标记档案: 混合武术

帕特里克·皮特布尔 (Patricky PITBULL) 对阵德里克·坎波斯 (DEREK CAMPOS) 的轻量级复赛是永星世界赌场内 BELLATOR 双打比赛第二晚的主要赛事 & 采取



SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (十一月 1, 2016) – 未公开的伤害 帕特·柯伦, 原本预定对战的是谁 约翰·特谢拉(20-1-2), 为轻量级主赛事进站打开了大门 Patricky斗犬 (16-8) 针对 德里克场 (17-6) WinStar 世界赌场内特别双打比赛的第二天晚上 & 度假村在Thackerville, 行。, 上 星期六, 十二月 3.


代替受伤的前羽量级冠军, 特谢拉现在将面对 贾斯汀·劳伦斯 (9-3) 在主卡动作中. 此外, Bellator MMA 很高兴地宣布三届全美摔跤新秀的职业首秀 贾罗德·特里斯, 谁来挑战 布兰登·李 (4-1) 在 Bellator.com 直播预赛卡期间.

第二天晚上的娱乐活动—— “贝拉托 167” – 与不败的新晋超级巨星进行蝇量级比赛 Ilima雷·麦克法兰 (4-0) 针对 艾米丽·杜科特(Emily Ducote) (4-1), 以及 赤帝Njokuani (15-4, 1 NC) 与 安德鲁·菲奥霍 (7-0) 在斯派克电视转播的主卡上进行三轮次中量级比赛.


轻量级世界冠军重赛将与现任冠军进行较量 爱德华多·丹塔斯 (18-4) 针对 乔·沃伦 (14-5) 以及一场羽量级的比赛,让不败的前景 A.J. 麦基 (5-0) 针对 伊曼纽尔·桑切斯 (13-3) 将凸显第一个夜晚的兴奋 “贝拉托 166。”最后, 之间的轻量级回合 马科斯加尔旺 (17-7-1) 和 C.R。. 戴维斯 (23-7) 也将出现在双赛开幕之夜的主卡上.


独特的双赛赛事门票只需 $45 并可在 WinStar 世界赌场购买 & 度假村售票处, 以及票务和Bellator.com.


“Bellator 167: 比特犬VS. 坎波斯 2” 周六在 SPIKE 上免费直播 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT。, 而 “Bellator 166: 丹塔斯 vs. 沃伦 2"免费直播 在周五 在 SPIKE 上 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT. 两项赛事的预赛均将直播 Bellator.com该Bellator移动应用.


这位 30 岁的巴西球星在职业生涯的辉煌起步后最初引起了促销活动的注意, 他在前八场比赛中赢得了七场胜利. 现在是 Bellator MMA 16 场比赛的老将, 弗莱雷在过去九场比赛中赢了六场,参加了比赛, 包括淘汰赛区强队 瑞安时装, 大卫Rickels, 最引人注目的是德里克·坎波斯(Derek Campos)在两年前两人的第一次争吵中. 第二轮战胜坎波斯,是他职业生涯第二次被对手击倒. 弗莱雷已经组建了一个明星 2016 运动, 战胜 Couture 和 Kevin Souza, 以及轻量级冠军争夺战 迈克尔·钱德勒. “比特犬”将在与同样经过考验的老将坎波斯的较量中展现强劲表现,进一步巩固自己在赛区精英赛中的地位.


在未公开的受伤之前, 坎波斯最初定于在意大利与“比特犬”进行复赛。 “贝拉特 152” 但现在这位 28 岁的德克萨斯人将在离本垒更近的地方进行复仇. 来自拉伯克, 得克萨斯州, “种马”在过去的八场比赛中获胜 11 结束, 包括淘汰梅尔文·吉拉德和埃斯特万·帕扬. 具有专业记录 3-1 在Thackerville, 包括 KOTC 青少年次中量级冠军 2012, 坎波斯明确声称拥有永星世界赌场 & 度假村是他的家外之家. 目前取得了一系列的成功, 坎波斯将寻求延续他目前的两连胜,并继续他在 OK 的统治地位.


