Tūtohu Archives: Arts hōia Mixed


Takahanga Main: Tūturu WSOF World Kōmāmā Champion
Justin Gaethje rematches hai taimaha Luis Palomino

-Main Co Takahanga: Rawiri amaa a Teti Holder tapawha atu ki te hei te ao WSOF tuatahi toa taumahamaha marama i roto i te aamu

Ora i runga i NBCSN
Tīkiti i runga i te hoko Rāhoroi, Hōngongoi 11

Las Vegas (Hōngongoi 9, 2015) -World Series o te whawhai (WSOF.com) ka hoki ki a Phoenix, Ariz., te wahi i ora ai tetahi o ona po faahiahia te nuinga o Mixed Arts (MMA) mahi ki te rā i mua i tēnei tau, with a world championship doubleheader headlined by a highly-anticipated rematch between undefeated, kingi WSOF World Kōmāmā (155 pauna) Champion Justin "Ko e Miramirahia" Gaethje me te kaiwero pakeke-patu Luis "maki touwhero" Palomino i Comerica Theatre i runga i Rāmere, E whitu. 18, ora i runga i NBCSN.

I roto i te hui tahi-matua, Rawiri Manga ka ngana ki te riro tuatahi toa e rua-wehenga, me te marama taumahamaha ao tuatahi o te whakatairanga o te (205 pauna) toa i roto i te aamu, no ia tapawhā atu ki takoto, pakeke-patu artist KO Teddy Holder i roto i te toa a tawhio noa o te-tangata e wha, maha-kaupapa whakataetae i whana atu i Comerica Theatre i runga i March 28 hei wāhanga o te WSOF 19.

Utu i $39.99, tīkiti mō "WSOF 23: Gaethje vs. Palomino II "haere i runga i te hoko i runga iRāhoroi, Hōngongoi 11 i 10 a.m. MT a ka waiho wātea mō te hoko i te tari pouaka Comerica Theatre, me te ipurangi i Ticketmaster.com.

"He fiefia ki te hoki ki Pinikia tatou te wahi ite matou tetahi o nga whawhai tino whakaponohia i roto i te aamu WSOF mua i tenei tau i waenganui i Justin Gaethje me Luis Palomino, a kia kite ratou rave i te reira katoa i runga i ano,"Ka mea a WSOF Palesiteni Rangatira Matua.

"Waihoki,"Haere tonu te rangatira, "Titiro atu tatou ki te karauna i te toa taumahamaha WSOF te marama tuatahi i roto i te hītori me te, i runga i to ratou mahi tata i roto i to tatou whare herehere, E whakaorangia e Rawiri Manga me Teddy Holder he mutunga fakafiefia ki to tatou whakataetae hītori. "

Ko te puai, 26-Gaethje tau-tawhito (14-0) o Safford, Ariz. maka atu i te mahi gutsiest o tona mahi ngaio tau e wha-, ko te kupu tenei i tawhiti, ka fehangahangai atu ia ki a Palomino, he kainoho-tau 34-tawhito o Miami, Fla. mohiotia hoki tona kaha KO kino, i roto i te hui matua o te WSOF 19.

He hiko, fetō'aki whawhai i kawea toutou i te mano i runga i te ringa ki ona waewae, kitea rawatia ake mutu, ka Gaethje, i muri i keri iho hohonu, maka tahi ki te huinga o te whana waewae, me nifó i maka te tenacious Palomino iho i roto i te toru a taka o te mahi, a ue'i te kaitautoko ki te karanga atu i te whawhai, hoatu Gaethje te win TKO i te 3:57tohu o te toru o stanza.

Manga me te Holder kitea ratou i roto i te toanga mahi a taka i roto i te whakataetae WSOF i whana atu i roto i te Phoenix i runga i March 28, i muri fehangahangai ohorere whawhai e rua, hoariri whakamutunga miniti i roto i te atamira whaiti.

Tuatahi inumia ki te tapawha atu ki Ronny Markes, te Manga-tau 33-tawhito (16-3), te kingi whitu tekau WSOF te ao (185 pauna) toa me te whitiki pango Renzo Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu te tangata e hails i Brooklyn, N.Y., kitea ia ki te hoariri hou i roto i Hehe McElligott tika 24 haora i mua i te wā whawhai i runga i April 10, i muri takoha te Markes dehydrated i ki mawehe i te take.

Manga, nana nei i hopukia i te whitu tekau here WSOF ki te rauna tuatahi (1:41) tāpaetanga (d'Arce kowaowaotia iho) o Hehe Taylor i runga i Pipiri 21, 2014, whawha McElligott āhua ngāwari, tuku ia ia ki te kowaowaotia pokohiwi i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa (1:28) ki te kakari tona wikitoria karapīpiti te ono o te whawhai.

Holder (9-1) o Bartlett, Tenn. hokosia he patunga o te waimarie, ka, tika haora i mua i te 29-tau-tawhito i inumia ki te tomo i te whare herehere mo te WSOF 19 a'ee whakataki, tetahi o nga whai wāhi whakataetae taketake, Matt Hamill, haere atu i tona whaiti atamira matchup ki te whetu aravihi Thiago Silva, a ka mea Holder i ki te whakakapi a ia.

Ki te te hautanga o te wheako ngaio o tona hoariri hou, i ako te Ma'u taimaha-tukua atu, te mutunga ngingio Silva ki o nifó he tupuhi e rerere te Māori Brazil i roto i te taka noa tuatahi (2:00) a roaa Holder he haerenga ki te taitara a tawhio noa o te whakataetae.

Ko te NBCSN telecast ora o "WSOF 23: Gaethje vs. I Palomino II "haamata 7:00 p.m. AND/4 p.m. PT i runga i Rāmere, Mahuru 18.

Ka whakatuwhera nga tatau i Comerica Theatre mō te WSOF 23 i 3:00 p.m. MT a ka timata te a'ee kāri tuatahi tuatahi i 3:45 p.m.

Kia ka kauwhautia pāngia atu mo te takahanga hohoro.

Mō “Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF)
“Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF.com) Ko te ao whānui pirimia ngaio Toi Martial Mixed (MMA) whawhai whakatairanga whakatapua ki tuku i te pai whawhai mahi-Kikī mō pā whawhai i te whakaputa i te pai ka taea ōrite-ups i waenganui i whawhai whiriwhiri i huri noa i te ao. Mō ētahi atu kōrero haere ki WSOF.com. A pee i “Ao Series o te whawhai” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries a “Ao Series o te whawhai” President Ray Sefo SugarRaySefo.

NBCSN, wāhanga o te NBC Sports Group, Kua whakatapua ki te taviniraa pā hākinakina ngākau. Na i roto i te neke atu i te 85 miriona mau fare, te whatunga Emmy Award-toa ko te whare taura pouaka o te raumati me te hotoke Olympics, National Hockey League (NHL) - Tae atu ki e rua ngā kēmu o te Stanley Cup Final — Pirimia League, Formula One, IndyCar, Tour de France, te 34raa Kapu Amerika o, me te timata i roto i te 2015, NASCAR. I tua atu, NBCSN ngā whutupōro kāreti, poitūkohu kāreti, haupoi kāreti, pahikara, hōtaka waho, horse racing surrounding the Triple Crown and Breeders’ Cup, Whawhai Night mekemeke, Ironman, te Dew Tour me USA takiwhitu Rugby. Ko te kāinga hoki te whatunga ki ngā hōtaka taketake pērā i Costas pō, NFL tahuri Point, Pro Football Talk, Ko te Rana Patrick Whakaatu, a NASCAR Amerika. Tohaina NBCSN te mā pūnaha taura me te amiorangi ngā puta noa i te United States.


