Tag Archives: MMA

iKON Fighting Federation RETURNS TO MEXICO



LAS VEGAS (Listopad 10, 2020) – Many of Mexico’s top mixed-martial-arts fighters will be in action Friday night, Listopad 20th, wIkona 3, streaming live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, zaczynając od 11 p.m. I / 8 p.m. PT, from Marinaterra Hotel Spa & Centrum wydarzeń w San Carlos, Sonora, Meksyk.

Aby zapisać się do UFC FIGHT PASS, wiodąca na świecie cyfrowa usługa subskrypcji sportów walki, odwiedźwww.ufcfightpass.com lub pobierz aplikację UFC.

Ikona 3 is presented by iKON Fighting Federation (in association with Roy Jones Jr. Boks) and De La O Promotions.

Dwie wysoko oceniane meksykańskie wagi lekkie, Nie. 5 Alejandro „El Pato” Martinez (11-4-0) oraz nr. 7 Daniel „Danger” Vega(12-3-0), nagłówekIkona 3.  Martinez has won two fights in a row, while Vega has been victorious in five of his last six matches.

South America and Mexico’s top-rated flyweightLouis “Lazyboy” Rodriguez (11-2-0) twarzePaul “El Tierno” Marquez Moreno (6-5-0) we wspólnym wydarzeniu.

A pair of Mexican lightweights with identical records (10-3-0), Marco “La Roca” Elpidio iOziel “El Terro” Rodriguez Lopez, throwdown in a Special Lightweight Attraction.

Tucson (AZ) Super półśredniejPete „Martwy mecz” Rodriguez (1-0-0, SFT: 1-0-0), who made his successful pro debut atIkona 2, in which he used a strong ground-and-pound attack to stop his opponent, bitwyYasser “Pantera” Guzman Delacruz (0-1-0) 

Other fights on tap include Miami super lightweightElvin Espinosa (3-0-0) vs. TBA, female flyweightKayla „K-Rock” Pea (1-2-0), fighting out of Coconut Creed, Floryda, vs.Jessica “Asthartea” Solis (0-1-0), and pro-debuting Mexican featherweightsLuis “Mano” Gerardo Carcia iFrancisco Montoya Barcena.    

Karta może ulec zmianie.


Strony internetowe:   http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.com  

Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

Świergot: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial

Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

O ROY JONES JR, PROMOCJE BOKSERSKIE: Współzałożyciel w 2013 przez 10-krotnego mistrza świata Roya Jonesa, Jr. i Keith Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions jest na dobrej drodze, aby na nowo odkryć boks.  RJJ już w ciągu kilku krótkich lat wywarł ogromny wpływ na społeczność bokserską.  Tworzenie ekscytującej zawartości do UFC Fight Pass, CBS Sports, Showtime, ESPN i beIN Sports w jednych z najlepszych miejsc w całym kraju, RJJ udowodnił, że podbija słodką naukę tego sportu.

Z siedzibą w stolicy walki świata, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr.. Promocje bokserskie wspina się na szczyt w szybkim tempie, dodanie młodych talentów do jej rosnącej stabilizacji: Mistrz wagi super muszej NABF, WBC #15, WBA #14 i IBF #7 Jade „Hurricane” Bornea (15-0, 10 KO), dwukrotny pretendent do tytułu mistrza świata WBO #11 koguciej „Mighty” Aston Palicte (26-4-1, 22 KO), były mistrz wagi półśredniej NABA Kendo „Tremendo” Castaneda (17-2, 8 KO), były pretendent do tytułu Interim World wagi średniej John „The Phenom” Vera (19-1 (1 KO), NABF, WBC FECARBOX & WBC U.S. mistrz wagi półśredniej, WBC #14 i Santiago „Somer” Dominguez (22-0, 17 KO), niepokonany zawodnik wagi średniej Connor „Kid” Coyle (12-0, 5 KO), niepokonany zawodnik wagi super średniej, Juan „Just Business” Barajas (11-0, 7 KO), oraz były WBC World Youth wagi ciężkiej Alexander „The Great” Flores (18-3-1, 16 KO).  

INFORMACJE O PRZEJŚCIU WALKI UFC®UFC Fight PASS® to wiodąca na świecie cyfrowa usługa subskrypcji sportów walki. Od momentu uruchomienia w 2013, Karnet UFC FIGHT PASS jest teraz dostępny w ponad 200 kraje i terytoria. UFC FIGHT PASS zapewnia swoim członkom nieograniczony dostęp do preliminarzy UFC FIGHT PASS na żywo; na żywo mieszane sztuki walki i sporty walki z całego świata; oryginalne serie i programy historyczne; cechy szczególne; treści zza kulis; wywiady pogłębione; oraz najświeższe relacje ze świata sportów walki. Posiadają również abonenci UFC FIGHT PASS 24/7 Dostęp do największej na świecie biblioteki walki, zawiera więcej niż 20,000 walki z dziesiątek bojowych organizacji sportowych, a także każdą walkę w historii UFC. Fani walk mogą uzyskać dostęp do UFC FIGHT PASS na komputerach osobistych, Urządzenia mobilne z systemem iOS i Android, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Roku, Telewizory Samsung Smart, Telewizory LG Smart, i telewizory Sony z Android TV. Więcej informacji, odwiedźwww.ufcfightpass.com

RJJ Boxing & iKON Fighting Federation Powróć do Meksyku, aby wziąć udział w kolejnych wydarzeniach



LAS VEGAS (Listopad 2, 2020) - Roy Jones Jr.(RJJ) Promocje boksu i Federacja Walcząca iKON (Ikona) powrót do Meksyku na wspólne wydarzenia sportów walki, Listopad 19th an 20th, w Marinaterra Hotel Spa w San Carlos, Sonora, Meksyk.