29 岁的特谢拉继续在 Bellator MMA 羽量级级别中扬名, 继三连胜后,他将在升级的指导下第四次出场. 类似于他的对手, 特谢拉最近也取得了一系列成功,也步入了笼子, 赢得了过去八场比赛中的七场, 包括首轮淘汰赛的三人组. 在加入 Bellator MMA 之前, 特谢拉只在巴西开始了他的职业生涯, 创下不败纪录 12-0 一平局. 即将到来的比赛只是特谢拉九年职业生涯中第四次在祖国巴西以外的地方进行比赛. 同 14 他 19 事业胜利所击倒或提交的方式来, 在这场令人垂涎欲滴的对决中,你一定能看到“马卡帕”早早且频繁地发起最后一击.


最近有消息称帕特·库兰因未公开的受伤而被迫退出, 劳伦斯同意顶替特谢拉的位置. 在 Strikeforce 的指导下开始他的职业生涯, 劳伦斯在 Bellator MMA 强大的羽量级部门找到了归宿. 自去年加入斯科特·科克 (Scott Coker) 领导的促销活动以来,《美国小子》已经在精彩片段中击败了两场比赛, 包括他最近的胜利 小林勋“Bellator 157: 炸药2。” 这是他年轻职业生涯的第五次胜利,也是淘汰赛中的第四次. 追溯到 2013, 这位26岁的前锋在过去六场比赛中赢了五场, 其中三人是通过淘汰赛获得的. 来自太平洋, 密苏里州, 这位前UFC选手将寻求与特谢拉的另一个强敌对抗.


三届全美摔跤新秀贾罗德·特里斯将迎来他备受期待的职业首秀, 继今年早些时候他最近与促销签约之后. 特莱斯加入 亚伦微微, 和露丝泰瑞尔财富 作为最近签约的几位选手,他们组成了新一波才华横溢的摔跤前景涌入 Bellator MMA. 底特律, 密歇根人在中央密歇根大学参加比赛, 他还获得了国家冠军 120 公斤和两个希腊罗马国家冠军, 与一个在 120 千克,另一个在 98 公斤。这位27岁的人在令人印象深刻的50磅减肥转型后也取得了巨大成功, 在需要严格体重纪律的运动中肯定会派上用场的东西.


克林顿之战, 行。, 当李在 WinStar 世界赌场首次亮相时,他不必走很远的 Bellator MMA 首秀 & 度假村在Thackerville, 上 十二月 3. 这位 41 岁的重量级人物迄今为止已经取得了巨大的成功, 在地区晋升的指导下,他在职业生涯的五场比赛中取得了四场胜利. “送葬者”在他的四场职业胜利中每一场都在首轮击败了对手, 包括在今年早些时候他最近一场胜利中惨遭淘汰. 李将降级至 205 磅级别进行他的促销首秀, 期待破坏顶级前景 Jarod Trice 及其广受关注的职业首秀的派对.


完成“Bellator 167: 比特犬VS. Campos 2” 主卡:

轻量级主赛事: Patricky“斗犬”弗莱雷 (16-8) VS. 德里克场 (17-6)

Flyweight Feature Bout: 伊利玛·麦克法兰 (4-0) VS. 艾米丽·杜科特(Emily Ducote) (4-1)

次中量级功能回合: 赤帝Njokuani (15-4, 1 NC) VS. 安德鲁·菲奥霍 (7-0)

羽初步回合: 约翰·特谢拉 (19-1-2) VS. 贾斯汀·劳伦斯 (9-3)



轻重量级的初步回合: 贾罗德·特里斯 (登场) VS. 布兰登·李 (4-1)

重量级初步回合: 阿卜杜勒·拉扎克·阿尔·哈桑 (5-0) VS. 达科他科克伦 (26-10)

轻量级预赛: 乔纳森·加里 (11-6) VS. 亚伦·罗伯森 (5-4)

羽初步回合: 布兰登·飞利浦 (6-2) 斯蒂芬Banaszak (5-5)

重量级初步回合: 贾斯汀·帕特森 (7-1) VS. 科代尔·福特 (11-8)

重量级初步回合: 冈萨雷斯 (登场) VS. 克里斯·希克斯 (3-8)

Move turns ideas into results Mexico vs. Colombia competition Provides platform for athletes

