Архіви: Змішані Бойові Мистецтва


Фото кредит: Bellator MMA / Jarod Trice


SANTA MONICA, Халіф. (Травня 2, 2016) – Bellator MMA is proud to announce the signing of three-time All American wrestling prospect Jarod Trice у виключній, Договір мульти-бой. The story was broken by Flo Combat і Flo Wrestling, who have chronicled a great deal of his wrestling career.


“We’re excited to be adding yet another world-class wrestling talent to our ever-growing roster of fighters here at Bellator,” said President Scott Coker. “I’ve always taken great pride in our ability to identify and build stars in this business, and I have great confidence that we’ve found a gem in Jarod Trice.”


In addition to his three All-American accolades, the 27-year-old Trice has an impressive trophy case that includes a National Title at 120 kg and two Greco Roman National Titles, with one at 120 kg and another at 98 кг. The above photo features Trice after winning the Outstanding Wrestler Award alongside 2012 Olympic Coach J.J. Джонсон (зліва) і U.S. National Greco-Roman Coach Matt Lindland (право).


“Following in the footsteps of guys like [Ed] Ruth and [Tyrell] Fortune to Bellator MMA was a no brainer for me,” said Trice. “Scott Coker is a promoter that treats the fighters with so much respect, and dealing with him and his team through this signing process has been amazing. I’m really looking forward to fighting for Coker, the Bellator promotion, and for every wrestling and MMA fan out there before the end of the year. If you aren’t familiar with my name yet, you will be as soon as I get in that cage.”


Trice competed at Central Michigan University, where he achieved great success at both 120 кг (264.5 кг.) and 98kg (216 кг.) після того, як вражаюча 50 фунт. weight-loss transformation. The standout wrestler will look to compete in Bellator MMA’s impressive light heavyweight division, and hopes to make his professional debut before the end of the year. The jury is out on whether he will keep his nickname, “Doughboy.”


Having trained literally all over the world, including stints at Iowa State University under Kevin Jackson and the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado before heading to Arizona, where he trains with other Bellator MMA stars with incredible wrestling pedigree’s like Darrion Колдуелл і Bubba Дженкінс. Trice credits Bellator MMA bantamweight Шон Букет with giving him the idea to pursue MMA.


Trice is the latest prospect from the world of wrestling to join Bellator MMA’s incredible recruiting class of prospects including:Аарон Піко, І Рут і Тайрелл Фортуна.

RFA МАЄ НАМІР Chicagoland З РСР 39 – Барселуш проти. MOFFETT

Raoni Барселуш
BOBBY “Людина-вовк” MOFFETT
Напівлегкій титул чемпіона світу
П'ятниця, 17 червня У прямому ефірі на AXS TV
в Hammond, INDIANA
Квитки у вільному продажу в CAGETIX.com

