Tag Archives: Campuran Martial Arts

THREE TITLE cocog kanggo perang NIGHT 10 AT CLUB NOKIA AT L.A. LIVE, MAY 31

Los Angeles, Kuwi AS – Universitas MMA tandha milestone paling anyar ing Minggu, May 31, karo cicilan sepuluh saka sawijining 'perang Night’ seri. Njupuk Panggonan ing Club Nokia ing L.A. LIVE (aka “U kampus MMA”), Universitas MMA: Perang Night 10 wis dikempalken karo 15 gelut, kalebu telu cocog judhul kanggo makutha Universitas anyar saka juara MMA. Tiket saiki ing Advertisement ingwww.UofMMA.com lan www.axs.com.


A Universitas anyar juara entheng MMA bakal mutusaké antarane Julio 'Ing Gr818er’ Lopez (Kings Pertempuran Olahraga) lan Antonio Lopez (Gooch Academy Training / Saekson Muay Thai). Julio majeng saka babak bukaan saka Universitas MMA turnamen juara entheng, isih suwé. Antonio Originally dijadwal kanggo ing turnamen uga, sadurunge bundhas sidelined wong saka tumindak. Nanging wong loro numpak papat-perang streaks menang arep menyang pertandingan gelar iki, meaning bangga lan kamulyan ing baris.


Kanthi Elite Training Center kang star bulu Tommy Aaron vacating kang Universitas judhul MMA kanggo nguripake pro, the crown at 145 lbs. once again finds itself without a king. That won’t be for long, Nanging, as U of MMA perennial favorite Ryan 'The Lion’ Lebakmuncang (Elite Training Center Bas Rutten kang) and the fast-rising Albert Veloz (Kandhang Academy Pertempuran) vie to become the third-ever University of MMA featherweight champion.

The University of MMA has definitely grown as a live event series with the expansion of our fan base and the shows getting bigger and better every time. The same can be said for amateur fighters who have grown and matured within our promotion. Guys like Ryan ‘The LionLilley who will be fighting for us for the eighth time, and Albert Veloz, who is improving right under our eyes. We’re proud to see the development of fighters like Ryan and Albert, who will go on to be great pros,” komentar U of MMA founder Turi Altavilla.

Kalih U MMA favorites uga bakal kothak mati dadi page-tau Universitas juara bantamweight MMA, minangka Vince 'Ing anomali’ Chubb lan Demar 'King’ George revisit saben liyane ing rematch saka 2013. Kekalihipun pepanggihan Originally ing perang Night 3, nalika loro padha banget enom ing careers MMA sing. Liyane akeh pengalamane ing pengalaman lan luwih cetha ing skill, padha banget akeh pejuang beda.


“Enem individu vying kanggo Universitas MMA judhul ing gambar iki wong jantung, skill technical, karakter lan integritas. Kita wis katon efforts juara ing nuduhake sadurungé lan padha pantes pangenalan cocog iki kurban,” ngandika U MMA matchmaker Jay Tan.


Cocog dikonfirmasi kanggo Universitas MMA: Perang Night 10 kalebu:


Universitas MMA Lightweight Championship Tournament final:

155 lbs. – Julio Lopez (Kings Pertempuran Olahraga) vs.Antonio Lopez (Gooch Academy Training / Saekson Muay Thai)


Universitas MMA Bantamweight Championship:

135 lbs. – Vince 'Ing anomali’ Chubb (Sistem Training Center) vs. Demar 'King’ George (Ngimpi Killer perang Team)

Universitas MMA Featherweight Championship:

145 lbs. – Ryan 'The Lion’ Lebakmuncang (Bas Rutten kang Elite MMA Gym) vs. Albert Veloz (Kandhang Academy Pertempuran)


155 lbs. – Remington Thorne (Saekson Muay Thai) vs.Carnation 'Flash Ing’ Contreras (Krav Maga Unyte)


120 lbs. (catchweight) – Jasmine 'Tapout Ratu’ Pouncy (Nubianskuva nubians MMA) vs. Akari Wang (Sistem Training Center)


205 lbs. – Travis Williams (Elite Training Center) vs.Jonathan 'Jonny McGregor’ Sweitzer (Valhalla ETC)


155 lbs. – Troy Hargrow (Nubianskuva nubians MMA) vs. Zach Kraschinsky (Elite Training Center Bas Rutten kang)


125 lbs. – Karlee Pagilinan (Tim Quest) vs. Gilbert Nakatani (Sityodtong LA)


125 lbs. – Matheus Santos Leaondro (MMAFC) vs.Angel Diaz (Sistem Training Center)


170 lbs. – Harun Landry (Ring of Fire Martial Arts Academy) vs. Lance 'The Black Ranger’ Bush (Tim Lizard)


145 lbs. – Victor Rivera (Nubianskuva nubians MMA) vs. Juan Vasquez (Tim Victory Muay Thai / Dream Killer perang Team)


195 lbs. (catchweight) – Christopher Llanes (Tim Quest) vs. David Boyko (Bas Rutten kang Elite MMA Gym)


145 lbs. – Andrew Secaida (Ngimpi Killer perang Team)vs. Kurt Eberhard (Saekson Muay Thai)


135 lbs. – David Perez (Penyerahan Riverside) vs. Julio Santa Cruz (Sistem Training Center)


145 lbs. – Benito Mendez (Kings Pertempuran Olahraga) vs.Sergio Gonzalez (Yuma United Team perang)


Universitas MMA: Perang Night 10 njupuk Panggonan ing5:00pm ing Minggu, May 31, 2015, ing Club Nokia ing L.A. LIVE, 800 West Olympic Boulevard. Mbukak lawang ing 4:30pm. Kertu perang punika tundhuk kanggo owah-owahan. Tiket saiki sing kasedhiya lan bisa dituku liwat www.UofMMA.com lanwww.AXS.com, Ngisi daya telpon ing 888-9AXS-qsa utawa 888-929-7849, lan saka 10:00 AM-5:00 PM, Mon-Fri ing Staples Center Box Office dumunung ing 1111 S. Figueroa St. Fees ditrapake bisa uga diterapake. Kothak kantor Club Nokia bakal mbukak ing 2:00pm dina acara.

RFA ndadekke FIRST karya televised MMA EVENT ke Idaho


RFA 27 IN Boise,Idaho
Ana Juli 3rd LIVE ON AXS TV
JOE Murphy vs Isai Brock
Karcis ing Sale saiki ing