RJJ Boxjng i iKON MMA będą transmitowane na żywo w UFC FIGHT PASS®, wiodąca na świecie cyfrowa usługa subskrypcji sportów walki. Aby zapisać się do UFC FIGHT PASS, odwiedźwww.ufcfightpass.com lub pobierz aplikację UFC.

„Naprawdę podobała nam się praca przez ostatnie kilka miesięcy ze współorganizatoremEmanuel Romo (Z promocji O.) a Marinaterra Hotel and Spa był łaskawym gospodarzem ”- powiedziałKeith Veltre, CEO / współzałożyciel RJJ Boxing. „Podczas tej podróży będzie trochę inaczej, chociaż, ponieważ rozdzieliliśmy boks i MMA na dwie noce rozrywkowe związane ze sportami walki. RJJ Boxing to świetna walka o tytuł w wadze super średniej pomiędzy niepokonanym Juanem Barajasem a meksykańskim nokautem Bruno Sandovalem. Jak zwykle, pokażemy obiecujące perspektywy w prawdziwych walkach. iKON szybko się rozwija, a nasze trzecie wydarzenie MMA zapowiada się jak dotąd najlepiej ”.

Boks ma rozpocząć się w czwartek (Listopada. 19) na żywo w UFC FIGHT PASS, zaczynając od 10 p.m. I / 7 p.m. PT, nastąpił w piątek (Listopada. 20) z akcją MMA, rozpoczęcie 10 p.m. I / 7 p.m. PT.

W turnieju głównego w 10 rundzie, Juan „Just Business” Barajas(11-0, 7 KO), walcząc z Victorville, Kalifornia, stawia swój nieskazitelny rekord zawodowy na szali przeciwko niebezpiecznymBruno „Tiburon” Sandoval (21-4-1, 17 KO) na wolne stanowisko World Boxing Council (WBC) Mistrzostwa Latynosów w wadze super średniej.

Trzej niepokonani Kubańczycy mieszkający w Gwatemali - waga średniaYoelvis „La Joya” Gomez (2-0, 2 KO), wagi ciężkiejGeovany „The Beast” Bruzon (2-0, 2 „KOs) i super koguciejAriel Perez De La Torre (3-0, 3 KO) — są zaplanowane na 6-rundowe walki z przeciwnikami do ustalenia. Niepokonana kalifornijska waga półśredniaRaiden „Mortal Kombat” Jace Martinez (5-0, 5 KO) ma również walczyć w 4 rundach przeciwko TBA.

Dwie wysoko oceniane meksykańskie wagi lekkie, Alejandro „El Pato” Martinez (11-4-0) iDaniel „Danger” Vega(12-3-0), nagłówekIkona 3.   

DodatkowyIkona 3 mecze zostaną wkrótce ogłoszone.

Karty mogą ulec zmianie.


Strony internetowe:   http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.com  

Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

Świergot: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial

Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

O ROY JONES JR, PROMOCJE BOKSERSKIE: Współzałożyciel w 2013 przez 10-krotnego mistrza świata Roya Jonesa, Jr. i Keith Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions jest na dobrej drodze, aby na nowo odkryć boks.  RJJ już w ciągu kilku krótkich lat wywarł ogromny wpływ na społeczność bokserską.  Tworzenie ekscytującej zawartości do UFC Fight Pass, CBS Sports, Showtime, ESPN i beIN Sports w jednych z najlepszych miejsc w całym kraju, RJJ udowodnił, że podbija słodką naukę tego sportu.

Z siedzibą w stolicy walki świata, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr.. Promocje bokserskie wspina się na szczyt w szybkim tempie, dodanie młodych talentów do jej rosnącej stabilizacji: Mistrz wagi super muszej NABF, WBC #15, WBA #14 i IBF #7 Jade „Hurricane” Bornea (15-0, 10 KO), dwukrotny pretendent do tytułu mistrza świata WBO #11 koguciej „Mighty” Aston Palicte (26-4-1, 22 KO), były mistrz wagi półśredniej NABA Kendo „Tremendo” Castaneda (17-2, 8 KO), były pretendent do tytułu Interim World wagi średniej John „The Phenom” Vera (19-1 (1 KO), NABF, WBC FECARBOX & WBC U.S. mistrz wagi półśredniej, WBC #14 i Santiago „Somer” Dominguez (22-0, 17 KO), niepokonany zawodnik wagi średniej Connor „Kid” Coyle (12-0, 5 KO), niepokonany zawodnik wagi super średniej, Juan „Just Business” Barajas (11-0, 7 KO), oraz były WBC World Youth wagi ciężkiej Alexander „The Great” Flores (18-2-1, 16 KO).  

