Tag Archives: E tsoakiloeng Martial Arts

NEF RE-lipontšo JAROD Lawton to Multi-loantša Sebetsana

Lewiston, Maine (February 2, 2015) -New Engelane ho loana ka (NEF), Amerika oa nomoro ya-e mong o lebatowa ntoa ntshetsopele, ile a phatlalatsa pele ho moo kajeno hore ho khampani ne a botjha saennweng Jarod “Last Minute” Lawton (4-1) to a multi-fight contract. While the exact terms of the deal were not released, NEF phethahatso tiisa hore konteraka ne e tla ba nako e telele fetang tsela ea lilemo tse.


"Ke 'na haholo thaba haholo ha re tsoela pele ho ba e le karolo ea NEF mokhatlo o hlophisitsoeng,"O ile a re Lawton ha fihla bakeng sa maikutlo. "Ba ba 'nile ba e kholo supporter ea ka tsoelo-pele MMA le ba entse e kholo mosebetsi ho haha ​​le moruo o ka sethaleng sebaka ka bahlabani ho hōla le ho ntlafatsa. Ke 'na thabela seo haholo ketelo e tlang selemo le bona' me tiisetso ka ba bang ba e khōlō metshameko. "


“Jarod Lawton ke e mong oa mongolian monyetla ya kgaolo ka MMA (e tsoakiloeng-sesole-bonono) scene bang bang bang hona joale,” a re NEF sebedisana mong'a le matchmaker Mat Peterson. “O ile a 's e kholo, matla, baatlelete BJJ Black Belt le haholo tiileng standup bokgoni. Re na pelaelo hore Jarod o na le e latelang-boemong ba bokgoni ba 'me sena se sebetsana tla mo fa menyetla o ile a lokela ho fumana moo.”


Lawton, 30, nang e ntso lebanta Brazil Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) tlas'a Alexey Cruz, e 5go th degree BJJ Black Belt under Ricardo de La Riva. Lawton is the owner and operator of Team Lawton Martial Arts – e Team New England United (NEW) affiliate sebakeng Farmingdale, Maine. Lawton has won his last three MMA fights in a row in the NEF MMA cage. NEF executives anticipate that Lawton will have the first fight of his new contract this spring.


Ha a ntse a Lawton kholo ka ho fetisisa tseo a li finyeletseng ba tlile ka grappling Mats le MMA gorole, o ile a e bile hae versatility ile a loana lipapali sena se fetileng ho oa ka le lekhetlo la pele NEF Boxing le ketsahalo e Lewiston, Maine. Lawton, a ba boikaketsi lan papading ya ditebele tsa qalo, loana nang le phihlelo tsenwe Boxer Joel Bishop (0-0-1) ho ke boholo ba ba kha baahloli ba’ scorecards. It was a fight, leha ho le joalo, that many in attendance felt Lawton clearly won. NEF executives confirmed that the new agreement with Lawton would guarantee him both MMA and boxing fights with the promotion.


“Ho pota-pota, Jarod Lawton ke e e kholo, e khōlō moatlelete,” a re NEF sebedisana mong'a le a ntsetsa pele Nick DiSalvo. “Mat (Peterson) and I knew it three years ago. We’re very proud to have him back on our roster for many fights to come.


NEF a latelang MMA ketsahalo, “NEF XVI,” etsahala ka February 7, 2015with an all-star lineup of fights scheduled. Ray “Tsohle Business” Wood (5-0) o khutlela hore bosiu ho sireletsa NEF MMA Featherweight Title khahlanong le Bellator le WEC veteran Anthony “Cheesesteak” Morrison (16-9). NFL le UFC The Ultimate Fighterveteran Tyler Morena (7-2) o beha ea NEF MMA Heavyweight Title le mola khahlanong le Terry “The Polar Bear” Blackburn (5-2). In the feature bout of the evening, UFC, Bellator le Strikeforce veteranNah-Shon Burrell (10-5) etsa hore hae NEF MMA qalo khahlanong le Ryan ella elle la Hodge (6-9). Litekete li qala ka feela $25 'me li ka Sale hona joale kawww.TheColisee.com kapa ka bitsa The Colisee lebokose le reng ofisi ea207.783.2009 X 525. Bakeng sa boitsebiso bo eketsehileng ka ketsahalo le ho loana karete ya diapdeite, ka kōpo etela ntshetsopele oa setsheng sa inthanete sa www.NewEnglandFights.com. Holim'a moo, o ka shebella NEF livideo ka www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, latela ba ba ka Twitternefights le ho ba setho ya semmuso ya Facebook sehlopha "New England loana."


Ka New England ho loana ka


New England ho loana ka ("NEF") ke ho loana moodle moodle moodle ho phahamiswa khampani. NEF thomo ea ke ho bopa phahameng ka ho fetisisa boleng moodle moodle moodle bakeng sa Maine oa bahlabani le Fans ka tsela e tsoanang. NEF oa phethahatso sehlopha o na le a pharaletseng a le phihlelo ea ho loantsa tsa tsamaiso ya dipapadi, moodle moodle moodle tlhahiso, metswedi ya dikgang, tsa mebaraka, molao le papatso.

Loantša Network MMA & KICKBOXING PROGRAMMING Shejulu ya (Feb. 2-8, 2015)

KA loantša Network: Loantša Network ke ea lefatse Tonakgolo loantsa lipapali ya netweke inehetseng ho 24/7 fana ka kgaso, ho akarelletsa le lintoa, bahlabani, loantša molemo 'me a loantša phelang ka eona. Kanale ke fumaneha ka U.S. ka Cablevision likarolong tsa New York, Connecticut le New Jersey, Texas e thehiloeng Grande Dikgokahano, Armstrong Cable a Pennsylvania le e ka bochabela Ohio, , mmogo le go Shentel Cable a Virginia, Ka bophirimela Virginia le likarolo tse ling tsa ka bophirimela Maryland. Loantša Network e boetse ke ka Roku beha holimo mabokose a US. le Canada, phallela phela ka websaeteng KlowdTV.com, mme e fumanehang ka tsohle tse ka sehloohong bajari Canada 'me ba fetang 30 bikolo Europe, Afrika le Bochabela bo Hare.
Loantša Network ke 24/7 thelevishene banana a nehela ho tlatsa fana ka kgaso ea loantsa lipapali. E airs mananeo a tsepamisa maikutlo eohle kagologo ya loantsa lipapali ya ka mofuta, ho akarelletsa le phela lintoa le ka-ho-e metsotso tse molemo le go sekaseka bakeng sa tsoakane libetsa, kickboxing, setsebi loane, setso libetsa, papading ya ditebele tsa, ntoa tse molemo, hammoho le ntoa-Luxury Spa tšoantšiso letoto, documentaries le tšobotsi lifilimi.


Mona ka tlase fumana lintlha tsa sehlooho tsa ea beke ena a lenaneo la:

Mantaha, Feb. 2

6:00 p.m. LEHip Show: Arena Combat – Tag-sehlopha MMA ka hare ho 12m-ka-12m lebaleng la boithabiso le tharo tse maemo a.

6:30 p.m. LEUSA loane beke le bekeAmohela Scott Casber fana ka beke le beke tse molemo le go sekaseka ho likolohisa ho pota USA loane, ya dipapadi ea sechaba ea sehlopha se busang, ho akarelletsa le lipuisano, ditshebetso le e o khutlela ho nakong e fetileng.

7:00 p.m. LE 5 O garela – Mabotho John Ramdeen le Robin Black mema khethehileng baeti ba heletsa mafelo a beke ea MMA bohato.

7:30 p.m. LELoantša News Joale eketsehileng – Tsa morao-rao tse molemo, recaps, ditshebetso le ka hare tshekatsheko ya ntoeng tai game.