RFA 28 – Sanchez vs. Doll
ANDREW Sanchez vs. JOHN Doll
Mā te pupūtanga
ORA i te Chase Park Plaza i St. Louis, MO
Tīkiti i runga i te Sale i roto i MetroTix.com
Las Vegas, Nevada – Raa te riri Alliance (RFA) peresideni Ed Soares kauwhautia tenei ra e RFA 28 Ka ngā te hui tahi-matua hou i muri i Geane “Ko te puruhi” Ka karanga ake Herrera Ua ki te whakataetae i roto i te UFC. Whakakapi i te tūturu Herrera ka toa mā RFA mua Matt Manzanares, hanga ko wai e tona whitu ahua record-here mo te taputouotion. Ka tafungofunga iae St. Louis’ ake Ken Porter, ko wai te mea he puku amanaki mā MMA, me te kaimekemeke ngaio tūturu. Ko te hui matua o RFA 28 hiahiaāhuatanga l RFA fan favorite Andrew Sanchez and The Ultimate Fighter alum John Poppie vying for the vacant RFA middleweight title. Ko te hui e wahi Rāmere, Akuhata 7 i te Chase Park Plaza i St. Louis, Missouri. Ka teata te kāri matua katoa ora me te motu i runga i AXS TV i 10 p.m. AND / 7 p.m. PT.
“Ko ahau fiefia kia kite Geane Herrera tohu he aha te RFA he katoa e pā ana ki i te whakawhānui i tona record tūturu i roto i te UFC,” Ua parau Soares. “Ko te hui tahi-matua o RFA 28 Ka ngā aianei te hoki o te toa mā RFA mua Matt Manzanares ki hoa-kaimekemeke tahuri-MMA toa Ken Porter.
Tikiti mō te RFA 28 – Sanchez vs. Poppie are available for purchase NOW through MetroTix.com.
Manzanares (7-5) hoki ki te RFA mo te whitu o ahua record-here mo te whakatairanga. I roto i tona wa i rite ki te toa ngaio, Kua faaruru a whakaae pāngia ki te tangata e te tangata e o tona wehenga, me te kia titiro ki te tango painga tonu o taua ohipa i te toa mā RFA mua. Ko te rua-wā Junior Tuaro kaimekemeke roaa etahi o nga ringa slickest i roto i te hākinakina, engari ka whakamatautau aua pūkenga ki te hope ki Porter ko wai te mea 4-0 rite ki te kaipatu o ngaio. Kawea ano Manzanares a Porter ki a ratou tata 300 ngā kēmu mekemeke runaruna, e taea e hanga e tenei tetahi o te mā pai patu whakaaturanga i roto i te MMA i tēnei tau.
“Tenei ko te tino ue'i kua kua e ahau mo te whawhai i roto i te wa tino roa,” Ka mea Manzanares. “Whakaaro ahau Ken Porter he he toa nui, me te kua he rota e haere hoki ia, heoi kahore kihai i kite ahau i te aroaro o te reira. E rapu ana ahau i mua ki te whiwhi i ara toku ringa, e maka ana i toku ingoa hoki i te tihi o te wehenga.”
Mau (8-2, 1 Kāore he Contest) ka te tangata tēra ki pōwhiri hoki i te toa hiakai mua, me te titiro whakamua ia ki te mahi i te reira i roto i te mua o tona mano te kāinga oaoa. Ko te hunga whakakake St. Louisan Ko pea te anake mā i roto i te MMA e taea ōrite Manzanares’ wheako i roto i te runaruna MMA me te mekemeke runaruna. Kua noho ana hoki e ia ki runga ki tona ingoa kārangaranga “Ko te sensation” mai i te hanga i tona tuatahi mekemeke ngaio i roto i te Mei 2014. I roto i taua wa, kua ia kua autaia i roto i te hākinakina whawhai mā te haere 4-0 i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, me te 4-0 in professional MMA. Hinaaro Porter he inaianei ki te whakawhānui i te pūkenga i RFA 28.
“Ite e ahau kia rite ki Manzanares notemea he wero nui nui atu Herrera,” i kīia Porter. “Whakaputaina ana e ia he rota atu ki te tepu, me te kua whawhai takatu nui uaua. Kua kua ahau te mahi pakeke tino mo tenei whawhai, me te titiro atu ki te hanga i te tauākī nui i roto i toku tuatahi pouaka motu mo te RFA.”
Ko te hui matua o RFA 28 Ka ngā rua o runga pai whitu tekau o MMA, ka tahi tino RFA Andrew Sanchez (6-2) Kua hoki te kāinga ki St. Louis ki Wisconsin Māori John Poppie te whawhai (6-1) mo te wātea RFA taitara whitu tekau. Sanchez i te toa motu naia e rua-wā, -wā e whā naia katoa-American, me te 2011 Naia mamau o te Tau i te haereraa i St. University McKendree kura rohe Louis. Ka fehangahangai ia Poppie (6-1), who was a light-heavyweight cast member on the nineteenth season of the UFC’s hit reality television show The Ultimate Fighter. Whakataetae Na i tona piha haapiiraa taimaha tūturu o te 185-pauna, Ka titiro Poppie ki te whakawhānui i tona win pūkenga e wha-whawhai. Poppie hoki he whakamārama nonoke Collegiate i te Whare Wānanga o Wisconsin – La Crosse.
RFA 28 ngā te hokinga mai o Bobby hoki “Ko te Wolfman” Moffett (7-1). Ka titiro te tekau mā wehi ki te whai ake i tona tino RFA waiata i roto i Haere ki tetahi whakamanamana aue i roto i tona ahua piti mo te whakatairanga. Ka fehangahangai ia tetahi o runga opuaraa tekau mā o Missouri i roto i te Nick LoBosco (8-1). E kore kua LoBosco ngaro i roto i te kāwanatanga i tona whare, a ka te mamau Collegiate e titiro ki te pupuri i taua record tonu, ina whawhai ia i te aroaro o tona mano te kāinga i runga i August 7.
Ko te kāri matua o RFA 28 Ka ngā ano te tuatahi o Curtis RFA tino-tūmanako “Heu” Blaydes (4-0). Blaydes he NJCAA toa nonoke motu i Harper College me te whānui whakaaro tetahi o te runga opuaraa taumahamaha i roto i te hākinakina. Ka whai ia i te whakamātautau kaki i roto i tona tuatahi whakatairanga rite anga ia he vet mōrearea RFA i Justin “Ko te Grizzly Bear” Frazier (7-2). Frazier hails from “Ko te Natural State” o Arkansas, a kua whakaaturia he aravihi mutunga tūturu, rite e whitu katoa o ana toa i tae mai mā Tuhinga.
I roto i te wehenga tekau mā, Jamal Parks (5-1) hoki ki te RFA Tapawaru mo te rua o nga wa. Ko te Division mua NCAA ahau mamau i Oklahoma State University katoa-American e fehangahangai tauhou whakatairanga Javon Wright (6-3). E kore kua Wright ngaro te whawhai i roto i te rua tau teiti hoki ki te whakawa ritua whakatau takare-i tautohea e maturuturu iho ia ki te whā hīanga, RFA nāianei Luke Sanders.
I roto i te mahi ono tekau, Palāsilá e Jiu-Jitsu whitiki o Turkey pango tuatahi Murat “Ariki Pitbull” Kazgan (2-0-1) hanga i tona waiata RFA tino-tūmanako ka. Kazgan, nana nei i whawhai kē i roto i te Turkey, Korea South, a Russia, Kei te titiro ki te noho hinga i roto i tona waiata Te Tai Tokerau American. Ka fehangahangai ia e rua-wā Golden karapu toa Jake “Ko te County Te Tai Tokerau Moepapa” Roberts (4-0). Ko te St. Louis taketake Roberts, nana nei i hono tata te MMA Lab i Keleniteilá, Arizona, Kei te noho ana i tēnei wā i te pūkenga faahiahia. Kua tukuna Roberts katoa 12 tangata i faaruru ia i roto i te MMA: 8 hei runaruna me 4 ano he ngaio.
Pāngia atu i RFA 28 kia ka kauwhautia hohoro. RFA 28 ka hei takahanga tuarua o te whakatairanga o te ki te tango i te wahi i roto i te āhua o Missouri, me tona hounga tuatahi ki te pa o St. Louis. Ko te kāri matua katoa o RFA 28 – Sanchez vs. Ka teata Poppie ora me te motu i runga i AXS TV i 10 p.m. AND / 7 p.m. PT i te Rāmere, August 7.
Haere ki RFAfighting.com for bout updates and information. RFA is also on Facebook at Facebook.com/RFAfighting, Instagram i RFAfighting, and Twitter at RFAfighting.
Mō RFA: RFA Ko te whakatairanga toi hōia whakauru ngaio e homai maranga whetu, me te runga contenders te faingamālie ke fakamo'oni'i ratou taranata ki te pā me te feia faatere i roto i te ahumahi. E whakaatu ana i te RFA ngā ora i runga i te kaupapa, tae atu Las Vegas marama a tawhio noa te United States, Los Angeles, Denver a Milwaukee. Ka taea te kite i RFA ora i roto i runga i 43 miriona mau fare motu i roto i tona mahi pouaka whakaata ki AXS TV. I roto i te Las Vegas, Nevada, RFA Ko tetahi o nga whakahaere tino kaha, me te whakaaro MMA i roto i te hākinakina e tipu tere i roto i te ao. (Ko te Tapawaru, Whawhai hopea Championship®, UFC®, me te-iu waru whakataetae moenga, me te hoahoa whare herehere rēhita e tohu whenua anake e Zuffa, LLC. Pūmau te mana).
Mō whawhai TV AXS: Rongonui mo ona ngā kaupapa Mixed Rāmere Night aotia Arts me Kickboxing AXS TV whawhai he. I tou Kāinga hoki MMA, AXS TV e faaohipahia te whatunga whwhi o whakatairanga i te United States, Canada, a Europe. A ki a Ahia whakapāho atu LIVE whawhai atu i tetahi ottona televiwhatunga Tuhinga. “Ko te reo” Michael Schiavello rima-wa MMA-toa ao Pat Miletich whakarato kaimätakitaki tākaro-i-tākaro tohunga, i roto i te-hohonu toa kapinga, me te whānui tātaritanga ki ia kāri whawhai. AXS TV i paoho ngā kaupapa-ao o te piha haapiiraa whawhai LIVE i RFA, Lion Whawhai, FC tawhito, a MFC nga po Rāmere i 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. AND.