蒙特卡罗, 摩纳哥 (十一月 1, 2016)- The Mexican MMA Commission (COMEXAMM) and Colombian MMA Federation (FECODEAMM), respectively led by 赫克托·莫利纳Jaime Arturo Pena, have partnered to provide a bi-national undercard in lieu of the recent cancellation of the inaugural World MMA Association (WMMAA) Pan-American Division Championships due to problems associated with the hosting Chile Federation.
The Mexico vs. Colombia fights will be on the undercard of the November 18 Combato Extremo 事件, 通过推广 Ubaldo Marroquin, at Auditorio National, 蒙特雷, 墨西哥. Mexican and Colombian fighters who were supposed to compete in the aforementioned WMMAA Pan-American Division Championships can now have the opportunity to be in action.
Molina has been instrumental in WMMAA Pan-American Division development since 2014 as president of the Mexican Commission of MMA, as well as the Pan-American Director of the Regulatory Committee.
That first year,” 莫利纳说,, “we are focused on identifying the best parts of he WMMAA regulatory programsits people, programs, systems and processesthen quickly and effectively integrating these parts into a stronger centralized continental organization partner with improved, more useful, more impactful systems and resources. When you bring together multiple organizations there are real differences that need to be addressed, including cultural, and business operations, as well as geographic differences.
Molina and his leadership team studied the WMMAA systems, maintained what successfully worked, and improved other aspects to build a new network. They retained top talent and aligned them with COMEXAMM’s 胆大 culture, also adding some new people in areas perceived as non-optical to support business. 最终,, Molina bold a team that embraced core values and visions for regulatory that was instilled in him by mentors and years of experience.
We started with the premise that we hire the best people in the industry; that we train them well, and offer them cutting-edge resources and skills. We empower our people to make smart decisions and, 最重要的, we trust our people key members like Gustavo Cantu. This trust is critical to our success. When we empower and trust people, they want to take ownership, not only for results, but for how we get our results.
One of Molina’s first accomplishments at WMMAA has been the restructuring and realignment of the rules and regulations committee to mirror the company’s operating model. The Continental Rules and Regulations Committee was built on the principle guard railing the unstoppable growth of MMA and given the dynamic nature of WMMAA.
Moves like these, from leaders like Hector Molina, are the ones that many organization would dream about in moments of crisis,” WMMAA Pan-American Division president 托马斯·玉 评论过, “giving a new definition to what it means to be part of the WMMAA family.
The WMMAA Pan-American Division is a leader of a new industry categorygrowth Federationpowered by a committee to growth, focusing on MMA as a sport area leadership, in addition to dedication to operational excellence, investment in research and development innovation, and a strong focus on its members.
To maintain its position as an industry leader, WMMAA Pan-American Division practices what it calls, “Living Bold.This culture embraces five principles: building bridges, powering ideas, acting fast, driving results, and always doing what is right. Molina and his team create regulatory strategies, systems, and programs that embody this culture.
As opposed to being a back-room function that primarily creates policies and performs audits, my teams are aligned with the business units and are in the field with them daily,” Molina explained. “We advise in real time and proactively collaborate in strategy and planning meetings so our business can come up with innovative ideas, act fast, and quickly drive results.
My team knows that I am a bit of a regulatory geek when it comes to our work. It’s extremely exciting from a strategic perspective because it allows us to become a more valuable partner to the colleagues who run the business. We’ve always had strong, productive and active strategies. And we always will! By continuously challenging the status quo, asking ourselves how we can do things differently, and ultimately advancing our regulatory program, we will make a meaningful contribution to helping the WMMAA be bold, act fast and power ideas.
叽叽喳喳: @theWMMAA
Instagram的: @世界MMA

前分区冠军马科斯·加尔沃重返对阵 L.C. 戴维斯在永星世界赌场举行的 BELLATOR MMA 双打比赛开幕之夜 & 采取



SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (十月 31, 2016) – 最轻量级特色战斗坑 马科斯加尔旺 (17-7-1) 针对 C.R。. 戴维斯 (23-7) 以及一场中量级的冲突 克里斯·哈尼科特 (8-1, 1 NC) 和 本·瑞特 (17-1-1) 已被添加到的主卡 “Bellator 166: 丹塔斯 vs. 沃伦 2" 永星世界赌场内 & 度假村在Thackerville, 行。, 上 十二月 2.

第一晚的娱乐活动—— “Bellator 166: 丹塔斯 vs. 沃伦 2" — 将在现任冠军之间进行最轻量级世界冠军重赛 爱德华多·丹塔斯 (18-4) 和前皮带架 乔·沃伦 (14-5). 此外, 一场羽量级的冲突让不败的前景陷入困境 A.J. 麦基 (5-0) 针对 伊曼纽尔·桑切斯 (13-3) 还将在 SPIKE 电视卡上免费直播.