INFORMACJE O PRZEJŚCIU WALKI UFC®UFC Fight PASS® to wiodąca na świecie cyfrowa usługa subskrypcji sportów walki. Od momentu uruchomienia w 2013, Karnet UFC FIGHT PASS jest teraz dostępny w ponad 200 kraje i terytoria. UFC FIGHT PASS zapewnia swoim członkom nieograniczony dostęp do preliminarzy UFC FIGHT PASS na żywo; na żywo mieszane sztuki walki i sporty walki z całego świata; oryginalne serie i programy historyczne; cechy szczególne; treści zza kulis; wywiady pogłębione; oraz najświeższe relacje ze świata sportów walki. Posiadają również abonenci UFC FIGHT PASS 24/7 Dostęp do największej na świecie biblioteki walki, zawiera więcej niż 20,000 walki z dziesiątek bojowych organizacji sportowych, a także każdą walkę w historii UFC. Fani walk mogą uzyskać dostęp do UFC FIGHT PASS na komputerach osobistych, Urządzenia mobilne z systemem iOS i Android, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Roku, Telewizory Samsung Smart, Telewizory LG Smart, i telewizory Sony z Android TV. Więcej informacji, odwiedźwww.ufcfightpass.com



Bellator 250: Mousasi vs. Wapno Karta główna:
Gegard Mousasi (47-7-2) pokonany Douglas Lima (32-8) przez jednogłośną decyzję (48-47, 49-46, 49-46)
Henry Corrales (18-5) pokonany Brandon Girtz (16-10) poprzez podziału decyzji (30-27, 27-30, 30-27)
Dalton Rosta (4-0) pokonany Ty Gwerder (5-2) przez jednogłośną decyzję (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Karta wstępna:
Jake Hager (3-0, 1 NC) pokonany Brandon Calton (2-1) poprzez podziału decyzji (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
Sabah Homasi (14-8) pokonany Bobby Voelker (33-14) przez TKO (stemple) w :20 z drugiej rundzie
Johnny Eblen (7-0) pokonany Taylor Johnson (6-2) przez jednogłośną decyzję (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)
Adam Borics (15-1) pokonany Erick Sanchez (9-6) przez jednogłośną decyzję (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)
Cody Law (1-0) pokonany Orlando Ortega (0-1) przez poddanie (D’Arce Choke) w 2:41 w pierwszej rundzie


LOS ANGELES – On Thursday, Grudzień 10, Bellator MMA presents a long-awaited world title bout featuring a clash of undefeated flyweights, as champ Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (11-0) defends her 125-pound championship belt against Brazil’s Juliana Velasquez (10-0) w Bellator 254. The event airs live on CBS Sports Network from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn.

CBS Sports Network zostanie wyemitowany Bellator 254: Macfarlane vs. Velasquez LIVE in all U.S. Rynki, while preliminary matchups will stream on CBSSports.com and Bellator MMA’s YouTube channel. Additional bouts will be announced at a later date.

Returning to the Bellator cage for the first time since a victory over Kate Jackson in her hometown of Honolulu last December, Macfarlane will look to continue her dominance over Bellator’s elite woman’s flyweight division as she defends her title against Julianna Velasquez on December 10. The inaugural Bellator flyweight champion, Macfarlane enters the contest with a perfect professional record of 11-0, including eight coming by way of stoppage. Adding to her impressive resume, “The Ilimanator” has the most victories amongst women in the Bellator cage (10) and has no plans of slowing down, as she seeks to add to her legacy inside the cage with her fifth successful title defense at Bellator 254.

With a professional record of 10-0, Rio de Janeiro’s Juliana Velasquez looks to remain perfect in her first chance at Bellator gold. The black belt judoka will attempt to become the second women’s flyweight champion in Bellator history when she looks to extend her promotional winning streak to six. With prior stoppage wins over Rebecca Ruth and Kristina Williams, Velasquez also defeated former 125-pound title challenger Alejandra Lara en route to her upcoming title shot. Much like Macfarlane, the 34-year-old Team Nogueira-product will be competing for the first time in 2020, nearly a year removed from her Bellator 236 jednomyślna decyzja Zwycięstwo nad Brązowa Ellen.

Zaktualizowano Bellator 254: Macfarlane vs. Velasquez Karta główna:
CBS Sports Network | DAZN

Walka o tytuł mistrza świata w wadze muszej: Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (11-0) vs. Juliana Velasquez (10-0)

*Karta może ulec zmianie.

Zapraszamy do odwiedzenia Bellator.com o dodatkowe informacje.