He Tuhinga tekau mā KI faakoronahia AT NEF XIX

Lewiston, Maine (Hōngongoi 7, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, Ka mau i ona tekau ma iwa whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) takahanga, “NEF XIX,” i runga i Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. I mua i teie mahana, the promotion announced a fight on the card that will determine the first-ever NEF MMA Amateur Featherweight Champion. Arona “He whakangungu” Lacey (5-1) Kei te whakaritea ki te kanohi Dylan Lockard (3-0) i te taimaha o te 145-pauna ki te toa whawhai ki kia karaunatia te hīanga, tekau mā runaruna tuatahi.


Aaron Lacey has been a standout of the NEF amateur roster since debuting with the promotion in the fall of 2013. He is undefeated in the NEF cage, e pupuri ana whakaora i runga i te momo o Dom Cofone (6-5) a Karepe Hall (5-3). His only loss to date was on a fight card in New Hampshire to Matt Tullos (7-0). Lacey represents Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine.


“Ahau super oaoa mo tenei whawhai,” ka mea Lacey. “It’s a tough matchup between two top ten guys. I have a new secret weapon on my side and her name is Vanessa Sanders. Vanessa has been transforming my strength and conditioning, na haere mai Mahuru 12, I’m going to display a side of me that no one has seen before. I’m a different, toa atu mōrearea. Don’t miss this one – Au ka kawea mai e ahau i taua whitiki te kāinga.”


Mau Dylan Lockard anake te wikitoria ki te rā i runga i tākaro a Lacey, me te kingi NEF MMA Amateur Kōmāmā Champion, Josh Harvey (4-1). Lockard burst onto the regional scene last year and, rite Lacey, also holds a win over Caleb Hall. He is a member of Tim Barchard’s Professional Martial Arts Academy (PMA) i roto i te Derry, New Hampshire. Prior to competing in MMA, Nonoke Lockard hoki Timberlane rohe High School i roto i te Plaistow, New Hampshire, a muri i te Whare Wānanga o New Hampshire (UNH).


“Au oaoa ki te haere mai ki runga, ka whawhai mo te whitiki NEF ki te hoariri uaua rite Arona Lacey ahau,” Na ka mea a Lockard. “Kihai i ahau i te whawhai ngāwari ano, me tenei tetahi he kahore rerekē. We’re going to steal the show on Mahuru 12.”


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “NEF XIX,” e wahi i runga i Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. Tikiti hoki “NEF XIX” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei i www.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."

FIGHT Whatunga MMA, Judo & KICKBOXING HÖTAKA Apiti (Hōngongoi 6-12, 2015)


(U.S. hōtaka anake. No te hōtaka Canadian, tirohia tv.fightnetwork.com from your region.)


Whawhai he Whatunga 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai. Tags te reira i ngā hōtaka e arotahi ana ki te hōkai katoa o te momo hākinakina whawhai, tae atu ki ngā whawhai ora, me te ake-ki-te-miniti rongo me te tātaritanga mō konatunatua toi hōia, kickboxing, mamau ngaio, ngā tikanga mau rākau, mekemeke, rongo whawhai, me te raupapa whakaari whawhai-waiata, pakipūmeka me te āhuatanga kiriata.


Kei raro kitea ngā o te hōtaka o tenei wiki:

Rāhina, Hōngongoi 6

6:30 p.m. AND – Samsun Judo Grand Prix 2015 Highlights – Ngā i Judo Samsun Grand Prix i Moana. 27-29 i roto i te Turkey.

7:00 p.m. AND – 5 Rauna – Nga mano John Ramdeen me Robin Black fakaafe'i manuhiri motuhake ki te wahia iho te wiki o MMA mahi.

7:30 p.m. AND – Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

8:00 p.m. ANDChampionship whawhai Final 12 MMA: Matakitaki vs. Simonic – Ngā Dion matakitaki vs. Tomaz Simonic i Apr. 24, 2014 a Ljubljana, Slovenia.

10:00 p.m. ANDChampionship whawhai Final 12 Kickboxing: Daley vs. Fabjan – Ngā Paora Daley vs. Miran Fabjan i Apr. 24, 2014 a Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Rātū, Hōngongoi 7

1:30 a.m. ANDXPTV – Kapinga o-rohe U.S pro me te runaruna MMA.

5:00 & 5:30 p.m. ANDXtreme whawhai Championship – MMA ngaio Florida-e hāngai ana ngā runga opuaraa American, whetu ao me hōia UFC.

8:30 p.m. AND – 5 Rauna – Nga mano John Ramdeen me Robin Black fakaafe'i manuhiri motuhake ki te wahia iho te wiki o MMA mahi.

8:30 p.m. AND — Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

10:00 p.m. AND5 Rauna teie mahana – Pāhorangi ki John Ramdeen me Robin Black whawhati iho i te whānui o te kaupapa momo i roto i te ao MMA, tae atu ki ngā arokite o takahanga ka ū mai, me nga hau hou katoa, me matua.

11:00 p.m. ANDM-1 Challenge 59: Kharitonov vs. GarnerNgā Sergei Kharitonov vs. Kenny Garner i Hōngongoi 3, 2015 i roto i te Astana, Katatānga.

Wednesday, Hōngongoi 8

3:00 a.m. ANDTexas Whawhai Night – MMA mahi i Texas ngā opuaraa runga i te Lone Star State o roto i te whare herehere.