独特的双赛赛事门票只需 $45 并可在 WinStar 世界赌场购买 & 度假村售票处, 以及票务和Bellator.com.

“Bellator 166: 丹塔斯 vs. 沃伦 2" 免费直播 在周五 在 SPIKE 上 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT. “贝拉托 167” 免费直播 周六 在 SPIKE 上 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT. 两项赛事的预赛均将直播 Bellator.com该Bellator移动应用. 另外的较量将在未来几周内公布.

巴西巨星马科斯·加尔沃 (Marcos Galvao) 重返赛场,赢得了过去九场比赛中的七场胜利,并准备好再次冲击分区冠军. 来自亚马逊, 巴西, 虚幻的“Loro”在过去七年里只完成了一次, 相反,他在五场比赛中击败了对手 11 同期获胜. 现在 Galvao 重返 WinStar 世界赌场 & 度假村, 在同一场地,他与乔·沃伦(Joe Warren)战斗并击败了雏量级金牌 “贝拉托 135。” 随后, 沃伦还将准备参加 “Bellator 166: 丹塔斯 vs. 沃伦2” 他和爱德华多·丹塔斯将在主赛事中对决. 不用说, 34岁的加尔沃将有巨大的获胜动力, 他曾经拥护的分区在萨克维尔占据了主导地位.

戴维斯第五次以 Bellator MMA 名义参加比赛, 在晋级的前四场比赛中取得三场胜利. 这位35岁的雏量级选手在比赛中击败了对手 15 他 23 职业生涯胜, 含 11 在首轮. 过去九场比赛中有七场获胜, 堪萨斯城, 密苏里州本地人始终发现自己处于与该部门顶级竞争者的对话中. 戴维斯希望复制他最近战胜常郎秀雄时所取得的成功。 “Bellator 135,” 他的分歧判定胜利被标记为雅虎! 体育界的“半年最佳战斗”。这位前普拉特社区学院摔跤教练现在面临着一个机会,在与摔跤界最好的选手之一的一场精彩对决中提升排名。.

Bellator MMA 六场比赛老将, 霍尼卡特在晋升期间的前两次出场给人留下了深刻的印象, 记录连续淘汰赛. 弗雷斯诺的战斗, 加利福尼亚州。, 这位28岁的淘汰赛艺术家以令人印象深刻的六连胜开始了他的职业生涯, 包括五次完赛和四次淘汰赛. “The Cutt”在他的 Bellator MMA 首秀中成功过渡到次中量级 2014, 在他最近一次胜利中回到中量级之前 米克尔我说话“贝拉托 156。”

在完成职业首秀后 2011, 赖特在职业生涯第一次失利之前取得了十六场胜利. 这位 29 岁的纽约人职业生涯早期主要在秘鲁比赛, 在印加格斗锦标赛的指导下进行战斗, 在加入 Bellator MMA 比赛之前 2014. 自从在斯科特·科克领导的组织中首次亮相以来, “猎人”在他已经令人印象深刻的履历上又增添了三场胜利, 他很快发现自己跻身该师的精英之列. 与他的九个 17 事业胜利所击倒或提交的方式来, 赖特希望在萨克维尔举行的两晚特别双打比赛的第一场比赛中再次取得好成绩,从而增加总成绩, 行. 身高六尺三寸, 赖特将寻求让他的对手霍尼卡特在身高和臂展上都具有显着优势.


完成“Bellator 166: 丹塔斯 vs. Warren 2” 主卡:

最轻量级世界冠军主赛事: 爱德华多·丹塔斯 (18-4) VS. 乔·沃伦 (14-5)

轻量级联赛: A.J. 麦基 (5-0) VS. 伊曼纽尔·桑切斯 (13-3)

轻量级特征回合: 马科斯加尔旺 (17-7-1) VS. C.R。. 戴维斯 (23-7)

中量级功能赛: 克里斯·哈尼科特 (8-1, 1 NC) VS. 本·瑞特 (17-1-1)



羽初步回合: Treston Thomison (9-4) VS. 雷·伍德 (7-2)