8:00 p.m. LEEnfusion Live: Dublin 2014 – Professional kickboxing ho tloha Mar. 22, 2014 Dublin, Ireland.

Labobeli, Feb. 3

11:30 a.m. LEXPTV – Fana ka kgaso tsa dikgaolo U.S. ya seporofesenale le ya tsenwe MMA moodle moodle moodle.

12:30 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa Roh loane – Featuring kholo ka ho fetisisa linaleli ho tloha Roh tsa nakong e fetileng ho akarelletsa le CM Punk, Bryan Danielson le Samoa Joe.

7:00 & 7:30 p.m. LEXtreme Fighting Championship – Florida e thehiloeng setsebi MMA featuring holimo American monyetla, machaba linaleli le UFC kileng ba sebeletsa.

8:00 p.m. LE 5 O garela – Mabotho John Ramdeen le Robin Black mema khethehileng baeti ba heletsa mafelo a beke ea MMA bohato.

8:30 p.m. LELoantša News Joale eketsehileng – Tsa morao-rao tse molemo, recaps, ditshebetso le ka hare tshekatsheko ya ntoeng tai game.

9:00 p.m. LEKa thata Knocks Roshan 41 – Featuring Rodney Wallace vs.. Misha Cirkunov ho tloha Jan. 30, 2015 a Calgary, Ontario.

11:00 p.m. LEBAMMA USA: Badbeat 8 – Featuring Jared Papazian vs.. Terrion thepa, Josefa Henle vs.. Miguel Cosio le Ernest Chavez vs.. Tom Gloudeman ho tloha Mar. 15, 2013 a Commerce, JOALO KA.

Laboraro, Feb. 4

6:00 p.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa Cage khalefo – Featuring khale lintoa ho tswa ho UK e thehiloeng Cage khalefo mokhatlo o nang le Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Pauluse Daley le ba bang ba.

7:00 p.m. LELoantša News Joale. MMA Edition – Koahela tsohle se ntseng se etsoa ka MMA lefase ka khethehileng Analysis le ditshebetso.

7:30 p.m. LELoantša Moea MMA – Lipokello tsa machaba MMA lintoa ho tloha ONE FC, UCMMA, NSS, WFC, FFC, BAMMA, EFC Africa le ho feta.

9:00 p.m. LECage bahlabani Roshan Championship 64 – Featuring James Pennington vs.. Cory Tait le Davida Lee vs.Nad Marimani ho tloha Feb. 15, 2014 London.

11:00 p.m. LEMMA Meltdown le Gabriel Morency – Ana gabriel Morency roba fatše tsohle se ntseng se etsoa a MMA, buisana hanyetse, boletsoeng esale pele li, garena khethehileng beke le beke baeti le khethehileng lipuisano.

11:30 p.m. LETakeDown loane – A pharaletseng a fana ka kgaso ea tsenwe loane moodle moodle moodle, ho akarelletsa le tsa morao-rao tse molemo, ka mor'a-e-litšoantšo fana ka kgaso ho tloha liketsahalo le khethehileng lipuisano.

Labone, Feb. 5

1:30 a.m. LEPhahameng ka ho fetisisa Bothata ba MMA 31: Grove vs.. Czerwinski – Featuring Neil Grove vs.. Tomasz Czerwinski a heavyweight bohato ho tloha Aug. 1, 2012 London.

6:00 p.m. LEChampionship Fighting Alliance – Professional MMA ho tloha Florida featuring Josh Sampo, Mike Kyle, John Howard, Sean McCorkle, Luis Palomino le ba bang ba.

7:00 p.m. LEEnfusion Season 3 – Fighters ho tloha 18 linaheng tse sa tsoaneng phehisana ka 85 lik'hilograma MAX sehlopha a Ohrid, Macedonia ha ba ntse ba phela le ho koetlisa hammoho a bona batla bakeng sa kickboxing tlotla.

8:00 p.m. LELoantša News Joale: MMA Edition – Koahela tsohle se ntseng se etsoa ka MMA lefase ka khethehileng Analysis le ditshebetso.

8:30 p.m. LELoantša News Joale eketsehilengTsa morao-rao tse molemo, recaps, featur4es le ka hare tshekatsheko ya ntoeng tai game.

11:00 p.m. LENtoa e Rookies – Ipeetseng boramabole ba tlōla ea lere a katleho nakong ea ya dipapadi e le rookies phehisana bakeng sa le monyetla oa ho e be litsebi le ho boiphihlelo ne ho hlokahala hore atleha ka boemong bo phahameng.

Labohlano, Feb. 6

12:00 a.m. LEHo Showtime Special – Ea lefatse Tonakgolo kickboxing mokhatlo o hlophisitsoeng featuring Badr Hari, Melvin Manhoef le Giorgio Petrosyan.

2:00 a.m. LEPancrase Classics – Classic le pula-maliboho MMA lintoa featuring Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Ka bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael Sonnen le ba bang ba.

4:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa ea moriti – Featuring sehlopha sa lintoa ho tloha ea bohlokoa, e Japanese tse tebileng ntshetsopele ho akarelletsa le Shinya Aoki, Hayato Sakurai le Gegard Mousasi.

5:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa lehakoe – Classic lintoa ho tswa ho-ho-basali Japanese MMA khema, Mabenyane.

7:00 a.m. LEChampionship Fighting Alliance – Professional MMA ho tloha Florida featuring ea like ea Josh Sampo, Mike Kyle, John Howard, Sean McCorkle, Luis Palomino le ba bang ba.

6 p.m. LEM-1 ba-Bothata ba – Professional MMA tsoang Europe featuring holimo bochaba monyetla le a boditshabatshaba linaleli.

8:00 p.m. LEHo 2 Toe le Frank Shamrock – Lula-down le le puisano le MMA pula-maliboho Frank Shamrock.

9:00 p.m. LENSS 27: Cage Time – Featuring vs. Mamed Khalidov. Maiquel Falcao le Mariusz Pudzianowski vs.. Oli Thompson ho tloha Gdanslk, Poland.

11:00 p.m. LELoantša Moea MMA Season 4 – Pokello ea machaba lintoa ho tloha SFL, Legend, FFC, M-1 le ho feta.

Moqebelo, Feb. 7

1:00 a.m. LESuperKombat: New Heroes Optaija 2013 – Featuring Ivan Stanic vs.. Laurent Attrifi, Andy Van Steen vs. Mladen Brestovac le ho feta ho tloha Feb. 2, 2013 a Opatija, Croatia.

4:30 p.m. LEHip Show: Arena Combat – Tag-sehlopha MMA ka hare ho 12m-ka-12m lebaleng la boithabiso le tharo tse maemo a.

6:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa TKO – Featuring Krzysztof Soszynski vs.. Yan Pellerin ho tloha TKJO 26 le Todd Gouwenberg vs.. Martin Desilets ho tloha TKO 27.

7:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa Gladiator Phephetso – Featuring Tyson Griffin vs.. Uria Faber ho tloha Gladiator Bothata ba 42.

8:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa ea moriti – Featuring khale lintoa ho tloha ea bohlokoa, e Japanese tse tebileng ntshetsopele ho akarelletsa le Shimya Aoki, Hayato Sakuri le Gerard Mousasi.

9:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa mahakoe – Classic lintoa ho tswa ho-ho-famale Japanese MMA khema mahakoe.

10:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa SportFight – Top boleng MMA ho tswa ho Pacific leboea-bophirimela, tšoaroa ka UFC kileng ba sebeletsa Mat Lindland le Chael Sonnen.

3:00 p.m. LEEnfusion LIVE #24: Eindhoven – Live setsebi kickboxing ho tloha Eindhoven, Netherlands, featuring Ismael Lazaar vs.. Thomas Vanneste bakeng sa Enfusion heavyweight lefatše tlotla.