SFT strawweight title fight headlines “SFT 22: The Return” Oct. 31 W Sao Paulo, Brazylia

SAO PAULO, Brazylia (Październik 26, 2020) – Halloween Night in Sao Paulo will mark the return of live SFT MMA & Xtreme (Wyjątkowy turniej walki) mixed-martial-arts shows in Brazil, as “SFT 22: The Return,” features an all-female main card in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, zatytułowała przezAndreia “Thai” Serafim (4-0-0, SFT: 2-0-0) versus fellow BrazilianPamela Mara Assis (4-2-1, 2-0-0) for the vacant SFT female strawweight title.

SFT 22: The Return will be aired live on network television in Brazil in English and Portuguese, as well as streamed live in the United States and worldwide on pay per view via the FITE app and website (www.FITE.tv), zaczynając od 10:45 p.m. EST / 7:45 p.m. PST, for only $14.99.

“In the main fight of the night,” “SFT presidentDavid Hudson powiedział:, “the SFT strawweight title will be at stake. Undefeated in MMA with four victories, including two in SFT competition, Andreia ‘Thai’ Serafim will measure her strength against Pamela Mara Assis, kto, like her opponent, comes is unbeaten in the SFT in two fights. The co-featured eventKarine ‘Killer’ Silva faces always toughSidy Rocha, former Pancrase bantamweight champion, who will be making her SFT.debut.”

An assistant “hodman," (a laborer for a bricklayer or mason carrying bricks, mortar, and cement), Serafim will be challenged by Assis, who has won her last four fights in a row.

“I respect her (Serafim) consistent ground game and I believe our fight will be a classic ground game,” Assis commented, “but I’m not just going to fight in one MMA mode. I feel good and I’m ready in all areas. I will be prepared for whatever comes fight night.

“I always expect to bring my best. I’m always working hard to get good results and I want to realize my dream of winning this SFT belt, and proving I belong at the top of my weight class. We’re going into this fight in search of a big win and I’m working daily to give MMA fans a good fight.”

Silva (12-4-0, SFT: 1-0-0) and Rocha (12-7-2, SFT: 9-0-0) are well matched in a battle of Brazilian bantamweights, while strawweight Julia Polastri (7-2-0, SFT: 0-0-0) risks her 5-fight win streak againstJessica “So Na Manha” Evelyn Cunha (8-2-0, SFT: 0-0-0). 

Brazil vs. Argentina is always a fierce rivalry in any sport, especially MMA, and the renewal pits Brazilian strawweightBianca Sattelmayer versus her Argentinian opponentFlorencia Greco, in an SFT Xtreme match (SFT Xtreme allows striking, kicking and knees with 4-ounce gloves; clinching and fighting on the mat is prohibited).   

Brazilian bantamweightsThalita Diniz (2-1-0, SFT: 0-1-0) iClaudia Leite (4-2-0, SFT: 2-1-0), and in a grappling matchIsabela “Belinha” de Padua (5-2-0, SFT: 4-0-0 MMA) iPatricia Barbosa de Sousa MMA) will fight at a 128-pound catchweight. Padua is, who is now a UFC fighter, returns to SFT to grapple. She won all four of her SFT MMA fights and three weeks after her last SFT match, she signed with UFC.

“We’re really excited about this unique event,” Hudson concluded. “SFT’s return to Brazil is a special event because it’s for Breast Cancer Awareness. The main event has all the ingredients to be one of the best female fights in years. Our Xtreme fight showcases the ultimate rivalry in sports, Brazil versus Argentina.SFT 23promises to be a memorable evening of female combat sports action.”


Strona WWW: www.sftmma.com 

Facebook: /SFT.MMA, /SFT.Xtreme, davidhudson.SFT

Świergot: @SFTMMA

Instagram: @SFTMMA, @SFTEXTREME, @ DavidHudson.SFT

Youtube: /SFTUSA, /SFTBrasil




LOS ANGELES The Bellator Featherweight World Grand Prix resumes Thursday, Listopada. 12 with two quarterfinal matchups set to take place, as champ Patrick „Pitbull” (30-14) broni swojego tytułu przed Pedro Carvalho (11-3), podczas Daniel Weichel (40-11) i Emmanuel Sanchez (19-4) square off in a battle of former title contenders. Dodatkowo, the first semifinal bout is set for Thursday, Listopada. 19, when former titleholder Darrion Caldwell (15-3) do kwadratu z niepokonanym AJ McKee (16-0) for a spot in the tournament finals. All the action airs LIVE on CBS Sports Network w 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn.

W main evencie Bellator 252 lis. 12, fans will see a featherweight world title bout with two-division Bellator champion Patricio “Pitbull” defending his 145-pound crown against SBG Ireland’s Carvalho. In addition to the five-round championship headliner, a second Bellator Featherweight World Grand Prix quarterfinal will go down, as two former title challengers in Weichel and Sanchez meet again following a razor-thin split decision-victory for Weichel in 2016. The winners of these two bouts can expect to see each other in the next semifinal matchup.

The Bellator 253 headliner on Nov. 19 sees former bantamweight world champion Caldwell go toe-to-toe with rising prospect McKee on the other side of the bracket in the first semifinal. The winner earns a guaranteed spot in the finals and a shot at the Bellator world title and a chance to take home one million dollars.