Las Vegas, Nevada – Wunguné Fighting Alliance (RFA) presiden Ed Soares announced dina sing promosi bakal nggawa cemoro ingst nasional televised acara MMA negara bagéyan Idaho. RFA 27 – Murphy vs. Brock bakal Fitur acara utama pitting a prosp RisingECT nglawant asurging dokter kewan. RFA penggemar favorit Joe Murphy ngasilake kanggo ngadhepi powerhouse Isai Brock, sing siji kong MMA paling wis tuntas kanggo nelpon Idaho ngarep. Acara njupuk Panggonan ana, 3rd Juli ing CenturyLink Arena ing Boise, Idaho. Kabeh kertu utama bakal televised urip lan negoro ing ROAD TV ing 10 P.M. Lan / 7 P.M. PT.
“Aku bungah kanggo nggawa nasional televisi acara MMA pisanan Idaho,” Nyatakake Soares. “Joe Murphy vs. Jesse Brock punika klasik match-up jiu-jitsu vs. Gulat, nanging liyane Jahwéh iku tawuran antarane prospek janjeni lan dokter kewan surging. Sing tenan ndadekake kowe appreciate gravitasi acara utama iki apa bakal acara Permata MMA makutha kanggo njupuk Panggonan ing Negara Gem.”
Eric Trapp, presiden of CenturyLink Arena, uga ditulis kasenengan bab hosting page nasional televisi acara MMA Idaho kang.
“Kita lagi bungah kanggo nggawa bantuan kuwi acara gedhe kanggo negara bagéyan Idaho lan pertunjukan ora mung arena kita, nanging uga pejuang kita menyang pirsawan negoro ing 3rd Juli,” nyatakake Trapp. “Ing RFA account iku salah siji saka sing paling metu ana lan CenturyLink Arena bangga tuan rumah acara iki.”
Tiket RFA 27 – Murphy vs. Brock kasedhiya kanggo tuku SAIKI liwat CenturyLinkArenaBoise.karo.
Murphy (8-2) ngasilake menyang Octagon RFA sawise rong pagelaran paweling ing Octagon RFA ing 9 minggu span. Murphy digawe karir RFA dawa-ngenteni Desember kepungkur iki ing acara co-utama RFA 21 akeh fanfare. Panjenenganipun luwih saka urip nganti pangarepan karo scintillating page kamenangan babak TKO liwat Highly-dipunsebat-sebat Bruno Frazatto. 9 minggu mengko, Murphy headlined RFA 23 against Terrion Ware in what many have pegged as a “Perang of the Year” contender. Murphy is now looking forward to a new challenge as he travels to his next opponent’s hometown.
Jiu-Jitsu vs. Wrestling is an endless debate. I’m excited to see how I match up against someone with Jesse Brock’s credentials,” said Murphy. “Mugia, he sells out the arena on July 3rd, so I get boo’d on my way to the cage. I’m pretty damn good at turning those boos into cheers by the time it’s over.
Brock (20-8) enters this fight as one of the most experienced bantamweight fighters in RFA history. Brock will be making his RFA debut 9 years after he made his professional MMA debut. The former Boise State wrestling standout has since competed on three continents against some of the biggest names in the sport, which includes bouts against current UFC flyweight champion Demetrious “Kuwoso Mouse” Johnson, #3 ranked UFC lightweight Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone, and former UFC lightweight title challenger Caol Uno. Brock is currently riding the momentum of a four-fight win streak and is looking forward to parlaying that momentum into the main event of RFA 27.
This fight is definitely a big deal for me and the entire MMA community in Idaho,” stated Brock. “I feel honored that the RFA picked me to spearhead Idaho’s first nationally televised MMA event. I can’t wait to perform in front of my friends and family at RFA 27.
Ing acara co-utama RFA 27 will feature two of the sport’s most promising flyweight prospects, when Idaho’s own Czar Sklavos (11-4) battles Jeremy Horn protégé Nick Burgos (9-3). Sklavos, who hails from Twin Falls, Idaho, has secured 9 kang 11 wins via submission and has never been finished in a career dating back to March 2010. In his pro debut, he happened to go the distance with current UFC bantamweight champion T.J. Dillashaw. Liyane mentas, Sklavos advanced to the finals of the Vale Tudo Japan flyweight tournament last fall and is eager to test his experience against the talented and red-hot Burgos. Six consecutive opponents over the past two and a half years have been defeated by the Utah based flyweight, but Burgosmarquee victory came in his most recent bout. That win came over former RFA flyweight champion Matt Manzanares via Unanimous Decision in March.
The feature fight of RFA 27 will be a battle of two explosive heavyweights, who are hungry to make a statement. Jan Jorgensen (7-1) and Dale Sopi (6-1) are a combined 13-0 njaba RFA lan semangat kanggo nggawe sawetara gangguan ing bakat RFA divisi abot. Jorgensen, sing ana bintang bal-balan ing BYU sadurunge transitioning MMA, sepur ing Pit Munggah pangkat ing Orem, Utah kajawi UFC star lan BKK 11 juara Pengadilan McGee. Mungsuh Sopi yaiku asli saka Nanakuli, Hawaii lan sepur ing Power MMA in Gilbert, Arizona kajawi UFC star lan BKK 8 champiing Ryan Baing. Bouts tambahan ing RFA 27 bakal announced rauh. RFA 27 bakal acara page promosi kanggo njupuk Panggonan ing “Gem State” Idaho, kang bakal negara 13 RFA wis dianakaké acara. Kabeh kertu utama RFA 27 – Murphy vs. Brock bakal televisi manggon lan negoro ing AXS TV ing 10 P.M. Lan / 7 P.M. PT on Friday, 3rd Juli.
Please visit RFAfighting.com kanggo nganyari bab lan Alexa. RFA uga ing Facebook ing Facebook.com/RFAfighting, Instagram atRFAfighting, lan Twitter ingRFAfighting.

Perang Network Presents KSW 31, UFC 187 Pre & Post-Fight Coverage & Enfusion Live 29 this Weekend

Toronto | NEW YORK (May 21, 2015) – Perang Network, premier ing donya 24/7 saluran televisi darmabakti kanggo ngrampungake jangkoan olahraga pertempuran, continues its loaded week of live fights this weekend, building off the momentum of live telecasts of ONE Championship: Warrior’s Quest lanHard Knocks Hard Knocks Fighting 43 on Friday, May 21.


Poland-based MMA powerhouse KSW returns on Setu, May 22 ing 2 P.M. Lan, minangka Saba 31: Materla vs. Drwal emanates from Gdansk’s Ergo Arena, headlined by a clash for the KSW middleweight title, as Polish compatriots Michal Materla (21-4) lan Tomasz Drwal (21-4-1) vie for 185-pound supremacy.


Fight Network’s live broadcast of KSW 31: Materla vs. Drwal will air on Cablevision’s Optimum TV, Grande Komunikasi, Shentel Kabel lan Armstrong Kabel ing AS, negoro ing Kanada, Piranti Roku tengen Amerika Utara, lan global liwat 30 negara ing Eropah, Afrika lan Timur Tengah.


The KSW light heavyweight title is also on the line as Slovakian former Bellator kingpin Attila Vegh (29-5-2) battles Croatian former UFC contender Goran Reljic (14-4)


In another blockbuster pairing, Polish strongman Mariusz Pudzianowski (8-3) faces one of his toughest career tests against submission ace Rolles Gracie (8-3).


Ing bouts Bintang liyane, Abot Polandia Karol Bedorf (11-2) meets seasoned Australian strikerPeter Graham (10-8), Brazilian UFC veteran Jay Silva (9-9-1) throws down with Germany’s Aziz Karaoglu (7-6) ing tumindak Men, Polish light heavyweights Tomasz Narkun (9-2) lan Karol Celinski (12-5-1) are on a collision course, liyane Kamil Szymuszowski (12-4) lan Maciej Jewtuszko (11-2) meet in a clash of top Polish welterweights.


Following KSW 31: Materla vs. Drwal, the attention shifts to the sport’s biggest stage, minangka UFC 187: Johnson vs. Cormier airs live on pay-per-view at 10 P.M. Lan saka Las Vegas’ MGM Grand Garden Arena.


Nanging pisanan, Perang Network presents UFC 187 Weigh-ins Live on Friday, May 21 ing 7 P.M. Lan, as middleweight champion Chris Weidman lan Challenger Vitor Belfort tip the scales in Las Vegas, liyane Anthony “Rumble” Johnson lan Daniel Cormier go toe-to-toe ahead of their vacant light heavyweight title showdown.