Лас-Вегас, Невада – Воскресіння бойовий союз (RFA) президент Ед Соарес оголосив сьогодні, що РФ робитиме свою першу поїздку в Чикаго в червні з чемпіонатом хедлайнером. Головною подією RFA 39 показує перший захист титулу РФА в напівлегкій вазі Raoni Барселус. Він поставить свій титул на лінії проти верхньої перспективи і місцевої улюбленої Боббі “Людина-вовк” Моффетт. RFA 39 – Барселуш проти. Моффетт відбувається П'ятниця, 17 червня в Хаммонд Civic Center в Hammond, Індіана. Основна карта буде транслюватися в прямому ефірі і по всій країні на AXS TV в 10 p.m. І / 7 p.m. PT.
“Я в захваті від чого бій титул чемпіона світу в Hammond” Встановлений Соарес. “Наш напівлегка вага Raoni Барселуш захищатиме свій титул в перший раз проти номера один суперник Боббі Моффетт. Ці два верхніх напівлегкій перспективи в світі, і це відмінний спосіб показати любитель побитися в Чикаго, що РСР це все о.”
Квитки на RFA 39 – Барселуш проти. Моффет тепер доступні для покупки. Ви можете підтримати ваш улюблений боєць купити Купивши квитки через CAGETIX.com
Барселуш (9-1) захищатиме свій RFA напівлегкій вазі в перший раз після того, як насолоджуватися домінуючим 2015, який багато експертів ММА бачив найближчі кілька років тому. Barcelos був прив'язаний до величі в ММА, перш ніж будь-коли ступаючи ногою в сталевій клітці. Син джиу-джитсу коралів (червоно-чорний) ремінь Лаерт Барселуш, він почав вивчати “Gentle Art” у віці двох років. Потім, на відміну від багатьох джиу-джитсу чорного пояса, Барселуш успіх у вільній боротьбі, де він виступав в якості члена бразильської національної команди з вільної боротьби. Однак, його рідкісне поєднання єдиноборства дисциплін високого рівня не те, що робить його особливим серед кращої перспективи мми. Це той факт, що він має досить ударною силою, яка також може отримати роботу. Це проявляється в тому, що більше половини з його перемог прийшли через нокаутом або технічним нокаутом, який включає в себе перший раунд нокаутом раніше непереможного відділу NCAA I All-American борець Джамал Паркс в РСР 23. Барселуш тепер шукає, щоб зробити те ж саме з іншого верхньої перспективою, як він готується до свого першого RFA захисту титулу.
“Я дуже радий захистити свій RFA титул чемпіона світу в РСР 39,” Заявлена ​​Барселуш. “RFA показує кращий новий талант ММА у світі, і зараз транслюється в прямому ефірі тут в Бразилії. Мої друзі, сім'я, і товариші по команді тепер є можливість дивитися мені боротися в прямому ефірі на Esporte Interativo. Це мрія збулася, і честь бути чемпіоном великої події, як РСР. Цей ремінь повертається додому в Бразилію зі мною в червні.”
Моффетт (8-1) вступає в цю боротьбу з великою кількістю руху. Він їде на чотири бої перемогу поспіль, яка включає в себе перемогу над давнім RFA ветеринара Dan Море в РСР 24. Моффетт народився і виріс 10 милі від місця тільки через державний кордон в Хоумвуде, Іллінойс. Завдання захисту домашнього дерну і захопивши титул в напівлегкій RFA тільки збільшила голод цієї захоплюючої молодий перспективи. це голод “Людина-вовк” буде потрібно, коли він стикається з самим небезпечним супротивником в його кар'єрі. цитуючи класика 2010 фільм, який розділяє його прізвисько, “Я не знаю, що ви полювали монстрів? Іноді монстри полюють за вами.” Моффет тепер прагне направити свою внутрішню лікантроп в РСР 39.
“Я просто дуже радий, що найбільший бій в моїй кар'єрі буде вдома перед моєю родиною і друзями,” Моффет пояснив. “Я відчуваю, що все, що я працюю на тепер здійснитися. Барселуш є жорстким. Він дуже хороший боєць і чемпіон. Я пишаюся тим, що він хоче битися зі мною. Я з нетерпінням чекаю, щоб зробити наступний крок у моїй кар'єрі, вигравши титул RFA на 17 червня.”
Повна карта бою для РСР 39 – Барселуш проти. Moffett буде оголошений найближчим часом. Це буде перша подія РСР, щоб зайняти місце в “Хузьер держава” Індіана і це буде п'ятнадцятим стан, що РФА відвідав. Весь основної картки Мірча 39 буде транслюватися в прямому ефірі по всій країні і на AXS TV на 10 p.m. І / 7 p.m. PT це П'ятниця, 17 червня.
Будь ласка, відвідайте RFAfighting.com оновлень сутички та інформації. РФА є також на Facebook на Facebook.com/RFAfighting, Instagram на RFAfighting, і Twitter в RFAfighting.
Про RFA: RFA є професійним змішаний просування бойових мистецтв, що дає висхідних зірок і топ-суперників можливість довести свій талант любителям і лідерів в галузі. РФА представлені живі події на щомісячній основі навколо Сполучених Штатів, включаючи Лас-Вегасі, Лос-Анджелес, Денвер і Мілуокі. RFA можна побачити в прямому ефірі в більш ніж 43 млн будинків у національному масштабі його телевізійної угоди з AXS TV. Заснована в Лас-Вегасі, Невада, RFA є одним з найбільш активних і шанованих організацій ММА, швидко розвивається вид спорту в світі. (Octagon, Ultimate Fighting Championship®, UFC®, і восьмигранний килимок конкуренції і конструкція сепаратора є зареєстрованими торговими марками, що належать виключно Zuffa, ТОВ. Всі права захищені).

Про AXS TV боїв: AXS TV Бої відома своїми загальновизнаним П'ятниця Нічні Змішані Бойові Мистецтва і події Кікбоксинг. Як ваш будинок для ММА, AXS TV використовує широка мережа акціях з боку Сполучених Штатів, Канада, і Європа. І Азія транслювати більш б'ється живе, ніж будь-який інший телевізійної мережі. “Голос” Майкл Шіавелло і п'ятикратний MMA чемпіон світу Пет Мілетич забезпечити глядачам експертів грають по-ігри, Покриття боєць в глибини, і докладний аналіз кожної карти боротьби. AXS TV трансляції світового класу в прямому ефірі бій події з RFA, Лев Fight, Спадщина FC, і MFC кожен П'ятниця ніч 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. І.