轻量级初步回合: 克里斯·琼斯 (10-4) VS. 德里克·阿德金斯 (7-2)

轻重量级的初步回合: 肯尼迪·恩泽库库 (登场) VS. 乔恩·莱尔 (2-0)

重量级初步回合: 机会相遇 (8-2) 列维女王 (8-3)

中量级初步回合: 格雷戈里·巴本 (17-11) VS. 埃米利亚诺索尔迪 (14-5)

FAAMM on a roll as new WMMMA Argentina


(L-R) – WMMAA Argentina president Diego Fernandez &
WMMAA Pan-American Division president Tomas Yu
蒙特卡罗, 摩纳哥 (十月 27, 2016)- The future of the new World MMA Association (WMMAA) Argentina is bright with unlimited opportunities for future growth, largely due to Argentina’s youths continuing to drive increased consumption of healthier lifestyles.
FAAMM, the Argentinean MMA Federation, restructured its organization under the leadership of president Diego Fernandez to earn WMMAA Pan-American Division’s fastest growing federation to date.
One of my main objectives was to share the organization’s (FAAMA) story with the government and the private sector community to bring its competitive advantages to light,” Fernandez explained in an interview with ENLACE. “I also leveraged the WMMAA skills and resources to help guide the due diligence and restructing to emerge with the proudly earned name, WMMAA ARGENTINA.
Transforming the organization from an association to a federation and now known to the world as WMMAA Argentina was the largest progressive step we’ve completed to date in the organization’s history. The business model as the new WMMAA Argentina is very straightforward: our job to help our nation’s athletes.
The new Argentina has a prominent footprint with many qualified board members. The new WMMAA Argentina is well positioned to offer customized solutions that drive increased value, developed from a mere structure provider into a services and solutions organization for the sport in all aspects.
WMMAA Argentina has solid reporting, industry-leading analytics and repeatable methodologies, plus hard-working members, collogues and full support from the WMMAA Pan-American Division.
叽叽喳喳: @theWMMAA
Instagram的: @世界MMA



B170_1920x1080_tuneinEXCLUSIVE PRESALES BEGIN 明天 AT 12 下午PST


SANTA MONICA, CALIF (十月 27, 2016) – It’s a fight that many mixed martial arts fans thought they’d never see, 但 一月 21, 2017, 两 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯 (18-12-1) 和 Chael Sonnen的 (28-14-1) will return to action inside the beautifully renovated Forum in Inglewood, 加利福尼亚州。, 头条 “Bellator 170: VS奥尔蒂斯. Sonnen.” In college, the two met on the wrestling mat, in a matchup that Sonnen won by pinning Ortiz on his birthday. 现在, Ortiz will have the opportunity to avenge that loss when the compete in the Bellator MMA cage on SPIKE.

Tickets for this massive event go on sale to the general public 明天, 星期五, 十月. 28 在Bellator.com, 以及Ticketmaster.com, but if you are a member of Bellator Nation, you’ll have exclusive access to seats TODAY if you use the code “Bellator” when checking out.


本次活动将现场直播和免费秒杀 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步行动将流于Bellator.com和Bellator移动应用. 其他主赛和预赛卡牌比赛将在未来几周内公布.


Since shocking the world with his surprise signing with Bellator MMA last month, Sonnen has made it clear he wants to fight anyone and everyone – regardless of weight class, or anything else that could stand in his way. Sitting atop that list, is a name that has sat atop the sport of MMA practically since its inception, 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯.


Not one to shy away from any sort of challenge, “The Huntington Beach Bad Boy” wasted zero time welcoming “The American Gangster” to the fray as only he can, 由 responding to Sonnen’s call-out with open arms on his social media account.


Sonnen spent a vast majority of his 43-fight career with the UFC, a run where he competed against names the likes of Jon Jones, 安德森·席尔瓦 (2X), 拉沙德·埃文斯(Rashad Evans), “ Shogun” Rua, 德米安·马亚, 布赖恩·斯坦恩, and current middleweight champion Michael Bisping. In addition to his exploits inside the cage, 西林, 小时。, 本地人已经掌握了在镜头前的艺术, doing major broadcasting work for both ESPN and Fox Sports. 现在, after a three-year hiatus from active MMA competition, Sonnen looks to add to his impressive resume by defeating Ortiz.