On Saturday, May 22, Fight Network has all the pre-fight coverage leading into the highly anticipated event with the UFC 187 Pre-Show Live ing 7 P.M. Lan, nampilaken cuplikan, ramalan lan analisis.


Post-fight coverage, highlights, reactions and the live press conference will air immediately following the event on Fight Network’s UFC 187 Post-Show Live.


Saliyane kanggo kabeh sing wis lan kirim-perang jangkoan urip, Fight Network is the Canadian destination for UFC library content, istimewa lan seri, kalebu UFC ngeculke, UFC Saiki, UFC Ultimate Insider lan klasik UFC PPV acara. Kabeh Airings didhaptar ing tv.fightnetwork.com.


On Minggu, May 23, live kickboxing will take over the airwaves at 3 P.M. Lan, minangka Enfusion Live 28emanates from Amsterdam, Holland.


The event will feature a one-night, siji-eliminasi -70 kg turnamen. In opening round bouts, Turkey’s Typhoon Ozcan lan Fatih Ozkan battle Morocco’s Redouan Larkoubi lan Aziz Kallah, mungguh.


Tambahan, Dutch female stars Rachel Adamus lan Sheena Widdershoven will vie for the Enfusion -67 kg world championship.


Kanggo business kebak jadwal siaran perang Jaringan kang, please visit tv.fightnetwork.com lan eloni on Twitterfightnet, dadi penggemar ing Facebook lan ngunjungi kita ing Instagramfightnet.


Lewiston, Maine (May 21, 2015) - Kämpfe New England (Wiro sableng), Amérika kang nomer siji promosi perang regional, bakal terus mixed-tukang pencak seni wolulas sawijining (MMA) acara, “NEF XVIII: Digawe IN AMERIKA,” ing Setu, Juni 13, 2015 ing Westprovinz Bank Colisee ing Lewiston, Maine. Sadurungé dina, the promotion announced a free ticket giveaway for all past and present United States military personnel to coincide with Memorial Day weekend.


This is something we’ve done in conjunction with Memorial Day and Veterans Day in the past, and we’ve given away hundreds of tickets,” ngandika wiro sableng co-pemilik lan matchmaker Matt Peterson. “It is the most important promotion we do all year. It’s our small way of saying ‘thank youto those who serve and sacrifice so much for our nation. Come down to the Colisee box office today or Anaesuk, present your military ID and get your free ticket. It’s as simple as that.


The ticket giveaway will take place at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee box office from the hours of noon to 5:00 pm today, Kemis, May 21, 2015, and the hours of 9:00 am to noonsesuk, Ana, May 22, 2015. The Colisee is located at 190 Birch Street, Lewiston, Maine 04240. The giveaway is open to all branches of the military. Personnel must present a valid military identification card at the box office window. There will be a limit of one ticket per identification card.


Tiket “NEF XVIII: Digawe IN AMERIKA” miwiti ing mung $25 lan ing sale saiki ing www.TheColisee.com utawa dening nelpon box office Colisee ing 207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo informasi luwih lengkap ing acara lan perang nganyari kertu, please visit website promosi ing www.NewEnglandFights.com. Saliyane, sampeyan bisa nonton video wiro sableng ing www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, tindakake ing Twitternefights lan gabung ing grup resmi Facebook "New England gelut."


About Kämpfe New England


Kämpfe New England ("Wiro sableng") iku perang perusahaan acara promosi. Misi wiro sableng iku kanggo nggawe acara kualitas kanggo pejuang Maine lan pembuangan Alike. Tim eksekutif wiro sableng kang wis ekstensif pengalaman manajemen olahraga pertempuran, produksi acara, hubungan media, marketing, Hukum lan iklan.



Lewiston, Maine (May 21, 2015) - Kämpfe New England (Wiro sableng), Amérika kang nomer siji promosi perang regional, bakal terus mixed-tukang pencak seni wolulas sawijining (MMA) acara, “NEF XVIII: Digawe IN AMERIKA,” ing Setu, Juni 13, 2015 ing Westprovinz Bank Colisee ing Lewiston, Maine. Sadurungé dina, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur featherweight bout to the fight card. The matchup will feature Jeremy Tyler (4-3) madhep Johnny Crafts (3-0) at the featherweight limit of 145-pounds.


Jeremy Tyler will be making his return to the NEF cage after an extended absence of nine months. A member of Marcus Davis’s famed Team Irish gym in Brewer, Maine, Tyler will look to rebound from the first back-to-back losses of his career. Both of those losses came to Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) competitors. It is a gym affiliated with Johnny Craftsteam New England United (NEW), so the Juni 13 fight will be an opportunity for Jeremy to gain a measure of revenge as well. Like his opponent at “NEF XVIII,” Tyler has proven himself a submission specialist with all four of his victories coming by way of capitulation.


I’m very excited to be stepping into the NEF cage for the first time in 2015,said Tyler. “I am looking forward to the opportunity to fight John Crafts who is a highly ranked MMA fighter with a very good Jiu Jitsu game. I believe the NEF fans will be very happy with the match-up and feel this will make for an entertaining fight. Expect to see an improved performance from me. I took some time off after my last fight to focus, build upon my technique and add to my overall skill sets. I am ready to unleash the game I’ve been developing in the cage so 13 Juni can’t get here fast enough.


Originally scheduled to challenge for the NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Championship at “NEF XVIII,” Johnny Crafts was left without a fight after his original opponent pulled out due to injury. That was until Jeremy Tyler stepped up to the challenge this week. This fight will mark the first time Johnny Crafts, who holds a brown belt in BJJ, has competed above the bantamweight limit of 135-pounds. Crafts was voted the “2014 Anyar ing Taun” dening para penggemar NEF.


I’m very excited to be fighting Jeremy Tyler,” said Crafts. “He’s a well-rounded fighter with good experience. I’m looking to test the waters at 145 for my first time and see how I feel fighting up. I was pretty disappointed in the title fight falling through, but I assure everyone that this fight will be just as exciting to watch.


Tiket “NEF XVIII: Digawe IN AMERIKA” miwiti ing mung $25 lan ing sale saiki ing www.TheColisee.com utawa dening nelpon box office Colisee ing 207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo informasi luwih lengkap ing acara lan perang nganyari kertu, please visit website promosi ing www.NewEnglandFights.com. Saliyane, sampeyan bisa nonton video wiro sableng ing www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, tindakake ing Twitternefights lan gabung ing grup resmi Facebook "New England gelut."


About Kämpfe New England


Kämpfe New England ("Wiro sableng") iku perang perusahaan acara promosi. Misi wiro sableng iku kanggo nggawe acara kualitas kanggo pejuang Maine lan pembuangan Alike. Tim eksekutif wiro sableng kang wis ekstensif pengalaman manajemen olahraga pertempuran, produksi acara, hubungan media, marketing, Hukum lan iklan.

Perang Network Presents Hard Knocks Hard Knocks Fighting 43

LIVE iki ana, May 22 ing 11 P.M. Lan

Toronto | NEW YORK (May 20, 2015) – Perang Network, premier ing donya 24/7 saluran televisi darmabakti kanggo ngrampungake jangkoan olahraga pertempuran, presents Broadcast urip ing Hard Knocks Hard Knocks Fighting 43 iki ana, May 22 ing 11 P.M. ET from Markin MacPhail Centre in Calgary, Alberta, Kanada.


Fight Network’s broadcast will air on Cablevision’s Optimum TV, Grande Komunikasi, Shentel Kabel lan Armstrong Kabel ing AS, negoro ing Kanada, Piranti Roku tengen Amerika Utara, lan global liwat 30 negara ing Eropah, Afrika lan Timur Tengah.