All three Featherweight World Grand Prix bouts were initially slated to take place at the postponed Bellator 241 i Bellator 244 events prior to the COVID-19 pandemic effectively putting the yearlong tournament on hiatus.

CBS Sports Network zostanie wyemitowany Bellator 252: Pitbull vs. Carvalho i Bellator 253: Caldwell vs. McKee LIVE in all U.S. markets at 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT, while preliminary matchups will stream on CBSSports.com and Bellator MMA’s YouTube channel. Additional bouts will be announced at a later date.

Pochodzący z Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazylia, two-time featherweight champ Patricio “Pitbull” will enter the Bellator cage for a promotional record 23rd time on Nov. 12. With impressive wins to his credit over Michael Chandler, Daniel Straus (x3), Daniel Weichel (x2) i Pat Curran, the 33-year old continues on in the Featherweight World Grand Prix not far removed from his lightweight championship victory in May of last year. Having earned a finish in 21 z jego 30 wygrywa jako profesjonalista, the simultaneous two-division champion most recently bested current bantamweight champion Juan Archuleta on the scorecards in an exciting opening round World Grand Prix matchup and fans can certainly expect more fireworks when he finally sets his sights on Carvalho.

Portuguese submission specialist Pedro Carvalho will be entering the Bellator cage for just the fifth time in his eight-year professional career, looking for his seventh consecutive victory and his first world title victory. With victories in nine of his last 11 konkursy, including against Derek Campos, Daniel Crawfordand a face crank-submission over Sam Sicilia in the opening round, the 25-year-old SBG Ireland-product is on the cusp of greatness – and winning the Bellator Featherweight World Grand Prix would be the perfect way to solidify it.

Z ponad 50 professional fights to his name, Germany’s Daniel Weichel is ready to make his 2020 debut in a highly anticipated World Grand Prix quarterfinal bout with Sanchez, a fighter Weichel got the better of four years ago at Bellator 159. Following his Bellator debut in 2014, “Drake” has enjoyed an impressive promotional mark of 9-3, including pivotal victories over Sanchez, Pat Curran, Georgi Karakhanyan i Saul Rogers.

On the heels of yet another masterful performance that ended in a submission victory over Tywan Claxton in the opening round of the World Grand Prix, “El Matador” is ready for another title run as he prepares for the 50-fight veteran and the man who beat him once before, Daniel Weichel. Since joining forces with Bellator in 2014, the Milwaukee, Wisc.-resident has collected 11 victories over a 14-fight stint, including key wins over the likes of Claxton, Daniel Straus, Marcos Galvao and Georgi Karakhanyan (2x).

Having needed just one round to put away his last opponent via submission in the quarterfinals of the World Grand Prix, Darrion Caldwell is on a mission to regain Bellator gold. “The Wolf,” a former North Carolina State University NCAA National Champion wrestler, has looked unstoppable since moving up to the featherweight division, having defeated Adam Borics, oraz Henry Corrales in the opening round of the tournament. Teraz, the former bantamweight champ sits only two victories away from holding a title in his second division – a feat very few athletes can claim.

Touted by ESPN as the best fighter in MMA under the age of 25, AJ McKee looks to back up the lofty expectations often held by the public for second generations-athletes. Undefeated in his career, “The Mercenary” has made himself known to the world through his flashy persona and trash talk, ale najważniejsze, his work inside the Bellator cage. With every one of his pro bouts taking place with Bellator, the Long Beach-native can achieve what he set out to do beginning at Bellator 146 w 2015 and become world champion with just two more wins.

Zapowiedziano również dla Bellator 252…is a third main card bout featuring the always-exciting Aaron Pico (6-3) of Jackson-Wink MMA Academy in Albuquerque, N.M., who returns for his second appearance inside Bellator’s “FightSphere, having previously defeated Solo Hatley Jr. in impressive fashion at Bellator 242. He will take on Pittsburgh’s John de Jesus (13-8), who was most recently victorious at Bellator 244 against Vladyslav Parubchenko, in what promises to an explosive featherweight contest.

For further information, odwiedź Bellator.com.

Zaktualizowano Bellator 252: Pitbull vs. Carvalho Karta walki:
CBS Sports Network | DAZN
7 p.m. I

Featherweight World Title Bout/FWGP Quarterfinal: Patrick „Pitbull” Freire (30-4) vs. Pedro Carvalho (11-3)
Featherweight World Grand Prix Quarterfinal: Daniel Weichel (40-11) vs. Emmanuel Sanchez (19-4)
Walka o kartę główną piórkowej: Aaron Pico (6-3) vs. John de Jesus (13-8)

Zaktualizowano Bellator 253: Caldwell vs. McKee Karta walki:
CBS Sports Network | DAZN
7 p.m. I

Featherweight World Grand Prix Semifinal: Darrion Caldwell (15-3) vs. AJ McKee (16-0)

*Karta może ulec zmianie.