Known to the masses as “The Huntington Beach Bad Boy” or “The People’s Champion” 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯 是一个风扇喜爱世界各地. The former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion has always been one of the toughest competitors in the cage, utilizing his wrestling background; Ortiz is a grinder who defended his title an impressive five times. Always with a flair for the dramatic, 奥尔蒂斯曾在笼子里激烈的竞争与球员像肯三叶草, 查利德尔, 万德雷·席尔瓦, and Randy Couture. 最近, Ortiz challenged current Bellator MMA 205-pound champion 利亚姆McGeary“Bellator: 炸药1“。


更新了“Bellator 170: VS奥尔蒂斯. Sonnen” Main Card:

轻重量级的主要事件: 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯 (18-12-1) VS. Chael Sonnen的 (28-14-1)



Azteca’s first MMA programming deal in history also
includes weekly series showcasing
Combate Americas’ fastest rising stars

NEW YORK/MEXICO CITY DF, 十月 26 — 康贝特美洲, 首屈一指的西班牙综合武术 (MMA) 体育特许经营, and TV Azteca, S·A·B. 德·CV. (BMV: 阿兹台克; 拉蒂贝克斯: XTZA), 世界上最大的两个西班牙语电视节目制作商之一, today announced an exclusive, year-long agreement to broadcast live world champion MMA events in the U.S. 和墨西哥.

In addition to monthly live events, the partnership, which marks the first time in history Azteca will carry MMA programming in Mexico, also includes a weekly series that will showcase the most exciting Combate Americas fights to date as well as highlight the league’s prolific, young fighters and celebrity personalities.

The live events and weekly series will be featured on both TV Azteca’s Channel 7 in Mexico and Azteca America in the U.S. Broadcast from Mexico City, the first live event under the new partnership is scheduled for 星期四, 一月. 19.

“MMA has developed a worldwide audience and through Combate Americas, a passionate following among the fast-growing U.S. Hispanic, millennial audience, which is why we wanted this programming for both U.S. 和墨西哥,“说 Rodrigo Fernández, Director of Azteca 7. “Campbell McLaren understands MMA better than anyone, which is why Azteca wants to be part of what we believe will be phenomenal growth for Combate Americas.”

“As we’ve seen with our soccer programming, live sports events drive Hispanic millennial viewing. That’s why the opportunity to deliver MMA, with its proven track record, to our audience is so compelling,“说 Manuel Abud, president and CEO, 阿兹特克美洲. “Combate Americas understands the sport and our audience. It’s an unbeatable combination.”

“Our partnership with Azteca will take Combate Americas to the next level,” said Combate Americas founder and CEO 坎贝尔迈凯轮. “I was there for the beginning of the UFC and saw how critical the correct television partner is to the growth of the franchise. Azteca has incredible reach in both the U.S. 和墨西哥, which is why this is such an exciting time for us.”

The weekly series, Combate Americas Azteca, hosted by award-winning MMA journalist and Combate Americas color commentator 安德烈街, will premiere on Thursday, Nov., 3 在 10 P.M. 在美国. on Azteca America, 并 星期五, 十一月. 4 在 11 P.M. on TV Azteca’s Channel 7 在墨西哥, following the popular La Liga Mexicana football. The monthly live events air live in the U.S. and the following night in Mexico.

Founded by UFC co-creator McLaren and co-owned by Creative Artist Agency (CAA), Bunim/Murray Productions and Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM), Combate Americas is the first fight-themed show to win a major television award (“Best Variety or Reality Series” at the 29 annual Imagen Awards on August 1, 2014). The company has expanded its roster to include over 40 战士和, after producing two live events in 2015, it rolled out a total of five live events in 2016.

Combate Americas live events will continue to air in English via UFC FIGHT PASS®, a digital subscription service which gives fans access to exclusive live UFC events and fights, 来自世界各地的独家现场 MMA 和格斗运动赛事, 独家原创和幕后内容前所未有 24-7 访问世界上最大的图书馆打.
# # #

TV Azteca is one of the two largest producers of Spanish-language television programming in the world, operating two national television networks in Mexico, El trece and Azteca 7, through more than 300 owned and operated stations across the country. TV Azteca affiliates include Azteca US, a broadcast television network focused on the rapidly growing U.S. 西班牙市场, and Azteca Web, an Internet company for North American Spanish speakers.