6:00 p.m. ANDBest o te Cage riri – Ngā whawhai matarohia i te whakahaere Cage riri UK-e hāngai ana ki te Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Paora Daley me ētahi atu.

7:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me ngā āhuatanga.

7:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

8:00 p.m. ANDWhare Warriors FC: Whawhai Night 4 -Ngā Andreas Kraniotakes vs. Mike Hayes mo nga Warriors Cage puka taitara taumahamaha Mar. 16, 2012 i roto i te Dubai, U.A.E.

11:00 p.m. ANDMMA Meltdown ki Gabriel Morency – Wawahi iho Gabriel Morency nga tupu katoa i roto i te MMA, te matapaki te aroaro, matapae, me manuhiri wiki motuhake, me ngā uiuinga motuhake.

11:30 p.m. ANDTakedown Wrestling – Kapinga whānui o ngā kaupapa mamau amateur, tae atu i te rongo hou, muri-te-scenes kapinga i ngā kaupapa me ngā uiuinga motuhake.

Rāpare, Hōngongoi 9

1:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. ANDUltimate Challenge MMA 15: Pupūtanga – Ngā Ben Smith vs. Amokrane Sabet a John Maguire vs, Henrique Santana i Mahuru. 18, 2010 i roto i te London.

3:30 a.m. NOT – Fighting Season te Wairua MMA 4 – Haaputuraa o te whawhai te ao i SFL, Poutohu, FFC, M-1 me ētahi atu.

6:00 p.m. ANDChampionship whawhai Alliance – MMA Pro i Florida ngā i te momo o Josh Sampo, Mike Kyle, John Howard, He McCorkie, Luis Palomino me ētahi atu.

7:00 p.m. ANDFighting ihupuku ki – Kickboxers Aspiring piki te arawhata o te angitu i roto i te hākinakina rite ihupuku ki whakataetae mo ha faingamālie ke hoko ko ngaio, me te whiwhi wheako e hiahiatia ana ki te angitu i te taumata teitei.

8:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me ngā āhuatanga.

8:30 p.m. AND Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

9:00 p.m. ANDSuperKombat Heroes New Bucharest 2015 – Ngā vs Claudiu Badoi. Asoltani a Adrian vs. Zsolt Benedek. Bogdan Nastase i Mei 23, 2015 i roto i te Bucharest, Romania.

Rāmere, Hōngongoi 10

12:00 a.m. ANDKo e Showtime Motuhake – Whakahaere pirimia kickboxing o te ao ngā Badr Hari, Melvin Manhoef a Giorgio Petrosyan.

2:00 a.m. ANDPancrase Classics – Classic pakanga MMA tāimu'a ngā Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael sønnen me ētahi atu.

4:00 a.m. ANDBest o DEEP – Ngā matarohia whawhai i te whakatairanga Japanese hītori hohonu tae Shinya Aoki, Hayato Sakurai a Gerard Mousasi.

5:00 a.m. ANDBest o nga mea whakapaipai – Whawhai Classic i te katoa-wahine Japanese MMA League, Mea.

12:00 p.m. ANDBookie beatdown – Arokite o te rārangi petipeti me runga rakaraka mō ngā nui UFC.

6:00 p.m. ANDM-1 Challenge– Pro MMA i Europe, a Russia ngā runga opuaraa me nga whetu o te ao.

7:00 p.m. ANDCANADA ANAKEUFC 189: Mendes-McGregor Paunatia Mai – Ngā LIVE o pā paunatia mai mo UFC: 189 Chad Mendes- Conor McGregor i Las Vegas.

8:00 p.m. ANDKi 2 Toe ki Rory Macdonald – Noho-iho uiuiraa ki maranga whetu Welterweight Canadian UFC Rory Macdonald.

8:30 p.m. ANDHip Whakaatu: Arena aro – MMA Tūtohu-rōpū i roto i te 12m i te 12m ao ki te hanganga pikipiki taumata-toru.

9:00 p.m. AND — NSS 25: Khalidov vs. Sakurai – Ngā Mamde Khalidov vs. Ryuta Sakurai a Aslambek Saidov vs. Daniel Acacio i Dec7, 2013 i roto i te Wroclaw, Poland.

Rāhoroi, Hōngongoi 11

5:00 a.m. ANDWhawhai News Na: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me ngā āhuatanga.

5:30 a.m. AND Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

6:00 a.m. ANDBest o TKO – Ngā Uria Feipá vs. Ivan Menjivar i TKO 24.

7:00 a.m. AND – Best o Gladiator Challenge – Ngā Uria Feipá vs. Charles Bennett i gladiator Challenge 46.

8:00 a.m. ANDBest o te SportFight – MMA kounga Top i te Pacific Northwest, whakahaerehia e UFC hōia Matt Lindland me Chael sønnen.

9:00 a.m. ANDPancrase Classics – Classic pakanga MMA tāimu'a ngā Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Marquardt Ingoa, Chael sønnen me ētahi atu.

4:30 p.m. ANDEnfusion LIVE #30 Dublin: Philpott vs. Entertainment – LIVE kickboxing pro i Dublin, Ireland, ngā Alan Philpott vs. Mohammed Jaraya a Ilias Bulaid vs. Haimona Santana i roto i te taitara whawhai.

7:00 p.m. ANDUFC 189: Mendes-McGregor Pre-Whakaatu – LIVE whawhai-mua kapinga mō te UFC: 189 Chad Mendes vs. Conor McGregor i Las Vegas.

8:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me ngā āhuatanga.

8:30 p.m. AND Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

11:00 p.m. ANDRing o te aro 50 – Ngā George Sheppard vs, Jeff Lentz, Phillipe Nover vs. Na ka Cion, Arce vs Hōngongoi. Thomas Vasquez me Chris Piriz vs., Leo Muniz i Jan. 23, 2015 i roto i te Atlantic City, Nj.

Rātapu, Hōngongoi 12

1:00 a.m. ANDUFC 189: -Mendes- McGregor Pre-Whakaatu – LIVE kapinga pou-whawhai, ngā, me te amuiraa press mana mō te UFC: 189 Chad Mendes- Conor McGregor i Las Vegas.

6:00 a.m. ANDPancrase Classics – Classic pakanga MMA tāimu'a ngā Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Marquardt Ingoa, Chael sønnen me ētahi atu.

11:00 a.m. ANDBest o te ADCC – Puritia ake ngā compilations o te ōritenga grappling rahi, ngā Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza a Royler Gracie.

12:00 a.m. ANDWhiriwhiri Muay Thai: Tairana vs. Kaiwero – Te raupapa nui Muay Thai i roto i te ao ngā moni whawhai tu-ake ao tango i runga i te Team National Thai rongonui

11:00 p.m. ANDEnfusion Live #22: Souwer vs., Sheikholeslami – Ngā Andy Souwer vs, Ardalan Sheikholeslami Mohammed Jaraya vs. Mark Vogel Andrew Tate vs. Orhan Karlioglu a Max Baumert vs. Valdet Galshi i Oketopa. 4, 2014 i roto i te Tiamana.





Twitter & Instagramfightnet




ABOUT Whatunga FIGHT: Whawhai ko Whatunga whatunga hākinakina pirimia whawhai o te ao whakatapua ki 24/7 kapinga, tae atu ki ngā whawhai, whawhai, whawhai rongo me te whawhai āhua noho. E wātea ana i roto i te U.S te awa. i runga i Cablevision i roto i te wahi o New York, Connecticut a New Jersey, Texas-hāngai Grande Communications, Armstrong Cable i Pennsylvania, e Ohio rawhiti, me te i runga i Shentel Cable i Virginia, Te Hau-ā-uru Virginia me wahi o te uru Maryland. Whawhai he hoki Whatunga i runga i whakaturia Roku runga pouaka i roto i te US. a Canada, rere ora i runga i te paetukutuku KlowdTV.com, me te wātea i runga i kawe nui katoa i roto i Canada, e hau atu i te 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.