5:00 p.m. LERing ea Combat 45 – Featuring Phillipe Nover vs.. Mike Santiago le Frankie Perez vs.. Adama Townsend tloha ka June 14, 2013 a Atlantic City, NJ.

8:00 p.m. LE Loantša News Joale: MMA Edition – Koahela tsohle se ntseng se etsoa ka MMA lefase ka khethehileng Analysis le ditshebetso.

8:30 p.m. LELoantša News Joale eketsehileng – Tsa morao-rao tse molemo, recaps, ditshebetso le ka hare tshekatsheko ya ntoeng tai game.

9:00 p.m. LEHo qetela Ntoa Championship 13 MMA: Wolf vs.. Milinkovic – Featuring Igor Jurkovic vs.. Luis Tavares a kickboxing bohato tloha ka June 6, 2014 a Zadar, Croatia.

Sontaha, Feb. 8

10:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa ADCC – Featuring lipokello ho fetisisa ho loantsana mollo leha e le neng e tshwerweng, featuring Tito Ortiz, Mat Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza le Royler Gracie.

11:00 a.m. LEElite Muay Thai: Thailand vs.. Challenger – Kholo ka ho fetisisa Muay Thai letoto lefatšeng, featuring Premium machaba ba standby, ka bahlabani ho jara ea tummeng haholo Thai National Team.






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“Bellator: Manhoef vs.. Shlemenko” preliminary lineup featuring California’s top fighting prospects, tlatsa a le robedi ncha matchups


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Santa Monica, Dorella. (January 29, 2015) – Le e hlollang hakaakang middleweight matchup pakeng tsa knockout moetsi oa litšoantšo Melvin “Ha ho Mohau” Manhoef (29-12-1) le pele e neng e Bellator MMA champ Alexander “Sefefo” Shlemenko (50-9) ka headlining karolo, “Bellator: Manhoef vs.. Shlemenko” hona joale Features e tletseng sehlopha ea 12 litlholisano, imetsoeng le tse ling tsa California ya top ntoa e talenta.

Bellator ba boholong kajeno ile a phatlalatsa phaella moo tse robeli selelekela litlholisano, e leng Iniciar pele e neng e ile a phatlalatsa matchups ea Manhoef vs.. Shlemenko, Pat Curran (20-6) vs.. Daniele Weichel (34-8), Julia Budd (6-2) vs.. Talita Nogueira (6-0) le Chris Honeycutt (5-0) vs.. Clayton MacFarlane (4-0).

Neng e sa tsoa ile a phatlalatsa bouts kenyeletsa featherweights Art “King Arthur” Arciniega (14-4) vs.. Charley Huston (6-2), Krrish middleweights Blake Watkins (4-0) vs.. George Zuniga (3-0), flyweightsPauluse Ruiz (5-2) vs.. Nicolas Sperling (3-2), welterweights “Tšabehang” Tom Cook (1-1) vs.. Mason “Tse sieo” Fowler (1-0), lightweights Nick Bustamante (2-0) vs.. Luis Jauregui (2-1), leseli heavyweights John Paul Elias (2-0) vs.. Cody Sons (0-1), lightweights Jonathan “J.T.” Contrestano(4-0) vs.. Ryan ella elle la Tobar (3-1) le bantamweights Ray Cervera (8-2) vs.. Adama Piccolot (4-0).

“Bellator: Manhoef vs.. Shlemenko” e leng etsahala Feb. 13 ka Save Mart Center, Fresno, Dorella. Airs phela le mahala ka Spike TV ka 9 p.m. LE. Tickets bakeng sa ketsahalo, e leng qala ka feela $28, ba jaanong jaana re Sale at Bellator.com le Ticketmaster.com.

Arciniega vs.. Huston, Watkins vs.. Zuniga, Sperling vs.. Ruiz le Cook vs.. Fowler tsohle molapo phela ka ho Spike.com ho qala ka 8 p.m. LE (5 p.m. PT nako ya lehae) le precede ka shoalane e mene e-ntoa Spike TV-televised ka sehloohong karete ya.

Ntango wana, Bustamante vs.. Jauregui, Elias vs.. Bara ba, Contrestano vs.. Tobar le Cevera vs.. Picolotti molapo phela ka ho Spike.com latelang qetellong ea televised karete ya.

Art “King Arthur” Arciniega, ea Dos Palos, Dorella., tlisa tse supileng ka ntoa ho hapa streak ho gorole, ho ba le ho qetela latsoitse hlōloa a 2009. Hona joale o tobana le Charley Huston, ea Orangeville, Dorella., ea e sebelelitseng a hae a mahlano tse tseletseng mosebetsi wins ntlha ka ho pota stoppage.

Blake Watkins, ea Fresno, Dorella., o butse mosebetsi oa hae oa a e hlollang ka botle feshene, nang eohle e mene mosebetsi oa hae oa wins ntlha ka ho pota stoppage, ho akarelletsa le tse tharo tsa feela 67 metsotsoana e kapa ka tlaase ho. Hona joale o kopana le 'moho le eena Krrish ntoa se George Zuniga, eo le eena tseba hore na ho ka potlako a hapa, kaha o e sebelelitseng e 34 le bobeli hlōla sena se fetileng September a hae a Bellator MMA qalo.

Pauluse Ruiz, ea Firebaugh, Dorella., ke tse peli tse nako e Bellator MMA veteran, ba ba neng ba ba hae ka setsebi qalo ntoa e bakeng sa ho khothalletsa a 2011. Hona joale o kopana le Nicolas Sperling, ba ba neng ba ile a bula hae setsebi matha ka tse latellanang tahlehelo empa o ho tloha ka bounced khutlela ho fumana tse tharo ho toba pele ho pota stoppage a hapa.

“Tšabehang” Tom Cook, ea Placerville, Dorella., o e sebelelitseng e tsoakiloeng ditshupetso tse dingwe dipoelo hae la pele le tse peli tse setsebi bouts, empa ka bobeli e lala ka a qalang foreimi. Hona joale o kopana le Mason Fowler, ea Fresno, Dorella., ba ba neng ba ka October hlokahala feela 28 metsotsoana e ho ea nka tshwaela trong win a hae a setsebi qalo.

Nick Bustamante, ea Fresno, Dorella., etsa hore hae Bellator MMA qalo ka le matla tse peli tse stoppage a hapa ho qala ho mosebetsi oa hae oa. Hona joale o mathata Luis Jauregui, ea Wood, Dorella., ileng ba khutšoanyane a hae a 2010 setsebi qalo empa ka nako eo o ile a nka hoo e ka bang lilemo tse 'ne theoha pele a khutlela le tse latellanang stoppage a hapa.

John Paul Elias, ea Wood, Dorella., owns ka bobeli ba hae hae a hapa ka stoppage, ho akarelletsa le e mong knockout 'me e mong ikokobelletsa. Hona joale o tobane Cody Sons, ea Bakersfield, Dorella., ba ba neng ba le mathata a e soabisang TKO lahleheloa e le hae setsebi qalo empa hona joale o sheba ho rebound sa ntlha sa gagwe mosebetsi trong win.

Jonathan “J.T.” Contrestano, ea Visalia, Dorella., khutlela ho nka khato latelang 18 ya moodle moodle layoff ho ea kopana 'moho le eena tsepo Ryan Tobar, ea Oakdale, Dorella., ba ba neng ba bula mosebetsi oa hae oa le tse tharo ho toba pele ho pota tlholo empa a utloa bohloko qeto lahleheloa e le October 'me hona joale o sheba ho rebound ho tswa ho pele oela ketsong ena hape ea mosebetsi oa hae oa.