Art of War Fighting Championship 17 Update – Ashleigh Grimshaw replaces Injured Junior Assuncao in Main Event

BEIJING, CHINA – A welterweight matchup between UFC and Bellator veteran Waylon Lowe and British Mixed Martial Artist Ashleigh Grimshaw will headline Art of War 17 this Saturday night in Beijing China. Grimshaw is late replacements for UFC vet Junior Assuncao who suffered a training injury and had to pull out of his fight with Lowe on short notice last week.

Said Lowe, a three time NCAA wrestling champion who is currently 16-6 as a professional fighter, “It’s unfortunate that Junior had to drop out of the fight but I’m glad the promoters found another high caliber opponent for me to face. Ashleigh Grimshaw and I will put on a great show for all the Chinese MMA fans on April 30th Art of War 17.”

CEO and Chinese MMA pioneer Andy Pi had this to say about this weekend’s event and his company’s return as the dominant player in Chinese MMA, “We are very excited about this next event as it continues Art of War’s reemergence as the biggest force in Chinese Combat Sports.“

Містер. Pi, a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Brown Belt and noted entrepreneur in Beijing, says his visionary fighting league is the future of MMA in China. “Art of War Fighting Championships was the first Mixed Martial Arts event in Mainland China and is still the most prestigious. With every event our company will continue to develop the market for MMA in China.

Today China is the biggest untapped market for MMA and Mr. Pi says he knows why and, що ще більш важливо, how Art of War FC can capitalize.

“MMA is the most exciting sport in the world, but the way it’s promoted in the US often doesn’t connect with more traditionally minded Chinese sports fans. By combining the energy and excitement MMA with the ancient culture of honor and respect typical of traditional Asian Martial Arts AOW will bring the 21st century’s fastest growing sport to the world’s largest market of sports fan in a new and more powerful way…”

For tickets and fight card information, будь ласка, відвідайте: HTTP://www.artofwarfc.com/

Про Art of War Fighting Championship:

Заснована в 2004, the Art of War Fighting Championship is Mainland China’s premier mixed martial arts promotion. The Art of War Fighting Championship is broadcasted via satellite nationwide to network coverage of 300 мільйонів телеглядачів. Featuring some of China’s best-mixed martial artists, including national champions and former Olympians, the Art of War Fighting Championship is the standard bearer for the future of China’s exploding mixed martial arts industry.

For Press Inquires Contact Al Yu- alyu@artofwarfc.com


Heavyweight knockout artist Lorenzo Hood (фото) has signed an exclusive, multi-fight promotional agreement with World Series of Fighting.

Hood to Make Promotional Debut at WSOF31: Ivanov vs. Copeland
на П'ятниця, Червень 17, жити на NBCSN

Лас-Вегас (Квітня 28, 2016) - Світова серія Fighting (www.WSOF.com) announced today that it has signed heavyweight knockout artists Shawn Jordan (18-7) і Lorenzo “The Dream Killer” Hood (9-3) to exclusive, мульти-бой угоди.

Hood of Chicago, Погано. has been tabbed to make his promotional debut against an opponent to be announced soon, at the WSOF31: Ivanov vs. Copeland world heavyweight championship event at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Коннектикут. наП'ятниця, Червень 17, жити на NBCSN на 9 p.m. І/6 p.m. PT.

“We are thrilled to welcome Shawn Jordan and Lorenzo Hood to our ever-growing roster of world-class athletes, and look forward to seeing both of them compete in our heavyweight division soon,"Сказав Світової серії Боротьба Президента Батько начальників.

Fighting out of Albuquerque, Н.М., 6 футів, 30-year-old Jordan is coming off a 4-year, 10 fight stint with the UFC, during which he compiled an overall record of 6-4, notching all of his wins, including a vicious, Перший раунд (:59) decimation of Pat “HD” Barry Червень 15, 2013, by way of (T)KO.

A two-time veteran of the now-defunct Strikeforce, and a four-time veteran of Bellator action, Jordan has earned 14 з його 18 Кар'єра перемоги по шляху (T)KO, and another 3 за допомогою представлення.

The 6-foot-3, 27-year-old Hood, a former professional football player turned MMA wrecking machine, has earned all 9 of his professional career victories to date by way of (T)KO inside the first round of action.