Ing acara utama, Calgary-based Brazilian jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai black belt Nick Ring (13-3) makes his first post-UFC appearance against MFC and King of the Cage veteran Jason Zentgraf (8-2).


Hard Knocks light heavyweight champion Misha Cirkunov (8-2) makes his first defense of the championship in his co-main event clash with Shaun Asher (10-1-1), who makes his promotional debut riding a five-fight winning streak.


The Hard Knocks welterweight championship is also on the line as titlist Sergej Jusekic (14-7-2) looks for his fourth straight win opposite Grudge Training Center product LT Nelson (6-2).


In other pro matchups, Joel Powell (8-5) mungsuhan Jordan McKay (7-2) in the welterweight division, lightweights Aaron Gallant (6-6) lan Mike O'Neill (4-4) will square off, Owen Carr (5-3-1) njupuk ingRyan Connor (5-2) in a bantamweight bout, heavyweights cahya Devon Smith (1-1) lan Trent Rowell(2-3) throw down, plus flyweight Keegan Oliver (2-3) meets the debuting Derek Folk (0-0).


Fight Network’s live broadcast airs following IMPACT Wrestling from 9 kanggo 11 P.M. Lan ing Kanada, and live globally at 11 P.M. Lan.


Kanggo business kebak jadwal siaran perang Jaringan kang, please visit tv.fightnetwork.com lan eloni on Twitterfightnet, dadi penggemar ing Facebook lan ngunjungi kita ing Instagramfightnet.

“UFC MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” receives first prelim fight, as featherweight standout Bubba Jenkins meets gritty Midwestern veteran Joe Wilk




“UFC MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” receives first prelim fight,

as featherweight standout Bubba Jenkins meets gritty Midwestern veteran Joe Wilk

Gampang Tweet: ".@2sinsurrJenkins lan @JoeNoseMMA set to headline #Bellator139 ing @KansasStarArena ing Juni 26. http://bit.ly/1GfVzbx"

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (May 18, 2015) – With an incredible four-fight Spike-broadcast main card already locked up for next month’s “UFC: Kongo vs. Volkov” acara, Bellator MMA officials are now turning their attention to the evening’s Spike.com-streamed preliminary lineup.


The first preliminary contest booked features featherweight standout BubbaThe Highlight Kid” Jenkins (8-2), as he looks to build his way back to a title shot against 28-fight veteran Joe “The NoseWilk (18-10).


Featuring a heavyweight contest between French striking specialist Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-5), “UFC: Kongo vs. Volkov” takes place June 26 at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, May.


Additional announced matchups include lightweights Dave “The CavemanRickels (16-3) vs. John “The Natural” Alessio(35-17), former Bellator MMA featherweight champion Ping “Paddy Mike” Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi munggah (18-2) and a contest between middleweight sluggers with Joe “Stitch ‘Em UpSchilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1) on the event’s featured portion.


Kertu utama wengi kang miwiti siaran urip lan gratis Spike ing 9 P.M. Lan / 8 P.M. CT, nalika bouts pambuka stream ing Spike.com ing 7 P.M. Lan / 6 P.M. CT.


Bouts tambahan bakal announced sakcepete.


Tiket “UFC: Kongo vs. Volkov,” kang miwiti ing mung $17 and include cageside seats for just $97, saiki kasedhiya ingTicketmaster.com.


Jenkins, a former NCAA Division I wrestling champion at Arizona State University, also earned All-American honors during a separate stint at Penn State University. Cukup 27 taun, Jenkins has already fought seven times under the Bellator MMA banner and is considered one of the top up-and-coming fighters in the 145-pound division. “The Highlight Kid” was one step away from a shot at the Bellator MMA Featherweight World Title before coming up short against Georgi Karakhanyan ing Bellator 132 ing Januari. The Corona, Calif. resident now looks to get back on the winning track at Bellator 139.


Wilk is a 33-year-old Kansas native who already boasts 28 professional contests to his name and made his Bellator MMA debut this past October, where he suffered a TKO loss to fellow Sunflower State veteran Ricky Musgrave. Wilk has been a staple on the Midwestern scene since 2007 and has incredibly fought to a judges decision only once in his 28 penampilan. He’s at his most dangerous on the mat, where he’s earned a remarkable 15 kang 18 career victories by way of submission.


“UFC MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” - Ana, Juni 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, MULVANE, Kansas

Card utama (9 P.M. Lan)


UFC Abot Main Event: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Alexander Volkov (24-5)

UFC Lightweight Feature perang: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

UFC Men Feature perang: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi munggah (18-2)

UFC Welterweight Feature perang: Joe Kenya (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1)


Card pambuka

UFC Men Prelim perang: Bubba Jenkins (8-2) vs. Joe Wolf (18-10)

“UFC MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” receives first prelim fight,

as featherweight standout Bubba Jenkins meets gritty Midwestern veteran Joe Wilk

Gampang Tweet: ".@2sinsurrJenkins lan @JoeNoseMMA set to headline #Bellator139 ing @KansasStarArena ing Juni 26. http://bit.ly/1GfVzbx"

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (May 18, 2015) – With an incredible four-fight Spike-broadcast main card already locked up for next month’s “UFC: Kongo vs. Volkov” acara, Bellator MMA officials are now turning their attention to the evening’s Spike.com-streamed preliminary lineup.


The first preliminary contest booked features featherweight standout BubbaThe Highlight Kid” Jenkins (8-2), as he looks to build his way back to a title shot against 28-fight veteran Joe “The NoseWilk (18-10).


Featuring a heavyweight contest between French striking specialist Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-5), “UFC: Kongo vs. Volkov” takes place June 26 at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, May.


Additional announced matchups include lightweights Dave “The CavemanRickels (16-3) vs. John “The Natural” Alessio(35-17), former Bellator MMA featherweight champion Ping “Paddy Mike” Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi munggah (18-2) and a contest between middleweight sluggers with Joe “Stitch ‘Em UpSchilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1) on the event’s featured portion.


Kertu utama wengi kang miwiti siaran urip lan gratis Spike ing 9 P.M. Lan / 8 P.M. CT, nalika bouts pambuka stream ing Spike.com ing 7 P.M. Lan / 6 P.M. CT.


Bouts tambahan bakal announced sakcepete.


Tiket “UFC: Kongo vs. Volkov,” kang miwiti ing mung $17 and include cageside seats for just $97, saiki kasedhiya ingTicketmaster.com.


Jenkins, a former NCAA Division I wrestling champion at Arizona State University, also earned All-American honors during a separate stint at Penn State University. Cukup 27 taun, Jenkins has already fought seven times under the Bellator MMA banner and is considered one of the top up-and-coming fighters in the 145-pound division. “The Highlight Kid” was one step away from a shot at the Bellator MMA Featherweight World Title before coming up short against Georgi Karakhanyan ing Bellator 132 ing Januari. The Corona, Calif. resident now looks to get back on the winning track at Bellator 139.


Wilk is a 33-year-old Kansas native who already boasts 28 professional contests to his name and made his Bellator MMA debut this past October, where he suffered a TKO loss to fellow Sunflower State veteran Ricky Musgrave. Wilk has been a staple on the Midwestern scene since 2007 and has incredibly fought to a judges decision only once in his 28 penampilan. He’s at his most dangerous on the mat, where he’s earned a remarkable 15 kang 18 career victories by way of submission.