Ray Cervera, ea Bakersfield, Dorella., tlisa-tharo ntoa ho hapa streak ho gorole 'me o e sebelelitseng tse supileng ba hae ba robeli mosebetsi wins ka stoppage. O ea sa kang a e ile a khaotsa ho, e le ka bobeli ba hae setsebi ba hlola ba tlile ka qeto. Hona joale o tobane Krrish tsepo Adama Piccolotti, ea Fresno, Dorella., ba ba neng ba o ile a qala setsebi mosebetsi oo a 2013 'me o ho tloha ka e sebelelitseng tse' ne ho toba a hapa, ho akarelletsa le tse peli tse knockouts 'me e mong ikokobelletsa.

Bellator 133: Labohlano, Feb. 13, Boloka Mart Center, Fresno, Dorella.

Main Card ka Spike TV (9 p.m. LE)

Bellator Middleweight Main Event: Melvin Manhoef (29-12-1) vs.. Alexander Shlemenko (50-9)

Bellator Featherweight Feature Ntoa: Pat Curran (20-6) vs.. Daniele Weichel (34-8)

Bellator Basali Featherweight Feature Ntoa: Julia Budd (6-2) vs.. Talita Nogueira (6-0)

Bellator Welterweight Feature Ntoa: Chris Honeycutt (5-0) vs.. Clayton MacFarlane (4-0)

Selelekela karete ya Spike.com (8 p.m. LE)

Bellator Featherweight Prelim Ntoa: Art Arciniega (14-4) vs.. Charley Huston (6-2)

Bellator Middleweight Prelim Ntoa: Blake Watkins (4-0) vs.. George Zuniga (3-0)

Bellator Flyweight Prelim Ntoa: Pauluse Ruiz (5-2) vs.. Nicolas Sperling (3-2)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim Ntoa: Tom Cook (1-1) vs.. Mason Fowler (1-0)

Selelekela karete ya Spike.com (Latelang Manhoef vs.. Shlemenko)

Bellator bobebe Prelim Ntoa: Nick Bustamante (2-0) vs.. Luis Jauregui (2-1)

Bellator Light Heavyweight Prelim Ntoa: John Paul Elias (2-0) vs.. Cody Sons (0-1)

Bellator bobebe Prelim Ntoa: Jonathan Contrestano (4-0) vs.. Ryan ella elle la Tobar (3-1)

Bellator Bantamweight Prelim Ntoa: Ray Cervera (8-2) vs.. Adama Piccolot (4-0)

Tletse HOUSE Ho lebeletsoe BAKENG SA “BOHLOKOA ka ha ho lebeletswe” Lewiston MMA Event HO NAKONG

Lewiston, Maine (January 29, 2015) - One beke le beke ho tloha ena Moqebelo, New England ho loana ka (NEF), Amerika oa nomoro ya-e mong o lebatowa ntoa ntshetsopele, hlahisa eona karolwana ya botshelela e tsoakiloeng libetsa (MMA) ketsahalo, "NEF XVI,"Ka Lewiston, Maine. The event is scheduled to originate from the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. The show will mark the three-year anniversary of the company’s inception. NEF executives announced today that they were expecting one of the largest crowds ever for the wildly-popular fight promotion’s event.


“Rōna February moodle moodle moodle 'nile rōna flagship,” a re NEF sebedisana mong'a le a ntsetsa pele Nick DiSalvo. “Tsamaisana le taba ea hore karete ena e e imetsoeng le UFC, Bellator, NFL kileng ba sebeletsa, tse peli tse tlotla lintoa, le ho khutlisetsoa Ray Wood (5-0), ho ha ho makatse hore ebe tekete manager ba 'nile ba tla ka tsela eo ba nile eang.”


Ka 'Nete, ticket sales have been at an all-time high for this event. It is not unusual for the fight promotion to sell out their floor seats for any given show. The sell-out, leha ho le joalo, has always come on fight night. The floor seats for “NEF XVI” ba ne ba rekisa tsoa e tletseng 17 days prior to the event. NEF executives give partial credit for the quick sales to the addition of complimentary waitress drink service for all cage-side ticketholders. They did not confirm whether or not the promotion was considering adding more floor seats for the event.


E le DiSalvo a bontša, Fans ba clamoring ya bozongi ya Ray “Tsohle Business” Wood ea tla sireletsa NEF MMA Featherweight Title khahlanong le Bellator le ea Lefatše Extreme Cagefighting (WEC) veteranAnthony “Cheesesteak” Morrison (16-9). This will be Wood’s first homecoming after moving from Maine to South Carolina in late-2014.


“Ke thabile bakeng sa ntoeng ena,” said Wood when reached for comment. “Ke na le letho ho lahleheloa ke. Anthony Morrison has fought some of the best fighters in the world and I have an opportunity to make a statement with this fight. I improve my skills each time I step in the cage and I know that this showing will be no exception. I have respect for Anthony and where he’s been in this sport and I am honored to have the opportunity to fight him.


Wood oa teammate ka Young oa MMA, Kagiso Lear (2-0), tla ea hlahisa ka tsenwe karolo e itseng ea card ya e catchweight gia khahlanong le Bryant Orrick (3-5) from Ruthless MMA and Boxing. The fight will be contested at 140-pounds.


“Batho bana ba sutumelletsa ke be e molemo ntoa se, seithuti, le motho,” a re Lear ea hae teammates le bakoetlisi ka Young oa MMA Bangor, Maine. “Ke 'na leboha haholo hore ebe boteng ba bona ba bophelong ba ka, ke ntho e ke tla ananela ka ho sa feleng. Ke hlompha ho loanela Young oa MMA.”

Ke ke batla a fetang hae ntoa, Lear bontša tse tharo e thabisang matchups hae teammates Josh Harvey (2-1), Mike Pietersen (1-0) le Arone ba Lacey (4-1) tla ntoa khahlanong le litho tsa Choi Institute ea Portland, Maine.


“Pele ho 'NEF XVI,’ Ha ke thusa empa totobatsa rōna matchups le Choi oa,” Lear a tsoela pele. “Nick Spencer [Lacey oa lireng (7-4)] ke kotsi hohle, Henry Clark [Pietersen oa lireng (1-0)] o tla tla theoha ea e tsotehang qalo, le Ke tsejoa Kaleb[Holo – Harvey oa lireng (5-1)] ho tloha ka sekolong se phahameng 'me ho ke se na pelaelo ka hae lehlohlojane le talente. Sepakapakeng ka Colisee tla ba e hlasimollang e tseletseng feela ya godimo-caliber bahlabani sheba ho tloha letshwao la bona.”


Holo le ho Harvey ba beha ho bula bontsha ka e featherweight gia ka 7:00 am sharp. Hall has competed on six previous NEF MMA events, 'me a o sebele a hlokomela e eketseha thaba hakaakang ho tloha Fans ea isang ka “NEF XVI.”


“The tebello ke a sa le phetoa phahameng ka lebaka la 'ohle a molemo a bapisoa baholo e kareteng e,” noted Hall. “Ka February 7th, Ke lebeletse hore e be ka ho fetisisa e thabisang bosiu yet.”


Kaha a loanela tse nyenyane tse ho phahamiswa nakong e fetileng, Harvey is clear that the size of the crowd does not matter to him. He will bring his A-game to the cage whether the fight be under the big lights in a world-famous arena like the Androscoggin Bank Colisee or held in a tiny, hampe-hotetsa ka kamoreng e le tse seng kae sedie di bar hloma ho pota-pota gorole.


Personally it doesn’t matter who or how many people are watching,” stated Harvey. “Ke ea ho apara lenaneo le itseng hore na ho na ba 20 people or 20,000. I love to entertain. After Caleb hooks on to me he’ll know he’s been in a fight.