After an aggressive debut year in 2009 in which he competed 7 times and amassed a near-perfect record of 6-1, Hood walked away from the fight world for a span of 5 years to play defensive lineman in the Arena Football League and Canadian Football League, eventually returning to the cage in 2014.

Ramazan Emeev vs. Alexander Shlemenko M-1 Global Grand Prix Middleweight Championship; Alexander Volkov makes 1st M-1 Challenge Heavyweight title defense vs. Attila Vegh

M-1 Challenge 68, Червень 16 в Санкт-. Петербург, Росія
(L-Р) — Рамадан Emeev & Олександр Шлеменко
ST. САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, Росія (Квітня 28, 2016) – M-1 Global has announced a blockbuster M-1 Challenge 68 event as Рамадан Emeev і Олександр “Буря” Шлеменко battle in the M-1 Global Grand Prix Middleweight Championship, while M-1 Challenge heavyweight champion Олександр “Драго” Волков makes his first title defense against AttilaPumukloVegh, Четвер ніч, Червень 16, at Yubileyny Sports Palace in St. Петербург, Росія.
M-1 Challenge 68 буде транслюватися в прямому ефірі з Санкт. Петербург у високому дозволі наwww.M1Global.TV. Глядачі зможуть спостерігати попередні бої і основної картки, зайшовши на реєстрацію на www.M1Global.TV. Вентилятори можуть дивитися всі дії на своїх комп'ютерах, а також на Android і Apple, смартфонів і планшетів.
Emeev (14-3-0, М-1: 8-1-0), fighting out of Russia by way of Дагестан, is the reigning M-1 Challenge middleweight champion, although his title belt will not be at stake against Shlemenko. The 28-year-old Emeev, який був 2015 M-1 Global Fighter of the Year, is a two-time M-1 Challenge middleweight champion. He originally captured the coveted crown in 2012, приймаючи рішення від Маріо Міранда за вакантне звання. У своїй першій захисту титулу, Emeev lost to В'ячеслав Василевський, who stopped the defending champion via punches in the fourth round.
In their much anticipated rematch April 10, 2015, Emeev recaptured the title from Vasilevsky, choking the defending champion into an opening-round submission. У грудні минулого року, Emeev successfully defended his title when Luigi Fiorvanti retired after four rounds. Earlier this month at M-1 Challenge 65, Emeev defeated Майкель Фалькао in the M-1 Grand Prix semifinals, by way of a first-round submission (удушення – see picture below), to qualify for the final versus Shlemenko.
The 31-year-old Shlemenko (52-9-0, М-1: 3-0-0) is a three-time Bellator champion from Omsk, Росія. He returned to M-1 Global competition in February, taking a decision from Vasilevsky (see picture below) на M-1 Challenge 64. The Siberian-born Shlemenko hadn’t competed in M-1 Global since 2005.
Волков (25-6-0, М-1: 9-3-0), 27, also fought in Bellator for three years, 2012 для 2015, returning to M-1 Global action this past February for the first time in 5 ½ років. The popular fighter from Moscow signed a promotional contract with M-1 Global, боротьба Денис Смолдараєв Лютого. 19, 2016 (see picture below) на M-1 Challenge 64 for the vacant M-1 Challenge heavyweight championship. Volkov emerged victorious, using a choke in the third round to win with the Submission of the Night.
Vegh (29-6-2, М-1: 0-0-0), will make his M-1 Global debut versus Volkov in their M-1 Challenge title fight. Fighting out of Slovakia by way of his native Czechoslovakia, Vegh (pictured below) is a former Bellator light heavyweight champion who is moving up one weight class to challenge Volkov.


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Pronabolin User Review: Boosting Testosterone Naturally

За: Багатий Бержерон


I recently had the opportunity to take a testosterone booster called Pronabolin, which is an all-natural product. As a logger with my own firewood company (www.deadwoodsociety.com), I could always use more energy and muscle, but that wasn’t the only reason I realized I needed more testosterone.

This year I am preparing for my debut in mixed martial arts as an amateur fighter. I will be adding Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and more dynamic striking to my background training in karate, boxing and wrestling. There are also certain rules I will need to observe in the amateurs forbidding elbows of any kind and all knees to the head. This training requires great strength, stamina and self-control.

Prior to learning about Pronabolin and trying it, I was a huge critic of older mixed martial artists using so-called TRT: Testosterone Replacement Therapy. There was just so much controversy around the subject, and the health benefits were still questionable when exemptions were allowed for the treatments. Prescribed testosterone treatments were popping up in those common commercials asking people who took the drugs and suffered severe consequences to contact a lawyer and get justice for the damage done. Heart attacks and deaths were among the most urgentside effectsof the more potent products.