“UFC MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” - Ana, Juni 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, MULVANE, Kansas

Card utama (9 P.M. Lan)


UFC Abot Main Event: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Alexander Volkov (24-5)

UFC Lightweight Feature perang: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

UFC Men Feature perang: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi munggah (18-2)

UFC Welterweight Feature perang: Joe Kenya (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1)


Card pambuka

UFC Men Prelim perang: Bubba Jenkins (8-2) vs. Joe Wolf (18-10)

Gampang Tweet: ".@2sinsurrJenkins lan @JoeNoseMMA set to headline #Bellator139 ing @KansasStarArena ing Juni 26. http://bit.ly/1GfVzbx"

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (May 18, 2015) – With an incredible four-fight Spike-broadcast main card already locked up for next month’s “UFC: Kongo vs. Volkov” acara, Bellator MMA officials are now turning their attention to the evening’s Spike.com-streamed preliminary lineup.


The first preliminary contest booked features featherweight standout BubbaThe Highlight Kid” Jenkins (8-2), as he looks to build his way back to a title shot against 28-fight veteran Joe “The NoseWilk (18-10).


Featuring a heavyweight contest between French striking specialist Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-5), “UFC: Kongo vs. Volkov” takes place June 26 at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, May.


Additional announced matchups include lightweights Dave “The CavemanRickels (16-3) vs. John “The Natural” Alessio(35-17), former Bellator MMA featherweight champion Ping “Paddy Mike” Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi munggah (18-2) and a contest between middleweight sluggers with Joe “Stitch ‘Em UpSchilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1) on the event’s featured portion.


Kertu utama wengi kang miwiti siaran urip lan gratis Spike ing 9 P.M. Lan / 8 P.M. CT, nalika bouts pambuka stream ing Spike.com ing 7 P.M. Lan / 6 P.M. CT.


Bouts tambahan bakal announced sakcepete.


Tiket “UFC: Kongo vs. Volkov,” kang miwiti ing mung $17 and include cageside seats for just $97, saiki kasedhiya ingTicketmaster.com.


Jenkins, a former NCAA Division I wrestling champion at Arizona State University, also earned All-American honors during a separate stint at Penn State University. Cukup 27 taun, Jenkins has already fought seven times under the Bellator MMA banner and is considered one of the top up-and-coming fighters in the 145-pound division. “The Highlight Kid” was one step away from a shot at the Bellator MMA Featherweight World Title before coming up short against Georgi Karakhanyan ing Bellator 132 ing Januari. The Corona, Calif. resident now looks to get back on the winning track at Bellator 139.


Wilk is a 33-year-old Kansas native who already boasts 28 professional contests to his name and made his Bellator MMA debut this past October, where he suffered a TKO loss to fellow Sunflower State veteran Ricky Musgrave. Wilk has been a staple on the Midwestern scene since 2007 and has incredibly fought to a judges decision only once in his 28 penampilan. He’s at his most dangerous on the mat, where he’s earned a remarkable 15 kang 18 career victories by way of submission.


“UFC MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” - Ana, Juni 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, MULVANE, Kansas

Card utama (9 P.M. Lan)


UFC Abot Main Event: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Alexander Volkov (24-5)

UFC Lightweight Feature perang: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

UFC Men Feature perang: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi munggah (18-2)

UFC Welterweight Feature perang: Joe Kenya (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1)


Card pambuka

UFC Men Prelim perang: Bubba Jenkins (8-2) vs. Joe Wolf (18-10)


Displaying NEF_FNVXIII_Boyington_Raio_viral2.jpg

Lewiston, Maine (May 19, 2015) - Kämpfe New England (Wiro sableng), Amérika kang nomer siji promosi perang regional, bakal terus mixed-tukang pencak seni wolulas sawijining (MMA) acara, “NEF XVIII: Digawe IN AMERIKA,” ing Setu, Juni 13, 2015 ing Westprovinz Bank Colisee ing Lewiston, Maine. Sadurungé dina, promosi announced kertu perang full acara.


In a highly-anticipated rematch, NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Champion Bruce “Cantik Boy” Boyington (10-8) takes on rivalJohn “First Class” Ray (2-7) in a non-title catchweight contest. Raio scored a victory over Boyington by rear-naked choke in their initial meeting in February 2014. That win, Nanging, was marred in controversy as Boyington contends the referee mistook his wave to his fans in the crowd as a sign of submission. Preduli, Boyington and Raio will look to settle the score on Juni 13 Lewiston.


NEF homegrown talent, lan 2014 “Fighter of the Year,” Crowsneck Boutin (0-0) will debut in the professional ranks against “Ing Photos Dog” Ryan Cowette (2-2) ing pertandingan Men. Boutin has developed over the course of three years from a street brawler to a well-disciplined martial artist. Cowette is the head coach of MMA Athletix and the preacher of Victory Church in Bath, Maine.


In other professional bouts: Jesse “Viking” Erickson (4-4) looks to follow up his commanding performance last month at “Wiro sableng XVII” with another victory when he takes on Zenon Herrera(0-0); “: Indestructible 2.0” Derek Shorey (2-1) will also try to make it two-in-a-row when he meets Canada’s Jeremy DiChiara (1-0) in a bantamweight battle; lan Elias “Danger Mouse” Leland (2-1) hopes to rebound from a loss last month when he fights Chad “Machine Gun” Kelly (3-2) in what many are predicting to steal the show on the professional side of the card.


“NEF XVIII” will mark the first time NEF has crowned a set of amateur champions. The amateur card will feature five championship title bouts. Among those bouts will be a heavyweight title fight between the popular Billy “Bigfoot” Leahy (2-1) lanRyan Glover (1-0). Glover won a 2011 state championship wrestling for Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine.


In another amateur title fight, Ricky Dexter (3-0) squares mati marang Josh Harvey (3-1) for the lightweight championship. Dexter will represent Team Irish while Harvey will represent Irish’s Bangor-area rival Young’s MMA.


A women’s fight will also be featured on the amateur card withAlex Walker (0-1) madhep Kendra Streeter (0-0). Walker thrilled the Lewiston crowd of more than 2,000 ing “Wiro sableng XVII” last month with her “Perang saka Night” performance against Randi Knowles (1-0).


Kertu perang full (kanggo ngganti subyek):



150 Bruce Boyington 10-8 (Young MMA / TKD Boyington) vs John Raio 2-7 (First Class/Choi)

185 Ryan Cowette 2-2 (MMA Athletix) vs Crowsneck Boutin 0-0 (Choi Institute)

155 Jesse Erickson 4-4 (CMBJJ – Team NEU) vs Zenon Herrera 0-0 (Independent)

135 Derek Shorey 2-1 (: Indestructible Pertempuran Club) vs Jeremy DiChiara 1-0 (Wulfrun MMA)

135 Elias Leland 2-1 (Akademi) vs Chad Kelly 3-2 (Fighting Arts Academy)

265 Michael Hansen 2-1 (Berserkers MMA) vs TBD



265*Title Billy Leahy 2-1 (CMBJJ/Young’s MMA) vs Ryan Glover 1-0 (Berserkers MMA)

155*Title Ricky Dexter 3-0 (Tim Irish) vs Josh Harvey 3-1 (MMA enom)

145*Title Harun Lacey 5-1 (MMA enom) vs Alex Johnson 2-1 (Kejem MMA & Boxing)

125*Title Norman Fox 4-1 (MMA Athletix) vs Dustin Veinott 3-3 (CMBJJ – Team NEU)