Lewiston, Maine (Hōngongoi 3, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, Ka mau i ona tekau ma iwa whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) takahanga, “NEF XIX,” i runga i Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisee i Lewiston, Maine. I mua i teie mahana, the promotion announced the first amateur title bout on the fight card. Josh Harvey (4-1) ka tiakina e te NEF MMA Amateur Kōmāmā Championship ki Ryan Dibartolomeo (4-3). The fight will take place at the lightweight limit of 155-pounds.


Harvey riro te taitara i “NEF XVIII” whakamutunga marama mā te hinga Ricky Dexter (3-1) via first-round submission. He is a perfect 3-0 in the NEF cage since debuting with the promotion in the fall of 2014. All of Harvey’s victories in Lewiston have been first-round stoppages. He is a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine.


“Tetahi wa e taea te tiki e koe kia rua nga taitara-pupuri, top-ranked fighters, herea ngā reira ki te tihi ngākau nuitanga, me te whiwhi aro,” Said Harvey. “Since that is exactly what this title defense is, I believe we have all the necessary ingredients for the fight-of-the-night. This will be yet another step in the right direction. Ryan, kia rite ki te matau i runga i, Bub.”


Ryan Dibartolomeo is no stranger to the NEF cage. He fought for the promotion at “NEF X” i roto i te Mahuru 2013, Nermin hinga Zilic (0-2) mā te whakatau Kotahi tonu. It was the start of a four-fight win streak that Dibartolomeo will look to continue on September 12 i roto i te Lewiston. He recently captured his first amateur MMA championship on a fight card in New Hampshire. Dibartolomeo represents Team Triumph/Boston BJJ of Nashua, New Hampshire.


“Whawhai hoki te whitiki NEF ko te taahiraa nui mua i roto i te aronga pai i roto i toku mahi,” kī Dibartolomeo. “Ko te tonu te honore ki te whawhai mo te tetahi o nga mahi whakatairanga rohe runga, a whiua e teie nei i te tupono noa i te whitiki i runga i te tihi o taua – I couldn’t be more excited to go out and put on a show for the fans. Josh Michael Harvey is arguably the best ammy 155 fighter coming out of Maine right now. I’m going to have to be ready in all aspects of the game and look to eliminate as many mistakes as possible. I am going to show up ready to fight. I’m looking to bite down on my mouthpiece and press forward until he has had enough of me up in his face and looks for a way out. There is no room for error, but I am extremely confident in the fact that I have Coach Fain and Coach Olsen standing behind me in my corner.


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “NEF XIX,” e wahi i runga i Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisee i Lewiston, Maine. Tikiti hoki “NEF XIX” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei i www.TheColisee.com ranei i karanga i te tari pouaka Colisee i207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Fanongonongo TUATAHI Amateur a'ee mau fafauraa NEF XIX mumura

Lewiston, Maine (Hōngongoi 2, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, Ka mau i ona tekau ma iwa whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) takahanga, “NEF XIX,” i runga i Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisee i Lewiston, Maine. I mua i teie mahana, the promotion announced the first amateur bout on the fight card. Fred Lear (3-1) Kei te whakaritea ki te whakatau Henry Clark (2-1) i te catchweight o 140-pauna.


Lear made his amateur debut with NEF in the summer of 2013. He has accumulated a perfect record of 3-0 i roto i te whare herehere NEF, his only amateur loss coming outside the promotion on a fight card in New Hampshire this past spring. Two of Lear’s three victories in NEF have come by strikes while in mount position. He has exhibited one of the most effective ground-and-pound offenses of any amateur currently on the NEF roster. Lear is a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine.


“I roto i te faaineineraa no te Clark, Ka titiro tatou ki te tiki 1% pai i nga ra katoa,” Na ka mea a Lear o tona puni whawhai i Young o. “Ka rite ki ia mua, tenei ka waiho i te kaha rōpū, me ahau i mohio ki a faatura i te wero i mua o ia tatou. Henry is dangerous and versatile.


Lear is correct in his conclusion. Henry Clark represents the Choi Institute in Portland, Maine, and he has shown a wide array of abilities in his first three bouts both on his feet and on the mat. In his debut fight at “Nef XV” hinga whakamutunga, I koi ki tona a Tūrongo, i roto i te taka noa tuatahi ki Sheldon Bang Clark (2-2) prior to submitting Bang off his back in the second with a triangle choke. Clark recognizes that Lear is especially deadly in top position, engari he māia e taea e ia te haere mai atu me te wikitoria i runga i Mahuru 12 i roto i te Lewiston.


“Ahau tino haurangi e pā ana ki tenei whawhai,” ka mea Clark. “Ko te whawhai tangohia e hiahia ana ahau kia rite ki te artist hōia e tipu tenei. Fred is super tough and a nightmare once he gets on top of you. Ko mea, I feel as though I have the skill and ability to ruin Fred’s night on Mahuru 12. I’m hungry for this challenge.


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “NEF XIX,” e wahi i runga i Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisee i Lewiston, Maine. Tikiti hoki “NEF XIX” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei i www.TheColisee.com ranei i karanga i te tari pouaka Colisee i207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."

WSOF 22 Tāpiri ki Kōmāmā a'ee ora NBCSN Telecast

“WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields” Ka tāpiri Kōmāmā Main Kāri matchup
ki a Jimmy Spicuzza vs. Ihirama Mamedov

Live telecast NBCSN ki ngā rima pāngia, tae taitara ao hui matua i waenganui i Rousimar Palhares me Jake Shields

Rāhoroi, Aug. 1 i Planet HollywWhārangi Resort & Casino i Las Vegas

Las Vegas (Hōngongoi 1, 2015) - World Series o te whawhai o (WSOF.com) hui River i runga i Rāhoroi, Aug. 1 Ka ngā inaianei e rima whakataetae i runga i ora telecast NBCSN te po o te, ki te tua o te ono tekau (155 pauna) matchup i waenganui i hōia whakatairanga-wā e wha Jimmy Spicuzza (6-2) me te tukunga ace Ihirama Mamedov (11-1).

Te whakataetae ono tekau hono matua pupūtanga takahanga o te po o te waenganui i kingi WSOF World Welterweight (170 pauna) Champion Rousimar Palhares (17-6) me te kaiwero, me te toa e rua-wā te ao Jake Shields (31-7), me te hui tahi-matua i waenganui i WSOF World whā (135 pauna) Champion Marlon Moraes(14-4-1) me te kaiwero tūturu Sheymon Moraes (7-0), me te-tūmanako tino, taumahamaha te marama (205 pauna) te whawhai i waenganui i phenom hākinakina whawhai Tyrone "te Kingi o te Ring" Spong (2-0) me te hōia gritty Mike "MAK" Kyle (21-12-1).

Kia ka kauwhautia te rima o a'ee tata, rite Magomed Bibulatov (9-0) Kua takoha ki te mawehe atu i te kauwhautia mua, mā WSOF tuatahi te ao (125 pounds0 taitara matchup ki te hoa nguha tūturu Donavon Frelow (4-0), e kore te hunga ei roto i te rauwhawhai kely i runga i te kāri tuatahi WSOF.com-rere o te ahiahi ki te hoariri hou.

Spicuzza, o Las Vegas, Nev., Ko te Drysdale Jiu-Jitsu toa, me te-wa wha WSOF hōia. Räkau ia mo te whakatairanga i WSOF 9 i runga i Maehe 29, 2014, a tukunaGil Guardado with a rear-naked choke in the first round (3:14), i mua i hoki i te WSOF 10 i runga i Pipiri 21, 2014, a te kaute i te whakatau loto toa i runga i Justin Jaynes.

I WSOF 12 i runga i Aug. 9, 2014, i tukua e ia he TKO (nifó) mate ki Lucas Montoya, engari poipoia hoki i WSOF 19 i runga i Maehe 28, i reira ua roaa ia he whakatau ritua toa i runga iBenny Madrid.