SANTA MONICA, 加利福尼亚州. — (十月 26, 2016) - Bellator MMA是自豪地宣布签署 拉莱克·格雷西 (3-0) to an exclusive multi-fight, multi-year contract.

Ralek is the third son of Rorion, the nephew of Royce, Rickson, and Royler Gracie and received his black belt from Grand Master Helio Gracie. The Gracie Family is famous for putting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu on the map around the globe.

仅在 22, Ralek made his MMA debut in Japan, where he defeated his opponent, Kastuyori Shibata with a devastating armbar. Nearly a year later, Ralek returned to Japan for his second MMA fight and again was victorious, this time defeating Gahdzhiev Alavutdin with an armbar from the mount. These two bouts led to a highly anticipated matchup with Kazushi Sakuraba, where again the Los Angeles native left “The Land of the Rising Sun” with the victory. That was the last time Ralek would fight under MMA rules, until now.

“I was bred for hand-to-hand combat over generations and I simply can’t ignore that during my physical prime. My destiny is calling me and my opponent is irrelevant, 它的时间去,” Gracie said. “It’s crazy to see where fighting has come since my childhood of seeing everything unfold from behind the scenes. Bellator is really stepping up the opportunities fighters have to compete more often and in different countries and I’m excited to join that movement and test my style in this modern MMA era.”

It has yet to be determined which weight class the 31-year-old will participate in, but expect to see him lace up the gloves for Bellator MMA in early 2017.

投票给菲尔·戴维斯 2016 – 美国的绝佳选择

SANTA MONICA, 加利福尼亚州. (十月. 25, 2016) - 嘿美国! 当我们接近 2016 总统选举, Bellator MMA 前往安卡斯维尔金神太阳体育场 (Mohegan Sun Arena), 康涅狄格州 星期五, 十一月 4 与今年最有趣的卡片之一. 成为此次活动的头条新闻, 菲尔“先生. 美妙的“戴维斯 正在竞选中,他正在准备与现任轻重量级冠军进行职业生涯中最大的一场比赛, 利亚姆McGeary.


在该卡的主要活动之前, Bellator 的数字团队与 Davis 和单口喜剧演员合作, 亚当·亨特, 制作六个原创数字活动视频的集合,并传达明确的信息:还有更好的选择! 补充数字短片, 球迷实际上可以通过按一下按钮为戴维斯投票 www.VoteForPhilDavis.com 直到战斗之夜 十一月 4. 同时, 观看下面这些“精彩”片段,看看为什么戴维斯在笼外的立场会让综合格斗再次伟大!


MMA 中最直言不讳的运动员之一, 戴维斯连续赢了三场比赛,并且在过去的九场比赛中赢了七场. 此外, 这位31岁的选手用一半的时间击败了对手 16 职业生涯胜, 包括五次降服胜利. 戴维斯凭借一场关键的胜利赢得了对麦吉尔的一击,并获得了令人垂涎的 205 磅腰带 “King Mo”“Bellator 154: 戴维斯VS. King Mo” 今年早些时候,. 参加过 13 场 UFC 比赛的老将, 戴维斯可能不会被金神太阳体育场的明亮灯光所困扰, 这可能是他辉煌职业生涯中最大的挑战. 期待这位前 NCAA 全国冠军摔跤手将这场比赛搬上舞台,在康涅狄格州拥挤的人群面前展示他无可挑剔的地面比赛.

















“Bellator 163: 麦基里 vs. 戴维斯”战斗卡

轻重量级世界冠军争夺战: 利亚姆McGeary (11-0) VS. 菲尔·戴维斯 (16-3)

重量级的合作主要事件: 你阿瓦德 (19-8) VS. 布伦南病房 (13-4)

次中量级功能回合: 保罗·戴利 (38-14-2) VS. 德里克·安德森 (14-2)

重量级特征回合: 谢尔盖Kharitonov (23-5) VS. Javy阿亚拉 (9-5)

羽特征回合: Marloes Coenen (23-7) VS. 塔利塔诺盖拉 (6-0)



中量级初步回合: 和露丝 (登场) VS. 马克·曼贾迪 (登场)

重量级的初步回合: 泰瑞尔财富 (登场) VS. 科迪·米斯克尔 (登场)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout: 奈曼格雷西 (4-0) VS. 鲁迪熊 (16-14)