135 *Title Johnny Crafts 3-0 (Tim NEW) vs TBD

S.HWT Countess Guillen 2-2 (Independent) vs Dave Smith 1-0 (Berserkers MMA)

265 “Sonny” Ora Spratt IV 0-1 (: Indestructible Pertempuran Club) vs Nick Gulliver 0-0 (Kelas MMA)

185 Heath Hanson 1-2 (3Ronin Athletics) vs Ruben Redman 0-2 (Independent)

170 Mike Bazanson 0-0 (Tim Kaze) vs Jeff Dustin 0-0 (Independent)

170 Alex Bronish 0-0 (Berserkers MMA) vs Alex Payson 0-0 (MMA Athletix)

160 Pat Kelly 2-0 (MMA enom) vs Dr. Steve Bang 1-0 (CMBJJ – Team NEU)

155 Corey Hinkley 2-3 (CMBJJ) vs Cory Trial 0-1 (Kejem MMA & Boxing)

155 Dom Cofone 5-5 vs Jason Lachance 2-1 (MMA Athletix)

145 Dustin Shorey 0-1 (: Indestructible Pertempuran Club) vs Rob Robinson 0-0 (Kelas MMA)

135 Mike Crespo 2-2 (MMA Athletix) vs Caleb Costello 2-3 (Tim Irish)

125 Justin Witham 0-2 (: Indestructible Pertempuran Club) vs Ryan Burgess 0-0 (Berserkers MMA)

125 David Brown 1-3 (Plymouth Fight Cluib) vs Steve Desjardins 4-3 (Tim Irish)

125 Alex Walker 0-1 (Tim Kaze) vs Kendra Streeter 0-0 (Independent)

145 Jimmy Jackson 2-2(MMA enom) vs TBD

145 Mike Pietersen 2-0 (MMA enom) vs TBD


Tiket “NEF XVIII: Digawe IN AMERIKA” miwiti ing mung $25 lan ing sale saiki ing www.TheColisee.com utawa dening nelpon box office Colisee ing 207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo informasi luwih lengkap ing acara lan perang nganyari kertu, please visit website promosi ing www.NewEnglandFights.com. Saliyane, sampeyan bisa nonton video wiro sableng ing www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, tindakake ing Twitternefights lan gabung ing grup resmi Facebook "New England gelut."


About Kämpfe New England


Kämpfe New England ("Wiro sableng") iku perang perusahaan acara promosi. Misi wiro sableng iku kanggo nggawe acara kualitas kanggo pejuang Maine lan pembuangan Alike. Tim eksekutif wiro sableng kang wis ekstensif pengalaman manajemen olahraga pertempuran, produksi acara, hubungan media, marketing, Hukum lan iklan.


Reebok Rebellion Could Revolutionize MMA as We Know It

Miturut: Rich Bergeron

You know the Reebok battle is getting heated when people are trashing the terms of the deal both figuratively and LITERALLY:

UFC Lightweight Contender MylesFury” Hakim tenan mbuwang pindah Reebok ing uwuh bubar kanggo nggawe titik ing kirim Twitter sing wis UFC Lowongan Honcho Dana “Ing Baldfather” Putih nangis gawe salah.

Apa ana liyane sing nuduhake bab kedadean, sanadyan, ana “Pakdhe Dana” ora mlaku ing kanggo ngukum fighter duwe pengarep-arep kanggo Disrespect blatant kang partner bisnis utama UFC. Iki ana wayahe banyu kanggo “Reebok kraman.”

Apa bisa Dana apa, sawise kabeh? Myles iki bener narik kaca tengen metu saka UFC Presiden kang handbook marketing dhewe. Hakim iki kang ing-pasuryan nyerang kanggo ngedol pitakonan kang. Dana sing ora saben dina.

Pejuang luwih-profil sing terus-terusan rubbing Pak. Putih cara salah dina iki nalika nerangake menehi hasil Reebok, lan sanadyan kang marang hakim lan Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone pass kanggo kritik sing anyar, he bit back against the likes of Brandon Schaub.

There may be a different kind of fireworks in July when this raw deal officially takes effect and all the fighters who don’t agree with Schaub and Jury start to realize their shortsightedness. Some of those UFC fighters might even regret not joining their peers on the unofficial public picket line when it might have actually mattered.

The worst part about this whole fiasco is the timing. The Federal Trade Commission is once again reportedly investigating the UFC in the wake of a series of high-profile Class-Action Anti-Trust complaints winding their way through the civil courts.

Iku hard ora kanggo pitakonan apa paling kuat campuran promosi seni bela dhiri donya kang overstepping wates ing dalan padha nyoba kanggo ngontrol saben aspek saka karir fighter kang. Iku misale jek kaya menehi hasil tenan ala ijolan dicokot sing sethitik saka dhuwit lan hak kanggo perang wonten ing banner UFC getih, ngetokake lan gon iku njupuk kanggo tetep ing ndhuwur game MMA dina iki. Malah dadi ing tengah Pack ing UFC iki omelan tantangan. Kong kudu miwiti kanggo takon piyambak nalika nambah nabrak bruises, dislocations, ligamen ambruk, Broken balung lan concussions dadi ala sing dhuwit ora Matter maneh.

What will happen when a tidal wave of former UFC fighters find out that the glory of having fought their hearts out for the fans isn’t paying the bills and/or sending their kids to college? What happens when the cushy medical coverage expires and your legendary fighter status means nothing to the doctors and the hospital billing you outrageous and astronomical fees to keep you healthy enough to live to old age?

Ask Marc Coleman. It’s not pretty.

The more the UFC fight or flight equation turns toward having no freedom to be an entrepreneur and no ability to build your own brand, the more Scott Coker’s phone is going to continue to ring off the hook. At least in Bellator, fighters can still have their own personal sponsors on their shorts.

They don’t throw all their fighters out for losing a few fights in a row, salah siji. They don’t publicly berate their fighters at post-fight press conferences for not putting on a show. They pay what they can, and they do their best to just be considered a UFC competitor.

Phil Davis may be the first of many UFC defectors that could begin to trickle in if this Reebok deal eliminates as much income and opportunity as it sounds like it will.

I am actually disappointed that Viacom isn’t making a bigger push to acquire more UFC fighters with more lucrative contracts, but no business wants to lose money. It’s harder for Bellator to gain massive revenues in return for their investments in their fighters due to the overhead of doing their own production for free television. Nanging, ing wektu sing padha, Coker and Bellator’s current management seems to actually care a little more about the people who do battle under their banner. They know better than anyone that your sponsors can really keep you alive.

Fighters who value their freedom and want a little more control over their careers might start to see the only UFC competition as a much greener pasture in the wake of this sneaker giant’s exclusive apparel contract. Apa wis mestine kanggo katon kaya langkah utama nerusake kanggo UFC bisa bener makili telung langkah bali kanggo organisasi iki sing wis berjuang karo dibatalake lan postponed gelut amarga utamané kanggo jumlah nambah ciloko latihan kanggo ndhuwur pejuang.

Mesthi kita ora bisa lali Mantan UFC cahya Abot Champion Jon Jones dinuga nabrak a SUV disewa menyang mobil wong wadon meteng lan bejat lengen sadurunge ngungsi pemandangan ing sikil. Iki durung liyane contone apes UFC ora cukup ngrawat bab pejuang sing. Carane bisa padha ora ngenali wong iki wis masalah sing perlu kanggo bakal ono wektu dawa sadurunge kedadean tragis binuka? Carane UFC bisa mbecikake ora gadhah testing tamba acak dhewe ing panggonan kaya olahraga profesional liyane? Carane sing ilegal obatan OK kanggo fighter kanggo nindakake metu saka kompetisi ing Panggonan pisanan? Sing digawe aturan karo loophole gaping ing wong-wong mau?