Jason Lachance (0-1) ho tloha MMA Athletix a Bath, Maine e ho lokiselitsoe ho ea kopana Steven Bang (3-2) Bohareng Maine Brazil Jiu-Jitsu a Auburn, Maine ka “NEF XVI.” Lachance credits the level of talent on the NEF roster with bringing in large crowds like the crowd expected on February 7.


“NEF o na le e ngata ya talente ka ena bosiung ba la lintoa, e le kamehla ba ne ba etsa,” a re Lachance. “Ke lebeletse ha ho letho le tlase ho feta ho ea e thabisang bosiu bakeng sa ea Fans. The support from our fans means everything, le 'moho le' bahlabani le ke tla loketse ho lahlela fatse 'me le romela mong le e mong lapeng le le ho feta tebello bakeng sa tlholisano e latelang. God has blessed us with another opportunity to do what we love to do in front of so many.


Billy “Bigfoot” Leahy (1-1) tla boela re bone khato ka nako “NEF XVI” ha a ne a Mehato ka gorole ho tobana le debuting ikemetseng ntoa seBrandon Lessard (0-0) a bout e heavyweight. Leahy got the first win of his MMA career this past September at “NEF XIV” before some 2,000-plus fans at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. Hakalo, o ile a ke tloaelane le le maikutlo a hore tsoa ho ho phetha bakeng sa a maholohali a, harolang ntoa bongata bo boholo bo.


“Ke lebeletse e kholo bosiung ba la lintoa,” a ile a re Leahy. “Ke hlompha a be e kholo joalo karete ya. The NEF fans are like no other, 'me ke se ke ua emela ho apara e kholo bontša ka pel'a ba lelapa la ka, metsoalle le Fans.”

NEF a latelang MMA ketsahalo, “NEF XVI,” etsahala ka February 7, 2015with an all-star lineup of fights scheduled. Ray “Tsohle Business” Wood (5-0) o khutlela hore bosiu ho sireletsa NEF MMA Featherweight Title khahlanong le Bellator le WEC veteran Anthony “Cheesesteak” Morrison (16-9). NFL le UFC The Ultimate Fighterveteran Tyler Morena (7-2) o beha ea NEF MMA Heavyweight Title le mola khahlanong le Terry “The Polar Bear” Blackburn (5-2). In the feature bout of the evening, UFC, Bellator le Strikeforce veteranNah-Shon Burrell (10-5) etsa hore hae NEF MMA qalo khahlanong le Ryan ella elle la Hodge (6-9). Litekete li qala ka feela $25 'me li ka Sale hona joale kawww.TheColisee.com kapa ka bitsa The Colisee lebokose le reng ofisi ea207.783.2009 X 525. Bakeng sa boitsebiso bo eketsehileng ka ketsahalo le ho loana karete ya diapdeite, ka kōpo etela ntshetsopele oa setsheng sa inthanete sa www.NewEnglandFights.com. Holim'a moo, o ka shebella NEF livideo ka www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, latela ba ba ka Twitternefights le ho ba setho ya semmuso ya Facebook sehlopha "New England loana."


Ka New England ho loana ka


New England ho loana ka ("NEF") ke ho loana moodle moodle moodle ho phahamiswa khampani. NEF thomo ea ke ho bopa phahameng ka ho fetisisa boleng moodle moodle moodle bakeng sa Maine oa bahlabani le Fans ka tsela e tsoanang. NEF oa phethahatso sehlopha o na le a pharaletseng a le phihlelo ea ho loantsa tsa tsamaiso ya dipapadi, moodle moodle moodle tlhahiso, metswedi ya dikgang, tsa mebaraka, molao le papatso.

Loantša Network MMA & KICKBOXING PROGRAMMING Shejulu ya (Jan. 26-Feb. 1, 2015)

KA loantša Network: Loantša Network ke ea lefatse Tonakgolo loantsa lipapali ya netweke inehetseng ho 24/7 fana ka kgaso, ho akarelletsa le lintoa, bahlabani, loantša molemo 'me a loantša phelang ka eona. Kanale ke fumaneha ka U.S. ka Cablevision likarolong tsa New York, Connecticut le New Jersey, Texas e thehiloeng Grande Dikgokahano, Armstrong Cable a Pennsylvania le e ka bochabela Ohio, , mmogo le go Shentel Cable a Virginia, Ka bophirimela Virginia le likarolo tse ling tsa ka bophirimela Maryland. Loantša Network e boetse ke ka Roku beha holimo mabokose a US. le Canada, phallela phela ka websaeteng KlowdTV.com, mme e fumanehang ka tsohle tse ka sehloohong bajari Canada 'me ba fetang 30 bikolo Europe, Afrika le Bochabela bo Hare.
Loantša Network ke 24/7 thelevishene banana a nehela ho tlatsa fana ka kgaso ea loantsa lipapali. E airs mananeo a tsepamisa maikutlo eohle kagologo ya loantsa lipapali ya ka mofuta, ho akarelletsa le phela lintoa le ka-ho-e metsotso tse molemo le go sekaseka bakeng sa tsoakane libetsa, kickboxing, setsebi loane, setso libetsa, papading ya ditebele tsa, ntoa tse molemo, hammoho le ntoa-Luxury Spa tšoantšiso letoto, documentaries le tšobotsi lifiliming.

Mona ka tlase fumana lintlha tsa sehlooho tsa ea beke ena a lenaneo la:

Mantaha, Jan. 26

6:30 p.m. LEUSA loane beke le bekeAmohela Scott Casber fana ka beke le beke tse molemo le go sekaseka ho likolohisa ho pota USA loane, ya dipapadi ea sechaba ea sehlopha se busang, ho akarelletsa le lipuisano, ditshebetso le e o khutlela ho nakong e fetileng.

7:00 p.m. LE 5 O garela – Mabotho John Ramdeen le Robin Black mema khethehileng baeti ba heletsa mafelo a beke ea MMA bohato.

7:30 p.m. LELoantša News Joale eketsehileng – Tsa morao-rao tse molemo, recaps, ditshebetso le ka hare tshekatsheko ya ntoeng tai game.

8:00 p.m. LEEnfusion Live Vol. 13: Amsterdam – Professional kickboxing ho tloha Feb. 22, 2014 Amsterdam, Holland.

Labobeli, Jan. 27

12:30 p.m. LEXPTV – Fana ka kgaso tsa dikgaolo U.S. ya seporofesenale le ya tsenwe MMA moodle moodle moodle.

7:00 & 7:30 p.m. LEXtreme Fighting Championship – Florida e thehiloeng setsebi MMA featuring holimo American monyetla, machaba linaleli le UFC kileng ba sebeletsa.

8:00 p.m. LE 5 O garela – Mabotho John Ramdeen le Robin Black mema khethehileng baeti ba heletsa mafelo a beke ea MMA bohato.

8:30 p.m. LELoantša News Joale eketsehileng – Tsa morao-rao tse molemo, recaps, ditshebetso le ka hare tshekatsheko ya ntoeng tai game.

9:00 p.m. LERumble ka Cage 50 – Featuring Brandt Dewsberry vs.. Tyler O'Brien le Derek Boyle vs.. Shawn Fitzsimmons ho tloha Oct. 18, 2014 a Lethbridge, AB.

Laboraro, Jan. 28

2:00 p.m. LELoantša Moea MMA – Lipokello tsa machaba MMA lintoa ho tloha ONE FC, UCMMA, NSS, WFC, FFC, BAMMA, EFC Africa le ho feta.

3:00 a.m. LETexas Ntoa Night – MMA bohato ho tloha Texas featuring ea Lone Star ya top monyetla a gorole.

4:00 a.m. LERocktagon MMA – Ya seporofesenale le ya tsenwe MMA ho tswa ho Buckeye State of Ohio featuring moloko o latelang ea linaleli.