重量级的初步回合: 约什 - 狄克曼 (15-7, 1 NC) VS. 泰勒·金 (11-4)

羽初步回合: 布莱尔Tugman (8-6) VS. 沃尔特·史密斯,Cotito (4-4, 1 NC)

中量级初步回合: 迈克尔·齐歇尔 (8-4) VS. 蒂姆·卡隆 (5-0)

重量级初步回合: 伊利亚Kotau (1-1) VS. 卡洛斯·科里亚 (1-0)

飞锤初步回合: 萨拉支付 (1-3) VS. 汉娜·雷吉娜 (登场)

重量级初步回合: 基南雷蒙德 (3-3) VS. 谢玛·卡斯特罗 (登场)

重量级初步回合: 詹姆斯·博兰 (6-0) VS. 维尼修斯·德热苏斯 (4-1)

羽初步回合: 托马斯·英格利希 (6-6) VS. 克里斯托弗·福斯特 (9-4)

战斗地带邀请您来到 CZ 60 “返回丽笙酒店”


NEW ENGLAND'S PREMIERE MMA PROMOTION Combat Zone Returns to Manchester, NH !





MMA 战斗区移至曼彻斯特, NH;

CZ 60 周六领取工资, 十一月 19


新罕布什尔州塞勒姆- (十月 19, 2016)- 战地MMA, 新英格兰地区持续时间最长的综合武术推广活动,也是东北地区最成功的推广活动之一, 正在将其令人兴奋的职业和业余 MMA 以及跆拳道比赛迁至曼彻斯特, NH 回归根源, 卡尔文·卡塔尔 (Calvin Kattar) 和贾米森·卡塔尔 (Jamison Kattar) 共同拥有者今天宣布.


致电最近关闭的塞勒姆罗金厄姆公园后, NH之家过去八年, 战斗区将来到曼彻斯特市中心丽笙酒店的军械库室.


军械库室是一个特殊的场所,非常适合举办拳击比赛,可舒适地容纳最多 800 争取球迷. 整个房间均采用裸露砖装饰,非常适合 CZ 活动!


丽笙酒店 Aromory Room 举办的第一个活动是战斗区 (Combat Zone) 60 上 星期六, 十一月 19.


“我很高兴能将促销活动带回到这一切最初开始的地方——丽笙酒店. 我们认为新地点将使我们能够做出必要的改变以吸引更广泛的观众,同时继续为我们的忠实粉丝群提供充满动感的战斗,” 卡尔文·卡塔尔说, 他最近回到了笼子里,并将自己的记录提高到了 16-2 以及他的军衔 #2 新英格兰职业羽量级选手.


卡塔兄弟和媒人瑞安芬内利仍在放置战斗区 60 一起打卡, 但当挑战者杰拉德·默兹 (Gerald Meuse) 挑战时,拳击迷们可以期待 MMA 轻量级业余冠军卫冕之旅 (4-1) 来自波士顿的选手试图从不败冠军戴夫·布朗手中夺取腰带 (3-0). 褐色, 谁来自拉科尼亚, NH, 在他的最后一场比赛中击败了此前毫无瑕疵的肖恩·梅兰森,赢得了金腰带.


雷·肖迪 (Ray Shawdee) 之间的职业跆拳道比赛将成为另一场精彩而激烈的比赛,这将是一场全面的比赛, 谁在温德姆的新英格兰顶级球队执教, NH 和洛厄尔冰雹, 嘛, 缅因州总是令人畏惧的圆领布丁. 这场比赛对获胜者有潜在的冠军影响.


其他预期和有竞争力的, 艰难的战斗是 MMA 职业选手 Jay Perrin 2-2 VS. 查德·凯利 4-2 匹配于 135 磅. 和塞勒姆的尼克·菲奥雷 (1-0) VS. 泰勒·科斯蒂诺 (2-2) 作为业余选手参加标准体重比赛 150 磅.




Combat Zone MMA 总部仍设在塞勒姆, NH 和门票仍可通过网站购买: www.czmma.com. 门票价格将为 $120 用于场边座位, $90, $60, $50, 和 $40 一般入学. 您也可以致电 Jamison Kattar 购买门票: 978-361-6772.




称重将是 星期五, 十一月 18 时间和地点即将公布.


如需门票信息或获取更新的战斗卡,请访问我们: 中州MMA网 或查看我们的FB页面 “战地MMA”