Так, when Pronabolin promised to provide the same testosterone boost with natural ingredients (Дивись нижче), I gave it a shot.

supplemental facts

Notice the suggested use line above. This is the one and only issue I had with this product, and I hope they will look into changing their labels in the future. The instructions tell adults to “взяти 3 capsules once a day.I would counter that by advising users to take one capsule with breakfast, one at mid-day or lunch and the other in the afternoon or early evening. Taking all three at one time as my introduction to the product gave me a very discomforting surge of energy and made my heart beat a mile a minute. I quickly adjusted my intake after that to one or two capsules at a time.

My chief concern with training was shedding weight, and this product helped tremendously in that department. I started out around 205-210 pounds and am able to maintain walk-around weight of 195 в цей момент. This is just ten pounds away from where I hope to have my fighting debut at: 185 фунти. Prior to using Pronabolin, I had a really hard time with my metabolism being too slow and gaining too much weight. Using the product faithfully everyday helped my metabolism catch up, and the digestive benefits seemed to be the most pronounced effect of all.

One of the more surprising and pleasant developments I experienced while taking Pronabolin related to my love life. Deciding to take on a mixed martial arts match was just part of my campaign to change my life for the better in all the most important categories. I simply wanted to be a stronger physical, spiritual, mental and social being.

I began searching for dates a bit before I started taking Pronabolin, and I already had a wild appetite for sex and great stamina before taking the product. Так, while I didn’t really NEED help, Pronabolin actually took me to the next level as a lover. Once I did find the right lady and started getting serious, the lovemaking became more and more intense, more frequent (five or six times in one night at times), and always very satisfying for myself and my partner. I definitely noticed how Pronabolin could take me to a higher sexual plane and keep me there, and so did my new lady friend.

Meeting the woman of my dreams and finding out she loved our time in bed as much as I did also came with other benefits. She lives near a mixed martial arts gym where I can train, and she also has a friend with a dog who loves to go on long hikes with me. She is even on a weight loss quest of her own, so us meeting when we did was absolutely perfect timing.

I can definitely say that Pronabolin truly changed my life. It is no gimmick or placebo, and it WORKS! I hope to continue training harder and harder as my debut fight gets closer, and Pronabolin will be a huge part of that training regimen.

It is important to note that my first phase of using the product did not involve taking all three pills each and every day. I was also dealing with multiple sicknesses during the standard cold and flu season in New England. This had a severely negative effect on my training routine, as just when I seemed to be in a good rhythm, sickness knocked me out of it over the last two months in particular. Perhaps I need to look into some supplements to boost my immune system as well. The bottom line is, this was not a very scientific product review process. I took Pronabolin in a manner that many common users will likely be able to relate to.

During the next phase of my training I will be using Pronabolin more as a formal building block for the transformation of my physique. As of now I have more of a four pack set of abs than a six pack, and even that’s not very pronounced and defined. My chest is also in need of some more toning and shaping.

Before I step into the cage across from another combatant, I feel that it is essential for me to develop the best physical appearance I can possibly present. I want the crowd and my opponent to know I’m a serious contender, and that starts with showing off all the results of all the hard work that leads up to fight night.

На даний момент, I can unequivocally say that Pronabolin helped prove to me that all testosterone treatments are not dangerous or detrimental to an athlete’s long term health. The product also helped provide natural energy, boosted my metabolism, and gave me a new lease on my sex life.

I give Pronabolin five stars, and I look forward to entering the next phase of training and sharing the results here and on our YouTube Page.

I will track my progress and performance more closely during this next phase, and I will open up my training to the public eye to really highlight how Pronabolin can help anyone wanting to improve their physique and quality of life.

If you have any experience with this product you can share, please leave a comment and tell us about what Pronabolin did for you.

order this natural testosterone booster
Click this image to order today!