ANIOŁY - Bellator MMA is back in primetime on Thursday, Listopada. 5 with a card headlined by an exciting battle featuring one of the promotion’s newest free agent acquisitions in Corey Anderson (13-5), who will make his highly anticipated Bellator debut against Dutch combat sports legend Melvin Manhoef (32-14-1, 2 NC) in the stacked light heavyweight division. The action emanates from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn., where Bellator has held all its domestic shows since the promotion’s return to live events.

CBS Sports Network zostanie wyemitowany Bellator 251: Manhoef vs. Anderson LIVE in all U.S. Rynki, while preliminary matchups will stream on CBSSports.com and Bellator MMA’s YouTube channel. Additional bouts will be announced at a later date.

Legendary Dutch fighter Melvin Manhoef is one of the most feared and violent striking specialists in all of combat sports. Z 29 z jego 32 career victories coming by way of knockout, “No Mercy” boasts one of the highest knockout percentage rates of any MMA fighter with at least 15 zwycięstwa. Manhoef has collected victories over iconic names in the sport, including Mark Hunt and Kazushi Sakuraba, throughout an illustrious career dating back to 1995, when he earned the first of many knockout victories at only 18 years of old. After stacking together two consecutive victories, including a TKO over Yannick Bahati in his last outing, Manhoef looks to spoil the much-hyped Bellator debut of Anderson in the main event of Bellator 251.

Rockford, Illinois’ Corey Anderson joined Bellator’s light heavyweight division this past August after opting to depart the UFC. The winner of TUF sezon 19 was ranked fourth in the UFC’s 205-pound division at the time of his departure, having defeated top opponents, including current champion Jan Blachowicz, Johnny Walker, Ilir Latifi and Glover Teixeira. Prior to honing his MMA under world-renowned BJJ ace Ricardo Almeida, the 31-year-old became a two-time NCAA All-American wrestler and earned his degree in business administration from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. “Overtime” will look to ascend to the top of a crowded Bellator light heavyweight class that includes champion Vadim Nemkov, Phil Davis, Ryan Bader, Lyoto Machida, przybysz Christian Edwards and former LFA champ Alex Polizzi.

For further information, odwiedź www.Bellator.com.

Zaktualizowano Bellator 251: Manhoef vs. Anderson Karta walki:
CBS Sports Network

Main Event wagi półciężkiej: Melvin Manhoef (32-14-1, 2 NC) vs. Corey Anderson (13-5)

*Karta może ulec zmianie.

RJJ Boxing Promotions iKon fighting federation boxing/mma results from biloxi

BILOXI, Tęsknić. (Wrzesień 25, 2020) – Roy Jones Jr. Promocje bokserskie (RJJ Boxing) and the debut of the newest mixed-martial-arts promotional company, Federacja Walcząca iKON (Ikona), presented its inaugural hybrid professional boxing/MMA show last night at Biloxi Civic Center in Biloxi, Mississippi.

Boxjng and MMA action was streamed live on UFC FIGHT PASS®, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. To sign up for UFC FIGHT PASS, odwiedźwww.ufcfightpass.com lub pobierz aplikację UFC.

Boxing was co-promoted by RJJ Boxing and Rite Hook Promotions, pro MMA matches were co-promoted by iKON, in association with RJJ Boxing, and Empire Fighting Championship.

Five undefeated boxing prospects were showcased with each emerging victoriously. In the main event, undefeated Tampa welterweight prospectMark Reyes, Jr. (13-0, 11 KO) knocked out his Mexican opponentCarlos Mohamed Rodriguez (13-9-1, 5 KO), in round four for his eighth straight fight that didn’t go the distant.

W przypadku jednoczesnego funkcjonalny, Roy Jones, Jr. chroniony, Michael “Boy Wonder” Williams, Jr. (13-0, 9 KO), captured the vacant National Boxing Association (NBA) Continental Americas super lightweight title, zatrzymanieThomas Miller (6-4, 3 KO) midway through the second round with a vicious body shot.

Tennessee super lightweightTyler “Short Fuse” Tomlin (7-0, 5 KO) need only half-a-round to knockout TexanGabriel Gutierrez (5-9, 3 KO), New Orleans super lightweightJonathan Montrel (7-0, 5 KO) erasedHenry Lee Crapp w dwóch turach, and Dominican Republic lightweightEridson Garcia(9-0, 6 KO) pitched a shutout against ArgentinianChristian “El Ninja” Guido(8-14, 6 KO) for a 6-roiund unanimous decision.

In the iKON launch, veteran lightweightKhasan “Black Wolf” Ashkabov poprawiła się 21-2-0 with a second-round submission win in the main event againstCliff “The Goblin” Wright (12-14-0), by locking in a rear naked choke.

Miasto ulubionaTyler “Zombie” Hill (10-5-0) suffered a first-round loss to Iowa middleweight Johnny Parsons (5-2-0), who stopped his opponent on punches.

Miami middleweightAllan St. Gelais (1-0-0) won his pro debut with a second-round stoppage ofRavon “Big Shot” Baxter (1-2-0), while North Carolina welterweightZachary Dalen (2-1-0) recorded an opening-round technical knockout ofR.J. Summerlin (1-2-0). 