Georges St. Pierre wis salah siji saka kritikus paling vociferous UFC ing ngarep PED-testing. Mantan juara terus njagong ing sela-sela sawise siji gelut paling punishing karir mimpin wong kanggo ngumumke leren karo lawang mbukak ngiwa mung kokain. Mung sing godhongé amba, program testing tamba lengkap bisa nggawa wong bali saiki, St. Pierre njogo.

Malah pejuang kaya Ronda Rousey njupuk upset sethitik karo kontrol ngukur karir kang wielded liwat mau dening panggedhe bigwig sing. The UFC will not even let Ronda appear in a few scripted WWE events. Just because these skits last longer than some of her actual fights doesn’t mean they are much different than what she does in her movie career. Her UFC bosses are fine with her pursuing action movie roles, so why not a little fake wrestling? Maybe it’s the fact that WWE stole the Tapout brand and took it right out of the cage and into the wrestling ring. Maybe it’s jealousy that WWE has the kind of fan base that makes them a legitimate threat, and it’s the kind of fans the UFC desperately needs. Maybe it’s the fact that the UFC lost their chance at retaining Brock Lesnar’s services again and they are still getting over it.

Whatever the reason, the UFC is clamping down more and more on what fighters can and can’t do inside and outside the cage, and it goes far beyond fake wrestling. Contracts are becoming more and more restrictive in every way.

The UFC also used to foster a climate where no fighter would dare speak a foul word about management or any business deal management put in place. The punishment would be worse than a fine if Dana decided to give you the Brendan Schaub treatment in the press.

Complain, and you’d be called a coward or a bum. You’re not a team player, some ignorant fans will still say when you stick your neck out while under UFC contract. Nanging, iklim iki ora cukup kanggo mungkasi iki gelombang anyar sethitik saka protest sing bisa tuwuh menyang crescendo medeni mung sadurunge utawa sawise menehi hasil Reebok iki resmi dadi kasunyatan.

Minions mindless sing mada pejuang kanggo ngandika metu kanggo kapentingan dhewe paling mung mangan tengen metu saka tangan Dana putih kang, sanajan kang maringaken metu clurut racun. Iku nistha kang kokrungu lan kokdeleng supaya akeh wong sarujuk karo wong sing tau malah perang lan bab amatir resmi sembarang jenis tinimbang ngrungokake wong sing bener sijine ing gaweyan kanggo saingan ing malah siji perang kandhang profesional.

Nalika nerangake bab prakara apa iku pancene tegese “dadi F # $% ing fighter,” Dana bisa menehi kabeh pidato gawe salah-mouthed kepengin, nanging pejuang nyata sing mutahaké rahé kanggo taun wonten ing banner UFC sing diparingi sing wicara meaning nyata lan résonansi kanggo pembuangan sing saiki nyembah lemah Dana mlaku ing. Kanggo sisih paling, pembuangan iki mung kaya Putih supaya akeh amarga kang wuwus lan cusses kaya wong-wong mau. Isih, siji fighter UFC aku diwawancarai years ago marang kula ana soko salah karo olahraga nalika tokoh sing paling ditepungi ing MMA iku Dana White. Aku ora setuju liyane.

Ingatase hak bebas ora tembung dijupuk entheng, lan bebas wicara ora minangka free minangka iku digunakake kanggo dadi. Sampeyan mlebu ing garis bertitik kanggé maringi langkah ing kandhang UFC, lan sampeyan kudu muter dening aturan sing, malah sing gedhe-gedhe sing ora seneng utawa ora setuju karo. Sing cukup ala nalika sing ana mung pejuang masalah ngadhepi. Saiki, iku akeh Samsaya Awon amarga saka hasil Reebok lan ramifications lan efek ripple bakal nimbulaké.

Sawetara wong lali menehi hasil iki uga alienates sponsor dangu saka UFC lan pejuang sawijining. Mikir kabeh sing perusahaan apparel sing ora bakal bisa kanggo ngedol produk sing saiki ing hubungané karo acara resmi UFC. Mbesuk Kahanan UFC Fan Expo iku umpamane prima carane UFC mung ora koyone Care babagan bisnis lan backers sing mbantu sijine wong ing peta ing Panggonan pisanan.

Wong konco powerhouse iki Liga MMA bakal ndhewekake wong utawa klompok wong kanggo nggawe Buck mati mburi wong luwih piyambak. Hasil Reebok iki urip bukti sing. Even if all the money from the Reebok partnership does go to the fighters, all those businesses that end up locked out of fighter sponsorship deals will have to line up to sign exclusive contracts with the organization itself. Either that, or they will convert to Bellator supporters and follow burned UFC fighters to that organization.

Suddenly that second fiddle is sounding like it could steal the show, and my prediction that Bellator could fail looks premature and presumptuous now.

So you want to be a f$%^ing fighter?”

Let me give you Scott Coker’s number.


Perang Network punika 24/7 saluran televisi darmabakti kanggo ngrampungake jangkoan olahraga pertempuran. Iku airs program fokus ing kabeh orane katrangan saka aliran olahraga pertempuran, kalebu gelut urip lan munggah-kanggo-the-minute warta lan analisis kanggo tukang pencak seni pipis, kickboxing, Gulat profesional, tukang pencak seni tradisional, boxing, perang warta, uga perang-tema seri drama, documentaries lan fitur film.


Ngisor nemokake highlights program minggu iki:

Senen, May 18

6:30 P.M. Lan – 2014 Judo Tashkent Grand Prix– Highlights saka 2014 Judo Tashkent Grand Prix from Oct. 16-18, 2014 in Uzbekistan.

7:00 P.M. Lan – 5 Babak – Sarwa dumadi John RAMDEEN lan Robin Black ngajak tamu khusus kanggo break mudhun ing akhir minggu saka tumindak MMA.

7:30 P.M. Lan – Perang News Now Tambahan – Ing warta paling anyar, Recaps, fitur lan analisis nang saka perang game.

8:00 P.M. LanPerang Final 5: Rodriguez vs. Simonjic – Featuring Ricco Rodriguez vs. Tomaz Simonjic in the MMA main event and Pavel Zhuravle vs. Vinchenzo Renfurm ing pertandingan kickboxing saka Osijek, Kroasia.

Selasa, May 19

1:00 a.m. LanKanggo 2 Jempol karo Urijah Faber – John RAMDEEN chats karo UFC bantamweight bintang Urijah Faber bab upbringing lan évolusi ing olahraga.

1:30 a.m. LanHip Show: Arena Pertempuran – Tag-tim MMA nang 12m kanthi arena 12m karo struktur alangan telung tingkat.

2:30 am. Lan – XPTV – Jangkoan saka daerah U.S pro lan amatir MMA.

7:30 a.m. LanPerang News Now Tambahan – Ing warta paling anyar, Recaps, fitur lan analisis nang saka perang game.

7:00 & 7:30 P.M. LanXtreme Fighting Championship – Florida basis MMA profesional nampilaken prospek ndhuwur Amérika, lintang internasional lan para veteran UFC.

8:00 P.M. Lan – 5 Babak – Sarwa dumadi John RAMDEEN lan Robin Black ngajak tamu khusus kanggo break mudhun ing akhir minggu saka tumindak MMA.