6:00 p.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa Cage khalefo – Featuring khale lintoa ho tswa ho UK e thehiloeng Cage khalefo mokhatlo o nang le Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Pauluse Daley le ba bang ba.

7:00 p.m. LELoantša News Joale. MMA Edition – Koahela tsohle se ntseng se etsoa ka MMA lefase ka khethehileng Analysis le ditshebetso.

7:30 p.m. LELoantša News Joale eketsehileng – Tsa morao-rao lintlha, recaps, ditshebetso le ka hare tshekatsheko ya ntoeng tai game.

8:00 p.m. LELoantša Moea MMA – Lipokello tsa machaba MMA lintoa ho tloha ONE FC, UCMMA, NSS, WFC, FFC, BAMMA, EFC Africa le ho feta.

9:00 p.m. LECage bahlabani Roshan Championship 63 – Featuring Stevie Ray vs.. Ivan Buchinger bakeng sa bobebe tlotla, ho feta vs. Jim Alers. Graham Turner bakeng sa featherweight tlotla ho tloha Aug. 31, 2013 Dublin, Ireland.

11:00 p.m. LEMMA Meltdown le Gabriel Morency – Ana gabriel Morency roba fatše tsohle se ntseng se etsoa a MMA, buisana hanyetse, boletsoeng esale pele li, garena khethehileng beke le beke baeti le khethehileng lipuisano.

11:30 p.m. LETakeDown loane – A pharaletseng a fana ka kgaso ea tsenwe loane moodle moodle moodle, ho akarelletsa le tsa morao-rao tse molemo, ka mor'a-e-litšoantšo fana ka kgaso ho tloha liketsahalo le khethehileng lipuisano.

Labone, Jan. 29

1:30 a.m. LEPhahameng ka ho fetisisa Bothata ba MMA 30: Towler vs.. Lake – Featuring Darren Lake vs.. Dayman Lake ho tloha Oct. 6, 2012 London.

6:00 p.m. LEChampionship Fighting Alliance – Professional MMA ho tloha Florida featuring Josh Sampo, Mike Kyle, John Howard, Sean McCorkle, Luis Palomino le ba bang ba.

7:00 p.m. LEEnfusion Season 3 – Fighters ho tloha 18 linaheng tse sa tsoaneng phehisana ka 85 lik'hilograma MAX sehlopha a Ohrid, Macedonia ha ba ntse ba phela le ho koetlisa hammoho a bona batla bakeng sa kickboxing tlotla.

8:00 p.m. LELoantša News Joale: MMA Edition – Koahela tsohle se ntseng se etsoa ka MMA lefase ka khethehileng Analysis le ditshebetso.

8:30 p.m. LELoantša News Joale eketsehilengTsa morao-rao tse molemo, recaps, featur4es le ka hare tshekatsheko ya ntoeng tai game.

Labohlano, Jan. 30

12:00 a.m. LEHo Showtime Special – Ea lefatse Tonakgolo kickboxing mokhatlo o hlophisitsoeng featuring Badr Hari, Melvin Manhoef le Giorgio Petrosyan.

2:00 a.m. LEPancrase Classics – Classic le pula-maliboho MMA lintoa featuring Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Ka bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael Sonnen le ba bang ba.

4:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa ea moriti – Featuring sehlopha sa lintoa ho tloha ea bohlokoa, e Japanese tse tebileng ntshetsopele ho akarelletsa le Shinya Aoki, Hayato Sakurai le Gegard Mousasi.

5:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa lehakoe – Classic lintoa ho tswa ho-ho-basali Japanese MMA khema, Mabenyane.

6:00 p.m. LEM-1 ba-Bothata ba – Professional MMA tsoang Europe featuring holimo bochaba monyetla le a boditshabatshaba linaleli.

7:00 p.m. LEUFC 183 Sekaseka-Ins LIVE! – Live fana ka kgaso tsa semmuso UFC183: Silva vs.. Diaz sekaseka-ins ho tloha Las Vegas.

8:30 p.m. LENSS 26: Taba vs.. Silva – Featuring Mikale Materia vs.. Jay Silva le Marcin Rozalski vs.. Nick Rossborough ho tloha Mar. 22, 2014 a Aug. 7, 2013 ea Warsaw, Poland.

11:00 p.m. LEKa thata Knocks Roshan 41 LIVE! – Live setsebi MMA ho tloha Calgary, Canada, featuring Rodney Wallace vs.. Misha Cirkunov e kholo ea ho ketsahalo.

Moqebelo, Feb. 1

1:00 a.m. LESuperKombat: New Heroes Sao Paulo 2013 – Featuring Featuring Felipe Micheletti vs.. Edson Lima, Thiago Michel vs.. Miodrag Olar le Alex Pereira vs.. Cesar Almeida ho tloha Sea. 23, 2013 Sao Paulo a, Brazil.

4:00 a.m. LEHo 2 Toe le Elias Theodorou – Lula-down le le puisano le UFC welterweight naleli Elias Theodorou.

4:30 p.m. LEHip Show: Arena Combat – Tag-sehlopha MMA ka hare ho 12m-ka-12m lebaleng la boithabiso le tharo tse maemo a.

6:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa TKO – Featuring Jonathan Goulet vs.. Travis Axworthy ho tloha TKO 29 le Jeremy Horn vs.. Kristof Midoux ho tloha UCC 11.

7:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa Gladiator Phephetso – Featuring Joe Stevenson vs.. Maurice Wilson ho tloha Gladiator Bothata ba 3.

8:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa ea moriti – Featuring khale lintoa ho tloha ea bohlokoa, e Japanese tse tebileng ntshetsopele ho akarelletsa le Shimya Aoki, Hayato Sakuri le Gerard Mousasi.

9:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa mahakoe – Classic lintoa ho tswa ho-ho-famale Japanese MMA khema mahakoe.

10:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa SportFight – Top boleng MMA ho tswa ho Pacific leboea-bophirimela, tšoaroa ka UFC kileng ba sebeletsa Mat Lindland le Chael Sonnen.

11:00 a.m. LEM-1 ba-Bothata ba – Professional MMA tsoang Europe featuring holimo bochaba monyetla le a boditshabatshaba linaleli.

3:00 p.m. LERing ea Combat 44 – Featuring Davida vs Taurosevicius. Guillermo Oath le Mike Massenzio vs.. Ariel kete Sepulveda ho tloha Atlantic City, NJ.

6:30 p.m. LEMMA Meltdown le Gabriel Morency – Ana gabriel Morency roba-down le tsohle se ntseng se etsoa a MMA, buisana hanyetse, boletsoeng esale pele li, garena khethehileng beke le beke baeti le khethehileng lipuisano.

8:00 p.m. LE Loantša News Joale: MMA Edition – Koahela tsohle se ntseng se etsoa ka MMA lefase ka khethehileng Analysis le ditshebetso.

8:30 p.m. LELoantša News Joale eketsehileng – Tsa morao-rao tse molemo, recaps, ditshebetso le ka hare tshekatsheko ya ntoeng tai game.

9:00 p.m. LEHo qetela Ntoa Championship 12 MMA: Staring vs.. Simonic – Featuring Dion Staring vs.. Tomaz Simonic a MMA bohato ho tloha Apr. 24, 2014 le Ljubljana, Slovenia.

10:00 p.m. LEHo qetela Ntoa Championship 12 Kickboxing: Daley vs.. Fabjan – Featuring Pauluse Daley vs.. Maran Fabjan ka kickboxing ka sehloohong ketsahalo ho tloha Apr. 24, 2014 le Ljubljana, Slovenia.

11:00 p.m. LEHo qetela Ntoa Championship 11 Kickboxing: Jurkovic vs.. Kaluderovic – Featuring Igor Jurkovic vs.. Jovan Kalunderovic a kickboxing bohato ho tloha Osijek, Croatia.