Sedriques “The Reaper” Dumas won his pro debut in fashion, using a rear naked choke to submitClarence “Prodigy” Brown (1-8-0) in round one.

Florida lightweightChristian “Hollywood” Lohsen (8-2-0) and Arizona featherweightA.J. Cunningham (6-1-0), odpowiednio, pokonanyDennis “DJ” Hughes (2-2-0) iJewell “Kid Dynamite” Scott(3-4-0). 

Oficjalne wyniki poniżej: 




Mark Reyes, Jr. (13-0, 11 KO), Tampa, Floryda

WTKO4 (1:51) 

Carlos Mohamed Rodriguez (13-9-1, 5 KO), La Paz, Baja California, Meksyk


Michael Williams, Jr. (13-0, 9 KO), Fayetteville, NC

WKO2 (1:42) 

Thomas Miller (6-4, 3 KO), Huntington, WV

SUPER wagi lekkiej

Tyler Tomlin (7-0, 5 KO), Ashland City, TN

WTKO1 (1:49) 

Gabriel Guttierrez (5-9, 3 KO), Krok, Teksas

Jonathan Montrel (8-0, 5 KO), Nowy Orlean, LA


Henry Lee Crapp


Eridson Garcia (9-0, 6 KO), Santa Domingo, Dominikana

WDEC6 (60-54, 60-54, 60-54) 

Christian “El Ninja” Danilo Guido (8-14 (6 KO), Tygrys, Buenos Aires, Argentyna



Khasan Askhabov (20-2-0), Miami, Floryda

WSUB2 (rear naked choke – 2:24) 

Cliff Wright (12-13-0), Cedar Rapids, ON


Johnny Parsons (4-2-0), Las Vegas, NV

WTKO/KO1 (stemple - 2:35) 

Tyler Hill (7-2-0), Biloxi, MS


Allan St. Gelais (1-0-0), Miami, Floryda

WKO / TKO2 (2:12) 

Ravon Baxter (1-2-0), Clarksville, TN

Sedriques Dumas (0-0-0), Pensacola, Floryda

WSUB1 (rear naked choke – 2:53) 

Clarence Brown (1-7-0), Houston, Teksas


Zachary Dalen (2-1-0), Fayetteville, NC

WTKO1 (4:42) 

R.J. Summerlin (1-2-0), Pensacola, Floryda


Christian Lohsen (8-2-0), Deland, Floryda


Dennis Hughes (2-2-0), Wiggins, MS


A.J. Cunningham, (6-1-0), Batesville, AZ


Jewell Scott (3-4-0), Shreveport, LA


Strona WWW:   www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.com 

Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

Świergot: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre

Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre




ANIOŁY -Bellator MMA has today confirmed the full fight card forBellator 247: Daley vs. Anderson, which takes place Thursday, Październik. 1 at Allianz Cloud in Milan, Włochy.

Bellator 247: Daley vs. Andersonkicks off the new partnership between Bellator MMA and CBS Sports Network, which will air the event LIVE Thursday, Październik. 1 (4 p.m. I) from Italy’s fashion capital. Beginning with this event, CBS Sports Network will televise Bellator MMA events, both domestic and international, LIVE in all U.S. Rynki, while preliminary matchups will stream on CBSSports.com and Bellator MMA’s YouTube channel.

In addition to the exciting welterweight main event between veteranPaul Daley (42-17-2) iDerek Anderson (16-3, 1 NC), three other main card bouts are now confirmed, with the additions ofNorbert Novenyi Jr. (5-0) biorąc naLaid Zerhouni(7-5) w middleweight, a flyweight matchup between former title challengerKate Jackson (11-4-1) and current Bellator Kickboxing flyweight championDenise Kielholtz (5-2), as well as a lightweight contest pittingIlias Bulaid (2-0) przed Ivan Naccari(Pro Debiut) in an explosive opening bout.

Na wstępnej karty, IrlandiiBrian Moore (12-7) will make his return to the Bellator cage following injury against Italy’sSimone D’anna(7-2) at 145-pounds. Również, four welterweight bouts are official, when undefeatedJustin Burlinson (5-0) faces fellow unbeaten foeBobby Pallett(5-0), Lewis Long (17-6) meets former Bellator headlinerGianni Melillo(13-5), Walter Gahadza (18-5) returns against the undefeatedUros Jurisic(10-0) iKywan Gracie (1-0) continues his young MMA career against Moldova’sConstantin Gnusariev (3-0-1).

Originally slated to face Liz Carmouche prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, waga muchowaMandy Bohm (6-0, 1 NC) gets a new assignment and welcomesGriet Eeckhout(5-3-1) to the Bellator cage in the first of two women’s preliminary bouts atBellator 247: Daley vs. Anderson.The second pitsJade Jorand przedMonika Tochlikovain an atomweight contest that will serve as both fighters’ professional debuts.