Na, te Mamedov 25-tau-tawhito Ko te he Kawemai Dagestani nei karanga Jersey City, N.J. tona whare. Whakataetae ngaiotanga mai 2009, I tukua e Mamedov te mate i roto i te rua o tona haerenga ngaio, engari e mai mene atu 10 karapīpiti whakaora, tae atu e ono i te tāpaetanga, e rua mā TKO.

Hanga Mamedov tona tuatahi WSOF i runga i April 10, te kaute i te rauna tuatahi kino (4:42) TKO i runga i Leon Davis ki te puhipuhinga o nifó.

Ko te NBCSN telecast ora o "WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields "haamata i 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT i runga i Aug. 1.
Utu i $29.99, He tīkiti mō te kaupapa i runga i te hoko i Ticketmaster.com me WSOF.com.

Tatau i te tuaka i Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino ka whakatuwhera i 4 p.m. PT, a ka timata te a'ee kāri tuatahi tuatahi i 5 p.m. PT.

Kia ka kauwhautia pāngia atu mo te takahanga hohoro.

WSOF World Welterweight Takahanga Main Championship:
Rousimar Palhares (Champion) vs. Jake Shields (Kaiwero)

WSOF World whā Championship Co-Main Takahanga:
Marlon Moraes (Champion) vs. Sheymon Moraes (Kaiwero)

Marama Heavyweight: Tyrone Spong vs. Mike Kyle
Kōmāmā: Jimmy Spicuzza vs. Ihirama Mamedov

Mō “Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF)
“Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF) Ko te ao whānui pirimia ngaio Toi Martial Mixed (MMA) whawhai whakatairanga whakatapua ki tuku i te pai whawhai mahi-Kikī mō pā whawhai i te whakaputa i te pai ka taea ōrite-ups i waenganui i whawhai whiriwhiri i huri noa i te ao. Mō ētahi atu kōrero haere ki WSOF.com. A pee i “Ao Series o te whawhai” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries a “Ao Series o te whawhai” President Ray Sefo SugarRaySefo.

NBCSN, wāhanga o te NBC Sports Group, Kua whakatapua ki te taviniraa pā hākinakina ngākau. Na i roto i te neke atu i te 85 miriona mau fare, te whatunga Emmy Award-toa ko te whare taura pouaka o te raumati me te hotoke Olympics, National Hockey League (NHL) - Tae atu ki e rua ngā kēmu o te Stanley Cup Final — Pirimia League, Formula One, IndyCar, Tour de France, te 34raa Kapu Amerika o, me te timata i roto i te 2015, NASCAR. I tua atu, NBCSN ngā whutupōro kāreti, poitūkohu kāreti, haupoi kāreti, pahikara, hōtaka waho, horse racing surrounding the Triple Crown and Breeders’ Cup, Whawhai Night mekemeke, Ironman, te Dew Tour me USA takiwhitu Rugby. Ko te kāinga hoki te whatunga ki ngā hōtaka taketake pērā i Costas pō, NFL tahuri Point, Pro Football Talk, Ko te Rana Patrick Whakaatu, a NASCAR Amerika. Tohaina NBCSN te mā pūnaha taura me te amiorangi ngā puta noa i te United States.

Tātau o Northeastern Talent Faaoti i "Bellator: Lima vs. Koreshkov "Undercard



Santa MONICA, Calif. (Hōngongoi 1, 2015) - E wha pāngia tuatahi ngā pirimia whawhai rohe ki te rawhiti Kua tāpiri ki te whakaoti i te kāri ki tonu i te "Bellator: Lima vs. Koreshkov,"E e wahi Hōngongoi 17 i te Mohegan Sun Arena i Uncasville, CT.


Ko te pāngia atu ngā he faceoff tekau mā i waenganui i Waylon Lowe (15-6, 1 NC) a Ryan Quinn (10-5,1 NC), Billy "Wolverine" Giovanella (8-3), te tangata e anga Rodrigo "Ko e Young Lion" Almeida (12-2) i te whā, Kaline "Ko e Dark anahera" Medeiros (4-4), te tangata e whawhai Hara "Soulja" Payant (1-0) i roto i te mau strawweight o te wahine, me lightweights Dean "Ko e Hammer" Hancock (1-0) versus Alex Dunworth (2-1,1 NC).


Bellator 140 ngā pāngia Welterweight-ao o te piha haapiiraa e rima tae World Champion Douglas Lima (26-5) a Andrey Koreshkov (17-1), Chris Honeycutt (6-0) vs. Paora Bradley (22-6), Michael whārangi "mana'o" (7-0) tango i runga i Bears Rudy(16-13), Brennan "Ko e Irish Boy kino" Ward (10-3) scrapping ki Gavin "War Horse" Sterritt (6-1), me te toi knockoutDaley "Semtex" Paora (36-13-2) wero Dennis Olson (14-8). Hoki whakamanamana te hui e rave rahi ua faaite i mua whakataetae atu tuatahi ngā runga pai atu i te Northeastern United States.


Te pahiatia e te kāri matua ora, me te noa i runga i te Koi i 9 p.m. AND/8 p.m. CT, i te awa nga pāngia tuatahi kauwhautia i runga i Spike.com i 7 p.m. AND.


Tikiti hoki “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov,” e tīmata i tika $25, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei, a taea te hokona i te Arena Office Pouaka Mohegan Sun ranei Ticketmaster.com.


Bellingham, A MA Billy Giovanella he 4-1 i roto i tona whakamutunga e rima whawhai pane ki tana a'ee whā. Tona wha whakaora whakamutunga ngā toru ngā tāpaetanga, me te knockout en huarahi ki tona a'ee Uncasville. Kaiwero o Giovanella Remo Cardarelli o Framingham, Ka titiro MA ki te whakawhirinaki i runga i tona taranata tāpaetanga record-tamatahia ki te toa. Tatari ki whawhai e rua whakataetae pērā ki te wahi i i parekura tata i runga i to ratou rekoata.


Danbury, Wowed o CT Dean Hancock pā ki te wikitoria tuatahi tāpaetanga a tawhio noa i te hui o Bellator "whakaekenga Ingarangi". Ka titiro Hanakokí ki te faahiti i tona mahi whakangahau mā te hinga kaiwero Dunworth o Bridgewater, MA, e mea ana i tona waiata Bellator eke i te pūkenga toa e rua-whawhai.


Tetahi Danbury, CT toa Ryan Quinn, e whakaako nei i ki Team American Top i Connecticut kua kitea angitu nui i roto i te whare herehere Bellator, puta tino i roto i te ono katoa o tona ahua. Ia inaianei anga te tautōhito whakapumautia o te hākinakina i roto i te Philadelphia Waylon Lowe, whawhai i raro i te whakatairanga Bellator mo te wa tuatahi mai 2009, ka piro ia te wikitoria i tona waiata whakatairanga.


Kaline Medeiros o te Hi'araa awa, MA, Kua tangohia e toru whakaora whakatau loto i roto i ona pāngia whakamutunga e wha, a piro te knockout faahiahia tika, e whitu hēkona ki te whawhai. E ia i runga i Hara Payant i Te Hau-ā-uru Springfield, MA, e mea ana i tona tuatahi Bellator e whai ake tona a'ee tuatahi ngaio tenei Maehe mua, i reira piro ia te tapatoru kowaowaotia wikitoria tukunga.