Sontaha, Feb. 1

1:00 a.m. LE – UFC 183 Post-Ntoa Show LIVE! – Live poso-e bontsa le morago ntoa tobetsa seboka bakeng sa UFC 183: Silva vs.. Diaz ho tloha Las Vegas.

10:00 a.m. LEMolemo ka ho fetisisa ADCC – Featuring lipokello ho fetisisa ho loantsana mollo leha e le neng e tshwerweng, featuring Tito Ortiz, Mat Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza le Royler Gracie.

11:00 a.m. LEElite Muay Thai: Thailand vs.. Challenger – Kholo ka ho fetisisa Muay Thai letoto lefatšeng, featuring Premium machaba ba standby, ka bahlabani ho jara ea tummeng haholo Thai National Team.






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Loantša KARETE
125 Mat Betzold vs. Brandon Moreno

**Title loantša **

130 Roy Rangel vs. Adama Dye
135 Jonathon Salazar vs. Andres Ponce ** Title loantša **
135 Carlos Castro vs. Braden Goodwin
135 Iseraele Gastulum vs. Pauluse Oraha
140 Valerie Quintero vs. Nicole Upshaw
145 Jese Mejia vs. Derrick Brown
145 Joshua Clifton vs. Mat Hamel
155 Benny Madrid vs. TBD
165 Keegan Graham vs. Shawn Armstrong
185 Brendan Tierney vs. Daniele Huber ** Title loantša **
HWT Jeremy Cardinal vs. Waldo Cortés
HWT Josue Reyes vs. Calvin Wishom

Ntoa Card Sehlooho Ho Change

Bellator oa British tlhaselo Nang le Secha Morena

Bellator Logo

“Morena Mo” Lawal vs.. Cheick Kongo nka sebaka Bobby Lashley vs.. James Thompson le Andre Santos Mehato a bakeng sa Douglas Lima ho loantše Pauluse Daley ka “Bellator: Ea Brithani tlhaselo”
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Santa Monica, Dorella. (January 21, 2015) – Ntsa kotsi o qobella ho lieha ha e haholo ka ha ho lebeletswe matchup pakeng tsa Bobby Lashley (12-2) le Jakobo Thompson (20-14) empa Bellator MMA boholong ba ile a phatlalatsa e logika belom ho loanela ho nkela sebaka a Muhammed “Morena Mo” Lawal (14-4) vs.. Cheick Kongo (22-9-2). Also Andre Santos (37-9) o kenella bakeng sa tsoa likotsi welterweight mampoli Douglas Lima (26-5), 'me ba tla hona joale tobana le kamehla-kotsi Pauluse Daley (35-13).


E ncha tlholisanong e ho lokiselitsoe bakeng sa televised karolo e itseng ea “Bellator: British tlhaselo,” e leng etsahala ka Labohlano, February 27, ka Mohegan Sun Arena a Uncasville, Conn. Bosiu ka sehloohong e karete ya ea ikhohomosetsang phela ka ho Spike TV, ha a ntse a selelekela bouts phallela ho ka Spike.com.


Ditekete tsa “Bellator: British tlhaselo,” e leng qala ka feela $25, ba seng a ntse a Sale at Ticketmaster.com le Bellator.com. Eketsehileng bouts ba lebelletswe ho ho ile a phatlalatsa nakoana ka.


“Re ntse u soetseha re ile a tlameha ho lieha tsena lintoa pakeng tsa Bobby Lashley le Jakobo Thompson, le Douglas Lima 'me Pauluse Daley, empa ke ha ho pelaelo hore hore tsena matchups tla ba fantastis hang feela ha ba qetellong tla ho fruition,” Bellator MMA CEO Scott Coker a re. “Ka lehlohonolo, re u khona ho nka sebaka sa bouts le ka tsela e tsoanang thabisang litlholisano ho re Fans.”


“Morena Mo” Lawal loanela la bo10 nako e Bellator MMA le e thehile ka boeena o e le e mong ka ho fetisisa amogelwang superstars a ya dipapadi. A standout ho kampana ba ba neng ba ka tloaelo phehisana ka leseli heavyweight, pele e neng e NCAA Karolo ke All-American le Pan American khauta medalist o e sebelelitseng 11 ea hae 14 mosebetsi MMA wins ka knockout, ho akarelletsa le morao tjena otla stoppages ea Joe Vedepo le Dustin Jacoby. Pele e neng e Bellator MMA kgaisano mohlodi le Strikeforce leseli heavyweight lefatše mampoli hona joale susumelletsa ho fihlela ho heavyweight ka lekhetlo la pele ho tloha ka 2009 ya ho batlisisa ka boeena o khahlanong le Kongo.


Kongo, ya 6-tsamaea ka maoto-4 Mofora, is a former professional kickboxer who boasts black belts in both Karate and Kendo. A multiple-time world champion in kickboxing, Kongo hona joale e bua haholo feela hodima MMA 'me o haha 4-1 rekoto tlas'a Bellator MMA banner banner banner. Koetlisa ka Wolfslair MMA Academy London, Kongo morao ka ho fetisisa flashed hae hantle lekaneng ho tai game ka scoring ya ntlha ho pota ikokobelletsa ka 'moho le eena striker Lavar Johnson ka September matchup. Kongo oa ka bomong ba chesehang Bellator tahlehelo tla ka tse hlano ho pota tlholisanong bakeng sa Bellator MMA Heavyweight ea Lefatše Championship, eo a neng a a tsoela tse hlano feletseng o garela le Vitaly Minakov empa o ile a tla khutšoanyane a qeto lebaka leo.


Pauluse Daley ke haholo ba ne ba tšaba le a hlompha veteran le daenamaete ka bobeli litebele, e leng e sebelelitseng mo lebitso la boswaswi “Semtex”. A 31 a lilemo li ho tloha Nottingham, Engelane o hlōla e tsotehang 74% ea hae 35 tlholo ka tsela ea knockout. Kaha a loanela Scott Coker tlas'a Strikeforce banner banner banner, rejoining him at Bellator was a no brainer. Daley took to the internet to share his feelings on the injury to Lima, bolelang: “Tsohile, Tsohile??…..Kea utloisisa, lokisetsa ho loantša 'na…. Nka ba. Ho lokile…. hakanya o fumana ho ba le a 'maloa a photo photo photo photo shoots le lebanta…. Ka bua haholo o shifted, lona letsatsi leo, ncha lireng…. British tlhaselo ka Bellator 134 tsebetsong.”


E ncha lireng hae bua haholo o shifted ho ke Andre “Chatuba” Santos. A veteran ea ya dipapadi a hae a le letona le, the Rio De Janeiro fighter has two more wins than Daley in four less fights. Santos defeated James Terry at Bellator 129, in what was his first fight on American soil. He now has his sights set on Daley, le tsepa hore o tla hlōla hae bosupa ho toba ntoa.

Ka Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA ke e itlhomme pele Mixed Martial Arts mokhatlo o hlophisitsoeng featuring ba bangata ba molemo ka ho fetisisa bahlabani lefatšeng. Tlas'a tataiso ea veteran ntoa a ntsetsa pele Scott Coker, Bellator e fumaneha hoo li ka bang 500 limilione tse malapeng a lefatseng ka bophara ka ka 140 linaheng. United States, Bellator ka bonoa ka Spike TV, le MMA thelevishene moeta-pele. Bellator MMA e comprised ea wa lekgotla la phethahatso sehlopha e kenyeletsang holimo kgwebong ya a thelevishene tlhahiso, phela ketsahalo mogokaganyi, ntoa se ntshetsopele / dikamano, lefelo la phumantsho ya thepa ka, lihlapiso tlholego ya ditiro / ntshetsopele, machaba dilaesense, tsa mebaraka, papatso, phatlalatsoa le taelo e e kopanela liphate. Bellator e thehiloe a Santa Monica, California le ruilweng ke boithabiso senatla Viacom, ba lula ho lefatse Tonakgolo boithabiso Brands hore amahanya le bamameli ba ka ho le qobellang dikahare ka mose thelevishene, tshisinyo setšoantšo, Inthaneteng 'me Mobile platforms.