Dodatkowo, two Bellator veterans welcome two new athletes to the Bellator cage, kiedyLee Chadwick (25-15-1) goes to battle with London Shootfighters-productEderson Cristian Macedo(10-5) at light heavyweight and SBG Ireland’sBlaine O’Driscoll(8-3) tests his skills against France’sSalah Elkas(6-6) in a flyweight affair. W końcu, a 160-pound contract weight bout has been booked, as undefeatedChris Duncan (6-0) spełniaIamik Furtado (6-3).

A proud Hungarian, Norbert Novenyi Jr. enters the Oct. 1 contest boasting a perfect professional mark of 5-0, including a trio of submissions and two first-round finishes. The middleweight will be making his fourth appearance for Bellator MMA, collecting decisive wins in each of the previous three contests. Another decisive finish atBellator 247 could place the London Shootfighters-product into the mix at the top of the 185-pound division. Hailing from Montpellier, Francja, Zerhouni will be making his first appearance of 2020 and first fight on a Bellator card, where he will be searching for his fourth win over his last five fights. With each of his five career victories coming by way of knockout or submission, including four in the opening round, the 24-year-old finisher will look for yet another early stoppage in the co-main event ofBellator 247.

Fighting out of Amsterdam, 31-year-old Denise Kielholtz will be making her second MMA appearance of her 2020 campaign and seventh since joining Bellator MMA in 2017. Z 47 career kickboxing wins, including a Bellator Kickboxing women’s flyweight championship, the multi-dimensional Dutch Muay Thai fighter hopes to extend her current three-fight winning streak when she enters the cage in Milan. “Miss Dynamite” also enters the contest riding a successful streak that includes five victories in six contests, highlighted by a trio of first-round finishes. With victories in four of her past six contests and nine of her last 12, Kate Jackson comes into the bout riding one of the hottest streaks in the women’s flyweight division. Hailing from Cornwall, Anglia, the former Bellator flyweight No. 1-contender will be looking to add to her six career knockouts, a total that includes five in the first round. The 34-year-old Jackson is hoping a win over Kielholtz puts her right back into the 125-pound world title conversation.

For further information, wizytaBellator.com.  

Bellator 247: Daley vs. Anderson Karta walki:

CBS Sports Network

4 p.m. I

Półśredniej Main Event: Paul Daley (42-17-2) vsDerek Anderson(16-3, 1 NC)

Middleweight Co-Main EventNorbert Novenyi Jr. (5-0) vs.Laid Zerhouni(7-5)

Walka o cechę wagi muszej: Kate Jackson (11-4-1) vs.Denise Kielholtz(5-2)

Walka o lekką funkcję: Ilias Bulaid(2-0) vs.Ivan Naccari(Pro Debiut)

Karta wstępna:

CBSSports.com | Kanał Bellator MMA w YouTube

12:15 p.m. I

Piórkowej Bout: Brian Moore (12-7) vs.Simone D’anna(7-2)
Półśredniej Bout: Justin Burlinson(5-0) vs.Bobby Pallett(5-0)
Półśredniej Bout: Lewis Long(17-6) vs.Gianni Melillo(13-5)
Walka z ciężarem muszki: Mandy Bohm(6-0, 1 NC) vs.Griet Eeckhout(5-3-1)

160-pound Contract Weight BoutChris Duncan(6-0) vs.Iamik Furtado (6-3)
Półśredniej Bout: Walter Gahadza(18-5) vs.Uros Jurisic(10-0)
Półśredniej Bout: Kywan Gracie(1-0) vs. Constantin Gnusariev(3-0-1)
Półciężkiej Bout: Lee Chadwick(25-15-1) vs.Ederson Cristian Macedo(10-5)
Walka z ciężarem muszki: Blaine O’Driscoll(8-3) vs.Salah Elkas(6-6)
Atomweight BoutJade Jorand (Pro Debiut) vs.Monika Tochlikova(Pro Debiut)

*Karta może ulec zmianie.



Ukończ zdjęcia z wydarzenia tutaj

Bellator 246: Archuleta vs. Mieszać Karta główna:
Juan Archuleta (25-2) pokonany Patchy Mix (13-1) przez jednogłośną decyzję (49-46, 48-47, 48-47)
Neiman Gracie (10-1) pokonany Jon Fitch (32-8-2, 1 NC) przez poddanie (Hak pięty) w 4:47 z drugiej rundzie
Liz Carmouche (14-7) pokonany DeAnna Bennett (10-7-1) przez poddanie (duszenie) w 3:17 od rundy trzeciej
Keoni Diggs (9-0) pokonany Derek Pola (20-11) poprzez zgłoszenie techniczne (duszenie) w 4:59 od rundy trzeciej

Karta wstępna:
Daniel Madrid (18-6) pokonany Pat Casey (6-3) poprzez podziału decyzji (29-28, 28-29, 30-27)
Ty Gwerder (5-1) pokonany Tuco Tokkos (4-2) przez TKO o godz 1:05 od rundy trzeciej
Davion Franklin (2-0) pokonany Ras Hylton (6-5) via technical decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Zapraszamy do odwiedzenia Bellator.com o dodatkowe informacje.