8:30 P.M. Lan — Perang News Now Tambahan – Ing warta paling anyar, Recaps, fitur lan analisis nang saka perang game.

Rebo, May 20

3:00 a.m. LanTexas perang Night – Tumindak MMA saka Texas nampilaken prospek ndhuwur Star Negara kang Lone ing kandhang.

6:00 P.M. LanBest Cage Rage – Featuring gelut klasik saka organisasi Cage Rage UK-based karo Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Paul Daley lan liya-liyane.

7:00 P.M. LanPerang News Now Tambahan: MMA Edition – Panutup kabeh kedadean ing donya MMA kanthi analisis eksklusif lan fitur.

7:30 P.M. LanPerang News Now Tambahan – Ing warta paling anyar, Recaps, fitur lan analisis nang saka perang game.

8:00 P.M. LanOnomatopia Mangsa Roh 4 – Jeng gelut MMA internasional SFL, FFC, -M 1 lan liyane.

9:00 P.M. LanKandhang Warriors 74 – Nampilaken Kianzad vs. Siiskanen – Nampilaken Mannie Kianzad vs., Agnieszka Niedzwiedz judhul bantamweight wanita inaurgal saka Nov. 15, 2014 9n London.

11:00 P.M. LanMMA Rin karo Gabriel Inapulangan – Gabriel Inapulangan ngilangi mudhun kabeh urip ing MMA, ngrembakaken rintangan, ramalan, plus tamu saben minggu khusus lan pitakonan eksklusif.

11:30 P.M. LanTakedown Wrestling – Jangkoan Ekstensif acara Gulat amatir, kalebu ing warta paling anyar, konco-ing-pemandangan jangkoan saka acara lan pitakonan eksklusif.

Kemis, May 21

1:30 a.m. LanUltimate Challenge MMA 8: Dynamite – Featuring Neil Grove vs. Martin Thompson, Tom Watson vs., Denniston Sutherland, Dean Amasinger vs.. Scott Jansen lan Jason Young vs. Abdul Mohamed saka Oct. 24, 2009 London.

6:00 P.M. LanChampionship Fightling Alliance – Pro MMA saka Florida nampilaken seneng karo Josh Sampo, Mike Kyle, John Howard, Apa McCorkie, Luis Palomino lan liya-liyane.

7:00 P.M. LanFighting Sakigake – Kickboxers niat menek andha kang sukses ing olahraga minangka rookies saingan kanggo kasempatan kanggo dadi profesional lan njaluk pengalaman needed kanggo ngganti ing tingkat sing luwih dhuwur.

8:00 P.M. LanPerang News Now: MMA Edition – Panutup kabeh kedadean ing donya MMA kanthi analisis eksklusif lan fitur.

8:30 P.M. Lan Perang News Now Tambahan – Ing warta paling anyar, Recaps, fitur lan analisis nang saka perang game.

9:00 P.M. Lan – Medhan MMA: O.N.E. – Featuring siji-wengi, single-slimination MMA turnamen saka Tulsa, OK, Roan Carneiro ndudohake, Brock Larson, Cody McKenzie, Trey Houston, Jesse Taylor lan liya-liyane.

Ana, May 22

2:00 a.m. LanPancrase Classics – Classic mungsuhan MMA pionir nampilaken Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael Sonnen lan liya-liyane.

4:00 a.m. LanBest Anggun – Featuring gelut kelas saka promosi Anggun Jepang sajarah kalebu Shinya Aoki, Hayato Sakurai lan Training Mousasi.

5:00 a.m. LanBest of Jewels – Gelut klasik saka kabeh-wadon Liga MMA Jepang, Perhiasan emas.

6:00 – P.M. Lan – M-1 Challenge – MMA profesional saka Eropah nampilaken ndhuwur Rising prospek lan star internasionals.

7 P.M. LanUFC 187 Nimbang-In – Jangkoan LIVE pejabat nimbang-in kanggo UFC 187: Jones vs. Johnson ing Las Vegas.

8:00 P.M. Lan — Saba 18 – Nampilaken Overeem vs. Rozalski – Nampilaken Valentijn Overeem vs.. Marcin Rozalski, Jan Blachowicz vs. Mario Miranda lan Curt Warburton vs. Artur Sowinski saka Feb. 24, 2012 Ing Njupuk, Poland.

11:00 P.M. LanHard Knocks Hard Knocks Fighting 43 – LIVE MMA saka Calgary, Kanada, nampilaken Jason Zentgraf vs. Nick Ring, Mixhsa Cirkunov V. Shaun Asher and Sergei Juskevic vs. LT Nelson,

Setu, May 23

1:00 a.m. LanSuperKombat: Donya Grand Prix III – Featuring Andrei Stoica vs. Ali Cenik for the super cruiserweight title, plus the cruiserweight tournament semifinals from June 21, 2014 ing Constanta, Romania.

4:00 a.m. LanKanggo 2 Jempol karo Chris semaurku sakenaneJohn Ramdeen talks in depth with UFC middleweight champion Chris Weidman.

6:00 a.m. LanBest TKO – Featuring Patrick Cote vs. Steve Vigneault from TKO 14.

7:00 a.m. Lan – Best Gladiator Challenge – Featuring Quinton “Rampage” Jackson vs. Dave Taylor from Gladiator Challenge 2.

10:00 a.m. LanBest SportFight – Top kualitas MMA saka Pasifik Kulon, tuan rumah dening UFC veteran Matt LIndland lan Chael Sonnen. Episode iki fitur munggah juara SportFight Henokh Wilson.

2:00 P.M. Lan – Saba 31: Subject vs. DrwalLIVE MMA from Gdansk, Poland, featuring Michal Materia vs. Tomasx Drwal, Mariusz Pudzianowski vs. Rolles Gracie lan Goran Reljic vs. Attila Vegh.

7:00 P.M. LanUFC 187 Pre-ShowLIVE pre-fight coverage and analysis for UFC 187: Jones vs. Johnson ing Las Vegas.

8:00 P.M. LanWSOF Canada 1: Ford vs. Powell Featuring Ryan Ford vs. Joel Powell for the WSOF Canadian welterweight title, plus Michael Hill vs. Ryan Dickson from Feb. 21, 2014 in Edmonton, AB.

10:00 P.M. LanWSOF Canada 2: Loiseau vs. Lewis Featuring DavidThe CrowLoisean vs. Dwayne Lewis, plus Josh Hill vs. Mike Adams and Tim Hague vs. Matt Baker from June 7, 2014 in Edmonton, AB.

Minggu, May 24

1:00 a.m. LanUFC 187 Kirim-ShowLIVE Post-fight coverage for UFC 1878: Jones vs. Johnson ing Las Vegas.

6:00 a.m. LanPancrase Classics – Classic mungsuhan MMA pionir nampilaken Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Jeneng Marquardt, Chael Sonnen lan liya-liyane.

10:00 a.m. LanBest ADCC – Featuring compilations saka cocog grappling paling tau dianakaké, nampilaken Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza lan Royler Gracie.

2:00 P.M. LanEnfusion LIVE #29: AmsterdamLIVE professional kickboxing from Amsterdam, Holland.

7:00 P.M. LanAmerika Serikat Wrestling Weekly – Tuan rumah Scott Casber menehi pawarta mingguan lan analisis Centering watara Amerika Serikat Wrestling, awak governing nasional olahraga, kalebu pitakonan, fitur lan katon maneh ing sasi.

7:30 P.M. LanJudo Qingdao Grand Prix 2014Highlights from the Judo Qingdao Grand Prix fromJan. 19-21 ing China.





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