Chile newest member of World MMA Association

МОНТЕ-КАРЛО, Монако (Квітня 26, 2016) — The World MMA Association (WMMAA) has announced that Chile is the newest member of its worldwide association.
The Chilean MMA Federation (Federation Chilena de MMA) is certified by the national Ministry of Sports. Its inner-structure will be comprised of 15 branches, representing one for each region of Chile. There are currently eight MMA organizations with a goal to unite all under the umbrella of the Federation.
The Federation has developed MMA in various ways, from hosting regional amateur MMA championships to conducting seminars and educating officers. The Chilean MMA Federation is headed by President Alberto Maturana Rodriguez and Vice President Christian Parra Campos.
It is critical for an organization like ours to exist, to add unbiased structure not just for athletes, but also as a regulatory bodies,” Родрігес (pictured to right) сказав. “Much continues to happen since our appointment. We just celebrated our first event under the WMMAA Pan-American Division and we look forward to using our experience and volumes of knowledge the Pan-American Division, as well as our honorary president Томас Ю.,brings to Chile and the sport. We share the vision and with all our efforts, we will defend, promote and endorse MMA as a sport, and give all participants and fans a significant difference in the sport.
We will continue to grow with every new country and take the MMA movement, as well as the recognition of MMA as a sport, forward. We will work like a family with the Pan-American Division to support this sport in Chile. We’re delighted to have been appointed and look forward to this opportunity of contributing to the WMMAA to continue the fight and make history in Chile and the MMA world.
Chile is now a member of the WMMAA’s Pan-American Division, along with Argentina, Бразилія, Канада, Колумбія, Куба, Guatemala, Мексика, Нікарагуа, Paraguay and Venezuela.
On behalf of the World MMA Association Pan-American Division, we would like to congratulate and welcome the Chilean MMA Federation on its recent appointment as our new provisional affiliate,” added Yu (фото зліва), Pan-American Division president. “In this WMMAA year of monumental progress, in which we will celebrate our fourth World MMA Association Champion this November in Macao, it will now allow us to focus on our inaugural Continental MMA Championship.
It is important to reflect on how the WMMAA movement will continue to grow in a new era of MMA. The WMMAA movement is essentially an educational movement and for this reason we encourage events such as the National Continental and International MMA Championships to promote MMA development, among all ages of participants, especially youth through sport, MMA and the WMMAA code of conduct. Let us build together for a peaceful and better world. Let us strive to provide and education for all in which sport, MMA and WMMAA ideals play and essential role, based on values, respect, dignity, tolerance and solidarity.


Льюїстон, Мен (Квітня 23, 2016) - New England Бої (NEF), Номер один Регіональне просування боротьба Америки, held its most recent event, “NEF 22: ВСЕ ДОРОГИ ВЕДУТЬ ТУТ,” Saturday night at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston, Мен. Більш ніж 3,000 fight fans were on hand for the event, making it one of the largest crowds ever to witness an NEF event.


On the boxing portion of the card, Брендон “Гармата” Ягода (11-1-1) fought to a majority draw in a six-round contest with James Lester (10-9-1). Many of Berry’s supporters in attendance felt that he won the fight, but two of the judges had it even on the scorecards.


The headliner of the amateur MMA card saw Калеб зал (7-3) captured the vacant amateur featherweight title with a second-round submission of Erik Nelson (2-3). On the professional side of the MMA card, Девін Пауелл (6-1) took home the lightweight championship by defeating Джессі Еріксон (6-5) in the first round via technical knockout.


The full results from Lewiston, Мен:


Професійний бокс

Brandon Berry fought James Lester to a majority draw



Devin Powell def. Jesse Erickson via TKO, круглий 1 (Powell wins lightweight title)

Майк Хансен Def. Jesse Baughman via arm triangle, круглий 1

Джош Харві Def. Matt Denning via triangle choke, круглий 1

Льюїс DEF-дюймовий. Zenon Herrera via armbar, круглий 1

Аарон Лейсі Def. Derek Shorey via D’Arce Choke, круглий 1




Glenn Kasabian def. Matt Marshall via TKO, круглий 1

Tom Burgess def. Alex Payson via KO, круглий 2

Ryan Daley def. Jake Denham via TKO, круглий 2

Брайс Бемфорд чіткості. Joe Krech via TKO, круглий 1

Калеб зал чіткості. Erik Nelson via D’arce Choke, круглий 2 (Hall wins featherweight title)

Нік Гулівер чіткості. Dave Smith via TKO, круглий 1

Корі Судова чіткості. Angelo Rizzitello via split decision

Ras Hylton def. Matt Glover via KO, круглий 2

Angela Young def. Hannah Sparrell via unanimous decision


Наступна подія Нової Англії Поєдинки ", "NEF 23: CAGE THE CAPE," відбувається Субота, Травня 14, 2016 at the Hyannis Youth and Community Center in Hyannis, Массачусетс. Квитки вже у продажу вwww.NewEnglandFights.com.


NEF returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston, Мен на Червень 18, 2016 з “NEF 24: THE PROMISED LAND.Tickets for “NEF 24” start at just $25 і вже у продажу в www.TheColisee.com або зателефонувавши за телефоном каси Colisee на207.783.2009 х 525.