Ka Spike TV:

Spike TV e fumaneha ka 98.7 limilione tse malapeng a 'me ke ho makala a Viacom Media Networks. A yuniti ya Viacom (NASDAQ: Via, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks ke e mong oa eona e itlhommeng pele bakeli ya merero le dikahare ka mose bohle mecha ea litaba platforms. Spike TV ea Internet aterese ya ke www.spike.com le bakeng sa morao-le metsotso le bobolokelo-tshedimosetso o tobetsa boitsebiso bo le litsoantso, etela Spike TV ea o tobetsa setsa sa kopano se -http://www.spike.com/press. Latela re on Twitter spiketvpr ya moraorao ya a ho tlōla diapdeite tsa ditaba, ka mor'a-e-litšoantšo tlhahisoleseding le foto.

Boxing Legend Oscar DE LA Hoya phatlalatsa NEW loantša SPORTS, TRAVEL AND LIFESTYLE NETWORK

De La Hoya TV tla capitalize ka khōlō ya ditebele le MMA Fan botlaaseng har'a US. Hispanics, ho nka ba ka hare ho bophelo ba ba bona ba ma so karaoke


Miami (Jan. 21, 2015) Olympic khauta medalist, 10-nako lefatše mampoli tse tseletseng tse boima likarohano le ea isang papading ya ditebele tsa a ntsetsa pele Oscar De La Hoya tla qala e ncha Sepanishe puo lipapali, tsamaea le ho phelang ka eona ya usb thelevishene banana bitsoa De La Hoya TV, ea “Khauta Boy” ile a phatlalatsa kajeno ka National Mokhatlo oa Thelevishene Program phethahatso (NATPE) selemo le selemo seboka in Khao Lak.


Nyehelo tse molemo, e sekaseka, le pele a lenaneo la potolohileng loantsa lipapali ho akarelletsa le ya ditebele le MMA, ea selotlolo sethaleng ya netweke tla Feature boithabiso, maeto, phelang ka eona le litaba ka machaba lipapali, ho fana Fans boemong jo bongwe jwa ho fihlella baemeli ba 'lipapali e le hore ba rata.


“De La Hoya TV e tla ba Premiere matla a ho laela ka ya ditebele le tse ling tse loantsa lipapali, ho fana ka Fans le ka mor'a-e-litšoantšo sheba ka lefatše le mokgwa wa bophelo ea e ba e ratang baatlelete,” a re De La Hoya, molula-setulo oa De La Hoya TV. “Ya netweke le e ikemiseditse ho bululela hore bohle ba phela bophelo ba e le mosireletsi, ho lopolla e ikhethang le temogo ka baatlelete le featuring boithabiso, lefatshe ka bophara celow podrozy, tse molemo le ho feta.”


Ho haha ​​ka papading ya ditebele tsa tšōmo Oscar De La Hoya oa cha, De La Hoya TV tla qala le Sepanishe puo diteng le ho ameha ka etsa US. Hispanic marakeng.


Latino bamameli ba, oo hona joale o Kakaretso ho feta 50 limilione tse ka US, ba nako e telele fueled ho tloaeleha loantsa lipapali, le De La Hoya TV tla fana ka Hispanic marakeng le phihlelo e ba nile ka labalabela. Har'a U.S. Hispanic bamameli ba, papading ya ditebele tsa ke ea bobeli ba bangata-ba ratoa dipapadi ka mor'a hore kgwele ya maoto, le morao tjena ya data fana ka maikutlo a hore ba fetang 50 a etsang liphesente tse Mixed Martial Arts’ Fan botlaaseng ke Hispanic.


The multiplatform ya netweke tla qala nakong ea selemo ka 2015 'me le fumaneha bakeng sa ho ya usb le sathelaete kabo. Qalong launching ka Sepanishe, ya netweke le tla nakong e tlang fana ka Senyesemane dikahare, nyehelo kajeno mehleng ea kajeno baji-bareki multiple length dikgetho le ho kopanela le ya netweke a lenaneo la.


De La Hoya TV ke tshebedisano mahareng a Oscar De La Hoya, rakhoebo le a boditshabatshaba papading ya ditebele tsa a ntsetsa pele José Alberto “Pepere” Gómez, ba metswedi ya dikgang phethahatso le Fashion TV Latin America molekane Victor Hugo Montero.


Gomez ke khoebo e atlehileng mong'a le kgolo a ntsetsa pele ea Mexico le a boditshabatshaba papading ya ditebele tsa. Gomez sebetsang tse 'maloa mecha ea litaba lik'hamphani Mexico, ho akarelletsa le e ratoang kuranta seteishene sa radio.


Montero ke ea nang le phihlelo thelevishene ebe le e ya usb phethahatso, kaha o qala Venezuela ea pele ya usb banana, Letsatsi Channel Tourism Thelevishene, e leng currently ho pholletsa le Latin America. Morao tjena Montero ile a thusa Re-qala Fashion TV Latin America, e le sa machaba ya usb banana.


“Ka ka lilemo tse mashome sebetsa thelevishene, Ke bone tse seng kae menyetla ea ho amahanya nang le untapped marakeng le e joalo e kholo monyetla oa bakeng sa kgolo. Nako e fetang ngwaga e, re ba sebetsa ba etsa mosebetsi oo 'me ba tsepamisa maikutlo ho atolosa dikahare ho tloha ho Sepanishe ho kenyeletsa Senyesemane le ho etsa hore teng ho e kholoanyane bamameli ba, hore bohle ba sebeletsa tsa moreki tsa takatso ea lijo,” a re Victor Hugo Montero, CEO le ya ka kakaretso mookameli oa De La Hoya TV.


“Ho tloaeleha loantsa lipapali tsoela pele ho hōla ho pholletsa le United States, Latin America le le lefatse lohle ka, 'me hona joale Fans tla qetellong ba le e ikhethang mohlodi ho fumana tse molemo le go sekaseka ka ho De La Hoya TV,” a re José Alberto “Pepere” Gómez, phethahatso molula-setulo oa De La Hoya TV.


De La Hoya TV ea ikhethang dikahare, e tla tlatsana le teng papading ya ditebele tsa a lenaneo la ka e thehilweng marangrang, joaloka HBO, NAKO EA LIPONTŠO, Fox, le Televisa tla thusa tsoela pele ho mafura kholo ea dipapadi le ea matla a Fans.


Pele tlhahiso bakeng sa De La Hoya TV tla qala mathoasong a 2015, le dintlha tse mabapi le a lenaneo la manaane a ho ile a phatlalatsa hang. Ya netweke le e thehiloe in Khao Lak, Florida.



De La Hoya TV ke e ncha selotlolo sethaleng lipapali, phelang ka eona le maeto ya netweke sebeletsa e le matla a ho laela ya ditebele le loantsa lipapali. Tsepamisa maikutlo ba bona ba slogan ao, A fetang Boxing, e ncha Sepanishe puo banana tla Feature boithabiso, bohahlauli, phelang ka eona, tse molemo le a boditshabatshaba lipapali, etsa bamameli ba ka e thabisang adrenaline tlala leeto le ntse e etsoa fumana ho bophelo ba e ba e ratang baatlelete. Bakeng sa tlhahisoleseding e, etela www.delahoyatv.com le ho latela De La Hoya TV ka metswedi ya dikgang: Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, le YouTube.