Kāri Main (9 P.M. EST)

Whawhai Bellator Welterweight Taitara: Douglas Lima (26-5) vs. Andrey Koreshkov (17-1)

Bellator Welterweight Āhuatanga Fight: Chris Honeycutt (6-0) vs. Paora Bradley (22-6)

Bellator Welterweight Āhuatanga Fight: Michael Whārangi (7-0) vs. Bears Rudy (16-13)

Bellator Welterweight Āhuatanga Fight: Brennan Ward (10-3) vs. Gavin Sterritt (6-1)
Bellator Welterweight Āhuatanga Fight: Paora Daley (36-13-2) vs. Dennis Olson (14-8)


Kāri hukihuki (7 P.M. EST)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim Whawhai: Josh i Akaipoipo (36-14) vs. Matt Secor (6-2)

Bellator whā Prelim Whawhai: Blair Tugman (7-5) vs. Rodrigo Almeida (12-2)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim Whawhai: Ilya Kotau (tuatahi) vs. Nicolas Sergiacomi (1-0)

Bellator Heavyweight Prelim Whawhai: Parker Porter (5-4) vs. Eric Bédard (6-5)

Bellator whā Prelim Whawhai: Billy Giovanella (8-3) vs. Remo Cardarelli (4-2)

Bellator Kōmāmā Prelim Whawhai: Dean Hancock (1-0) vs. Alex Dunworth (2-1,1 NC)

Bellator Strawweight Prelim Whawhai: Kaline Medeiros (4-4) vs. Hara aufauraa i (1-0)

Bellator mā whitu Prelim Whawhai: Waylon Lowe (15-6, 1 NC) vs. Ryan Quinn (10-5, 1 NC)

NEW ENGLAND whawhai kaha hawhe tuatahi o 2015



Kia tukuna tonutia atu: Lewiston, Maine (Pipiri 30, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, puritia ona waru whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) takahanga, “NEF XVIII: Hanga i AMERICA,” he iti ki runga i te rua wiki ki muri i te Androscoggin Bank Colisee i Lewiston, Maine. The event was the third held by the fight promotion at the venue in just a four-month stretch, a tepe reira te wā tau hawhe-angitu te nuinga i roto i te aamu o te whakatairanga o te.


NEF Ko te brainchild o Massachusetts rōia Nick DiSalvo me Maine State Māngai Matt Peterson (D-Rumford). The pair met in the fall of 2011 and formed a business partnership with the intent of promoting MMA events. Both being avid, pā mo'uí o hākinakina whawhai, Faaoti DiSalvo a Peterson ki te toa tatū i roto i Lewiston, Maine, the famed home of the Muhammad Ali-Sonny Liston world heavyweight championship rematch of 1965. NEF’s first event in Lewiston, puritia i roto i te Hui-tanguru 2012, outdrew Ali-Liston II i neke atu i te 800 pā ki te runga i 3200 i roto i te tae atu.


Mai i taua wā, a i roto i te kainga hokohoko i reira i hē kē whakataetae, NEF has continued to draw huge crowds to its events. The promotion has hosted fights of many UFC veterans, tae atu e rua-wā toa taumahamaha te ao o mua Tim “Ko te Maine-iac” Sylvia (31-10). I roto i te 2013, NEF co-promoted an event in Lewiston with national promotion Bellator. That event was broadcast live on Spike TV. I tua atu, Ataata o NEF i runga i Youtube i milioni o whakaaro te ao, a maha taea te kite i ngā kaupapa o te whakatairanga o runga AXS TV o Roto MMA te hōtaka.


I roto i te hawhe tuatahi o te 2015, neke atu i te 6,000 people have been drawn to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee for three NEF events. It is the largest attendance number the promotion has accumulated in such a brief period of time – he ake 18 wiki i “Nef XVI” i runga iFebruary 7 ki “NEF XVIII” i runga i Pipiri 13. It is also another example of NEF thriving in a time when other regional fight promotions struggle.


“Ko te tino noa i te hua o te rota o te mahi pakeke me te wheako pakihi,” Said DiSalvo, te 1999 paetahi summa cum laude o Merrimack College i roto i Te Tai Tokerau Andover, MA, te wahi i noho ia i te peresideniraa Scholar, me te i muri paetahi o University Suffolk Ture School i Boston, MA. “NEF muri a no te Matt i te weriweri tūturu mō te whakatairanga whawhai ahau, and we’re willing to do the not-so-glamorous grunt work that others shy away from. You need to understand your audience. You need to know your way around a spreadsheet, he rēhita taki, and have a good grasp on finance and budgeting. It’s a business like any other.


Nā ki te tupu o te mahi, DiSalvo and Peterson decided to add a third executive to the mix earlier this year. They hired longtime Bellator Vice President of Talent Relations Sam Caplan to serve as NEF’s Director of National Business Development.


“I te wa o te hukihuki nui, me te whakatōpū, ina tae mai te reira ki te wāhi MMA rohe, Kua haere NEF i roto i te huarahi i te ritenga tangohia, me te mau nui haere ratou mahi whānui,” kī Caplan ka tae hoki te kōrero. “Hei te mea i te taumata o te tupu i kua NEF kua faaruru hou he onge e te kōrero. Tupu o te whakatairanga, ko te he kawenata ki te ngaio, me te pakihi te ako o ona paanga ki rangatira, Nick DiSalvo a Matt Peterson.”


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “NEF XIX,” e wahi i runga i Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisee i Lewiston, Maine. Tikiti hoki “NEF XIX” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei i www.TheColisee.com ranei i karanga i te tari pouaka Colisee i207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Mō New Ingarangi whawhai


New Ingarangi whawhai ("Nef") Ko te whawhai whakatairanga ngā kaupapa kamupene. Misioni a nef ko ki te waihanga i te mau ohipa kounga teitei mō ngā whawhai, me pā o Maine rite tahi. Whānui wheako i roto i te whakahaere hākinakina whawhai he kapa whakahaere o nef, production ngā kaupapa, whanaungatanga pāpāho, marketing, ture me te pānuitanga.

FIGHT Whatunga MMA, Judo & KICKBOXING HÖTAKA Apiti (Pipiri 29-Hōngongoi 5, 2015)

No te Tonu Tuku

(U.S. hōtaka anake. No te hōtaka Canadian, tirohia tv.fightnetwork.com from your region.)


Whawhai he Whatunga 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai. Tags te reira i ngā hōtaka e arotahi ana ki te hōkai katoa o te momo hākinakina whawhai, tae atu ki ngā whawhai ora, me te ake-ki-te-miniti rongo me te tātaritanga mō konatunatua toi hōia, kickboxing, mamau ngaio, ngā tikanga mau rākau, mekemeke, rongo whawhai, me te raupapa whakaari whawhai-waiata, pakipūmeka me te āhuatanga kiriata.


Kei raro kitea ngā o te hōtaka o tenei wiki:

Rāhina, Pipiri 29

6:30 p.m. AND – Tbilisi Judo Grand Prix 2015 Highlights – Ngā i te Judo Tbilisi Grand Prix i Moana. 20-22, 2015 i roto i te Georgia.

7:00 p.m. AND – 5 Rauna – Nga mano John Ramdeen me Robin Black fakaafe'i manuhiri motuhake ki te wahia iho te wiki o MMA mahi.

7:30 p.m. AND – Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

8:00 p.m. ANDChampionship whawhai Final 11 MMA: Sanchez vs. Bekavac – Ngā Eddie Sanchez vs, Stjepan Bekavac i Apr. 4, 2014 a Osijek, Croatia.

10:00 p.m. ANDChampionship whawhai Final 11 Kickboxing: Jurkovic vs. Kaluderovic – Ngā Igor Jurkovic vs. Jovan Kalunderobic i Ap4. 4, 2014 a Osijek, Croatia.

Rātū, Pipiri 30

2:30 a.m. ANDXPTV – Kapinga o-rohe U.S pro me te runaruna MMA.

5:00 & 5:30 p.m. ANDXtreme whawhai Championship – MMA ngaio Florida-e hāngai ana ngā runga opuaraa American, whetu ao me hōia UFC.

8:00 p.m. 10 p.m. AND – 5 Rauna – Nga mano John Ramdeen me Robin Black fakaafe'i manuhiri motuhake ki te wahia iho te wiki o MMA mahi.

8:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

11:00 p.m. ANDPatoto Hard Fighting 44 – Ngā Nick Ring vs. Cory Devela a Kalib Starnes vs. Rodney Wallace i Pipiri 26, 2015 i roto i te Calgary, Canada.

Wednesday, Hōngongoi 1

3:00 a.m. ANDTexas Whawhai Night – MMA mahi i Texas ngā opuaraa runga i te Lone Star State o roto i te whare herehere.

5:00 p.m. AND5 Rauna teie mahana – Pāhorangi ki JohnRamdeen me Robin Black inbvite manuhiri motuhake ki te wehenga o te wiki MMA.

6:00 p.m. ANDBest o te Cage riri – Ngā whawhai matarohia i te whakahaere Cage riri UK-e hāngai ana ki te Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Paora Daley me ētahi atu.

7:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me ngā āhuatanga.

7:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

8:00 p.m. ANDWarriors whare herehere Fighting Championship 46 -Ngā Andreas Kraniotakes vs. Dmitry Poberezhets i Feb. 23, 2012 i roto i te Ukraine.

11:00 p.m. ANDMMA Meltdown ki Gabriel Morency – Wawahi iho Gabriel Morency nga tupu katoa i roto i te MMA, te matapaki te aroaro, matapae, me manuhiri wiki motuhake, me ngā uiuinga motuhake.

11:30 p.m. ANDTakedown Wrestling – Kapinga whānui o ngā kaupapa mamau amateur, tae atu i te rongo hou, muri-te-scenes kapinga i ngā kaupapa me ngā uiuinga motuhake.

Rāpare, Hōngongoi 2

1:30 a.m. & 1 p.m. ANDUltimate Challenge MMA 14: Ore – Ngā Jimi Manuwas vs. Valentino Petrescu i, Aug. 7, 2010 i roto i te London.

6:00 p.m. ANDChampionship whawhai Alliance – MMA Pro i Florida ngā i te momo o Josh Sampo, Mike Kyle, John Howard, He McCorkie, Luis Palomino me ētahi atu.

7:00 p.m. ANDFighting ihupuku ki – Kickboxers Aspiring piki te arawhata o te angitu i roto i te hākinakina rite ihupuku ki whakataetae mo ha faingamālie ke hoko ko ngaio, me te whiwhi wheako e hiahiatia ana ki te angitu i te taumata teitei.

8:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me ngā āhuatanga.

8:30 p.m. AND Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

9:00 p.m. ANDSuperKombat Grand Prix Bucharest 2015 – Ngā Andrei Stoica vs. Thomas Bogdan Stoica Alizier me vs. Ibrahim Giydirir i, Kia 23, 2015 i roto i te Romania.

Rāmere, Hōngongoi 3

12:00 a.m. ANDKo e Showtime Motuhake – Whakahaere pirimia kickboxing o te ao ngā Badr Hari, Melvoin Manhoef a Giorgio Petrosyan.

2:00 a.m. ANDPancrase Classics – Classic pakanga MMA tāimu'a ngā Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael sønnen me ētahi atu.

4:00 a.m. ANDKingi o Kings: World Grand Prix Vilnius 2015 – Kei roto he-po kotahi, kotahi-whakakorenga taumahamaha marama whakataetae i Mar. 14, 2015 i roto i te Lithuania.

10:00 a.m. ANDM-1 Challenge 59: Kjaritonov vs. Garner 2 – LIVE MMA i Astana, Kazakhstan ngā i te rematch i waenganui i taumahamaha Sergei Kharitonov me Kenny Garner, Plus, Shavkat Rakhmonov vs. Michel Wiencek a Luigi Fioravanti vs.. Sergey Kovalev.

6:00 p.m. ANDM-1 Challenge– Pro MMA i Europe, a Russia ngā runga opuaraa me nga whetu o te ao.

7:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me ngā āhuatanga.

7:30 p.m. AND Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

8:00 p.m. ANDKi 2 Toe ki Phil Davis – Uiuiraa noho-iho ki a UFC whetu marama taumahamaha Phil Davis.

8:30 p.m. ANDHip Whakaatu: Arena aro – MMA Tūtohu-rōpū i roto i te 12m i te 12m ao ki te hanganga pikipiki taumata-toru.

9:00 p.m. AND — NSS 24: Pudzianowski vs. McCorkle 2 – Miramira ana i tētahi rematch i waenganui Mariusz Pudzianowski me San McCorkle, atu Bedorf vs Karol. Paora Nastula i Mahuru. 28, 2013 i roto i te Lodz, Poland.

Rāhoroi, Hōngongoi 4

6:00 a.m. ANDBest o TKO – Ngā Rich Vlementi vs. Fabio Holanda i TKO 24.

7:00 a.m. AND – Best o Gladiator Challenge – Ngā Rashad Tyson, Quinton Jackson, Jake Shields a Uria Faber i roto i te mahi.

8:00 a.m. ANDBest o te SportFight – MMA kounga Top i te Pacific Northwest, histed e UFC hōia Matt Lindland me Michael sønnen.

9:00 a.m. ANDPancrase Classics – Classic pakanga MMA tāimu'a ngā Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Marquardt Ingoa, Chael sønnen me ētahi atu.

11:00 a.m. ANDFighting Season te Wairua MMA 4 – Haaputuraa o te whawhai te ao i SFL, FFC, M-1 me ētahi atu.

5:00 p.m. ANDDEEP: 68 Pānga – Featuring Yuki Motoya vs. Tatsumitsu Co, Ko te chihiro vs te migawa. Pita Cepeda a Kazunori Yokota vs. Yusuke Kagiyama i Ap4. 23, 2014 i Tokyo, Japan.

10:00 a.m. ANDM-1 Challenge 59: Kjaritonov vs. Garner 2 Ngā te rematch i waenganui i taumahamaha Sergei Kharitonov me Kenny Garner i Hōngongoi 3, 2015 i roto i te Astana, Katatānga..

Rātapu, Hōngongoi 5

12:00 a.m. ANDBAMMA USA: Badbeat 12 – Ngā Terrion Ware vs. Eric Winston a Chris Beal vs. Keith Carson i Mar. 28, 2014 i roto i te Commerce, California.

6:00 a.m. ANDPancrase Classics – Classic pakanga MMA tāimu'a ngā Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Marquardt Ingoa, Chael sønnen me ētahi atu.

10:00 a.m. ANDBest o te ADCC – Puritia ake ngā compilations o te ōritenga grappling rahi, ngā Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza a Royler Gracie.

11:00 a.m. ANDWhiriwhiri Muay Thai: Tairana vs. Kaiwero – Te raupapa nui Muay Thai i roto i te ao ngā moni whawhai tu-ake ao tango i runga i te Team National Thai rongonui

11:00 p.m., AND – Enfusion Live #21: Merseburg, Germany – Kickboxing Pro ngā Mohammed Jaraya vs. Mark Vogel Andrew Tate vs. Orhan Karlioglu a Max Baumert vs. Valdet Galshi i Oketopa. 4, 2014 i roto i te Tiamana.





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ABOUT Whatunga FIGHT: Whawhai ko Whatunga whatunga hākinakina pirimia whawhai o te ao whakatapua ki 24/7 kapinga, tae atu ki ngā whawhai, whawhai, whawhai rongo me te whawhai āhua noho. E wātea ana i roto i te U.S te awa. i runga i Cablevision i roto i te wahi o New York, Connecticut a New Jersey, Texas-hāngai Grande Communications, Armstrong Cable i Pennsylvania, e Ohio rawhiti, me te i runga i Shentel Cable i Virginia, Te Hau-ā-uru Virginia me wahi o te uru Maryland. Whawhai he hoki Whatunga i runga i whakaturia Roku runga pouaka i roto i te US. a Canada, rere ora i runga i te paetukutuku KlowdTV.com, me te wātea i runga i kawe nui katoa i roto i Canada, e hau atu i te 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.