For more information on the events and fight card updates, будь ласка, відвідайте веб-сайт просування за адресою www.NewEnglandFights.com. На додаток, Ви можете дивитися NEF відео в www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, слідувати за ними на Twitternefights і приєднатися до офіційній групі Facebook "New England бої."


Про Нової Англії боїв


Нью-Інгленд Бої ("NEF") є боротьба Рекламні акції компанії. Місія NeF є створення високої якості заходу для бійців і вболівальників в штаті Мен, так. Виконавча команда NeF має великий досвід в галузі управління єдиноборств, виробництво події, у зв'язках із ЗМІ, маркетинг, правової та реклама.



Complete Fight Photos Here

Ункасвілль, CONN. (Квітня 22, 2016) — While many will be surprised by the news that Андрій Корінців (19-1) переможений Бен Хендерсон (23-6) в головній події “Bellator 153: Koreshkov vs. Хендерсон,” the Russian champion made it clear following the bout that he intended to win each and every round inside the cage at the Mohegan Sun Arena в п'ятницю ніч, and according to the judges scoring the bout at cage side, he did exactly that (50-45, 50-45, 50-45).

Over the course of 25 хвилин, Хендерсон, a longtime lightweight competitor, had difficulty closing the distance of the largerSpartan,” and sustaining damage in the process. “Smoothwas unable to secure takedowns and was upset with his performance, making it clear that he hopes for a quick return to the Bellator MMA cage; whether it’s at 170 or 155-pounds.

Spartanmakes his first successful defense of the title he took from Дуглас Ліма in this very arena last year, and has his sights set on fighting one of the main contenders that the Scott Coker-led currently promotion has on its welterweight roster. In addition to the victory, Koreshkov also takes home the newly designed Bellator championship belt.

Patricio “Pitbull” Freire’s Showcases Nasty Guillotine in Co-Main Event

Патрісіо "Pitbull" Фрейре (25-3) went all-in with a beautiful guillotine choke 4:09 into the second round of his co-main event fight, forcing Генрі Корралес (12-3) витрусити. Since making his Bellator MMA debut back in April of 2010, “Pitbull” has now collected 13 victories with the promotion, including wins in eight of his last nine bouts. It has been a great week for the “Pitbull” brothers, after older brother Патрік “Pitbull” came out victorious in the main event of "Bellator 152: Freire vs. Souza” last Saturday in Torino, Італія. The loss is only Corrales’ third of his career, two of which have now come via guillotine choke.

“Cyborg” Santos Spoils Ward’s Hometown Reunion With First Round Win

In his Bellator MMA debut, Євангеліста "Кіборг" Сантос (21-16) defeated New London’s own Бреннан Ward (13-4) with an ankle lock submission just 30 seconds into the opening round. The victory is Santos’ fourth career win in 30 seconds or less and 16ї first round finish. The former Strikeforce competitor has now strung together back-to-back wins and has left an impressive first impression for Bellator fans, aside from the ones in attendance at Mohegan Sun Arena. For Ward, the loss puts an end to a promising streak of four consecutive wins, all of which came in his dominant 2015 кампанія.


Primus Squeaks Past “Toninho Furia” In Catchweight Marathon

Брент Примус (7-0) remained undefeated with a split decision victory over "Тоніньо Фурія" (27-6) на П'ятниця taking home scores of (28-29, 29-28, 29-28). The Portland, Oregon native connected on several heavy blows and two pivotal takedowns leading him to his seventh career win. The three-round thriller was just Primus’ second fight that went past the first round and was left to the judgesdiscretion.

“MVP” Makes Quick Work Of Holloway In Explosive Opening Bout

During the opening contest at "Bellator 153: Koreshkov vs. Хендерсон," Майкл "Яд" Сторінка (10-0) закінчений Жеремі Холлоуей (7-2) with multiple hammerfists and an impressive toe hold submission at 2:15 in the opening round of action. The 28-year-old British phenom, “MVP,” remains undefeated after recording his tenth career win and sixth victory under the Bellator MMA banner. “Venom” now directs his attention to a return home when he meets Fernando Gonzalez on July 16 на "Bellator 158: London.”

