator 247.

戰鬥在外面阿姆斯特丹, 31-year-old Denise Kielholtz will be making her second MMA appearance of her 2020 campaign and seventh since joining Bellator MMA in 2017. 同 47 career kickboxing wins, including a Bellator Kickboxing women’s flyweight championship, the multi-dimensional Dutch Muay Thai fighter hopes to extend her current three-fight winning streak when she enters the cage in Milan. “Miss Dynamite” also enters the contest riding a successful streak that includes five victories in six contests, highlighted by a trio of first-round finishes. With victories in four of her past six contests and nine of her last 12, Kate Jackson comes into the bout riding one of the hottest streaks in the women’s flyweight division. Hailing from Cornwall, 英國, the former Bellator flyweight No. 1-contender will be looking to add to her six career knockouts, a total that includes five in the first round. The 34-year-old Jackson is hoping a win over Kielholtz puts her right back into the 125-pound world title conversation.

了解更多信息, 訪問Bellator.com.  

Bellator 247: 戴利VS. 安德森 戰卡:


4 P.M. AND

次中量級的主要事件: 保羅·戴利 (42-17-2) VS德里克·安德森(16-3, 1 NC)

Middleweight Co-Main EventNorbert Novenyi Jr. (5-0) 與Laid Zerhouni(7-5)

輕量級功能回合: 凱特·傑克遜 (11-4-1) 與丹妮絲·基爾霍爾茨(Denise Kielholtz)(5-2)

輕量級功能回合: Ilias Bulaid(2-0) 與Ivan Naccari(親亮相)


CBSSports.com | Bellator MMA的YouTube頻道

12:15 P.M. AND

羽量級布特: BELLATOR 加入了幾場偉大的戰鬥 (12-7) 與Simone D’anna(7-2)
次中量級回合: Justin Burlinson(5-0) 與鮑比·帕萊特(5-0)
次中量級回合: 劉易斯·朗(17-6) 與Gianni Melillo(13-5)
飛錘布特: 曼迪·博姆(Mandy Bohm)(6-0, 1 NC) 與Griet Eeckhout(5-3-1)

160-pound Contract Weight BoutChris Duncan(6-0) 與Iamik Furtado (6-3)
次中量級回合: Walter Gahadza(18-5) 與Uros Jurisic(10-0)
次中量級回合: Kywan Gracie(1-0) VS. Constantin Gnusariev(3-0-1)
輕重量級回合: 李查德威克(25-15-1) 與Ederson Cristian Macedo(10-5)
飛錘布特: Blaine O’Driscoll(8-3) 與Salah Elkas(6-6)
Atomweight Bout玉Jorand (親亮相) 與Monika Tochlikova(親亮相)





Bellator 246: Archuleta vs. 混合 主卡:
胡安·阿丘利塔 (25-2) 打敗 補丁混合 (13-1) 通過一致決定 (49-46, 48-47, 48-47)
奈曼格雷西 (10-1) 打敗 喬恩惠譽 (32-8-2, 1 NC) 通過提交 (腳後跟鉤) 在 4:47 第二輪的
麗茲·卡莫奇(Liz carmouche) (14-7) 打敗 迪安娜·班尼特(DeAnna Bennett) (10-7-1) 通過提交 (後方裸體扼流圈) 在 3:17 第三輪
Keoni迪格斯 (9-0) 打敗 德里克場 (20-11) 通過技術提交 (後方裸體扼流圈) 在 4:59 第三輪

丹尼爾·馬德里 (18-6) 打敗 帕特·凱西 (6-3) 通過分裂的決定 (29-28, 28-29, 30-27)
你格洛德 (5-1) 打敗 圖科·托科斯(Tuco Tokkos) (4-2) 通過在將軍澳 1:05 第三輪
戴維·富蘭克林 (2-0) 打敗 拉斯希爾頓 (6-5) 通過技術決定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

請訪問 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.