Попередні результати Карткові:

Джаміль Чан (12-2) переможений Річард Patishnock (6-4) за допомогою нокаутом (удари) на 3:09 першого раунду

Кріс Honeycutt (7-1) переможений Метт Секор (7-3) одноголосним рішенням суддів (30-25, 30-27 x2)

Майк Zichelle (8-4) переможений Джо Кронін (2-4) за допомогою представлення (задній удушення) на 1:25 першого раунду

Метт Bessette (18-7) переможений Кіт Річардсон (14-7) технічним нокаутом (вирізати) на 3:14 два тури

Кріс Фостер (9-4) переможений Вовк Клей (3-1) одноголосним рішенням суддів (29-28 3х)

Сем Уотфорд (2-0) переможений Дін Хенкок (2-1) за допомогою представлення (армбар) на 1:24 першого раунду

Тім Caron (4-0) переможений Джастін Самтер (0-1) технічним нокаутом (удари) на 3:38 два тури

Блер Tugman (8-6) переможений Джей Перрін (2-2) за очками (30-27, 27-30, 29-28)



SANTA MONICA, КАЛИФОРНИЯ. (Квітня 22, 2016) – A heavyweight showdown between Bellator MMA’s high profile free agent acquisition Мітріон (9-5) і Carl “Badwater” Seumanutafa (10-6) will serve as the co-main event of "Bellator: Динаміт 2" на Червень 24, at Scottrade Center in St. Луїс.

The bout joins a main card that features a catchweight main event between “Rampage” Джексон (36-11) і Сатоши Ишии (14-5-1) in Jackson’s first fight for the Scott Coker-led promotion since 2014. Additional MMA and kickboxing contests will be announced shortly.

Квитки на "Bellator: Dynamite 2,” які починаються всього $30, are onsale now at Ticketmaster.com and the Ford Box Office at Scottrade Center. Двері для цього заходу відкритого в 5 p.m. Коннектикут місцевий час, і перший конкурс проходить через одну годину після.

"Bellator: Dynamite 2” виходить в ефір в прямому ефірі і безкоштовно на Spike в 9 p.m. І/8 p.m. Коннектикут, в той час як попередні поєдинки транслюватимуть в прямому ефірі на Bellator.com і Bellator Mobile App.

Exactly like the groundbreaking inaugural “Dynamite” event this past September in San Jose, both a mixed martial arts cage and kickboxing ring will cover the floor at Scottrade Center, giving fans in attendance the opportunity to see both iterations of combat sports on the same night.

Matt Mitrione originally took his talents to the football gridiron, signing as an undrafted free agent with the New York Giants in 2002. After brief stints with the San Francisco 49ers and Minnesota Vikings, Mitrione entered the MMA cage and hasn’t looked back since. The 14-time UFC veteran began his professional career with victories in his first five fights, four of which came by way of knockout. Known as one of the top finishers in the sport, the 37-year-old Indianapolis native recently finished his run with his former employer, making the decision to test free agency. Mitrione will now look to duplicate the success that he found throughout his career, when he makes his much-anticipated Bellator MMA debut against Seumanutafa on Червень 24.

В тільки 26 років, Carl “Badwater” Seumanutafa will face the stiffest test of his career when he takes take center stage at the Scottrade Center in St. Луїс. Similar to Mitrione, all but one of his wins has come by way of knockout, including five first-round finishes. Looking to continue building momentum in the heavyweight division, the former Strikeforce competitor was victorious in his Bellator debut, when he finished Javy Айяла with a vicious second round TKO at “Bellator 148: Дейлі проти. Uhrich ". A native of San Francisco, Seumanutafa has been competing professionally since 2007, making his pro debut at only 18-years-old.

Оновлене "Bellator: Dynamite 2” Fight Card:

Bellator MMA 215 фунт. Головна подія: Куинтон "Rampage" Джексон (36-11) проти. Сатоши Ишии (14-5-1)

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Co-Main Event: Мітріон (9-5) проти. Carl Seumanutafa (10-6)


Попереднє Card:

Bellator MMA середня вага Попереднє Бута: Кевін Engel (5-0) проти. Чел Ервін-Девіс (3-1)

Bellator MMA найлегшій Попередній Бута: Jordan Howard (9-3) vs Justin Robbins (14-17-1)

Bellator MMA середня вага Попереднє Бута: Joaquin Buckley (5-0) vs Chris Heatherly (9-3-1)

Bellator MMA 130-pound Preliminary Bout: Michelle Royer (1-0) vs Katy Collins (3-1)

Bellator MMA 180-pound Preliminary Bout: Brad Jones (5-4) vs Clay Mitchell (1-2)

Bellator MMA Середній Попереднє Бута: Jason Christeson (1-0) vs Jarrod Thomas (0-0)

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Lee Burns (2-0) проти. Byron Stevens (0-0)

Bellator Kickboxing Preliminary Bout: Elmir Kulosman (3-0) проти. Darryl Cobb (2-1)

Bellator Kickboxing Preliminary Bout: Tara Walker (4-3-1) проти. Mimi Kutzin (3-2)